Sunday, July 07, 2019

7 July - My Yahoo! - 2 of 2

Zelo Street

Matthew Goodwin - A Faux Intellectual Speaks
July 6, 2019, 9:29 AM

Ever since Roger Scruton applied the veneer of respectability to what had previously been considered mere bigotry, there has been a steady stream of those treading the same path, and all coming unstuck, usually sooner rather than later. With the loathsome Toby Young, Jordan Peterson, Brendan O’Neill, and Doug Murray The K, the impression of get-rich-quick villainy is inescapable. And then there is Matthew Goodwin.

Sick Shame Of Sky News Hack EXPOSED
July 6, 2019, 6:00 AM
Joining those who have deleted Tweets, but should have deleted them rather earlier, or in her case not Tweeted at all, is Kate McCann of Sky News, who should not be confused with anyone else of that name. Ms McCann’s last berth was at the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph, and the howler she has just been caught performing is more suited to the Tel - or to the Murdoch Sun, where she worked before that.

Tommy Robinson’s Inevitable Conviction
July 6, 2019, 3:37 AM
There have rarely been famous last words to match those uttered by clueless thug Ezra Levant of Rebel Media yesterday: “I’m back at the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson’s trial. I’m optimistic - the last four judges in a row have sided with Tommy over Theresa May’s foolish attorney general. Maybe I’m naive but I think he’s going to win”. So it was that Stephen Yaxley Lennon was cursed by his own supporters.

Billy Bragg Sells The Pass
July 5, 2019, 9:16 AM
The controversy surrounding Derby North MP Chris Williamson continues. Some of those passing comment have been measured in their approach; others have appeared as if they are emulating the pouring of petrol on a bonfire. Some interventions have been unexpected, and with the pronouncement of Billy Bragg, we have an unexpected intervention in the petrol-pouring category. Maybe even the whole can.

Boris Security Story PLANTED BY HIMSELF
July 5, 2019, 5:26 AM
With Tory Party members receiving their ballot papers this week ready for them to vote in the leadership election which will decide Theresa May’s successor as Prime Minister, the competition between Jeremy Hunt (the former Culture Secretary) and London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to plant dubiously sourced copy in the press has been intense. And it looks like the Bozza team is winning.

Question Time Credibility FAWKED
July 5, 2019, 2:39 AM
It might have been thought that Question Time, the BBC’s supposedly flagship political discussion format, could not sink any lower after a series of recent, shall we say, unfortunate incidents. But after the Tory plants, dodgy statistics, and even more dodgy panellists, whoever books pundits for the show decided to top all of that.

Jewish Chronicle Slams Katie Hopkins
July 4, 2019, 9:24 AM
Pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins has recently undergone a Damascene conversion away from being occasionally anti-Semitic, to restricting her racism to the anti-Black kind (as in her claims over attacks  on white farmers in South Africa), and especially Islamophobia. She loves Israel, and she is a friend to Jews. But her act is not convincing everyone, as opposition to her new documentary Homelands has shown.

Press Applauds Boris Cop Deflection
July 4, 2019, 5:22 AM
The contest for the Tory leadership - and by default, occupancy of 10 Downing Street - has been re-ignited by a series of highly creative claims by the two candidates, Jeremy Hunt (the former Culture Secretary) and London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. And as he is One Of Their Own, it is Bozza’s pronouncements that have hit the headlines today - especially on

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    It is the technology that is changing the face of the school drop-off. At many London primary schools
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