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Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 26 hours ago
"A Look to the Heavens"“The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent ... read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!6 hours ago
Autism Tsunami: the Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States
Congratulations to authors Mark Blaxill (Age of Autism Editor-At-Large), Toby Rogers and Cynthia Nevison. Blaxill, M., Rogers, T. & Nevison, C. Autism Tsunami: the Impact of Rising Prevalence on the Societal Cost of Autism in the United States. J Autism... Related Stories - Boston Globe's Baskin Misses Crucial Questions About Autism and The Future for Families - Foo Fighters Reports Covid Case Despite Efforts - Tennessee Official Fired Over Parental Consent Debate read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies6 hours ago
BREAKING NEWS ON THE VAXX BATTLE FRONT - PLUS: EXCELLENT Presentation by Professor John Ioannidis - Covid Reality Revealed!
Readers: I interrupt regular programing to bring you* two breaking news items.* First, we have some huge news out of Canada from* RAH. According to this official press release from Transport Canada** "aviators...participation in medical trials is not considered compatible with aviation medical certification..." *LOL. They perpZ are turning the airlines industry into a pretZel to conform with their evil vaxxination agenda. I suppose the adverse events/death victims were getting too numerous to ignore anymore. Please read the following: ************** *From RAH:* *BIG news... read more
Michael West6 hours ago
Foreign multinational Max Solutions the biggest winner in pandemic jobs crisis[image: Jobactive Max Solutions] A takeovers binge is in swing in the jobless sector as the biggest private provider of employment services, the foreign multinational Max Solutions mops up smaller players and posts strong revenues from government. Stephanie Tran investigates the Jobactive scheme and the failure of privatisation. read more
naked capitalism6 hours ago
Pacific Salmon and Heat, along with Beavers, Bears — and NitrogenBeavers and bears as ecosytem engineers. But can salmon be saved? read more
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology6 hours ago
Haunted Deserts: UFOs in the Emptiness
*Haunted Deserts: UFOs in the Emptiness* *By Scott Corrales (c) 2017* Many years ago I wrote an article for FATE magazine about lost civilizations in our planet’s desert areas – regions that may have once been suitable for large, organized communities, even cities, but had which had succumbed to erosion and were now simply uninhabitable. Even in the Sahara Desert we find the ruins of Roman settlements in desert oases, otherwise hospitable locations that settlers had to abandon due to a proliferation of scorpions, for example. They may be the repository of lost civilizations, ... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Joe Biden Just Condemned America to More Chinese Espionage—and Worse*Todd Bensman* *Espionage, * President Joe Biden has canceled the repair put in place to prevent espionage and instead bestowed a priceless gift on People’s Liberation Army intelligence services: continued American vulnerability. For nearly two years now, the FBI has nabbed dozens of Chinese Communist Party spies who, while posing as graduate students and research scholars at top academic institutions, siphoned out America’s most cutting edge national defense material for untold years. The spies, many secretly members of China’s military services, had to get in close to do damage... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Are Stealth Tanks the Future of the U.S. Military?*Michael Peck* *Tanks, Americas* The Pentagon’s future tank could resemble a stealth fighter jet more than an armored behemoth like the current M1 Abrams. *Here's What You Need to Know*: In the eternal race between tanks and anti-tank weapons, today’s tank-killers are winning. The Pentagon’s future tank could resemble a stealth fighter jet more than an armored behemoth like the current M1 Abrams. The military wants a vehicle that can survive lethal anti-tank missiles, but without having to haul around so much armor plate that it can barely move. It should also have stealth capab... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
The Soviets Had a Plan to Crush the American Navy and It Almost Worked*Kyle Mizokami* *History, Europe* Moscow planned to use its bombers, fighters, submarines, and anti-ship missiles to sink America's aircraft carriers. Although it would have been difficult, the Soviet Union planned to throw everything they had at the problem. *Key point:* Soviet preparations for Anti-Carrier Warfare stretched into the submarine realm. In the event of World War II, the Soviet Union planned to go after the U.S. Navy’s fleet of aircraft carriers in a big way. The carriers were a flexible and powerful weapon that could operate at the peripheries of Soviet power, do... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Not Even Close: North Korea Is No Match For Its Southern Neighbor*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* It’s a David vs. Goliath standoff where Goliath requires help from an even greater power and lacks the strategic focus to concentrate on his adversary. *Key point:* North Korea may have nuclear weapons but its conventional forces and economy are largely a joke. South Korea is much more powerful and advanced than North Korea. One of the most baffling military standoffs in modern history is that between North and South Korea. It’s a David vs. Goliath standoff where Goliath requires help from an even greater power and lacks the strategic focus to co... read more
Small Dead Animals6 hours ago
Safe And Effective ®Epoch Times; Israel’s top officials are warning that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is “significantly less” effective at combating the “Delta” variant of the CCP virus. “We do not know exactly to what degree the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told reporters and cabinet members on July 17. He didn’t… Continue reading → read more
Food Safety News6 hours ago
Cheese recall related to Listeria contamination expandedAdditional cheese has been added to a recall in Canada after authorities found additional information related to the situation. Fruiterie Milano Inc. is recalling La Bella Contadina brand Burrata Nadi con latte di bufala (cheese) from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is conducting an investigation and may... Continue Reading read more
PopularResistance.Org7 hours ago
What They Don’t Say About CubaThe old-style information war that we have been experiencing for this last week against Cuba, did not start with Biden. Since 2017, the US has been incessantly and inaccurately talking about a social explosion in Cuba with its magical solution of a “humanitarian intervention.” At the same time, Trump progressed in his litany of adding more sanctions to the blockade, 243 to be exact, which have been kept intact by the current administration. The post What They Don’t Say About Cuba appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Media Play Up Protests, Play Down Effect Of US Sanctions In CubaA wave of protests in Cuba became the somewhat unlikely focus of global attention earlier this week, the events becoming the worldwide No. 1 trend on Twitter for over 24 hours, as celebrities, politicians and even the president of the United States weighed in on the action. A statement from Joe Biden’s office read: The post Media Play Up Protests, Play Down Effect Of US Sanctions In Cuba appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Amazon Rainforest Is Releasing More Carbon Than It StoresOver the last several years researchers have said that the Amazon is on the verge of transforming from a crucial storehouse for heat-trapping gasses to a source of them, a dangerous shift that could destabilize the atmosphere of the planet. The post Amazon Rainforest Is Releasing More Carbon Than It Stores appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Afghanistan War OutcomeAli Fahim, recently said in an interview with The Tehran Times: “The arrival of [newly elected Iranian President] Ebrahim Raisi at the helm of power gives a great moral impetus to the resistance axis.” Further, with new administrations in the United States, Israel, and Iran, another opportunity presents itself to reinstate fully the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement, as well as completely lift the US economic sanctions from Iran. The post Afghanistan War Outcome appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: ‘With Biden’s Help We Will Prevail’*Jacob Heilbrunn* *Belarus, Europe* The leader of the opposition in Belarus, who is visiting Washington this week, says that the movement can succeed in the face of formidable odds. Is she right? A fresh crackdown is taking place in Belarus. Security forces there have raided the homes of independent journalists and detained three Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty employees. Meanwhile, a court has sentenced ten students and a teacher to jail for violating public order. Overall, the regime has imprisoned over 550 individuals on similar grounds. It was against this tenebrous backgrou... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Nazi Hunters: How Czech Agents Killed One of Hitler’s Feared Lieutenants*Michael Peck* *World War II, Europe* Was killing a monster like Heydrich worth the lives of several thousand people? *Here's What You Need to Know*: Heydrich's death came at the cost of thousands of lives. On the morning of May 27, 1942, the most dangerous man in Nazi Germany went for his last ride. Reinhard Heydrich was tall, slender, blue-eyed and blond, a perfect specimen of the ideal Nazi man. In his green Mercedes 320 Convertible B that morning, he might have been mistaken for a European playboy, or a rich, spoiled aristocrat. But SS Obergruppenführer Heydrich was no mor... read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
With Pandemic Worsening in US, Surgeon General WorriedDr. Vivek Murthy said he's concerned about what lies ahead with cases of COVID-19 increasing in every state. read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
The Battleship Yamato's Brutal End Signified American Naval Dominance*Kyle Mizokami* *History, Asia* The death of the Yamato was marked since 1941. *Key Point:* Gone with the great battleship were 2,498 of its 2,700-person crew. In early 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy made a difficult decision: it would sacrifice the largest, most powerful battleships ever built to protect Okinawa, the gateway to Japan’s Home Islands. The decision sealed the fate of the battleship *Yamato* and its crew, but ironically did nothing to actually protect the island from Allied invasion. The battleship *Yamato* was among the largest and most powerful battleships of ... read more
The Duran8 hours ago
China’s Aircraft Carriers and Warships Challenge US Naval Mastery in Pacific
China’s Aircraft Carriers and Warships Challenge US Naval Mastery in Pacific News Topic 225 China’s New Super Carrier: How It Compares To The US Navy’s Ford Class – Naval News China’s New Super Carrier: How It Compares To The US Navy’s Ford Class – Naval News A new aircraft carrier, currently under construction in Shanghai, […] read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Minnesota’s First MMIW Office To OpenThe state passed its COVID-19 Recovery Budget that included public safety measures such as setting up their first physical office to be devoted to the missing and murdered Indigenous women movement. The post Minnesota’s First MMIW Office To Open appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Wet Bulb Temperature Is The Scariest Part Of Climate Change You’ve Never Heard OfWet bulb temperature is one of those features of climate change caused by global warming that often gets left out when discussing the radical changes our planet is going to experience in the coming years. Discussion has largely focused on issues such as drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, storm activity, and even unusual cold. The impacts of increased heat have been left out because we assume, incorrectly it turns out, that human beings can adapt to moderate increases in global temperature. The post Wet Bulb Temperature Is The Scariest Part Of Climate Change You’ve Never Heard Of appe... read more
Accidental Deliberations8 hours ago
Sunday Afternoon LinksThis and that for your Sunday reading. - Kelly Grant writes that the toll from COVID-19 includes driving many workers out of the nursing profession. And Kim Siever notes that while the UCP is driving nurses and doctors out of Alberta by shrieking that they're overpaid and working to starve them of resources in the midst of a pandemic, it's also privatizing care including eye surgery. - David Byrne discusses how avoiding incarcerating people for minor offences leads to an overall reduction in crime. - Zak Vescera reports on both the initial response to the Saskatchewan Party's ... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Can Sonar-Equipped Drones Help Russia Unstealth U.S. Submarines?*Michael Peck* *Drones, Eurasia* Moscow is testing unmanned underwater vehicles equipped with towed sonar arrays. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Submarines are the most stealthy of military craft -- for now. Russia is working on a new trick to track American submarines: sonar-equipped robots. But turnabout is fair play: the United States has already developed a robotic yacht-sized surface craft designed to stalk diesel subs. Russia is testing unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) equipped with towed sonar arrays, according to the newspaper Izvestia. Attached to long, flexible t... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Pay Attention: China Is Still Building Bases in the South China Sea*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * The bases constitute a threat to U.S. military dominance in the Pacific. *Key point: *According to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, Beijing has created more 3,200 acres of new land. In recent years the People’s Republic of China has laid claim to ninety percent of the South China Sea, buttressing this claim by creating artificial islands with dredging equipment. These claims run roughshod over Beijing’s neighbors, which have competing claims. The discovery in 2016 that China had militarized these artificial islands was not exactly surprisi... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Did Mexico Almost Invade the United States in 1917?*Michael Peck* *World War I, Americas* Mexican president Venustiano Carranza ordered his government to study the German proposal. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Mexican officials ultimately concluded that annexing three U.S. states would lead to permanent conflict with America. It was a little over one hundred years ago when Mexico almost invaded the United States. In January 1917, German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann dispatched a coded telegram to Heinrich von Eckardt, the German ambassador to Mexico. With Germany locked in bloody stalemate with the Allies in France, and... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Iran Power Outages: Israel Doomsday Countdown Clock Goes Out*Trevor Filseth* *Iran, * This has to be a metaphor for something. On September 9, 2015, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, prophesized that the State of Israel would “cease to exist in the next twenty-five years.” Two years after this declaration, as part of its annual Al-Quds Day festivities, the Iranian government set up a “doomsday clock” in Tehran’s Palestine Square, counting down the days until 2040, by which time the Jewish state would ostensibly be destroyed. Last week, a rolling blackout caused the clock to lose power, turning it blank and presumably delay... read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
US Drilling Approvals Increase Despite Biden Climate PledgeApprovals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance. The post US Drilling Approvals Increase Despite Biden Climate Pledge appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Small Dead Animals8 hours ago
You Can’t Buy Aunt Jemima SyrupBut you can buy… read more
PopularResistance.Org8 hours ago
Clock Ticking On Benefits Deadline For Uranium WorkersLarry King, president of Churchrock Chapter and a former uranium worker, doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in the melting Arctic of receiving federal benefits afforded sick Navajos who worked in the uranium industry before 1971. King isn’t the only one. The post Clock Ticking On Benefits Deadline For Uranium Workers appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org9 hours ago
July 24: National Marches For Medicare For AllWe are a coalition of groups that are coming together to march for Medicare for All. Who is in that coalition depends on which city you are talking about. There is no one single group behind this. The list seems to grow every day. Some people are even politically homeless and simply focused on doing what they can to move #M4A forward. We are nonpartisan, but some local parties have joined in the fight! We are proud to say that this type of coming together hasn't happened in recent memory, if ever. Our movement was founded from a place of compassion and love. We came together out o... read more
null9 hours ago
Reflecting Martin Luther King and Bobbie Kennedy: Only Love Can Cure the Mindless Coronavirus of HateUpdate: 9:05 PM EST: proving that I have a long ways to go before I accept in my mind what I know to be true The post Reflecting Martin Luther King and Bobbie Kennedy: Only Love Can Cure the Mindless Coronavirus of Hate appeared first on . read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ10 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 181921 Christian Jewish Muslim notables had meeting at Grad Rabbi’s house in Baghdad Gave support for Faisal to be king after much lobbying by Gertrude Bell (Musings On Iraq review *Gertrude Bell And Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *Gertrude Bell, Explorer of the Middle East*) (Musings On Iraq movie review *Letters from Baghdad*) (Musings On Iraq review *Desert Queen, The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell: Adventurer, Adviser to Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia*) 1926 Turkey and England agreed on final border between Iraq and Turkey (Musings On Iraq interview with Princeto... read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Time for some PopcornThis should be entertaining. Facebook says it should not be blamed for U.S. failing to meet vaccine goals h/t Kate read more
The Conservative Socrates2 hours ago
Hulagu’s Campaign Against the Sect of AssassinsIn 1253, Mongke Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Empire (he was the eldest son of Genghis Khan’s son Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki), decided that it was time to achieve Genghis Khan’s dream of conquering the Islamic civilization in the Levant and the Sung dynasty’s territory in South China. He summoned his two brothers, Hulagu and Kublai. He assigned the Arab lands to Hulagu, who was known for his military expertise, and to Kublai, known for his good knowledge of Chinese culture, he assigned South China. Being the Great Khan, Mongke would remain in the center of Mongolia. In this articl... read more
The Approaching StormBy CJ Hopkins July 15, 2021 The French are reaching their boiling point. As are others. Greece, Great Britain. So, it looks like GloboCap isn’t going to be happy until they have fomented the widespread social unrest ~ or de facto global civil war ~ that they need as a pretext to lock in the new pathologized totalitarianism and remake whatever remains of society into a global pseudo-medicalized police state, or that appears to where we’re headed currently. We appear to be heading there at breakneck speed. I don’t have a crystal ball or anything, but I’m expecting things to get ... read more
CENSORED NEWS5 hours ago
On the Red Road: Pueblo and Diné leaders call on Biden to protect Greater Chaco CanyonPueblo and Diné leaders call on Biden to protect Greater Chaco CanyonTribes and Indigenous activists want no new oil and gas leases in sacred lands COUNSELOR, New Mexico – Pueblo and Diné leaders and activists today hosted an event calling on President Biden to protect Greater Chaco Canyon and stop issuing new oil and gas leases in the sacred landscape. In an event held as part of the Red Road read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies7 hours ago
Evacuate!!! "We are in the last battle. This is the apocalypse..."
*The Forces of Good - versus* *H/T FreakedOut* *The Forces of Evil* *https://youtu.be/G-w6Y7I-QH8* *WATCH — Canada has secured 35 million booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for next year and another 30 mil in the year after. PM Justin Trudeau says the deal with Pfizer “includes options to add 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023, and an option for 60 in 2024”* ************* Good morning Readers. Yes, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says in the quote above, this is the Apocalypse. Here in the former rain forest region of the Pacific North West it is self evident. We had the Zom... read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Sunday Talks – Two Gnats Debate Their Importance Amid a World Ignoring Their RelevanceGnat-Two tells Gnat-One that he is an insufferable and “sanctimonious” annoyance only making things worse in Gnat world. Gnat-One fires back, “oh yeah, says you.” Gnat-Two replies “yeah, says me,” to which Gnat-One retorts “then why are you here?” and Gnat-Two admits “because this is where the Gnats are.” Eventually both Gnats agree to meet […] The post Sunday Talks – Two Gnats Debate Their Importance Amid a World Ignoring Their Relevance appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Sunday Transmission From The Rebel AllianceDeep in the bunkers of the rebellious underground network, one man works earnestly to code the transmission message into a language that befuddles the moonbats. The state has been attempting to take down the antenna for many years. However, the coded-message continues to transmit and receptors in the patriotic funny-bone instinctively tune in. Fortunately for […] The post Sunday Transmission From The Rebel Alliance appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
Skynet Went Live June 8! Attn: Alexa Echo and Ring OwnersRob Braxman Tech Jun 10, 2021 On June 8, 2021 Skynet went LIVE. If you have an Amazon Alexa Echo or an Amazon Ring Camera... The post Skynet Went Live June 8! Attn: Alexa Echo and Ring Owners appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
EXPLAINER: How Blue Origin’s Jeff Bezos Will Soar Into SpaceWhen Blue Origin launches people into space for the first time, the former Amazon CEO will be on board. read more
The National Interest10 hours ago
Cubans are Protesting for Freedom: Here’s What to Look For*Fred Lucas* *Cuba, Americas* The pro-freedom protests in Cuba are fluid, but the communist dictatorship there seems willing to soften its tone and allow travelers to bring in food and medicines amid the unrest. The pro-freedom protests in Cuba are fluid, but the communist dictatorship there seems willing to soften its tone and allow travelers to bring in food and medicines amid the unrest. Still, mass arrests and detention of peaceful protesters continued. In the United States, Republicans called for the Biden administration to be more active in supporting protesters. Howe... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 210 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/18/21: "Markets, A Look Ahead: Are Stocks About To Fall?"Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/18/21: *"Markets, A Look Ahead: Are Stocks About To Fall?"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 210 hours ago
"Stimulus is Ending - Here are New Grant Programs Available Now"*Full screen recommended.* Dan, IAllegedly, AM 7/18/21: *"Stimulus is Ending - * *Here are New Grant Programs Available Now"* "As Stimulus ends you need to look for other ways to get money for your business. Here are other grant programs that you can take advantage of. Use these resources to get needed funds for you personally and for your business #Grants #Stimulus" read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 210 hours ago
The Daily "Near You?"
Janesville, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
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