Sunday, October 03, 2021

3 October - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 11 pm MDT

Covert Geopolitics11 hours ago
Timeline & Early Chronology of Covid-19 “Pandemic”
The authors and researchers have relied upon primary source documents whenever possible. These include official government documents and official statistics, scientific papers, original corporate documents, and direct accounts or statements by officials preserved in video. Where we are relying on secondary sources (newspaper and magazine articles, website articles, news reports, etc.), we have done our … Continue reading Timeline & Early Chronology of Covid-19 “Pandemic” → read more
The Last Refuge11 hours ago
37-Year-Old Oregon Mom Dies From Vaccine Complication, Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytenopenia, Blood Clots
A terribly sad story from Oregon highlighting a young mother who did not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine but was forced by government demands to accept the vaccination shot in order to guide her two children, Bridget and Clara, through school. After taking the jab, Ms. Wilson died from blood clots caused by the […] The post 37-Year-Old Oregon Mom Dies From Vaccine Complication, Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytenopenia, Blood Clots appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
ClimateCite12 hours ago
Tokyo’s Coolest September In Over 30 Years…Hachijojima No Warming In 107 Years…Latest Forecast: Sharp La Niña!
No Tricks Zone By Kirye and Pierre | 1. October 2021 Tokyo has seen its coolest September in over 30 years, according to data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). Data source: JMA. Tokyo’s mean temperature for September, 2021, was 22.3°C — the coolest recorded September mean in over 30 years. Hachijojima island Meanwhile, Hachijojima, an island belonging to Tokyo … read more
BOOM! Australian Premier resigns after Opposition Leader alleges she took "tens of millions" of dollars in Bribes from PfiZer and Astrazeneca PLUS: More Booms and Hot Links
*Photo of Deaf Woman* *who can't read the Maskers' lips* Good morning sentients. Sometimes we need to see how this hellish psy-op CovID HOAX is impacting those with disabilities in order to put our own suffering and turmoil into perspective. Above is a photo of a deaf woman who is crying after having a confrontation with two Maskers at a drive in food outlet. They refused to accept that she was deaf because she speaks so well and would not take off their masks for a moment so she could read their lips and see what they were asking her to do. This brief video was brought to my a... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ10 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 3
1920 Gertrude Bell called Shiite clergy a group of popes standing in the way of UK plans Claimed Shiites were problem in Iraq Said Sunnis should rule Iraq because Shiites would impose a religions state That was why Mosul province had to be included in Iraq to add more Sunnis Said that British were looking for Iraqi to be new ruler but couldn’t find one so had to pick a son of the Sharif of Mecca (Musings On Iraq review *Gertrude Bell And Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *Gertrude Bell, Explorer of the Middle East*) (Musings On Iraq movie review *Letters from Baghdad*) (Musi... read more
Virtual Mirage11 hours ago
One Nation?
ZeroHedge posted this article. I’ll refer to it below. I’m a blogger, and you might characterize me as an illegally parked car in the cul de sac of life because there is definitely more sand out of the hourglass than that which remains. My “productive years” could be said to be behind me. It’s […] The post One Nation? appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Econlib11 hours ago
Exceptional Washington
I just returned from a 9-day vacation in the Pacific Northwest, which has triggered a few thoughts about what seems to me to be America’s best state. My wife and I spent most of our time hiking in the Cascade Mountains, which have absolutely spectacular scenery. I’m not sure why Mt. Baker is not a […] The post Exceptional Washington appeared first on Econlib. read more
The Duran11 hours ago
China in Massive Show of Force near Taiwan, Threatens Military Action, Tells EU to Mind own Business
China in Massive Show of Force near Taiwan, Threatens Military Action, Tells EU to Mind own Business News Topic 300 Record number of PLA warplanes flying over Taiwan Straits as form of National Day ‘military parade’: Global Times editorial Record number of PLA warplanes flying over Taiwan Straits as form of National Day ‘military parade’: […] read more
Why Modern Maritime Warfare Requires Fast Weapons
*Kris Osborn* *Navy, Americas* Speed is increasingly vital to ocean warfare. New technologies are entering the sphere of Naval warfare all the time, greatly changing the tactical equation. The Navy is moving quickly to arm its growing fleet of destroyers with a variety of scalable, high-powered lasers intended to incinerate enemy drones, helicopters and fixed-wing targets. These destroyers will intercept incoming anti-ship missiles and even perform surveillance optics and targeting for ship-mounted weapons systems. Ship-fired lasers can introduce an entirely new, and highly imp... read more
China’s Economic Blackmail of Lithuania Could Backfire
*Mark Episkopos* *China, Europe* Experts and commentators in Beijing have been brutally candid in averring that China can and will economically cripple Lithuania for taking the “wrong” position on the Taiwan question. The Republic of Lithuania has become an unlikely standard-bearer for transnational cybersecurity issues, with the country’s Defense Ministry urging Lithuanians not to purchase Chinese-made phones and to discard any they might have. The Defense Ministry’s announcement came on the heels of a government report alleging that phones manufactured by Chinese electronics g... read more
CENSORED NEWS11 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'McGill 'New Vic' Renovation on Unceded Mohawk Land'
MCGILL ‘NEW VIC’ RENOVATION ON UNCEDED MOHAWK LAND AudioPosted on September 27, 2021Spread the love Mohawk Nation News Listen to audio at MNN Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.MNN. 27 Sep. 2021. This Notice was sent by Registered Mail to McGill University read more
The Duran11 hours ago
Saudi Arabia & Iran, move closer to game changing diplomacy, improving relations & building trust
Saudi Arabia & Iran, move closer to game changing diplomacy, improving relations & building trust The Duran: Episode 1103 Experts says prospect of improving Tehran-Riyadh relations is achievable Experts says prospect of improving Tehran-Riyadh relations is achievable TEHRAN – An expert on strategic issues says Iran and Saudi Arabia can form a new structure of […] read more
Australia: “If you don’t get the vaccine you can’t work, it’s that simple.”
Liberum Arbitrium October 2nd, 2021. The post Australia: “If you don’t get the vaccine you can’t work, it’s that simple.” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On – Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan
Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft China military planes reportedly landed at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan. This is after Biden abandoned the base in its... The post Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On – Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
NJ Governor’s Contempt For Gun Owners On Display In Debate
Patriot Rising The New Jersey gubernatorial election is quickly approaching and residents of the state are going to have to choose between tyranny and freedom.... The post NJ Governor’s Contempt For Gun Owners On Display In Debate appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Losing the war
In the past few weeks I’ve come to the conclusion that most provincial premiers are starting to look like Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam era. Their Chief Medical Officers, in turn, remind me of Robert McNamara. By 1967 LBJ and McNamara were under growing attack for the failure of their Vietnam strategy and yet stubbornly… Continue reading → read more
Solidarity With Longtime Anti-War Activist Joe Lombardo!
On the heels of its defeat in Afghanistan, the United States government has made it clear it is now once again setting its sights on anti-war activists in the United States. Their latest target is Joe Lombardo, a leader of the country's largest anti-imperialist coalition. Joe Lombardo is 73 years old and has been an organizer in the anti-war movement for decades. He is a cofounder and lead organizer for Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, a local anti-war group based near Albany, New York. The post Solidarity With Longtime Anti-War Activist Joe Lombardo! appeared first on PopularResist... read more
Auto Workers To Vote On Direct Elections For Officers
United Auto Workers members will soon vote in an unprecedented referendum to decide whether the union’s 400,000 working members and nearly 600,000 retirees will directly elect their top officers. Ballots hit the mail October 19 and are due back November 29. The post Auto Workers To Vote On Direct Elections For Officers appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Unscheduled Air Show
Taiwan says a total of 39 Chinese military jets flew into its air defence zone on Saturday – the largest incursion by Beijing to date. read more
Turcopolier13 hours ago
How much leverage does Abbott really have at the border?
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas makes remarkably assertive statements in response to the thinly disguised Biden open borders policy. Given the developing evidence implied by Durham’s indictments, it is quite clear that the Clinton/Obama crew still active at the top … Continue reading → read more
Moderna, Pfizer, Lockheed Martin and SNC Lavalin
Since SNC Lavalin is in the news again, I would once again like to point out the obvious. SNC Lavalin has a long history of corruption yet it continues to receive government contracts. It's no mystery why they keep operating and getting government contracts after so many corruption convictions. They donate to politicians with tax deductible campaign contributions. They keep getting caught giving bribes to win contracts but they always cut a deal and get off. The problem is, their MO really isn't illegal. They bribe politicians with campaign contributions to get government contrac... read more
CENSORED NEWS11 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'The Cross and The Sword'
Posted on September 28, 2021The Cross and The SwordMohawk Nation News the love Please post & circulate.Listen to audio at MNN: Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.MNN. 28 Sep. 2021. For “Wreck’conciliation Day read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Will U.S. Troops Be Dishonorably Discharged For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine?
Biden administration ‘strongly opposes’ honorable discharge for service members who refuse COVID-19 vaccine *WTVF:* *Troops could be dishonorably discharged for refusing COVID-19 vaccine* CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Troops who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine could be dishonorably discharged unless a law bans it. If active service members don't get the vaccine by December 15, they could face punishment. "Thirty-three years of military with six presidents, this is nothing new," said Doug Englen, a veteran who was part of the Osama bin Laden raid. "It’s very upsetting that the pen... read more
A tweet from Fox News this morning: Democrat Tammy Duckworth hasn’t paid property tax on her Illinois home since 2015, report says — Fox News (@FoxNews) October 3, 2021 So the Democratic senator is a tax cheat? I assume that's what Fox expects Twitter followers to believe if they read only headlines. But click through to the story and you get some clarification: U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., is among more than 27,000 homeowners in Cook County, Illinois, who don’t pay a cent in property tax, according to a report. The reason: Duckworth and the other ze... read more
How Clients’ Racial Preferences Hurt Minority Lawyers
*GianCarlo Canaparo* *U.S. Politics, United States* The root causes of racial disparities among law firm lawyers, whatever they are, occur before law firms make hiring decisions. When medical doctors treat a patient’s symptoms and not the underlying disease, that is called “symptomatic treatment.” Large corporations, in a push for racial diversity, have adopted a symptomatic-treatment approach by requiring the large law firms that they hire to put a certain number or percentage of racially diverse lawyers on their cases. This is symptomatic treatment because it does not address ... read more
Wanted: A Nuclear Deterrence Strategy That Works
*Peter Huessy* *Nuclear Weapons, World* U.S. conventional deterrent strategy assumes no use of nuclear force. The United States has to strengthen its nuclear deterrent capability to ensure that threshold is never broken. Following two decades of counterterrorism and nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is understandably considerable debate in the United States about the needs of U.S. security. How big should the defense budget be? What nuclear deterrent strategy should the United States adopt? A security and nuclear posture review will examine both issues this year. Pa... read more
The Quad’s Survival Depends on Managing Security and Trade Troubles
*Jagannath Panda* *Trade, Asia* Via New Delhi, the United States could build a prospective alliance leadership framework in the democratic world, bridging the gap between powers of North and South. No power in Asia or in the Indo-Pacific region is emerging to be as crucial to American interests in the region as India. New Delhi, too, seems receptive to this new relationship. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States and meeting with President Joe Biden certainly echo this. Delhi-Washington ties are poised to emerge as one of the closest security partnershi... read more
The Terror of Consumption: Why Capitalism Gets Blamed for Everything
*Rainer Zitelmann* *Capitalism, Americas* Anti-capitalists cannot be convinced by facts. If there are too few goods, then capitalism is to blame. The same is true if there are too many goods. Before the emergence of capitalism, a majority of the global population was living in extreme poverty. In 1820, that applied to 90 percent of the people on the planet; today, it is less than 10 percent. And most remarkably: In recent decades, since the end of communism in China and other countries, the decline in poverty has accelerated to a pace unmatched in any previous period of human his... read more
As Afghanistan Collapsed, China’s Xi Jinping Visited a Museum
*Christopher Vassallo* *China, Asia* Xi Jinping has created an intellectual superstructure that elevates history to the importance of ideology. History and ideology are interwoven to the point of near indistinction, and both are utilized in Chinese policymaking. A crisis is good for many things—among them, illuminating the paradigms that guide decision-making. In the afterward of Niall Ferguson’s masterful *Ascent of Money*, he recounts how, in the worst days of the 2008 financial crisis, Ben Bernanke’s Federal Reserve decided to ditch its econometric models that had consistently... read more
There Will Be a U.S.-China Cold War
*Paul Heer* *China, Asia* A cold war between the United States and China is obviously not desirable, nor is it necessarily inevitable. But it is very difficult to see how Beijing and Washington, either individually or jointly, are going to take the steps necessary to avert it. Many scholars and commentators have declared that the United States and China are heading toward—or are already engaged in—a new cold war. In their analysis, the term applies to the bipolar strategic competition between the two nuclear superpowers and their ideologies. It will replicate the U.S.-Soviet Col... read more
The United States Speaks Out on North Korea’s ‘Hypersonic’ Missile Launch 
*Stephen Silver* *North Korea, * Despite the multiple launches of different types of missiles by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea this year, the United States continues to call for the North Koreans to return to diplomatic talks. This week North Korea announced the launch of what it claimed was a hypersonic missile. The North Korean Academy of Defence Science claimed that what was tested was the Hwasong-8 missile, which carried what it called a “hypersonic gliding warhead.” South Korea, however, noted that the missile is likely in an early stage of development. In addi... read more
"Life, In Short..."
“It is easy to overlook this thought that life just *is*. As humans we are inclined to feel that life must have a point. We have plans and aspirations and desires. We want to take constant advantage of the intoxicating existence we’ve been endowed with. But what’s life to a lichen? Yet its impulse to exist, to be, is every bit as strong as ours - arguably even stronger. If I were told that I had to spend decades being a furry growth on a rock in the woods, I believe I would lose the will to go on. Lichens don’t. Like virtually all living things, they will suffer any hardship, endur... read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
Is the Original ‘Law & Order’ Returning to Television?
It would mark the hit television show’s 21st season. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
Eustice goes ahead with unpopular plan to dismantle GM safeguards
Earlier this week George Eustice, the Environment Secretary, revealed plans to stop the likes of me being able to object to field trials of experimental genetically engineered crops. At least, I think that’s what he announced. The details of what is actually going to change were both vague and downplayed, occupying a mere 65 of the 1200-odd words in a Government press release that focused instead on the hypothetical potential for the latest GM techniques on the block to fix, well, just about everything. read more
Chile Is Taking The Final Steps Of Dismantling Dictatorship
The Institute for Policy Studies holds this program every year at the site of the 1976 assassination of IPS colleagues Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffitt by agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Letelier was a former Chilean ambassador to the United States and Moffitt was a 25-year-old IPS development associate. A virtual human rights awards program in their names will be held on October 13. The post Chile Is Taking The Final Steps Of Dismantling Dictatorship appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-23
When Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman lands in Tashkent tomorrow, she will be practically carving on a tiny piece of ivory. This is not to blame Sherman who is arguably a strategic asset for the Biden Administration as she brings into the foreign policy team in Washington a high-level of diplomatic skill that virtually makes her an indispensable trouble shooter — low key but highly effective. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
The Project of Capital and the Project of the Proletariat in a time of World Crisis
This is a response to the two sets of articles written by Sajai Jose on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and on the world’s and India’s hunger crisis. It is in two parts. In the first part it lays the historical background of the response of capital in the face of periodic crises it faces and people’s response to it. It uses the Marxist framework of Project of the Capital and Project of the Proletariat in dealing with this phenomenon. In Part II it specifically deals with the current Project of the Capital, viz. the Fourth Industrial Revolution which is a restructuring of capital wit... read more
Science Matters15 hours ago
How Progressives Took Democracy Hostage
Anthony J. Constantini explains in his American Mind article Democracy’s Progressive Police. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and some added images. Self-government is hostage to hostile captors. While people generally welcome democracy in principle—men typically wish to govern themselves—liberal democracy, with its emphasis on sometimes very progressive individual liberties, has been welcomed less and […] read more
J&J Vaccine Possibly Linked To Two More Serious Health Conditions, EU Regulator Finds
J&J Vaccine Possibly Linked To Two More Serious Health Conditions, EU Regulator Finds by Ivan Pentchoukov via The Epoch Times, The European Union’s drug regulator on Oct. 1 recommended updating the label for Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine with warnings for two more serious health conditions likely linked with the vaccine. – The European … read more
"The Human Condition"
*"The Human Condition"* by Meanings of Life "Man remains largely unknown of himself. What are we, in our innermost recesses, behind our names and our conventional opinions? What are we behind the things we do in our lives, behind what we see in others and what others see in us, or even behind things science says we are? Is man the crazy being about whom Carl Gustav Jung spoke ironically, when he demanded a man to treat? Is man the Dr. Jerkyll that contains in himself a criminal Mister Hyde, and more than a personality, and contradictory feelings? Are we the result of our dreams, as... read more
Sunday Morning Links
This and that for your Sunday reading. - The Canadian Press reports on the overwhelming public support for vaccine mandates and other public health rules - as well as the supermajorities recognizing that Jason Kenney and Scott Moe have failed their provinces: Unsurprisingly given their provinces' struggles with the fourth wave of the pandemic, Kenney and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe ranked the lowest among provincial first ministers for their handling of the health crisis. Fully 80 per cent of Alberta respondents said they were very or somewhat dissatisfied with Kenney's perform... read more
"I Had An Experience..."
"I had an experience... I can't prove it, I can't even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real! I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever... A vision of the universe that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how... rare, and precious we all are! A vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that we are not - that none of us - are alone! I wish I could share that. I wish, that everyone, if only for one moment, could feel that awe, and humilit... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
China Sent 77 Warplanes Into Taiwan's Defense Zone Over Two Days (Update)
20 PLA aircraft (J-16*14, SU-30*4 and Y-8 ASW*2) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on October 2, 2021. Please check our official website for more information: — 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 2, 2021 19 PLA aircraft (J-16*12, SU-30*6 and KJ-500 AEW&C) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on the night of October 2, 2021. Please check our official website for more information: — 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) October 2, 20... read more
"The Great Thing..."
"The great thing about the internet is that you get to meet people you would otherwise only meet if you were committed to the same asylum." - Robert Brault read more
"Love, Death, and Whitman: Poet Mark Doty on the Paradox of Desire and the Courage to Love Against the Certitude of Loss"
*"Love, Death, and Whitman: Poet Mark Doty on the Paradox* * of Desire and the Courage to Love Against the Certitude of Loss"* by Maria Popova "Love and death come to us on common terms - unbidden and total, impervious to protest, naked of pretension. They also come to us entwined: Every love is a franchise of grief, for to love anything is to accept its loss - by a dissipation of ardor or of atoms, the atoms constellating the beloved or the atoms constellating us and the consciousness that does the loving, certain to one day go the way of every other consciousness and every other l... read more
7 climate action highlights to remember before COP26
A September to remember, a pivotal month for climate action commitments. From the United Nations General Assembly week to the final pre-COP meeting, last month was an important time to build momentum before the decisive UN Climate Conference COP26 in early November. Read the full story, “7 climate action highlights to remember before COP26”, on → read more
Mayor De Blasio’s Epic Rikers Island Failure
In 2017, a year after launching the campaign, the mayor was brought to his knees by the unavoidable momentum built by the campaign. He begrudgingly conceded that Rikers needed to close. But the devil was in the details. The mayor punted responsibility by outlining a scantily detailed 10-year plan to close the complex of eight jails on Rikers Island and build four skyscraper jail facilities in locations around the city. The post Mayor De Blasio’s Epic Rikers Island Failure appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Caitlin Johnstone13 hours ago
Let’s Touch Antennae In The Madhouse
Listen to a reading of “Let’s Touch Antennae In The Madhouse”: ❖ Let’s touch antennae in the madhouse, beneath the throes of a dying world and the growing drums of war, beneath the din of the cannibal Karens and Covid culture wars and the miserable […] read more
Halifax Examiner13 hours ago
Time for (real) full disclosure on how many public dollars we really paid private lawyers to defend healthcare bullies
Jean Laroche, the CBC’s veteran legislature reporter, emailed me recently with a “head’s-up” that he would be posting his latest “Gabrielle Horne story” the next day. “It’s by no means the whole story,” he acknowledged, “but it does lift the veil on the [legal] costs a tiny bit more.” It does. But it turns out […] read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
Did a Group Set New Record for World’s Longest Charcuterie Board?
The meat and cheese table was said to measure 315.3 feet long. read more
“Deadliest Pandemic In History”
Dissecting the Orwellian disinformation campaign by the New York Times in support of the pharmaceutical industry read more
Teaching Politically and the Problem of Afropessimism
In education, as in so many other disciplines, one of the increasingly dominant phrases is “anti-Blackness” and the theory of Afropessimism. The two foundational theorists here are Frank Wilderson and Jared Sexton. For Wilderson, Afro-pessimism contends that “Blackness cannot be separated from slavery,” and that “the Slave’s relationship to violence is open-ended, gratuitous, without reason or constraint,” whereas “the human’s relationship to violence is always contingent.” The post Teaching Politically and the Problem of Afropessimism appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The Legacy Of Corporate Democrats
"The election of Donald Trump to the presidency can be directly tied to the policies implemented by Barack Obama and Joe Biden during their eight years in office. Rather than confront Wall Street and the bankers who were responsible for the global financial crash of 2007 and 2008, they bailed them out. Rather than halt the military adventurism that led to the debacles in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya, they backed and expanded the wars, including the use of military drones." The post The Legacy Of Corporate Democrats appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Climate Activists Stage Protest At Airport Against Private Jet Emissions
Extinction Rebellion activists claim to have blocked all major entrances to a private airport in protest against emissions from private jets. As part of the protest, a stretched limousine has been parked at the gates to Farnborough Airport in Hampshire. The protesters, including a former airline pilot, are raising awareness of the emissions caused by private flights. The post Climate Activists Stage Protest At Airport Against Private Jet Emissions appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
CFACT14 hours ago
Review: Don’t waste time or money on ‘Silent Earth’
New book is just another junk-science screed against modern civilization and technology. The post Review: Don’t waste time or money on ‘Silent Earth’ appeared first on CFACT. read more
US Police Have Killed More Than 30,000 People Since 1980
The new study provides a clearer picture of the issue of police violence in the United States. However, it does not fully account for the real social toll. What’s missing from this report is the untold number of victims that are brutalized by police but survive the physical and emotional scars bore by the victims and their families and the immeasurable suffering inflicted on families and communities that lose a loved one at the hands of police. The post US Police Have Killed More Than 30,000 People Since 1980 appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Lawfare14 hours ago
The Big Unanswered Question of the Afghanistan War
Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division board the last U.S. military transport plane departing Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 30, 2021. Photo credit: U.S. Army/MSG Alexander Burnett, 82nd Airborne Public Affairs/DVIDS Editor’s Note: *What does the U.S. departure from Afghanistan imply for future wars? Rand Corp.’s Raphael Cohen argues that the Afghanistan withdrawal illustrates a critical U.S. weakness: a lack of staying power. He contends this weakness could prove devastating in future confrontations with Russia, China or other powers.* *Danie... read more
“Deadliest Pandemic In History” “More Younger People Than Before”
The New York Times reports : “Nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. have now died of Covid-19 — making this the deadliest pandemic in American history. A majority who died recently were in the South and unvaccinated. Many of the … Continue reading → read more
SNC-Lavalin corporations and 2 former top execs charged with fraud - again
CTV is reporting that "The corporate entities of SNC-Lavalin Inc. and SNC-Lavalin International Inc., as well as two former senior executives of the Quebec-based firms have been charged with a series of fraud and forgery offences by the RCMP." "According to a statement released by the RCMP on Thursday, former vice-president of SNC-Lavalin Normand Morin and former vice-president of SNC-Lavalin International Inc. Kamal Francis have been arrested but released." "They, and the two corporate entities, are facing a number of charges including fraud against the government, following a ... read more
From Jenna Orkin UN Finds Steven Donziger’s House Arrest Violates International Law, Says It’s ‘Appalled’ [UPDATE: The Judge Didn't Listen] Five passengers on first post-COVID cruise from NYC test positive US mask guidance for kids is the strictest across the world Antonio is one of the most prolific migrant smugglers on the U.S.-Mexico border. He’s about to turn 18, and he has a decision to make. Lawyer who sued Chevron sentenced to six months in contempt case Military suicides rise 15% as senior leaders call for action Gas Crisis Hits Food as Giant Dutch Greenhouses Go Dark UK MoD ... read more
Small Dead Animals14 hours ago
Temporarily Unexpected
Shortages and Inflation Are Ripping the World’s Face Off It surprises me that, after months of inflation that haven’t abated, I still have to argue with some people that inflation is hot and is not transitory. (Sometimes I even have to argue that it is actually happening, if you can imagine that.) Let me present… Continue reading → read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Afghanistan Facing Electricity Blackouts Since The Taliban Haven't Paid Central Asian Electricity Suppliers
Afghanistan produces about half the power it currently uses and imports the other half from neighboring countries. But that total still doesn't meet the country's demands. This photo shows Kabul at night in January. Jawad Jalali/EPA/Landov *Memstrend: **Kabul Faces Blackout as Taliban Don’t Pay Electrical energy Suppliers* KABUL—Afghanistan’s capital could possibly be plunged into darkness since the nation’s new Taliban rulers haven’t paid Central Asian electrical energy suppliers or resumed gathering cash from customers. Until addressed, this state of affairs might trigger a... read more
The New Dark Age14 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 2-3 October 2021
3 October 2021 — The New Dark Age The Legacy Of Corporate Democrats Imperialism’s crimes, described by their remorseless perpetrators For the Sake of International Recognition, the Taliban is Trying to Change its Image Who is Responsible for the Escalating Situation between the Taliban and Tajikistan? https://journa... read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Venture capital investments in Brazil – US$6.3 billion – set record for first nine months
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The investments of venture capital funds reached a historical record of R$33.5 (US$6.3) billion in the first nine months of 2021, according to a quarterly survey conducted by the Brazilian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (Abvcap) in partnership with KPMG. The volume is three times higher (205%) than the […] The post Venture capital investments in Brazil – US$6.3 billion – set record for first nine months appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
It's About Time
We may be on the cusp of doing something about wealth inequality in Canada. Robin Sears writes: When even thoughtful American conservative commentators like George Will muse about the need for a new response from his tribe to the risks to democracy of widening wealth inequality; when the wealth of billionaires has increased obscenely from the profits generated by homebound customers in a pandemic; and when even Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole demands that the rich pay their fair share, you know that the political wheel on equality has begun to turn in a surprising new direction. ... read more
Sword-wielding man dressed in ‘full NINJA GARB’ injures 2 US special ops troops in midnight attack at California airfield
[image: ninja]A man suited up in ninja gear launched a daring nighttime assault on US Special Forces troops at an airfield north of LA read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Brazil to authorize return of cruise ships
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In the next few days, the Brazilian government should issue a decree to authorize the return of cruise ships to the Brazilian coast for the 2021 and 2022 seasons. The measure was approved by the Ministries of Health, Justice, Infrastructure, Tourism, and the Civil House. The next step is the […] The post Brazil to authorize return of cruise ships appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Better National Security Requires a More Involved Congress
*Sam Abodo* *AUMF, Middle East* A solid legal foundation for intervention makes our national security stronger, our allies happier, and our foreign policy diverse. It has been seventy-nine years since the United States went to war. Or at least legally. Since World War II, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on the Axis powers, the United States has never gone to war with explicit permission from Congress. President Lyndon B. Johnson went to war in Vietnam under the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution but without a formal declaration; President George H.W. Bush ordered 150,00... read more
Political Polarization
*As various writer dissect our recent election some observers are looking at the bigger picture.... * “*Political observers have been warning that the increasing polarization of Canadian politics is turning respectful disagreement on issues into open hostility. Examples of that trend were evident during the 2021 campaign.............. * *One of the earliest warnings came from former clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick. He warned a Commons committee in February 2019 about the "vomitorium" of social media and "the rising tide of incitement to violence" — the ordinary peopl... read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
Climatism: What’s Really Behind Greta Thunberg’s Public Meltdown
*21WIRE* | Are the wheels now coming off the 'climate chaos' bandwagon? read more
Narcotics Officers Arrested for Trafficking Enough Fentanyl to Kill 4 MILLION People
[image: fentanyl]Two cops in Ohio were arrested this week for their role in a massive fentanyl ring, using their positions as Drug Cartel Officers to profit from the trade. read more
Balkinization14 hours ago
Balkinization Symposium on Jim Pfander, Cases Without Controversies: Uncontested Adjudication in Article III Courts-- Collected Posts
Here are the collected posts for our Balkinization symposium on Jim Pfander's new book, Cases Without Controversies: Uncontested Adjudication in Article III Courts (Oxford University Press, 2021). 1. Jack Balkin, Introduction to the Symposium 2. Fred Smith, Against Conflating “Cases” and “Controversies” 3. Diego A. Zambrano, Reviving Justice Story: Pfanderian Cases and Article III 4. Amanda L. Tyler, Pfander on “Cases” and “Controversies” and the Proper Role of the Federal Courts: Uncovering Important Lost History 5. Robert Pushaw, Unearthing The Historical Meaning Of Article II... read more
Small Dead Animals14 hours ago
Lets Go Brandon!
Everybody loves Brandon. read more
Covert Geopolitics15 hours ago
With 60 Million Americans Going Hungry, the United States Needs to Make Peace Not War
The United States cannot afford to maintain a war economy. Such a hyper-militarized economy is inciting dangerous tensions between nuclear powers, as well as eroding the very material foundations of American society. Food hunger in the United States has reached shocking levels with new figures showing that some 60 million Americans are in need of … Continue reading With 60 Million Americans Going Hungry, the United States Needs to Make Peace Not War → read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
Official ONS Data: Deaths Among Teenagers Have Increased By 47% In The UK Since They Started Getting The Covid-19 Vaccine
An investigation of official ONS and NHS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine began to be rolled-out to teenagers there has been a 47% rise in the number of deaths due to all-causes among the age group. read more
What The Yahoo! Assange Report Got Wrong
The Yahoo! News report that is mistakenly being credited for breaking the story of a CIA plot to assassinate or kidnap WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is filled with crucial errors, while at the same time providing important new details about inside-Washington deliberations on how the plot came about. The post What The Yahoo! Assange Report Got Wrong appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Trudeau Banned From Chinese TV
Socialists in Western countries take note. If you want to be a good socialist, don’t be a sissy boy. read more
musingsofanoldfart17 hours ago
A Habitat for Humanity – a reprise on the Carter legacy
Jimmy Carter just celebrated his 97th birthday on Friday. The following is an encore presentation of a tribute to Carter’s legacy, especially with Habitat for Humanity. There are strong opinions about who might be the most impactful US president. But, … Continue reading → read more
On Writing for The Sun
Keir Starmer has written an op-ed for *The Sun*. Like most people who pay attention to such things, I can't say I'm surprised. Plenty of his subordinates have tested the water during the last year, so it was only a matter of time before the big cheese took the plunge. Readers recalling the 2020 leadership election will remember his politician's answer on this issue, saying he wouldn't be giving any interviews to *The Sun* during the *course of the campaign*. It was slippery but barely noticed then, but now he can shrug his shoulders and say he hasn't broken any promises. Which is mo... read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
Episode #390 – ‘Major Realignments’ with Dr Mark Changizi and Brian Berletic
*SUNDAY WIRE* | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world… read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Said He’s Retiring From Politics
*CNN: **Philippines President Duterte announces he's retiring from politics at the end of his term* (CNN)Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Saturday he would retire rather than run for vice president next year, in a surprise move that sparked speculation over his political future, according to the Philippines News Agency (PNA). Duterte, 76, is barred by the Philippine Constitution from seeking a second term after his six years in office, but he said last month that he would campaign for vice president in the upcoming election in May. His plan to pursue the largel... read more
Gangsters Out Blog15 hours ago
Ottawa's LRT is off the rails
The Toronto Star is reporting that Ottawa's LRT has been plagued with problems and derailments. "The $2-billion line, a major infrastructure project in Canada’s capital city that had been more than a decade in the making, opened just two years ago. It’s been plagued by calamities big and small." Built by none other than SNC Lavalin. They under bid and over charge government contracts, then give the politicians kickbacks in campaign contributions. This is what Surrey's Worst wanted to put down 104th Avenue in Surrey creating an infrastructure nightmare which Doug McCallum saved u... read more
21st Century Wire15 hours ago
Helen Dale: The Roots of Australia’s Authoritarianism and Police Corruption
*21WIRE + GB News* | The roots of institutional corruption in the Australia's police forces, and why government is predisposed to authoritarianism. read more
Disasters Strike Suddenly: Here’s What to Pack Before an Emergency
*Brett Robertson* *Disaster Kit, * Here’s a checklist for everything from hurricanes to wildfires and other storms. When disasters hit, they can mean days to weeks without power, and sometimes they allow just enough time to grab a bag of supplies and go. Now is the time to prepare, well before the disaster is on your doorstep. I study ways to improve disaster communications. Here’s what you need to think about. Know your area's disaster risk While some hazards, like windstorms, happen in every region, certain disasters are more common in specific geographic areas. It’s importan... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
US Navy Sells Aircraft Carriers USS Kitty Hawk And The USS John F. Kennedy To Shipbreaker For 1 Cent Each
Navy sells USS Kitty Hawk, USS John F. Kennedy to shipbreaker for 1 cent each For $0.03...I could have owned 2 aircraft carriers! UGH! I wonder how many containers I could put onboard? via @kitsapsun — Sal Mercogliano 🚢⚓🧭🐪🚒🏴‍☠️ (@mercoglianos) October 2, 2021 *WNU Editor: *The above Kitsap story is behind a paywall. I have been trying to confirm from other sources if this is true. But no one else is carrying this story. On a side note. While searching for confirmation of the above story, I came across this old but still fascinating story .... *This Is... read more
Balkinization15 hours ago
Balkinization Symposium on Dixon and Landau, Abusive Constitutional Borrowing-- Collected Posts
Here are the collected posts on our Balkinization symposium on Rosalind Dixon and David Landau's new book, Abusive Constitutional Borrowing: Legal globalization and the subversion of liberal democracy (Oxford University Press, 2021). 1. Jack Balkin, Introduction to the Symposium 2. Samuel Issacharoff, Domesticating Constitutionalism 3. Alvin Y.H. Cheung, Beyond Comparative Constitutionalism: Abusive Legal Borrowing 4. Kim Lane Scheppele, On New Autocrats, Imitation and Flattery 5. Oren Tamir, Can Abusive Borrowing Itself Be Abusive? 6. Rosalind Dixon and David Landau, The Impor... read more
WATCH: Cops Open Fire on Unarmed Dad Surrounded by Kids, Keep Shooting As He’s Down—Lawsuit
[image: unarmed father hands up]Taxpayers of Mesa will likely be held liable after police opened fire with bean bags on an unarmed father with his hands up, surrounded by his children. read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
China has flown more than 30 military planes toward Taiwan in its second large display of force in as many days. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry says 39 aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone in two sorties on Saturday. — The Associated Press (@AP) October 3, 2021 India's army chief says China is sending troops to their disputed border in "considerable numbers", prompting a matching deployment by New Delhi in a development he calls a "concern" — AFP News Agency (@AFP) October 3, 2021 Bomb attac... read more
Atty Tom Renz Releases Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking Sys. 9/27
K-A October 3rd, 2021. Sep 27, 2021 Thanks to a Whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the... The post Atty Tom Renz Releases Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking Sys. 9/27 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
21st Century Wire15 hours ago
SUNDAY SCREENING: Australia’s Dirtiest Cops (2020)
*SUNDAY SCREENING* | Our weekly documentary curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. read more

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