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: History as Seen by Bloggers
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned" Richard Feynman
"The penalty good people pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by people worse than themselves."
- Plato, Greek philosopher.
I know commenters discussed this on the weekend, but lest anyone missed it. The man who wants half of all new cars sold in Australia to be electric thinks they can be charged in 8 -10 minutes, depending on how flat the battery is. He may be our Prime Minister in a matter of weeks. We can see how much research and planning goes into Labor Party policy. “How long does it take to charge it up?” Jack
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Today we talk to Roberto Casanueva about Positive Propaganda People and the idea of spreading #PositivePropaganda across the country and around the world. Plus, James proposes a social experiment for those interested in spreading positivity.
A Dutchman took the worlds slowest car trip in hope of stopping storms A Dutchman completed an epic 95,000 kilometre (59,000 mile) journey by electric car in Sydney Sunday in a bid to prove the viability of such vehicles in tackling climate change. The average speed here is 3.6 kmph (2.2 mph). The world would probably cool if he took, say, 1,000 years. Wiebe Wakker drove his retrofitted station w
Next time someone tells you how extreme the climate is today remind them that five million people died in a drought in 1896 in India. That was the same year a brutally hot summer in Australia caused 400 deaths and people fled the inland heat on emergency trains. Somewhere between 1 and 5 million people died a few years later in the next drought — the same time as Australia’s “Federation drought”.
[audio mp3=""][/audio] James Corbett joins Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan on Fault Lines Radio to discuss his recent video, Russiagate: A Conspiracy Theory, and how the current Russia hysteria parallels the lead in to WWI.
John Bradley is best known to us as the kindhearted, bookish Samwell Tarly from Game of Thrones . He spoke to Conan O'Brien about a speech he delivered at the GoT wrap party in Belfast, Northern Ireland. "As somebody who grew up overweight and kind of unhappy because of it, and thinking that life was going to pass you by because of it, and all the times where you go to bed and you think, I'd give
Apple might not launch a 16/16.5-inch MacBook Pro for at least a year or more according to a new report from reliable leaker of Apple things, Ming-Chi Kuo (via MacRumors ). Same goes for a new version of the iPad, which will be 10 or 12 inches in size. But the good news is that a new, 31.6-inch 6K display from Apple is still on track to launch in the second or third quarter of this year. SEE ALSO
The deadly fungus 'candida auris' is becoming an increasing concern due to how difficult it is to identify. Described by the Centers for Disease Contr...
The huge snake was tracked down by a team at the Big Cypress National Preserve in the Florida Everglades. Thought to be the largest snake ever found i...
EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier fails to convince bloc May has plan to break deadlock Follow the day’s Brexit developments - live Britain is likely to be offered a final long extension ending on 31 December after the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, failed to convince the bloc’s capitals that Theresa May has a plan to break the Brexit impasse. A number of member states, most prominently
President Jair Bolsonaro’s replacement for Ricardo Vélez has blamed communists for introducing crack When news broke that Brazil’s president had sacked his controversial far-right education minister, any hopes that Jair Bolsonaro might have moderated his views lasted about as long as it took Brazilians to research his replacement. The new minister, Abraham Weintraub, is an economist and universit
The charges against the bishop in Kerala, home to most of India’s Catholics, come as Pope Francis has cast a spotlight on clerical sexual abuse of nuns.
Kirstjen Nielsen's departure from the Department of Homeland Security means that 15 of President Trump's Cabinet-level appointments have departed, a number far higher than in previous administrations. (Image credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
America is growing more slowly than at any time since the Great Depression. “Our Country,” President Donald Trump says , “is FULL!” America is the 146th most densely populated country on earth , sandwiched between Venezuela and Kyrgyzstan. Still, immigration is about more than land. People who say America is full are arguing that the costs immigrants impose outweigh the benefits. Those costs can
Astronomers are poised Wednesday to unveil the first direct image of a black hole and the surrounding whirlwind of white-hot gas and plasma inexorably drawn by gravity into its ravenous maw, along with the light they generate.
New Earth-based telescope observations show that auroras at Jupiter's poles are heating the planet's atmosphere to a greater depth than previously thought—and that it is a rapid response to the solar wind.
Space Excerpt: A Book of the Moon When observing the Moon with the naked eye, the easiest things to spot are the lunar maria. Maggie Aderin-Pocock shows how in her newest book "The Book of the Moon,"…
Rethink government with AI Rethink government with AI, Published online: 09 April 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01099-5 Policymakers should harness data to deliver public services that are responsive, efficient and fair, urge Helen Margetts and Cosmina Dorobantu.
Machine-learning techniques used to accurately predict battery life Machine-learning techniques used to accurately predict battery life, Published online: 09 April 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01138-1 Highly reliable methods for predicting battery lives are needed to develop safe, long-lasting battery systems. Accurate predictive models have been developed using data collected from batteries earl
It’s monotonous the way British government ministers spout propaganda lies in an attempt to make the stink of Israel smell sweeter. Why do they feel compelled to do it? Too many in public life have placed themselves under the evil influence of that criminal military power. The mystery is why the Committee on Standards in […]
Colorado Governor Jared Polis has signed into law legislation that allows those with autism spectrum disorder to become legal medical marijuana patients. by Anthony Martinelli, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of TheJointBlog “OK kids, that’s how we make a law,” Governor Polis said after signing House Bill 1028 into law. The measure was passed unanimously by both the House […]
Insomnia: Don’t Be a Victim by Carol Duff MSN, BA, RN Insomnia can be both a symptom and a disease. Insomnia may be a sign that you have another disease (obstructive sleep apnea or depression) and if that is the case you may need to, after trying the following hints to improve the ease of […]
The video is self-explanatory really, certainly it showcases why the delusional nutcases who still cling onto insane religious dogma should be banned from any involvement in politics: Over here in Europe, if a politician did something like that, their career would be over and they would find themselves thrown out of office in short order. […]
COMPENSATION mercenary JIHAD: BOARDING BETWEEN FREE OF MIGRANTS THE RIGHT TO RECRUIT TERRORISTS WITH THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GIFT. FREE AUTO AND TO CUT-RATE FLIGHTS AND A NEW HOME to USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS IN of Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italia That behind the Holy War of Islamic extremists there were substantial international funding was well known […]
///SYNOPSIS Vala and Benni are on the road and struggle to find a mutual purpose in their new destination. Winner of the Vimeo Staff Pick Award at the 2019 Aspen Shortsfest. ///FESTIVALS 22nd Brussels Short Film Festival 2019 7th Speechless Film Festival 2019 28th Aspen Shortsfest 2019 20th Landshuter Kurzfilmtage 2019 21st Mecal Barcelona 2019 35th European Film Festival of Lille 2019 31st Minim
Ellen surprised superfan Amber Mak, who is currently studying in Rome. Jeannie shocked Amber with an unexpected visit to Italy, and using her Italian language skills, she helped the college junior win a huge gift, thanks to Shutterfly. For more Shutterfly moments, go to: #TheEllenShow #Ellen #EllenDeGeneres From: TheEllenShow
Two of Ellen's audience members knew they were playing a game of "Find the Thingy" for a great prize, but no one had a clue they would be playing for coveted tickets to Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways! #TheEllenShow #Ellen #12DaysOfGiveaways From: TheEllenShow
Efforts to remove fishing gear in the Mekong River over the last decade have helped their numbers grow. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that mat
Morgan Freeman talks to a Cao Dai Senior Cardinal to discuss the lengthy history of the religion in Vietnam. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories tha
FR : Un dieu jaloux crée un univers et y place une créature androgyne qu’il sépare en deux êtres complémentaires. Ceux-ci ne cesseront de vouloir se retrouver, malgré les pièges tendus par le dieu atrabilaire. ENG : A jealous god creates a universe and places an androgynous creature that he separates into two complementary beings. In spite of the traps set by the atrabilic god, the creatures will
[audio mp3=""][/audio] Thanks to Ernest Hancock of, The Corbett Report is now on IPFS. Today James joins Ernest to talk about the problem of online censorship and the IPFS technology that is enabling a solution. (Don't worry, more information will be forthcoming once we get all the wrinkles ironed o
[audio mp3=""][/audio] This week on the New World Next Week: the Intercept shutters the Snowden archive; American journalist asks to be taken off Trump's kill list; and Gropey Joe Biden has a Ukraine problem, too.
Thanks to Ernest Hancock of, The Corbett Report is now on IPFS. Today James joins Ernest to talk about the problem of online censorship and the IPFS technology that is enabling a solution. (Don't worry, more information will be forthcoming once we get all the wrinkles ironed out.)
Mortimer Chambers, in the Introduction to The Fall of Rome: Can It Be Explained? History-writing is explanation . That alone distinguishes it from the mere collecting of facts, accurately dated and lucidly described, in the form of chronicles. The difference between a "historian" and a "chronicler" -- between, let us say, Thucydides and Livy in ancient historiography -- is commonly attributed to t
Tim Duy quotes Fed Chairman Powell : It’s a major challenge. It’s one of the major challenges of our time, really, to have inflation, you know , downward pressure on inflation let’s say. It gives central banks less room to, you know , to respond to downturns, right. So, if inflation expectations are below two percent, they’re always going to be pulling inflation down, and we’re going to be paddli
Reading this piece on rising greenhouse gas emissions in today's Guardian reminded me of those old movie scenes where some character gives another one a good slap to snap them out of whatever foolish thinking they're engaging in. In this case, the crazy thinking would involve anything to do with believing that the world is actually jumping on the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. Nope. Energy
Find me here in the Vancouver Sun writing on the scintillating issue of open procurement, and other strange happenings bombarding the community-based social services sector. While you may think that whole sentence is unbelievably dull and referring to things you have zero interest in, I urge you to read my piece anyway. People, this stuff really matters. For those who can't or won't click, I'm ju
Howard the Gnome needs a new home , not to mention $15,000 to fix his rotting base . The recent news out of Nanoose Bay, where Howard has lived for more than two decades as one of the last of Vancouver Island's classic roadside attractions, prompts me to dig out my 1999 story on the gnome, who had yet to be named Howard at that time and was in the news for a whole other reason. Howard had yet to
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. They vote for free breadsticks. They go to the restaurant, which will only sell breadsticks at the usual price. The wolves say they voted for free breadsticks, and the choice of the populace must be obeyed. The sheep warns them that the breadsticks are getting cold and hard while they wait, and that if they don’t come to a deci
Over a million people have signed a UK government petition to revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU . This is by a long way the biggest petition that has ever been on that website. It is almost 3 times the size of the largest pro-Brexit referendum. Theresa May can no longer credibly claim that leaving the EU is the will of the people. In fact, by refusing calls for a referendum they know they’d
Entirely unexpectedly, I have been down in London this last three days outside and around the Ecuadorean Embassy, following WikiLeaks’ announcement that their sources indicate Julian might be expelled within hours or days. Plainly Julian’s position within the Embassy has deteriorated fundamentally, to the extent he is now treated openly as a closely guarded prisoner. I still have not myself been
Cassandra Fairbanks’ account of her visit to Julian in the Ecuadorean Embassy paints a truly harrowing picture of the conditions in which he is being held. Last week after receiving a message from Julian I applied to the Ecuadorean Embassy to go and see him. I have done this many times but a new regime has established involving forms and strict time windows. The Ecuadorean Embassy claim not to ha
Brexit has revealed further the rottenness of the British political Establishment, but I am still truly shocked now to see the Government of the United Kingdom negotiating a major international treaty on the acknowledged, discussed and now published basis that it has every intention of breaking that treaty once it is in force. Officially published by the Attorney General , no less. The Westminste
This cartoon seems to me very apposite. The capacity of the mainstream media repeatedly to promote the myth that Russia caused Clinton’s defeat, while never mentioning what the information was that had been so damaging to Hillary, should be alarming to anybody under the illusion that we have a working “free media”. There are literally hundreds of thousands of mainstream media articles and broadca
Even if you think you know all about the Chagos story – an entire population forcibly removed from their island homeland at British gunpoint to make way for a US Air Force nuclear base, the people dumped destitute over a thousand miles away, their domestic animals gassed by the British army, their homes fired and demolished – then I beg you still to read this. This analysis shows there could be n
My long article on the Chagos Islands sat unfinished yesterday, despite my passion for the subject, as I was horribly fascinated by the Gothic twists and turns of the Brexit debates in the House of Commons. I seldom write on the subject, but some observations seem now called for. The Westminster system of handling business is designed purely to handle binary questions disputed between two major p
another dead rock in space lightning storms already turn off internal lights while flying yes, you're carrying A BOX I want to DO something in my hab or why are they there? spend subscriber funds here not MISSION givers, story furnishers
David Brooks does a good job explaining why many people--myself included--find Pete Buttigieg the most compelling figure in the race for president right now. Mayor Pete's views are to the left of mine, but at some point, competence is more important than ideology.
A couple of weeks ago, I gave a talk at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. I said that, although I am not a fan of President Trump, I have to give him credit for making good appointments to the Fed. I was thinking about people like Jay Powell, Rich Clarida, and Randy Quarles. Then today the president nominates Stephen Moore to be a Fed governor. Steve is an amiable guy, but he does not have the i
We're shifting gears this week -- from historical English to the Englishes of today, from an emphasis on written language to one on spoken language in all its variety, from the underlying structures beneath language to the overlying srtuctures society erects above and on top of language. And we could have no better guide at this moment than Rosini Lippi-Green. In this chart, taken from her book E
April 8, 2019 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Western political meddling abroad faced another serious setback - this time in the Southeast Asian country of Thailand. With a population of 70 million people, the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia, and transforming into a key regional partner for Beijing and its One Belt, One Road initiative, the US and its partners sought to propel opposition partie
April 7, 2019 ( Gunnar Ulson - NEO ) - Human Rights Watch (HRW) executive director Kenneth Roth recently decried legal proceedings against the alleged "leading human rights defender in Chechnya," Oyub Titiyev. But as with much of what HRW decries, Titiyev has less to do with actually defending human rights, and more to do with ongoing US-subversion in Russia's southern Chechen Republic. Roth, in
March 21, 2019 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Western regime change efforts have intensified ahead of upcoming elections in Thailand. Opposition groups attempting to take power and remove Thailand's powerful, independent military from Thai politics have received extensive, well-documented funding and political support from Washington, London, Brussels, and Western corporate foundations, including th
March 30, 2019 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - That the "final stronghold" of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) resides in US occupied territory in Syria says it all. From US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memos dating back to 2012 noting efforts to create a "Salafist" [Islamic] "principality" [State] in eastern Syria precisely where ISIS rose and now clings to its "final stronghold," to th
March 17, 2019 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - US Ambassador to Australia Arthur Culvahouse Jr. wasted no time at his new diplomatic post to begin strong-arming Canberra into adopting Washington's confrontational policy vis-à-vis Beijing. A Reuters article published by the South China Morning Post titled, " China using ‘payday loan diplomacy’ in the Pacific, claims new US ambassador to Australia ," wou
March 31, 2019 ( Gunnar Ulson - NEO ) - In the dead of Christmas night last year, to evade possibly being shot down, US President Donald Trump made a surprise, whirlwind visit to US troops in Iraq. He visited Al Asad Air Base about 100 miles west of Baghdad in Al Anbar province, or about halfway between Baghdad and the Syrian border where US forces are also operating. Between Al Asad and Baghdad
Click here (check back later for link) to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for April 5, 2019 *Iran Moves to Cement Its Influence in Syria Tehran uses cash, food and public services in a hearts and minds campaign to cultivate loyalty, draw military recru
Click here (check back later for link) to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for March 29, 2019 *A Very Incomplete List of Sinister Things Vladimir Putin/Russia/‘the Russians' Have Been Accused of Doing
Click here [check back later for link] to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for March 22, 2019 *Progressives Should Learn to Love the Pentagon Budget The military creates middle-class jobs, provides health care and spreads liberal values. https://www.blo
Click here [check back later for link] to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted time slot. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for March 15, 2019 *Video: The U.S. Blamed Maduro for Burning Aid to Venezuela. New Video Casts Doubt.
The controlled opposition have been at it again. Just like Breivik in Oslo, now another useful idiot, Brenton Tarrant in Christchurch, has murdered ordinary people who were just living their lives, and by his actions, any criticism of globalisation and the dilution of cultural homogeneity, can be labelled as hateful and an incitement to violence. In New Zealand, gun control is set to be achieved,
by Mrs Rufus, Voting for a certain political party exists to give the impression that choice and freedom are actually a part of everyday life. The fact is, ALL politicians are corrupt, and all have the exact same agenda. Each party lies in order to gain votes, however it seems that whichever party is destined to next be in power is broadcast more so than the other parties - posted on billboards a
by Ugh Poor now former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen quit yesterday (or, rather, was shoved out the door) as it seems that, despite separating thousands of children from their parents at the border and then admitting it might take two years to reunite them all (which, really, if you were 2 when you were separated from your parents is only 100% of your life, so shruggy), she wasn't quite as cruel
by Ugh Warning : some free form thoughts on online social media platforms, tax policy and tax avoidance. Individual countries around the world have begun enacting specialized tax regimes targeted at "digital" businesses. These include things like digital services taxes, digital advertising taxes, a tax on digital transactions, and various other taxes aimed at the usual suspects, Google, Facebook,
by wj We are overdue for a new open thread. Unfortunately, inspiration is failing me this morning, so I’m going to fall back on something which is probably irrelevant to almost everyone else here: the California Department of Motor Vehicles. For those of you who are not aware, the DMV can be described (if ones is very, very generous) as a mess. If one is merely very generous, “disaster” would be
by liberal japonicus After the 17 0ct 2017 Las Vegas shooting, prompted by JanieM, I dropped in the comments to post the names of the victims and a link saying something about them. That finished up about a month later with this post collecting those names and links. I had briefly entertained the idea of continuing to do that with other mass shootings, but upon consideration, I thought that 1) th
by russell They want all the cookies . They want to cut taxes, especially on the wealthy. And they want to either annihilate or privatize any and all outflows of public money to.... the public. Deficits don't matter, said Reagan, according to Cheney. But, actually they do matter. They give (R)'s their pretext for taking stuff away. From you. Remember the dude who wanted "government out of his Med
Last month, an undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States revealed that Corteva Agriscience had been force-feeding agricultural chemicals to three dozen beagles in a yearlong study on a fungicide’s toxicity. The beagles were slated for euthanization at the completion of the study, after suffering for months. The dogs were kept in stainless steel cages and were force-fed t
Here in the U.S., PAN’s work often focuses on mobilizing action around specific pesticides to strengthen regulations, win phaseouts, and spur investment in safer alternatives. Recent examples include our work on chlorpyrifos, which is harmful to the health of children and farmworkers; dicamba, which is wreaking havoc on the crops and livelihoods of farmers across the country; and glyphosate, a pr
This post is part of an ongoing project by PAN Farmer Justice Fellows who are working to uplift the many different voices of farmers in California. The mission of this work is to broaden the narrative of what it means to be a farmer participating in the state's agricultural system by sharing the wide spectrum of relationships that growers have with land. Feral Heart Farm is a diverse 3.2 acre far
Several thousand individuals who have been exposed to Monsanto’s (now Bayer) flagship herbicide Roundup and suffered from cancer are in the process of suing the agrichemical giant. This week saw the completion of the second trial, and the second ruling in favor of the plaintiff. On Wednesday, March 27, a jury found the Monsanto corporation liable for a California man’s cancer caused in part by Ro
To address climate change, we’ve got to end chemical-intensive agriculture. Why? Because globally, today’s food and agriculture systems are responsible for more climate-change contributing emissions than the world’s cars, trucks, planes, and trains combined. At the same time, we’re confronted with evidence that climate change is unravelling the systems of the natural world that have evolved over
In April, representatives from PAN International will be heading to Uruguay to join a gathering of governments from across the globe to push for urgent action on Highly Hazardous Pesticides. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
The media-political complex is all abuzz that multimillionaire heiress and Boeing director Caroline Kennedy has named multimillionaire House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the latest winner of the 2019 Profiles in Courage award. Pelosi is specifically being honored for ramming the Affordable Care Act through Congress in 2010 and tacitly being honored for going against the wishes of 70 percent of the US
As I guessed that it would a week ago, President Trump's threat to kill Obamacare via some reactionary judges went nowhere fast . It was a diversionary tactic designed to make us forget about the still-secret Mueller report, of which he no doubt has gotten an exclusive sneak peak. Though exonerating Trump of plotting an electoral conspiracy with Russia, it is reportedly none too flattering to him
Finally a woman had the guts to go public with her disgust about being creepily kissed, gripped, nuzzled or otherwise man-handled by scary presidential candidate Joe Biden. Photos of Creepy Uncle Joe, long lurking on the Internet for viewing by anyone with a hankering for cheesy horror, have suddenly been rediscovered by The Establishment Media to get the benefit of their careful, nuanced analysi
The barrage of bipartisan gaslighting finally seems to have gotten to Ilhan Omar, the newly elected congresswoman from Minnesota. While steadfast and brave in the face of charges of anti-Semitism for her critique of the right-wing government of Israel's outsize influence on American politicians, she appears, at first glance anyway, to have collapsed under the weight of all the shocked reaction to
The Paper of Record has given a "Venezuelan-American writer and comedian" named Joanna Hausmann a video platform from which to hilariously smear the growing anti-regime change protests in the United States. In the written warm-up intro to her stand-up routine of an op-ed, she writes: From Noam Chomsky to Ilhan Omar, there is a growing movement on the American left known as “ Hands Off Venezuela,
Well, at least CNN president Jeff Zucker is being honest when he whines that "we are not investigators. We are journalists." He was responding to criticism that his network and other corporate media outlets had gotten the #Russiagate coverage totally wrong. Back in the olden days, there was such a thing as shoe leather reporting, when news professionals would literally pound the pavement in searc
It’s not unusual that people are duped into giving notice at their job, only to have the offer pulled or find out the job is nonexistent. Some folks get lured into a job with promises of higher pay, better title, specific hours or location, and it turns out that the representations made to lure them in weren’t true. If this happens, you might have a case for fraud. There are two types of fraud th
The United States is way behind most other western nations in protecting its workers. While Congress has dropped into paralysis, U.S. cities have stepped in where Congress and the states have failed to protect working Americans. Florida is one of the most anti-employee states in the nation. The cities here could do much to help working people if they had the political will. Here are some examples
In a possible sign of the apocalypse, I actually agree with something my state's Senator, Sen. Marco Rubio, has done. I'm stunned but pleasantly surprised that he has introduced something to help working people, despite being the senator for very anti-employee Florida. Senator Rubio has introduced the Freedom To Compete Act , a bill that would prohibit employers from forcing exempt workers from en
I saw at least six stories last month about people being fired for having a DUI. See here here here here here and here . Oddly, the majority were police officers, who should know better. If you are arrested for a DUI, the consequences go way beyond possible jail time. You may not be aware that a DUI can have a devastating impact on your job. Here are 9 ways a DUI can destroy or damage your career:
A young Yazidi girl and her little sibling live under a bridge in Dohuk after fleeing Sinjar; photo taken Sept. 2014 by Rawaz Adil Nasser By Matthew Barber Yesterday, NPR aired an important and heart-wrenching story from Jane Arraf about Yazidi mothers now freed from IS captivity who are forced to abandon their young jihadist-fathered children. I recommend listening to the entire audio of the seg
As Syria’s Druze seeks out a balance with the Assad regime, the history of the Lebanese Druze’s Progressive Socialist Party and its leader, Kamal Jumblatt, from the Lebanese Civil War era may yield insights into post-war Syria. The status of Syria’s Druze community has drifted in and out of the West’s attention during the long slog of the conflict. Talal el-Atrache’s recent article highlighted th
I have submitted the following comment to the American Thinker site, in response to an article about the state of political war that now exists in America and the world (as I have stated before, I will take no political or ideological comments on this science site): If money is the lifeblood of the Insane Left (as I call them, since Obama brought carefully concealed ideas of Black and Muslim supr
When I first started to try to get public attention for my unprecedented scientific discovery, of what I have called the Great Design of the "gods", I knew its revolutionary uncovering of the single, objective origin of all the popularly-called ancient mysteries would be likely ignored by anyone in authority. I therefore (after a few attempts to engage with scientific journals, and individual sci
"It ain't over till it's over!" shouted Yogi Berra. And he was right! This appears to be the mentality of the people who have been shrieking "TREASON!!!" at the top of their lungs for the last 2+ years. But in this case (unlike Berra) I think they're wrong. Sure, we haven't seen the report. But Mueller hasn't spoken out against anyone who says that his inquiry found no evidence of collusion. So I
So, Robert Mueller ... you remember him? This guy: Had somehow morphed into this: Well, he's delivered his final report to the US Attorney-General and apparently there'll be no further indictments as a result of his investigation. USAG Barr has delivered a summary to Congress that says much the same thing. So, even though nobody but the crooked executive branch has read the report, unless they're
So, to review from parts I and II , ... It is upsetting that the Trudeau government interfered with the independence of the legal system on behalf of the powerful, Liberal-supporting, super-corrupt engineering firm SNC-Lavalin for crass political purposes. And it is stupid, self-defeating behaviour for self-proclaimed "progressives" to twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend this sleazy b
When I first heard about the accusations that Jody Wilson-Raybould had been removed as Attorney General because she insisted on prosecuting SNC-Lavalin, rather than allow the corporation to have a Deferred Prosecution Agreement, my ears perked up. You see, it's a pet-peeve of mine the way corporate criminals and fraudsters are almost never held accountable for their actions in this country. Billi
We are hard-wired to be indulgent to good-looking people. But adults understand that an attractive package is meaningless. It's depressing what's happened to Montreal Simon. Perhaps he was so traumatized by the revolting, anti-democratic regime of stephen harper that his mind snapped and now he won't hear anything bad about the guy who finally defeated him, Justin Trudeau. But how a guy can blog
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Ireland has a wealth of songs. This year, I thought I'd feature "The Parting Glass," which has Scottish origins but also a long history in Ireland, with the melody used for another Irish song. Several musical groups have used this one to end concerts, and it's also a popular pick for funerals. The High King's version is very good: Liam Clancy and Tommy Makem's
[Note: This is the eleventh sample from my rough draft of a far from finished new book, Wild, Free, & Happy . I don’t plan on reviewing more books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 199 books, and you are very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested in specific authors, titles, or subj
[Note: This is the twelfth sample from my rough draft of a far from finished new book, Wild, Free, & Happy . I don’t plan on reviewing more books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 199 books, and you are very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested in specific authors, titles, or subje
These scenes are from the Romanian Orthodox version of Burning Man Humans love to play with fire. It yields so many benefits, what's not to like? Cooked food, heat, light, insanely rapid transportation - and back in the good old days, predator deterrence. As medical researchers are discovering however, smoke particulates are extremely dangerous to human lungs, and can pass into the bloodstream to
Nairobi, Kenya and Gaborone, Botswana, 27 March 2019: China's National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), supported by the Chinese Embassies in Nairobi and Gaborone has concluded two advocacy workshops raising awareness on wildlife trafficking amongst Chinese nationals living and working in Kenya and Botswana. The two workshops which took place on 2
As announced last week, WWF has commissioned an Independent Review into concerns relating to our work in some countries. We do not tolerate any human rights abuses, and we are taking each of these allegations seriously. A subcommittee of the WWF-International Board has been established which will appoint an Independent Panel of experts, with expertise in human rights, development, conservation an
The Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4), which took place from 11-15 March, ended with no agreement on starting a process towards a global, legally binding deal on marine plastics pollution - a solution advocated by WWF. A WWF report launched on 5 March warned that without a drastic change in approach, global plastic pollution will continue to worsen, with 104 million metric tons
It is clear we are failing to address nature loss; Biodiversity continues to decline, with devastating consequences. Global wildlife populations have declined on average by 60 per cent in the past 40 years. This is a warning sign that nature is in a state of emergency. Each year, around US$125 trillion worth of ecosystem services are provided to the global economy. Urgent, decisive, global action
Okay, I give up. I just don’t care if there is a treasure on Oak Island or not, but I suspect there is not. I have been watching this show since it began but my interest in the subject started much earlier, as I have said before. I learned about Oak Island in a book, This Baffling World, that I bought in the early 1970s. It told of many strange things such as UFOs, which is why I bought it in the
In this Special Edition of A Different Perspective , I spoke with Bryan Sentes, who is known for his poetry, but who has a great grasp of the world of the UFO. It was a free-wheeling discussion that began with us talking about Project Blue Book on History and moving on to the Great Airship of 1897, to some of the modern topics. You can listen to it here:
Dr. Michael Masters*, author of Identified Flying Objects , has proposed that the occupants of those UFOs are time travelers. I mention this for a couple of reasons. First, it is my favorite theory which is not to say that it is the most likely explanation. Time travel is a fun subject, with all the contradictions in it. Robert Charles Cornett and I wrote three science fiction books using time tr
This week I spoke with Nick Pope, he of the UK’s Ministry of Defence UFO desk. This started because I had seen a couple of posts on the Internet suggesting that Nick was some sort of dupe or shill hiding the real UFO program. He was an agent of disinformation. I have been accused of much the same thing, so we talked about that briefly before moving onto more exciting aspects of UFOs. You can list
As those of you know, who visit here regularly, I have been suggesting for years that we revisit the Betty Hill star map. I have thought that Marjorie Fish, who identified the Zeta Reticuli star system as the base of the aliens, did a great job. The shear size of the accomplishment is impressive. The only trouble with it was that she did that decades ago and our knowledge of our section of the ga
It is difficult to believe that more people haven’t commented on the interview I conducted with Captain Keith Plaskett about the reality of Treasure Quest . He made some very interesting comments about the way the show was cast,
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I've been 'around' for a few years now, pursuing the shifting goal of a sharable home-made surfers resource site focused on ease of use and variety of mostly adult ( whoa : I didn't say prurient ) content.
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