US Navy's Own Report Indicates Washington is Looking for a Pacific Fight
*February 27, 2017* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - The Pacific Ocean is large. Since World War II, weapon systems operating in this theater have required special provisions regarding extensive range, long duration performance and relative self-sufficiency during operations. From America's Gato-class submarines and PBY Catalina flying boats used to fight the Japanese and reassert American hegemony across Asia-Pacific during WWII, to America's continued presence in Japan, South Korea and islands throughout the region, it is clear the lengths the US has gone through then and now to remain "en... more »
Is Newsnight doomed?
According to Andrew Pierce in the *Daily Mail, *James Harding has asked for ideas for an alternative to *Newsnight*, suggesting that the show might be scrapped - or at least moved or given a different main presenter. This is hardly a surprise — the bells have been tolling for the now-dreary programme for some time. These days, many Cabinet ministers refuse invitations to appear, leading to tension between the production team and Downing Street. Getting rid of James O'Brien would be my suggestion for a good first move.
Tweet For Today
Donors pledge $672 million in emergency aid for people threatened by famine in the Lake Chad region https://t.co/jinR09KF0n pic.twitter.com/leVqGBPBBI — AFP news agency (@AFP) February 24, 2017
"Debt Ceiling 'Bloodbath' Hits March 15- Treasury to Run Out of Cash by June- No Food Stamps Or Welfare This Summer?"
*"Debt Ceiling 'Bloodbath' Hits March 15- Treasury to Run Out of Cash by June-* * No Food Stamps Or Welfare This Summer?"* by Newsroom "Former White House Budget Director David Stockman has dropped a rhetorical bomb in his latest interview saying a deal made in October, 2015, between then-Speaker of the House John Boehner and then-President Barack Obama, will slam the country to a halt. *“I think what people are missing is this date, March 15th 2017*. That’s the day that this debt ceiling holiday that Obama and Boehner put together right before the last election in October of 2015... more »
Picture Of The Day
UN Slams Israel for ‘Lenient Sentence’ Handed Down to Soldier who Killed Palestinian
Published on Feb 25, 2017 The UN human rights office has lashed out at an Israeli military court for handing down a quote- lenient 18-month sentence to a soldier who killed a wounded young Palestinian last year. The U-N body says more than 200 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since September 20-15, […]
NSA And CIA are the Enemy of the People
Who is in charge of the Beast ‘666’ Network? In charge of the Global Surveillance Militarized-Police State? No Such Agency! – NSA And CIA are the Enemy of the People by SARTRE, https://www.intellihub.com/ Astute students of history understand that government agencies often further their own interests and not the administration they are designated to serve. Seldom is […]
Intelligence Advisor Discusses Coup Against President Trump
Published on Feb 24, 2017 Infowars reporter Millie Weaver discusses developments regarding an ongoing coup against President Donald Trump with renounced code breaker and former intelligence advisor Louis Buff Parry. Weaver and Parry discuss a recent Tucker Carlson interview with former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright who reveals insider information which confirms that a rouge […]
German Military Vehicles Arrive in Lithuania
Published on Feb 25, 2017 German military equipment has reached Lithuania as part of a plan by NATO to boost the alliance’s presence in Eastern Europe, despite Russian objections. Fighting vehicles from the mechanized infantry battalion of the Federal German Defense Forces arrived at a train station in southern Lithuania. The deployment will boost NATO’s […]
End the British Queen’s “Color Revolution” in the U.S.
End the British Queen’s “Color Revolution” in the U.S. by https://larouchepac.com/ The financial system is about to blow up. If President Trump goes with Glass-Steagall, that will be the end of the British system of finance, of speculation and looting. Aware of this, Soros and Obama are doing what they have done in other countries, creating […]
Here’s How the Deep State Is Trying to Lead Trump into a Nuclear War
Here’s How the Deep State Is Trying to Lead Trump into a Nuclear War by Daniel Lang, SHTFplan.com Before Donald trump took office, he promised to rebuild the US military by diverting a lot more funding into the armed forces. And when he made that promise, he wasn’t just talking about our conventional forces. He also proposed […]
The Left’s Obsession with Satanism And How They Are Leveling It Against President Donald Trump
Published on Feb 25, 2017 Alex Jones breaks down the left’s obsession with Satanism and how they are leveling it against President Donald Trump. end
Get Prepared for a Major Systemic Crisis! – Clif High & Lior Gantz Roundtable Interview
Published on Feb 25, 2017 Get our Free Financial Newsletter: http://FutureMoneyTrends.com Today we have a special interview with 2 guests Clif High & Lior Gantz. We are going to discuss about the future of precious metals and what will happen during 2017 and what are the odds of a systemic crisis coming in the future […]
David Stockman: Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Soon. Everything Will Grind to a Halt in 2017
David Stockman: Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Soon. Everything Will Grind to a Halt in 2017 by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Former Reagan Administration White House Budget Director David Stockman says financial pain is a mathematical certainty. Stockman explains, “I think we are likely to have more of a fiscal bloodbath rather than fiscal […]
Witches Plan On Hexing Trump Tonight. Witches Target Trump with Mass Occult Ritual
Is Donald Trump and his family on the side of the Illluminati? I don’t think so. They definitely appear to be Bible believing Christians.
Witches Conducting Satanic Ritual to Stop Trump Using “Magic Spell”
Published on Feb 24, 2017 Witches across the country conduct a “Mass Spell to Bind Donald Trump” in order to stop him. The Occult ceremony scheduled to take place at Midnight February 24th 2017. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. end
Ukraine War News Updates -- February 26, 2017
*RFE*: *U.S. Demands Russia Observe Cease-Fire; Says Combined Russian-Separatist Forces Attack Monitors* The United States has called on Russia to "immediately" observe a cease-fire deal in eastern Ukraine -- saying that a combined force from Russia’s military and pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine had been targeting international monitors. In a February 26 statement, the U.S. State Department called on "Russia and the separatist forces it backs to immediately observe the cease-fire, withdraw all heavy weapons, and allow full and unfettered access" to the region for monito... more »
Remember When Lionel Richie Was A Rocker? Don't Worry, Almost No One Else Does Either
I was surprised at the outpouring of interest we got from the post last weekend about the new hard rockin' Body Count single, "No Lives Matter" from their upcoming album *Bloodlust*. Someone asked me if we ran it because of Black History Month. Uh... no; we ran it because Bodycount put out a new single about issues relevant to the *DWT* mission. But Happy Black History Month too. In fact, I rummaged around the files and found this article I wrote for *Creem* almost 40 years ago about another rockin' band that has been largely lost to (white) history, The Commodores. I had recentl... more »
The Russian Army Can Defeat The British Army 'In An Afternoon'
T-14 tanks with the Armata Universal Combat Platforms. © SPUTNIK/ EVGENY BIYATOV *Michael Peck, National Interest:* *Russia Could Defeat the British Army 'In an Afternoon'* Russia could defeat the British Army's single combat-ready division “in an afternoon,” according to a new report from the British military. “Over by Teatime,” blared the headline in the British tabloid The Sun. Budget cuts have so depleted the army that it could be destroyed by a “competent enemy” such as Russia, according to excerpts of the report published in the British press. That ominous conclusion comes ... more »
UN Report: North Korea's Spy Agency Sells Arms Out Of Malaysia
A general view of the building housing Glocom's offices in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia February 7, 2017. REUTERS/Ebrahim Harris *Reuters*:* North Korea spy agency runs arms operation out of Malaysia, U.N. says* It is in Kuala Lumpur's "Little India" neighborhood, behind an unmarked door on the second floor of a rundown building, where a military equipment company called Glocom says it has its office. Glocom is a front company run by North Korean intelligence agents that sells battlefield radio equipment in violation of United Nations sanctions, according to a United Nations report draf... more »
President Trump Wants To Significantly Increase The Defense Budget
President Trump with the director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, left, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, at the White House last week. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times *New York Times*:* Trump to Ask for Sharp Increases in Military Spending, Officials Say* WASHINGTON — President Trump will instruct federal agencies on Monday to assemble a budget for the coming fiscal year that includes sharp increases in Defense Department spending and drastic enough cuts to domestic agencies that he can keep his promise to leave Social Security and Medicare ... more »
China's Top Diplomat To Visit The U.S. For A Two Day Stay Starting Tomorrow
Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi delivers a speech at the Reception for the 45th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, China, October 25, 2016. REUTERS/Kenzaburo Fukuhara/Pool *Reuters*: *China's top diplomat to visit U.S. on Monday and Tuesday: Xinhua* China's top diplomat will visit the United States this week, the most senior Chinese official to do so since President Donald Trump took office on January 20, state news agency Xinhua said. State Councilor Yang Jie... more »
Is Trump A Russian Mole?
*Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest*: *Trump Isn’t Sounding Like a Russian Mole* *Trump’s core global strategy is intended to destroy any illusions in Moscow that Russia is a peer competitor of Washington’s.* With his latest effusive remarks to Reuters on the importance of expanding the U.S. nuclear arsenal, President Donald Trump has sent the press into a panic once again. What the press has largely ignored about Trump’s latest pronouncement is an obvious truth that undermines its own narrative: someone who was safely in Vladimir Putin’s pocket wouldn’t run around saying... more »
Quote of the Day: On groups
*“A proper association is united by ideas, not by men, and its members are loyal to the ideas, not to the group.” *~ Ayn Rand in her essay “The Missing Link,” collected in her book *Philosophy: Who Needs It* . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with attribution.
Slain SEAL’s Dad Wants An Investigation Into His Son's Death During Last Month's Raid Against Al Qaeda In Yemen
William Owens, clutching a photo of son Ryan, the SEAL killed in a January commando raid, says the administration is wrong to say that anyone who questions the raid does his son a disservice. Emily Michot emichot@miamiherald.com *Miami Herald*: *Slain SEAL’s dad wants answers: ‘Don’t hide behind my son’s death’* When they brought William “Ryan” Owens home, the Navy SEAL was carried from a C-17 military plane in a flag-draped casket, onto the tarmac at Dover Air Force Base, as President Donald Trump, his daughter, Ivanka, and Owens’ family paid their respects. It was a private tra... more »
Okay, I'll bite -- DOES chocolate improve memory?
*"The analysis showed that scores for most aspects of cognitive function rose with the level of chocolate intake, regardless of other dietary habits."* *-- from a Health After 50 post (see below)* by Ken Okay, we're supposed to be finishing up with what Joan Didion saw, on her Gulf Coast road trip in summer 1970 (as seen in the notes she assembled on that trip, now published in the book *South and West*), that seemed counterintuitive at the time but now casts dark shadows over our body politic, including such unexpected developments as the ABC sitcom *The Real O'Neals*. On Frida... more »
Battle For The Iraqi City of Mosul -- News Updates February 26, 2017
*Reuters*: *Iraqi forces aim to secure Mosul bridge, link up to east bank* U.S.-backed Iraqi forces pushed deeper into western Mosul on Sunday, aiming to capture a bridge across the Tigris which would link the city's government-held eastern bank with the ongoing offensive against remaining militants in the west. The bridge is the southernmost of five bridges spanning the Tigris. All were damaged in strikes by the U.S.-led air coalition, and later by Islamic State fighters trying to seal off the western bank still under their control. "The bridge is very important," Colonel Falah ... more »
Musical Interlude: Yanni, “One Man's Dream” (Playlist)
Yanni, “One Man's Dream” (Playlist) - https://www.youtube.com/
Brexit in Mt Eden
This Wednesday night over a beer is your opportunity to quiz a Brexit campaigner and ask them face to face: “Just what the hell were you thinking?!” Join the regular Liberty on the Rocks crew to hear from Andrew Bates, who many of you know, talking about the election that kicked off an unbelievable political year – and the ideas that fired up the Brexiteers. Here’s the write-up from our friends at Auckland Liberty on the Rocks: *Liberty on the Rocks is a regular monthly happy hour for liberty-minded folks to meet others and build their knowledge and friendships over beers, ... more »
U.S. Air Force Buy Mysterious Israeli 'Drone Killer' To Stop ISIS Drones
The deal is with ELTA North America, a U.S. subsidiary of Israeli Aerospace Industries which does produce a 'drone buster' called Drone Shield, pictured here. It is believed the new system mixes scanning systems with a system to disable drones mid flight, or cause them to return to their base, allowing them to be tracked. *Defense One*:* Air Force Buys Mysterious Israeli Weapon to Kill ISIS Drones* What is this secret weapon? Pentagon officials aren’t saying, but here are some clues. The U.S. Air Force awarded a mysterious contract to an Israeli firm for equipment to counter smal... more »
The Only Fake News That Provably Threw The Election To Trump Was Not Russian by Rob Hager
by Rob Hager Guest Writer, Dandelion Salad February 26, 2017 Trump and establishment Democrats are trading allegations about “fake news.” Trump attacks CNN and others in the mass media with his typical lack of supporting evidence for his assertions. Nevertheless, progressives can agree with Trump that during the election major mass media selected Clinton as […]
Lamar W. Hankins : The ‘unvarnished truth’ of President Trump
Texas Congressman Lamar Smith to constituents: Ignore traditional sources and get your news from President Trump. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | February 26, 2017 “Better to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins : The ‘unvarnished truth’ of President Trump
An Oscar Was Once Refused to Protest Native Rights, and Could Happen Again Tonight
[image: native]As millions tune in to the Academy Awards tonight, it would be good to remember the time Marlon Brando turned down an Oscar to stand in solidarity with Native Americans.
Islamic State Unleashes Its Drones On Iraqi Forces In Mosul
*Wall Street Journal*: *Islamic State Drones Terrorize Iraqi Forces as Mosul Battle Rages* Militant group uses increasingly sophisticated drone technology to target troops, civilians As they advance into Islamic State’s remaining urban stronghold of west Mosul, Iraqi forces are struggling to counter the terror caused by the militant group’s drones. Iraqi forces have grown accustomed to enemy drones flying over the battlefield since Islamic State seized swaths of the country in 2014. They have used rifle fire and high-tech gadgets to counter them, and even have drones of their ow... more »
Latest Show
My latest guest Rosalie Tyler Paul from nearby Brunswick, Maine and one of the leaders of our local peace group called PeaceWorks.
America's mass deportation system is rooted in racism
Kelly Lytle Hernandez, Assoc. Prof., History and African-American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 5 hours ago
A rowdy segment of the American electorate is hell-bent on banning a specific group of immigrants from entering the United States. Thousands upon thousands of other people – citizens and immigrants, alike – oppose them, choosing to go to court rather than fulfill the electorate’s narrow vision of what America should look like: white, middle class and Christian. Soon a series of U.S. Supreme Court rulings could grant unrestrained power to congress and the president over immigration control. More than 50 million people could be deported. Countless others might be barred from enteri... more »
Ojibwe Grandmother has walked 17,000 km to raise consciousness about water
"She takes care of the Lifeblood of Mother Earth – water." A First Nations elder who has "walked the equivalent of half the earth's circumference" to build awareness about pollution, laws, fracking, and the selling of the water, is being honoured today in Toronto. Josephine Mandamin received the Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation at a ceremony held at Queen's Park. Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee said Mandamin, who hails from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory [also known as Wikwemikong First Nation], has walked the shor... more »
Hollywood Actor Bill Paxton Dead At 61
*New York Times*:* Bill Paxton, Star of ‘Big Love’ and Action Blockbusters, Dies at 61* Bill Paxton, the affable actor who was a co-star in a string of 1990s blockbusters including “Twister,” “Titanic” and “Apollo 13” and later played the lead in the critically acclaimed television drama “Big Love,” has died. He was 61. His death, from complications of surgery, was announced on Sunday by a family representative. The statement did not say when or where Mr. Paxton died, but Rolling Stone reported that he died on Saturday. Early in his career, Mr. Paxton had small parts in “The Term... more »
2 Oscar speeches on Native Rights that rocked Hollywood
2 Oscar winners have utilized their platform to make a statement, raise awareness, or promote activism by speaking on behalf of indigenous people. * 1. Leonardo DiCaprio (2016) *After five acting nominations, last year, Leonardo DiCaprio finally took home his first Oscar for Best Actor for his performance in The Revenant. It should come as no surprise that the environmental activist used his big speech to bring attention to the issue of climate change — and created the most-tweeted Oscars moment in the process: Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgen... more »
"All Alone..."
“We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and- in spite of True Romance magazines- we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely- at least, not all the time- but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don’t see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.” - Hunter S. Thompson
The Poet: C.P. Cavafy, "Waiting for the Barbarians"
*"Waiting for the Barbarians"* by C.P. Cavafy "What are we waiting for, assembled in the forum? The barbarians are due here today. Why isn’t anything happening in the senate? Why do the senators sit there without legislating? Because the barbarians are coming today. What laws can the senators make now? Once the barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating. Why did our emperor get up so early, and why is he sitting at the city’s main gate on his throne, in state, wearing the crown? Because the barbarians are coming today ... more »
“A Budget Without Russians: The Empire’s Nightmare”
*“A Budget Without Russians: The Empire’s Nightmare”* by Fred Reed “Methinks the insane hysteria over Russia needs to stop. It probably will not. For reasons of domestic and imperial politics the American public is again being manipulated into a war frenzy by Washington and New York. It is stupid, without justification, and dangerous. The silliness over Russia is, obviously, part of the Establishment’s drive to get rid of Trump. Yes, the man is erratic, contradictory, shoots before he aims, backs off much of what he has promised, and may be unqualified as President–but that is not ... more »
On Labour's Victorious Campaign in Stoke
While Copeland was important, the outcome didn't dangle the possibility of an existential crisis. That exactly what was in play at the Stoke-on-Trent Central by-election. For UKIP and their empty cipher of a leader, a viable future was at stake. Both Nuttall and Nigel Farage had made much of UKIP's need to become the party of the working class, and Stoke was seen as a test bed for this strategy. For Labour, a loss would have signalled a disastrous disengagement between the party and a core component of its electoral coalition. As the campaign wore on and Nuttall's person was swamped... more »
NDP Leadership 2017 Opening Comments
The consensus list of prospective candidates in this year's federal NDP leadership race seems to be set, with Peter Julian and Charlie Angus having already declared their intention to run, and Guy Caron, Niki Ashton and Jagmeet Singh looking likely to do so as well. And with the leadership campaign now starting in earnest, I'll be starting to comment regularly on how it develops. For now, though, I'll offer a few thoughts on what's most noticeably absent from the slate of candidates so far. As part of my analysis of the 2012 campaign, I started off by discussing the issues and vo... more »
Do we really need to know what Ali Williams does of an evening?
Sport itself is good for us, and the best sports are genuine metaphors for life – and many of the very best sportsman absorb their sport’s life lessons to become better human beings. But to be good at sports is no guarantee of being good at life. And the commentators who insist that sportsmen and women are “role models” do us all a disservice – and, if taken seriously, would require these heroes and heroines to live their lives for others instead of themselves, and to live them as if they were cardboard cut-outs and not the real flesh-and-blood human beings they are. Real flesh... more »
Will Republicans Renege on ObamaCare Repeal?
[image: will-republicans-renege-on-obamacare-repeal] Republicans made repeal of ObamaCare a huge issue in 2014 and in 2016, but now that they have both houses of Congress and the White House, they are having trouble cobbling together the votes to actually terminate the program.
Germany Bans Doll Over Privacy Concerns
[image: germany-bans-doll-over-privacy-concerns] Citing privacy concerns, the German government has banned an interactive doll that uploads children's voice recordings across the Internet.
Putin-Gate Heating Up Rapidly
I can only imagine how the Trumpist regime felt Friday night when someone told them that craven worm Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show Friday calling for a Putin-Gate special prosecutor, something that would lead directly to impeachment for Pepe. Watch the Maddow clip above that explains the latest twist in the saga, the twist that should end Reince Priebus' time as Chief of Staff. Rick Allen and Sushannah Walshe explained it this way for ABC News as Saturday's *Big Story*: The Russia affair gets a new twist with the revelation that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus... more »
WATCH: In Under 3 Minutes, Comedian Destroys the Tyrannical Act of “Being Offended”
[image: offended]There is a dangerous precedent being set right now, and it all stems from the act of being offended and the actions one takes to prevent future 'offenses.'
Dribs and Drabs
*Don't be Tardy to the Party* I am protesting the Oscars tonight by not watching (I usually don't watch but I'm not watching for a reason) because the Academy and the actors, directors, producers, and so forth are all racists. If they were the least bit inclusive, they'd invite illegal aliens, radical Muslims, the homeless/hungry and others whose causes they espouse to the Oscars and to all of the after-parties. Thus they are by definition, *xenophobic bigots*. They will be swilling champagne, eating caviar on crackers and congratulating each other while surrounded by walls and ... more »
Sunday Afternoon Links
This and that for your Sunday reading. - Dietrich Vollrath discusses both what's included in our societal capital, and how best to think of redistributive policies as means of fairly dealing with it: (T)axes are a way of collecting the royalties on trust and scale that we inherited and/or create ourselves. Taxes are the rents to idea of playing “cooperate” or having scale. And the proper use of those rents, if I am reading him correctly, is in ensuring that those endowments are perpetuated and handed off to our own children. ... How then, do you justify the collection of the rents t... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Why is there a bridge between these two spiral galaxies? Made of gas and stars, the bridge provides strong evidence that these two immense star systems have passed close to each other and experienced violent tides induced by mutual gravity. Known together as Arp 240 but individually as NGC 5257 and NGC 5258, computer modelling and the ages of star clusters indicate that the two galaxies completed a first passage near each other only about 250 million years ago. *Click image for larger size.* Gravitational tides not only pulled away matter, they compress gas and so caused star forma... more »
"There It Sits..."
"Penetrating so many secrets, we cease to believe in the unknowable. But there it sits nevertheless, calmly licking its chops." - H. L. Mencken
"Compassion In the Presence of Difficulty"
*"Compassion In the Presence of Difficulty"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "True compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. Compassion is the ability to see the deep connectedness between ourselves and others. Moreover, true compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. When we first begin to practice compassion, this very deep level of understanding may elude us, but we can have faith that if we start where we are, we will eventually feel our way toward it. We mov... more »
“How Dogs Love Us”
Dr. Gregory Berns, “How Dogs Love Us”, TEDxAtlanta - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0Y-GU3JqiQ "Dogs don't hesitate. They stand by our side, no matter the odds, the reason, the depth of cold. If we step into the blackest of nights, they step with us, and sometimes- most of the time- they take the first step. And no matter their size, from the smallest to the largest, they'll do what needs to be done to safeguard their human companion, their friend, even if it means giving their life. They don't weight odds, or ask any questions. Dogs are selfless." - David Weiskircher "If there ar... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, "As I Grew Older"
*"As I Grew Older"* "It was a long time ago. I have almost forgotten my dream. But it was there then, In front of me, Bright like a sun- My dream. And then the wall rose, Rose slowly, Slowly, Between me and my dream. Rose until it touched the sky- The wall. Shadow. I am black. I lie down in the shadow. No longer the light of my dream before me, Above me. Only the thick wall. Only the shadow. My hands! My dark hands! Break through the wall! Find my dream! Help me to shatter this darkness, To smash this night, To break this shadow Into a thousand lights of sun, Into a thousand whirling ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Philadelphia, Pa, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell
"11 Deeply Alarming Facts About America’s Crumbling Infrastructure"
*"11 Deeply Alarming Facts About America’s Crumbling Infrastructure"* by Michael Snyder "No matter what your particular political perspective is, if there is one thing that virtually everyone in the United States can agree upon it is the fact that America’s infrastructure is crumbling. Previous generations of Americans conquered an entire continent and erected the greatest system of infrastructure that the world had ever seen, but now thousands upon thousands of those extremely impressive infrastructure projects are decades old and in desperate need of repair or upgrading. The near... more »
*The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness (the **Unified Field ) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears and whose principle property is the universal urge to unite ~ which we collectively resist at our universal peril: Allen L Roland, PhD * *"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,there is a field. I'll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass,the world is too full to talk about.Ideas, language, even the phrase each otherdoesn't ... more »
Curse of Oak Island - This Blog's Season Final (I hope)
Back more years than I care to think about, while I was still on active duty in the Army, I bought a book, *This Baffling World* by John Godwin. It contained information on thirteen mysteries from about the world. I bought the book because of the segment on UFOs, but other segments were about Bermuda Triangle, the abominable snowman (Big Foot in the world today) and, importantly here, Oak Island. This was my introduction to the treasure and it was the source of my interest. Oh, for those of you keeping score at home, the book was published in 1968. From that point, I kept an eye out... more »
Not a great win
So even with an overwhelming vote in her favour of 78%, the turnout of only 27% means *only around 20% of the electorate bothered to vote for Jacinda Ardern in the weekend’s by-election*. Even a majority of Mt Albert don’t like her. . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with attribution.
Was George Soros Arrested for ‘Hate Crimes Against America’?
Reports that billionaire George Soros was arrested and charged with hate crimes against America are fake news.
Peter Thiel, the shadow U.S. president
Sanity is getting restored at many places of America. Just two years ago, Ráchel Doležalová – the white woman pretending to be black – was leading a regional movement of the black women and she was even a university professor. Her leadership reminded me of "Her Excellency" in the Polish cult sci-fi movie *The Sexmission* – in that movie, the boss of the underground hardcore feminist dystopian society turned out to be male. These days, Ráchel Doležalová is jobless and expecting to become homeless soon, too. That makes much more sense than her being a leader. Note that I spelled her n... more »
Govt’s Own Data Finally Admits Magic Mushrooms & LSD Can Stifle Opioid Addiction
[image: opioid]As the opioid epidemic rages in America, psychedelics and cannabis can provide real solutions, but the War on Drugs stands in the way.
The Economy: “The U.S. Is in Real Trouble”
*“The U.S. Is in Real Trouble”* by Doug Casey *“First, the Economy:* That point- economic bankruptcy accompanied by financial chaos- is quickly approaching for the U.S. government. With deficits over a trillion dollars per year for as far as the eye can see, the U.S. Treasury will very soon be unable to roll over its maturing debt at anything near current interest rates. The only reliable buyer will be the Federal Reserve, which can buy only by creating new dollars. Within the next 24 months, the dollar is likely to start losing value rapidly and noticeably. Foreigners, who own ove... more »
"Which Came First?"
"The last time you were happy about nothing; the first time you were afraid about nothing. Which came first?" - Jean Rhys
Deconstructing Steve
*It doesn’t take a weatherman to see which way the wind blows, and the winds blow off the high plains of this country, through the prairie and lights a fire that will burn all the way to Washington in November. * --Steve Bannon, 2010 Christopher Caldwell, senior editor at the right-wing *Weekly Standard*, offers an op-ed in the *Times* that tries to recast the pseudo-intellectual bomb thrower, deconstructionist dilettante, and institutional arsonist, Steve Bannon, into a kinder, gentler image--one that does not remind us of death every time his blotchy, spider-veined visage appear... more »
Political joke
A political joke from a columnist at the *Liverpool Echo*:
Nancy Pelosi And Her DCCC Are On Their Regular Bi-Annual Mission To Save Darrell Issa's Career Again
Friday, life-long opportunist Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show, *Real Time*, and declared himself one of the first House Republicans willing to stab Señor Trumpanzee in the back over Putin-Gate. "You cannot have somebody, a friend of mine Jeff Sessions, who was on the campaign and who is an appointee," he told Maher in regard to the question about investigating the Trump campaign. "You're going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office to take-- not just to recuse. You can't just give it to your deputy. That's another political appointee." High school drop o... more »
American Pediatricians Issue Statement That Transgenderism Is ‘Child Abuse’?
It was an official-sounding but fringe group of politically motivated pediatricians who issued a statement on gender, not the respected American Academy of Pediatrics.
Did House Republicans Pass a Rule Shielding Themselves from Prosecution?
A new rule could make future investigations more difficult because it classifies public documents as the personal property of Congress members.
Actor Bill Paxton Dead at 61
Emmy-winning actor Bill Paxton has passed way at age 61 due to complications from surgery.
Mark Mardell on Trump's 'petulance' and 'moral equivalence'
Mark Mardell was on the BBC News Channel this afternoon, repeating - at times almost word-for-word - his take on the White House Correspondents dinner affair, as conveyed to Jane Garvey on this morning's *Broadcasting House. * A transcript of the whole of it would prove overly repetitive, so here are bits where he said something different: *ANNITA McVEIGH*: Talking about the motive, is this the Trump administration basically trying to reinforce its fake news agenda, saying to people, look, the President doesn't think it's worth his time to be going along and attending this dinner... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was quoted in “Iraqi Kurdistan fears Maliki returning to power” by Paul Iddon in Al Araby. I did an interview with Radio Sputnik World Service from Moscow on the Trump administration's Iraq policy. I was cited in "Bataille de Mossoul: 4 Semaines de Preparation Intensive Avant L'Assaut Sur L'Ouest De La Ville Declenche Dimanche" by France Soir.
Mosul Campaign Day 131, Feb 25, 2017
(Medecins Sans Frontieres) As the Iraqi forces (ISF) moved into south Mosul itself their advance slowed down. In the rural villages in the lead up to Mosul there was not much resistance, but now that the city has been reached IS is fighting back with its usual mix of mortars, snipers, drones, and car bombs. General Abdul Wahab al-Saadi of the Golden Division saidthat movement was very slow. The army, police, and Golden Division were still engaged in Mamun, Wadi Hajar, and Tayaran in the southern tip of the city. The 9thDivision did take the power station in Yarmouk, which suppli... more »
Elephants run to help tiny calf after she falls over and gets stuck in hole
Baby elephant gets a 'helping trunk' from two concerned adults after falling over This is the incredible moment a pair of elephants ran to help a tiny calf after she fell over and became wedged in a hole. Six-week-old baby elephant Omysha was trying to climb out of the pit when it all became too much for her tiny little legs and she tumbled backwards. The calf landed on her bum upright and was unable to flick herself back onto four legs. What happened next was pretty amazing. She had fallen over while trying to get up on the landing. Her parents saw her in trouble and rushed ov... more »
Cop Charged After Body Cam Shows Him Shoot Unarmed Family & Lie About It
[image: body]An Oviedo, FL police officer has been charged in the shooting of two African American residents after he lied and said their car attempted to run him over.
Another nit well and truly picked
I might be nit-picking, or it could just be that standards of accuracy at the BBC are slipping, but there was another election-based blunder from the BBC today. The offender this time was Mark Mardell on *The World This Weekend. * He was visiting the constituency of Thurrock in Essex and 'informed' us: This area in the Thames Estuary was won by the Conservatives in the last two elections but was once safe Labour territory. Now it's fought over by three parties. In 2015 the Conservatives got 34% of the vote, Labour 33%, UKIP 23%. Well, in fact, the result for 2015 was: Yes, UKI... more »
Starbucks and Same-Sex Marriage
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz expressed the company's support for same-sex marriage but didn't tell opponents they weren't wanted as shareholders or customers.
Fascinating Story of Native American Rez Dogs
Native Americans have a long and beautiful relationship with their dogs. “Rez dogs” are survivors, and so too are Native people. "Then the sun god decided to create new people. First he made a man, then a woman, and finally a dog to keep them company. Later he created the guanaco and the rhea as food for the couple he had brought forth. -- Tebuelche Indians" A few themes emerge from the details of the dog's lot in America. First and foremost, the dog was an ambiguous animal. Native Americans understood that even though dogs resided in the human camp they had a close kinship with ... more »
Editor's Note
Just learned that because of needed repairs to the electrical grid from yesterday's storm in my area .... they are going to cut power now and will return it later today. I will resume blogging when that happens.
Thousands March In Moscow On The Second Anniversary Of Kremlin Critic Boris Nemtsov's Murder
*BBC*: *Boris Nemtsov killing: Supporters march in Moscow* Thousands of people have marched in Moscow to remember Russian opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead outside the Kremlin in 2015. Nemtsov, a reformer, democrat and a deputy prime minister under former President Boris Yeltsin, was a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin. Five Chechen men went on trial for the killing in October. They deny the charges and Nemtsov's relatives fear whoever ordered the murder will never be found. *Read more *.... *More News On Today's March In Moscow On The Second Anniversary Of... more »
Fmr IMF Chief Sent to Jail As Spain Prosecutes 65 Elite Bankers in Enormous Corruption Scandal
[image: imf]Rodrigo Rato becomes the third IMF chief in only 2 years to be prosecuted, exposing the banking cartel as a breeding ground for corruption.
ATF Busted for Illegally Selling Millions of World’s Deadliest Drug
[image: atf]The ATF was caught red-handed selling the world's deadliest drug -- by the ton -- all in an effort fo fund its black operations.
*BBC Watch* has a fascinating statistical analysis of the BBC News website's coverage of Israel PM Netanyahu's official visit to Australia, revealing what interests the BBC - and what *doesn't *interest the BBC:
Is Social Media Politicising The U.S. Military?
*Bryan Bender, Politico:* *Twitter and Facebook are politicizing the military* *A Pentagon survey finds alarming numbers of officers sharing politically charged opinions on social media, researchers say. They say public trust in the military could be at stake*. Social media’s angry partisan divides are seeping into the U.S. military, raising fears that the tradition of political neutrality in the armed services is eroding on sites like Twitter and Facebook, according to a first-of-its-kind Pentagon survey shared with POLITICO. The survey, of more than 500 West Point cadets and act... more »
Here are a couple of screengrabs that our old *Biased BBC *colleague DB took before the BBC's incoming head of religious programming, Fatima Salaria, blocked him on Twitter a few years back: Her tweets (and retweets) are now protected.
"Language matters"
Nick Robinson is unhappy again, this time with the Home Secretary Amber Rudd. What got her into trouble with Nick today was saying the following on* Peston*: Unfortunately, fake news is settling out there. The fact is, we took 8,000 children last year in to this country and settled them. Three thousand arrived unaccompanied and illegally and have been settled here. These numbers are large.
Some Israeli Arabs Have Joined The Israeli Military
Israeli soldiers patrol on the West Bank village of Arura in June 2014. Mohamad Torokman / Reuters *NBC News:* *Arab Israelis Are Joining the IDF in Growing Numbers: Officials* KISSUFIM CROSSING, Israel — The Star of David is the best-known symbol of Jewish identity and of patriotism for the state of Israel. So it may come as a surprise that a six-pointed star hangs around the neck of Sgt. Yossef Saluta, a Muslim Arab. The 20-year-old poses proudly wearing the necklace and his Israeli army uniform, a rifle slung over his shoulder. He is among a tiny but growing number of Arab Isr... more »
Philippine Military Has Launched Airstrikes Against Abu Sayyaf
(Click on Image to Enlarge) *DW:* *Philippines military launches airstrikes on Abu Sayyaf* The Philippine military has launched airstrikes against a group threatening to behead a German man. The deadline for the delivery of a 566,000-euro ransom has passed with no updates. The Philippine military has continued airstrikes on Abu Sayyaf ahead of a ransom deadline, a military spokesman said on Sunday. The militants issued their "final ultimatum" nearly two weeks ago, saying they would behead a 70-year-old German hostage if they did not receive 30 million pesos (566,000 euros/$600,000)... more »
Zimbabwe's Mugabe Celebrates 93rd Birthday With Supporters
*The Guardian*: *He’s 93 and frail, but Mugabe pledges to carry on ruling* Marking his birthday with a 93kg cake and a rally with loyal fans, the president is in no hurry to quit despite the chaos of his rule. There were dancers, musicians, singers and flag-waving students – and, astonishingly, a break in the belts of rain that had been sweeping in across the sodden plains from the Matopo hills for days. On the podium raised above a muddy school sports field in south-west Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe stepped up to the microphone. Wearing a white shirt, black tie, black cowboy h... more »
Iran Launches Naval Drills Off The Strait Of Hormuz And The Indian Ocean
*Reuters: **Iran holds naval war games amid rising tensions with U.S.* Iran launched naval drills at the mouth of the Gulf and the Indian Ocean on Sunday, a naval commander said, as tensions with the United States escalated after U.S President Donald Trump put Tehran "on notice". Since taking office last month, Trump has pledged to get tough with Iran, warning the Islamic Republic after its ballistic missile test on Jan. 29 that it was playing with fire and all U.S. options were on the table. Iran's annual exercises will be held in the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Oman, the Bab el... more »
"Do we misrepresent Islam?"
Nicky Campbell popped up towards the end of the *Marr* show, as always, to tease us with the upcoming delights of *The Big Questions. * Join us from Birmingham at Ten when we'll be debating Islam - do we misrepresent it? - then reincarnation - have some of you been here before? - and marriage - one of the last bastions of patriarchy or is marriage what you make it? See you at Ten on BBC One. Here's how Nicky framed the first debate: The activities of Islamist extremism across the globe have killed many more Muslims than people from other faiths, as we saw yet again earlier this ... more »
Booker & Arctic Sea Ice
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/25/dear-bbc-better-ifs-ss-gb-plus-arctic-myths-real-eurocrat-pensions/ Booker on Arctic sea ice this week. For some reason, the printed version includes my MASIE graph, but the online goes with NSIDC. Arctic Myths Ice data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center/National Snow and Ice Data Center […]
Paul Ryan's Idea Of Freedom Will Give All Americans The Liberty To Die Without Healthcare
When it came to health insurance I was very lucky. I was the president of a large company, a division of Time Warner that gave it's top executives platinum-plated best-that-money-could-buy insurance. I was bullet-proof. Then I got even luckier; I turned 65 and got Medicare. Medicare is better. And I was just in time. I was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer requiring a couple of years of experimental treatment, very costly experimental treatment. Medicare paid it and without so much as a hum or a haw. I'm alive today because of... well, Jesus Christ's compassion and m... more »
Short-Form Writing for the Public: Part II of a Series
This is part II of a series on bridging the gap between policy and academia. In my last post, I laid out some principles for thinking policy engagement as an academic. In this post, I’ll talk about one such strategy — short-form writing for the public — which includes blogging, Twitter, and other social media. […]
Massaging the facts
As noted by Ozfan on an earlier thread, this morning's *Broadcasting House *included a report from Kevin Connolly on the 2014 terrorist attack on the Jewish Museum in Brussels. It also included reflections on antisemitism in Europe. One remarkable thing about the report was that it failed, at any point, to mention that the "lone gunman"/"lone attacker" was an Islamist terrorist. Another even more remarkable thing was that *Muslim* antisemitism - the root cause of the attack - was not mentioned either. Instead, Kevin Connolly's report concentrated on antisemitism in general, an... more »
Mark Mardell Goes to Dinner
A bit of anti-Trump sarcasm from *Broadcasting House *guest presenter Jane Garvey was only to be expected, but her interview with Mark Mardell about the White House Correspondents' Association dinner was quite revealing about that annual event and, I thought, worth posting. Look out for Mark Mardell admitting to behaving "slimily" towards a senior Democrat. How unlike him! (And that's sarcasm too, Jane!) ********* *JANE GARVEY*: This is Jane Garvey for Paddy O'Connell on *Broadcasting House* this week. And we'll pick up on the news that Donald Trump has announced that he's not g... more »
*Trump Right to Fix Obama’s Unlawful Transgender School Policy* The Trump administration acted Wednesday night to fix the Obama administration’s unlawful “gender identity” school policy and return authority to parents and teachers in the states. Civil rights officers in the Department of Justice and the Department of Education issued a joint letter saying the administration was rescinding the policy, which had required schools to allow students who identify as transgender to use the restrooms, locker rooms and similar facilities of their choice—or face loss of federal funds. In t... more »
The chairman of the Conservative party told a barefaced lie on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, and no one said a word [VIDEO]
On Sunday 26 February, the chairman of the Conservative party told a lie on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show. And the host failed to challenge it. The Conservative lie Conservative party chairman Patrick McLoughlin told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that his government were “very generous” to disabled welfare claimants. Challenged on forthcoming cuts to disability benefits,... Visit www.thecanary.co to read more.
*Shub Niggurath on the "pause"* Shub Niggurath has been having a look at the Warmist responses to the Rose/Bates revelations about Tom Karl's "pausebuster" paper. He finds that the Warmist responses just dodge the issue. They say that the overall effect of their adjustments is to REDUCE warming. But that is only true of the whole of the period since 1880. But neither Bates nor Rose were talking about the 1880+ period. They were talking about the 21st century only. The Warmists are arguing with a straw man, not the Bates/Rose revelations. That suggests that they have no answ... more »
Was Chiang Responsible for the 2-28 Massacre? Yes of course.
*The March 2, 1947 telegram. Academia Historica via Taiwan News.* *“Anyone with basic common sense can determine that Chiang is the one who should be held responsible,” Chen said (Japan Times).* *Soon I must remove him , the Baron thought. He has almost outlasted his usefulness, almost reached the point of positive danger to my person. First, though, he must make the people of Arrakis hate him. Then - they will welcome my darling Feyd-Rautha as a savior .* A new telegram from 1947 published this month confirms, if any further evidence were needed for evidence-based minds, that KMT ... more »
“Screw The Way Things Are, I Want Out”
*“Screw The Way Things Are, I Want Out”* by Paul Rosenberg "This is a beautiful planet, filled, in the main, with decent, cooperative humans. And yet, I want out. Give me any kind of functional spaceship and any reasonable chance, and I’ll take it. This place is anti-human. It chokes the best that’s in us, aggressively and self-righteously. I was struck not long ago by a comment of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s, in which he expressed the same kind of feeling: "I ought to have become a star in the sky. Instead of which I have remained stuck on earth…" All of us who’ve had a moment of transc... more »
"If You Don't Change..."
"Stop being so greedy, and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion pages for the latest styles. Nations like ours are drowning in poverty, but you people don't even hear our cries for help. You shut your ears to the voices of those who try to tell you these things. You label them radicals or Communists. You must open your hearts to the poor and downtrodden, instead of driving them further into poverty and servitude. Ther... more »
Jon Henrik Fjällgren & Aninia - En värld full av strider - A World Full Of Fighting
*Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnc09zwKiXY* *This was from a Music Festival that determine who will represent Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. This song is sunt in both Same and Swedish. You Will just have to listen & enjoy the music or just feel it.*
DAPL Owner ETP Stock Plummets after Militarized Attack on Water Protectors; Journalist Says DAPL Not Done Drilling Under River; Are Claims that Pipeline Near Finished a Hoax to Boost Stock Prices?
On February 22, 2017, at 930 am ET, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) stock was worth $38.83 per share on the … Continue reading →
US Sen. Warner on Reports Trump Administration Enlisted Both Intelligence Officials & Members of Congress to Counter Allegations Under Investigation
If a real investigation goes forward it will be much more entertaining than Watergate. And, if it doesn’t, the US … Continue reading →
The Twit and the Future of Democracy in the U.S.
With a blog focused upon democracy my regular readers may have been wondering how I could not write about the real and ongoing threat to democracy occurring to the south of us with the installation of a authoritative but unstable narcissist elected president. I simply don’t know what to say that has not already been said and am still in a state of disbelief that so many people can be so brainwashed as to elect such an obvious racist twit. That said I came across this article (extracts) from *The New Yorker written back in November *a few days after the election which pretty much p... more »
*From Jenna Orkin* New findings highlight promise of chimeric organisms ... - Salk Institute Woman suspected of killing Kim Jong Un's half brother was reportedly paid $90 to help carry out the attack JCPenney's store closures could push hundreds of dying shopping malls over the edge UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism As Bitcoin Surges To Record High, China Prepares Its Own Digital Currency 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020 78 Seconds Of Farage "Red-Pilling" Why Has The CIA Stopped Smuggling Weapons to Syr... more »
Best of: New Life New Hope
By Cathy Jam eson I know it wasn't too long ago that I shared this post, but I wanted to share it again today. Five of our friends are due in the next few months. Years ago, I never used...
The Focus Shifts To Europe
Elections are coming in Europe. That's where -- not in the United States -- we will see the first reverberations of the Trump Effect. Six months ago, it looked like Europe was drifting dangerously to the Right. Now -- after the world has had fifteen weeks of Trump -- Tony Burman writes that things are looking a little different: For Europeans, Donald Trump’s chaotic circus finally came to town. Last weekend, senior members of the Trump administration spoke at the annual Munich security conference where, for the past five decades, Europe’s political and military establishment have ... more »
It's been a while since I've counted interruptions and done timings, but today's *The Andrew Marr Show *tempted me to give it a go again. - Despite being the shortest interview (7 minutes), UKIP's Peter Whittle was interrupted most often (14 times). - Though getting a longer interview than Mr Whittle, the Conservatives' Patrick McLoughlin (10 minutes) was interrupted less often (11 times). - And Shami Chakrabarti, though getting the longest interview of all (over 12 minutes), was interrupted no more often in total than Mr McLoughlin (11 times), thus enjoying ... more »
Hawaii Geothermal Energy Problem
The photo above is a spectacular image of the continuing lava flow at the Kilauea Volcano (more here) and the question what is powering this massive production of basaltic lava remain problematical. The mainstream view is that radiogenic heat … Continue reading →
Biting the hand that fed you
Amusingly for someone who's been on the *Andrew Marr *show 11 times in the past five years alone (18 times in total since the programme began), Baroness Chakrabarti even complained about the *Andrew Marr *show's choice of guests: *SHAMI CHAKRABARTI*: I think sometimes we haven't had the fairest or the most balanced treatment in the media, including in the broadcast media... *ANDREW MARR (interrupting)*: As you know, the left has always said it's the media... *SHAMI CHAKRABARTI*: No, no... *ANDREW MARR*: ...for hundreds of years. *SHAMI CHAKRABARTI*: I'm not blaming the media. I'm ju... more »
*Above, we see the Trump Hotel Soho, which "is proud to host same-sex weddings." Trump Hotels* *1. *As a candidate, Donald Trump pledged to brand China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. Steven Mnuchin, the new US Treasury secretary, has dismissed Trump's promise to brand China as a currency manipulator. Mnuchin now says: "We have a process within Treasury where we go through and look at 'currency manipulation' ... we're not making any judgments until we continue that process." ft.com/ *2. *Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker, says the US government is in favo... more »
Electric Universe - Kongpop U-yen - Space Weather Forecasting
"Stick with it," that's what I'm saying...it's well worth it. KongPop U-yen isn't the most self-confident of presenters but his post-storm earthquake-prediction space weather theory are second to none. Could be the best Electric Universe presentation the Thunderbolts Project have ever uploaded to their youtube channel. *Free Planet Summary:* while this is all well and good, "We still don't have a global solution to catastrophism," and by this I mean that we're still building 'solid structures on solid ground' be that roads or tunnels or homes or businesses. And history is provin... more »
Parcelforce delivery driver resigns after performing sex act on letterbox per Metro News
'A Parcelforce delivery driver has resigned after he performed a sex act on a letterbox.' More here if you must http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/23/parcelforce-delivery-driver-resigns-after-performing-sex-act-on-letterbox-6468378/
Another question
Good grief! Even Dan Hodges is having a pop at *The Andrew Marr Show* this morning: Here are some of the answers he's received so far: - "I'm calling for..." said 4 times in a 2 minute slot, tells you all. She should not be discussing the papers, BBC. - Very easily. The BBC. Always available to self-publicists wishing to overturn democratic ballots. This is what we do. - Anyone might suspect that the BBC has an agenda. - To be fair, paper review segments often do this. I agree it's bad practice. - I think you find it's called "bias" You weren't expecting im... more »
Andrew Marr's introduction this morning ran as follows: After the storm - the calm and the clearing up. Not so much Doris, but those by-elections which have battered and scattered some recent accepted truths about British politics. This week, we're going to be rootling through the debris. Can Labour keep calm and carry on? Shami Chakrabati, one of Jeremy Corbyn's key allies, is with us. But the party that looks in deeper trouble this weekend isn't Labour, it's the would-be insurgents. Has UKIP run out of puff? I'll be asking its deputy leader Peter Whittle. Finally, what of the T... more »
And finally...
The closing feature on this morning's *Sunday* was: One tweet said that "The Dean of Bristol Cathedral was not ready for Professor Robert Beckford this morning" and that he'd been "#schooled", and it sounded that way to me too.
"Transatlantic Islam"
Soon after the feature on the growth of sanctuary churches under Trump, Radio 4's *Sunday *moved onto this: Again, here's someone on Twitter with an instant reaction: That guy, Dr Mandaville, made the familiar complaint that: Muslim communities in the United States and and Britain are perceived by both the the publics in their respective societies as well as the government in both countries primarily as communities that are to be thought about and engaged with of are in reference almost exclusively to issues relating to security and terrorism rather than - as both of them actual... more »
Sanctuary from Trump
If you slept through this morning's *Sunday *on Radio 4, you missed a report from Maryland by Jane O'Brien: For a flavour of what you missed, here are two tweets from very different perspectives, sent a minute apart. Both, in their different ways, will tell you precisely where this piece's bias lay:
A diplomatic silence
Over the years I have enjoyed the freedom to comment & speculate on what I thought was going on in the area of climate. However, recently I’ve written a string of articles, but have at the last minute decided that … Continue reading →
Jeremy Corbyn 'determined to finish job' per BBC News
Jeremy Corbyn 'determined to finish job' of destroying the Labour Party? BBC/Labour navel gazing article here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39093981
It’s a tough world out there: and now a drumbeat for war on Iran.
Papa Heinlein promised us interesting times during what he forecast as “The Crazy Years.” And boy are we in it. I’ll have more, later, about Heinlein’s creepy-on-target prescience. But today, let’s focus on International affairs.
Petra is breathtaking. It is unique, certainly in my experience, but likely in all the world. Imagine an extremely unusual and beautiful natural site, with unique rock formations, colours, and features, combined with a unique archaeological site, a place where ancient people honoured and buried their dead. It is wondrous. More on this later. First, back to our story. * * * * I was up checking my email at 4:00 a.m., eager to get out of the yucky hotel room. I woke up Allan at 5:00 and we were out the door by 5:30, in a taxi and at the Jett Bus station before 6:00. The night before, ... more »
The case for string theory: 60 symbols
Tony Padilla is a cosmologist who has recorded numerous successful videos about science and mathematics. Many of them showed some interesting mathematics, some of them were embarrassing (e.g. the video "quantum mechanics, an embarrassment"). Three weeks ago, he released this 16-minute video at the "Sixty symbols" channel (OK, it's really "SIXTΨ SγMBΦLS", I had to waste a minute by writing these symbols; fortunately, fewer than 60 were needed). It already has over 150,000 views and 98% of the votes are positive. Padilla reveals himself – like Leonard Hofstadter did – to be in th... more »
No Shit Sherlock - UK terror threat 'at highest since 1970s IRA plots' per BBC News
'Britain faces a level of terror threat not seen since the IRA bombings of the 1970s, according to a new watchdog.Max Hill, the independent reviewer of terrorism laws, told the Sunday Telegraph. ... Mr Hill... said the so-called Islamic State was planning "indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians of whatever race or colour" in UK cities, close to the scale of Provisional IRA attacks of the 1970s.' No Shit Sherlock... More from the BBC here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39093389 A BBC whose mealy mouthed coverage of the real causes of Islamist terrorism have helped the rise... more »
Video Captures the Current State of the F-35
*WNU Editor: *A puff piece on the F-35. The above video is from Popular Mechanics .... *Gorgeous Video Captures the Current State of the F-35* (Popular Mechanics)
David Harewood: Next Doctor Who should be black or female per BBC News
According to the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-39093558 'Actor David Harewood has said the next Doctor Who should not be another white man - and has thrown his own hat into the ring... "It needs to do something different, so I think it's either going to be a black person or a woman. It would just bring a different flavour to it."' Why does it need 'to do something different'? Why does it need a 'different flavour'? Wouldn't the actor or actress who gets the role of the next Doctor rather know they've got it on merit rather than because of their sex and / or ... more »
Will Superhuman Intelligence Be Our Friend or Foe?
Let’s just go ahead and address the question on everyone’s mind: will AI kill us? What is the negative potential of transhuman superintelligence? Once its cognitive power surpasses our own, will it give us a leg-up in ‘the singularity’, or will it look at our collective track record of harming our own species, other species, the world that gave us life, etc., and exterminate us like pests?
Greg Hunter, “Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Soon- David Stockman”
*“Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Soon- David Stockman”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Former Reagan Administration White House Budget Director David Stockman says financial pain is a mathematical certainty. Stockman explains, “I think we are likely to have more of a fiscal bloodbath rather than fiscal stimulus. Unfortunately for Donald Trump, not only did the public vote the establishment out, they left on his doorstep the inheritance of 30 years of debt build-up and a fiscal policy that’s been really reckless in the extreme. People would like to think he’s the second coming of ... more »
Human Rights Watch Cites Al Qaeda and Collaborators in Latest Syria Report
*February 26, 2017* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - On the heels of Amnesty International's admittedly and entirely fabricated report regarding Syria's Saydnaya prison, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has published its own baseless report on Syria - this one regarding alleged chlorine bomb attacks in Aleppo during the city's liberation late last year. In a post on HRW's website titled, "Syria: Coordinated Chemical Attacks on Aleppo," it claims: *Syrian government forces conducted coordinated chemical attacks in opposition-controlled parts of Aleppo during the final month of the battle for the ... more »
Pope Francis Warns Of A World War Over Water
Pope Francis leads a mass on New Year's Day at Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican January 1, 2017. REUTERS/Remo Casilli *Crux: **Pope Francis warns of a ‘great world war over water’* Talking at a Vatican sponsored meeting which called for the universal right to safe and accessible drinking water, Pope Francis also cited "troubling" statistics from the United Nations which indicate that each day, a thousand children die from water-related illnesses. ROME - Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right and a key component in protecting human life, Pope Francis said. “The r... more »
Tweet For Today
At base in Northern Syria, U.S. forces helping Syrians prepare to liberate Raqqa #SDF @SDF_Press_1 @CBSDavidMartin pic.twitter.com/PKgB04HDFN — Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) February 26, 2017
Global Warming, Again
The late Carl Sagan was very involved in the Velikovsky Affair, and wrote the following: Yet to the present day mainstream science continues to repeat the fallacy that CO2 is a greenhouse gas; it isn’t. So Dr. Kongpong U-yen’s 2016 … Continue reading →
Pizzagate Turned PedoGate Leads to Momentum Surge in Busting Global Child Sex Trafficking Rings
This article will examine the current status of the so called “Pizzagate” scandal. But from here on out this presentation will refer to it as PedoGate for several reasons. Pedogate involves global child sex trafficking networks that have been operating over a lengthy period of time, far beyond the *WikiLeaks* release of the John Podesta emails and his obsession over “pizza,” and incriminating contents found on disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop leading up to last November’s election. PedoGate also extends far beyond the so called Comet Ping Pong pizza par... more »
Is North Korea Preparing Another Nuclear Test?
*38 North*:* Continued Activity at North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site* Recent commercial satellite imagery of North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test facility shows continued low-level activity at many locations within the installation. In particular, the shifting of supplies and equipment as well as additional changes in the texture and pattern of small sections of the tailings pile at the North Portal indicate continuing work inside the test tunnels. These activities suggest continued preparation and maintenance of this portal for use in a new nuclear test. Should the dec... more »
Picture Of The Day
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* Servicemen play roller hockey aboard Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying cruiser in the Mediterranean Sea. © SPUTNIK/ PRESS SERVICE OF THE NORTHERN FLEET/ANDREY LUZIK
The U.S. Air Force Wants A 6th-Generation Fighter
The Boeing F/A-XX concept design as of 2013. Wikipedia *National Defense*: *Air Force Leader Wants More Aggressive Push for ‘Sixth-Gen’ Capabilities* The Air Force needs to more aggressively pursue a next-generation platform capable of penetrating deep into hostile airspace, the head of Air Combat Command said Feb. 24. The primary focus now is on ramping up production of the F-35A joint strike fighter, a fifth-generation aircraft with stealth features and cutting-edge sensors. But the Air Force is already thinking about acquiring a sixth-generation “penetrating counter-air” capabi... more »
Tonight Democrats Won Control Of the Delaware State Senate-- Thanks Señor Trumpanzee
*Stephanie Hansen beats Pepe in Delaware* Most election-junkies were glued to the DNC race today. But there was another election going on as well, a special election for a state Senate seat in Delaware. This one pit New Castle County ex-Council President Stephanie Hansen (D) against John Marino (R). Libertarian Joseph Lansendorfer was also running for the seat previously held by newly inaugurated Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long (D). The 10th district covers Middletown, Glasgow and southern Newark in New Castle County in the suburban northwest corner of the state, flush up against the Mar... more »
UN Spokesman: Rebel Linked Attack Against Syrian Security Headquarters In Homs Was An Attempt To Derail Current Syrian Peace Talks In Geneva
*Al Jazeera*: *Homs blasts threaten to derail Syria talks in Geneva* *Officials and rebels spar over attacks targeting government positions as UN envoy suspects 'spoilers' behind violence.* Geneva, Switzerland - Deadly suicide attacks in the Syrian government-held city of Homs threaten to derail talks in Geneva, with government and opposition delegates in the Swiss city sparring over the violence. General Hassan Daabul, an army intelligence chief and close confidant of President Bashar al-Assad, was among the dozens killed on Saturday in blasts targeting two security service bases... more »
With Perez Elected DNC Chair, Establishment Democrats Stifle Grassroots Pressure To Transform Party
Obama and Clinton supporters in DNC survive push from the grassroots to transform the Democratic Party into a real and actual opposition party. The post With Perez Elected DNC Chair, Establishment Democrats Stifle Grassroots Pressure To Transform Party appeared first on Shadowproof.
Islamic State Turned A Massive Sinkhole Outside Of Mosul Into The Biggest Mass Grave In Iraq
The Khasfa sinkhole has swallowed the mutilated bodies of ISIS' enemies since the jihadis captured Mosul in 2014 *Daily Mail:** ISIS jihadis 'turned sinkhole off the Baghdad-Mosul highway into a mass grave for 4,000 bodies'* * The Khasfa sinkhole has swallowed the mutilated bodies of ISIS' enemies * It is now so infamous that locals tremble when they speak of the atrocities * Hole was once 400 metres deep before it was filled with 4,000 bodies Four hundred meters deep and containing up to 4,000 bodies, this sinkhole is thought to be the biggest mass grave in Iraq. The Khasfa sin... more »
Popular Kurdish Reporter Shifa Gardi Killed In Mosul By Roadside Bomb
Smiling into the camera as she interviewed Iraqi soldiers, journalist Shifa Gardi had no idea this would be her last report *Daily Mail*: *Female TV reporter's final broadcast one hour before she was killed in Mosul as Iraqi forces push into West of the city despite resistance from ISIS snipers, bombs and armed DRONES* * Shifa Gardi was covering the ongoing fight against ISIS in Mosul for Kurdish outlet Rudaw prior to the tragedy * Her editors said the talented journalist was killed by explosive device on a road just an hour after a report * Iraqi forces entered the neighbourhoods o... more »
U.S. Forward Air Controllers Are Now On The Front Lines In Mosul
*Washington Post:* *Why U.S. forward air controllers are moving closer to combat in Mosul* With the grinding battle for east Mosul all but over, Iraqi troops in recent days have begun their advance into the Islamic State-held western portion of the city, crossing the Tigris river and driving up from the south toward Mosul’s airport. Backed by the U.S.-led coalition’s airstrikes, artillery, Special Operations forces and hundreds of advisers, Iraqi troops are expected to encounter heavy resistance as they enter western Mosul’s labyrinth of alleyways, tight side streets and multisto... more »
Battle For The Iraqi City of Mosul -- News Updates February 25, 2017
*Reuters*: *Iraqi forces push deeper into western Mosul as civilians flee* U.S.-backed Iraqi forces pushed deeper into western Mosul on Saturday, advancing in several populated southern districts after punching through the defenses of Islamic State's last major urban stronghold in Iraq a day earlier. About 1,000 civilians walked across the frontlines, the largest movement since the new offensive launched last week to deal the ultra-hardline Sunni Muslim group a decisive blow. In the capital Baghdad, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir met Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in... more »
Trump Allows Oil, Gas, and Coal Companies to Cheat Americans out of Royalties – At Least Pending Litigation (Gold, Uranium and Other Hardrock Miner’s Don’t Pay Royalties for their Thefts from Public Lands)
News release from the Sierra Club: “TRUMP ENDS RULE BLOCKING CORPORATE POLLUTERS FROM PAYING THEMSELVES Interior Rule Prevented Fossil Fuel … Continue reading →
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