Saturday, October 09, 2021

9 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Komando.com16 hours ago
6 things to buy now ahead of this year’s Black Friday shortages
Want to buy a laptop or a phone this holiday season? You should buy ASAP. Thanks to supply chain shortages, the cost of electronics may shoot up. read more
Komando.com16 hours ago
Tech tip: Digitize your handwritten notes or copy text from a photo
If you've ever wanted to digitize handwritten notes or copy text from a photo, now you can. You'll use these tech tips all the time. read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
Black Friday shortages are real: Amazon shopping tips to get what you want and still save money
Don't wait for Black Friday sales. Instead, try these seven money-saving holiday shopping tips now. read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
Free, fast test to see how much private info your browser is leaking
Open up your browser and prepare for data tracking. From location to link clicks, your browser shares a lot of your private data. Find out how much here. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Europe’s delusional ‘green energy’ disasters
Europe's anti-carbon policy offers ''Green New Disaster'' lessons for America as soaring energy prices and crippling shortages have rippled across the Atlantic. The post Europe’s delusional ‘green energy’ disasters appeared first on CFACT. read more
China Will Not Invade Taiwan Today. But Is It Conducting a Test Run?
*Kris Osborn* *Taiwan, Asia* The real challenge when it comes to defending Taiwan may become one of access and response time, a circumstance that likely informs why there is such a large U.S. presence in the Pacific region. The Chinese military is swarming Taiwan’s airspace and waterways in a massive display of power with fighter jets, bombers, and anti-submarine warfare aircraft. This appears to be a clear effort to intimidate and send a warning to Taiwan. A force consisting of fifty-two People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft including thirty-four J-16 fighter jets, two Su-30s... read more
Navy’s Secretive Submarine Strikes Underwater Object
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *U.S. Navy, United States* As for what the submarine struck, details remain scarce. The USS *Connecticut*—considered one of the U.S. Navy’s next-generation nuclear-powered Seawolf-class submarines—struck an unknown object in international waters somewhere in the Indo-Pacific region over last weekend, according to defense officials. According to *USNI News*, eleven sailors on board the submarine were injured in the accident, the officials said, but none were considered life-threatening. The vessel, which is due to arrive in Guam, is in a “safe and stable condit... read more
AUKUS Will Elevate Australia's Position in the World
*Ron Huisken* *Nuclear Submarines, Oceania* With great power comes great responsibility. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Australia is as well placed as anyone to drive a more energetic search for regional arrangements that will allow even a player as large and as singular as China to find a place that neither antagonizes nor intimidates. In a world largely inured to shocks, the announcement that Australia, in partnership with the United States and the United Kingdom, would acquire nuclear-powered submarines was a bombshell. We haven’t over-egged this development—it was drama... read more
Deep M6.8 earthquake hits Fiji region
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.8 hit the Fiji region at 10:58 UTC on October 9, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 485 km (301 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.8 at a depth of 507 km (315 miles). The epicenter was located about 480.9 km (298.8...... Read more » read more
Shocking Study Finds Over Half of Those Killed by Police Have Never Been Counted
[image: killed by police]The government has been drastically fudging the numbers when it comes to those who are killed by police and it is time we expose them for it. read more
They'll All Be Gone
Michael Harris believes that none of our national party leaders will be around for the next election: The leader most likely to go quickly is Annamie Paul. The bitter feuding inside the Green Party of Canada was big news for weeks before the election was called. Paul and the party’s national council racked up crushing legal bills fighting each other. In politics as in life, it never pays to air one’s dirty laundry in public. The Greens did just that, so a fair question emerged for voters: how could you trust the GPC to manage the climate, the pandemic, and the economy when they c... read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Dear Leader Demands Compliance
Canadians have received the Communist China-lite government they wanted . . . and voted for: Full podcast read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Is The Global Covid Death Toll Millions Higher Than What Is Being Reported?
*The Guardian*: *Could the global Covid death toll be millions higher than thought?* *A data scientist and economics student joined forces in search of the real pandemic death toll – and the results are startling * For the past 18 months, hunkered down in his Tel Aviv apartment, Ariel Karlinsky has scoured the web for data that could help him calculate the true death toll of Covid-19. The 31-year-old economics student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem had never worked on health matters before, but he was troubled by rumours early in the pandemic that Israel was not experien... read more
Saturday Snippet: Running the Union blockade of Confederate ports
During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the primary task of the Union Navy was to blockade the coast and ports of the Confederate States of America. The CSA had to import almost all its munitions of war, and to pay for them, had to export cotton and other commodities. Because of the immense need, enormous profits could be - and were - made by blockade runners and the companies that built and/or hired them, mainly British. The islands of Bermuda, the Bahamas (both British possessions) and Cuba (a Spanish possession) became very prosperous due to the blockade trade during t... read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
The Green Energy Scam
The Greta cult sure can come up with creative excuses to explain why green scams don’t work. And this is what Climate Justin is going to bring to Canada. read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Weekend File
Note: We won’t be publishing on Monday, October 11 because of Thanksgiving. We will be back on Tuesday. We published 24 articles last week — you could have easily missed one. Jump to the sections in this article: Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday, October 2 1. 77 new cases of COVID-19 […] read more
Mining Awareness +16 hours ago
Holocaust Survivors’ Letter Protesting Covid-19 Vaccines
“We For Humanity We are an international association of lawyers, doctors, scientists, journalists as well as representatives of other professions. … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +17 hours ago
Letter to US Senate Re Parent Concerns Related to Data Mining of Schoolchildren; Company Co-Founded By Biden AG Garland’s Son-in-Law; Funding By Facebook’s Zuckerberg
Biden Attorney General Garland’s son-in-law, Alexander Newman Tanner, is a co-founder of Panorama Ed., which got early funding from Facebook’s … Continue reading → read more
Science 2.0 blogs17 hours ago
A Mentor's Pentalogue
I believe oceans of ink were spent, ever since pens were a thing, writing on the mentor-student relationship, its do's and don'ts, and the consequences of deviations from proper practice. And rightly so, as the balancing act required for a proper, effective teaching action is entirely non trivial. The fact that our didactical systems and academia are in constant evolution, that rules and courses formats change over time, and that as humans we tend to forget what has been learnt in the past (on good practice, I mean), require us to keep thinking about the topic, and continue to keep ... read more
Never Mess With the M-60 Machine Gun
*WarIsBoring* *M-60, Americas* Forty-five nations continue to use the M-60 as their heavy-hitting, general purpose machine gun. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The U.S. began to phase out the M-60 in the 1990s, but it’s still in use. Perhaps no other firearm is so closely associated with the Vietnam War — or pop culture spin-offs — as the M-60 general purpose machine gun. Portrayals of the M-60 in the hands of American soldiers range from the sublime dignity expressed by the “Three Soldiers” statue in Washington D.C., to the over-the-top destruction of the fictional town of Hope... read more
Cairns News17 hours ago
Melbourne activist Monica Smit could soon become very wealthy after unlawful imprisonment
by * John Grey Monica Smit spent 21 days in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second accommodation in Victoria. The State of Victoria now owes her $2,700,000 for each day she spent in involuntary confinement. I see the Australian Cossack Simeon has likewise been arrested in Sydney. The only reason this is happening is that […] read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
4 tips for printing your own photos at home
You've snapped a gallery of beautiful photos. Now it's time to print them. Don't fight traffic and waste money printing them professionally. Do it at home. read more
Modern Tokyo Times18 hours ago
Shia Muslims killed inside a mosque in Afghanistan by a Uighur terrorist
Shia Muslims killed inside a mosque in Afghanistan by a Uighur terrorist Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Another devastating terrorist attack against Shia Muslims occurred in the city of Kunduz in Afghanistan. The current death toll isn’t fully known. However, the BBC reports that at least 50 people have been killed. […] The post Shia Muslims killed inside a mosque in Afghanistan by a Uighur terrorist first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
5 subtle clues that email is really a clever phishing scam
Phishing scams reeled in $57 million in 2019. That's why you need to learn the signs of an email scam ASAP. Here are five signs of a malicious email. read more
Organizing Notes17 hours ago
Wilkerson on empire collapse
Going Underground speaks with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to US Secretary State Colin Powell. He discusses 9/11 20 years on including the initial reaction to 9/11, how fear and rage drove the Bush Administration’s response to the terror attacks, the military-industrial complex and its desire for endless war which in part fueled the expansion of NATO. He describes how the US military sabotaged Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and made it look chaotic, how 9/11 can be laid at the feet of Saudi Arabia who he considers the biggest state sponsors of ter... read more
Athletes Are Called Conspiracy Theorists
Here's a quick Saturday read from the UK. Footballers are what we call soccer players here in the USA. Athletes here and abroad are being called conspiracy theorists for make their own informed consent decisions regarding the Covid vaccine. Recipients... Related Stories - Spelling2Communicate Y-E-S or N-O? - AMA 12 Page Playbook on How to Promote Flu and Covid Vaccines - WayBack: Nowhere left for Covid to go to mutate into a deadly variant, says Oxford vaccine creator read more
"If I Should Die Before You All Wake..."
Google has announced its intention, starting next month, to punish all those under its sway who criticize the patently ridiculous, consensus climate "science", and the "consensus" of covid19 vaccination "mandates". Of course, we (I) who deny the validity of the "consensus" have seen this coming for years, ever since Obama was made President in 2008, and especially after the overthrowing of the actual President, Donald Trump, following continual baseless attacks upon him throughout his presidential term, as a result of which there is no legitimate government in America and the West ... read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
I was going to write something about the madness of this week's #SackLauraK, but I think ex-BBC journalist Giles Dilnot put it sufficiently crisply yesterday: Wait, so a hashtag calling for the sacking of a journalist is trending today over a suggestion in a 2 day old tweet from another journalist that wasn't true, uncorroborated by anybody, deleted, withdrawn, apologised for...BS. Sheesh this place is an utter tribal madhouse at times. Said hashtag has had 7000 tweets associated. Seven thousands calls to sack someone for something that never happened. Bonkers. As for the *Daily T... read more
How "Smart" Missiles Became So Intelligent
*Charlie Gao* *Missiles, * Yet another major military innovation to come out of the Cold War. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Despite the successes of the AIM-54, it was still a big heavy missile designed for use against relatively non-maneuvering targets. The first real successful ARH missile would come almost fifteen years later in the form of the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM). At the end of the Cold War, there were major revolutions in the technology used for aerial combat. The most visible one was stealth, with the iconic diamond shaped F-117... read more
So far, "Artificial Intelligence" comments are just a preprocessed message picked by a "coach"
AI bots and climate models aren't unique, important, trustworthy, independent sources of information. They are puppets designed to deceive gullible consumers. In the last debate between some chosen 8 party leaders broadcast by the Czech Public TV (which was considered a terribly chaotic debate with no real opportunity to convey ideas, short time dedicated to each politician, and an excessively dominant or arrogant host, Ms Světlana Witowská), there was an unusual twist. They included Matilda, an Artificial Intelligence Bot (with a female face) who asked a question to each politician... read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
BBC News
*I* It's good that Matt Wiessler, the designer scapegoated by the BBC in the Martin Bashir/Princess Diana *Panorama* scandal, has finally received compensation [some £750,000 apparently] 'from the BBC', though it appears as if every penny of it will actually be paid by the licence fee payer. The licence fee payer has already forked out £1.5 million for the Dyson review into the scandal, and paid out about £1.5 million to a charity chosen by the Royal Family because of the Bashir scandal, and looks set to compensate former royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke over smears spread about he... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
United States and Mexico pledge cooperation in fight against drug and arms trafficking
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new framework, which replaces the Merida Initiative, was set in motion during Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Mexico City on Friday. "After 13 years of the Merida Initiative, it is time for a new approach to our security cooperation," Blinken said during the first High Level Security […] The post United States and Mexico pledge cooperation in fight against drug and arms trafficking appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Book Review: The ‘Mystery’ Illnesses Informed by Culture
Illness may be even less straightforward than you think. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
October keeps Rolling Along
October Memes This is one of the reasons that I don’t have a housecat. Identify the Tank(s) 2 tanks above – 1 below I saw this and said – “yeah” It’s not about the vaccination. It’s about the forced nature of the vaccination and the fact that whether or not you’ve had […] The post October keeps Rolling Along appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Facebook Getting You Down? – It’s Time To FLOTE!
The post Facebook Getting You Down? – It’s Time To FLOTE! appeared first on OYE Alternative News. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Discontent persists within Peru Libre party after losing cabinet Ministers dismissed by Castillo
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Within the "pencil party," as it is popularly known in Peru, there is a deep rejection of the new Council of Ministers formed by Castillo, where he gave more space to other, more moderate, left-wing groups that supported him during the second round of the presidential elections. As a result, […] The post Discontent persists within Peru Libre party after losing cabinet Ministers dismissed by Castillo appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Hitler's ‘Flaming Coffin’: The He 177 Bomber Was a Total Disaster
*WarIsBoring* *He 177, Europe* The warplane was too heavy and too big. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The bad experience of the He 177 contributed to Adolf Hitler’s skepticism about newer jet fighters. Put yourself in the shoes of a German pilot during World War II. It’d be more than just a bit concerning if your assignment was to fly the “Flaming Coffin,” a.k.a. the “One Way Bomber” or “Volcano.” But the hot, flammable He 177 Greif, or Griffin, was Nazi Germany’s only long-range heavy bomber produced in appreciable numbers. The 35-ton machine — when fully loaded — was a mistak... read more
Never Again Would the Wehrmacht Mount a Major Offensive in the East
*Daniel L. Davis* *World War II, Eurasia* The Soviets were ready and waiting for the attack. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Hitler’s hesitation in ordering the attack gave the Russians time to prepare that made it nearly impossible for the Germans to achieve a decisive victory. His losing his nerve and ending the battle in progress, withdrawing an entire Panzer corps in the process, sealed the doom of the battle and the war. In 1939, and again in 1940, Adolf Hitler ignored the advice of his cautious generals and decisively ordered bold, creative plans to invade Poland and F... read more
Clips vs. Magazines: What's the difference?
*Gun News Daily* *Ammo, * Is it magazine… or clip? *Here's what you need to know: *A clip is a device used to load a magazine, and a magazine is a device or holding area where ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm. It really is as simple as that. *What is a clip?* What is the difference between a clip and a magazine? If you’re like most people who aren’t too knowledgeable about guns, you may believe that there are no differences at all. But the truth is that a magazine and a clip are not the same thing at all, and mixing up the terms is sure to earn you the ire of the... read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
House on the market? 5 ways to boost your home’s value if you’re not getting offers
Increase your home's value with these affordable improvements. read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
A World Without Hunger: The Fortieth Newsletter (2021)
7 October 2021 — Tricontinental Ang Kiukok (Philippines), Harvest, 2004. Dear friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. On 1 October, the International Peoples’ Assembly (IPA), a network of over 200 social and political movements, had its public launch. The IPA owes its origin to a meeting held in Brazil in 2015 where movement … Continue reading A World Without Hunger: The Fortieth Newsletter (2021) read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil Minister laments loss of resources for science and technology
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The bill withdrew R$690 (US$125) million from the portfolio headed by Pontes and transferred it to other Ministries. The change was requested by the government's economic area, in a letter sent to the Mixed Budget Committee (CMO). With the cut, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation lost approximately 90% […] The post Brazil Minister laments loss of resources for science and technology appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
New AirPods update makes it much easier to find your lost earbuds
Have you ever lost an expensive Apple AirPod? Here is an easier way to find them. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Never Mind the Pandora Papers: Why Secrecy Still Rules in the UK
Thanks to poor drafting and a lack of enforcement, anti-secrecy legislation intended to make it clearer who owns UK companies isn’t working read more
Land Destroyer20 hours ago
Uyghur Tribunal: US Lawfare at its Lowest
*October 9, 2021* (Brian Berletic - NEO) - The so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” is promoted across the Western media as an “independent” tribunal. AP claims that it seeks to lay out evidence that will “compel international action to tackle growing concerns about alleged abuses in Xinjiang.” The tribunal – having no legal basis or enforcement mechanism – will clearly be used to help bolster calls for a boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic games and may serve to help pressure nations around the globe to roll back ties with China and aid the US in imposing additional sanctions and ... read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Umited Australia Party looking for federal election candidates
Leader of UAP, Craig Kelly MHR will slaughter the lying, duplicitous party duopoly at the election due next year As membership numbers for the United Australia Party surge into the tens of thousands, chairman Clive Palmer has declared ‘it’s time to make a stand’ calling for candidates to nominate for the 2022 Federal Election. “Our […] read more

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