Ancient Code
Study finds this Ancient Egyptian pharaoh might have been world’s ‘first
According to a new study published in the journal the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, an ancient37 min ago -
Meet the Ningen: Giant humanoids of the Antarctic continent
It is said that MASSIVE, white-colored creatures—which grow to up to 30 meters in length, with humanoidAugust 7, 2017 -
6 reasons why Ancient Egypt is linked to Alien visitations
Who doesn’t love a bit of conspiracy now and there? The truth is that for decades mankind has linkedAugust 7, 2017
Dutch satirical tv show Lubach picked up by Russian opposition leader
An item about Russian prime minister Dmitri Medvedev by Dutch satirical television show Zondag met Lubach19 hr ago -
Dutch holiday house sales rise 20%, popular alternative for ‘dead’ savings
Holiday houses are an increasingly popular investment now that interest rates on savings are so low, real20 hr ago -
Contaminated egg scandal leads to empty supermarket shelves
The contaminated egg scandal in the Netherlands has led to empty shelves in the supermarkets and it will beAugust 7, 2017
Radley Balko
Deputy AG announces new Forensic Science Working Group but still doesn’t
Rod Rosenstein thinks our adversarial justice system will filter out bad science. It hasn't in the past23 hr ago -
American citizen wrongly detained by immigration officers for three years
Court says his window to file a lawsuit expired while he was illegally imprisoned.August 4, 2017 -
Lunch links: Prosecutor misconduct in Louisiana and Southern California
Plus: Baltimore cops again caught turning off body cameras just before "finding" drugs, unionsAugust 3, 2017
Climate Resistance
It’s the End of the World… As They Know it
One of the hypotheses posited on this blog is that the preoccupation with the end of the world is inFebruary 12, 2016 -
Ask a Stupid Question
A premise of democracy that I believe is worth defending is that it is incumbent on those seeking eitherFebruary 8, 2016 -
The Grimey “Science” of Conspiracy Theories
David Robert Grimes has emerged from Lewandowsky’s shadow, again, to go forth increase and multiplyFebruary 2, 2016
Accuracy In Academia
Fresno State Lets Left-Wing Prof Go
Believe it or not, Fresno State has discovered that Hate Speech can emanate from the Left. “A history16 hr ago -
2-4-6-8: Law School Cannot Litigate
A committee of the Board of Governors at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill actually put theAugust 4, 2017 -
“Are public schools necessary for a democracy?” asks Cato
Horace Mann, the father of American public education, claimed that public education is a societal goodAugust 3, 2017
Al Jazeera English
Six political scandals President Zuma has survived
From 'Guptagate' to a rape acquittal, a list of political scandals that have tarnished the34 min ago -
Kenya goes to the polls in closely contested election
President Kenyatta seeking a second and final five-year term in office but faces stiff competition from1 hr ago -
Cedric Herrou convicted of helping refugees over border
Court gives Cedric Herrou suspended jail sentence but defendant says he has 'no regrets' over1 hr ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
South African parliament refuses to meet Israeli delegation
South African parliament The South African Parliament has refused to meet with an Israeli delegation17 hr ago -
Israel steals important Jerusalem property deeds from Al-Aqsa
Israeli forces prepare to fire tear gas at Palestinians as they enter the Al Aqsa Mosque following the17 hr ago -
Morsi challenges validity of his trial in Cairo
Egypt’s ousted President Mohamed Morsi and 21 other defendants attend a court session behind a cage at18 hr ago
Australian Climate Madness
Assault and Battery
One of the unfortunate consequences of rising early is the extended interview slot on ABC News RadioJuly 8, 2017 -
High efficiency coal still cheaper than renewables
Yes, despite all the technology that must go into HELE (high efficiency, low emission) coal fired powerJuly 3, 2017 -
Climate Institute shuts today
Long before the term fake news was even thought of, the activists at the Climate Institute, headed up byJune 29, 2017
BBC News - Home
Kenya election 2017: President Kenyatta urges peaceful vote
Uhuru Kenyatta appeals for calm as he faces rival Raila Odinga in Tuesday's general election.1 hr ago -
Chantek, the orangutan who used sign language, dies at 39
Chantek could also clean his room, make and use tools and learn the route to a restaurant.6 hr ago -
Driver crawls across ladder in Texas floods
Firefighters in Texas extend a ladder to a stranded driver as the floodwaters wreak havoc below.12 hr ago
BBC News - England
Man dies attempting to swim English Channel
The man in his 40s was airlifted to hospital after getting into difficulty, but later died.16 min ago -
Putney Bridge: CCTV of jogger 'pushing' woman in front of bus
A woman escapes serious injury after appearing to be pushed by a jogger into the path of a bus.2 hr ago -
Gastroenteritis outbreak at athletes' hotel
Botswana's Isaac Makwala withdraws from the 200m as a gastroenteritis outbreak hits an official World51 min ago
Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion
Ben Garrison and Mike Cernovich Step Back from “Rothschild Puppet-Master
A detail from an Atlantic article about Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster: TheAugust 6, 2017 -
A Late Note on Chris Atkins and Tax Fraud
An HM Revenue and Customs press release from early last month : An accountant, two film producers and anAugust 5, 2017 -
UK Headlines Claim Study “Disproves” the Bible
A bit of silly season Biblical fare from some British newspapers: Bronze Age DNA disproves the BibleAugust 1, 2017
BlackListed News
Deep State Rewards James Comey With Millions Of Dollars In Post-FBI
On paper it’s called a “book deal”, “film rights” etc. The reality is that former FBI Director James Comey,August 6, 2017 -
US police push for all civilian drones to be registered and tracked
Law enforcement in the US wants to be able to identify and track all unmanned vehicles in the skyAugust 6, 2017Think they could be registered to a club ? You know : UFOs R US It might even happen faster than a gun registry - or 'winning' the 'war of drugs' -
US Credit Card Debt Surpasses Financial Crisis Record, As Student And Auto
Who would have expected that today's otherwise boring monthly consumer credit report would be the day&#August 6, 2017
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
L.L. Bean rebuffs boycott over granddaughter’s big Trump donation
A man wipes off the headlights of the L.L. Bean Bootmobile in the parking lot at the facility where theJanuary 10, 2017 -
Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Trump tours a Carrier factory in Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 2016. Chuck Jones, the union leader who claimsDecember 8, 2016 -
Working, eating and sleeping at the office
The sight of workers sleeping on the job is common in China, where a surplus of cheap labor can lead toMay 11, 2016
COTO Report
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
Originally posted on COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS : This is the definitive and most informative documentary onDecember 5, 2014 -
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014
My major reason for guffawing in derision about the notion the Russians 'threw' the US Presidential election. There's a lineup of usual suspects. I'm sure pundits will manage to stretch results from the fishing expedition to justify the stupidity ( and the punishment of Russia without any real grounds ) of the fairy tale ; but could anyone really tell the result among all the domestic vote bending tactics even if the story were true? I wonder what Karl Rove is doing these days.
ELECTIONS CAN BE RIGGED: Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic
Black Box Voting, founded in 2003, performs nonpartisan investigative reporting on elections in an attemptOctober 31, 2016 -
Hillary Clinton’s “Sudden Move” Of $1.8 Billion To Qatar Central Bank Stuns
Hillary Clinton (left) with Qatari Sheik Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al (right) The internationalOctober 28, 2016 -
Why Obama bought a $ 4.9 million Mansion in Dubai, a country where there is
By Bill Still of the STILL REPORT According to a Russian Foreign Intelligence non-classifiedOctober 28, 2016
Coyote Blog
Hmm. You Might Not Want To Fly In An Airplane Built By A Current Purdue
I used to think some of the stuff in Atlas Shrugged was absurd satire. This from Q&O: The recently16 hr ago -
Overhyped Things That Don't Disappoint: Hamilton
We went to visit family in Chicago and in the process saw Hamilton there. While expensive, it was a lotAugust 4, 2017 -
Movie Game: Spot the Rifle
My kids and I drive my wife crazy when we are watching a movie at home. We have all kinds of conversationsAugust 4, 2017
COLUMNS – Crikey
Sun steals from the Mail … Aisle be back … the August (sigh) dog surfing
The Sun in Britain has ripped off a story from ripper-offer-in-chief, the Daily Mail . The post Sun7 hr ago -
Tips and rumours
Call in the Feds ... The Age playing with fire ... is Tim Wilson new to marriage equality? ... The post7 hr ago -
It has always been difficult to raise business interest in ASEAN
Crikey readers on Thailand, Terrorism and the CommBank scandal. The post It has always been difficult to7 hr ago
Dandelion Salad
On The Beach 2017–The Beckoning of Nuclear War by John Pilger
Dandelion Salad by John Pilger John Pilger, August 4, 2017 August 7, 2017 The US submarine captain says,  hr ago -
John Pilger: The Truth Game (1983)
Warning This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only beAugust 6, 2017 -
David Swanson: Hiroshima Haunting + Transcript
by David Swanson Writer, Dandelion Salad Let’s Try Democracy August 6, 2017 Remarks at Hiroshima-NagasakiAugust 6, 2017
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Harry Targ Continued study and research into the origins of the folk music of various peoples in many partsAugust 6, 2017 -
Sunday, February 12, 2017 Harry Targ Social and Economic Wellbeing Survey Shows No Progress A flurry ofAugust 3, 2017 -
Harry Targ Introduction The twenty-first century economic reality has created a new class society with aJuly 28, 2017
Sorry, Republicans, Randians and Booth School MBAs: Your beloved laissez-faire free market capitalism is a13 hr ago -
A Solid Critique of Richard Dawkins’ Science (Rather Than His Atheism for
In a way I think atheism is just bad science. We know that the human imagination has enormous untapped16 hr ago -
Get Wrecked: Sarah Wreck’s Shitty Occult Comics
Being that I’m addicted to the search for endless Internet ephemera, esoterica, and of course those dank18 hr ago
Drone Wars UK
UK armed drone deployment: brief report from Information Tribunal
Tribunal in closed session Our appeal against the Ministry of Defence ’s decision not to release theJuly 12, 2017 -
Where are Britain’s armed drones? Why Drone Wars is going to court to
Drone Wars UK will be in court next week seeking to overturn the refusal of the Ministry of Defence (MoD)July 7, 2017 -
“It was incessant.” Former RAF Reaper pilot speaks to Drone Wars
RAF pilot operating Reaper drone from Creech air force base in Nevada Drone Wars UK is publishing anMay 30, 2017
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
The proteins that domesticated our genomes
EPFL scientists have carried out a genomic and evolutionary study of a large and enigmatic family of humanMarch 8, 2017 -
Study links altered brain chemistry, behavioral impairments in fish exposed
Study Links Altered Brain Chemistry, Behavioral Impairments in Fish Exposed to Elevated CO2 Research teamSeptember 13, 2016 -
First accurate simulation of a virus invading a cell
For the first time, scientists know what happens to a virus' shape when it invades a host cell, thanksSeptember 13, 2016
Inter Press ServiceInter Press Service
Why Breastfeeding Is One of the “Smartest Investments” for All Countries
May 18, 2017. A combined group of South Sudanese refugees and Ugandans take part in a class about breast2 hr ago -
One Earth: Why the World Needs Indigenous Communities to Steward Their
An ethnic matriarch in India's biodiversity-rich Sikkim State in the Himalayan foothills. She is a11 hr ago -
A Hostage to Parliament, Temer Sacrifices Indigenous Rights to Save Himself
Guaraní Indians Hamilton Lopes and his daughter stand in front of their shack where their family lives11 hr ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Visible Origami | In a Time of Universal Deceit, People Too Often can no
Dog Poet Transmitting……. In these times of material darkness, on the lip of the fall intoJuly 30, 2017 -
Reflections in a Petri Dish | Slicker and Quicker than any Metaphorical
Dog Poet Transmitting……. They’re coming out of the woodwork with power and forceJuly 30, 2017 -
Smoking Mirrors | The Beauty of Anything is in the Heart of the Beholder.
Finally, in the tradition of a broken clock having the correct time twice a day, or a thousand monkeys onJuly 30, 2017
Latest headlines
The Campaign from Hell: Blame Barbara Walters!
America, in the year 2016, you are suffering with the 'Campaign from Hell." The bottom line is -
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in
Backing a Civil War is the US Strategy to Justify Intervention in Venezuela
The United States government is promoting the scenario of an artificial civil war in Venezuela to justifyAugust 6, 2017 -
What’s Going on in Venezuela? The Truth About the Constituent Assembly Vote
Tortilla Con Sal Interview with Stella Vasquez of the Health Workers Union in New York City. Stella was inAugust 6, 2017 -
Venezuela: Terrorist Attack on Fort Paramacay: Analysis and Context
Misión Verdad Translation by Internationalist 360° In the early hours of Sunday 6 August, a paramilitaryAugust 5, 2017
Winged Words
August 6, 2017 -
‘Gulping Wines’ From Austria
To make Summer dining really sing, Austrian wines are just the thing. Not all, but the good ones are reallyAugust 4, 2017 -
Bee Pollen
July 31, 2017
Master Resource
Electric Vehicles: “A New Technology”?
“… consider why the United States has decided to encourage people to buy electric vehicles18 hr ago -
“Secret Back of Anti-Trust Law” (on the origins of the Sherman Antitrust
“Mr. Sherman knew that Alger was interested in the Diamond Match company to a large degree, and theAugust 3, 2017 -
“Alligator Shoes” in California (James Hansen is right on cap-and-trade)
“‘There are a lot of special interests in [Sacramento], and a lot of them came to play,’August 2, 2017
Media Matters for America - Research Items
How anti-abortion groups are using Wash. Post to legitimize their attacks
Sarah Wasko / Media Matters Wash. Post ’s health care newsletter featured an exclusive preview of an -
Newspapers are turning to hate group Conservative Republicans of Texas over
Sarah Wasko / Media Matters Conservative Republicans of Texas is an anti-LGBTQ hate group working to -
STUDY: Voting rights coverage was dominated by Trump's lies and ignored
Key findings from 12 months of broadcast and evening cable news coverage of voting rights Media Matters
Royal Mint will supply Argentina with 150 million Peso coin blanks
UK’s Royal Mint will supply Argentina with 150 million peso coins, after the56 min ago -
Corbyn condemns "violence by all sides", but avoids criticizing
Jeremy Corbyn has condemned the “violence done by all sides” in the Venezuela1 hr ago -
Latin American foreign ministers will address Venezuelan situation in Peru
Latin American foreign ministers are scheduled to hold an extraordinary meeting this2 hr ago
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Wind developer files information request, Parishville supervisor fears
PARISHVILLE – Parishville’s town supervisor believes an information request submitted by a wind22 hr ago -
Winds of change as district council shifts focus to solar energy in
Huntingdonshire District Council wants to restrict planning applications for large scale wind farms in a22 hr ago -
Minister in threat to overrule councils that ignore wind-farm policy #IRL
Environment Minister Eoghan Murphy has written to all local councils telling them if they disregard22 hr ago
The EU and the NATO: Planned obsolescence?
After an eventful electoral cycle that saw a populist's ascent to power in the United States and theJuly 31, 2017 -
“Exit from Brexit”: Would Britain quit smoking?
Vince Cable, the new leader of the British Liberal Democrats, recently called for an “Exit from BrexitJuly 28, 2017 -
‘Building Europe in a world of brutes': An interview with Enrico Letta
After the launch of his new book ‘Through thick and thin' (published in Italian only) we sat down withJuly 26, 2017
News For You
Big Picture News, Informed Analysis
Obesity, Diet Pills & Death
Whether it's climate science or medical science, a fake crisis leads to bad decisions that harm realApril 10, 2017 -
Suddenly Sick: The Foibles of Medical Science
Climate science and medical science have things in common. Including suspect behaviour on the part of theMarch 29, 2017 -
Steven Chu’s Juvenile Score Keeping
When someone's won a Nobel Prize, who cares how long they served in Cabinet?March 13, 2017
Online Cancer Blog
6 Yoga Stretches for Breast Cancer Patients
Breast cancer generally begins in the breast tissue. It is the gland which helps in the milk production isAugust 3, 2017 -
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid
We all know how serious the cancer is, it takes emotionally, mentally, financially, physically andJuly 24, 2017 -
5 Foods that Naturally Detox Radiations Treatment
Many cancer patients receive radiation treatment for treating the particular cancer condition. So, educateJune 30, 2017
The PPJ Gazette
TS Radio: “Voices Carry for Animals #147”- We Love Pit Bulls- Help STOP BSL
***Tune In Tuesday*** On Aug 8th, 2017 at 7:00 pm CST LISTEN LIVE HERE 5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm5 hr ago -
Professional for-profit Guardians: Just one step away from the public
Source: Professional for-profit Guardians: Just one step away from the public auction blockAugust 5, 2017 -
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Can Ben Jealous win in Maryland and point the way forward for Democrats?
The gubernatorial candidacy of Maryland's Ben Jealous, former president of the NAACP, intensifies an49 min ago -
Rubio: Trump’s new immigration bill won’t pass
Sen. Marco Rubio predicted that the new immigration plan backed by Trump will be short-lived, saying that14 hr ago -
Obama urges calm in Kenya amid fears of election violence
Barack Obama called upon Kenya’s citizens to reject politics that play upon tribal and ethnic hatred and14 hr ago
The Pump Handle
Trump administration’s de-regulatory agenda: “Watching the American safety
In late July, while many of us were preoccupied with Republican Senators’ attacks on healthcare, the Trump19 hr ago -
Study: Trust in science spiked after media coverage of Zika vaccine trial
Public trust in science is a fickle creature. Surveys show a clear majority of Americans believe scienceAugust 3, 2017 -
Report: U.S. funding for global health research saves lives and creates
U.S. investments in global health research have saved millions of lives and prevented immeasurableAugust 2, 2017
Jon Rappoport's Blog
My interview with CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson: not fake
My interview with former CBS star reporter: not fake news By Jon Rappoport I’m reprinting an excerpt15 hr ago -
Individual power and ethics: the conversation that never was
Individual power and ethics: the conversation that never was by Jon Rappoport August 7, 2017 It’s no20 hr ago -
Collectivist mind control: “save the planet”
Collectivist mind control: “save the planet” by Jon Rappoport August 6, 2017 “The planet wouldn’tAugust 6, 2017
Fuel Fix
Fuelfix is moving. Here are the details.
Fuel Fix, the Houston Chronicle’s must-read source for energy industry news and analysis, isJune 7, 2017 -
Market Currents: Qatar’s energy exports
As pockets of geopolitical tension leave the crude market neither shaken nor stirred, hark, today we digJune 6, 2017 -
Houston’s USD Partners expands to carry Canadian oil sands by rail
With pipeline capacity still relatively limited from the Canadian oil sands into the U.S, Houston’sJune 5, 2017
Signs of the Times
Conservative profs are being 'blown off' by supposed academic
The American Association of University Professors claims to champion academic freedom, but many5 hr ago -
'Breakthrough' penny-sized nanochip pad stimulates healing in
What was once the stuff of science fiction is now becoming a reality: entire organs may soon be "6 hr ago -
FLASHBACK: What happens when doctors only take cash
When Art Villa found out, after one too many boating accidents, that he needed a total knee replacement, he6 hr ago - Dominion Post
Green party candidate for Hutt South pulls out of election race
The Green Party is in the news again, as one of its candidates has pulled out of the race for the Hutt12 min ago -
Big changes in store for Wellington trains with Wairarapa improvements on
Sweeping changes have been proposed for the Wellington region's commuter rail services, with passengers3 hr ago -
Wellington fence saga rolls on as builder seeks appeal against $72,000
Wellington's long-running fence stoush looks set to run on, with Roseneath fence-builder David Walmsley3 hr ago
Freethought Blogs
Šunkawakan, better.
Okay, got it outside for photos. All 1800 x, click for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.9 hr ago -
They Mean It
I fly a lot. Back in the 90s, I flew nearly a million miles in one year (mostly round-trips to Singapore10 hr ago -
Second Šunkawakan.
Christ, these shots suck. Going to have to get this thing outside. Anyroad, first, the stinkhorror of gesso11 hr ago
Pando latest articles
Falling knife: At $40 billion, Uber would still be overvalued
Back in April, we predicted that the next time Uber raised capital, it’s valuation would fall so far17 hr ago -
Silicon Valley, Donald Trump, "Joe & The Juice" and self
Sitting at SFO at 8am last Friday morning, I was surprised to look up from my Us Weekly and discover I hadAugust 4, 2017 -
Apple Earnings: Tim Cook has saved Christmas after all
The iPhone company would like you to know it's about more than just the iPhone. Because, after allAugust 3, 2017
preparing for spring …
The last few days of winter in the tropics brings out a plethora of flowering species, which culminates inAugust 6, 2017 -
the magical and spiritual Al gore …
What a good description of climatists. Dr Lindzen of MIT, a real climate scientist says just that! WhichAugust 6, 2017 -
greening the desert …
The green Great Sandy Desert, a couple of hundred kilometres from Broome is one of my favorite destinationsAugust 5, 2017
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Who Will Be Europe’s Alexander Hamilton?
Now that the European Central Bank has exhausted its options, national governments should come together to19 hr ago -
Pakistan’s Democracy Will Survive
The Supreme Court's decision to remove Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is viewed by many in the West as21 hr ago -
Asia’s Evolving Security Order
China’s increasing assertiveness in maritime disputes has catalyzed deepening strategic cooperation between22 hr ago
No such thing as a “succession war” as Uzbekistan enters the post-Karimov
For the first time since its independence, Uzbekistan is experiencing the tremors of managed politicalSeptember 8, 2016 -
NATO moves from reassurance to actual deterrence against Russia
Defense, deterrence, dialogue. This motto sums up the NATO Summit in Warsaw rather well. On July 8 and 9August 16, 2016 -
Kazakhstan at odds with homegrown terrorism
(C) RFE/RL YouTube screen grab In June, Kazakhstan fell victim to homegrown terrorism. On June 5,June 18, 2016
Science and technology
Researchers get better at tweaking the genomes of human embryos
IT IS risky to predict who and what will win a Nobel prize. But some discoveries are so big that theirAugust 2, 2017 -
A better way to make holograms
HOLOGRAPHY is a useful technology, but somehow faintly disappointing. The fantasy is of a “Star Trek” styleAugust 3, 2017 -
A wild idea about paying for conservation
MEERKATS are endearing creatures. Indeed, they are so endearing that they have been turned into charactersAugust 3, 2017
Science Blog
Hubble detects exoplanet with glowing water atmosphere
Scientists have discovered the strongest evidence to date for a stratosphere on a planet outside our solar21 hr ago -
Hybrid drones carry heavier payloads for greater distances
MIT alumnus Long Phan SM ’99, PhD ’12 is a technology innovator and entrepreneur with several engineering “21 hr ago -
New AI algorithm monitors sleep with radio waves
More than 50 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, and diseases including Parkinson’s and21 hr ago
Raw Story
Kenyans next to fear ‘fake news’ might spark more election violence
Two videos emerged recently on Kenyan social media: One appeared to be from the BBC, the other from CNN14 min ago -
Trump’s deregulation teams are shrouded in secrecy
Secrecy and Suspicion Surround Trump’s Deregulation Teams This article was co-published with The New4 hr ago -
New Horizons space probe will soon solve mystery of an object a billion
New Horizons will soon solve a mystery about an object a billion miles past Pluto Two for the price of one.4 hr ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
Innovative mechanical engineer wins 2017 research medal
A University of Canterbury academic whose pioneering work has real-world impact that ranges from intensive9 hr ago -
Low blood sugars in newborns linked to later difficulties
A newborn condition affecting one in six babies has been linked to impairment in some high-level brain12 hr ago -
Many more hot days for Wellington region
Wellington city will have warmer autumns, almost a month of days over 25°C and up to 10 per cent moreAugust 6, 2017
The Science of Doom
The Debate is Over – 99% of Scientists believe Gravity and the Heliocentric
At least 99.9% of physicists believe the theory of gravity, and the heliocentric model of the solar system.July 31, 2017 -
Renewables XIX – Behind the Executive Summary and Reality vs Dreams
In a few large companies I observed the same phenomenon – over here are corporate dreams and overJuly 25, 2017 -
The Confirmation Bias – a Feature not a Bug
A long time ago I wrote The Confirmation Bias – Or Why None of Us are Really Skeptics , with a smallJune 25, 2017
Salon: in-depth news, politics, business, technology & culture Salon
Fake news isn’t going anywhere: It’s hugely profitable — and right-wingers
(Credit: AP/Susan Walsh) Eight months after a torrential campaign of disinformation, memorably49 min ago -
GOP launches counteroffensive against the media — to distract America from
Kayleigh McEnany (Credit: Twitter/Team Trump) Donald Trump’s base is shrinking, no matter what he51 min ago -
Trump and Ryan Zinke may want to shrink national monument boundaries — but
(Credit: AP/Carolyn Kaster/Getty/withering/Salon) As Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke implements President52 min ago
Question of the Day
Suggested by Shaker lattendicht: "Are you a space-formatter or a tab-formatter? Or do you have some10 hr ago -
The Monday Blogaround
This blogaround brought to you by a white blaze on a brown snout. Recommended Reading: Tressie McMillan11 hr ago -
Here Is Something Nice
Morgan Hartman is a 23-year-old woman with autism. Her father, Gordon Hartman, who made a fortune as a12 hr ago
Seeing the Forest
For some Reason The Public Thinks Politicians Side With Corporations
Tweet For some reason, the public thinks politicians side with corporations. Imagine that. and they’August 6, 2017 -
Denmark Socialism vs American System (Video)
Tweet People in Denmark Are Much Happier Than People in the United States. Here’s Why. TweetJuly 17, 2017 -
Progressives Should Focus On Russia
Tweet Too many on the “left” say progressives should not be focusing on the RussianJuly 16, 2017
The Slog.
When you reduce interest rates to save the banks stimulate consumer spending, it doesn’t work ifAugust 6, 2017 -
THE SATURDAY ESSAY: the bigger they come, the harder they fall
It is very easy to be faceless, unaccountable, inefficient and corrupt. All you need is scale, patronageAugust 5, 2017 -
Brexit bollocks, malign migration and basket-case Britain: victory will be
The determination of a broad spectrum of losers to condemn Europe to pauperised fascism is boundless. ByAugust 4, 2017
Socio-Economics History Blog
Trump Loyalist Purged By Deep State. Warns Of Globalist / Islamic Collusion
Published on Aug 7, 2017 Alex Jones dissects Rich Higgins’ diagnosis of the mass political warfare6 hr ago -
Russia Ditching US Dollar to Counter New Sanctions
Published on Aug 7, 2017 Russia says it is speeding up efforts to reduce its dependency on the US dollar6 hr ago -
ISIS Raids Then US MOAB Bomb: Afghan Civilians Between Hammer and Anvil
Published on Aug 7, 2017 Caught between Islamic State and US airstrikes, Afghan civilians have been forced6 hr ago
Technology - Google News
World's top insider has some bad news about the iPhone 8 and Galaxy S9
BGR World's top insider has some bad news about the iPhone 8 and Galaxy S9 BGR The Galaxy Note 8 isn17 hr ago -
Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech - New York
New York Times Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech New York Times Sundar Pichai,6 hr ago -
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Review - GameSpot
NDTV Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Review GameSpot In Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, the struggle of2 hr ago
This Can't Be Happening!
Whoa! It's Really Crazy Here in America!
Thoughts on returning from a short, eventful trip to the UKAugust 2, 2017
Chantek, 'the ape who went to college,' dies at 39
The male orangutan was among the first apes to learn to communicate using sign language.
Could clean his room, make and use tools »
Top Documentary Films
Universe Today
Experiment Detects Mysterious Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering For the First
Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles that make up the Universe. Compared to other types of10 hr ago -
Carnival of Space #521
Welcome, come in to the 521st Carnival of Space! The Carnival is a community of space science and astronomy17 hr ago -
Musk Says Maiden Falcon Heavy to Launch in November, Acknowledges High Risk
SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket poised for launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in this artistsAugust 4, 2017
Veterans Today
US Special Forces operating in Lebanon ‘close to Hizballah’
US Special Forces are operating in Lebanon ahead of an imminent battle with Islamic State group militants8 hr ago -
Natural Life Death Life Cycle
I am asking the National Security Agency to help stop soul erasure forever. We deserve to be here. This is13 hr ago -
Documents Confirm The US Already Delivered Lethal Weapons To Ukraine
…from SouthFront SF has obtained exclusive photos of the contract between the Ukrainian state-run17 hr ago
War Is Boring
The U.S. Army’s Failed Quest to Create Floating Tank Divisions
This story originally appeared on Feb. 1, 2016. Amphibious assaults are the domain of the U.S. Marines, not44 min ago -
Two Supercarriers Meet at Sea — One’s Missing Airplanes
The Royal Navy’s new supercarrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and her battle group met the U.S. Navy’s45 min ago -
A Lot of Hard Work Stands Between India and Its Own Stealth Fighter
In 2008, India’s Aeronautical Development Agency began developing a multi-role fighter to replace its largeAugust 7, 2017
Whistleblower Protection Blog
Tanzania’s Biggest Whistleblower Visits National Whistleblower Center
The Human Rights Defenders’ 2015 Whistleblower Award recipient, David Kafulila, recently visited the16 hr ago -
Senator Grassley: “Whistleblowers are Heroes and Patriots”
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has been a stalwart champion for whistleblowers since he joined the Senate inAugust 1, 2017 -
Strong Bipartisan Support for Whistleblowers at National Whistleblower Day
Washington, D.C. July 28, 2017. Members of Congress and agency leaders honored whistleblowers atJuly 28, 2017
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Andy Worthington
Video: Andy Worthington’s Band The Four Fathers Play Anti-Austerity Song
Listen to ‘Riot’ here , and watch the live video here . Exactly six years ago, on August 6, 2011, riotsAugust 6, 2017 -
Sufyian Barhoumi, the Peaceful Algerian Cleared for Release But Still
Please support my work! I’m currently trying to raise $2500 (£2000) to support my writing andAugust 4, 2017 -
My Photos: The Wet But Still Wonderful WOMAD Festival 2017
See my photo set on Flickr here! The WOMAD festival (World of Music, Art and Dance) takes place on theAugust 2, 2017
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