Monday, April 13, 2020

13 April - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

10 pm MDT

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* If you knew nothing else about the dire mental condition of the President Of The United States, the bare, horrid facts told by tonight's meme reveal enough about the psychopathic nature of the mind of Donald J. Trump and his supporting death cult of politicians, judges, propagandists, and voters. The meme goes a long way in providing a context of explanation as to why Trump dragged his feet in addressing the danger of the coronavirus for two months. Two months! Two months of giving a deadly virus a head start! Who else would do that but a homicidal psychopath? Who else w... more »

More Evidence That The Priorities In Washington Are Misplaced

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
*WNU Editor: *I have been following U.S. politics for decades. And I still cannot understand why many in Washington want to go the extra mile for Iran, even when the government of that country openly calls for the destruction of the U.S..

Australia Cannot Afford To Neglect Southeast Asia In The Age Of Coronavirus

John McCarthy at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*John McCarthy* *Security, Asia* The stability of Southeast Asia, and particularly Indonesia, is a paramount Australian national interest. The Australian government is properly focused on managing the domestic effects of Covid-19. But we must also think about a changing external environment. Middle powers are not generally prime movers in major international shifts, tending rather to react to changes wrought by others. But that is no reason for policy stasis. The government is right in thinking in the short term about our Pacific neighbours and Timor-Leste. As the major externa... more »

Footnote #350 – Declassification Puzzles and DOJ Intentions…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 21 hours ago
Catherine Herridge ponders what could possibly lay behind the remain redactions on footnote #350. We know the overall subject matter relates to U.K. intelligence, Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source, and the overall lack of interest by the FBI to undermine their … Continue reading →

Bill Gates is a worse danger to health and freedom than Covid-19

Editor, cairnsnews at Cairns News - 21 hours ago
-contributed by Crisscross Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – cites Gates’ twisted ‘Messiah Complex’ #Vaccines, for #BillGates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including #Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate […]

How Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic Exposes You to New Cybersecurity Threats

Aaron Mauro at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Aaron Mauro* *Security, World* [image: Reuters] Adaptation to new lifestyles present opportunities for criminals waiting to exploit the crisis. COVID-19 has changed nearly every aspect of our daily lives, including how we shop, socialize, exercise and work. If you are a front-line worker or working from home, you must also consider how these adaptations will present opportunities for criminals wanting to exploit this crisis. In the coming months, many of us will be subject to a range of cybersecurity threats, such as all-too-common phishing attacks. Public awareness is needed ... more »

Will the Trump Administration Hold Up Coronavirus Supplies To Other Countries?

Simon Lester at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Simon Lester* *Politics, Americas* [image: A specialist wearing protective gear sprays disinfectant inside the FOOD CITY wholesale and retail market to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Moscow, Russia April 9, 2020. Andrey Nikerichev/Moscow News Agency/Handout via REUTERS] If an export regulation such as this one is used mostly as a monitoring mechanism, to track where these products are being sold, it would be fine. Roughly two weeks ago, I noted here on this blog that “[s]o far, 54 countries have implemented some form of export restriction on medical ... more »

Ralph Nader Melts Down Over Coronavirus Stimulus

George Selgin at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*George Selgin* *Politics, Americas* [image: Consumer auto safety advocate Ralph Nader (R) looks over a 2015 Nissan Tsuru (red) after a controlled crash test with a 2016 Nissan Versa at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety facility in Ruckersville, Virginia U.S., October 27, 2016. REUTERS/Gary] Most savers are also workers, and it’s by ignoring that fact that Mr. Nader’s complaint reaches a higher plateau of injustice. Earlier this week, while most of us were still trying to wrap our heads around the Fed’s emergency lending plans, consumer advocate Ralph Nader fired‐​off a... more »

Herd immunity assuming the co-existence of different R0 regions

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
Most of the blog posts in recent two months were about Covid-19; I am sure that not everyone likes it. A month or two before the scientific public (and an even longer time before the general public) has figured it out, the TRF folks understood that Covid-19 is effectively just another variation of flu (and should be treated as such; this remains the most important divisive point that separates the sensible people from the hysterical demagogues), it's probably significantly older than from December 2019, flattening of curves doesn't save any lives, almost all similar restrictions are... more »

'We need to make it OK to talk about it': SA mum films documentary about miscarriage

Matthew Smith at Just In - 21 hours ago
Prompted by her own experience with a miscarriage, an SA filmmaker interviews couples who have also lost a child — an issue she says is not spoken about openly enough.

How China's Decision To Block Information On Its Coronavirus Outbreak Led To the Covid-19 Pandemic

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
People wearing masks, attend a vigil for Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, in Hong Kong, February 7, 2020. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) *Times Of Israel: **Xi Jinping’s China did this* The corrupt, criminal regime wasted 40 days blocking information while it crushed domestic dissent and ensured COVID-19 would become a global pandemic. There is authoritative and compelling evidence — including a study from the University of Southampton — that if interventions in China had been conducted three weeks earlier, transmission of COVID-19 could have been reduced by 95 percent. For 40 days, President ... more »

Quote of the Day

vonMesser at 'Nox & Friends - 22 hours ago
“I think [Democrats] live in a fantasy world. Reality is that the United States is lowering emissions, one of the only countries in the world. Matter of fact, I think of all the 194 [countries] that signed on to the Paris Accord, the U.S. is the one that’s leading the world in reducing emissions. That’s what they ought to be talking about — that America [is] transitioning away from old, inefficient power plants to natural gas plants [and] lowering emissions. … It is fantastical when you think about the true misrepresentation of the truth that the Democrats are spewing out … Continue ... more »

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Follow @Reuters liveblog for the latest developments around the coronavirus outbreak — Reuters (@Reuters) April 13, 2020 #UPDATE US records 1,514 #coronavirus deaths over the past 24 hours, according Johns Hopkins University tally. The number of fatalities is lower than the previous day's toll of 1,920. At least 22,020 deaths have been reported in the US, the most of any country — AFP news agency (@AFP) April 13, 2020 OPEC+ agreed to reduce oil output by 9.7 million barrels per day to stop price decl... more »

'A bit ambitious': Sports Minister waters down NRL's restart hopes

Just In - 22 hours ago
The NRL is leading the charge to get sport restarted, planning games by late next month — but Australia's Federal Sports Minister is urging all codes to have patience amid the coronavirus pandemic.

'Darling, I might not wake up': Man refused ambulance while in hotel quarantine released from ICU

Claire Moodie at Just In - 22 hours ago
A 70-year-old coronavirus patient whose case sparked a major inquiry into the hotel quarantine system in Western Australia is moved out of intensive care and is back to his "cheeky old self", according to his wife of 54 years.

'We're so vulnerable': Solitary outings only or the threat of arrest for these isolated Australians

Ben Deacon at Just In - 22 hours ago
Inside the Norfolk Island community, which is uniquely vulnerable to threat of COVID-19, and where even members of the same household can't go out together, under threat of arrest.

Tasmania calls in ADF medics as coronavirus tally hits 150

Just In - 22 hours ago
Six new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours are found in Tasmania, all of the them in the disease hotspot of the state's north-west, bringing the tally to 150.

April 13th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1180

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Monday April 13th – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

Could COVID-19 Have Come From Chinese Lab? 4 Things To Know

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Fred Lucas ~ Once dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the notion that the new coronavirus spread from a research lab in Wuhan, China has gained more mainstream backing in academia, the media, and at least one government. “There is a credible alternative view … based on the nature of the virus,” a senior British […]

Scientific Journal On Coronavirus: Leave China Alone!

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By P.J. Gladnick ~ LEAVE CHINA ALONE!!! The scientific journal Nature doesn’t exactly say that in its April 7 editorial but the title sure gives off that same vibe: “Stop the coronavirus stigma now.” The subhead complains “The pandemic is fuelling deplorable racism and discrimination, especially against Asian people.” What Nature calls “stigma” is really […]

Easter Parade

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ Wishing the very best for all our Christian friends and supporters at Easter 2020. Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones .

COVID-19, Smartphone Surveillance, and the State

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
April 12, 2020 Total surveillance will negate political threats and our natural rights as well. For the state, there is one primary imperative—to remain in power at all cost. If this imperative is to be successful, the state must impose, by stealth or deception, a system capable of monitoring all individuals who may pose an … Continue reading COVID-19, Smartphone Surveillance, and the State →


j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Unlike The Real Virus In The Film ‘V For Vendetta’, Covid 19 Is Even More Insidious, It Is A Total Hoax! The Hoax Virus Covid 19 Is Nothing More Than A Normal Immune System Response That Creates Exosomes, And These Exosomes Have Been Renamed Covid 19. There Is No Pandemic, Or Virus! 5G Radiation is … Continue reading V FOR VENDETTA: The Corona-virus END GAME →

14 Ways To Be Civilly Disobedient in the Face of the Corona Ban

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
By Allan Stevo April 10, 2020 Let’s face it, these corona shelter-in-place orders are illegal and ineffective. Politicians, however, aren’t just going to back down over such a grandiose idea. They need to be pushed. The bigger the government mistake, the harder it is to kill. And the corona bans need to be killed if … Continue reading 14 Ways To Be Civilly Disobedient in the Face of the Corona Ban →

7 NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Outbreak

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth11: Activist By Makia Freeman THE STORY: While the debate continues as to the true count of infected people due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, several sinister agendas are being pushed out. THE IMPLICATIONS: Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the authorities to roll out long-desired schemes of control…

Bill & Melinda Gates: An Open Source Investigation

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Originally posted on New Human New Earth Communities: In light of recent events, I am re-releasing Episode 228 of the podcast, How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it). CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 audio download of this podcast or watch/download the video via the player and links below: Watch…

Pope Francis Preached Social Justice Gospel Advocating A ‘Universal Basic Income’ To Spread ‘Benefits Of Globalization’ On Easter Sunday

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
If you think that someone who calls themselves ‘holy father’ and the ‘vicar of christ’ would be excited to preach about Jesus on Easter morning, you’d be wrong. “This may be the time to consider a universal basic wage which would acknowledge and dignify the noble, essential tasks you carry out,” Francis wrote. “It would … Continue reading Pope Francis Preached Social Justice Gospel Advocating A ‘Universal Basic Income’ To Spread ‘Benefits Of Globalization’ On Easter Sunday →

Human Frequency & 5G Interference, Nikola Tesla, Rudolf Steiner, & Energy Healing w/ Dr. Vera Porter

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Sarah Westall See my exclusive with Dr. Vera Porter on Patreon @ http:/ Dr. Vera Porter joins the program to share how a human being is much more than the physical. We are electric beings made up of an orchestra of frequencies. The plethora of frequency waves, from electricity, radio, satellite, wifi, and now 5G …

Golden Jackass Time

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Golden Jackass Time by It’s a three-day market holiday weekend so you know what that means….a visit from The Golden Jackass, himself…Jim Willie. The last time we spoke was New Year’s Eve and that seems like freaking years ago so, as you might expect, this is an update that you’re going to want to …

United Nations Wants All Nations to Begin Paying a 10% Global Tax for ‘COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund’ Amounting to $8.7 Trillion

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
United Nations Wants All Nations to Begin Paying a 10% Global Tax for ‘COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund’ Amounting to $8.7 Trillion by Geoffrey Grider, If countries were to accept the plan, the United Nations or some similar coordinating agency would be given the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD, an unprecedented amount that would …

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Pope Francis reads his "Urbi et Orbi" ("To the City and the World") message in St. Peter's Basilica with no public participation on Easter Sunday at the Vatican, April 12, 2020. Vatican Media/Handout via REUTERS *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Celebrating Easter during a pandemic* (Reuters).

Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus – The Good and the Bad

Joshua Philipp at Need To Know - 23 hours ago
China’s leadership can hardly wait for the fall of America, but the rest of the story is that America’s greatest threat comes from within, especially if Americans allow their government to become no different than the Chinese government.

recent studies on where sars-cov-2 originated

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 23 hours ago
4-11-20 *We* compared the codon usages of three coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) to those of more than 10,000 different kinds of animals….. Our follow-up study also found that the genetic sequence of a coronavirus, discovered in lung samples of Malayan pangolins, was highly similar to SARS-CoV-2. The two viruses shared 91 percent of their genetic sequence. There is a particularly strong similarity between the spike proteins of these two viruses. The spike protein, which is on the surface of a coronavirus, is used by the virus to get into an animal cell. The bat... more »

Egypt to test Japanese anti-viral drug Avigan in clinical trials

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago

A potential coronavirus vaccine funded by Bill Gates is set to begin testing in people, with the first patient expected to get it today

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago

Amid Coronavirus Uncertainties, China Central Bank Purchases 1.75 Crore Shares in HDFC

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago

Boris Johnson’s government reportedly believes the coronavirus may have accidentally leaked from a Chinese laboratory

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago

Some experts believe climate change may increase the emergence of new animal-to-human transmitted diseases like #COVID-19

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago

This Absolute Bullshit Would Not Be Possible Without Propaganda

Caitlin Johnstone at Caitlin Johnstone - 23 hours ago
So as of right now it’s Trump versus Biden. An incompetent plutocrat president selling himself as an anti-establishment people’s champion while simultaneously advancing garden variety Republican sociopathy, versus a warmongering authoritarian who is too demented to string a coherent sentence together and who is looking more […]

Expedient Focaccia / Deep Crust Pizza

E.M.Smith at Musings from the Chiefio - 23 hours ago
Focaccia, the original pizza. Continue reading →

Tributes flow for former Richmond premiership player Michael Bowden

Jano Gibson at Just In - 23 hours ago
Former Richmond Tigers premiership player Michael Bowden is remembered as a fierce footballer, inspiring educator and compassionate family man after his death from motor neurone disease at the age of 73.

A state-by-state breakdown of who did the right thing over Easter

Just In - 23 hours ago
Police around the country issued fines for breaching coronavirus rules over Easter, but overall people followed the rules and stayed home.

'Trigger point' identified where WA may be able to relax coronavirus restrictions

Jacob Kagi at Just In - 23 hours ago
Health Minister Roger Cook says WA will be able to seriously review its social distancing rules once it has seen a sustained period of very low case numbers, but warns the state could still see a resurgence of COVID-19.

Reopened Wuhan says severe coronavirus cases down to 93 from peak of 10,000

Just In - 23 hours ago
The city of Wuhan came out of a 76-day lockdown last week, but many restrictions remain in place to prevent a second-wave coronavirus outbreak.

Massive drop in NSW coronavirus infections continues

Paige Cockburn at Just In - 23 hours ago
Australia's worst-hit coronavirus state records two more deaths, amid a sustained and significant drop in the number of new infections — something Health Minister Brad Hazzard describes as "moving in the right direction".

Easter was not the same this year — but this might help if you're feeling lonely

Andrea Mayes at Just In - 23 hours ago
Social-distancing measures mean we haven't been able to celebrate Easter like we normally would, and many of us are feeling lonelier than ever. The good news is, there are things you can do to stay connected.

We've suddenly got 1 billion hours of free time. How should we spend them?

Just In - 23 hours ago
If the economy has shed the equivalent of one million jobs, then we've gained about one billion hours of available time, and that's just over the next six months. What should we do with this time?

UN Warns That The Coronavirus Pandemic Could Threaten The Global Food Supply

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*CNN: **The coronavirus pandemic could threaten global food supply, UN warns* Hong Kong (CNN)As the novel coronavirus pandemic shuts down businesses globally and sends countries into lockdown, the disruptions are threatening to cut off supply chains and increase food insecurity. "Supermarket shelves remain stocked for now," the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said in a report released late last month. "But a protracted pandemic crisis could quickly put a strain on the food supply chains, a complex web of interactions involving farmers, agricultural i... more »

Ex-PCA manager Daniel Kilgore leaves federal prison in crisis for half-way house

Dan Flynn at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Daniel W. Kilgore, a one-time plant manager at the now defunct Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) processing plant at Blakely, GA, has been released from a federal prison in Oakdale, LA, to a half-way house in Atlanta. It is not known whether his release has anything to do with the COVID-19 crisis at Oakdale prison... Continue Reading

Stewart Parnell requests a new trial with 2255 Petition in peanut butter case

Dan Flynn at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
If you’ve been convicted by a jury, had your conviction and sentence upheld by an appellate court, and the Supreme Court declined to review your case, there’s still a 2255 petition. And if you are 65 years old with another 20 years before the federal Bureau of Prisons plans on releasing you, a 2255 petition... Continue Reading

Company recalls sausage and brats from retailers in two states

News Desk at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Jowett Farms Corp. in Blumenort, Canada is recalling more than 42,500 pounds of raw pork trimmings that were not presented for import re-inspection into the United States, according to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). “The problem was discovered during routine FSIS surveillance activities of imported products,” according to the recall notice. “There... Continue Reading

Warning letters cite artisanal smokehouse and bakery for Listeria

News Desk at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading

‘Unforgettable’ Footage of Endless Line of Cars at Food Banks a Stark Illustration of Coronavirus Crisis in US

Nick Meyer at - 23 hours ago
Images and video of miles of cars lined up at food banks in San Antonio and other cities across the U.S. present a striking example of the economic effects of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, which has thrown at least 16 million Americans out of work in recent weeks and increased pressure on the distribution centers to provide key staples for a flood of needy people in the country. “Unforgettable image: thousands of cars lined up at a San Antonio food bank today, the desperate families inside kept safely apart,” tweeted CNN senior editor Amanda Katz. “Breadline, 2020.” On Thu... more »

What Are Sex Addicts Doing Now? Is Promiscuous Sex Still A Thing During The Pandemic?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Mike Huckabee's 10,000 square feet $6 million McMansion looks out over Walton County's Gulf Coast. *Mother Jones* reported that he's been complaining about people walking on his beach-- and says he once "saw a young couple strip naked and have sex on a YOLO board there at two in the afternoon. But now that the county has finally closed the beach and kicked out all the spring breakers as part of its pandemic response, Huckabee has sued the county because he can’t go out there either. I wonder if Huckabee wants to have sex on a YOLO board. Are people still having promiscuous sex wit... more »

WHO Envoy Warns Covid-19 Coronavirus Is 'Advancing' Worldwide. ‘Will Stalk The Human Race For A Long Time To Come’

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*CNBC: **WHO envoy says coronavirus ‘will stalk the human race for a long time to come’* * The special envoy to the World Health Organization doesn’t expect the coronavirus to disappear entirely until a vaccine is developed. * “We think it’s going to be a virus that stalks the human race for quite a long time to come until we can all have a vaccine to protect us,” Dr. David Nabarro, a representative for the WHO, told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” * The U.S. has reported at least 530,000 coronavirus cases with at least 20,608 deaths. There are over 1.7 million cases globally with at leas... more »

Musical Interlude: Celine Dion and Josh Groban, "The Prayer"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Celine Dion and Josh Groban, "The Prayer"

How China Is Seizing the Lead in Sustainable Agriculture

Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si* *Environment, Asia* [image:] The key to a greener future? It’s August and 38C outside a greenhouse on a fruit farm in suburban Nanjing, China. Inside the farmhouse, customers sample organic grapes and peaches. Ms. Wang, who owns the farm, carefully lifts the cover off a large bin of earthworms. She is raising thousands of them to produce organic fertilizer for her farm. Wang is one of an increasing number farmers in China who are cutting back on ferti... more »

These New Armed Wingman Drones Could "Well Decide a Future War"

David Axe at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*David Axe* *Security, * The armed wingman drone Boeing is developing for Australia has powered up for the first time. The Australian air force is a little closer to flying into battle with mixed formations of manned and unmanned fighters. The armed wingman drone Boeing is developing for Australia has powered up for the first time. The Australian air force is a little closer to flying into battle with mixed formations of manned and unmanned fighters. The Chicago plane-maker’s Australian subsidiary announced the milestone on April 9, 2020. “The development milestones for the unman... more »

Intelligence Engineering: The Spymaster's Guide To the 21st Century

Adam Svendsen, Salem Dandan at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Adam Svendsen, Salem Dandan* *Security, Americas* [image: An cufflink with CIA logo is seen on CIA Director John Brennan's shirt as he testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on] During a contemporary era of much prominent mis- and disinformation, popularly termed as that of "fake news" and of "deep fakes." the general activity, even requirement, of continuing intelligence re-invigoration is firmly emphasized. The emergent phenomenon of "Intelligence Engineering" (IE), also known as the "Bridgehead Methodology" after the work advanced by the Bridgehead Instit... more »

Millions of Taxpaying Immigrants Won’t Get Stimulus Checks

AP News at - 1 day ago
The $2.2 trillion package that Congress approved to offer financial help during the coronavirus pandemic has one major exclusion: millions of immigrants who do not have legal status in the U.S. but work here and pay taxes.

Nietzsche on Napoleon

Unknown at The Verma Report - 1 day ago
Nietzsche describes Napoleon as a synthesis of Unmensch (brute) and Übermensch (overman)—several political leaders in our time, I suppose, would fit this description. Here’s the line from Nietzsche’s book *On the Genealogy of Morals*: “Like a last signpost to the other path, Napoleon appeared as a man more unique and late-born for his times than ever a man had been before, and in him, the problem of the noble ideal itself was made flesh – just think what a problem that is: Napoleon, this synthesis of Unmensch and Übermensch…”

Comrade Adams: Good Citizens Volunteer For Big Tech Health Surveillance…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
Comrade Adams is not happy with non-compliant citizens refusing to adjust their wrongful thinking to benefit the needs of our new state. During these stressful times thought, without regard for collective need, is an indication a citizen may be a … Continue reading →

This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Zero Hedge*: *This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment: An Update* Last week, when we looked at the latest shape of the Coronavirus curve, we said that even as US cases continue to soar, "the light at the end of the tunnel is now visible" and indeed as JPMorgan's MW Kim writes in his latest Covid-19 update note published late last week, the global infection growth is showing early signs of slowing (53% W/W vs. 95% W/W two weeks ago), according to Johns Hopkins data, according to which the number of global confirmed cases is set to surpass 2 million in the c... more »

Judge: Alabama Can’t Prohibit Abortion During Pandemic

AP News at - 1 day ago
A federal judge has ruled that Alabama cannot ban abortions as part of the state’s response to coronavirus.

Dampak Corona, perundingan Dagang RI- Eropa terganggu - 1 day ago
13-Apr-2020 Selain Uni Eropa, sejumlah jadwal perundingan dagang untuk tahun ini juga rencananya akan ditinjau ulang.

China Regulating And Censoring Research On Covid-19

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Newsweek:* *China Is Censoring Research on COVID-19 Origins, Deleted Page on Wuhan University Website Suggests* The Chinese government appears to be censoring research on the origins of the COVID-19 epidemic by requiring scientists to run their studies by the Ministry of Science and Technology, a since-deleted page on a university website shows. According to a cached version of that page from the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan that Newsweek reviewed, requirements were updated so that scientists would need to have their study approved by China's Ministry of Science and ... more »

Easter, Greenwich Village, In The Time Of The Chinese Virus

Francis Menton at Manhattan Contrarian - 1 day ago
* Today, Easter Sunday, I made my first excursion into Manhattan in more than a month. * After collecting a few needed items (the mail, some clothes, etc.) we turned around and left almost as soon as we had arrived. But I took the occasion to take a few pictures to record the strange situation for posterity. * You may think of Manhattan as the site of nothing but sterile concrete canyons; and there are some of those. * But in the residential districts like Greenwich Village, there are also plenty of trees and beautiful gardens. At this time of year the gardens are just coming into f... more »

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