Wednesday, October 06, 2021

6 October - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

 10 pm MDT

The Rio Times6 hours ago
World Bank rules out risk of hyperinflation in Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "I don't see that risk," said World Bank chief economist for Latin America and the Caribbean William Maloney at a press conference, when asked about the threat of a rampant increase in consumer prices in Argentina. "Inflation is indeed around 50% but the government still has some tools to prevent […] The post World Bank rules out risk of hyperinflation in Argentina appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Brazil allows entry to travelers from the United Kingdom, South Africa and India
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In an extraordinary edition of the Federal Gazette published on Tuesday night, Brazil took a further step in the relaxation of restrictions on the entry of foreigners by air, who will still be required to present a negative test - antigen or PCR - for Covid-19, but no proof of […] The post Brazil allows entry to travelers from the United Kingdom, South Africa and India appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Facebook Group That Organized Protests In Cuba Plans Bigger Ones
Havana -After gaining access to their private Facebook group, MintPress can reveal that the people who sparked the July 11 protests in Cuba are planning similar actions for October and November. The group, La Villa del Humor, is widely credited with providing the initial spark that ignited nationwide protests on the Caribbean island in the summer, the most significant demonstrations since the 1990s. On July 10, one of the group’s administrators posted this message: Tired of not having electricity? Stubborn because they didn’t let you sleep for 3 days? Tired of putting up with the ... read more
Indefinite Strike Hits South Africa’s Engineering Sector
The first day of the indefinite strike in South Africa’s engineering sector on Tuesday, October 5, saw workers in red T-shirts hit the streets in thousands demanding a wage hike. Marches and rallies were witnessed in Kaserne, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Western Cape. In Johannesburg, thousands marched to the office of the Metals Engineering and Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC), where the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) delivered a memorandum to all the employer associations in the sector. Representing 155,000 of the estimated total 300,000 workers ... read more
Workers At Kellogg’s Cereal Production Plants Are On Strike
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) President Anthony Shelton issued the following statement in support of 1,400 BCTGM members in Battle Creek, Mich. (Local 3G), Omaha, Neb. (Local 50G), Lancaster, Pa. (Local 374G) and Memphis, Tenn. (Local 252G) who are on strike against the Kellogg Company: “The BCTGM International Union stands in unwavering Solidarity with our courageous Brothers and Sisters who are on strike against the Kellogg Company. “For more than a year throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Kellogg workers around the country ... read more
The Pandora Papers Are Just A Distraction
The latest revelations of creative accounting used by the global elite notably failed to mention any American billionaires. A curious omission, considering eight of the ten richest men on Earth reside in the good old US of A. The release of the Pandora Papers, which brag of leaks exposing the somewhat ‘artistic’ financial practices of the rich and powerful, has once again seen the media take aim at Vladimir Putin. The West’s obsession with the Russian president’s private life is on full, torrid display. His name and picture are on the front pages of publications and above online ... read more
A New Deal For Eds And Meds
Now, organizers who have built power at the local level are beginning to unite nationally. Earlier in the pandemic, higher education workers had to struggle for survival mostly on their own. The battles, even when successful, took place in isolation; each group of workers in each separate institution, system, or state focused on its own specific setting, even though the problems are national phenomena demanding national solutions. In recent months, organizers have shifted their attention. They recognize that to reconstruct higher education as a public good—one that converts adjunct... read more
Pension Pulse1 hour ago
OTPP Is Shaping a Better, More Innovative Future
The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan just launched its responsible investing and climate change report: As a purpose-driven organization, we are focused on ensuring our investments make a positive mark on the world. Responsible investing is embedded in everything we do. *In 2020 alone, our Responsible Investing team assessed more than 70 potential and realized transactions valued at more than C$25 billion.* Today we are pleased to publish our Responsible Investing and Climate Change Report (PDF) that details our efforts and impact. *This report consolidates previously separate repo... read more
CENSORED NEWS2 hours ago
Legal Petition Demands Biden Stop Unlawful Fossil Fuel Projects and U.S. Army Corps Halt Approvals
“President Biden, do your job,” said Gaagigeyaashiik (Dawn Goodwin), cofounder of the RISE Coalition and White Earth Tribe member organizing against the Line 3 pipeline. “Protect our homelands, that is what this is all about. We need to protect what we have left for future generations.”Legal Petition Demands Biden Administration Stop Unlawful Fossil Fuel ProjectsMore Than 300 Groups Demand Halt read more
Your Wednesday Overnight Open Thread
Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers. Got Something to Say? Jules Says Say It MoFo! read more
Cairns News4 hours ago
The Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly than COVID-19
Many are now awakened to the harsh reality of depopulation and democide, in which we find ourselves today and the end game is out in the open: to destroy humanity under the guise of transhumanism. What we’ve unfortunately learned is that there is an overwhelming herd of us who will do whatever they are told […] read more
British Envoy Meets With Taliban Leadership in Kabul
*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, * The Taliban’s foreign ministry claimed that the meeting also “focused on detailed discussions about reviving diplomatic relations between both countries,” underlining that the group wanted to “begin a new chapter of constructive relations” with the United Kingdom. Several members of the Taliban’s leadership held a meeting with Simon Gass, British prime minister Boris Johnson’s special envoy for Afghanistan, according to the British Foreign Office. Gass, who was accompanied by Martin Longden, the *charg**é** d’affaires* to the UK Mission to Afghan... read more
Iraq’s Elections are Scheduled for Sunday—But Some Iraqis Aren’t Going
*Trevor Filseth* *Iraq, Middle East* Some have argued that by voting in the upcoming elections, they are implicitly showing support for the current system; for this reason, those protesters intend to boycott the vote, hoping lower turnout will represent a sign that the government as a whole is not legitimate in Iraqi eyes. The enormous nationwide protests that erupted across Iraq in October 2019 led to a number of consequential changes in the country’s governance. The protests led then-Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi to announce his resignation in November 2019; six months later,... read more
Why Transforming the F-35 Into a 'Stealth Bomber' Is a Smart Idea
*Kris Osborn* *F-35 Stealth Bomber, Americas* A nuclear-armed F-35 jet would introduce a new dynamic to America’s nuclear deterrence strategy. The Air Force is preparing to arm its F-35A variant fighter jets with a nuclear bomb attack capability. This would add another stealth aircraft to the Defense Department’s nuclear deterrence posture. Although the B-2 Spirit is nuclear-capable and has been undergoing testing in advance of being outfitted with the upgraded B61-12 nuclear bomb. Now, the Air Force is doing test runs with the F-35 fighter jet in preparation to certify the ste... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
US Official Says President Biden And Chinese President Xi Will Hold A Virtual Meeting Before The Year-End
US President Joe Biden told reporters this week that he has spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping about Taiwan (File: Nicolas Asfouri and Nicholas Kamm/AFP) *CNN:* *Biden and Chinese President Xi agree in principle to hold virtual meeting* Washington (CNN)The US and China have agreed in principle that President Joe Biden and Preident Xi Jinping will hold a virtual meeting before the end of the year, part of an effort to ensure stability in one of the world's most consequential and fraught relationships, a senior administration official said Wednesday. The tentative agreeme... read more
Rand Paul Dresses Down Biden’s Health Tsar on Natural Immunity
*21WIRE + Forbes* | There is a pitched battle being fought between advocates natural immunity, and pharmaceutical agents pushing their own synthetic immunity. read more
balance105 hours ago
Dr. Jim Meehan on big pharma fraud--3 videos
Dr. Jim Meehan, big pharma/vaccine exposures interview: ………….. Meehan in high gear videoed event: ……………… Meehan in action, warning, exposing on video: …………………. read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
A Compilation Video – Following the Vaccine Science Can Be Troublesome When the Vaccine Scientists Have an Independent Agenda
On October 29, 2019 (nearly 2 months before the first reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan) Anthony Fauci and Rick Bright went on C-SPAN and spoke of the urgent need to switch over from egg-based vaccine manufacturing to mRNA-based vaccines. They said that due to public resistance to gene-based therapies (mRNA), there would need to […] The post A Compilation Video – Following the Vaccine Science Can Be Troublesome When the Vaccine Scientists Have an Independent Agenda appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Lies, Damned Lies And Government Graphs
Government experts say the satellite record began in 1979, and Arctic sea ice has been declining linearly since then. osisaf_nh_sie_monthly-prev.png (1255×954) But thirty years ago, they had a completely different story. 1990 IPCC Report Combining the two graphs, it becomes … Continue reading → read more
Maldives Out Of Time
Ten years ago the Maldives rejected “climate negotiations” saying they were too slow and the island would drown before the rules came into effect. Since then the Maldives have grown in size. New deal tabled at climate talks after rebellion … Continue reading → read more
Komando.com7 hours ago
Simple trick to clear up your browser tab clutter and speed up your computer
This browser extension will help clean up your tabs and make your computer run faster. read more
‘Unbreaking Science’ Podcast: How Are We Going to Get Ourselves Out of This Mess?
Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International, interviews Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, founder of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, about the political corruption of “science” and the crisis it has created. The post ‘Unbreaking Science’ Podcast: How Are We Going to Get Ourselves Out of This Mess? appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Sweden, Denmark Pause Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Younger Age Groups Citing Reports of Myocarditis
Sweden will pause Moderna’s COVID vaccine for people under age 30, while Denmark said it will halt use of Moderna’s vaccine in people under age 18. The post Sweden, Denmark Pause Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Younger Age Groups Citing Reports of Myocarditis appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Student Loan Reforms Stand on Horizon in Negotiated Rulemaking
The U.S. Department of Education launched its first round of negotiations to regulate some of the biggest student loan issues... read more
HBCU Advocates Push for More Funding at Subcommittee Hearing
Witnesses gathered to testify about the importance and economic necessity of funding HBCUs, as the current budget reconciliation... read more
MJBizDaily5 days ago
Single-family office likes leaders who surround themselves with talent and experience
Cannabis requires the same fundamentals as other investments, according to Kevin McGovern, whose single-family office specializes in making early stage investments in consumer technologies and brands. But it’s also “a little different,” he added, “because it requires a multitalented management team, probably more than any other area that we’ve been investors in.” According to McGovern, […] Single-family office likes leaders who surround themselves with talent and experience is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MJBizDaily5 days ago
Accelerators and incubators can provide cannabis businesses with access to capital
Young cannabis companies that are ready to advance but lack the capital and expertise to do so might want to consider business incubators and accelerators. Made fashionable by the tech industry a generation ago, incubators and accelerators offer resources to companies from numerous sectors, including cannabis. Both private and public institutions host incubator and accelerator […] Accelerators and incubators can provide cannabis businesses with access to capital is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
A Note on Defecting MPs
The beginning of Conservative Party conference saw a flurry of excitement. According to the *Mail on Sunday*, three Labour MPs were in talks with the Tory whips' office about defecting. The word on the street was their discontent with Keir Starmer. His inability to cut through, take the fight to Boris Johnson and turn around the polls was making them nervous. So if you can't beat the Tories, why not join them? Hot on its heels was another unsubstantiated rumour, this time that four red wall Tories were considering jumping in the other direction. Interesting. Nothing happened. The g... read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Biden Sows Confusion By Claiming He Spoke To President Xi About The "Taiwan Agreement"
*Zero Hedge: **Biden Sows Confusion By Claiming He Spoke To President Xi About The "Taiwan Agreement"* Amid what Taiwan's defense minister Chiu Kuo-cheng has just described as the worst tensions with China in 40 years following four days of consecutive PLA jet incursions into contested airspace near Taiwan, President Biden apparently sought to defuse tensions in a prior call with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Last month we warned that, for the people of Taiwan, it is officially "time to worry" about the prospect of an invasion, or another act of aggression, by Beijing to try... read more
Looming Corporate Default Of The USSA, Inc. ??
Well, dear readers, it looks like has been hacked. The back office editor where I compose my blog posts now has extremely reduced functionality, and I had to try multiple times to even get this page with which I am composing this blog entry. I kept getting a message that said I could not create another blog entry. Additionally, the website crashed, and then the computer I am using also physcially shut down, as I began to type the first words. I guess someone or some A.I. thing took note of my words. But I have persevered and will endeavor to comp... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Grand Prairie, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
"Memento Mori"
*"Memento Mori"* by Ryan Holiday "Were all the geniuses of history to focus on this single theme, they could never fully express their bafflement at the darkness of the human mind. No person hands out their money to passersby, but to how many do each of us hand out our lives! We're tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers." - Seneca Born with a chronic illness that loomed large throughout his life, Seneca was constantly thinking about and writing about the final act of life. "Let us ... read more
The Poet: Rolf Jacobsen, "When They Sleep"
*"When They Sleep"* "All people are children when they sleep. There's no war in them then. They open their hands and breathe in that quiet rhythm heaven has given them. They pucker their lips like small children and open their hands halfway, soldiers and statesmen, servants and masters. The stars stand guard and a haze veils the sky, a few hours when no one will do anybody harm. If only we could speak to one another then when our hearts are half-open flowers. Words like golden bees would drift in. God, teach me the language of sleep." - Rolf Jacobsen, "The Roads Have Come to an End Now" read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
UN Report Warns Of A Looming Global Water Crisis
*UN News: **Climate change, population increase fuel looming water crisis: * WMO Improved water management, monitoring and forecasting are needed in the face of a looming global water crisis, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and partners said in a report published on Tuesday. The warning comes as floods, droughts and other water-related hazards increase due to climate change, while the number of people experiencing “water stress” continues to rise amid population growth and dwindling availability. In 2018, some 3.6 billion people globally had inadequate access t... read more
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
The Bloom is Off The Ruse, National FJB Sentiment Showing up in Biden Polling With 38 Percent Approval and Wide Majority Saying Administration Not Competent
The larger American awakening to the Potemkin Biden administration continues. Those attempting to prop up the regime have literally built a stage set in the Eisenhower Building where carefully scripted attempts to broadcast the White House occupant take place. There couldn’t be a better optical reference for a fake administration than using a prop-set to […] The post The Bloom is Off The Ruse, National FJB Sentiment Showing up in Biden Polling With 38 Percent Approval and Wide Majority Saying Administration Not Competent appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Is the ‘Wolf Mountain’ in Norway Real?
You can find Mount Segla in Norway, but not this howling mountain peak. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Peru’s Castillo confirms Guido Bellido’s resignation as Prime Minister
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Peruvian Prime Minister Pedro Castillo confirmed this afternoon the resignation of Prime Minister Guido Bellido and announced that the new Cabinet would be sworn in at 8 p.m. local time. "I communicate that we accept the resignation of the President of the Council of Ministers, whom I thank for the […] The post Peru’s Castillo confirms Guido Bellido’s resignation as Prime Minister appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Nine companies dispute 92 oil concessions auctioned by Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Among the 9 companies registered for Brazil's 17th Oil Concession Auction are multinationals Shell, Total and Chevron, Australia's Karoon, Germany's Wintershall and North American Murphy. The 9th company authorized to register by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) is Brazil's 3R Petroleum, a small oil company dedicated to exploiting mature wells […] The post Nine companies dispute 92 oil concessions auctioned by Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Econlib6 hours ago
The $1 Trillion Platinum Coin
A non-economist friend emailed me yesterday and asked me to explain the proposal for a $1 trillion platinum coin. The proposal is that the Treasury mint a coin with a face value of $1 trillion and sell it to the Federal Reserve for $1 trillion. That way the Treasury gets an additional $1 trillion without […] The post The $1 Trillion Platinum Coin appeared first on Econlib. read more
IER7 hours ago
Special Interests are Again Pushing for Biofuel Subsidies
New legislation to benefit biofuel production may soon be forthcoming, according to recent reporting by Reuters. One proposal would use federal… The post Special Interests are Again Pushing for Biofuel Subsidies appeared first on IER. read more
Ford Announces Giant Electric Vehicle Plant in Western Tennessee
On September 27, Ford Motor Company announced plans to invest $5.6 billion at the Memphis Regional Megasite in Stanton, Tennessee, to build an electric vehicle (EV) assembly and battery plant, jointly with SK Innovation. The facility, dubbed “Blue Oval City” by Ford (in a reference to its corporate logo), is projected to employ 5,800 people as Ford makes its first big foray into EV production. The same week, Ford and SK Innovation revealed plans for two more battery plants in Glendale, Kentucky, south of Louisville, at an estimated cost of $5.8 billion. Together with all the othe... read more
14 Years in Gitmo
Audio only version read more
Trudeau The Hypocrite
I don’t think Rex appreciates Dear Leader’s apology today. Perhaps the Heritage Minister will have to have a talk with Rex. read more
Assessing the Oberth Maneuver for Interstellar Probe
[image: Story 488430420] I notice that the question of ‘when to launch’ has surfaced in comments to my first piece on Interstellar Probe, the APL study to design a spacecraft that would be, in effect, the successor to Voyager. It’s a natural question, because if a craft takes 50 years to reach 1000 AU, there will likely be faster spacecraft designed later that will pass it in flight. I’m going to come down on the side of launching as soon as possible rather than anticipating future developments. Two reasons: The research effort involved in stretching what we can do today to reach ... read more
MJBizDaily5 days ago
SPAC strategy includes vertical integration and high-end indoor flower cultivation
Greenrose Acquisition Corp.’s investment strategy hinges on cultivation. As a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, Greenrose completed an initial public offering of 15 million shares in February 2020 with plans to use the $150 million in gross proceeds to acquire cannabis companies. In March, the SPAC signed contracts to buy four marijuana businesses. Between […] SPAC strategy includes vertical integration and high-end indoor flower cultivation is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
45th Anniversary Of Terrorist Bombing Of Cubana Flight 455
Today marks 45 years since U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives carried out the terrorist bombing of Cubana de Aviación flight 455, a Cuban flight from Barbados to Jamaica. 73 people were killed in the bombing attack on the flight which departed from Guyana, with destination to Havana, via the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Jamaica. Various aviation agencies and the Cuban government determined that the airliner was blown up in midair with the detonation of two explosives which had been placed on the airplane, killing all passengers and crew members of t... read more
Not PC7 hours ago
Supply Chains
*"The strongest supply chains in the world are illicit."* ~ tweeted by @antiboomerparty Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution. read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Workers at All of Kellogg’s U.S. Cereal Plants Go on Strike
It wasn't immediately clear how much the supply of Frosted Flakes or any of the company's other iconic brands would be disrupted. read more
New Technology Has the Army Futures Command Rethinking Modern Warfare
*Kris Osborn* *Army, Americas* This is why Army officials are interested in precision-strike missiles. There is often discussion about the specific technological merits of innovative weapons systems and what they mean in terms of lethality, range, explosive impact and guidance. All of these factors continue to prove crucial in unanticipated ways when applied to new weapons systems. Yet there is an often unrecognized element to these kinds of breakthrough developments. What might this new technology mean when it comes to future maneuver formations necessary for land war years fro... read more
The Air Force’s Sixth-Generation Strategy Is Pushing Jets to the Boneyard
*Kris Osborn* *Air Force, Americas* Hundreds of older F-15 Eagles and F-16 Raptors are likely on the fast track to the aircraft boneyard. The Air Force’s sixth-generation stealth fighter will replace its F-22 Raptor fighter jets. The F-15 EX Eagle II will bring a weapons load in support of air combat. Additionally, F-35 fighter jets will replace hundreds of legacy fourth-generation fighter jets while various F-16 Fighting Falcon jets will be upgraded with new technology to absorb missions that don’t require a fifth-generation fighter. These developments comprise the fundamental... read more
Lockheed Martin Has Big Plans to Make America's Military 'Hypersonic'
*Mark Episkopos* *Defense Procurement, * The Courtland facility solidifies Lockheed Martin’s status as one of the country’s foremost developers and manufacturers of hypersonic weapons technology at a time of resurgent great-power competition. Lockheed Martin has opened a new hypersonic manufacturing facility in Courtland, Alabama, as part of its mission to deliver critical twenty-first-century warfare capabilities to the U.S. military. The 65,000-square-foot facility, called Missile Assembly Building 4 (MAB 4), will be used to build the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW),... read more
Get Ready for a Hypersonic Weapons Showdown Next Year
*Kris Osborn* *Hypersonic Weapons, Americas* The arrival of the ARRW is quite significant given that some people consider the United States to be “number three” in the hypersonic arms race, trailing behind both China and Russia. The Air Force is working on arming an upgraded variant of the B-52 Stratofortress, a development known as the AMG-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), and could be ready to deploy an armed bomber as soon as 2022. This would make it the first military service to use a hypersonic weapon—a development that introduces a paradigm-changing air attack ... read more
What Vladimir Soloviev Really Thinks About Russia and America 
*Jacob Heilbrunn* *U.S.-Russia Relations, Eurasia* The National Interest editor Jacob Heilbrunn goes toe-to-toe with the prominent and outspoken Russian talk show host, Vladimir Soloviev. *In this interview, TNI Editor Jacob Heilbrunn speaks with the prominent television host Vladimir Soloviev. Soloviev presides over the most popular political show on Russian federal television and also has developed a significant YouTube following. He is well-known in Russia and the West for his outspoken views which appeal to many and offend others. In this interview, Heilbrunn and Soloviev co... read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
More Bad Polling Numbers For President Biden And Democrats
*Gallup:* *GOP Now Viewed as Better Party for Security, Prosperity* * GOP given 54% to 39% advantage for handling terrorism, security * By 50% to 41%, Americans say GOP better for ensuring prosperity * Americans divided on party that can better address most important problem WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans by significant margins now view the Republican Party as better than the Democratic Party at protecting the nation from international threats (54% to 39%, respectively) and at ensuring the nation remains prosperous (50% to 41%). The 15-percentage-point GOP advantage on security... read more
Christian Porter loses another court case as the ACT Supreme Court refuse to suppress key evidence in the political prosecution of Bernard Collaery
Federal MP Christian Porter has had another legal loss from his time as Attorney-General with whistleblower Bernard Collaery winning an appeal against having large parts of his trial heard in secret which […] The post Christian Porter loses another court case as the ACT Supreme Court refuse to suppress key evidence in the political prosecution of Bernard Collaery appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia. read more
Medical Kidnap7 hours ago
Led by Blacks, NYC Rises Up Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
As mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates took effect this week in New York City, many teachers and others suddenly found themselves out of work as the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop the mandates last week. Teachers, educators and many others took to the streets of New York this week to protest, led by Blacks. Less than 30% of the Blacks in New York City have given in to mandatory shots, and Hispanics are close behind in their refusal to obey government mandates for COVID-19 shots. Angela Stanton-King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a former NBA #1 draft pick wer... read more
Led by Blacks, NYC Rises Up Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
As mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandates took effect this week in New York City, many teachers and others suddenly found themselves out of work as the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop the mandates last week. Teachers, educators and many others took to the streets of New York this week to protest, led by Blacks. Less than 30% of the Blacks in New York City have given in to mandatory shots, and Hispanics are close behind in their refusal to obey government mandates for COVID-19 shots. Angela Stanton-King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a former NBA #1 draft pick wer... read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Is This ‘Karen’ Halloween Costume Real?
T-shirts supposedly read, "CAN I SPEAK TO THE MANAGER?" read more
Planned obsolescence – how Big Tech manipulates consumers to spend again and again
[image: people with smartphones] "Your smartphone has a built-in frailty that will force it to fail in approximately 2-3 years." Manal al-Sharif reports on how Big Tech designs products to fail read more
Trudeau making it impossible to leave Canada without shots
The Counter Signal – by Thomas Lambert As of November 30, all Canadians attempting to board a flight or take a train in Canada will... The post Trudeau making it impossible to leave Canada without shots appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Sen. Marco Rubio equates boycott of Israel with “un-American activity”
Marco Rubio's latest legislation would tie the hands of corporate officers who seek to stand for justice and equality by guiding their companies through a boycott of Israel. He seems to forget that Israel is a foreign country, that it harms Americans, and that it has a long record of human rights abuses. read more
The Word From the Trenches – October 6, 2021
Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – October 6, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Former Biden official makes stunning claim about president’s border policy
Fox News Oct 5, 2021 Rodney Scott, Biden’s former Border Patrol chief who resigned in June, said the administration was dragging their feet at border... The post Former Biden official makes stunning claim about president’s border policy appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist?
Jon Rappoport I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those... The post Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduces legislation to BLOCK interstate travel checkpoints the Biden Regime is trying to set up with SS/Marxist vaccine passport requirements
Natural News – by SD Wells Yes, there are a handful of Senators and Representatives who still care about the Republic and didn’t just ‘join’... The post Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduces legislation to BLOCK interstate travel checkpoints the Biden Regime is trying to set up with SS/Marxist vaccine passport requirements appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Megafauna Extinction Rewrite
Greetings! After three years of sharing rough draft sections, I’ve begun rereading the book from page one, and cleaning it up. The first 70 pages went pretty smoothly. Then came the discussion related to megafauna extinctions (samples 18 to 21). It needed attention. The following is a shorter and clearer rewrite. *MEGAFAUNA EXTINCTIONS* This morning, during your invigorating walk to work, school, or wherever, you probably didn’t worry about being devoured by a hungry saber-tooth cat. Did you see a single cave bear or woolly mammoth? As the human herd has expanded, the popu... read more
Halifax Examiner7 hours ago
Another COVID death in Nova Scotia; Dr. Strang downplays risks to school children
Jump to sections in this article: Overview of today’s cases Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories A woman in her 70s who lived in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone has died from COVID. She is the 98th Nova Scotian to die from the disease. Meanwhile, at a news conference today, Chief Medical Officer of Health […] read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
World Bank raises expectations for Brazil’s economic growth
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "The Brazilian economy has greatly improved and growth is likely to reach 5.3% this year," said the World Bank's chief economist for Latin America and the Caribbean William Maloney, recalling that in 2020 economic activity in Brazil shrank by 4.1%. "It is important to emphasize that the region in general, […] The post World Bank raises expectations for Brazil’s economic growth appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
the daily howler7 hours ago
What was mainstream sexual politics like?
*WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021* *Robin Givhan's column: *This morning, the increasingly tabloidized web site of the Washington Post caught up with a personage it had largely been disappearing. We refer to the Robin Givhan, the Post's "senior critic at large." Givhan's columns are called "The Critique." In print editions, the columns run in a fairly prominent place—across the top of page A2, once or twice a week. Until today, the web edition of the Post had seemed unaware of Givhan's existence. It was virtually impossible to find her columns at the paper's web site. Quite literally... read more
The Science Surprise When OSIRIS-REx Reached Asteroid Bennu
Telescopes and inference told scientists that the asteroid Bennu was covered in large swaths of fine regolith, smaller than a few centimeters. What they found when OSIRIS-REx arrived at Bennu was something else: A surface covered in boulders. The surprise lack of fine regolith became even more interesting when mission scientists observed evidence of processes capable of grinding boulders into fine regolith. Yet they had not. read more read more
HBO’s Game of Thrones Spinoff Gets a Teaser
*Stephen Silver* *Game of Thrones, Americas* The new series will arrive in a landscape with a great deal more competition than Game of Thrones faced when it debuted in 2012. In late 2019, HBO made it official that a *Game of Thrones *spinoff series was on the way. The show is called *House of the Dragon*, and it’s based on *Song of Ice and Fire* creator George R. R. Martin’s 2018 novel *Fire & Blood*. The new show will be set many years before the events of *Game of Thrones*, and will focus on an earlier era of the Targaryen dynasty. The cast includes Olivia Cooke, who plays Quee... read more
Is the Sig Sauer P365 a Glock Killer? 
*Richard Douglas* *Guns, Americas* Is this subcompact gun truly great or just another trade-in weapon? Sig Sauer is legendary in the firearms business. There’s no doubt about it. They’re well regarded by most everyone, including the military who started using Sig handguns as their standard-issue sidearms. The civilian side is very much the same with great offerings for full size, compact, and sub-compact. The P365 is one of those well-regarded firearms. Is this subcompact gun truly great or just another trade-in weapon? Personally, I love the look of this little subcompact. It’... read more
North Korean Man Shot and Killed on the Chinese Border
*Stephen Silver* *North Korea, * North Korea continues to claim zero coronavirus cases, despite sharing a border with China, where the pandemic began. Now, there’s a report that a North Korean has been shot dead near that border. Ever since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been reports that North Korea has been increasingly vigilant about its border with China. Earlier this year, North Korea announced that it was shutting the border for thirty days after food smugglers were caught attempting to cross it. In February, North Korea reportedly closed all the bridges ... read more
North Korea’s New ‘Hypersonic’ Missile May Not Be a Big Deal—But Its Fuel Ampoule Tech Might
*Sebastien Roblin* *North Korea, * That innocuous-sounding technology may be altogether more concerning to the U.S. and South Korean militaries, as it could allow North Korea to launch its liquid-fuel missiles—not just the Hwasong-8—before they can be struck preemptively. Early in the morning on September 28 yet another North Korean missile lifted off at around 6:40 AM from the area of Toyang-ri in central North Korea—the third of four tests that month, including long-range cruise missiles and a train-launched ballistic missile, both allegedly nuclear-capable. Data from South K... read more
The Aviationist8 hours ago
Watch This Amazing Video Of Two B-1B Bombers Arriving At RAF Fairford This Morning
[image: B-1B landing RAF Fairford] The BONEs are back to the UK for a Bomber Task Force deployment. On Oct. 6, 2021, two B-1B Lancers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, Dyess Air Forces Base, Texas, arrived at RAF Fairford, [...] The post Watch This Amazing Video Of Two B-1B Bombers Arriving At RAF Fairford This Morning appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
Facebook 'Whistleblower' Frances Haugen Was Part Of Team That Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Story During The 2020 US Presidential Election
*he Post Millenial:* *REVEALED: Facebook 'whistleblower' was part of team that censored Hunter Biden laptop story* *The civic integrity department in October 2020 had Frances Haugen — a left-leaning activist who declared her own war against "misinformation." * The Facebook civic integrity team that leftist activist whistleblower Frances Haugen was a member of, worked to counter misinformation about the 2020 election. Which in October of last year meant making the decision to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and the New York Post’s reporting on it. Project Veritas whist... read more
Food Safety News8 hours ago
New Listeria outbreak announced; no states or potential sources revealed
Federal officials are investigating a new outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections. The outbreak announcement from the Food and Drug Administration reports that 20 people are sick, but does not include what states are involved. Investigators have begun traceback efforts of some sort, but specific foods are not included in the outbreak announcement. As of this... Continue Reading read more
Kim Iversen on Vaccine Mandates: ‘Coercion Works, But Is It Ethical?’
During Tuesday’s segment of The Hill’s “Rising,” journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen said the decision to leave a job, whether because of vaccine mandates or sexual harassment, is never easy. The post Kim Iversen on Vaccine Mandates: ‘Coercion Works, But Is It Ethical?’ appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
U.S. Secretary Of Defense Austin Warns Failing To Raise Debt Ceiling Could Harm National Security
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin testifies before the House Armed Services Committee on the conclusion of military operations in Afghanistan at the Rayburn House Office building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S. September 29, 2021. Olivier Douliery, Reuters *Daily Mail: **'There's a meteor heading our way': Biden says markets will tank, jobs will go, savings will be lost and Pentagon warns there will be a NATIONAL SECURITY crisis if Congress doesn't raise the debt limit - and it's 'nothing to do with his spending plans'* * President Joe Biden laid out what he said were... read more
Snopes.com8 hours ago
Token of All Tokens: Could a $1T Coin Fix the Debt Limit?
Even its serious proponents — who are not that many — call it a gimmick. read more
Switzerland Extends its GMO Ban Explicitly Covering Gene-Editing
The Swiss National Council (lower house of the Swiss Federal Assembly, the parliament of Switzerland) has extended the moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified plants in agriculture by another four years until the end of 2025. The vote to extend the moratorium was carried by 144 votes to 27, with 19 abstentions, GMWatch reported on […] The post Switzerland Extends its GMO Ban Explicitly Covering Gene-Editing appeared on Sustainable Pulse. read more
Food Safety News9 hours ago
Outbreak over; investigators say additional patients likely not identified
Federal officials say a Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak that was linked to packaged salads from BrightFarms has come to an end. A total of 31 people infected with the outbreak strain of SalmonellaTyphimurium were reported from four states – Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say it’s probable there... Continue Reading read more
These are the Top Eight Vegetable and Herb Sources of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is typically thought of as being exclusive to fruits and supplements, but the truth is that the crucial nutrient can also be found in a wide variety of vegetables. That’s good news because the world is generally quite deficient in Vitamin C according to a 2020 study published in the journal Nutrients, which found that “vitamin C hypovitaminosis and deficiency is common in low- and middle-income countries and not uncommon in high income settings.” While the world was focused on COVID-19, the mainstream media completed ignored the fact that most people are deficient in one... read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Covid-19: Brazilian Airlines Gol, Latam and Itapemirim adopt mandatory vaccination for employees
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - To contain Covid-19 among their employees, Gol, Latam Brazil, Voepass, and Itapemirim, members of the Brazilian Association of Airlines (Abear), have adopted mandatory vaccination against the disease for all employees. Gol is one of the airlines that had already announced the obligation in mid-August. Azul is not part of Abear […] The post Covid-19: Brazilian Airlines Gol, Latam and Itapemirim adopt mandatory vaccination for employees appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Globant acquires Argentina firm specialized in blockchain
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Luxembourg-based technology unicorn Globant, one of the "big three" tech disruptors that were founded in Argentina and have since expanded rapidly into Latin America and around the world, has announced the acquisition of Atix Labs, an Argentine professional services company specializing in the use of blockchain, it said in a […] The post Globant acquires Argentina firm specialized in blockchain appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Will smaller Chile sell more new cars than Argentina this year? It might just happen as sales boom
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – New car sales in Chile continue to surprise. Despite the lack of stock, a historical record was achieved in September, when 42,627 new vehicles were registered, the best month ever recorded according to the figures of the National Automotive Association of Chile, ratifying in passing the latest estimate of registrations […] The post Will smaller Chile sell more new cars than Argentina this year? It might just happen as sales boom appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Trust The Science
Another drug company is cashing in on the China virus. Just ignore that it may give you cancer. read more
Top COVID Experts Urge Biden to Scale Back Booster Campaign + More
The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines. The post Top COVID Experts Urge Biden to Scale Back Booster Campaign + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
MJBizDaily8 hours ago
Trulieve plans massive marijuana production plant with $2 million PA grant
Florida-based Trulieve Cannabis reportedly is planning to build a mammoth, half-million-square-foot cultivation and processing operation at a former steel mill in Pennsylvania with the help of a $2 million state redevelopment grant. The plan, first reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, comes on the heels of Trulieve completing the acquisition of Arizona-based Harvest Health & Recreation […] Trulieve plans massive marijuana production plant with $2 million PA grant is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Last Refuge8 hours ago
Scandinavians Halt COVID Vaccine For Young People Due to Mounting Side Effects
The Associated Press is reporting on several Scandinavian countries who are stopping and/or suspending the use of the COVID vaccine in young people due to damaging side side effects. Meanwhile in the U.S. we are forcing our military servicemembers to get vaccinated. COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Scandinavian authorities on Wednesday suspended or discouraged the […] The post Scandinavians Halt COVID Vaccine For Young People Due to Mounting Side Effects appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
LA City Council Approves COVID Vaccine Mandate for Indoor Spaces + More
The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. The post LA City Council Approves COVID Vaccine Mandate for Indoor Spaces + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Think the FDA Is Looking Out for Your Health? History Tells a Different Story.
Consumer watchdog groups accuse the FDA of having evolved from a “hard-charging tiger of an agency” a century ago, to a “pliant pussycat” today. The post Think the FDA Is Looking Out for Your Health? History Tells a Different Story. appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Gerald Celente, "The Vax Mandates are a Violation of Our Rights, Judge Napolitano Provides the Legal Facts"
Gerald Celente, "The Trends Journal" *"The Vax Mandates are a Violation of Our Rights, * *Judge Napolitano Provides the Legal Facts"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Coca market conflict in Bolivia: How is the crop grown and what is it used for?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Thousands of coca growers from Bolivia's Yungas region, opposed to the government, took control of a coca market in La Paz on Monday (4), after violent clashes with the police that left several people injured and caused anxiety among residents. To the shouts of "the Yungas united, will never be […] The post Coca market conflict in Bolivia: How is the crop grown and what is it used for? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
DEM and PSL merge, forming Brazil’s largest political party, called União Brasil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - DEM (Democrats, center-right) and PSL (Social Liberal Party, right) approved, in conventions held this Wednesday (6) in Brasilia, the merger between the two parties. The new party will be called União Brasil. The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) still needs to approve the new amalgamation. The leaders of DEM believe that the […] The post DEM and PSL merge, forming Brazil’s largest political party, called União Brasil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Spreading Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ Puts Medical License at Risk, U.S. Boards Tell Physicians
Three U.S. medical certifying boards have warned doctors they risk losing their certification and license if they spread COVID vaccine misinformation, but the boards offered no clear definition of “misinformation.” The post Spreading Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ Puts Medical License at Risk, U.S. Boards Tell Physicians appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Duran9 hours ago
Facebook “whistleblower” calls for social media regulation, exactly what Facebook wanted
Facebook “whistleblower” calls for social media regulation, exactly what Facebook wanted ****News Topic 583***** Facebook Whistleblower Is Leftist Activist Repped By Lawyer For ‘Whistleblower’ Behind Trump Impeachment Facebook Whistleblower Is Leftist Activist Repped By Lawyer For ‘Whistleblower’ Behind Trump Impeachment The Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, has a record of donations to far-left Democrats and a […] read more
MJBizDaily9 hours ago
New York eases medical cannabis rules to allow sale of smokable flower
At its first meeting, New York's medical cannabis regulatory agency amended the state's marijuana program, including broadening who can recommend medical marijuana as a treatment and the sale of flower. New York eases medical cannabis rules to allow sale of smokable flower is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
California Bans PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Products for Infants, Children
Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed legislation to protect infants and children from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS by banning the compounds in cribs, playpens and many other products. The post California Bans PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Products for Infants, Children appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Bidenization Of America
While CNN and the rest of the media continues to rant about Trump, the Biden administration is slowing falling apart. And just wait until Harris takes over. read more
California Oil Spill Disaster Highlights ‘Massive Risks’ of Offshore Drilling
The environmental disaster that spilled at least 126,000 gallons of crude oil into the ocean near Huntington Beach, Calif., will devastate wildlife for years to come. The post California Oil Spill Disaster Highlights ‘Massive Risks’ of Offshore Drilling appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
CFACT12 hours ago
Don’t California my Virginia! Watch new Morano Minute
"Don't California my Virginia" is what a growing coalition is saying as it fights the Virginia Clean Economy Act; a terrible climate law signed by the Governor. It threatens to pave Virginia's forests with solar panels and plunge the state into blackouts. Can Virginians overturn the awful law? Learn more in this installment of [...] The post Don’t California my Virginia! Watch new Morano Minute appeared first on CFACT. read more
Gregory Mannarino," AM/PM 10/6/21"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 10/6/21: *"What Will Happen, THEORETICALLY, If The US Defaults On Its Debt?"* - ○ Gregory Mannarino, PM 10/6/21: *"Must Watch: The FED Will Buy All Defaulted Debt"* - ○ *Economy related:* "Households Brace for Higher Winter Heating Costs as Natural Gas Prices Vault" read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Have More Military Personnel Died from COVID Vaccines than Disease Itself?
In the first six weeks it was available online, a video claiming as much garnered nearly 900,000 views. read more
UCLA requires Vaccine for online classes…
All of my classes are online. I don’t step on to campus. I’ve already paid. We’re a week into classes. My university just called to... The post UCLA requires Vaccine for online classes… appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Total number of deaths from Covid vaccines nearly double all deaths from all other vaccines combined since 1990, at nearly 500 deaths per week
Natural News – by S.D. Wells How convenient that the vaccine industry and the CDC are engaged in labeling vaccine deaths during the first two... The post Total number of deaths from Covid vaccines nearly double all deaths from all other vaccines combined since 1990, at nearly 500 deaths per week appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Texas Officials Bracing for What May Be the Largest Group of Illegal Migrants EVER to Swarm Border
Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks Texas state officials are preparing for a group of 60,000 Haitian migrants attempting to enter the US illegally. The... The post Texas Officials Bracing for What May Be the Largest Group of Illegal Migrants EVER to Swarm Border appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Jewish Settlers Assault Palestinian Shepherds in Jordan Valley
Palestine Chronicle Jewish settlers assaulted Palestinian shepherds in the Khillet Makhoul area, in northern Jordan Valley, on Tuesday, for the second day in a row,... The post Jewish Settlers Assault Palestinian Shepherds in Jordan Valley appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden Banking Proposal Would Be Bad News For Gun Owners
Bearing Arms – by Cam Edwards While there’s been an awful lot of discussion about Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar reconciliation bill recently, most of the... The post Biden Banking Proposal Would Be Bad News For Gun Owners appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Big Pharma payola scandal erupts in Australia, takes down six corrupt officials and Australian Premier Berejiklian
Natural News – by Ethan Huff More than half a dozen staff members of New South Wales, Australia Premier Gladys Berejiklian have resigned in shame over their... The post Big Pharma payola scandal erupts in Australia, takes down six corrupt officials and Australian Premier Berejiklian appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Mexican official says most Haitian migrants aren’t refugees, they just want to get into the United States
The Blaze – by Carlos Garcia A Mexican official claimed that most Haitian migrants aren’t refugees and don’t want to be refugees, they just want... The post Mexican official says most Haitian migrants aren’t refugees, they just want to get into the United States appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Ex-google employee recalls “Terminator” moment; fears company is “creating God”
Natural News – by Mary Villareal A former Google employee reveals that the company is building an artificial intelligence (AI) machine that looks like something straight out of... The post Ex-google employee recalls “Terminator” moment; fears company is “creating God” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Massachusetts Activists Are Changing The Conversation On Israel
Rep. Betty McCollum’s (D-MN) historic Palestinian Children & Families Act still lacks a companion bill in the Senate. At a recent event local JVP Action leader named Jill urged Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to introduce the legislation. Here’s her question: I am Jewish and, like you, I am passionate about justice for all. You probably know that the U.S. government sends about $3.8 billion a year in military funding to the Israeli government. Massachusetts sends $1.3 million a year and Massachusetts taxpayers send Israel $352,000 a day. Some of these tax dollars are used to suppo... read more
427,000+ parents fight back against National School Board Assoc calling them “domestic terrorists”
Law Enforcement Today – by Pat Droney On the day after it was reported that tyrant Attorney General Merrick Garland further devolved into making the... The post 427,000+ parents fight back against National School Board Assoc calling them “domestic terrorists” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
HHS takes a different approach with new ad to encourage vaccines
CNN The US Department of Health and Human Services has launched a new ad campaign that features real-life selfie videos shot by unvaccinated people, who... The post HHS takes a different approach with new ad to encourage vaccines appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
Colorado Kidney Patient Denied Transplant Due to Vaccine Status – Both Willing Donor and Patient Unvaccinated, Hospital Refuses Surgery
This is concerning at the baseline level. This becomes even more concerning when you overlay that both the kidney donor and the transplant patient are unvaccinated and aligned without issue. The hospital is refusing the transplant surgery based solely on their vaccinated status. DENVER (KDVR) — A patient on the kidney transplant list was moved […] The post Colorado Kidney Patient Denied Transplant Due to Vaccine Status – Both Willing Donor and Patient Unvaccinated, Hospital Refuses Surgery appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Criminal Cases Against Line 3 Protesters Clog Court System
Brainerd, Minnesota - Maya Stovall was a student at Carleton College helping organize on climate issues when she learned about the Line 3 oil pipeline. She decided to travel to northern Minnesota to join the protests against the pipeline — and kept going back. “Fighting Line 3 felt like the thing to be doing,” said Stovall, 20, who is from Illinois and majoring in political science and international relations. “We can’t have new fossil fuel infrastructure like Line 3 if we’re going to have a breathable planet.” In March, Stovall was arrested along with other protesters who locked... read more
Democratise Central Banks
In the US, two senior central bank officials recently stepped down after concerns were raised about their trading activities during the pandemic. Robert Kaplan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, will step down next month, and Eric Rosengren, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, will step down at the end of September. The post Democratise Central Banks appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more

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