10:07 pm MDT
The Ongoing Legacy of Sterilization Racism towards Indigenous and Migrant Peoples in the U.S.
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 16 hours ago
The Ongoing Legacy of Sterilization Racism towards Indigenous and Migrant Peoples in the U.S. By Marianna SanbornCultural SurvivalIn mid-September, an account of the deplorable conditions of immigrant detainee camps in Georgia was made public, bringing to light the alleged continued use of sterilization on immigrant women. Project South, a nonprofit based in Atlanta focused on the elimination of
Former Republican US Attorneys back Biden
Keith, musingsofanoldfart - 16 hours ago
There is yet another group of people with gravitas who have officially spoken out against the reelection of the incumbent president. In an article this week in The Washington Post called “Former U.S. attorneys — all Republicans — back Biden, … Continue reading →
Mohawk Nation News 'Deepening Deception -- Audio'
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 16 hours ago
DEEPENING DECEPTION- AudioPosted on October 27, 2020 Mohawk Nation News Listen at Mohawk Nation Newshttp://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2020/10/27/deepening-deception-audio/Audio Player00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.MNN. Oct. 27, 2020. Many places have accepted the right to die law on “euthanasia”. The elderly are placed in old people’s homes, neglected, dehydrated
Coal Deal in Distress: desperate Dalrymple’s dodgy debt dump
Michael West, Michael West - 16 hours ago
[image: Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure IPO] Brookfield's make-up artists are hard at work. They’ve taken “coal” out of the title, hired every broker in town to flog the thing and, in the most telling move, are rushing to get the deal done before the end of the year. Michael West reports on the ASX float of Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure, which looks set to siphon off Aussie cash to an offshore haven, with yield-hungry retirees paying the price.
The Leaky Pipeline
Bridging the Gap, Duck of Minerva - 16 hours ago

This piece is written by Bridging the Gap co-Director Naazneen H. Barma, Director of the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy, Scrivner Chair, and Associate Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. It was commissioned as part of the “Represent” series on diversity, inclusion and representation in the national security sphere, […]
Tony Bobulinksi Discusses Biden-China Dealings
Hardnox, 'Nox & Friends - 16 hours ago
In case you missed it, here’s the full interview of Tony Bobulinski by Tucker Carlson last night: Joe Biden is a crook. Period. ~ Hardnox
Ex-Hunter Biden Associate, Tony Bobulinski, Implicates Joe Biden in Shady China Deal
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 16 hours ago

*21WIRE* | New testimony reinforces serious allegations of Biden Family corruption.
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 17 hours ago
IT LOOKS LIKE THIS ONE HURT…… What do you have???? Give me your best shots!!! What do you have???? Give me your best shots!!! IN ADDITION, TODAY’S DE-MOTIVATOR POSTER!!!! ~Ragnar (RFXtFR)
Following Retraction Watch and PubPeer posts, journal upgrades correction to a retraction
Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch - 18 hours ago
A year ago, we posted on the case of a paper in the Journal of Cell Science in which editors: allowed a group of researchers in Italy to correct a 2016 paper with questionable images after a faculty member in their institution — and a frequent co-author of the group’s — said his investigation found … Continue reading Following Retraction Watch and PubPeer posts, journal upgrades correction to a retraction
Philadelphia ATMs Blown Up Outside Dalessandro’s Steaks In Roxborough, Germantown East Train Station In Chestnut Hill
People for Life and Freedom, From the Trenches World Report - 16 hours ago
CBS Philly PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Vandals targeted more ATMs overnight. An ATM outside Dalessandro’s Steaks was blown up. That’s on Henry Avenue and Wendover Street... The post Philadelphia ATMs Blown Up Outside Dalessandro’s Steaks In Roxborough, Germantown East Train Station In Chestnut Hill appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Liberta! Italian Restaurateur and Customers Hold Off Police Trying to Enforce Closure
Age of Autism, AGE OF AUTISM - 16 hours ago
From Pesaro, Italy, east of Florence on the Adriatic sea, a protest against the new closure regulations. Imagine the money spent by businesses to comply with Covid rules, and not, restaurants are being told to close their doors by 6:00pm,...
And The Tree Was.... Happy?
Age of Autism, AGE OF AUTISM - 16 hours ago
Are you familiar with Shel Silverstein’s classic book called “The Giving Tree”? This photo popped up in my Facebook memories yesterday. I signed a copy of this book on Christmas, 1995 as a gift for my first born daughter. I...
Your Guide to the Great Reset
Hal Apeeno, From the Trenches World Report - 16 hours ago
corbettreport Oct 16, 2020 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/greatre… Y ou’ve all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is... The post Your Guide to the Great Reset appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might Have to Do
Martist, From the Trenches World Report - 16 hours ago
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell Oct 27, 2020 By the end of the 21st century, humanity is becoming desperate. Decades of heatwaves and droughts have... The post Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might Have to Do appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
The Case For A Progressive Democrat In A Red-Leaning Florida District-- Adam Christensen (FL-03)
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

Florida's 3rd congressional district is an unlikely place for one of the iconic races of the 2020 cycle. Obama lost the R+9 both times he ran-- with 44.2% in 2008 and 41.9% in 2012. Then Clinton did even worse-- 40.2%-- against Trump. Although Alachua County is solidly blue, it is the only one of FL-03's six counties that is. Alachua has the most voters but Clay County has nearly as many and it is far redder than Alachua is blue. And with Marion and Putnam counties this has made the district unfriendly territory for Democrats. In 2018, the blue wave never reached the district ...
Gun Purchases Triple after Bolsonaro Promotes Relaxation of Firearms Regulations
Lachlan Williams, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Entrepreneur Diego Brito, 33, leaves the shooting range pleased after 50 shots with his Glock. He practices every week with some of his 12 firearms. His passion and purchases have increased to such an extent over the years that this month he bought three more. "But don't think that I […] The post Gun Purchases Triple after Bolsonaro Promotes Relaxation of Firearms Regulations appeared first on The Rio Times.
October Snow is falling in Hawaii
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 16 hours ago

Buckle up folks, and don't say you weren't warned -- the winter of 2020-21 across the northern hemisphere is shaping up to be something of a doozy. The post October Snow is falling in Hawaii appeared first on Electroverse.
Millions affected as Typhoon "Molave" hits central Vietnam - the country's worst storm in 20 years
The Watchers » Latest articles - 16 hours ago
Typhoon "Molave" made landfall over Quang Nam and Quang Tri provinces in Vietnam's central region at 04:00 UTC (11:00 LT) on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, with maximum sustained winds of 165 km/h (103 mph) -- a Category 2 hurricane equivalent. At least...... Read more »
Senate Bills Propose Rules for Covid-19 Immunization Despite No Ready Vaccine
Oliver Mason, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Senators want to discuss technical criteria projects for the regulation and distribution of vaccines against Covid-19. The proposals would also establish rules for conducting immunization. The plan is that standards will be in place before a vaccine is approved for use. Among the proposed rules is the federal government's obligation […] The post Senate Bills Propose Rules for Covid-19 Immunization Despite No Ready Vaccine appeared first on The Rio Times.
Argentina pro-Life Lobbies Ready for Major Battle in Congress over Abortion Bill
Juan Martinez, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Catholic Church, some lawmakers, and the pro-life lobbies are ready for a major battle when the current Argentine government is expected to send a bill to legalize abortion. This follows statements from President Alberto Fernandez pledging support for the "green scarves" movement, who strongly support the initiative that the […] The post Argentina pro-Life Lobbies Ready for Major Battle in Congress over Abortion Bill appeared first on The Rio Times.
Stingray Light Tank: Why America Said No
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *History, Americas* [image: By Lieutenant General John H. Hay, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. - http://www.history.army.mil/books/Vietnam/tactical/chapter9.htm#p1, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10003274] Though it was ultimately unsuccessful in American service, it found a new lease on life in an unlikely place: in service with Thailand. The small Stingray light tank originally came into existence in the 1980s, thanks to a U.S. Army initiative that aimed to equip airborne units with quickly-deployable armored platforms that could augme...
Study: Air Pollution Linked to 15% of All Coronavirus Deaths
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Public Health, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2017%3Anewsml_RC1F26DD6A00&share=true] Even after the virus is gone, people will still suffer from poor air quality. Long-term exposure to air pollution may be linked to 15 percent of all coronavirus deaths worldwide, according to a new study published in the journal *Cardiovascular Research*. The study’s findings—based on analysis of pollution and pandemic data by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Harvard University, and the Cyprus Institute’s Climate and Atmosph...
Bolsonaro “Transformative” Reforms Goal: 3.5 Percent Average Growth in Decade
Richard Mann, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's government on Tuesday outlined a long-term roadmap for the economy, based on three scenarios of economic and fiscal reforms that could lift gross domestic product per capita by as much as 37 percent over the next decade. According to the “Federal Development Strategy” in the Federal Gazette, that is […] The post Bolsonaro “Transformative” Reforms Goal: 3.5 Percent Average Growth in Decade appeared first on The Rio Times.
In Anti-Abortion Campaign, Brazilian Government Defines Right to Life From Conception
Dorah Feliciano, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Jair Bolsonaro government established as a guideline, in a long-term national strategy, the defense of life "from conception" and "the rights of the unborn child". Advocates of reproductive rights consider the action one more step in the President's offensive against the legal options for pregnancy termination. The references are […] The post In Anti-Abortion Campaign, Brazilian Government Defines Right to Life From Conception appeared first on The Rio Times.
FOURTH! “pre-main-season” Snowfall event buries the Alps under ANOTHER 3-Feet
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 17 hours ago
Official snowfall stats aren't usually reported this early into the season, but numbers of 80+cm (nearing 3 feet) were registered Tuesday morning. The post FOURTH! “pre-main-season” Snowfall event buries the Alps under ANOTHER 3-Feet appeared first on Electroverse.
Brazil’s Inflation Outlook Rises to 3 Percent, Spiked by Food Prices, Focus Survey
Richard Mann, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
[image: Food and Beverage sector contributed most to contain inflation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil News] RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's 2020 inflation outlook rose to 3 percent, a central bank survey showed on Monday, the 11th week in a row it has risen as a recent spike in food prices continues to intensify short-term inflation pressures. It is the first time since March that the central bank's regular 'FOCUS' […] The post Brazil’s Inflation Outlook Rises to 3 Percent, Spiked by Food Prices, Focus Survey appeared first on The Rio Times.
I'm sorry, but I just can't resist this!
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 17 hours ago

I may be in my sixties, but I still remember with joy the cartoons of my youth. One of my favorites was Tom & Jerry, with the scheming cat regularly being handed his come-uppance at the hands of Jerry Mouse and his allies. The series is criticized today for being too violent - but I don't recall any blood ever being shown, despite Tom being sliced in half, Jerry folded, spindled and mutilated, and all parties being assaulted several times during the course of each cartoon. I therefore giggled like a schoolboy yesterday when I came across this compilation of some of the best g...
Earliest Oklahoma Ice Storm in Recorded History leaves 300,000 without Power
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 18 hours ago

It was the first time that the NWS issued an ice storm warning in the month of October in OK -- and it ain't over yet. The post Earliest Oklahoma Ice Storm in Recorded History leaves 300,000 without Power appeared first on Electroverse.
From a Wealthy Socialite to an Israeli Govt Censor, Facebook’s New “Free Speech Court” Is Anything but Independent
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 18 hours ago
Freedom of speech on the Internet is all but extinct, and on the eve of the 2020 US elections, a de facto “free speech court” is going to make sure it never comes back. On Facebook at least.
Argentina, Strapped for Dollars, Does Not Discard Further Financial Support from IMF
Juan Martinez, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine representative before the International Monetary Fund, IMF, Sergio Chodos, admitted that it could be necessary to obtain further financing from the IMF, with which Argentina is in the process of renegotiating conditions for the return of the US$ 44 (R$246) billion loaned to the country under the government […] The post Argentina, Strapped for Dollars, Does Not Discard Further Financial Support from IMF appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazilian Environment Minister Owns Unregistered Apartment That Tripled in Value
Arkady Petrov, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Environment Minister Ricardo Salles has been prominent in the news, sometimes for mentioning updating rules in the Amazon, sometimes for public squabbling with the military, like last week. He is firmly supported by President Jair Bolsonaro, to the frustration of those who defend the environment. Despite being shielded in his […] The post Brazilian Environment Minister Owns Unregistered Apartment That Tripled in Value appeared first on The Rio Times.
New Gripen F-39E Fighter Jet Introduced to Authorities in Brasília
Arkady Petrov, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After flying over Brasília last Friday, October 23rd, the new F-39E fighter jet from the Swedish manufacturer Saab was presented to authorities yesterday evening at the Brasília Air Force Base. President Jair Bolsonaro and the Chamber of Deputies president Rodrigo Maia attended the event but did not speak to the […] The post New Gripen F-39E Fighter Jet Introduced to Authorities in Brasília appeared first on The Rio Times.
How Did the West Coast Fire Season Become So Extreme?
Mojtaba Sadegh, Ata Akbar Asanjan, Mohammad Reza Alizadeh, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Mojtaba Sadegh, Ata Akbar Asanjan, Mohammad Reza Alizadeh* *Environment, Americas* [image: Reuters] If 2020 has proved anything, it is to expect the unexpected. Two wildfires erupted on the outskirts of cities near Los Angeles, forcing more than 100,000 people to evacuate their homes Monday as powerful Santa Ana winds swept the flames through dry grasses and brush. With strong winds and extremely low humidity, large parts of California were under red flag warnings. High fire risk days have been common this year as the 2020 wildfire season shatters records across the West. More...
New York Times Report: Trump and Bolsonaro Destroyed Latin America’s Covid Defenses
Lachlan Williams, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A New York Times report published on Tuesday, October 27th, outlines the similarities between President Jair Bolsonaro and American Donald Trump in driving the crisis triggered by the novel coronavirus, noting that both have a "shared contempt for the virus" and have built "an ideological campaign that has undermined Latin […] The post New York Times Report: Trump and Bolsonaro Destroyed Latin America’s Covid Defenses appeared first on The Rio Times.
Café Hotel, in Rio das Flores, Rio de Janeiro State, Promises an Immersion In The Past
Adele Cardin, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Café Hotel offers a true immersion in the past. Located between Rio das Flores and Vassouras in Rio de Janeiro State, the venue includes a private steam train to lead visitors from the main gate to the manor. The inauguration will be in December and the hotel will feature […] The post Café Hotel, in Rio das Flores, Rio de Janeiro State, Promises an Immersion In The Past appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s Federal Police to Deploy Drones to Fight Election Fraud
Iolanda Fonseca, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Federal Police (PF) will deploy drones in all states to assist the work of police in preventing and suppressing electoral crimes. The goal is to increase security in this year's elections. Over 100 Remotely-Piloted Aircraft will be used, which will be allocated to municipalities, classified by the body as […] The post Brazil’s Federal Police to Deploy Drones to Fight Election Fraud appeared first on The Rio Times.
Seaport Market continues to struggle, and the cruise business won’t recover any time soon
Jennifer Henderson, Halifax Examiner - 17 hours ago
During a year in which the COVID-19 virus disrupted manufacturing and supply chains around the world, the Port of Halifax kept chugging along. CEO Captain Allan Gray, newly arrived from Australia last November, oversaw a year which included a crippling CN Rail strike, the loss of a big customer (Northern Pulp accounted for 4% of […]
Covid-19: Brazil Counts 157.9 Thousand Deaths and 5.43 Million Cases (October 27th)
Adele Cardin, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The number of deaths from the novel coronavirus pandemic has reached 157.9 Thousand. Between Monday and Tuesday, the Health Secretariats reported 549 deaths caused by the disease. On Monday the pandemic data system recorded 157,397 deaths caused by the disease. There are currently 2,379 deaths under investigation. The number of […] The post Covid-19: Brazil Counts 157.9 Thousand Deaths and 5.43 Million Cases (October 27th) appeared first on The Rio Times.
Spain: Study Shows 80% COVID Patients Deficient in Vitamin D
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 17 hours ago

*21WIRE* | This latest study demonstrates that cheap therapeutics are already readily available to the public.
Covid-19 Transmission Rate Below One for Fifth Consecutive Week in Brazil, According to Imperial College
Xiu Ying, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The transmission rate of the novel coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) in Brazil remained below one for the fifth consecutive week, points out the Imperial College of London, in the United Kingdom, with a last update completed on Monday, October 26th. The . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, […] The post Covid-19 Transmission Rate Below One for Fifth Consecutive Week in Brazil, According to Imperial College appeared first on The Rio Times.
Did Japan Really Surrender Because of the Atomic Bomb?
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* [image: Wikimedia Commons] Hirohito was faced with two choices. He could admit that he and his advisors had failed badly and led his nation through a disastrous war with 80 percent of its cities destroyed, hundreds of thousands of its people killed, and the rest facing starvation. Or, he could blame the loss on an amazing scientific breakthrough that no one could have predicted. How did we get to dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima? Who was responsible? Where and when did it begin? The answers are complex, but the most direct link start...
Tarsila do Amaral’s Painting Selling for US$7 million in Online Market
Dorah Feliciano, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A painting by Tarsila do Amaral will be for sale at the Tefaf New York marketplace for US$7 million, or around R$40 million. It is the "Idílio" painting, dated 1929, exhibited by the São Paulo Bergamin e Gomide gallery. This is perhaps the highest amount . . . To read […] The post Tarsila do Amaral’s Painting Selling for US$7 million in Online Market appeared first on The Rio Times.
Italian Air Force Museum Welcomes “New” BR-1150 Atlantic and F-16 Fighting Falcon
David Cenciotti, The Aviationist - 18 hours ago
The BR-1150 Atlantic and F-16 Fighting Falcon join the outstanding collection of the Italian Air Force Museum. Located some 25 kilometers to the northeast of Rome, the Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare – Italian Air Force [...] The post Italian Air Force Museum Welcomes “New” BR-1150 Atlantic and F-16 Fighting Falcon appeared first on The Aviationist.
Removed Rio State Governor Witzel: “The Republic Revolves Around Protecting Flávio Bolsonaro”
Newsfeed, The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Removed from office since August 28th by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), on suspicion of corruption, Rio de Janeiro governor Wilson Witzel, fires off against President Jair Bolsonaro, to whom he constantly refers as his executioner. In an interview with VEJA at the Laranjeiras Palace, where he continues to […] The post Removed Rio State Governor Witzel: “The Republic Revolves Around Protecting Flávio Bolsonaro” appeared first on The Rio Times.
Obama-Era Officials Call for More Government Control of Your Facebook Feed
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 18 hours ago
Facebook content is already partially curated by government-linked think tanks, but for Samantha Power and others, that is simply not enough.
Brace for Hurricane Zeta election hysteria
Craig Rucker, CFACT - 19 hours ago
Will the Left try and exploit this wholly natural weather event for political advantage? The post Brace for Hurricane Zeta election hysteria appeared first on CFACT.
A Few Thoughts
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 19 hours ago
Make a Choice Leopards with and without Spots Amy! The Left was not amused that Amy Barrett was sworn is an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Maybe one day she’ll be Chief Justice? During the next four years, President Trump may have two more appointments. Justice Breyer is […] The post A Few Thoughts appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Notalot Votes!
Paul Homewood, NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 19 hours ago
By Paul Homewood . Not very scientific I know, but just for a bit of fun, a poll: . .. The poll does not allow for alternative choices, but feel free to use comments to vote for alternatives, and I will summarise them later. I have stuck to the usual pollsters’ methodology of just listing […]
A Joe Biden Presidency Looks Likely: Here's Why
Lionel Page, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Lionel Page* *Politics, North America* Polls are not just abstract information. By telling prospective voters who is the most likely to win, can they influence the result of the election by playing a role in the voters’ decision? The evidence says yes, and it most likely favours Biden. Polls highly favour Joe Biden to win the US presidential election. These polls are not just abstract information. By telling prospective voters who is the most likely to win, can they influence the result of the election by playing a role in the voters’ decision? The evidence says yes, and it mos...
Rats That Can Sniff Out Land Mines are Changing the Perception of the Military in Cambodia
Darcie DeAngelo, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Darcie DeAngelo* *Post-Conflict, Cambodia* Cambodia is known for being the site of U.S. bomb droppings during the Vietnam War and for the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime, which also planted land mines from 1975 to 1979. Now rats are helping to heal the wounds left over from the conflict. *Editor’s note: Dr. Darcie DeAngelo is a medical anthropologist at the Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (I-GMAP) at Binghamton University, State University of New York. In this interview, she explains the relationship between locals who live near minefields in Cambodia and the min...
Canada and the U.S. Need to Make a Deal on the Northwest Passage
Matthew Kosnik, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Matthew Kosnik* *Security, arctic* Diverging viewpoints on the Northwest Passage present China and other actors with the opportunity to exploit this ambiguity by utilizing the route for both commercial and military purposes. The Northwest Passage has been a longstanding point of contention between Canada and the United States. In 2019, U.S Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dubbed Canada’s Northwest Passage claim “illegitimate“ and likened it to Russia’s outlandish Arctic ambitions. Since the Northwest Passage cuts through the center of Canada’s Arctic archipelagos, the Canadian Gov...
QAnon and America's Long Tradition of Conspiracy
Jennifer Evans, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Jennifer Evans* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] While Trump is proving himself to be conspiracist-in-chief, the culture of folk devils and fear is of our own making. Using conspiracy theories that include child sex traffickers and restaurants serving human flesh, QAnon has unleashed a modern-day moral panic. It is now more than 30 years since sociologists proposed moral panic as a way to understand the incitement of fear around a perceived enemy. In the opening paragraph of his canonical study of popular media from 1972, *Folk Devils and Moral Panics*, sociologist Stanle...
Joe Rogan Experience #1555 – Alex Jones & Tim Dillon
The Duran, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Tim Dillon is a standup comedian, actor, and host of the Tim Dillon Show. Alex Jones is a filmmaker, writer, and host of the Alex Jones Show.
Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden
The Duran, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Tony Bobulinski joins Tucker Carlson to discuss his alleged dealings with Hunter and Joe Biden.
Liz Harrington Leaves Christiane Amanpour Speechless During Interview About Hunter Biden’s Laptop
The Duran, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Anyone from CNN accusing anyone ELSE of spreading Russian disinformation has SOME nerve. Watch this, Liz Harrington was on FIRE: — Elizabeth Harrington @LizRNC: “Pretty audacious of CNN — who spread actual Russian disinformation w/the leak of the dossier set up briefing in Trump tower to subvert the peaceful transition of power — to accuse […]
Tech Billionaires Aiming at a Global Currency
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked June 03, 2020 Story at-a-glance Google, Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation announced the formation of Mojaloop, which is open-source software designed to be used for financial transactions The technology is modeled after M-Pesa from Nigeria, which has been successful since 2007. Mojaloop is intended to be managed by governments … Continue reading Tech Billionaires Aiming at a Global Currency →
Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which no natural resources, but the citizen itself, serves as a raw material. How can citizens regain control of their data? Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary – YouTube vpro documentary Dec 20, 2019 … Continue reading Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism →
US Surveillance Bill 6666: The Devil in the Details
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked June 02, 2020 Story at-a-glance H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, May 1, 2020, by Rep. Bobby Rush, D-III The bill authorizes CDC to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring and … Continue reading US Surveillance Bill 6666: The Devil in the Details →
2017 10 14 Biden Bobulinski Texts
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
The Epoch Times Texts between Tony Bobulinski and Hunter BidenFull description via https://www.scribd.com/document/481679945/2017-10-14-Biden-Bobulinski-Texts
Rockefeller Medicine
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Originally posted on New Human New Earth Communities: https://youtu.be/X6J_7PvWoMw
NPR Hides Fact That Man Accused of Plotting to Kill Biden Was a Bernie Bro Who Possessed Book on Islam
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Paul Joseph Watson NPR hid the fact that the man accused of plotting to assassinate Joe Biden was a Bernie Sanders supporter who possessed explosive material and books on bomb making and Islam, leading many to claim that the alleged culprit was a Trump supporter. 19-year-old Alexander Hillel Treisman…
Biden Insider To Release Audio Of Operatives Begging Him To Keep Quiet About Corrupt Foreign Business Dealings
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Steve Watson Tony Bobulinski, the former business partner of Hunter Biden, is to reveal explosive recordings of operatives working for Joe Biden’s campaign literally begging him to keep quiet about the family’s dodgy foreign business deals, claiming that what Bobulinski knows will ‘bury’ everyone involved. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1320816641257648128?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1320817615682633728%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3%2Ccontainerclick_1&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infowars.com%2Fposts%2Fbiden-insider-to-release-aud...
Dr Stefano Scoglio study: ‘Sars-Cov 2 Virus Has Never Been Isolated And Covid-19 Swabs Produce Up To 95% Of False Positives’
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: https://twitter.com/Darrellmhines/status/1320986419871977473?s=20 P.S. Just a heads up for Australians. If you go to ‘Service Australia’ (It used to be called the motor registry) before you even enter the premises you are accosted and ID is requested so that they can take your details for a Covid Check?? Well, you know…
Alex Newman: False History Taught in Schools Incites Children to Hate America
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
The history taught in public schools is “a complete and total reversal of reality” and the root cause of the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis that has spread across the nation, said Alex Newman, an author, and award-winning international journalist. Alex Newman: False History Taught in … Continue reading Alex Newman: False History Taught in Schools Incites Children to Hate America →
Shownotes | B2T
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Show Notes Justice Barrett Confirmed! Biden Campaign Crisis. B2T Show Oct 26, 2020 (IS) CCP Biden Corruption Exposed! New Videos & Docs. B2T Show Oct 25, 2020 (IS) Booms Dropped on Crime Family. “Big Guy Confirmed” B2T Show Oct 22, 2020 (IS) Fox Pollster for Sale! ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. B2T Show Oct 21, 2020 … Continue reading Shownotes | B2T →
virus 10-27
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 1 day ago
Russia 17.3/332= 5.2% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/russia/ ………………………………………………….. Italy 19/217= 8.8% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy ……………………………………………………….….. India 43/639= 6.7% increase/day declining steadily https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india …………………………………………………….. Argentina 11.8/160= 7.4% https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/argentina ……………………………………………………………………….. Indonesia 3.2/59.4= 5.4% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/indonesia ...
How you see the quivering and jeopardy and possibility
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 1 day ago
our hearts rejoice in the possibility of fruition; and we see side by side with the cup of peril and trembling, the cup of fruition and victory. -Goddess of Liberty: 5-22-1966 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, *Pearls of Wisdom* v. 29, intro ……………………………………………… 1) We avow that there is a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip, that injustices creep among the children of men everywhere; but no nation has a premium on injustice, nor can anyone keep the peace without paying an honorable price. (by Gordon Ross, 1941) -Saint Germain: *Pearls of Wis...
Fire Near LA Rages Across More Than 5,100 Hectares in Little over 24 Hours
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
A rapidly advancing fire near Los Angeles has burned more than 5,100 hectares since it broke out on Monday, forcing the evacuation of more than 90,000 people, according to authorities on Tuesday.
Chained Activists on Hunger Strike Demand Repeal of Costa Rica Trawling Law
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Two activists are on hunger strike and chained to the bars surrounding Costa Rica’s presidential house to demand that the country’s leader Carlos Alvarado repeal a new law that revives the practice of sea trawling.
Leopoldo Lopez: I Will Return to Liberate Venezuela
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez said on Tuesday in Madrid that he never wanted to leave his homeland and that he intends to “return to liberate Venezuela,” although meanwhile, and from “exile,” he will work to seek “freedom, alleviate the food crisis and seek justice for the murders” committed by the Nicolas Maduro regime.
Real Madrid Ekes Out Draw vs. Gladbach; Bayern, Liverpool Win
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Real Madrid stumbled through most of its Champions League contest on Tuesday against Borussia Mönchengladbach, but the 13-time champion managed to score two late goals to salvage a 2-2 draw.
iPhone 12s Sell Out in 3 Days in War-Torn Syria
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Despite a nine-year civil war and widespread poverty, Syrian telecom company Emma Tel LLC announced that it ran out of its stocks of iPhone 12s in just three days.
All Souls Day Bread, a Tradition in Southern Mexico
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Celebrating the Day of the Dead festival is an unwritten law in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, and bakers there turn out All Souls Day bread every year for the ceremony, decorating it with elegant flourishes for the Nov. 1-2 offerings that people make to their deceased loved ones.
American Dream Looms Large as Election Issue for Hispanic Voters
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Is the American Dream still within reach?
The US South, a Legacy of Slavery at the Polls
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Fifty-five years have passed since civil rights activist Rev. C.T. Vivian was beaten in front of television cameras by Selma, Alabama, Sheriff James Clark when he protested against discrimination against African Americans at the polls, but moves to take away the right to vote from blacks and other minorities have not disappeared, especially in the southern United States, where the wounds of racism remain open.
Belgium Cases Pass Czech Republic as Germany Mulls More Restrictions
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Belgium has overtaken the Czech Republic as the European Union’s worst-affected country by coronavirus, as officials mull extending measures already in place amid infection rates that are threatening to become uncontrollable.
Kamala Harris: Breaking Down Barriers Can Be Painful, but Is Always Worth It
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Kamala Harris, who in just one week’s time could become the United States’ first female vice president-elect, said that breaking down barriers comes at a high cost and can sometimes leave you bruised and bloodied but is always worth it.
Thai Student Protesters Reject Parliamentary Debate
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The student-led pro-democracy movement in Thailand dismissed on Tuesday an extraordinary two-day parliamentary session that was convened following several days of massive protests in Bangkok calling for a new constitution and reforms to reduce the powerful influence of the military and the monarchy in Thai politics.
Saudi Women’s Rights Activist Goes on Hunger Strike in Prison, Family Says
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Saudi women’s rights defender Loujain al-Hathloul has gone on a hunger strike to be allowed to contact her family in jail, her sister Lina said on Tuesday.
Pompeo Arrives in Sri Lanka as US, China Trade Barbs
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is on an Asia trip, arrived in Sri Lanka on Tuesday evening as a war of words played out loud between the United States and China over Beijing’s financial assistance to the crisis-ridden island nation.
UN: 100,000 Children at Risk amid Unprecedented Malnutrition in South Yemen
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Nearly 100,000 children could die due to unprecedented levels of malnutrition in southern Yemen, where 20 percent of children under five years old are suffering from chronic underfeeding, the United Nations warned on Tuesday.
Underwater volcanoes melting Arctic Ice, says geologist
Robert, Ice Age Now - 19 hours ago

Massive amounts of heat pulsing from the earth _______________________________________________________________ Note: I posted this four years ago, but I think it deserves a repeat. Powerful deep Arctic Ocean geological heat flow forces are melting the ice, says geologist James Edward Kamis. In an article entitled “Heat From Deep Ocean Fault Punches Hole in Arctic Ice Sheet,” ... Read more Underwater volcanoes melting Arctic Ice, says geologist The post Underwater volcanoes melting Arctic Ice, says geologist appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Christiane Amanpour Mocks Liz Harrington: Ick, You Sound Like Fox News
The Duran, The Duran - 19 hours ago

On Wednesday, RNC Liz Harrington sparred with CNN/PBS talk show host Christiane Amanpour over the Hunter Biden scandal revelations. Amanpour disparaged Harrington as liberals do: “You actually sound like you’re on a Fox News show.” Translation: you’re spreading crazy conservative conspiracies.
Store Closures Lead To Mass Layoffs! Retail Space Ghost Town Creating Derivatives Nightmare
Dewey Fernfield, The Duran - 20 hours ago

source There is an obvious fact, people are here today hoping for a return to normal. In the meantime, things are changing, rapidly. Entire industries are becoming unnecessary or obsolete. Sure you can get around with a horse and buggy, but today, most people drive their car. The difference is that changes are happening so […]
A major leader in Al “Hamza” division is dead in “Karabakh”
khalediskef, The Duran - 20 hours ago

/18 / militants of “Hamza” division were killed during “Karabakh” battles A leader of the Turkish-backed “Hamza” division along with 17 militants were killed during the battles of “Nagorny Karabakh” region. Around / 25 / members of “Hamza” division were killed and wounded in the battles of “Karabakh” after being targeted with concentrated artillery strikes […]
European defence still matters but not for Lithuania
Adomas, The Duran - 20 hours ago

European countries have different points of view on the issue of the EU collective defence and security. These views divide the European Union and continue to weaken the organization. Some of the EU member states realize the need to turn the EU into a real global military power. European experts believe, that in order for […]
At Least 8 Killed in Two Separate Attacks in Afghanistan
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
At least eight people were killed on Tuesday in two separate attacks in Afghanistan, including serial car bombings followed by a gun battle at a police base in the eastern Khost province and a sticky bomb explosion in a car in northern Kabul.
India Records Lowest Daily New COVID-19 Cases in Three Months
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
India reported on Tuesday 36,370 new COVID-19 cases, its lowest number of daily coronavirus cases in three months, officials said.
Vietnam Carries Out Mass Evacuation as Typhoon Molave Kills 3 in Philippines
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Vietnam was about to complete on Tuesday the mass evacuation of over half a million people from high-risk areas ahead of the arrival of typhoon Molave, which has killed three people and left nine missing the Philippines.
US Warns of Chinese Security Threat, Signs Key Defense Pact with India
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The United States signed on Tuesday an important military agreement with India for sharing sensitive satellite data as the two countries vowed to further deepen their defense ties amid concerns over the growing Chinese influence and power in South Asia and the Indo-Pacific.
Mysterious Mass Deaths of African Cape Fur Seals Alarm Conservationists
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
At the end of each year, Cape fur seals welcome their new pups during their mating season in the southern hemisphere’s spring, regenerating their colonies in southeastern Africa. This year, however, the beaches of Namibia have been filled with thousands of seal fetuses, triggering alarm among conservationists and scientists.
Eight Dead, 110 Injured in Blast at Pakistani School
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
At least eight people were killed and 110 others wounded on Tuesday in a blast at a religious school in the city of Peshawar in northwestern Pakistan, according to official sources.
Civilian Casualties in Afghan Conflict Drop to Lowest in Eight Years
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The armed conflict in Afghanistan killed or injured 5,939 civilians during the first nine months of 2020, a 30 percent drop year-on-year that marked the lowest civilian casualties since 2012, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said on Tuesday.
Clashes in Protests Across Italy against Coronavirus Restrictions
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Clashes between police and demonstrators broke out on Monday night in several Italian cities, including Milan and Turin, during protests against restrictions being imposed to curb a second wave of coronavirus infection in the country.
Protests in Bangladesh against Macron’s Alleged Anti-Islam Remarks
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka on Tuesday to protest against French President Emmanuel Macron remarks to defend allegedly blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammad, the most revered figure in Islam.
25 Australian Natives Sacred Tree Defenders Arrested
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The felling of trees of great spiritual and cultural importance for natives of Australia to build a road about 200 kilometers northwest of Melbourne has caused protests that resulted on Tuesday in the arrest of 25 activists fighting to preserve them.
Colombia Exceeds Total Number of Coca Crops Eradicated in 2019
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The Colombian government said on Monday that authorities have eradicated more than 98,000 hectares of coca, exceeding the 94,670 hectares eradicated last year, and highlighted that seizures of cocaine have increased by 13 percent.
Oil Inventories from Venezuela’s Main Terminal Hit the Ceiling
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Oil inventories from the Jose terminal in Anzoátegui state have reached their maximum levels since August after the regular clients of state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) shied away from doing business due to the severe sanctions imposed by Washington against the regime of Nicolás Maduro and the nation’s battered oil industry.
Beijing Retaliates against US Media for Restrictions on Chinese Press
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
China demanded a written statement about the delegations of six American media outlets’ personnel, finances, operations and real estate in the country, in response to the latest restrictions on the activity of as many Chinese media companies in the United States.
Duterte Extends Manila Quarantine for Another Month
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced on Tuesday that the quarantine in Manila, which has suffered one of the longest and strictest confinements in the world over COVID-19, would be extended another month.
Maduro’s Supreme Court Asks the US to Extradite Simonovis
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
The Nicolas Maduro regime-controlled Supreme Court of Justice will ask the United States to extradite Ivan Simonovis back to Venezuela, one day after the top law-enforcement representative of the Juan Guaido interim government before Washington gave an interview to a US newspaper in which he named two alleged Maduro regime middlemen.
US Embassy Poll: 95% of Venezuelans Think a Bolivar-Like “Liberator” Would Rise Against Maduro
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
What would Bolivar Do? Well, rise up of course. At least that’s what the majority of Venezuelans think, as Guaido tries to turn up street heat.
Leopoldo Lopez Breaks Out and all Hell Breaks Loose, Maduro Replaces Longest Serving Minister After Escape
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
Two employees with the Spanish embassy in Caracas have been kidnapped by the Nicolas Maduro regime, and three cabinet members have been switched in the aftermath of the escape of Leopoldo Lopez, Venezuela’s most famous political prisoner and the mentor of National Assembly President and opposition leader Juan Guaido.
Michael Rowan: No Matter Who Gets Elected, There's Big Trouble Ahead From The Paleolithic Curse
Latin American Herald Tribune - 18 hours ago
With the US and Venezuelan elections coming this November and December, Rowan discusses the anti-techno-scientific wave that has been happening globally, particularly in the US, and its impact in the upcoming elections.
Russian warplanes blow up ISIS hideouts in central Syria
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Russian warplanes blow up ISIS hideouts in central Syria] BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces, alongside their Syrian counterparts, launched a powerful attack over central and eastern Syria on Tuesday and Wednesday, as they inflicted heavy damage on the positions of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorist group. According to reports, the Russian and Syrian air forces launched heavy strikes on the Badiya Al-Sham region that stretches across several governorates in central and eastern Syria. The reports said the Russian and Syrian warplanes des...
Moment Azerbaijani aircraft is shot down by Armenian air defenses: video
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: Moment Azerbaijani aircraft is shot down by Armenian air defenses: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:50 A.M.) – The Armenian Ministry of Defense released a new video on Wednesday that showed the moment an Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was shot down over the Karabakh region. According to reports, the air defense units of the Artsakh Defense Army (ADA) scored a direct hit on the Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicle, which was believed to be an AN-2 aircraft. In the video that was shared by the Ministry of Defense, the destruction of the Azerbaijani drone was captured in m...
Massive Police Operations in Rio’s Maré and Mangueira Favelas
Xiu Ying, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The city of Rio recorded two major police operations on Tuesday morning, October 27th. In the largest of them, some 300 Civil Police officers were deployed to the Complexo da Maré to try to arrest members of Rio's largest criminal faction. In another operation, BOPE police (tactical unit of the […] The post Massive Police Operations in Rio’s Maré and Mangueira Favelas appeared first on The Rio Times.
The Daily Brief 2020-10-27
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: The Daily Brief 2020-10-27] This is a summary of *19* AMN articles on the following subjects: *Russia, Syria, Aleppo, Hama, Idlib, Latakia, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Karabakh, FSA, France, Turkey, Iran, Ansarallah, Yemen, Macron, Daraa, Cyprus, Greece*. Categories covered in this brief: Syria, Lebanon, Middleeast, World-News, Turkey, Iran, Yemen Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — The AMN Live Team Table of Contents - Watch: Russian and Syrian planes help put out fires - Turkish-backed forces continue large attack in re...
Significant ground deformation associated with earthquakes on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
The Watchers » Latest articles - 18 hours ago
The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) is reporting significant ground deformation associated with a series of earthquakes that occurred on the Reykjanes Peninsula, between Fagradalsfjall and Kleifarvatn, from October 16 to 22, 2020. The largest quake in the series was...... Read more »
Two Cases of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 19 hours ago
Two Cases of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin – CME INDIA https://cmeindia.in/two-cases-of-pyrexia-of-unknown-origin/
Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID‐19: a rapid review – Nussbaumer-Streit, B – 2020 | Cochrane Library
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 19 hours ago
Quarantine alone or in combination with other public health measures to control COVID‐19: a rapid review – Nussbaumer-Streit, B – 2020 | Cochrane Library https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD013574.pub2/full
Stephen Hawking: A celebration of his life and work.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 19 hours ago
Stephen Hawking: A celebration of his life and work | The Guardian Members https://membership.theguardian.com/event/stephen-hawking-a-celebration-of-his-life-and-work-50117019354
40 years later, these Voyager instruments still talk to NASA.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 19 hours ago
40 years later, these Voyager instruments still talk to NASA | Astronomy.com https://astronomy.com/magazine/2019/10/after-40-years-voyager-still-talks-to-nasa-with-7-instruments?utm_source=asyfb&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=asyfb
Israel to possibly acquire ‘mother of all bombs’: Channel 12
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: Israel to possibly acquire ‘mother of all bombs’: Channel 12] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Hebrew-language Channel 12 TV revealed this week that Israel will soon obtain the “mother of all bombs” (MOAB). According to Channel 12, members of the U.S. Congress, from both the Republican and Democratic parties, submitted a bill to sell bombs to destroy bunkers and basements to Israel and that the bill is subject to the Pentagon’s consultation with senior officials. They stated that the two political parties submitted a request to change the laws that prevent the sale of the...
COVID-19 Can Cause Your Immune Systems to Attack Your Own Body
Matthew Woodruff, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Matthew Woodruff* *Coronavirus, World* In the sickest patients with COVID-19, autoantibody production is common – a finding with large potential impact on both acute patient care and infection recovery. Across the world, immunologists who retooled their labs to join the fight against SARS-CoV-2 are furiously trying to explain why some people get so sick while others recover unscathed. The pace is dizzying, but some clear trends have emerged. One area of focus has been the production of antibodies – powerful proteins capable of disabling and killing invading pathogens like virus...
Write It On Your Heart - A Quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 19 hours ago

*Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 - April 27, 1882). American lecturer, poet, and essayist, the leading exponent of New England Transcendentalism, by which he gave direction to a religious, philosophical, and ethical movement that stressed belief in the spiritual potential of every person.*
Up close footage of Armenian kamikaze drone striking target
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: Up close footage of Armenian kamikaze drone striking target] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – The Armenian Ministry of Defense released a new video last week that showcased their drone capabilities. The video was shared by the Press Secretary of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan, who said, “Controlled combat drones of #Armenian production in use.” In the video, the Armenian Armed Forces use one of their kamikaze drones to strike a target. The footage is taken from the lens of the drone, which scores a direct on the designated target. Continue reading Up clos...
US threatens to ‘eliminate’ long-range missile shipments from Iran to Venezuela
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: US threatens to ‘eliminate’ long-range missile shipments from Iran to Venezuela] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – The U.S. will ‘eliminate’ any long-range missile shipments that are made from Iran to Venezuela, Washington’s envoy to both countries, Elliott Abrams, told Fox News on Monday. “The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated or permitted,” Abrams told the news network. According to Abrams, the U.S. is willing to use force, if needed, to stop these shipments from reaching Venezuela. Contin...
Editor, Dances With Bears - 20 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Armenia has lost the October war with Azerbaijan because of Armenian failures in battlefield intelligence, obsolete defences, and the political miscalculations of Prime Minister Nicol Pashinyan (lead image). His only allies now are the mountains and the weather. This is the consensus this week of Moscow’s leading military analysts. “During the […]
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