1:05 am MDT
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
*by Noah* His mind is almost completely gone now. But, it will continue to get worse. I made the above meme over a year ago but I never used it because I knew this time was coming. Anyone who watched him speak during his campaign for as little as two minutes could see and hear the mind rotting from within. During the debates you could see it, too, when he crept up behind his opponent to menace her as she spoke. He needed his Adderall just to be there. The desire to lie and whine has always been there. The racism, the grifting and thievery, too. New Yorkers saw that long, long ago... more »
Shutting Down Incompetent Academic Modelers
On March 22, modeling geniuses at the University of Arizona forecast massive overcrowding at Arizona hospitals by April 13. COVID-19 Forecast Model, Arizona and Pima County, March 22 | Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health The exact opposite … Continue reading →
I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Help
Like in New York, COVID-19 patients in Lombardy, Italy were sent to nursing homes, where they infected the elderly. Government then used the deaths of elderly people in Lombardy and New York as rationale to destroy the economy of the … Continue reading →
Pakistan Has China To Thank For These Powerful Military Weapons
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * Nuclear weapons and more. *Here's What You Need To Know: *While the Pakistani military has long relied on the Pakistan Air Force for air defense, the Pakistan Army has acquired the Chinese HQ-16 medium-range surface to air missile (SAM) for the defense of its formations on the ground. A deep modernization of the Russian Buk SAM, the HQ-16 utilizes vertical launch and containerized missiles to enhance reaction times. As Pakistan’s relationship has soured with the United States in the past two decades, Pakistan’s armed forces have largely looked towards ... more »
What Do Teenagers Think of Donald Trump?
*Aaron Metzger* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] Teenagers in the United States are informed about their political world and capable of effectively evaluating political leaders, including President Donald Trump. Teenagers in the United States are informed about their political world and capable of effectively evaluating political leaders, including President Donald Trump. This statement runs counter to stereotypes that adults tend to hold about teens. Ask most adults to describe the political abilities of the typical American adolescent and you may hear words like “apatheti... more »
The Air Force Has A New Mission: Destroying Enemy Air Defense Ships
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * Subsonic or supersonic, ship-hunting bombers appear set to play a major role in the naval warfare capabilities of China, Russia, and the United States into the mid-twenty-first century—nearly a century after Billy Mitchell sought to demonstrate their potential on a hapless German battlecruiser. *Here's What You Need To Know: *Subsonic or supersonic, ship-hunting bombers appear set to play a major role in the naval warfare capabilities of China, Russia, and the United States into the mid-twenty-first century—nearly a century after Billy Mitchell so... more »
Russia May Be Winning Syria, But Its Aircraft Have Paid The Price
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * The air campaign has cost the Russian military at least nineteen manned aircraft (eleven helicopters and eight airplanes) between 2015–2018, leading to the deaths of twenty-three crew and thirty-seven passengers. *Here's What You Need To Know: *Some combat losses may have been avoided if the VKS possessed more precision-guided weapons and surveillance drones to allow targets to be rapidly identified and safely targeted from on high. However, these losses were too few to stop the VKS and naval aviation from flying well over 39,000 sorties in Syria b... more »
How Coronavirus Is Affecting People's Personalities
*Vivian Zayas* *Public Health, World* [image: Reuters] Psychological research suggests that concerns about COVID-19 and social distancing are likely to affect how much people want to socialize with others, what they desire in partners and relationships, and their preferences for more conventional thinking over openness to new experiences. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be “imprinted on the personality of our nation for a very long time,” predicted Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. No doubt in the future people wil... more »
Greg Hunter, "Coup Conspiracy Case Will Get Them All"
*"Coup Conspiracy Case Will Get Them All"* by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says America is facing big internal and external foes. One of the biggest external enemies is China, who has taken a huge economic hit over the virus it released globally. Shipp contends, “Trump is finally confronting them (China) with tariffs, so they are hurting there. They are heading for a recession. Huawei is no longer going to be in the United States. That’s a loss of huge revenue. So, my concern is this: China is going to have to escalate t... more »
Boomers & Millennials: an aftermath of austerity will kill Australians too
Yesterday, the Treasurer warned that restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus are costing Australia $4 billion a week. Is it fair for the younger generation to cop this economic fallout plus be burdened with Australia's biggest economic stimulus while the Government stubbornly refuses to address controversial franking credits, negative gearing and tax-free super? Michael Tanner reports.
Noise Holds Human Beings Back - The Wisdom Of O.M. Aivanhov
*"Noise holds human beings back in the lower psychic regions and prevents them from entering into this subtle world where movement becomes easier, vision clearer, and thought more creative. Noise is indeed an expression of life, but not of life in its higher degrees. Rather, it reveals an imperfection in the construction or the functioning of beings and objects. A machine that starts making all kinds of noise is one that is faulty.* *Pain is itself a noise, warning us that things are beginning to go wrong in our system. The organs in a healthy body are silent. Of course, they expr... more »
More than 500 new hydrothermal chimneys found on seafloor off Pacific Northwest
The Watchers » Latest articles - 1 hour ago
Researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) discovered more than 500 towering hydrothermal chimneys on the seafloor off the coast of the Pacific Northwest, in an area known as the Endeavor Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Research on the...... Read more »
An absolute must see video: Whistleblower Dr Mikovits on the virus, its origin, its treatment & how Fauci silenced her & her research
Learn about the absolute corruption that precedes this pandemic. The silencing of truth. The withdrawal of effective cures. The shutting down of dissent. The bribery of key players. And one woman’s refusal to bow to it all. She has the knowledge & the key info to join the dots between all of those anomalies we’ve … Continue reading An absolute must see video: Whistleblower Dr Mikovits on the virus, its origin, its treatment & how Fauci silenced her & her research →
An Enzyme Called Luciferase Is What Makes Bill Gates’ Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System Work
Bill Gates who is not a health expert by any stretch of the imagination…who has bought WHO… curious name too isn’t it? Luciferase. EWR From nowtheendbegins.com Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it is composed of multiple things. At its center we have … Continue reading An Enzyme Called Luciferase Is What Makes Bill Gates’ Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System Work →
Hear a whistleblower nurse telling how & why folk are dying in the US hospital where she works! (covid)
This is the second whistleblower nurse I’ve watched, the other’s been taken down now. Horrific detail described by this nurse who has a conscience she’s unable to fully exercise amidst a scene of total mayhem. When she tries to advocate for her patient, the patient is taken from her & she is moved. Read more … Continue reading Hear a whistleblower nurse telling how & why folk are dying in the US hospital where she works! (covid) →
Good Mourning, Twitler!
(CNN) Republican strategist Jennifer Horn was up at 1 o’clock Tuesday morning writing an op-ed when she saw it: An angry tweet mentioning her by name from the President of the United States. Donald Trump had name-checked Horn, alongside other … Continue reading →
Norway looks at metals in seafood; assesses local meat producers
An analysis by Norwegian scientists has found a low level of heavy metals in processed fish products in the country. Commercially available items were collected from 2015 to 2018 and analyzed as composite samples for mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Levels of cadmium, lead, and arsenic were low and human exposure to these metals would... Continue Reading
Researchers investigate role of farming in evolution of Campylobacter
Intensive farming techniques could increase the likelihood of pathogens becoming a public health risk, according to researchers. An international team led by the Universities of Bath and Sheffield in England, investigated the evolution of Campylobacter jejuni, a bacterium carried by cattle. Scientists studied the genetic evolution of the pathogen and found that cattle-specific strains emerged... Continue Reading
Letter to The Editor: Reopening restaurants with digital handwashing
Opinion The COVID-19 lockdown and subsequent reopening scheduled have raised the bar on restaurant cleanliness, especially hand cleanliness. Operators are filling their entryways with hand sanitizer dispensers as one might expect following all the public briefings by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But there is also unexpected use of technology that even the... Continue Reading
Elementary School Librarian (aka Leatherman) Hosted Male Prostitute Drag Queen
[image: elementary-school-librarian-aka-leatherman-hosted-male-prostitute-drag-queen] An elementary school librarian in Austin, Texas, who goes by the nickname “Leatherman” during perverted sex shows, invited a convicted male prostitute “drag queen” to read to young children while dressed in female clothing. It all happened during the school district's “LGBTQ+ Pride Week.” Yes, seriously.
Execution of The Satanic Plan: COVID19 – LOCKDOWN – GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY – New World Order
StopTheCrime.net NEW ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION to Create an Economically Unstable and Shock-Prone World Authoritarian Controls – Criminals Thrive We ARE the Enemy and War has been Declared. Silent Weapons for a Quiet War end
It Could Be War: Classified Chinese Report Warns Beijing It Faces Tiananmen-Like Global Backlash Over Coronavirus That Could Lead to ‘Armed Confrontation’ With The US
Is this a genuine push for war by the Illuminati or a distraction from their implementation of the Mark of The Beast vaccines, New World Order Beast Digital Currency System? – It Could Be War: Classified Chinese Report Warns Beijing It Faces Tiananmen-Like Global Backlash Over Coronavirus That Could Lead to ‘Armed Confrontation’ With The …
Cynthia McKinney: We Are Being LIED To! – IS THIS Civil War 2.0?
World Alternative Media Josh Sigurdson talks with former Representative from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney PhD about the unthinkable times we currently live in and how she diagnoses the current environment. From the economic collapse to the power grab we’re witnessing on the biggest scale in history. How about the famed doctor getting all the praise right …
How Russiagate Became Chinagate: The Globalists Are Betting You Won’t Figure Out Their Great Game
LaRouchePAC Videos Harley reviews the networks, beginning in London, which were the source of the Russiagate lies, who are now the same source of the China bashing lines! Remember, YOU are the target of these lies, your mind, your vote, and your outrage. Be smart, know the truth. Every weekday morning Harley will brief you …
Frustrating Drug Advancement
David Kessler, who was FDA commissioner under both presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, confidently stated, “When the industry sells a drug, the drug works, and it does what it says on the label. Take that away and we go back to snake oil.” Not quite. Does helping 10 percent of patients […] The post Frustrating Drug Advancement appeared first on Econlib.
The Clinton Crime Family Is Helping To Create An Army Of Medical Brown Shirts To Hunt Down & Interrogate Potential Covid-19 Victims
– With Food Shortages Now Here, Will We Soon Witness The Once Unthinkable In America? By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die Several stories out over the past several days should not only be enough to cause alarm but give more proof to those who have been paying attention of … Continue reading The Clinton Crime Family Is Helping To Create An Army Of Medical Brown Shirts To Hunt Down & Interrogate Potential Covid-19 Victims →
America, “We Are In Trouble” – Cattle Rancher Explains That Starvation Is Coming As Millions Of Pounds Of Food Is Being Dumped From Coast To Coast
By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine We’re going to start this article a little differently than usual, as we are seeing dire warnings, not just from writers that have been seeing the writing on the wall regarding food shortages during the national lockdown because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, but from the very people … Continue reading America, “We Are In Trouble” – Cattle Rancher Explains That Starvation Is Coming As Millions Of Pounds Of Food Is Being Dumped From Coast To Coast →
Clues Operation Covid-19 Was Planned By The NWO Decades Ago As Billionaire Hints Of Virus Being Used For Globalist Takeover
– 20 Year Old Video Game Also Hinted Of ‘Mass Surveillance’ And The Destruction Of Freedom By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die While the argument continues to rage on whether covid-19 is a manmade bioweapon or not with top intel agencies recently ruling out the virus being created in … Continue reading Clues Operation Covid-19 Was Planned By The NWO Decades Ago As Billionaire Hints Of Virus Being Used For Globalist Takeover →
This Is Utterly Insane: COVID-19 Pandemic Is Making People Crazy As Total Irrationality Rules The Day
May 4, 2020 By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Over the past few months we have seen a lot of “COVID-19 craziness.” Locking down entire states, arbitrary deadlines, idiotic regulations and mandates by states’ leaders, people doing things that could arguably be called utterly insane, and as we see story after story of … Continue reading This Is Utterly Insane: COVID-19 Pandemic Is Making People Crazy As Total Irrationality Rules The Day →
Tech Guru Warns Those Using Covid-19 To Transform America Into A Police State Forgot About The 2nd Amendment
May 5, 2020 – John McAfee: ‘Coronavirus Is A Government Plot, Go Buy Guns!’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die While sure to be called ‘conspiracy theory’ by the mainstream media, the warnings to America of encroaching tyranny are now everywhere. Adding to Conservative commentator and founder of Prager … Continue reading Tech Guru Warns Those Using Covid-19 To Transform America Into A Police State Forgot About The 2nd Amendment →
Something Very Strange Is Going On With New “Strains” Of COVID-19 – Are What Globalists Consider to Be “Useless Eaters” Being Culled?
May 5, 2020 By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine We know that some people see the term “depopulation agenda,” and just wave it away as some type of “conspiracy theory.” Yet from the Georgia Guidestones (image above) to the direct quotes from some very well known names, to Deagels’ projection showing that “by … Continue reading Something Very Strange Is Going On With New “Strains” Of COVID-19 – Are What Globalists Consider to Be “Useless Eaters” Being Culled? →
The Coming War on China
True Story Documentary Channel The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war. Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. … Continue reading The Coming War on China →
Five Things That Are Revealed By Democrats’ Rehabilitation Of Bush
By Caitlin Johnstone May 05, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – George W Bush is in the news again today, and once again it’s not for the only legitimate reason that he should ever be in the news, namely a war crimes tribunal. No, it’s because his voice was used in a cutesy feel-good video about … Continue reading Five Things That Are Revealed By Democrats’ Rehabilitation Of Bush →
Chinese Christians warn religious persecution much worse than indicated by new US federal report
They say government threats include egregious human rights violations that go beyond closing down churches. Tue May 5, 2020 Chinese officials demolish Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen city Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018. China Aid / screen-grab Calvin Freiburger May 5, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released its … Continue reading Chinese Christians warn religious persecution much worse than indicated by new US federal report →
The US is being colonised by ‘murder hornets,’ a ‘shockingly large’ insect that can kill humans and behead entire colonies of bees
This is all fine and not completely terrifying. As if 2020 wasn’t already bad enough, the US now has another problem to deal with: a terrifying monster insect nicknamed the “murder hornet.” Officially known as the Asian giant hornet, the insects were spotted in the US for the first time in Washington state last … Continue reading The US is being colonised by ‘murder hornets,’ a ‘shockingly large’ insect that can kill humans and behead entire colonies of bees →
'No jab, no play': Prime Minister says NRL objectors to flu shot shouldn't compete
Just In - 2 hours ago
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says NRL players like the Gold Coast's Bryce Cartwright who refuse to be vaccinated ahead of the May 28 restart should be banned from competing.
ICAC ordered to provide whistleblower's identity to lawyers Peter Bravos rape trial
Lawyers for a former senior NT police officer facing rape allegations can access the identity of a whistleblower who complained about him, an NT Supreme Court judge rules.
After a week of living off the land, I'm ready to give a finger for a feed of mud crab
As day six rolled around on my self-imposed month of living without shops, I'd completely run out of meat, and it was time for one last attempt at catching mud crabs by hand.
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Tuesday 5th May 2020
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
NYT Devotes Full Page Of Fawning To Ocasio-Cortez, Who Alone Understands Virus Crisis
By Clay Waters ~ Tuesday’s New York Times used the coronavirus pandemic to push both the leftist fight against “inequality” and left-wing politician Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She was fawned over in the lead National story slot, a full-page profile: “Lonely Voice in Congress Amplifies Plight of a Stricken District.” Mark Leibovich who recently hailed “eulogist […]
“Renewables” Scams On The Ropes
By Craig Rucker ~ The device you’re reading now is likely powered by nuclear, gas, or coal-fired electricity. There’s a smaller chance it may be powered by hydro-electricity or biomass (burning trees, as if that’s Green). There’s little chance, despite billions spent, that it came from wind or solar. The climate folks and “renewables” corporate […]
Liberals Try To Use COVID-19 Crisis To Halt Judicial Confirmations
By Thomas Jipping ~ The Senate got back to business Monday and, while the coronavirus is still the 800-pound gorilla, senators will also attend to other aspects of the nation’s business. That includes the federal judiciary. Vacancies on life-tenured federal courts around the country are on the rise again, reversing a yearlong downward trend. When […]
May 6th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1203
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
Wednesday May 6th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
SCOTUS Releases Statement on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Condition…
Supreme Court – “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent non-surgical treatment for acute cholecystitis, a benign gallbladder condition, this afternoon at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Following oral arguments on Monday, the Justice underwent outpatient tests at Sibley Memorial … Continue reading →
Tweets For Today
The UK has overtaken Italy to have the highest number of officially recorded coronavirus deaths in Europe The figures show a total of 29,427 deaths in the UK and 29,315 in Italy But can they be compared? [Thread]https://t.co/r9iexzfv8N — BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) May 5, 2020 President Trump said that he plans to wind down the White House coronavirus task force as the country moves into a second phase that focuses on reopening https://t.co/Ejgrg2RvCI pic.twitter.com/JryvJaiAHz — Reuters (@Reuters) May 6, 2020 AFP graphic on the 1.5 million global deaths from tuberculosis in 2018,... more »
The Trayvon Hoax – The Shocking Witness Fraud Used to Divide America
This documentary has the character of a who-done-it mystery story. It will hold your attention through every step of locating the real girlfriend – and then exposing what is arguably the most blatant judicial fraud of history – especially considering the terrible effect it had on the social fabric of America.
Western Australia has now gone a full week with no new coronavirus cases
Western Australia reports no new cases of COVID-19 overnight, marking a full week since its last positive test, with the Premier calling it an "amazing and incredible and terrific" result.
Woman's body found outside hospital in remote mining town
Police are investigating after a woman's body was found outside a hospital in the Pilbara town of Newman in the early hours of this morning.
RFS makes court request over $51m bushfire aid raised by comedian Celeste Barber
A court hears the NSW Rural Fire Service may ask the state's Attorney-General to relax restrictions so it can distribute the $51.3 million raised by comedian Celeste Barber to help victims of the Black Summer bushfires.
Kim Jong-un's return was carefully orchestrated, but experts are still looking for clues
Just In - 2 hours ago
Kim Jong-un finally re-emerged on the world stage this week after a 20-day absence. But mysteries over his health and why he was gone for so long are yet to be solved.
5 million Australians have downloaded COVIDSafe, but will that make it work?
The Government says the more people use COVIDSafe, the faster we can get to the pub. But is there evidence a smartphone app can help protect you from COVID-19?
Theo Hayez's family outraged over DNA on hat claim by news agency
The family of missing backpacker Theo Hayez criticises Belgian media for claiming DNA on a cap found near Cape Byron Lighthouse suggested it was owned by the teen, who has not been seen for almost a year.
Breaking: Heavy explosions rock Baghdad Airport amid new missile attack
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 A.M.) – A number of explosions were heard near the Baghdad International Airport this morning amid reports of a new missile attack. According to the reports, the missiles landed in and around the Baghdad International Airport, which prompted the military to raise its alert levels. The missile attack at the Baghdad Airport […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants Trump to appoint a Native American woman to the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants President Donald Trump to select a Native American jurist as his next nominee to the United States Supreme Court, she has told close legal colleagues and clerks. More than any other case, Ginsberg
The Singapore Bureau: lessons from Asia’s first early warning system for epidemic diseases
Historical lessons on international epidemic disease monitoring systems from the League of Nations' Singapore Bureau. The post The Singapore Bureau: lessons from Asia’s first early warning system for epidemic diseases appeared first on New Mandala.
Protesters Demand Freedom And Liberty-- To Sicken And Kill The Rest Of Us
I don't advocate shooting fascists. I stopped that right after Harvey Milk's assassin was... taken care of. Arresting fascists who are a threat to normal people, in the other hand... of that I do approve, even advocate. The armed assholes running around with assault weapons and threatening shopkeepers who are enforcing social distancing rules, should not be killed-- just arrested and dealt with seriously. *No one* likes being cooped up indoors but they're ruining all the hard work the rest of us have been doing. They shouldn't be allowed to. If they can't understand the relationsh... more »
Picture Of The Day
Protesters covering their faces attend a demonstration against the lockdown in Berlin, Germany, May 2, 2020. REUTERS/Christian Mang *WNU Editor*: The above picture is coming form this photo-gallery .... *Anti-lockdown protests around the world* (Reuters).
Israel Vows To Continue Military Operations Against Iran In Syria
14 Iranians and #Iran-backed militants were killed in the alleged #Israeli airstrikes in Deir Ezzor in eastern #Syria last night, according to SOHR. The death toll is expected to rise as injuries were reported with some in critical conditions.https://t.co/3PjG49DbVK — The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 5, 2020 *FOX News:* *Israel tells Iran it will continue Syria operations: 'We won't stop before they leave'* Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said Tuesday the country will continue to pursue military operations in Syria, as long as Iran remains involved there. "Iran ... more »
US Marine Recruits And SEALs Have Resumed Training In San Diego
New recruits with Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, respond to orders during receiving at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego on Monday. Echo Company arrived at the depot three weeks ago and have been quarantined at a San Diego hotel since. (Cpl. Brooke C Woods/Marine Corps) *L.A. Times:* *San Diego Marine recruits, SEALs resume training* A company of Marine recruits took their places among the storied yellow footprints at San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot on Monday to begin their training, after more than two weeks of quarantine at a local hotel. This step marks... more »
U.S. and U.K. Begin Negotiations on Free Trade Agreement…
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and U.K. Secretary of State for International Trade Elizabeth Truss announced today [joint statement] the beginning of a series of fast-tracked trade negotiations toward a new free trade agreement. [USTR Release] In the foreground is … Continue reading →
Boeing Unveils Its Potentially Game-Changing Loyal Wingman Drone
*Warzone/The Drive*:* Everything We Learned From Boeing About Its Potentially Game-Changing Loyal Wingman Drone* *The stealthy Airpower Teaming System drone has a snap-on nose that can accommodate a huge variety of payloads and can be swapped quickly in the field.* In what is a massive milestone for Boeing and potentially for unmanned aerial combat systems as a whole, the company officially rolled out the first of three pre-production unmanned teaming aircraft, which is the central component of a total system called the Airpower Teaming System, or ATS for short. The War Zone wa... more »
Will This Document Hang Donald Trump?
Eric Zuesse An 89-page “U.S. Office of Special Counsel Complaint & Disclosure Form,” published on May 5th, by the Office of Special Counsel of the United States of America, has been filed by the lawyer Debra Katz, representing Dr. Rick Bright, the leading federal scientist responsible for advising on control against epidemics. His title is […] More The post Will This Document Hang Donald Trump? appeared first on The Duran.
'Unfortunate mistake': Ratepayers to fork out for $70,000 soccer pitch measurement blunder
Just In - 3 hours ago
Residents in the Adelaide Hills will cover the cost of an "unfortunate" planning error involving state soccer authorities which has led to construction of smaller pitches than intended in original plans.
Potential new coronavirus treatment to be produced by the end of the year
The Federal Health Minister has announced a potential new treatment for COVID-19 using plasma donations from people that have recovered from the virus is being developed ahead of clinical trials.
Former journalist who threatened to behead Christians walks free
Ex-reporter James Waugh will not spend time behind bars over his threats to behead members of a Canberra church because of his extreme religious views.
Time running out for defiant Adelaide residents facing home demolitions
Just In - 3 hours ago
Time is running out for businesses and home-owners to vacate their land in Adelaide's inner east ahead of demolition works, despite accusations the State Government has effectively blocked landowners from accessing the equity of their own homes.
'A bit shocked': Melbourne Storm barred by Albury council, but training goes on
Just In - 3 hours ago
Albury City Council's decision to block the NRL's Melbourne Storm from using public facilities for training divides both the council and the community.
'Out of line': PM takes aim at Ruby Princess inquiry which left health worker in tears
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the questioning of a NSW Health worker who broke down in tears at the Ruby Princess inquiry was "out of line" and she was only doing her best.
As the US death toll from coronavirus passes 70,000, the White House says now is the time to wind up its pandemic taskforce
Just In - 3 hours ago
US President Donald Trump tours a mask factory in Arizona as Vice-President Mike Pence announces his coronavirus task force will start winding up.
Is anyone buying 'fake meat' during a global pandemic?
It was the first alternative-meat company to debut on the American stock exchange. But how is Beyond Meat coping 12 months on during a global pandemic?
Liberal shock as Andrew Constance abandons by-election bid
NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance abandons his bid to enter federal Parliament less than 24 hours after announcing he would seek Liberal pre-selection at the Eden-Monaro by-election.
A day of fasting, the evening meal, then the entire building went up like a bonfire
Just In - 3 hours ago
Huge flames are filmed shooting up the side of a Middle Eastern residential tower shortly after residents finish their nightly Ramadan meal.
Dermatology clinic 'gutted' by fire in Australian Medical Association building
Just In - 3 hours ago
Police investigate two fires in North Adelaide early this morning, including one which spread through the state branch office of the national doctors' union, causing up to $2 million damage.
Cycling tries to salvage season with overlapping Giro, Vuelta in October
Just In - 3 hours ago
Cycling's governing body responds to the coronavirus pandemic, announcing a jam-packed 100-day schedule with a string of major races — including two Grand Tours — in October alone.
Launceston General Hospital worker tests positive for coronavirus
Just In - 3 hours ago
Ten healthcare workers from the Launceston General Hospital's COVID-19 ward are being tested after their colleague was diagnosed with coronavirus.
Rise in brutality of family violence attacks 'disturbing' for Queensland emergency department staff
Authorities say a "perfect storm" has caused a disturbing rise in domestic violence cases, as the parents of murdered woman Hannah Clarke ask Queenslanders to support a vigil tonight to remember victims.
Tom Cruise to star in movie shot in space, NASA confirms
Just In - 3 hours ago
Fewer than 250 people have been on the International Space Station but Mission Impossible actor Tom Cruise looks set to become one of them, in part to "inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists".
Scientists discover unexplored depths of Coral Sea — from home
A scientific research vessel off the Queensland coast is surveying the "very unexplored" depths of Australia's largest marine park without a single scientist on board.
'There's got to be a better way': Exploration company pushes to reduce plastic bags
A small exploration company drilling for gold in Western Australia's Goldfields wants to change the perception that the resources sector is a "dirty industry" by using biodegradable bags for drill samples.
ASX falls, retail sales post record surge
The local share market remains lower, despite some retail stocks rallying after sales surged in March, while the corporate regulator warns of the dangers of day trading for individual investors.
Coronavirus – Get Ready For The ‘New Normal’
The post Coronavirus – Get Ready For The ‘New Normal’ appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
To Fight Hyperinflation Iran To Change The Name Of Its Currency And To Cut Four Zeros
In recent months, the rial has shed more than 60 percent of its value. *RFE: **Iran To Cut Four Zeros From Currency To Fight Hyperinflation * Iran's parliament has voted to slash four zeros from the national currency, the rial, to fight hyperinflation caused by crippling U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic. Lawmakers also decided on May 4 that the rial, which has been Iran's national currency since 1925, will be replaced by the toman, which will be equal to 10,000 rials, according to the IRNA and ISNA news agencies. President Donald Trump in May 2018 withdrew the United Sta... more »
Ground Zero in Wuhan: What Really Happened that Caused the World to go on Lock Down?
If you are a regular reader of Health Impact News, by now you should be aware that the narrative being given to the public regarding COVID-19 just does not add up, and earlier today I published the article: Not a Single COVID-19 Test is FDA Approved – Do We Really Know Who has COVID-19 and Who Does Not? What really happened in Wuhan at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 that started this whole pandemic? Was COVID-19 something that escaped a laboratory that was being developed as a weapon? Or was it something that developed out of Wuhan's live markets? Or was it something els... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Believe”
2002, “Believe”
CBS: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19
A molecular biologist at the University of Pittsburgh was found dead last weekend in what police believe was a murder-suicide, according to multiple reports. Ross Township police discovered the body of Dr. Bing Liu, 37 in his home with gunshots to his head, neck, torso, and extremities, according to a statement from the department. A […] The post CBS: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19 appeared first on Health Nut News.
Even Hannity sees it will be hard to get this monster back under the bed
Protestors in Michigan who ardently want to reopen the economy decided to take their argument into the legislative building armed with assault rifles and signs that would make many uncomfortable. Now, civil protest is more than fine in America provided … Continue reading →
Scientist Behind Failed Coronavirus Models, Neil Ferguson, Resigns After Breaking Lockdown Rule To Meet His Married Lover
Red Ice News - 4 hours ago
[image: Scientist Behind Failed Coronavirus Models, Neil Ferguson, Resigns After Breaking Lockdown Rule To Meet His Married Lover] Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing The scientist whose advice prompted Boris Johnson to lock down Britain resigned from his Government advisory position on Tuesday night as The Telegraph can reveal he broke social distancing rules to meet his married lover. Professor Neil Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lectu... more »
Here Comes The COVID-19 "Tracing Apps" AKA Expanded Surveillance Program
Red Ice News - 4 hours ago
[image: Here Comes The COVID-19 "Tracing Apps" AKA Expanded Surveillance Program] As governments around the world consider how to monitor new coronavirus outbreaks while reopening their societies, many are starting to bet on smartphone apps to help stanch the pandemic. But their decisions on which technologies to use — and how far those allow authorities to peer into private lives — are highlighting some uncomfortable trade-offs between protecting privacy and public health. “There are conflicting interests,” said Tina White, a Stanford University researcher who first introduced a pr... more »
Musical Interlude: Nickelback, "If Everyone Cared"
Nickelback, "If Everyone Cared"
Should The CIA Know If China Lied On Covid-19?
US intelligence officials are investigating the theory that the coronavirus may have escaped from a Wuhan laboratory. Credit: CIA *Asia Times*:* CIA should know if China lied on Covid-19* *But it wouldn't be the first time the dysfunctional US intelligence agency has been blindsided when it matters most.* Washington blames Beijing for the coronavirus. Beijing denies it and claims the virus was brewed up elsewhere, maybe in America. It’s a “he said, she said” sort of dispute. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has reportedly been ordered to find out where the Covid-19 virus c... more »
Unmanned Battleships Could Be Just What The Navy Needs
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Coming soon? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In theory, a ship without crew quarters should be able to pack more weapons, sensors and other systems in a given hull size than a manned vessel. This either means a crewless ship will pack more capabilities than an equivalent-sized manned counterpart, or more likely, a crewless ship will simply be smaller but equal in capabilities to conventional ships. What is it like to design a ship with no crew? No living quarters, galleys or lavatories. DARPA, the Pentagon’s research agency, wants to design a shi... more »
How To Keep the World Free From China After Coronavirus
The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Politics, Asia* [image: The Chinese national flag flies at half-mast behind a statue of late Chinese chairman Mao Zedong in Wuhan, Hubei province, as China holds a national mourning for those who died of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), on the Qingming tomb-sweeping festival,] The global pandemic demonstrated the catastrophic consequences of leaving Beijing unchecked. Just as we need a vaccine to deal with COVID-19, we need a prophylaxis to deal with a belligerent, uncooperative Chinese Communist Party. Let’s be realistic. No consensus exists on the future of relations between... more »
Britain Could Have Backed a Coup Against Hitler in 1938
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1976-091-06 / Valtingojer / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5482847] Why didn't London act? *Key point:* London wanted to avoid starting a war and so did not back anti-Nazi elements of the German military. Could they have succeeded if they had chosen otherwise? Many accounts have been written about the peace mission flight of Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess and his parachute landing in a farm field in Scotland in May 1941 to discuss with the Duke of Hamilton a p... more »
Israel Has No Time To Prepare For A Land War With Hezbollah
*Michael Peck* *Security, Middle East* Once fighting starts, it's too late. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Sometimes – as with Russia in 1941 – a nation has sufficient time and strategic depth to remedy logistical shortfalls. But as this writer learned while observing an Israeli armored brigade on maneuvers along the Golan Heights in February 2019, the IDF may have only hours to prepare for battle along Israel’s northern border. If Israel has to go to war tomorrow against Iran or its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah, there’s a problem. The Israeli mechanized division that would def... more »
This Was the Price Paid by the Allies During the Battle of the Bulge
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: By Post-processing by User:W.wolny - US-Army history images, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113496] A costly victory. *Key point:* Berlin sent all it could to stop the Allied advance. They failed, but they caused a lot of damage and took many lives. In December 1944, the Ardennes front or “ghost front” was an area where either veteran Allied units rotated in to rest and recover from terrible combat losses or where new, untested units arrived to gather some combat experience from the minor skirmis... more »
How 1983 War Games and an Accidental Shoot Down Nearly Caused World War II
*Warfare History Network* *History, World* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_TM3EC9K1AWQ01&share=true] It was a close call. *Key point:* NATO war games looked like preparations for the real thing. Thankfully, Washington and Moscow talked to each other before Soviet paranoia led to a nuclear war. On the night of November 20, 1983, Armageddon went prime time. Over 100 million Americans tuned in to the ABC television network to watch the two-hour drama The Day After. This depiction of a hypothetical nuclear attack on the United States ... more »
Meet the Mark 2 Boy: Britain's Anti-Tank Rifle That Hitler Hated
*Warfare History Network* *Technology, Europe* [image: By Loughlin (Sgt), No 2 Army Film & Photographic Unit - http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib//47/media-47104/large.jpgThis is photograph NA 756 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?cur] A good defense against panzers. *Key Point:* British forces relied upon these weapons to stop enemy tanks. They were useful but quickly needed to be upgraded as tanks got better. When the first tanks appeared in World War I, they were relatively lightly armored and protect... more »
Coronavirus Vaccine in 2020? Don't Get Too Excited
*Simon Kolstoe* *Public Health, World* [image: Reuters] Good research takes time. Donald Trump may be “very confident” we will have a vaccine for COVID-19 by the end of the year, but the rest of us should be more cautious. Billions of dollars are being spent trying to develop vaccines and treatments as a more permanent solution to the crisis than the lockdowns currently being enforced around the world. As of May 2020 there are 182 treatments and 99 different vaccines being developed globally. But, based on recent history, only one or two are likely to be transformative, a coupl... more »
Failures: Why These Civil War Generals Were the Worst of the Worst
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3158912] Both sides had their bad strategists. *Key point*: Both the Union and the Confederacy had bad leaders who harmed their war efforts. These are the commanders their men and political leaders wish they never had to deal with. *Worst Confederate Generals* *Confederate Maj. Gen. Gideon Pillow.* After gaining ground trying to cut an escape path for the Confederates during the February 1862 siege of Fort Donelson by Union forces led Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant,... more »
Failures: Why These Civil War Generals Were the Worst of the Worst
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3158912] Both sides had their bad strategists. *Key point*: Both the Union and the Confederacy had bad leaders who harmed their war efforts. These are the commanders their men and political leaders wish they never had to deal with. *Worst Confederate Generals* *Confederate Maj. Gen. Gideon Pillow.* After gaining ground trying to cut an escape path for the Confederates during the February 1862 siege of Fort Donelson by Union forces led Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant,... more »
ISIS upsurge during Ramadan in Iraq: Political inertia, geopolitics, and coronavirus
ISIS upsurge during Ramadan in Iraq: Political inertia, geopolitics, and coronavirus Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The period of Ramadan often witnesses a spike in Sunni Islamic terrorism and this year is no different. However, when it comes to ISIS (Islamic State – IS) then this is more worrisome because of […]
Economic help extended in Tokyo to support the curtailment of coronavirus
Economic help extended in Tokyo to support the curtailment of coronavirus Kanako Itamae and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announced further support to the business community in the capital of Japan. At the same time, in a win-win situation, the economic angle will also assist in containing the coronavirus […]
Sometimes You Can’t TELL The Public The Truth, YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM
SGTreport May 5, 2020 Dr. Dave Janda joins me to discuss the tyranny in Michigan and President Trump’s plan to expose the evil of evil doers for the American public and whole world to SEE. via Sometimes You Can’t TELL The Public The Truth, YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM — Dave Janda – YouTube
Coronavirus ‘Health Passports’ May Be Available In The UK Within Months
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Niamh Harris UK ministers are holding talks with a tech firm about creating ‘health passports’ to help Brits return to work safely using coronavirus testing and facial recognition. A UK-based firm Onfido which specialises in verifying people’s identities using facial biometrics, has delivered detailed plans to the government and…
Headlines and Updates for Q’sDay May 5, 2020: Stunning New Q Gifts for Weary Anons [videos] – Starship Earth: The Big Picture
Starship Earth: The Big Picture May 5, 2020 The Georgia Guidestones It has been a long battle already, and the patriots are still working overtime to bring this war to a close. The QAnon military intelligence force engaged in a massive campaign to alert the world as to what has transpired, the danger we … Continue reading Headlines and Updates for Q’sDay May 5, 2020: Stunning New Q Gifts for Weary Anons [videos] – Starship Earth: The Big Picture →
‘Traitors’ Comey and Brennan Deserve the Death Penalty, Former CIA Officer Tells Fox News
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Baxter Dmitry A former CIA operative argued former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan must be given the death penalty over their roles in the Russian investigation. Bryan Dean Wright appeared on Fox News on Saturday and reacted to the FBI’s treatment of former national…
Doctor Slams George Soros After His YouTube Video Recommending End to Stay-At-Home Orders Was Censored
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Baxter Dmitry One of the urgent care doctors who argued in a now censored video that stay-at-home orders across the country need to be lifted has slammed George Soros and tech giants for censoring free speech in America. “Look at what George Soros said about Facebook back in February.…
Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties To Rome And The Assyrian Empire
Names are important and names convey meaning, so let’s look at Emmanuel Macron’s full name and what it means. For a child who was born to ‘non-religious parents’, his name is jammed packed with references to God and Jesus Christ. You will need to remember that for later when we attached it to the Isaiah … Continue reading Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties To Rome And The Assyrian Empire →
The New Economic Normal & Precious Metals w/ Bill Holter
Operation Freedom In this must listen to economic analysis, Bill Holter presents compelling evidence of a new “economic normal”. He especially highlights the relationship between precious metals and other commodities such as crude oil. Once again, this is a must listen to interview particularly for those with exposure to capital / commodity markets during these …
German Virologist: Covid-19 Is Less Deadly Than We Thought
UnHerd Read the full accompanying article here: https://unherd.com/thepost/german-vir… Freddie Sayers talks to Professor Hendrik Streeck about why he thinks lockdown measures were initiated too quickly, and how his findings show a Covid-19 fatality rate of 0.24-0.36%. The deadliness of Covid-19, measured by the “Infected Fatality Rate” or what percentage of infected people end up dying, …
Steve Quayle: America is Under Attack — Plague, Famine, Death & War All Being Aimed at America
Steve Quayle: America is Under Attack — Plague, Famine, Death & War All Being Aimed at America by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says everything from cataclysms to Covid 19 is all part of the “Last Days” talked about in the Bible. Quayle says, “We are …
URGENT…Within The NEXT Few Weeks | Dr Rashid A Buttar | New World Order, Mandatory Vaccines, Police State …
Dr Rashid A Buttar We live in a free country…at least that’s what we’re fighting for. If you can’t see that fundamental component and you think you are being protected by social distancing and wearing a face mask, then continue doing that and get out of the way to let the rest of the awakened …
Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties to Rome And The Assyrian Empire
Finally!! I found evidence Macron is Jewish!! The entire article is a must read at nowtheendbegins.com. Great work! – Your Head Will Spin After You Realize That Emmanuel Macron Has Both Jewish Ancestry And Inexplicable Ties to Rome And The Assyrian Empire by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ Emmanuel Macron’s short-lived Catholicism was such a strong part of …
Quantum Dots in Star of David (‘666’) Network Form Application
The Symbol/Mark they will use for their Quantum Dot, Hydrogel, Mark of The Beast Vaccine is the Star of David, Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram, IMO. It is an occult Satanic symbol for calling forth evil spirits and Satan. Friendly warning to all Zionist Christians pushing this Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram. Be careful what you wish for. You …
New Paper: Body condition of Barents Sea polar bears increased since 2004 despite sea ice loss
Originally posted on polarbearscience: A recent paper that attempted to correlate pollution levels and body condition in Barents Sea polar bears reports it found body condition of female bears had increased between 2004 and 2017 despite a pronounced decline in summer and winter sea ice extent. “Unexpectedly, body condition of female polar bears from the…
Why Imperial Japan's Quest for Empire Was a Foolish Endeavor
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* [image: By Unknown author - This image is available from the website of the National Diet Library, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2434599] Wars of choice are usually a bad idea. *You May Also Like: 5 Best Submarines of All Time, 5 Best Aircraft Carriers of All Time, 5 Best Battleships of All Time and Worst Submarine of All Time. * *Key point:* No one would listen to Admiral Yamamoto when he warned against war. He carried out his duty to strike America and then was proved right in the end that it was a maj... more »
Did Nazi Propaganda Exaggerate How Good Their V1 and V2 Rockets Were?
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: By U.S. Air Force - http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/photos/090928-F-1234S-011.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8231917] Here's what the history books tell us. *Key point:* These weapons caused more terror than results. Yet there were rightly regarded as a danger. During any war, combating countries predictably issue reports andcreate publicity more favorable to their own side. Often the difference is subtle, but sometimes it is profound. A perfect example occurred during ... more »
Morinello proposes “Jump-Start NY” initiative to aid recovery of businesses
Angelo Morinello (R,C,I,Ref-Niagara Falls) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference today announced their “Jump-Start New York” plan to help reboot the economy. The initiative calls for short-term relief measures as well as a path to long-term stability for the
Wallace says budget contains provisions requiring disclosure of ingredients in vaping products
Assemblymember Monica P. Wallace (D-Lancaster) announced Tuesday that the New York State budget contains provisions requiring disclosure of ingredients in vapor products as well as information about the potential health hazards of those ingredients. Wallace, who had introduced legislation (A.8663)
Kennedy, Peoples-Stokes announce new State investment in Botanical Gardens project
$500,000 State Grant Will Support the Botanical Gardens’ Expansion Plans; Museum Addition Will Feature a Butterfly Conservatory, New Classrooms for Educational Programming, Exhibit Space, and a Café Members of the Western New York State Delegation joined leadership from the Buffalo
Gallivan calls on the Department of Agriculture to assist dairy farmers
Sales of Dairy Products Decline Because of COVID-19 Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) is urging the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to assist dairy farmers across the state who have seen the sale of milk and
Katko calls for funding to ensure frontline providers have access to mental health resources during COVID-19 pandemic
SYRACUSE, NY— U.S. Rep. John Katko (NY-24) called on Congressional Leaders to advance legislation to ensure frontline healthcare providers have access to mental health resources, particularly as they cope with the traumatic impact of treating COVID-19 patients. The need to prioritize access to mental healthcare
NORAD's Command Center Isolates Itself Into Mountain Bunker
U.S. military personnel work at Cheyenne Mountain, a Cold War-era facility built into a Colorado mountain, where a team of about 130 service members cloistered from their families and the broader military community are now operating an air defense and watch mission for North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). *The Hour/Washington Post:* *To protect 'no-fail' mission, U.S. military unit moves into mountain bunker* In late February, Brig. Gen. Pete Fesler prepared about 130 troops under his command to mobilize for a new mission, one that would take them away from their fami... more »
synthetic bio, synthetic DNA, synthetic viruses, synthetic vaccines--the 4 syns
In synthetic biology, scientists typically stitch together long stretches of DNA and insert them into an organism's genome. These synthesized pieces of DNA could be genes that are found in other organisms or they could be entirely novel. In genome editing, scientists typically use tools to make smaller changes to the organism's own DNA. Genome editing tools can also be used to delete or add small stretches of DNA in the genome. https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/policy-issues/Synthetic-Biology …………. 7-1-2019 The U.S. Army’s new Futures Command is accelerating research into sy... more »
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