Saturday, October 17, 2020

17 October - iGoogle Portal - Tab 10


  In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

  • Happy Super New Moon in Libra! This New Moon became exact on Friday, October 16 at 3:31 PM New York time (19:31 GMT). As a reminder, a Supermoon occurs when the moon is physically closer...

  • In5D's Gregg Prescott covers topics that the mainstream media fails to talk about.  The post Whistleblower, COVID, Mask Tyranny, Hero Physician – The BIGGER Picture with Gregg...

    • Alison Janes gives you step by step predictions linked to Finance and Love for the Beginning, Middle and End of this week. The post Weekly Tarot Card Reading Oct 12-18, 2020 by Alison...

  • Senior United States military officials, including the chief of staff of the Army, have said no plans are currently in place for the country’s armed forces to have a domestic security...

  • A man who spent years as an undercover officer for Britain’s Security Service (MI5) has been named as a key witness in a long-awaited trial, described by experts as the largest against...

    • Authorities in China said on Sunday that a nationwide counterespionage operation launched earlier this year has identified “hundreds of espionage cases”, most of them involving...


  • Carlos Aznarez Marcelo Osses is one of the representatives of the radio station Plaza de la Dignidad, whose colleagues broadcast every time there are demonstrations in that Plaza...

  • World Food Day arrives this year in the dreadful context of a global pandemic, which due to its costly impact on employment and the world economy, will critically increase food insecurity...

    • Cira Pascual Marquina A blogger-become-minister, Reinaldo Iturriza has written creatively and insightfully about Chavismo and its contradictions. His work includes El chavismo...

      Unexplained Mysteries

  • The leak that has plagued the ISS for months has finally been found using a surprisingly low-tech item. The leak was actually first noticed in Septemb...

  • A budget retailer in Northern Ireland has come under fire for selling inexpensive Ouija boards to young shoppers. A staple of horror movies, paranorma...

    • A team of researchers has discovered a mysterious stone formation beneath the Straits of Mackinac. Known as SEARCH Inc., the group, which is mostly ma...

     Whistleblower Protection Blog

  • On October 15, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced an $800,000 whistleblower award issued to an individual whose disclosure instigated an SEC investigation...

  • The Lakeway Regional Medical Center (LRMC), a hospital management group in Lakeway, Texas, has agreed to pay over $13.5 million to resolve allegations that it lied about finances...

    • The COVID-19 pandemic has added new significance to workplace safety—workplaces and employees must now navigate state and federal health guidelines that aim to protect individuals...

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