Monday, July 01, 2019

1 July - My Feedly! -2 of 2

Veterans Today

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Her latest book is, Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues. Previous books include: Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law […]
On the fortieth anniversary of the 1978–79 Iranian revolution, a definitive political picture of the Islamic Republic
Fake media is fake media and money is money. We found an agenda, the use of fake events, of false flag terrorism and of media abuse in destabilizing and undermining institutions, and that the ability of the Deep State to orchestrate mass hysteria has increased exponentially.
"Some service members from West Point Military Academy, Air Force Academy, and Virginia Military Institute voiced their readiness to fight and die if necessary alongside IDF troops.”
Jim W. Dean - This is a major development, showing once again that US aggression and intimidation with its forward leaning military deployments and threats are pushing countries to form new defense coalitions.
I was initiated into durian, the world's tastiest and stinkiest fruit, by Sheikh Imran Hosein, the world's leading Islamic eschatologist...


In 2002, mountain bikers and entrepreneurs Jen Zeuner and Anne Keller moved to Fruita, Colorado, in search of cheap rent, world-class single track, and free time to ride. Over 15 years later, the two unconventional women have helped reshape one of the state’s most conservative towns, uniting the community through advocacy, inclusivity, and damn good pizza. "Life of Pie" is this week's Staff Pick
Join us on a LIVE African safari in the Maasai Mara as experts guide us through the bush in search of lions, elephants, buffalo and more wild animals. Join the discussions on social with #safariLIVE! Sponsored by Metamucil: ➡ Subscribe: #NationalGeographic #Live About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's pre
Directed by Sacha Barbin Cinematography by Adolpho Veloso Edited by Basile Belkhiri, Maxime Pozzi Garcia and John Holloway Graded by Mathieu Caplanne Produced by : Jules de Chateleux for Division Paris Produced by Family Production Cast: Sacha Barbin
In the final episode of "Life’s First Evers," Jeannie meets Sarah from Nova Scotia, Canada, who moved to California with her military fiancé after he was deployed there. With all of her friends and family back in Canada, Sarah’s biggest dream was to have someone to go wedding dress shopping with, so she wrote to Jeannie, hoping she would take her. Jeannie takes Sarah to Claire Pettibone in Los An
Deserts are diverse ecosystems that occur on all seven continents. Learn about the four major types of deserts, the surprising amount of wildlife some of them contain, and how new desert areas are beginning to form. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their wor
It’s cookout season, and Kalen Allen is here to help you bring it to the barbecue. In this episode of "OMKalen," he reveals his secret recipes for hamburgers, baked beans, and his world famous peach cobbler. Get your BBQ sauce ready! (You’re going to need a lot.) #OMKalen #OMK #KalenAllen From: TheEllenShow
Working with nature instead of against it, forest gardens promise abundance, as well as the kind of resilience a changing climate demands.
American Independence Day is heavily associated with the cooking method known as “grilling,” which is—in turn—firmly linked to meat. But some people don’t eat meat, and they should not be denied the visceral pleasure of cooking something over hot coals in the hot sun. Luckily, there are many (good) options. Read more...
Websites are working harder than ever to influence our decisions—and even if you know what they’re up to, you can still find yourself adjusting your actions in exactly the way the site wants. Read more...
The Falic family, owners of the chain of Duty Free Americas shops, funds settler groups in occupied West Bank.
Now that a peace deal has been reached in principle in the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. military, which just took over presidency of the G20, is going to push for a real Middle East peace deal, Pentagon sources say. Peace is also breaking out in other trouble spots like the Ukraine and the India/Pakistan 

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