Sunday, October 10, 2021

10 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10:20 pm MDT

The New Dark Age16 hours ago
Watch: Pfizer Exposed
7 October 2021 — Internationalist 360° Scientists Confirm Natural Immunity to Covid is More Effective than Vaccines Same Networks that Sold Us War Promote Pfizer’s Vaccines More Deaths and Adverse Reactions Fuel Increasing Criticism of COVID-19 Vaccines Fertility Concerns as Experimental mRNA Vaccines Wreak Havoc with Women’s Menstrual Cycles read more
GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation
GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation by Geoffrey Grider, In his address before a high-level U.N. meeting on inequality and prosperity, Vatican Archbishop Gallagher asserted that “fighting rampant inequality cannot be achieved without fiscal redistribution and increasing the progressiveness of income taxation … read more
OrientalReview.org17 hours ago
Concerning The “S” Word
Recently I read an article on 1 Peter 3:1-7, which passage contained advice to Christian women married to non-Christians. In this passage the apostolic author counselled the women to “be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the Word they may be […] read more
NY Times Issues MASSIVE Correction: Wildly Overstated COVID Hospitalizations Among CHILDREN By Almost 1 MILLION
NY Times Issues MASSIVE Correction: Wildly Overstated COVID Hospitalizations Among CHILDREN By Almost 1 MILLION by Editor’s Note: Where are those “fact checkers” when you really need them? Oh, that’s right, they work for the same Mockingbird, corporate-owned media. – One “incorrectly” described Sweden & Denmark halting use of Moderna Vax in children as … read more
One Ring to Rule Us All: A Global Digital Fiat Currency
One Ring to Rule Us All: A Global Digital Fiat Currency by SCHIFFGOLD We’ve written extensively about the “war on cash.” In a nutshell, governments would love to do away with cash in order to better track and control their citizens. There have been numerous moves closer to a cashless society in recent years, from capping … read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
Shopping for an outdoor security camera? 5 things to look for
Shopping for security cameras? Buy ones you can access from your phone, with motion-activated HD and night vision features. Here's more to look for. read more
The War Against Accounting Consultant Next
Every federal agency and navy entity will have no less than one particular person, if not a totally-staffed office, for the Small Enterprise Consultant (SBR). They could have titles such because the Workplace of Small and Deprived Business Utilization (OSDBU), The Workplace of Small Business (OSB), Small and Disadvantaged Enterprise Utilization (SADBU) or something similar. They are the informal gatekeepers. Whereas they buy nothing, they’re all the time the primary people a serious contractor ought to meet when making an attempt to promote to a federal agency. A small enterprise ... read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
58% of workers fed up with their computers – Are you?
A new survey says the majority of remote workers don't like their work laptops. Company devices perform poorly and slow employee productivity. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Remember FarmVille? It’s back and here’s when you can play again
If you've been missing FarmVille since it went away, we have good news. It's coming back, and we'll tell you when and how to play. read more
Overcoming Addiction: 5 Powerful Habits You Learn Through Recovery.
Overcoming Addiction: 5 Powerful Habits You Learn Through Recovery – Purpose Fairy read more
Ancient Tree Contains Record of Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal in Its Rings – Science And Nature
Ancient Tree Contains Record of Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal in Its Rings – Science And Nature read more
CENSORED NEWS11 hours ago
Revolutionary Conversations with Acoma and Isleta Elders: Red Nation's Native Liberation Conference
Isleta Chief Judge Verna Teller"We have all been traumatized for the last 500 years. We all need to heal."Maurus Chino, Acoma Petuuche Gilbert, AcomaRevolutionary Conversations with Acoma and Isleta EldersWebcast by Red Nation by Brenda NorrellCensored NewsRed Nation's Jennifer Marley, San Ildefonso, talks with Acoma and Isleta elders, beginning read more
Weekend Fun 80, Political jokes for 2022 elections
I am reposting some jokes that I got from various group chats (GCs): DAANIN NA LANG PO NATIN SA SURVEY... Wag na Mag Away "WHO IS YOUR PRESIDENT???" Para po confidential ang inyong mga boto, gagamit po tau ng GCash as our platform: 1. Bato = send Php 100 2. Lacson = send Php 120 | 2. Manny = send Php 130 4. Isko = send Php 140 5. BBM = send Php 150 6. Leni = send Php 160 GCASH = 09760238074 Papayag ka bang madehado ang manok mo??? send na!!! #Halalan2022 Kanya kanyang racket lang ha. Walang gagaya! --------- Lucio Tan -- half Pinoy half Chinese FVRamos -- half Pinoy half t... read more
China Has Paid Attention to Russia's Intervention in Syria
*Lyle J. Goldstein* *Syrian War, Middle East* Beijing has been closely watching the war in Syria. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Beijing may take lessons from the Kremlin’s new paradigm for military intervention. It has long been recognized that the closer alignment between Moscow and Beijing that goes back nearly three decades now provides each with ample political and diplomatic benefits. A less well explored aspect of the relationship could examine how these partners learn from one another in various domains, including in the crucial area of strategy. I have pointed out... read more
Into the Breach: Here’s How the United States Entered the Korean War
*Daniel L. Davis* *Korean War, Asia-Pacific* The situation was dire and tenuous from the start. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *All the units had been badly shaken psychologically, as just three weeks before the battle began, these men were all in Japan living the luxurious and easy life of occupation troops. That life had been permanently shattered for them all. The 21st RCT in particular had been crushed in early fights, suffering 1,400 casualties of its initial strength of 2,500. More would die soon—and the fate of the war hung on the outcome of the Battle of Taejon. War ... read more
War News Updates17 hours ago
Editor's Note
This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I am with family today. Blogging will return this evening. read more
War News Updates17 hours ago
With 750 Bases In 80 Countries Is Now The Time For The U.S. To Bring Its Troops Home?
* **750 Bases in 80 Countries Is Too Many for Any Nation: Time for the US To Bring Its Troops Home* President Joe Biden did what his three predecessors could or would not: halt a seemingly endless war. It took two decades, but American troops no longer are fighting in Afghanistan. An important aspect of the US withdrawal was closing Washington’s bases, which once spread across the country. Uncle Sam left Bagram Air Base, America’s biggest facility in Afghanistan, on his way home. However, some 750 American military facilities remain open in 80 nations and territori... read more
* Should Low Earnings Degrees Be Eliminated?* There are few advantages of getting old, but one of them is professors gain a body of former students whose accomplishments provide great pleasure. One of mine is Andrew Gillen, who graduated from college 20 or so years ago, got a Ph.D. at Florida State, worked for me for a while at the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, and now flourishes as a scholar at the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). Like me, Andrew loves data, and when the U.S. Department of Education did a rare useful thing by publishing data on college ... read more
ICYMI: End of the Yellow Brick Road Edition (10/10)
Final weekend of the balancing act that is doing live community theater during COVID. It's been a blast, but I look forward to getting my evenings back. In the meantime, I have some reading for you to wile away your Sunday afternoon (or whenever it is that you peruse this list). *Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge.* This story is so much worse than the headline suggests. It's a pro-publica investigative piece of events back in 2016. It's long, but it's the "if you read only one piece on this list" piece for the... read more
Sunday morning music
I laughed so hard when I watched this last week that I had to pick it for today's music video. Cat lovers will understand; others will at least see why we find them such fun critters. Enjoy! There are quite a few parody versions of "Bohemian Rhapsody" floating around. You'll find a number of them on YouTube. Here's one of the more offbeat ones. Somewhere up there, I suspect Freddie Mercury is asking God, "Why? *Why???* What did I do to deserve *that???*" Peter read more
By Cathy Jameson A friend shared a link for a video with me last week. Looking at the length of it, I hesitated to start listening to it. Already late in the afternoon, a time when I face frequent interruptions... Related Stories - Numbing Autism Numbers - Making an Impact - Over The Top read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
Sunday morning
*I* Well done to Morecambe's very own world-beating boxer Tyson Fury! The BBC's report on his triumph has a couple of adverts for other BBC output at the bottom of it, which don't seem entirely relevant: I think I'll pass on those. *II* Talking of advertising on the BBC, the BBC is hardly free of adverts as they deluge viewers with plugs for other BBC programmes between programmes. But at least they don't put them in the middle of programmes.... ....except, that is, if your watching the news and see a plug for, say, an upcoming *Panorama *disguised as a news report. *The Mail... read more
CENSORED NEWS18 hours ago
Red Nation's Native Liberation Conference -- Pueblo Elder Panel
The Red Nation​Thank you for tuning into the 2021 Native Liberation Conference! Coming up: a conversation with Verna Teller and Petuuche Gilbert.Andrea Nasca​I support these values & concepts: self-determination, respect, resistance, Indigenous sovereignty, Land Back, healing from within, reclaiming identity, language & names…The Red Nation​^^^VolVol they-them​Revolutionary greetingsJ​Solidarity, read more
Dances With Bears18 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with German clinical evidence of Alexei Navalny’s chronic use of lithium and benzodiazepine drugs before his sensational collapse last year is being withheld and covered up by the Berlin doctors who obtained the evidence from testing a sample of Navalny’s hair. The significance of the hair testing was identified this month by […] read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Major Insurers Running Billions of Dollars Behind on Payments to Hospitals and Doctors
Disputes between insurers and hospitals are nothing new. But this fight sticks more patients in the middle, worried they’ll have to pay unresolved claims. read more
21st Century Wire19 hours ago
SUNDAY LIVE EVENT: ‘Propaganda, 9/11 and The Global War on Terror’ Virtual Symposium
*LIVE EVENT* | Special online conference exploring 9/11 and its impact and geopolitical legacy 20 years on. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
October Sermonette
Thoughts from the past week: I spoke to a Marxist this past week, who glorified his faith in Marxist tyranny. Isn’t it interesting that Marxists just want to change the color of the chains, not remove them? The enemy of my enemy is not my friend – likely just another guy who […] The post October Sermonette appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Secrets of Bitcoin
By Steve Brown… The US Treasury-Fed has billions to launder. Reverse repurchase agreements help with the laundering. But bitcoin serves a purpose, too. On three occasions I’ve written about the US Treasury-Fed’s use of bitcoin to sterilize capital and cover its tracks with regard to the many $ black holes it creates. From Pam and […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
An Honest Black History Month (2)
Chuck Berry (1926-2017) is without question the most influential figure in contemporary music, especially any form of rock. Although a competent rather than an exemplary musician, it is no exaggeration to say that every successful rock musician since the 1960s or earlier has been influenced by Chuck Berry, by someone who has been influenced by […] read more
I Ate A Melon So Delicious It Maybe Killed A Pope Once
Although I don't recall exactly where, I once read that Pope Paul II maybe died from eating too many melons. Sure, there were other theories about his death. That it was merely a heart attack, or that he actually died while shtupping a pageboy. But it is the melon story that has stuck with me, haunted me even. I had so many questions! What kind of melons were they? How many melons is too many melons? I love melons! Am I at risk? And so not long ago, I fell into an internet hole trying to find answers to these questions, and only come out of it more confused than I was previously..... read more
$15 Minimum Wage Is a Fraught Fight Filled with False Promises
*Ryan Bourne, Brad Subramaniam* *Minimum Wage, * So are minimum wage hikes worth it? *Key point: *That blanket sentiment—that the absence of a clear jobs effect from some minimum wage rises shows that the “law of demand” just doesn’t ever apply in the low wage labor market—is empirically incorrect. Some studies finding more modest effects of minimum wage hikes on employment have facilitated very strong claims among “Fight for $15” advocates. Question the wisdom of a minimum wage hike proposal today and an army of pro-minimum wage activists will swarm you, claiming defiantly that ... read more
GREENIE WATCH20 hours ago
* Research seeks to determine how much extra carbon dioxide can trees absorb to reduce greenhouse emissions* * The doubts expressed about this experiment are absurd. They pretend that we don't know what plants use CO2 for. But we know that perfectly well. They use it to build up theirown structure. They turn it into wood etc. So they will STORE in their own tissues the extra CO2 that they take in* The University of Oxford has erected towers in an old oak forest and then bathed the 175-year-old trees with carbon dioxide to mirror what CO2 levels will be like in 2050. When they mea... read more
Don't Overhype the Threat Posed By Chinese Naval Expansion
*Lyle J. Goldstein* *PLA Navy, Asia* Taking a confrontational approach to China brings risks. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If the United States has about eight hundred military bases outside its borders and China has one (Djibouti), then Beijing would seem to have a very long way to go (799 more overseas bases to build) in honing the coercive tools of global military parity—let alone seeking for “global hegemony.” American strategists seem to agree on little these days, except to say that America is in grave danger. Some maintain that Iran is the root of all evil and bel... read more
China is Still Studying The First Sino-Japanese War
*Lyle J. Goldstein* *Sino-Japanese War, Asia* Chinese military leaders are trying to learn from the past. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Japan shocked the world with a lightning campaign that not only reduced the faltering Qing dynasty to its knees in a matter of months. *Even as Western strategists spill gobs of ink recalling the Great War that convulsed Europe a century ago*, Chinese military thinkers are actually fixated on another anniversary. 120 years ago, *Japan shocked the world with a lightning campaign that not only reduced the faltering Qing dynasty to its knees... read more
The Duran20 hours ago
An Honest Black History Month (1)
October is Black History Month in the UK, and according to Aamna Mohdin writing in the Guardian, there is a lot to celebrate. The reader is told there is “a renewed focus on black British resistance to racism – inspired in part by last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests” and that this “celebrates key figures […] read more
Adrienne's Corner20 hours ago
Sunday Funday: I think Freddie Mercury would be pleased...
*I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.* *Bohemian Catsody - A Rhapsody Parody Song for Every Cat Queen and King!* Have a lovely and holy Sunday. God bless you all. read more

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