Sunday, May 12, 2019

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Religion Dispatches – Rewire.News

  • Concerned as we rightly are about the immediate human cost of Lori Gilbert Kaye’s awful murder and the trauma inflicted on the Poway and national Jewish communities, hardly anyone...
  • Given the ease with which the discontinuation of this policy was accomplished—two pages, three signatures—it’s worthwhile to ask: why now? The post LDS Church Rescinds Hurtful...
  • The truth is that the ”forced-birth” mentality of those determined to eliminate abortion access is far closer to the Nazi philosophy of dehumanization and oppression. The post...
  • Catholicism is usually seen as being at the forefront of the anti-choice movement that would take moral freedom away from the pregnant person and consign it to male-dominated churches...

    • In the 1990s, Barr attacked the very concept of secular government and in one speech said advocates of secularism “are clearly fanatics.” Barr’s advocacy of “God’s law”...

      In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

  • by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Today’s High Pitched Frequencies The C Sharp (C#) is a “cusp” frequency found between the D Major (sacral...
  • by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Join Gregg Prescott in a group regression journey led by Candace Craw-Goldman as they kicked off the Worldwide...

    • by Adeana M. Slater, Contributing writer, This intense energy feels unforgiving and will bring most of us to our knees. In what feels like suffering and also having extreme...

  • An untypical high-level meeting was convened at the headquarters of the United States Central Intelligence Agency last week to discuss Iran, according to NBC News. The meeting...
  • The sudden decision by the United States to deploy significant firepower to the Middle East was partly in response to intelligence that was given to Washington by Israeli officials...

    • In an effort to persuade senior members of the Venezuelan government to defect, the United States has lifted punitive financial sanctions on the country’s intelligence director...

  • Fabian Van Onzen Nicos Poulantzas Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism Verso, London, 2019. 240pp., £12.99 pb ISBN9781786635815 Around...
  • Neoliberal Fascism

    2 days ago
  • Thomas Klikauer & Kathleen Webb Tunney Undoubtedly we live in the age of neoliberalism. There might also be a link between Neoliberalism and fascism. If one agrees with the rather...

    • Peoples Dispatch 8 May 2019, Election day in Ekhuruleni. Photo: Madelene Cronjé / New Frame The verdict of the 2019 general election in South Africa has been has been the worst ever...

      Unexplained Mysteries

  • The Travel Channel has released a list of the US states in which you are most likely to encounter Sasquatch. Based on "never-before-released data" gat...
  • The shrivelled-up remains of a mysterious four-legged creature were found recently on a property in Titusville. When Kelly Garrahan snapped a photogra...

    • Officers in Klamath County, Oregon recently responded to what turned out to be a rather strange 911 call. The peculiar incident began late on Wednesda...

      Whistleblower Protection Blog

  • Did local regulators in Estonia and Denmark fail to flag the Danske Bank’s money laundering scheme? Seems EU regulators can’t decide whether it was clearly money laundering...
  • It’s Time for Facebook to be Sanctioned for Misleading Shareholders and the Public About Terror and Hate Speech on its Website  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) now...

    • The Swiss bank whistleblower who outed Americans’ secret USB bank accounts says he has information on more wrongdoing. Bradley Birkenfeld, who is described on his website as the...

      لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

  • There’s fake news, sloppy misreporting, and then there’s hasbara. I consider the mistake made by the AP News this week an example of hasbara that requires a correction. My letter...
  • The politically correct message for the Israeli leaders to send to the world after any military operation in Gaza is: “we’re defending ourselves” and “the militants in Gaza...
  • Deliver Me

    6 days ago

    • Psalm 140: deliver me by Rabbi Brant Rosen oh lord deliver me from my people who wield their weapons with impunity whose armies rain bombs on the imprisoned whose apologists equate...

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