Tuesday, October 05, 2021

5 October - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10 pm MDT

There's a reason they're being paid that much...
Bearing in mind what I said about our increasingly tangled, overwhelmed logistics chain earlier this morning . . . I'm sure you've heard of the Texas transportation company that's paying its commercial drivers up to $14,000 *per week*. That applies to owner/operators, as far as I know (i.e. drivers who have their own trucks, and hire out themselves *and* their vehicles to trucking companies), rather than drivers operating the company's trucks, but it's still an immensely high rate compared to even a few months ago. It's yet another sign of the warped, twisted logistics and s... read more
Komando.com12 hours ago
Track the spread of wildfires with this new Google Maps feature
Get real-time wildfire tracking with the new feature of Google Maps. read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
Water Wars: ‘AUKUS Is Born’
Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain conducted a live-fire exercise with Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Murasame-class destroyer JS Ikazuchi and Kongō-class guided-missile destroyer JS Chōkai. (Photo by U.S. Navy) AUKUS: Biden’s New Security Agreement On Sept. 15, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia announced a new security agreement. The partnership, introduced by the acronym AUKUS, expands the three countries’ already-close alliance by helping Australia develop at least eight nuclear-propelled submarines. The U.S. has previously shared ... read more
Sorry, Idaho County Free Press, Climate Change Is Not Disrupting Idaho Agriculture
A generally accurate story in the Idaho County Free Press (ICFP) numbers increasingly extreme weather due to climate change among the challenges facing agriculture in the state, resulting in a decline in farmers. This is false. Data prove climate change is not causing greater instances of extreme weather and, indeed, farm yields have increased fairly […] The post Sorry, Idaho County Free Press, Climate Change Is Not Disrupting Idaho Agriculture appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
MJBizDaily10 hours ago
Oklahoma medical marijuana chief calls for more inspectors, regulations
Oklahoma's medical marijuana market is one of the loosest in terms of regulations of any program in the state, but the state's new chief cannabis regulator is looking to change that. Oklahoma medical marijuana chief calls for more inspectors, regulations is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
2,700-Year-Old Toilet Found in Jerusalem Was a Rare Luxury
The smooth, carved limestone toilet was found in a rectangular cabin that was part of a sprawling mansion overlooking what is now the Old City. read more
Robert Reich10 hours ago
The Week Ahead: Everything hangs in the balance, but the economy...
*The Week Ahead: Everything hangs in the balance, but the economy is a wild card* [Please subscribe to my newsletter for updates and analysis on power, politics, and the economy sent directly to your inbox. You can find The Week Ahead and other recent posts at https://robertreich.substack.com] I’m no soothsayer, but I can make a few confident predictions about the week ahead. Funding for government spending is secure for now, at least through early December — at which time Congress will pass another continuing resolution. (Remember: neither party wants to be seen as being respo... read more
ClimateCite11 hours ago
More News On The Progress Toward Eliminating Fossil Fuels
Manhattan Contrarian By Francis Menton | October 03, 2021 The bureaucrats of the world, particularly in the UN and developed countries, have the idea that they are going to eliminate all use of fossil fuels by somewhere around 2040-50. They have no conception of how to accomplish that, other than to order from on high that it shall occur and … read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Taiwan President Now Warning Of ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ If The Country Falls To China
Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen said if the island “were to fall, the consequences would be catastrophic for regional peace” Photograph: Ann Wang/Reuters *The Guardian:* *Taiwan president warns of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if island falls to China* *Tsai Ing-wen says Taiwan will ‘do whatever it takes to defend itself’ against an increasingly assertive Beijing * Taiwan is committed to defending its democracy against an increasingly aggressive China, the island’s president has vowed, warning of “catastrophic consequences” for the region should it fall. The comments from Tsai I... read more
MintPress News11 hours ago
Private Facebook Group that Organized the July Protests in Cuba Plans Bigger Ones Soon
The involvement of foreign nationals in the domestic affairs of Cuba is on a level that can scarcely be conceived of in the United States. The post Private Facebook Group that Organized the July Protests in Cuba Plans Bigger Ones Soon appeared first on MintPress News. read more
The Last Refuge11 hours ago
Project Veritas Confronts Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl With Undercover Video
God bless James O’Keefe and keep his wolverine bloodline safe. Following up on a fantastic undercover sting operation [STORY HERE] Project Veritas confronts Pfizer scientist Nick Karl with the recorded undercover video of his statements. WATCH WHAT HAPPENS: Posted in Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Big Tech, CDC, Coronavirus, Infectious Disease, media bias, Notorious […] The post Project Veritas Confronts Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl With Undercover Video appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
What Caused the October 2021 Facebook Outage?
The technology giant suffered a major shutdown that lasted about six hours. read more
The Last Refuge11 hours ago
Senator Ron Johnson Points Out No FDA Approved Vaccine is Currently Available in The United States, Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine Not Being Used
On August 23, 2021, the FDA announced that Pfizer was granted Biologic License Application approval for their COVID-19 vaccine. [Press release Here] you can find the Approval Letter at the following LINK HERE. The approved Pfizer vaccine is not the same as the original COVID-19 vaccine from the same company. Pfizer named the new blend […] The post Senator Ron Johnson Points Out No FDA Approved Vaccine is Currently Available in The United States, Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine Not Being Used appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Alan Kalter, Announcer for David Letterman, Dies at 78
Alan Kalter, the quirky, red-headed announcer for David Letterman for two decades who frequently appeared in the show's comedy bits, has died. read more
naked capitalism12 hours ago
Waste Watch: U.S. Lags on Plastics Legislation
Despite leading the world in per capita plastics consumption, the U.S. lags in efforts to do anything about disposing of plastics waste. read more
Waking Times12 hours ago
‘I Work for an Evil Corporation’: Pfizer Scientists Reportedly Claim Natural Immunity is ‘Better than Vax’
*Matt Agorist* - Given the nature of the conversations, Pfizer will likely begin conducting damage control immediately. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
United Nations Teacher Loves Hitler
Perhaps Trudeau when he is not surfing, can explain why he sends money to a UN agency that is constantly getting into trouble. Maybe his new former Green Party MP can explain it. read more
Waking Times12 hours ago
The Police State’s Reign of Terror Continues … With Help from the Supreme Court
*John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead* - In the face of the government’s ongoing power grabs, our so-called rights have been reduced to mere technicalities, privileges that can be granted and taken away. read more
Palestinians call Israel’s breast cancer awareness sentiment “hypocritical”
Israeli women with breast cancer receive medical and social support; Palestinian women regularly experience medical negligence when fighting the same disease. read more
Halifax Examiner12 hours ago
40 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Tuesday, October 5
Jump to sections in this article: Overview of today’s cases Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced 40 new cases of COVID-19 today, Tuesday, October 5. By Nova Scotia Health zone, the new cases are: • 34 Central Zone • 2 Northern Zone • 4 Western Zone The Department of Health continues […] read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Why is There Now a Crisis in Relations Between Azerbaijan and Iran?
Recent weeks have seen a significant military escalation on the border between Azerbaijan and Iran. With belligerent statements made by both sides, Iranian troops are being transferred to the border with their northern neighbor. Explaining the move, Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the Ground Forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), said: “We will not tolerate the presence of Israel in our back yard.” read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
Is Buzz Aldrin’s Mother’s Maiden Name ‘Moon’?
Aldrin's 1969 trip to the Moon was, in some respects, a family visit. read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
VIDEO: Beirut – After the Blast
*21WIRE* | Unique footage of the aftermath of the blast and first-hand accounts of people caught in this tragic event. read more
Radiance Foundation calls out Lancet for treatment of women
WASHINGTON D.C. — British medical journal “The Lancet” is dealing with the ongoing controversy regarding the September 25 journal cover which labeled women as “bodies with vaginas.” People in Britain and around the world are condemning the controversial language, with one critic stating, “This framing makes it sound like a coincidence that ‘bodies with vaginas’ have been neglected by medicine, as if it were not the product of a discrimination and oppression specific to the female sex… Medical misogyny exists—and refusing to acknowledge women perpetuates it.” Another critic commented... read more
As Tensions Rise, Iran Holds Military Exercises Near Azerbaijan
*Trevor Filseth* *Iran, Middle East* Iran’s anger also stems partly from Azerbaijan’s quiet security partnership with Israel, which it views as a potential threat to its territory. In a show of force directed at Azerbaijan amid rising tensions, Iran’s military has initiated a series of exercises near the neighboring country’s border. Footage broadcast on Iran’s state-run television portrayed tanks and artillery taking part in the exercises in northwestern Iran, and broadcasters claimed that Iran had tested a domestically-manufactured long-range drone. Tensions between Iran and A... read more
Bad News, Biden: Sen. Joe Manchin Is in Love With Natural Gas
*Michael Oppenheimer* *Politics, United States* Look out Biden. *President Joe Biden has a goal for all U.S. electricity to come from zero-carbon sources by 2035. To get there, he’s counting on Congress to approve an ambitious package of incentives and penalties designed to encourage utilities to clean up their power sources. That plan, part of the Democrats’ proposed budget package, may be in trouble.* *Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat who has close ties to the coal, oil and gas industries and concerns about the speed of Biden’s planned emissions cuts, will oversee th... read more
Russia’s Monster Submarine Has a Belly Full of Spies and Nukes
*Mark Episkopos* *Submarines, Eurasia* The Poseidon drone is meant to detonate its payload thousands of feet below the surface, generating a radioactive tsunami capable of contaminating everything within a large blast radius. And the Belgorod can carry six of them. Russia’s submarine industry has big plans for the remaining months of 2021. The CEO of Sevmash—Russia’s largest shipbuilding company—Mikhail Budnichenko told the state news outlet TASS that the *Belgorod* special-purpose submarine will complete sea trials by the end of this year. One of the largest submarines in exis... read more
The Last Thing the Middle East Needs Is a Nuclear Arms Race
*Barbara Slavin* *Iran Nuclear Program, Middle East* Should Iran continue to expand its nuclear program, it will incentivize Saudi Arabia and other regional rivals to pursue a hedging capacity as well. *Editor’s note: In late September, *The National Interest *organized a symposium on nuclear policy, nonproliferation, and arms control under the Biden administration*. *A variety of scholars were asked t**he following question: “Should Joe Biden seize the opportunity of his administration’s Nuclear Posture Review to redefine the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. security planning? Ho... read more
Roll Back Nuclear Modernization Programs, Mr. President
*William D. Hartung* *Nuclear Deterrence, United States* President Biden campaigned on reducing the role of nuclear weapons, yet that's changed since he's taken office. He needs to make good on his pledge. *Editor’s note: In late September, *The National Interest *organized a symposium on nuclear policy, nonproliferation, and arms control under the Biden administration*. *A variety of scholars were asked the following question: “Should Joe Biden seize the opportunity of his administration’s Nuclear Posture Review to redefine the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. security planning? ... read more
A Preliminary Verdict on Afghanistan Strategy
*Michael O'Hanlon* *Afghanistan, Eurasia* The key challenge was in trying to help rescue an Afghan society and political system that was badly broken, in the face of an insurgency that was supported by a neighboring country. After last week’s rancorous Congressional hearings, many Americans are probably wondering, how could things have gone so wrong, and how could our strategy in Afghanistan have failed so badly? Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley himself called the mission a “strategic failure.” Some are also calling for a commission to study the problem. That would be re... read more
"The Hits Just Keep on Coming! - Bad News is Everywhere"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly AM 10/5/21: *"The Hits Just Keep on Coming! - Bad News is Everywhere"* "The bad news doesn’t seem to stop. I am at the site of where the Pacific Airshow was held in Huntington Beach, CA. There was just a massive oil spill on the same beach. Now they closed the beach down and this caused a huge ecological problem to the beach and the entire community." read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Should The U.S. Avoid War Against China At All Cost?
‘There is no rational scenario in which the United States could end up in a better, more secure place after a war with China. ‘ Photograph: Taiwan Ministry Of National Defense *Lt Col Daniel L Davis (ret), The Guardian:* *The US must avoid war with China over Taiwan at all costs* *The prevailing mood among Washington insiders is to fight if China attempts to conquer Taiwan. That would be a mistake * Since last Friday, the People’s Republic of China has launched a total of 155 warplanes – the most ever over four consecutive days – into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone; Ne... read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
In Four Days 149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Flew Across Taiwan's ADIZ
52 PLA aircraft (J-16*34, SU-30*2 Y-8 ASW*2, KJ-500 AEW&C*2 and H-6*12) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on October 4, 2021. Please check our official website for more information: https://t.co/2mC6UszTMB pic.twitter.com/WOtdFvJx8o — 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 4, 2021 *Breaking Defense:* *149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days * *The Chinese flights are not likely to abate any time soon, Dean Cheng, a top Chinese military expert at the Heritage Foundation, says. * WASHINGTON: Taiwan’s radar operators, pilots, a... read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Turkey’s Existential Choice: BRI or Bust
Originally published on the Cradle Two destinies pull on Southwest Asia from two opposing visions of the future. Where the devotees of the Rules Based Order laid out by Zbigniew Brzezinski 40 years ago strive to revive the dystopic nightmare of sectarianism and endless wars, a more optimistic program of cooperation and long-term thinking is being ushered […] read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Argentina police shoot down man barricaded for more than 10 hours, hostage found dead
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Tuesday, police in Argentina shot down a man who had held a friend captive for more than 10 hours, whom security forces found dead inside the building where the assailant was heavily armed and had fired more than 300 shots. Police officers broke into a house located on Tres […] The post Argentina police shoot down man barricaded for more than 10 hours, hostage found dead appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Queen of Spain to visit Paraguay with agenda on cooperation projects
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "She comes to strengthen cooperation ties not only in the economic area, but mainly in the cultural area," Acevedo said at the Government Palace after delivering the credentials of Spain's new ambassador Carmen Castiella to president Mario Abdo Benítez. The Foreign Minister said that the Queen's agenda would include a […] The post Queen of Spain to visit Paraguay with agenda on cooperation projects appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Food & Water Watch12 hours ago
Mariner East Criminal Charges Show Sunoco Must Be Stopped
Attorney General announces dozens of charges over Mariner East construction read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Paraguay decorates Crown Prince Akishino and Princess Mako of Japan
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The decorations were presented to Mako and Akishino this Tuesday at the Akasaka Palace in Tokyo by the Paraguayan ambassador to Japan Raúl Florentin Antola, according to the Paraguayan diplomatic delegation. The Extraordinary Grand Cross is granted to both on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Crown Prince Akishino's […] The post Paraguay decorates Crown Prince Akishino and Princess Mako of Japan appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Turcopolier13 hours ago
A usurpation of state function under the 10th Amendment
“The Department of Justice is launching an effort to combat what it said is an “increase” in “threats of violence” against school officials and teachers across the country. “Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” … Continue reading → read more
South Pole froze over in coldest winter on record
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Antarctic sea ice [image credit: BBC] We’re asked to believe this is just a blip in the relentless march of supposedly human-caused global warming, but let’s give it a few more years to see how things progress. – – – Antarctica’s frigid winter temperatures are in contrast to trends… read more
Turcopolier13 hours ago
” … the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)”
“NASA plans to test a method for protecting Earth against an asteroid impact. The agency selected SpaceX Falcon 9 to launch the ambitious mission called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). It will be NASA’s first flight demonstration for asteroid … Continue reading → read more
“Painfully Clear”
“we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television–words, books, and so on–are unscientific. As a result, there is a considerable amount of intellectual tyranny in the name of science.” – Dr. Richard … Continue reading → read more
CFACT15 hours ago
Hydraulic fracturing strengthened America. Banning it would weaken us
Energy independence seemed an impossible goal. The shale energy revolution achieved it. The post Hydraulic fracturing strengthened America. Banning it would weaken us appeared first on CFACT. read more
Tuesday Morning Links
This and that for your Tuesday reading. - Nazeem Muhajarine and Kathryn Green call out Scott Moe's Saskatchewan Party government for causing readily-preventable suffering and death - both from COVID-19 directly, and its devastating effects on the broader health care system. And Scott Larson reports on the "grim" situation facing Saskatoon's hospitals (among others). - Paul Krugman rightly questions why the self-appointed Very Serious People can't reach agreement on such fundamentals of a civilized society such as preserving a habitable planet and ending child poverty. - Sean Ho... read more
Less Overseas Coal Is Good, But Developing Countries Still Need More Electricity
PARIS, Oct 05 (IPS) - President Xi announced last month that China is stopping its financing for new coal-fired power plants overseas. With this announcement from Beijing, the governments of the world’s largest economies have now achieved a consensus to halt their overseas funding of coal plants in developing countries, thereby advancing global efforts to reduce future carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Read the full story, “Less Overseas Coal Is Good, But Developing Countries Still Need More Electricity”, on globalissues.org → read more
Education Cannot Wait Annual Results Reveals the Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Learning for Children in Emergencies and Protracted Crises
NEW YORK/GENEVA, Oct 05 (IPS) - The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of education globally, but for children in emergencies and protracted crises, its blow has been particularly devastating. Read the full story, “Education Cannot Wait Annual Results Reveals the Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Learning for Children in Emergencies and Protracted Crises”, on globalissues.org → read more
Organizing Notes12 hours ago
Full film coming soon
*GALA ONLINE FILM LAUNCH* Join us starting October 15 at 3 pm PDT to view the award-winning film online and on October 17 at 5 pm PDT for a livestream event featuring Joan Baez, David Harris, Daniel Ellsberg, film director Judith Ehrlich and others. Click *here* for more info. *ABOUT THE FILM* One of the largest and most effective youth-led nonviolent resistance movements in American history grew in opposition to the war in Vietnam. Inspired by Black America’s crusade for civil rights, hundreds of thousands of young men openly refused to be drafted to fight a tragic war th... read more
Last October, responding in part to an *Atlantic* essay by Barton Gellman titled "The Election That Could Break America," Ross Douthat wrote a column titled "There Will Be No Trump Coup." In a follow-up published today, Douthat concedes that Gellman got many things right, but insists, as he did a year ago, that Trump's ability to foment constitutional chaos had significant limits: In hindsight, Gellman’s essay got Trump’s intentions absolutely right: He was right that Trump would never concede, right that Trump would reach for every lever to keep himself in power, right that Trump ... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Argentina’s Jujuy province is first in country to use cannabis oil for medicinal purposes
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine province of Jujuy officials announced that it has become the first to use cannabis oil for medicinal purposes, noting that the Zabala Hospital, in the city of Perico, has received a first batch of 50 vials of the Argentine-produced substance. Governor Gerardo Morales said that the "CBD 10" […] The post Argentina’s Jujuy province is first in country to use cannabis oil for medicinal purposes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily13 hours ago
Strategies for finding high-quality marijuana grow workers
Finding the right employees is one of the toughest tasks for any business owner, especially now that potential workers are hard to come by. Strategies for finding high-quality marijuana grow workers is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Virus update: • Alaska’s virus surge worsened by limited health system. • Vaccine mandate takes effect for NYC teachers, staff. • Russia's virus deaths hit another record. • J&J seeks U.S. approval for COVID-19 booster shots. More @AP coverage: https://t.co/gTGVyrBv1D — The Associated Press (@AP) October 5, 2021 New Zealand is abandoning its "Covid zero" goal of eliminating the coronavirus. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern acknowledged an end to the strategy seven weeks into a lockdown that has failed to halt an outbreak of the Delta variant. https://t.co/NmMx4PsmJz pic.twitter.com/dM... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
U.S. Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 - Chapter 20 Baghdad Burns, Summer-Fall 2006
By the summer of 2006 the civil war was raging in Baghdad. The Shiites held the upper hand as they were backed by the Maliki government and the security forces. U.S. commander General George Casey knew what was going on but was still committed to an American withdrawal claiming that the Iraqis would have to solve their problems themselves. The situation was so bad that President Bush who was not involved in day to day activities in Iraq even decided that a change was needed. That would take six months however because of the president’s inattention. Iraq would burn as a consequence ... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 5
1915 6th Army created by Ottomans under command of German Gen von der Goltz to defend Mesopotamia from British 1922 King Faisal accepted Anglo-Iraq Treaty (Musings On Iraq review *Supremacy And Oil, Iraq, Turkey, and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930*) 1922 UK Sec of War Evans lobbied cabinet to withdraw from Mosul province (Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq) 1974 Kurdish parliament appointed by Baghdad took office (Musings On Iraq review *The Kurds, A Modern History*) (Musings On Iraq review *Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope*) ... read more
AUKUS Sunk the French: Is Europe’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Next?
*James Bowen* *AUKUS, Europe* Has the Anglosphere damaged European integration into the Indo-Pacific? The AUKUS defence and security pact among Australia, the United Kingdom and United States has clearly sunk French, and associated European Union, sentiment towards Indo-Pacific integration. Resurfacing relations won’t be easy, but it should be prioritised to help deliver the optimal 21st-century strategic environment for all concerned. The arrangement has already produced considerable symbolic fallout. Most notable was France’s decision to recall its Australian and US ambassadors... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
What A Taiwan Invasion By China Would Look Like
All of US social media going down at once is what day one of a Taiwan invasion by China would look like. GPS too — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2021 *WNU Editor: *It is going to be more than just social media and GPS going down. I expect a good chunk of the world's communications network will be impacted. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Jury Awards $6.3M to Shannen Doherty in State Farm Fire Suit
The jury found that the insurance giant's failure to pay policy benefits for Doherty's Malibu home were “unreasonable and without proper cause.” read more
The Duran13 hours ago
The Collision of Two Opposing Green Destinies: COP26 and East Anglia’s Fraud
With the world gearing up for Mark Carney’s upcoming COP26 Climate Summit in the UK this October 31- September 12, 2021, it is worth asking: Will China and India collaborate with other nations of the multipolar alliance once more to save the world from a supranational world government? You may be asking what I mean by “once […] read more
The US economy is in imminent danger of seizing up solid
I've always said that logistics are the true bellwether of many economic issues. If logistics (a.k.a. the ability to provide enough supply to meet demand) are working, the economy is lubricated and runs smoothly. If they're not, the economy is in danger of seizing up like an engine running without adequate oil supply. General Omar Bradley's famous observation is as true in economic disciplines as it is in military: "Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics." Let me put the next paragraph in big, bold, black letters to emphasize how serious I am. *Right now, ... read more
Modern Tokyo Times13 hours ago
Russian Federation test-launches the Tsirkon hypersonic missile from a submarine
Russian Federation test-launches the Tsirkon hypersonic missile from a submarine Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Russian Federation is continuing to modernize its military armed forces so that they can bypass missile defense systems and so forth at rapid speed. Hence, the test launch from a submarine of the Tsirkon (Zircon) […] The post Russian Federation test-launches the Tsirkon hypersonic missile from a submarine first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Econlib14 hours ago
Knowledge, Reality, and Value: Rejoinder to Huemer, Part 2
At long last, here’s my final entry! Rejoinder to Huemer’s Response, Part 4 Suppose A does not consent. A wants you to perform only the action that benefits him while harming B; he won’t consent to the action that harms him while benefitting B (not even conditional on your doing the other action simultaneously). Now what? It […] The post Knowledge, Reality, and Value: Rejoinder to Huemer, Part 2 appeared first on Econlib. read more
WATCH: Cops Attack Paraplegic Dad Over Window Tint, Assault Him for Not Being Able to Exit Car
[image: window tint]Police targeted an innocent paraplegic father over his window tint and subsequently assaulted him after he told them that he couldn't get out of his vehicle. read more
Twitter Labels Obituary ‘Misleading’ As Woman Dies After Covid ‘Vaccine-induced’ Reaction
[image: misleading]The obituary of a woman who tragically died from a rare blood clotting event after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine mandated by the US government has been labelled as “misleading” by Twitter fact checkers. read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Good faith dealings – a needed reprise
I wrote the following post following the death of the 41st president. While an imperfect man, with whom I did not always agree, he lived an exemplary life. There are several lessons for us courtesy of George H.W. Bush. The … Continue reading → read more
Gregory Mannarino, "AM/PM 10/5/21"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 10/5/21: *"Markets And The Economy: * *The Biggest Secret You're Not Supposed To Know"* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ Gregory Mannarino, PM 10/5/21: *"Be Aware: The Fed Is Playing Its Same Old Game.* * Crude Surging"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Uruguay and Chile register region’s highest percentage of vaccinated population
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Our World in Data, a website providing empirical data on living conditions worldwide based on information supplied by government agencies, places Uruguay with 72.79% of people vaccinated, behind Chile with 73.71%. Canada ranks third with 71.22%, followed by Ecuador (55.45%), the United States (55.15%), Panama (52.01%) and Argentina (49.9%) with […] The post Uruguay and Chile register region’s highest percentage of vaccinated population appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Lightly Grilled
Nice to see a world leader getting grilled every now and then. read more
The Taliban Won’t Pay Afghanistan’s Electricity Bills. Are Blackouts Ahead?
*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, * If it is unable to reliably supply electricity, the Taliban’s government could be hard-pressed to make progress on anything else. Afghanistan’s economy has remained virtually shut down since the Taliban took control of Kabul on August 15. Foreign aid, which formerly accounted for eighty percent of the state budget, has slowed to a trickle. This has saddled the Taliban with few additional sources of income—and significant liabilities. One of these liabilities is electricity, a basic need in any civilized society. So far, the Taliban have largely ... read more
Century-old racist US Supreme Court cases still rule over millions of Americans
A series of Supreme Court cases based on racist language and reasoning still govern the lives of 4 million Americans. read more
The brutal trade in enslaved people within the US has been largely whitewashed out of history
By the time slavery ended, over 1 million enslaved people had been forcibly moved in the domestic slave trade across state lines. Hundreds of thousands more were bought and sold within states. read more
Police killings of civilians in the US have been undercounted by more than half in official statistics
Research found that police officers killed more than 30,000 people from 1980 to 2018 – 17,000 more than official federal data suggests. read more
the daily howler13 hours ago
INFIRMITIES AND DELUSIONS: Recalling November 2008!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2021* *Recording a type of decline: *Long ago and far away, Bob Dylan released his first album. The album was simply called Bob Dylan. It was released in March 1962. Dylan was 20 years old. The album included only two original compositions. It included one original "talking blues" and one original song. The original song was called Song to Woody. It was beautifully written, very beautifully sung. Its lyrics start like this: I’m out here a thousand miles from my home Walkin’ a road other men have gone down I’m seein’ your world of people and things Your paupe... read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
China at a turning point?
The debt problems afflicting China’s real estate market deepened this week after another property developer defaulted on its bonds and the world’s most heavily indebted property group Evergrande extended a suspension of its shares into a second day without explanation. Fantasia Holdings, a mid-sized developer, that just weeks ago assured investors it had “no liquidity issue”, said in a stock exchange filing that it “did not make the payment” on Monday of a $206m bond maturing that day, triggering a formal default. The default adds to fears that a crisis at Evergrande will spread to ... read more
U.S. Weapons Left in Afghanistan Fall into Taliban and Islamic State Hands
*Nolan Fahrenkopf* *Islamic State, * Taliban and Islamic State are loving their new weapons. The weapons and military equipment left behind by the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, including through the collapse of the Afghan army, are now largely in the hands of the Taliban – and likely other militant groups as well. Though many politicians’ and observers’ reactions have been sensationalized, it does highlight significant problems arising from U.S. arms transfers during the two-decade-long War on Terror. Despite U.S. and international efforts to control the spread of military ... read more
Halifax Examiner14 hours ago
Stories from Day 1 of Phase 5
News 1. Phase 5: how’d the new guidelines go for local businesses on Day 1? Yesterday morning, Tim Bousquet declared this Be Nice to Your Server Week after the owners of the Wooden Monkey shared this post Sunday night following an incident with hostile customers who refused to wear masks at their restaurant that afternoon. […] read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Uruguay launches protocol to receive cruise ship passengers visiting its port cities
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay's Undersecretary of Tourism, Remo Monzeglio, announced the results of the work carried out by the country's health authorities regarding the approval of a health protocol for cruise ship passengers. Monzeglio said that the 2021-2022 cruise season would receive the first ships in Uruguayan ports in November. In that sense, […] The post Uruguay launches protocol to receive cruise ship passengers visiting its port cities appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The New Dark Age14 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 4-5 October 2021
5 October 2021 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back Trump, Twitter and the Digital Town Hall https://dissidentvoice.org/2021/10/trump-twitter-and-the-digital-town-hall/ Abby Martin and Paul Jay: Afghanistan, 9/11 and Climate Change, Part 2 + Current Climate Extremes Double at 2 Degrees Warming … Continue reading Afghanistan News Links 4-5 October 2021 read more
Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’
Project Veritas Oct 4, 2021 The post Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Brazil industrial production drops 0.7% in August, more than expected
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian industrial production shrank 0.7% in August, compared to July, according to the Monthly Industrial Survey - Physical Production (PIM-PF), released on Tuesday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It is the third consecutive monthly drop in the seasonally adjusted series, a period in which it […] The post Brazil industrial production drops 0.7% in August, more than expected appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory, Covid Mandates in Public Schools
Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First... The post AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory, Covid Mandates in Public Schools appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
OrientalReview.org14 hours ago
US Meddling In Nicaraguan Affairs
Congress unveils comprehensive action plan against Daniel Ortega’s government. On 21 September, the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, Migration and International Economic Policy held a hearing entitled “An International Response to Ortega’s Destruction of Democracy in Nicaragua”. The profile of the participants and the nature […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil is world’s biggest ‘halal’ food exporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Halal is an Arabic word that means lawful, allowed. More than that, it is a concept that permeates the food and the use of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products by Muslims worldwide. Under Sharia, the Islamic code of laws, followers of Mohammed's faith can only consume products that fall into this […] The post Brazil is world’s biggest ‘halal’ food exporter appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Justin The Spoiled Brat
Liberal voters are drooling in anticipation of all the free stuff they are going to get. Meanwhile political writers in the States are praising our Dear Leader for his “progressive” policies, including a former Clinton staffer. That could be dangerous. read more
Meet Soviet Russia’s (Almost) Super Aircraft Carrier
*WarIsBoring* *Aircraft Carriers, Eurasia* A U.S. Navy nightmare that never happened? *Here's What You Need to Know*: Russia's supercarrier dream is dead ... for now. Had she ever sailed, the Soviet supercarrier *Ulyanovsk* would have been a naval behemoth more than 1,000 feet long, with an 85,000-ton displacement and enough storage to carry an air group of up to 70 fixed and rotary wing aircraft. With a nuclear-powered engine—and working in conjunction with other Soviet surface warfare vessels and submarines—the supercarrier would have steamed through the oceans with a purpos... read more
From Jenna Orkin The Untold History of Obama and the CIA Electricity bills in Italy rise by almost 30 percent from Friday New COVID vaccines may be needed next year, BioNTech CEO says Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Brakes on Climate Change? Amid an escalating crisis, the power source offers a dream—or a pipe dream—of limitless clean energy. Romanian billionaire dies when his private plane crashes near MilanCzech police promise to ‘act upon’ Pandora Papers, as revelations about prime minister become campaign topicFormer Facebook employee Frances Haugen revealed as ‘whistleblower’ behin... read more
"On Top Of Everything Else, Could We Potentially See 2 Major Wars Start Before The End Of The Year?"
*"On Top Of Everything Else, Could We Potentially * *See 2 Major Wars Start Before The End Of The Year?"* by Michael Snyder "Historically, the start of most wars has not been a surprise. Usually, there is a very clear build up before hostilities begin, and we are seeing the same pattern today. For example, by now it should be exceedingly clear to everyone that Israel and Iran will be going to war. Both sides have been talking about the coming conflict for years, and everyone knows who has been causing the “mystery explosions” inside Iran and everyone knows who has been attacking Isr... read more
It Is Better
Lauren Boebert is a Republican star. She displays the loud and hypocritical stupidity which is the calling card of the modern Republican Party. Max Boot writes: Is there a purer, more perfect expression of the Trumpified Republican Party than the press release that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) sent out on Sept. 24? It demanded that President Biden be removed from office for “colluding with the Taliban.” This was flagrantly hypocritical because in February she criticized Biden for not withdrawing from Afghanistan fast enough — and then in August she praised the Taliban for “build... read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
Physics Nobel Rewards Work on Complex Systems, Like Climate
Three scientists won the Nobel Prize for physics for work that found order in seeming disorder, helping to explain and predict complex forces of nature, including expanding our understanding of climate change. read more
Explosive activity at Cumbre Vieja with falling pyroclasts and volcanic bombs, La Palma
Today's activity at La Palma's Cumbre Vieja volcano, Canary Islands is explosive with falling pyroclasts and volcanic bombs, INVOLCAN reports. 1 045 buildings have been destroyed by lava since the start of the eruption. The total area affected by lava...... Read more » read more
"Will The Holiday Season Be RUINED By The Global Supply Chain Crisis?"
*"Will The Holiday Season Be RUINED * *By The Global Supply Chain Crisis?"* by Michael Snyder "Is this going to be the worst holiday season in modern American history? Some mainstream news outlets are insisting that the upcoming holidays are going to be “ruined” because of the widespread shortages that are being caused by the global supply chain crisis. Of course we should have never allowed any of our holidays to be defined by material goods in the first place. I think that the fact that a “holiday season” can be “ruined” by a lack of goods on the shelves says an enormous amount ab... read more
Don’t Be A Conspiracy Theorist!
Dr. Fauci says there is no gain of function research. “Critics say these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic. Now, a government panel will require that researchers show that their studies … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
A Taliban fighter prays at the Abdul Rahman Mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, October 4, 2021. REUTERS/Jorge Silva *WNU Editor:* The above picture came frm this photo-gallery .... *On the streets of Kabul, under Taliban control* (Reuters). read more
The Imminent Return of the Pagan Gods and Rituals
During the Renaissance, the attempt was made in Western Europe to recover the art, philosophy, political doctrine, and military techniques of antiquity. There is one aspect of antiquity, however, that the Renaissance did not recover: Paganism. The Gods and rituals of the Ancient Greeks and Romans were not only ignored but also criticized and ridiculed. Culture is a package deal. A civilization does not get to pick up one set of values from the past while ignoring other values. When a civilization accepts the art, philosophy, political doctrine, and military techniques of antiquity, ... read more
Mining Awareness +15 hours ago
Hundreds of Unvetted Afghan Evacuees Have Simply Left Military Bases Where They Were Housed – US Sen. Cotton Demands Answers
“The U.S. government is currently investigating multiple crimes committed in evacuee facilities. The American people have seen reports of a … Continue reading → read more
Organizing Notes15 hours ago
How do space activities impact climate crisis?
Global Network space & climate crisis webinar from European perspective Speakers: Dave Webb (UK), Regina Hagen (Germany), Stuart Parkinson (UK) and Dieter Engels (German astronomer) read more
Snopes.com15 hours ago
Hollywood’s Behind-The-Scenes Crews Vote to Authorize Strike
Film and television production in North America is in jeopardy of coming to a standstill after its behind-the-scenes workers overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike for the first time in its 128-year history. read more
‘I Work for an Evil Corporation’: Pfizer Scientists Reportedly Claim Natural Immunity is ‘Better than Vax’
[image: pfizer]A bombshell undercover video reportedly shows three Pfizer scientists making claims about coverups, superior natural immunity, and corruption inside the company. read more
The Aviationist15 hours ago
Italy And UK Are Integrating New European Weapons On The F-35 Lightning II
[image: F-35 new weapons] The two countries will complete the integration of the Meteor air-to-air missile and SPEAR 3 air-to-surface missile on both the F-35A and F-35B. BAE Systems and MBDA have been awarded a program to complete the [...] The post Italy And UK Are Integrating New European Weapons On The F-35 Lightning II appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Caitlin Johnstone15 hours ago
Watch Scott Horton’s One-Sided Debate Beatdown Of Warmonger Bill Kristol
An important and long-overdue debate has occurred between Iraq-raping arch-neocon Bill Kristol and the tireless libertarian war critic Scott Horton on the subject of US interventionism, and you should definitely drop whatever you’re doing and watch it immediately. The resolution up for debate was “A willingness […] read more
Decolonizing Corruption
Corruption is an issue largely off the radar screens of many IR scholars. How can they better theorize corruption's pervasiveness in international politics, while avoiding the biases of past approaches? read more
Retraction Watch16 hours ago
Retraction of review of broccoli’s health benefits is 22nd for deceased author, 5th for one of his postdocs
Broccoli almost certainly is good for you — but just how good might have taken a bit of a hit with the retraction of a 12-year-old review on the vegetable’s health benefits by a notorious fraudster. By our count, the retraction, which appeared in July, marks the 22nd for Das, formerly of the University of … Continue reading Retraction of review of broccoli’s health benefits is 22nd for deceased author, 5th for one of his postdocs read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
Is it safe to store financial documents and personal files in the cloud?
Is it safe to store sensitive documents online? It's a great question and one that requires a little explanation. read more
With Dozens of Planes, China Tests Taiwan’s Air Defenses
*Trevor Filseth* *China Taiwan, * Experts have argued that the incursion flights have a twofold purpose—to demonstrate the capabilities of the PLAAF, as well as to provide Chinese intelligence with vital information about Taiwan’s response time to incursions. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry announced on Friday evening that China had sent thirty-eight fighter jets into Taiwan’s “Air Defense Identification Zone” (ADIZ) earlier in the day, the highest recorded number of such flights since the reporting system came online in 2020. The Defense Ministry report revealed that the Chinese plan... read more
Are Monarchies Holding the Arab World Together? Or Holding It Back?
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Arab Spring, Middle East* Restoring monarchies may seem anachronistic, but is not unheard of. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The primary advantage of a monarch in an Arab country is his role as a unifying, paternal figure in tribally or religiously fragmented countries with little else to hold them together. Watchers of contemporary Arab politics will quickly notice one thing: the Arab monarchies—Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait—have proven to be the most politically resilient Arab states... read more
One More Korean Summit Before Moon Jae-In’s Term Ends?
*Robert E. Kelly* *Inter-Korean Relations, * The real reason for any further summit is likely that Moon is desperate because he has bet his presidency on a North Korea breakthrough. Moon Jae-In’s presidency in South Korea will end early next year. Moon has staked his presidency on a breakthrough with North Korea. He appears to be considering another summit with North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un. Ostensibly on the agenda is a formal end to the Korean War, with the hardly disguised hope of bringing Kim to the table for wider discussions and, ideally, nudging him to speak to t... read more
Get Ready: The Royal Navy’s New Frigates Are Coming
*Caleb Larson* *Frigates, * The Type 31—also known as the Inspiration-class—has several capabilities that will make it deadly. In a press release, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence announced that the Rosyth dockyard had cut steel for the HMS *Venturer* during a ceremony at the yard. The HMS *Venturer* is the first of the Royal Navy’s new Type 31 class of seven frigates, five of which are to enter service with the United Kingdom. The class is also known as the *Inspiration*-class, and they take their names from former Royal Navy ships or submarines. For example, the HMS *... read more

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