Tuesday, February 28, 2017

28 February - Blogs I'm Following

11:22 pm MST

Pol Ideology 69, Math can show that small or minimal government is optimal

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 3 minutes ago
As humanity modernizes further, complexity and diversity among people increases. Forcing a big number of people into a centrally-planned design to achieve social coherence will only mean more bureaucratism if not dictatorship. Here's one proof. *Mathematicians Prove Society is Way Too Complex to Have A President* November 18, 2016 at 11:18 am Written by Alice Salles http://theantimedia.org/mathematicians-society-complex-president/ *“[T]he concept of civilization as a complex organism,” mathematicians concluded, “is qualitatively different th... more »

The NSA Is Experiencing A Brain-Drain Of Hackers And Cyber Spies

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 minutes ago
An aerial view of the National Security Agency (NSA) headquarters in Ft. Meade, Maryland, U.S. January 29, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Downing/File Photo *Reuters*: *NSA risks talent exodus amid morale slump, Trump fears* The National Security Agency risks a brain-drain of hackers and cyber spies due to a tumultuous reorganization and worries about the acrimonious relationship between the intelligence community and President Donald Trump, according to current and former NSA officials and cybersecurity industry sources. Half-a-dozen cybersecurity executives told Reuters they had witnessed a... more »

Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse

William N. Grigg at Pro Libertate - 24 minutes ago
*Somebody who would do this to a child should be horsewhipped, at the very least. * Integral to the American concept of liberty is the right to hold the state at bay, which is why children are never too young to be taught to regard government employees with suspicion and defensive hostility. Some conscientious parents in Northampton, Massachusetts acted on that principle by demanding an end to a program intended to habituate public school inmates to the presence of police officers. The local police department, acting on an initiative that originated with the International Associa... more »

DiCaprio considers his eyebrows more important than the planet.

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 38 minutes ago
Leonardo DiCaprio uses his movie downtime to campaign for the falsified man-made global warming fraud (AGW). (link) Leonardo DiCaprio took time out from his usual movie-making duties to front a powerful film about climate change called *Before The Flood*. Poor deluded Leo *travelled the world*, from Greenland to India, to produce his doco. As your blogger is one who knows that the #agwHoax is a fraud, I believe that his jetting around the world is creating more carbon dioxide (note Carbon dioxide, *not carbon as all the deceivers say*) which is greening the planet. (link) (link) (... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 43 minutes ago
Two Tupolev Tu-95 turboprop-powered strategic bombers. © PHOTO: RUSSIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY

BWorld 111, Electric cooperatives and unstable power supply

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 48 minutes ago
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last February 08, 2017. Almost everything we do now requires energy and if we stay in non-mobile structures like buildings and houses, everything requires electricity. Energy precedes development so unstable and expensive energy means unstable and poor economy. Given the technological revolution the world has experienced in recent decades, it remains a tragedy that many countries still have low electrification rates and very low electricity consumption per capita. Unfortunately, the Philippines is among those countries with still not-so-high ... more »

Trump's Joint Address at US Congress today

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 hour ago
I watched US President Donald Trump's Joint Address in the US Congress today. There were lots of applause and frequent standing ovations, mostly from the Republican legislators. I know that many people, many friends included, hate this leader but he seems to deliver powerful messages that get through the hearts of many Americans. He is stoking American nationalism to a high level. Whether this implies trade protectionism or not is a matter of debate, but he seems to be effectively stoking that #Americanspirit. Am not American nor do I live in the US so I cannot fathom these things ... more »

The Obama's Have Agreed To A $60 Million Book Deal For A 'His And Her Book'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
*New York Times*: *Obamas Make Book Deal With Penguin Random House* Penguin Random House will publish coming books by former President Barack Obama and the former first lady Michelle Obama, the publishing company announced Tuesday night, concluding a heated auction among multiple publishers. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed, but publishing industry executives with knowledge of the bidding process said it probably stretched well into eight figures. Robert B. Barnett and Deneen C. Howell of Williams & Connolly represented the Obamas. Penguin Random House acquired world... more »

Wilbur Ross And The Russian Roots Of Trump's New Kleptocracy/Kakistocracy

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
You may have come to expect cowardly conservative careerists in the Senate like Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) to cross the aisle and rubber-stamp virtually all of Trump's horrendous nominees for high public office. But the vote Monday on billionaire Trump crony and murderer Wilbur Ross didn't follow the regular pattern. Ross was confirmed as Secretary of Commerce-- no one really questioning him on the Sago Mining disaster or on his financial connections to Putin's kleptocracy-- 72-27. Every Republican, of course, voted y... more »

Majority (57%) of Americans do NOT think Trump “Honest and Trustworthy”; Majority (54%) Do NOT Think He Cares About Their Needs

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 1 hour ago
The majority of Americans (57%) do NOT think Trump “honest and trustworthy“; 54% do NOT think that he cares about … Continue reading →

Vast Majority (72%) of Americans View Putin Unfavorably According to Recent Gallup Poll

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 1 hour ago
According to the Gallup Poll, 72% of Americans hold an unfavorable opinion of Russian President Putin, while 22% hold a … Continue reading →

Trump’s 10 Steps for Turning Lies into Half-TruthsEarlier this...

Robert Reich - 1 hour ago
*Trump’s 10 Steps for Turning Lies into Half-Truths* Earlier this year the Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief insisted that the Wall Street Journal wouldn’t label Trump’s false statements as “lies.” Lying, said the editor, requires a deliberate intention to mislead, which couldn’t be proven in Trump’s case. But Donald Trump is the most lying president we’ve ever had, and he seems to get away with it. Here’s his 10-step plan for turning lies into near truths: *Step 1*: He lies. *Step 2*: Experts contradict him, saying his claim is baseless and false. The media report that the... more »

Energy & Environmental Newsletter - 27/2/17

Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 1 hour ago
AWED Friends: The newest edition of the *Energy and Environmental Newsletter* is now online. Some of the more informative energy articles in this issue are: Liberal Agenda: Immigration Rights *or* Health & Property Rights of Citizens? NYS is paying eleven wind & solar power projects 2X more in subsidies than electricity generated Duke Energy Says Solar Power Will Cost N.C. Customers $1 Billion Too Much The Secret, Silent Wind Turbine Peril Environmental Group Leader Dubious of Wind Energy Proponent Bird Claims Wind Turbines — A Threat To Military Operations Dream of O... more »

Nature: The Original Chemist

Steve Savage at Science 2.0 - Physical Sciences - 1 hour ago
We frequently see a contrast drawn between what is “natural” and what is “chemical.” Sometimes products are described as “chemical-free” even though every physical object is made of chemicals. As much as this suggests a problem with our science education, it speaks to a missed opportunity for wonder. Nature is not some sort of cosmic mother figure; on the contrary, nature is composed of diverse biological and physical processes, including some pretty amazing examples of chemistry continually taking place. read more

Economics under Trump

David Brin at CONTRARY BRIN - 2 hours ago
Please. We have one hope. That a civilization built by pragmatic idealists -- who used fact-grounded skills to craft a nation and a gradually better society -- can somehow *use facts* to save it. We will win this on two fronts: (1) by steadily peeling away from the rabid confederacy more adult Americans, one by one... and (2) by showing die-hard confeds that their self-interest does not lie with the plantation lords. That eventually happened in 1864, as desertions from Lee's army doomed that wretched "cause." Neither of these things will be accomplished by yelling and marching...... more »

Statement On Oz Katerji’s Request To Be Given A Platform After ‘No-Platforming’ Rania Khalek

Kevin Gosztola at Shadowproof - 2 hours ago
For the past days, those who follow my journalism may have noticed exchanges between Oz Katerji, a freelance writer and journalist, and me. I confronted and berated Katerji for attacking a colleague, Rania Khalek, and playing a role in getting her speaking event at the University of North Carolina canceled. The post Statement On Oz Katerji’s Request To Be Given A Platform After ‘No-Platforming’ Rania Khalek appeared first on Shadowproof.

President Trump's First Address To A Joint Session Of Congress

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Washington Post:* *Trump lays out his vision for America in speech to Congress* President Trump delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday night, laying out the agenda for his presidency and, in broad terms, his vision for the country. Pulling from his campaign speeches and others since taking office, the president ran off a list of accomplishments since taking office and issued promises for the year ahead. Trump highlighted new lobbying restrictions, and executive orders he put in place to reduce regulations, restart halted oil and gas pipelines, and cra... more »

Most Of Eastern Ukraine's Rebel Commanders Who Were Involved At The Beginning Of The War Are Now Dead

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
Mikhail Tolstykh(Givi). YouTube *Maxim Rust, New Eastern Europe:* *When a revolution devours its own children* The conflict in Eastern Ukraine, which has been going on for the past three years, led to not only the creation of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, but above all to the development of a small group of political and military elite in the region. As a result of the ongoing war, permanent crisis and confusion, people came to power who would not have done so during peacetime. Some of them became popular heroes among the local population, and some c... more »

Reprintable paper becomes a reality

Yadong Yin, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside at Science + Technology – The Conversation - 3 hours ago
Achievement unlocked: Rewritable paper. Yadong Yin, CC BY-ND Since its invention around 100 B.C. in China, paper as a material for spreading information has greatly contributed to the development and spread of civilization. Even in today’s information age, with electronic media omnipresent in homes, offices and even our pockets, paper still plays a critical role. Our brains process information differently on paper and on screen. Information presented on paper involves more emotional processing and produces more brain responses connected with internal feelings. That can make printed ... more »

Arctic Ice Cresting at Feb. End

Originally posted on Science Matters: Drift ice in Okhotsk Sea at sunrise. As reported previously, Arctic ice extents are solid in most seas, but continue to fluctuate at the margins. In the latter part of February 2017 there was a great leap upward for nine days, nearly reaching average and surpassing 2016, before falling back…

Ukraine War News Updates -- February 28, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*BBC*: *Ukraine blockade tensions rise in rebel-held east* Ukrainian war veterans and their supporters say they will step up a trade blockade of rebel-held regions of industrial eastern Ukraine. For a month about 100 activists have blocked railway lines to stop Ukraine trading with pro-Russian rebels. The Donetsk region is a key supplier of coal to Ukrainian power stations and heavy industry. The "blockade headquarters" made the new threat on Facebook, and halted talks with Ukraine's prime minister. The Ukrainian government has warned that the blockade could lead to power cuts ... more »

Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson: More in common than just populism

Billy J. Stratton, Professor of contemporary American literature and culture; Native American studies, University of Denver at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 3 hours ago
At President Donald Trump’s request, a portrait of former President Andrew Jackson now hangs in the Oval Office. Commentators have cast Trump’s populist appeal and inaugural address as “Jacksonian,” while others have tried to emphasize their major differences. One writer lauded Jackson as “the president who, more than any other, secured the future of democracy in America.” However, these comparisons overlook experiences of marginalized people while defining history in terms of the ideologies of progress and American exceptionalism. Jackson’s intolerant attitudes and harsh treatme... more »

The Top Way In Which Military Spending Kills Is Not With Any Weapon by David Swanson + 2 Video Reports

dandelionsalad at Dandelion Salad - 3 hours ago
by David Swanson Writer, Dandelion Salad Let’s Try Democracy February 28, 2017 Trump proposes to increase U.S. military spending by $54 billion, and to take that $54 billion out of the other portions of the above budget, including in particular, he says, foreign aid. If you can’t find foreign aid on the chart above, that’s […]

President Trump Addresses Congress (Live)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago

The Road To Impeachment Is Long And Arduous-- But You Have To Start Somewhere

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
You remember when Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show last Friday? We covered it here, ran a video of the segment that shows how Maher and his audience pressured the gutless Issa into agreeing that any real investigation into Trump's relations with Putin requires a special prosecutor rather than a Republican white wash effort led by Richard Burr or Devin Nunes. Issa told the audience that "You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office to take, not just to recuse. You can’t just give it to your deputy. That’s another political appointee." People who hav... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 28, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
American soldiers were seen at an outpost in Fatisah alongside Kurdish soldiers, with some even seen wearing the badges (right shoulder of left soldier) of the Kurdish People's Protection Unit. *Bonnie Kristian, RCD*: *Ground War in Syria Would Be a Huge Mistake* As his spitballing press conference reminded us ad nauseam, President Trump is not ready to let the bygones of the election be bygones—and where U.S. policy toward Syria is concerned, that might not be such a bad thing. Perhaps the president’s most cogent attack on Hillary Clinton’s record as secretary of state during thei... more »

World News Briefs -- February 28, 2017 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*ABC News:* *Donald Trump set to make his 'biggest speech yet' in joint address to Congress* President Donald Trump is set to make what his team is billing as "his biggest speech yet" when he gives a joint address to Congress on Tuesday night. Few details about the speech have been released. Trump is set to deliver it from the House chamber at 9 p.m. Eastern time. A list of talking points about the speech was provided to ABC News by someone who received it from the White House, giving some insight into the topics he may touch on tonight. Tax and regulatory reform, improvements t... more »

One of the Organizers of ‘A Day Without a Woman’ Strike Was Convicted of a Terrorist Bombing

David Emery at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
Palestinian-born activist Rasmea Yousef Odeh and her supporters maintain that her confession to a terrorist bombing in 1969 was a false one extracted under torture.

Did Pope Francis Say It Was Better to Be an Atheist Than a Bad Catholic?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
Versions of a remark Pope Francis made about atheists and Catholics were misleadingly paraphrased.

Musical Interlude: Yanni, “For All Seasons” (HD)

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Yanni, “For All Seasons” (HD) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RDLKA-3Qh6iFw&v=SF06466MdIc

Edward Snowden Talks About Russia And The Trump Administration

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
The NSA whistleblower claimed that getting snatched by the CIA was a 'possibility'. Reuters *IBTimes: **Snowden talks about life in Russia and state of security under Trump administration* Snowden and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg spoke to a live audience in San Francisco. Edward Snowden made an appearance via video before a live audience in San Francisco on Sunday (26 February) to talk about the state of security and privacy under the Trump administration and to highlight the important role whistleblowers play in a democracy. Snowden was joined by former US milit... more »

Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solving Attention Deficit Disorder

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Vic Bishop* - The simple, natural alternative to drugging children. The post Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solving Attention Deficit Disorder appeared first on Waking Times.

Love Is In The Air: Bald Eagles Spotted Showing Their Love For Each Other

White Wolf at White Wolf - 5 hours ago
Bald Eagles over Poughkeepsie, NY. 02-24-17. These fearsome raptors may not seem like the romantic type, but they also partner up for life. According to studies on their behavior, they court and reinforce their bond through elaborate displays that involve locking their talons in mid-air before free falling through the sky. Thanks to raptor cams, we’ve also been able to see these giant birds delicately caring for their young. Humans like to think of themselves as a faithful species, but when it comes to true fidelity, many other animals offer better examples of how to keep a relatio... more »

The Biography of The Goddess of Philosophy

Anoop Verma at For The New Intellectual - 5 hours ago
*The Passion of Ayn Rand* *Barbara Branden* Was Ayn Rand an Objectivist? I ask this question because after reading Barbara Branden’s *The Passion of Ayn Rand* I am constrained to believe that at times Rand took decisions that were philosophically unsound. “Check your premises,” was her favorite injunction, but there are instances where she failed to check her own premises. Branden writes with the flair of a gifted fiction writer—*The Passion of Ayn Rand* is like a magic carpet that transports you to an earlier instance, to the world of Ayn Rand where the absorbing drama of her life... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some 200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster NGC 602. Surrounded by natal gas and dust, NGC 602 is featured in this stunning Hubble image of the region. * Click image for larger size.* Fantastic ridges and swept back shapes strongly suggest that energetic radiation and shock waves from NGC 602's massive young stars have eroded the dusty material and triggered a progression of star formation moving away from the cluster's center. At the estimated distance of the Small Magellanic Clo... more »

Chet Raymo, “The Dark Night”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“The Dark Night”* by Chet Raymo “I first read Soren Kierkegaard's “Fear and Trembling”* at about the same age as Kierkegaard was when he wrote it- thirty. The young philosopher was wrestling with his dark demons, including the death of his father, a sternly religious man who demanded absolute obedience from his son. He was torn between the opposing demands of faith and reason, certainty and doubt. In the opening pages of the book, he takes us with Abraham and Isaac on that terrible journey to Mount Moriah where God puts Abraham to a terrifying test of his faith. What gives meanin... more »

The Poet: David Whyte, "Sweet Darkness"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"Sweet Darkness" "When your eyes are tired the world is tired also. When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you. Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own. There you can be sure you are not beyond love. The dark will be your womb tonight. The night will give you a horizon further than you can see. You must learn one thing: the world was made to be free in. Give up all the other worlds except the one to which you belong. Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you a... more »

The Growing Polarization In Washington

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal:* *As Donald Trump Heads to Congress, a New Polarization Is Hardening* *An inability to find common ground could test the president’s agenda.* It was possible, not so long ago, to imagine Donald Trump to be such an unconventional figure that he could bust apart traditional partisan alliances and use his populist approach to create new kinds of political coalitions. As President Trump gets set to appear before a joint session of Congress for the first time Tuesday night, that possibility seems a long way off. Instead, just over a month into his term, Mr. Trump... more »

McCain Made Secret Trip to Syria to Meet U.S. Military, Anti-Assad Rebels

Warren Mass at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: mccain-made-secret-trip-to-syria-to-meet-u-s-military-anti-assad-rebels] Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) made a trip to northern Syria to visit U.S. military forces and Kurdish fighters and to discuss the campaign for defeating the Islamic State (ISIS), his office said on February 22.

Another Way to Fund Trump’s Wall: Interdict Drug Cartels’ Cash Flowing Into Mexico

Bob Adelmann at rss - 6 hours ago
[image: another-way-to-fund-trump-s-wall-interdict-drug-cartels-cash-flowing-into-mexico] This is how America would ultimately pay for Trump's promised wall on the border with Mexico: by interdicting bundles of drug money moving south into Mexico.

Tuesday Night Cat Blogging

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 6 hours ago
Cats in toyland.

Donald Trump's Major Policy Shift Regarding Undocumented Immigrants??

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
If the reporting is true this is quite a big change in Trump's policy.. And promises The Telegraph:Donald Trump 'suggests he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants in major policy shift' Donald Trump signing an executive order *Donald Trump has suggested he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who have not committed serious crimes in what would be a major policy shift. * Throughout his campaign and first five weeks in office, Mr Trump had been unwavering in his hardline stance on illegal immigrants. However, he reportedly said o... more »

Raqqa Revisit- Turkey's Syria Border Wall More then Half Complete

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
* 3 R's: Rounding Up Related Reports* * I'll relink previous posts regarding the border wall construction below this latest news report* *DW: Turkey's wall more then half done * *Turkey has erected 290 kilometers (180 miles) of a planned 511-kilometer (317 miles) "security wall" along its border with war-torn Syria, local media reported on Sunday, quoting the head of the body building the structure. * *The wall is made from portable concrete blocks each weighing seven tons. The blocks are 2-meters thick (6.5-foot) at the base and 3-meters (10-foot) high, topped by a meter of razo... more »

How to greet people (US edition)

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
“It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Ms Fox,” said the American immigration officer. As for Ms Fox herself: “I was close to collapse, very close to fainting, and this nearly broke me – it was the creepiest thing of all…. It couldn’t have been a pleasure for him to treat me like that, unless he was a psychopath.” This is how Australian author Mem Fox describes how she was treated at the American border en route to delivering an opening keynote at a literacy conference for which she was receiving an honorarium, and because of which she was detained for questioning. *So **I was ta... more »

The Guardian hoped its week would get better after its Bush blunder. That didn’t happen. [TWEETS]

Carlyn Harvey at The Canary - 7 hours ago
The Guardian‘s week has gone from bad to worse. Its editorial praising ex-US President George W Bush met with complete condemnation. And while still reeling from that, the outlet is having to face up to yet another error in judgment. It essentially painted an ex-Tory MP as a “well-sourced investigative journalist”. And it did so just […] The post The Guardian hoped its week would get better after its Bush blunder. That didn’t happen. [TWEETS] appeared first on The Canary.

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!

"Rethinking Complaining: Tearing Down to Rebuild"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*"Rethinking Complaining: Tearing Down to Rebuild"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we spend all of our time complaining, we are in essence in constant destroy mode rather than building mode. We all know someone who has elevated the process of complaining to a high art. Sometimes funny, sometimes exhausting, these people have the ability to find a problem just about anywhere. In its more evolved form, complaining is simply the ability to see what's not working, in one's own life or in the external world, and it can be quite useful if followed to its natural conclusion-finding a... more »

"How Swiftly Changing..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
"Life passes like a flash of lightning, whose blaze barely lasts long enough to see. While the earth and sky stand still forever, how swiftly changing time flies across man's face. O you who sit over your full cup and do not drink, tell me- for whom are you still waiting?" - Hermann Hesse

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*WNU Editor*: For those who may not know .... I have been involved in a web project for the past 15 years (it has nothing to do with politics/wars/diplomacy/etc.). This afternoon we had a lot of problems that required my attention, and it was because of this ....* It’s not just you: Massive internet outage is sweeping the East Coast* (BGR). More here .... *No, you're not crazy. Part of the internet broke* (CNET). War News Updates has not been impacted .... it is on Google's "Blogger" platform .... but my other web site was. Everything seems to be back to normal .... and if there are... more »

Sending Iran Back Out into the Cold

Jeffrey Stacey at Duck of Minerva - 7 hours ago
Since the U.S. election Iranian-American relations have gone into a rapid tailspin, with Iran reacting to the triumphalist tenor of the Trump campaign and the improvised response of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn that sought to “put Iran on notice.” The arrival of his replacement in General H.R. McMaster offers the U.S. a fresh […]

The Awakening – The Greatest Psyop in History

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Sylvain Lamoureux* - Bravo to the great awakening, for it is everything the controllers could ever dream of. The post The Awakening – The Greatest Psyop in History appeared first on Waking Times.

Stephen Bannon: ‘Nobody Can Blame You for Beating Your Wife If It’s Out of Love’?

David Emery at Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
A fake news web site put words in Trump strategist Stephen Bannon's mouth to the effect that he defended spousal abuse as an act of "love."

2017 Oscars: President Trump Steals the Show

C. Mitchell Shaw at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: 2017-oscars-president-trump-steals-the-show] The most prominent figure at this year’s Oscar Awards Sunday night was not even there and was not nominated for anything. The consistent center of attention — all of it negative — at the awards ceremony was President Donald Trump. But considering the animosity the liberal establishment in Hollywood has shown for the president, that is not surprising. In fact, the 2017 Oscars could best be desribed as a Trump roast that was occasioanlly interupted by actors, producers, and directors receiving awards.

Harvard’s New Endowment Manager Shakes Things Up After Dismal Performance

Bob Adelmann at rss - 8 hours ago
[image: harvard-s-new-endowment-manager-shakes-things-up-after-dismal-performance] Harvard's new endowment manager, Narv Narvakar, has shaken things up after a dismal performancee, but he is repeating the mistakes of the old manager.

The Question Remains … Whose Interests Would Kathleen Matthews Represent If Elected?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
*-by Jeffrey Hearn* *I finished writing the following post when there was about a week left in the 2016 Democratic primary campaign in Maryland’s Eighth congressional district. I was then working for Jamie Raskin, the progressive front-runner for the nomination whose chief rival throughout the primary had been Beltway insider Kathleen Matthews. But the race had become more complicated when billionaire businessman David Trone entered late and spent over $13 million during the final ninety days of the primary. Some of that money was spent on an ad that aggressively, and many wou... more »

Cop a load of this, mate...MADNESS

Russell Duffy at GlobaLove Think Tank - 8 hours ago

DOJ Says They’ll Stop Investigating Police Misconduct — Promises More Drug War Instead

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 8 hours ago
[image: DOJ]Attorney General Jeff Sessions just put a nail in the coffin that is the DOJ federal oversight of police and instead opted for more drug war.

The Filthy LibDem Campaign in Stoke Central

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 8 hours ago
Individually, some are great. I'd even count one of them as a friend. But as a party I cannot stand the bloody Liberal Democrats, and the Stoke-on-Trent Central by-election reminded me why. The LibDems will be quite pleased with their performance last Thursday. As the spotlight was on the other parties, their vote quietly put on five percentage points, the deposit was saved, and they recaptured some of the support lost since 2015. The Wheatsheaf Hotel was their base in Stoke, which was perhaps a little too from the beaten track for many London journos to find. And, by the sounds of... more »

"Six Reasons Why Centralization Is Bad"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"Six Reasons Why Centralization Is Bad"* by Paul Rosenberg "The other day a friend contacted me, looking for an article that explained why centralization is bad. At first I was sure there had to be many, but I came up dry. Hence today's article. The odd thing about centralization is that people expect its bad aspects to be external things, like economic issues. But those aren’t the most important things. If the internal effects of centralization were recognized, and if we did something about them, the outer problems would vanish with them. But since everyone expects economic reaso... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago

"What Are the Odds On An 80% Stock Market Correction?

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"What Are the Odds On An 80% Stock Market Correction?* by Vern Gowdie "Another night, another high for the Dow Jones. Are you excited, nervous or mystified by the US stock market’s seemingly relentless march higher? If you take the investor and adviser sentiment polls at face value, it’s ‘game on’. Bullish sentiment is reaching record levels. Institutional money-managers are holding the least amount of cash in their portfolios…it’s ‘all in’. The Volatility Index (VIX) is showing the heart rate of traders is far from elevated. It’s flat-lining around the same level it was in early ... more »

"It’s Stock Market Crash Awareness Week"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"It’s Stock Market Crash Awareness Week"* by Bill Bonner "Here’s an opportunity for you, dear reader… A Los Angeles spec house is on the market. It has seven bedrooms and 20,000 square feet of living space. It comes with a gold Lamborghini Aventador and a gold Rolls-Royce Dawn. You also get a wine cellar, a pool, and the usual claptrap amenities to which rich people are easy prey. The price? A hundred million dollars. Oh, and it comes with some of Damien Hirst’s oeuvres, considered by some to be ‘art’. The builder says he has another one under construction in Bel-Air that he plans... more »

The Illusion of Freedom – The Police State Is Alive and Well

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*John W. Whitehead* - There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye. The post The Illusion of Freedom – The Police State Is Alive and Well appeared first on Waking Times.

Economic globalisation is not political globalisation

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 9 hours ago
*Just as the concept "power" is the dangerous conflation of two totally different and opposing propositions -- economic power and political power, i.e, the dollar and the gun, which should be totally separated in practice and never combined -- so too the concept of "globalisation" mistakenly mashes together two totally different things, explains Thorstein Polleit in this guest post: economic globalisation and political globalisation.The former is what makes us all wealthier and the world better; the latter makes making wealth harder and freedom less prevalent. Yet it is the lat... more »

Love is in the air: Bald eagles spotted showing their love for each other

White Wolf at White Wolf - 9 hours ago
These fearsome raptors may not seem like the romantic type, but they also partner up for life. According to studies on their behavior, they court and reinforce their bond through elaborate displays that involve locking their talons in mid-air before free falling through the sky. Thanks to raptor cams, we’ve also been able to see these giant birds delicately caring for their young. Humans like to think of themselves as a faithful species, but when it comes to true fidelity, many other animals offer better examples of how to keep a relationship together. Although monogamy and lifelon... more »

Was Sweden ‘Rocked’ by a ‘Massive Terror Attack’ in February 2017?

Bethania Palma at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
An unknown man possibly discharged pepper spray or tear gas into a train car in Stockholm, but the incident did not constitute a "massive terror attack," and no one was seriously hurt.

Message of Support to the Water Protectors from the People of Sarayaku, Amazon

White Wolf at White Wolf - 9 hours ago
We felt a profound sadness last Wednesday when the protests camps at Standing Rock were fully evacuated and destroyed. Like many of you, we had visited, prayed, rallied, and spoken out in support of the rights of indigenous peoples to defend their sacred territory and water. But the Standing Rock struggle, and the movement of indigenous peoples across the continent to defend their land and the environment, is nowhere near over. It continues in the courts and in bank lobbies, but above all – and this part is so important – Standing Rock was an awakening. It brought together indigen... more »

Bull dyke Rosie O'Donnell to lead protest ahead of Trump's speech to the joint houses of congress 2/28/17...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 9 hours ago
*so far it's registering -5 on most people's care-o-meter.* And for good reason. Since before Trump's inauguration we've been bombarded with a never ending parade of protests from the leftists. For those who are not being directly affected by the marches and protests it warrants no more than a shrug - if they're even aware of it at all. It brings to mind the memory of all the Tea Party folks marching, rioting, breaking windows, tipping over cars, screeching out foul language, and wearing funny hats. Oh, wait - that didn't happen, did it? I think the majority of us have had quite... more »

Never Mind The Area, Feel The Thickness

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 10 hours ago
By Paul Homewood http://psc.apl.uw.edu/research/projects/arctic-sea-ice-volume-anomaly/ For years, discussion of Arctic sea ice has revolved around extent. Indeed NSIDC’s regular monthly Arctic Sea Ice News talks about little else, particularly when there is an unusually low figure. However, when extents are not so unusually low, the Arctic obsessives switch the goal posts to thickness/volume. There […]

UKIP changes Facebook status from ‘in politics’ to ‘it’s complicated’

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 10 hours ago
UKIP has had a tough old month. It began when its leader and third in line to the throne, Lieutenant Paul “Thunder Guns” Nuttall, failed to become an MP. And things (somehow!) only spiralled downwards from there. Primarily because: The party’s chief donor, Arron Banks, said that if the current clowns in charge didn’t make […] The post UKIP changes Facebook status from ‘in politics’ to ‘it’s complicated’ appeared first on The Canary.

Doctors warn against teenagers using cannabis, except their findings don’t stack up

Sam Woolfe at The Canary - 10 hours ago
A report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics warns against teenagers smoking cannabis. Co-author Dr Seth Ammerman says: “we would rather not mess around with the developing brain”. This influential group of doctors argues that cannabis legalisation and lax attitudes about the drug are putting adolescents at risk of hindering proper brain development. But there are some key […] The post Doctors warn against teenagers using cannabis, except their findings don’t stack up appeared first on The Canary.

People claim DWP assessors asked them why they hadn’t killed themselves yet

John Shafthauer at The Canary - 10 hours ago
Several people have claimed that Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) assessors have asked people ‘why haven’t they killed themselves yet?’ The claims suggest this has generally been asked of people who have issues with or a history of mental illness. It should be pointed out that these assessors work for Atos, which is a […] The post People claim DWP assessors asked them why they hadn’t killed themselves yet appeared first on The Canary.

Wondering if there’s a soft coup against Corbyn? Look no further than this media ‘scoop’ [VIDEO]

James Wright at The Canary - 10 hours ago
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell recently warned the public about a “soft coup” against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. If you’re wondering whether there’s such a coup, look no further. The latest ‘scoop’ came from Sky News: "I've given you a very, very clear answer": @jeremycorbyn tells @lewis_goodall he will be #Labour leader for the 2020 general […] The post Wondering if there’s a soft coup against Corbyn? Look no further than this media ‘scoop’ [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.

In a moment of enlightenment, Donald Trump’s IQ catches up to a 1992 Barbie doll

The New York Crank at No More Mister Nice Blog - 10 hours ago
Back in 1992 Mattel put out a Barbie Doll called Teen Talk Barbie. Pull the string in her back and Barbie would utter any of 270 phrases. Most of them were fairly innocuous, such as “I’ll always be here to help you,” and “Do you have a crush on anyone?” But one line rightfully sent The American Association of University Women and feminists everywhere into paroxysms of outrage. Frequently misquoted these days as “Math is hard,” what Barbie actually said was, “Math class is tough.” The misquote doesn’t matter. It’s the stereotype behind the statement that created the brouhaha. Wome... more »

Mahershala Ali passes it on!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017Times trio keeps losing votes:* Stephanie Merry got it right in today's Washington Post. Like quite a few others, she noted the dignified, decent way members of the Moonlight and La La Land camps handled Sunday's Oscar snafu. In Merry's telling of the tale, La La Land's Jason Horowitz comes off as the star of the show. As we pick up, Horowitz is calling Moonlight up on stage to accept the award he'd been mistakenly given: MERRY (2/28/17): “I’m going to be really thrilled to hand this [Oscar] to my friends from ‘Moonlight,’ ” he said. *Horowitz wasn’t j... more »

Atrocities By Jihadists Continue Against Christians In Egypt's Northern Sinai

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*CBN*:* Atrocities Continue against Christians in Egypt's Northern Sinai* ISIS jihadists continue targeting Christians in Egypt's volatile Northern Sinai region, resulting in brutal murders. Two men who were abducted by the group have been found dead. Egyptian officials said one of the slain men had his eyes plucked out and was set on fire before being shot to death. Christian families are fleeing the region in droves. At least 100 families left last Friday after ISIS released a video saying they "will kill every infidel" and that Christians are their "favorite" target. Women are... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago

‘Slime’ Fad Boosts Sales of Elmer’s Glue, Reportedly Creates ‘Shortage’

Kim LaCapria at Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
The popularity of a craft called "slime" has led to parents' seeking out Elmer's Glue, but there isn't really a significant "shortage" of the product.

Trump Calls For $54 Billion More In Defense Spending, Cuts Elsewhere

Dan Wright at Shadowproof - 10 hours ago
As Trump calls for a $54 billion increase in the gargantuan defense budget, the real winner of the 2016 election may be the military-industrial complex. The post Trump Calls For $54 Billion More In Defense Spending, Cuts Elsewhere appeared first on Shadowproof.

UK Police Announce There Are So Many Pedophiles, They Will Stop Arresting Them

Claire Bernish at The Free Thought Project - 10 hours ago
[image: pedophiles]The UK's head police chief just advocated sending pedophiles to rehab instead of putting them behind bars where they belong.

Regina Brave: Treaty Stand -- Army Corps does not own this land

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
"We took a Treaty Stand on this issue," says Regina Brave, arrested as police assaulted water protectors at Oceti Sakowin. "The US Corps of Engineers does not own this land."

unesco world heritage sites i have visited

laura k at wmtc - 11 hours ago
The United Nations Educational, Scientic, and Cultural Organization -- better known as UNESCO -- has created a list of natural and human-made sites that "are of outstanding universal value" and meet a selection criteria. UNESCO: Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. The list helps identify sites that are at risk because of war, environmental degradation, neglect, or tourism. I love the very idea of this list -- that all the pe... more »

Turkey Continues Their Military Offensive In Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
© REUTERS/ Khalil Ashawi *Reuters*:* Manbij is Turkey's next step in Syria operation, Erdogan says* Turkey-backed forces will move toward the northern Syrian town of Manbij after completing their operation in al-Bab as originally planned, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday. In a news conference in Ankara before embarking on an official visit to Pakistan, Erdogan also said the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a terrorist organization - should be moved out to the east of the Euphrates river. Erdogan also ruled out any chance of cooperation with the ... more »

Federal Subpoena Dropped Against Grand Jury Resister Steve Martinez

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Water Protectors at Backwater Bridge being hit with water cannon Federal Subpoena Dropped Against Grand Jury Resister Steve Martinez Political Targeting of Water Protectors Continues By Water Protector Legal Collective Censored NewsFebruary 28, 2017 BISMARCK, North Dakota -- A federal grand jury subpoena issued to Water Protector Steve Martinez was withdrawn yesterday, without warning or

Orlando Bloom, Jeff Bridges and Oliver Stone Unite for Standing Rock

White Wolf at White Wolf - 11 hours ago
The A-listers helped honor Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council Chairman David Archambault II at Global Green's pre-Oscar party. While the annual Global Green Gala has always had its finger on the pulse of environmental issues, the recent political climate has heightened the importance of a pre-Oscars fete raising awareness for global warming and matters that contribute to the demise of our planet. This sentiment was shared by Hollywood greats like Jane Fonda, Orlando Bloom, Jeff Bridges and Oliver Stone, who all took the stage at the brand new TAO Hollywood to present awards to thos... more »

President Trump Will Not Fill 600 "Unnecessary" Appointed Positions

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*FOX News:* *Trump: No plans to fill 'unnecessary' appointed positions* President Trump agrees the government glass is half empty. He just doesn’t necessarily mind it. Trump, in an exclusive interview Tuesday with “Fox & Friends,” suggested his lack of political appointees is less about a difficulty in finding eager candidates and more about a desire for a leaner government operation. “When I see a story about ‘Donald Trump didn’t fill hundreds and hundreds of jobs,’ it’s because, in many cases, we don’t want to fill those jobs,” Trump said. *Read more *.... *WNU Editor*: I hope... more »

Big Mountain Dineh Resistance 'We are Still Here'

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
. Photo John Benally, Big MountainPhoto by Brenda Norrell Sheepherders Requested, Elders Travel to California, NGS Closing MARCH 2017 "We are all still out here. We will always be here! And so, thank you to all that remember us!" –Resister, John Benally “Yes, we are here, and Big Mountain Dineh resistance continues to stand with the Standing Rock fight against

When does animal research become unnecessary and cruel? A paper’s methods give a biologist pause

Alison McCook at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
Microbiologist Elies Bik is well-known for applying a close eye to studies, and has spent years anonymously submitting reports on plagiarism and image duplication to journal editors. Last year, she published an analysis of work, with troubling results – that 1 in 25 biomedical papers contains inappropriate duplications in images. She’s never stopped reading papers […] The post When does animal research become unnecessary and cruel? A paper’s methods give a biologist pause appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Future Generations are in Our Hands

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
*Lynda Willams (on left) and Lindis Percy held an 'updated' American flag during Global Network conference and protest in Yorkshire, England in 2001* Our long time goal at the Global Network has been to expand the international consciousness about the pure insanity of moving the already evil Earth-bound war machine into the heavens. We have tried to educate the public and link activists from around the globe who are working to oppose some local manifestation of the US initiated 'Master of Space' program. Often local communities have a production site for the war machine as we do ... more »

Is There A Covert Campaign To Murder Russian Diplomats And Officials?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Zero Hedge:** Deep State War? Russian Officials Keep Dying Unexpectedly* *Six Russian diplomats have died in the last 60 days. As Axios notes, all but one died on foreign soil. Some were shot, while other causes of death are unknown. Note that a few deaths have been labeled "heart attacks" or "brief illnesses."* 1. You probably remember Russia's Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov — he was assassinated by a police officer at a photo exhibit in Ankara on December 19. 2. On the same day, another diplomat, Peter Polshikov, was shot dead in his Moscow apartment. The gun was found un... more »

Russia And China Veto Syrian Sanctions At The UN

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
The United Nations Security Council votes on a resolution to ban the supply of helicopters to the Syrian government and to blacklist Syrian military commanders over accusations of toxic gas attacks at U.N. headquarters in New York City, U.S., February 28, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Segar *Reuters*: *Russia, China block U.N. sanctions on Syria over gas attacks* Russia on Tuesday cast its seventh veto to protect the Syrian government from United Nations Security Council action, blocking a bid by Western powers to impose sanctions over accusations of chemical weapons attacks during the six-ye... more »

Sacred Stone Camp Braced for Eviction Tuesday, Feb. 28, 207

brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
. Photo above screenshot by Censored News. (Photo of Sacred Stone Camp screenshot by Censored News from Johnny Dangers video.) Sacred Stone Camp Feb. 28, 2017"These are the last hours of Sacred Stone Camp as we know it."Eviction was expected at noon. Trucks and trailers continue to transport out yurts and belongings now. Live video coverage below. ========================= Watch on

Looking Beyond Pelosi, Hoyer And Clyburn For A New Generation Of House Leaders

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
The video above was recorded one decade ago at the Teatro del Silenzio, in Lajatico, Tuscany, Andrea Bocelli's hometown. Pelosi had just become Speaker of the House here in America. That was an angry and horrific comment Sunday under the post about how the clueless and dysfunctional DCCC-- and Pelosi in particular-- are mucking up Doug Applegate's race to defeat Darrell Issa in a district he nearly one in 2016. It was a real slam on Pelosi: "2 years ago I was on a Capital tour when the group was asked to 'make a hole' so that Pelosi could get from one side to the other... She was... more »

Getting A Flu Shot: No Guarantee It Will Work

Barbara Loe Fisher at Vaccine Awakening - 12 hours ago
Posted 2/28/2017 by Barbara Loe Fisher *To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references.* Like a lot of people, in January when I suddenly developed a high fever (101 F), body aches, fatigue, nasal congestion and cough, I thought for sure it was influenza, which I had not experienced for decades. Turns out, according to a recently released CDC report, in the 2016-2017 flu season the odds are only abou... more »

Wolf advocates launch ‘Big, Not Bad’ campaign against Senate "War On Wolves Act"

White Wolf at White Wolf - 12 hours ago
*Senators from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Wyoming introduced the “War on Wolves Act,” a companion bill to legislation introduced in the House that would strip federal protections.* Endangered Species Coalition, along with Wolfwatcher, Nature 365, Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf & Wildlife, among others, have launched a year long campaign in the Western Great Lakes to help demonstrate that wolves are a public asset, beloved by the citizens who live here. The majority of citizens, including those living amongst wolves, representing all walks of life including hunters, hikers, naturalists ... more »

Israeli Report Criticizes Netanyahu, Military Leadership Over 2014 Gaza War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*CNN:* *Israeli report criticizes Netanyahu, military leadership over 2014 Gaza war* Jerusalem (CNN)Israel's politicians took aim at one another Tuesday following the release of a state report which criticizes the country's preparation and handling of the 2014 Gaza war. The report, prepared by the State Comptroller, offered a strong indictment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, claiming it had no strategic goals when the 50-day war started in early July 2014. The strategic goals should have come first "as required in a proper decision making process," said the rep... more »

We honestly thought that bizarre Guardian editorial was satire too. It wasn’t.

Kerry-anne Mendoza at The Canary - 12 hours ago
The Guardian just ran an editorial on former US President George W Bush which seemed so absurd that it must have been satire. The problem is, it wasn’t. The editorial Published on 27 February, the editorial called the re-emergence of Bush as a voice in US politics “a welcome return”. While his presidency marked the beginning of […] The post We honestly thought that bizarre Guardian editorial was satire too. It wasn’t. appeared first on The Canary.

As the party collapses around him, UKIP’s only MP is trolling the sh*t out of Nigel Farage [IMAGE]

James Wright at The Canary - 12 hours ago
UKIP appears to be imploding since its leader lost the Stoke Central by-election on 23 February. Nigel Farage has now openly called for UKIP to boot its only MP, Douglas Carswell, out of the party. UKIP’s millionaire bankroller Arron Banks sided with Farage, lashing out at Carswell over the electoral defeat. Extraordinarily, Banks announced he […] The post As the party collapses around him, UKIP’s only MP is trolling the sh*t out of Nigel Farage [IMAGE] appeared first on The Canary.

Did 179 Children Go Missing in Indiana in the First 47 Days of 2017?

Kim LaCapria at Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
Many Facebook users misinterpreted a post about missing children in Indiana as suggestive of a wave of abductions occurring in that state.

HuffPo Exposed for Removing Articles that Favorably Review “Vaxxed” Movie

Annabelle Bamforth at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: vaxxed]While "Vaxxed" is no stranger to fierce controversy, The Huffington Post's recent removal of two articles about the film hint at the mainstream media's resistance to discussion of the film's content.

Houston Defies State Law, Refuses to Arrest People for Pot, Govt Furious

Justin Gardner at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: houston]Misdemeanor Marijuana Diversion Program in Houston will save the county $40 million a year, but the state is furious.

Federal Court Explicitly Establishes Filming Cops as a Right

Jack Burns at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: filming]The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals set a precedent making filming cops a liberty afforded protection under the First Amendment.

Kellyanne Conway's outrageous behavior in the Oval Office...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*according to the libtards.* Who, I might add, were okay with a slew of staged photos of their hero Barack Obama with his big ugly feet all over the Resolute desk which is a valuable antique. Kellyanne's offense? Kneeling on the Oval office couch to snap a picture. Photo composite: H/T Director Blue *At least Kellyanne looks cute and it appears many of the dean's of colleges in attendance agree. *

European Parliament Votes to Censor Politically Incorrect Speech

Michael Tennant at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: european-parliament-votes-to-censor-politically-incorrect-speech] Worried by the rise of nationalist parties that threaten the European Union’s very existence, the European Parliament has quietly amended its internal rules to enable the silencing of “racist” speech within its hallowed halls.

Libel Against Thomas Jefferson Continues

Steve Byas at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: libel-against-thomas-jefferson-continues] Despite a lack of evidence, sloppy journalists and even some irresponsible historians persist in perpetuating the ugly charge that Thomas Jefferson fathered children by his slave Sally Hemings.

World News Briefs -- February 28, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*CNN*: *Iraqi commander: ISIS leaders 'running away' from Mosul* Irbil, Iraq (CNN)The commander of Iraq's federal police has said ISIS militants in western Mosul are looking to cut and run from their defense of the group's last remaining stronghold in the country. Cmdr. Ra'ed Shaker Jawdat said ISIS militants were increasingly cut off from each other, and that its leaders were fleeing the remaining pockets of militant control. "The terrorist organization Da'esh are living in a state of shock (and) confusion and defeat and its fighters are fighting in isolated groups," Jawdat said,... more »

amman: madaba

laura k at wmtc - 13 hours ago
After our second ridiculous breakfast, we took a taxi to a public bus. Tourists are "supposed to" book a tour or a taxi to the sights outside of Amman, but when we travel, we usually just take the local bus. Egypt was the exception to this, because it really wasn't possible there. We went 30-40 minutes south of Amman, to a town called Madaba, which has many Byzantine-era mosaics. The big draw, which we were keen to see, is on the floor of a Greek Orthodox church -- a mosaic map of the region, dating from the 6th Century. It is really interesting, depicting some biblical locations, ... more »

Trump's New War Budget....

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago
Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army soldier and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on US national security. He also instructs a senior seminar in the Honors Department at the George Washington University entitled "National Security Decision Making." I disagree with Wilkerson's excitement for new technology war fighting systems that will be robotic and unmanned. He uses these 'cheaper and smaller' programs to make his case cut Pentagon cut... more »

Does Peppa Pig Cause Autism?

Alex Kasprak at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
Talk of a Harvard study linking the popular British children’s show “Peppa Pig” to autism went viral, but neither the study nor the scientist who allegedly published it exists.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 28, 2017

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Trump seeks 'historic' U.S. military spending boost, domestic cuts* President Donald Trump is seeking what he called a "historic" increase in defense spending, but ran into immediate opposition from Republicans in Congress who must approve his plan and said it was not enough to meet the military's needs. The proposed rise in the Pentagon budget to $603 billion comes as the United States has wound down major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and remains the world's strongest military power. The plan came under fire from Democratic lawmakers, who said cuts being proposed to... more »

Russian Foreign Deputy Minister: Russia-US Relations Are At Their Worst Since Cold War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov looks on at the start of two days of closed-door nuclear talks at the United Nations offices in Geneva October 15, 2013. REUTERS/Fabrice Coffrini/Pool *RT:* *Russia-US relations are at their worst since Cold War – Moscow* Relations between Russia and the United States are at their worst since the Cold War, a Russian Foreign Ministry official has said, placing the blame on the Obama administration. “The current state of relations between Russia and the United States, as we all know, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. It is no ... more »

Short Story: The Eater of Silicon Sins

director@ieet.org (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 14 hours ago
His job is not to press the button. When he fails at his job, people don’t die.

The Queen reveals her long life diet secrets

John Ranson at The Canary - 14 hours ago
You can’t open your email these days without several messages jumping out, all promising to help you live forever. Celebrity tips, the latest fad diet, new ways of making smoothies, how to do breakfast like Gwyneth Paltrow. It’s all rubbish, obviously. But lucrative rubbish. A handy earner on the side for various fading celebs and […] The post The Queen reveals her long life diet secrets... Visit www.thecanary.co to read more.

Finally, The Daily Mail got some real dirt on Jeremy Corbyn

Carlyn Harvey at The Canary - 14 hours ago
On 27 February, The Daily Mail published its latest ‘dirt’ on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Or, at least, it’s what The Daily Mail considers ‘dirt’ when it’s digging around at the very bottom of its smear barrel. Apparently, Corbyn (wait for it) sleeps. That’s right. He sleeps on trains. In a seat. Just like everyone […] The post Finally, The Daily Mail got some real dirt on Jeremy Corbyn appeared first on The Canary.

One of the UK’s poorest places is about to be plunged deeper into poverty – so why are people gloating? [OPINION]

Emily Apple at The Canary - 14 hours ago
It has been announced that Cornwall will only receive £17m in Growth Deal funding – a small percentage of the £127m applied for. But instead of sympathising with one of the poorest places in the UK, many are choosing to gloat – because Cornwall voted for Brexit and the Conservatives. EU funding Cornwall receives the […] The post One of the UK’s poorest places is about to be plunged deeper into poverty – so why are people gloating? [OPINION] appeared first on The Canary .

NRA President Jim Porter: ‘It’s Only a Matter of Time Before We Can Own Colored People Again’?

David Mikkelson at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
An inflammatory statement about race attributed to a National Rifle Association official originated as satire.

Trump and Russia Connection? Watch This.

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 14 hours ago
As Maddow says at the end of this 20 minute segment, I think I am finally beginning to understand this. You will, too. Make a cup of tea and watch:

Mosul Campaign Day 133, Feb 27, 2017

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
Iraqi forces are fighting over the Mosul neighborhoods just north of the Ghazlani Camp and Mosul Airport The Iraqi forces continued to fight over south Mosul. Hawl al-Josaqnorth of the Mosul Airport and Tal Ruman on the northwest perimeter of the city were declared freed by the police forces and the 9th Division respectively. Those two neighborhoods were said to have been liberated on February 24. Dandannext to Hawl al-Josaq along the Tigris River was still contested after the Iraqi Forces (ISF) said they took it on February 25. After capturing Mosul Airport the Federal Police and... more »

THE WAY WE ARE: The Way We Are, loathing The Others-wise!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017Part 1—Nicholas Kristof's advice:* Now that we're several decades too late, what should We Liberals do? In yesterday morning's New York Times, Paul Krugman offered his advice. On the whole, we'd call his advice rather bad, remarkably unintelligent. Headline included, this is the way he began: KRUGMAN (2/27/17): *The Uses of OutrageAre you angry about the white nationalist takeover of the U.S. government? If so, you are definitely not alone.* The first few weeks of the Trump administration have been marked by huge protests, furious crowds at congression... more »

What Bill Nye could have answered if he had a clue

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
Willis Eschenbach was provoked by the following 9-minute discussion between Bill Nye and Tucker Carlson, a Fox News host: About one-half of the TRF readers live outside the U.S. and some of those may be unaware of the existence of Bill Nye. He's an American "socialite" (an occupation that makes many people rich enough in the U.S.), basically a male counterpart of Kim Kardashian. Whenever one of them oils his or her butt, the tabloid media don't write about anything else for a week. Kim Kardashian's and Bill Nye's incomes depend on being seen. In particular, Bill Nye was a contesta... more »

Stuck in limbo: What happens to papers flagged by journals as potentially problematic?

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 15 hours ago
Expressions of concern, as regular Retraction Watch readers will know, are rare but important signals in the scientific record. Neither retractions nor corrections, they alert readers that there may be an issue with a paper, but that the full story is not yet clear. But what ultimately happens to papers flagged by these editorial notices? […] The post Stuck in limbo: What happens to papers flagged by journals as potentially problematic? appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Key Player in Clinton Betrayal of U.S. Tells All in Secret Video

Alex Newman at rss - 15 hours ago
[image: key-player-in-clinton-betrayal-of-us-tells-all-in-secret-video] A key figure in former President Bill Clinton's betrayal of the United States to the Communist Chinese military in exchange for illegal campaign funds, part of a scandal known as “Chinagate” widely described as treasonous, recorded a secret “life insurance” video exposing it all. In the film, made because he was scared of being assassinated, convicted illegal Clinton fundraiser Johnny Chung explained how Democrats tried to silence him through intimidation. And now, part of the explosive video — dubbed by Chung's... more »

Homeschool Mom Arrested, Children Seized by CPS for "Educational Neglect"

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. at rss - 15 hours ago
[image: homeschool-mom-arrested-children-seized-by-cps-for-educational-neglect] A single mother homeschooling her children was arrested and her property was impounded by the Child Protective Services (CPS) agency in Buffalo, New York, which claimed she was inflicting "educational neglect" on her children by teaching them at home.

STICKER SHOCK! Cost of UN Climate Pact: $100 TRILLION

William F. Jasper at rss - 15 hours ago
[image: sticker-shock-cost-of-un-climate-pact-100-trillion] Danish environmentalist/statistician Bjørn Lomborg says the UN Paris Climate Agreement would cost an astronomical $100 trillion — while only producing a 0.3 degree temperature reduction by 2100.

Bad Cop Arrested After Good Cop Filmed Him Stomp Innocent Man’s Head In

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: excessive force]Because a good cop took action and chose to document a bad cop's excessive force, justice could be served.

It Begins: Wendy’s Installs Robots in 1,000 Stores to Counter Minimum Wage

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: minimum wage]The fast food industry is now reacting to the mandatory minimum wage increases passed by governments across the US, and it was absolutely predictable.

Trump Reminded Me Why I Am An Academic

Steve Saideman at Duck of Minerva - 15 hours ago
This is a guest post by Idean Salehyan. Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at Dallas “Why did you become an academic?” is a question that I’m frequently asked. For me, my path into this profession is pretty clear. I was about fourteen and a freshman in high school in the early 1990s. A few of […]

Policy-Relevant Courses and Speakers’ Series: Part IV of a Series

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 15 hours ago
This is part IV in a series on bridging the gap between policy and academia. In part I, I wrote about principles of engagement. In part II, I wrote about short-form writing and in part III long-form writing. In this post, I turn to teaching and speakers’ series. You may also be able to organize […]


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
*From Jenna Orkin *Georgia just won visa-free EU travel for citizens London Stock Exchange: EU will probably kill our blockbuster merger with Deutsche Boerse Theresa May could end freedom of movement for EU citizens next month New Declassified CIA Memo Presents Blueprint for Syrian Regime Collapse "Welcome To The Next Awakening" - Author Of Steve Bannon's Worldview Explains The Path Ahead GOP lawmakers introduce bills to curb protests in 18 states Taliban terror leader turns toward environmental protection Citizen Militia Experiences Explosive Growth Following The Last Election... more »

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy Said ‘We Don’t Like the Blacks Either’?

Kim LaCapria at Snopes.com - 15 hours ago
Reports that Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy announced that the chain would oppose blacks as a marketing ploy are fake news.

A Sense of Wonder

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago

How To Behave In The Oval Office

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
Conway takes a group photo in the Oval Office on Monday. Brendan Smialowski / AFP Kellyanne Conway checks her phone while kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office CREDIT: AFP Senior advisor Kellyanne Conway sits as President Trump welcomes the leaders of dozens of historically black colleges and universities in the Oval Office. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *WNU Editor: *The Oval Office is a sacred place .... senior advisor Kellyanne Conway should have known better that with the White House Press photographer inside .... her picture will be taken .... and having her curled up on a couch w... more »

This Photo Reveals A Lot On North Korea’s Nuclear Program

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
An undated picture provided on 09 March 2016 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (C), talking with scientists and technicians involved in research of nuclear weapons, at an undisclosed location, North Korea. Korean Central News Agency *National Post/New York Times*: *What one photo reveals about North Korea’s nuclear program — more than Kim Jong Un intended* Some images might look silly, but they can be rich with insights into the country’s military and politics. By using high-tech forensics and traditional detective work, analysts and intelligence agencies can use photos to tra... more »

Independent Science Journalist Who Exposes Research Fraud, Ethics Breaches & Corruption Threatened by Lawsuits: Here's How You Can support Him!

noreply@blogger.com (Christian Munthe) at Philosophical Comment - 15 hours ago
As I have been reporting before, no holds barred independent German science journalist Leonid Schneider, who runs the blog *For Better Science* to expose and call out science fraud*,* ethics breaches and general scientific hype and institutional corruption, particularly in the life and medical sciences, has recently been hit by civil lawsuits to silence his reporting. Besides the couple of Thorsten and Heike Walles, another exposed former Paolo Macchiarini associate and likely co-fraudster and ethics villain, Philipp Jungebluth, is now also suing Schneider for libel. In both cases,... more »

Anatomy of a US airstrike: Are Afghan strongmen calling the shots?

Jessica Purkiss at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 15 hours ago
Since the US withdrew its combat forces from Afghanistan, responsibility for security has shifted to local partners - meaning it is often left in the hands of strongmen who have their own agendas.

Senior North Korean Official In China For Talks

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
At North Korea's embassy in Beijing, photos of missiles are proudly displayed in a glass case for all to see. The country's nuclear- and chemical-weapons activities have led to a ban on coal imports into China — an expensive sanction. (Saša Petricic/CBC) *Reuters:* *Senior North Korea envoy visits Beijing after China coal ban* A senior North Korean diplomat arrived in Beijing on Tuesday for talks, China said, the first such high-level visit since June, after the Asian giant halted coal imports from its impoverished neighbour this month under U.N. sanctions. North Korea's main dipl... more »

Harry Potter Quidditch Cornhole

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago
When I was planning our my daughter's crazy Harry Potter party at the end of last year, I knew I wanted the kids to be able to play Quidditch. I designed several different versions of Quidditch for the kids to play. This Cornhole version was one of my very favorites, with a mini Cornhole board it is compact and a lot of fun! I ended up building an entire Quidditch Pitch for the party, but I knew I eventually wanted to make Cornhole Quidditch too! I love that this version is just something we keep in the game closet and the kids can play it whenever they want. You will need: ... more »

Photographs Capture Kellyanne Conway Kneeling on Oval Office Couch

Kim LaCapria at Snopes.com - 15 hours ago
Images of White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway's kneeling on an Oval Office couch touched off criticism on social media.

North Korea Executes Five Senior Security Officials With Anti-Aircraft Guns

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
North Korean Anti-Aircraft Gin (Jalopnik) *FOX News/WSJ*: *North Korea reportedly kills 5 senior officials with antiaircraft guns* North Korean leader Kim Jong Un executed at least five senior officials in the country's Ministry of State Security using antiaircraft guns, the head of South Korea's intelligence services told lawmakers on Monday. The execution, which was punishment for unspecified "false reports" that were made to Mr. Kim, according to the intelligence report, came amid fresh allegations from Seoul that the Pyongyang government had ordered and coordinated the killing... more »

Leo flew eyebrow artist 7,500 miles to do his brows for the Oscars

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 16 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/leonardo-dicaprio-eyebrow-artist-oscars-tobey-maguire-flight-la-a7601731.html Even the failed Independent sees the hypocrisy! How much effort do you put into the appearance of your eyebrows? Tinting? Threading? Pencilling in? Plucking the strays? Or perhaps nothing at all? Well if you’re an A-lister with the eyes of the world watching, […]

Orange Orangutan Will Have More Bad News For Americans Tonight

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Last week Kaiser Health released their latest polling data on where Americans stand on healthcare. They found that "attitudes towards the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have shifted with a larger share reporting a favorable opinion towards the law (48 percent) than reporting an unfavorable opinion (42 percent). This is the highest level of favorability of the ACA measured in more than 60 Kaiser Health Tracking Polls since 2010 and is largely driven by a change in the views of independents, among which 50 percent now view the law favorably... The vast majority of Americans say it is eit... more »

Mintzberg's Modest Proposal

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
For decades, Henry Mintzberg has taught enlightened business management at McGill. Yesterday, in the *Globe and Mail, *he turned his attention to the management of the world. The major office holders, he wrote, are not enlightened. The problem we all face is how to survive these bullies: We are in an era of bullies – Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Rodrigo Duterte and the rest – unless people concerned about this planet and our progeny do something. What can we do? Since the usual is not working, how about the impossible – at least seemingly so? Af... more »

Last Month's Deadly U.S. SEAL Raid In Yemen Yielded No Significant Intelligence

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*NBC:* *Yemen SEAL Raid Has Yielded No Significant Intelligence: Officials* Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News. Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday. *Read more* .... *Update #1:* Yemen SEAL ... more »

UKIP's Stoke-on-Trent Central Campaign

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 17 hours ago
Time for a little talk about UKIP. Oh not, *not another one*. Yah, I'm afraid so. I want to talk about their campaign in Stoke-on-Trent, the character of its vote and their relationship to the Tories and, more significantly, Tory voters. What Stoke definitively showed was UKIP is something less than a political party. As a 30,000-strong army of Nigel Farage groupies, re-orienting themselves as a "proper" force without a domineering personality to cling to was always a big ask. Such formations tend not to attract strong people. It's a club for careerist losers, lickspittles, and hu... more »

While we were all watching Labour, the government quietly snuck out plans for NEW spending cuts

Steve Topple at The Canary - 17 hours ago
On Monday 27 February, the Treasury quietly ordered government departments to find new ways to cut up to 6% off their budgets. The result will be more cuts to public services. And the axe may well fall on people already suffering at the hands of the Tories’ austerity agenda. ‘Savings’ Conservative ministers David Gauke and Ben Gummer said that […] The post While we were all watching Labour, the government quietly snuck out plans for NEW spending cuts appeared first on The Canary.

The BBC created a fake news story about the NHS, and the rest of the media is eating it up [VIDEO]

Kerry-anne Mendoza at The Canary - 17 hours ago
The BBC has published a highly misleading story about the NHS, which has been amplified by its peers across mainstream media. The problem is, the story is fake. While BBC headlines and those of follow-ups elsewhere are placing the blame for an emerging scandal on the NHS, it is actually a private company that is responsible. The […] The post The BBC created a fake news story about the NHS, and the rest of the media is eating it up [VIDEO] appeared first on The Canary.


Anon at Aangirfan - 17 hours ago
... *Transgender people in Sousse in Tunisia, before the CIA and its friends toppled the president and put the Islamists into power.* In Tunisia, in June 2015, a Gladio-style attack murdered 38 people on the beach. Tunisia beach attack: 30 Britons were unlawfully killed, coroner rules UK tourists complain that travel agents had told them that Sousse was 100% safe and that there was no danger of an INSIDE JOB, FALSE FLAG carried out by the CIA and its friends. The 'Gladio team' killed 30 British people who had booked their holidays through Tui (Thomson Holidays and First Choice.) T... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 17 hours ago
*Multiculturalism Run Amuck at Georgetown: What’s Wrong with Slavery and Rape?* Two weeks ago, a professor from Georgetown University publicly rose to the defense of slavery and rape, and not a single major media outlet—with the exception of a blogger on the Washington Post website and a brief posting on FoxNews—has said a word about it. The absence of outrage is not hard to figure out: Jonathan Brown's defense was limited to Islam. Brown, a convert to Islam, holds an endowed chair in Islamic studies at Georgetown. The Jesuit-run institution has a wealthy benefactor in Saudi Ar... more »

Black History Month

Lisa Gaufman at Duck of Minerva - 17 hours ago
Do you think this person is white? If you are from Europe or North America, you might have said yes. If you are from Russia, you might have described this person as black. Most IR peeps are familiar with the fluid perceptions of whiteness and blackness that exist in the word: Sandor Gilman wrote, for […]


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 17 hours ago
*Bill Nye now thinks he is a psychologist* *In fact he's not a scientist of any kind. He's just an entertainer. And his account of cognitive dissonance is exactly ass-about. Cognitive dissonance arises when your prophecies fail. He is the one suffering from cognitive dissonance. When has a Greenie prophecy ever got anything right? He's not even capable of Googling or he would not have made such a howler * Bill Nye said Monday that climate change skeptics suffer from a psychological problem preventing them from understanding how so-called man-made global warming affects their ... more »

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe may open a new camp for water protectors.

White Wolf at White Wolf - 18 hours ago
As state and tribal officials try to transition people home from the protest camps, a South Dakota tribe may open a new camp for water protectors. Bald Eagle said the new camp would be a safe space for water protectors. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman Harold Frazier supports members who want to continue protesting the pipeline, Bald Eagle said. He said the camp could be for members coming or going to the camp, members who cannot get home maybe due to car trouble or weather or members who don't feel safe at the other camps. The Cheyenne River Indian Reservation is direct... more »

Liberation Day: Native Americans Gather at Wounded Knee to Remember

White Wolf at White Wolf - 18 hours ago
The day began with a “Four Directions Walk” led by participants holding Medicine items and American Indian Movement flags to the mass grave-site at Wounded Knee. Despite wintry temperatures, under a brilliant blue sky, Wounded Knee 1973 veterans with a younger generation of American Indian Movement grassroots members—many of whom were not yet born—to remember the takeover 41 years ago of Wounded Knee. February 27th is known in Indian country as Liberation Day because it was on that date in 1973 the American Indian Movement (AIM) occupied the Pine Ridge Reservation near Wounded Kn... more »

Remember that Trump Lawyer-Mentor Roy Cohn was Joe McCarthy’s Lead Counsel when Nunes Brings Up the McCarthy Era as Excuse to Avoid Investigation of Trump-Russia Ties

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
When Republican Congressman Nunez talks about not investigating Trump ties to Russia because he doesn’t want a McCarthy-style witchhunt, people … Continue reading →

Chinese Gov Awarded Trump Org a Trademark Possibly Worth Billions After He Affirmed One-China Policy; Largest Trump Tower Tenant Chinese State Owned Co. – Violates Constitution Say 13 Senators

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
Trump Russia-gate still warrants investigation and here commes Trump China-gate! “shortly after President Trump spoke with President Xi Jinping and … Continue reading →

Trump Lender: Deutsche Bank Fined for “Mirror Trading” $10 Billion Russian Money-Laundering Scheme

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
Swiss Banker Josef Ackerman was Deutsche Bank CEO from 2002-2012, and is currently Chairman of the Bank of Cyprus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Ackermann. … Continue reading →

Democratic Senators ask about Ross’s ties to Russian BOC Shareholders

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 18 hours ago
“By Stelios Orphanides 2/17/2017 Democratic Senators ask about Ross’s ties to Russian BOC shareholders (Update-1) cyprusbusinessmail.com/ (Updates fifth paragraph with … Continue reading →

Germany’s plan for 100% electric cars may actually increase carbon emissions

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 18 hours ago
By Paul Homewood https://theconversation.com/germanys-plan-for-100-electric-cars-may-actually-increase-carbon-emissions-72997? There’s an interesting article in The Conversation: Germany has ambitious plans for both electric cars and renewable energy. But it can’t deliver both. As things stand, Germany’s well-meaning but contradictory ambitions would actually boost emissions by an amount comparable with the present-day emissions of the entire country of […]

Lightning Rod: The Study, The Findings, Pharma or Me?

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 19 hours ago
By James Grundvig There has been a lot of excitement and anger in the wake of my article on the leaked pilot Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study (“Study”), by Dr. Anthony Mawson. To publish or not to publish was indeed the...

The Economy: “Obama Has Tied Trump’s Hands”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*“Obama Has Tied Trump’s Hands”* by James Rickards "America is going broke. That’s not an opinion or scare tactic- it’s a fact based on simple arithmetic. President Trump could be forced to face this fact as early as March 15, the date the latest U.S. debt ceiling suspension ends. Government debt is growing faster than the economy. If you extend that trend, and that’s exactly what official government projections do, you reach a point where higher taxes cannot cover interest expense, investors lose confidence in the bond market, and a death spiral of higher deficits, higher interest... more »

Trump Pledges “Historic” Rise in Military Budget in 2018 Will Surge by $54Bn

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Published on Feb 27, 2017 US President Donald Trump has promised a historic rise in the military budget for the next fiscal year beginning in October. Trump’s comments came as White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said the military spending will surge by 54 billion dollars. That would be an almost 10-percent increase compared to […]


Anon at Aangirfan - 20 hours ago
*UK children were trafficked to Australia, where they were sexually abused. Australia.* The UK's national child abuse inquiry is hearing testimony from people shipped as children to Australia. Some children sent to former colonies between the 1920s and 1970s faced servitude, hard labour and sexual abuse. Vulnerable British children shipped to the colonies after WWII "In the 1920s, in the UK, it was common practice for people who fell on hard times to put their children into *Barnardos* childrens home until they could reclaim them. "All too often those children were told their pa... more »

"A Front-Row Seat..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago

DEEP STATE WAR? Media Silent As Six Top Russian Officials Die Mysteriously In Last 60 Days

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
It seriously appears as if the CIA is desperately attempting to induce Russia to rise to the bait and actually start a hot war. This is very much in concert with the Saudi - Israeli intervention in Syria and a projected threat to induce a war with Iran. It is all part of the same scheme that is simply getting further and further off track. The new Trump administration is now surely dealing with a completely insubordinate CIA, a compromised FBI and a thoroughly compromised Federal government. Yet the CIA cannot have Hillary actually trigger a war with Russia anymore either. It ... more »

Study: Up to 2.1 Million Hispanics May Have Voted Illegally

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
[image: Image: Study: Up to 2.1 Million Hispanics May Have Voted Illegally] This number is about what i personally think is plausible. Recall that the real perpetrator happens to be the Democratic party operating at ground level and as enablers to natural blunders such as unions and surely employers who depend on illegal workers. This has produced leakage that says as much. After all after a job well done folks do brag. That two million votes certainly juiced the popular vote just the way you would expect in illegal rich areas. Unsurprisingly recount efforts in ... more »

Latest Research on CBD Oil Offers New Hope for Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome and Autoimmune Disorders

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Interesting development. This is unexpected and obviously welcome. We need such a protocol. Obviously research has taken off and we will see many other applications indicated and confirmed. all good . . *Latest Research on CBD Oil Offers New Hope for Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome and Autoimmune Disorders* *By Carolanne Wright* *Contributing writer for Wake Up World* * http://wakeup-world.com/2017/02/10/latest-research-on-cbd-oil-offers-new-hope-for-healing-leaky-gut-syndrome-and-autoimmune-disorders/?* *For years, leaky gut syndrome (LGS) was thought to be nothing more than a my... more »

Woolly mammoth on verge of resurrection, scientists reveal

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Another team is seriously at it. That makes at least three. Time frames are at best optimistic, but there is a clear path forward and we also see a solid rational for all this. It would allow the African elephant to be moved into the boreal forest and tundra as well. They do need trees knocked down there. All good and added to other agricultural possibilities for the boreal forest we get an additional resource. . *Woolly mammoth on verge of resurrection, scientists reveal * *Scientist leading ‘de-extinction’ effort says Harvard team could create hybrid mammoth-elephant emb... more »

Genuine News

LL at Virtual Mirage - 21 hours ago
Here are a few bits and pieces that you won't hear about in the *New York Times* on CNN or MSNBC because it doesn't fit their narrative. *ObamaCare Follies* (Washington Examiner) A majority of online and social media defenders of Obamacare are professionals who are "paid to post," according to a digital expert. "Sixty percent of all the posts were made from 100 profiles, posting between the hours of 9 and 5 Pacific Time," said Michael Brown. "*They were paid to post*." Click the link above for more details. And this link below underscores what I count as wisdom to have made the ... more »

Kevin LaGrandeur published new book Artificial Slaves

director@ieet.org (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
*Artificial Slaves* has just been published in a relatively inexpensive paperback edition. It won a 2014 Science Fiction and Technoculture Studies Prize, and has been well-reviewed in a number of journals (see below). The attached coupon gives an additional 20% discount. For more information, please visit the RoutledgePress website: https://www.routledge.com/Androids-and-Intelligent-Networks-in-Early-Modern-Literature-and-Culture/LaGrandeur/p/book/9780415631211

Tech marvels and wonders

director@ieet.org (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
Let’s do a quick, midweek palate cleaner, and switch to the part of our nation and civilization that is doing fabulously…. science! And for starters—

Can Universal Basic Income / Social Democracy Fix America’s Inequality?

director@ieet.org (IEET) at Ethical Technology - 21 hours ago
Can’t the U.S. be a little more like Scandinavia in its ethos? Fixing inequality in America will take more than economic reform, it will also need a cultural shift. From a human rights and decency standard, everybody in a society should be able to meet their basic needs, says economist and Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs – but he questions whether a popular proposal known as Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the way to achieve a better standard of living in the U.S.

Donald Trump raising similar points in this Oprah interview from 1988, re foreign trade and national debt, as he did in the recent Presidential Election campaign

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 22 hours ago
https://youtu.be/SEPs17_AkTI Donald Trump raising similar points in this Oprah interview from 1988, re foreign trade and national debt, as he did in the recent Presidential Election campaign.

Why Has President Trump's Tax Returns Not Been 'Leaked'?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during his meeting with health insurance company CEOs at the White House in Washington, U.S. February 27, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque *Boston Globe:* *Why some ‘secrets’ leaked while Trump’s tax returns haven’t* President Trump frequently complains about Washington leaks. But what he is really concerned about is that these leaks are not random. He believes that they are being deployed to harm his administration. (Of course, he had no problem with WikiLeaks’ leak of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee during the campaign. “I love WikiL... more »

One People Show Feb 27 2017: Cleansing & Acclimatizing

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 23 hours ago
It was an interesting weekend. For a lot of people, the last 72 hours has been a pretty interesting experience. From physical purging of crap, to emotional shedding of old history, to falling sideways, to feeling, seeing, hearing through to something new..... Yes a very shifting weekend! d Videos shown during the show: Video thanks to Jayling! *Lyrics: Time Warp* (Riff Raff) It's astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll... (Magenta) Ahh... (Riff Raff) But listen closely... (Magenta) Not for very much longer... (Riff Raff) I've got to keep control. I remember... more »

Tweet For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Thank you to the great presidents of our #HBCUs for their commitment to higher education. Read more here: https://t.co/m2Adyvvu6a pic.twitter.com/zjXWSX9cdE — President Trump (@POTUS) February 28, 2017 *WNU Editor:* I am surprised that they can pack that many people in the Oval Office.

U.S.House Intelligence Chairman: Hasn't Seen 'Evidence' Of Trump-Russia Contacts

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Washington Post:* *House Intelligence chairman says he hasn’t found evidence of Trump team’s ties to Russia* Congressional Republicans are divided over how aggressively to pursue the allegations that President Trump’s associates had contact with Russia, with some lawmakers calling for a full-scale look at the former national security adviser’s communication with Russia while others say there is no evidence of such contacts. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) made clear that he was more interested in nefarious reports published in the news media than in ... more »

Nick Saffran on Immigration Policy

Charles R. Anderson, Ph.D. at An Objectivist Individualist - 1 day ago
The basic American Principle is the understanding that the individual is sovereign, individual rights are broad and should be inviolate, and that the only legitimate purpose of government is to protect the exercise of every individual's right. Unfortunately, few Americans understand this. Many fewer understand this in most countries of the world. What is more, not only do they recognize few if any individual rights in many countries, but even compared to most Americans of an authoritarian bent, they believe in much more brutal suppression of individual rights. In some countries, ... more »

More Research For Next Level Asperger Enhanced Thinking And Donald Trump

Sascha Vongehr at Science 2.0 blogs - 1 day ago
Genetic variants linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) contribute to enhanced cognition and are therefore positively selected in spite of the problems they also bring along – new evidence has just been published in PLOS Genetics [1]. The problems these genes bring along are the price to pay for relatively rapid evolutionary advancements. It needs a much longer time for further natural selection to smooth the bugs out – this is all obvious, simple science. Another example is the genetic predisposition of Ashkenazim Jews to diseases such as Tai-Sachs, which comes along with their ... more »

America has not always been as welcoming to refugees as we think

Allen Wells, Professor of History, Director of Latin American Studies Program, Bowdoin College at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 1 day ago
World War II poster. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration President Trump’s executive order to sharply restrict immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries has been decried by many as reckless, punitive and even unconstitutional. Nearly half the electorate, however, applaud the president for suspending immigration even if it means turning back refugees, many of whom are innocent victims of the political violence besetting the Middle East. None of this is unprecedented. American presidents have periodically curtailed the entry of individuals or groups in the ... more »

The Democratic Party is facing a demographic crisis

Musa al-Gharbi, Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellow in Sociology, Columbia University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 1 day ago
Will voters of the future swing left or right? Cropped from joebeone/flickr, CC BY In 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama outperformed his predecessors John Kerry and Al Gore with virtually every single demographic group, handily defeating his Republican rival John McCain. This success spread to down-ballot races as well. Democrats expanded control over the House and the Senate, and they controlled most governorships and state legislatures nationwide. Many progressives came to believe these results were not a fluke. Obama’s coalition seemed to herald an emerging De... more »

Intel Committee Head: No Evidence Of Contact Between Trump Campaign, Russia

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Intel Committee Head: No Evidence Of Contact Between Trump Campaign, Russia by Tyler Durden, http://www.zerohedge.com In what will likely be a setback to the ongoing press campaign to portray the Trump administration and campaign as a Kremlin puppet, on Monday the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee said he has seen no […]