[image: DSC06525] It's official. Wang Jin-pyng, Speaker of the Legislature, KMT heavyweight, possible presidential candidate, is out. He held a presser this morning to say that he would not be picking up a registration form. Storm media has it in Chinese. This means that either Chu has to jump in or be forced in, or the KMT is going to go with a third-tier candidate and hope that some combination of Taiwanese businessmen in China, threats and more from Beijing (and as someone pointed out to me on FB today, Beijing can keep the KMT alive as long as it wants via transfers of money),... more »
20th anniversary THREE-Million Man March planned for next October
[image: 10-10-15]By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor *Three million people in the streets of Washington, DC, protesting peacefully but firmly. Their message: “Truth and justice are non-negotiable.” Or to put it a bit more bluntly: “Justice or else.”* *Could it turn this country around?* *We may find out next October.* [image: The Million Man March of 1995] The Million Man March of 1995 *Sources close* to the Nation of Islam and the 9/11 truth movement have revealed that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is planning to lead millions of people to DC in a march for truth and just... more »
Billy Corgan Extols The Virtues Of Capitalism-- And Wonders Why It Is Missing From The Music Biz
Smashing Pumpkins lead singer Billy Corgan is a lot more thoughtful and insightful than many musicians. CNBC’s *Squawk Alley* had him on for a discussion of the music business a few days ago. "The music business," he explained, "is mostly run by feckless idiots, who do not subscribe to the normal tenets of capitalism, which, when they do, the business tends to work out well. Stars rise to the top; everybody benefits. But it's still a parochial business; it’s run by fiefdoms, way behind the times technologically-- other companies, the tech world is just blowing music out of the wa... more »
You May be Ready to Switch to an E-Bike After Seeing This Compilation
*Video - *For those shorter trips and errands close to home, a zero-emission e-bike might be a very economical alternative to your car. The post You May be Ready to Switch to an E-Bike After Seeing This Compilation appeared first on Waking Times.
Two Photos Show The Disturbing Change In A Child’s Face Before And After A Bombing
Bassam Khabieh/Reuters Bassam Khabieh/Reuters *Business Insider*: *These two photos show the disturbing change in a child’s face before and after a bombing* *Photographer Bassam Khabieh was recently in Damascus, Syria, to document the relief efforts of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.* *When he arrived, the atmosphere around the relief convoy was one of joy and laughter. Children were gathered around, smiling as they obtained much-needed medical aid and supplies.* *It took only a split second for everything to change. * *WNU Editor*: No comment necessary. The pictures say it all.
Iraq Continues To Lie About Killing The Leaders Of The Islamic State
Photo Illustration by Alex Williams/The Daily Beast *Nancy A Yousef, Daily Beast:* *Iraq’s B.S. About Killing ISIS Bosses* *Another day, another dubious claim about a top terrorist’s death. What’s going on here?* *On Wednesday, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said ISIS’s No. 2 leader, Alaa al-Afri, had been killed in an airstrike targeting a mosque in the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar. The ministry released a video of what it called the Iraqi strike that killed al-Afri. The problem: The video was actually May 4 video of a coalition strike in Mosul, 40 miles away.* *And given that A... more »
Islamic State Releases An Audio Message From Its Leader
Reuters *Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast:* *Does New Tape Prove ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Is Alive?* *ISIS released a new audio recording, supposedly of its injured leader, which references recent events such as Saudi military action in Yemen.* *ISTANBUL — The Islamic State, otherwise known as ISIS, released an audio message today purporting to be from its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—the first time he has been heard from in months, and as deserters from his group say he is still recovering from serious spinal injuries sustained nearly two months ago in a coalition airstrike.* *In the a... more »
May 24:
A1 has a story about the valiant defence of a high school girl and her father, part of the struggle against those who deny female rights by refusing to allow girls to dress as they wish. Three cheers for them for raising this valiant cause. I know exactly how they feel. When I was teaching high school, I wanted to go topless with my pants slung so low you could see - well, you could see. And they wouldn't let me do it. I felt discriminated against. Oh, if only I'd had the courage of that girl and her father. The school wouldn't even let me wear a short T-shirt simply because it expo... more »
No U.S. Bases on Okinawa
Let's show our solidarity with Okinawans' rally against US military bases on their island. 73.8 percent of the US military bases (those for exclusive US use) in Japan are concentrated in Okinawa, which is only .6 percent of the total land mass of Japan. 18.3 percent of the Okinawa Island is occupied by the US military. Futenma Air Base originally was built during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa by US forces in order to prepare for battles on the mainland of Japan. They simply usurped the land from local residents. The base should have been returned to its owners after the war, but the ... more »
All Done
I finished the round woodpile yesterday (called Holz Hausen in German). I am very happy. Just as I was nearly finished one section collapsed but it was easy to fix. As I was placing the wood on the top, with bark up to protect from rain, I noticed a chipmunk had already taken up residence inside the pile. Rent free too, true socialism for the wildlife, they really know how to live! Next I've got to get the rest of the garden planted but most folks suggest waiting til next week because our nights are still a bit chilly. I've got my peas and radishes in the ground and they've a... more »
Cities and States Pay Massive Secret Fees to Wall Street (TPPed On Sold As Freedom?)
Take action you can brag about to your grandchildren. Support the American Postal Workers and the U.S. Post Office! American Postal Workers Union, APWU Fired up For National Day of Action, May 14, May 6, 2014 (http://www.apwu.org/news/web-news-article/apwu-members-fired-national-day-action-may-14) Send to Friends What would possibly make U.S. citizens think at this moment in history (after
Anti-Choice Inflation 2015
Today was the annual March of the Feti, March for Lies, Anti-Choice Bunfest, Futility on the Hill. Whatever. As regular readers know, we're obsessed fascinated by what we call anti-choice inflation. Every year, march organizers claim that this year is much MASSIVER than last year. Recap of last five years: 2011: 15K 2012: 19.5K 2013: "up to 25K" 2014: 23K 2015: "nearly 25K" Notice anything? Yep. Inflation seems to have stalled the last couple of years. Here's LifeShite itself: "nearly 25,000 people marched on Parliament Hill." Here's the Ottawa Citizen which first reported "some ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 14, 2015
*Christian Whiton, CNN*: *Kim Jong Un: Effective tyrant or panicking?* *(CNN)Late last month, North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Un, reportedly ordered his defense minister killed for disloyalty.* *In an unsubtle lesson, hundreds of people were required to watch as Hyon Yong-Chol was apparently obliterated by an anti-aircraft gun. Being a top official in North Korea, it seems, has become increasingly dangerous. * *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- May 14, 2015* Don't Believe the North Korea Horror Stories -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg Brutal Killing Of N. Korea Military C... more »
The day classical liberalism died
*There have been many 100-year anniversaries associated with the First World War, the most recent being the tragic invasion of the Dardanelles in which 130,000 died and three nations, strangely, see their birth. But more than soldiers died in the war. This Sunday, there is the 100-year anniversary of the death of an idea. An idea that might yet be reborn, but which died its first death in the tragedy of that war. Classical liberalism had promised peace. It could not survive the war that seemed to explode its creed… [NB: Yes, for some of you this will be tl;dr. But I’m really lo... more »
Guest Post: Citizen Jack responds to LA Weekly's fluffing Ref Rodriguez
*“That’s not exactly investigative reporting or a critique of the powerful. But it represents the kind of contrarian, screw-you mentality that fits the New Times worldview now evident at the LA Weekly.” — Professor Jon Wiener* [image: Citizen Jack responds to LA Weekly's fluffing Ref Rodriguez] "Jack," a frequent commenter on Professor Diane Ravitch's site, sent me the following critique of Joshua Emerson Smith fluff-job of charter school profiteer Refugio "Ref" Rodriguez. The fact-free ham-fisted Smith piece appeared in that trashy porn and masseuse ad pennysaver known as the *LA ... more »
World News Briefs -- May 14, 2015
*The Guardian: **Burundi rivals battle for control of capital after coup attempt* *Violence flares across Bujumbura a day after former intelligence chief attempted to oust President Pierre NkurunzizaRival military groups have been battling for control of the Burundi capital, a day after a former intelligence chief staged an attempted coup against President Pierre Nkurunziza.Heavy gunfire rang out from the direction of the ruling CNDD-FDD party headquarters in Bujumbura, which witnesses said were being guarded by police. It was difficult to determine who was in control of the ... more »
"Sun Tracks"
*"Sun Tracks*" "The Track of the sun across the Sky leaves its shining message, Illuminating, Strengthening, Warming, us who are here, showing us we are not alone, we are yet ALIVE! And this fire... Our fire... Shall not die." - Atoni, Choctaw
Paulo Coelho, “Convention For Those Wounded In Love”
*“Convention For Those Wounded In Love”* by Paulo Coelho *“General provisions:* *A –* Whereas the saying “all is fair in love and war” is absolutely correct; *B –* Whereas for war we have the Geneva Convention, approved on 22 August 1864, which provides for those wounded in the battlefield, but until now no convention has been signed concerning those wounded in love, who are far greater in number; *It is hereby decreed that:* *Article 1* – All lovers, of any sex, are alerted that love, besides being a blessing, is also something extremely dangerous, unpredictable and capable of cau... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Timberon, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: John Clare, "I Am"
*“I Am”* by John Clare “I am: yet what I am none cares or knows, My friends forsake me like a memory lost; I am the self-consumer of my woes, They rise and vanish in oblivious host, Like shades in love and death's oblivion lost; And yet I am! and live with shadows tossed. Into the nothingness of scorn and noise, Into the living sea of waking dreams, Where there is neither sense of life nor joys, But the vast shipwreck of my life's esteems; And e'en the dearest- that I loved the best- Are strange- nay, rather stranger than the rest. I long for scenes where man has never trod; A place wh... more »
"The Cry Of Their Mothers..."
"Humanity is the spirit of the Supreme Being on earth, and that humanity is standing amidst ruins, hiding its nakedness behind tattered rags, shedding tears upon hollow cheeks, and calling for its children with pitiful voice. But the children are busy singing their clan's anthem; they are busy sharpening the swords and cannot hear the cry of their mothers." - Kahlil Gibran U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds an Iraqi child in central Iraq in this March 29, 2003 file photo. Confused front line crossfire ripped apart an Iraqi fami... more »
U.S. Pumps Up War Jam
The US Army's "Cavalry March" arrived in the south-central village of Sinaia, Thursday as it snakes its way across Romania to begin a series of war games involving four nations. The US-NATO corporate project is colonizing its way across eastern Europe.
Poroshenko Still Pushing War with Russia
Despite the Minsk agreements and ceasefire in Ukraine, president Petro Poroshenko vows to fight on 'till the last drop of blood'. He spoke to Germany's ZDF. Earlier, Poroshenko also promised to get the Donetsk airport back under Kiev's control, prompting surprising reaction from the US. Secretary of State John Kerry who suggested the Ukrainian leader think twice before turning his words into action. Brad Cabana, Canadian Political Scientist closely following Ukraine, is In the Now.
“It's Okay To Cry Your Eyes Out”
*“It's Okay To Cry Your Eyes Out”* by Power of Positivity "Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do." - C.S. Lewis "Crying is our emotional connection with the world. This simple act is often seen as a weakness when it actually demonstrates the strength in us. It allows us to celebrate the positive and helps us to let go of the negative things in our lives. There are three types of tears: • Continuous tears that keep the surface around the eye moist in order to protect against infection. • Re... more »
Help Needed for May
I will need some assistance for May, the ad revenues are coming back and June will be 3 times what it is this month.. the slim times are ending but not quite just yet.... For every viewer of the blog I get some ad revenue, when people click on an ad they like the revenue is much higher. If you can help this month, there is a PayPal link on the right side of the page. The goal is to raise $200-300 this month from donations. I hope to be back on full ad revenue support the rest of the summer and the stats look like that is indeed happening, but there is always several weeks lag t... more »
Smoke Me a Kipper
Was going to blog about the doings at Stoke Council tonight, but the unfolding train wreck around UKIP's leadership has coloured me interested. For once I'm *looking forward* to Nigel Farage's appearance on *Question Time* tonight. Looking back the one prediction I got right about political developments this year was this: There will be a little bit of drop off [in UKIP support] come the election but we're talking figures of 12-13% here, certainly not a collapse the likes of Dan Hodges is predicting (hoping) for. A big slap on the back for them then. But my reading of the runes f... more »
Musical prodigy rocks in Bolivia
Recently we were discussing the possibility of mixing Andean music with jazz and blues. Then someone mentioned a young blind Bolivian pianist who is on the way to doing that, so here is an article from Britain's *Telegraph* about this prodigy:Blind jazz prodigy takes Bolivia's music scene by stormJose Andre Montano Baina is just seven-years-old but already displays an incredible musical talent that has enabled him to play at some of the top venues in Bolivia. Jose Andre Montano Baina is a rising star in Bolivia's music scene. But the promising jazz musician isn't a typical rockstar;... more »
Questions for the Arcturians
http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.it/2015/05/questions-for-arcturians-by-suzanne-lie.html *Questions for the Arcturians--by Suzanne Lie and Free Arcturian MP3* WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 By Suzanne Lie *When my computer crashed, because of my mistake, I was talking to my friend, Shawnna, about the higher purpose of this “mistake.” We pondered that question because one the myriad “realizations” of our ascension process is that “there are NO mistakes or accidents.” We are the creators of our reality, whether that creation arises from our conscious or unconscious mind.Therefore, we d... more »
This Couple Has a Unique Way of Celebrating Their Honeymoon
*Video - *Aaron and Melissa, a newly-married couple, explore west Texas, away from civilization, and reflect on life and their place in this world. The post This Couple Has a Unique Way of Celebrating Their Honeymoon appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 14, 2015
Indian Army T-90 tanks on parade for Republic Day in February 2008. / REUTERS *The Diplomat*: *India’s Military Cannot Fight Wars Lasting Longer than 20 Days* *A recent report by the Indian government points to an ‘ammunition crisis’ in the India Army.* *Last week, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India published a report outlining a massive ammunition shortage facing the Indian military. Currently, India has only enough supplies for 20 days of intense fighting.* *“Stocking of ammunition even at ‘minimum acceptable risk level’ was not ensured,” the report said, acco... more »
The Taboo Against Paranormal Experience is a Taboo Against Freedom
*Jon Rappoport* - "What exists outside a psychic prison defined by rabid consumerism, limited and false science and peer pressure? The post The Taboo Against Paranormal Experience is a Taboo Against Freedom appeared first on Waking Times.
A Must Read: Greatest Threat To Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming To Fight It
I am still at a shock when it comes to how quickly this once free nation, Canada, has now fallen under tyranny thanks to the criminal actions of the Harper regime and their recent passage of the heinous Bill "C51". It is so shocking that there was almost NO outcry from the Canadian people and their inaction in actually stopping that freedom stripping "bill" in its tracks.... Now it is too late for Canada, and we will indeed see freedom of speech and freedom of choice quickly disappear under the illusion of "more security"... I came across an article today that I found rings so tru... more »
Saudi Arabia Wants To Be A Major Military Power
Glen Carey, Bloomberg: *Saudi Arabia Is Making Its First Real Attempt to Be a Military Power* *In the more assertive Saudi Arabia that’s emerging after the Arab Spring, war is no longer taboo as an instrument of policy and Washington’s approval isn’t required.* *Once known for cautious diplomacy, the oil-rich kingdom is turning more frequently to hard power. The shift has been under way since unrest swept across the Arab world in 2011. It accelerated after the succession of King Salman in January, and the promotion as defense chief of his son, who’s part of the Saudi delegation me... more »
Saudi Arabia Claims Success In The Oil Price War
*Financial Times:* *Saudi claims oil price strategy success* *Saudi Arabia says its strategy of squeezing high-cost rivals such as US shale producers is succeeding, as the world’s largest crude exporter seeks to reassert itself as the dominant force in the global oil market.The kingdom’s production rose to a record high of 10.3m barrels a day in April and there is no sign that it plans to reverse its policy at next month’s meeting of Opec, the producers’ cartel, in Vienna.* *More News On Saudi Arabia Claiming Success In The Oil Price War* Saudi Arabia Says Its Flood Of Low-... more »
Jeb Bush 'Flip-Flips' 'Knowing What We Know Now, He Would Not Have Invaded Iraq'
*Reuters:* *Jeb Bush says 'knowing what we know now,' he would not have invaded Iraq* *Republican Jeb Bush reversed field on Thursday after a week of criticism and said that based on information known now, he would not have launched the Iraq war carried out by his brother, former President George W. Bush.Bush, who is expected to run for the Republican nomination, had told Fox News in an interview broadcast this week that "I would have" authorized the invasion that his brother carried out in 2003.Without prompting, Bush addressed the issue on Thursday at a town hall event in ... more »
Does The U.S. Have A 'Trust' Problem With Its Gulf Allies?
*Elizabeth Dickinson, Time:* *Why the Gulf States No Longer Trust America* *Arab Gulf leaders meeting with President Barack Obama at Camp David this week are expected to seek big security guarantees from the United States. Some states want new, advanced weaponry such as the F-35 fighter jet and Gulf diplomats in Washington said they wanted a formal defense treaty with the United States.For its part, the Obama Administration has said the Camp David summit will focus on defense cooperation on ballistic missile defense, cyber warfare, and terrorism. Washington is also expected to ...more »
A Final Fatal Statement about the Roswell Slides
(*Blogger’s Note*: I had said that I would post, without comment, any statement from Don Schmitt or Tom Carey. I did that with Carey’s statement which suggested he was still of the opinion that the slides showed an alien creature. The note appended at the end, written by Schmitt, suggested that he was unaware that others had independently deblurred the note and that the placard was readable. Seeing that, and the information developed by Tony Bragalia that the mummy had been on display at Mesa Verde complete with a journal entry that matched, to a startling degree, the message on the... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 14th May)
New record: 126 families evicted every day amid rising rents and benefit cuts County court bailiffs in England and Wales evicted more than 11,000 families in the first three months of 2015, an increase of 8% on the same period last year and 51% higher than five years ago. The increase in the number of tenants losing their homes means 2015 is on course to break last year’s record levels.
"How It Really Is"
Oh yeah, we're exceptional alright...
"Three Blind Men And An Elephant"
"Three Blind Men And An Elephant" An Indian/Chinese Legend "One day, three blind men happened to meet each other and gossiped a long time about many things. Suddenly one of them recalled, "I heard that an elephant is a queer animal. Too bad we're blind and can't see it. "Ah, yes, truly too bad we don't have the good fortune to see the strange animal," another one sighed. The third one, quite annoyed, joined in and said, "See? Forget it! Just to feel it would be great." "Well, that's true. If only there were some way of touching the elephant, we'd be able to know," they all agreed. ... more »
"Global Debt Now $200 Trillion" (Wonky)
*"Global Debt Now $200 Trillion"* by GoldCore • McKinsey Institute says global debt is $199 trillion and unsustainable. • Total global debt is $27,204 for every person living today. • All major economies have “higher levels of borrowing relative to GDP” than in 2007. • 3 risk areas - rising Chinese debt, government and household debt. • Debt report ignores U.S. unfunded liabilities of over $100 trillion. • Major cause of risky, unprecedented debt levels- QE and ultra loose monetary policies not acknowledged. • Risk of new global financial crisis- wealth taxes, currency wars and devalua... more »
"Robert Scheer and Chris Hedges on the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex- They Know Everything About You"
*"Robert Scheer and Chris Hedges on the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex- * *They Know Everything About You"* by Alexander Reed Kelly "In the first part of a wide-ranging, seven-part discussion about Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer’s new book, “They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies are Destroying Democracy,” Scheer says the U.S. government and private industry have teamed up to turn the Internet into a massive machine for simultaneously selling to and spying on Americans. Scheer tells Hedges that NSA whistle... more »
The Economy: “Are You Ready for the Coming Debt Revolution?”
*“Are You Ready for the Coming Debt Revolution?”* by Bill Bonner Gualfin (“End of the Road”), Argentina - “There is a specter haunting America… and all the developed nations of the world. It is the specter of a debt revolution. We left off yesterday talking about how the economy of the last 30 years – and especially that of the last six years – has favored the old over the young. “Rise up, ye young’uns,” we as much as said, “you have nothing to lose but your parents’ debts.” We showed how the value of U.S. corporate equity, mainly held by older people, had multiplied by 28 times si... more »
*I can't resist this image from the movie Dogma... even angles have a sense of humor...* https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/the-purification-phase-aa-metatron/ *AA METATRON: THE PURIFICATION PHASE * as channeled by Anna Merkaba The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake of said experiment. For indeed the ... more »
Skeena River Estuary, Life-blood Of Our Environment(Move Your Site Petronas)
This is why Petronas will never get social license to build at their chosen Lelu island site.. Move along Petronas, find another site.. And to you, the people, the public, read, learn, complain, report, protest if you have to, so many comments on various sites about the Petronas offer, almost everyone neglects the environmental issues surrounding the location... Stop listening to corrupt lazy corporate owned media...The below information is available in more detail in a PDF link below...The PDF file link also has pretty pictures and graphs to go along with all the below data.. I... more »
Fund Mass Transit Not Endless War
- Yesterday the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee voted 30-21 along party lines for a bill that would give Amtrak (our very limited national rail service) about $260 million less than its typical $1.4 billion share. This is one more example of the corporate dominated Congress voting to dismantle the nation's social infrastructure. Many of those elected to the House of Representatives serve the interests of the fossil fuel industry and the last thing they want is a successful and growing public transit system. Instead they'd rather dril... more »
In Another Time This Would Have Made Me Very Happy
"Canada's left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP), which stormed to victory in a provincial election in conservative Alberta this month, has vaulted from third to first place in national support, a public opinion poll showed on Thursday." Now it just confirms for me that we're almost certainly on our way to another 5 years of the Harperium.
Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #5
Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #5 *Earth's Multidimensional University * *The Arcturians and Our Galactic Family * *as received by Susan Lie Ph.D.* *Dear Readers, I am sorry I left the same blog up for so long, but my computer crashed, and it took until recently to get it functional. It was quite a challenging time for me, as I had everything I had written since the early 1990's stored there. Yes, the new things were backed up, but there was the possibility the old files would be lost forever. At first I wanted to freak out, but I remembered all that the Arcturi... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- May 14, 2015
*Reuters*: *Iran blasts Saudis over Yemen, agencies rush in aid* *A top member of Iran's parliament called Saudi Arabia's King Salman a traitor to Islam on Thursday, a sharp escalation in rhetoric over Riyadh's air strikes against an Iranian-allied militia that has seized much of neighboring Yemen.* *Although a five-day humanitarian truce was largely holding, and aid was getting to some of the millions of Yemenis deprived of food, fuel and medicine, tensions were also mounting over an Iranian relief ship, which Saudi Arabia insisted on inspecting.* *Yemen is the latest theater i... more »
Obama Begins Camp David Meetings With Arab Allies At Camp David
US President Barack Obama sits next to the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah as Secretary of State John Kerry speaks with the His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani before the start of a working session of a summit meeting with leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) at Camp David in Maryland on Thursday. Reuters/Camp David, Maryland *Al Jazeera*: *Obama to discuss security with Gulf leaders* *Summit comes as US rules out military pact with six Gulf nations, part of a military coalition fighting Yemeni rebels.* *US President Barack Obama will seek ... more »
Supplemental: There was some bad information going around!
*THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015ESPN failed again:* Quite routinely, we the American people are fed lots of bad information. As an example, consider the original reporting about “Deflategate,” our current consensus scandal. On a factual basis, the original reporting was highly inaccurate. In a new column for Yahoo Sports, Dan Wetzel has noted this fact: WETZEL (5/13/15): The story didn't go big until *ESPN reported about 24 hours after the game that the NFL had discovered that 11 of the 12 footballs were measured to be more than 2 pounds per square inch below the league minimum of 12.5.* ... more »
No More Teddy Roosevelts in The GOP-- and Too Few Franklin Roosevelts Among The Beltway Democrats
Last night I was watching a PBS showing of Ken Burns' The Roosevelts-- An Intimate History, when J.P. Morgan's ugly mug popped up on the screen. A social parasite who our political elites failed to protect society from, Morgan blurted out, "I owe the public nothing" ... which is pretty much the way Wall Street still feels. Today's Republicans are not Teddy Roosevelt and they are not going to hold to fire to the feet of predators like Morgan. Alas, neither are most Beltway Democrats. Sure, you have a few good guys-- like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Jeff Merkley... more »
The Unesco World Heritage Site At Palmyra (In Syria) Is Now Under Threat By The Islamic State
*BBC*: *Syria conflict: IS advances on ancient ruins of Palmyra* *Palmyra, one of the archaeological jewels of the Middle East, is reported to be under threat from advancing Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.* *The jihadists are within 2km (1.2 miles) of the Unesco World Heritage site, battling government forces for control of the adjacent town of Tadmur.* *Syria's antiquities chief has warned that if IS seizes Palmyra it will destroy everything that exists there.* *The group has ransacked and demolished several ancient sites in Iraq.* *Palmyra has already suffered some da... more »
Arcturians: Energetic Weather Report #4
http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.it/2015/04/energetic-weather-report-4-arcturians.html SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 *Energetic Weather Report #4 - Arcturians and Galactic Family* *The Calm Before The Storm* Transmissions from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family The energetic weather report for April 25, 2015 is that you, our dear volunteers, are in “the calm before the storm.” We will begin by differentiating between the third dimensional definition of storm and the multidimensional definition of storm. Via Suzille’s dictionary, the third dimensional definition of storm is, “violen... more »
What A City Looks Like After The Islamic State Takes Over
Debris on a road in Tikrit, April 1, 2015. Thaier Al-Sudani/Reuters *Zack Beauchamp, VOX:* *This is what it's like when ISIS takes over your city* *In early April, Iraqi forces retook the city of Tikrit from ISIS's control. While that was a major victory over ISIS, the operation came too late for many of Tikrit's residents. The militant group's rule had already devastated civilian life in the city — as this stunning piece by Zaid Al-Ali in the New York Review of Books shows.* *By the time Iraqi forces liberated Tikrit, Al-Ali reports, the city's prewar population of 200,000 had be... more »
Fallout from the Fiasco
Yes, I know, but this really isn’t about that. It’s about lessons learned and what we all can do to improve the state of UFO research… though at this point it might be a lost cause. There were two loose groups operating here. One of them was engaged in secrecy and nondisclosure agreements and limited release of information. The other was an international coalition that shared all the information they could and relied on the expertise of their members to get things done. In one case, the story kept building to a climax that was less than accurate (to put it kindly) and the other solv... more »
That Uppity Pope
The oil and gas industry thinks that Pope Francis is getting too big for his cassock. The Kochs, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, BP and their whole coterie of climate change-denying think tanks are tightening their collective sphincter in anticipatory dread of the Pope's upcoming major encyclical on the environment. His global warning to mankind will be followed this fall by his address to a joint session of congress. I wonder if the neoliberal pols will dare pull a police state union stunt and turn their backs on the Pope as he calls them out on their selfishness and capitalistic greed. I won... more »
Yoko Ono: “I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s” per World News Daily Report
More news that won't make the BBC... 'Yoko Ono shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history. The artist and widow of John Lennon, who is in Los Angeles to present a collection of cups and saucers she is exhibiting at the Museum of Modern Art, totally took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times during a series of protests against the Vietnam War in New Y... more »
Community As A Construct.........by M.N. Hopkins
*Community as a construct in it's true sense gives one an immunity from the darkness and it's destructive ways. One of Light has a great power, but many of Light have enough power to transform not only human community but the entire physical world.* M.N. Hopkins
TPP blocked, at least for now
Breaking news: The United States Senate failed to end a filibuster on giving the President fast-track negotiating authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and any future deals for a six-year period. According to *The New York Times*, the bill failed with only a 52-45 majority for it, when 60 votes were needed to end the filibuster. The biggest complaint among swing Democrats was that the TPP does not have enforceable provisions against currency manipulation -- such as practiced by China which, though not currently ... more »
French Surveillance Law Amid Terror of Own Creation
Can a new surveillance law help stop terrorists the government is already tracking and simply choosing not to stop? *May 15, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - France has announced that in the wake of the so-called "Charlie Hebdo Shooting," it will be passing a controversial new bill granting security agencies unprecedented powers to tap the communications of France's population without judicial overview. Impossible to pass without having first provoked fear, hatred, division, and hysteria across the French population, and still facing stiff resistance from civil liberty activists, t... more »
Bank of Canada- spinning against cash, facts suggest excessive debt/credit card use
Ignore the hard sell against cash, wish is designed to mainly serve the interests of big banks? And the hard sell is on. I have seen countless articles deriding the use of cash and linking it to crime Bullbiscuits! I am personally not here to serves the banks. I don't encourage anyone to serve the interests of big banks, credit card companies and other plundering aspects of society. *To not use cash serves the banks and strengthens the central governmental control grid * No cash = No bank runs No cash = more fees for banks No cash = more tracking No cash = less privacy for you Conti... more »
Canadian Politics Update
*Note: * I have updated my Greencrow Creative Resources Page with some Artwork #11 - May 14, 2015 - Two Carved "Love Spoons" ******************* *UPDATE:* May 14, 2015 Breaking News: For the first time in months if not years, the New Democratic Party has topped the Liberals in a Federal public opinion poll. IMO, this is a direct result of Justin Trudeau's support of the hated C-51 Security Bill. See below for more info. *NDP Tom Mulcair, Conservative Stephen Harper and Liberal Justin Trudeau* *Three Choices for Canadians* Just a brief update on what is happening in Canada with ... more »
MASONIC PIMPLE BURSTING AT 6 NAY Posted on May 13, 2015 Mohawk Nation News Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. 13 May 2015. Red-X, the timeless, far-seeing, many dimensional, worldly ongwe’hon:weh gave an exclusive message to MNN. Before boarding his silver eagle to return to his cave high in the mountain where the sun never sets, he said, “When I leave, the gariwiio pimple will
Winnemem Wintu responds to Calif. Gov's 'Shut Up' comment
Chinook salmon in the Salmon River, a tributary of the Klamath River.Credit: Enrique Patino/NOAA Fisheries Northwest Winnemem Wintu representative responds to Brown's "Shut Up" comment Environmental groups and Tribes rally for rivers at Capitol by Dan Bacher Censored News On May 11, Gary Mulcahy of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe responded to Jerry Brown's comment during a speech in
Winnemen Wintu responds to Calif. Gov's 'Shut Up' comment
Chinook salmon in the Salmon River, a tributary of the Klamath River. Credit: Enrique Patino/NOAA Fisheries Northwest Winnemem Wintu representative responds to Brown's "Shut Up" comment Environmental groups and Tribes rally for rivers at Capitol by Dan Bacher Censored News On May 11, Gary Mulcahy of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe responded to Jerry Brown's comment during a speech in
Beyond The Fear Of Living Without Money
*Gregg Prescott* - The only people who NEED money are the same people who made us their economic slaves. The post Beyond The Fear Of Living Without Money appeared first on Waking Times.
Did Amtrak engineer Brandon Bostian have a seizure?...
*it's a very real possibility.* Even considering the time it takes a train to slow down (considerable), for that train to enter a curve rated for 50mph at 106mph means that he would have had to start slowing the train many miles before the curve. Since he was traveling so fast, that distance would be covered in the space of time it takes to have a seizure. There is no indication in his past that he would suddenly turn into some rogue engineer and drive that train so far over the speed limit. I'm not willing to throw him under the bus (train?) quite yet. I think we need to wait ... more »
Revolution comming to the USA?
There is a case for that. Much of America is more 3rd than first world and the gaps increase daily with no political solution in sight.
Is Diabetes the Easiest Incurable Disease to Cure?
*Tracy Kolenchuk* - I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this supposedly incurable disease is being cured. The post Is Diabetes the Easiest Incurable Disease to Cure? appeared first on Waking Times.
Swearing on the fucking Beeb
Over on Biased BBC, DB has unearthed more incontinent Tweets from one of the BBC’s foulest. A new member of the Radio 4 News Quiz team has been announced. Someone called Elis James. Elis wears his heart on his sleeve, but his views, like other adolescent BBC employees, are his own. (Have you noticed that the BBC’s headlines always seem to be about sport? Look on the sidebar of this blog) We pay for this. Elis James likes football, booze, and the Labour Party. “This country is fucked”. We have given that cunt Cameron a mandate to be even more of a psycho , for the next five years...more »
All realistic "interpretations" falsified by low heat capacities
For a week, I wanted to promote one topic in my 2011 text about Paul Dirac's forgotten quantum wisdom to a separate blog post. Finally, I managed to tunnel through the barrier of hesitation and moderate laziness. What is it? It's his observation – understood by most physicists between 1900-1930 – that most of the internal structure of the atoms has to be invisible because it doesn't contribute to the specific heat. It was one of the reasons that made it possible for Gentlemen like Dirac to see that classical, realist theories had to be abandoned and that allowed them to complete th... more »
Was U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry's Trip To Russia A Waste of Time?
(JOSHUA ROBERTS/AFP/Getty Images) *Leon Aron, CNN*: *Kerry's pointless diplomacy in Russia* *(CNN)From the moment John Kerry's trip to Russian President Vladimir Putin's summer residence in Sochi on the Black Sea was announced, it was hard to see what the U.S. secretary of state hoped to achieve. Indeed, of the three objectives on Kerry's official agenda -- seeking Russian assistance in ending the Syrian civil war, bringing peace to Ukraine and "keeping the lines of communication open" between the U.S. and Russia -- not one made sense.* *On Syria, for example, there is no incentiv... more »
Climate Change no problem if the earth only has a few million inhabitants
Could it be that why the people in charge are doing nothing, is they have a plan B? The techology is already there for billions of robots to support millions of citizens in ultimate luxury. How to rid thyselvef of the pesky slums?
Looking for trouble?
Would it be fair to say that the BBC is gloating over the latest Ukip debacle? After the BBC’s pre-election attempts to sideline Ukip, then all that speculation about the imminent collapse of Ukip following Douglas Carswell’s refusal to accept all the ‘short money’ which various Ukip members thought they were entitled to keep. (Isabel Hardman’s piece in the Spectator attracted several scathing below the line repsonses.) Now there’s this new row about Nigel Farage’s leadership and personality, sparked off by an article in the Times (£). Nigel Farage has become a “snarling, thin-... more »
Questions Raised On Ukaine President Poroshenko's Land Deals
The two Radialna 5 properties, with Poroshenko's empty lot at the top and Kononenko's mansion at the bottom *Radio Free Europe*: *Questions Raised Over Poroshenko's Role In Valuable Kyiv Land Deal * *KYIV -- An investigation by RFE/RL shows that Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko may have used his presidential influence to shut down investigations into a land deal aimed at building a private mansion on a historic site in the Ukrainian capital.* *Two reports broadcast on RFE/RL's Ukrainian-language television program, Schemes, reveal that over the course of seven years, Poroshenko q... more »
Emissions Down Substantially After This Weekend's "Event"
and TEPCO cam 1 seems to be working again also Netc is showing slightly lower radiation readings at Daini (no readings above 590nSv/hr compared to over 600 this weekend). Daiichi is also showing slightly lower readings with the highest at 94,000 nSv/hr, down from a high of 97,000 this weekend.
Car Bombs Continue To Climb In Iraq
As the Islamic State (IS) began to retreat in Iraq it also lost some of its important car bomb factories. Jurf al-Sakhr in Babil for example, which was lost at the end of last year was the main base for bombing southern Iraq and parts of Baghdad. That led to a steady decline in vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) at the end of 2014. In the new year, IS has been picking up these types of attacks. This is to make up for its setbacks on the battlefield, and shows that it has been able to rebuild some of its networks. Each month of 2015 has seen an increase in the num... more »
ENABLERS OF THE SCANDALOUS TIMES: Seeing no evil at the Times!
*THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015Part 4—Hayes/Chait/Tomasky submit:* On its face, the New York Times’ recent bombshell report had the look of a bit of a con, or perhaps of a sham or a scam. The bombshell report was so long that few people actually read it. In this way, massive length can *enable* journalistic scams. Massive length can also create the *appearance* of a bombshell. When Jo Becker’s scammy report appeared in the April 24 hard-copy Times, its 4400 words started at the top of the paper’s front page. Inside the paper, it filled two entire pages, fluffed as it was by seven photogr...more »
Are Enhanced eBooks a Digital Grail?
What is the state of the ebook market and are there significant differences between the various different market segments and geographical regions? The question is not new and there are a significant number of opinions on the answers. However, different markets move at different speeds and sometimes in different direction and facts are often out of date and views often reflect vested interests. The BookNet Canada annual survey of Canadian publishers, 'The State of Digital Publishing in Canada' findings may be subjective, but the range of questions asked and the ability to track ... more »
Boko Haram Launches Major Attack Against The Nigerian City Of Maiduguri
*BBC:* *Nigeria's Maiduguri under curfew after Boko Haram attac*k *Nigeria's military has imposed a curfew in the main north-eastern city of Maiduguri after a surprise attack by militant Islamist group Boko Haram.Streets are deserted with markets, schools and hospitals shut in the densely populated city, reports say.The army said the lockdown was ordered to protect lives and property. * *More News On Today's Boko Haram Attack On The Nigerian City Of Maiduguri* Boko Haram attacks biggest city in northeast Nigeria -- CTV/AP Boko Haram attack: Nigeria army imposes curfew on Maidug... more »
An Opportunity To Replace Dan Lipinski With A Real Democrat
There are few Democratic incumbents more in need of a primary than Chicago Blue Dog Dan Lipinski. This session, when it came to crucial roll calls, Lipinski has voted more frequently with Boehner and the GOP than with progressives. His ProgressivePunch crucial vote score is an abysmal 41.94-- among the 10 worst Democrats in Congress. And, as we discovered this week, he finally does have an opponent: Oren Jacobson, the son of a teacher and a self-employed immigrant. Oren is a progressive tech entrepreneur with over a decade of leadership experience in the private sector. Over the... more »
Clashes Continue in Burundi's Capital Following Coup Attempt
*BBC*:* Burundi coup bid: Rivals battle to control Bujumbura* *Rival groups of soldiers in Burundi are vying for control of the capital Bujumbura amid confusion over the success of an attempted coup.* *There is heavy fighting at the state radio building, where broadcasts have now gone off air.* *One source said soldiers loyal to President Pierre Nkurunziza controlled key areas, including the airport. Coup leaders insist they remain in charge.* *The unrest began when Mr Nkurunziza announced he was seeking a third term.* *Opponents say the bid contravenes the constitution.* *There... more »
Taliban Claim Responsibility For Attack On Afghan-Kabul Guesthouse That Killed 14
*Reuters*: *Taliban claim attack on Afghan guesthouse that killed 14* *The Afghan Taliban claimed responsibility on Thursday for an attack on a popular guesthouse in Kabul that killed at least 14 people, including foreigners attending a dinner and arriving for a concert.* *Four Indian nationals, a Briton, an American and a Kazakh national were confirmed among the dead in a five-hour assault at Park Palace guesthouse in an upscale neighborhood of central Kabul.* *The attack heightened a sense of insecurity in the Afghan capital and throughout the country as the Taliban step up atta... more »
Transpicuous News- May 10th- Archive Video
Transpicuous News Weekend Report for May 10th, 2015- Archive Video Links for TN on May 10, 2015 Prince Rupert First Nations Band Rejects $1 Billion In 1st Stage Of LNG Vote http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/05/06/bc-first-nation-says-no_n_7226610.html?&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063 CMHR 'model of complacency' Ex-employee blasts limits on indigenous exhibits http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/Former-curator-of-CMHR-says-she-was-ordered-to-limit-aboriginal-content-302847231.html?device=mobile REVEALED: FOUR CLINTON FOUNDATION TRUSTEES CHARGED OR CONVICTED OF FINANCIAL CRIMES ... more »
Rid the world of a litany of human abuses by demolishing the UN!
*The bureaucracy that is the UN is the PROBLEM. As an organization it gives cover to multitudes of global tragedies,while pushing an agenda of elite abuse, criminality, coercion and control onto the entire planet-* *Here* *- Sex abuse by UN peacekeeping personnel has been a problem for decades, and it is still happening despite the world body's official policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation, a group of former diplomats and UN officials said on Wednesday. * UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reported *79 recorded allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse in 2014.* And ... more »
Pub landlord did not act alone against Farage. He got a little help from BBC friends
' The BBC commissioned a programme that centred on what was projected as a 'real' political campaign. Except that it was not. It was arguably instead a publicity stunt dreamed up by Avalon. And a main purpose was to undermine and heap odium on the Farage campaign in a highly-contested and deadly serious political process. In the event, Murray attracted only 300 votes, far less than Farage's margin of defeat. But there's no way of telling how much damage this jolly jape inflicted on the real political process that was going on in Thanet and had central importance in the General ... more »
C-51 Hearing: NDP's Randall Garrison
So, last time, we'd just finished reading Steven Blaney's nauseatingly stupid response to some soft-ball questions from a fellow totalitarian slimeball fraudster harpercon MP. The question was stupid and Blaney's answer was a bunch of useless assertions and generalities that told Canadians nothing of substance. Now, we'll read the NDP's Randall Garrison's questions and the witnesses' answers: *The Chair: * Thank you very much, Minister. Mr. Garrison for five minutes. [*Translation*] You have the floor. *Mr. Randall Garrison: * Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. ... more »
KMT forces Chu's hand
[image: IMG_3853] *On Longxi Road in Taitung* Disaster looms... (KMT news organ) There are three days left to pick up registration forms for those who want to run in the KMT Presidential primary, according to the Taipei-based China Times, May 14, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) has been keeping a low profile. *According to an informed source, strong opposition from Wang’s family and obstruction from President Ma’s subordinates have caused Wang to hesitate to throw his hat into the ring. According to the same source, Wang also wanted to avoid causing a rift in the KMT before ... more »
*Education Secretary Backs Public Boarding Schools: 'Certain Kids We Should Have 24/7'* *Unruly kids -- who are mostly black -- for instance* Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Tuesday proposed the idea of public boarding schools, saying there are "just certain kids we should have 24/7." “One idea that I threw out … is the idea of public boarding schools,” Duncan said at the National Summit on Youth Violence Prevention in Crystal City, Va. “That’s a little bit of a different idea--a controversial idea--but the question is do we have some children where there’s not a mom, there’s n... more »
*Cardinal blasts U.S. climate skeptics* *Another South American Red priest* The pope’s closest adviser on Tuesday slammed climate-change skeptics, blaming capitalist motivations from “movements in the United States” for opposing the Catholic Church leader’s upcoming environmental letter. “The ideology surrounding environmental issues is too tied to a capitalism that doesn’t want to stop ruining the environment because they don’t want to give up their profits,” said Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga at a news conference in Rome marking the start of Caritas Internationalis, an ann... more »
Abuse of Power All Round
Up-front, a few things that should not have to be said, but given the nature of this discussion, here they are. First, I will not establish my feminist or anti-VAW cred. Second, I have nothing but disgust for the moronic, hateful, and well past its best-by date "prank" of yahoos' yelling FHRITP during telly reporters' live shots. It is clearly symptomatic of the institutionalized and tacitly sanctioned sexual harassment and violence by the patriarchy that I've lived with for longer than the main actors here have been alive. Third, endless props to CITY-TV reporter Shauna Hunt, who... more »
The New Serfs
http://www.amendmentgazette.com/ The OECD has warned that increasingly concentrated wealth at the top of society spells disaster for the world's economy. Frances Russell writes: When the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issues a report entitled Power From the People, it’s time for governments to sit up and take heed. “Inequality has risen in many advanced economies since the 1980s largely because of the concentration of incomes at the top of the distribution," OECD economists Florence Jaumotte and Carolina Osorio ... more »
Detailed Hand Reflexology Map
*Meme - *This detailed diagram shows the connections between pressure points on the hand and various parts of the human body. The post Detailed Hand Reflexology Map appeared first on Waking Times.
Open Thread
Or, as they say in the free trade biz, a progressive playing field of opportunity and wonder and surprises galore.
*NO MAJOR EL NINO CYCLE ON THE WAY + UK/IRELAND SUMMER & WINTER 2015 UPDATE* Articles on the upcoming El Nino point towards December 2010 as a marker for when this last occurred - as within the following Daily Mail article below: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3078581/Britain-set-battered-fierce-snowstorms-El-Nino-cycle-five-years-begins.html However, we experienced a strong La Nina event (cooling phase of the Pacific Ocean) throughout the second half of 2010, not an El Nino event (warming phase of the Pacific Ocean). We did however experience an El Nino event during the ha... more »
Economic News , Data and Views ( May 14 , 2015 ) - Examining the Greece Situation ( Grinding to a deal - considering domestic and EZ political matters ? Thoughts on the way forward , the stress in Greece today , mix refugees / migrants into the present situation ) ..... Broader Europe - Italy , UK Bonds and Bunds in focus !
Tweets..... Greece...... *Nikos Tsafos* @ntsafos · 19h 19 hours ago #Grexit still possible: "If Greece had to really choose between inflation and political reform, inflation could win" http://bit.ly/1L1O8nu National Interest [image: Photo published for Greece and the EU: The Great Financial Trainwreck] Greece and the EU: The Great Financial Trainwreck A "Grexit" could be a likely outcome. And it would have unpredictable ripple effects across Europe and the world. View on web *Keep Talking Greece* @keeptalkingGR · 2m2 minutes ago Trapped in... more »
Iran tried to buy nuclear-related compressors using fake documents
*...the Czech authorities stopped the sale of the Czech product...* Reuters published an exclusive story from Prague – before the Czech media did so. ČKD Kompresory is a Prague-based company, currently called Howden ČKD Compressors, that is producing compressors which may be used to extract enriched uranium directly from the cascades – or for some non-nuclear goals, too. Earlier in this year, some Czech bureaucrats were puzzled about the documentation that a buyer of $61 million worth of the compressors provided. They investigated and found out that the actual buyer was Iran. ... more »
Terma signs MOU with Aselsan of Turkey
[image: F-16 with TRS MRP]A Memorandum of Understanding on areas to be jointly explored for collaboration has been signed by Terma A/S of Denmark and Turkey's Aselsan defense company. The MOU also covers the transfer of ownership and intellectual property rights of Terma's F-16 modular reconnaissance pod to the Turkish company. "We see strong synergies between our companies," said Terma Senior Vice President Steen M. Lynenskjold. "Terma's aerospace experience within electronic warfare equipment, including 3D-Audio high-end technology, provides promising opportunities for collaborati... more »
INS Vikrant launch on May 28
India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, will be undocked on completion of structural work at the Cochin Shipyard on May 28. “All major equipment has gone into the vessel, which has now acquired the shape of an aircraft carrier, with a finished hull. Barring a bit of ongoing work on the super structure, structural work is all over and the internal compartments have all been welded in,” said a yard official. Outfitting is steadily progressing at the moment, but a major part of it — including piping, electrical cabling, control system wiring — will be carried out after... more »
When usage of a derogatory term is relevant to the BBC and when it is not
When usage of a derogatory term is relevant to the BBC and when it is not is interesting and gives us further insight into the BBC's political bias. When the Conservative minister Andrew Mitchell was accused of using the word 'plebs' the BBC went into one of its sanctimonious, affronted fervours. The story was headline news for weeks, if not months. Andrw Mitchell was condemned for elitism and rudeness. However when there is evidence that a candidate for the Labour leadership, Chuka Umunna, used the word 'trash' to describe most of the denizens of West End night clubs there was no c... more »
Airbus Wins $1.9 Billion Indian Military Cargo Plane Order
[image: Airbus A400M]India agreed to buy 56 transport aircraft from Airbus Group NV for 119.3 billion rupees ($1.87 billion) to replace an aging fleet, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to modernize the country’s military. The C-295 planes, which will replace Avro cargo planes in the Indian Air Force fleet, will be jointly built with India’s Tata Advanced Systems Ltd., an Indian government official said in New Delhi late Wednesday, asking not to be identified because of internal policy. Sixteen of the aircraft will be built at Airbus plants in Europe, and the rest in India. R... more »
Japan to approve security bills; voters wary, confused
[image: Atago class DDG]Japan's cabinet was set to approve on Thursday bills to implement a drastic shift in security policy allowing the military to fight abroad for the first time since World War Two, although the public is divided and wary of the change. The planned changes, reflected in new US-Japan defence guidelines unveiled last month, set the stage for Japan to play a bigger role in the bilateral alliance as Tokyo and Washington face challenges such as China's growing military assertiveness. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet adopted a resolution last July reinterpreting t... more »
All-Electric Destroyer May Carry Electromagnetic Railgun
[image: Zumwalt (DDG 1000) class DDG]The U.S. Navy’s new Zumwalt class of stealth destroyers is seeking to redefine sea power. Quite literally. In the past, ships used most of their installed power for propulsion, with the engines and propellers directly connected through large and complex gearboxes. But the all-electric Zumwalt vessels will come equipped with so-called “integrated power systems (IPS),“ designed to route electricity around the ship in an instant, eliminating mechanical gearboxes and allowing the power to be used for both propulsion and other electrical systems – in... more »
Nod to new aircraft carrier, BrahMos missiles for six ships
[image: Delhi class DDG]The government on Wednesday gave its nod to building a second indigenous aircraft carrier, defence ministry sources said. In a meeting of Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, Rs.30 crore was allotted for the preparations for the carrier. The DAC also gave nod to arming India's three Delhi-class destroyers, and three Talwar class frigates with BrahMos supersonic missiles at a cost of Rs.27 billion. Read more
Supersonic Missiles Deployed on China’s New Warship
[image: Type 056 (Jiangdao) class FS]The Chinese regime has commissioned a new naval ship, specialized in anti-ship warfare. Included in its arsenal is the YJ-83 supersonic missile. Supersonic missiles are cutting edge, and the Chinese regime’s development of the new weapons which can reach speeds and distances that are difficult to defend against, has many defense experts worried. “Department of Defense (DOD) officials believe the YJ-83 is part of China’s ongoing effort to develop a long-range strike capability against U.S. naval forces, especially aircraft carriers,” reports defen... more »
Re-commissioned? Soviet nuke-capable sub-killing copter comeback slated
[image: Mi-14 Haze]The Russian Navy has reportedly expressed interest in resurrecting the once-feared nuclear-capable Mi-14 anti-submarine helicopter. In the 1990s, Washington insisted on their decommissioning, along with strategic bombers and ballistic missiles. Following the news two weeks ago that Russia is preparing to renew production of the Tu-160 ‘Blackjack’ supersonic strategic bomber and missile carrier, it’s reported that the Mil Mi-14 Soviet anti-submarine helicopter could soon be back on production line. Business Online media outlet from Russia's Republic of Tatarstan, w... more »
Saab To Showcase New-Gen Submarines At IMDEX 2015
[image: Kockums A26 class SSK]Saab will showcase its new generation of submarine, A26, at IMDEX Asia 2015, the International Maritime Defence Exhibition and conference in Singapore, 19-21 May. The Saab will also display other products including systems and solutions for air, surface and sea. The A26 was originally envisioned as a 62m boat with about 1,800t displacement when surfaced, and more when fully submerged. Read more
Senators Say China Diverted U.S. Nuclear Technology to Submarines in Violation of ’85 Accord
[image: Type 093G class SSN]China has illegally diverted U.S. civilian nuclear technology to its nuclear submarine program in violation of a 1985 cooperation agreement, according to Senate testimony Tuesday. Additionally, China appears to be violating an international Nuclear Suppliers Group commitment by exporting additional nuclear reactors, some with U.S. technology, to Pakistan, according to Republican and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Chinese nuclear violations were revealed during a hearing on the 1985 U.S.-China nuclear cooperation agreemen... more »
The sort of Labour lawyer politician that revolts me - I give you the slippery Emily Thornberry
Labour lawyers and human rights... This is the Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury who had to resign her shadow cabinet post after tweeting less than complimentary remarks about a working class person flying the flag of St George in Rochester.
Malaria Vaccine Candidate Shown to Prevent Thousands of Cases
This is good news and could even be good enough if it is combined with all the other therapies and protocols as well. Good enough means making the disease very rare and largely treatable. Removing even a third of the victim pool is a great start. This is a real advance that can save millions of lives. Even better health care is also advancing everywhere in the tropics so it may well be the right time also. We still want to erradicate the problem but success there has also been spotty or at best partial. True eradication must await a far deeper level of social and econom... more »
Source of Antarctica's Eerie 'Bleeding Glacier' Found
[image: Blood Falls, Antarctica.] A bit of interesting science uncovered here and that is the persuasive nature of water underlying an Ice sheet. In this case that water is also briny and that suggests that we have opened access to a salt deposit and all this has led to chemistry producing the blood red signature. This is not uncommon in the deserts and near iron deposits and other unique mineral ponds and this is not fed by a small local mineral deposit either, but something much larger as the work described here showed. In the desert, the red associated with sulphide deposi... more »
10,000 People Investigated in First Quarter
[image: http://img.theepochtimes.com/n3/eet-content/uploads/2015/04/27/AP129315072124-676x450.jpg] Yes it was clearly time to clean house. what is impressive is the numbers though. We have 10,000 investrigations leading to over 2,000 convictions. That powerfully informs the legitimacy of those investigations. Real work takes place. Recall the obscene 99% conviction rates of some USA prosecutors. That is not possible without rigging the justice system. This should bring fake build outs to s grinding halt. The threat of prosecution just became extremely legit. Rather deli... more »
Interstellar Communications Signals
This introduces some interesting data that we want to pay attention to. It is not particularly safe science either. It is easy to imagine loosing one mind to something like this. It is also a real mistake to assume that the data is basic as well. It makes ample sense that our whole biology communicates directly across interstellar space Questions arise but those must wait for a paradigm to emerge. This at least establishes measurable effects that appear to reach across space. In fairness, it is also unexpected in terms of what we think we understand as well about class... more »
From Eugenics to Molecular Biology : The DNA-Double Helix Bait-and-Switch
*"Thus even though it is quite true that any **radical eugenic policy **will be for many years **politically and psychologically impossible, **it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is **unthinkable** may at least become * *thinkable**.” * *- Julian Huxley, * *UNESCO Charter,* *UNESCO: It's Purpose and Philosophy, * *1946*
Elaine J. Cohen : METRO | Hundreds gather in Dilley, Texas, in fight to #EndFamilyDetention
ICE’s ‘South Texas Family Residential Center,’ run by CCA, is the largest such facility in the country. By Elaine J. Cohen | The Rag Blog | May 13, 2015 DILLEY, Texas — I’ve been hearing about Dilley, Texas, for years. … finish reading Elaine J. Cohen : *METRO* | Hundreds gather in Dilley, Texas, in fight to #EndFamilyDetention
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