Thursday, May 07, 2020

7 May - iGoogle Portal -Tab 10

  In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

  • Intense Scorpio Full Moon May 7 , 2020. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself". You can hold the truth down now about as easily as you can hold a beach ball underwater. Futile! Get a...
  • Happy SuperMoon in Scorpio! This Scorpio Super Full Moon becomes exact on Thursday, May 7 at 6:45 AM New York time (10:45 GMT). A SuperMoon occurs when the moon is physically closer...
    • Alison Janes gives free tarot card weekly love, finance, and general predictions for the week of May 4-10, 2020 for ALL Signs in this live video broadcast...
  • Venezuelan state television aired on Wednesday an interview with one of two Americans facing charges of having participated in a failed armed plot to overthrow the government of...
  • The United States could end all sensitive intelligence operations and withdraw its intelligence assets from the United Kingdom if a leading Chinese company is hired to upgrade the...
    • Spy agencies from every country are participating in a worldwide competition to develop a vaccine for the COVID-19 pandemic, by protecting their own biomedical secrets while trying...
  • Misión Verdad A fisherman from Chuao quietly called out to the mercenaries. Photo: Twitter What happened last Monday, May 4, on the coast of the town of Chuao, municipality of Santiago...
  • Misión Verdad Minister Jorge Rodriguez presented details of Operation Gideon,which is aimed at the capture and assassination of Chavista leaders, including President Nicolas...
    • Matheus Falcao, Maira Mathias Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his daughter pose for a selfie with supporters, outside Planalto Palace in Brasilia, on May 3, 2020 during the...

      Unexplained Mysteries

  • In direct contrast to their depiction in the Jurassic Park movies, velociraptors were not actually pack hunters. The popular movie franchise, which ki...
  • The US President seemed somewhat skeptical when asked about the recent release of three UFO videos. Last month the US Department of Defense took the u...
    • A recently uploaded video shows a peculiar triangular-shaped object gliding across the sky in South America. The footage, which was uploaded on May 3r...
  • A senior vice president at Amazon announced his resignation over the firing of whistleblowers who spoke out about the company’s failure to protect workers during the Covid-19...
  • A new survey of anti-fraud professionals from around the world has found that whistleblower suppression is the most significant “fraud-related factor” in the spread of Covid-19...
    • An article published by SwissInfo on Friday reports that Israeli bank Hapoalim has been fined nearly $875 million by the U.S., one of the largest penalties imposed by the U.S. in tax...

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