Friday, October 01, 2021

1 October - iG Tab - 9


Utopia – you are standing in it!

Sustainable Pulse

  • Guilty! Many of us in the regenerative agriculture movement describe the world’s soils as a “sink” into which excess atmospheric carbon can be stored, and we’ve been wrong. That mistake has diminished the appeal of our concepts and...

    a day ago
  • Street and online people’s protests against the ‘global corporate food empire’ greeted the opening of the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS), as the Global People’s Summit (GPS) on Food Systems launched a Global Day of Action on the third...

    8 days ago
  • As GMWatch recently reported, five hundred tons of Indian GMO rice have been mistakenly used in many countries to make, among other things, sweets for Mars, the world’s leading confectionary manufacturer. No GMO rice has been authorized...

    13 days ago

sunshine hours

Stagecraft and Statecraft

  • Naypyitaw’s generals treated as bigger threat than the terrorists controlling Kabul Brahma Chellaney, Nikkei Asia No sooner had the Taliban completed their lightning-quick conquest of Afghanistan than U.S. Secretary of State Antony...

    11 hours ago
  • BRAHMA CHELLANEY, The Globe and Mail There is an old Chinese idiom: “Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.” And in the political crossfire between Washington and Beijing over the 2018 Canadian arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on...

    a day ago
  • The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the greatest jihadist victory in modern times, will give rise to a terrorist super-state that serves as a magnet for violent Islamists from around the world. The US-led global war on terror, which...

    10 days ago

Ramani's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog

  • Jan Resseger describes the crisis of early childhood education in this post. The importance of early childhood education for healthy development has been repeatedly documented, most recently by the Learning Policy Institute. Yet the sector...

    13 hours ago
  • When candidate Joe Biden proposed raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15, it seemed like pie in the sky. When labor unions demanded the same, the big employers ignored them. But then came the pandemic, and everything changed...

    14 hours ago
  • Steven Singer writes that teachers are getting sick and exhausted because of the stress of the pandemic. One week, they are heroes. Next week, they are villains. At the staff meeting the other day, one of my fellow teachers turned to me and said...

    2 days ago


  • By Paul Homewood   For the most part, the month just gone was particularly pleasant, finishing up the 7th warmest on the CET record. However, this is not maybe as eventful...

    12 hours ago
  • By Paul Homewood Please save us from these cretins!     Firefighter Craig Hope deals with "hundreds and hundreds" of wildfires across the south Wales valleys every year. But he has noticed recently they are changing – burning later into...

    17 hours ago
  • By Paul Homewood   I covered John Stossel’s experience with Facebook’s “factcheckers” a few months ago. Now he is suing Facebook for defamation:  

    3 days ago


NEPC Blog Post of the Day

Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers

  • Conceived in Liberty: Season 2, Episode 1 – Victor Davis Hanson from Ben Hannemann on Vimeo.

    a month ago
  • Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Americans are growing angrier by the day in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or Tea Party furor of over a decade ago. The rage at the current status quo this...

    2 months ago
  • By any empirical measure, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has proven utterly disingenuous, and far more so than average politicians. Unlike other political mediocrities, his inanities have led to roughly 13,000 unnecessary deaths or more...

    2 months ago

The Moderate Voice

  • Published by AFP Washington (AFP) – Pharmaceutical company Merck said Friday it will seek authorization in the US of its oral drug molnupiravir for Covid-19 after it was shown to reduce the chance newly infected patients were hospitalized...

    12 hours ago
  • Published by AFP Washington (AFP) – Democrats entered a second day of likely marathon negotiations Friday to resolve splits over the scope of President Joe Biden’s domestic spending plans, knowing that failure could be crippling for...

    12 hours ago
  • The Supreme Court has no army to enforce its decisions; its authority rests solely on its legitimacy. Win McNamee/Getty Images Richard L. Pacelle, Jr., University of Tennessee The first Monday in October is the traditional day that the U.S...

    12 hours ago


  • “The other side of that is – I was telling someone the other day – if Paul hadn’t been in the band, we’d probably have made two albums because we were lazy boogers. “But Paul’s a workaholic. John and I would be sitting in the garden...

    6 hours ago
  • 1. How did 30,000 Haitians get to Texas? 2. “I am here.”  “Missing man in Turkey accidentally joins his own search party before realising he was the person they were looking for.” 3. LaBoissiere podcast chatted with me.  And Noah...

    12 hours ago
  • Molnupiravir against Covid (Bloomberg).  It might cut the death rate in half, the market has been boosting the Merck share price.  And more here: “…molnupiravir works by introducing genetic errors that garble the coronavirus’s...

    15 hours ago

Lloyd Lofthouse

  • I’m a former U.S. Marine and was sent to Vietnam in late 1965. I returned home to the states in December 1966. At the end of the Vietnam War, according to, about 7,000 people were evacuated by helicopter from various … Continue...

    25 days ago
  • Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: To all those patriots out there who are “resisting” mandates for vaccines and masks, please read this. George Washington was not only “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts…...

    a month ago

MintPress News

Made from Truth and Lies

  • JM Straczynski talks about why the new Babylon 5 series is a reboot.(tags:TV writing Babylon5 jms )Shakira: Singer attacked by a pair of wild boars(tags:wtf pigs )The German publisher who inserted soup adverts into the translated novels...

    16 hours ago
  • This is from a friend who works for Police Scotland, who seem to have all the same issues that the Met do.I raised concerns in 2017 about a colleague who was racist, homophobic & made misogynist comments on a daily basis. I feared raising a...

    2 days ago
  • The Mystery Box Storytelling Approach Is Broken, and Here's How to Fix It(tags:writing mysteries bad )Covid in Scotland: Latest ICU patients largely unvaccinated and young(tags:Pandemic hospital Scotland )Oh lord, Will Wright's new...

    2 days ago

  • Just came from a poetry meeting which always leaves me in a good mood, both because of the multiple breaks to partake in refreshments of the herbal variety, and because of the poetry and general good vibes, and tonight was … Continue reading...

    a day ago
  • I am tired, and kind of sore all over, mostly shoulders and back, and my fingers and hands bear the stab wounds of a thousand nasty little thorns, but I feel good. I spent most of the day picking rose-hips, … Continue reading →...

    3 days ago
  • A while back I joined a Facebook group called P2P, which I assume stands for people to people, or maybe person to person, or maybe I’m completely wrong about that and it stands for something else entirely, but that would … Continue reading...

    4 days ago

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