10 pm MDT
New Polling: Good For Bernie, Good For Mayor Pete, Bad For Status Quo Joe

This morning, Emerson released new national polling of registered voters.
Two headlines: Bernie is beating Biden and Mayor Pete is beating everyone
else. It finally looks like Status Quo Joe's long ugly record in the public
sphere is beginning to catch up with him-- the corporatism, the sexism, the
virulently anti-progressive posture, the racism... everything that made
Biden a nightmare until Obama came along and rehabilitated his image. The
new poll shows Bernie ahead of him with Democrats 29-24%.
Ohio Democratic activist and attorney, Tim Russo, was all over it within
minutes of... more »
Populist Wave Rolls Into Finland

Contextual Remarks It is worth remembering that “populist” is a term used
by the established elites to demean those expressing the plebes’ concerns
and thereby forging political constituencies. Christopher Caldwell
explained: “Le monde, the French newspaper of record, admitted last summer
that readers had been complaining about the indiscriminate way its
journalists flung around the […]
Cowen on Optimal Marginal Tax Rates on CEOs

A week ago, I sent to my editor my review of Tyler Cowen’s latest book, Big
Business: A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero. The book is outstanding.
There are valuable facts and/or bits of economic reasoning on virtually
every page. To give you an idea of how much I liked the book, I titled […]
The post Cowen on Optimal Marginal Tax Rates on CEOs appeared first on
As Notre-Dame-de-Paris Was Burning…
From any pronouncement, one must discount emotions, purple prose, and
metaphors. Language is complex. In non-mathematical languages, things often
(if not always) don’t literally mean what they say. This is even truer for
politician-speak. As Notre-Dame-de-Paris was burning, French president
Emmanuel Macron tweeted: Like all of our compatriots, I am sad this evening
to see […]
The post As Notre-Dame-de-Paris Was Burning… appeared first on Econlib.
Ivanka Trump in Ethiopia: Photo Ops, PR Stunts and Using the Poor as Stage Props
There is never an end when it comes to the malice of globalists. Not
content with hoarding most of this world’s wealth for themselves as they
relegate the rest of humanity into economic and political irrelevance, the
same neo-aristocracy who bleed the planet with their greed turn around and
use their victims as stage props. I write this in light of Ivanka Trump
touching down in Ethiopia like a “white knight” as she preens around…
The post Ivanka Trump in Ethiopia: Photo Ops, PR Stunts and Using the Poor
as Stage Props appeared first on The Ghion Journal.
Bernie Sanders Releases 10 Years of Long-Awaited Tax Returns
His 2018 return reveals that he and his wife, Jane, earned more than
$550,000, including $133,000 in income from his Senate salary and $391,000
in sales of his book, “Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In.”
Adelaide woman who pledged allegiance to Islamic State sentenced
Just In - 1 hour ago
Zainab Abdirahman-Khalif, who was found guilty of being a member of a
terrorist organisation last year, has been sentenced to three years in
jail. With time already served she will be eligible to apply for parole in
Australian honeymooner snaps iconic Notre Dame cathedral hours before fire
When Adelaide resident Peter Watters was capturing memories of a visit to
Notre Dame cathedral, he had no idea those photos would be among the last
taken inside before it was hit by a devastating fire.
Businessman jailed for plot to burn down former Bunnings headquarters
A Perth businessman who arranged for the former WA headquarters of Bunnings
to be set on fire so he could claim an insurance payout of up to $20
million is jailed for more than seven years, after a secret recording
proves to be his undoing.
CEA Chairman Kevin Hassett Discusses USA Booming Economic Success….
Council of Economic Advisor Chairman Kevin Hassett appears with Lou Dobbs
to discuss the current state of the U.S. economy. Hassett compares current
outcomes to the prior congressional budget office predictions; and shares
the results for middle-class growth.
The Loss of Notre Dame Reminds Us
The catastrophic fire at Notre Dame Cathedral and the collapse of its spire
remind us of 9-11, and our grief is renewed. We all wondered as we
watched: why can't something be done to stop the fire? Frustration, even
anger, boiled up.
So much lost. So much history, so much art, so much of the reality of the
past going up in smoke. Tragic by any measure.
Now we must ask the question: what if we could have prevented that fire?
Would we have done so? A stupid question, you snort, of course we would
have done whatever was required to save this giant piece of our
And... more »
Some interesting points of view of Walk Aways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zRk68cLg_A Dylan Roth, a Walk away from
Evergreen University
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6KWMmvCDuA Tracy Scott, a 48 year old
black woman who had never voted
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrUOFi4PoR0 First generation American,
Latina, who supports Trump because she believes Obama was a bad president
and Democrats want her to be a victim.
YouTube Flags Notre Dame Cathedral Fire Video as ‘9/11 Conspiracy’
By Elias Marat The world was transfixed on Monday when horrific images of
Paris’ Notre-Dame cathedral engulfed in flames were broadcast across social
media. Global... more »
One of world's last Yangtze giant softshell turtles dies in China
Just In - 2 hours ago
The only known female member of one of the world's rarest turtle species,
believed to be more than 90 years old, dies at a zoo in southern China just
one day after undergoing artificial insemination.
Man who strangled Afghan refugee with a shoelace on Adelaide highway jailed
David John Pearce, who used a shoelace to strangle a refugee from
Afghanistan, will spend at least six years in prison for attempted murder.
Bupa Aged Care faces ACCC action over alleged false claims at aged care centres
The competition watchdog is taking Bupa Aged Care to court alleging that
for more than a decade it charged residents for numerous expensive services
it never provided.
Jack Nicklaus's major title record in play again for Tiger
Just In - 2 hours ago
For a decade it seemed like an impossible dream — but now that Tiger
Woods's Masters win puts him three behind Jack Nicklaus on 15 majors, can
he match or beat the all-time record?
Job cuts and higher park fees in NT budget repair plan
Through "the biggest changes since self-government", the NT Government
releases its plan to get out of crippling debt using a range of new fees
and cuts to existing programs.
'It sounded like a man screaming': Doctor dies after being shot in Brisbane home
Just In - 2 hours ago
Neighbours describe hearing a gunshot and a scream as a Brisbane GP was
shot in the chest at his MacGregor home just before midnight. Police have
established a crime scene and are hunting for the shooter.
Attendees of Secret Meeting for “US Military Assault” on Venezuela Revealed
By Eoin Higgins (CD) – A group dedicated to regime change in Venezuela held
a secret meeting on overthrowing the country’s government last week,
according to reporting... more »
If Truth Be Told About CDC’s Science Manipulators
By Catherine J. Frompovich The series “If Truth Be Told” probably could be
considered lacking in credibility if I did not include some of the... more »
Canadian Government: China A Major Threat To Canadian Security

*Asia Times:* *China a major threat to Canadian security: Ottawa*
A parliamentary committee cites evidence of Chinese spies and agents being
active in the country
Amid worsening relations between Canada and China, a parliamentary
committee in Ottawa has cited Chinese spies and agents as major threats to
Canadian security.
The report notes evidence of campaigns by the Chinese Communist Party’s
United Front Works Department to influence Canadian politicians “to adopt
pro-China positions.” This, says the report, is being done by making
donations to political parties and by marshaling... more »
‘Military Options in Venezuela’ Discussed at US Secret Meeting – Docs Obtained by Grayzone Reveal
Secretive meeting on US ‘military option’ in Venezuela reveals key figures
of invasion push – report by https://www.rt.com/ A hawkish US think tank
has hosted a secretive meeting on Venezuela, bringing together American and
South American officials to discuss the “use of military force” in the
country, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal told RT. – The […]
Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S.
Democracy Now! Published on Apr 12, 2019 Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder
Julian Assange are vowing to fight his possible extradition to the United
States following his arrest in London, when British police forcibly removed
Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy, where he had taken asylum for almost
seven years. On Thursday night, Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman […]
Russia & China Abandon USD as Trade War Erupts at Top of Credit Cycle | Alasdair Macleod
Reluctant Preppers Published on Apr 12, 2019 Are you being told there’s a
perfect storm converging on our financial lives from all sides? Just at
the credit cycle is peaking, the real economy from housing to retail and
beyond is creaking and straining, the stock market is starting to roll
over, President Trump and the […]
Footnote Highlights Corruption of Mueller’s FBI Investigative Team….
Margot Cleveland has an interesting article in The Federalist today
outlining how the DOJ (Mueller) investigation of Christopher Steele was
dropped [READ HERE]. Essentially the article outlines how Lindsey Graham
and Chuck Grassley sent a criminal referral of Chris Steele … Continue
reading →
Florida City Council Passes 5G Small Cell Resolution Urging State and Federal Officials to Study Health Effects and Develop Safe Guidelines for Installation
By B.N. Frank Thanks to Environmental Health Trust for posting this press
release from Stop5GFlorida: On April 3, 2019, the commissioners unanimously
passed a resolution... more »
Farmstand: A Celebrity-Backed Bong The Size Of A Phone Booth That Grows Superfoods For Rich Elites
Zooey Deschanel, whose picture could be in the dictionary under "adorkable"
thanks to starring roles in "Elf" and "New Girl", isn't well regarded in
science, and hasn't been since for as long as she's been undermining it,
which is as long as people have known her name. That's now a long time,
since "Almost Famous" is about to turn 20.
read more
World Reaction To Today's Fire At The Notre Dame Cathedral

Smoke billows as fire engulfs the spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris,
France April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier
*Daily Mail: 'It's like watching someone you love die': Public figures and
celebrities around the world react with shock and horror as Notre Dame
The world stood helpless as Notre Dame burned on Monday and hundreds of
French fire fighters worked to put out the blaze.
As they battled the flames, world leaders and celebrities took to social
media in shock to share their sadness and disbelief.
They likened the gut-wrenching images and videos of the cathedra... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Wait For Me”
2002, “Wait For Me”
Buddhism and Sengai Gibon: Buddhist contemplation and artistic outreach
Buddhism and Sengai Gibon: Buddhist contemplation and artistic outreach Lee
Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The inner-soul of Sengai Gibon (1750-1837)
was always multidimensional and the flow that linked all fusions was
Buddhism. Artistic wise, we will never know the real capabilities of Sengai
because his art and writings were based on simplicity, enticing […]
Is Civil Disobedience Ever Justified?
By Arjun Walia Is civil disobedience ever justified? This question has been
posed for centuries, especially when a law is deemed inappropriate or
unacceptable and... more »
"PM Economic Market Snapshot 4/15/19"
Gregory Mannarino, “Post Market Wrap Up 4/15/19”
- https://www.traderschoice.net/
MarketWatch Market Summary
- https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary
CNN Market Data:
- http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/
CNN Fear And Greed Index:
- http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/
"To The Average Person..."
"If you shower the public with the thousands of items that occur in the
course of a day or a week, the average person, even if he tries hard, will
simply retain thousands of items which mean nothing to him. He would need a
remarkable memory to tie some event to another that happened three weeks or
three months ago. To obtain a rounded picture one would have to do
research, but the average person has neither the desire or time for it. As
a result, he finds himself in a kind of kaleidoscope in which thousands of
unconnected images follow each other rapidly. To the average man who tr... more »
Your Taxes Are Due Before Midnight-- So... A Good Day For Democratic Candidates To Send Out Contribution E-Mails

Some people do it right-- and some don't. Three that came in early that
demonstrate how to do it are by a progressive candidate in Georgia, Marqus
Cole, a progressive Northern California candidate, Audrey Denney, and a new
progressive action committee run by Randy Bryce. Let's start with Cole,
who's running to flip a Republican seat in the suburbs northwest of
Atlanta. (Note: Marqus told me he writes his e-mails himself, the way Alan
Grayson always did and few other candidates even try to do. Most hire
consultants to handle that chore, which explains why they come across as so
woe... more »
The 12 Biggest Myths about Raising Taxes on the RichSome...
Robert Reich - 4 hours ago
The 12 Biggest Myths about Raising Taxes on the Rich
Some politicians are calling for higher taxes on the rich. Naturally, these
proposals have unleashed a torrent of opposition – mostly from…the rich.
Here are the 12 biggest myths they’re propounding:
*Myth 1: A top marginal tax rate applies to all of a rich person’s total
income or wealth. *
Wrong. It would only apply to dollars in excess of a certain level. The 70
percent income tax rate proposed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
would apply only to dollars in excess of 10 million dollars a year. The 2
percent wealth... more »
Historic first leaders' debate confirmed for WA as Morrison and Shorten prepare to lock horns
The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will
face off in an election debate to be held in Perth later this month — the
first ever to be held in Western Australia.
After 40 years, Life of Brian is still offensive – but for very different reasons
Just In - 4 hours ago
When Monty Python released Life of Brian in 1979 it was banned in Norway
and Ireland. But 40 years on, Philip Almond asks, can it still offend?
Tranny Wars: Alaska Girl Meets Boy in Bathroom, Boy Lands in Hospital. Boy Was Protesting Girl in Boys’ Room.
Another day, another victory for the pedagogues who run American education.
Let’s Write A Comprehensive “Debunking All The Assange Smears” Article Together
This is a request from my readers to help me put together a thorough
article titled something like “Debunking All The Assange Smears” so that
people are better equipped to defend Assange from mainstream smears and
disinfo when they encounter them. In the comments below […]
the point of the transfer of the cup

* I* come to give you the vision of the all-seeing Eye which you have
invoked--the power, the propensity, and the immensity of that Eye as it
descends into the forcefield of the human consciousness, revealing that
consciousness for what it is. And therefore the specters of mankind’s own
selfishness are revealed this day as the dweller on the threshold of
consciousness, just below the level of conscious awareness….
Know then, O children of the Sun, that mankind will have a chemical
reaction to that light of the all-seeing Eye which exposes that selfishness
that resists the en... more »
The world saddened at the news of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Apparently from the little we have been told, five minutes or so after the
Cathedral closed for the day, something happened that began what swiftly
became a devastating fire at the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral. At this point,
of course, what started the fire is unknown. It may well take a long time
to discover the cause. While some are optimistic that the fire may be under
control, others are saying that is not the case. Video taken from several
angles shows that the inside of the building is engulfed as well. Which
suggests that the entire structure is at … Continue reading →
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 15, 2019
*Erin Dunne, Washington Examiner:* *Yes, cry for Notre Dame*
On Monday, the unthinkable happened: On a clear Paris evening, Notre Dame
de Paris caught fire. The burning cathedral is one of the oldest buildings
in the city of lights and an iconic testament to human art, architecture,
and, above all, faith.
As millions of people watched on television and in the streets of Paris,
the cathedral's Gothic spire went up in flames before collapsing along with
several segments of the roof.
*Read more* ....
*Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 15, 2019*
Witnessing the Fall of ... more »
"Taxed to Death"
*"Taxed to Death"*
by Brian Maher
"It is the ides of April… April 15… Tax Day. That is, the date by which
Americans must appear before the Internal Revenue Service… and empty their
pockets. Out must come poker winnings, bingo jackpots, lemonade stand
sales, cash gratuities — everything, A through Z.
If taxes are the price to pay for civilization — as Justice O. W. Holmes
babbled in 1904 — we must conclude the United States is a very high and
advanced civilization. Washington hauls aboard some $3.5 trillion in tax
revenue each year. And the United States tax code bulges to over 7 m... more »
New Drought Report: Consistently Dishonest, Consistently Misleading
DROUGHT is cruel. The farmer doesn’t know when it is going to end, how much
longer they will need to keep feeding their livestock, and how much longer
they must wait until they can plant a crop. If the Australian Bureau of
Meteorology were useful, they would provide a reliable long-term rainfall
forecast. But they [...]
The post New Drought Report: Consistently Dishonest, Consistently Misleading
appeared first on Jennifer Marohasy.
Backed By Western Money Derk Sauer Makes A Comeback At The Moscow Times

Derk Sauer comes with The Moscow Times, still receiving funding from the
West and still promoting the anti-Putin Western line in Russia.
The post Backed By Western Money Derk Sauer Makes A Comeback At The Moscow
Times appeared first on The Duran.
GOP Fears Mueller’s Collusion Bias Lives On In Final Report

The post GOP Fears Mueller’s Collusion Bias Lives On In Final Report
appeared first on The Duran.
Byron York: Five arguments the Mueller report won’t settle

The post Byron York: Five arguments the Mueller report won’t settle
appeared first on The Duran.
Yes, Investigate the Investigators

The post Yes, Investigate the Investigators appeared first on The Duran.
Why Isn’t Assange Charged with ‘Collusion with Russia’?

The post Why Isn’t Assange Charged with ‘Collusion with Russia’? appeared
first on The Duran.
Redacted Mueller Report To Be Released To Congress & Public On Thursday

The post Redacted Mueller Report To Be Released To Congress & Public On
Thursday appeared first on The Duran.
Julian Assange: Political Prisoner

The post Julian Assange: Political Prisoner appeared first on The Duran.
Trump Supporters Are Hurting Assange With Their 4-D Chess Talk

The post Trump Supporters Are Hurting Assange With Their 4-D Chess Talk
appeared first on The Duran.
Assange Is A Scapegoat; Distraction For The Scandal-Ridden Ecuadorian Government

The post Assange Is A Scapegoat; Distraction For The Scandal-Ridden
Ecuadorian Government appeared first on The Duran.
The Great Brexit Betrayal

The post The Great Brexit Betrayal appeared first on The Duran.
The Truth About Brexit In 135 Words

The post The Truth About Brexit In 135 Words appeared first on The Duran.
Canada to Russia: Interference Is Okay If It Destabilizes You but Not the Other Way Around

The post Canada to Russia: Interference Is Okay If It Destabilizes You but
Not the Other Way Around appeared first on The Duran.
Putin, Xi, Assad, and Maduro vs. the American Hegemon

The post Putin, Xi, Assad, and Maduro vs. the American Hegemon appeared
first on The Duran.
US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting

The post US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and
Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting appeared first on The Duran.
Why the Gulf States Are So Edgy

The post Why the Gulf States Are So Edgy appeared first on The Duran.
Turkey And Russia Create A $1 Billion Join Investment Fund

The post Turkey And Russia Create A $1 Billion Join Investment Fund
appeared first on The Duran.
Turkish Lira Tumbles On Soaring Unemployment, “Absolute Shitshow” Investor Meeting

The post Turkish Lira Tumbles On Soaring Unemployment, “Absolute Shitshow”
Investor Meeting appeared first on The Duran.
Algeria’s ‘Revolution of Smiles’: Where Will It Lead?

The post Algeria’s ‘Revolution of Smiles’: Where Will It Lead? appeared
first on The Duran.
Was Rapper XXXTentacion Found Alive?
Is a reverse death hoax even more callous than a death hoax?
Expanding Global Education for Community College Students

Efforts to empower and prepare Pitt Community College (PCC) students for
success in the global economy began with a vision from three deans.
Congressional Caveman: ‘You appear to be white men’

*House Financial Services Committee Member Rep. Al Green (Caveman -Texas)*
Last November, one of America's favorite temporal lobe challenged congress
members, Maxine Waters, took time out from yelling '*In Peach 45*' to
threaten America, saying if the dems retook the House she, as chair of the
House Financial Services Committee, *would exact revenge* against America’s
financial sector. Last week she started her clownish inquisition with the
heads of some of America's largest banks. First, she *made a fool of
herself* in classic Maxine fashion. But later, committee member Rep. Al
Gr... more »
The Real Problem with China's Aircraft Carriers
*Dave Majumdar*
*Security, *
The fighter planes.
*At the end of the day, the Chinese reverse engineered the J-15 design from
an incomplete prototype of the Sukhoi Su-33 that it acquired from Ukraine.
While Chinese engineers might have gained considerable insight into the
Flanker design from the T-10K-3 and other Su-27 derivatives in Beijing’s
possession, because they did not develop the jet or its systems, they do
not fully understand the airframe due to some of the traditional
limitations inherent to reverse engineering. These gaps in knowledge
probably led to the some of the ... more »
Air Force Pilots Revealed To Us Why You Can't Kill the A-10 Warthog
*Kris Osborn*
*Security, *
“The A-10 is not agile, nimble, fast or quick,” Haden said. “It’s
deliberate, measured, hefty, impactful calculated and sound. There’s
nothing flimsy or fragile about the way it is constructed or about the way
that it flies.”
*Although the continued existence of the A-10 is assured well into the next
decade, the debate about what, if anything, might be able to replace it is
quite likely to continue.*
Known for an ability to keep flying after taking multiple rounds of enemy
machine gun fire, land and operate in rugged terrain, destroy groups of
enemy ... more »
Trump's Remarkable Diplomatic Efforts in North Korea
*Doug Bandow*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] Denuclearization remains a worthy and potentially
obtainable objective, but other diplomatic efforts that have fruitful
should not be overlooked.
Negotiations between the United States and North Korea appear to be on life
support. President Donald Trump’s talk of another summit led the North’s
Kim Jong-un to condition such a meeting on Washington’s willingness to
loosen sanctions.
Yet official Washington earlier greeted President Donald Trump’s
explanation for cancelling another round of proposed sanctions on North
Korea with guff... more »
Netanyahu is Israel's Master Incrementalist
*Seth J. Frantzman*
*Security, Middle East*
[image: Reuters] Instinctually pragmatic, conservative and cynical,
Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently asserted that any peace in the Middle
East must be based on security for Israel.
Not since Abraham Lincoln defeated George McClellan has a democratically
elected leader been faced with an election campaign against one of his own
recent chiefs of staff—and won. Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu defeated not
only a party led by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Benny
Gantz, but also the two other former IDF chiefs of staff Gan... more »
¿Qué es el TPP- 11 y por qué genera tanto rechazo?
bilaterals.org - 5 hours ago
Chile | Durante los días martes y miércoles de esta semana la Cámara de
Diputados discutirá la ratificación del acuerdo.
"The Donald: Great Disruptor or Idiot Statist?"
*"The Donald: Great Disruptor or Idiot Statist?"*
by David Stockman
"I like bats much better than bureaucrats. I live in the Managerial Age, in
a world of ‘Admin.’ The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens
of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration
camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is
conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean,
carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars
and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their
v... more »
Long grass living: The stigmatised, vibrant reality of life for Darwin's homeless
They are some of the most vulnerable Australians and they live on the
streets. What is the reality of life for Darwin's long grass community?
Photo gallery: Notre Dame ravaged by fire
Just In - 5 hours ago
A massive fire consumes Notre Dame cathedral, gutting and destroying the
roof of the Paris landmark and stunning France and the world.
McMansion expansion is leaving Perth 'full of terrible houses'
Architects say it's time to rethink the suburban dream, with data revealing
that around a fifth of new homes built in WA don't meet six-star energy
standards, costing their owners dearly in running costs.
ASX set to fall at open after Wall St slips on lacklustre bank results
The Australian share market is expected to follow Wall Street lower, after
investor enthusiasm is dampened by weaker-than-expected bank earnings.
Centuries of history go up in flames in Notre Dame inferno
Taking 200 years to build and completed in 1345, the Notre Dame cathedral
has been at the centre of much of France's history, withstanding
revolutions, world wars, and centuries of wear and tear.
Game of Thrones S08E01 chat: We finally found out what happened to Ed Sheeran
It's the beginning of the end of eight years of gripping TV, and although
there weren't any elephants, there was plenty of foreshadowing to pick
apart. Join your Westerosi correspondents Pete Marsh and Dan Miller.
Watch the moment Notre Dame's spire collapsed
Just In - 5 hours ago
Parisians watch in horror as Notre Dame's historic 90-metre spire collapses
after being engulfed in flames as fire rips through the medieval landmark
in the heart of the French capital.
Executive arm of NT public service will see 52 jobs cut in a year
Just In - 5 hours ago
Executive jobs in the NT public service will be cut by 10 per cent in a
year under a plan released today that promises to steer the Territory away
from financial ruin.
River change — young entrepreneurs' beachy hometown rebrand
Country kids often hear they need to move to the city after school, but
these young entrepreneurs are staying local and marketing their home town
to the world.
Eastern Victoria's winemakers battle a tricky vintage as drought and bushfires take their toll
Bushfires, drought, birds and bats — this year's vintage has been a tough
one for eastern Victoria's winemakers, but what is left is good quality.
Man dies after being shot at home in Brisbane's south
Just In - 5 hours ago
A man is dead after being shot in the chest at a MacGregor home just before
midnight. Police have established a crime scene and are hunting for the
Angry but not broken: How Albert Woodfox survived four decades in solitary confinement
Former Black Panther Albert Woodfox spent 44 years alone in a tiny cell,
despite his conviction being overturned four times and "overwhelming
evidence" that he was innocent. He is angry, but not broken.
'We have used every bed available': Hospital buckles under flu season pressure
The Tasmanian Health Service weighs sending patients to a nursing home, as
it scrambles to alleviate pressure on the Royal Hobart Hospital before flu
season hits.
Cattle, infrastructure losses worse than first thought for Qld livestock producers
Farm lobby AgForce says more than $800 million in sheep and cattle died
during the worst floods seen for 50 years. In total, the damage bill could
be pushing $2 billion.
Red centre stations go green after cyclone, but 'heartbreak' for those who missed out
Just In - 5 hours ago
NT pastoralists are excited to see green grass shoot up after Cyclone
Trevor, but for neighbouring stations that didn’t get a drop of rain, the
long dry continues.
Live: NSW Now: 62yo woman killed in hit-and-run, police search for homeless man's stolen rat
Just In - 5 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *A woman dies after being hit by a car while walking
down a northern NSW road, while police release CCTV images of a woman
wanted in connection to the disappearance of a Sydney homeless man's pet
Sperm donor seeking to be named girl's legal father to keep her in Australia
A man who donated his sperm to a lesbian couple so they could have a child
will argue in the High Court today that he is legally the girl's parent,
because he was involved in her life and made the donation on the basis he
could help with her upbringing.
World News Briefs -- April 15, 2019 (Evening Edition)
*Daily Mail:* *'The inferno cannot be stopped': Fire chiefs say blaze
ravaging Notre Dame cathedral is out of control after spire COLLAPSES and
the entire roof of the stunning 850-year-old building burns to ashes*
* Officials in Paris said a large operation had been launched in an attempt
to bring the raging fire under control
* Pictures from around the city posted on social media showed flames
licking up Notre Dame's famous spire
* The fire was first reported at 5.50pm (GMT) on Monday and the building
was evacuated soon afterwards
* Authorities say there were no deaths from the ... more »
Notre Dame Central Cathedral is Lost….
A horrific historic and cultural loss. The 850 year old architectural
masterpiece is a central monument to the Catholic faith. A spokesman said
the entire wooden frame of the cathedral has come down, and the vault of
the edifice could … Continue reading →
Mueller Report to be Released/Delivered Thursday Morning…
According to the DOJ Attorney General William Barr will release the
redacted version of the Mueller report on Thursday morning. WASHINGTON –
The Justice Department expects to make a redacted version of special
counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia … Continue reading →
Watch the Essential Oils for Abundant Living 10-Part Masterclass Online for FREE!

Depression. Cancer. Allergies. Obesity. Inflammation. These are just some
of the diseases you can start to prevent & treat naturally with essential
oils! Gain the confidence that you need to make natural recipes & healing
remedies with essential oils today! The FREE Global Screening of the
Essential Oils for Abundant Living 10-Part Video Masterclass, starts
Tuesday, April 16, 2019.
Statistics Link Rise of “Vaccine-preventable” Diseases to Increased Vaccination Rates

As mass hysteria regarding the so-called ‘measles epidemic’ appears to be
breaking out around the world, we need to ask ourselves whether or not this
perceived epidemic is as bad as the corporate mainstream media has painted
it. If it is, then are the vaccinations manufactured to protect our
children against the measles and other illnesses really working? During our
research, we discovered that, despite many countries around the world
mandating vaccines, there has been a substantial rise in the numbers of
‘vaccine preventable’ diseases being reported. In fact, statistics show
that ... more »
"Great edifices, like great mountains, are the work of centuries." [Updated]

*Notre dame de Paris is burning down!*
*What a disaster. What to say?*
*Victor Hugo's legendary book of that name has the great cathedral as a
character. In introducing it in Book 3 he describes the edifice -- "human
intelligence," he says, "is [here] summed up and totalised"*:
The church of Notre-Dame de Paris is still no doubt, a majestic and sublime
edifice. But, beautiful as it has been preserved in growing old, it is
difficult not to sigh, not to wax indignant, bef... more »
Chinese Military Planes Are Keeping The Japanese Air Force Busy

A Japanese F-35A stealth fighter. Photo: Kyodo
*SCMP: **Japan scrambles fighter jets 999 times as Chinese sorties increase*
* Chinese military planes were involved in nearly two-thirds of the
interceptions made by Japanese fighter jets in the past year
* The number of interceptions is the second highest figure on record
Japanese fighter jets were scrambled 999 times to intercept foreign
aircraft over the past financial year – and Chinese military planes were
involved in nearly two-thirds of the interceptions.
The number of interceptions was up from 904 the previous year and was the ... more »
Notre Dame Fire, St Sulpice Fire, Cheering Muslims … Nothing To See Here
Before you jump all over me yelling “you’re citing Infowars!”, I suggest
you first read the stories at getreligion dot org and RT dot com, both of
which detail two months of attacks on French and Spanish Catholic churches
… then watch the video of St Sulpice … and finally check out the Facebook
posts of Muslims celebrating. Anyone else here reminded of a September
morning in Manhattan, several years ago?
https://www.infow... more »
The New New World Order and the Russian Care Bear
[image: the-new-new-world-order-and-the-russian-care-bear]
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday that “the Western,
liberal model of society is dying, and a new world order is taking its
Ep. 1 - Deep State Nabs WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
VIDEO - In this episode of Behind the Deep State, international journalist
Alex Newman discusses the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and
what it all means. Clearly, Assange made a lot of enemies within the Deep
State. After all, he was exposing many of their evil schemes. Now the Deep
State is seeking revenge. But it may blow up in their faces.
County Sheriff Blasts Colorado’s Red Flag Law on Facebook
[image: county-sheriff-blasts-colorado-s-red-flag-law-on-facebook]
Good for Sheriff James van Beek for summarizing in a single Facebook post
everything that's wrong with red flag laws.
Overwhelmed by Illegal Migrant Drop-offs, Las Cruces Appeals for Donations
Las Cruces, New Mexico, has been overwhelmed by large numbers of illegal
migrants released by the Border Patrol and has appealed for donations of
food and other items.
Group of Centrist Democrats Undermine Federal $15 Minimum Wage Bill
Centrist Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives proposed
federal minimum wage legislation that would preserve low wages in rural
The post Group of Centrist Democrats Undermine Federal $15 Minimum Wage Bill
appeared first on Shadowproof.
How Bernie Sanders’ Position On Filibuster Is Needlessly Complicated
Jon Walker describes how Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders'
stance on filibuster reform is needlessly complicated.
The post How Bernie Sanders’ Position On Filibuster Is Needlessly
Complicated appeared first on Shadowproof.
Turkey May Use S-400 in the Aegean- Eastern Med Gas: A2/AD & Russia

*This seems to be turning into a series: *
1. "It’s Not Too Late to Stop Turkey From Realigning With Russia" ?
2. Russia Welcomes Tough Turkish Position In Response to US Pressure:
Flashpoint, Cyprus.
* Long term readers here may or should recall my suggesting the possibility
that the S-400 can be used as part of an A2/AD system in partnership with
*A2/AD was covered here some years back:*
1. *2015- *Russia building an A2/AD Bubble over Syria/Levant
2. *2015- A2/AD Bubble, Syria and the Bigger Strategic Picture*
* Written before Turkey purchased the s-400's... more »
Catastrophic Fire Engulfs Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
The blaze collapsed the cathedral's spire and spread to one of its landmark
rectangular towers.
Toxic Aluminum in Vaccines
*Jon Rappport* - There is a science library of studies referring to toxic
aluminum in vaccines.
Former Pope Benedict Blames Priest’s Abuse On Sexual Revolution of 1960s
*John Vibes* - Apparently he can't tell the difference between free love
and pedophilia.
Trump Signs Two Executive Orders Giving Himself ‘Sole Approval’ on Pipelines and Roads
*Derrick Broze* - The orders also limit states’ ability to intervene in
these projects.
Warsash Don't let me down.
Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large
number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced
NEC Chairman Larry Kudlow Impromptu Presser Discussing Taxes and Economy…
National Economic Council Chairman Larry Kudlow holds an impromptu press
conference today with media discussing the current state of the economy.
Kudlow focuses attention to the economic gains amid the middle-class.
Loretta Lynch Named Tuskegee University Commencement Speaker

Tuskegee University has announced that Loretta Lynch, the first female
African-American U.S. attorney general, will deliver the keynote address
during the university’s 134th spring commencement ceremony on Saturday, May
11. In April 2015, Lynch was appointed the 83rd U.S. attorney general by
President Barack Obama and served in the role until January 2017, in
addition […]
Danville Community College Names Dr. Jacqueline M. Gill Sixth President

Dr. Jacqueline M. Gill, president of Metropolitan Community College, has
been named the sixth president of Danville Community College. She succeeds
Dr. Bruce Scism, who retired at the end of 2018 after serving as president
for five years. Gill has over two decades of experience working in higher
education, serving in roles such as vice […]
Dr. Quentin R. Johnson Named Sixth President of Southside Virginia Community College

Dr. Quentin R. Johnson, currently vice president of student support
services at Guilford Technical Community College, has been appointed the
sixth president of Southside Virginia Community College. “Quentin Johnson
brings to the table a strong student services background, and a deep
understanding of the needs of nontraditional students – a group that we
need to […]
MLB’s Diversity Hiring Score Unchanged

Baseball is a game played at a slow pace and is deliberate when it comes to
changing the way it is played. The same can be said for Major League
Baseball (MLB) and its racial and gender hiring practices.
Barnard Places Public Safety Officers on Leave Following Confrontation with Black Columbia Student

Barnard College administrators have announced that the six college public
safety officers who were involved in a physical confrontation of Columbia
University student Alexander McNab have been put on paid administrative
leave pending the ongoing investigation. On the night of Thursday, April
15, officers followed McNab, who is Black, into the Milstein Center for
Teaching […]
Andrew Lacey Named Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Richard Bland College

Richard Bland College of William and Mary has named Andrew Lacey as its
head coach of the men’s basketball team. “Richard Bland College is excited
to welcome Coach Lacey to Richard Bland College,” said acting athletics
director Scott Newton. “His track record of winning consistently on the
court combined with his ability to develop leaders, […]
Nutrition Therapy for #Diabetes
http://www.anupamghose.com/nutrition-therapy-for-diabetes/ Advertisements
Recent Updates in the World of Evidence-Based Medicine
Evidence on Why You Should Consider Online Peer Support
Meet the scientist painter who turns deadly viruses into beautiful works of art.
Addressing the Sexually Transmitted Infection and HIV Syndemic.
Men with beards carry more germs than DOGS, worrying study reveals.
40 pushups lowers risk of heart disease, says Harvard study.
3D Heart Printed Using Patient’s Own Tissue.
6 Times Artificial Intelligence Startled The World.
‘First’ 3-D print of heart with human tissue, vessels unveiled
"The understanding of the distinction between words and violence is a crucial part of civilisation. This distinction is corrupted both by people (terrorists) who say violence is words, and people (woke) who say words are violence."
*"The understanding of the distinction between words and violence is a
crucial part of civilisation. This distinction is corrupted both by people
(terrorists) who say violence is words, and people (woke) who say words are
violence."*~ Coleman Mulkerin, paraphrased from his tweet..
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted,
with link and attribution.
Sanders Takes the Campaign Against CAP to Eleven
Sanders takes off his gloves.
Handcuffed child punched by staff member, 11yo left restrained for 30 minutes
An underaged person held at Canberra's Bimberi Youth Justice Centre was
punched by a staff member while handcuffed, according to a Human Rights
Commission report that finds the centre does not have an entrenched culture
of violence.
It's annoying, it's hated and it’s here to stay: why we’re stuck with passwords
Just In - 7 hours ago
We've got fingerprints and facial recognition, so why haven't we got rid of
passwords yet? It's not that simple.
Indonesia has a hidden side most Australians don't know about
Just In - 7 hours ago
Indonesia's golput movement is about progressive citizens daring to imagine
a different future — and it starts with boycotting an election, writes
David Fettling
After 40 years, Life of Brian is still offensive – but for very different reasons
Just In - 7 hours ago
When Monty Python released Life of Brian in 1979 it was banned in Norway
and Ireland. But 40 years on, Philip Almond asks, can it still offend?
Times are changing but this young watchmaker isn't alarmed
Tim Stewart may be the only apprentice watchmaker Victoria has had in the
past four years, but the 27-year-old remains determined to make his mark
despite an uncertain future for his trade.
The suburbs north of Brisbane that could seal Peter Dutton's fate
Loved or loathed — Peter Dutton is battling to hold onto his seat of
Dickson in what has become a deeply divided electorate with analysts saying
the Home Affairs Minister is in the political "fight of his life".
'Sitting on a volcano': Letter reveals principal knew about sex abuse allegations in 1970s
Senior staff at a Catholic school in Tasmania, including the then principal
and his boss, were aware of allegations a teacher was sexually abusing
multiple children as far back as 1971, and sought to move the teacher to a
different parish, a letter obtained by the ABC reveals.
Australia 'not ready' to take on traumatised children of Islamic State
Amid pleas for the children of Islamic State terrorists to return to
Australia for their safety, a leading psychiatrist says it is vital to
understand the country is not ready to support these children who will
carry unthinkable trauma.
Ten months on from #libspill, the petition that killed off Turnbull could soon undo his enemies too
Liberal Party strategists concede the Home Affairs Minister, and his role
in removing former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, is "toxic" for the
Coalition's chances in Victoria.
'Cinematic pond scum': Is this the most hated film of 2019?
Abysmal. Bloated. Misguided. Avoid at all costs — these are just some of
the ways the new Hellboy has been described. Is this a warning sign for
other superhero films?
Priceless relics saved from flames as Notre Dame ravaged by fire
Just In - 7 hours ago
A catastrophic fire engulfs one of the greatest architectural treasures of
the Western world, toppling Notre Dame's spire and "ravaging" the roof.
Chinese Bombers And Warships Conduct Drills Around Taiwan

Chinese People's Liberation Army H-6 bombers fly around Taiwan in May 2018.
(Military News Agency photo)
*Taiwan News:* *'Numerous' Chinese warplanes transit Bashi Channel south of
President Tsai Ing-wen condemns China's reckless behavior for undermining
regional peace and stability.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Shortly after noon on Monday, April 15, a squadron
of numerous Chinese warplanes transited the Bashi Channel south of Taiwan,
as confirmed by the Ministry of Defense (MND).
President Tsai Ing-wen, speaking at an event hosted by the American
Institute in Taiwan (AIT) ce... more »
Musical Interlude: Joe Bonamassa, "Driving Towards The Daylight"
Joe Bonamassa, "Driving Towards The Daylight"
Comedian and Presidential Contender to Challenge Ukraine's Kickback Culture
*Adam Barsouk*
*Politics, Eurasia*
[image: Reuters] While Ukraine has freed itself from Russia’s political
grasp, the Soviet culture of kickbacks and embezzlement remains a daunting
challenge for any future president, even one who has played the part of
many of the country’s leaders on television.
Ukraine’s long history of government corruption may be coming to a timely
end—at the behest of a stand-up comedian. After a fiercely-contested
campaign, beloved comic Volodymyr Zelensky has won more votes than
Ukraine’s long-time billionaire president Petro Poroshenko, triggering a
run... more »
The Hard Truth About Israel for the Jewish Diaspora
*Ross Marchand*
*Security, Middle East*
[image: Reuters] Israel is more conservative and hardline on foreign policy
than many Jews in America and Europe realize.
Israeli elections wrapped up this week, and the status quo prevailed.
Center-right incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu narrowly
defeated former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) general Benjamin “Benny” Gantz,
and must now try to partner with enough parties in the Knesset (parliament)
to gain a majority and retake the position of Prime Minister.
Israelis, as per usual, have a lot to say about their country’s fut... more »
King of Aircraft Carriers: Meet the U.S. Navy's Nimitz-Class (Or Floating Airbase)
*Sebastien Roblin*
*Security, *
An amazing warship.
*Today’s average sixty-four-jet air wing is significantly smaller than its
predecessors, with three squadron of Super Hornets, a half-size squadron of
Growlers, and two squadrons of older FA-18C/D Hornet jets which are
transitioning to new F-35C Lightning stealth jets. These last enable
penetration of defended enemy airspace and can fuse their powerful sensors
with friendly ships or Super Hornets.*
Giant aircraft carriers have become synonymous with U.S. military power,
but many do not realize just how exceptional these vessel... more »
The Corruption of the Terrorist Group List
*Paul R. Pillar*
*Security, Middle East*
[image: Reuters] The Trump administration is undermining the objective of
counterterrorism by placing, for the first time ever, a governmental entity
on a list that never was designed for that purpose.
The ineffectiveness of the Trump administration’s latest move in its
anti-Iran campaign—its designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)—are readily apparent and
have been ably analyzed by other commentators. The designation does not put
any additional economic pressure on an already h... more »
Old School Battleship vs. Battleship: How the First Ironclad Battle Changed Everything
*Michael Peck*
*Security, *
Monitor vs. Merrimac.
*If technology has become key, then so are the resources that support it.
Eighteenth-century Britain fought wars to ensure that it had access to
naval supplies such as wood, hemp and tar. In the Industrial Age, different
resources were needed. Not just iron, coal and oil, but intellectual and
skilled resources: naval architects, engineers, mechanics and sailor with
technical skills. Which meant that those nations with the industrial,
mineral and mental resources would become dominant.*
Had you been around 155 years ago, and stoo... more »
The Poet: Fernando Pessoa, “Since We Do Nothing”
*“Since We Do Nothing”*
“Since we do nothing in this confused world
That lasts or that, lasting, is of any worth,
And even what’s useful for us we lose
So soon, with our own lives,
Let us prefer the pleasure of the moment
To an absurd concern with the future,
Whose only certainty is the harm we suffer now
To pay for its prosperity.
Tomorrow doesn’t exist. This moment
Alone is mine, and I am only who
Exists in this instant, which might be the last
Of the self I pretend to be.”
- Fernando Pessoa
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust
cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the
Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the
vast Orion cloud complex.
* Click image for larger size.*
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33
and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the
glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark
cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot,
young star, is at the lo... more »
Framing “Climate Change”: Denialism vs. Exterminism
A proposal for a revised terminology climate change opponents.
Wild Free and Happy Sample 13
[Note: This is the thirteenth sample from my rough draft of a far from
finished new book, *Wild, Free, & Happy*. I don’t plan on reviewing more
books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 200 books, and you are
very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find
words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested
in specific authors, titles, or subjects.]
*Modes of Communication*
All forms of life, both plants and animals, seem to communicate in various
ways, sending and receiving information with the life around them, via
soun... more »
The Freshmen: What About Sharice Davids?

*And, so far... a waste of a House seat. Better than Kevin Yoder, though*
Kansas' 3rd district (Wyandotte and Johnson counties and some of more rural
Miami County) flipped red to blue in 2018. Basically, the district is
Kansas City and it's suburbs, a swing district that Obama lost narrowly
twice but that Hillary won, also narrowly (one point), in 2016. The
district is 72.8% white, 11.6% Latino, 8.6% African-American and 4.2%
Asian. The area is prosperous-- and it has the 83rd highest medium income
of the 435 congressional districts. The PVI is R+4. Blue Dog Democrat
Dennis Moore ha... more »
Free Download: Hermann Hesse, "Siddhartha"
by Hermann Hesse
"Siddhartha" is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual
journey of a boy known as Siddhartha from the Indian Subcontinent during
the time of the Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel, was written in
German, in a simple yet powerful and lyrical style. It was first published
in 1922, after Hesse had spent some time in India in the 1910s. It was
published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s.
Hesse dedicated "Siddhartha" to Romain Rolland, "my dear friend".
The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit l... more »
Sikhs Aim to Plant 1,000,000 Trees by November as Gift to Planet
*Emma Fiala* - Sikhs the world over are leading the charge when it comes to
reconnecting to nature.
"It Did Not Really Matter..."
"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life
expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and
instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life -
daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but
in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the
responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the
tasks which it constantly sets for each individual...
There is also purpose in life which is almost barren of both creation and
enjoyment and w... more »
“Defense Mechanisms: Beyond Behavior”
*“Defense Mechanisms: Beyond Behavior”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“We can let go of our defense mechanisms when we are ready to be truly
honest with ourselves. We all have defense mechanisms that we’ve developed
over time, often without being aware of it. In times of trouble, the
behaviors that have worked to get us past challenges with the least amount
of pain are the ones that we repeat; even when part of us knows they no
longer work. Such behavior is a natural response from our mental and
physical aspects. But because we are spiritual beings as well, we have the
ability to ... more »
"If You Knew..."
"If you knew that hope and despair were paths to
the same destination, which would you choose?"
~ Robert Brault
Chet Raymo, “Wooing The World”
*“Wooing The World”*
by Chet Raymo
“...Thisby knows
so little of the world as yet:
the bit she can see through the
chink in the wall
has made her heart beat
faster in its cage...”
"A few lines from a poem of Linda Gregerson. Never mind the context; the
image is arresting. Beautiful Thisbe is confined by her parents' to her
high-walled house in Babylon, with only a crack in the wall through which
to communicate with her forbidden lover. And, of course- as so many parents
discover- the restriction makes her passion all the more intense.
We look out at the universe through a metaphor... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Suwanee, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"It's Everybody..."
"If you're going to care about the fall of the sparrow you can't pick
and choose who's going to be the sparrow. It's everybody."
- Madeleine L'Engle
"8 Ways You Don't Realize Stress Is Ruining Your Health"
*"8 Ways You Don't Realize Stress Is Ruining Your Health"*
Researchers are finding more reasons than ever to chill out.
By Larry Schwartz
"We live in a hyped-up, caffeinated, digitized, 24/7,
corporations-are-people kind of world. Along with the miracles of
computers, smartphones and unfettered capitalism comes — surprise!—non-stop
stress. On average, working professionals are connected to their jobs 72
hours a week. And science is discovering that along with non-stop stress
comes disease.
As human beings evolved, our reactions to stressful situations, the
so-called fight-or-flight... more »
Electric Utility Emissions Continue to Decline Through 2018

Due to policies and economic technology, emissions from electric utilities
continue to decline. According to an EPA report, sulfur dioxide…
The post Electric Utility Emissions Continue to Decline Through 2018
appeared first on IER.
President Trump Roundtable Discussion, Minnesota – 2:30pm Livestream…
President Trump visits Nuss Truck and Equipment in Burnsville, Minnesota,
where he participates in a roundtable discussion on the economy and tax
reform. Anticipated start time 2:30pm EST. WH livestream Link – Fox10
Livestream Link – GST Livestream Link (active)
We Have Seen This Happen Before The Last 3 Recessions – And Now It Is The Worst It Has Ever Been
By Michael Snyder Since the last financial crisis, we have witnessed the
greatest corporate debt binge in U.S. history. Corporate debt has more
than doubled... more »
Three Rules for Making a Winning Investment in Metals
By Clint Siegner The questions first-time precious metals buyers ask most
often are “what should I buy?” and “how do I get started?” We have... more »
"We Have Seen This Happen Before The Last 3 Recessions – And Now It Is The Worst It Has Ever Been"
*"We Have Seen This Happen Before The Last 3 Recessions – *
*And Now It Is The Worst It Has Ever Been"*
by Michael Snyder
"Since the last financial crisis, we have witnessed the greatest corporate
debt binge in U.S. history. Corporate debt has more than doubled since
then, and it is now sitting at a grand total of more than 9 trillion
dollars. Of course there have been other colossal corporate debt binges
throughout our history, and they all ended badly. In fact, the ratio of
corporate debt to U.S. GDP rose above 40 percent prior to each of the last
three recessions, but this tim... more »
On the street today in Brunswick

I was out on the sidewalk in downtown Brunswick today for an hour handing
out 'Tax day' flyers. Local PeaceWorks member Rosie Paul made a nice
two-sided card with an attractive color illustration of the military
chewing up our national budget.
It was wet and cold out and I had not worn enough layers. But what made up
for it were some interesting conversations.
Everyone declares that they know where their tax dollars are going. One
woman asked me, "Do you mind that you are preaching to the choir?" I
replied, "But some in the choir don't know this song and the choir needs to
si... more »
Model Vaccine Safety Legislation Introduced In Texas; Run With It
By Catherine J. Frompovich Consider this a “call to action,” plus an alert
for the entire United States, if not the global community. It’s a... more »
Is China And The U.S. At A Dangerous Military Tipping Point

A Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor is launched
during a successful intercept test, in this undated handout photo provided
by the U.S. Department of Defense, Missile Defense Agency. U.S. Department
of Defense. Missile Defense Agency/Reuters
*CNBC:* *Saber rattling: China and US at a dangerous military tipping point*
China is lashing out at South Korea and Washington for the deployment of a
powerful missile defense system known as the Terminal High Altitude Area
Defense system, or THAAD, deposited at the Osan Air Base in South Korea on
Monday evening.
The depl... more »
WikiLeaks and the Lost Promise of the Internet
Julian Assange with Ecuador's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ricardo Patiño in
the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, June 2013. (Source: Ecuadorian Embassy)
Julian Assange’s arrest was a long time coming. After seven years hiding in
Ecuador’s London embassy and a number of false alarms, the WikiLeaks
founder was finally evicted from the building and passed to British law
enforcement on April 11. Though journalists and commentators have long
speculated that U.S. charges against Assange might stem from Assange’s role
in coordinating the release of Democratic Party information hacked by the ... more »
The Smart Neanderthal

Clive Finlayson is especially fascinated by two things, Neanderthals and
birds. Since 1989, he has been excavating caves in Gibraltar, on the north
shore of the Mediterranean, where Neanderthals lived from 127,000 to 32,000
years ago. Gibraltar is the place where the last Neanderthals tearfully
bid farewell to this magnificent planet. Later, after they were gone, *Homo
sapiens* lived in these caves, beginning maybe 30,000 years ago. There is
no evidence of them being in living contact at the Gibraltar site.
For decades, many scholars have adopted the belief that we *Homo sapi... more »
Civil War In Libya -- News Updates April 15, 2019
*Middle East Monitor:* *Arab League envoy: Foreign countries fuelling war
in Libya*
The Arab League envoy to Libya Salah Eddine Jamali has condemned foreign
nations’ interference in Libya, which he says are escalating violence in
the divided country.
“There have been daily international interferences in Libya,” he said.
“These countries are encouraging the war, not halting the conflict and
laying down arms.”
Accusing Libyan politicians of inviting in foreign governments, Al-Jamali
called on rivals to “lay down arms and return to the negotiating table”,
arguing “violence does not... more »
An icon of Christian civilisation burns
Many people are turning to one of the BBC's greatest achievements to mark a
terrible moment in European history tonight.
They are recalling that lump-in-the-throat moment from the first episode of *Civilisation
*where Kenneth Clark said, "What is civilisation? I don't know. I can't
define it in abstract terms yet, but I think I can recognise it when I see
it, and I'm looking at it now":
When I first a clip of Notre Dame on fire tonight I couldn't believe what I
was seeing. As Tom Holland tweeted, "This is like a vision of apocalypse.
Who ever thought to see such a terrible thing?... more »
Is Ilhan Omar More Loyal To The US Than Trump?

*Robert Inlakesh* | Is Donald Trump attacking sen. Omar as a way of
distracting from Israel-Gate and Israel selling US weapons to China?
Bernstein finally decides to fact-check Barr!
*MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2019Costa abandons a script:* Something very unusual
happened on cable last Wednesday night. The Washington Post's Robert Costa
let liberal viewers know what The Others have been hearing.
It happened on The 11th Hour. Attorney General William Barr had made his
weird remarks about "spying" that day. When Brian Williams threw to Costa,
he did something very unusual.
Speaking to a liberal audience, Costa listed the various things
conservatives have been saying and hearing, and even perhaps believing. In
effect, he said the story isn't as simple as what we hear from... more »
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