Sunday, May 12, 2019

12 May - My Yahoo! - 2 of 2

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UKIP enlists paedophilia advocate

Farange lied about big donations

Tommy Robinson intimidates uni lecturer

Women's charities humiliate Tommy Robinson

Nigel Farange says welcome to '1984'

Farange Marr interview - now the spin

Stop funding Fake News. Another dodgy claim

Politics : NPR

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Mosaic stops pumping acid water from threatened lake in St. James, but is risk still there?         

Florida legislature fails on water quality

This was supposed to be the year...The year when the Florida Legislature took bold action to address the crisis of waterways overwhelmed by blue green algae and red tide, and the tragedy of dead fish, dolphins, manatees and sea turtles that followed.
But it didn’t happen.
Despite dozens of legislators running on promises to fix the problem, it was mostly business-as-usual for Florida’s state elected officials. As the dust settles on the 2019 session, this one was significant in that not a single pro-environment bill was passed.
There were multiple regulatory bills dealing with septic tanks, nutrients, the banning of fracking, sewage biosolidsbiosolids, and more. Not one made it through.
But anti-environment bills did.

The oil industry continues to undermine the estimates of gulf spills   (  That reminds me of 'news coverage' avoiding accurate civilian body counts in a 'war' zone )

For six years, the public had little to no knowledge of this ongoing disaster. Since 2010, nonprofit advocates regularly have flown over Taylor Energy’s wells, often reporting oil slicks extending more than 10 miles. No camera was installed to monitor the bottom, nor has any continuous effort been made to contain the oil that is reaching the surface of the gulf. The ongoing flow of oil poses a risk to the marine life of the gulf. ( Not a patch on what spreading Corexit would do in making a bad situation exponentially worse. )
Taylor Energy is a defunct (now) one man (basically) operation that ceased almost 14 years ago and 'agents' have been acting in place of Taylor.
They have been dragging this debacle out and undermining things that have been attempted to stop the leaks.



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Leaving Rome (written in Ireland)
May 11, 2019 8:03 PM

Let every crack be a place for seeds to sprout, Let the forest return to this place! Let the rocks be done wearing our face, And may every fractured avenue lead out! Rome is crumbling. All of the magic That will save us is outside of Rome. Inside the empire Everything is falling.

It’s Looking Like Another Failed Coup Attempt by the US and Its Puppet Guaidó in Venezuela
April 30, 2019 8:31 PM

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