Saturday, February 25, 2017

25 February - Blogs I'm Following

11:53 pm MST

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 minutes ago
At base in Northern Syria, U.S. forces helping Syrians prepare to liberate Raqqa #SDF @SDF_Press_1 @CBSDavidMartin — Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) February 26, 2017

Hawaii Geothermal Energy Problem

The photo above is a spectacular image of the continuing lava flow at the Kilauea Volcano (more here) and the question what is powering this massive production of basaltic lava remain problematical. The mainstream view is that radiogenic heat in the upper mantle etc., causes partial melting that erupts as observed in the photo […]

Global Warming, Again

The late Carl Sagan was very involved in the Velikovsky Affair, and wrote the following: Yet to the present day mainstream science continues to repeat the fallacy that CO2 is a greenhouse gas; it isn’t. So Dr. Kongpong U-yen’s 2016 … Continue reading →

Pizzagate Turned PedoGate Leads to Momentum Surge in Busting Global Child Sex Trafficking Rings

Joachim Hagopian at American Empire Exposed - 29 minutes ago
This article will examine the current status of the so called “Pizzagate” scandal. But from here on out this presentation will refer to it as PedoGate for several reasons. Pedogate involves global child sex trafficking networks that have been operating over a lengthy period of time, far beyond the *WikiLeaks* release of the John Podesta emails and his obsession over “pizza,” and incriminating contents found on disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop leading up to last November’s election. PedoGate also extends far beyond the so called Comet Ping Pong pizza par... more »

Is North Korea Preparing Another Nuclear Test?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 34 minutes ago
*38 North*:* Continued Activity at North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site* Recent commercial satellite imagery of North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test facility shows continued low-level activity at many locations within the installation. In particular, the shifting of supplies and equipment as well as additional changes in the texture and pattern of small sections of the tailings pile at the North Portal indicate continuing work inside the test tunnels. These activities suggest continued preparation and maintenance of this portal for use in a new nuclear test. Should the dec... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* Servicemen play roller hockey aboard Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying cruiser in the Mediterranean Sea. © SPUTNIK/ PRESS SERVICE OF THE NORTHERN FLEET/ANDREY LUZIK

The U.S. Air Force Wants A 6th-Generation Fighter

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
The Boeing F/A-XX concept design as of 2013. Wikipedia *National Defense*: *Air Force Leader Wants More Aggressive Push for ‘Sixth-Gen’ Capabilities* The Air Force needs to more aggressively pursue a next-generation platform capable of penetrating deep into hostile airspace, the head of Air Combat Command said Feb. 24. The primary focus now is on ramping up production of the F-35A joint strike fighter, a fifth-generation aircraft with stealth features and cutting-edge sensors. But the Air Force is already thinking about acquiring a sixth-generation “penetrating counter-air” capabi... more »

Tonight Democrats Won Control Of the Delaware State Senate-- Thanks Señor Trumpanzee

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
*Stephanie Hansen beats Pepe in Delaware* Most election-junkies were glued to the DNC race today. But there was another election going on as well, a special election for a state Senate seat in Delaware. This one pit New Castle County ex-Council President Stephanie Hansen (D) against John Marino (R). Libertarian Joseph Lansendorfer was also running for the seat previously held by newly inaugurated Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long (D). The 10th district covers Middletown, Glasgow and southern Newark in New Castle County in the suburban northwest corner of the state, flush up against the Mar... more »

UN Spokesman: Rebel Linked Attack Against Syrian Security Headquarters In Homs Was An Attempt To Derail Current Syrian Peace Talks In Geneva

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
*Al Jazeera*: *Homs blasts threaten to derail Syria talks in Geneva* *Officials and rebels spar over attacks targeting government positions as UN envoy suspects 'spoilers' behind violence.* Geneva, Switzerland - Deadly suicide attacks in the Syrian government-held city of Homs threaten to derail talks in Geneva, with government and opposition delegates in the Swiss city sparring over the violence. General Hassan Daabul, an army intelligence chief and close confidant of President Bashar al-Assad, was among the dozens killed on Saturday in blasts targeting two security service bases... more »

With Perez Elected DNC Chair, Establishment Democrats Stifle Grassroots Pressure To Transform Party

Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof - 2 hours ago
Obama and Clinton supporters in DNC survive push from the grassroots to transform the Democratic Party into a real and actual opposition party. The post With Perez Elected DNC Chair, Establishment Democrats Stifle Grassroots Pressure To Transform Party appeared first on Shadowproof.

Islamic State Turned A Massive Sinkhole Outside Of Mosul Into The Biggest Mass Grave In Iraq

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
The Khasfa sinkhole has swallowed the mutilated bodies of ISIS' enemies since the jihadis captured Mosul in 2014 *Daily Mail:** ISIS jihadis 'turned sinkhole off the Baghdad-Mosul highway into a mass grave for 4,000 bodies'* * The Khasfa sinkhole has swallowed the mutilated bodies of ISIS' enemies * It is now so infamous that locals tremble when they speak of the atrocities * Hole was once 400 metres deep before it was filled with 4,000 bodies Four hundred meters deep and containing up to 4,000 bodies, this sinkhole is thought to be the biggest mass grave in Iraq. The Khasfa sin... more »

Popular Kurdish Reporter Shifa Gardi Killed In Mosul By Roadside Bomb

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
Smiling into the camera as she interviewed Iraqi soldiers, journalist Shifa Gardi had no idea this would be her last report *Daily Mail*: *Female TV reporter's final broadcast one hour before she was killed in Mosul as Iraqi forces push into West of the city despite resistance from ISIS snipers, bombs and armed DRONES* * Shifa Gardi was covering the ongoing fight against ISIS in Mosul for Kurdish outlet Rudaw prior to the tragedy * Her editors said the talented journalist was killed by explosive device on a road just an hour after a report * Iraqi forces entered the neighbourhoods o... more »

U.S. Forward Air Controllers Are Now On The Front Lines In Mosul

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Washington Post:* *Why U.S. forward air controllers are moving closer to combat in Mosul* With the grinding battle for east Mosul all but over, Iraqi troops in recent days have begun their advance into the Islamic State-held western portion of the city, crossing the Tigris river and driving up from the south toward Mosul’s airport. Backed by the U.S.-led coalition’s airstrikes, artillery, Special Operations forces and hundreds of advisers, Iraqi troops are expected to encounter heavy resistance as they enter western Mosul’s labyrinth of alleyways, tight side streets and multisto... more »

Battle For The Iraqi City of Mosul -- News Updates February 25, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Iraqi forces push deeper into western Mosul as civilians flee* U.S.-backed Iraqi forces pushed deeper into western Mosul on Saturday, advancing in several populated southern districts after punching through the defenses of Islamic State's last major urban stronghold in Iraq a day earlier. About 1,000 civilians walked across the frontlines, the largest movement since the new offensive launched last week to deal the ultra-hardline Sunni Muslim group a decisive blow. In the capital Baghdad, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir met Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in... more »

Trump Allows Oil, Gas, and Coal Companies to Cheat Americans out of Royalties – At Least Pending Litigation (Gold, Uranium and Other Hardrock Miner’s Don’t Pay Royalties for their Thefts from Public Lands)

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 3 hours ago
News release from the Sierra Club: “TRUMP ENDS RULE BLOCKING CORPORATE POLLUTERS FROM PAYING THEMSELVES Interior Rule Prevented Fossil Fuel … Continue reading →

35 Native American Tribes File Lawsuit Against Energy Transfer Partners

White Wolf at White Wolf - 3 hours ago
The Navajo Nation will continue to stand alongside other Native American tribes who face environmental injustice and threats of encroachment on sacred lands On Wednesday, February 22, 2017, the Navajo Nation filed an amicus brief in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia with 34 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes against the Lake Oahe Easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “The federal government must be held accountable for its treaty obligation and in good faith must upholds nation-to-nation relationship with al... more »

Is U.S. Nuclear Arms Capability Lagging?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Reuters*:* Experts dispute Trump's assertion that U.S. nuclear arms capability is lagging* While President Donald Trump has suggested that the United States must expand its nuclear arsenal, many experts say U.S. nuclear forces are unrivaled and will remain so as they undergo a modernization program that could cost more than $1 trillion. In an interview with Reuters on Thursday, Trump said the United States has "fallen behind on nuclear weapon capacity." He pledged to ensure that, "We're going to be at the top of the pack." While Moscow currently deploys 200 more strategic nuclea... more »

Don’t Boycott: Let’s use conferences as organizational platforms and improve social impact

Maryam Z. Deloffre at Duck of Minerva - 3 hours ago
Just returning from an invigorating #ISA2017 where I was inspired by colleagues and new ideas and processing all the stimulating interactions and conversations I had. Last night at the fabulous Global Health Studies section (you should join!) business meeting, one topic of discussion was whether the section should take further action on the U.S. travel […]

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Balance (Galaxies)” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
Liquid Mind, “Balance (Galaxies)” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra, the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are loaded with luminous blue star clusters, pinkish starforming regions, and dark dust lanes. Still, for astronomers NGC 3621 has not been just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy. Some of its brighter stars have been used as standard candles to establish important estimates of extragalactic distances and the scale of the Universe. *Click image for larger size.* This beautiful image... more »

Chet Raymo, “The Ring of Truth” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*“The Ring of Truth”* by Chet Raymo “In Salley Vickers' novel, ‘Where Three Roads Meet,’ the shade of Tiresias, the blind seer of the Oedipus myth, visits Sigmund Freud in London during the psychoanalyst's final terrible illness. In a series of conversations, Tiresias retells the story of Oedipus- he who was fated to kill his father and sleep with his mother- a story at the heart of Freud's own theory of the human psyche. At one point in the conversations, as Tiresias and Freud discuss the extent to which our lives are fated, the question of immortality arises. Freud says of Oedip... more »

The Poet: William Wordsworth, “The World Is Too Much With Us” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*“The World Is Too Much With Us”* “The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from ... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
Southwell, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by!

"No Rehab..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"I don't get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there's no rehab for stupidity." - Chris Rock

"Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots of Oligarchical Collectivism" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*"Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots of Oligarchical Collectivism"* by Ethan Indigo Smith "Characterized by how they respond to information, modern societies are made up of four archetypes of people- idiots, zealots, elitists and patriots. Idiots refuse information, zealots refute information, elitists misuse information and patriots seek and distribute information. These archetypes are true of patriarchal societies around the world, and has probably been the case since Homo habilis was a boy. While consistent across cultures, these archetypes have been subdivided in many ways,... more »

"Have Hope..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
"To anyone reading this who has ever felt disheartened and confused, hurt or are not alone. You are surrounded by countless multitudes of people everywhere who are just like you. Just like us. But you don't have to stay confused or lost or in pain. We might forget this sometimes- or may not know it at all. But there is nothing in your life, no matter how difficult or painful, that cannot be turned into something very beautiful. So please, have hope." - Chad Eastham

Planned Back-Channel Talks Between US And North Korea Have Been Cancelled

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
North Korea (L) and U.S. flags © Reuters *Straits Times/New York Times:* *US axes North Korea talks after Kim Jong Nam murder* BEIJING (NYTIMES) - After approving plans on Friday (Feb 24) for informal talks in New York between a North Korean delegation and former US officials, the Trump administration reversed course hours later, withdrawing approval for the North Koreans' visas, said two people who were to take part in the planned talks. The schedule called for the two sides to meet in early March, and arrangements were underway for the six-member North Korean group, led by Choe... more »

China's Newest Military Base Is Only A Few Kilometres Away From The Largest U.S. Military Base In Africa

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
BBC *New York Times*: *U.S. Wary of Its New Neighbor in Djibouti: A Chinese Naval Base* DJIBOUTI — The two countries keep dozens of intercontinental nuclear missiles pointed at each other’s cities. Their frigates and fighter jets occasionally face off in the contested waters of the South China Sea. With no shared border, China and the United States mostly circle each other from afar, relying on satellites and cybersnooping to peek inside the workings of each other’s war machines. But the two strategic rivals are about to become neighbors in this sun-scorched patch of East African... more »

Is China's New Attack Submarine On Par With The U.S. Navy’s Improved Los Angeles-Class Boats?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
Type 093B SSN The Type 093B SSN is China's newest nuclear attack submarine. Stealthy and fast, it can quickly fire a barrage of vertically launched cruise missiles at unsuspecting ships and land targets. People's Navy Online *Dave Mujumdar, National Interest*: *Does China Have a Nuclear Submarine That Could Beat the U.S. Navy?* Though the Seawolf and Virginia-classes have surpassed the Improved Los Angeles-class as the premier U.S. Navy attack submarines, such older vessels will remain the mainstay of the service’s undersea fleet for many years to come. If the People’s Liberation A... more »

Trump Dodges Correspondents' Dinner

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 4 hours ago
Oh well. It's probably for the best, anyway--someone with Trump's thin skin could go home afterwards and kill the world. Oh, I forgot--he's doing that already. All we have, then, are these tidbits from 2011, long before Trump's disaster fantasy became our disaster reality. First up, O gives it to the Birther-in-Chief at that time, Donald Trump. Followed by Seth Meyers.

U.S. Navy Is Making Its Presence Felt In The South China Sea

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*NBC*: *U.S. Flexes Its Military Muscle Off China* China flexes its mliitary muscle in the South China Sea, the U.S. is responding with its own show of force that includes ships, fighter jets and submarines, as well as the test launch of nuclear-capable missiles. According to internal military reports reviewed by NBC News, almost every week brings another display of U.S. hardware in the waters off China, in a response that has only grown more aggressive since the inauguration of President Trump. A U.S. Navy carrier battle group centered on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson is ... more »

Albert Woodfox and Robert King in Canada: Thunder Bay 3/2 and Montreal 3/17

angola3news at Angola 3 News - 4 hours ago
March 2, Thunder Bay, Ontario: Albert Woodfox and Robert King of the Angola 3 in Ontario, Canada for panel and screening of the film "Hard Time" about Robert King, made by Ron Harpelle. Event at 7pm, Trinity Hall, 310 Park Ave. In the context of the Week Against Police Brutality (, a discussion on incarceration and political repression with Albert Woodfox et Robert H. King will take place Friday March 17th at 6:00 pm at the Alumni Auditorium room H-110 of the Henry F. Hall Building (1455 de Maisonneuve West) of the Concordia University. ***English follows*... more »

China Near Completion In The Militarisation Of Its Islands In The South China Sea (Updated)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*VOA:* *Report: China Nears Completion of Militarizing Island Chain* WASHINGTON — China is almost finished building military structures on its artificial islands in the South China Sea (SCS), Reuters reports, in a development that is sure to test the new Trump administration. Unnamed U.S. officials told the news service construction is almost complete on nearly two dozen structures with retractable roofs designed to house long-range surface-to-air missiles on the Spratly Island chain. The new development could be considered a military escalation on China’s part, several experts to... more »

How Badly Will Señor Trumpanzee Tank The American Travel Industry?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
Roland and I go away twice a year-- once in the summer and once around Christmas. Last June we went to Moscow and St Petersburg in Russia and Baku in Azerbaijan. We're thinking about a Paris trip and a Tierra del Fuego trip for our next two. But Roland's worried that Trump is going to make it tougher for Americans to travel safely and comfortable abroad. How friendly are Mexicans going to be, for example, towards Americans if things keep getting worse. And Parisians may be able to laugh at Trump's ignorant fear mongering about their city now but sooner or later someone, somehwhere ... more »

AZ Senate Seeks to Stamp Out Free Assembly

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 4 hours ago
The Arizona Senate is so desperate to curtail First Amendment rights that it approved legislation that allows authorities to seize the property of any person who simply attends a demonstration designated as a "riot" and/or in which property is destroyed: Bob Christie. February 23, 2017. AZ Senate OKs racketeering charges for riots. The Arizona Republic, available, The Arizona Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that makes participating in or helping organize a pr... more »

Chair and chair alike

Yastreblyansky at No More Mister Nice Blog - 5 hours ago
My favorite shot from the last #DNCchair forum. These guys are friends. So should we all be, Democrats. That's the way #Forward. #DNCfuture — LyndaWoolard (@LyndaWoolard) February 25, 2017 I'm so old (as we say on the Twitter) I remember when the self-denominated progressive faction was looking on Labor Secretary Tom Perez as a kind of savior against those terrible corporate Democrats, maybe ten months ago—when somebody was talking him up as a vice presidential candidate for Hillary Clinton. Didn't work out, but that's another story. But Perez did have... more »

Will Geometric Group Theory Be the Solution to the United States’ Gerrymandering Problem?

Alex Kasprak at - 5 hours ago
A new initiative lead by a Tufts University mathematics professor thinks this field of research could be the best shot at designing fair congressional districts apolitically.

China Builds Up Its Naval Capabilities

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
China's Liaoning aircraft carrier with accompanying fleet conducts a drill in an area of South China Sea in this undated photo taken December, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer/File Photo *Reuters*: *Wary of Trump unpredictability, China ramps up naval abilities* The PLA Navy is likely to secure significant new funding in China's upcoming defense budget as Beijing seeks to check U.S. dominance of the high seas and step up its own projection of power around the globe. China's navy has been taking an increasingly prominent role in recent months, with a rising star admiral taking command, its fi... more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
Lost power for about 10 hours. (bad weather) Just restored. The joys of spending weekends at the chalet. Catching up on the news and email. Blogging will return within the hour.

We're older than America: Mohawks refuse to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday

White Wolf at White Wolf - 5 hours ago
Steve Bonspiel, Mohawk, reflects on why many First Nation people won't celebrate Canada's sesquicentennial birthday We stand here, in Kahnawake, Kanesatake, Akwesasne, Wahta, Six Nations and Tyendinaga, in a country called Canada where promises continue to be broken, in spite of the fact we were instrumental in repelling American attacks during numerous wars, and in helping to make Canada what it is today. We are rarely recognized for our important tactical military role. We were never given what was promised and we were never, after all of the turmoil and upheaval, after the wars... more »

Principles and Strategies for Bridging the Gap: Part I

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 6 hours ago
At the recent ISA meeting, I had the good fortune to participate in a roundtable on bridging the policy-academic divide organized by Jim Goldgeier, the Dean of the School of International Service at American University. Fellow panelists included Bruce Jentleson and a powerhouse trio from American University, including Susanna Campbell, Nora Bensahel, and Jordan Tama. […]

Congress Investigates Fraudulent Science Used by NOAA to Push UN Global Warming Treaty

William F. Jasper at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: congress-investigates-fraudulent-science-used-by-noaa-to-push-un-global-warming-treaty] Rep. Lamar Smith is leading an effort to force the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to release cooked data President Obama and his media allies used to garner support for the immensely onerous and outrageously expensive UN Paris Agreement on climate change.

Florida Man Dies in Meth Lab Explosion After Lighting Farts on Fire?

Dan Evon at - 6 hours ago
Reports that a man caused a meth lab explosion after lighting his farts on fire were fake news.

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Nothing better to do? Oh, I forgot, that *IS *your paid job...

More White Helmet Oscar Attendance Lies and Drama- Blame Trump

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago
*Tailor Made for Hollyweird!* *Just last week I reported here that the two terrorists from White Helmets had gotten their Visa's to attend the Oscar show/manipulation.* *Saturday February 18/2017 "White Helmet" Terrorists Get Visa for Oscars. Trumping the Travel Ban* *The White Helmets going to the Oscars is perfect!- Their theatrics and production is pure Hollywood- So why not an Oscar nomination? * Two Syrian rescue workers said they plan to travel to next week's Oscar ceremony, where their documentary "The White Helmets" is nominated for an award, after weeks of uncertainty caus... more »

Feb. 25: Hitler has never left us.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 8 hours ago
What can one say? Trump is a Hitler. And I don't say that lightly. He appeals to racism. He poses as the man of the people while he really does nothing for them - except to satisfy their prejudices. While he speaks of his concern for 'the people', he announces he'll be cutting taxes for the very rich. And he talks of destroying obamacare - while not showing he has any alternative in mind. Like Hitler, he poses as the friend of the common people. (Hitler even called himself a socialist though his policies, like those of Trump, had no trace of socialism in them. And, like Trump, his ... more »

Chris Hedges: The Corporate State’s Assault on the Arts

dandelionsalad at Dandelion Salad - 8 hours ago
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges RT America on Feb 25, 2017 On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges discusses the corporate state’s assault on the arts with theater director and writer JoAnne Akalaitis. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil examines calls to defund the National Endowment of the Arts. from the archives: Chris Hedges: The […]

Disney on Ice in SLC March 9th-12th

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 8 hours ago
Disney on Ice is headed back into town! I have been taking my youngest daughter since she was an infant. This is our absolute can't miss event every year. There is so much action and entertainment that even my 2-year-old can't help but watch. This year's show features Toy Story 3, Frozen, The Little Mermaid and Cars! These are all AMAZING segments and I can't wait to see how they have changed them up! Find ticket information below and enter to win TWO tickets to Opening Night! Rev up for non-stop family fun with four of your favorite Disney stories when Disney On Ice presents ... more »

Local Council By-Elections February 2017

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 8 hours ago
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Jan +/- Feb 16 Average/ Contest +/- Seats Conservative 20 6,375 23.5% +4.6% -5.0% 319 -7 Labour 17 6,332 23.3% -2.5% -7.8% 372 +1 LibDem 16 7,421 27.3% +4.5% +11.3% 464 +4 UKIP 13 2,532 9.3% +1.5% -1.2% 195 -1 Green 13 965 3.6% +2.6% -1.0% 74 +1 SNP* 0 0 PC** 0 0 Ind*** 3 493 1.8% +1.8% -4.0% 164 0 Other**** 4 3,043 11.2% +10.4% +11.2% ... more »

What Was Worse About Trump's CPAC Speech, The Lies Or The Overtly Fascist Overtones?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
The lies weren't the worst part of Señor Trumpanzee's CPAC speech yesterday. It was the fascist tone, eagerly devoured by his collaborators, that got to me. Anyone who has familiarized themselves with the World War II era and the rise of Naziism would have heard the signals loud and clear, likely inserted, very consciously, into Trump's speech by one of the neo-Nazis around him-- either Bannon, Gorka or Miller. The media is avoiding the topic. It's bizarre to talk about it. It's easier to discuss how many lies he told. Not that it's so easy since he lied in nearly every paragr... more »

Some of Trump's Picks Have Troubling Links to Globalism, CFR

Alex Newman at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: some-of-trump-s-picks-have-troubling-links-to-globalism-cfr] After crushing the establishment and delivering a series of blows to globalism, President Donald Trump's winning spree against the powerful forces that opposed him appears to be slowing down. In fact, with his recent selection of Lieutenant General Herbert McMaster as National Security Adviser and Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court — both of whom have been listed as members of the establishment globalist swamp known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) — concerns are growing even among Trump supporters and gra... more »

Tortoise and hare become fast friends in adorable real-life Tucson fable

White Wolf at White Wolf - 8 hours ago
That race between the tortoise and the hare? A real-life Arizona fable looks like it may end in friendship - and cuteness: There once was an African tortoise named Wamba who lived peacefully in a comfortable enclosure outside the Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain north of Tucson. On cold nights she would totter into her small, heated enclosure and wait for the next day's warming sun. One Presidents Day weekend night, Wamba felt something nestle beside her. She had no idea what this creature could be, only that it was soft and warm and furry. Wamba remained still, something tortoises do v... more »

The Great Greenland Meltdown Con

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 9 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Another day, another ludicrous Greenland meltdown scare story: From “Science”: From a helicopter clattering over Greenland’s interior on a bright July day, the ice sheet below tells a tale of disintegration. Long, roughly parallel cracks score the surface, formed by water and pressure; impossibly blue lakes of […]

The week in satire Vol. #33

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 9 hours ago
And what a week it was! A week in which Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage haggled over who gets to be Trump’s biggest arse-kisser! A week in which Sadiq Khan encouraged Scottish voters to switch back to Labour by comparing them to Trump supporters! And a week in which Donald Trump did many, many terrible […] The post The week in satire Vol. #33 appeared first on The Canary.

'The Victory is Ours' Warriors Heroic Stand at Oceti Sakowin at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago
Rob Wilson Photography: Water Protectors on the river during the final assault on Oceti Sakowin Camp by militarized police on Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017 Rob Wilson Photography One of the last remaining Water Protectors in theOceti Sakowin Camp as the militarized police force moved in on treaty land. Loyal to the end. Filmmaker Jahnny Lee, working with Sundance Institute, arrested while

Asch Conformity Experiment & How the Trump Effect Will be Good For Muslims

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 9 hours ago
*Before we get to the report regarding the Trump effect changing perceptions, ponder this..* *Asch Conformity Experiment* *Aim: *Solomon Asch (1951) conducted an *experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform.* *Results:* Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. On average, about* one third (32%) of the participants who were placed in this situation went along and conformed with the clearly incorrect majority on the critical trials.* *Over the 12 critical trials about... more »

Medley of non-events

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
Complaining about things the BBC *doesn’t* mention may seem like a hiding to nothing; to prove a negative is to embark on a mystery tour; destination bottomless pit. Since the BBC is supposed to be a primary source of information, for many viewers and listeners at any rate, constantly omitting a particular type of story begins to look deliberately misleading. Recent news that antisemitism is on the increase *has* been reported on the BBC - but usually twinned with “Islamophobia”. The definition is left "vague". Swastikas painted on buildings or vandalised Jewish cemeteries qual... more »

Putin-Gate Heating Up Rapidly

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 9 hours ago
I can only imagine how the Trumpist regime felt Friday night when someone told them that craven worm Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show Friday calling for a Putin-Gate special prosecutor, something that would lead directly to impeachment for Pepe. Watch the Maddow clip above that explains the latest twist in the saga, the twist that should end Reince Priebus' time as Chief of Staff. Rick Allen and Sushannah Walshe explained it this way for ABC News as Saturday's *Big Story*: The Russia affair gets a new twist with the revelation that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus... more »

Sunday School: Jesus & Mo on humanism v religion

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 10 hours ago
[image: 2017-02-22] [Cartoon by Jesus & Mo] . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with attribution.

Saturday Snippets, best ever French fries, cleaner laundry, and is the internet making us stupid...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*because it's the weekend and who needs to be mentally hassled?* Let's start with a subject of deep importance and dear to just about everyone's heart - French fries. If you've been around here for awhile you know I'm completely sold on the need for everyone to have and use an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker - which, incidentally is *on sale right now for $99.99 at Amazon. * It would be faster for me to tell you what I don't make in my Instant Pot - which is almost nothing. Roasts, turkey breasts, stews, soup, chili, beans, lasagna, rice, hard cooked eggs, steamed veggies, che... more »

Revenge of the Deep State?

David Brin at CONTRARY BRIN - 10 hours ago
"Deep State" is a buzz phrase that's been around. It stands for the obstinate obstruction that political reformers may face - even when they win elections - from a nation's civil servants, bureaucrats, contractors, influential stakeholders and - especially - the security apparatus. The term was used for many years on the left, citing the last moderate Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower, who warned of excess influence by a "military-industrial complex." But the term faded a bit into the worm-eaten woodwork of paranoid fringes. Now, "Deep State" is back, big-time. Suddenly it's ... more »

Mohawk Nation News 'Cowboys and Indians' at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
COWBOYS & INDIANS Posted on February 25, 2017 Please post & distribute. MNN. FEB. 25, 2017. It’s Oscar time. The cowboys and Indians films were fascist propaganda to promote the corporate political agenda. The invaders feared us. Our existence was to be annihilated and forgotten to make way for the theft of our continent. The movie industry framed a barbarian image of us. Those films

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Things to look forward to tomorrow: Oh, and: Lord Hattersley's views on Brexit were set out at the *New Statesman* last August in an article headlined, *Why it is the duty of the Labour party to try to stop Brexit*. So we can guess where's *he*'s going to be guiding his Brexit-related point-scoring tomorrow. (Of course, Henry VIII tried to take over swathes of France and wanted to be Holy Roman Emperor. So he was, at least initially, much more like Roy Hattersley).

Power of Sun: 3 out of 4 Mongolian nomads are now using solar power

White Wolf at White Wolf - 11 hours ago
Solar power is revolutionizing people’s lives all over the world, especially in remote areas. In some parts of the world, it is the only possible source of power. In Mongolia, about 800,000 of the country’s 2.8 million inhabitants still live the traditional nomadic lifestyle … without the most basic of modern conveniences such as electricity and running water. Mongolia’s government is exploring its vast potential for solar energy. “The National 100,000 Solar Ger Electrification Program”, a government sponsored initiative, equips nomads’ traditional homes called Gers (tents made of... more »

German translation

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Loyal readers may recall a post we published last month about BBC Berlin correspondent Damien McGuinness. His strikingly biased Twitter feed ("one of the most blatantly biased of all the BBC Twitter feeds I'd ever read") had already revealed his strongly pro-EU and just-as-strongly anti-Brexit views... ...and then came a particularly biased BBC website article from the aforementioned Damien. which spread an unrelievedly downbeat message about the risks to the UK economy of Brexit. "Reading Damien McGuinness's BBC-branded anti-Brexit Twitter feed it's impossible not to put this ... more »

"He's more like the Dutch Draco Malfoy"

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
More BBC Twitter action from BBC News producer Wietske Burema (above), courtesy of DB... For those who don't know their Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is a cunning user of magic but also a cowardly bully who manipulates and hurts people to get what he wants. In the films he looks like this: Here's DB's response to this ever-so-impartial BBC producer:

Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, February 25, 2017" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*"Your Radiation This Week, February 25, 2017"* by Bob Nichols *Publishing Note: *Due to Bob Nichol's other commitments the city-specific radiation reporting will now be published every 2 weeks until further notice. The next such report will be on March 11, 2017. I will update the weekly Hiroshima bomb equivalents information. This is to keep you as aware and informed as possible, not alarm you, though you should be alarmed, and is scientific *FACT*, not sensationalistic nonsense. Everything here is active-linked for your own verification, or not; I encourage you to do so. The radia... more »

BBC invites cannibal for ‘balanced’ two-person debate on human rights

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 11 hours ago
In the name of balance, The BBC had two people speak about the NHS recently. One of them thought the NHS was a good thing, and the other thought it was: EVIL! THE DEVIL! COMMUNISM! HORROR-COCK! And to make things even more balanced, the BBC neglected to mention that Mr Horror-Cock would financially benefit from […] The post BBC invites cannibal for ‘balanced’ two-person debate on human rights appeared first on The Canary.

Entire Domestic Flight Detained, Forced to ‘Show Papers’ as ICE Looked for Non-Existent Immigrant

The Free Thought Project at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: flight]Travelers entering New York City after a cross-country flight were met by border agents who insisted everyone show them official identification.

Mosul Campaign Day 130, Feb 24, 2017

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
In the last two days the police and armor from the 9thDivision moved out of Abu Saif in the south, took the town of Yarmouk. The Golden Div joined in and together they have freed the Mosul Airport, Ghazalni Camp, and entered Tel Ruman, Mamun, Wadi Hajar, Hawl al-Josaq and Dandan. (Medecins Sans Frontieres) February 24 the Iraqi forces (ISF) secured the Mosul airport and Ghazlani camp and headed north into the city itself. The Golden Division secured Ghazlani, while the Federal Police and Rapid Reaction Division, supported by armor of the 9thDivision did the same for Mosul airport.... more »

Should physics teaching respect the historical chronology?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 12 hours ago
At his Forbes blog, Chad Orzel wrote the essay Why Do We Spend So Much Time Teaching Historical Physics? which, in my opinion, sensibly describes the advantages and disadvantages of "following the sequence of events in the history" while teaching physics. Maybe I could say that I agree both with his points and their balance. Orzel starts by saying that there are people who find it natural to bring the undergraduate freshmen as quickly as they can near the cutting edge of physics – to modern physics that includes relativity and quantum mechanics – once they get into the college. Peo... more »

4 dead Russian Ambassadors in three months - Foul Play? A Suggestion for Putin

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 12 hours ago
*4 dead Russian Ambassadors in three months - Foul Play?* Enough! Last night I had a hard time sleeping. The stench of the crime wave was vibrating across the globe. They can cover their tracks (barely) but they can't cover up the stench. Read my previous post (with updates) on the topic of the recent death of Vitaly Churkin, Russian Ambassador to the UN. I immediately sensed that this was the fulfillment of the bald-faced threat to Russia made by the Acting Director of the CIA, Mike Morrell a few months ago. Morell made threats to Russia and Syria and Iran in a nationally br... more »

Some of the news that's fit to print

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
One of the stories that has greatly excited the political world today has been London mayor Sadiq Khan apparently tarring the SNP with the charge of 'racism' at the Scottish Labour Party Conference, causing an almighty stooshie as a result, getting condemned by a strongly disapproving Nicola Sturgeon and then, as a result, rowing hastily back and saying, no, he didn't accuse the SNP of racism after all. He's had quite a day! Curiously, the BBC News Channel and tonight's BBC One early evening news bulletin have paid *no attention* to this story whatsoever (despite covering the Sco... more »

Meet Sebastian Gorka, Another Sick, Dangerous Nazi Trump Has Brought Into The Government

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*Fox's pajama boy Nazi Sebastian Gorka never tells the truth about anything-- never* Elizabeth Warren is being pummeled by Republicans trying to demonize her. I imagine this will go on not just from now until her 2018 reelection, but from now 'til her 2020 presidential nomination. Yesterday she told her supporters why the attacks from the far right don't phase her-- her beliefs are strong and clear. Here's what she laid out as why the GOP attacks don't get to her: *•* I believe that the big banks need tougher rules and more accountability-- and so do the majority of Americans. You... more »

Heidelberg car attack injures three per BBC News

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
Here we go again? 'Three people have been injured in the German city of Heidelberg after a man drove a car into a pedestrian area. The attacker, who was believed to have been armed with a knife, was shot and injured by police in a brief standoff after fleeing the scene on foot. His motives are unclear, but terrorism is not suspected and he is thought to have acted alone, police say. In December an attacker drove a lorry into a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people and injuring more than 50. Police were unable to confirm local media reports that the Heidelberg attacker was ... more »

Everyone's a critic

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 13 hours ago
Last night on Radio 3 saw something that no one had ever expected in the 21st Century - the UK premiere of a piece by Stravinsky. It was the *Funeral Song *written in memory of the composer's teacher, Rimsky-Korsakov, in 1908, which turned up in a pile of old manuscripts in a back room of the St Petersburg Conservatoire in 2015, having been lost some time after the Russian Revolution. It was certainly an interesting piece, with shades of *The Firebird *to come and, very audibly, shades of Wagner too - ironically, given that Stravinsky is known for 'disrespecting' Wagner above all ... more »

Field Testing U.S. High-Tech Weapons in Israel

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago
The U.S. and Israel have teamed up to create a series of 'missile defense' (MD) systems for the Israeli military. The U.S. has supported the development of these systems by donating hundreds of millions of dollars to the Israeli projects. Iron Dome is part of a future multi-tiered missile defense system that Israel is developing, which will also include Arrow 2, Arrow 3, Iron Beam and David's Sling as early as 2018. This MD program allows Israel to indiscriminately attack the Palestinian people and protect themselves from the feeble attempts to retaliate. The U.S. uses Israel to f... more »

Rough Dymond

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 13 hours ago
Jonny Dymond's '100 Days' contribution to this Friday's *The World at One *has provoked quite a bit of comment hereabouts. And with good reason. It was the kind of report that would, in all likelihood, begin (as it did) like this: *JONNY DYMOND*: It's not... *DONALD TRUMP*: Chaos.. *JONNY DYMOND*: It's like a... *DONALD TRUMP*: fine-tuned machine. *JONNY DYMOND:* The White House, that is. And, as if to prove it, a whole week went by without any hideous cock-ups, resignations or grotesque embarrassment...Well, almost. And it also was the kind of report that might say something l... more »

BBC bureau chief in Washington, Paul Danahar, is a comedy genius!

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 14 hours ago
'BBC bureau chief in Washington, Paul Danahar, said: "We understand that there may be occasions when, due to space or circumstances, the White House restricts press events to the established pool. However, what happened today did not fit into that pattern."He added: "Our reporting will remain fair and impartial, regardless."' The BBC's reporting of US politics - 'fair and impartial' ? That's one of the funniest claims of this year. More from the biased BBC here

GOP Voucher Plan Provides NPE Fundraising Opp

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 14 hours ago
After Obama brought Arne Duncan to DC to replace the toxic Margaret Spellings as Secretary of Education, a howl went up from racist states rights advocates against any kind federal intervention in education. The whining and yipping continued, in fact, until Lamar Alexander and the Clintons came up with a plan to replace NCLB with a states rights version of ESEA that was labeled ESSA. ESSA left in place the annual testing empire, neutralized the role of the Secretary of Education, and gave the states rights advocates greater control of federal education dollars. ESSA is chocked full ... more »

A Look At An Islamic State Drone 'Bomber'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Another pic of the weaponised IS drone that was flying over us outside Al-Buseif this morning and was brought down by #Iraq forces — Sara Hussein (@sarahussein) February 23, 2017 Ars Technica: I*SIS builds quadcopter “bomber” with DJI drone and badminton supplies* *Downed drone outside Mosul shows off-the-shelf tech creatively used to kill.* On the morning of February 23, Iraqi forces moved through Al-Buseif, Iraq as they began their assault against the Islamic State (IS) held Mosul Airport. All the while, a quadcopter drone buzzed overhead. Sara Husse... more »

First Of Its Kind Study Shows Cannabis Could Be Used in ER to Treat Stroke and Cardiac Arrest

Annabelle Bamforth at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: cannabis]A new study points to CBD, derived from cannabis, holding the ability to treat a harmful side effect commonly present in victims of stroke.

FOX News Exposed Hosting Fake Swedish ‘Security Advisor’ To Fear Monger on Refugees

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: fox]FOX News was busted this week presenting a convicted criminal as a foreign advisor who works for the Swedish government to present info on refugees.

Pope Francis Exposed Quietly Letting Pedophile Priests Off With Little or No Punishment

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: pope]A damning new report out of the Associated Press shows Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against pedophile priests.

VFP Delegation in Hebron

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
Veterans For Peace member Will Clark (who I have traveled with to South Korea, Okinawa and India) reports from Hebron as they were tear gassed by the Israeli occupation forces. Veterans For Peace joined the popular resistance in Palestine against the Occupation on the 23rd anniversary of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre, or sometimes called the Cave of Patriarchs Massacre. 23 years ago Baruch Goldstein, an American-Jewish Settler in Israel, opened fire on a large number of Palestinians, leaving 29 dead, several as young as 12, and 125 wounded. Many Israeli settlers still to this day c... more »

Shaking off Oppression

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
In spite of anti-free-speech efforts to get her controversial lecture in Berkeley canceled, on February 16, 2017, author and former journalist Alison Weir, courageously gave a presentation titled 100 Years of Pro-Israel Activism: How a Special Interest Lobby Enabled the Colonization of Palestine. She was warmly received by a well informed Berkeley audience and received a standing ovation at the end. Alison covered in depth the creation of Israel in 1948 as a result of a worldwide movement called “political Zionism,”which was active in the United States since the late 1800s. After ... more »

Is Russia's New RS-28 Sarmat ICBM A U.S. Missile Defense Killer?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Screenshot of the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau website, showing an illustration of what appears to be the RS-28 Sarmat. © PHOTO: MAKEYEV.RU *The Strategist*: *The RS-28 Sarmat and the future US nuclear triad* Russian media recently claimed that the Federation’s new intercontinental ballistic missile will be able to penetrate even America’s most effective defense systems—but are they right? Russia claims the new RS-28 Sarmat heavy ICBM, being introduced as part of its nuclear modernization, can wipe out an area ‘the size of Texas or France’. They may be referring to the missile bein... more »

Contracts To Build The U.S. - Mexico Border Wall To Be Awarded By April

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Border fence near Campo, California. Credit: Fred Greaves/Reuters *Chicago Tribune/AP:* *Mexican border wall building contracts to be awarded by April* US Customs and Border Protection said Friday that it plans to start awarding contracts by mid-April for President Donald Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, signaling that he is aggressively pursuing plans to erect "a great wall" along the 2,000-mile border. The agency said it will request bids on or around March 6 and that companies would have to submit "concept papers" to design and build prototypes by March 10, according t... more »

I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down

Emiliano Goodman at Shadowproof - 14 hours ago
Weeks into the presidency of a buffoonish but vicious tyrant, I feel compelled to take off my black bandana, hooded sweatshirt, and kick off my steel-toed boots to reveal myself to the people. This is especially for those who believe the United States is faced with an uprising led by The post I Was A Professional Anarchist Paid By Super-Rich Liberal George Soros To Bring Trump Down appeared first on Shadowproof.

Weekend reads: They committed misconduct, then earned $100 million in grants; collateral publishing damage

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 15 hours ago
The week at Retraction Watch featured a frank admission of error by a Nobel Prize winner, and a look at five “diseases” plaguing science. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: 17 researchers sanctioned for misconduct by the U.S. Office of Research Integrity later received over $100 million in NIH funding. Our Alison McCook’s latest for Science. […] The post Weekend reads: They committed misconduct, then earned $100 million in grants; collateral publishing damage appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Leaked U.S. Department of Homeland Security Document Disputes Terror Threat From Countries Included In The Travel Ban

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*CBS:* *DHS report: Citizens of travel ban countries "rarely implicated" in U.S.-based terrorism* An intelligence report compiled by DHS’ Intelligence and Analysis Unit has concluded that citizens affected by President Trump’s travel ban are “rarely implicated in U.S.-based terrorism.” The report concluded that “country of citizenship is unlikely to be a reliable indicator of potential terrorist activity,” and it says that “relatively few” of the citizens of these countries maintain access to the U.S.” The countries named in the president’s original travel ban were Somalia, Liby... more »

it Will Cost The U.S. Navy $566 Billion To Build A 308-Ship Fleet

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) conduct dual aircraft carrier strike group operations in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of security and stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific. The operations mark the U.S. Navy’s continued presence throughout the area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jake Greenberg / Released) *Navy Times:* *A 308-ship Navy to cost $566 billion, CBO estimates* A U.S. Navy plan to build a 308 ship fleet will cost a whopping $566 billion, accordi... more »

B-2 Bomber Are Getting Their Computers Upraded

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
People without security clearances aren’t going to learn what the winning design for the Long Range Strike Bomber looks like anytime soon, but the Northrop Grumman B-2 bomber probably bears some resemblance. The lack of a fuselage or tail makes it much harder to track with radar; unfortunately, its stealth coatings and other “low-observable” features are a nightmare to maintain. (Wikipedia) *Scout Warrior*: *New Air Force B-2 Bomber Processor Improves Computing 1000-Times* *The new processor increases the performance of the avionics and on-board computer systems by about 1,000-tim... more »

The Next Big Development In Drones Will Be The Deployment Of 'Anti-Drone' Devices

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Defense Systems:* *Mosul battle fuels anti-drone development* Drones are emerging as one of the asymmetrical threats in the battle for Mosul. A series of Islamic State drone attacks on Iraqi forces fighting to retake the northern Iraqi city have resulted in casualties and a heightened state of alert as ISIS fighters supplement deadly car-bomb attacks with harassing drone strikes using off-the-shelf quad-copters rigged to drop munitions. Those attacks by short-range drones have prompted the U.S. military to step up development of countermeasures along with technical assessments of... more »

The Real Reason Why The F-22 And F-35 Are Stealth Planes

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
An Air Force F-22 Raptor (left) flies with an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter over Florida. USAF Photo by Master Sgt. Jeremy T. Lock *Dave Majumdar, National Interest*: *The Real Secret to Keeping an F-22 and F-35 Stealth: Their Super Special 'Skin'* While pilots of advanced fifth-generation fighters like the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor or the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter often claim the spotlight, it is the ground crews who maintain those jets’ pristine surfaces that are often the real heroes. Without proper maintenance of their skin, the signature of those advance stealth jets degrade ove... more »

Weekend Open Thread

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
Since there's been a quite sizeable increase in this blog's readership over the past couple of months, I'm again offering the open forum feature. I'd discontinued it some time ago due to lack of interest, so we'll see what happens this weekend. If more than a few people contribute, then it will again become a permanent part of the blog. The sky's the limit. And there's certainly plenty going on. Talk about the slow-mo Deep State coup, the weather, the climate, the Oscars, your favorite recipe, what you're reading, the undemocratic Democratic Party chairperson selection.... whatever... more »

Layers of Belief: Political, Religious, and Scientific Dogma

Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 15 hours ago
I have submitted the following comment to the American Thinker site, to an article on the "causes of scientific decline in American academia". The article imputes the decline to Leftist beliefs and actions.: *Left (versus Right) is just the top, political, layer. Underneath that is the atheist (versus spiritual believer) religious belief system. And under that, at bottom (in the context of science and scientists), is an undirected-evolution (versus deliberate design) paradigm (or fundamental, unquestioned assumption) directing scientific research. The underlying cause of scientific ... more »

Three Cheers for Kevin Hassett

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 15 hours ago
Numerous news reports suggest that President Trump will tap Kevin Hassett to chair the Council of Economic Advisers. This would be an excellent choice. Here is an overview of Kevin's perspectives on economic policy, and here is my old review of his book *Dow 36,000*.

Saturday Morning Links

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 15 hours ago
Miscellaneous material for your weekend reading. - David Giles reports on the increasing cost of living in Saskatchewan. And Barbara Ehrenreich writes about the future of the U.S.' working class - including the reality that its major recent success has involved improving minimum wage levels: Now when politicians invoke “the working class,” they are likely to gesture, anachronistically, to an abandoned factory. They might more accurately use a hospital or a fast-food restaurant as a prop. The new working class contains many of the traditional blue-collar occupations — truck driver, ... more »

Native American Street Artist Honors the Strength of Legendary Indigenous Leaders

White Wolf at White Wolf - 15 hours ago
“As indigenous people we've contributed so many things to the world, and our kids don't even know about it,” " We need to educate our kids through our art.” "When I was done I felt so relieved. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders," acknowledged Henriquez, who teamed up with Gregg Deal, a painter, street artist and performance artist who belongs to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, for the project. Then, just as he was about to leave the site, a woman approached Henriquez. "[She said,] 'We need this. This is going to empower our community,'" he recalled. "Then I understood the r... more »

Half the story

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 16 hours ago
A breaking story that's *not* on the BBC News website's home page or on its UK page (it broke about 3 hours ago) is the jailing at the Old Bailey this lunchtime of Mohammed Mayow and Mohanned Jasim on terrorist offences. The story *can* be found, however, on the BBC's England page. Just. The BBC's account is lacking in some of the important details you find in, say, the *Daily Express*'s account. (h/t DB). The *Express*, for example, reports that the judge in the case "expressed her surprise at the Home Office giving a terrorist a UK passport just days before he tried to travel ... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 16 hours ago
*From Jenna Orkin *First Dutch immigrants' party is challenging the far-right ahead of next month's elections Earth's newest continent 'Zealandia' was found thanks to a giant underwater land grab Humans Are Changing the Climate 170x Faster Than Natural Forces Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn Police say nerve agent was used to kill Kim Jong Un's half-brother White House Blocks CNN, NY Times, Politico, LA Times, Others From Press Briefing Plan to save Great Barrier Reef set back decades: experts Google Sues Uber For Stealing Self-Driving Car "S... more »

Terrifying Video Shows Cops Pummel Small Boy as He Screams in Fear

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 16 hours ago
[image: video]A disturbing video has caused an uproar online after it showed two Baltimore cops beat up a small teen as he sat on the sidewalk.

The only question

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 16 hours ago
A recurring report on the BBC News Channel today (with equivalents on Radio 4, including *Today*) has been BBC environment (activist) analyst Roger Harrabin's piece on the fears of the UN (and US environmental activists) about the Trump administration's environmental policies. It was typical Roger Harrabin, ending with one of his trademark questions: The election of President Trump is a setback for Miss Espinosa and the UN, but she insists the momentum towards cutting emissions is now unstoppable. *The only question, is it going fast enough?*

Crowds Are Packing Democrats' Town Hall Meetings Too-- Take Ro Khanna... Very Different From Mo Brooks

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Buried in the new PPP poll about Trump's fights with the media was a question about town halls. PPP's conclusion is that "Members of Congress who dodge open town hall meetings may be opening themselves up to trouble with their constituents. 81% of voters think they ought to hold town halls, to only 5% who think their members of Congress should avoid them. That includes overwhelming majorities of Democrats (88/2), independents (81/2), and Republicans (73/11) who think members of Congress should make themselves available to the public in that way. Mitch McConnell (25/45 approval) a... more »

You Can't Believe A Word He Says

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 17 hours ago
Kevin O'Leary has been making the occasional trip up from Boston in his bid to become Prime Minister of Canada. His sales pitch -- like Donald Trump's -- is that, as a business man, he knows how to get things done. Alan Freeman writes: O’Leary’s Trump-esque bid to lead the Conservative party is based on selling his supposed business acumen. But as is the case with the U.S. president, O’Leary’s policies are largely incoherent and mostly based on ‘alternative facts’. In the end, it’s all about one thing and one thing only: Kevin O’Leary. And it’s a reminder that being successful in ... more »

Does John Hagee Want to Prosecute Women Who Say God’s Name During Intercourse?

Dan Evon at - 17 hours ago
A silly rumor about the founder of the Cornerstone Church is just more fake news.

Peers Report On Energy Fails To Address The Real Problem

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood A new report by the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee on energy policy attracted some headlines yesterday. However, on further analysis, it seems to totally miss the point. These are the key findings: The Committee examined the impact of the policies of successive governments on the […]

John Beddington And The Oxford Martin Commission: A System Of Food And Agriculture Should Serve The Public, Not Corporate Interests

Colin Todhunter at EAST BY NORTHWEST - 17 hours ago
Global Research, Countercurrents, CounterPunch, RINF Sir John Beddington is Senior Advisor and Professor of Natural Resources Management at the Oxford Martin School in Oxford, UK. He also belongs to the Central Team of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations (OMC) and is former Chief Scientific Adviser to the British government and Head of the Government Office for Science. Bringing together international leaders from government, business and civil society, the OMC calls for a radical shake-up in politics and business to embed long-term thinking and provide practical reco... more »

Econ crystal ball looks... cloudy

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 17 hours ago
*What's around the bend for the US economy? Absolutely nothing good.* Over at CNBC Benjamin Carlson argues that the loser in a China-US trade war will be Taiwan. Carlson quotes Blue academic Steve Tsang, as well as Gerrit van der Wees and J Michael Cole from the pro-Taiwan side, observing... A trade war between the world's top two economies would "hurt Taiwan since so much of the Taiwan's tech-oriented consumer industries are tied to those in China, as part of the global value chain," said Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute, University of London. Taiwan can little af... more »

"We live in a democratic recession"

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago
The BBC's new media editor, Amol Rajan (@amolrajanBBC), has tweeted the following this morning: (As you can see, he also retweeted himself for good measure!) The ex-*Independent *editor seems to be finding this 'BBC impartiality' thing a bit tricky, doesn't he?... ...although given that so many longstanding BBC reporters are no less opinionated on Twitter *might *suggest that he actually understands 'BBC impartiality' very well. Anyhow, you can hear him presenting *Any Answers *this afternoon. Impartially, no doubt. *Update*: And here's Amol, fresh from sulking about the recent... more »

Our tribe's commitment to total defeat!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 18 hours ago
*SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2017Hooray for Hollywood:* We the liberals have a vast love of political defeat. We pursue this affair with reckless abandon. Nothing can dissuade us from our self-destructive course. We can't quit our love for defeat. We've been struck by the vastness of this love on several occasions just in the past day. We think of what we saw on last evening's NewsHour. We think of these fascinating letters in yesterday's New York Times, which we'll discuss in some detail next week. We think of this childish letter in today's Washington Post, whose (apparently under-i... more »


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 18 hours ago
As for today's *Dateline London* I can spare you yet another of my posts about it by copying-and-pasting an excellent comment from *Biased BBC *which accurately sums up today's programme and expresses brilliantly many of the points I keep making about the programme (though, ideally, I'd still prefer it to be radically refreshed rather than scrapped): Razza94 February 25, 2017 at 12:10 pm Time to scrap Dateline London. The show today has confirmed my longstanding belief that the show serves no purpose. It’s a good concept, but poorly executed. Instead of interesting debates over pol... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 18 hours ago
*British Free schools ‘should be curbed’ as spending soars to £1bn over budget* Background The budget for free schools doubled in the first five years of the programme and almost £10 billion will be spent on them by 2021, a critical report has revealed. Tory MPs and head teachers suggested it was time for the scheme — established by Michael Gove — to be curbed so that schools could not be set up to cater solely for parental choice in areas where extra places were not needed. The report, by the National Audit Office, said the programme had been much larger in scale and cost tha... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 18 hours ago
*Dakota Access oil pipeline camp cleared of protesters* Authorities on Thursday cleared a protest camp where opponents of the Dakota Access oil pipeline had gathered for the better part of a year, searching tents and huts and arresting three dozen holdouts who had defied a government order to leave. It took 3½ hours for about 220 officers and 18 National Guard members to methodically search the protesters’ temporary homes and arrest people, including a man who climbed atop a building and stayed there for more than an hour before surrendering. Native Americans who oppose the $3.8 ... more »

Lead story

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 18 hours ago
As Ozfan noted on an earlier thread (concerning Radio 4's news bulletins this morning), it's striking that the BBC News website is now leading with: I've noticed before (as, no doubt, have many of you) that David Miliband's statements on *any* subject of political importance tend get a very high billing in the BBC's reporting (or on *Newsnight*), despite him having been out of UK politics from over six years and leading a humanitarian organisation rather than a political organisation. He's long been like 'the king over the water' for people of a certain outlook (including, perhap... more »

Best of: Princess Pharma and the Pea

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 18 hours ago
By John Stone Re-posted from July 2014 Two weeks to go before the publication of Robert F Kennedy jr’s book about vaccine mercury and we all know where we are headed: the same place as last year when Jenny McCarthy...

The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis in Health and Disease

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 18 hours ago
From Cork, Ireland to Houston, Texas researchers are exploring the MICROBIOME as key to helping the BRAIN. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2017 Mar;46(1):77-89. doi: 10.1016/j.gtc.2016.09.007. Epub 2017 Jan 4. The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis in Health and Disease. Dinan TG1, Cryan JF2....


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 18 hours ago
Watching the BBC News Channel about an hour ago, it's clear that the BBC are neither hiding their displeasure at the Trump administration's "media block"* [as they are captioning it] *nor taking it lying down. They have broadcast a 'gotcha' clip of Sean Spicer back in December being interviewed by "the news agency Politico", as Maxine Mawhinney called them. *[I**s Politico actually a 'news agency'?]*: There is a big difference between a campaign where it is a private venue using private funds and a government entity. And I think we have a respect for the press when it comes to th... more »

Global Warming Alarmism forecast: Cooling 2036 +/-10yrs

Scottish-Sceptic at Scottish Sceptic - 18 hours ago
For a while I’ve been convinced there is a strong correlation between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and “global temperature”. AMO is shown below, I was going to post a graph of global temperature, but the problem these days is finding … Continue reading →

Ayn Rand On Foreign Policy

Anoop Verma at For The New Intellectual - 19 hours ago
The first chapter of “*Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q & A*” contains a few Q&A in which Ayn Rand calls for a total rejection of the traditional conventions that have led to the dubious foreign policy decisions and misguided foreign adventures. She advocates strong foreign policy for safeguarding the interests of the citizens. The foreign policy topics covered in the Q&A are wide ranging: the Vietnam war, Arab-Israeli conflict, threat from the Soviet Union, military preparedness, development of nuclear weapons, immorality of pacifism, collateral damage in wars, and much else. ... more »

John Gray on 'The Spectre of Populism'

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 19 hours ago
*Transcript of A Point of View, BBC Radio 4, Friday 24 February 2017*: When a respected European academic told me only a few years ago that at least another century would have to pass before the European Union became the transnational state it was meant to be I couldn't help smiling. Like many supporters of the European project he looked forward to a time when nation states would be replaced by a Europe-wide federal government. He recognised that this might take some time. Conceding that it could require a hundred years or more, he seemed to think, showed an admirable sense of re... more »

John Gray on 'The Follies of Experts'

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 19 hours ago
*Transcript of A Point of View, BBC Radio 4, Friday 17 February 2017*: "People of moderate means put their faith in bankers and economists. People with serious money consult astrologers". That was the view of a very wealthy man, no longer living, who I knew some years ago. He had little time for expert opinion on markets or the economy. He didn't ignore the prognostications of central bankers and other authorities. He knew the affected share prices, at least in the short term, but he regarded the forecast of economists as not much more than exercises in fortune-telling dressed up ... more »

The Prologue

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 19 hours ago
As the BBC website appears to have stopped providing transcripts of Radio 4's *A Point of View*, the following pair of posts preserves for posterity a couple of very interesting talks by the philosopher John Gray. As they largely go against the entrenched left-liberal bias for which *A Point of View *used to be known (as we chronicled here at *ITBB*) - at least until they added Roger Scruton to the cast-list - it feels only right to offer them as counter-examples, or as exceptions that (mostly) prove the rule.

Free Download: B. F. Skinner, "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"Beyond Freedom and Dignity"* "In this profound and profoundly controversial work, a landmark of 20th-century thought originally published in 1971, B. F. Skinner makes his definitive statement about humankind and society. Insisting that the problems of the world today can be solved only by dealing much more effectively with human behavior, Skinner argues that our traditional concepts of freedom and dignity must be sharply revised. They have played an important historical role in our struggle against many kinds of tyranny, he acknowledges, but they are now responsible for the futil... more »

"Deep State Neuroscientists Believe They Can Turn Off Free Will" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"Deep State Neuroscientists Believe They Can Turn Off Free Will"* by Nathaniel Mauka "Neuroscientists have argued whether we even have free will, but now they want to turn it off." *"The Libet Experiment: *In the 1980s scientist Benjamin Libet conducted an experiment. He ‘discovered’ that what seems to be free will or the conscious choice to do or not do something is really just the observance of something that has already happened. This completely rocked the foundations of what most thought of as a prerequisite for being human, and the long-held religious view that free-will must a... more »

Aaqil Ahmed's replacement is announced

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
In other BBC news, the BBC has announced a new commissioning editor for ethics and religion (*The Times*, so £). Fatima Salaria will take over the responsibilities for religious programming on BBC TV previously carried out by Aaqil Ahmed. Ms Salaria will be the second Muslim in a row to run BBC TV's religious output. Her appointment was overseen by James Purnell. The *Daily Mail* *doesn't* give her a warm welcome: In response to criticism that a Christian wasn't appointed, a BBC spokesman says: People should be judged by their ability to do the job, not their religious backgr... more »

Credit where credit's due

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 21 hours ago
To his credit, Rob Burley, the editor of *The Andrew Marr Show*, certainly isn't averse to engaging with the public and replying to charges of political bias on Twitter. After announcing the guest list for tomorrow's programme... Gina Miller *(anti-Brexit campaigner)* Tim Montgomerie *(Conservative supporter)* Paul Mason *(pro-Corbyn)* Patrick McLoughlin *(Conservative)* Shami Chakrabarti *(Labour)* Hugh Jackman *(actor) * Marc Almond *(singer)* *...*he went tweet to tweet with complainants from several sides. First, the Corbynistas: Then the Blairites (over Shami): Then the Li... more »

Don’t fear superintelligent AI (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
New tech spawns new anxieties, says scientist and philosopher Grady Booch, but we don’t need to be afraid an all-powerful, unfeeling AI. Booch allays our worst (sci-fi induced) fears about superintelligent computers by explaining how we’ll teach, not program, them to share our human values. Rather than worry about an unlikely existential threat, he urges us to consider how artificial intelligence will enhance human life.

Something Rotten in the State of Russia?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This is not a comforting picture. All of which makes Russia's posturing a full bluff. Worse than that we get no obvious sense of wealth creation. Mortgage lending is still in its early stages and represents about five percent of activity as compared to sixty percent elsewhere. however we do get a sense of a now stable economy working its way forward and we can expect developed status to be reached in thirty years.. *Something Rotten in the State of Russia?Feb 13, 2017* *By George Friedman and Jacob L. Shapiro* *Geopolitical Futures’ forecast for 2017 says the following:... more »

Major Yale Study Shows Vaccines Tied to Multiple Brain Disorders

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This happens to be good meta statistics in which insurance claims alone are used as source data. this is a huge pool of data and it can be confidently queried. What is discovered is a correlation between vaccination and several neurological diagnosis in time and place. This certainly supports the anecdotal observations. As posted before, a number of alien substances are directly placed in the bloodstream which has no natural antecedents. The bloodstream is not the digestive tract and do recall that the body works hard to prevent contamination. Thus adverse effec... more »

Muslim professor at Catholic university justifies slavery and non-consensual sex

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
First of, Mohamed was a human being who became a prophet for his time and place. He was not GOD or SATAN for that matter and he certainly made no claim to godhood of any kind. His morality was the morality of his own barbaric culture and that is what he taught unlike Jesus who introduced a completely new conceptualization of human morality. Accepting the moral teachings of the Koran as revealed truth is merely an assertion that all utterances of Mohamed were revealed when they clearly were not. He did go into a cave and meditate afterall.. To say we should adopt barbarian prac... more »

Brazilian berry extract stops a superbug in its tracks

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
What this berry does is disarm the bug making it harmless while not allowing its defenses to improve. A great idea that we hope applies to a broader spectrum of disease agencies. This also suggests that a simple natural extract can be valuable. i would also mix it with honey as a wound dressing. we could win one here. It is also indicated as useful as an antifungal agency as well. *Brazilian berry extract stops a superbug in its tracks* *Nick Lavars* *February 13th, 2017* *Ethnobotanist Cassandra Quave uncovered a medicinal mechanism in berries of the Brazilian peppertree... more »

"The Principal Difference..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago

"America’s Druggy Stupor" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
*"America’s Druggy Stupor"* by Bill Bonner& quot;The Dow, the S&P 500, and the NASDAQ remain near record highs…and are up about 10% since Election Day. Fed officials say they could raise interest rates ‘fairly soon.’ Blah…blah…blah… *Learning machine: *Remember, the economy is a learning machine. So is a person. We’re not talking about the kind of faux ‘learning’ you do in school. Much of that is negative- ideas, information and skills that destroy or delay real learning. In fact, some people stay in school to avoid learning. Learning can be painful, humbling and hard. And only win-win... more »


Anon at Aangirfan - 22 hours ago
*Barron Trump. **Now just SIX men have as much wealth as half the world's population*. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are conservatives. They both want to preserve a strong military, they both supported taking a tough line with Gadaffi, and they both support Israel. Conservatives want to conserve certain things. *Rupert Murdoch and Ivanka Trump* In the 17th century, the conservatives in the UK wanted to conserve the idea that the King ruled by divine right. The Conservative *Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine* supported slavery. American conservatives want to conserve Judeo-C... more »

Can you be friends with a robot? Aristotelian Friendship and Robotics (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 22 hours ago
Let’s talk about Davecat. Davecat is the pseudonym of a Michigan-based man. He is married and has one mistress. Neither of them is human. They are both dolls — RealDolls to be precise. Davecat is an iDollator; he promotes love with synthetic beings. His wife is called Sidore. They met at goth club in the year 2000 (according to a story he tells himself). They later appeared together on the TLC show Guys and Dolls. That’s when Elena saw them (Elena is his mistress). She was in Russia at the time, but moved to the USA to live with Davecat and Sidore. They are happy together.

Election bias

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
The latest unsympathetic-to-Trump piece on the BBC News website informs us that Donald Trump may have only won the presidency because his name was listed first on the ballot in certain key swing states - at least according to veteran election analyst Jon Krosnick. It's what political scientists call "the primacy effect", and Professor Krosnick says that it brings an unfair bias into elections. He contends that it probably cost Hillary Clinton the election: If all of those states had rotated name order fairly, most likely George W Bush would not have been elected president in 200... more »

BBC ban

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
Relations between the Trump administration and certain media organisation have hit a new low. The BBC - along with several other media outlets - was refused access to the latest White House briefing by Sean 'Spicy' Spicer and is now seeking 'clarification': The BBC's Head of Newsgathering, Jonathan Munro, tweets: In other news, Jon Sopel tweeted the following yesterday: The responses he received included the following: - It *is* the Russian flag...... - Similar? Do you know what a Russian flag looks like @BBCJonSopel? - That must be a setup, no? - Handed out by Huff... more »

President Trump Lies About Working with Tribes on DAPL (Cheyenne River Sioux Chairman Frazier)

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 22 hours ago
Spicer statement News Release from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe: “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Trump Lies About Working with … Continue reading →

Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Responds to White House Press Sec Spicer’s “Absolutely False” Statements re Contact with Tribe

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 22 hours ago
Link: As explained in the News Release below, the Dakota Access pipeline easement was issued while the Standing Rock … Continue reading →

These Are The 7 Priciest Military Planes Made in the USA

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
SO EXPENSIVE IT WAS ONCE SAID TO COST TWICE ITS OWN WEIGHT IN GOLD, NORTHROP GRUMMAN'S B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER IS NO LONGER THE PRICIEST MILITARY PLANE BUILT IN THE USA. IMAGE SOURCE: AIRMAN FIRST CLASS MICHAEL S. DORUS FOR THE U.S. AIR FORCE. *The Motley Fool:* *The 7 Priciest Military Planes Made in the USA* *Three are guaranteed to surprise you.* Which of America's military aircraft are the most expensive? Opinions vary. Turn to Google for the answer, and you'll find multiple "top 10" lists. Most of these key off an old Time magazine report that ranked such aircraft as Northr... more »

Time crystals would be a perpetuum mobile

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 23 hours ago
One of the widely shared recent articles at was Time crystals—how scientists created a new state of matter three days ago. The text claims that Frank Wilczek's 2012 idea about quantum time crystals has been experimentally proven to be right. Not bad. Time crystals have previously attracted some funding from Microsoft, too. Great. Frank Wilczek is playful, smart, and cool but I find this whole industry to be nothing else than a children's game meant to fool themselves. What has been seen is completely trivial while Wilczek's claims that were actually new and provoking are de... more »

BINGO! 2 million hits

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 23 hours ago
*This blog announces that it has had 2,000,000 6 PM AST*

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Did you know that #Afghanistan's Special Forces now operate independently on 80% of their missions? We are here in their support #ForAfg — Resolute Support (@ResoluteSupport) February 24, 2017

Global mistrust for Trump grows, and even Russia questions his ability [TWEETS]

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 1 day ago
In our regular TrumpWatch section, we look at another week of Donald Trump’s America. This week, Trump’s relations with Russia have soured. But that hasn’t led to him getting along better with any other countries. This is how his fifth week played out. 18 February – Accountability Vice President Mike Pence said that the US […] The post Global mistrust for Trump grows, and even Russia questions his ability [TWEETS] appeared first on The Canary.

Donald Trump is trying a move from Hitler’s playbook, and the media gifted it to him [OPINION]

Ben Janaway at The Canary - 1 day ago
‘Fake news’ is more than just a nuisance. It’s a destructive lie. But as figures like Donald Trump show, people will believe anything if told enough times. What’s worse is that Trump is now trying a move from Hitler’s playbook. And it was the mainstream media that gifted him with the opportunity. It’s now the […] The post Donald Trump is trying a move from Hitler’s playbook, and the media gifted it to him [OPINION] appeared first on The Canary.

This Sentence Sums Up What Cyber-Warfare Is Like

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Cyberwar games at the United States Military Academy. (Photo: Michael Falco for The New York Times) *Business Insider*:* This top military officer perfectly captured the strange nature of cyber warfare in one sentence* SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The US military recognizes cyber as a war fighting domain in the same league as ground and air war now, but its unique nature can be a bit hard to comprehend. Fortunately, Coast Guard Vice Adm. Marshall Lytle gave the perfect analogy that demonstrates how unique, and difficult it can be, for the US military to operate in the cyber realm. "Cyberwa... more »

The Ovarian Cancer-Talc Connection Lawsuit Genesis

Roxanne Porozinski at Science 2.0 blogs - 1 day ago
Class-action lawsuits were making America Great Again long before it was a thing. Attorneys actively solicit anyone involved (or maybe might be potentially involved) in a particular event, and get them all in one place to file a chunky lawsuit. This gives a little fuel to the lawsuit for obvious reasons, and is appealing to the “victim(s)” because they do not have to shop out an attorney, and they get to commune with others that were also “victimized”. All they have to do is sit back and collect the check. While it seems like a possible lottery ticket based on the marketing from ... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin during the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin Wall on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23. © SPUTNIK/ MICHAEL KLIMENTYEV

Netanyahu Calls for Pardoning Convicted Soldier for Killing Palestinian

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 23, 2017 The Israeli prime minister says he is still in favor of pardoning a soldier convicted at a court for killing a wounded Palestinian execution style in the street. Benjamin Netanyahu’s remark comes despite international criticism of the Israeli court’s ruling on the killing of Abdul Fatah Sharif by Elor Azaria. […]

Dozens of German Tanks Arrive in Lithuania for NATO Deployment

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 Military equipment from the mechanised infantry battalion of the Federal Defence Forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr, arrived at Sestokai Train Station in southern Lithuania from Grafenwoehr in Germany on Friday. end

WHOA! President Trump Just Revoked Obama’s Ruling on Transgender Bathrooms! Parents Are Cheering!

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 Lindsey Bruce for Liberty Writers reports, When president Obama was in office, he introduced guidelines for public schools forcing them to let young boys use the restroom and even shower in the same locker room as girls. Parents across the nation were outraged. If schools didn’t comply with King Obama’s […]

Horror on Gaza Beach: New York Times Photographer Witnesses Israeli Killing of 4 Palestinian Boys

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Jul 17, 2014 – Israel says it is considering a new ceasefire proposal from Egypt that would take effect on Friday. There is no word yet from Hamas, which rejected the last proposal on the grounds its leaders were never consulted and the terms would have allowed for the continued siege of […]

Le Pen: Finish with Bureaucratic Monster, Artificial Construction Called the EU. Ie. “It’s Time to Kill the EU!”

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen has set out her foreign policy goals. In a speech in Paris, she criticized the European Union and NATO, and raised concerns that Russia is being mistreated both by France and the EU. end

James O’Keefe Goes to War With the Mainstream Media

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 23, 2017 James O’Keefe has put out a $10,000 bounty to anyone who will bring him evidence of media malfeasance. end

CNN: More Fake Than You Thought

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 In an attempt to smear CNN or Project Veritas, fake news turned out to be true. CNN gets exposed more and more everyday as fake. end

CNN Cuomo Defends Men In Girl’s Bathrooms

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 Disgusting Chris Cuomo is advocating for men in girl’s bathrooms and says that if a young girl doesn’t want to see a penis it’s because her father is a bigot. end

Trump Declares War On Enemy Mainstream Media At CPAC

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Beware of the Illuminist MSM. The Satanic methods are: subtlety and deception! – Revelation 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 13:14 And he deceives […]

THIS Is the Banking Cartel’s BIGGEST FEAR

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Published on Feb 24, 2017 As Gold & Silver Burn Higher, Dubin & Fund Manager Dave Kranzler Reveal the Cartel’s BIGGEST FEAR: – MOMENTUM * “They’re Selling the Crap Out of Miners!” * Gold & Silver Roar Higher Friday As Gold Bursts Through $1250/oz, Silver Rises * to $18.40…Yet Shares Lag Significantly & Are Hammered […]

NBC News Using Children for Anti-Trump Propaganda

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. end

White House Bars CNN, NYTimes, Others From Media Briefing

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
White House Bars CNN, NYTimes, Others From Media Briefing by Tyler Durden, Just a few hours after Trump warned during his CPAC speech that “we’re gonna do something about the media”, he did just that after the White House barred a number of news outlets from covering Sean Spicer’s Q&A session on Friday afternoon. […]

Beyond Fake News… How Google Just Became FAKE SEARCH by Blacklisting Independent Journalism

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Google is, of course, NSA! Who is in charge of the Beast ‘666’ Network? No Such Agency! – Beyond Fake News… How Google Just Became FAKE SEARCH by Blacklisting Independent Journalism by Mike Adams, (Natural News) You’ve already heard about FAKE NEWS, the mainstream media’s repeated fabrication of false facts portrayed as real. Who can forget […]

Russia's Air Force Wants A New Next-Generation Stealth Bomber

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
© Photo: *Sputnik*: *Russia's Next-Gen Stealth Bomber to Replace Tu-22, Tu-95 and Tu-160 Planes* Developers of the Russian new-generation strategic bomber, known as the Advanced Long-Range Aviation Complex (PAK DA), have defended the preliminary design of the project, according to Evgeniy Fedorov, scientific director of the Russian State Research Institute of Aviation Systems. According to him, the Defense Ministry submitted very strict requirements for the new aircraft. "The military mentioned everything they could, including a strategic bomber, an operative an... more »

Personal Hitler-- Punch A Nazi

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
I can't stop watching this video... What a pity it ends so quickly! I was involved with Depeche Mode's career right from the very beginning, when I was a dj at KUSF in San Francisco playing the "Dreaming of Me," "New Life" and "Just Can't Get Enough" singles in 1980 even before Mute (and Sire) released *Speak & Spell*, their debut album the following year. Soon after, I became general manager of Sire Records and the first task label head Seymour Stein assigned me was to "break Depeche Mode in America." Years later, when I became president of Reprise Records, the very first band I... more »

The U.S. Navy Has Figured A Way To Use Cheaper 'Dumb Bombs' Over Expensive Missiles

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Shirley Shugar, from Joppa, Ala., takes inventory of ordnance in the bomb farm aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group is underway continuing training before deploying to the western Pacific Ocean and U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Nicholas A. Groesch *Business Insider*: *The US Navy may have just figured out a way to save billions on bombs* The US Navy may have come across a common sense way to save billions on bombs, according ... more »

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Elegy for the Arctic" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Ludovico Einaudi, "Elegy for the Arctic" -

Germany Spied On Foreign Journalists

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
The BND's future headquarters in Berlin. DPA *Spiegel Online*:* Documents Indicate Germany Spied on Foreign Journalists* Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the BND, apparently spied on large numbers of foreign journalists overseas over the course of several years, including employees of the BBC, Reuters and the New York Times. Critics see a massive violation of press freedoms. Arnaud Zajtman, 44, is not exactly the kind of person you would mistake for a terrorist, weapons trader or drug dealer. The Belgian journalist has been reporting from Africa for almost 20 years, with a ke... more »

Wretched Access

Yastreblyansky at No More Mister Nice Blog - 1 day ago
I. F. Stone not deciding what to wear to the White House Correspondents' Dinner, via. Just a note on the CPAC massacre of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Guardian, Politico, CNN, and whoever else was barred from Sean Spicer's press gaggle, presumably because they are the outlets developing the most damaging stories on the new administration, to punish them, and outside the issue of whether this development represents the coming of fascism, not to say that it doesn't— It shouldn't be lost on the public that the White House blackballed news orgs that are breaking stories on WH... more »

What Does Russia Want To Accomplish In Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin (3R) and President of Syria Bashar Assad (2L) at a meeting at the Kremlin. From right: Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. © Alexei Druzhinin / RIA Novosti *John Irish, Stephanie Nebehay and Tom Miles, Reuters*: *One question at U.N. Syria talks: What does Russia want?* The first U.N.-led Syria peace talks in almost a year are in danger of getting lost in procedure, as officials obsess about who will meet whom, but behind the scenes diplomats say it's largely up to Russia to call the tune. Russia and the United States... more »

"Indian Winter" Documents The End Of Standing Rock And The Determination To Fight On

White Wolf at White Wolf - 1 day ago
Meet some of the water protectors who are determined to keep the fight going beyond Standing Rock in the premiere of this new short film. On Thursday, the effort to stave off the pipeline at Standing Rock came to an end with more than 40 arrests and a smattering of burning campsites, small blazes started by holdouts. The movement of water protectors that has been occupying treaty lands in North Dakota demonstrated that for the Great Sioux Nation—as well as the many native and non-native allies that joined them—struggles for the environment, autonomy, and a new way of life cannot be... more »

Who Will You Blame When Jeff Sessions Starts Locking People Up For Smoking A Joint?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
I bet there are a lot of House Democrats relieved that they don't have to go on the record voting for or against Trump's nominees for the Cabinet From Hell. Only the Senate votes on nominations-- and all the Democratic senators had the good sense to vote against Betsy DeVos and Tom Price. These two are going to make millions of Americans very unhappy, one by screwing up public education and the other by screwing up healthcare. Even the worst of the worst reactionary fake Democrats-- a Heidi Heitkamp, a Joe Manchin, a Joe Donnelly or a Claire McCaskill knew better than to hitch a ... more »

Musical Interlude: Robert Palmer, “Sailin' Shoes- Hey Julia- Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Robert Palmer, “Sailin' Shoes- Hey Julia- Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley” -

A Review of Judis' "The Populist Explosion"

James Heiser at rss - 1 day ago
[image: a-review-of-judis-the-populist-explosion] In a book published prior to the November 2016 elections, John Judis explained why populism — especially when it promotes a conservative agenda — is gathering support in the United States and Europe, threatening to overturn the “neo-liberal consensus.”

Tonight's Movie Is 'Eight Iron Men'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
From *Wikipedia*: Eight Iron Men is a 1952 American World War II drama film directed by Edward Dmytryk and produced by Stanley Kramer.[1] It stars Bonar Colleano, Arthur Franz, Lee Marvin and Richard Kiley. The screenplay by Harry Brown was based on his 1945 play A Sound of Hunting, which had featured Burt Lancaster during its short run on Broadway. *Read more *.... more »

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