Tuesday, May 05, 2020

5 May - Jo Nova

JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

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Wow. If this is confirmed, Coronavirus is almost a disease of Vitamin D deficiency Missing out on the Sunshine Vitamin? Hot off the press: A new Indonesian study of 780 people with Coronavirus found that people with a Vitamin D deficiency were much more likely to die. We discussed Vitamin D at length a few weeks ago, so we already knew Vitamin D is associated with a lower rate of respiratory illne
… Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast) Rating: 10.0/ 10 (1 vote cast)
It turns out being locked up in our own homes with our own families is not the end of the world Some said the lockdowns would cause skyrocking divorces: More couples will SPLIT and divorce rates will skyrocket as strict social distancing rules force partners to spend more time together Instead, people like spending time with their partners and kids: Lockdown is making us love our families MORE: Br
Could a mass clotting event explain the excess death rate, the hypoxia, the delirium Stories are now appearing of a few youngish people losing fingers, toes or even getting a leg amputated. And strokes have been seen in some as young as 30. Coronavirus, it seems, doesn’t just cause blood clotting, it causes the large and small sort, arterial ones, venous ones, and now microclots, and many of them

May 03

A pulse Oximeter | Image Thinkpaul: Wikimedia A cheap device might keep people off ventilators and be the first warning of trouble In coronavirus blood oxygen levels can silently drop to unheard of levels. People may be unaware they even have coronavirus as oxygen levels fall to the point, medico’s are rewriting the record books. This is a hypoxia crisis — it’s a defining feature of the disease.

May 02

… Rating: 7.5/10 (17 votes cast) Rating: 7.5/ 10 (17 votes cast)

May 01

… Rating: 9.1/10 (13 votes cast) Rating: 9.1/ 10 (13 votes cast)
A few people are asking about the video the Youtube removed which is now on Bitchute. (h/t AC Osborne) The cack hand of Youtube strikes again with unnecessary censorship. But even if the docs were wrong, it’s better to discuss why than try to disappear them — we can all learn something. Plus the censorship gives them a de facto kind of hero status among some, but for the wrong reasons. The Doctor

Apr 29

Mortality rates show that this is a medical situation we have not seen since WWII All statistics are suspect but some numbers still tell us something important. In the early fog of a global pandemic, a proper diagnoses is difficult if not impossible. People are dying of heart attacks because they are too scared to go to hospital, but equally, Covid is causing heart attacks and strokes that might n

Apr 28

To show what a good global citizen it is, the CCP in China could have welcomed a multinational independent investigation into the origins of the Flu from the Fish markets (or was that the Bat-Lab?) Instead, the Chinese Ambassador of the CCP threatens to throw its (huge) weight around: In reported comments, Mr Cheng described the Morrison government’s proposal for an inquiry as “dangerous” and acc

Apr 27

… Rating: 7.8/10 (12 votes cast) Rating: 7.8/ 10 (12 votes cast)
As so it begins. The first country declares “elimination” success. Today New Zealand announces the effective elimination of coronavirus. Soon hopefully other countries can join and rebuild the “Virus Free Zone” – and the borders that surround them will expand as the infected zone shrinks. Theirs was a very strict lockdown. Beaches, playgrounds, schools, businesses and restaurants closed. Not even

Apr 25

… Rating: 8.6/10 (26 votes cast) Rating: 8.6/ 10 (26 votes cast)

Apr 24

Soon after isolation began, Australian and New Zealand cases started to fall as fast as they rose This is what Crushing the Curve looks like, and if works it will set the new standard, and change the way the rest of the world views this. It isn’t over yet, but still – something is working and the international press has just started to get excited. Be aware the figures may jump next week, as test
Now is the perfect time to get rid of pointless green burdens on our economy Thanks to the rude wake up call from a real global pandemic, suddenly the fluffy luxury of “Green” rules and strangling red tape are put in the right perspective. Few are going to complain. Despite this outbreak appearing to tick the Green Left fantasy list, any reality check exposes how frivolous most fashionable angst i

Apr 23

The one thing China may have successfully done with the CCPVirus is to rally the rest of the world to say Enough. Enough of the crass mercenary games, the self-serving lies, and enough of the reckless hygiene or leaky labs. We all helped to make China what it is, by buying the cheap goods, by selling our manufacturing base, ignoring the ethical quagmire and by assuming that China would follow in

Apr 22

…. Rating: 8.3/10 (14 votes cast) Rating: 8.3/ 10 (14 votes cast)
It’s like someone read all the major skeptic blogs in the world and turned them into a documentary. The new Michael Moore documentary: Planet of The Humans 1 - unapologetically exposes Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Robert Kennedy, etc. for being con artists and hypocrites, 2 - crucifies the Sierra Club and their ilk for being disingenuous and primarily in it for the money and influence, and 3 - also ca

Apr 21

Sometimes the first sign of a serious coronavirus complication can be delirium and confusion. Some kind of neurological effect is quite common with Covid-19 (CCP-flu). As many as 30 – 60% of coronavirus cases may lose their sense of taste or smell. But now we should also look out for stroke type symptoms or confusion. This may be the first sign someone is in trouble with Covid-19. Coronavirus can

Apr 20

… Rating: 9.1/10 (9 votes cast) Rating: 9.1/ 10 (9 votes cast)
And the global pile-on against China gathers speed Blistering Julian Reichelt is editor-in-chief of the Bild, Germany’s largest paper. Their team calculated that China owed €149 billion to Germans for coronavirus damages. China’s embassy shot back that they reported everything according to WHO guidelines, that countries had time to prepare (for something “like the flu“, eh?) and that Bild was stir
“Coronavirus may be far more widespread than known”. Or not. Yet another small non-random study shows “48,000 – 81,000″ people in Santa Clara County had Coronavirus and didn’t know it, but all the study really shows may be the power of motivated reasoning. The Santa Clara study looked at the county with the highest number of Covid cases in California, then advertised on Facebook for people to com

Apr 19

The price for the coverup will be huge Donald Trump crossed the Rubicon by pulling funding from the WHO and asking China to ‘fess up’. Now no respectable politician wants to be left out in the race to demand answers and the WHO is an open target too. The UN agency helped China hide the severity of this disease and advised nations not to stop flights with China. The World Health Organisation failed

Apr 18

… Rating: 8.3/10 (16 votes cast) Rating: 8.3/ 10 (16 votes cast)
Virus follows fixed mysterious pattern An Israeli Prof is claiming to be “shocked” to find that tough lockdown quarantines made no difference. He claims the virus fades after 6 weeks in the “exact same way” everywhere – which it does if you wear a welding mask while looking at the data. When asked why this extraordinary text-book-breaking shift happens he says “I have no explanation” but that does

Apr 17

For months there have been rumors that Coronavirus leaked from a Chinese lab. The only P4 (high security lab) in China happens to be in Wuhan, near the fish markets and people there happen to be working on synthetic coronaviruses with S proteins that happen to infect ACE2 receptors in humans. But if Mother Nature wanted to generate her own viruses, it’s hard to beat wet markets in high density Ch

Apr 16

Far from being imposed from above, lockdowns in the face of a pandemic are just democracy in action. Faced with a deadly new disease people just want to be safe, and they want their loved ones to be safe too. Even if they might lose their job. Has there ever been such a radical plan that was this radically popular? Coronavirus: UK lockdown supported by 93 per cent of public, poll finds Jon Stone,
… Rating: 8.3/10 (12 votes cast) Rating: 8.3/ 10 (12 votes cast)

Apr 14

The real question is why is this even news? The WHO is there to prevent mass pandemics from spreading and killing people, and they have not saved one single country in 2020. The US wasted $900 million dollars, 15% of the WHO budget, on an organization so corrupt it has been captured and become a Chinese advertising agency directly working against the interests of the Western nations that fund it.
Rating: 7.9/10 (21 votes cast) Rating: 7.9/ 10 (21 votes cast)
Studies may not be what they seem We need antibody tests to find the number of asymptomatic Covid-19 cases, but the German Heinsberg study was poorly done. Apparently there aren’t many good antibody tests available yet. The early results of a small study in Germany on the town of Gangelt suggested that as many as 15% of the town might have caught an asymptomatic form of coronavirus and already had

Apr 13

Across the US all-cause mortality is down as as people avoid catching the flu, getting run over, and other risks. But in New York where coronavirus has hit hardest, all-cause mortality is at record highs. This is nothing like the seasonal flu For the whole month of March, deaths in New York were twice as high as normal. This includes not just extra coronavirus deaths but all other causes. Deaths

Apr 12

… Rating: 7.8/10 (20 votes cast) Rating: 7.8/ 10 (20 votes cast)

Apr 11

For doctors or nurses reading — there’s a call to share this widely An information event on this online SUNDAY April 12 8pm US Eastern time. (Open, free to anyone who wants to listen). That’s 10am Monday morning EST Australia. This is not the flu. Most of the time apparently it’s not ARDS either. Coronavirus it turns out — is a vascular disease as much as lung disease. In fact in 70-80% of ICU pa
Locking up the olds and letting this rip still has some drawbacks. Alex Woodward, The Independent Nearly 200 people in the US in their thirties have died from coronavirus, among the nearly 800 people under age 50 who have died following the outbreak. At least 45 Americans in their twenties have died from the Covid-19 disease caused by the virus, not including another nine deaths involving people

Apr 10

Australia remains the star Lucky Country compared to overseas. Infections are low, deaths are even lower. It’s all so much better than the desperate situation in Europe and the US. These are enviable, fantastically small numbers. Politicians are afraid to say so, lest the population relax, and party too much this Easter and the “unknowns” increase. (Which might well happen). At the moment, the tr

Apr 09

Finally, one world leader calls a spade a turkey. The US is the largest funder to the World Health Organisation, yet the WHO acts in China’s best interests. On January 31 the WHO could have saved the world by isolating China. Instead, the chief raved about President Xi and advised that flights should stay open because it will harm the economy: “Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by
… Rating: 9.4/10 (9 votes cast) Rating: 9.4/ 10 (9 votes cast)

Apr 08

Missing out on the Sunshine Vitamin? We’re throwing billions at Coronavirus but missing cheap wins. After masks and soap, the next bargain to reduce the impact of coronavirus is Vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D deficiency is so common it’s an epidemic affecting a billion people around the world. Ponder that half the population of many western nations are clinically deficient by the end of winter.

Apr 07

Rating: 9.3/10 (8 votes cast) Rating: 9.3/ 10 (8 votes cast)
Cardinal George Pell George Pell was on the wrong side of every fashionable cause: An old white man, a christian, and a climate skeptic. He threatened the religion of political correctness in every way, and a witchhunt made him target number one. Despite his position of power and influence, the best evidence the pogrom could find was the word of one boy, decades later, with no corroborating evide

Apr 06

The US can no longer even make vitamin C or aspirin any more, or 80% of their antibiotics. Something like 90% of the starting chemicals for essential US medicines are made in Chinese factories. And there aren’t many alternatives — fully 70% of competing products from India start with chemicals from China too. And now Chinese companies are shifting up into generic drugs as well. The West, asleep,

Apr 05

“A single treatment able to effect ∼5000-fold reduction in virus at 48h in cell culture.” –Caly et al 2020 It’s another day in freaky chemistry — researchers at Monash University found that one of the main components of sheep drench is also very good at reducing Coronavirus, at least in test tubes. Ivermectin’s an unsung hero of the world of biochemistry, called a “Wonder Drug” and a “Blockbuster

Apr 04

…. Rating: 8.5/10 (19 votes cast) Rating: 8.5/ 10 (19 votes cast) 

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