Friday, October 08, 2021

8 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Snopes.com16 hours ago
Journalists from Philippines, Russia Win Nobel Peace Prize
In making the award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee stressed that an independent press is vital in promoting peace. read more
No, Biden Is Not Embracing ‘Open Borders’
*David J. Bier* *Border Policy, * If he’s going to get that claim regardless, he should just own it. Open America’s doors, and let immigrants come legally. *Key Point: *Ultimately, Biden has made a policy choice to let in as few immigrants as possible. He’s not simply “enforcing the law.” He’s finding every way possible to keep out immigrants. Yet despite this fact, he’s still facing the same tired claims that he’s for “open borders.” Practically since his first week in office, President Joe Biden has faced repeated criticisms from Republicans and some Democrats that his border ... read more
Revealed: The 6 Most Powerful Armies of All Time
*Zachary Keck* *History, World* Any idea who is number one? *Here's What You Need to Know*: Armies are the most important factor in assessing the relative power of a nation. In an anarchical system like international relations, military power is the ultimate form of currency. A state may have all the culture, art, philosophy, and glitter and glory in the world, but it’s all for naught if the country doesn’t have a powerful military to defend itself. Mao Zedong *put it* bluntly when he stated: “power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Of all the types of military power, armies ar... read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Pencil Neck Shifts The Blame
Democrat Schiff is blaming the Russian collusion narrative implosion on Mueller. He claims the narrative failed because Mueller’s brain has turned to mush. This from a man who supports a president who’s mind has turned to mush. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Ecuador eyes trade deals with China, Russia in bid for investment
08-Oct-2021 Ecuador is aiming to negotiate trade deals with China, Russia and South Korea in the next four years, the Andean nation's Production and International Trade Minister said, adding that closing a deal with the United States is a priority. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Japan Chamber of Commerce supports Taiwan's CPTPP bid
08-Oct-2021 The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Taipei (JCCIT) supported Taiwan's bid to join the CPTPP trade group, but it also wanted it to end an import ban on food from areas affected by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. read more
Cairns News17 hours ago
Coalition going for zero… zero votes in coal seats, says Bob Katter
KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, says the Liberal and National parties better find a way out of a commitment on net zero emissions by 2050 or they will take huge pain at the forthcoming federal election, with five coal mining seats up for grabs in North Queensland. “With fly in, fly out mining so prevalent these days even […] read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
ESPN Loves Stomping Down on Black Women
ESPN has had a long history of empowering a racist culture. One might think they would strive to correct the error of their ways. But they’ve clearly chosen a different path: A story published on Tuesday claimed ESPN removed anchor Sage Steele from its programming for a week following a positive test for COVID-19 and also for remarks she made… Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Kaszek leads US$4 million round in Mexico insurtech Crabi
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Tuesday Capital, a San Francisco venture capital firm that also invested in Uber and Airbnb, and Redwood Ventures, which focuses its investments in Latin American companies, also participated in the round. There are over 50 million cars in Mexico and only 30% of them are insured compared to 50% in […] The post Kaszek leads US$4 million round in Mexico insurtech Crabi appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Ecuador concedes that 40% of prisoners in its jails have not been sentenced
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In a debate on insecurity in Ecuadorian streets and the prison crisis, SNAI director Garzón said that the prison population exceeds 38,000 detainees, of which 37,100 are being held for crimes, 544 for failure to pay alimony and 542 for various misdemeanors. The capacity in the national prison infrastructure is […] The post Ecuador concedes that 40% of prisoners in its jails have not been sentenced appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism14 hours ago
Mzukisi Qobo: The Old Mantra About Growth Has Reached Exhaustion
A perspective from the Global South on the end game for growth. read more
GREENIE WATCH15 hours ago
* China calls for huge boost in coal output at Inner Mongolia mines to fight power crunch* *What about global warming?* Chinese officials have ordered more than 70 mines in Inner Mongolia to ramp up coal production by nearly 100 million tonnes as the country battles its worst power crunch and coal shortage in years. Record-high prices and shortages of electricity have prompted power rationing across the country, crippling industrial output. The proposed increase would make up nearly 3 per cent of China's total thermal coal consumption. In an urgent notice dated October 7, the In... read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
India calls ASEAN for removal of Non-Tariff Barriers
08-Oct-2021 Piyush Goyal, the Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs & Food & Public Distribution and Textiles, has called upon the ASEAN bloc to do away with Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs). read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
A Calgary company is drilling for oil in the world’s largest protected international wildlife reserve; these Nova Scotians are trying to stop it
In 1964, Flai Kalenga Mbwenga went looking for some good grazing land. Mbwenga was a small-scale farmer who lives in northern Namibia, close to the Kavango River that forms part of the border between his country and neighbouring Angola. Like nearly all the rural people in his country, Mbwenga’s family’s livelihood came from small-scale and mixed […] read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
UK Nurses Threaten to Strike After Government Offers Measly Below-Inflation Pay Rise
With vax mandates looming and industrial action on the table, the UK's overstretched National Health Service could be in for a winter of even more discontent. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
The Neverending Brexit: Flailing Johnson Set to Try to Renege on Commitment to Respect Good Friday Agreement
Boris Johnson is expected to eyepoke the EU by reneging on the Norhtern Ireland protocol, presumbly to distract from domestic shortages. read more
* Bob Good Seeks to Defund CRT in Public Schools* Congressman Bob Good (R-VA) introduced the Defending Students’ Civil Rights Act of 2021 to prohibit the indoctrination of racially divisive curriculum within our nation’s schools. Good’s bill would prohibit the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) or critical race pedagogy in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Any attempt to teach or implement Critical Race Theory in federally funded institutions would be a violation of a student’s civil rights, punishable by law. “Critical Race Theory teaches children tha... read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Cannabis MSOs on buying spree in Florida in bid to take on Trulieve
Multistate operators have made a flurry of acquisitions in Florida totaling more than $500 million over the past year, aiming to make inroads into Trulieve Cannabis' domination of a medical marijuana market where annual sales top $1 billion. Cannabis MSOs on buying spree in Florida in bid to take on Trulieve is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Explaining the logistics crunch
In a comment to my post on the US trade balance, and in the light of our recent discussions about supply chain problems, reader Howard Brewi asked: So if we are buying all that stuff, you could say that is the cause of hundreds of ships backed up at ports. If that is so why are store shelves full of empty spots and Costco putting limits on every day stuff. Also why are high tech things like computer chips made in Asia and why are they short in supply since they are small and light enough to air freight so the car companies could deliver their back log of vehicles? It just doesn... read more
Nonspeaking Autism & Vision: A National Autism Association WebiNAAr
No matter what avenues, treatments, therapies, education models, medical treatments, behavioral programs we pursue, the one thing, maybe the only thing, that has ever united the disparate autism community is a desire to help our kids. From our friends at... read more
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 10/8/21"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 10/8/21"* By Greg Hunter’s "If you want to see that the Deep State globalists are losing the narrative and control, look no further than the news of the DOJ under AG Merrick Garland. He is sending the FBI to go after parents as domestic terrorists for the crime of protesting Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught to their children. Who cares it CRT is hateful and racism that is labeled with some academic sounding name. It’s not academic, but pure junk science and leftie propaganda infecting our schools and children. Clif High says it’s “absurd... read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
Google To Ban All Advertisements on “Climate Denial” Content
In other words, the platform is shutting down scientific debate in order to appease its totalitarian backers. The post Google To Ban All Advertisements on “Climate Denial” Content appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil plans to discontinue use of Sinovac’s Covid vaccine in 2022
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In a document submitted to the Senate committee investigating the Brazilian government's management of the coronavirus, the Ministry pointed out that, in addition, the Coronavac vaccine is only temporarily approved by the health authorities. "The reason for the potential discontinuation of the Coronavac vaccine in 2022 is directly linked to […] The post Brazil plans to discontinue use of Sinovac’s Covid vaccine in 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Green Advice From The CBC
Justin’s CBC is excited about a report from Berlin on how Canada can go green. Since the network is the mouthpiece of the Liberal cult, we can expect this report to become official policy. Apparently we must all live like poor people in India. read more
Modern Tokyo Times18 hours ago
Buddhist nun: Art, poetry, Japanese anti-Buddhism, and sadness of Rengetsu (1791-1875)
Buddhist nun: Art, poetry, Japanese anti-Buddhism, and sadness of Rengetsu (1791-1875) Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Ōtagaki Rengetsu is widely acclaimed as being one of the greatest poets of nineteenth-century Japan. Indeed, her legacy is great concerning art, calligraphy, poetry, and being a graceful potter. The life of Rengetsu was shaped greatly by Buddhism. […] The post Buddhist nun: Art, poetry, Japanese anti-Buddhism, and sadness of Rengetsu (1791-1875) first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Leader of Paraguay Liberal Party lodges criminal complaint against ex-president Horacio Cartes
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Joined by his attorney, Alegre pointed out the correction made by Cartes in September, shortly before the journalistic investigation was disclosed, to his sworn statements upon assuming and leaving the Presidency, which failed to include the offshore company acquired in Panama in 2011. "The rectification is a confession to the […] The post Leader of Paraguay Liberal Party lodges criminal complaint against ex-president Horacio Cartes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Stand Fast!
C-130 Cruising the Neighborhood Baked Apple Cider Donuts They’re full of vitamins and dipping them into the hot cider only makes them better. It’s not unlike dunking toast into hot chocolate. Or sinking a fresh hot biscuit into gravy — there is something primally delicious in the thing. Why Exempt “Our Betters”? […] The post Stand Fast! appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Mining Awareness +20 hours ago
Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer Philip Dormitzer Questioned by Project Veritas Over Leaked Emails About Fetal Cell Lines Used In Pfizer Vaccine Development
Link: According to the leaked emails, as reported by Project Veritas: “Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits … Continue reading → read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Tucker Carlson Defends Phony Vaccine Passports, Says it is an act of Desperation against Tyranny
Tucker said that buying a fake vaccination pass it not a serious crime, but is instead an act of desperation by decent law abiding Americans who have been forced into a corner by tyrants. He said that forcing Americans to take drugs that they don't need or want is a serious crime. read more
Don't Be So Sure That China Is Going Headfirst Into Afghanistan
*East Asia Forum* *Taliban, Asia* But all things considered, will China get its hands dirty in Afghanistan? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *China is well aware of the maxim that Afghanistan is the ‘graveyard of empires’, and will tread lightly for the time being. Increased investments in the country are still risky as the Taliban remains in conflict with rival militant groups On 18 July, Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada said the group seeks strong diplomatic, economic and political relations with all countries including the United States. The Taliban soon revealed it had ... read more
How Do China's Tanks Compare to Those of Other Great Powers?
*Charlie Gao* *Tanks, China* Can China's tanks compete with the Armata and the M1A2D? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The M1A2D and Armata are likely to leave the ZTZ-99A in the dust. It’s unlikely for the Chinese military leadership will want to prioritize another new tank project, however, as the PLAN seems to have been the focus of recent developments. What's up with China's tanks? Can they keep up with the Armata and the M1A2D? One interesting aspect of China’s tank fleet is that all of the designs are relatively young compared to European, American or Russian designs. M... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Uruguay’s Central Bank intends to regulate cryptocurrencies in the country
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU) announced this week that, in light of the recent increase in the use of cryptocurrencies in the country, market regulation is being assessed. To this end, the government is willing to amend the current laws. Thus, it confirmed that it is conducting a detailed […] The post Uruguay’s Central Bank intends to regulate cryptocurrencies in the country appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Thousands of crypto accounts drained – Don’t make this money mistake
Cybercriminals are draining crypto accounts. Find out now if your finances have been impacted. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Insolvency may hit 2,200 companies in Brazil this year and increase in 2022
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In 2019, the number of insolvent companies in Brazil reached 2,887, dropping 28% to 2,078 last year. But this year the figure is expected to rise to 2,200 and jump to 2,900 next year. Euler Hermes' Head of Insolvency Research Maxime Lemerle notes that Brazil has so far failed to […] The post Insolvency may hit 2,200 companies in Brazil this year and increase in 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Follow the Money to Discover who is behind the ‘Pandemic’ and also Restructuring Global Money
Billionaire Dustin Moscowitz, the co-founder of Facebook, hides behind his foil, Mark Zuckerberg. Moscowitz funded Event 201, a meeting that strategized about policies and how to make people compliant during a pandemic that took place just weeks before Covid-19 was announced. read more

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