10:05pm MDT
Off the top of my head, I'd think Turkey would do well avoiding a purchase similar to Iran's Tomcats. Saab Gripen sounds much more sustainable. Patriots ? S400s would do nicely.
Turkish Foreign Minister: Turkey Will Look Elsewhere If U.S. Won't Sell Patriots, F-35s
A Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft is seen at the ILA Air Show in Berlin, Germany, April 25, 2018. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt/File Photo *Reuters:* *Turkey says it will look elsewhere if U.S. won't sell Patriots, F-35s* ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey warned on Wednesday that it could buy jets and additional air defense systems from Russia if it cannot get Patriot missile shields and F-35 jets from Washington, raising the prospect of ever deeper defense ties between Moscow and a NATO member. President Tayyip Erdogan’s existing plans to buy Russian S-400 missile defenses have already alarmed the... more »
Missouri Tries Again to Become a “Second Amendment” Sanctuary State
[image: missouri-tries-again-to-become-a-second-amendment-sanctuary-state] Now that Missouri has a Republican governor, that state’s legislative body is trying again to pass its “Second Amendment Protection Act,” legislation that would nullify most federal gun-control legislation.
U.S. Warship Sails Near Disputed Island in South China Sea
[image: u-s-warship-sails-near-disputed-island-in-south-china-sea] The USS *Wasp*, an amphibious assault ship carrying F-35B fighter jets, was recently seen in waters near the disputed Scarborough Shoal, claimed by both China and Taiwan.
FBI Lawyer: 25th Suggested to Remove Trump, and No One Was Kidding
[image: fbi-lawyer-25th-suggested-to-remove-trump-and-no-one-was-kidding] The former general counsel of the FBI told a congressional committee in October that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein did indeed discuss removing President Trump with the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.
When Will U.K Prime Minister Theresa May Resign?
Theresa May could be forced to step down as early as 2 May 2019 if the Conservatives suffer poor results in local elections. Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters *The Guardian:* *When could Theresa May resign? A timeline of possible dates* *The next few months present a gauntlet of hurdles at which the PM could finally fall* Theresa May has agreed to step down as prime minister before the next election and said she would resign sooner if MPs backed her withdrawal agreement. This has prompted cabinet members to begin jockeying for position to replace her. But the race will not sta... more »
YouTube Problem; Update
There seems to be some problem (intentional?) playing YouTubes, at least on this blog in Chrome viewer. Please let me know in comments if you're having any problems as well. Thank you. - CP Update 5:30 PM MST. The problem with playing YouTubes on Chrome is definitely an intentional thing within Google/Blogger, since it works perfectly on Firefox and Brave web browsers. Apparently I've been naughty somehow, my bad. Apologies for any inconvenience anyone's experienced. Perhaps it's time to switch to a new blogging platform? - CP
Another one bites the dust
Sir Roger Scruton *Once identified as right-wing you are beyond the pale of argument; your views are irrelevant, your character discredited, your presence in the world a mistake. You are not an opponent to be argued with, but a disease to be shunned. This has been my experience.* Sir Roger Scruton There are certain things that no sensible person can deny, don't you think? (As ever, please feel free to deny them if you want.) Such as: (a) that 'Islamophobia' is a term originally foisted upon us by Isla... more »
Event Alert: Race and Identity in America #LeaveRace
On Thursday, April 11th, at 7:30 PM, Ghion Journal will be hosting an event at Chez Hareg, in Arlington, Virginia. We will be discussing race and identity in America and the way we can overcome the brutal legacy of racism and do so in ways that unite marginalized people everywhere. We will show a video that dissects the origins of labels and social constructs. After the video ends, we will then have group discussion about… The post Event Alert: Race and Identity in America #LeaveRace appeared first on The Ghion Journal.
EU Poised To Give Britain A Brexit Delay
*Yahoo News:* *EU poised to grant Britain a long Brexit delay at emergency summit* European Union leaders are set to grant Britain a long extension of Article 50 — the mechanism that notifies the EU that the UK will leave the bloc — at an emergency summit on Wednesday. UK prime minister Theresa May went on a whistle-stop tour of Germany and France on Tuesday to shore up support from two of the 28-nation bloc’s most influential officials to delay Brexit until 30 June. However, as European Council chief Donald Tusk stipulated earlier this month, as well as Tuesday night in a formal... more »
$100 Million, a Dead Woman, and a Statewide Cover Up
n a completely predictable turn of events, Merck has been formally accused of fraud and a host of other serious charges relating to the approval and marketing of the troubled, liability-free HPV vaccine The post $100 Million, a Dead Woman, and a Statewide Cover Up appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
100 Days of Bolsonaro Administration: Campaign Promises
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – As President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration marks its 100 days in office, analysts take a look at promises made during the 2018 Presidential campaign. In the first 100 days, the Bolsonaro administration made good on twelve of its 58 promises, performing better than the administrations […] The post 100 Days of Bolsonaro Administration: Campaign Promises appeared first on The Rio Times.
Wikileaks Editor: Evidence of ‘Extortion’, Ecuador’s 24/7 Surveillance of Assange
*21WIRE* | Watch as the Wikileaks team fields questions from a room filled with MSM sharks.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Won Another Term To Lead Israel
*Haaretz:* *Live Updates Israel Election: Gantz Concedes Defeat, Lapid Vows to Turn Knesset Into Battlefield* * Trump: Netanyahu's victory is good sign for peace * Likud, Kahol Lavan tied with 35 seats each, but the right leads 65-55 * Netanyahu makes celebratory speech: 'A night of great victory' * Gesher, Zehut, Hayamin Hehadash fail to enter Knesset Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has all but secured a 5th term on Wednesday morning, after more than 95 percent of the votes gave the right-wing bloc a 10-seat lead over the left. Netanyahu's Likud tied with Benny Gantz's Kahol... more »
MI House panel OKs bill to close unlicensed medical marijuana dispensaries
Some Michigan lawmakers want to close unlicensed medical cannabis dispensaries once and for all and are pushing legislation for those businesses to get permitted or shut their doors by June 1. The fast-track bill to establish the deadline was approved 5-0 by a House panel Wednesday, the Detroit Free Press reported. Other deadlines for roughly […] MI House panel OKs bill to close unlicensed medical marijuana dispensaries is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Attorney General Barr: US law protecting state-legal marijuana trumps current situation
U.S. Attorney General William Barr might be warming to the idea of a federal law that protects state-legal cannabis programs, a development that could provide a notable boost to federal marijuana reform. Barr signaled at a Senate appropriations hearing Wednesday that he is open to the approach outlined in legislation such as the States Act. […] Attorney General Barr: US law protecting state-legal marijuana trumps current situation is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Harvest Health to buy CannaPharmacy, expand cannabis operations
Phoenix-based Harvest Health & Recreation agreed to acquire CannaPharmacy, a vertically integrated marijuana company operating in four Northeastern states. Terms were not disclosed, and a Harvest spokesman confirmed the deal was not material to the company. CannaPharmacy has cultivation, manufacturing and retail operations in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. “There is tremendous value in […] Harvest Health to buy CannaPharmacy, expand cannabis operations is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Not a Secret (Anymore): Here Is China's 5 Plans to Wage War in Asia
*Ian Easton* *Security, * And much has to do with Taiwan. *PLA sources indicate that Chinese military strategists focus on five major conflict scenarios. Potential war plans constructed around these scenarios would require varying degrees of joint-capable military forces. * On December 31, 2015, the People's Republic of China (PRC, or China) began a sweeping military reorganization and reform program. The stated objective of this program was to produce a "joint force" capable of fighting and winning China's future wars. This development raised a number of intriguing questions. ... more »
History Horrors: How Hitler's Nazi Germany Could Have Won World War II
*Robert Farley* *Security, * Not as hard as you think. *This declaration did not simply apply to U.S. territorial waters. The United States would escort convoys filled with military equipment to Europe with surface ships and anti-submarine craft, firing at will against any German submarines, ships or planes that they encountered.* What if Germany had never declared war on the United States during World War II? Scholars and analysts have long wondered whether this represented one of the great “what-ifs” of World War II; could the Germans have kept the United States out of the ... more »
Watch a Libyan Militia Pair a Humvee with a Large 90mm Cannon
*Task and Purpose* *Technology, Middle East* [image: https://twitter.com/ToyotaWars/status/1115038987532546049?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1115038987532546049&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftaskandpurpose.com%2Flibya-technical-humvee-90mm-cannon] You have to see it to believe it. There's really only one message you can send when you roll up in your neighborhood with a 90mm cannon on the back of your vehicle: I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick butt...and I'm all out of bubblegum. A Humvee with what appears to be a heavily-modified turret from an armored ca... more »
Top 25: 5 Best Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, Bombers and Fighter Jets
*James Holmes, Robert Farley* *Security, * The list you have been waiting for. *That's why in the end, debating Jane's Fighting Ships entries -- lists of statistics -- for Iowa, Yamato, and their brethren from other times and places fails to satisfy. * *(This is a series of 5 pieces combined for your reading pleasure that have ranked as some of our most popular ever.)* *5 Best Battleships:* Ranking the greatest battleships of all time is a tad easier than ranking naval battles. Both involve comparing apples with oranges. But at least taking the measure of individual men-of-war... more »
All Hell Would Break Loose: Why a U.S.-China War Would Be All Sorts of Awful
*Robert Farley* *Security, Asia* It would be scary, to say the least. *If the history of World War I gives any indication, the PLA will not allow the United States to fully mobilize in order to either launch a first strike, or properly prepare to receive a first blow.* How does the unthinkable happen? As we wind our way to the 100th anniversary of the events that culminated in World War I, the question of unexpected wars looms large. What series of events could lead to war in East Asia, and how would that war play out? The United States and China are inextricably locked in the ...more »
Scott Morrison's Government fired up over vegan trespasses as federal election looms
Australia's most senior politicians have spent a week weighing into a farm trespass battle in a bid to bolster their credentials ahead of the election, but it's got little to do with wooing farmers.
'A night of colossal victory': Benjamin Netanyahu gets record fifth term as Israeli PM
Just In - 9 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secures a clear path to re-election, with religious-rightist parties set to hand him a parliamentary majority despite a close contest from his centrist challenger.
A new species of human has been announced thanks to a handful of bones
Not everyone's convinced, but the findings underscore South-East Asia as a rival for Africa when it comes to hominin evolution.
Mars methane mystery thickens as newest probe fails to find the gas
Last week, the Mars Express mission reported that it detected a methane plume on the Red Planet but now, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter found its atmosphere is all but devoid of the gas. So what's going on?
Japanese F-35 wreckage found in Pacific, but authorities are scrambling to find missing pilot
Just In - 9 hours ago
Search and rescue teams found wreckage from a crashed Japanese F-35 stealth fighter in the Pacific Ocean close to northern Japan, but authorities continue searching for the missing pilot.
NYC Mandatory Measles Vaccination Violates NY State Law, CHD Challenges Legality.
Yesterday, 60 New York vaccine safety advocates and religious leaders visited the office of Assembly member Jeffrey Dinowitz, author of A2371, a bill that would eliminate religious vaccine exemptions state wide. CHD PRESS RELEASE, NEW YORK, April 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The New York City Commissioner of Health declared a public health emergency yesterday, ordering all people who live, […] The post NYC Mandatory Measles Vaccination Violates NY State Law, CHD Challenges Legality. appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
2:00PM Water Cooler 4/10/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51 “They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune 2020 Gravel: The Democratic Party must be the party of righteous fury at what our country has become. […]
UK-Based Multinational Department Store Debenhams Collapses After 200 Years of Trading. Thank Private Equity
Debenhams follows the sad and well trodden path of retailers bought by private equity firms.
The Plot Of The Week - Multiple Pentaquark Candidates
It is a bit embarrassing to post here a graph of boring elementary particle signals, when the rest of the blogosphere is buzzing after the release of the first real black hole image from the Event Horizon collaboration. So okay, before going into pentaquarks, below is the image of the black hole at the center of M87, a big elliptical galaxy 54 million light years away. read more
40 Years Later, Jean-Pierre Luminet's Black Hole Image Looks Surprisingly Accurate
Published in 1979 in Astronomy and Astrophysics, it had a worldwide impact, especially since this type of object was still highly theoretical. It was not an artist's view but an image based on the then supposed physical properties of a black hole and its gas disc, such as its rotation rate and temperature, and on Einstein's general theory of relativity. read more
Hannity: “An Avalanche Is Coming”
Tuesday night (4/9) Sean Hannity TV program. Watch at least the opening monologue, as Sean sets the pins right on their spots in the Deep State alley: Popcorn, wings and beer will be provided courtesy ‘Nox and Friends. — SafeSpace —
Stop Holding Free Speech Hostage
Demand Social Media Platforms and Search Engines be charged with Election Meddling and Racketeering Time For The FEDS To Charge Twitter, Facebook, Google And YouTube With Election Meddling And Racketeering As ‘Big Tech’ Purge Of Conservatives Continues Ahead Of 2020 Election All News Pipeline Stefan Stanford April 9, 2019 “Facebook bans Faith Goldy and ‘dangerous’ alt-right groups” in this new story over at CBC, [“Facebook bans Faith Goldy and ‘dangerous’ alt-right groups”] they report that Facebook has once again launched a massive purge of Conservative voices from their platform, ... more »
Is This a Japanese Giant Emperor Moth?
Toys and figurines are confused for real animals at surprising rate.
Was Mr. Rogers Bisexual?
Remarks the late children's television show host reportedly made in casual conversation with a friend prompted the posthumous celebration of Mr. Rogers as a 'bisexual icon.'
Musical Interlude: Elton John, “Your Starter For”
Elton John, “Your Starter For”
Presdient Trump Unleashed: Russia Probe Was 'Illegal' And Its Organizers And Leaders Were Guilty Of 'Treason'
*Daily Mail:* *'This was an attempted coup!' Trump says organizers of 'illegal' Mueller probe committed 'treason' as he tells reporters he hasn't read the report and doesn't care what it says because 'I won'* * President took an angry victory lap as Attorney General Bill Barr prepares to release Mueller report * Told reporters at the White House that the Russia probe was 'illegal' and its organizers and leaders were guilty of 'treason' * 'This was an attempted coup. An attempt to take down the president. And we beat them,' he said at the White House * The president said he hopes Ba... more »
Pilots say that "Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing"
This one . . . not so much. On 3 April, a Spanish Air Force EADS Casa C-295 made a very bumpy landing at the airfield of Santa Cilia-Los Pirineos. The aircraft failed to slow down, went of the runway and fell into lower ground. A total of nine injured people were reported, one of the pilots received severe head injuries. Here's video of the landing. You'll need to watch in full-screen mode to see any details - the photographer didn't zoom in on the plane. It looks like the pilot(s) screwed up big-time. I haven't seen pictures of the aircraft after it came to rest, but looki... more »
U.S. Attorney General Barr: I Think FBI ‘Spying Did Occur’ On Trump Campaign
*Daily Mail:* *Bill Barr says 'spying DID occur' against Trump’s 2016 election campaign and tells senators he wants to know if it was 'adequately predicated'* * Barr testified in the Senate during his second day in the Capitol * He was asked about his statement that he was reviewing FBI conduct * He told senators he was looking at surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016 * His comment came shortly after Trump complained of an 'attempted coup' and blasted the Mueller investigation as 'illegal' * The president also invoked 'treason' * Barr said 'spying did occur' and that 'spying' ... more »
Roundup, Monsanto, Cancer, Golf Courses, Hidden Secrets
*Jon Rappoport* - A variety of toxic products are employed on golf courses.
The War Against The War On Drugs - With Guest Jacob Sullum
If hemp's now legal, why are people still getting arrested? Reason Magazine Senior Editor and civil liberties champion Jacob Sullum joins today's Liberty Report to look at some of the darker corners of the drug war...and to give us a preview of next month's Ron Paul Institute conference, Winning the War on the War on Drugs. For more information click here.
Theodekti ponders hell, a terrible image captured on local TV
A* tormented looking Theodekti?* *Perhaps aware that she is about to go to hell for her many crimes in a video shot about a week ago.* *She talks about the mosaics depicting Judas in the old monastery she restored from a sum of money she suddenly obtained in 2015, likely her 30 pieces of silver for handing me over to the NWO to be murdered.* *If it had not been for the grace and mercy of God orchestrating a thousands of coincidences, I would have died a very horrible death four years ago, dear readers, thanks to this woman and you would likely all have been wiped out in a false f... more »
"We are looking at...the gates of hell", Astrophysicist on the first ever pictures of a black hole
*An astonishing article containing facts, evidence which overlaps with what many spiritual sources, including St Paisios, have said about "hell", that region outside of time, outside of the material world which sucks in matter for it never to reappear again.* *In this life, in this world, we chose God or Satan, heaven or hell.* *There is no end to our immortal soul.* *We must chose what is good, right and true if we are to escape a truly dreadful fate.* *But we should chose good not out of fear of hell, however, well founded, or out of the desire to go to paradise, however reasonab... more »
‘It’s a War Zone’: New York Orders Forced Vaccination, Those Who Resist Face Charges
[image: vaccines]New York officials will be tracking down the unvaccinated, including children as young as 6-months-old, and force vaccinating them. Resisters will be charged or fined.
Cops Invaded an Innocent Alzheimer’s Patient’s Home, Broke His Neck and Killed Him
[image: alzheimer's]While responding to an unrelated noise complaint, police in Washington invaded the home of an innocent Alzheimer's patient and broke his neck.
The Green New Deal and the “World’s Dumbest Energy Policy”
The Democrats’ latest promise to fuel America’s economy from “100 percent clean, renewable, zero-emission” sources within a decade, while eliminating… The post The Green New Deal and the “World’s Dumbest Energy Policy” appeared first on IER.
*Bishop Messinias Chrysstomos, from team Christian Orthodox church, has warned that a fake church suddenly insisting on using the "Macedonian" language in liturgies is a Trojan horse to push the NWO agenda of creating a new, Slavic speaking republic under George Soros. * *There is no significant ethnic speaking Slavic group in the Greek region of Macedonia. A sprinkling of a few thousand people came a few hundred years ago to the Greek speaking region and are based mainly in Pella and Florina.* *But the BBC has already begun the fake narrative of a suppressed ethnic Macedonian gro... more »
The Timely Disposition of Certiorari Petitions
In May 2018, a petition for certiorari was filed in *Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda*, which presents the following question: "Whether the prohibition in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000-e2(a)(1), against employment discrimination 'because of . . . sex' encompasses discrimination based on an individual's sexual orientation." This is a difficult question on which the circuits are divided. What has the Supreme Court with this petition? Nothing. Why not? Who knows. It's been nearly a year since the petition was filed. The parties deserve an answer. The Co... more »
Smears, Laws, Lack of Cooperation: Tools Against Activists
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
BELGRADE, Apr 10 (IPS) - This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which will be the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW), sponsored by CIVICUS, and scheduled to take place in Belgrade, April 8-12.The murder of Brazilian politician and human rights activist Marielle Franco just over a year ago and attacks on other rights activists around the world have galvanised civil society organisations, with the United Nations heightening its own strategy to protect rights defenders. Read the full story, “Smears, Laws, Lack of Coo... more »
Staying Cool is Creating a Vicious Cycle on our Warming Planet
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 10 (IPS) - Joyce Msuya is Acting Executive Director, UN EnvironmentOur planet is heating up. 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, with peak temperatures engulfing the planet – from 43°C in Baku, Azerbaijan, to the low 30s across Scandinavia. The last four years have been the hottest since records began in 1880. Read the full story, “Staying Cool is Creating a Vicious Cycle on our Warming Planet”, on globalissues.org →
Civil Society, Once the “World’s New Superpower,” is Battling Against Heavy Odds
Global Issues News Headlines - 11 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 10 (IPS) - This article is part of a series on the state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which is the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW), sponsored by CIVICUS, and currently taking place in Belgrade, concluding April 12. A former UN Secretary-General, the late Kofi Annan, once described civil society organizations (CSOs), as "the world's new superpower" – perhaps ranking behind the US and the former Soviet Union. Read the full story, “Civil Society, Once the “World’s New Superpower,” is Battling Against Heavy Odds”, on globalissues.org →
Kremlin agent AG Barr begins attempt to jail FBI agents uncovering collusion using lawfare
*If you are a moron, and despite all your bribery and blackmail attempts, so much evidence ends up in the Mueller report that you are Putin Illuminati bankster agent, that you can't release the report and can't justify blacking it out, what do you do?* *Derr...You start a plan which is bound to fail...* *From Zerohedge* *Attorney General William Barr has assembled an internal team at the Justice Department to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by DOJ and FBI officials - including actions taken in the summer of 2016, according to Bloomberg, which cites a person... more »
*China can win hearts and minds in Greece using my case Delta 15 218 proving the corruption and depopulation plans of Alexis Tsipras, George Soros and other eugenicist Globalists.* *It can help a team patriot party to win the elections and start a new chapter in the relations of the two countries.* *Greece is small country but with a key geostrategic location and a long history of innovation and creativity. It can partner China as a knowledge generator.* *From Zerohedge* *The challenges for Chinese enterprises to succeed in managing BRI projects is not showering the dollars and ... more »
Greek newspaper criticizes Geoffrey Pyatt, US state department channels Stalin and Red Terror in response
*Geoffrey Pyatt, the NWO's fixer in the Ukraine and Greece, has been critized for meddling in Greece's domestic affairs by a newspaper, prompting an aggressive and libellous attack by the state department.* *Documents from 2014 proof that George Soros ruled the Ukraine in 2014 through Geoffrey Pyatt. What has changed in Greece under Alexis Tsipras whose policies, not to mention verifiable crimes, are all in alignment with George Soros?* https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-20/leaked-memo-proves-soros-ruled-ukraine-2014-minutes-%E2%80%9Cbreakfast-us-ambassador-pyatt%E2%80%9D From ... more »
Candace Owens Condemns Smear and Dishonest Politics on Race
[image: candace-owens-condemns-use-of-race-for-politics] The attempted smear of black conservative Candace Owens at a political hearing in Congress powerfully demonstrates how far the Left will go to advance its agenda.
Millennials for Socialism
[image: millennials-for-socialism] If one needed evidence of the gross ignorance of millennials, and their teachers and college professors, it’s their solid support for socialism and socialist presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Man Claims NYC Officials Are Abetting Neighbor’s Theft of His Property
[image: man-claims-nyc-officials-are-abetting-neighbor-s-theft-of-his-property] A man’s home is supposed to be his castle. But this is no longer the case in New York City, according to a Brooklyn man who says that Big Apple officials are aiding and abetting a next-door neighbor’s attempt to steal his property.
Are “Delusional” Democrats Heading for a McGovern-like Defeat in 2020?
[image: are-delusional-democrats-heading-for-a-mcgovern-like-defeat-in-2020] The Democrats are delusional, a former Democratic Senator says, if they think the Mueller report will prove that President Trump is guilty of a crime, or the party’s near open socialism is required to beat Trump in 2020.
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s Ride Tracking Pilot is Out of Control
By Nathan Sheard The Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) is about to make a bad privacy situation worse, and it’s urgent that Los Angeles... more »
Kammenos warns NWO are stacking Greek defence ministry with WW3 fixers, new chief of staff appointed by Merkel dangerous
*From Ekathimerini* *The leader of the nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, Panos Kammenos, whipped up a storm of sorts on Tuesday, hinting that his successor at the Defense Ministry, Evangelos Apostolakis, was being sidelined by his alternate minister, Panagiotis Rigas, and the chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff (GES), Giorgos Kambas.* *Speaking to Open TV Tuesday, Kammenos said that “dangerous things are going on at the Defense Ministry.”* *“It’s got nothing to do with Apostolakis. He has been supplanted by Rigas who acts like a commissar at the Defense Ministry,” sai... more »
*The NWO should leave the African people along, can now turn to China and ask for help from these persistent, horrendous biological warfare attacks.* *From The Express* *She explained: "We need to adapt our approach and give choices back to patients, involving them actively. * *“People in this region have been suffering for many years from a general lack of healthcare and from insecurity and violence, and Ebola is not necessarily their priority. * *“We need to think of tackling Ebola as part of the overall provision of healthcare.* *“The use of coercion has created animosity towards ... more »
"AM Economic Market Snapshot"
• Gregory Mannarino, "Todays Big Secret You're Not Supposed To Know" - https://www.traderschoice.net/ • Rethinking The Dollar, "The Unemployment Rate Will Skyrocket Off The Charts" • MarketWatch Market Summary - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary • CNN Market Data: - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ CNN Fear And Greed Index: - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/
*A trial balloon for the roll out of forced measles vaccines across the USA and globe is underway in Brooklyn among Orthodox Jews, who do not take vaccines for religious reasons and can get exemptions.* *From The New York Times* *Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency that would require unvaccinated individuals living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to receive the measles vaccine. The mayor said the city would issue violations and possibly fines of $1,000 for those who did not comply.* *https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/09/nyregion/measles-vaccination-williamsburg.html*
8 years after Hillary & Sarkozy destroyed Libya, new war aims to unify country (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 136. The post 8 years after Hillary & Sarkozy destroyed Libya, new war aims to unify country (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Pre-Emptive War on China, Russia, India as the ONLY Solution to Climate Change?
*UPDATE: April 10/2019: IT'S SNOWING.* *In an allegedly warming world it is snowing. I'm watching it fall as I type and it's been snowing for about 15 minutes now- It's just hovering above the freezing mark.* *But hey carbon was supposed to make it hot, hot, hot (rolls eyes)* *Just left a comment for geofish who is not to far away from me- read his latest post: Continued Cold* *An oped from the Heartland Institute* *Read each and every word below (the beginning paragraphs are available at the link) * *Ponder the glorious propaganda that is contained within:* *-Understand how the cli... more »
*There is an alternative to foreclosure and that is debt cancellation as outlined in the Jerome Daly versus First National Bank and as put into practise when banks give their "bad loans" to banksters like Steve Mnuchin for a pittance instead of allowing home owners to buy their mortgages for a few dollars.* *https://de.scribd.com/document/27036828/Jerome-Daly-vs-First-National-Bank-of-Montgomery* *If the Dems want to win 2020 and set the USA back on the path of prosperity, peace and freedom, they should campaign for a state central bank like China and debt cancellation, a vital fin... more »
The Geopolitics Of Oil In The Trump Era
The United States have become the leading world producer of hydrocarbons. As from now, they are using their dominant position exclusively to maximise their profits, and do not hesitate to eliminate their major rivals in oil production, plunging their citizens into misery.
Editor's Note
Doing my taxes today and tomorrow. Blogging will be light until tomorrow afternoon.. World News Briefs will be posted at 18:00 EST today.
Walrus Deaths Were Due To Polar Bears – Andrew Montford
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: Andrew Montford has followed up the Netflix walrus porn story, with a damning piece for the Spectator: Over the weekend, social media and the newspapers were full of stories of Pacific walruses plunging over sea cliffs to their deaths. Heart-wrenching film…
Scientists Drill For “Oldest Ice On Earth” To Unlock Mystery Of Ancient Earth’s Changing Climate
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Credit: British Antarctic Survey The EPICA ice cores clearly showed CO2 lagging behind temperature increases – probably by centuries. But observed effects aren’t supposed to precede alleged causes. European scientists from 10 countries have spent years scouring the Antarctic ice sheet with one ambition in mind: to drill for the oldest-ever ice…
"Do Americans Know How Weird and Extreme Their Collapse is Getting?"
*"Do Americans Know How Weird and Extreme Their Collapse is Getting?"* Even the Dark Ages Would Laugh at Where We’re Going by Umair Haque "Here’s a tiny question. Do Americans know how extreme, bizarre, and weird American collapse is getting? How far off the charts it is? Forget the charts of “normal” - I mean the charts of history. Even the Dark Ages, ancient Rome, and the barbarians might laugh, astonished, at the backwardness of America in 2019. Doubt me? Indulge me - while I prove it. Consider a tiny but telling and particularly awful example. There’s was a GOP candidate in Nort... more »
MMT advocates and their misrepresenations and the threat of hyperinflation
*From my brief reading about MMT, it is a description of the private fractional reserve banking system and not a prescription of how to correct the problem.* *A government printing its way out of debt, as some MMT advocates appear to seek, is a recipe for hyperinflation.* *Debts have to be cancelled as part of a system reset and the central bank has to switch to a state bank issuing money as a service to facilitate trade and able to use interest rates to control inflation.* *From Zerohedge* *Over the past week, some of the best known Wall Street strategists have also opined on MMT,... more »
Former Rothschild banker Macron trying to force no deal Brexit to be kept in check by EU politicians ( in fear of China and their lives), according to Telegraph
*Let's see.* *Only two days left to a no deal Brexit.* *From The Telegraph* *Emmanuel Macron will find himself isolated at tonight’s European Union summit in Brussels, after overplaying his hand by threatening Britain with a no deal Brexit.* *There is no appetite among the rest of the EU’s heads of state and governments, mindful of the economic and political damage of no deal, to kick Britain out of the EU.* *The debate among the EU-27 leaders will centre on the length of Brexit extension to be offered to Theresa May, rather than whether to wash their hands of the UK entirely.* *ht... more »
Vaud, Switzerland Joins Brussels in Adopting 5G Moratorium
By B.N. Frank The Telecom Industry has admitted there are no studies that show 5G wireless technology is safe. Since 2017 200+ doctors and scientists... more »
Death Toll Rises to Ten After Rio’s Heavy Rains
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The number of victims of Monday night’s heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro rose to ten yesterday as firefighters located a missing taxi with three people onboard that was buried under tons of mud, two residents of the Babilônia community, and two people in […] The post Death Toll Rises to Ten After Rio’s Heavy Rains appeared first on The Rio Times.
In-Depth: Bolsonaro Targets Deadly Gangs Run From Brazil’s Prisons
By Gabriel Stargardter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Before Brazilian prosecutors could conduct an inspection last year of the prison considered the country’s worst, its warden had to clear their visit with the jail’s de facto authorities: in-house prison gangs. As Brazil’s incarcerated population has surged eight-fold in three decades to around 750,000 inmates, the […] The post In-Depth: Bolsonaro Targets Deadly Gangs Run From Brazil’s Prisons appeared first on The Rio Times.
Oregon’s SB-978 Gun Control Bill Is So Hysterically Restrictive That PEPPER SPRAY Is a Felony
By Daisy Luther A new gun control bill introduced in the Oregon State Legislature added 45 pages of draconian amendments the night before the vote.... more »
Why Mohammed bin Salman May Not Want More Reform
*Paul R. Pillar* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Saudi Arabia's crown prince will keep his 2030 goals as window dressing in the West, as part of an effort to repolish his image as a reformer, but he will not actively seek political reform. The image in the West of Saudi crown prince and de facto ruler Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) certainly took a big hit with the slaying of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in a consulate in Istanbul. Many who had viewed MbS as an exciting young reformer came to see him more as a murderous thug. But MbS’s image within Saudi Arabia has not suffered... more »
Breaking news
First ever pic from inside the BBC Complaints department:
Veganism Round Table - Mark Devlin
Fried leaks in butter, are awesome. Technically I should be looking at a dairy cow alternative. Step by step. Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced
The U.S. Navy Let Me Aboard Their Most Powerful Aircraft Carrier Ever
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * Here is what I saw. *Ford seems to be delivering on the promise of a more efficient carrier that will take naval aviation into the future. Ford—which is based on the Nimitz-class hull form—restores weight and stability margins by reconfiguring the ship’s interior, though she displaces roughly 100,000-tons just like the CVN-68 class (Indeed, one officer noted that while a sea, Ford is much more sporty than the Nimitz thanks to her prodigious horsepower and reconfigured interiors). But more importantly, Ford adds improved survivability measures while ... more »
Missing in Action: Washington's Arctic Security Plan
*Geoff Upton* *Security, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] The arctic is increasingly becoming a major geopolitical flashpoint. Temperatures are rising inside the arctic circle. Earlier this month, the Russian government irked Washington by claiming sovereign rights over the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The waterway, which stretches from Russia’s border with Norway to the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska, is one of the world’s emerging trade arteries. A new law will require all foreign warships using the route to seek Russia’s permission at least forty-five days in advance, with re... more »
Nothing Better: These Are the 5 Best .45 Caliber and 9mm Guns on the Planet
Test Feed Using Fields - 11 hours ago
*Security, * What would you haven chosen? *The Tactical Carry also has a 3.5 to 4.5 pound trigger pull, fiber optic sights for shooting in low light conditions and a one-inch accuracy guarantee at ranges of twenty-five yards.* *(This is a series of two articles published last year that have been combined and reposted for your reading pleasure.)* *Top .45: * The .45 Automatic Colt Pistol round, or .45 ACP as it is commonly known, is fairly controversial. Invented in 1905 by prolific firearms designer John Moses Browning, the .45 ACP was the standard caliber of the Colt M1911 p... more »
Meet the New Taiwan: Trained for War and Ready to Fight
*Charles K. S. Wu, Austin Wang, Fang-Yu Chen* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] Many Taiwanese citizens consider their conscription experience useful for the battlefield, which translates into a higher level of willingness to self-defend the country. As China continues to threaten Taiwan with force, many, including the United States, are beginning to ponder if defending Taiwan is worth the cost. A major component of the suspicion is that it is unclear to many observes whether the military training in Taiwan could be counted on for the potential conflict. Conventional wisdom and a... more »
The Democratic Divide on Trump's Nuclear Weapons Plan
*Peter Harris* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] The question of nuclear spending is something of a weathervane for where the Democratic Party is headed on foreign policy and national security. Democratic control of the House of Representatives was always going to make it harder for President Donald Trump to secure funding for his preferred policy initiatives. So far, this has been most evident in the fight over whether to construct additional fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. But another funding battle looms, one with potentially far-reaching implications for national s... more »
The Path Forward in Iraq: What Richard K. Betts Thinks
*Richard K. Betts* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Huge sunk costs underwrite psychological incentives for persistence, but cold economic calculation reminds us that sunk costs never justify increased investment. *Editor’s Note: This is a submitted response to *The National Interest’s* symposium on Iraq after sixteen years of war. Check out all the responses we are gathering **here**. * President George W. Bush invaded Iraq to benefit both American national security and the Iraqi people. For the first goal, the main accomplishment after sixteen years, at a cost of hundr... more »
Navy Dream Come True: F-35s and Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers Together In Battle
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * What you should know. *By 2025, the Navy's aircraft carrier-based air wings will consist of a mix of F-35C, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, EA-18G Growlers electronic attack aircraft, E-2D Hawkeye battle management and control aircraft, MH-60R/S helicopters and Carrier Onboard Delivery logistics aircraft such as the Navy Osprey tiltrotor aircraft variant.* The Navy’s first-of-its-kind carrier-launched F-35C has been conducting aerial maneuvers, weapons integration, “cyclical” flight take-off missions and other war operations from the flight deck of a Nimitz-... more »
Florida Department of Health emails show agency struggled to manage toxic algae crisis
Last year, the toxic algae fouling Southwest Florida’s inland waterways and coastline made it difficult for people to not only enjoy our amazing state but for health officials to answer questions they themselves didn’t always feel able to answer (or want to, for that matter). Residents and visitors alike wanted to know if Caloosahatchee blue […] The post Florida Department of Health emails show agency struggled to manage toxic algae crisis appeared first on Health Nut News.
In Norway electric vehicles outsold gasoline cars for first time in history and other EV success stories
One way to boost the ecological benefits of driving an EV even further is to manufacture these cars using net carbon zero techniques. Audi’s factory in Brussels aims to do just that. RELATED STORY: Mercedes Unveils Concept for Electric Lineup Electric cars are coming on like gangbusters, as ranges increase and prices fall dramatically. Here […] The post In Norway electric vehicles outsold gasoline cars for first time in history and other EV success stories appeared first on Health Nut News.
WikiLeaks claims Julian Assange was subject of spying at Ecuadorian embassy
Just In - 12 hours ago
WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange has been the subject of a sophisticated spying operation in London's Ecuadorean embassy where he has been holed up since 2012.
Laura Tingle on three decades of political reporting and being a woman in the press gallery
"You've got to always be asking 'have I been fair?' But sometimes you've also got to be prepared to call it and say this is outrageous," says Laura Tingle, reflecting on what it takes to be a good political journalist.
Quantifying the policy space for regulating capital flows in trade and investment treaties
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 The international trade and investment treaty regime is increasingly restricting the policy space for regulating cross-border financial flows, study finds.
A confident opinion, a looming decision
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 Many countries have become wary of the system and are restructuring or terminating their investment agreements. This is the ambience in which the Court of Justice will decide whether the CETA is compatible with EU law.
Les litiges entre Etat et entreprises doivent « ressortir des seuls tribunaux nationaux »
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 Seuls les Etats du pays dont dépend l'investisseur étranger devraient pouvoir saisir une justice spécialisée sur le sujet des investissements, si la loi nationale ou la décision des autorités publiques s'avère contraire à un accord international signé.
Trump promised a new trade policy. But his new NAFTA might be worse than the old one
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 The intensifying debate over the renegotiated NAFTA that President Trump is seeking to rebrand as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) suggests that the president's trade policy is not so different from those of his predecessors.
Le Parlement va continuer à prendre son temps avant de ratifier l'APE, selon Gary Bodeau
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 Pour Gary Bodeau, entrer dans l'APE dans tête baissée va entraîner un effet boule de neige compte tenu de l'existence des secteurs dans lesquels l'économie haïtienne est compétitive, et d'autres dans lesquels elle ne l'est pas.
Que se passe-t-il avec le nouvel ALENA?
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
10-Apr-2019 L'ALENA 2.0 est mort dans sa forme actuelle sauf si Trump offre aux démocrates des concessions, affirme l'ex-ambassadeur américain au Canada. Cédera-t-il à temps pour que le nouvel accord entre en vigueur avant les élections canadiennes?
New Candidate Alert: Meet Marqus Cole (GA-07)
Georgia's 7th congressional district-- small towns and suburbs in Gwinnett and Forsyth counties northwest of Atlanta-- is going to be an election hot house next year. It's been a red district for a long time that's turning purple. McCain won it with about 60% and so did Romney. Trump won it as well, but his margin was narrower: 51.1% to 44.8%. Then last year, Stacey Abrams won the district by just over 1,700 votes. A weaker Democratic congressional challenger, Carolyn Bourdeaux, did well too-- but not well enough to win the seat. Well, enough, though, to scare the Republican incum... more »
“Blatant Violation of the First Amendment”: Public Citizen Sues Betsy DeVos for Censoring Its Website
By Jake Johnson (CD) – Public Citizen sued Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday for allegedly blocking access to the consumer group’s website on her department’s guest Wi-Fi and... more »
“Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, nor care beyond today.” - Thomas Gray, "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/
The Number Of Job Openings In The U.S. Dropped By More Than Half A Million In Just One Month
By Michael Snyder According to the Labor Department, the number of job openings in the United States just plunged by the largest amount we have... more »
We were forced to purchase the Penguin translation!
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019Sadly, Gray Davis missed out:* According to Penguin Classics, Kierkegaard's famous text, The Sickness unto Death, is "one of the most remarkable philosophical works of the nineteenth century." What the heck! Now that we've got your attention, here's the entire synopsis: PENGUIN CLASSICS: One of the most remarkable philosophical works of the nineteenth century, The Sickness Unto Death is also famed for the depth and acuity of its modern psychological insights. Writing under the pseudonym Anti-Climacus, *Kierkegaard explores the concept of "despair," alert... more »
San Francisco Exposed: Homelessness Has Become an Industry. Shelter Plan Sparks ‘Not In My Backyard’ (NIMBY) Row
San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities in the country, but dependency on the government has expanded the homelessness problem and an industry around vagrancy has been created.
Netanyahu Says He Asked Trump to Designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a Terrorist Group – Which He Did
President Trump declared Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization, as requested by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says those who support Netanyahu understand that there will be consequences for US forces in the region.
NY Mayor Bill DeBlasio Declares Health Emergency over Measles. Vaccine Now Mandatory or $1000 Fine
Mayor Bill DeBlasio declared a public health emergency to address the measles “crisis” in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg community. The declaration requires all unvaccinated people who may have been exposed to the virus to get the triple MMR vaccine, or face a fine of $1000.
Iran not responding to Israeli attacks in Syria to avoid escalation
The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) do not respond to Israel’s attacks on their positions in Syria to avoid further escalation in the crisis-torn country, Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, the head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian parliament, told Sputnik. “Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu has repeatedly said that his country […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
India to purchase new Russian T-90 tanks amid ongoing conflict with Pakistan
The Indian government has made a decision to purchase an extra batch of T-90 tanks for its armed forces. Russia is prepared to prolong the corresponding license, the federal service for military-technical cooperation told TASS. “Russia is prepared for prolonging the license and building up the production of T-90 tanks in India in connection with […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Iraq arrests ISIS member that helped carry out 2014 Speicher Massacre
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:40 P.M.) – The Iraqi security forces have arrested one of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) members that helped carry out the 2014 Speicher Massacre of over 1,500 Iraqi cadets and military personnel in the Salaheddine Governorate. The Islamic State member has since been transferred to the competant authorities where he will be tried […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Iranian President warns US of ‘catastrophes’, defends IRGC
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned Washington of “catastrophes” it might face if the US goes further than labelling Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terror organisation, speaking at a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday. He also assumed that such US move coincided with the elections to the Israeli Knesset in order to support a […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russian military withdraws from key town in northern Aleppo, Syrian Army warns Turkey to stay away
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – The Russian military has officially withdrawn from the key town of Tal Rifa’at in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate. This move by the Russian military comes just a week after they conducted joint patrols with the Turkish armed forces in the Tal Rifa’at area. Despite the Russian withdrawal, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
ISIS launches ‘Operation Vengeance for Sham’ in several countries
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) has launched a new operation to wreak havoc on six countries where they are still present. According to the terrorist group’s media wing, the Islamic State’s operation has been dubbed “Vengeance for Sham”; it is focused on six countries: Syria, Libya, Egypt, Niger, Somalia, and Iraq. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Turkey mulling purchase of Russian Su-57 instead of US F-35
Ankara will find a substitute for the US F-35 fighter jets if the United States refuses to deliver the aircraft to Turkey over the purchase of the Russian S-400 air defence systems, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday. “There are F-35, but there are also aircraft manufactured in Russia. If we are not able to purchase […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
A mega development on Lake Banook shows that the Centre Plan is a cruel joke
News 1. Mercury, Canso Chemicals, Northern Pulp Mill Facilities associated with Northern Pulp Mill’s proposed effluent pipe are immediately adjacent to a mercury-contaminated toxic waste site left over from the Canso Chemicals operation. Joan Baxter explains: The Canso Chemicals plant opened in 1970, and for the next 22 years used large amounts of mercury to […]
"The Oldest Story in the World"
*"The Oldest Story in the World"* By Doug “Uncola” Lynn "There was a woman who once shone. In her glory, she was the envy of men the world over. During the spring of her life she lived free; even carefree. But soon, the men who lusted after her great wealth and beauty took her, leaving her defiled. Although dishonored, the woman retained a spark within. Yet she couldn’t find her way back alone. She needed someone. Someone who remembered her former glory and how she was; someone who loved her and wanted to see her made great once more. As if designated by destiny, her prayers were s... more »
Scientists Reveal First Image Ever Made of a Black Hole
"Science fiction has become science fact."
Deputies Respond to Home Invasion, Find Robot Vacuum Cleaner
A house sitter called 911, saying someone was inside the bathroom.
Democrats Prepare Border Bills, Say Trump Enflamed Problem
One bill is expected to increase federal resources at border entry points for processing refugees, counseling children and treating people needing medical care.
Barr to Testify Before the Senate as Mueller’s Report Looms
The hearing is about his department's budget, but senators are expected to be more interested in the nearly 400-page report that has yet to be released.
Twitter Removes Trump Video for Use of ‘Dark Knight’ Score
Warner Bros. said use of the score from the Batman movie starring Christian Bale was "unauthorized."
Brexit Update - What happens when Democracy Dies
*UPDATE: April 10, 2019* - According to the BBC, just today the EU has allowed the UK an extension until *October 31, 2019 *to come up with an actual* PLAN* for BREXIT. Surely, that gives the UK plenty of time to massage the issue so that* it will go away.* * Teresa May Requesting Brexit Extension from Macron* *Steve Bell Cartoon* The Brexit Crisis in the UK goes on and on and on. Teresa May, who has failed time after time trying to pass legislation regarding the *democratically passed initiative* through Parliament...STILL is in her position of Prime Minister. She is nationall... more »
Ancestry Websites Giving FBI Access to DNA Data; WikiLeaks Reveals CODIS Database Gifted To Other Countries; DHS Rolling Out Rapid DNA Nationwide
By Aaron Kesel The FBI is abusing ancestry genealogy websites by tapping into their DNA data. What’s worse, these companies are giving up users’ data... more »
Security In Iraq Apr 1-7, 2019
(Shafaaq News) Violence was up in Iraq during the first week of April 2019, but it was still at a low level compared to the last sixteen years. Attacks were spread out across all of central and western Iraq, and there was a car bomb as well. There were 20 incidents from April 1-7. That compared to attacks being in the teens for every week of March. Diyala with 8 incidents led the country. Iraq is still witnessing the lowest levels of violence since 2003 largely due to the Islamic State regrouping and likely holding off on carrying out operations. *Security Incidents In Iraq By P... more »
This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 10
1941 London ordered India to send forces to Shaiba air base in Basra and Basra City 1941 British expeditionary force put together in India to be sent to Iraq to deal with PM Gaylani 1941 PM Gayalni convened parliament and asked it to pick new Regent Selected Sharif Sharaf veteran of Arab revolt and relative of Hashemite family 1941 PM Gaylani gave speech at parliament that his govt would honor Anglo-Iraq Treaty of 1930 to stall British action against him 1941 Hitler decided to give military aid to Iraq 1941 Italian ambassador to Iraq said Golden Square coup sign Iraq believed Axi... more »
Data Collection Standards in Privacy Legislation: Proposed Language
Source: Flickr/Beyond DC As a proponent of baseline federal privacy legislation, I am encouraged that proposals that would have been poison not long ago, such as individual rights to see, correct and delete data as well as new authority for the Federal Trade Commission, are drawing wide support now. But some crucial and difficult issues remain wide open. In a recent Brookings paper looking at early draft privacy bills that include some of the proposals, I observed that “thinking about how to address standards for behavior in U.S. legislation—how data is collected, used, and share... more »
"America’s Real National Emergency"
*"America’s Real National Emergency"* By Bill Bonner PARIS – "Donald Trump thinks there’s a national emergency on America’s southern border. Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio was on 60 Minutes over the weekend; he thinks American capitalism is such a mess – and that inequality of wealth is so skewed – that the president should call a national emergency to fix it. But the real emergency lies elsewhere. *Hard Habit to Break: *We left off yesterday by noting that the masses didn’t feel they should have to worry about deficits and debt. They’ve been told that deficits don’t matter. And governmen... more »
'Hell awaits you': Israel Folau referred to rugby integrity unit over social media posts
Just In - 12 hours ago
Rugby Australia denounces online comments by Wallabies star Israel Folau, who warned homosexuals, drunks, adulterers and other 'sinners' are destined for hell.
THE SEVEN PERCENT COLLUSION: The Times supports the mayor's plan!
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019Gay doesn't want winners and losers:* The New York City Public School face a very large problem. So do our public schools all across the nation. That very large problem is defined by data like these—data you will *never* see in the New York Times: *Average scores, Grade 8 mathNew York City Public Schools, 2017 Naep* White students: 290.71 Black students: 255.63 Hispanic students: 263.56 Asian-American students: 306.03 *Average scores, Grade 8 mathPublic schools nationwide, 2017 Naep* White students: 292.16 Black students: 259.60 Hispanic students: 268.49 A... more »
Wednesday Morning Links
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - George Monbiot contrasts the message of neoliberalism as freedom against the reality that it imposes severe corporate control on anybody short of the billionaire class: (N)eoliberal theology, as well as seeking to roll back the state, insists that collective bargaining and other forms of worker power be eliminated (in the name of freedom, of course). So the marketisation and semi-privatisation of public services became not so much a means of pursuing efficiency as an instrument of control. Public-service workers are now subjected ... more »
Supermassive Black Hole At The Heart Of The Messier 87 Galaxy Revealed
An international team of over 200 scientists has captured the first direct images of a black hole. read more
Messier 87 — First Black Hole Image
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a black hole. Today, in coordinated press conferences across the globe, EHT researchers reveal that they have succeeded, unveiling the first direct visual evidence of a supermassive black hole and its shadow. The EHT links telescopes around the globe to form an Earth-sized virtual telescope with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. read more
Should Felons Vote?
The question is whether or not all felons are Democrats. The Democrat party (also known as the Donkey Party) is pushing hard to allow convicted prisoners (irrespective of citizenship) to vote in US elections. It begs the question. You have to admit that the assumption that underpins this push by the Democrats is that all convicts doing time -- are Democrats. It's nod difficult for me to take that leap, and agree that they probably are - for the most part. There's not much the Donkeys wouldn't do to grab a vote - from a tombstone, or a convicted felon, or an illegal alien. The "i... more »
Barr Forms Team To Investigate FBI Malfeasance During 2016 Election
Barr is looking into allegations that the investigation into President Trump and possible collusion with Russia was tainted at the start by anti-Trump bias in the FBI and Justice Department. The post Barr Forms Team To Investigate FBI Malfeasance During 2016 Election appeared first on The Duran.
Wikileaks accuses Ecuadorian embassy of ‘Extensive spying operation’ against Assange
Chelsea Manning, who leaked the sensitive documents which sparked Assange’s asylum saga, was arrested recently and jailed for reportedly failing to testify in a sealed case rumored to be against Assange. The post Wikileaks accuses Ecuadorian embassy of ‘Extensive spying operation’ against Assange appeared first on The Duran.
Documents Detailing Google’s ‘News Blacklist’ Show Manual Manipulation of Special Search Results
On the blacklist are a number of conservative sites. The post Documents Detailing Google’s ‘News Blacklist’ Show Manual Manipulation of Special Search Results appeared first on The Duran.
In-Depth: Under Brazil’s New Government Islamophobia Continues To Rise
By Xiu Ying, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – After the massacre in Christchurch, the Brazilian Muslim community is once again on high alert for possible attacks. On the same day as the massacre in New Zealand, the Abu Bakr Assidik Mosque, located in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, near São Paulo, […] The post In-Depth: Under Brazil’s New Government Islamophobia Continues To Rise appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s Bolsonaro: How’s He Doing After 100 Days? Part I: Foreign Affairs
Opinion by Michael Royster São Paulo, SP – On April 10, Jair Messias Bolsonaro will commemorate (or perhaps just remember) his first 100 days in office as Brazil’s President. It is customary for pollsters and pundits to analyze presidential performance and public opinion during that period; the Curmudgeon is unable to resist the temptation. A […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro: How’s He Doing After 100 Days? Part I: Foreign Affairs appeared first on The Rio Times.
EU Accused of Bearing Responsibility in Illegal Amazon Deforestation
By Xiu Ying, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – At least 2,500 indigenous people from the five regions of Brazil and representing more than 100 tribes are expected to gather in Brasília at the end of the month for the annual event Terra Livre. The two-day event, which starts on April 24th, will be […] The post EU Accused of Bearing Responsibility in Illegal Amazon Deforestation appeared first on The Rio Times.
Rio May Not Pay Back Debt to the Federal Government
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Even if the Fiscal Recovery Regime (RRF) is renewed until 2023, the debt of the State of Rio de Janeiro with the Union is unpayable unless there is a structural change in the economy of Rio de Janeiro, according to State Secretary for the Treasury […] The post Rio May Not Pay Back Debt to the Federal Government appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil Government to pay Petrobras USD 9 billion for Oil Contract Revision
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Brazilian government reached a landmark deal to pay state-controlled oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA US$ 9.058 billion for revising a transfer-of-rights oil contract, Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque said on Tuesday. Albuquerque told reporters after a meeting in Brasilia that the agreement opens the way […] The post Brazil Government to pay Petrobras USD 9 billion for Oil Contract Revision appeared first on The Rio Times.
Swiss Attorney General Refunds Millions to Brazil
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Crimefighters in Switzerland and Brazil pledged to intensify cooperation to resolve the sprawling corruption case linked to Brazilian state oil firm Petrobras in which around US$ 701 million (700 million Swiss francs) remain frozen in the alpine country. The Swiss Attorney Generals’ Office has so […] The post Swiss Attorney General Refunds Millions to Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times.
Ford Launches Layoff Program in Bahia
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Brazilian unit of Ford Motor Company said on Tuesday it was initiating a voluntary layoff program for its plant in Camaçari, in the northeast state of Bahia, with the goal of reducing the workforce it said was in excess to current needs. The company […] The post Ford Launches Layoff Program in Bahia appeared first on The Rio Times.
"Reparations for slavery" - duly skewered
I see the usual suspects are again yammering on about "reparations for slavery" that should (they claim) be paid to black Americans for the trials and tribulations of their forefathers. I think it's utter nonsense, because *those directly affected by slavery are no longer with us*. I'll gladly support reparations to anyone who was a slave under US law, even to anyone whose parents, or grandparents, or any living relative was a slave under US law - but I *won't* support reparations to those who have a more distant connection to it. Mike, blogging at Cold Fury, puts things in persp... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 10, 2019
The USS McCampbell and the HMS Argyll manoeuvre during an exercise in the South China Sea in January. Photo: US Navy/Reuters *SCMP:* *US, China ‘at greater risk of military incidents’ in South China Sea, Chinese think tank warns* * Chinese researchers say US military, including Indo-Pacific Command, has been given more decision-making authority by Trump administration * It comes amid an increase in the frequency and intensity of activities in the disputed waterway There may be a greater risk of incidents between the United States and Chinese navies in the South China Sea because th... more »
Cop Facing 10 Years After Horrifying Video Shows Him Try to Beat Handcuffed 16yo Boy to Death
[image: handcuffed]A West Virginia cop is headed to trial after horrifying video captured him savagely beating a tiny 16-year-old handcuffed boy who appeared unconscious.
RFK Jr. Launches Legal Challenge Against Mandatory Measles Vaccination in Brooklyn
In response to yesterdays announcement that those living in certain areas of Brooklyn would be required to get vaccinated if they haven't already done so, or face a fine of up to $1000 has been challenged by Robert Kennedy Jr. and his 'Childrens Health Defense' Organisation. The post RFK Jr. Launches Legal Challenge Against Mandatory Measles Vaccination in Brooklyn appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
On Ayn Rand’s Clean Shaven Acolytes
I don’t know of any major scholar of Ayn Rand’s objectivist school who is bearded or even has a mustache. Isn’t it strange that from 1958 (when Rand founded objectivism) till today, not a single man with facial hair has gained prominence in objectivism? In her book *Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right*, Jennifer Burns links the anti-facial hair trend in objectivist scholars to Rand’s personal preferences: Striving to become good Objectivists, Rand’s followers tried to conform to her every dictate, even those that were little more than personal preferences. Rand h... more »
MMT, Models, Multidisciplinarity
Pavlina Tcherneva does the heavy lifting of debunking an off-the-mark attack on MMT by Noah Smith.
London Would Be a Lot Happier, If Only Reality Didn't Exist
[image: NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine tours the NASA exhibit at the Space Symposium, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at Broadmoor Hall in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Photo credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)] PDF: [image: PDF icon] 20190410-london-unhappy.pdf The reality is that the spirit of JFK's Apollo Project is once again stirring in the land, with the Trump administration's announcement last week of the country's accelerated drive to return to the Moon, on our way to Mars. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine delivered an enthusiastic keynote address to the Colorado Springs Space Sympo... more »
NY Times Pushing Hausmann Fallacies: Another Propagandist Trying to Gaslight US into War with Venezuela
The New York Times has published a plea for Venezuela regime change which is packaged in a cleverly deceptive way. Titled “What My Fellow Liberals Don’t Get About Venezuela,” it looks on the surface like an earnest request from a YouTube comedian named Joanna Hausmann to have an honest conversation about Venezuela. For readers who haven’t done much research into the situation in Venezuela, it likely has a persuasive effect. This is how imperialist propaganda… The post NY Times Pushing Hausmann Fallacies: Another Propagandist Trying to Gaslight US into War with Venezuela appeared f... more »
The No. 1 cause of death under 50, now more common than cigarettes
In November 2016 then-U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy reported that 78 Americans were dying every day from opioid overdoses — four times as many as in 1999. Requesting a nationwide call to action, Murthy asked the country to shift away from current policies and approach the problem as a clinical or public health issue, […] The post The No. 1 cause of death under 50, now more common than cigarettes appeared first on Health Nut News.
NY Post: Cuomo questions legality of enforced vaccinations in Brooklyn
Yesterday, after the New York City Health Commissioner declared that everyone in 4 zip codes, 6 months or older, must be vaccinated or risk arrest and a $1000 fine, Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the move “legally questionable.” RELATED STORY: How to establish National Mandatory Vaccinations When asked during a radio interview about the mayor’s move […] The post NY Post: Cuomo questions legality of enforced vaccinations in Brooklyn appeared first on Health Nut News.
Should the Navy Really Fear China's So-Called Aircraft Carrier-Killer Missiles?
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * Let's have a look. *Perhaps, instead of trying to stay out of the range of enemy attack, perhaps we should accept that there is always going to be inherent risk in fighting a major war with another great power. It might be time that the Pentagon started exploring how a carrier strike group might fight while it is under attack.* The U.S. Navy’s carrier fleet is increasingly challenged in the Western Pacific as China continues its efforts develop anti-access/area denial ( A2/AD) capabilities. Some of those systems include the infamous DF-21D anti-ship... more »
Israel’s Tavor Assault Rifle Can Fire 800 Rounds Per Minute
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * In the 1990s, Israel developed an innovative new rifle designed specifically for the urban Middle Eastern battlefield. A compact weapon that moved freely indoors, the Tavor was one of the few so-called “bullpup” assault rifle designs to enter service with a modern military force. The unique design of bullpup weapons allows them to have a shorter overall length, but the design comes at a cost. *Tavor has an overall length of 28.35 inches, making it more than ten inches shorter than the M16A1. At the same time it had a barrel length of 18.5 inches, jus... more »
Take It From a B-2 Stealth Bomber Pilot: No Aircraft On the Planet Can Match It
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * We have the scoop. *The Air Force plans to operate the B-2 alongside its new, now-in-development bomber* Air Force pilots of the 1980s-era stealthy B-2 Spirit bomber plan to arm the B-2 with new weapons and upgrade the aircraft to fly the aircraft on attack missions against enemy air defenses well into the 2050s, service officials said. In coming years, the B-2 will be armed with with next generation digital nuclear weapons such as the B-61 Mod 12 with a tail kit and an Long Range Stand-Off weapon or, LRSO, an air-launched, guided nuclear cruise mi... more »
Why hasn’t evolution dealt with the inefficiency of ageing?
https://aeon.co/ideas/why-hasnt-evolution-dealt-with-the-inefficiency-of-ageing Advertisements
The Creator: a short story about artistic Artificial Intelligence
First Black Hole Photo Revealed: Why It’s a Big Deal | Time
Every McDonald’s Touchscreen In Study Tests Positive for Fecal Bacteria.
Gravitational Observatories Hunt for Lumpy Neutron Stars
Experimental cancer vaccine that teaches the body destroy tumours sends patients into remission.
Pollen clouds shroud parts of US south-east as allergies spike
Excess Vitamin D Linked to Kidney Damage
#Squats 101: How to Do Squats and Which Muscles They Activate
Industrial Hemp Is The Answer To Petrochemical Dependency
Australia’s New Social Media Law Is a Mess
Facebook offices. (Source: Scott Beale / laughingsquid.com) When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on March 30 that the internet could use more regulation of “harmful content,” maybe he should have been more specific. Less than a week after Zuckerberg’s statement, Australia’s Parliament passed the Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Act 2019, with no public or expert consultation. Passed in response to the horrific terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, that occurred on March 15, Australia’s attorney-general said the act “will send a clear mess... more »
New Poll: Despite Partisan Divides on Immigration, Americans Oppose Family Separation
Protestors at "Families Belong Together" Day of Action in Houston, Texas, June 2018. (Source: Flickr/Jill_Ion) With a purge of the leadership at Department of Homeland Security, President Trump seems poised to toughen U.S. immigration policies even more, including possibly resuming the practice of separating migrant children from their parents. But a fresh survey by the University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll, which we run, suggests that the president should be less confident of the mass appeal of his harsh approach to immigration. The poll of 3,015 Americans, which was fielde... more »
Trivia : April 10th
These things happened on this date…. Oswald posing with a rifle a few weeks before the shooting Oswald Attempts to Assassinate General April 10, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald fires a gun at the home of retired U.S. Major General Ted Walker. However, the bullet struck a window pane and shattered and Walker was not seriously injured. Oswald may have targeted Walker because of his staunch anti-communist stance. It was discovered that Oswald was the shooter in this incident when Oswald’s widow told authorities about it during the Warren Commission’s investigation into Oswald after the Kennedy ... more »
PM will call election today after early meeting with Governor-General
Just In - 14 hours ago
Scott Morrison meets with Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove to call for an election in May. He is expected to announce the date at a press conference at Parliament House this morning.
Stiglitz on Trump
When I come across a piece by Joe Stiglitz, I pay attention. This morning he has a column in *The Guardian*. The subject is the long term damage Donald Trump is doing to his nation's institutions: What concerns me most is Trump’s disruption of the institutions that are necessary for the functioning of society. Trump’s “Maga” (Make America Great Again) agenda is, of course, not about restoring the moral leadership of the United States. It embodies and celebrates unbridled selfishness and self-absorption. Maga is about economics. But that forces us to ask: what is the basis of Amer... more »
What is Judicial Courage?
For the symposium on Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum's new book, The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court (Oxford University Press, 2019). There’s little writing exploring the nature and meaning of judicial courage. Commentators sometimes praise individual decisions as “courageous,” but that usually means the decision falls in line with the commentator’s own preferences. More broadly, I suspect most people intuitively think judicial courage means being willing to render “unpopular decisions” that the judge nonetheless believes are right. ... more »
The Democratic majority on the House Judiciary Committee attempted to hold a hearing on the threat of white nationalism yesterday, but it was hijacked by Candace Owens, a poorly informed right-wing troll who was invited to testify by the Republican minority. Owens denied that Republicans, starting in the late 1960s, ever pursued a "Southern strategy" to peel off white voters put off by the Democrats' pursuit of racial justice. Candace Owens calls the GOP’s Southern Strategy “a myth.” It’s not a myth. In 2005, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman even apologized for it to the NAACP national co... more »
Kling on markets and imperfections
I’m traveling quite a bit lately, all through Italy, to launch my new book (alas, only available in Italian), titled—misquoting W.H. Auden—“O tell me the truth about neoliberalism”. The book is born, as I’m now quite used to saying and repeating, out of my frustration: today neoliberalism is the scapegoat of choice, being constantly conjured […] The post Kling on markets and imperfections appeared first on Econlib.
California statewide marijuana delivery survives assembly bill vote, but cities’ lawsuit still a threat
At a packed hearing Tuesday, a California legislative committee killed a measure aimed at overturning a controversial policy that allows licensed cannabis companies to deliver product anywhere in the state. The upshot is that the status quo will continue for marijuana delivery operators – at least for the foreseeable future – and that they’ll be […] California statewide marijuana delivery survives assembly bill vote, but cities’ lawsuit still a threat is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Michelle Obama is a surprise textbook example of how women thrive and grow through adulthood
Ruthellen Josselson, Professor of Psychology, Fielding Graduate University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
A psychologist unexpectedly realized that Obama's memoir 'Becoming' mirrors the life stages she's identified in a group of women she's been tracking since 1970.
How a 'missing' movement made gun control a winning issue
Michelle Barnhart, Associate Professor of Marketing, Oregon State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
Gun control bills passed recently by the House of Representatives may never become law, but they are still a sign of important change.
The generals who challenged Netanyahu ran a campaign largely devoid of substance
Guy Ziv, Assistant Professor, American University School of International Service at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
They wanted to oust Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Tuesday's election, but the failure of three centrist generals to talk about key issues may have made Netanyahu the apparent winner.
*At America’s universities, status is for sale* WHEN WILLIAM “RICK” Singer was charged for using bribery and false information to get kids from wealthy families into school, few Americans were surprised to learn that some parents would do anything to get their kids a Yale or Stanford degree. What did surprise many people was that the scandal also involved traditionally second-tier schools like the University of Southern California and Wake Forest. How did we get here? I would argue that this toxic situation was created, in part, by two major forces introduced in the 1980s: fede... more »
*Melting Glaciers To Drown Us (At 2 Inches A Century!)* *Paul Homewood below satisfies himself with some entirely justified sarcasm about this latest scare but the larger point is that glaciers wax and wane all the time so extrapolating from just one recent 55 year period tells us nothing. It would be easy to select another period that showed glacial advance. The Little Ice age, for instance, is relatively recent (from about 1300 to about 1850) and during it most glaciers advanced* We read: Melting glaciers causing sea levels to rise at ever greater rates by University of Zurich... more »
U.S. Secretary Of State: Iran's Quds Force Commander Qassem Suleimani Will Now Be Viewed The Same As The ISIS Leader
Mike Pompeo said Maj Gen Qassem Suleimani, centre, will now be treated like fugitive ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. AFP *The National:* *Iran's Qassem Suleimani will be viewed same as ISIS leader, says Pompeo* US move puts Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps chief on same level as ISIS fugitive Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the commander of Iran's Quds Force, Maj Gen Qassem Suleimani, is a terrorist and will be viewed the same way as extremists including ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. Washington designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps... more »
Candace Owens calls out lying Democrat narrative machine [Video]
Candace Owens was the latest near-casualty in the Democrat liberal globalists' attempt to increase anger and division in the US. The post Candace Owens calls out lying Democrat narrative machine [Video] appeared first on The Duran.
Putin crushes Deep State Democrats in first comments after Mueller report (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 135. The post Putin crushes Deep State Democrats in first comments after Mueller report (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
The Splintering Of The Internet Will Accelerate As More Governments Step In To Regulate It
*AFP:** Breaking the internet: new regulations imperil global network* *Is the dream of one global internet still alive?* Increasingly, moves by governments to filter and restrict content are threatening to fragment the system created with the promise of connecting the world with a largely unified body of content. China for years has walled off some western services, and the fragmentation may be accelerating with regulations being imposed elsewhere, say analysts. This is leading to a "splinternet," a term circulated for a decade or more but gaining more traction in recent months. ...more »
Understanding the Trump Iran policy
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization on Monday, upping the economic war against Iran, the rift with Europe and China, and preparing conditions for a “military option” Col. Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay to untangle the Trump moves that are intended to force regime change in Iran on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Israel. Yes Trump has become an agent of a foreign government - but it is not Russia. It's Israel and the Saudis.
Meet the plowshares
A group of peace activists have been jailed for over a year before trial for entering the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia last April to protest U.S. nuclear weapons. The action took place on April 4, 2018—the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination. Armed with hammers, crime scene tape and baby bottles containing their own blood, seven anti-nuclear activists secretly entered Kings Bay—one of the largest nuclear submarine bases in the world—under the cover of night. Their goal was to symbolically disarm the six nuclear ballistic missile submarines kept the... more »
São Paulo Governor Proposes 23 Percent Cut to Culture Budget
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, Brazil – Nineteen federally-funded museums, cultural institutions, and events in São Paulo could be impacted by steep budget cuts proposed by state governor João Doria. Earlier this month, the government announced a contingency plan which foresees a cut of R$ 127.3 million (23 percent) to the Ministry of […] The post São Paulo Governor Proposes 23 Percent Cut to Culture Budget appeared first on The Rio Times.
Is China Targeting The World's Underwater Internet Cables For Hacking?
Map Of Underwater Cables That Supply The Worlds Internet, via MapPorn *Zero Hedge*: *Intel Officials Fear China Will Target Globe's Underwater Internet Cables* A new op-ed in Bloomberg Quint has noted what the United States should really be worried about regarding Beijing's intentions after a year of tense China-US Navy encounters in the South China Sea. This potential threat, which is "far harder to discern," involves the world's some 380 underwater cables carrying more than 95% of all data and voice traffic between the continents. Could China be stealthily hacking them? It is ce... more »
From Jenna Orkin The scandal of calling plantations ‘forest restoration’ is putting climate targets at risk China’s Special Forces To Station In Zimbabwe, Build Secret Underground Base To Protect Natural Resource ClaimsUninsured Farmers Face Existential Crisis As Floods Destroy 100s Of Millions Of Dollars In CropsSaudi Arabia Denies That It Threatened To Abandon PetrodollarIran Designates US Military As Terrorist OrganizationFacebook and Google will be grilled by Congress today on white nationalism as they struggle to silence hate speech French lender Societe Generale announces mas... more »
Today in Ec 10
At noon today, I will be interviewing Larry Summers and Gary Cohn, former directors of the National Economic Council. All members of the Harvard community are welcome to attend. In Sanders Theater in Memorial Hall.
The New York Times - Its Anti-Maduro Bias is Showing
Since the 2016 election, the watchword has been "fake news". While all news isn't "fake", there is a great deal of media bias that provides readers or listeners with a narrative that is far from unbiased. Such was the case in a recent New York Times article as you will see in this posting. Here is a brief examination of the NYT article/video on regime change and tyranny under Maduro in Venezuela entitled "What My Fellow Liberals Don't Get About Venezuela" by Venezuelan - American Joanna Hausmann. Here is the video: Ms. Hausmann opens by noting the following: "*There is total ch... more »
A Handful Of Congressional Republicans Are Wondering If The Nazification Of U.S. Immigration Policy Will Hurt Them At The Polls Again
Monday evening there were a slew of reports that Capitol Hill Republicans were freaking out over the Trump-ordered mayhem at the Department of Homeland Security. And, believe me, virtually no one in Congress other than Steve King (R-IA) was excited to hear that the White House's pet neo-Nazi, Steve Miller, had been unleashed with full authority to reimplement his reviled "zero tolerance" agenda. What comes after babies in cages? Babies in gas chambers? Republican senators are grumbling that Miller was never nominated, investigated or confirmed for anything and that he's running the... more »
It’s time for us all to recognize the 97% con game
Many articles have been written to refute this claim but they all dig into the statistical weeds. Common sense alone should set you straight. The post It’s time for us all to recognize the 97% con game appeared first on CFACT.
Curitiba Lowers Taxes for Startups
By Richard Mann, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Twelve IT companies have recently threatened to leave Curitiba because of taxes on services (ISS) of five percent. City Hall is now responding and wants to lower taxes. “We have companies in Curitiba that are a reference in Brazil and in the World. It would […] The post Curitiba Lowers Taxes for Startups appeared first on The Rio Times.
Exhibition of Ai Weiwei Enters the Final Stretch in Belo Horizonte
By Xiu Ying, Contributing Reporter BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL – The exhibition Raiz, by world-renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, enters its final stretch in Belo Horizonte and can be seen until next Monday (April 15) at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. The exhibition features classics as well as unpublished works created when the artist and activist […] The post Exhibition of Ai Weiwei Enters the Final Stretch in Belo Horizonte appeared first on The Rio Times.
São Paulo Nightlife Guide for Wednesday, April 10, 2019
We have the top three picks for this Wednesday, and below there is a list of bars and lounges that are always a good option. MÚSICA BRASILEIRA: Mestrinho canta Dominguinhos (Centro) – One of the most promising names in the Brazilian popular music scene, Mestrinho will perform tonight at the classy Casa de Francisca. A […] The post São Paulo Nightlife Guide for Wednesday, April 10, 2019 appeared first on The Rio Times.
Walrus Deaths Were Due To Polar Bears – Andrew Montford
Andrew Montford has followed up the Netflix walrus porn story, with a damning piece for the Spectator: Over the weekend, social media and the newspapers were full of stories of Pacific walruses plunging over sea cliffs to their deaths. Heart-wrenching film of the corpses of these magnificent beasts piled up on … … Continue reading →
Cooptation doesn’t work: how redshirts voted in Isan
The redshirt movement endures at the ballot box. The post Cooptation doesn’t work: how redshirts voted in Isan appeared first on New Mandala.
A Killer Combo: Arm F-35s and F-15s with Laser Weapons
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * Will it happen? *Given the complexity of laser weapons integration, the AFRL report details a three-pronged approach to development; the phased approach begins with subsystems engineering, then moves toward low-power laser testing and them conduct extensive air and ground tests.* The Air Force will one day fire high-tech laser weapons from drones and fighter jets to destroy high-value targets, conduct precision strikes and incinerate enemy locations from the sky. The first airborne tests are expected to take place by 2021, Air Force officials have sa... more »
I Was A Sniper For a Day (And Now I Know Why It's One Really Tough Job)
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * Here is my story. *After hitting what any actual sniper would consider an easy shot, I left the scene with a vastly increased appreciation for the expertise, focus and dedication necessary to perform high-level wartime sniper missions.* (Kingman, Ariz.) My shoulder was pressed firmly against the end or “stock” of the rifle, my index finger extended horizontally just above the trigger as I lay flat on the ground and tried to align my right eye directly through the targeting sight -- all as I for the very first time, tried to fire a US military M107A1 s... more »
The Navy Wanted to Take Battleships and Make Them Into Nuclear 'Bombers'
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * There were lots of ideas and ways the Navy could have brought back the old-school warships. *Today the naval gunfire argument rages on. Even in the age of drones and precision warfare there are still occasional calls to bring the heavily manned, imprecise Iowa class back to service. There’s a certain romance to battleships, and having four Iowas sitting around in good condition has beguiled naval enthusiasts and planners for more than 60 years with schemes to bring them back.* In the early 1980s, four *Iowa**-class fast battleships* originally built... more »
WA Liberal MP delays vote on surrogacy laws after nearly 24-hour filibuster
After a speech lasting nearly 24 hours, Liberal MP Nick Goiran has convinced his Upper House colleagues to delay a vote on contentious surrogacy laws by at least four months, bringing to an end one of the longest filibuster speeches in WA Parliament's history.
New Zealand gun laws pass 119-1 after Christchurch mosque shootings
Just In - 16 hours ago
All but one member of New Zealand's Parliament voted on Wednesday to change gun laws to ban semi-automatic weapons, magazines over a certain capacity, and some shotguns.
Why James Packer might want to get out of the gambling business
News of the potential sale of James Packer's Crown Resorts comes after a particularly turbulent time for the company, factors that may be encouraging Mr Packer to get out of the gambling business.
'The world needs him': Dalai Lama hospitalised in India
Just In - 16 hours ago
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has been hospitalised with a chest infection and is expected to remain under observation for a number of days, with supporters praying for his speedy recovery.
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