Monday, October 11, 2021

11 October - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 11 pm MDT

Flaunting The Great Reset
The propaganda agencies are busy again today. 10:01 AM · Oct 10, 2021 read more
CFACT11 hours ago
Western Conservation Principles: The 30X30 alternative plan
Rep. Dan Newhouse discusses the Western Caucus' 30X30 alternative plan and more on the podcast today. Tune in here! The post Western Conservation Principles: The 30X30 alternative plan appeared first on CFACT. read more
Science Matters11 hours ago
Killing the Golden Energy Goose in 2021
Lubos Motl provides an insightul article by Alexander Tomský Where the policy of decarbonising the economy is taking us at his blog Reference Frame. Excerpts below in italics with my bolds. We now know that the total, often disguised, cost of renewable energy is prohibitive, the zero carbon ideal mere wishful thinking. Only the brave […] read more
CFACT11 hours ago
“Beehive fences” generate buzz in efforts to protect elephants
Why are elephants afraid of bees? The post “Beehive fences” generate buzz in efforts to protect elephants appeared first on CFACT. read more
Five Years Away From Wind Power
In 1911, the New York Times said wind power would save us from global cooling, and we would soon run out of fossil fuels. read more
Still Time To Change The Road We Are On
CO2 caused the devastation I filmed in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado this weekend, including fire succession after the 2011 Las Conchas fire and 2018 La Veta fire. Joe Biden has promised to reverse this. read more
Michael Mann – The New Albert Einstein
8:08 AM · Oct 11, 2021 from Stockton-on-Tees, England read more
Science Matters13 hours ago
NH Land and Oceans Cooling Sept. 2021
The post below updates the UAH (U. of Alabama in Huntsville) record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling completely overcame the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one were gone […] read more
Northwestern University Selects First Woman President
Dr. Rebecca M. Blank, renowned economist, has been selected to become Northwestern University’s first women president in summer... read more
What Happens When Student Loan Payments Restart?
Millions have not had to make payments on their federal student loans thanks to an interest-free pause by the Department of Ed... read more
California's new "period" law
Although I'm sure there are less expensive ways to solve the menstrual problems of young women, it is a problem. I remember a decade ago talking to a female Columbus teacher who told me about how often she had to come to the rescue of a student, and particularly low income students, or girls who don't have good parents who look out for them. I was shocked. So California's new law isn't a joke, it isn't a left wing plot. Many rest rooms for women supply these products free. I'm sure some abuse this and think they'll take a bunch home, but it's a God-send for many. And for a studen... read more
The mess in the ports and everywhere else
Why was there no transportation crisis or cargo ships waiting for weeks to unload because there are no workers when Trump was in office in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic? Because his administration moved quickly and anticipated the problems that could result from questioning and accusing a behemoth like China. Because Trump was a businessman and Biden is a bureaucrat who has never worked a day in his life. Biden colluded with China, created inflation, imported illegals to take American jobs, and paid American workers to stay home to bankrupt small businesses so giants like Big T... read more
MintPress News10 hours ago
An Empty Building with a Tattered Flag: Palestinians Have No Voice in Washington
Sad to say, the role of the head of the PLO office in Washington was in fact little more than that of a punching bag for the television networks. The post An Empty Building with a Tattered Flag: Palestinians Have No Voice in Washington appeared first on MintPress News. read more
I would rather die than take the shot
I WILL HAPPILY DIE BEFORE I ALLOW THIS POSION INTO MY BODY!!! — Charlie7 (@AlexandriaJ007) October 10, 2021 The post I would rather die than take the shot appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Days After Cops Raid Home, 3D Gun Legend ‘JStark’ Found Dead of ‘Heart Attack’ at 28
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist The 3D gun pioneer, who invented the rapid-fire 3D-printed gun that could be entirely printed at home, “JStark”... The post Days After Cops Raid Home, 3D Gun Legend ‘JStark’ Found Dead of ‘Heart Attack’ at 28 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
Big Tech Worried Worker Rebellion Over Vaccine Mandate Will Succeed – Twitter Account Locked For a Week
An organic worker rebellion that triggers large-scale disruption is something the command and control communists fear more than anything. The Southwest Airline pilot action has created a tremor that quickly caught the eye of Sauron. The rebellion must be stopped before it grows. Control is a reaction to fear…. Posted in 1st Amendment, Big Tech, […] The post Big Tech Worried Worker Rebellion Over Vaccine Mandate Will Succeed – Twitter Account Locked For a Week appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Were the Cleveland Indians Named To Honor Baseball’s First Native American Player?
Louis Sockalexis was believed to be the first acknowledged Native American to play in the major leagues. read more
Vaccine ‘sickout’ spreads to AMTRAK…
Trains 465 and 416 departing on 10/10 are canceled due to unforeseen crew issues. Alternate transportation will be provided. — Amtrak Northeast (@AmtrakNECAlerts) October 10,... The post Vaccine ‘sickout’ spreads to AMTRAK… appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Indigenous People’s Day Reminds Us To Acknowledge And Support Indigenous Struggles
Today is Indigenous Peoples Day. Across the country, a growing number of cities and states are recognizing this day in place of the traditional Columbus Day. This change reflects the growing awareness that holidays like Columbus Day are used to rewrite the past and uphold institutions of white supremacy, racism and settler colonialism. As Justin Teba writes, in Albuquerque, they issued a proclamation to recognize this as a day " to reflect upon the ongoing struggles of Indigenous peoples on this land.” I can only write from the perspective of a settler, but I do want to highlight ... read more
Oy! Is he loaded for kaddish, or what?
I had to smile at this report. Rabbi Raziel Cohen of Morris County, NJ, has designed a $550 *kapota* — the long jacket donned by married Hasidic men on Shabbat and holidays — meant to comfortably conceal a gun. After he got married about two years ago and graduated to wearing a kapota, “I realized right away it was a problem,” said Cohen, 24, of the cumbersome garment, which is traditionally fashioned with buttons and a belt known as a *gartel*. The issue: He couldn’t easily pull out the Glock 19 or Glock 17 he always wears during synagogue. “When you draw a gun, you have to... read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
ET Phone Ottawa
NP-Canada’s wireless costs ‘continue to be the highest or among the highest in the world’: Finnish report Canada cellphone bills have been topping Rewheel rankings for years. In a dedicated 2019 analysis of the Canadian cellphone market, the group put the blame squarely on the country’s lack of telecom competition. “Significant structural … remedies are… Continue reading → read more
MJBizDaily11 hours ago
Arizona unveils applicant criteria for new recreational cannabis retail permits
Arizona cannabis regulators announced a list of 87 zip codes across the state where applicants for 26 social equity retail marijuana licenses must have lived recently. Arizona unveils applicant criteria for new recreational cannabis retail permits is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Food Safety News11 hours ago
Baby cereal sold at Walmart recalled because of excessive arsenic levels
Maple Island Inc. is recalling three lots of its Parent’s Choice Rice Baby Cereal that it manufactures for Walmart because of inorganic arsenic that tested above FDA guidance. This recall is a result of a routine sampling program by the FDA which discovered the problem. The products were distributed nationally through Walmart’s stores and online. ... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Jordan Peterson Was Right
The Dystopian Future has arrived. read more
‘Battle For Your Brain’ Waged By Western Militaries
Western Governments In The NATO Military Alliance Are Developing Tactics Of “Cognitive Warfare,” Using The Supposed Threats Of China And Russia To Justify Waging A “Battle For Your Brain” In The “Human Domain,” To “Make Everyone A Weapon.” The post ‘Battle For Your Brain’ Waged By Western Militaries appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
“Boycott Tour” Demands Justice And Liberation During Vancouver Palestine Action Week
On Wednesday, 6 October, activists marched through downtown Vancouver, Canada, as part of the Boycott Tour, drawing attention to the complicity of corporations, universities and government institutions in Canada in the ongoing colonization, occupation and apartheid throughout occupied Palestine. The post “Boycott Tour” Demands Justice And Liberation During Vancouver Palestine Action Week appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Extinction Rebellion activists plan two-week ‘October Rebellion’ in Vancouver streets
Climate protesters are planning a series of protests in Vancouver this month that includes occupying major intersections, bridges, and “shutting down” Vancouver International Airport. Environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion Canada said it wants a commitment from the provincial and federal governments to end fossil fuel subsidies before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, which starts Oct. 31. The post Extinction Rebellion activists plan two-week ‘October Rebellion’ in Vancouver streets appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Update: Orange County Pipeline Oil Spill Response
We are working alongside our partners in the Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN), and we are in the field engaging in animal search and rescue, as well as teams in the Los Angeles wildlife center providing cleaning and care to animals affected by the oil spill. The post Update: Orange County Pipeline Oil Spill Response appeared first on International Bird Rescue. read more
"A Night at the Opera"
*"A Night at the Opera"* by Bill Bonner "Now on with the opera. Let joy be unconfined. Let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlor." – Groucho Marx in "A Night at the Opera" BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – The end of last week brought joy – the debt ceiling was raised… the bars were open. And Republicans and Democrats, after pretending to be at each other’s throats, were necking in the parlor. The whole episode deserves at least a footnote in economic history, for rarely has a public spectacle been so completely phony. It was like a funeral for so... read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
FBI Arrest US Nuclear Submarine Engineer And His Wife Trying To Sell US Nuclear Secrets To A Foreign Country
*Daily Mail*: *US nuclear submarine engineer and his wife are charged with passing secrets to a foreign government hidden in PEANUT BUTTER sandwiches after being paid $70,000 in crypto – but they were actually dealing with undercover FBI agents* * Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebe, 42, and wife, Diana, 49, were charged Saturday with selling secret information to an unidentified foreign country * The classified information contained military secrets, specifically on the nuclear Virginia-class submarines * Court records show that Toebe unwittingly communicated with FBI age... read more
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near
Washington Post – by Alex Horton Hundreds of thousands of U.S. service members remain unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated against the coronavirus as the Pentagon’s first compliance... The post Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Happy Indigenous peoples Day
The Green New Steal folks and the "Include everyone but Whites" cults love to overlook that slavery is still endemic in Africa, and that African slaves were sold to European slavers by Africans and over 90% went to South America, not North America. There are more slaves today than during the 18th century trans-Atlantic slave trade. In South America slaves had long been sacrificed by indigenous people for fertility, agricultural crops, and maybe just to show one's importance. "The eminence of chiefs and kings, the ritual and political necessity for human sacrifice, and the obligator... read more
Fertilizer Prices Hit Record Highs, May Pressure Food Inflation Even Higher
Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden Fertilizer prices have risen to a record high in North America, threatening to boost food inflation even higher. Nitrogen... The post Fertilizer Prices Hit Record Highs, May Pressure Food Inflation Even Higher appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
List of US Companies Secretly Owned by China: Tesla, Microsoft, GM, Uber,…
USA Gag This is amazing list, some of these you will never think about. China is buying all America. Some brands that you may think... The post List of US Companies Secretly Owned by China: Tesla, Microsoft, GM, Uber,… appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Peru Libre leader’s mother’s accounts are frozen for alleged money laundering
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A journalistic investigation revealed that the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) had frozen nearly 1.5 million soles (US$366,000) in accounts of the mother of the controversial founder of the ruling Peru Libre party, Vladimir Cerron, investigated for an alleged criminal organization. The mother of the leader of the extreme left-wing party, […] The post Peru Libre leader’s mother’s accounts are frozen for alleged money laundering appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Reduce Population to Save the Planet, Says Former UK Finance Chief
Breitbart – by Kurt Zindulka Britain and other Western nations should welcome declining populations and ageing demographics as it will help them meet climate change... The post Reduce Population to Save the Planet, Says Former UK Finance Chief appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden Admin to Send the Taliban Millions in US Dollars After Arming them with $83 Billion in US Military Weapons
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with several years’ worth of US armaments. Rather... The post Biden Admin to Send the Taliban Millions in US Dollars After Arming them with $83 Billion in US Military Weapons appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
China - Indian Border Talks Break down
*The Straits Times*: *India-China border talks stall, with both sides blaming each other for breakdown* NEW DELHI - India and China have blamed each other for a breakdown in the latest border talks, in a setback to efforts to negotiate a way out of the worst row in decades that has plunged relations to an all-time low. Militaries of both countries held the 13th round of corps commander negotiations on Sunday (Oct 10) over disengagement in Ladakh region. But the meeting ended in finger pointing, with China calling India's demand for disengagement "unreasonable", and India acc... read more
Top 15 Foods High in Zinc
Dr. Axe – by Christine Ruggeri, CHHC Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in more than a hundred enzymatic reactions in the body,... The post Top 15 Foods High in Zinc appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
After AUKUS: The Next Steps Toward a Confrontation with China
*Lianchao Han, Bradley A. Thayer* *China, Asia* Global democratic cooperation will illuminate the path of freedom for the world rather than Beijing’s road, which seeks to fetter the world. During the United States’ agony in its war in Vietnam, the Argentine-born Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto “Che” Guevara said that he sought to create “two, three, many Vietnams” for the United States. Che’s spirit should animate the growing cooperation against China. The Australian-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) submarine cooperative agreement announced in September was a good start.... read more
Tanking Together: Why Biden and Trump are Both Underwater
*Aram Bakshian Jr.* *Politics, United States* Despite different bases of support and vastly different backgrounds, Americans are growing tired with the tone and content of “politics as usual.” Even by today’s grotesque political standards, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are strange bedfellows indeed. Yet there they are—the tired old liberal hack from Delaware and the blustering, bullying billionaire bumpkin from Queens—tanking together in a spectacularly bipartisan political collapse. You might call it the “Biden-Trump Slump.” Most current polling qualifies both the sitting Democrat... read more
To Counter Russia and China, Make ‘Spheres of Influence’ Great Again
*David T. Pyne* *Word Order, World* Much like the 1945 Yalta Agreement, a global sphere of influence between the United States, Russia, and China might have similar success for the entire world. There is an increasing threat of a two-front war with Russia and China stemming from their increasing superiority over the United States in terms of nuclear, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and cyber weapons. Despite this increasing U.S. strategic military inferiority, many if not most U.S. policymakers continue to believe that the United States is the strongest military power on Earth This... read more
How to Counter North Korea’s Provocative Missile Threats
*Richard Weitz* *North Korean Missiles, Asia* Moscow and Washington should also intensify constraints on the main driver of U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense programs—North Korea’s increasingly sophisticated threats. North Korea’s missile program is on a roll. During the past month, Pyongyang’s provocations have included the brandishing of new hard-to-detect cruise missiles, rail-mobile launching platforms, a self-contained liquid fuel package, and a prototype of a hypersonic glide vehicle. These innovations, which will enhance the readiness and maneuverability of North Korea’s fle... read more
The West Shouldn’t Deny the Big Picture on Turkey’s Erdogan
*Michael Rubin* *Turkey, Middle East* It is time to check the power Turkey seeks to exert on the global stage, diplomatically, economically and, when its proxies operate outside Turkey’s recognized borders, militarily as well. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a plan. Eighteen years into his rule, he has transformed Turkey at home and on the world stage. Erdoğan’s ambition is greater than simply reviving Turkey’s Ottoman heritage and making Turkey a regional player. Rather, he seeks to reshape the post-World War II liberal order. Erdoğan makes no secrets of this. His slogan “Th... read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Alert in Uruguay: Coronavirus cases in Colonia triple in 12 days
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Developed by the Harvard Global Health Institute, the index estimates the incidence of coronavirus - either in a country or a department - based on the average number of new cases in the past 7 days. The calculation is based on a total of 100,000 inhabitants. The P7 indicator shows […] The post Alert in Uruguay: Coronavirus cases in Colonia triple in 12 days appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Kenyans Kipruto, Kipyogei Sweep in Boston Marathon Return
Kenya's Benson Kipruto won the pandemic-delayed Boston Marathon when the race returned from a 30-month absence, moved from the spring for the first time in its 125-year history. read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Bolivia begins week of high political tension
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Tension has grown in recent months in Bolivia as court cases pile up on serious charges against opposition leaders, including the governor of Santa Cruz, for their alleged participation in the 2019 coup that overthrew Evo Morales, of Arce's party, the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS). The leader of the main […] The post Bolivia begins week of high political tension appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
CFIUS’s Expanding Jurisdiction in the Magnachip Acquisition
The U.S. Treasury Department building in Washington, D.C. (Joe Campbell,; CC BY-SA 2.0, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) is among the most significant tools in the U.S. government’s arsenal to further its national security interests. In response to concerns that Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) countries were purchasing strategic U.S. assets, President Ford created CFIUS to empower agencies to review transactions involving foreign investments in order t... read more
Indigenous Issued Citations at White House on Indigenous Peoples Day: Halting Fossil Fuels
Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, led the march to the White House Today. Photo Washington Post.Indigenous Peoples DayCensored NewsOct. 11, 2011WASHINGTON -- After bringing out at an LRAD sound blaster, White House police issued about 156 citations to Indigenous and allies in front of the White House today. They were released. They are in Washington this week to demand an end to fossil fuels and climate read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
More Bad News On China's $62 Trillion Housing Bubble
*WNU Editor: *The above Vlogger was one of the first to report in depth on China's Evergrande/property crisis, and I find him to be one of the best when it comes to covering this story. My own friends and contacts in China have been telling me the same thing for the past few weeks. Bottom line. If the worse case scenario does play out in China, it will have a profound impact on all of us, and a massive blow to Chinese President Xi. *Update: *This is going to get worse .... *"It's A Disastrous Day" - All Hell Breaks Loose In China's Bond Markets* (Zero Hedge). read more
Day of the Girl Child: A Digital Generation Where Every Girl Counts
NEW YORK, Oct 11 (IPS) - The theme of this year’s annual International Day of the Girl Child, on October 11, “Digital generation. Our generation.”, recognizes the digital transformation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. But while the pandemic accelerated the transition to online learning, working and networking, it also accelerated women and girl's risk of being left behind. Read the full story, “Day of the Girl Child: A Digital Generation Where Every Girl Counts”, on → read more
China and the UN at 50- What We Can Achieve Together
BEIJING, Oct 11 (IPS) - China was one of the architects of the United Nations and was the first signatory of the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945. But it was only in October 1971, with the Chinese delegation led by Mr. Qiao Guanhua, that China’s representation at the UN resumed. Since that time, the UN has had the great privilege of witnessing and supporting China in achieving one of the greatest periods of socio-economic progress in world history. Read the full story, “China and the UN at 50- What We Can Achieve Together”, on → read more
First Person: Levelling the gender playing field in Jordan
Discussing gender equality in Jordan can lead to difficult conversations, as Balqees Shahin, a volunteer for the UN Women gender equality campaign HeforShe, has discovered. Marking International Day of The Girl Child on Monday, Ms. Shahin told UN News that online games can help young people to address gender issues. Read the full story, “First Person: Levelling the gender playing field in Jordan”, on → read more
When Girls Have Access to Technologies, A True Digital Revolution Will Be In Sight
NEW YORK, Oct 11 (IPS) - This year’s International Day of the Girl theme, Digital Generation, Our Generation, celebrates the potential of digital technologies while calling for the inclusion of all girls in accessing technology. The digital revolution will not be realized if girls without access to digital solutions are left behind. For years, advocates of technology for development have been repeating the mantra that *technology is not a panacea*. Yet in racing to connect, catch up, and create greater access, we ignore at our own peril the inconsistent or non-existent household- ... read more
"Real Estate is Unraveling - Another Real Estate Crisis"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, AM 10/11/21: *"Real Estate is Unraveling - Another Real Estate Crisis"* "Forbearance is over. There will be a catastrophic amount of inventory entering the real estate marketplace very soon. Over 25% of the people that are exiting forbearance can not afford their homes now. This excess inventory is a real problem." read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ11 hours ago
Security In Iraq Oct 1-7, 2021
Violence in Iraq has remained steady for the last month. Attacks by the Islamic State have been in the teens each week. The major change at the start of October was there were no incidents by pro-Iran groups which tapered off at the end of September. There were a total of 17 security incidents reported in the media from October 1-7. That was the same number as the last full week of September and similar to the week before that when there were 13 incidents. All 17 were by the Islamic State across Anbar (1), Baghdad (1), Diyala (7), Kirkuk (2), Ninewa (1), and Salahaddin (5)... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ11 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 11
1920 UK military force set out from Hilla to relieve garrison at Kufa Burned houses of Fatla tribe along the way during 1920 Revolt (Musings On Iraq review of *Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State*) (Musings On Iraq review *Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921*) 1920 Sir Percy Cox arrived in Iraq to be High Commissioner Was to create an Arab govt to run country 1961 Qasim said he would give up demands on Iraq Petroleum Company if it gave up 90% of the territory it was developing and gave Iraq larger share of profits... read more
Komando.com12 hours ago
Upgrading your iPhone? 5 steps to take with your old phone before you sell it or give it away
You've This tip will be similar to this one, but focusing only on selling phones and keeping your privacy intact. Go into detail for the following steps: read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Colorado Party leads municipal map in Paraguay and celebrates victory in Asunción
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to preliminary data, the ruling party secured 160 mayoralties out of the 261 in dispute, against 64 for the Liberal Party, the opposition's largest, with 37 won by independent coalitions. However, president of the Liberals Efraín Alegre, pointed out on social media that the total number of mayoralties for […] The post Colorado Party leads municipal map in Paraguay and celebrates victory in Asunción appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Over 70,000 March in Brussels to Demand Green New Deal
Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of Brussels on Sunday to demand Belgium's elected leaders and others from around the world finally dispense with proclamations, broken promises, and half-measures and instead "act" on the climate emergency. The post Over 70,000 March in Brussels to Demand Green New Deal appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
IER12 hours ago
FERC Decision Rewards California’s Poor Planning
California’s grid is vulnerable, and high temperatures this past summer have clearly demonstrated its weaknesses. Between brownouts and calls on citizens… The post FERC Decision Rewards California’s Poor Planning appeared first on IER. read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
The Lord of Vaccines and the New Health Terrorism
*Dr. Pascal Sacré* | Beyond Huxley: a dark new religion, with millions now celebrating about having taken the experimental injection. read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
Where is Biden’s Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does it Exist?
*Jon Rappoport* | Brazen: are the feds are mandating by bluffing? read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Paul McCartney: John Lennon Responsible for Beatle Breakup
Paul McCartney has revisited the breakup of The Beatles, flatly disputing the suggestion that he was responsible for the group’s demise. read more
Fauci gives the green light on trick-or-treating this Halloween
Fox News Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday gave the stamp of approval for kids to trick-or-treat outdoors this Halloween, one year after it was labeled a “high... The post Fauci gives the green light on trick-or-treating this Halloween appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Pelosi Chased Off The Street- F-ing Communist!
Jess Sosnoski 09 Oct 2021 The post Pelosi Chased Off The Street- F-ing Communist! appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Eisenhower Answers America
Jay Partridge May 1, 2020 The post Eisenhower Answers America appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Will the Halloween Climate Summit Trigger an Economic Heart-Attack Even Before it Opens?
There is reason to fear that a spiralling world energy crisis may overwhelm the U.S., Western European, and major Asian economies even before the scheduled Oct 31-Nov 12 world climate confab in Glasgow, Scotland--or while it is in session. (In the dark, perhaps?) read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Threats, bullying, lawsuits: tobacco industry's dirty war for the African market
11-Oct-2021 In pursuit of growth in Africa, British American Tobacco and others use intimidatory tactics to attempt to suppress health warnings and regulation, including accusing governments of breaching trade agreements. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
La Tunisie met un frein à un accord de libre-échange « approfondi » avec l'UE
11-Oct-2021 L'ALECA ouvrirait les secteurs de l'agriculture et des services, ainsi que les marchés publics des biens et des services, à une libre concurrence totale. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Traité sur la charte de l'énergie : Pendant combien de temps vont-ils négocier une impossible « modernisation » ?
11-Oct-2021 Jusqu'à quand la France, et l'UE, vont-elles accepter de rester membre d'un Traité qui sape les politiques de transition énergétiques ? read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Transnational corporations and free trade in Mexico
11-Oct-2021 This report examines how, over the last 30 years, Mexico has become one of the main industrial paradises on the planet. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Tsai calls Taiwan indispensable partner to EU, appeals for BIA
11-Oct-2021 President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has called on the European Union (EU) to establish a bilateral investment agreement (BIA) with Taiwan because of the role it can play as a democratic and economic partner. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Le Royaume-Uni et les pays du Golfe négocient un accord de libre-échange
11-Oct-2021 Le Royaume-Uni et les six pays arabes du Golfe ont officiellement lancé les négociations pour un accord de libre-échange. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
UK, Gulf nations negotiate free trade deal
11-Oct-2021 Britain wants comprehensive agreement that breaks down trade barriers read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
US, China hold trade talks, with tariff removal among the agendas
11-Oct-2021 They reviewed the implementation of the phase one deal and agreed that the two sides would "consult on certain outstanding issues," the USTR office said. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
L'ambassadeur de l'Uruguay souhaite promouvoir l'accord de libre-échange avec le Vietnam
11-Oct-2021 L'Uruguay et le Vietnam disposent de nombreux potentiels pour renforcer leurs échanges commerciaux, a affirmé l'ambassadeur d'Uruguay à Hanoï. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
A Washington, le Maroc impliqué dans un nouveau litige (CIRDI)
11-Oct-2021 Finetis lance un arbitrage contre le Maroc pour "violation du traité bilatéral" signé par le Maroc et la France en 1996. Le nom de cette société avait été cité dans une affaire de détournement de trafic de télécommunications. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Pakistán termina 23 TBI
11-Oct-2021 Pakistán, según se ha informado, resolvió terminar 23 de sus 48 tratados bilaterales de inversión cuyo plazo de duración inicial ha finalizado. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Le Pakistan résilie 23 TBI
11-Oct-2021 Le gouvernement du Pakistan aurait décidé de mettre fin à 23 des 48 TBI du pays, dont la durée initiale a été atteinte. Par ailleurs, le pays ne ratifiera pas 16 TBI déjà signés mais pas encore entrés en vigueur. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Sahara occidental : la justice européenne annule deux accords commerciaux avec le Maroc
11-Oct-2021 Le Tribunal de l'Union européenne a annulé deux accords commerciaux entre le Maroc et l'UE, l'un portant sur les produits agricoles et l'autre sur la pêche à la suite d'un recours des indépendantistes sahraouis du Front Polisario. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Crise des sous-marins: interruption des négociations commerciales entre l'UE et l'Australie
11-Oct-2021 Des négociations sur un possible accord de libre-échange entre l'Australie et l'Union européenne ont été reportées, a déclaré un responsable européen, après la décision de Canberra d'annuler un contrat de sous-marins français. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
EU postpones long-planned trade talks with Australia over submarine row
11-Oct-2021 A long-planned round of Australia-EU free trade talks have been postponed, a European official confirmed, after fury over Canberra's decision to cancel a major French submarine contract. read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
An Energy Crisis Is Gripping The World
The central chimneys at the coal-fired NTPC Ltd. Dadri Power Plant in Uttar Pradesh, India. The country, which relies on coal for about 70 percent of electricity generation, has already seen signs of power shortages. © Anindito Mukherjee/Bloomberg News *Washington Post*: *An energy crisis is gripping the world, with potentially grave consequences* Energy is so hard to come by right now that some provinces in China are rationing electricity, Europeans are paying sky-high prices for liquefied natural gas, power plants in India are on the verge of running out of coal, and the aver... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Covid-19 : Brazil doctors denounce Prevent Senior for promoting ineffective medications to patients
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Irene Castilho was not even allowed a day to mourn after her husband died of Covid-19. She too was sick, coughing and struggling to breathe; he had barely passed away when she began using the same oxygen mask. That same day, March 22, she was admitted to a São Paulo […] The post Covid-19 : Brazil doctors denounce Prevent Senior for promoting ineffective medications to patients appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Spanish Air Europa increases flights to Paraguay
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Air Europa, a subsidiary of London-based IAG, a group formed by Spanish and British flag carriers Iberia and British Airways, announced a scheduled increase in weekly non-stop flights to Paraguay starting next month. The increase in operations between Madrid-Barajas (MAD) and Asuncion (ASU) is due to high passenger demand and […] The post Spanish Air Europa increases flights to Paraguay appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Letter to my Republican Senators on Debt Ceiling
I posted the following letter on my two Republican Senators’ websites. If you agree with its theme, please feel free to modify and use. Dear Senator, as a retired business consultant and manager, I am disappointed in the Republican Party … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
A Detailed Video Tour Of A B-52 Stratofortress Ever Made (Video)
*Warzone/The Drive:* *This Is The Most Incredible Tour Of A B-52 Stratofortress We Have Ever Seen* A highly experienced B-52 crew gives a very detailed tour of the inside and outside of the iconic Cold War-era jet. It may be an overused axiom, but the B-52 is truly like a fine wine, it just keeps getting better with age. With the Stratofortress—the youngest of which will hit 60 years old next year—finally getting new engines, the type will have more range and better field performance, payload, maintainability, and economy. This, combined with significant sensor, avionics, surv... read more
CENSORED NEWS13 hours ago
San Carlos Apache Actor and Activist Chesley Wilson, Sr., Passes to Spirit World
San Carlos Apache Actor and Activist Chesley Wilson, Sr., Passes to Spirit WorldBy Sandra RamblerSan Carlos ApacheCensored NewsBYLAS, Arizona — A prestigious member of the San Carlos Apache Tribe 89-year-old Chesley Wilson, Sr., will be brought back to his home for viewing on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021 from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. followed by a traditional military style funeral at 11:00 a.m. at the read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
Southwest Airlines Cancels 1,800 Flights After Pilots File Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandate
*21WIRE* | Corporate execs are trying to blame cancelations on ‘disruptive weather’ - but they won't be able to hide the truth forever. read more
Four Reasons for Critical Race Theory
Today I have ordered three books on Critical Race Theory (CRT): 1. *Critical Race Theory: An Introduction*, by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic 2. *How to Be an Antiracist*, by Ibram X. Kendi 3. *White Fragility*, by Robin Di Angelo We live in a world created by our ancestors. What our ancestors did or didn’t do, decades or centuries ago, defines our way of life. Since we benefit from the achievements of our ancestors, we must bear the cost of their failures and sins. I became interested in CRT after I realized that in Western history, there exist several problematic areas. Josep... read more
Need some courage or pride? Listen to Trump
Tired of being told you're a loser, a white supremacist, deplorable and a troglodyte? You need President Trump! Tired of Western Civilization being mocked and statues of heroes being defaced, torn down or taken away in the dead of night (Columbus, Ohio)? You need to be reminded where you've come from and where you're going if you give in to Biden plan to crush you. ‘President Donald J. Trump told a crowd of some 15,000 Poles in Warsaw on Thursday [July 6, 2017]. “We reward brilliance. We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of... read more
WATCH: Aussie Cops Interrogate Man on His Doorstep Over 6-Month Old Anti-Lockdown FB Posts
[image: facebook posts]Police showing up at doors literally with six month old Facebook posts screen shots in hand... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Talks between Indian and Chinese army commanders to disengage troops from key friction areas along their border have ended in a stalemate and failed to ease a 17-month standoff. — The Associated Press (@AP) October 11, 2021 Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops remain unvaccinated against Covid — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) October 11, 2021 #UPDATE US pharmaceutical giant Merck said Monday that it has applied for emergency use authorization of its oral anti-Covid drug in the United States, a major step towards finding a simple pill... read more
Body Cam Shows Cops Drag Paraplegic Dad Out of Car by His Hair, Attack Him Over Window Tint
[image: window tint]A stop for dark window tint escalated into a nightmare for a Dayton father who is paraplegic after police dragged him from his car by his hair. read more
From Jenna Orkin Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' - scientists Art gallery repping Hunter Biden received $500K federal COVID loan, records show In secret tapes, palm oil execs disclose corruption, brutality Why the Nobel Peace Prize award is a huge blow to Facebook A TikTok bone salesman’s wall of spines reignites ethical debate over selling human remainsAbductions by the busload: Haitians are being held hostage by a surge in kidnappings Philanthropy Is a Scam Most of Lebanon loses electricity after power stations run out of fuel Iceland halts Moderna jabs over heart-infla... read more
Is resistance to COVID-19 mandates reaching critical mass?
I wasn't in the least surprised to hear rumors - as yet unconfirmed by the Federal Aviation Administration, and ignored by the mainstream media so far, but confirmed to me by a friend who's an air traffic controller in a major center - that most of the controllers in the Jacksonville, Florida, air traffic center allegedly walked off the job on Friday in protest against the mandate to undergo the COVID-19 vaccination. A similar problem is reported to have occurred in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, although I've not been able to confirm that yet. Southwest Airlines seems to be deep in th... read more
Podcast—Carey Wedler—How The Establishment Perfected Surpressing Dissenting Information & How To Beat Big Tech
[image: podcast]Though it may seem like an impossible feat, we can still beat Big Tech at their own game. read more
21st Century Wire14 hours ago
Opinion: ‘The Elites’ Great Reset and Depopulation Agenda’
*Joachim Hagopian* | We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe, and no one is talking about it. read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Taiwan Crisis Intensifies, Taiwan President Tsai Defies China, War Fears Grow
Taiwan Crisis Intensifies, Taiwan President Tsai Defies China, War Fears Grow News Topic 309 Tsai’s Double Ten speech a political farce Tsai’s Double Ten speech a political farce One day after Chinese President Xi Jinping warned Taiwan secessionists and stressed that the Taiwan question will be resolved along with national rejuvenation in his speech on […] read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Uruguay is studying the vaccination of Argentina tourists
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Ambassador of Uruguay in Argentina, Carlos Enciso Christiansen, stated that his country is studying the possibility of vaccinating Argentine tourists against the coronavirus. Thus, they would complete their vaccination scheme on Uruguayan soil. “The tourist who does not have the complete cycle, who can go for several days, will […] The post Uruguay is studying the vaccination of Argentina tourists appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran14 hours ago
The Fall of Kurz. EU strikes down Austria
The Fall of Kurz. EU strikes down Austria The Duran: Episode 1109 Austria’s Kurz steps down over corruption probe to save coalition Austria’s Kurz steps down over corruption probe to save coalition VIENNA, Oct 9 (Reuters) – Austria’s conservative Chancellor Sebastian Kurz resigned on Saturday to pull his coalition government back from the brink of […] read more
Small Dead Animals14 hours ago
Stay Home This “Holiday” Season
China Patty instructs everyone to stay home this upcoming holiday season. Unless of course you are planning an election or going surfing in B.C. And for goodness sake don’t call it the Christmas Season. It upsets the muslims. read more
Mining Awareness +15 hours ago
Defending The Republic Sues DOD, FDA & Others on Behalf of US Military Service Members who Decline Vaccination
“BREAKING: Defending The Republic Sues DOD, FDA & others on behalf of our military who decline vaccination 10/06/2021 3:00PM EST … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +16 hours ago
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Explains Why He Won’t Resign
“NORTH CAROLINA LT. GOV. MARK ROBINSON / WON’T RESIGN / HERE’S WHY” Link: It’s worse than can even be … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +16 hours ago
Jimmy Faircloth Interview on Vaccine Mandate Lawsuits – Oct 6, 2021
Apart from the healthcare workers, he’s been hearing from workers in other sectors, such as the oil industry – offshore … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +16 hours ago
Healthcare Workers and Hospital Staff in Shreveport and Monroe Louisiana Join the Fight Against Forced Covid-19 Vaccinations
“Louisiana For Medical Freedom Press Release October 5, 2021 Healthcare Workers and Hospital Staff in Shreveport and Monroe Join the … Continue reading → read more
Where the policy of decarbonising the economy is taking us
Commentary by Alexander Tomský Somewhat hysterical fears about the contribution of human activity to global warming have dominated the Western elite for several decades, but only relatively recently have the dismantling of coal-fired power plants and the ban on internal combustion engines planned for 2030-35 come into play. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Even the current energy crisis will not immediately defeat the ideological consensus; people are conformist, parties and governments do not like to admit error, yet the threat of recession has already unnerved ma... read more
naked capitalism14 hours ago
On the Economic Geography of Climate Change
A crucial aspect of human adaptation to climate change is geographic mobility. As a consequence, limitations to mobility will worsen the socioeconomic costs of climate change. read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
UK Police Won’t Act Against Prince Andrew over Abuse Claim
British police have announced they will not take any action against Prince Andrew after a review prompted by a Jeffrey Epstein accuser who claims that he sexually assaulted her. read more
Gregory Mannarino, "It's Out Of Control; Crude Oil Is Surging; Important Updates"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 10/11/21: *"It's Out Of Control; Crude Oil Is Surging; Important Updates"* - ○ "Food Prices Hit Highest Level in a Decade" read more
"Economic Market Snapshot AM 10/11/21"
*"Economic Market Snapshot AM 10/11/21"* "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." - John Maynard Keynes ○ "The more I see of the monied classes, the better I understand the guillotine." - George Bernard Shaw ○ MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates - CNN Market Data: - CNN Fear And Greed Index: - ○ A comprehensive, essential daily read. - http://www.shadowstats... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
A demonstrator takes part in a protest in support of Palestinian farmers and against Israeli settlements, in Beita, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. REUTERS/Raneen Sawafta *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Top Photos of the Day* (Reuters). read more
the daily howler14 hours ago
RUNNING ON TRIBAL: David Brooks made an obvious point!
*MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2021* *After that, the comments:* In last Friday's column, David Brooks made a certain type of fairly obvious point. On balance, he made a perfectly decent point. Or at least, he made a perfectly decent point as far as his column went. Opinion columns in the New York Times run roughly 800 words. A columnist can't necessarily say it all in 800 words, though he can sometimes make a generally sensible point. In general, Brooks suggested in his column that we should avoid sweeping generalizations about large groups of people. In his headline, he seemed to say th... read more
The Difference Between Last Year And This Year
A year ago, Ontarians were in a very bad spot. Bruce Arthur writes: This time last year Ontario’s previous chief medical officer of health was worrying about how you cooked your turkey, and the premier was recommending gathering indoors and said the curve was flat. It wasn’t. It was a year ago, and a lifetime. Since then, holidays have come and gone, and time has been stolen from people, and families and friends have often followed a grim new ritual of staying apart. The pandemic, though under control at the moment in Ontario, is still on. We’re not back to normal. But we're gett... read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Brazil financial market raises IPCA projection for 2021 from 8.51% to 8.59% – Focus report
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Market Report Focus from the Brazilian Central Bank released this morning showed that the median forecast for Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2021 was maintained at 5.04%, the exact estimate as four weeks ago. Four weeks ago, it was 1.72%. 2022, the forecast for GDP expansion rose from […] The post Brazil financial market raises IPCA projection for 2021 from 8.51% to 8.59% – Focus report appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
In a naive column about how President Biden can regain his footing, E.J. Dionne writes: Harry Truman-style, Biden should press Republicans about what benefits they propose to deny to Americans who need them. Do they want less child care? Less health coverage? More expensive drugs? No tax breaks under the child tax credit? And do recalcitrant Republican governors want an unending pandemic? I think, in all cases, Republican officeholders would answer: Sure, why not? Yes, polls show that Republican voters want what's in Biden's bills almost as much as Democrats and independents do --... read more
Days After Cops Raid Home, 3D Gun Legend ‘JStark’ Found Dead of ‘Heart Attack’ at 28
[image: jstark]Just days after being raided by police, 3D-gun pioneer JStark was found dead in his home of an apparent heart attack. He was only 28. read more
OrientalReview.org15 hours ago
The Three Seas Initiative And Global Britain
In September 2021, the chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Poland published a report entitled “Three Seas Initiative and the Opportunities for Global Britain”. He and the report’s three coauthors are British citizens of Polish descent who lobby for cooperation between the two countries. The group’s chair, MP Daniel […] read more
MJBizDaily15 hours ago
Boulderlamp, Inc. launches one of a kind dual function horticultural and antimicrobial LED combo light
Media Contact: Fazle Quazi C: 303-257-3841 Lafayette, CO (October 7, 2021) Boulderlamp, Inc. (BLI) is introducing a new unique horticultural and antimicrobial LED combo light for indoor and greenhouse cultivations. PerfectPar™ DuoLight 4000 is a patent pending dual-function light designed to increase crop production with less energy and to provide preventative control of mold […] Boulderlamp, Inc. launches one of a kind dual function horticultural and antimicrobial LED combo light is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro neighborhood “Saúde” voted one of the coolest in the world – Time Out
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Birthplace of samba and today with attractions such as the Museum of Tomorrow, the neighborhood of Saúde, in the central region of Rio de Janeiro, near the port area, was classified as the 25th coolest in the world in an annual ranking released last Wednesday, October 6, by the British […] The post Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro neighborhood “Saúde” voted one of the coolest in the world – Time Out appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Science 2.0 blogs15 hours ago
White Patients Significantly Less Likely To Be Sent To A Skilled Nursing Facility After Surgery
Even if insurance and household incomes are similar, white people are more likely than people of color to be sent home after surgery rather than to a skilled nursing facility. People of color are also more likely to stay in long-term care or get care at home, according to results presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2021 annual meeting. The reason, the authors believe, it is that people of color are more likely to have severe diabetes and high blood pressure, which can impact recovery. read more read more
AltHealthWorks.com15 hours ago
Proof That GMOs Should Be Banned? Years-in-the-Making Database Shows Scientific Studies of Monsanto’s Creations for the Very First Time
The genetically modified food experiment carried out on the unsuspecting public by Monsanto has only been taking place for about 25 years, and began with the first-ever failed GMO food, tomatoes, back in 1994. The so-called “FlavrSavr” GMO tomato was roundly rejected by consumers, restaurant chains, and supermarkets alike, leading to the abandonment of the lab-created fruit. But what seemed like a major blow to the hopes of the GMO industry quickly became a mere footnote in history, as Monsanto and other companies managed to gain government approval for their suite of GMO crops (cor... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil’s Embraer sells 100 more executive jets to NetJets for US$1.2 billion
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Embraer has signed an agreement with NetNets for the sale of 100 more aircraft to the company, totaling an order of US$1.2 billion. Embraer has already delivered 100 Phenom 300 executive jets to the company, which belongs to the Berkshire Hathaway group, and the new agreement foresees the delivery of […] The post Brazil’s Embraer sells 100 more executive jets to NetJets for US$1.2 billion appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com15 hours ago
3 US-Based Economists Win Nobel Prize for Societal Research
A U.S.-based economist won the Nobel prize for economics for pioneering research that showed an increase in minimum wage does not lead to less hiring and immigrants do not lower pay for native-born workers. read more
Science 2.0 blogs16 hours ago
Do Mennonite Kids Have Fewer Allergies? If So, Pathogens In Breast Milk May Be Why
It used to be that allergies were somewhat rare but if you go to an allergist today, you are almost certain to be declared allergic, or at least sensitive, to something. How much of that is actual biological change versus how much is that the country that purchases 85% of the world's prescription medication loves to get medical diagnoses is unclear. Now the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology believes that nearly half of the population of the EU have allergies to something. A survey of Americans in 2020 estimated that approximately 30 percent of Americans of all ages... read more
Econlib17 hours ago
The Continuum Between Liberalism and Anarchism
In a private comment on my Regulation review of Acimoglu and Robinson’s The Narrow Corridor, George Mason University professor Dan Klein challenges the continuity I see between (classical) liberalism and anarchism. The contentious point was summarized in the last paragraph of my review: An improved and more useful study of the narrow corridor would, in […] The post The Continuum Between Liberalism and Anarchism appeared first on Econlib. read more
Blog Censorship moves us to WordPress
Well, all good things must come to an end. I'm going to have to change over to WordPress because of Google's absurd censorship. Google is no better than YouTube or Facebook with their fake news and fake fact checkers censoring the real science and the real health care workers. The blog which is run by Google just removed my Thanksgiving post on Gratitude and Inclusion as well as another post on Covid Crime: Probability and Statistics. This is the Orwellian era where big tech censorship reveals its absurd agenda. I still run and so I can post lin... read more

Organizing Notes15 hours ago
Do you trust big pharma?
Money talks in Washington. The lower drug costs bill is wildly popular with the public but opposed by corporations, who are buying votes to stop it. We tracked the timeline of corporate money to Reps. Scott Peters, Kurt Schrader, & Kathleen Rice, who are trying to weaken the bill. It is utterly damning. read more

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