11 pm MDT
At Least Warren G. Hardings Original Back To Normalcy Campaign Got Off To A Robust Start-- Biden's? Not So Much
No one won our Joe Biden contest. Like I said 5 weeks ago when we launched it, when I worked at Warner Bros, we would spend immense energy on rolling out new releases, especially for superstar artists like Madonna, Prince, Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac, Depeche Mode, Green Day... Every department in the company would pull together to create an atmosphere that would drive radio airtime, TV appearances, advance music sales, advance ticket sales, press, word of mouth, etc. Sometimes we would plan half a year in advance to lock up scarce opportunities everyone else was competing for... ... more »
Russia's Aircraft Carrier Dream: An 85,000 Ton Nuclear Powered Monster
*WarIsBoring* *Security, * But it never happenned. Here's why. *“The Soviets weren’t dumb,” Holmes explained. “They wouldn’t spend themselves into oblivion to keep up with the Joneses, and as a great land power, they obviously had enormous claims on their resources to fund the army and air force. There was only so much to go around for ‘luxury fleet’ projects.”* Had she ever sailed, the Soviet supercarrier *Ulyanovsk* would have been a naval behemoth more than 1,000 feet long, with an 85,000-ton displacement and enough storage to carry an air group of up to 70 fixed and rotary ... more »
One of the Greatest World War II Movies Ever Is Returning to the Big Screen
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * With Saving Private Ryan, Steven Spielberg gave audiences one of the greatest World War II dramas of all time, and in honor of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, audiences will once again be able to see it on the big screen. With *Saving Private Ryan,* Steven Spielberg gave audiences one of the greatest World War II dramas of all time, and in honor of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, audiences will once again be able to see it on the big screen. On June 2nd and 5th, entertainment group Fathom Events is bringing *Saving Private... more »
Trump's Iran Policy is Emboldening Hawkish Democrats
*Alireza Ahmadi* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Some influential Democratic foreign-policy experts are recommending that Trump's Iran policy be refined, rather than discarded. Democratic candidates for president are already taking positions on whether they would honor the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The deal was negotiated by the Obama administration along with other international partners but the Trump administration has refused to honor it, raising tensions with Iran and European allies who see the deal as esse... more »
The U.S. Navy Only Ranks Third In Total "Battle Force" Ships (China Has 624)
*David Axe* *Security, * Is that a problem? The Chinese and Russian fleets are getting new and better warships and, in China’s case, lots of them. But the U.S. Navy still leads its Chinese and Russian rivals in certain key metrics. In terms of numbers of warships, the U.S. fleet actually places third. In 2019 the Chinese fleet possesses 624 warships, *according to* U.S. Navy commander Keith Patton, writing for the Center for International Maritime Security. The Russian fleet has 360 ships. The American fleet has just 333 “battle force” ships. Officially, the U.S. Navy operates... more »
Reaching a Durable Peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
*Ruben Elamiryan* *Security, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] The 2018 “Velvet Revolution” in Armenia raised hopes for a long-lasting peace in the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but sticking points remain. The “Velvet Revolution” of April–May 2018 marked the end of the approximately thirty year-long rule of the so-called “military generation” in Armenia—those who came into power during or as a result of participation in the bloody Nagorno-Karabakh conflict of 1991–1994 in the South Caucasus. That the revolution radically changed Armenia's power structure and the whole of the ruling... more »
A Walk Down Memory Lane With America's Crazy Uncle
In Honor of America's most beloved former Vice President entering the race for the White House, DMF looks back and shares with you a few of our fonder memories with Joe...... - The Secret is Out: Joe Biden's New Book - Joe Biden Does Chile - Joe Biden Plans Vice Presidential Library - A Slice Of Life With Tailsniffer Joe… - Joe Biden's Secret Mission - Biden to the Rescue - Biden Leads Vacation Intervention Group - On the Road with Joe Biden - Joseph R. Biden Railroad Station Christened - Joe May Be Absent for a Little While...... - The Single Most Inte... more »
Skip the Surveillance By Opting Out of Face Recognition At Airports
By Jason Kelley Government agencies and airlines have ignored years of warnings from privacy groups and senators that using face recognition technology on travelers would... more »
Joe Biden Officially Enters 2020 Race….
Well, here it is. Awkward, weird, structurally odd, and trying to gain momentum using a well-worn club manual with tattered binding that will likely fall flat in the digital era, Joe Biden has officially entered the race. This is going … Continue reading →
After disappearing this morning, Sri Lanka has returned to the top of the BBC News website tonight: Though still significantly higher than the number of victims of the Christchurch attacks (not that the BBC points that out), the Sri Lanka attack death toll has - thankfully - been "revised down" (as the BBC puts it). In light of recent criticisms of the BBC I searched the article to see if the piece used the words 'Christian' or 'Christians' or 'Catholic' or 'Catholics' to describe the principal targets/victims of the attack. No such words appeared.
Renewable energy investment looks to be going from boom to bust as prices collapse
Developers and investors in large-scale renewable energy projects are being squeezed between falling long-term contract prices and a wave of new supply set to hit the grid in coming years.
Joe Biden announces—his hate, but no program
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." That was 2007 Biden praising Barack Obama for being bright and clean, apparently something he'd never seen before in a black man. And now he's running for president and in his 2019 announcement he tells another lie about another politician, our President. ""He said there were quote some very fine people on both sides," Biden said. "With those words, the President of the United States assigned a moral equivalence betwee... more »
Uber ridiculous!
A homeless man who finds a bag of puppies and rescues them is called a hero, but an Uber driver who won't assist in an abortion is fired and the client wants to sue him. Poor snowflake. Planned Parenthood just didn't fit her schedule, and when Uber-moral guy said no to the trip when he found out where she was going, and she actually had to call her boyfriend to complete the dirty deed. I think the Uber driver was a hero, the boy friend was a jerk, and Uber is a crappy company if this is how they treat their drivers who have a shred of decency. Are Uber drivers obligated to take a... more »
X-Zone Broadcast Network - John Greenewald
I had the chance to talk with my friend, John Greenewald, about his book, *Inside the Black Vault: The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed.* We did discuss more than just that and you can listen to the program here: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/17736668 John suggested that there is a cover up of UFO information and offered the evidence of it as it appears in many government documents. I had outlined a John Greenewald. Photo copyright by Kevin Randlesimilar attitude based on a review of the administrative files that had been released as part of Project Blue Book. John suggested, a... more »
Turkey's National Pride is Based on Genocide Denial
Assyrian International News Agency - 9 hours ago
During the years of World War I 75% (750,000) of the Assyrian population in the Ottoman Empire was systematically murdered. That genocide of Assyrians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 is a fact, but it has largely been forgotten by the world.
Assyrians in Sweden Expect a Civil War
Assyrian International News Agency - 9 hours ago
At about 120,000, Syriac Christians are one of Sweden's largest population groups. While many of them fled genocide in the Middle East, attacks against their churches and threats against their organisations are still not uncommon.
25,000 Assyrians Returned to Iraq's Baghdede After ISIS
Assyrian International News Agency - 9 hours ago
Nearly 25,000 Iraqi Christians have returned to their homes in Qaraqosh [Baghdede in Assyrian] over the past two years and were able to celebrate Easter last weekend, the office of Iraq's top Cardinal said on Wednesday.
The Memory of the Assyrian, Armenian, Greek Genocide Should Be Preserved
Assyrian International News Agency - 9 hours ago
Today Raqqa, on the banks of the Euphrates in northeastern Syria, not far from modern-day Turkey, is infamous as the onetime capital of the ISIS caliphate, its name synonymous with the horrors suffered under the caliphate's barbaric Salafi rule.
Governing Least Round-up
In case you missed any installment of my five-part series on Dan Moller’s wonderful Governing Least, here’s a full inventory: 1. Overview of the book’s thesis and central arguments. 2. What’s wrong with utilitarianism. 3. A litany of insight. 4. Moller’s immigration oversight. 5. Incorrectness on political correctness. Above all, though, read this great book! […] The post Governing Least Round-up appeared first on Econlib.
We now know why it's very unlikely there will be a wave of women entering Parliament
Now that we've seen the candidates list, it's clear quotas and targets won't be enough to get us to equal female representation this time.
Sri Lanka terror attacks death toll revised down, but UK warns more attacks 'very likely'
The UK and US have warned that terrorists still at large are very likely to attempt further attacks over the weekend, urging people to avoid crowded areas and places of worship.
Controversial uranium mine approved day before election called
The world's largest uranium producer, Canada's Cameco, wants to develop the mine potentially leading to the clearing of 2,500 hectares of native vegetation, causing environmentalists and traditional owners deep concern.
Australia's private shipping fleet is shrinking, and defence analysts are worried
An unusual coalition of unions, the domestic shipping industry and defence analysts is warning that the demise of Australia's merchant shipping fleet is threatening national security.
Cheaper by the dozen? Tell that to the Ugandan mum with 38 kids
Just In - 9 hours ago
Mariam Nabatanzi gave birth to 44 babies during 15 pregnancies before her husband abandoned her. He's now referred to only as an expletive, but that's little comfort when trying to provide for so many.
Carl Davidson and Bill Fletcher Jr. : POLITICS | A left strategy for the 2020 elections and beyond
Election campaigns are not a bothersome sideshow, but are at the center of our work. By Carl Davidson and Bill Fletcher Jr. | The Rag Blog via Truthout | April 25, 2019 As the 2020 presidential campaigns begin in 2019, … finish reading Carl Davidson and Bill Fletcher Jr. : *POLITICS* | A left strategy for the 2020 elections and beyond
The Yemen Resolution and the Historical U.S.-Saudi Security Relationship
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo greets Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. Khalid bin Salman, Riyadh, 2018 (Source: Flickr/U.S. Department of State) On April 16, President Trump vetoed S.J. Res. 7, a joint resolution directing the United States to end support for the Saudi-led military campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen. The veto was the second of Trump’s presidency and the second time a U.S. president has vetoed legislation related to the U.S.-Saudi security relationship. Saudi Arabia has now been the topic of more presidential vetoes than almost any other country—outr... more »
Jones Act Waiver Would Set U.S. LNG Free
Bloomberg recently reported that President Trump is considering waiving the Jones Act requirement that demands only U.S.-flagged vessels can move… The post Jones Act Waiver Would Set U.S. LNG Free appeared first on IER.
Emperor Penguins “Wiped Out”
By Paul Homewood Thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned when the sea-ice on which they were being raised was destroyed in severe weather. The catastrophe occurred in 2016 in Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. Scientists say the colony at the edge of the Brunt Ice Shelf has collapsed with adult birds showing no sign of trying […]
Weekly Deal Watch: Cultivation and retail continue to dominate cannabis investment
Weekly Deal Watch: Cultivation and retail continue to dominate cannabis investment is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Sol Global to acquire Michigan cannabis group MCP Wellness for $150 million
Sol Global, a Toronto-based investment company focused on the cannabis industry, has agreed to acquire Michigan-based MCP Wellness, which has licenses to operate retail and cultivation centers in the state. The acquisition of MCP Wellness, which is owned by private equity group Merida Capital Partners, is valued at $150 million. MCP holds the rights to […] Sol Global to acquire Michigan cannabis group MCP Wellness for $150 million is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Canadian cannabis company warns about shady stock promotion
A small Canadian hemp cultivator is warning investors to be on the lookout for a “speculative” promotional email it says could be the cause of higher-than-average trading volume. The company – Toronto-based Two Hands Corp. – said it was unaware of the campaign promoting its company until it was notified by OTC Markets. Two Hands […] Canadian cannabis company warns about shady stock promotion is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Alaska gov isn’t looking to repeal Marijuana Control Board this session
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy does not plan to introduce legislation this session that would propose eliminating the board that regulates the state’s legal marijuana industry. Spokesman Matt Shuckerow said the decision was based on the time left in the session and the governor’s focus on other legislative priorities. It was unclear whether Dunleavy plans to […] Alaska gov isn’t looking to repeal Marijuana Control Board this session is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Colorado Oil & Gas and Party Politics
To party-line “no” votes from the current minority Republican Party in Colorado, a bill made it through their legislature and landed on the desk of the current governor, Gov. Jared Polis. Polis hasn’t been in office long (November 2018) and already there are rumors of “recall” and “voter revolt” against not just him but many of the Democrats who became the majority in their legislature in the last election. Governor Polis signed a sweeping oil and gas bill into law on April 16th as Boulder County officials and lawmakers celebrated. The bill is supposed to give local governments more ... more »
SCOTUS Hears First FOIA Case Since 2011, 9th Circuit Says Contractor Docs Not Protected by Exemption 5, and More: FRINFORMSUM 4/25/2019
Exemption 4 Scope Awaits SCOTUS Ruling On Monday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Food Marketing Institute v. Argus Leader Media. The case, which is the first the justices have heard “to address the meaning of a Freedom of Information Act exemption used to decide when information businesses give the government is […]
Now is the Time to End the Sorcerer’s Spell and Take the Country Back
Now is the Time to End the Sorcerer’s Spell and Take the Country Back Video of Now is the Time to End the Sorcerer’s Spell and Take the Country Back Tonight’s call will feature the starkest contrast between two dynamics: one which is taking place in China and is exemplified by the Second Belt and Road Forum, which commenced this morning in Beijing and involves leading figures from 140 countries, including nearly 40 heads of state, deliberating the development of large scale economic infrastructure and the creation of modern economies throughout the formerly underdeveloped nations ... more »
NBC: Senate bill to penalize doctors who refuse patients who aren’t vaccinated
There is a bill being discussed in Texas that would penalize doctors who refuse to treat non-vaccinated patients. If passed, Senate Bill 2351 would make doctors who refuse service based on vaccination status not eligible for state funding for services provided to patients. “Some medical professionals refuse to treat patients in their practice based on a patient’s […] The post NBC: Senate bill to penalize doctors who refuse patients who aren’t vaccinated appeared first on Health Nut News.
FOX: Hundreds speak out against vaccination bill at Colorado State Capitol
Nearly 600 people flocked to the Colorado State Capitol on Monday to share their views on House Bill 1312. At 3am, it was determined that the bill would continue on to the Senate for approval. HB1312 would enact a standardized exemption form for all exemptions that would need to be filed with the state […] The post FOX: Hundreds speak out against vaccination bill at Colorado State Capitol appeared first on Health Nut News.
Biden Starts Campaign Based on a Divisive Lie; #No Vision Just Lies #Make America an Underachiever Again #Worst Post-War Recovery in History
Trump was referring to protesters against the removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, as well as to non-violent left-wing protesters against racism, and specifically excluded the neo-Nazis from “very fine people” (emphasis added): REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as … Continue reading "Biden Starts Campaign Based on a Divisive Lie; #No Vision Just Lies #Make America an Underachiever Again #Worst Post-War Recovery in History"
Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Wednesday 24th April 2019
TonyfromOz at Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Thursday 25th April 2019 – PA Pundits – International - 10 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily power consumption data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click on […]
Evangelist Franklin Graham Challenges Buttigieg’s View on Homosexuality
[image: evangelist-franklin-graham-challenges-buttigiegs-view-on-homosexuality] Franklin Graham defends the Christian faith from distortion by a vote-seeking politician.
Cops to Texas Tribune: O’Rourke Tried to Flee DUI Crash
[image: cops-to-texas-tribune-o-rourke-tried-to-flee-dui-crash] No doubt about it, the cops say. After Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wrecked his car while driving drunk in 1998, he tried to flee the scene. He also tried to escape when cops nailed him in an attempted burglary.
Trump’s Budget Priorities
[image: trump-s-budget-priorities] If you were hoping that President Trump would seek to balance the budget and cut unconstitutional spending (eliminating socialism as he goes), you’ll be disappointed.
2:00PM Water Cooler 4/25/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51 “They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune 2020 * * * A festival of Biden! I’ll return in a few minutes with other candidates –lambert […]
Is a U.S.-China War Really Possible?
*Claire Walters* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] The present balance of power favors the United States and should for some time. There is only a small chance of a great war on the near horizon. *Editor’s note: This essay was a runner up in the John Quincy Adams Society’s* *2019 Student Foreign Policy Essay Contest**,* *which asked students across the country to answer the following question: Are the United States and China on a path to conflict?* The West once greeted the rise of China with cautious optimism. By the end of Cold War, liberal theorists in particular expected and... more »
Great Power Problems: Russia Wants Control over the Arctic Region
*Geoff Upton* *Security, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] The once-impassable arctic region is now an arena where global powers are jockeying for dominance. Temperatures are rising inside the arctic circle. Earlier this month, the Russian government irked Washington by claiming sovereign rights over the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The waterway, which stretches from Russia’s border with Norway to the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska, is one of the world’s emerging trade arteries. A new law will require all foreign warships using the route to seek Russia’s permission at least forty... more »
Has Biden's Moment Finally Arrived?
*Daniel R. DePetris* *Politics, United States* It would be a fool’s errand to make any predictions about where the Democratic primary is going, but it just got a lot more interesting. The waiting, wondering, and vacillating are over: Joe Biden is getting into the presidential race, and he has every intention of fighting like hell to kick Donald Trump off the White House grounds. In a three-minute video announcing his candidacy, the former vice president was emphatic and determined—so much so that you could be forgiven for thinking the American republic would be utterly destroyed ... more »
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan Cleared of Wrongdoing
*Task and Purpose* *Politics, Americas* [image: cting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan speaks at a Senate Armed Services hearing on the proposal to establish a U.S. Space Force, in Washington, U.S., April 11, 2019. REUTERS/Jeenah Moon] Here are the details. Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has gotten the green light and has been cleared of wrongdoing by the Pentagon's Inspector General, which was investigating him for alleged inappropriate favoritism of Boeing — his former place of employment for over 30 years. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) filed the co... more »
U.S. Air Force B-52 Bombers Practiced a Nuclear Strike on Russia Last Month
*David Axe* *Security, * The U.S. Air Force in early March 2019 deployed five B-52 bombers from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to the United Kingdom. Some of the eight-engine, long-range planes flew mock nuclear attacks on Russian soil. *A crazy story. * The U.S. Air Force in early March 2019 deployed five B-52 bombers from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to the United Kingdom. Some of the eight-engine, long-range planes flew mock nuclear attacks on Russian soil. The American operation mirrors Russia's own simulated aerial raids. In recent years Russian bombers have... more »
This U.S. Navy Assault Ship Has a New Way to Kill the Enemy: F-35s
*David Axe* *Security, * The U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp in March 2019 deployed to the Indo-Pacific region with no fewer than 10 F-35B Lightning II stealth fighters on board. An assault ship usually embarks just six F-35s or older AV-8B Harrier jump jets. *"We might never need to employ this way -- and may not want to, based upon the need to employ our amphibious ships in a more traditional role -- but to not lean forward to develop this capability, to train and exercise with it, is to deny ourselves a force multiplier that highlights the agility and opportunity o... more »
Barbara Res describes Donald J. Trump!
*THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019We thought this was worth preserving:* Long ago and far away, Barbara Res worked for Donald J. Trump. She worked for Trump in a high capacity within a rather small organization. For that reason, she is sometimes invited to come on TV and describe her former boss. On Monday night, Res appeared with Brian Williams for the first time. We thought the following remarks by Res were worth preserving: WILLIAMS (4/22/19): *What's it like for you?* It's been two years plus to watch this...I mean, for you *to watch this guy who was in your head and in your life, and... more »
US Takes Step Toward Listing Giraffes as Threatened Species
The giraffe population in Africa has declined by about 40 percent in the past three decades, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Red flags all over the place
The Mueller report concluded that there was no evidence the President and his team colluded with Russians to influence the election. But, they also concluded the Russians successfully influenced the election through social media and facilitating the hacking, modification and … Continue reading →
EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS: How extraordinary were those results?
*THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019Lack of clarity all the way down:* If we might adapt a mocking rubric, Erica Green's front-page report was driven by claims which were apparently "close enough for New York Times public school work." Green was discussing Akron's I Promise School, an experimental new elementary school which is being substantially funded by NBA star LeBron James. As is common when the Times pretends to discuss public schools, Green's extraordinarily deceptive claims came thick and fast. She opened with a flat misstatement, claiming that the new school's students "were ident... more »
Top 8 Health Benefits of CoQ10
What is coenzyme Q10? Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an antioxidant that creates energy in your cells. It is stored in the mitochondria (energy powerhouse) of the cell. The highest levels of CoQ10 are found in your heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Low levels of CoQ10 are linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, Type 2 Diabetes […] The post Top 8 Health Benefits of CoQ10 appeared first on The Drs. Wolfson.
Trump Takes On Hillary's War...Battle For Libyan Oil!
A shock call from President Trump to head of the "Libyan National Army," Khalifa Hafter, praising him for keeping the oil safe in eastern Libya, has upended US policy. Now the US supports both the UN-appointed government in Tripoli and Hafter's forces fighting against it. What's it all about? Iran, sanctions, Saudi Arabia, oil, and Israel. Who wins in this international proxy war...? Tune in to the Liberty Report:
Jared Kushner, Not Maria Butina, Is America’s Real Foreign Agent
[image: undefined] The Mueller Special Counsel inquiry is far from over even though a final report on its findings has been issued. Although the investigation had a mandate to explore all aspects of the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election, from the start the focus was on the possibility that some members of the Trump campaign had colluded with the Kremlin to influence the outcome of the election to favor the GOP candidate. Even though that could not be demonstrated, many prominent Trump critics, to include Laurence Tribe of the Harvard Law School, are demanding that... more »
Prime Minister to fight development at site of the Bali bombings
Scott Morrison will try to stop the development of a multi-storey building on the site where dozens of Australians lost their lives, with a survivor of the Sari Club terror attack thanking him for his efforts.
Conducta motivada por razones políticas en el arbitraje de tratados de inversión
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 Los tribunales carecen tanto de una concepción coherente de lo que constituye una conducta políticamente motivada como de un entendimiento consistente de la relevancia, si fuera el caso, de tales motivaciones para tratar las demandas jurídicas de los inversores extranjeros.
La conduite motivée par des raisons politiques dans l'arbitrage des traités d'investissement
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 Les tribunaux manquent à la fois d'une conception cohérente de ce qui constitue une conduite à motivation politique et d'une compréhension cohérente de la pertinence, le cas échéant, de telles motivations pour les décisions relatives aux recours juridiques d'investisseurs étrangers.
Politically motivated conduct in investment treaty arbitration
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 Tribunals lack both a coherent conception of what constitutes politically motivated conduct and a consistent understanding of the relevance, if any, of such motivations for the disposition of foreign investors' legal claims.
Call against the EU Tunisia DCFTA
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 As European movements, we denounce this DCFTA as a violent neo-colonial project and support Tunisian organisations' struggle against liberal policies imposed upon them by the European Union.
Appel contre l'ALECA entre l'Europe et la Tunisie
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 Nous, mouvements de lutte européens, dénonçons l'ALECA et son caractère violemment néocolonial, et soutenons les mobilisations des organisations tunisiennes contre les politiques libérales imposées par l'Europe.
Egypt, EAEU seek establishing free trade zone
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 The talks took up the issues of customs cooperation, trade movement and rules of origin along with competition and prevention of monopoly.
As Trump Moves to Cut Off Iran’s Oil Revenues, What’s His Endgame?
Photo Credit: Xinhua via SCMP *Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on *Order from Chaos*.* Maximum pressure, meet minimum patience. The Trump administration took another dramatic step toward disrupting the status quo in and on Iran with the abrupt halt of all waivers for U.S. sanctions targeting Iranian oil exports. The decision places Washington on a collision course with China, India, and Turkey—whose continuing crude imports from Iran would be subject to U.S. penalties after May 2—and appears designed to push Iran’s leadership to the brink. But the brink of what, p... more »
Katie Bouman helped generate the first ever photo of a black hole
https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/04/12/katie-bouman-helped-generate-the-first-ever-photo-of-a-black-hole.html?__twitter_impression=true Advertisements
UN Staffer Warns that #5G is a ‘War on Humanity’
Regular #cannabis use may be linked to psychotic episodes says study.
A Dead Cat Named #Pikachu Is Getting Launched Into Space
Scientists see the ‘rarest event ever recorded’ in attempt to solve dark matter mystery.
‘Exhilarating’ implant turns thoughts to speech
Taking A Break From Facebook May Boost Mental Health, Study Finds
China Plans to Build a Moon Base in ‘About 10 Years’
Tiny Knee Bone, Once Lost in Humans, Is Making a Comeback.
Finally, the True Best Alternatives to the Infamous Plastic Straw
Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: “Rare” or Predictable?
From the inception of mass vaccination, childhood vaccines have produced a raft of unintended consequences. The varicella (chickenpox) vaccine represents a case in point. While the reduced circulation of wild chickenpox virus may spare some healthy children a benign case of chickenpox, children now face the more serious risk of developing shingles at young ages and chickenpox at older ages. The post Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: “Rare” or Predictable? appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
5G: The Big Picture
In the next several years, the number of projected new broadband satellites will increase from approximately 2,000 to around 20,000 – all in the name of progress. This will also increase exposure of all living creatures, including ourselves, to more and more electromagnetic radiation. Is it likely that this does not entail any adverse health consequences, as both government and industry claim? The post 5G: The Big Picture appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Canada In The Dumps
*Filipino Woman Protesting Canada's* *Refusal (So Far) to Take* *back Garbage* It's a form of racism. Tell me this....would Canada have dared to send hundreds of shipping containers full of kitchen scraps and other noxious waste to ANY OTHER COUNTRY BUT A *THIRD WORLD ONE?*???? No. I see so much subliminal racism in the mainZtream Media these days...it's disgusting. Such arrogance! Almost like we're all looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of Justin Trudeau adjusting his tie. We're *SOooooo* above these folks! Take the newz coverage of the recent meeting between Nor... more »
A Perfect Storm of Cosmic Rays
Originally posted on Spaceweather.com: April 23, 2019: Ten years ago, NASA reported a “perfect storm of cosmic rays.” During the year 2009, radiation peppering Earth from deep space reached a 50-year high, registering levels never before seen during the Space Age. It’s about to happen again. Ground-based neutron monitors and high-altitude cosmic ray balloons…
Basic Science: 4 Keys to Melt Fears About Ice Sheets Melting
Reblogged from Watts Up With That: Guest Blogger / April 25, 2019 William Ward, April 18, 2019 [HiFast BLUF: Here’s the author’s summary/bottom line up front.] Despite the overwhelming number of popular news reports to the contrary, studies of ice sheets melting over the past century show remarkable ice stability. Using the proper scientific perspective, […]
“Veste Rio” this Weekend Gathers the Best of Fashion in Latin America
By Harold Emert RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – In Rio de Janeiro, one of the most fashionable cities in the world, the Seventh edition of Veste Rio (“Dress Rio”) will open to the public at Pier Maua from next Friday until Sunday. Board the VLT electric cable car in downtown Rio, taking in the panoramic […] The post “Veste Rio” this Weekend Gathers the Best of Fashion in Latin America appeared first on The Rio Times.
A Treaty to End Corporate Immunity?
Global Issues News Headlines - 12 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 25 (IPS) - Hans Wetzels is a writer for Africa Renewal* published by the United Nations When Ecuadorean diplomat Luis Gallegos first proposed a "Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights," many countries and environmental activists welcomed the idea with open arms. Read the full story, “A Treaty to End Corporate Immunity?”, on globalissues.org →
WHO Says No Screen Exposure for Babies Under 1 Year Old. Kids Under 5 Should Have No More Than 1 Daily Hour of “Sedentary Screen Time.”
By B.N. Frank From The Washington Post: The answer, according to WHO, is never for children in their first year of life and rarely in... more »
Next Stop On The War Train — Iran, Venezuela Or North Korea?
By Brandon Smith If you learn one rule about how governments function today, it should be that political leaders are usually puppets and the real... more »
Former Vice President Joe Biden Announces That He Is Running For President In 2020
The core values of this nation… our standing in the world… our very democracy...everything that has made America -- America --is at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. #Joe2020 https://t.co/jzaQbyTEz3 — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 25, 2019 *Time: **Former Vice President Joe Biden Announces 2020 Presidential Run* With an early-morning tweet and accompanying video, former Vice President Joe Biden announced that he is making a third run for his Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Biden opened his announcement video with foo... more »
America’s Birthplace: UNESCO World Heritage Site of Global Culture and Interdependence
By Aaron and Melissa Dykes It’s honestly a weird feeling to go to the birthplace of America – where the ideals of freedom, liberty, independence,... more »
Status Joe For the Status Quo
It's official. Joe Biden has finally repurposed his wandering hands into throwing his hat into the presidential ring for what is about the seventh lucky charming time in his career. Let the party-splitting begin in earnest! The campaign motto I have assigned to him ("Status Joe For the Status Quo") is, I admit, a bit misleading. It might be more proper for Uncle Joe to roar "Status Joe For the Status Quo-Ante!" given that he wants to return us to the Golden Age of Obama. On third thought, Uncle Joe crowing for Ante might remind voters what a groper and sniffer of women and girls he i... more »
WATCH: Cop Snaps, Beats Man Who is Chained to a Hospital Bed, Then Lies About It
[image: hospital]A man was chained to a hospital bed while waiting to be cleared by doctors when a cop snapped and began attacking him.
Secretary of State Admits on Video the US Gov’t Trains to “Lie, Cheat, and Steal” and MSM Ignores It
[image: CIA]Mainstream media has refused to report on a video of former CIA director and current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admitting the US has "training courses" on how to "lie, cheat, and steal."
NEC’s Global Facial Biometrics Program Will “Solve Health Problems”
By MassPrivateI Last week, NEC Corporation and Nagasaki University announced that they are creating a global facial recognition program based on the U.N.’s slogan of... more »
If Bernie Sanders Wins the Most Pledged Delegates, On Whom Should the Burden of "Unity" Fall?
*Would these people accept an Establishment bargain with a "unity candidate"?* *by Thomas Neuburger* *“We are going to win this primary, but if we don’t, he will do whatever it takes to defeat Donald Trump. If the nominee is Bernie Sanders, will those Democratic insiders fully support a Bernie Sanders campaign? Will they put aside their personal animus?”* —Ari Rabin-Havt, Bernie Sanders' chief of staff We're starting to see more and more questions from Democratic insiders about whether Bernie Sanders can "unify the party" if he wins the nomination. For example, in this piece from ... more »
Jihadist attack spreads to town with large Russian presence in northeast Latakia
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:10 P.M.) – The jihadist rebels have expanded their assault in Latakia, today, to the town of Slunfeh in the northeastern part of the governorate. According to a local source, several grad missiles struck Slunfeh around 5:45 P.M. (local time), causing a number of explosions inside the mountainous town. No casualties have been […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
North Korea vows military response to US-South Korea drills
The North Korean Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country condemned South Korea on Thursday for conducting joint air force drills with the United States on the Korean Peninsula and promised a reciprocal response from the country’s own armed forces. “South Korean authorities run against the reconciliation process on the Korean Peninsula and such perfidy greatly […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
New Russian attacks in Idlib are a prelude to the Syrian Army’s offensive: expert
A well-known Syrian military expert stated that the recent airstrikes launched by the Russian Air Force against the jihadist rebels in the Idlib Governorate are a prelude to the upcoming Syrian Arab Army (SAA) offensive along the Hama-Idlib axis. Syrian military expert, Ali Maqsoud, told the Arabic-language version of the Sputnik News Agency on Thursday […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Breaking: Jihadists launch powerful attack on Latakia city
BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:00 P.M.) – The jihadist rebels in the Jabal Al-Akrad region near the Turkish border have unleashed a plethora of missiles towards the southern part of Latakia city. According to a source inside Latakia, the jihadist rebels fired a number grad missiles towards the Ramel Jnoubi District in the provincial capital. This missile […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
ISIS has plans to retake Palmyra from Syrian Army
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorist group is allegedly planning an offensive to retake the ancient city of Palmyra in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate. A source from the Syrian Army in eastern Homs said they have discovered an Islamic State plot to not only retake land in central […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
FBI files reveal how Hitler allegedly lost his mustache, fled to Argentina
A declassified trove of heavily redacted documents belonging to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed that in 1945, the agency was tipped off about Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler allegedly escaping from the victorious Allied troops in a submarine and hiding in Argentina. According to the information, which the FBI then forwarded to the military intelligence, Hitler arrived in the South American country along with […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Biden Enters Race With Video That Bashes Trump as Ally of Racists; Still Leads in Polls
[image: biden-enters-race-with-video-that-bashes-trump-as-ally-of-racists-still-leads-in-polls] Biden is officialy in the race for 2020. The polling shows he is the heavy favorite among rank-and-file Democratic voters, but the radicals who control the party might stymie his third try for the White House.
When Earth Day Predictions Go Predictably Wrong
[image: when-earth-day-predictions-go-predictably-wrong] As activists around the world recently celebrated Earth Day with warnings about the awful state of our planet, now seems like the right time to share the good news that actually we're not running out of resources.
Michigan Christian Adoption Agency Agrees to Place Kids in LGBT Homes
[image: michigan-christian-adoption-agency-agrees-to-place-kids-in-lgbt-homes] Bowing to state pressure, Michigan's largest Christian adoption agency announced recently that it will begin placing children in LGBT households.
Harris Vows Executive Orders on Guns, “Assault Weapon,” “High Capacity” Magazine Ban
[image: harris-vows-executive-orders-on-guns-assault-weapon-high-capacity-magazine-ban] If the Republicans don’t get with her gun-control program and they “continue to cower” to the National Rifle Association, Democratic presidential contender Kamala Harris says she’ll “take executive action” and do by fiat what Congress won’t do.
Texas Bill Would Create Committee to Determine Constitutionality of Federal Acts
[image: texas-bill-creates-committee-to-determine-constitutionality-of-federal-acts] A bill introduced in the Texas state legislature would create a committee tasked with reviewing all federal acts and rejecting those that are unconstitutional.
76 percent tumor survival rate, this is unheard of
Cancer is at epidemic proportions around the around the world. In the U.S., 1,660 people are expected to die from cancer every day in 2019; in China, 4 people die of cancer every minute, or about 5,760 every day. Even though China has a larger population, their rate is still higher than the U.S. In […] The post 76 percent tumor survival rate, this is unheard of appeared first on Health Nut News.
Driving force of deteriorating health Big Ag and the processed food industry fight to protect
Commentary by Ronnie Cummins, International Director of Organic Consumers Association “The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt 19431 Welcome to Degeneration Nation 2019. The frightening truth is that genetically engineered foods and crops, toxic chemicals and factory farms — the unholy trinity of industrial food and farming — are undermining our […] The post Driving force of deteriorating health Big Ag and the processed food industry fight to protect appeared first on Health Nut News.
Lion Rock 26, Peter Wong as new Chairman of LRI
Starting this month, the new Chairman of Hong Kong's only free market think tank, the Lion Rock Institute, is my friend Peter Wong. Above photo, with Fred Mcmahon of Fraser Institute (Canada) and Peter during the EFN Asia conference 2014 in Hong Kong. Lower photo, with Peter and Grover Norquist of the Americans for Tax Reforms (ATR) during the 4th Pacific Rim Policy Exchange 2010 in Sydney. Some people ask, "HK is already a free market economy, why do they need a free market institute?" Well, the quick answer is that HK is free marketer enough compared to most economies in the worl... more »
President Trump Accuses Former President Obama Of Ordering British Spies To Target His 2016 Campaign
“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.” @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2019 President Donald Trump repeated a claim that United Kingdom's intelligence service helped former President Barack Obama spy on his 2016 campaign Daily Mail:* Trump accuses British spies of targeting his 2016 campaign on orders from Obama - just a day after accepting invitati... more »
Biden squeezes into the packed democrat clown car...
*with one of the most dishonest and ridiculous campaign videos ever produced.* I don't even know where to start unpacking this moronic virtue signalling mess of an announcement. *The gist:* White people are bad (and evil) Violent anarchists (which number in the 10's) are good (and not evil) Trump is evil If you voted for Trump, you're evil *Inadvertently, bumbling hair sniffing little girl groping corrupt Joe actually said some things that are true:* *"We are living through a battle for the soul of this nation."* *"If we give Trump 8 years in the White House he will forever and f... more »
China's companies reallocate to avoid US tariffs, can also set up HQs in Africa
*From SCMP* *Trade war forcing 93 per cent of Chinese companies to transform supply chains, survey showsIn a bid to avoid Donald Trump’s tariffs, companies from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore are considering making changesPoll conducted by the law firm Baker McKenzie surveyed 600 multinational companies around Asia-Pacific, including 150 companies in China* *https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3007334/trade-war-forcing-93-cent-chinese-companies-transform-supply*
Taiwan's Tech Trouble Is Getting Worse
*Elise Thomas* *Technology, Asia* [image: Military honour guards attend a flag-lowering ceremony at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan January 22, 2019. Picture taken January 22, 2019. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu] Can Taipei resist Beijing's attractively cheap, but highly-suspicious, technology? Taiwan is walking an increasingly fine line between its security and economic interests when it comes to major Chinese technology companies—and it’s about to get (even more) political. Last Friday, the Taiwanese government announced an expanded crackdown on the use of Chinese technol... more »
Don’t Let Huawei Dominate the 5G Revolution
*Steven P. Bucci* *Technology, Asia* [image: A Huawei logo is pictured during the media day for the Shanghai auto show in Shanghai, China April 16, 2019. REUTERS/Aly Song] American security is at stake. Anyone concerned with protecting our wireless communications systems from state-sponsored Chinese surveillance should take note of several important, and troubling, developments. Last year, China’s state-sponsored Huawei Technologies, which a 2012 bipartisan congressional report labeled a national security risk, surpassedSweden’s Ericsson to become the world’s largest telecom equ... more »
Harry and Meghan: Newest Royal Baby Could Be an American
Some believe the Duchess of Sussex will insist on dual citizenship for the child, a status that is allowed by both countries.
At Kim-Putin Summit, Hearty Handshakes and Manspreading
With so little else to go on, it's a common practice for North Korea watchers to pay extremely close attention to Kim's every word and gesture when he makes public appearances.
Biden Launches 2020 Bid Warning ‘Soul’ of America at Stake
Joe Biden is paying special attention to his native Pennsylvania, a state that swung to Trump in 2016 after voting for Democratic presidential candidates for decades.
China cancels debts to African countries, wins hearts and minds in source of raw resources its manufacutring bass needs for domestic economy to boom
*From media* *China has cancelled all interest-free loans it had advanced to Ethiopia as at the end of year 2018, the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office confirmed on Wednesday.* *Analysts estimate that since 2000 Ethiopia has borrowed over $12bn from China – including funding for the Addis Ababa – Djibouti electric railway line linking the country with Djibouti, its main import / export route.* *PM Abiy and a high-level delegation arrived in Beijing on Tuesday to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF), which starts today (April 25) and ends on Apri... more »
*Iran can use a tactic from the ancient Greeks to destroy the US navy in the Straits of Homuz thanks to its narrowness, allowing for Iran to launch multiple missiles at a precise target at short notice while hampering US naval vessels from escaping.* *A dozen burning US naval ships floating in the straits of Homuz will destroy Trump's presidency and end the private central bankster's reign of terror and the petro dollar.* *Iran should mass missiles and lasers along the shore line well in advance of the straits to attack any aircraft carriers and put its missile launchers into under... more »
Peace on Korean Peninsula within reach, if only Trump can remove Pompeo & Bolton (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 152. The post Peace on Korean Peninsula within reach, if only Trump can remove Pompeo & Bolton (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Putin meets Kim for the first time (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 151. The post Putin meets Kim for the first time (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
El Salt Neanderthal Settlement Patterns Revealed? They Likely Moved With The Seasons
Using ancient fire remains from 11 well-preserved and overlapping open-air hearth structures, scholars have inferred Neanderthal group mobility and settlement patterns which indicate specific occupation episodes, perhaps according to season read more
God Of The Gaps In Universe Expansion: Uncertainty In Hubble Constant Calculations Down To 1.9%
At the very large and very small levels, gravity does not really work the way it should. At the very large level, instead of contracting, the universe has both expanded and accelerated despite detectable forces that should cause it. Measurements to determine how fast the Universe is expanding over time are known as the Hubble constant. It has been determined by a cosmic distance ladder, calculated by observing pulsating stars called Cepheid variables in a neighboring satellite galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud, 162,000 light-years away. When defining the distances to gal... more »
Chilcot Report Sec 1.1 UK Iraq Strategy 1990 To 2000
The Chilcott Inquiry was created to explain the decisions that led to England’s participation in the Iraq War. The first section covered the United Kingdom’s strategy towards Iraq from the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait to 2000. London’s main concern during this period all the way to 2003 was Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and nuclear programs. British intelligence believed that Iraq was close to getting a nuclear bomb and had a large and active chemical and biological weapons arsenal. After the Gulf War, the UK committed itself to a containment policy that backed United Nation... more »
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 25
1920 San Remo Agreement created British Mandate in Iraq France agreed to give up Mosul vilyat in return for oil concessions in Iraq (Musings On Iraq article on how Mosul province became part of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq book review *The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921*) (Musings On Iraq book review *Dictatorship, Imperialism & Chaos, Iraq since 1989*) (Musings On Iraq book review *An Analysis of Hanna Batatu’s The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq*) (Musings On ... more »
Is AI A Game-Changer For Education (International Edition)?
Sometimes it's informative to see how some of this stuff is playing out in other settings. A post on Entrepreneur India makes the claim that "Artificial Intelligence Can be a Game-Changer for Education, Here are 5 Reasons Why" and its five arguments are, well, intriguing. The post is from Vishal Meena from the start-up MadGuy Labs, an Indian on-line test prep company that promises to prep you for the tests for all sorts of government jobs. Meena has a degree in chemical engineering, but he likes doing the start-up thing, and has previously launched companies involved with bikes and ... more »
Iranian, Italy, Japan and India join military forces with China in warning to Globalists to keep hands off their oil
*From media* *While in China at the invitation of China's navy commander to attend the 70th anniversary of Chinese navy, the Commander of Iranian Army Navy Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi held two separate meetings with the navy commanders of Japan and Italy in the port city of Qingdao.https://en.mehrnews.com/news/144508/Iran-Navy-to-dispatch-fleets-to-Italy-Japan-top-cmdr * *Indian battle ships take part in Chinese navy's biggest fleet review, Pakistan gives it a missTwo Indian battle ships, including the biggest indigenously built stealth destroyer INS Kolkata, on Tuesday to... more »
Turkey's currency fate is another reason for China to have show down with USA over Yuan oil trades
*China's supply of dollars can be cut off by the USA meaning that China cannot obtain a vital resource, oil, unless it is allowed to buy oil in its own currency.* *To be free of Globalist control, China must assert its right to trade in Yuan and buy oil in Yuan also with Iraq or face destruction.* *The dollar is on the verge of collapse and this is the optimal moment for China to assert the Yuan.* *Also, in military terms, China has the advantage with new technologies.* *From Zerohedge* *And with that, the government's defense of the lira - which according to Bloomberg cost the... more »
According to Sohrab Ahman of the *New York Post*, there's been some serious misreporting of the Trump administration by certain media outlets, including the BBC. In Sohrab's account, last month the Germans introduced a draft UN Security Council resolution on providing greater protection to women in armed conflicts. The US, which has led on such matters for decades, objected to some of its provisions. They objected to its call for “comprehensive health services, including sexual and reproductive health” on the grounds that it could promote abortion. And they objected to its call to ... more »
Editor's Note
Just a heads-up that blogging will be light for the next three days (until Sunday morning). Travelling tonight to New York City to do a presentation on what is my take on current geopolitical events in front of a business group tomorrow, followed by a debate with other presenters on Saturday. I love debates.
BWorld 317, MORE Senators for rule of law
* This is my article in BusinessWorld on April 22, 2019. Rule of law means the law applies equally to unequal people, no one is exempted and no one can grant an exemption. Granting exemptions, say, in the law against stealing or murder automatically leads to the rule of men where the powerful and the mob are exempted from penalties for violating certain rules. The World Justice Project (WJP) produces an annual study, the “Rule of Law Index” (RoLI), and ranks countries based on their performance on 8 factors and 44 sub-factors. The RoLI 2017-2018 Report involved more than 110,000 h... more »
Biden announced he's running for president. Then he stopped for pizza
Just In - 13 hours ago
Mr Biden, 76, had been wrestling for months over whether to run, and he faces questions over his behaviour with women, with several coming forward saying he made them uncomfortable.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy As Actor President
The stage in Ukraine has been going to seed for some years, manuring away in decay and poverty, bleeding in the Donbass region and plundered by self-enriching elites. It took Zelenskiy to come to the fore by stepping off the screen and, quite literally, onto a live stage. Whether he is capable of directing his own show, mastering his own brief, as it were, will be a wonder.
Some thoughts on the Spanish elections
Spain is going to the ballot box on Sunday. The electoral law is a version of proportional representation, that helps the top-scoring parties to manage a high number of seats for the sake of governability. The polls suggest that the Socialists will be the first party and will attempt to form a government with Podemos, […] The post Some thoughts on the Spanish elections appeared first on Econlib.
Pentagon Watchdog Clears Acting Defense Secretary Shanahan Of Ethics Violations
Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, center, talks with El Paso Sector Chief Aaron Hull, right, at El Paso International airport after doing a Osprey aircraft tour of the U.S.-Mexico border, Feb. 23, 2019. Martinez Monsivais/Pool via Reuter *The Hill:* *Pentagon watchdog clears acting Defense chief of ethics violations* The Pentagon’s watchdog has cleared acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan of allegations he violated his ethics agreement by favoring his former employer Boeing while serving in government. The inspector general’s finding clears the way for Shanahan to... more »
Photos from Red Square
*Photos by Global Network board member Will Griffin who went to Red Square today in Moscow.* I've been sitting in the hotel lobby all day waiting for our study tour participants who have been trickling in. Still three more to go. We begin our formal meetings in the morning at 9:00 am. Over the next four days several Russian experts on areas from military policy, economics, Ukraine, and other subjects will come and speak to us. The breakfast buffet (comes with the hotel room) this morning was stunning. (Food is always important to me.) Bruce
A “New Dawn” For Thailand?
“BolenReport Writer Karma Singh is traveling. This week he is in Thailand looking at their parliamentary elections and what they mean to Planet Earth. The point? Everything on Planet Earth is tied together. What happens in Thailand effects what happens in the US and Europe. Read about his trip…” From Thailand – By Karma Singh … Continue reading A “New Dawn” For Thailand?
Free Assange: the Slandering Of Julian Reveals the Establishment’s Breathtaking Hypocritical
Amid the attempted prosecution of Julian Assange, the world is in a surreal moment where the truth has been turned on its head. A groupthink has emerged which collectively rejects history and facts so it can stick with the narrative that Assange deserves his persecution. As always, it’s ambiguous whether all the propagandists believe their own lies, and it doesn’t matter whether they do; they’re doing what the centers of power require of them, which… The post Free Assange: the Slandering Of Julian Reveals the Establishment’s Breathtaking Hypocritical appeared first on The Ghion Jo... more »
Thursday Morning Links
This and that for your Thursday reading. - James Whittingham argues that the time for climate action measured in small household tweaks has long since passed. And Yanis Varoufakis and David Adler discuss the need for an International Green New Deal, while Stephen Buhler writes that oil industry workers recognize the importance of a Canadian version while worrying about being left behind in a transition process. - Meanwhile, Kori Sidaway highlights how refineries are capitalizing on the right-wing carbon tax hysteria by taking far more in windfall profits than any increase attribut... more »
Macron sends French troops to Estonia to escalate WW3 tensions with Russia. Will Macron try false flag? Doomed to fail
*The decompartmentalized French are not going to go to war with Russia on behalf of former Rothschild banker Macron.* *Imagine the Yellow Vest protestors etc rallying to his war cry?* *In 2019, the Globalists do not have a public who have faith in their governments, in their propaganda media or a desire to go to war and get killed for no reason other than to help the private central bankers get away with their looting of economies. * *From CNSNEWS* *Paris (CNSNews.com) – Some 300 French troops have taken up station in Estonia, just 90 miles from the Russian border, in line with a 2... more »
Sweden's central bank reaches point of no return for private banksters, financial system set to crash whatever they do
*Sweden's currency has crashed fuelling inflation after the central bank said it would not raise interest rates to help the indebted domestic market.* *Interest rates need to be high to attract investors in its currency.* *Sweden's dilemma shows why the private banking fractional reserve system is set to collapse under its own contradictions and why the Globalists are seeking to ignite another world war to divert impoverished populations.* *From Zerohedge* *The dovish announcement surprised markets, and the Swedish krona, which had fallen about 0.2% just before the announcement,... more »
*The point has arrived, predicted by this blogger for a long time, when the Federal reserve can no longer control inflation by raising interest rates.* *This because the US economy is in so much debt that even a tiny increase in interest will wipe out what remains of consumer purchasing power for the real economy.* *At the same time, a precariously weak dollar also requires higher interest rates to avoid dollar dumping and inflation due to the higher cost of imports.* *Zerohedge predicts that the banksters will fuel inflation to wipe out the debt, also by misusing MMT.* *Inflati... more »
Quote of the day - military edition
Solomon, blogging at SNAFU, commented on the problems currently being experienced with the Marine Corps' new CH-53K helicopter. In that article, he observed: NO ONE WEAPON SYSTEM is indispensable. *You equip the man, you don't man the equipment!* I applauded the sentiment at first . . . but then I thought about it. That was certainly true during my military service, and it obviously remains a public talking point - just look at all the companies in the "military-industrial complex" who spout public relations glurge about "equipping the warfighter". However, in many cases, the... more »
Breaking: Charter moratorium moves forward from Senate Education Committee
In 2016, I first broke the news about the NAACP calling for a moratorium on charter schools in the post @NAACP calls for national moratorium on charters. The California legislature is begining to heed the civil rights organization’s call as the Senate Education Committee passed SB 756 on a 4-3 vote (I first discussed this bill in the post Charter Moratorium
Adjusting Good Data To Make It Match Bad Data
On election day in 2016, both satellite data sets (UAH and RSS) showed a 15 year long hiatus in global warming, and bore no resemblance to the warming trend being generated by NOAA and NASA. I captured this image in … Continue reading →
*Goldman Shares Slump As DoJ Demands Guilty Plea In 1MDB CaseProfile picture for user Tyler Durdenby Tyler DurdenWed, 04/24/2019 - 13:092SHARESTwitterFacebookRedditEmailPrintAny investor who has been following DoJ's criminal investigation of the Vampire Squid over Goldman's alleged facilitation of the massive $4.5 billion fraud at Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB could probably have guessed that, whatever the outcome of the probe, it wasn't going to end well for the bank.* *Goldman* *Those suspicions have now been confirmed.* *According to a report published Wednesday by t... more »
Taxpayers Hit for $270k After Cops Beat, Kidnap 4’11” Grandma for Refusing Warrantless Search
[image: grandma]For refusing to allow police to illegally search her home, an innocent grandma was attacked, kidnapped, injured and denied treatment -- and taxpayers, not cops were held accountable.
*A UK MP who has been defying the Globalist government in not voting for an agreement which would strip the UK of its last sovereign rights has accused the chief whip of seeking to find blackmail material against him in what may be the biggest scandal to emerge from the Brexit process.* *MP Johnny Mercer said that Globalist fixer Julian Smith attempted to gather blackmail material from his former colleagues in the army to pressure him into backing Theresa May's deal.* *The deal is set to be voted on for the fourth time soon.* *Globalist media have also magnified Johnny Mercer's role... more »
Staff Spotlight: Sylvia Bauer
The Bird Rescue family welcomes our newest San Francisco Bay-Delta wildlife center clinic staff, Sylvia Bauer. For as long as she can remember, Sylvia has been keenly interested in animals and has taken measures to make the world a better place through studying and caring for them. Her passion became activated during her high school […]
Lebanon’s Defense Minister: If ‘Israel’ Bombards Our Airport, We Will Bombard Its Airport
Lebanon’s Defense Minister: If ‘Israel’ Bombards Our Airport, We Will Bombard Its Airport by http://english.almanar.com.lb/ National Defense Minister, Elias Bou Saab, on Wednesday toured the south of Lebanon and met in Tyre with Army Chief, General Joseph Aoun, and other ranking army officers, who briefed him on the situation in the southern region, especially in […]
Trump Plan Doesn’t Include Jordan-Palestinian Union – U.S. Envoy
Trump Plan Doesn’t Include Jordan-Palestinian Union – U.S. Envoy by https://af.reuters.com/ JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An architect of a still-secret U.S. plan to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict took to Twitter again on Wednesday to disclose another element that it would not contain – a confederation with neighbouring Jordan. – U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy, […]
‘Lured into War’? Iranian FM Warns Trump Could be Duped into Crisis by Hawkish ‘B-Team’
‘Lured into War’? Iranian FM Warns Trump Could be Duped into Crisis by Hawkish ‘B-Team’ by https://www.rt.com/ US President Donald Trump may not want war, Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, has said, but that won’t stop the hawks in his administration and Israel from “luring” him into one, possibly with a false flag attack. – […]
Former Attorney General Mukasey Shreds CNN for ‘Misleading People’ with Russia Conspiracy Theories
Former Attorney General Mukasey Shreds CNN for ‘Misleading People’ with Russia Conspiracy Theories by https://www.rt.com/ Retired US Attorney General Michael Mukasey slammed CNN on its own network for what he said was flawed coverage of the special counsel investigation into US President Donald Trump. – Appearing for a one-on-one interview on Cuomo Prime Time on […]
Dear Tarik, Could you please send me the raw, preliminary data which has led WHO to conclude that measles have increased by around 300% in the first three months of 2019 as stated in your media? Please send me all the contry reports submitted to WHO at the end of every month, as well as an explanation of what the basis of the numbers are and whyofficial numbers are not being submitted. I am referring to the following info on your website specifically.. According to preliminary WHO data, measles increased by around 300% globally in the first three months of 2019, compared to the ... more »
FDR Would Be At The Great Summit in Beijing Today; We Have To Restore Trump's Presidency
[image: A portrait of Franklin Roosevelt painted during the WW2 years.] The most important question in the world today was posed by China's ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai: "Why the U.S. Shouldn't Sit Out the Belt and Road Initiative." Indeed, how can the head of any great power sit out the Second Belt and Road Forum which starts in Beijing today? What voluntary economic/cultural development event can gather leading figures from 140 countries, including nearly 40 heads of state and government, comparable to what Franklin Roosevelt's United States itself could summon to ... more »
Is The U.S. Military Blackballing Journalists?
*Nick Turse, The Nation:* *The US Military is Blackballing Journalists* After years of critical coverage, the US Africa Command axed investigative reporter Nick Turse and The Intercept from its daily media review. f a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Or to bring this thought experiment into the modern age—if it happens in the forest, does it stay in the forest? I ask this question because it has a bearing on the article to come. Specifically, what if an article of mine on the U.S. military appears somewhere in our media world and that ... more »
*Doctors at the epicentre of the latest Ebola outbreak in DR Congo could and should face criminal prosecution for ignoring the evidence that the Merck Ebola vaccine is neither efficient nor safe and could even give people Ebola, and local people should begin collecting their names for them to be put on trial at a later date.* *See my email to WHO yesterday for a brief outline of the main evidence, facts and documents.* *Doctors, health care personnel, WHO staff can no longer plead ignorance about the risks of the this vaccine. Five years have passed since the 2014 Ebola false flag... more »
CNN and NBC Caught Faking Photo of Baby with Measles
*Vic Bishop* - Who doesn't want to save the children?
Doctors at the heart of the Ebola epidemic could go on strike over violence, can also be criminally prosecuted like opiod docs for ignoring evidence
*From The Daily Mail* *Doctors who are fighting to save the lives of Ebola sufferers amid the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have threatened to strike.* *Medics have warned they will walk out indefinitely as early as next week if health workers continue to be attacked in the African nation.* *This comes after a resident of Cameroon was killed last week while working as a senior epidemiologist for the World Health Organization in Butembo, in the east of the DRC. * *Armed militiamen reportedly believe Ebola is a conspiracy against them and have repeatedly ... more »
U.S. Is Facing A Missile Gap Against China
Guided missiles are launched during a 2013 drill off the port city of Qingdao, where China’s North Sea Fleet headquarters is located. REUTERS/Stringer *Reuters:* *New missile gap leaves U.S. scrambling to counter China* *Under Xi Jinping, Beijing has elevated its missile forces to a point where many rockets in the Chinese arsenal now rival or outperform those of the United States. This dramatic shift could render American carriers – the backbone of U.S. military supremacy – obsolete in a conflict with China.* China’s powerful military is considered to be a master at concealing its ... more »
CBS: Could antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” become a bigger killer than cancer?
Antibiotics revolutionized medicine when they were first introduced in the 1940’s, saving people from former death sentences such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. There’s no way of knowing how many lives have been spared over the years, but now, due to widespread misuse in the form of over-prescribing, it appears that humans have become their own […] The post CBS: Could antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” become a bigger killer than cancer? appeared first on Health Nut News.
Daniel Dawson: Parents must be informed on – and trusted with – vaccination decisions
Guest Opinion, Daniel Dawson What would you do if you were told to do something you believed would harm your child? What if you were socially ostracized for resisting? What if you couldn’t talk about it out of fear you could have your children taken away from you? This may sound like an extreme portrayal […] The post Daniel Dawson: Parents must be informed on – and trusted with – vaccination decisions appeared first on Health Nut News.
New York Post: A deadly infection is sweeping some NY hospitals — but health officials won’t say where
There’s a deadly fungus on the loose in many hospitals, but public health officials aren’t letting us know exactly where. New York state is ground zero for this germ, called Candida auris. Over half the nearly 600 cases nationwide are right here, mostly in New York City. New Jersey hospitals are also hard hit, with more […] The post New York Post: A deadly infection is sweeping some NY hospitals — but health officials won’t say where appeared first on Health Nut News.
BNO News: Doctor killed in latest attack targeting Ebola workers in DR Congo
Epidemiologist Dr. Richard Kiboung was gunned down, and two others were injured when three assailants from a local self-defense militia attacked Butembo University Hospital in Butembo. The hospital, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been treating patients affected by the second largest Ebola outbreak in history. In response to the death of Dr. […] The post BNO News: Doctor killed in latest attack targeting Ebola workers in DR Congo appeared first on Health Nut News.
CNN: World’s first malaria vaccine to go to 360,000 African children
World’s first malaria vaccine to go to 360,000 African children “The malaria vaccine is a ‘promising tool,’ – WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on the efforts to regain control of the parasitic disease that claims an estimated 435,000 lives in each year, 250,000 which occur in Africa.” The post CNN: World’s first malaria vaccine to go to 360,000 African children appeared first on Health Nut News.
ARYNEWS.TV: Around 700 children reportedly fell sick after Polio vaccination in Peshawar
PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN: At least 700 schoolchildren fell sick after polio vaccination in Peshawar causing an attack on a hospital in city by angry mob, ARY News reported on Monday. The Mashokhel Hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan was the scene of extreme rioting when it became known that several schoolchildren fell ill after receiving the polio vaccine. […] The post ARYNEWS.TV: Around 700 children reportedly fell sick after Polio vaccination in Peshawar appeared first on Health Nut News.
NBC: First major drug distribution company, former executives, criminally charged in opioid crisis
First major drug distribution company, former executives, criminally charged in opioid crisis It’s a milestone achievement in the fight to combat the American opioid crisis as executives of one of the country’s largest drug distributors have been criminally charged. Rochester Drug Co-Operative, one of the top 10 largest drug distributors in the United States, was […] The post NBC: First major drug distribution company, former executives, criminally charged in opioid crisis appeared first on Health Nut News.
The 1 Thing Stalin and Hitler Had in Common: Wanting Massive Battleship Fleets
Test Feed Using Fields - 15 hours ago
*Security, * And neither go them. Here is why. *And even if Germany had prevailed in World War II, Plan Z would have left the Reich with a battleship heavy, carrier light force that would have matched up poorly with the modern U.S. Navy. Nevertheless, the prospect of German battleships, carriers, and battlecruisers fighting spectacular convoy battles against the RN and the U.S. Navy continues to spark the imagination. * *(This is a combination of two popular articles posted together for your readiing pleasure).* At the end of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Josef Stali... more »
A Secret in the Sky: China Using American Satellites for Military Gains
*War Is Boring* *Technology, Asia* [image: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4559] Can Beijing be stopped? China is using American satellites to simultaneously oppress its own people and pose a threat to the U.S. military, and it’s unknown what can be done to stop them. Around nine satellites -all built by the United States- are currently providing information to Chinese soldiers on remote and contested outposts in the South China Sea, an area where U.S. forces frequently patrol in order to ensure free commerce routes. According to the Wall Street Journal, the noto... more »
Is the U.S. Military About To Be Left Behind Thanks to a Technology Revolution?
*Morgan Deane* *Security, * Not to worry--for now. On the same day my article, *Fourth Industrial Age or Millionth Example of Technology Worship?, *was published about another example of technology worship I read yet another article, *The New Revolution in Military Affairs, *describing the need for a new revolution in warfare. I nodded my head as they explained, as I did last week, every supposed revolution in the last 30 years. Then the author moved on to offer rhetoric about playing a losing game or being Blockbuster in the age of Netflix. The crux of the argument is that "A... more »
This Nuclear Attack Submarine Is Headed for the Scraper (But She Can Fight)
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * Meet the Los-Angeles Class subs. *The true replacements for the “688” class are the Virginia submarines, currently under construction.* The Los Angeles–class nuclear attack submarines were the most successful American submarines of the Cold War. The United States built sixty-two Los Angeles–class subs, more than any class except for the Gato class of World War II. Fast, powerful and heavily armed, the submarines are slowly being replaced by Virginia-class attack boats. The Los Angeles–class submarines, also known as the 688 class, were first design... more »
Reflections on James Hughes’ Problems of Transhumanism (Part 5)
Ethical Technology - 15 hours ago
*Part 5: Belief in Progress vs. Rational Uncertainty* The Enlightenment, with its confident efforts to fashion a science of man, was archetypal of the belief and quest that humankind will eventually achieve lasting peace and happiness. In what some interpret as a reformulation of Christianity’s teleological salvation history in which the People of God will be redeemed at the end of days and with the Kingdom of Heaven established on Earth, most Enlightenment thinkers believed in the inevitability of human political and technological progress, secularizing the Christian conception o... more »
Status Quo Joe Finally Takes The Plunge Today
He's run or tried to run 6 times before-- only to be rejected by Democratic voters. Is 7 the charm? He's on the top of almost all the polls-- the status quo conservative alternative to change-makers Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But now that he's in, his record-- long and disgusting-- will be coming out. Will his Democratic primary supporters-- primarily blacks and the elderly-- care? He's been re-invented or re-imagined as a part of the Obama mystique. But that strategy has its limits... even for Madonna. Reporting for Reuters yesterday, Chris Khan wrote that Biden's hgh p... more »
Tweets For Today
There are now 20 Democrats running for president in 2020 https://t.co/CHIYq3lqWC pic.twitter.com/celGUoNd5L — CNN (@CNN) April 25, 2019 🇬🇧 A third general election in less than four years, the emergence of the far-right, the Catalan crisis… Here are five things to know about Spain’s early election taking place on Sunday. https://t.co/SdgAJdN2ne #AFP #EDNH #EleccionesGenerales2019 pic.twitter.com/mp2tBksc3y — EU Data News Hub🇪🇺 (@EUDataNewsHub) April 25, 2019 This is the moment North Korea's Kim Jong-un meets Vladimir Putin. Both leaders are in Russia's port city of Vladivos... more »
Kim And Putin: Changing The State Of The Board In Korea
The future of Korea could be decided by these two men today. The post Kim And Putin: Changing The State Of The Board In Korea appeared first on The Duran.
*The Triple College Crisis: Crisis #3. Too Few Good Jobs* College enrollments have fallen for seven years in a row and a growing number of schools are closing. While many blame demographics (a sharp decline in American fertility rates) or high college tuition fees, I think prospective students are reassessing the entire collegiate value proposition and, in growing numbers, concluding that going to college is a risky and sometimes losing investment, not at all the sure-fire ticket to financial success implied by some of the more exuberant propaganda from the College for All crowd. ... more »
California distributors warn ‘double taxation’ by cities could further strain legal marijuana industry
California cannabis distributors are warning about what they call a “double-taxation” situation in San Diego that’s raising costs for businesses. If the practice is adopted by other cities and counties, distributors note, it could contribute to further market instability in the state overall by squeezing profit margins and raising product costs for consumers. San Diego […] California distributors warn ‘double taxation’ by cities could further strain legal marijuana industry is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
*Clouds on the horizon: What climate change means for retail* *This is just one big brain fart. The only point of it is that bad weather can be disruptive to business, which we all knew. The writers cheerfully assume that ALL bad weather is due to climate change -- while making absolutely no attempt to prove that absurdity. So it actually tells us NOTHING about "What climate change means for retail"* Over the last 40 years, the United States has sustained 246 weather and climate events where the cumulative costs reached $1 billion or more each — and together caused more than $1.... more »
Scrappage scheme
Now, I think it's fair to say that the comments in reply to this tweet from the BBC... ...could be going a lot better. Many are variations on a single theme: "The licence should be scrapped full stop!" I suspected that the BBC News website would give the opposing side of the argument short shrift, and so it proved. Just four paragraphs quote critics of the peers' proposals. In contrast the *Daily Telegraph* quotes amply from both sides.
Do you agree with this? I honestly believe that if the eventual Democratic nominee campaigns on “Elect me and Donald Trump will be arrested right after my inauguration,” that person would win in a landslide. — The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) April 23, 2019 I'm not so sure. Pat Buchanan briefly pursued the 2000 Republican presidential nomination and said that his first act after being sworn in would be to turn to his predecessor, Bill Clinton, and say, "Sir, you have the right to remain silent" -- and he didn't even make it to the Iowa caucuses. Nevertheless, I know *I'd* look favora... more »
Clare Bronfman Pleads Guilty in the NXIVM Cult Sex Slave Case
*Smuggling, of all sorts, is nothing new in the Bronfman world.* Clare Bronfman (centre) *Links: CBC* &* Canoe* *She plead guilty to avoid trial- Better a quiet sweeping under the rug then a big trial which might expose Bronfman’s involvement as much more deeper then she’s acknowledging in her plea.* *"A wealthy heiress pleaded guilty on Friday in a sensational case accusing a cult-like upstate New York group of creating a secret harem of sex slaves for the group's self-anointed spiritual leader.* *Clare Bronfman admitted in her plea in federal court in Brooklyn that she harboured ... more »
Le Premier ministre chinois rencontre le président chilien
bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 La Chine et le Chili doivent saisir conjointement l'opportunité offerte par l'initiative "la Ceinture et la Route" pour aligner les stratégies de développement des deux pays et moderniser la Zone de libre-échange Chine-Chili, indique le Premier ministre chinois.
Over 200 organizations denounce multimillion dollar suit brought by US mining firm against Guatemala
bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 The company filed the suit in December 2018 for alleged violations of the Central America–Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR).
Nord Stream 2 invokes Energy Charter Treaty to challenge EU gas link rules
bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
25-Apr-2019 EU plans to extend its internal energy market rules to Russia's Nord Stream 2 natural gas link to Germany could breach the Energy Charter Treaty, which protects international investors, according to the Swiss-registered company building it.
Doug Orwell
I doubt that Doug Ford reads much. I doubt that he's read George Orwell's novel, *1984*. Maybe somebody's read it to him. He's certainly sounding like the man who coined the term *doublespeak. *Consider the government's spin on its cut to Toronto's public health budget. The province had previously funded 75% of the city's public health costs. But, Edward Keenan writes: That funding is going down to a 50 per cent share by 2021. The immediate cut applying to this year’s budget is $64 million. It will be down by $102 million per year. $1 billion over 10 years. Mayor John Tory is usi... more »
Picture Of The Day
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrives at the railway station in the Russian far-eastern city of Vladivostok, Russia, April 24. REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrives in Russia* (Reuters)
France Warship Sails Through The Taiwan Strait Angering China
Frigate Vendémiaire. Wikipedia *Business Insider/Reuters:* *France sailed a warship through the Taiwan Strait, so an angry China said France couldn't come to its navy's birthday party* * A French warship — apparently the frigate Vendemiaire — transited the closely-watched Taiwan Strait, a regional flashpoint, this month. * In response, China uninvited France from participating in a naval parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of China's navy. * The US routinely sends warships through the strait, an international waterway, despite repeated warnings from Beijing to tr... more »
Not a sausage
Two days after Easter Sunday, our ally Saudi Arabia crucified a man. 36 other men were executed. A Lebanese journalist, Sarah Abdullah, tweeted: "Saudi Arabia dismembers a single Washington Post journalist -> the media completely loses it. Saudi Arabia mass-beheads 37 people, mostly from the repressed Shia minority, and put one of the bodies on public display -> the same media barely makes a peep. Andrew Neil, in turn, then tweeted: "Sarah Abdullah has a point. Just looked at home pages of a few major Western news websites (US & UK). Not a sausage". I looked at the home page of t... more »
New Law Compels Bars in Rio to Offer Protection to Women who Feel Themselves at Risk
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The new law was recently published in the Diário Oficial do Estado of Rio de Janeiro compelling bars, restaurants and nightclubs to adopt measures to assist women who feel at risk in the premises of such establishments. According to the regulation, assistance to women must […] The post New Law Compels Bars in Rio to Offer Protection to Women who Feel Themselves at Risk appeared first on The Rio Times.
*Big Pharma Exec Perp Walked In Handcuffs After Surrendering On Opioid Trafficking ChargesProfile picture for user Tyler Durdenby Tyler DurdenWed, 04/24/2019 - 15:1160SHARESTwitterFacebookRedditEmailPrintThe former CEO of the nation's sixth-largest pharmaceutical distributor was perp-walked in handcuffs on Tuesday after he was indicted on two counts of criminal conspiracy related to drug trafficking in opioids. * *75-year-old Laurence Doud III became the first pharma CEO in the United States to face prosecution linked to the opioid crisis, after he was accused along with ano... more »
The US Leads The World In Science Output While Israel Tops Per Capita
A new index of scientific output has been released and it finds that the United States continues to dominate in research, bolstered by the private sector accounting for nearly 70 percent of science funding, where most other developed countries instead rely on government. The analysis factored in the number researchers as percentage of population, patents, papers released, and GDP spending. read more
On Nationalism
In his essay on philosophical and political thoughts of Karl Riezler, (Chapter 10, “Karl Riezler,” *What is Political Philosophy?* by Leo Strauss), Leo Strauss makes the following comment on nationalism (Page 238): While nationalism is as such theoretically unsatisfactory, it may still supply us with the best available framework for understanding the present political situation and for enlightening political action within a world that is dominated for all the foreseeable future by nationalism. Nationalism is certainly superior for these purposes, not only to the constructs of the l... more »
Trivia : April 25th
These things happened on this date in history…. USS Iowa and crew – 1898 Spanish-American War April 25, 1898 The U.S. Congress officially declares war against Spain. It decreed that a de facto state of war had existed since April 21. Cuba had been fighting for independence from Spain. The war would end in December with the signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 in which Spain renounced all claims to Cuba, gave Guam and Puerto Rico to the U.S., and transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 million. First Execution by Guillotine April 25, 1792 The French … Contin... more »
Electric cars release higher carbon dioxide emissions than diesel cars
“According to a new German study, electric cars have “significantly higher CO2 emissions than diesel cars”, and especially the Tesla Model 3 “performs particularly poorly” as it emits over 150 grams of CO2 for each kilometer it travels!” click here
Coffee morning
I do like it when Twitter turns into a conversation among people from different political standpoints - though they all seem to agree about the BBC: *Martin Durkin*: BBC on the path to extinction. Last year nearly a million people cancelled their TV licence. Happy Easter y'all. *Wendy Wheeler*: All observably true. BBC needs to return to being a reliable and reasonable adult. *Ben Cobley*: I agree, but not sure this is possible. *Wendy Wheeler*: Why do you think not, Ben? Too many tribe members? Or something else? *Ben Cobley*: It's that institutionalisation thing - the current BBC ... more »
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