Friday, May 17, 2019

17 May - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 3

10 pm MDT

Top U.S. Republican Lawmaker Says U.S. Intelligence Picked Up An Iranian Directive To 'Kidnap And Kill American Soldiers'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 minutes ago
*USA Today*: *GOP lawmaker on Iran threat: Directive was to 'kill and kidnap American soldiers'* WASHINGTON – A top Republican lawmaker said Friday that the threat from Iran picked up by U.S. intelligence – which sparked a U.S. military deployment to the Middle East and heightened tensions across the region – was very specific and involved the possible kidnapping and killing of American soldiers. "To the extent I can discuss it, it was human intelligence," Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told USA TODAY on Friday. He wa... more »

Iran Threatens To Hit U.S. Navy Ships With Missiles And To Target World Energy Supplies

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 minutes ago
Iran has missile capabilities to strike Israel and they claimed today, US warships in the Persian Gulf. Over the last decade they have expanded their 'axis of resistance' in the Middle East *The Guardian:* *US-Iran conflict would hit energy supplies, says Iranian general* *Gen Saleh Jokar also says Iran’s missiles could easily reach US warships in Gulf.* Iranian missiles could easily hit US ships in the Gulf, and any conflict would threaten global energy supplies, a senior Iranian military official has said. As tensions simmered on Friday, Tehran blamed the US for an escalating ...more »

Musical Interlude: 2002, “Stella Maris” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 minutes ago
2002, “Stella Maris”

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 minutes ago
“Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some 200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster NGC 602. Surrounded by natal gas and dust, NGC 602 is featured in this stunning Hubble image of the region. * Click image for larger size.* Fantastic ridges and swept back shapes strongly suggest that energetic radiation and shock waves from NGC 602's massive young stars have eroded the dusty material and triggered a progression of star formation moving away from the cluster's center. At the estimated distance of the Small Magellanic Clo... more »

Inexperienced community members have a considerable amount of suspiciousness and conceit

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 24 minutes ago
23. You already know that capital deprived of goal-fitness is only a millstone about the neck. And as a manifestation of infection forms spiritual and bodily ulcers likewise does a manifestation of the lunacy of covetousness bring harm to the spirit and body. 127. Inexperienced community members have a considerable amount of suspiciousness and conceit, but a community is regarded by Us as an accepted form of life. And We can speak about it with all the lucidity of long experience. We are not frightened by any mental confusion. We have seen enough cosmic refuse and We are not di... more »

Chet Raymo, “The Dark Night” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 25 minutes ago
*“The Dark Night”* by Chet Raymo “I first read Soren Kierkegaard's “Fear and Trembling”* at about the same age as Kierkegaard was when he wrote it- thirty. The young philosopher was wrestling with his dark demons, including the death of his father, a sternly religious man who demanded absolute obedience from his son. He was torn between the opposing demands of faith and reason, certainty and doubt. In the opening pages of the book, he takes us with Abraham and Isaac on that terrible journey to Mount Moriah where God puts Abraham to a terrifying test of his faith. What gives meanin... more »

"We Have To..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 30 minutes ago
“We can win. We can lose. We can fall down. We can get up and do it over again, better. We can go for it as if we have nothing to lose, knowing we have everything to lose. We can tear up a dance floor and put it all back together again. We can talk loud in public. We can be fierce. We can be small. We can be mighty. We can be too much. We can be just enough, just in time. We can. We have to." - Bill T. Jones

"Compassion In the Presence of Difficulty" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 32 minutes ago
*"Compassion In the Presence of Difficulty"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "True compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. Compassion is the ability to see the deep connectedness between ourselves and others. Moreover, true compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. When we first begin to practice compassion, this very deep level of understanding may elude us, but we can have faith that if we start where we are, we will eventually feel our way toward it. We mov... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 33 minutes ago
Philadelphia, Pa, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

"Life Is Truly A Ride..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 34 minutes ago
"Life is truly a ride. We're all strapped in and no one can stop it. When the doctor slaps your behind, he's ripping your ticket and away you go. As you make each passage from youth to adulthood to maturity, sometimes you put your arms up and scream, sometimes you just hang on to that bar in front of you. But the ride is the thing. I think the most you can hope for at the end of life is that your hair's messed, you're out of breath, and you didn't throw up." - Jerry Seinfeld

The Poet: C.P. Cavafy, "Waiting for the Barbarians" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 36 minutes ago
*"Waiting for the Barbarians"* "What are we waiting for, assembled in the forum? The barbarians are due here today. Why isn’t anything happening in the senate? Why do the senators sit there without legislating? Because the barbarians are coming today. What laws can the senators make now? Once the barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating. Why did our emperor get up so early, and why is he sitting at the city’s main gate on his throne, in state, wearing the crown? Because the barbarians are coming today and the... more »

"A Specific Flaw..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 38 minutes ago
"In one of the earlier Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle made an observation on logical deduction. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. There is, however, a specific flaw in that maxim. It assumes people can recognize the difference between what is impossible and what they *believe* is impossible." - Peter Clines

A Flying Missile Truck: What the B-1 Lancer Can Really Do

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 43 minutes ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * She might be old, but... *The B-1B, already known to carry a large number of missiles, could carry even more on external hardpoints.* Like many warplanes since the end of the Cold War, the B-1B bomber’s role in American airpower has changed to embrace new missions. Unlike other planes, the B-1’s mission changed even before the first aircraft took off. What started as a high-altitude, high-speed nuclear-penetration bomber has evolved into today’s all-purpose nonnuclear attack aircraft, a jack-of-all-trades with a huge carrying capacity for bombs and ... more »

Archbishop of Erbil: Is the US Abandoning Assyrians At Risk in Iraq?

Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil speaks at Georgetown University on Feb. 15. ( Jonah McKeown/CNA)Archbishop Bashar Warda, one of the leading voices on behalf of persecuted and displaced Christians in Iraq, released today an urgent statement regarding the retreat of U.

Why Russia Should Really Hate the F-22 Raptor

War Is Boring at The National Interest - 1 hour ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, * They can pop-up anywhere. In 2013, the U.S. Air Force’s Alaska-based 3rd Wing devised a new way to deploy its F-22 Raptor stealth fighters in order to make them more survivable in a war with China. Now the “Rapid Raptor” concept has a new goal—to deter Russian aggression. *(This article by David Axe **originally appeared** in War is Boring in 2016.)* The 3rd Wing’s scheme is simple. Instead of always painstakingly deploying entire 20-plane squadrons or even the whole 40-jet wing — as custom dictated — wing officers wrote new procedures for sending a... more »

I Fought Russia in a Tank War in This Simulator And It Was A Bloody Mess

War Is Boring at The National Interest - 1 hour ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, * And it's a free download. It was the mid-1990s. The roar of Russian tank engines, the *whoosh* of anti-tank missiles and the buzz of low-flying Havoc attack helicopters filled the computer room of my suburban home. After a few hours of play, a column of Russian tanks lay smoking on a highway and a Ukrainian airfield was in flames. No, this wasn’t a fast-paced, real-time strategy game like *Command & Conquer: Red Alert — *I’d just gotten hooked onto *Steel Panthers, *a turn-based tactical simulation. Simple to play yet full of depth, it remains a gre... more »

How Will Game of Thrones End? Westeros Could End Up In a Cold War

Matthew Reisener at The National Interest - 1 hour ago
*Matthew Reisener* *Security, * The final season of Game of Thrones has been replete with shocking twists and turns. Given the show’s excellent track record of embedding real world international relations theory within its fantasy universe, don’t be surprised if a renewed great power competition between the Stark and Targaryen forces is one of the final twists the show has in store. HBO’s groundbreaking television series *Game of Thrones* has forced its audience to confront unexpected and disconcerting new realities over the course of its eighth and final season. Many fans expect... more »

Does an Ohio Anti-Abortion Bill Ban Birth Control?

Bethania Palma at - 1 hour ago
HB 182 would limit access to, but not criminalize use of, certain types of birth control.

Friday Evening Links

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 1 hour ago
Assorted content to end your week. - PressProgress digs into Statistics Canada's findings about precarious work in Canada, highlighting the connection between temporary work and subpar pay and working conditions: According to a report by Statistics Canada, published Tuesday, the percentage of Canadian workers hired on temporary contracts increased from 11.8% in 1998 to 13% in 2018 — faster than the growth of permanent jobs over the last 20 years. Those temporary jobs typically offer lower wages, fewer benefits and lower rates of unionization. Last year, the report notes, temporary ... more »

'He was a natural': How Bob Hawke ended up in budgie smugglers on a croc-infested river

Matt Garrick at Just In - 1 hour ago
As Australia mourns the loss of the nation's longest-serving Labor PM, a former Northern Territory public servant gives fresh insight into the larrikin leader's golden touch — at catching barramundi.

Seven signs to watch for on election night (and only two involve Antony Green)

Jackson Gothe-Snape at Just In - 1 hour ago
Will Peter Dutton survive, can the independents march on Canberra, and exactly what time should you plan to serve dinner?

Liberals accused of creating misleading Chinese-language posters using AEC colours

Just In - 1 hour ago
Accusations of dirty tactics break out in Melbourne, where Labor accuses the Liberal Party of deliberately using official AEC colours to mislead Chinese-speaking voters in the marginal seat of Chisholm.

Brooks Koepka makes major championship history with two-round record at US PGA

Just In - 1 hour ago
Australia's Adam Scott has the round of the day at the PGA Championship, but no-one can get near record-breaking American Brooks Koepka.

Ratcliffe and Nunes Discuss AG Barr Investigative Approach…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 hour ago
Interesting interviews by Maria Bartiromo today as she hosted both John Ratcliffe and Devin Nunes to discuss the latest remarks and investigative approach by Attorney General William Barr. Representative Ratcliffe is one of the few congressional members who has seen … Continue reading →

China Slams “Barbaric” US Behavior Toward Huawei as a “Declaration of War”

Activist Post at Activist Post - 1 hour ago
By Tyler Durden (ZH) — A letter written by He Tingbo, president of HiSilicon, a semiconductor company owned by Huawei, was published on Friday in China. In... more »

Venezuela Denounces US Seizure of Embassy as Violation of Vienna Convention

Activist Post at Activist Post - 2 hours ago
By Jessica Corbett (CD) — Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Ron on Thursday urged the Trump administration not to hand over the country’s embassy in Washington, D.C.... more »

Five Years in Prison for Offending Someone Online (And Other News From The Twilight Zone)

Activist Post at Activist Post - 2 hours ago
By Simon Black, Sovereign Man Let the weekly absurdity begin! New SAT scoring will combat Asian privilege The infamous SAT has been used since 1926... more »

Musical interlude

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 2 hours ago
Jeremy Vancaulart feat. Danyka Nadeau - Hurt

US News Media Shifted to Feelings Over Facts – RAND Report

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
RT Published on May 17, 2019 Over the past several decades, US news media have shifted towards advocacy and emotional appeals, according to a RAND Corporation study. READ MORE: end

Rob Kirby: We Should Live To See Gold NOT Price In Dollars, Economic Change Happens Quickly

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Rob Kirby: We Should Live To See Gold NOT Price In Dollars, Economic Change Happens Quickly by Change is coming to the globalist controlled global economy & markets. EVERYBODY must understand this AND prepare for what’s coming. Rob explains… Rob Kirby interviewed on Reluctant Preppers: – With equity markets topping and staggering, the flight to safety …

“Strategery” – President Trump Instructs Ross and Lighthizer to Focus on Auto Sector….

sundance at The Last Refuge - 2 hours ago
Further evidence there will be no further engagement with China surfaces in an announced specific shift in directive from President Trump today focusing Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and USTR Lighthizer on a sector, not a specific nation. The auto industry … Continue reading →

Homelessness in San Francisco Bay Area Up by Double-digit Percentages

James Murphy at rss - 2 hours ago
[image: homelessness-in-san-francisco-bay-area-up-by-double-digit-percentages] Fueled by a housing crisis, homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area is on the rise. And the liberal policies meant to combat the problem are only exacerbating it.

B 2 Stealth Bomber Drops A Massive Ordnance Penetrator (Video)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *US Air Force posts highest quality video ever of secret B2 stealth bomber dropping two 'mother of all bunker buster bombs' as tensions with Iran increase* * Footage from USAF shows the GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators (MOPs) * The 33,000lb bombs is the most powerful non-nuclear bunker buster on earth * Elements of the US fleet have arrived in the Gulf amid rising tensions with Iran The US Air Force has released a remarkable video showing a B2 bomber dropping its highest-powered 'bunker buster' amid rising tensions with Iran. The video, which is the most high-... more »

Caito Foods recalls chicken salad because labels do not include soy alert

News Desk at Food Safety News - 3 hours ago
Indianapolis-based Caito Foods LLC has recalled approximately 1,767 pounds of salad with chicken products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The chicken products contain soy, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product label. The ready-to-eat salads with chicken items... Continue Reading

Manufacturer recalls ‘dairy free’ dessert for undeclared milk; complaint logged

News Desk at Food Safety News - 3 hours ago
Following a consumer complaint, Dairy Free Horchata Frozen Dessert Sandwiches are being recalled by Coolhaus because they may contain milk. If the product is consumed by people who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to dairy, there is a risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reactions. Coolhaus distributed the Dairy Free Horchata Sandwiches to... Continue Reading

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2019 : King Haras Episode 13 "Sultan Azad in Court " (Zeinobia) at Egyptian Chronicles - 3 hours ago
Good evening or Good afternoon or Good morning where ever you are now and reading this post. Tonight we will see what happens to Azad as a sultan for one day in this year’s first tale, the tale of King Haras. To refresh your memory and to know where we stopped, I recommend you go back and hear last night’s episode. Now without further ado, you can hear to the thirteenth episode or episode no.192 of the Egyptian State Radio’s One Thousand and One Nights show in Arabic after the break. Your browser does not support the audio element. *A Sultan and his harem byMilo Winter "1914"**Sulta... more »

One Little Video Shows How Democrats Are Trying and Failing to Control Restive Progressives

Stephen Boni at The Ghion Journal - 3 hours ago
The political end of Twitter tends to be a place people go to rhetorically fuss and fight with strangers. Think what you will of that. For some, it’s a positive thing, an opportunity to demonstrate to others how to beat back bad-faith arguments in real time. For others, it becomes little more than an ego-gratifying diversion from real political work, an un-useful expenditure of combative negative energy. At the same time, political Twitter can be… The post One Little Video Shows How Democrats Are Trying and Failing to Control Restive Progressives appeared first on The Ghion Journal.

Iran warns US: ‘Our missiles can reach your ships’

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 3 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:05 A.M.) – A deputy head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards said short-range Iranian missiles could reach U.S. warships in the Gulf, and the United States could not afford a new war, the semi-official news agency Fars reported on Friday. The comments added to days of sabre-rattling between Tehran and Washington, which has […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russia to deliver more supplies to Venezuelan military

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 3 hours ago
Russia will supply Venezuela’s army with more than 16,000 field rations, a military-diplomatic source told TASS on Friday. On Thursday, Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state-run arms exporter, placed information about purchases of 16,500 field rations to be supplied to Venezuela. The initial cost of the contract is 14.38 million rubles (222,091 US dollars). “The rations will be […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

The Daily Brief 2019-05-16

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 3 hours ago
This is a summary of 14 AMN articles on the following subjects: Hama, Idlib, Syria, Hmeimim, Latakia, Russia, Iran, Israel, Homs, ISIS, Palmyra, Aleppo, Manbij, Saudi, Yemen, Iraq, UK, Turkey. Categories covered in this brief: Syria, Iran, Gulf, Yemen, Iraq, Turkey, World-News Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

The 5 Worst Navy Bases To Be Stationed At

Task and Purpose at The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, Americas* [image: By Official U.S. Navy Page from United States of AmericaPetty Officer 2nd Class William Dodge/U.S. Navy - USS George H.W. Bush returns to Naval Station Norfolk., Public Domain,] And why. The U.S. Navy boasts more than 75 domestic bases. Though they are most always situated on the water, not all Navy bases have that oceanside charm. Task & Purpose polled more than 1,000 readers to determine which installations are least liked across all the services. The reasons why service me... more »

No Longer a Trade Tiff: China Screams ‘People’s War’

Gordon G. Chang at The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Gordon G. Chang* *economy, Americas* [image: Reuters] Xi Jinping Wants the Chinese people to believe that Americans—and not him—are responsible for the declining economy. “People’s war.” That’s the Communist Party’s new term for the trade dispute with the United States. The *Global Times*, the party’s nationalist tabloid, used that phrase on the May 13, but China’s leaders obviously approved of the rhetorical escalation. Both *People’s Daily*, the self-described “mouthpiece” of China’s ruling organization, and the official Xinhua News Agency carried the piece to wider audiences... more »

A Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline: Start Small but Aim Big

Luke Coffey at The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Luke Coffey* *economy, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] In the long-run, such a project would yield great economic and geopolitical dividends. In 1906, the first energy pipeline in the South Caucasus was completed, connecting Baku on the Caspian Sea with Batumi on the Black Sea. The pipes used in the construction were actually made in Mariupol, Ukraine—an indication of the broader region’s interconnectedness which prevails to this day. That first pipeline measured a mere eight inches in diameter and transported kerosene. Today, more than a century later, it has been replaced with a m... more »

The Justice Department Goes All-In on Origins of Russia Probe

Hunter DeRensis at The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Hunter DeRensis* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] The District Attorney for Connecticut, John Durham, becomes the latest federal prosecutor to look into the handling of the Trump-Russia investigation. Add one more investigation to the list. Monday evening it was announced that Attorney General William Barr had selected John Durham, district attorney for Connecticut, to head an investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. The nearly seventy-year-old Durham has a long history of exposing abuses inside the National Security State, including the protection of crim... more »

Alice Rivlin RIP

David Henderson at Econlib - 3 hours ago
Economist Alice Rivlin died Tuesday at age 88. She was my favorite liberal (in the modern, not classical, sense) economist. She called it the way she saw it and was generally regarded by all sides as independent. That sometimes got her in hot water with her fellow Democrats. I have two stories about her, one […] The post Alice Rivlin RIP appeared first on Econlib.

A look at the bizarre new Notre Dame designs and why architects think they’re a bad idea

Alan Weedon at Just In - 3 hours ago
For the first time in more than a century, architects will be given the opportunity to substantially alter Paris's Notre Dame which has withstood centuries of political, social and environmental change.

Boy rescued as mother dies in Adelaide house fire

Just In - 3 hours ago
A five-year-old boy is in hospital in a stable condition after being rescued from a house fire that claimed the life of his 37-year-old mother.

Close games and AFL coaches still in control despite constant rule changes

Neil Cross at Just In - 3 hours ago
While this weekend's focus might be on a narrow election result, so far this season the AFL's winning margins are the closest they have been in decades. And if attendance is anything to go by, fans are loving it, writes Neil Cross.

Tonight's Movie Is 'The War Lover' (1962)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
From *Wikipedia*: The War Lover is a 1962 British black-and-white war film directed by Philip Leacock and written by Howard Koch loosely based on the 1959 novel, The War Lover by John Hersey, altering the names of characters and events but retaining its basic framework. It stars Steve McQueen, Robert Wagner, Shirley Anne Field, Ed Bishop and features a young Michael Crawford. The war itself is not the most important element of the film. Instead it focuses on the character of Captain Buzz Rickson played by McQueen and his determination to serve himself and get what he wants – in th... more »

"America’s 'Light Unto the World' Is Now a Bonfire" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*"America’s 'Light Unto the World' Is Now a Bonfire"* by Bill Bonner YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "The week moved along quickly… like a piece of trash in a fast-moving stream. At the beginning of the week, investors were worrying about an intensifying trade war. By its end, they thought they heard the “all clear,” and convinced themselves that stifling trade either won’t happen or won’t matter. Of course, we agreed with them, predicting that The Donald would never go “Full Retard” in the trade war. Unless he can pin the next bear market/recession on the Fed, he will suffer more than anyone. H... more »

Dan v Dan in North Carolina-- It Doesn't Matter Who Wins, Not Even A Little; Both Candidates Suck

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*Dan the crackpot Republican vs Dan the untrustworthy Blue Dog* No one is forcing me to write this post but if there's one congressional race whose outcome I could care less about, it's the re-do for NC-09, a swingy district that borders South Carolina and shoots from Colonial Heights in Charlotte to Savoy Heights in Fayetteville. The 9th was severely redistricted in 2016, and now encompasses rural areas to the east of Charlottesville as well as the Fayetteville part of the district. The African-American population went from 13% to 20% but the overall political lean remained Republi...more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago

"Free For All" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*"Free For All"* by Jim Kunstler WASHINGTON - "House Democrats, frustrated by President Trump’s efforts to stonewall their investigations and eager to stoke public anger about the president’s behavior, are pinning their diminishing hopes on Robert S. Mueller III yet again. Mr. Mueller, who was invited to testify by the chairmen of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees a month ago, has not agreed to do so." - The New York Times Oh? Is that so? Do you wonder why Mr. Mueller might not want to open his aching heart to any House committee in the desperate, last-ditch effort t... more »

Appetite for Self Destruction, or three suicides and a funeral*

Jarrod Hayes at Duck of Minerva - 4 hours ago
Here’s my argument: Late 80s/early 90s Soviet Union. The United Kingdom in 2016. The United States 2016 to now. Three contemporary examples of international suicide that conventional IR neither predicted nor can account. Ok, so perhaps suicide is too hyperbolic a concept and we should go with appetite for self-destruction . Certainly in the case […]

In Canada, Medical Doctors Killed Thousands in 2018

Admin at Health Impact News - 4 hours ago
Canadian doctors committed thousands of homicides in 2018. According to an interim report published by the government, in the first ten months of last year, doctors lethally injected 2,613 patients (with one assisted suicide) — and that doesn’t include the homicides committed by doctors in Quebec, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut. The report says that about 1.12 percent of all Canadian deaths were caused by euthanasia, a number that is increasing every year. No wonder. Efforts are increasing to normalize lethal injection as a way of death — and soon we are likely to see the... more »

President Trump Remarks to National Realtors Association…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
President Trump delivers remarks to the National Association of REALTORS Legislative Meetings and Trade Exposition.

President Trump Removes Steel and Aluminum Tariffs From Canada and Mexico….

sundance at The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
A combination of the NAFTA “Fatal Flaw” & transnational Chinese shipments, was always at the heart of President Trump placing steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico during negotiations that culminated in the USMCA trade agreement. The goal was … Continue reading →

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 17, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Beijing sensitivities about details of the text of its trade agreement with the US being made public were behind the collapse of negotiations, according to Susan Thornton, former US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs. Photo: Bloomberg *Kinling Lo, SCMP*:* What killed US-China trade talks: A tale of two texts* * A difference of opinion over detail behind sudden shift from optimism to renewed hostilities * Washington prefers to reveal what Beijing would conceal The trade talks between China and the United States collapsed because Beijing removed details o... more »

Judge Refuses to Toss Suit Over Pepe the Frog Poster Sales

Associated Press at - 4 hours ago
"This is a case about making sure nobody (else) is making money off Pepe the Frog."

Did Joe Biden Once Say That Roe v. Wade “Went Too Far”?

Alex Kasprak at - 4 hours ago
The origin of this claim was an interview conducted with then-Senator Biden in 1974.

Is This a Photograph of a Young Donald Trump?

Dan Evon at - 4 hours ago
Sometimes distorting visual reality is as easy as pushing a button.

"The Peculiar Impression..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
"Why do human beings have the peculiar impression that belief is the same as truth?" "Because sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes we need to believe in a better truth." "What better truth can there be than truth?" - Gene Brewer

It Is Rocket Science: Here's How We Could Move Our Planet

The Conversation at Science 2.0 blogs - 4 hours ago
In the Chinese science fiction film The Wandering Earth, recently released on Netflix, humanity attempts to change the Earth’s orbit using enormous thrusters in order to escape the expanding sun – and prevent a collision with Jupiter. The scenario may one day come true. In five billion years, the sun will run out of fuel and expand, most likely engulfing the Earth. A more immediate threat is a global warming apocalypse. Moving the Earth to a wider orbit could be a solution – and it is possible in theory. read more

"Economic Market Snapshot 5/17/19" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
• Gregory Mannarino, "Stocks: 1 Presidential Tweet = 300 Points. 2 = 400. 3 = 500+" - • MarketWatch Market Summary - • CNN Market Data: - CNN Fear And Greed Index: -

"Debt 'Death Spiral' Approaching" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"Debt 'Death Spiral' Approaching"* by Brian Maher "Today our spirits wallow. And our brow is creased with worry... For we are informed the United States is racing into a “death spiral” of debt. That is, when every public dollar it borrows must service its debt… crowding out all other demands. That debt presently exceeds $22 trillion. It expands by day, by hour, by minute, by second. But when does America finally go corkscrewing into the fatal abyss? Eight years, 10 years — perhaps a dozen? The all-important answer shortly. But first a brief canvas of Wall Street… and the stock ma... more »

'That can't be right': How the ABC's 1969 election broadcast inspired a play and then a film

Andrew Bell And Niki Burnside at Just In - 5 hours ago
Live election broadcasts have come a long way in 50 years. The ABC's 1969 coverage featured incorrect results, scrunched-up bits of paper and uneaten sandwiches — and ended with the words, "that's it, thank God".

New outbreak of Salmonella from live birds spurs CDC to renew warning

Coral Beach at Food Safety News - 5 hours ago
People in 21 states have been confirmed with Salmonella infections, with seven out of 10 of them reporting they handled birds in backyard flocks before becoming ill, according to an outbreak alert from the CDC. Five of the 52 confirmed patients have been so sick they had to be admitted to hospitals, according to the... Continue Reading

"A Song of Easy Money and New Tariffs" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"A Song of Easy Money and New Tariffs"* by David Stockman “The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends,” Ser Jorah told her. “It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace.” He gave a shrug. “They never are.” – George R.R. Martin, "A Game of Thrones" (1996) "It’s not entirely lost on the Donald that his Trade War is creating collateral damage. Indeed, the very voters of Flyover America who put him in the Oval Office are bearing serious tariff scars. That’s why the Department of Agricultu... more »

World News Briefs -- May 17, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
Port officials take a photo of the damaged tanker Andrea Victory at the Port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, May 13, 2019. REUTERS/Satish Kumar/File Photo *Reuters:* *Exclusive: Insurer says Iran's Guards likely to have organized tanker attacks* LONDON/OSLO (Reuters) - Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) are “highly likely” to have facilitated attacks last Sunday on four tankers including two Saudi ships off Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, according to a Norwegian insurers’ report seen by Reuters. The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Norway are investigating the attacks, which... more »

I Saw World War II Through a Sherman Tank: Here Is What I Witnessed

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* [image: By Malyszkz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,] From North Africa to Sicily to Normandy to the heart of Germany, bow gunner Irving Bromberg fought the war in a Sherman tank. Private First Class Irving Bromberg saw a huge puff of smoke erupt from the German tank’s cannon muzzle as it headed straight for his M4 Sherman tank. The round streaked past and missed. Bromberg sat next to the driver in the bow gunner’s seat manning a .30-caliber machine gun. His turret gunner fired the tan... more »

Step Inside President Kennedy's Top Secret Nuclear War Bunker

War Is Boring at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] If the atomic bombs started to fall. *“This place wouldn’t have survived a direct hit,” Anthony Miller of the Palm Beach Maritime Museum told, Florida’s official Website for promoting tourism.* In December 1960, the SeaBees – the U.S. Navy’s construction force — supposedly began the mundane task of building a munitions depot behind the Coast Guard station on Peanut Island, Florida. Known as “Operation Hotel,” the SeaBees actually built a secret nuclear fallout shelter for president-elect John F. Ken... more »

Operation Valkyrie: Why the Plan to Kill Hitler (And Save Millions) Failed

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* [image: By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1972-025-10 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,] Just bad timing? For Nazi Party Führer (Leader) and German Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler, July 20th, 1944 dawned as a routine working day at his principal wartime military headquarters, the Wolfsschanze (Fort Wolf) in the East Prussian forest of Rastenburg, some three hundred air miles from Berlin, in what is today Poland. He was to have his daily military situation conference at 1 pm. That summer th... more »

Massachusetts cannabis regulators cautious about approving acquisitions

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 5 hours ago
Massachusetts regulators delayed voting on a proposed medical marijuana acquisition, reflecting the state’s deliberate approach in evaluating ownership-change requests. According to, the caution comes in wake of a report that some businesses may have skirted licensing rules. To read more about the state’s review process, click here. Massachusetts cannabis regulators cautious about approving acquisitions is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Marijuana industry veteran Ean Seeb tapped to lead Colorado’s MJ policy

Bart Schaneman at Marijuana Business Daily - 5 hours ago
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis selected cannabis industry veteran Ean Seeb to lead the state’s cannabis policy. Seeb was co-owner of one of Denver’s original cannabis retailers, Denver Relief, before it was sold. He also was co-founder of Denver Relief Consulting and twice served as chair of the National Cannabis Industry Association. Seeb doesn’t have an […] Marijuana industry veteran Ean Seeb tapped to lead Colorado’s MJ policy is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Canadian cannabis producer Organigram to list on Nasdaq

Nick Thomas at Marijuana Business Daily - 5 hours ago
Organigram, a New Brunswick-based marijuana producer, will begin trading on the Nasdaq on May 21. The company will join other major Canadian producers listed on senior U.S. exchanges, such as Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth, Cronos and Tilray. Organigram will continue to maintain its TSX Ventures Exchange listing but will cease trading on U.S. over-the-counter markets […] Canadian cannabis producer Organigram to list on Nasdaq is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Liberal volunteer injured in confrontation outside polling booth in Abbott's seat

Selby Stewart at Just In - 5 hours ago
A man is charged with common assault after allegedly stabbing a Liberal Party volunteer with a corkscrew as the worker erected campaign posters outside Balgowlah Heights Public School in the seat of Warringah.

'Every pub has a vegan menu now' as restaurants evolve to meat demand

Mawunyo Gbogbo at Just In - 5 hours ago
The number of people adopting plant-based diets is on the rise, forcing restaurants to move with the times to satisfy their customers' appetites.

'You don't have to have much': A look inside an award-winning tiny house

Larissa Romensky at Just In - 5 hours ago
A company that teaches do-it-yourself builders to design and construct their own off-the-grid tiny homes is recognised for helping make cities safer, more resilient and sustainable.

Tackling the winter blues and knowing when it's something more serious

Georgie Burgess at Just In - 5 hours ago
Staying healthy over winter can be tricky, but it's not just your physical health that can be affected during the colder months.

Election 2019 quiz! How much were you paying attention?

Just In - 5 hours ago
Before you undertake the quiz, here's a hint you might need. Bill Shorten's mother is called Ann.

Gotham City Digest: Save the Fetuses Then Don't Vaccinate Them edition

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Gotham City - 5 hours ago
(Welcome to the United States of Gilead) ------------------------------ Alabama, as usual, proudly advances into the 13th century. ------------------------------ This is the fascist anti Semitic little runt whom Trump was praising at the WH last Monday for "keeping his country safe. " Sure he is. Safe from any opposing ideas or academic and intellectual freedom. ------------------------------ Oh, speaking of Orban. the poor man's Bela Lugosi: White nationalist teams up with anti Semitic fascist. Who could've seen THIS coming? ------------------------------ Just in ca... more »

Trump freaks out Democrats once again – considering Insurrection Act for illegals

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 5 hours ago
According to Fox News, BizPak Review, and other MSM sites, Trump is now floating using the Insurrection Act to remove illegal immigrants from inside the US borders. – May 17, 2019 Cheers erupt on Fox Morning News when the Insurrection Act is mentioned. The MSM Democrat town criers are fluxxomed once again. Trump keeps going back into the laws of our country and dragging out laws that give him authority to act since the Democrats have been hindering his administrations efforts to get immigration under control. They only have their own socialist obstructionist Trump derangement syndro... more »

President Trump Highlights Climbing Arc of Flynn Story…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 6 hours ago
CTH noted yesterday that things in/around the Michael Flynn investigation could get very interesting…. not because of what is visible, but rather because of what is likely to surface. Today, President Trump draws attention to Michael Flynn being under DOJ/FBI … Continue reading →

CONFIRMED: Chemical Weapons Assessment Contradicting Official Syria Narrative Is Authentic

Caitlin Johnstone at 6 hours ago
[image: undefined] The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has begun responding to queries by the press about a leaked document which contradicts official OPCW findings on an alleged chemical weapons attack last year in Douma, Syria. The prepared statement they’ve been using in response to these queries confirms the authenticity of the document. To recap, a few days ago the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (WGSPM) published a document signed by a man named Ian Henderson, whose name is seen listed in expert leadership positions on OPCW documents fr... more »

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing

Scott Sumner at Econlib - 6 hours ago
Generally speaking, there’s an advantage to being better-educated. But is this always true? There are actually quite a few cases where education leads people astray. Thus it is often better educated people who say silly things like “IQ doesn’t measure anything important”. Occasionally, being somewhat well educated leads one astray, whereas being highly educated leads […] The post A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing appeared first on Econlib.

My Classes in Madrid

Bryan Caplan at Econlib - 6 hours ago
This summer, I’m teaching two classes for Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Madrid. Namely: 1. A Short Course in Labor Economics, June 10-June 4, Mon-Thurs, 4:30-6 PM. 2. Face-to-Face, June 10, 17, 24, and July 1. One week on each of my four books! I’ll also be speaking at Tedx in Madrid on June 26. If […] The post My Classes in Madrid appeared first on Econlib.

27 of the most dangerous things science has strongly linked to #cancer

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago Advertisements

We’re Not #Gluten Intolerant, We’re #Glyphosate Intolerant.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

Groundbreaking genetic discovery shows why #Lupus develops

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

A “Dense Bullet of Something” Blasted Holes in the Milky Way

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

Training a neural network to study dark matter

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

These eco-bricks are four times stronger than your regular hollow blocks.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

A pet’s death can hurt more than losing a fellow human

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

Being a #PhD student shouldn’t be bad for your health

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

This might be the #smartphone of the future: no holes, no ports, no wires, and no buttons

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

What did Soviet soldiers eat during World War II?

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 6 hours ago

No Eurovision

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 6 hours ago

The many medicinal benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD)

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 6 hours ago
(Note from Erin: We are so glad to have our own “Seed to Shelf” raw organic oil. Find it here and help support the mission!) Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola Production of cannabis is booming as the medical benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are increasingly recognized. According to Project CBD, at least 50 conditions are believed to be improved by […] The post The many medicinal benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD) appeared first on Health Nut News.

Censorship: The Thought Police Are Coming for Your Classic Movies

Selwyn Duke at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: censorship-the-thought-police-are-coming-for-your-classic-movies] Could 1939’s *Gone With the Wind *be gone with the winds of change? Will 1946’s *Song of the South* soon sing its swan song? Both films have already been suppressed. It’s all part of the phenomenon whereby politically incorrect classic movies may soon join Confederate statues, Columbus Day, and a George Washington mural as victims of our cultural revolution.

Back To The USSR: More of Bernie's Soviet Tapes Uncovered

Diogenes Sarcastica™ at Diogenes' Middle Finger - 6 hours ago
*Note: Fear not dear reader. There are no nauseating videos of a half naked Bernie Sanders within this post. * The mood is festive as the "Man Who Combs His Hair with a Balloon" and his blushing bride bestow the gifts: A Beatles album (The White One No Doubt) a red “Bernie for Burlington” button, “delicious Vermont candy” and a tape of tunes Sanders recorded himself with fellow comrades from Vermont among other goodies, was the scene as reported by *Politico Magazine* who viewed the previously unseen 3½ hours of raw footage of comrade Bernie's visits to Yaroslavl, Moscow and St. P... more »

Syrian air defenses confront enemy missiles in western Damascus, Al-Quneitra: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 6 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M.) – The Syrian air defenses were activated tonight after several enemy projectiles began targeting the Damascus and Al-Quneitra governorates. According to a military source, the air defense forces at Mezzeh Airport quickly engaged the enemy projectiles after they were fired from the Golan Heights region. The source said some of the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Breaking: Syrian air defenses activated as suspected Israeli airstrikes target Damascus

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 6 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – Minutes ago, a Syrian military source told Al-Masdar that their air defenses have been activated at the Mezzeh Airbase following a suspected breach of their airspace. According to the Syrian military, they are engaging enemy projectiles that they suspect are from the Israeli Air Force. No more details were available […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Syrian, Palestinian forces blow up militant ATGM nest in Hama: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 6 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 P.M.) – The Syrian military and their Palestinian allies recently targeted a militant ATGM nest near the Idlib Governorate border. Backed by the Palestinian paramilitary group, Liwaa Al-Quds, the Syrian military attacked the militant ATGM nest, blowing up in order to prevent any more strikes from taking place there. Most recently, Liwaa […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

US ‘sitting by the phone’ but Iran has not called: official

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 6 hours ago
A senior official with the Trump administration told reporters that the US thinks Iran should de-escalate and come to negotiations, according to Reuters. The US leader has posted on Twitter recently, expressing his concern over the way the mainstream media covers the situation in Iran. Earlier this week The Washington Post reported quoting the administration’s official that Trump was frustrated with the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 17, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Time:* *Exclusive: U.S. Military Officials Say There Is No Actual Plan to Confront Iran* The Trump Administration is turning up the heat on Iran, broadcasting a new plan to send as many as 120,000 U.S. forces to the Middle East to counter purported “identified, credible threats” from Iran. But in the world of the Pentagon, there are plans you present to politicians, and then there are real plans. And three U.S. military officials involved in planning and overseeing military forces in the region tell TIME that no actual, executable plan, or anything like it, exists for a large-sc... more »

La Comisión Europea decidida a modernizar el Tratado de la Carta de la Energía - 6 hours ago
17-May-2019 La Comisión Europea adoptó el pasado 14 de mayo una propuesta de Decisión del Consejo que autoriza las negociaciones para modernizar el Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE), de la que forma parte la UE.

Chile: Organizaciones de O´Higgins demandan a senador García Huidobro inhabilitarse en votación TPP11 - 6 hours ago
17-May-2019 El senador UDI Alejandro García-Huidobro deberá responder una petición pública de inhabilitación para la próxima votación del TPP11, basada en sus intereses económicos en el sector de las viñas.

Ecuador | Con las oligarquías o con el pueblo: el caso Chevron pone en evidencia al gobierno de Moreno - 6 hours ago
17-May-2019 Si hay algún caso que evidencie la ofensiva de las empresas transnacionales contra la vida y la democracia ese es, sin duda, el caso Chevron.

The $722 million deal

Joan Baxter at Halifax Examiner - 7 hours ago
Here’s the deal. On Wednesday, May 14, an Australian gold mining company called St. Barbara Limited, with one gold mine in Australia and a second one in Papua New Guinea, agreed to pay $722 million for Atlantic Gold Corporation, which operates one open pit gold mine in Nova Scotia, has proposed three more along the […]

Top Taliban Negotiator Says The U.S. Is On The 'Verge Of Defeat'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
Taliban chief negotiator Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai is seen delivering a speech at an "internal gathering” in Doha, Qatar, April 28, 2019, in a screen grab taken from video. (Screen grab by A. Gul) *VOA: **Afghan Taliban Chief Negotiator: 'US on Verge of Defeat' * ISLAMABAD — The Taliban’s chief negotiator says in newly released remarks that the United States is on the verge of defeat and will quit Afghanistan soon “either of their own accord, or they will be forced out.” Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai made the assertions in an April 28 speech to an “internal gathering” in Doha, ... more »

Mass extinction lie exposed: life is thriving

Hifast at Climate Collections - 7 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? Geologist Gregory Wrightstone, who runs the Inconvenient Blog website has taken a close look at the latest claims of mass extinction, and finds the claims are baseless: ? One million species will become extinct in the not-too-distant future and we…

Our Urban “Climate Crisis”

Hifast at Climate Collections - 7 hours ago
Reblogged from Watts Up With That: Guest Blogger / May 17, 2019 By Jim Steele Published in Pacifica Tribune May 14, 2019 What’s Natural Our Urban “Climate Crisis” Based on a globally averaged statistic, some scientists and several politicians claim we are facing a climate crisis. Although it’s wise to think globally, organisms are never […]

Syrian Situation Report: Israeli Airstrikes? (Breaking) Hama/Idlib

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago
*Breaking!!* *1. Israeli Strikes Syria- Syria Intercepts.* *Quneitra, SANA – The Syrian Arab Army’s aerial defenses on Friday night intercepted hostile targets coming from the direction of Quneitra.* *A military source told SANA that aerial defenses detected hostile targets coming from the direction of Quneitra and intercepted them.* *Earlier, SANA’s reporter said that aerial defenses targeted luminous objects coming from the occupied territories, shooting down a number of them.* *Link * *Loud blasts echoed across Damascus late on Friday, residents said, as Syrian state media... more »


tzofiya at The Great Climate Debate - 7 hours ago
by Ernst-Georg Beck, Dipl.Biol. Reprinted from ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT, VOLUME 19 No. 7 2008 Abb. 1: The Keeling Curve, above on the left: Roger Revelle, Gustav Arrhenius and Charles Keeling. On the right the Mauna Loa Observatory at the elevation of 3397 m in an aerial view of the volcano Mauna Loa [1, 2, 3, …


tzofiya at The Great Climate Debate - 7 hours ago
by Ernst-Georg Beck Reprinted from ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT, VOLUME 18 No. 2 2007 ABSTRACT More than 90,000 accurate chemical analyses of CO2 in air since 1812 are summarised. The historic chemical data reveal that changes in CO2 track changes in temperature, and therefore climate in contrast to the simple, monotonically increasing CO2 trend depicted in …

Was Canada Under an E. Coli-Related Boil Water Notice in the Spring of 2019?

Dan MacGuill at - 7 hours ago
An inaccurate, partially plagiarized post on an obscure blog caused widespread concern in April and May 2019.

Is an Incurable “Mexican Blood Flu” Creating a Health Crisis at the Southern Border?

Alex Kasprak at - 7 hours ago
Claims of a virulent outbreak at the U.S.-Mexico border mix inaccurate assertions from politicians with the claims of a supplement-peddling conspiracy publisher.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Trump on Ending DACA

Associated Press at - 7 hours ago
A three-judge panel ruled 2 to 1 that the Trump administration violated federal statute when it tried to end the DACA program without adequately explaining why.

New Research: High HPV Cancer Rates Linked to High Gardasil Vaccination Rates – “Exactly the Opposite of what we Expected”

AdminM at Health Impact News - 7 hours ago
Last year (2018) we reported on the research of French oncologist Dr. Gérard Delépine, who published an analysis of the HPV vaccine Gardasil showing how increased rates of Gardasil vaccinations are actually correlated with a higher rate of cervical cancer. Now, researchers at the University of South Alabama are observing the same link of increased Gardasil vaccination rates with an increased rate of HPV related cervical cancers in Alabama. The researchers and medical doctors commented that this was a "surprising discovery" and that it was "exactly the opposite of what we expected."... more »

Hulu's 'Catch-22' Is the War Series You Need to Watch

Task and Purpose at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, Americas* [image: By Paul Nelhams from Shannon, Ireland - N9643C, CC BY-SA 2.0,] Catch-22 is not a heroic war story. But nearly six decades after Joseph Heller's legendary 1961 novel was first published, it remains a poignant and timeless satire of wartime military service. *Yossarian can do nothing but marvel at this masterstroke of military bureaucracy: "That's some catch, that Catch-22," he says in the first episode.* Catch-22 is not a heroic war story. But nearly six decades after Joseph ... more »

All the Reasons: Why Bombing Iran Is a Really Stupid Idea

War Is Boring at The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*War Is Boring* *Security, * Think about it. *The enormous costs involved in engaging U.S. forces against Iran, both human and materiel, should not be bandied about lightly.* Iran hawks are playing with fire. We are close to a nuclear deal with Iran, but opponents continue to step up attacks aimed at torpedoing efforts to reach a settlement. They insist that we must walk away from the negotiating table, and that there’s a better deal to be had. *(This **originally appeared** at War is Boring in 2018.)* That belief is a fantasy. The reality is that if negotiations with Iran fail... more »

The Special Counsel’s Constitutional Analysis: Clearing up the Clear Statement Rule

jblackman at Lawfare - 7 hours ago
Shortly after the special counsel’s report was released, I wrote three posts on *Lawfare* criticizing Robert Mueller’s constitutional analysis. First, I noted that Mueller’s application of the clear statement rule was not consistent with a 1995 Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion. Second, I observed that Mueller failed to articulate a theory why the “corrupt” intent requirement of the obstruction statute “aligns with the President’s constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws.” Third, I argued that the clear statement rule is especially appropriate because applying the ge...more »

Terrifying Biometrics USED Woody Harrelson’s Face To Go After Beer Thief!

ActivistPost at Activist Post - 7 hours ago
By We Are Change The NYPD used Woody Harrelson’s face with facial recognition technology to go after a petty criminal that supposedly looked like him.... more »


sue at Is the BBC biased? - 7 hours ago
A couple of new pieces by Melanie Phillips are out. The first one covers very important issues and I commend it to this house. Isn’t it odd how many below the line contributors respond to Melanie’s pieces with a preliminary disclaimer that goes something like: “I don’t usually agree with Melanie Phillips, but…” The other one, which appears in The Times (£) addresses Andrew Neil’s confrontational head-to-head with Ben Shapiro. It’s an interesting read, but I think Melanie was being over-generous to Andrew Neil, who subsequently seemed quite taken aback by the negative reaction to h... more »

I spent a week with a doomsday prepper in the outback. This is how it changed me

Annika Blau at Just In - 7 hours ago
With one phone call, I've accidentally ended up in a survival caravan fit out for a nuclear holocaust. But within days, I'm converted, and perhaps you should be too.

The rules for keeping fruit and vegies fresh

Anna Salleh at Just In - 7 hours ago
Is your fridge full of slimy fruit and vegies? Feeling guilty about the amount of food you throw out? We look at ways to store your food to keep it fresher for longer.

'She's not one of us': How will it end for Game of Thrones' Mother of Dragons?

Peter Marsh at Just In - 7 hours ago
There's one question fans are asking heading into Game of Thrones' big finale. And the show has already dropped some big clues that point to the answer. *SPOILER WARNING*

What did Australia have before Medicare? 'A ramshackle system'

Norman Hermant at Just In - 7 hours ago
Before Bob Hawke brought in Medicare, hospital stays were a leading cause of bankruptcy in Australia — like America today.

What Hawke's ultimate heart-on-sleeve moment says about how he engaged with the world

Philip Williams at Just In - 7 hours ago
One of Bob Hawke's most powerful addresses in the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre revealed aspects of his character which helped him shape Australia's relationship with the world, writes Philip Williams.

When will we know who has won the federal election?

Brett Worthington at Just In - 7 hours ago
Record numbers of Australians have forgone their democracy sausage in order to avoid the polling day queues, casting early ballots in the federal election. Here's our guide to knowing when we're likely to find out who has won.

Germany labels the Israeli 'BDS' boycott movement as anti-Semitic

Just In - 7 hours ago
Germany has dealt a major blow to a movement which calls for a global Israeli economic boycott, as its parliament voted to label it an anti-Semitic movement.

Campaign heatmaps reveal the seats where leaders are most desperate for votes

Matthew Doran, Andrew Kesper And Emma Machan at Just In - 7 hours ago
With polling day finally upon us, take a look at the electorates the leaders have bombarded — as well as those they've avoided like the plague.

Labor cautiously confident of narrow path to victory

Brett Worthington at Just In - 7 hours ago
The Opposition arrives on election day feeling cautiously confident as the nation heads to the polls to decide the fate of Labor leader Bill Shorten and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

A largely graceless campaign ended with a death and a broken system

Laura Tingle at Just In - 7 hours ago
It's the end of a largely graceless campaign, one shaped by the focus on Opposition policies in the absence of all but two from a bitterly divided Coalition, writes Laura Tingle.

Inquest shown video of brave Australian nurse slain while helping others

Bridget Brennan at Just In - 7 hours ago
Kirsty Boden saw trouble and rushed to help an injured man, then was set upon and killed by three terrorists wielding knives during the London Bridge attack in 2017, video footage confirms.

RIP Grumpy Cat: Internet phenomenon Grumpy Cat passes away at age 7

White Wolf at White Wolf - 7 hours ago
Grumpy Cat – the most famous cat on the internet, whose downturned mouth and unimpressed expression was the universal digital shorthand for displeasure – has died. The seven-year-old cat, real name Tardar Sauce or Tard, became one of the internet’s first “petfluencers” after gaining fame online for her perpetually gloomy gaze, launching an empire worth millions. She died in the arms of her owner, Tabatha Bundesen, in Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday morning after complications from a urinary tract infection. News of her passing was shared with her nearly 11m followers on Instagram ben... more »

Want To Re-Fight The Wars Over Freedom Of Choice?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
Kevin McCarthy is the Republican House Leader. But can he lead? A poll the other day from Morning Consult/*Politico* showed that 31% of Americans don't know who McCarthy even is; never heard of him. His twitter following (278K) is tiny compared to other national leaders-- Pelosi (2.52 million), Schumer (1.98 million), AOC (4.18 million), even the reviled McTurtle (875K)... He doesn't have much of a platform to influence public opinion, not on his own. Many Republicans are applauding the extremist and punitive bills passing through Republican-controlled state legislatures that ou... more »

Wisdom for Friday

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 8 hours ago

Devin Nunes Discusses “Spygate” and Comments by AG Bill Barr…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 8 hours ago
House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to discuss the current status of investigations/inquiry into corrupt DOJ and FBI activity in the 2016 election.

Democrats: No Trump Impeachment

Bob Adelmann at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: democrats-no-trump-impeachment] According to top-ranking Democrats, impeaching President Trump is not on the table.

U.S. Airstrike Accidentally Kills 17 Afghan Policemen

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
FILE PHOTO © Reuters / Parwiz *Business Insider:* *The US accidentally killed more than a dozen Afghan policemen in an airstrike after a 'miscommunication'* * A firefight broke out in Afghanistan's Helmand province after local police attempted to tear down a Taliban flag. * Officials from the NATO-led mission Resolute Support say Afghan officials called in an airstrike, telling US forces that the area was clear of friendlies, but it was not clear, and the US strike killed as many as 17 local policemen, Stars and Stripes reported. A US airstrike conducted Thursday in Afghanistan ki... more »

Marijuana firm Green Growth Brands raises $45.5 million

Lisa Bernard-Kuhn at Marijuana Business Daily - 8 hours ago
Ohio-based Green Growth Brands raised $45.5 million through a private placement of convertible debt, the firm announced Friday. Terms of the financing included 15% secured convertible debentures at a price of $1,000 each and a conversion price of 7 Canadian dollars, which will be divided by the Canadian-U.S. exchange rate upon conversion, the company said […] Marijuana firm Green Growth Brands raises $45.5 million is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Major Oregon cannabis retailer Nectar hit with $4M suit over store purchase

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 8 hours ago
Nectar, a prominent Oregon marijuana company with 18 stores statewide, has been sued for allegedly failing to pay $955,000 for its purchase of Rose City Buds & Flower, a cannabis retailer in the community of Aloha near Portland. The breach-of-contract suit, filed in Multnomah County Circuit Court in Portland, asks for $4 million in damages, […] Major Oregon cannabis retailer Nectar hit with $4M suit over store purchase is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

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