Former IMF Chief Sent To Jail As Spain Prosecutes 65 Elite Bankers in
By Matt Agorist In many other countries, excluding the United States, corrupt bankers are often brought to7 hr ago -
iPhone Blows Up, Caught LIVE On Camera
By Catherine J. Frompovich Please consider this a CONSUMER SAFETY ALERT. Below is the photograph of an8 hr ago -
Baby Ostriches Slaughtered for Lois Vuitton Luxury Bags [EXPOSED]
By: DominicBertolami via theminds.com PETA investigators traveled to South Africa to get never-before-seen10 hr ago
Blogging for a Healthy Gulf
Join the Outreach Team
Nearly half of our funding at GRN comes from from individuals like you. This is a big deal for two reasons:February 24, 2017 -
Island Party Time!
Come with us to Ship Island! We're sailing on March 19th and we want you on board. Our boat party isFebruary 22, 2017 -
An Ode To Nonexistence
Three permitting agencies have held two public hearings about one Bayou Bridge. January’s joint Army CorpsFebruary 17, 2017
The Event Chronicle
A Former Goldman Sachs Partner & George Soros Employee Is Now Officially
By Kalee Brown President Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have stirred up some controversy in the U.S., andFebruary 21, 2017 -
NASA Live Video Feed Cut Again As 6 Large ‘UFOs’ Creep Past International
By Joe Martino New and strange footage from NASA’s live feed of the International Space Station appearsFebruary 20, 2017 -
CBS News is in Antarctica for a Series of Disclosures on… “Climate Change”
By Shem El-Jamal If we have been keeping up with the alternative news surrounding the disclosures ofFebruary 20, 2017
Bring The HEAT
28th Infantry Divion
In one of the iconic photos of World War II, the 28th Infantry Division marches11 hr ago -
H.R. McMaster and the Battle of 73 Easting
Newly appointed National Security Advisor LTG H. R. McMaster first rose toFebruary 21, 2017 -
Soul Food-Kush
Seriously, this guy is up there with the Primitive Technology guy among myFebruary 20, 2017
Blogs of War
Counterintelligence in the Trump Era
William J. Tucker, regular contributor on counterintelligence topics for Blogs of War and Covert ContactFebruary 24, 2017 -
Blogs of War Gets a New Look (and a New Platform)
Regular readers might remember the blog moving from Wordpress to the Silvrback platform in 2015. I lovedFebruary 22, 2017 -
Dereliction of Duty
Brian Christopher Darling has served in the United States Army in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Qatar. He hasFebruary 21, 2017
Bizarre: BreakingNews.ie
Couple get 27 toasters as wedding gifts
A recently married couple received 27 toasters as wedding presents.March 3, 2014 -
Injured tortoise 'back to his sprightly self' after wheels fitted
A tortoise has had his front legs replaced with wheels.March 3, 2014 -
Woman spent £150,000 on Diet Coke
A Diet Coke addict has spent nearly £150,000 on the fizzy drink.February 21, 2014
Discover: BreakingNews.ie
Nigel Farage had dinner with Donald Trump and there's some pretty awks
He looks unbelievably happy.7 hr ago -
This is why you need to cross TedFest off your Irish bucket list
Main events included The Lovely Girls competition, Ted’s Got Talent, The Ronnie Drew Hour, The Ronnie Drew7 hr ago -
The Gardaí have rescued a lost micro-pig in Wicklow
Wait … did Vodafone just predict the future?14 hr ago
What Does Steve Bannon Want? (Christopher Caldwell/New York Times)
Christopher Caldwell / New York Times : What Does Steve Bannon Want? — President Trump13 hr ago -
Bill Paxton - Dead at 61 (TMZ.com)
TMZ.com : Bill Paxton — Dead at 61 — EXCLUSIVE — Bill Paxton14 hr ago -
Buoyed By Anti-Trump Activism, Democrat Wins Delaware Special Election
Paul Blumenthal / The Huffington Post : Buoyed By Anti-Trump Activism, Democrat Wins Delaware Special14 hr ago
The Hayride
VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Debates A DNC Strategist On Transgender Bathrooms
This guy’s name is Zack Petkanas, and he’s a senior adviser to the Democrat Party. One wouldFebruary 24, 2017 -
Quote Of The Day, February 24, 2017
“It’s outrageous the administration is saying anyone who might have committed a crime qualifies forFebruary 24, 2017 -
Join Us On April 12 For The Hayride’s 2017 Spring Dinner!
On April 12 at the Louisiana Culinary Institute on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge, we’ll beFebruary 24, 2017
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - research • analysis • solutions
Join us for our fourth annual telephone town hall
What is it? Join us (from the comfort of your own home!) for our fourth annual Telephone Town HallFebruary 23, 2017 -
Winners and losers from BC’s budget choices
The BC government delivers its budget next week, and has indicated that more tax cuts will be coming. ButFebruary 16, 2017 -
Ontario is proving that taxing the one per cent works
In Maclean's magazine , CCPA-Ontario senior economist Sheila Block writes about what happened whenFebruary 13, 2017
Times of India
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI
No third party tampered with RK Pachauri’s emails to victim
A detailed report in this regard has been sent to the Delhi Police by the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL)1 hr ago -
US killer asked visa status of Indians before shooting
Foreign secretary S Jaishankar will voice concerns over security of Indian Americans as well as drive home1 hr ago -
Terror finance watchdog puts Pakistan on notice
The Financial Action Task Force, which held its plenary in Paris last week, has a process of issuing public1 hr ago
Canada conservationist warns of ‘cyber poaching’
OTTAWA: Photographers, poachers and eco-tour operators are in the crosshairs of a Canadian conservationist -
Japan zoo culls 57 monkeys carrying ‘invasive’ genes
TOKYO: A Japanese zoo has culled 57 native snow monkeys by lethal injection after finding that they carried -
A tonne of ivory, hacked into pieces, seized in Uganda
KAMPALA: Ugandan authorities have seized more than a tonne of ivory, chopped into small pieces and treated
A need to reach out to the orang asli
WHEN an orang asli villager in Sungai Kejar of Perak’s Royal Belum State Park was asked how many people in -
Asean more than a club of 10
SOME of us think of Asean as simply a club comprising the 10 countries in this corner of the world, and -
Game-changing moves for a better future
A KEY objective of the 11th Malaysia Plan is to ensure the country’s poorest families can seize the
News24 Top Stories
News24.com | SARS suspends 'last Jedi'
The taxman’s investigation into South Africa’s tobacco industry has taken another twist with the suspension21 min ago -
Channel24.co.za | Biggest Oscars mishap as wrong film is announced winner
Moonlight won the best picture trophy at the Academy Awards in a historic Oscar upset.12 min ago -
News24.com | Vaal dam overflows: Before and after pics show dramatic
The Vaal Dam is currently at just over 97%, as Gauteng has reached 90,2% of its water storage capacity48 min ago
News24 Opinions
News24.com | Heed the calls, or SA will burn
After the deaths of 62 people and the destruction of millions of rands worth of property, a parliamentaryFebruary 25, 2017 -
News24.com | Please help me count, Comrade Mantashe...
South Africa goes into holiday mode as soon as the second weekend of December ends. The country then wakesFebruary 25, 2017 -
News24.com | A unified middle class can help SA
To activate radical economic transformation, strong leadership and powerful new players will have to emergeFebruary 25, 2017
News24 Africa
News24.com | Big SA book donation to Zimbabwe 'held up at Beitbridge
Thirty tons of school books collected in Bedfordview and meant for distribution to schools in Zimbabwe are1 hr ago -
News24.com | Morocco says to withdraw from Western Sahara tension zone
Morocco says it will pull back from a zone of the contested Western Sahara that has raised tensions with1 hr ago -
News24.com | Man, 27, 'slits' wife's throat, hangs self
A Zimbabwean man, 27, hanged himself after he allegedly killed his wife, 19, by slitting her throat, a11 hr ago
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Logic & Analysis, a course for home-schooled children
Logic & Analysis , a course for home-schooled children by Jon Rappoport February 25, 2017 In theFebruary 25, 2017 -
I’m waiting for Google to explain why they deleted Natural News
I’m waiting for Google to explain why it deleted Natural News by Jon Rappoport February 24, 2017February 24, 2017 -
My work: the individual returns to his creative fire
My work: the individual returns to his creative fire by Jon Rappoport February 24, 2017 Through myFebruary 24, 2017
World: BreakingNews.ie
Thousands march in Moscow to remember gunned down Russian opposition leader
Thousands of Russians have marched through Moscow to mark two years since opposition leader Boris Nemtsov7 hr ago -
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is to get a 165ft Ferris wheel next to it
The Italian city of Pisa has decided to add a towering Ferris wheel to its roster of tourist attractions.8 hr ago -
Mother's chance of disrupted sleep 'rises 50% with each child'
Every additional child increases a mother's chances of having her sleep disturbed by 50%, research has8 hr ago
Humans Are Free
Clinton Fundraiser Whistleblower: 'They’re Going to Kill Me'
A Clinton Campaign whistleblower says he fears for his life after exposing illegal fundraising tactics used1 hr ago -
TV is Mind Control Through Physiological and Psychological Manipulation
Television is an anesthetic for the pain of the modern world” – Astrid Alauda It’s estimated the average2 hr ago -
The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed: Hollywood, the Vatican and the 1% "
Recent revelations regarding pedophile rings run by and for the rich and powerful show that these are not3 hr ago
Ireland: BreakingNews.ie
Post mortem results to determine direction of Garda investigation into body
Gardaí are investigating the death of a 90-year-old man in Waterford.8 hr ago -
PSNI arrest two teenagers as they launch murder investigation after man
Two young men have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a man was found dead following an assault.11 hr ago -
Gardaí recover gun and make three arrests, including member of Limerick
Gardaí have recovered a gun and arrested three men in a crackdown on organised crime in Limerick.13 hr ago
The Irish Savant
Oh ma' achin' sides!!!
You know, these days it's almost possible to feel a little sorry for the legacy media, die Lugenpresse20 hr ago -
The new leader of Ireland?
Very soon Ireland will have a new Prime Minister, the current one having been forced to quit by his ownFebruary 23, 2017 -
Quantifying diversity's costs
In an earlier post I computed a lifetime cost to us northern European taxpayers of €3 million for a typicalFebruary 19, 2017
Sunday's Best Deals: Kindle Ebooks, Knives, Athletic Apparel, and More
Kindle books that inspired films , one of your favorite chef’s knives , and athletic apparel accessories15 hr ago -
Turn Leftover Rice Into Delectably Sweet Rice Pudding
If you have some leftover rice in danger of going stale, here’s a simple and delicious way to use it up6 hr ago -
Test Out Firefox's New Tab Snoozing Feature With Its Test Pilot
Firefox: Snoozing emails is a pretty common practice these days, so it makes sense to bring that same7 hr ago
U.S. NRC Blog
Principles of Good Regulation: Clarity
Regulations should be coherent, logical, and practical. There should be a clear nexus between regulationsFebruary 22, 2017 -
Principles of Good Regulation: Efficiency
Maureen Wylie Chief Financial Officer The American taxpayer, the rate-paying consumer, and licenseesFebruary 10, 2017 -
Projected End Date for Indian Point Plant Comes into Clearer Focus
Neil Sheehan Public Affairs Officer Region I April 30th will mark a decade since Entergy submitted aFebruary 8, 2017
Times of India
Science News - Times of India
Outer space particles wreaking havoc on your gadgets: Study
Operational failures in electronic gadgets may be caused by the impact of electrically charged particlesFebruary 19, 2017 -
SpaceX aborts launch after 'odd' rocket engine behavior
SpaceX aborted its planned Dragon cargo launch to the International Space Station just seconds beforeFebruary 18, 2017 -
Woman's blood pressure before conception could influence sex of child
A woman's blood pressure before she gets pregnant could affect whether she has a boy or a girlJanuary 13, 2017
Trend – News from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran and Turkey.
How to protect children from social network dangers
Azercell Telecom LLC, the leading mobile operator of Azerbaijan and Kaspersky Lab, international IT5 min ago -
Azerbaijani currency rates for Feb. 27
Official exchange rate of the US dollar and euro to Azerbaijani manat for Feb. 27 was set at 1.7475 manats20 min ago -
ICGB AD exec: Southern Gas Corridor key for promoting IGB project
The Southern Gas Corridor project plays a key role in promoting the implementation of the Interconnector1 hr ago
Star2.com » Wellness
Your penis may shrink after this surgery, but will it return to the same
After prostate removal for cancer, men sometimes complain to their doctors that their penis shrank, but a7 hr ago -
Understanding breast cancer
All women are at risk of getting breast cancer, but there are a few risk factors that make it more likely,February 25, 2017 -
The iodine in women’s health
Forty per cent of the world’s population is affected by iodine deficiency. Much of it is due toFebruary 25, 2017
The Star Online News Highlights
South Korean graft investigators say they won't be able to question
SEOUL (Reuters) - The South Korean special prosecutor's office said on Monday it will not be able to -
R&B singer withdraws defamation suit against entertainment blog
KUALA LUMPUR: R&B singer and actor Wan Shades has withdrawn his defamation suit against the owner of -
Sabah minister recovering after heart attack
KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Siringan Gubat is in stable condition and responding to treatment at the intensive
Trump's Departing NASA Liaison Urges Careful Vetting of Crewed Test
The Trump administration's liaison to NASA, Greg Autry, is leaving his post. He urges careful study of23 hr ago -
Moon Blocks (Most of) the Sun in 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse
A "ring of fire" appeared in the sky over parts of South America and Africa today (Feb. 2612 hr ago -
Skywatching Webcasts: Slooh 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse Show
The online astronomy service Slooh will provide a live webcast of the annular solar eclipse of Sunday, Feb.13 hr ago
What Should We Add Next To The Techdirt Gear Store?
Get I Invented Email , Copymouse and more in the Techdirt Gear store » Right now, thereFebruary 25, 2017 -
Just To Be Safe, We're Resetting All Techdirt Passwords In Response To
As you may have heard, late yesterday it was revealed that there was a pretty major bug that wasFebruary 24, 2017 -
California Law Enforcement Union Sues To Block Police Accountability
Because there's just not enough opacity shrouding police misconduct and not enough slanting of theFebruary 24, 2017
The Register - Business
Failed cancer data integration project means labs can't see patient
Telstra Health and Australian gov miss deadline in bungled privatised registry rollout The Australian -
Energy market operator used urban data only, undershot heatwave forecast by
South Australia is bigger than France. But AEMO's predictions use two weather stations Another -
Engineer who blew lid on Uber's toxic sexist culture now menaced by
Who could possibly have a grudge against Susan Fowler? The engineer who claims Uber is rife with sexism and
The Register - Science: SPB
Lester Haines: RIP
Register Special Projects Bureau chief dies aged 55 It is with incredible sadness that El Reg must report -
US 5th graders have a pop at paper plane record
Close to claiming highest launch Guinness World Record A bunch of US 5th graders* yesterday came close to -
NASA's stadium-sized sandwich bag overflies Oz
So far so good for Super Pressure Balloon mission The NASA Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) which lifted off
The Register
Experimental satellite-slinger seeks cargo: What could go wrong?
ESA wants daredevils to help it test the Small Satellites Mission Service atop a Vega launcher If you' -
Google trumpets cloudy Skylake silicon nobody else is running
Intel just doesn't sell this kit yet. Not in the cloud. Not on-premises. Not anywhere Remember when PC -
Citrix releases first ever XenServer Long Term Service Release
Here's a point release to get a bit excited by, plus updates to VMware and Oracle hypervisors Updates
The Strategy of No Strategy
Strategy is everywhere in our society. But strategy in practice seems to be a cruel and even silly joke. IFebruary 23, 2017 -
Prescientific Organizational Theory
Organizational Theory isn’t a science, though it would like to be. Unfortunately, building aFebruary 21, 2017 -
Unbuilding the Wall
This is a guest post by Toby Shorin . Although symbols are intangible, that doesn’t mean they areFebruary 16, 2017
Russian military inspectors set for Open Skies observation flight over
"The observation flight over Turkey will be carried out between February 27 and March 3 from the7 hr ago -
Russian team wins 13 medals on Day 3 of CISM Winter Military World Games
Russian athletes on Sunday won seven gold, four silver and two bronze medals and retained the top position7 hr ago -
Boeing-757 en route from Ashgabat to Birmingham makes emergency landing in
"The passenger’s dead body remained onboard the plane" when it took off, the source said7 hr ago
Unexplained Mysteries
Hot springs holds 'hair freezing' competition
Every year, visitors to the Takhini Hot Springs in Yukon are challenged to freeze their hair and brows. The17 hr ago -
Pollution can outweigh benefits of exercise
In some of the world's most polluted cities, exercising outside can actually do more harm than good. It19 hr ago -
Group of kids scared by 'goblin' in Argentina
Bizarre footage posted online recently shows a mysterious assailant crawling towards some youths. TheFebruary 25, 2017
WebMD Health
8 Things You Didn't Know About Twins
Can you guess which state has the highest rate of twin births?February 24, 2017 -
9 Parents of Twins Share Their Best Advice
We asked what they would tell other parents before bringing two bundles of joy into the world.February 24, 2017 -
Drug OD Deaths Have Nearly Tripled Since 1999: CDC
Whites, middle-aged adults hardest hit, new report findsFebruary 24, 2017
White House.gov Press Office Feed
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Sean Spicer, 2/24/2017
West Wing 1:38 P.M. EST MR. SPICER: Hey, guys. You saw the President signed anFebruary 24, 2017 -
Remarks by President Trump and President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru
Oval Office 3:06 P.M. EST PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very muchFebruary 24, 2017 -
Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda
EXECUTIVE ORDER - - - - - - - ENFORCING THE REGULATORY REFORM AGENDA By the authorityFebruary 24, 2017
Dog-Whistler-in-Chief or a Tremendous Opportunity?
President Donald Trump recently told reporters that he is “the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve18 hr ago -
Has Anything Changed 5 Years After Trayvon Martin Was Killed?
Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of the killing of Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer GeorgeFebruary 25, 2017 -
Trump’s Moderating Force on Climate
PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they areFebruary 24, 2017
Samsung’s New Windows Tablet Is Your Laptop’s Worst Nightmare
The 12-inch Samsung Galaxy Book represents the bleeding edge of the tablet-as-laptop space. The post12 hr ago -
Nokia Revives Its Indestructible Candy Bar—and Shows Off Three New Phones
The Finnish giant doubles down on big Android phones. But also, there's a new 3310 👀13 hr ago -
Motorola’s Killer Cheap Phones Just Keep Getting Better
The G5 and G5 Plus make a compelling case for continuing Motorola's tradition of making Android phones14 hr ago
A Whole Lot of Magma Is Lurking Under Taipei
A new study suggests a magmatic system as large as 350 cubic kilometers sits below the city. Oh, and IndiaFebruary 25, 2017 -
Do Cats Cause Schizophrenia? Believe the Science, Not the Hype
Like many health studies examining relationships between bacon and cancer, salt and obesity, or sugar andFebruary 24, 2017 -
Potential Trump Science Adviser Says Climate Change Is Great
Opinion: A climate scientist explains why William Tapper, a candidate for science adviser to the president,February 24, 2017
A Whole Lot of Magma Is Lurking Under Taipei
A new study suggests a magmatic system as large as 350 cubic kilometers sits below the city. Oh, and IndiaFebruary 25, 2017 -
Forget Weather Apps: Measure the Wind Yourself With an Old Electric Motor
You can build an anemometer with an electric motor and a fan blade. Here's how. The post ForgetFebruary 23, 2017 -
Flying at Light Speed Is Pretty Much Impossible—Unless You’re Han Solo
In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Han needs crazy fast reaction time to get inside the Starkiller shieldsFebruary 20, 2017
Health + Medicine – The Conversation
Safe and ethical ways to edit the human genome
Human genome editing raises a lot of questions. Gene sequence image via www.shutterstock.com. The National5 hr ago -
Decades into diabetes, insulin therapy still hard to manage
Insulin syringes. From www.shutterstock.com So, your doctor told you that you need insulin therapy for yourFebruary 22, 2017 -
Inmates are excluded from Medicaid – here's why it makes sense to
Inmates wait to enter an assigned cell block at the Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy, California. APFebruary 20, 2017
Politics + Society – The Conversation
America's mass deportation system is rooted in racism
A rowdy segment of the American electorate is hell-bent on banning a specific group of immigrants from5 hr ago -
Seeking truth among 'alternative facts'
Part of what I do as an archaeologist is judge between competing claims to truth. Indeed, you could sayFebruary 23, 2017 -
How undocumented immigrants negotiate a place for themselves in America
Once undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers arrive on American soil, they run the risk of beingFebruary 22, 2017
Science + Technology – The Conversation
California's rain may shed light on new questions about what causes
California is particularly earthquake-prone, hosting the great San Andreas fault zone. wlscience/flickr ,February 23, 2017 -
Cybersecurity of the power grid: A growing challenge
Called the “ largest interconnected machine ,” the U.S. electricity grid is a complex digital and physicalFebruary 23, 2017 -
Broadband internet can help rural communities connect – if they use it
Using the internet is what matters. Woman on laptop via shutterstock.com Being able to connect to theFebruary 22, 2017
Environment + Energy – The Conversation
Air pollution exposure may increase risk of dementia
Shutterstock.com Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that5 hr ago -
Why Trump's EPA is far more vulnerable to attack than Reagan's or
The bad old days: Public and political support for the EPA was highest when environmental problems like airFebruary 23, 2017 -
Red state rural America is acting on climate change – without calling it
One primary concern in rural areas: higher temperatures put strain on water and energy sources. AP PhotoFebruary 21, 2017
Zelo Street
Lily Allen - Say Sorry, Tabloids
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} Once again13 hr ago -
Brexit - The Dark Money Reality
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} Recently, Zelo16 hr ago -
UKIP On Brink Of Breakup
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Arial} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} span.s2 {text19 hr ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Donald Trump has tweeted about the Oscars a lot
Donald Trump wasn’t watching the Oscars on Sunday night. Instead, the president hosted the Governors2 hr ago -
Alt-Oscars: Trump backers tuning out Academy Awards, because Meryl Streep
Supporters of President Trump are calling for a boycott of Sunday’s Oscars, a celebration that brings7 hr ago -
Colorado governor, once opposed, is softening his stance on legal pot
In the four years since Colorado voters legalized recreational marijuana, Gov. John Hickenlooper — who11 hr ago
Politics : NPR
Fearing Climate Change Policy Under Trump, STEM Group Works To Get
Scientists across the country are planning to go to Washington — and take office. Shaughnessy Naughton is7 hr ago -
Teen Transgender Wrestler — A Reluctant Symbol Of A Nation Divided
Mack Beggs, who identifies as a boy, won a girls state wrestling championship in Texas this weekend. He'7 hr ago -
How Much Will Trump's Address To Congress Reflect 'Renewal Of
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says President Trump will focus on the "renewal of American7 hr ago
Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
L.L. Bean rebuffs boycott over granddaughter’s big Trump donation
A man wipes off the headlights of the L.L. Bean Bootmobile in the parking lot at the facility where theJanuary 10, 2017 -
Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
Trump tours a Carrier factory in Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 2016. Chuck Jones, the union leader who claimsDecember 8, 2016 -
Working, eating and sleeping at the office
The sight of workers sleeping on the job is common in China, where a surplus of cheap labor can lead toMay 11, 2016
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