Thursday, October 07, 2021

7 October - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

 10:05 pm MDT

The Rio Times6 hours ago
Pandora Papers and Piñera’s potential impeachment rattle presidential campaign in Chile
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The disclosure, which has traveled the world, comes less than 5 weeks before the November 21 elections, when Chileans will choose president, deputies and senators in what are considered to be the most important elections since the end of the military dictatorship. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), in […] The post Pandora Papers and Piñera’s potential impeachment rattle presidential campaign in Chile appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Medical Kidnap6 hours ago
As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds
It was announced today that Pfizer has now petitioned the FDA in the United States to give them emergency use authorization to begin injecting the COVID-19 shots into children between the ages of 5 and 11. FiercePharma reports that while there is "significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children," Pfizer went ahead and requested permission to start injecting children between the ages of 5 and 11. This will broaden their market in the U.S. to another 28 million people who will now be able to get the shots, all children. Pfizer is undoubtedly counting on support from pe... read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Syphilis cases up again in Brazil; know the risks
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Covid-19 pandemic has complicated access to tests and, consequently, to the diagnosis of the disease caused by the sexually transmitted Treponema pallidum bacterium. "Many people have not been able to get a consultation or tests if they suspect the disease. There are also many who are reluctant to visit […] The post Syphilis cases up again in Brazil; know the risks appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds
It was announced today that Pfizer has now petitioned the FDA in the United States to give them emergency use authorization to begin injecting the COVID-19 shots into children between the ages of 5 and 11. FiercePharma reports that while there is "significant resistance by parents to vaccinate their children," Pfizer went ahead and requested permission to start injecting children between the ages of 5 and 11. This will broaden their market in the U.S. to another 28 million people who will now be able to get the shots, all children. Pfizer is undoubtedly counting on support from pe... read more
Science Matters8 hours ago
Dr. Richard Urso: End the Pandemic with Early Treatment
Drug Inventor Urso: Are We Underutilizing Early Treatment? We cannot use a one-size fits all approach to fighting Covid Dr. Richard Urso is a scientist, sole inventor of an FDA-approved wound healing drug, and the Former Director of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He believes we cannot use a one-size-fits-all approach to fighting […] read more
Pension Pulse3 hours ago
HOOPP's 2021 Canadian Employer Pension Survey
Today, HOOPP put out a press release stating employers offering retirement benefits report greater productivity during COVID, cite reduced employee stress: Employers that offer retirement savings benefits report higher levels of employee productivity over the past year and have greater optimism for the future, according to a survey of 845 Canadian employers by HOOPP and Maru/Matchbox. *In addition, employers that offer retirement savings benefits believe it is very important to recruitment, retention and helping employees manage stress. “The survey found that a majority of emp... read more
Gerald Celente, "Trends in The News Live"
*Gerald Celente, 10/7/21:* *"Dragflaltion: Inflation Is Up, Interest Rates Up, Economy Goes Down"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - read more
Status on a Pipe Dream
Those of you who have been following my "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" path down the crooked alleyways of this shitty business know that last spring, my last "publisher" delisted every one of the 10 titles in my backlist. So I'm devoting the rest of the year to not writing new fiction but getting all 10 titles back up by Christmas. I'm in the home stretch of doing the second and final copyedits for GODS OF OUR FATHERS, the first entry in the Vesey Van Zant series. At the same time I'm doing that, I'm also typing up for the first time material written about two years ago for ... read more
"America has a Shortage of Everything - Get Used To It"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, PM 10/7/21: *"America has a Shortage of Everything - Get Used To It"* "It does not matter what industry you are in. There are shortages of everything. From food, fuel to daily supplies it affects all of us. America is just like so many other countries where we have a shortage of everything." read more
Big reveal for Pfizer
Two bombshells this week about Pfizer. 1) Researchers admit natural immunity is better, and 2) Yes, fetal cells were used by Pfizer and they chose not to reveal it (to better compete), and lied to the various bioethics commissions. Meanwhile, Biden is not excusing those with conscientious objections. Add this to the whistle blowers in HHS revealing heart problems and the gaslighting by the media calling millions of people paranoid conspiracy theorists, and we have a HUGE mess. And yes, it was undercover research that revealed their lies to the American public and the churches. Reme... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
Iran's Drone Program Is Becoming An Emerging Threat
Drones are seen during a large-scale drone combat exercise of Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Semnan, Iran January 4, 2021. Picture taken January 4, 2021. (photo credit: IRANIAN ARMY/WANA/REUTERS) *Jerusalem Post:* *The world is waking up to Iran’s drone threat* *Iran’s drone program, unlike its nuclear weapons program, is not secretive. The Islamic Republic openly brags about its drone capabilities.* Iranian drones are an emerging threat to the Middle East. In 2019, Iran used a combination of drones and cruise missiles to attack the giant Abqaiq oil-processing facili... read more
Reacting Against Reaction
Super interesting episode from the *Acid Horizon* comrades. Proving once again that philosophy is class struggle in theory, along with their guest Greg Sadler they have a butcher's at Nick Land's *Fanged Noumena*, the work that preceded his turn into what Mark Fisher called 'mad, black Deleuzianism'. Or what we might call fascism with sophist characteristics. This is a good primer for his work, an introduction to NRx thinking more generally, and why for some Land is so appealing. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
Iran's Intercepts US Speedboats In The Persian Gulf
*WNU Editor: *Those are definitely US speedboats. More details here .... *State TV says Iranian speedboats intercepted US Navy vesse*l (ABC News/AP). read more
Heartbreak Hotel
A longer interview with Kelly Brown from yesterday. read more
Virtual Mirage6 hours ago
Mid-Week Muse
$600 Trigger You’ve probably heard about the latest proposal that financial institutions be REQUIRED to turn over and report ALL bank or brokerage accounts to the IRS where the yearly transactions total more than $600. Assuming the account holder isn’t deceased, that would probably include every financial account in the USA held by every person […] The post Mid-Week Muse appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Brazil health regulator simplifies cannabis importation
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A resolution published by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) aims to optimize the evaluation process for importing cannabis-based products for medical purposes. According to the regulator, the goal of Collegiate Directive Resolution (RDC) 570/2021 is to reduce the time needed to approve the registration and enable patients to have […] The post Brazil health regulator simplifies cannabis importation appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Goes Green
Ontario teachers have a new plan to go green… investing in Middle East pipeline projects. read more
Studies Confirm Pfizer Vaccine Immunity Wanes at 2 Months, as Pharma Giant Seeks FDA Approval for Kids 5 to 11
A study from Israel covering 4,800 healthcare workers showed antibody levels waned rapidly after two doses of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Meanwhile, Pfizer today officially asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to authorize its vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old. The post Studies Confirm Pfizer Vaccine Immunity Wanes at 2 Months, as Pharma Giant Seeks FDA Approval for Kids 5 to 11 appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Episode 20: International Order
In this installment of "Whiskey Optional," Stacie Goddard (Wellesley), Evelyn Goh (Australian Nat... read more
Dr. Mercola to CNN: You Have the Power to Save Lives — Why Won’t You Use It?
After CNN ran an article last week attacking Dr. Joe Mercola and his book, “The Truth About COVID-19,” Mercola published a response, which included a plea for CNN to “share lifesaving information that could turn the pandemic around and save lives in the process.” The post Dr. Mercola to CNN: You Have the Power to Save Lives — Why Won’t You Use It? appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Boston University Launches Antiracist Scholar Program for Aspiring Lawyers
Boston University School of Law (BU Law) started a new program called Antiracist Scholars for Progress, Innovation, and Racial... read more
Benedict College Joins National HBCU Initiative Supporting Students
Alongside 28 other historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Benedict College in South Carolina will participate in... read more
AAC&U Names 19 New Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Centers
Nineteen new institutions have been named hosts for new Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Centers by the Association... read more
Fear of the Gaze: How Perceived Judgement Impacts Student Career Choices
When one relinquishes the power of their own definition to others then they are subject to the whims of external marginalization... read more
balance106 hours ago
drug cartels cntrolling us-mexican border; Sweden vs. Israel--virus-vaccine games
5-25-21 EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – Members of the House Border Security Caucus on Monday toured a migrant processing center and addressed what they say is a growing immigration crisis on the southern border. The all-Republican delegation also called out Vice President Kamala Harris – whom President Biden designated as his immigration czar – for refusing to come see the crisis first-hand. “They say that the border is secure, that people are being turned back. I can tell you that the border is anything but secure […] the ones who are de facto in charge of our southern border... read more
Andrew Yang Has Ditched the Democrats. Can His ‘Forward Party’ Take Off?
*Trevor Filseth* *Andrew Yang, * Is a third party the answer to crippling political polarization? Former presidential candidate and New York City mayoral contender Andrew Yang announced on Monday that he had left the Democratic Party to promote the “Forward Party,” an independent political movement. In a blog post explaining his decision, Yang underlined that he had been a Democrat for most of his life, and had actively campaigned for Democratic candidates before and after the 2020 election. However, he criticized the two-party system for leading to extreme partisan polarization,... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Yerington, Nevada, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
If you are on Facebook or a member of a church, you see or hear a lot of prayer requests. You might be one of great faith, little faith or no faith. You might be in a yoga pose, clutching your beads, or looking at today's request for the president. Agnostics and atheists have studied prayer. And guess what? Prayer has been scientifically proven potent. Even I have difficulty believing the results (being a Christian I suppose I prefer my tradition to be the one that works). Today I was reading Erling Olsen's book, "Meditations in the Book of Psalms," specifically Ps 86. He had a ... read more
"Free Download: Jiddu Krishnamurti, 'The Book of Life'”
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all that is life." - Jiddu Krishnamurti ○ Freely download “The Book of Life”, by Jiddu Krishnamurti, here: - read more
China Claims to Have Anti-Stealth Radar
*Stephen Silver* *China, Asia* Beijing’s anti-stealth efforts began in the early 2020s. At its recent Zhuhai airshow, China unveiled what it’s touting as anti-stealth radar. The Eurasian Times described the YLC-8E as a “super-radar” and “a significant addition to the People’s Liberation Army’s anti-stealth capabilities, a development seen as a major challenge for the US’ highly advanced F-35 and F-22 fighter jets.” The report said that the product is from the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), which is seen as “generating an electromagnetic (EMW) storm which ... read more
Contested Space: The Final Frontier
*Kris Osborn* *Air Force, Americas* The Air Force is looking into the possibility of engineering a new class of tactical lift air vehicles of some kind specifically tailored to operate in major warfare, high-threat environments. The Air Force is in process of mapping out the future of its fleet of C-130 Hercules cargo airplanes, which includes a range of different options such as potentially arming them for combat with cruise missiles and air-dropped bombs while simultaneously retiring them. Air Force leaders say the current plan is to reduce the number of C-130 cargo aircraft ... read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Oxford index: 29 countries with higher vaccination rates than Brazil have more restrictive policies
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Oxford stringency index that assesses policies implemented in the pandemic, indicates that Brazil currently ranks 79th out of 182 countries in the world in terms of restrictive measures. It scores 50.4 on an indicator ranging from 0 (no restrictions) to 100 (maximum closure and policies to fight the pandemic). […] The post Oxford index: 29 countries with higher vaccination rates than Brazil have more restrictive policies appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
"Is It Any Wonder..."
"Thomas Edison said in all seriousness: "There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the labor of thinking" - if we bother with facts at all, we hunt like bird dogs after the facts that bolster up what we already think - and ignore all the others! We want only the facts that justify our acts - the facts that fit in conveniently with our wishful thinking and justify our preconceived prejudices. As Andre Maurois put it: "Everything that is in agreement with our personal desires seems true. Everything that is not puts us into a rage." Is it any wonder, then, that we ... read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Thai Riverside Restaurant Finds Silver Lining in Floods
A flood-hit riverside restaurant in Thailand has become an unlikely dining hotspot after fun-loving foodies began flocking to its water-logged deck to eat amid the lapping tide. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Construction in Argentina grows 22.7% year-on-year in August
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The construction activity in Argentina registered last August a 22.7% increase compared to the same month of 2020, informed this Thursday the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec). The official data for August marks the tenth month of positive year-on-year construction activity growth since November last year, after the […] The post Construction in Argentina grows 22.7% year-on-year in August appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily7 hours ago
Marijuana MSO 4Front expands in Massachusetts with $55M acquisition
Marijuana multistate operator 4Front Ventures signed a definitive agreement to acquire Massachusetts-based cultivator New England Cannabis Corp. (NECC) for $55 million, a move intended to expand 4Front’s wholesale operation in the state’s fast-growing adult-use market. Arizona-based 4Front said in a news release that the purchase will be funded with $25 million in cash and 25 […] Marijuana MSO 4Front expands in Massachusetts with $55M acquisition is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Halifax Examiner7 hours ago
Nova Scotia premier says he won’t fight decision on discrimination against people with mental disabilities
Premier Tim Houston said his government won’t fight a Nova Scotia Court of Appeal decision that found the province systemically discriminated against people with disabilities. Three people with mental disabilities — Beth MacLean, Joey Delaney, and Sheila Livingstone — filed a human rights complaint in 2014 against the provincial government regarding their institutionalization in the […] read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
Poll Finds Americans Are Sensing That China Is Eclipsing U.S. Economically
*Washington Post: **Americans sense China eclipsing U.S. economically and say protecting U.S. jobs should be priority, poll finds * As competition between the United States and China intensifies, more Americans now say the Asian country is more powerful economically, a reversal from two years ago when a plurality said the United States had an economic advantage, according to a survey released Thursday by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. The nationwide survey also found that protecting U.S. jobs ranks ahead of other American foreign policy priorities such as fighting global... read more
A History Teacher’s Warning
Chautauqua Updates Oct 1, 2021 Social Studies teacher Angela Bittinger speaks at a Town Hall Meeting (Chautauqua County, NY), Sept. 30, 2021 The post A History Teacher’s Warning appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Over 40 New York Elected Officials Urge Gov. Hochul to Stop the Gowanus Fracked Gas Plant
The proposal to extend the lifespan and use of the peaker plant threatens the climate, environmental justice and public health read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
U.S. Attack Submarine USS Connecticut (SSN-22) Suffers Serious Underwater Collision In The Pacific
The Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22) departs Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for sea trials following a maintenance availability on December 13, 2016. (U.S. Navy photo by Thiep Van Nguyen II/released) *USNI News*: *UPDATED: Attack Submarine USS Connecticut Suffers Underwater Collision in Pacific* A U.S. nuclear attack submarine has been damaged in international waters in the Western Pacific, USNI News has learned. The Seawolf-class nuclear attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN-22) suffered an underwater collision while operating in international waters ... read more
Snopes.com8 hours ago
Is Netflix Removing Phone Numbers That Appear in ‘Squid Game’?
An unidentified person reportedly received thousands of calls after a number was displayed on the hit show. read more
Turcopolier8 hours ago
Clearly seeking to stuff ballot boxes
“Democrats in Virginia are using the COVID-19 pandemic to press Gov. Ralph Northam to waive the witness signature requirement for mail-in absentee ballots ahead of the gubernatorial election. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted 9-1, with the only Republican voting against, to send a letter to … Continue reading → read more
ClimateCite10 hours ago
Contributions of Suykyro Manabe for Nobel prize winning
Dr. Antero Ollila October 6, 2021 The Nobel Prize Committee has given the following arguments for their choice of rewarding researchers Suykuro, Manabe and Klaus Hasselman: “For the physical modelling of the Earth’s climate , quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.” The Committee also presented a brief description of Manabe’s climate model: “Suykuro Manabe was the first researcher to … read more
Food Safety News7 hours ago
FDA reports findings of special romaine testing program in Arizona growing area
Results of a testing program in February and March are now available and show that a sample of romaine lettuce from the Yuma, AZ, growing area was positive for E. coli O130:H11, which can cause serious infections in people. The Food and Drug Administration conducted the two-month sampling program in response to a string of... Continue Reading read more
Robert Reich7 hours ago
This Week’s Worst Influential AmericanPlease subscribe to...
*This Week’s Worst Influential American* *Please subscribe to my newsletter for updates and analysis on power, politics, and the economy sent directly to your inbox. You can find recent posts at* Call me old-fashioned, but I think people in public life need to be accountable for whatever damage they’re doing to public life. So from time to time I’m going to call out the person I consider to be the worst influential person in American public life. Tough decision this week, given Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin’s efforts to torpedo Biden’s (and Amer... read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Argentina’s industrial activity grows by 13.8% year-on-year in August
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina's industrial activity registered a year-on-year growth of 13.8% last August, the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) reported on Thursday. Year-on-year improvements were observed in the eighth month of the year in 14 of the 16 industrial branches included in the indicator. The industrial branches that recorded the […] The post Argentina’s industrial activity grows by 13.8% year-on-year in August appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Nobody Knows What They’re Doing
I’m generally not a fan of “models” but guest Martin Armstrong actually has a long track record of getting it right when it comes to forecasting. read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Colombia’s Ecopetrol wins oil concession in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombia's Ecopetrol won one of the 92 concessions to explore and produce oil and natural gas in Brazil's offshore waters that were auctioned this Thursday by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP, regulator). Ecopetrol obtained a block in the Santos basin, located off the coast of São Paulo (southeast), in consortium […] The post Colombia’s Ecopetrol wins oil concession in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
UK removes Brazil from ‘red list’; vaccinated travelers will not need to comply with quarantine
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The UK announced on Thursday (7) the removal of Brazil from the "red list" for Covid-19, and vaccinated travelers will not need to comply with mandatory quarantine in hotels starting this Monday (11). According to a British government statement, travelers from Brazil and 46 other countries - who are fully […] The post UK removes Brazil from ‘red list’; vaccinated travelers will not need to comply with quarantine appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Reasons Why . . . Not!
I was recently talking with a friend, asking her why she did not want to get the Covid vaccine. She grew up in Eastern Europe but is now an American citizen. Here are the reasons she gave: Not knowing the long term consequences of this jab. Not having my personal liberties respected. People not doing… Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Default Crisis Dodged — for Now — with Dem-GOP Debt Accord
Senate leaders announced an agreement to extend the government’s borrowing authority into December, temporarily averting an unprecedented federal default that experts say would have devastated the economy. read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Have More Americans Died from COVID-19 Than from All Foreign Conflicts?
Another way to put 700,000 deaths into perspective: This is more than the population of Washington D.C. read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Winter is Coming
No its not. Quit being so pessimistic. Winter is coming — and it’s not looking pretty. A confluence of events are threatening to create the perfect storm that could see an unusually cold winter coupled with prohibitively high home heating costs, in an economy already facing significant inflationary challenges. read more
Try To Remember ….
During October, 1963 there was a record US heatwave and worldwide drought – which experts blamed on a “wayward jetstream” and global cooling. Now they blame the same thing on increased CO2 levels and global warming. read more
Disability minister says addressing DWP’s legacy of distrust and distress ‘is a big priority’
The new minister for disabled people has said it is a “big priority” for her to address the legacy of distress and distrust created by a decade of deaths of benefit claimants that have been linked to the actions of her new […] read more
Disabled man forced to turn fridge off for 90 minutes at a time as UC cut looms
A disabled man has described how he is turning his fridge off for 90 minutes at a time to try to save on his electricity bill, as he prepares for his universal credit to be cut by £20 a week this month. […] read more
Conservative conference: Coffey says merging PIP with universal credit is ‘on the table’
The possibility of merging personal independence payment (PIP) with universal credit is “on the table” as part of a fresh wave of social security reforms, work and pensions secretary Therese Coffey has admitted. In response to a question from Disability News Service […] read more
Conservative conference: Coffey signals new bid to push support group towards work
Work and pensions secretary Therese Coffey has strongly signalled that her department will launch a new bid to try to push more disabled people with high support needs into work. Coffey, speaking at a fringe event at the Conservative party conference in […] read more
Mother of Jodey Whiting fights on for justice with appeal bid
The mother of a disabled woman who took her own life after her benefits were wrongly stopped is to seek permission to appeal against a court’s ruling that there should not be a second inquest into her daughter’s death. Joy Dove said […] read more
Conservative conference: New minister silent on plummeting Access to Work figures
The new minister for disabled people has refused to comment on figures that show how spending on Access to Work (AtW) plummeted during the pandemic, despite ministers plugging the programme during this week’s Conservative party conference. Chloe Smith highlighted the scheme at […] read more
Care minister admits ignoring views of disabled people on government’s reforms
The newly-appointed care minister has admitted that she was completely unaware of disabled people’s criticism of the prime minister’s controversial social care reforms. Gillian Keegan, appointed to the role only last month, told Disability News Service (DNS) this week that she had […] read more
Video van drives disabled voices right to the edge of Tory conference
A video screen showing messages from disabled people to the UK government has been driven around the streets of central Manchester, as ministers were taking part in the annual Conservative party conference just a few hundred yards away. The video screen – […] read more
Down’s syndrome bill could be world’s first, says former cabinet minister
A former cabinet minister is hoping that his bill aimed at improving services for people with Down’s syndrome will be the first such legislation in the world. Dr Liam Fox, a former defence secretary, told a fringe meeting at this week’s Conservative […] read more
The Catholic Church of Rome has been taken over by Satanists PLUS: Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast? and finally, The Deagle Report as the script for the Apocalypse?
*Swiss Guards - Sworn Centuries Ago to Protect the* *Vatican and the Catholic Church - * *They Have now donned the Globalist* * Signature Masks* *The biggest problem with natural immunity is that it doesn’t make man rich, and God gets the credit. - Journalist Drea Humphrey * Good morning Pureblood Sentients. Today is the first day after the "dropping of the veil of Democracy by the Turd Government". We now know where we stand. They want us all dead as soon as possible...either by "adverse reactions to their VaxZine, murder in one of their AI Protocol "hospitals/old age homes" o... read more
Not PC8 hours ago
AUKUS: "NZ indeed is missing out on a guarantee of security, which given the limited firepower of its armed forces some would suggest leaves it without any protection."
*"Thomas Nash, co-director of the independent think-tank, New Zealand Alternative ... says many of the opinion writers [decrying NZ's exclusion from AUKUS] appear to prioritise a militarist worldview but he contends if we are to enjoy a peaceful future, we should do the exact opposite 'and forge closer relations that share our anti-nuclear values.' NZ [he says] should resist pressure to fall into line with the military power of the US, the UK and Australia. Instead of focusing our diplomatic and security efforts on the Five Eyes, he argues, we should strengthen our relationsh... read more
MJBizDaily8 hours ago
CA city revokes cannabis shop license after owner pleads guilty to bribery
The coastal California town of San Luis Obispo announced it was revoking a business license for Natural Healing Center, a cannabis shop whose owner, Helios Dayspring, pleaded guilty to two felony charges this summer. Natural Healing Center had not yet opened for business but was poised to do so as one of three retailers granted […] CA city revokes cannabis shop license after owner pleads guilty to bribery is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Last Refuge8 hours ago
Massachusetts Healthcare Providers to Release Thousands of Non-Compliant Workers Who Refuse Vaccination
The Associated Press puts the number in the “hundreds.” However, when you look at the statistics within the article the number of workers being released by Massachusetts healthcare providers is actually in the thousands. BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts hospitals are preparing to fire hundreds of employees who fail to comply with COVID-19 vaccination requirements designed […] The post Massachusetts Healthcare Providers to Release Thousands of Non-Compliant Workers Who Refuse Vaccination appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Duran8 hours ago
Deadlock in Zurich: Yang and Sullivan Disagree on All Issues
Deadlock in Zurich: Yang and Sullivan Disagree on All Issues News Topic 305 Biden and China’s Xi agree to hold virtual summit before end of year Biden and China’s Xi agree to hold virtual summit before end of year President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping have reached an agreement “in principle” to hold a […] read more
The Word From the Trenches – October 7, 2021
Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – October 7, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Who Can Opt Out of School COVID Vaccine Mandate? California Lawmakers Eye Crackdown + More
The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. The post Who Can Opt Out of School COVID Vaccine Mandate? California Lawmakers Eye Crackdown + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Moderna Founders Make Forbes List of Wealthiest U.S. People + More
The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines. The post Moderna Founders Make Forbes List of Wealthiest U.S. People + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
More than 400,000 sneaked over southern border and got away in past year, former Border Patrol head says
Yahoo News – Washington Examiner MCALLEN, Texas — The U.S. Border Patrol reported more than 400,000 people who illegally crossed the border were able to... The post More than 400,000 sneaked over southern border and got away in past year, former Border Patrol head says appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
MJBizDaily9 hours ago
High Tide acquires majority of UK brand Blessed CBD for $12.4 million
Canadian cannabis retailer and e-commerce company High Tide has acquired 80% of Blessed CBD, a U.K. direct-to-consumer hemp-derived CBD brand, in a deal worth slightly more than 9 million British pounds ($12.4 million). High Tide acquires majority of UK brand Blessed CBD for $12.4 million is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Heavily armed Mexican cartel ‘taunting’ US soldiers at border, Texas authorities say
Washington Examiner – by Anna Giaritelli MISSION, Texas — Mexican cartel members dressed in military-like outfits and toting AK-47 rifles have been taunting U.S. soldiers assigned... The post Heavily armed Mexican cartel ‘taunting’ US soldiers at border, Texas authorities say appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
During Testimony Maricopa County Officials Admit to Deleting 2020 Election Data to Avoid Audit Subpoena
Earlier today, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Arizona vote outcome, representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) questioned Maricopa County officials about their deletion of 2020 election data in order to avoid a state senate subpoena for election records. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, […] The post During Testimony Maricopa County Officials Admit to Deleting 2020 Election Data to Avoid Audit Subpoena appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Fully Vaccinated Countries Had Highest Number of New COVID Cases, Study Shows
The authors of a study published Sept. 30, in the European Journal of Epidemiology Vaccines said the sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences “needs to be re-examined.” The post Fully Vaccinated Countries Had Highest Number of New COVID Cases, Study Shows appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Duran9 hours ago
Hunter the artist tells critics to…
Hunter the artist tells critics to… ****News Topic 585***** Amazing music contribution from Peter Brown. Follow Peter’s music: read more
Merck’s 4,000% Markup of Taxpayer-Funded COVID Drug Is ‘Extortion,’ Critics Say
Pharma giant Merck is facing accusations of price gouging after it charged the U.S. more than $700 per patient for a taxpayer-funded coronavirus treatment that, according to research, costs just $17.74 to produce. The post Merck’s 4,000% Markup of Taxpayer-Funded COVID Drug Is ‘Extortion,’ Critics Say appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
White House: We Want to Keep Gas Prices Low, but ‘Climate Crisis Can’t Wait’
Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering The White House indicated Wednesday that governments across the globe should not walk back green energy commitments despite growing fossil... The post White House: We Want to Keep Gas Prices Low, but ‘Climate Crisis Can’t Wait’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Climate change: Voices from global south muted by climate science
By Paul Homewood h/t Ian Magness The absurd Matt McGrath is at it again! Climate change academics from some of the regions worst hit by warming are struggling to be published, according to a new analysis. The study looked at 100 of the most highly cited climate research papers over the past five years. Fewer […] read more
Man killed pharmacist brother over COVID vaccine shots he thought government was using to poison people, court documents say
CBS News A Maryland man charged in the deaths of his brother, sister-in-law and another woman may have killed his brother, a pharmacist, because the... The post Man killed pharmacist brother over COVID vaccine shots he thought government was using to poison people, court documents say appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Doctors Told To Cut Treatment To Tackle Climate Change
By Paul Homewood h/t Ian Magness This is utterly criminal. And why is the Telegraph’s Health Reporter not criticising this nonsense? read more
Lawfare11 hours ago
Lawfare Live: Adam Klein and Benjamin Wittes on FISA Applications
This Friday, October 8, at 3:30 p.m. ET, Adam Klein, former chairman of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board and current director of the Strauss Center's program on Technology, Security, and Global Affairs, and *Lawfare* Editor in Chief Benjamin Wittes will join *Lawfare* Managing Editor Jacob Schulz to discuss the recent inspector general’s report examining flaws in the FISA application process. Wittes recently co-wrote an article in *Lawfare* titled, “The FBI’s FISA Mess.” powered by Crowdcast *Sign up now to become a patron of Lawfare and receive email notifications... read more
Some EU laws are unconstitutional in Poland
The belief that Poland has transferred most of its sovereignty to unelected EU officials and declared the primacy of "EU laws" over the Polish constitution is legally incorrect Some institutions of the European Union have been attacking Poland by saying that their judges didn't have enough independence. Well, the Polish constitutional tribunal just showed quite a lot of independence when it sensibly analyzed the legal conditions and concluded that many laws of the European Union are incompatible with the fundamental Polish law architecture. OK, Evacuation just sounds as a good song ... read more
Tensions Rising in Mali: Soldiers Attacked by Al Qaeda Insurgents
*Trevor Filseth* *Global Terrorism, * Owing to its instability, poverty, and remote location in the Sahel, Mali has been a hotbed of extremism over the past decade. An attack on Wednesday near the village of Bodio in central Mali’s Mopti region led by Islamist extremist groups claimed the lives of at least nine soldiers and injured eleven others, according to AFP. The Malian armed forces claimed that they had been subjected to a “complex IED (Improvised Explosive Device) attack” by insurgents, but had driven them off with heavy losses. The most likely culprit for the attack is th... read more
Frankenstein Upgrades Will Keep These Fighter Jets Flying for Another Decade
*Kris Osborn* *Air Force, Americas* At this point, it seems possible that the Air Force will fly upgraded F-35 jets alongside upgraded F-22 Raptors and a fast-growing number of sixth-generation stealth fighters in the 2030s. Air Force senior weapons and technology developers are adamant that there will not be any kind of cost-affordability “trade-off” or reduction when it comes to balancing its F-35 fleet with the emerging Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) sixth-generation platform. While there will be of course clear and decided efforts to lower costs of both production and ... read more
Biden Commits to ‘Virtual’ Meeting With Xi By New Year
*Trevor Filseth* *U.S.-China Relations, Asia* Biden and Xi have not seen each other since Biden’s term as Vice President ended in 2017, although the two leaders spoke by phone on September 9. An anonymous senior American official confirmed to the press on Wednesday that U.S. president Joe Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping had agreed to hold a “virtual bilateral” meeting by the end of December. The official noted that Biden and Xi had not seen each other since Biden’s term as Vice President ended in 2017, although the two leaders spoke by phone on September 9. “The president... read more
Pfizer/Biontech Animal Trials Show Dangerous Concentrations of Nano-Particles in Organs
This is not a new article. It is "merely" verification of what we have known since always. This knowledge has only increased since the original publication but they continue with this genocidal process, especially in the Western nations. June 4, 2021 SOURCE: Free West Media Ed Noor: Blood travels to every crack and crevice of the body delivering its life-giving properties ~ and destructive poisons ~ with equal efficiency. How can anyone not see that the clotted, darker blood resulting from the jabs is not doing damage wherever it goes dropping its deadly payload? In Japan, up... read more
War News Updates9 hours ago
CIA Says China And Pakistan''s Intelligence Services Are Hunting Down Their Informants (Update)
*War Is Boring*:* CIA admits China, Pakistan intelligence services are hunting down their informants* Top US counterintelligence officials have warned CIA stations around the world about the “troubling” number of informants recruited from foreign countries to spy for America being killed, arrested or most likely compromised, according to a New York Times report citing an “unusual top secret cable”. The report claims that the cable has provided the specific number of informants who were executed by adversarial intelligence agencies in the last few years, highlighting the struggl... read more
War News Updates9 hours ago
CIA Sets Up A New Mission Center To Focus On China. Calls China The Biggest Long Term Threat To The U.S.
*CNN:* *CIA will focus on China with new mission center* The CIA announced a number of structural changes on Thursday, including a new mission center for China, the result of a months-long review and a reflection of the intelligence community's view of China as the greatest long-term threat to the United States. The new China Mission Center "will further strengthen our collective work on the most important geopolitical threat we face in the 21st century, an increasingly adversarial Chinese government," CIA Director William Burns said in a statement, echoing what the veteran dipl... read more
MJBizDaily10 hours ago
Item 9 to acquire Colorado marijuana retailer for Unity Rd. franchise
Vertically integrated cannabis company Item 9 Labs signed a deal to buy an unspecified licensed marijuana store in a Denver suburb for an undisclosed sum. The location will become the first corporate-owned store under Item 9’s dispensary franchise brand Unity Rd. “and is anticipated to open within the next 4-6 months,” Item 9 said in […] Item 9 to acquire Colorado marijuana retailer for Unity Rd. franchise is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MintPress News10 hours ago
Chris Hedges: The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State
Imprisoning the David to Chevron's Goliath is the latest outrage by a US judiciary now engineered to always favor the interests of capital. The post Chris Hedges: The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State appeared first on MintPress News. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Covid-19: Brazil will accept faster and cheaper tests from returning tourists
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian tourists in other countries will be able, from November 1st of this year, to present a faster and cheaper Covid-19 test when they return to the country. Presidential Decree 658/2021, published in the Federal Gazette this week, determines that antigen tests will be accepted upon arrival in Brazil, as […] The post Covid-19: Brazil will accept faster and cheaper tests from returning tourists appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Brazil’s Renner and Reserva clothing chains will start to trace and certify cotton
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers (Abrapa) launched today, in partnership with Renner clothing chain and Reserva, the SouABR program (an acronym for Responsible Brazilian Cotton), which will present to consumers information about the certified origin of the lint and the manufacturing process of the clothes available at the stores. […] The post Brazil’s Renner and Reserva clothing chains will start to trace and certify cotton appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Halifax Examiner10 hours ago
30 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Thursday, October 7; a third of them are young children
Jump to sections in this article: Overview of today’s cases Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced 30 new cases of COVID-19 today, Thursday, October 7. By Nova Scotia Health zone, the new cases are: • 26 Central Zone • 2 Eastern Zone • 2 Western Zone The Department of Health continues […] read more
Nike will no longer do business in Israel, starting in 2022
While Nike does not specifically call the move a "boycott," the sportswear company indicates that doing business in Israel "no longer match[es] the company’s policy and goals.” read more
MJBizDaily10 hours ago
Ontario making cannabis delivery permanent for province’s 1,000-plus stores
Ontario plans to permanently enable cannabis stores to offer delivery and curbside-pickup services, the Canadian province announced Thursday, a move that likely would provide a major boost for many of the province’s pandemic-hit, adult-use marijuana retailers. Ontario making cannabis delivery permanent for province’s 1,000-plus stores is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Argentina tightens exchange controls to protect Central Bank reserves
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In Argentina, the dollar is a savings instrument and a thermometer that reflects how the economy and politics are doing. When the peso depreciates sharply, Argentines know that turbulence is coming, especially significant price increases. The US currency was sold this Wednesday at 104 pesos in the official market, but […] The post Argentina tightens exchange controls to protect Central Bank reserves appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
“High uncertainty”: the predominant concept in the U.S. about Argentina a few days before Guzmán’s trip to the IMF
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina's Economy Minister Martín Guzmán will be in Washington early next week to attend the International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual meeting and the G20 ministers' summit. In addition, along with the Argentine representative to the Fund Sergio Chodos, he will meet with the weakened managing director Kristalina Georgieva and with […] The post “High uncertainty”: the predominant concept in the U.S. about Argentina a few days before Guzmán’s trip to the IMF appeared first on The Rio Times. read more

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