10 pm MDT
U.S. Congress Orders The Pentagon To Reveal If They Weaponized Ticks As Biological Weapons And Released Them Into the Public
File photo: © Pexels.com / Pixabay.com *The Guardian*: *House orders Pentagon to review if it exposed Americans to weaponised ticks* A New Jersey lawmaker suggests the government turned insects into bioweapons to spread disease and possibly released them The US House of Representatives has called for an investigation into whether the spread of Lyme disease had its roots in a Pentagon experiment in weaponising ticks. The House approved an amendment proposed by a Republican congressman from New Jersey, Chris Smith, instructing the defence department’s inspector general to conduct ... more »
Meet Thaddeus Kosciusko, the Polish Engineer Fought Both in the American Revolution and for His Homeland
*The Angry Staff Officer* *History, Americas* [image: Credit: Kosciuszko Foundation] America needed men like him. *He arrives at Fort Ticonderoga in the spring of 1777 and conducts an inspection of the fortifications as well as those on Mount Independence, a fortified point across the strait of Lake Champlain on the Vermont side. Although an artist, Kosciusko is no dummy and asks why no one is fortifying nearby Mount Defiance, which basically controls both Ticonderoga and Independence. * So, we know all about the heroes of the American Revolution, right? George Washington, John ... more »
Can Russia and America Avoid a New Nuclear Arms Race?
*David Axe* *Security, * Then New Start must get an extension. Delegations from the United States and Russia plan to meet in Geneva in mid-July 2019 to begin discussing a possible extension of the New START treaty, one of the major arms-control accords limiting the size and power and the U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals. The 2010 treaty restricts both the United States and Russia to 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads on a maximum of 700 deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles and strategic bombers. But the treaty expires in 2021. And experts worry that the administ... more »
"What Was It All For: Veterans Have Finally Turned On America's Endless Wars"
*"What Was It All For: * *Veterans Have Finally Turned On America's Endless Wars"* by Danny Sjursen It is undoubtedly my favorite part of every wedding. That awkward, but strangely forthright moment when the preacher asks the crowd for any objections to the couple’s marriage. No one ever objects, of course, but it’s still a raw, if tense, moment. I just love it. I suppose we had that ubiquitous ritual in mind back in 2007 when Keith – a close buddy and fellow officer – and I crafted our own plan of objection. The setting was Baghdad, Iraq, at the start of the "surge" and the climax... more »
US Congressman Emanuel Cleaver Abandons Chair During Floor Debate; Statement
miningawareness at US Congressman Emanuel Cleaver Abandons Chair During Floor Debate; Statement – Mining Awareness + - 20 minutes ago
“Like the vast majority of Americans, I’ve grown increasingly frustrated with the childish rancor of our public discourse. Our inability to conduct ourselves in a civil and respectable fashion has paralyzed the most powerful government in the history of the world, and for what? A 10-second soundbite on prime time news and a few thousand … Continue reading US Congressman Emanuel Cleaver Abandons Chair During Floor Debate; Statement
America's Carriers Are In Trouble In The Next Great War
Reuters *National Interest:* *Navy Nightmare: America's Carriers Are in Trouble in the Next Great War* Here's why. Hammes, however, is not in favor of scrapping America’s carriers right away, and instead advocates continuing to use the current carriers until they are retired (the Navy will still have seven carriers in use until 2050 and four scheduled for retirement as late as 2070). Still, Hammes stands by his analysis of the carriers’ vulnerability, noting their inability to effectively counter swarm tactics, their diminishing value as a military deterrent, and the difficulty o... more »
Kellyanne Conway Defies US Congressional Oversight Subpoena; Contempt Vote Announced; Will She Be Sent To Jail?
miningawareness at US Congressman Emanuel Cleaver Abandons Chair During Floor Debate; Statement – Mining Awareness + - 52 minutes ago
“Refusal to cooperate with a Congressional subpoena can result in charges of contempt of Congress, which could result in a prison term. ” (White House web site about the Legislative Branch, as of May 15, 2018.) https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2019/05/15/white-house-web-site-notes-that-refusal-to-cooperate-with-congressional-subpoenas-can-result-in-contempt-charges-and-prison/ As predicted Jimmy “The Brute” DiNatale’s granddaughter Kellyanne Conway was a no-show. Congressman Cummings announced a vote to … Continue reading Kellyanne Conway Defies US Congressional Oversight Subpoen... more »
Further reflections on Super
It is difficult not to agree with most of what David Super says in his typically thoughtful post. We *are *a fundamentally divided, highly polarized country. Most, even if not all, of the dreadful people in public office were elected in fair elections. The most shocking single statistic is that even now, when there is shockingly little new to learn about Donald Trump (save the extent of his indebtedness to Russian financiers), at least 40% of our fellow Americans support this ignorant and malevolent lout. I think that a fairer electoral system, including one that dispensed with t... more »
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/16/july-on-course-to-be-hottest-month-ever-say-climate-scientists Nah. It ain't happenin'. _________________________________________________________________
Humanity Is Not Sleeping; It’s In An Induced Coma
In the late 1960s, the sudden widespread availability of psychedelics combined with the circulation of eastern philosophy to the west to begin a radical transformation of human consciousness. Our species, desperate to transcend the residual trauma from two world wars and the existential terror of […]
They haven't faced off for eight years, but tonight one of sport's fiercest rivalries is set to reignite
The rivalry between Manchester United and Leeds United is still as intense as ever ahead of their blockbuster match at Perth Stadium, according to former Red Devils defender Francis Burns.
Disney's live action Lion King rules the savannah of remakes, reboots and spin-offs
Star power and multi-million dollar state-of-the-digital art graphics are grace notes on an otherwise faithful remake of this 25-year-old favourite.
'It seems pretty clearly targeted towards gay people': Red Cross Blood Service ad causes a stir
A social media post promoting a Red Cross blood donation campaign featuring two men in Christmas jumpers is being blasted by LGBT social media users who can't give blood, but the service says it was not its intention to depict a same-sex couple.
Parents brought to Australia on new visa risk deportation over online profile changes
Parents brought to Australia on a new reunion visa can be deported if they fail to tell the Government they changed their email addresses, user name or online profile.
Drug smuggler busted with $47,000 worth of cocaine hidden under oversized toupee
Just In - 1 hour ago
A Colombian drug smuggler gives new meaning to the term "bad hair day" after he is caught at Barcelona airport with half a kilo of cocaine hidden underneath an oversized hairpiece.
Man charged over 2007 murder of Melbourne mother Cindy Crossthwaite
Just In - 1 hour ago
Police make a breakthrough in a murder investigation 12 years after a mother-of-three was found with fatal head injuries at her home.
Judge doubts claim woman was raped before she 'set in motion' man's killing
Natalie Dalton, who encouraged a 2017 attack on a man who was later found buried in a shallow grave, is sentenced to two and a half years' prison. The judge says he is not convinced she was raped before instigating the killing.
Nine climate protesters arrested after blocking Brisbane traffic, gluing themselves to road again
Just In - 1 hour ago
Climate change protesters disrupt Brisbane traffic again, causing delays for commuters after blocking CBD roads and gluing themselves to the bitumen.
Mohamed Noor appeals against convictions over death of Justine Damond Ruszczyk
Just In - 1 hour ago
Former Minnesota police officer Mohamed Noor was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison over the death of Justine Damond Ruszczyk, who was fatally shot minutes after calling 911 to report a possible sexual assault.
The four words that let men in the defence force get away with sexual assault
Just In - 1 hour ago
I studied hundreds of articles on military sexual violence over three decades and found that four words were used time and again to justify assault, writes Megan MacKenzie.
Would Russia And China Build Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers Together?
*David Axe, National Interest: **Imagine If Russia and China Built Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers Together* Should the U.S. Navy be worried? China could partner with Russia in order to develop nuclear-powered icebreakers. While the vessels would be useful in their own right, the main benefit could be to help Beijing refine reactor technology for use in a future nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, according to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post. The Chinese navy already possesses two conventionally-powered flattops and is building a third. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: R... more »
We are losing our privacy bit by byte
BY NORBERT RUG I recently noticed that when I looked on the internet for something, ads for this product would appear on the sidebar of my browser. A simple search for my name on the internet resulted in over 5,000
Lovin’ Spoonful: Somewhere
BY NORBERT RUG The three amigos, my wife Donna, my buddy Ed, and I ventured out looking for somewhere to go for dinner. We ended up at “Somewhere” a quaint looking place at 681 Blairville Road in Youngstown. When we
Bear Ridge Solar project in Pendleton raises concerns
BY NORBERT RUG Cypress Creek Renewables is proposing to construct a project called “Bear Ridge Solar” to install solar panels in Cambria and Pendleton. I have no problem for people to use their property for legal reasons. Solar energy gives
FULL PRESIDENT TRUMP Meeting: White House Cabinet
~This, my friends, is LEADERSHIP. The sign of a good manager is their ability to delegate authority. Trump has done this. God Bless our President, his administration and the PEOPLE of the United States of America!
"then America would actually be a rotten, sick country to its very core.”
"Nach meiner Meinung ist das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit fachgerecht gesprengt worden»,” sagt Hugo Bachmann, emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion. "In my opinion, building WTC 7 is most likely to have been professionally demolished," says Hugo Bachmann, emeritus ETH professor for structural design and construction (or) "In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts,” says Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH …....................…................... more »
India Says Russia's Missiles Don't Work
IAF Sukhoi-30 presently uses Russian air-to-air missiles. *NDTV:* *Outgunned By Pak F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles* The Indian Air Force is looking at the I-Derby variant of the Israeli missile which was unveiled at the Paris Air Show in 2015. In two years from now, the Indian Air Force's frontline Sukhoi-30 fighters may be re-armed with Israeli Derby air-to-air missiles after the jet's Russian-made R-77 missiles were found wanting in air combat operations over the Line of Control on February 27 this year. Sources in the Indian Air Force told NDTV, "... more »
Cannabis banking reform secures landmark US Senate panel hearing
A key U.S. Senate panel will meet next week to consider steps that could make it easier for marijuana companies to obtain banking services, a move that could pave the way for crucial MJ reform. The July 23 Senate Banking Committee hearing – which took industry officials by surprise – includes Sens. Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat, […] Cannabis banking reform secures landmark US Senate panel hearing is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
The Medical Journals’ Sell-Out—Getting Paid to Play, by the Children’s Health Defense Team
By the Children’s Health Defense Team [Note: This is Part IX in a series of articles adapted from the second Children’s Health Defense eBook: Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health. The first eBook, The Sickest Generation: The Facts Behind the Children’s Health Crisis and Why It Needs to End, described how children’s health began to […] The post The Medical Journals’ Sell-Out—Getting Paid to Play, by the Children’s Health Defense Team appeared first on Health Nut News.
The Telegraph: Scientists claim to have developed world’s first vaccine with artificial intelligence
In what researchers claim is a world first, a new flu vaccine designed by artificial intelligence has gone on trial in the United States. Nikolai Petrovsky, professor of medicine at Flinders University in Australia, is the lead researcher on the vaccine, which his team describes as a turbo-charged flu vaccine. It has an extra element […] The post The Telegraph: Scientists claim to have developed world’s first vaccine with artificial intelligence appeared first on Health Nut News.
Health care subsidies are almost impossible to reform
Imagine if the government gave people a subsidy of $5000 each time they bought a new car. That would be inefficient, encouraging the excessive purchase of new cars. Now imagine that the subsidy was 40% of the price of the car, up to a price of $25000. That would be even more inefficient, encouraging the […] The post Health care subsidies are almost impossible to reform appeared first on Econlib.
America and Iran: On a Path Towards War?
*David Axe* *Security, Middle East* What happens next? Iran’s leader has taken a defiant stance against the United States and its allies, signalling a potential “fraying” of the 2015 deal limiting Iran’s nuclear program, *The New York Times* *reported*. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on July 16, 2019 denounced “the vicious British” after U.K. forces earlier in the month seized an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar. In a speech to clerics, Khamenei “appeared to signal his intention to ignore diplomacy for the moment and stoke tensions with the West over the embattled nuclear accord,” the... more »
What If America Lost a Carrier in a War with Iran?
*John Bird* *Security, Middle East* [image: By Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Elizabeth Thompson - Main article, with link to image., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2125995] Not impossible. *The Navy simply lacks enough ships and aircraft to meet the increasing demands of its global mission. * The recent oil tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman reinforce the need to reestablish a highly visible U.S. naval deterrent in the Middle East. For eight months last year, no aircraft carrier strike group plied the region, the longest such interruption this mil... more »
The Air Force's F-22s Did a Massive Elephant Walk to Deter China
*David Axe* *Security, Asia* [image: By U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Shane A. Cuomo - http://www.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/photos/070212-F-2034C-110.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14532434] Stealth power. *The two dozen F-22s that participated in the mass take-off apparently account for around half of the Raptors that the 3rd Wing's two fighter squadrons operate.* A U.S. Air Force wing in Alaska managed to launch 24 F-22 Raptor stealth fighters plus an E-3 radar plane and a C-17 transport, all in quick succession. *(This first appea... more »
Are You Ready for the F-14-Fueled Ride That Will Be Top Gun 2?
*Dario Leone* *Culture, Americas* [image: By U.S. Navy photo - This Image was released by the United States Navy with the ID 051105-F-5480T-005 (next).This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.বাংলা | Deut] A movie you don't want to miss. *“They showed me 15 minutes of footage and I left the trailer with my chin on the ground. I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is so cool!’ It’s been a long shoot – we’ve gone since October – but it’s going to be very cool.”* After decades of wondering what happ... more »
How Corporate Welfare Hurts YouYou often hear Trump and...
Robert Reich - 2 hours ago
*How Corporate Welfare Hurts You* You often hear Trump and Republicans in Congress railing against so-called “welfare programs” – by which they mean programs that provide health care or safety nets to ordinary Americans. But you almost never hear them complaining about another form of welfare that lines the pockets of wealthy corporations. We must end *corporate *welfare. Now. There are several ways corporations get rich on the taxpayer’s dime. The most obvious comes through subsidies or tax breaks for certain businesses or industries. Consider the fossil fuel industry, one of ... more »
https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/uk-ambassador-us-iran-deal-1.5211399 This is pure greed to satisfy American oil billionaires. It's also wildly illegal. And it's bloody dangerous for all of us. But it's popular among the Evangelical Christians - who arguably are not Christians but are both self-righteous and ignorant. And that's the ones who have been passionate for Trump from the start. _________________________________________________________________ And how's this for ignorance? https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-democrats-omar-ocasio-cortez-1.5211483 (Well, in fairness, Trump ofte... more »
Turkey Shrugs-Off EU Sanctions Over Cyprus Natural Gas Drilling
*Al Jazeera:* *Turkey says EU measures won't deter it from drilling off Cyprus* Statement by foreign ministry comes after EU takes punitive steps against Ankara's activities in Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey has said punitive European Union measures against it will not deter it from continuing to search for oil and gas off the coast of Cyprus. On Monday, the foreign ministers of the EU agreed to call off high-level political meetings, suspend negotiations on an aviation deal and reduce EU accession funding earmarked for Turkey. The ministers of the 28-member bloc, of which Cyprus ... more »
Squad Goals: Anarchy
RNC ad highlights the intense calls to violence from the congressional anarchy caucus.
Controversial Kangaroo Island ecotourism project gets the green light
Just In - 2 hours ago
A contentious ecotourism project on Kangaroo Island has been approved — and could lead the way for similar projects that will open up South Australian national parks currently "under lock and key".
Club's push to make $40 dementia therapy go national
A Rotary Club in WA has been trialling a form of cheap and simple therapy for people living with dementia. Having seen some remarkable results, the plan is now to push the program further.
Why on Earth should we keep exploring space?
Space exploration has given us conveniences such as smartphone cameras, memory foam mattresses and satellite navigation, but it also boosts the economy.
'It's America, man': Police officer whose chokehold led to man's death won't be charged
Just In - 2 hours ago
US prosecutors will not bring charges against a white New York City police officer for the chokehold death of Eric Garner, a black man whose dying words — "I can't breathe" — became a national rallying cry.
Man who took 7yo from Kmart pleads guilty to kidnapping, indecent treatment of a child
Just In - 2 hours ago
A man, 26, pleads guilty to kidnapping and indecently treating a seven-year-old girl he took from Kmart at Westfield North Lakes shopping centre north of Brisbane in December.
This is what a syzygy looks like
Just In - 2 hours ago
Stargazers around the world gather to watch a partial eclipse of the Moon — known as a "syzygy" in astronomy circles — on the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Apollo 11 rocket.
Uber Eats to amend 'unfair contracts' with restaurant owners, following ACCC probe
Uber Eats will amend its contracts to remove terms which shifted most of the responsibility to restaurateurs — even in situations where the food left their restaurant and they had no control over the delivery process.
More than 100 mining jobs slashed in 'huge hit' to drought-stricken NSW town
As the Cobar Endeavour Mine comes to the end of its lead and zinc reserves, CBH Resources announces it is cutting 130 jobs from the drought-stricken outback town.
Refugees to receive Aboriginal 'passports' as activists sail for Manus Island
Letters of solidarity and more than 400 Aboriginal 'passports' will be delivered to Manus Island refugees as a group of boats set sail for Papua New Guinea.
Richmond confirms brain bleed for young Tigers star Jack Higgins
Just In - 2 hours ago
Last year's winner of the AFL goal of the year, Jack Higgins, is in hospital with a brain bleed after the Tigers' star complained of a headache following a VFL game on the weekend.
Homeless man hit by rubbish truck in Melbourne's iconic Degraves St laneway
Just In - 2 hours ago
A man, who is believed to have been sleeping rough, fights for life in hospital after being injured by a rubbish truck in Melbourne's CBD.
Two penguins walk into a sushi bar…
Just In - 2 hours ago
The birds, one of them already known to police, took advantage of their diminutive size to hide out beneath a fridge in a food truck in the New Zealand capital, Wellington.
Teaching your kids about good nutrition? Try ditching the word 'healthy'
How do we get kids to engage in learning more about food than "apples are good" and "too many lollies are bad"? Writer and former teacher Alice Zaslavsky has some ideas.
Old school v new school: Inside the tensions between the AFP and Dutton's ministry
Just In - 2 hours ago
Australia needs a commissioner who will continue to proactively defend the Australian Federal Police against any Home Affairs encroachment into operational matters, writes John Coyne.
Is Australia's parental leave scheme one of the least generous in the OECD?
Just In - 2 hours ago
Founder of advocacy group Parents At Work, Emma Walsh, says that Australia's paid parental leave scheme is one of the least generous among OECD nations. RMIT ABC Fact Check runs the numbers.
Mental illness can reduce life expectancy by up to 20 years — and the gap may be getting worse
The physical health challenges experienced by people with mental illness is contributing to years of lost life, a new report finds.
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Dies at 99
Stevens’ influence was felt on issues including abortion rights, protecting consumers and placing limits on the death penalty.
Was the Judge in Jeffrey Epstein’s Child-Sex Case Found Dead?
Even for high-profile, sensational legal cases, junk news about the event is often consumed more readily than real news.
Has U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Been a U.S. Citizen for Longer Than First Lady Melania Trump?
CNN's Jake Tapper added an interesting perspective to the debate over President Donald Trump's verbal attack on "progressive Democrat Congresswomen" in July 2019.
Comic-Con at 50: Bigger Than Ever, But at What Cost?
No one expected their culture would ever become mainstream when a few hundred comic book and science fiction enthusiasts and creators gathered in the basement of a San Diego hotel 49 years ago.
Is This an ‘Elderly Homeless Couple’ in California?
Viral social media posts claimed Democratic lawmakers might care about the couple's well-being if they were "illegals."
Is This ‘Tea Cup Sallie’ and Her Prostitution License?
"Tea Cup Sallie" is one of the least crude nicknames that the internet has given this woman.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 16, 2019
*Jon Healey, L.A. Times:* *AOC and the Democrats gave Trump the fight he was looking for* President Trump is a gut-level politician who often seems to act on unfiltered impulse. But his string of recent tweets about the self-styled “Squad” of liberal House Democrats feel calculated, not caffeinated. And, despite what a number of GOP pundits have argued, they were not politically stupid. Demeaning, offensive, nativist, unbecoming a president — yes to all that too. But Trump offends for a reason, and his motives for this latest fusillade of foulness are pretty obvious. *Read more*... more »
The Three Ways of Philosophers
There are primarily three ways by which a philosopher can convince his audience that his philosophy is good: first, he can try to show that his philosophy is logically consistent; second, he can try to prove that his philosophy works; third, he can assert that my philosophy is perfect because it is “my philosophy” and I am never wrong. A good philosopher will adopt the first way; a mediocre philosopher will adopt the second way; and a bad philosopher, who is of a cultist mindset, will adopt the third way.
Classless society because of far away storm
Local government units (LGUs) in M. Manila, other provinces and regions, are silent communists -- they want a "classless" society, as frequent as possible, with or without typhoons. Lousy. Should be among the results of climate alarmism. No rain or more rains, no flood or more floods, no cold or more cold, be alarmed, be scared, and we send more money to government and UN. Today, NO storm signal in Metro Manila yet classes are suspended in ALL levels, kinder to college, wow. People are scared of rains? But June to October is rainy season, yearly, since thousands of years ago. July ... more »
WATCH: 2020 presidential candidates’ views on Israel
The New York Times videotaped the presidential candidates' responses to the question: "Do you think Israel meets international standards of human rights?" Here is a short montage of their answers... The post WATCH: 2020 presidential candidates’ views on Israel appeared first on If Americans Knew Blog.
LA Horror Story: More Parents Horrified Over 5G Cell Towers Near Schools
By B.N. Frank There’s a lot of information and misinformation being reported about health risks from exposure to 5G technology. So if you can only... more »
Has this past week been the weirdest ever?...
*as you've probably noticed it has rendered me speechless.* I've spent an entire week watching the attempted destruction of this great country accelerate to mach 3 by the satanic members who populate the left - aka communists. The crazy has gotten so bad there is simply nothing to say. Today Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her evil coalition gathered together in the people's house to call our president a racist. That is not what they were elected to do. *The "Squad"* Why in hell are these nimrod anti-American, Jew hating, racist women graced with a cute little name? Really! Some... more »
Video Demonstrates Remediation Techniques to Guard Against Cell Towers And Antennas On Buildings
By B.N. Frank Firefighters Don’t Want Them on Their Buildings Due to Health Risks So Others Shouldn’t Either Research has proven many times over that... more »
Pattern Recognition and the Beautiful Pain of Disillusionment
As a writer, especially one who tries to explore the interplay between culture, sociology, history, ecology, economics and politics, it can be difficult to focus in on common themes and common threads. In the age of the mobile Internet, where there is so much information to absorb and assimilate, so many more voices than before, I find this to be a genuine challenge. I was experiencing some of this over-stimulated confusion a few days ago… The post Pattern Recognition and the Beautiful Pain of Disillusionment appeared first on The Ghion Journal.
Cancer Victims Suing Monsanto Over Glyphosate in Roundup Now Include Children
A 12-year-old boy suffering from cancer is among the newest plaintiffs taking on Monsanto and its German owner Bayer AG in growing litigation over the safety of Roundup herbicides and Monsanto’s handling of scientific concerns about the products. Lawyers for Jake Bellah were in court Monday in Lake County Superior Court in Lakeport, California arguing that Bellah’s young age and diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) qualified him for “trial preference,” or a speedy trial. Lawyers representing Bellah said the child was exposed to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide products repe... more »
Governors State University Looks to Improve Community College, University Relationships
Governors State University’s Dual Degree Program (DDP), DDP-Male Success Initiative (MSI) and the Center for the Junior Year (CJY) were the center of discussion at their Summer Institute as a way to teach other institutions nationwide how to improve student’s transitions from a community college to a university.
Western Illinois University Awarded Grant for Bobcat Research
Western Illinois University has been awarded a $375,000, two-year grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Associated Press reported. University officials say the grant will help bolster WIU’s research on Illinois’ bobcat population. According to the AP, the funds will support the continued research of Dr. Chris Jacques, a biological sciences professor at WIU. […]
New E. coli outbreak linked to ground bison; patients confirmed in 7 states
An international investigation is underway as public health officials report more than 20 people have been infected with E. coli linked to ground bison, which is now under recall. “As of July 16, Northfork Bison Distributions Inc. is recalling its ground bison, referred to as Bison Ground, and its ground bison patties, referred to as... Continue Reading
Jim Jordan Responds to the Hot Mess Today in Congress…
Obviously Fox News needs to present two-and-a-half minutes of negative spin prior to getting to the nub of the representative interview (happens at 2:45 below), but eventually MacCallum gets around to discussing the Moonbat legislative fiasco with Jim Jordan:
Religious Leaders Gather At U.S. Capitol to Pray for Persecuted Christians
Assyrian International News Agency - 3 hours ago
Tonia Khouri, vice president of the In Defense of Christians' board of directors, addresses guests at the In Defense of Christians Ecumenical Prayer Service July 15, 2019, in Washington.
Want to Inspire More People to Act on Climate Change? Broaden the Framing
Global Issues News Headlines - 3 hours ago
ILLINOIS, United States, Jul 16 (IPS) - "It has never happened before," is a sentence that is becoming excessively common in the news due to a changing climate where new extremes are becoming normal. Read the full story, “Want to Inspire More People to Act on Climate Change? Broaden the Framing”, on globalissues.org →
Who Puts Up The Cash To Fund Climate Denialism?
Last cycle, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, one of the biggest funders of Climate Change deniers in Congress gave 82% of their contributions to Republicans and just 18% to Democrats. That's a big change from a decade ago when there were far more openly corrupt Democrats eager for bribes from groups like the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association as it was then known. Back then, corrupt Democrats were gobbling up 46% of their sewer contributions. Many of those Democrats-- like Travis Childers (Blue Dog-MS), Leonard Boswell (Blue Dog-IA), Don Cazayoux (Bl... more »
President Trump Hosts Cabinet Meeting – With Media Review – Video and Transcript…
This is one of my favorite changes in executive governance since a ‘People’s President’ won the 2016 election. President Trump is the FIRST U.S. President to allow the American people to see the workings of an administrative cabinet. President Trump … Continue reading →
A Real-Life UFO: The Legendary F-117 Nighthawk
*Dario Leone* *History, Americas* [image: By Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II - http://www.defenselink.mil/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3770855] Some great U.S. Air Force history. *The Nighthawk originally saw combat during Operation Just Cause in 1989, when two F-117s from the 37th TFW attacked military targets in Panama. The aircraft was also in action during Operation Desert Shield.* It’s been 10 years since the F-117 Nighthawk retired, an aircraft so secret Nevada folklore labeled it a UFO. As told by Tech. Sgt. Robert Barnett, Secretary of the ... more »
Trade Tensions: Why Shinzo Abe Has a Critical Role to Play
*Mieczysław Boduszynski, Gene Park* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] More than ever, the world needs Japan, the third-largest global economy, to help reinvigorate the faltering trade system. Relations between Seoul and Tokyo have reached a new low, adding new cracks to the postwar international order at just the wrong time. The immediate background of the latest spat was the South Korean Supreme Court’s 2018 decision to uphold a lower court’s ruling ordering a Japanese firm to compensate four Korean citizens who served as forced laborers during Japan’s colonial occupation. The J... more »
Magnitude 4.3 Earthquake Rattles San Francisco Bay Area
The quake was followed minutes later by a magnitude 3.5 aftershock.
6-Year-Old Girl Dies after Getting Hit with Golf Ball
Police are investigating but are not planning to pursue charges because it appears to have been a tragic accident.
Trump’s New Asylum Rules Go into Effect, and Opponents Sue
The policy represents the most forceful attempt to date by President Donald Trump to slash the number of people seeking asylum in America.
Phony Ferraris, ‘Shamborghinis’ Seized at Brazil Factory
Police said the cars were being offered on social media for $45,000 to $60,000.
Planned Parenthood to Defy Trump Abortion Referral Rule
The rule is being challenged in federal court, but the administration says there is currently no legal obstacle to enforcing it.
U.S. House Votes To Condemn Trump 'Racist Comments'
JUST IN: House votes 240-187 to approve resolution condemning Pres. Trump's Twitter attacks against congresswomen. https://t.co/TLCV3rks7a pic.twitter.com/WVoinh7fOT — ABC News (@ABC) July 16, 2019 *NBC: **House votes to condemn Trump 'racist comments', with only four Republicans backing the measure* The vote was delayed for hours following GOP complaints that Speaker Pelosi's remarks had violated House rules. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution on Tuesday night condemning President Donald Trump for his "racist comments" about four Democratic con... more »
California county raids huge illegal marijuana grow
Yet another California county raided an enormous cannabis grow, seizing a whopping 9,000 unlicensed plants. This one – which took place in wine country’s famed Sonoma County – is part of an ongoing effort against the illicit market, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Sonoma County officials have shuttered 863 unlicensed MJ grows in the past […] California county raids huge illegal marijuana grow is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Cannabis firm Arcview gets $7.7 million funding, new ownership
Dallas-based marijuana investment firm Cresco Capital Partners and another private equity group are taking control of The Arcview Group, an MJ investment company in Oakland, California. Cannabis firm Arcview gets $7.7 million funding, new ownership is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
"The World Is Upside Down"
*"The World Is Upside Down"* by Brian Maher "The times are out of joint. $13 trillion of global sovereign debt trades at negative yields. Over half of European government debt sorts into this infinitely curious category. In all, 40% of global debt presently yields negative returns. Dwell for one moment on the majesty of it... Bonds are loans — at bottom. A government requires monies for X, for Y, for Z. But its present tax haul will not see it through. So it appears before the market with an empty hat… and goes hawking its bonds. To fetch investors, it must sugar the offer with han... more »
House of Representatives votes to condemn Trump comments amid racist tweet row
Just In - 4 hours ago
In a remarkable political repudiation, the United States House of Representatives votes to condemn President Donald Trump's "racist comments" against four congresswomen of colour, despite his own insistence he hasn't "a racist bone" in his body.
Origin Energy accused of pressuring NSW Government to shut down popular sports camp
One phone call closed a popular waterfront camp that has hosted thousands of children over 75 years — but documents obtained by the ABC show that a NSW Government office went against the advice of experts.
This former public servant is 57. Is that too old to get a loan?
When Alison's marriage broke down when she was in her 50s, she wanted to borrow money to keep one of the houses she owned with her husband. She believes her bank declined her application due to her age.
Man drugged, forced to sign over ownership of BMW, police allege
Just In - 4 hours ago
A man, who went to meet a woman he had been talking to on social media, alleges he was drugged, forced to withdraw money from an ATM, and ordered to sign over ownership of his luxury car.
Stolen card fraud 'exploding' as black market for your details becomes user-friendly
A Townsville woman's Uber account racks up about $1,500 in fraudulent use across two continents before it is shut down — a case that experts warn is indicative of a growing economy in stolen payment details.
NSW Now: Woman struck by bus in Bondi, Sydney catches glimpse of partial lunar eclipse
Just In - 4 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *A woman is taken to hospital in a critical condition after being hit by a bus in Bondi, while Sydneysiders catch a glimpse of a rare partial lunar eclipse.
'I do' in the desert: This couple travelled 1,600km to marry at Birdsville's Big Red Bash
A Queensland couple have climbed the biggest sand dune in the Simpson Desert to get married at the world's most remote music festival.
'Long way to go': Trump's comments on resolving US-China trade war sink Wall Street
Australian shares are likely to slip at the open after Wall Street pulled back from its record highs. US President Donald Trump's latest comments about the US-China trade war did not help investor sentiment.
How Perth scientist Brian O'Brien's invention, sketched onto a coaster, made it to the moon
More than 50 years ago, on a flight between Los Angeles and Houston, physicist Brian O'Brien dreamed up the idea of a so-called lunar dust detector, and not long after that the Apollo astronauts were placing it on the moon.
Four more die amid one of WA's most fatal flu seasons in last decade
The flu claims four more lives in Western Australia in the past week, in what is shaping up to be most deadly influenza season in a decade, but the number of new cases appears to be on the decline.
Unmarked, unregistered graves are being mapped in this small community to bring families peace
Isaac Pamkal never knew where his father was buried. To date, there's been no legal requirement to keep registers of who's buried in cemeteries in Aboriginal communities, so countless graves lie unmarked and unregistered. But that's about to change.
Footage shows unarmed police, bakers trying to stop London terrorist rampage
Three men who killed eight people in the London Bridge and Borough Market terror attack of 2017 were lawfully killed by police after ignoring clear warnings, an inquest finds.
'If you're a reader, you want to read': Braille translator fights for literacy as tech evolves
A braille teacher says technology is causing a decline in literacy among people who are vision-impaired, prompting her to bring the tactile language into the mainstream.
Chaos In The U.S. Congress
*Daily Mai:* *CHAOS! Pelosi paralyzes her own House when she WALKS OUT as Republicans demand her words calling Trump a 'racist' be stricken from the record and temporary chairman slams his gavel and 'abandons' his post* * The House voted to allow Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call Trump a 'racist' * Republicans had asked for her remarks to be stricken from the record * But the Democratic-controlled House voted in favor of the speaker * 'These comments from the White House are disgraceful and disgusting and these comments are racist,' Pelosi said * The House floor froze for over an hour as... more »
I didn't see this coming, though I probably should have: *Kellyanne Conway Snaps Back at Reporter: ‘What’s Your Ethnicity?’* When White House reporter Andrew Feinberg posed a question to Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday about the president’s racist tweets against the four congresswomen known as the “Squad,” he found himself taken aback by her response. Feinberg, a reporter for the website BeltwayBreakfast.com, asked the White House counselor which countries President Donald Trump was referring to when he suggested Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar—... more »
Groups Stick Up for Grad Students in Letter to Lawmakers
A laundry list of 32 higher education interests, student organizations and science societies this week went to bat for graduate and professional students, calling on the chairs and ranking members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the House Committee on Education and Labor to make graduate education a priority in […]
Bipartisan Panel Tackles Government’s Role in Higher Education Accountability
In a time of polarization when it may seem that Democrats and Republicans seldom agree, a bipartisan panel came together Monday at the American Enterprise Institute to talk about a shared conclusion: Taxpayers and students should be armed with more information to measure the success of America’s higher learning institutions.
That new world order ruse again – “Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of ‘A Global Society’ “
Of course we must reject sovereignty, all nations’ sovereignty in fact. That’s what Arnold Toynbee boasted about way back …. “We are at present working discreetly, with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. And all the time we are denying … Continue reading That new world order ruse again – “Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of ‘A Global Society’ “ →
Barbarians At the Gates: The systematic looting of our galleries archives and libraries.
Originally posted on BEN'S WORLD: Opotiki, Gore, Titahi Bay and Waikanae, libraries have been shuttered within the past year due to toxic mould Same exscuse mould/ earthquake engineering which as Southland Gallery & Nelson Trafalgar centre show (both closed by bureaucrat Clare Hadley) was an utter lie. So what gives?? As signs occur show…
The Medical Journals’ Sell-Out – Getting Paid to Play
Originally posted on The Most Revolutionary Act: By the Children’s Health Defense Team [Note: This is Part IX in a series of articles adapted from the second Children’s Health Defense eBook: Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health. The first eBook, The Sickest Generation: The Facts Behind the Children’s Health Crisis and Why It Needs to…
Musical Interlude: The Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey”
The Grateful Dead, “Touch of Grey”
"A Look to the Heavens"
"A bright spiral galaxy of the northern sky, Messier 63 is about 25 million light-years distant in the loyal constellation Canes Venatici. Also cataloged as NGC 5055, the majestic island universe is nearly 100,000 light-years across, about the size of our own Milky Way. Known by the popular moniker, The Sunflower Galaxy, M63 sports a bright yellowish core and sweeping blue spiral arms, streaked with cosmic dust lanes and dotted with pink star forming regions. * Click image for larger size.* This deep exposure also reveals an enormous but dim arc extending far into the halo above the... more »
"True Friends..."
"Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives." - Paulo Coelho
“The Psychological Mistakes People Make That Lead to Misery”
*“The Psychological Mistakes People Make That Lead to Misery”* By Jonathan Rottenberg “The puzzling reality is that human depression is increasing in an era when environmental conditions are relatively benign. The average citizen in Western society now lives longer, is less likely to starve, and enjoys considerably greater wealth than his sixteenth-century counterpart. Presumably these objective conditions for survival and reproduction would cause depression rates to fall, not rise to nearly one in five citizens. This environment-depression disconnect seems less strange when we app... more »
"Stop Being So Greedy, And So Selfish..."
“When science discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it.” - Bernard Baily "Stop being so greedy, and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion pages for the latest styles. Nations like ours are drowning in poverty, but your people don't even hear our cries for help. You shut your ears to the voices of those who try to tell you these things. You label them radicals or... more »
"The Invitation"
*"The Invitation"* "It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine o... more »
"The One Guilty Man"
*"The One Guilty Man"* by Paulo Coelho "Wise King Weng asked to visit the palace prison. And he began listening to the prisoners’ complaints. ‘I’m innocent,’ said a man accused of murder. ‘I’m here simply because I wanted to give my wife a fright, but I accidentally killed her.’ ‘I was accused of taking a bribe,’ said another, ‘but all I did was accept a gift.’ All the prisoners declared their innocence to King Weng, until one of them, a young man of only twenty or so, said: ‘I’m guilty. I wounded my brother in a fight and I deserve to be punished. This place has made me reflect on... more »
"Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality." ~ Gary Zukav
"We Must Ask Ourselves...:
''As Americans, we must ask ourselves: Are we really so different? Must we stereotype those who disagree with us? Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that ALL blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?'' - Dave Barry
"The Truth Will Not Set You Free"
*"The Truth Will Not Set You Free"* “We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.” by William Berry “We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.” This quote has been attributed to both the Talmud and Anaïs Nin (although an actual citation for neither quote can be found). This quote summarizes the idea that truth, the truth that one perceives, is subjective and can be wrong. We have long been taught that the truth will set us free, and that seeking the truth is a worthy goal. What if there is no absolute truth? What if there are just degrees of trut... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Dundee, Dundee City, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!
July 16, 2019 at 11:23PM
via Instagram https://ift.tt/2kgCiUn #seen in #Cairo in a very hot night : a #moon #eclipse taking shape currently. #Astrophotography #Mooneclipse
World News Briefs -- July 16, 2019 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters: **EU braces for no-deal Brexit or another delay under Boris Johnson* BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union is bracing for either a no-deal Brexit or another delay if Boris Johnson becomes Britain’s prime minister next week with a pledge to renegotiate a deal the bloc says it will not reopen. The three-year Brexit crisis could be about to deepen as Johnson’s pledge to leave the EU “do or die” — with or without a deal — on Oct. 31 sets Britain on a collision course with the bloc’s 27 other leaders and his own parliament. *Read more* .... *MIDDLE EAST* US fea... more »
Democrats in Freefall – Congress Collapses – Chaos Ensues…
What an absolute hot mess today in congress. A review begins with a reminder of the manufactured OrangeManBad outrage du jour. Obviously a cartoon is needed: As typical in an era where outrage is generally promoted to the level of … Continue reading →
Child Abuse Pediatricians Destroying Families by Diagnosing “Abuse” When Medical Condition is Rickets
The method of diagnosing rickets in infants has been proven to be incorrect, yet it is still considered the standard practice used by child abuse pediatricians to diagnose abuse in infants and children with blatant disregard for laboratory testing showing a vitamin D deficiency or other metabolic bone disease. The diagnosis of rickets in infants is left solely on a radiologist, despite blood tests showing deficiency, insufficiency, and efficient vitamin D levels. The American Academy of Pediatrics: Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (AAPCCAN) has issued guidelines for the evaluat... more »
"Playing Mind Games: The Power Of Disengagement"
*"Playing Mind Games: The Power Of Disengagement"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Life should not be lived through a series of mind games, but from truth and looking deep within. For better or worse, many people have been raised to believe that communicating in an honest and open way will not get them what they want. They have learned, instead, to play mind games or go on power trips in the service of their ego’s agenda. People stuck in this outmoded and inefficient style of communication can be trying at best and downright destructive at worst. We may get caught up in thinking we ... more »
Fake GMO Ice Cream Made from Synthetic Biology Hits the Market for First Time Ever
The genetically engineered food experiment has taken many twists and turns in recent years, with the United States’ main food crops like corn, soybeans, sugar beets, canola and others most affected. The first generation of GMOs consisted mostly of “Roundup Ready” GMO crops, but new technologies including CRISPR (gene editing), and, more recently, synthetic biology, are turning even more food products into science projects. One of the most dramatic of these recent food experiments involved one of the country’s biggest staple foods: milk, of which one California company recently m... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “To Begin With, the Sweet Grass”
*“To Begin With, the Sweet Grass” (Excerpt)* “What I loved in the beginning, I think, was mostly myself. Never mind that I had to, since somebody had to. That was many years ago. Since then I have gone out from my confinements, through with difficulty. I mean the ones that thought to rule my heart. I cast them out, I put them on the mush pile. They will be nourishment somehow (everything is nourishment somehow or another). And I have become the child of the clouds, and of hope. I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is. I have become older and, cherishing what I have learned,... more »
"What we had seen in Apollo 11 in naked essentials — but in reality, not in a work of art — was the concretised abstraction of man’s greatness This is the fundamental lesson to be learned from the triumph: that nothing on earth or beyond it is closed to the power of man’s reason." #QotD
*"What we had seen [in Apollo 11] in naked essentials — but in reality, not in a work of art — was the concretised abstraction of man’s greatness. . . . "One knew that this spectacle was not the product of inanimate nature, like some aurora borealis, or of chance, or of luck, that it was unmistakably human — with 'human,' for once, meaning grandeur — that a purpose and a long, sustained, disciplined effort had gone to achieve this series of moments, and that man was succeeding, succeeding, succeeding! For once ... the worst among those who saw it had to feel — not 'H... more »
"How Then, Shall We Face The Future?"
"How, then, shall we face the future? When the sailor is out on the ocean, when everything is changing all around him, when the waves are born and die, he does not stare down into the waves, because they are changing. He looks up at the stars. Why? Because they are faithful..." - Soren Kierkegaard
Snow more than 10 ft deep at Balea Lake
In the middle of summer. 16 July 2019 – Although we are in July, Balea Lake is an unexpected landscape. Tourists photographed how, in a parking lot, the snow measures more than three meters high (more than 10 ft.). Some have been taken by surprise, and in pictures you can see that they are walking ... Read moreSnow more than 10 ft deep at Balea Lake The post Snow more than 10 ft deep at Balea Lake appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Trump Not Delaying Harriet Tubman $20 Bill
[image: trump-not-delaying-harriet-tubman-20-bill] Democrats' claims to the contrary notwithstanding, the Trump administration is doing nothing to stall the design of the Harriet Tubman $20 bill.
Another Hate Hoax: “Noose” Found in University Hospital Wasn’t a Noose
[image: another-hate-hoax-noose-found-in-university-hospital-wasn-t-a-noose] Police have shown that yet another “noose” is a campus hate hoax, only this hoax wasn’t the work of an actual faker, but instead the fault of a dean who immediately hit the moral panic button and assumed the worst.
the 2 UN letters on Xinjiang
7-15-19 * The* African states that signed the UN letter in support of large-scale arbitrary detentions are also entangled economically with China. Some of them like Angola, Gabon, and Nigeria have secured billions of dollars in Chinese financing for infrastructure projects. A majority of these nations including Togo, Algeria, and Zimbabwe have also ratified the memorandum of understanding on the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to establish a trans-continental passage that connects China with Asia, Europe, and Africa. Many of the countries that signed the U... more »
Five Things We Found in the FDA’s Hidden Device Database
For twenty years, the public has been kept in the dark about injuries and malfunctions from medical devices. For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration has released the once hidden database online, publicly disclosing 5.7 million incidents. The disclosure comes after a Kaiser Health News investigation discovered that for the past two decades, […] The post Five Things We Found in the FDA’s Hidden Device Database appeared first on Health Nut News.
Odd Man Out: How the Independent Justin Amash Could Shake Up the 2020 Presidential Election
*Matthew Petti* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] Michigan representative and former Republican rebel has been sending mixed signals about his next move. Washington circles are abuzz with the suggestion that Justin Amash, the ex-Republican congressman from Michigan, may mount a third-party presidential campaign in 2020. In the few days since leaving the GOP, he’s talked about “room for a third party” and refused to rule out running for president. But sources close to Amash and the Libertarian Party deny that a presidential run is in the works—although the door is still open. ... more »
The Pakistan Plan: How a Poisonous Relationship Could Become Prosperous
*Arif Rafiq* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] The Khan-Trump meeting provides an opportunity for American and Pakistani officials to begin a conversation about potential areas of convergence on controversial topics, like Afghanistan. Next week, Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan will visit Washington where the charismatic, outspoken ex-cricketer will meet with another outsized personality: President Donald Trump. The visit of Khan has been in the works since early this year, but it is nonetheless a surprise given Trump’s history of hostility toward Pakistan, including a... more »
Afghanistan Isn't Worth Dying For
*Daniel L. Davis* *Security, Middle East* [image: Flickr / U.S. Department of Defense] Rewarding broken promises, waste, and incompetence is offensive to the sacrifices of our troops. Army Sgt. Maj. James Sartor was killed in action in Afghanistan’s Faryab Province on Saturday. He was “only” the twelfth soldier to die there this year. That makes his death no less inexcusable, no less an unacceptable sacrifice for Washington’s failed foreign policy. What do we tell Sartor’s family? That he heroically “gave the last full measure” for the defense of our nation? In some conflicts in ... more »
Meet the Only SR-71C Ever Produced: A Cross Between a YF-12 and Half SR-71
*Dario Leone* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://airandspace.si.edu/webimages/collections/full/A19920072000a.JPG] Fascinating. *The aircraft made its last flight on Apr. 11, 1976 and was removed from flying status on Jun. 24, 1976 with only 556.4 flight hours, not including the 180.9 hours accumulated on the aircraft as YF-12A S/N 60-6934.* Taken at Hill Air Force Base (AFB) in June 2016, the interesting clip in this post shows SR-71C, “The Bastard” S/N 61-7981, that was the only C model Blackbird ever built and was the last SR-71 to be manufactured. It was nicknamed “The B... more »
Here's Why, in 1986, Gaddafi's SAMs Couldn't Touch America's SR-71 Blackbirds
*Dario Leone* *History, Middle East* [image: By USAF/Brian Shul - Shul, Brian (1994). The Untouchables. Mach One. p. 115. ISBN 0929823125., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25084685] The SR-71s were too fast. *“We are a roaring express now, and as we roll through the enemy’s backyard, I hope our speed continues to defeat the missile radars below.”* On Apr. 14, 1986, Operation El Dorado Canyon launched air-strikes against Libya in response to Libya’s bombing of a Berlin discotheque frequented by US military personnel. The attack was performed by a st... more »
The Administration's New Asylum Rule Exceeds Statutory Authority
U.S.-Mexico border between San Diego and Tijuana (Credit: Wikimedia) On July 15, the Department of Homeland Security posted an interim final rule that limits asylum by barring applications from claimants at the southern border who passed through a third country on their way to the United States but did not seek asylum in that country. The third country rule, which became effective on July 16, will sharply restrict asylum claims from Central Americans who have passed through Guatemala and/or Mexico in fleeing violence and severe economic hardship in their countries of origin. As po... more »
Regulatory actions effect “everyday Americans” and the national economy
“Coincident with the 2017 Presidential inauguration, real GDP growth changed from underperforming experts’ forecasts to outperforming them (Tankersley 2019). The CEA’sfindings on the aggregate effects of regulations and deregulations may help explain this state of affairs. Regulatory actions and their … Continue reading →
Nebraska Woman Arrested, Fined for Climbing Mount Rushmore
Authorities say Alexandria Incontro scaled the massive granite sculpture with bare feet and no rope, making it to about 15 feet (4.5 meters) from the top.
Child Abuse Pediatricians Destroying Families by Diagnosing “Abuse” When Medical Condition is Rickets
The method of diagnosing rickets in infants has been proven to be incorrect, yet it is still considered the standard practice used by child abuse pediatricians to diagnose abuse in infants and children with blatant disregard for laboratory testing showing a vitamin D deficiency or other metabolic bone disease. The diagnosis of rickets in infants is left solely on a radiologist, despite blood tests showing deficiency, insufficiency, and efficient vitamin D levels. The American Academy of Pediatrics: Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (AAPCCAN) has issued guidelines for the evaluat... more »
How Did North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Get His $500,000 Mercedes (Video)?
*WNU Editor*: You can get anything and everything you want .... if you can and want to pay the price.
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