10 pm MDT
COVID The Convenient
James Allard, OYE Alternative News - 6 hours ago

The post COVID The Convenient appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
"All sensible people are selfish, and nature is tugging at every contract to make the terms of it fair." #QotD
Peter Cresswell, Not PC - 6 hours ago
*"All sensible people are selfish, and nature is tugging at every contract to make the terms of it fair."* ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, from his 1860 essay 'The Conduct of Life' . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.
Brazil Mortgages Skyrocket 70 Percent in September, Breaking Record
Newsfeed, The Rio Times - 6 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mortgage loans with resources from the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE) reached R$12.9 (US$2.29) billion in September, up 70.1 percent over the same period in 2019, reaching a record, mortgage lender association Abecip reported on Tuesday. From January to September, loans from the system to finance the purchase and […] The post Brazil Mortgages Skyrocket 70 Percent in September, Breaking Record appeared first on The Rio Times.
IADL Demands Immediate Release Of Palestinian Maher al-Akhras
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
IADL calls for the immediate release of Maher al-Akhras, a Palestinian man and father of six, jailed by Israel without charge or trial. As IADL convenes its Council, al-Akhras has been on hunger strike for 91 days to protest his arbitrary detention and demand his freedom. His health condition is increasingly critical and his life is at grave risk. Al-Akhras is jailed under Israel’s policy of administrative detention, used routinely against Palestinians. These detention orders may be issued for up to six months at a time, and they are indefinitely renewable. The post IADL Demands I...
Empty Plate Protest Over Vote Against Free School Meals
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Around 20 plates with messages on were attached to the windows of Stuart Anderson's office along with a poster which said: "Your MP voted no to feeding poor kids". The plates were removed within hours of being put up but the word "scum" was then sprayed onto the office window. Mr Anderson said he and his family have also received death threats and said he had reported the intimidation and vandalism to the police. The Wolverhampton South West MP was one of 322 MPs who last week voted against a Labour motion calling for the extension of free meals during the school holidays in Engl...
Inmate Sues Prison Over Lack Of COVID19 Precautions
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Union, NJ - An inmate at the state's only prison for women has filed a lawsuit alleging the state Department of Corrections is failing to take proper precautions against the COVID-19 pandemic. Jennie Cullum filed the lawsuit in state Superior Court in Hunterdon County against the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women claiming she was not allowed to take precautions against the virus as cases began to increase, and, in one instance, guards did not allow her to wear a face mask she had fashioned out of her own bra. The post Inmate Sues Prison Over Lack Of COVID19 Precautions ap...
Crazy Mazie Channels Her Inner Door Slamming Teenager Self
Diogenes Sarcastica™, Diogenes' Middle Finger - 30 minutes ago

In the event it wasn’t already painfully *obvious* to all well before DJT nominated Amy Coney Bennett to the Supreme Court, it became crystal clear during Judge Barrett’s confirmation hearings that Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. And yesterday as the Senate was voting to confirm Judge Amy to the court, a visually upset Hirono is seen on camera walking up and down the aisle steps, her arms crossed in front of her in a show of agitation and frustration, worthy of even the most dramatic petulant foot stomping teenage girl. Hirono then proceeded t...
AMLO responde a congresistas de EEUU tras queja sobre T-MEC en materia energética
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Luego de que se diera a conocer una carta firmada por congresistas de Estados Unidos enviada a Donald Trump, en la cual acusaba al gobierno mexicano de no respetar los términos del T-MEC, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador aseguró que su gobierno no ha firmado ningún acuerdo energético relacionado con dicho tratado.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement reform: the multilateral investment court was never the answer
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 The problem with the ISDS is not the format of the dispute settlement. The problem is that it is designed to give corporations power to go after government policies.
Vodafone arbitration award: Centre to challenge telco's Rs 22,100 crore tax case win
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Solicitor General Tushar Mehta has advised the government that the decision of an arbitration tribunal cannot contradict the law passed by a sovereign parliament.
RI-South Korea trade deal sign of things to come
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Indonesia is set to sign a trade agreement with South Korea and seeks ensure that a larger deal at the regional level will also be inked, as the country focuses on increasing overseas market access in the hopes of lifting its economy out of the mire of the pandemic.
Another Australian miner sues another poor country, this time Barrick's Porgera in PNG
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Australian mining companies are increasingly using ISDS processes and are being awarded billions based on dubious calculations of potential lost profits by unaccountable international tribunals.
#NoRCEP solidarity action!
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Action Aid is coordinating a giant photo petition to show leaders the people-powered movement saying #NoRCEP. Will you join us?
China ramps up imports from US as trade deal target looms
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Purchases of soybeans, oil surge in September, data show. China is still lagging its full-year target agreed with US.
Analysis: Will Nigeria yield in oil deal wrestling bout with Shell and Eni?
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Eni's threat to drag Nigeria to an international arbitration hearing appears to be a negotiation tactic to reduce the final bill.
China tensions push India and Taiwan closer together
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 India is seeing public opinion drastically shift in favor of Taiwan amid growing anti-Beijing sentiments. But will New Delhi risk its Asian rival's wrath for stronger ties with Taipei?
Singapour et le Kazakhstan achèveront les négociations sur un nouvel accord d'investissement
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Les négociations, qui font partie d'un accord entre Singapour et l'Union économique eurasienne, devraient s'achever prochainement, a estimé récemment le ministère singapourien.
Indonesia expects to sign RCEP in mid-November
bilaterals.org - 4 hours ago
27-Oct-2020 Indonesia expects to sign the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in mid-November as the countries concerned finish negotiating the trade issues.
There seems to be some sort of pattern,
Geoff, The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 5 hours ago

3000 years ago, there was the Minoan Warm period. It was warmer than now. Then 1000 years later, there was the Roman Warm period. It was warmer than now. Then 1000 years later, there was the Medieval Warm period. It was warmer than now. Then 1000 years later, came the late 20th Century warm period. Is there some pattern here?
Report: Faculty Getting More Comfortable With Digital Tools. They’re Still Worried About Equity
Sara Weissman, Diverse - 5 hours ago

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, faculty are increasingly comfortable with new digital tools in ways that could have lasting impacts on higher education. But even as they embrace online teaching, instructors are worried about equity gaps for their students, according to a study by the nonprofit Every Learner Everywhere and the education consulting firm Tyton Partners.
Forum Outlines Support for Students of Color Impacted by COVID-19
Dynahlee Padilla, Diverse - 6 hours ago
A Harvard University panel, titled “Innovating on Campus: Supporting Mental Health of Students of Color During COVID-19 and Beyond,” recommended ways to promote mental health and the emotional well-being of young people of color — 45% of whom make up the undergraduate population.
Watch: Russian and Syrian planes help put out fires
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 6 hours ago
[image: Watch: Russian and Syrian planes help put out fires] BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 A.M.) – On Tuesday, the Syrian firefighting teams continued their work to extinguish the fires that broke out in a number of Syrian regions. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), alongside their Russian counterparts, were seen carry out firefighting operations across the western region of the country. SANA published a video that it said was about the participation of a Russian Ilyushin plane during these firefighting operations on Tuesday: “A Russian Ilyushin plane participated in putting out fires in Jabal a...
Recent Energy and Environmental News
Geoff, The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 hours ago

*Recent Energy and Environmental News* October 26, 2020 in Energy, Environment / by John Droz, Jr. Welcome to our latest *Energy & Environmental Newsletter*... (For all 2020 * Newsletters*, go here. To review the current issue's highlights, see below.)… *For US Citizens —* - *Check and update your voter registration*. Each state has different registration options and deadlines, so it’s important to complete these ASAP. - *Not sure if you’re registered to vote or if your information is still accurate?* Take 30 seconds to check your status and figure out...
Geoff, The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 6 hours ago
*Media Release* *Australian Climate Sceptics Blog* *27 October 2020 * MEDIA RELEASE *BUSHFIRES ROYAL COMMISSION DOESN’T HAVE THE ANSWERS* Experienced land and fire managers from eight community groups across Australia have jointly written to the Prime Minister urging the restoration of healthy and safe rural landscapes. The grass-roots organisations represent more than 6,000 members and 14 regional councils. They have called for an end to the ongoing loss of human life and the socioeconomic and environmental destruction caused by extreme bushfires. Former Chief of CS...
We Don’t Need No Freezing Sparky Cars
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 6 hours ago
Turning over an old Leaf; “I love the car,” he said. “Honestly, in three years and 40,000 kilometres, I’ve replaced a set of tires and windshield wiper fluid. Nothing breaks down. It’s a fantastic little vehicle. I think electric vehicles are the way to go.” But nowadays, instead of being able to drive the… Continue reading →
Augustana University Received $1 Million Gift for Student-Athlete Scholarships
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 7 hours ago

Augustana University has received a $1 million endowed gift for student-athlete scholarships, according to university officials. The gift – from Bob and Trish Swanhorst – will support all athletes and help progress AU’s strategic plan, “Viking Bold: The Journey to 2030.” Bob attended Augustana College in 1957, where he played basketball and set school scoring […]
FANTASTIC MUST WATCH!!!! The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 3 hours ago

*The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards* *WATCH HERE ON BITCHUTE* *H/T JOHN KAMINSKI* *I could almost cry. Blogger, who has been delaying the uploading of all my posts onto favourites blogrolls for weeks now.... immediately uploaded this. HUMANITY! THIS IS OUR DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Send it to all your contacts. This is it. Turdeau should have been included in the list of named criminals at the end. That is the only objection I have to anything said in this ULTIMATE MUST WATCH VIDEO. **HUMANITY IS RISING!!! * *Hallelujah**!* *Mozart's Requiem - Arguably **Human...
Donald Trump is No the 'Republican Jesus'
Tony Keddie, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Tony Keddie* *Politics, North America* The Trump administration and its Christian supporters have been using Christianity to draw battle lines in this high-stakes election. This Republican political strategy that uses Christian language to cast Trump as a divinely appointed protector of Christians warrants more scrutiny than it’s received. It’s yet unknown how U.S. President Donald Trump’s attempts to position himself as the Christian candidate of choice will influence Christian voters in the United States — and how Democrats’ attempts to speak to Christians may sway previous T...
Nagorno-Karabakh: What The OSCE Minsk Group Gets Wrong About Peace
Anna Mehrabyan, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Anna Mehrabyan* *Nagorno-Karabakh, Asia* It is tempting to see the Basic Principles as solutions which would move both countries beyond the constraints of ethno-states, a laudable goal on its own, but a more realistic and sober assessment shows that a government with little oversight and an open disregard and animus for a certain ethnic group cannot be then entrusted with governing those same people. On Friday, October 16, former Ambassador and Minsk Group Chair James Warlick posted a tweet highlighting two key elements of the 2009 Basic Principles for settling the Nagorno-Karab...
Have America’s Russia Watchers Been Getting It Wrong?
George Beebe, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*George Beebe* *Politics, Americas* Our ability to treat with Moscow depends to a great degree on assessing and predicting Russian actions. Yet the striking number of times that Washington has been surprised by Russian behavior over the past few decades suggests that—more than ever—American experts are struggling in this endeavor. Russian-American relations are at a new nadir. Our ability to treat with Moscow depends to a great degree on assessing and predicting Russian actions. Yet the striking number of times that Washington has been surprised by Russian behavior over the past...
News You Can Use
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 4 hours ago
A Dispatch from Hell Unlike CNN, we don’t make the news at Virtual Mirage, we just report it. (Babylon Bee) HELL—In a bid to increase torture in the afterlife, managers of Hell confirmed today that Kamala Harris’s grating cackle will be played over the loudspeakers in the place of perpetual torment for all […] The post News You Can Use appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
BREAKING NEWS: Boom!!! Dr. Bullshit has her very own Spin Doctor* - being paid very generously by the gullible taxpayers of British Columbia
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 5 hours ago

*BC Patriot RAH* *Greencrow says:* Seconds ago I got an e-mail from RAH asking the question of a blog editor's dream: "Is this a *BOOM*?" *RAH* *Subject: Dr. Bullshites Spin Doctor** https://thebreaker.news/business/bonnie-henry-spin-doctor/ Greencrow responded: "You bet! Will Post. *It goes along with what Dr. Malthouse said about Dr Bonnie Henry seeming to be getting her “**directions from elsewhere”* and not providing *customized *Public Health Advice to *British Columbians* as she is supposedly mandated to do. The implication she always gives us in her Press conferences...
The Bloom is Off The Ruse – Ivanka Trump Draws Larger Crowd Than President Obama in Florida…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 6 hours ago
If the support levels for campaign surrogates is any evidence of support levels for the top of the ticket candidates then President Trump is about to crush Joe Biden in Florida. Biden’s biggest name campaign surrogate, former President Barack Obama, … Continue reading →
Robert, Ice Age Now - 6 hours ago
ME AT RESTAURANT: Hostess: Okay, I can seat you at this table right here (4 feet away), but I will need you to wear a mask to the table. Me : What happens when I get to the table? Hostess: You can take off the mask. Me : Then it is safe over there? Hostess: ... Read more SPEAKING OF WEARING MASKS The post SPEAKING OF WEARING MASKS appeared first on Ice Age Now.
One of Tyler Cowen’s Points is Right
David Henderson, Econlib - 7 hours ago
As noted earlier today, Tyler Cowen posted about my critiques of his views on lockdowns. I don’t have time to answer thoroughly but I do think I did him an injustice on one issue. Cowen writes: And my remark about “It just doesn’t seem worth it”, cited by David as me dismissing school reopenings? […] The post One of Tyler Cowen’s Points is Right appeared first on Econlib.
I’m Not “David Henderson”
David Henderson, Econlib - 7 hours ago
Tyler Cowen posted a response to my critiques of his articles this morning. Unlike Tyler, I will do him the courtesy of linking to his post. Someone named David Henderson responded. If you know me, you know that that’s not me. That’s not my style at all. I did post two comments on Cowen’s […] The post I’m Not “David Henderson” appeared first on Econlib.
The Trump Rallies the Media Doesn't Want You to See
Alicia, LaRouchePAC Feed - 8 hours ago
The Trump Rallies the Media Doesn't Want You to See Video of The Trump Rallies the Media Doesn't Want You to See All over the country, Trump supporters are organizing themselves. They are not the very rich. They are the working and middle classes of all races, creeds, and identities. They are the people who make this country work. The media has shunned these events, terrified to report them. Find out more about voting here
Freemasons exposed (UPDATED)
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
Originally posted on For True Humanity: Updated 2/6/2019 When We Are Change is photographed, the members pose using masonic/occult symbols. The hospital I was born in is named Scottish Rite and is freemason-created. Many ex-freemasons have spoken about what goes on in the 33rd degree initiation, and it’s what is known as Satanic (evil) Ritual…
Sacred Geometry: DNA is the Flower of Life
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
Originally posted on For True Humanity: Sacred geometry is visible even in our DNA. It’s amazing how sacred geometry plays into the observation of nature, music/sound, and color. All these concepts connect in magick. For the true magician, these synchronicities are evidence of intelligent design and hence, Prime Creator (or God). Recognizing such an interconnectedness…
Halifax police sergeant tells review board he was ‘shocked’ Dingle park incident ended in arrest, but officer was right to ask for ID
Zane Woodford, Halifax Examiner - 9 hours ago
The supervisor in charge of a Halifax Regional Police officer who arrested a Black man after he was found in a city park after hours said he was shocked to learn the incident had ended in arrest, but he said the constable was right to demand the man’s identification. Sgt. Brian Palmeter testified Tuesday at […]
HOT MIC Catches Kamala Harris this PROVES She Can Care Less about You
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 10 hours ago
The Next News Network Oct 26, 2020 via HOT MIC Catches Kamala Harris this PROVES She Can Care Less about You
Kamala Harris Summons Her Inner Hillary, Musters FAKE Accent to Detroit Crowd which NOBODY Asked For
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 10 hours ago
The Next News Network Oct 27, 2020 via Kamala Harris Summons Her Inner Hillary, Musters FAKE Accent to Detroit Crowd which NOBODY Asked For
Why So Gullible About Government in the Face of Covid-19?
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
Donald J. Boudreaux – October 27, 2020 Print At my blog, Café Hayek, I recently posted several entries in opposition to the Covid-19 lockdowns specifically, and, more generally, to Covid-caused hysteria. These posts sparked negative reaction in the comments section and in my email box. This negative reaction is, I think, unwarranted. Unwarranted Faith Among … Continue reading Why So Gullible About Government in the Face of Covid-19? →
Who Deserves Your Trust in the COVID Debate?
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
Stacey Rudin – October 26, 2020 Stoic philosopher Epictetus believed that honorable character and a life of wisdom begin with a clear understanding of one basic principle: “some things are within our control, and some things are not.” How we are perceived by others — our popularity — is ultimately outside our control; we should … Continue reading Who Deserves Your Trust in the COVID Debate? →
The Left wants you to go without power to save the world; meanwhile they're silent about China's new coal plants
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 14 hours ago
David Mcdermott Hughes is saying that we should go without electricity, just like people in Zimbabwe do, in order to fight climate change. What's odd is that David doesn't seem to mind that China, that already produces more CO2 per year than the US and the EU combined, is drastically increasing its CO2 production by building coal fired power plants. But he says this about what we should do: *For a while, let’s eat a cold dinner here and there. Continuity[ having electricity 24 hours a day] costs too much. Climate change kills, and it kills vulnerable people first. Intermittency sa...
Joe Biden can't do math: "Free college" will cost twice what he said it would
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 14 hours ago
On 60 Minutes Joe Biden said the cost of "free" college for everyone for "only" $150 B a year. Turns out he admitted later that the real cost would be twice that. Keep in mind that lots of Americans don't go to even community college which means plumbers, car mechanics etc will be taxed to ensure that rich white folk can get free classes on gender identity. Joe's going to bankrupt you with higher taxes to pay off the various groups he's trying to bribe to vote for him. But Joe's inability to do math is common for leftists who promise us huge benefits for low costs but somehow wh...
Rare October ice storm hits Oklahoma, leaving more than 300 000 customers without power
The Watchers » Latest articles - 6 hours ago
A rare October ice storm hit Oklahoma on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, causing traffic chaos and leaving more than 300 000 customers without power. A state of emergency was declared for 47 counties. NWS offices in Norman and Tulsa have issued their first-ever ice storm...... Read more »
Iran’s Idlib Campaign Reveals Why Foreign Mercenaries are in Nagorno-Karabakh
Hamidreza Azizi, Maysam Behravesh, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Hamidreza Azizi, Maysam Behravesh* *Security, Middle East* What is happening in Nagorno-Karabakh in terms of the presence of foreign fighters increasingly resembles the situation in Syria, where Iran and Turkey have been on opposite sides of the civil war. The new escalation of violence between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region has claimed nearly 5,000 lives in less than a month, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on October 23. Two rounds of Russia-brokered ceasefires, as well as a U.S. diplomatic attempt to halt the fighting, have so far fa...
Charles XII's Gamble at Narva Paid Off
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] Narva is rightly remembered as a brilliant victory against the odds. Just after dawn on the morning of November 20, 1700, two figures stood atop Hermansburg, a small rise that overlooked the fortress town of Narva in the Baltic province of Estonia. One of the men was plainly a high-ranking officer, an older man whose elaborate uniform and curly wig proclaimed his importance. Yet, curiously, he was deferential to his tall companion, a pink-faced teenager who swept the horizon with his telescope. The youth was ...
The Path to Global Food Security
Global Issues News Headlines - 6 hours ago
URBANA, Illinois, Oct 27 (IPS) - This year, the Nobel Peace Prize recognised the inextricable link between hunger and conflict. With climate change as a further complicating factor, research, investment, and coordination with local farmers are critical for ensuring food security for all. Read the full story, “The Path to Global Food Security”, on globalissues.org →
WATCH: Congresswoman Says She’ll Break The Law If Her Daughter Needs Medical Cannabis
WTStaff, Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Matt Agorist* - In the United States, cannabis is legal for recreational use in 11 states while 33 other states allow some form of medical use.
Rally #2 – President Trump Make America Great Again Rally – West Salem, Wisconsin – 5:00pm Livestream…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 7 hours ago
President Trump is running slightly behind schedule today as he departs Michigan for the second campaign event of the day in Wisconsin. President Trump holds the second rally at MotorSports Management Company in West Salem, WI. The anticipated start time … Continue reading →
Scientists Genetically Engineer Meat With Plant Nutrients
WTStaff, Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Justin MacLachlan* - The scientists genetically engineered cow muscle cells to produce the same nutrients found in plants, including beta carotene.
Not All Heroes Wear Capes: Ohio Mayor Goes To Court, Dismisses All Traffic Tickets
WTStaff, Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Matt Agorist* - A traffic ticket can ruin anyone’s day, and in some instances end their life.
How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged
WTStaff, Waking Times - 7 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - If the vaccine cannot reduce infection, hospitalization or death, then it cannot end the pandemic, which means everyone who takes the vaccine will be doing so in vain.
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Impromptu Presser – Joint Base Andrews – Video and Transcript…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 7 hours ago
President Trump and First Lady Melania will both be campaigning today. Our first lady is traveling to Pennsylvania to continue the Keystone state surge (lucky PA), while President Trump heads to the Midwest (Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska) and Western states (Nevada). … Continue reading →
President Trump Impromptu Remarks Departing The White House – Video and Transcript…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 7 hours ago
Chopper pressers are the best pressers. As President Trump departs the White House for a four state campaign push (three rallies today), our president stops to deliver remarks to the assembled press pool and take questions. [Video and Transcript Below] … Continue reading →
When The Right Stuff Goes Wrong: Real F/A-18E Super Hornet Crash Site Photo Mirrors Movie Scene
David Cenciotti, The Aviationist - 7 hours ago
A photo of the Super Hornet pilot near the crash site after ejection is strikingly similar to a famous scene from “The Right Stuff”. On Oct. 20, 2020, a U.S. Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet departed [...] The post When The Right Stuff Goes Wrong: Real F/A-18E Super Hornet Crash Site Photo Mirrors Movie Scene appeared first on The Aviationist.
US Supreme Court Won’t Extend Wisconsin Ballot Deadline, Justices ‘Spar’ in Opinions
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 7 hours ago

*21WIRE* | Court's decision has caused havoc in Democratic Party who were expecting the state to allow an extra six days for voters to turn in their ballots.
On Coyotes, BBC Radio 4, the Guardian and the Booker Prize
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 7 hours ago
Listening to Radio 4's book group asking questions to Booker Prize-shortlisted author Diane Cook on last night's *Front Row* made me cringe. The whole thing sounded socially awkward. The four women chosen to put the questions, alongside presenter John Wilson, weren't professional interviewers for starters. They were just Radio 4's idea of four 'Everywomen' - three English women who sounded exactly like every other person's idea of a typical Radio 4 listener, plus a woman from south India with a dodgy phone connection. (The latter was invited, I kid you not, to reflect 'the world'...
Understanding ETIAS, the New Visa Waiver for Europe
Contributing Reporter, The Rio Times - 8 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – In 2022 the EU will launch the European Travel Information and Authorization System, a new visa waiver for traveling to Europe. ETIAS is not a visa. As a passport holder from Brazil or another Latin American nation, you’ll still be able to stay in the Schengen Area for up to […] The post Understanding ETIAS, the New Visa Waiver for Europe appeared first on The Rio Times.
Preventing and Countering Election-Motivated Violence Without Causing Panic
rgreer, Lawfare - 10 hours ago
QAnon at Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally in Jan. 2020 (Anthony Crider, https://flic.kr/p/2ihKEzA; CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). At first glance, the terrorist threat that recently captivated the nation—a thwarted attempt by a militia cell to kidnap Governors Gretchen Whitmer and Ralph Northam—may appear to be an anomaly—a one-off plot hatched by a fringe group influenced by the “boogaloo” movement, but with fewer followers. Or it could be part of a pattern of growing extremist activity in the run up to the 2020 presidential elections. Our efforts at the An...
Watch As Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically After Joking About Killing President Trump
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
It is easy to dismiss Biden and Harris but it would be a grave mistake, the Democrats are still forcing mail in ballots and shutting down our nation. This would give them the cheaters edge to corrupt the votes which are already in a corrupted voting system. Watch As Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically After Joking … Continue reading Watch As Kamala Harris Laughs Hysterically After Joking About Killing President Trump →
Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In As Newest Supreme Court Justice Has Liberals Terrified She’ll Stop Them From Enjoying Due Date Abortion
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
I simply cannot understand why a woman would go thru a full 9 months bringing a precious life to full term to abort it on delivery day? Is it because the nervous system is fully formed and by torturing the newborn to death they can create adrenochrome from these poor tortured souls? Perhaps they really … Continue reading Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In As Newest Supreme Court Justice Has Liberals Terrified She’ll Stop Them From Enjoying Due Date Abortion →
“If you think you’re having a bad day… imagine being Hillary Clinton”
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
via https://twitter.com/JohnnyY48824670/status/1320883905335980032
Using Traditional and Indigenous Food Resources to Combat Years of Successive Drought
Global Issues News Headlines - 6 hours ago
BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe, Oct 27 (IPS) - For Zimbabwean farmer Sinikiwe Sibanda, planting more sorghum and millet than maize has paid off. As the coronavirus pandemic has led to decreased incomes and increased food prices across the southern African nation -- it is estimated that more than 8 million Zimbabweans will need food aid until the next harvest season in March -- Sibanda's utilisation of traditional and indigenous food resources could provide a solution to food security here. Read the full story, “Using Traditional and Indigenous Food Resources to Combat Years of Successive Drou...
NXIVM Sex-Cult Head Keith Raniere Gets 120 Years in Prison
AP News, Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis called Raniere “ruthless and unyielding” in crimes that were “particularly egregious” because he targeted young girls and young women.
Margin Of Fraud
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 7 hours ago
Project Veritas catches another. Rodriguez said she develops personal relationships with senior citizens when she harvests their ballots and then uses different post offices, so that the bundles do not draw suspicion. “So, if ya’ll are my seniors, I’m literally picking you up. I’m going to your house, you’re doing your ballot,” she said.… Continue reading →
U.S. Army Arming Robots With Javelin Missiles
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 7 hours ago

Titan with Protector Javelin - file photo. (QinetiQ) *FOX News/Warrior Maven:* *Army fires tank-killing robots armed with Javelin missiles* The fast-evolving concept is to optimize state-of-the-art networking The U.S. Army will soon operate robots able to destroy enemy armored vehicles with anti-tank missiles, surveil warzones under heavy enemy fire and beam back identified targeting details in seconds due to rapid progress with several new armed robot programs. Several of the new platforms now operate with a Kongsberg-built first-of-its-kind wireless fire control architecture...
Israel Wants To Acquire F-22s From The U.S.
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 7 hours ago

Air Force F-22 Raptors fly over the Nevada Test and Training Range in March. The Air Force plans to lift the four-month grounding of the Raptor fleet, sources said. Senior Airman Brett Clashman / Air Force *EurAsian Times:* *Not Happy With F-35 Jets, Israel Looks To Acquire The Ultimate Dogfighter – F-22 Raptors From The US* Nowhere did Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu see that the historical normalization “Abraham Accord” it has signed with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) could end up in relinquishing its unparalleled military domination in the Middle East. The normalization...
Deception 2020: One Party, Two Flavors
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
In this second installment of the Deception 2020 Series, we dig into the so-called Two Party System in order to highlight the stark similarities that drive both the red and blue — namely, corporate power. Interestingly enough, Mussolini had a good quote on just this form of government… Then, we sit down with Nick Braña, National Coordinator for The Movement for a People’s Party, to talk about one alternative to the blue and red dumpster fires. The post Deception 2020: One Party, Two Flavors appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Is Biden Proposing a 3% Federal Property Tax?
David Mikkelson, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
The Democratic presidential candidate has not proposed a 3% property tax.
FBI Charges Boogaloo Adherent With Shooting Police Precinct
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
On Friday the US Department of Justice released a federal criminal complaint against Ivan H. Hunter, 26, of Boerne, Texas, charging him with participating in a riot for his alleged role during protests in Minneapolis, Minnesota following the police murder of George Floyd on May 25. Hunter was arrested in Houston, Texas. The allegations against Hunter are only the latest in over a dozen instances so far this year of violence by adherents of the far-right boogaloo movement—known as boogaloo bois or boys—that have resulted in either criminal charges, arson, or death. The post FBI Ch...
Paradise For Human Victims Of Corporate Persons
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
Any day now, Zambia will be the first African country to slip into a private debt default. It can only pay interest on the $3 billion in dollar-denominated bonds if it totally ignores the needs of the Zambian people. The country has suffered from the slowdown of the world economy, which impacted the sale of its copper for a part of this year (although copper prices and future prices have now begun to rise). Cosmas Musumali, the general secretary of the Socialist Party of Zambia, says that the convulsions of indebtedness are not only due to the coronavirus recession but also to the...
How Bolivia’s New Socialist Senator Resisted Coup Terror
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
Just a few days after the dramatic landslide victory on October 18 of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party founded by Evo Morales, I traveled 3.5 hours from the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, with The Grazyone team of Ben Norton and Anya Parampil, to Chimoré, here in the tropical region of Cochabamba, that’s a base of support for the MAS party. We attended a gathering of regional party leadership, including the mayor of Chimoré; Senator-elect Leonardo Loza, who is filling the role of Evo Morales in the Senate; and Senator-elect Patricia Arce, who has become a symbol both of the...
Fascism Is A Failed Response To Capitalist Crisis
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 8 hours ago
Few would disagree in light of recent events that the Trump regime, its most diehard extreme-right, white supremacist supporters, and elements of the Republican Party are bidding for a fascist putsch. Whether this putsch remains insurgent or is beaten back will depend on how events unfold in the November 3 election and its aftermath, and especially on the ability of left and progressive forces to mobilize to defend democracy and to push forward a social justice agenda as a counterweight to the fascist project. The post Fascism Is A Failed Response To Capitalist Crisis appeared firs...
TV Journalist in France Hounded for Nagarno Karabakh Reporting By Armenia's Supporters- "Genocidal Whore"
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 8 hours ago
* The Armenian Propaganda machine has been over the top. Nearly rabid.* *Reporters Without Borders * *Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the online attacks that a French TV reporter received from members of the Armenian community in France after just doing her job by covering the current fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region from the Azerbaijani side of the front line.* *Liseron Boudoul, a staff reporter for the French TV channel TF1, began receiving hate messages on Facebook and Twitter, including such insults as “genocidal whor...
Maybe we want dependable energy in this case?
Robert, Ice Age Now - 8 hours ago

Sick. But I love it! This sums up the folly of the Green New Swindle Deal better than I could with ten thousand words. The post Maybe we want dependable energy in this case? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
How Much Would It Cost Consumers To Give Farmworkers A Significant Raise?
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 8 hours ago
The increased media coverage of the plight of the more than 2 million farmworkers who pick and help produce our food—and whom the Trump administration has deemed to be “essential” workers for the U.S. economy and infrastructure during the coronavirus pandemic—has highlighted the difficult and often dangerous conditions farmworkers face on the job, as well as their central importance to U.S. food supply chains. For example, photographs and videos of farmworkers picking crops under the smoke- and fire-filled skies of California have been widely shared across the internet, and some d...
Is the lockdown really helping? Or is it simply prolonging the inevitable?
Robert, Ice Age Now - 8 hours ago

____________________ Sweden, which did NOT lock down, has lower death rate than USA Deaths per million of population Sweden : 585 USA : 698 Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ …………. Thanks to Mike McEvoy for above image Note: I did not take the time to confirm all of the numbers in the above image, but according to ... Read more Is the lockdown really helping? Or is it simply prolonging the inevitable? The post Is the lockdown really helping? Or is it simply prolonging the inevitable? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Brown University Students Release Book Detailing Racism, Capitalism and Activism on Campus
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 8 hours ago

This summer, a group of students at Brown University released the “Burn Brown Book,” a 175-page guide describing the history of racism, capitalism and activism on Brown’s campus, CBS News reported. The guide – inspired by the similar “burn book” from the 2004 film, “Mean Girls,” – was produced after two years of work and […]
Afghanistan Diary
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 9 hours ago
Afghanistan returns to me through Nagiba’s room. She is on the roof of the kitchen across the courtyard; I can see her through the window. She is gathering sticks to light the samovar for boiling that day’s water. She will pour it into thermoses and hour by hour they will populate the rooms of the house – Nagiba’s, her sister’s, and the kitchen. The potato cellar, the common garden – with three chickens threading through it – and the rooms of two other families fill out the space. A communal washline drapes across the lot, and if you walk up the roof of the cellar all Bamiyan spre...
America's "Quad Alliance" is a Dead End
Land Destroyer, Land Destroyer - 9 hours ago

While the "Milk Tea Alliance" focuses on united US-funded opposition groups against China, the Quad represents regional governments strong-armed into advancing Washington's anti-China agenda. *October 28, 2020* (Joseph Thomas - NEO) - The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or "Quad" as it's been referred to is a US-led bloc created in 2007 consisting of the US itself, Australia and supposedly Japan and India. The bloc, whatever its stated purpose is for being, is clearly an anti-Chinese project created by and for the US and at the absolute expense of the other 3 members. The fact...
Judge Amy Coney Barrett and Affirmative Action
Emil Guillermo, Diverse - 9 hours ago

If you’ve watched any of the saga also known as the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation process, then you know the difference between a Super-predator and a super-precedent.
Princeton University’s Endowment Rises to $26.6 billion
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 10 hours ago

Princeton University’s endowment rose by 5.6%, increasing it to $26.6 billion at the end of the fiscal year – approximately half a billion dollars over last fiscal year, Planet Princeton reported. The average annual return on Princeton’s endowment for the past decade is 10.6%. “Princeton has been fortunate to face the many financial challenges created […]
How QAnon Feeds into a Culture of Moral Panic
Jennifer Evans, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Jennifer Evans* *Politics, North America* When Trump refused to call out QAnon in his Oct. 15 town hall, preferring to show sympathy for its purported fight against pedophilia, he tapped into a moral panic with deep historical roots. The danger that QAnon poses is not that it’s endorsed by the president. It’s the way it speaks to long-festering hatreds that transcend political affiliation. Using conspiracy theories that include child sex traffickers and restaurants serving human flesh, QAnon has unleashed a modern-day moral panic. It is now more than 30 years since sociologists...
India Signs A Military Agreement With The U.S. To Share Sensitive Satellite Data
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Reuters:* *India, U.S. clinch defence pact on satellite data as Pompeo, Esper hold talks * NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will sign a military agreement with the United States for sharing of sensitive satellite data, the defence ministry said on Monday, as the two sides began a top-level security dialogue aimed at countering China’s growing power in the region. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper flew into New Delhi for talks with Indian leaders at a time when India is locked in its most serious military standoff with China at the disputed Himalaya...
Will Next WTO Head Impose a Gates and Davos Agenda?
Shalom, From the Trenches World Report - 7 hours ago
F. William Engdahl It is all but certain that the next head of the influential World Trade Organization (WTO) will be an African by birth... The post Will Next WTO Head Impose a Gates and Davos Agenda? appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Republicans Are Still Up To No Good-- Sabotaging America In Advance Of The Change Of Administrations
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

*Transfer of Power by Nancy Ohanian* Today McConnell adjourned the Senate until after the election-- so that there can be no debate and no vote on a compromise pandemic relief bill. Yesterday I went for my first "joy ride" since March. Not really a joy ride in the classic sense but my first trip outside my house that wasn't essential. Once every 10 days I go to the grocery story and once a month I go to the bank. I filled my car up once and I've been to the post office twice. Then yesterday I decided to go check out the new Erewhon that just opened in my neighborhood. I suited u...
Are US Election Results Required To Be Certified on Election Night?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
While the media frequently "calls" election races on election night, states have several days (or even weeks) to certify their election results.
Joe Biden vs. Hillary Clinton: Is Biden's Lead over Trump Any Stronger?
Rachel Bucchino, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Joe Biden, * Harvard professor: “President Trump really needs to hammer home his message on the economy. COVID changed this election back in March. Back in January, everyone thought this would be an election about the economy, and Trump would win for sure. The performance of the economy over the first three years of his administration ought to be the centerpiece of his campaign in the final week.” President Donald Trump is still dramatically behind in nearly all national polls against Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the home stretch of the 2020 election seaso...
Meet the U.S. Air Force’s Stealth Drone: RQ-3 DarkStar
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C1995%3Anewsml_PBEAHUNBNEB&share=true] This famous drone was event mentioned in a Tom Clancy novel. Earlier this year, the United States Air Force announced that it would cut the fleet of its Global Hawk spy drones, likely as it was opting to adopt the stealthy RQ-180, a stealthy, flying-wing surveillance drone that reportedly entered service back in 2017. The service has never officially acknowledged the existence of the Northrop Grumman-produced RQ-180, which is believed to have...
Boeing’s Loyal Wingman Drone Just Met a Key Milestone
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Australia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AETIMWLZAA&share=true] If all goes according to plan, the drone could make its first flight sometime this year. Boeing Australia’s Loyal Wingman drone successfully completed its first low-speed runway taxi maneuver and is on track to begin flight later this year. “Reaching a maximum speed of 14 knots (approximately 16 mph, or 26 kilometers per hour), on the ground, the aircraft demonstrated several activities while maneuvering and stopping on command,” a company...
On Iran, America First Has Become America Alone
Alexander Langlois, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Alexander Langlois* *Iran, Middle East* Multilateralism and diplomacy lie at the crux of addressing the issue of Iran and other global issues Since Donald Trump took office, the United States has resorted to a unilateral foreign policy that undermines the multilateral system. The effects of this approach have alienated the United States and harmed cooperation with its allies, resulting in insecurity across the world and specifically in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This is best-reflected by arbitrary U.S. efforts to undermine the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (J...
Getting Coronavirus Outbreak to Manageable Levels May Require “Sacrifice”
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Coronavirus, Americas* [image: Reuters] To date, the United States has witnessed roughly 8.7 million confirmed coronavirus cases and at least 225,000 related deaths. The World Health Organization has warned that countries like the United States and those in Europe that are seeing major spikes in new coronavirus cases may need to again shut down their nonessential businesses and impose stay-at-home orders. “We’re well behind this virus,” Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme, said during a media briefing Monday at the agen...
Why Is China Threatening To Use Force Against Taiwan?
Charles K.S. Wu, Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, Austin Horng-En Wang, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Charles K.S. Wu, Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, Austin Horng-En Wang* *Taiwan, * What international relations theorists often miss is the point that China is wielding its sword to Taiwan as a proxy threat to the United States The relations between Taiwan and China have not been cordial since President Tsai Ing-wen came into office in 2016. However, the lack of détente has recently given in to overt military actions. Chinese fighter jets, emboldened, are now crossing the so-called “median line” of the Taiwan Strait—violating the implicit agreement between major powers not to cross t...
Apple Is King: 1,000,000,000 iPhone Users, Analyst Says
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *iPhone, * [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC21OJ9R66J5&share=true] Apple continues to be an economic and tech juggernaut. Apple announced in July of 2016 that Apple had sold its one billionth iPhone, since the company introduced the smartphone in 2007. “We never set out to make the most, but we’ve always set out to make the best products that make a difference,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the time. “Thank you to everyone at Apple for helping change the world every day.” That one billion figure was for total sales—...
The U.S. Military Wants to Go Gangbusters on New Hypersonic Weapons
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Hypersonic Weapons, * What could this mean? Even faster speeds than the Mach 5-plus speeds of current hypersonics? Newer kinds of in-flight guidance and targeting systems? At the very moment when it did not seem possible for the U.S. to accelerate and emphasize hypersonic weapons development, the Pentagon has decided to make yet another push. The U.S. Department of Defense is immediately establishing a University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics through a $20-million per year contract to Texas A&M University’s Engineering Experiment Station intended to foster ...
Stop the Music! Chorus of Artists Tell Trump to Turn It Down
AP News, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
President Donald Trump's campaign rallies have been filled with classic songs whose authors and their heirs loudly reject him and his politics.
Trump 3 rallies a day. ‘Zombie Biden’ ad & campaign lids
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 9 hours ago

*****News Topic 120***** Video: Trump Runs ‘Zombie Biden’ Ad During Fear The Walking Dead Broadcast. “Look for someone with a corpse like appearance, exhibits aggressive behaviour, craves human flesh, and utters incoherent moans and groans” Video: Trump Runs ‘Zombie Biden’ Ad During Fear The Walking Dead Broadcast Viewers of Fear The Walking Dead On AMC […]
The Word From the Trenches – October 27, 2020
Henry Shivley, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – October 27, 2020 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Turkish President Erdogan Pushes For A Two-State Solution In Cyprus
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 9 hours ago

Turkish President Erdogan and Turkish Cypriot leader Tatar attend a news conference in Ankara *Reuters:* *Turkey's Erdogan says it's time for two-state solution in Cyprus* ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday it was time for a realistic proposal about a two-state solution on the divided island of Cyprus to be discussed, and added that the parameters of the current talks were not sustainable. Cyprus was split after a Turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a brief Greek-inspired coup. The European Union admitted the island into the bloc in 2004, repres...
Turkey’s Lira Hits Another Record Low Over US Sanction Threats And Turkey's Many Disputes With Europe
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Turkey's lira has lost roughly 27 percent of its value against the United States dollar this year [File: Kerem Uzel/Bloomberg] *Al Jazeera:* *Turkey’s lira hits another record low as geopolitical risks mount * Intensifying rancor between Ankara and its western allies – and the Turkish central bank’s decision to not raise interest rates – are souring investor sentiment. Another day, another inauspicious record for Turkey’s embattled currency. Turkey’s lira weakened further against the United States dollar on Tuesday, hitting a new record low as rancor between Ankara and its west...
Wave Of Anti-Lockdown Protests Sweeps Across Europe
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 10 hours ago

Protests erupted in Italy and Spain as both countries' governments reach for lockdown measures to stop second waves of Covid-19 *Daily Mail:* *Wave of anti-lockdown protests sweeps across Europe: Thousands of furious demonstrators clash with police in cities in Italy and Spain as they urge their governments to abandon new restrictions on their freedom* * In Italy, violence was reported in at least two major northern cities, Milan and Turin, as vast crowds descended * Witnesses said a number of luxury stores, including a Gucci fashion shop, were ransacked in central Turin * A...
EP 115: 2020 Ballot Initiatives & EPA Urges DOJ to Investigate “Green” Groups
Gabriella Hoffman, CFACT - 11 hours ago
In Episode 115, Gabriella talks about Utah's Amendment E, other conservation and energy ballot initiatives. Plus, are Russia and China meddling in elections with an anti-fracking push? That's discussed today on the podcast. The post EP 115: 2020 Ballot Initiatives & EPA Urges DOJ to Investigate “Green” Groups appeared first on CFACT.
Was the Heart of a Belgian Mayor Found in a Fountain?
Bethania Palma, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
An unusual discovery was made during the renovation of a fountain named after a 19th century Belgian mayor.
How state courts – not federal judges – could protect voting rights
Steven Mulroy, Law Professor in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Election Law, University of Memphis, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 8 hours ago

State constitutions and laws protect voting rights, and state courts may be more receptive to efforts to protect Americans' right to vote.
Voting by Mail Isn’t So Easy on Native American Reservations
AP News, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
Native Americans have a long history of exclusion from voting, with the U.S. government depriving them of citizenship until 1924.
‘Voice’ Co-Stars Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani Engaged
AP News, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
Shelton and Stefani posted a picture Tuesday announcing the engagement between the country star and the pop singer.
Bill Gates Slams 'Pseudo-Expert' Dr. Scott Atlas
Daniel McAdams, null - 8 hours ago
Billionaire software developer Bill Gates is furious that President Trump is now listening to the moderate approach to Covid presented by Dr. Scott Atlas and is increasingly at odds with Anthony "mandatory mask" Fauci. In an interview yesterday Gates slammed the Stanford University professor and University of Chicago Medical School graduate as a "pseudo-expert." Is this actually good news? Also today, what is the contextual meaning of the 2.1 million Covid deaths? Watch today's Liberty Report:
Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response Part 2In February he knew...
Robert Reich - 8 hours ago
*Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response Part 2**In February* he knew COVID-19 was dangerous, but he intentionally downplayed it. *In March *he didn’t want to be held responsible for it. He told governors they were responsible for getting ventilators and protective equipment – setting off bidding wars, state against state, city against city. He peddled an unproven remedy, hydroxychloroquine, which the FDA warned against. There was no national response. No national standards. Governors and mayors haphazardly closed businesses and schools. *In April *he suggested more quack remedies...
WAR ON HUMANITY SITREP: "MUST WATCH" Video by Spiro Skouras...Plus Dr. Vernon Coleman and Art Olivier...on the Manufactured Covid-19 Crisis that Threatens Humanity
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 8 hours ago

* Spiro Skouras: "**We Are Being Lied To Regarding* *the PCR Test" **(by "lying" Bullshit Bonnie and other* * so-called **"medical professionals")* *MUST WATCH VIDEO! **H/T FreakedOut* *Greencrow says: * The Corrupt Fear Media softballed "*The Bullshitter*" yesterday *at the regular weekly British Columbia official Dr. Bullshit Bonnie Press Conference. * Nobody asked the crucial questions about* what British Columbian Doctor Dr. Stephen Malthouse had to say about the Plandemic. Dr. Malthouse offered some compelling arguments about why this entire nightmare is FAKE. **This cri...
Zip Code Lookup Online Service – Sponsored
Contributing Reporter, The Rio Times - 9 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Sending mail to the other city or country seems simple at first sight. Yet, when you begin to find out the details, it takes a lot of knowledge to make this process right. While sending mail, zip codes are in limelight so it’s better if you become aware of them […] The post Zip Code Lookup Online Service – Sponsored appeared first on The Rio Times.
Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 9 hours ago
Matt Taibbi; The flow of information in the United States has become so politicized – bottlenecked by an increasingly brazen union of corporate press and tech platforms – that it’s become impossible for American audiences to see news about certain topics absent thickets of propagandistic contextualizing. Try to look up anything about Burisma, Joe Biden,… Continue reading →
Forbes: Eli Lilly Ends Covid-19 Antibody Trial After Finding It’s Unlikely To Help Hospitalized Patients
Erin Elizabeth, Health Nut News - 9 hours ago
The U.S. National Institutes of Health ended one clinical trial of Eli Lilly’s experimental COVID-19 antibody treatment after finding that the drug being used is unlikely to help hospitalized COVID-19 patients recover from this advanced stage of their disease. Eli Lilly said there is “insufficient evidence” the treatment improved clinical outcomes when added to other […] The post Forbes: Eli Lilly Ends Covid-19 Antibody Trial After Finding It’s Unlikely To Help Hospitalized Patients appeared first on Health Nut News.
Senate Confirms Justice Barret, Kamala says “We Won’t Forget This!”
Fuzzyone, 'Nox & Friends - 9 hours ago
Hillary hasn’t forgotten yet, either. Maybe Kamala and Hillary can get together after the election, and have a pity party . . . Just saying . . . If you find my thoughts on this matter offensive, be comforted in knowing I find Kamala and Hillary, and those like them, very offensive to the rule of law and OUR Constitution . . . Fuzzyone
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 10 hours ago
Movie Review Sometimes, feature films are released and then the director’s cut comes out, often because censors have chopped pieces of the movie out to make it fit within a time slot. Sometimes it’s because there is the need for a more politically correct element. This is true of the 1999 film, Payback, starring […] The post Payback appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Grin and Barrett...
Adrienne, Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
* wins today's contest for best title ever!* Thank you, Ben Shapiro.
Notes On RockPro64, RockChip
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 10 hours ago
An OS update on the RockPro64 gets very nice video performance, so I'm moving it to the Bedroom TV Media Station use. Also, this lets me move a "Chinese Chip" based system out of my Lab Workspace. Continue reading →
Philadelphia Protest: AKA Black Friday at the Footlocker...
Adrienne, Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
* they're going to need all those new sneakers for November 4th, doncha know. * Chopper 6 over the scene as a Foot Locker in West Philadelphia is looted following the death of Walter Wallace, who police say was shot by officers after he would not drop a knife. https://t.co/BtTPSlQIwI pic.twitter.com/7hNeLEvJCM — Action News on 6abc (@6abc) October 27, 2020
I, Napoleon
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 11 hours ago
What could possibly go wrong? Let’s celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed. #mythbusting #periodtruths #transisbeautiful.” h/t Another Ian
Why doesn't Trump care about (other folks') deaths?
<b>bob somerby</b>, the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020* *Mary Trump, Krugman opine:* Donald J. Trump doesn't seem to care whether other folks live or die. This morning, at the end of his column, Paul Krugman explains why that is: KRUGMAN (10/27/20): Was there ever a chance that Trump would take the pandemic seriously? Probably not. After all, *he has always been a die-hard, conspiracy-theorizing denier of climate change, and his coronavirus response has come straight out of the climate-denier playbook.* In any case, we can predict with high accuracy what he will do if the polls are wrong, and he wins a seco...
Turkish-backed forces continue large attack in retaliation for Russian strikes
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
[image: Turkish-backed forces continue large attack in retaliation for Russian strikes] BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:10 P.M.) – The Turkish-backed militants resumed their large attack on northwestern Syria this evening, as they continue their retaliation for the Russian airstrikes that killed and wounded over 200 of their fighters. According to a field source in northwestern Syria, the Turkish-backed militants and their jihadist allies launched dozens of rockets and artillery shells towards the government areas. The source said the militants and their jihadist allies mostly hit open fields,...
Mail Voting Litigation: Application and Eligibility to Vote By Mail
amenter, Lawfare - 13 hours ago
A ballot drop box located in Boulder, Colorado (Paul Sableman, https://flic.kr/p/PRx48V; CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/). This post is the first in a five-part series on litigation about mail voting during the 2020 general election. This series is part of Lawfare's collaboration with the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project. Most states, as well as the District of Columbia, allow any eligible voter to vote via an absentee ballot without providing an excuse. However, in several states, absentee voting is available only to certain classes of voters who mi...
Mail Voting Litigation During the Pandemic: Introduction
zlevine, Lawfare - 13 hours ago
A man votes in Los Angeles (WeHoCity, https://flic.kr/p/2jUfej9; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/). This post is the introduction to a five-part series on litigation about mail voting during the 2020 general election. This series is part of Lawfare's collaboration with the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project. Approximately 80 million Americans are projected to vote by mail in the 2020 general election—double the number who voted by mail in the 2016 election. To address the surge in demand for mail voting, election officials across the United...
Health Expert: Mask Wearing Will Remain Mandatory Even After a COVID Vaccine
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson A top doctor who served as an expert witness for the U.S. Congress says that even after a... The post Health Expert: Mask Wearing Will Remain Mandatory Even After a COVID Vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Arctic Blast Sweeping Across The US
Robert, Ice Age Now - 9 hours ago

Late-October Arctic blast makes temperatures feel like winter for millions of Americans across the Plains. Temperatures dipped to single digits in Denver on Tuesday morning and Albuquerque, New Mexico, recorded 15 degrees (-9.4C) as bitterly cold air poured in from the Arctic. Colder weather will expand to the Northeast Wednesday. Note that temperatures plunged to ... Read more Arctic Blast Sweeping Across The US The post Arctic Blast Sweeping Across The US appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Leader Personalities: Trump vs. Biden
Steve Saideman, Duck of Minerva - 10 hours ago

This is a guest post from Ryan Beasley, Senior Lecturer at the University of St Andrews, with research interests in political psychology and foreign policy: Juliet Kaarbo, Professor at the University of Edinburgh, who works on personalities, parliaments and parties in foreign policy; and Consuelo Thiers (Twitter @Consuelothiers), a PhD student at the University of […]
President Trump Make America Great Again Rally – Lansing, Michigan – 2:30pm EDT Livestream…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 10 hours ago
Today President Trump will be holding three campaign rallies in three states. Starting in Michigan, then Wisconsin, then Nebraska, before flying to Nevada for the evening. The busy schedule starts in Lansing, Michigan, with the first rally of the day. … Continue reading →
Steve Bannon takes on the Democrats and China
The Duran, The Duran - 10 hours ago

Steve Bannon takes on Democrats and ChinaThe Duran: Episode 716.
Did Raccoons Break Into a Bank?
Madison Dapcevich, Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
The masked duo was reportedly caught red-handed stealing cookies from the break room.
Why would the Chinese give $5 million to the Biden Family?
Robert, Ice Age Now - 10 hours ago

Better yet, what did Joe Biden give to the Chinese to get that money? —- That’s the real question! ___________ Why would the Chinese give $5 million to the Biden Family? Marcus Better yet, what did Joe Biden give to the Chinese to get that money? —- That’s the real question! One of the possibilities ... Read more Why would the Chinese give $5 million to the Biden Family? The post Why would the Chinese give $5 million to the Biden Family? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Jewish Federations (JFNA) urges Jews to leave $600 billion to Israel and/or Jewish causes
Alison Weir, Israel Palestine News - 10 hours ago
Jewish Federations of North America and the Jewish Future Pledge are partnering on a project calling on all Jews to bequeath fifty percent of their estate charitable giving "to support Jewish people or the State of Israel." Organizers predict this would amount to $600 billion in the coming years. The project's promotional video states: "Jews are the most influential people the world has ever known" and are "the most resilient, creative, transformative people the world has ever known..."
Be careful what you wish for...
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 10 hours ago

... because you might get it. A news report claims that "COVID-19 is pushing Americans to want more government involvement in their lives". A survey taken during the height of the health crisis finds COVID-19 may have pushed more people to want government to play a bigger role in their lives ... A team from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins University SNF Agora Institute say support for an active government role in society jumped over 40 percent between September 2019 and April 2020. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global ...
Ant-Man as a metaphor for the modern professor
Peter Henne, Duck of Minerva - 11 hours ago

In Marvel comics and movies, Ant-Man is a super-hero who can change his size using a special suit and “Pym particles.” When giant, he’s…giant. But when he’s tiny he keeps the same density as a regular human, giving him the ability to lift and move things much bigger than his insect size. The idea of […]
Texas prepares to send 1,000 troops to five major cities, DC boards up its stores and Washington state puts National Guard on alert amid fears of post-election violence
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Daily Mail Texas is preparing to send in 1,000 troops to five major cities across the state ‘to deter any civil disturbance’ post-election while stores... The post Texas prepares to send 1,000 troops to five major cities, DC boards up its stores and Washington state puts National Guard on alert amid fears of post-election violence appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block the virus
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Yahoo News At least four candidates are near the finish line in the U.S. coronavirus vaccine race, but how well they will work remains a... The post Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block the virus appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Dems claim Biden meant George Lopez (the comedian) not George Bush
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 11 hours ago

*****News Topic 119***** GOP accuses Joe Biden of confusing his opponent after ‘George’ comment.Observers hit back by pointing out that Biden was likely referring to his interviewer, comedian George Lopez GOP accuses Joe Biden of confusing his opponent after ‘George’ comment Republicans on Monday accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of confusing President Trump’s name […]
Listeria outbreak linked to Italian-style deli meats kills 1, hospitalizes 9 across 3 states, CDC says
Admin, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Yahoo News A listeria outbreak linked to deli meats has sickened 10 people in three states with one reported death, according to federal health officials.... The post Listeria outbreak linked to Italian-style deli meats kills 1, hospitalizes 9 across 3 states, CDC says appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett. WaPo & woke left blame Senator Feinstein
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 11 hours ago

*****News Topic 118***** Justice Amy Coney Barrett Will Face Cases on Voting, Obamacare, Apportionment, Mueller Report. Justice Amy Coney Barrett Will Face Cases on Voting, Obamacare, Apportionment, Mueller Report Newly-confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett will face several important cases upon taking her seat at the Supreme Court. In the long term, she could have a […]
Post-election 2020: Two studies say all hell to break loose
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
American Thinker – by Bill Livingstone Two recent reports, when combined, paint a dark pathway for America in the coming weeks, a nation set on... The post Post-election 2020: Two studies say all hell to break loose appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
WHO Taps ‘Anti-Conspiracy’ Crusader to Sway Public Opinion on COVID Vaccine
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Children’s Health Defense – by Jeremy Loffredo An outspoken proponent of government-led tactics to influence public opinion on policy and to undermine the credibility of... The post WHO Taps ‘Anti-Conspiracy’ Crusader to Sway Public Opinion on COVID Vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
New Jersey unveils COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan
Katie, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Philly Voice – by Pat Ralph The New Jersey populations at highest risk of coronavirus infection will be the first in line to receive a... The post New Jersey unveils COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Peanuts gang LaGrange by ZZ Top
Hal Apeeno, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
mrzee1958 Mar 26, 2019 Z Z Peanuts Funny peanuts parody of a great ZZ Top sang! When we were young! All credit goes to the... The post Peanuts gang LaGrange by ZZ Top appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
U.S. regulatory food safety update from Yiannas and Brashears
News Desk, Food Safety News - 11 hours ago
Day two of The International Association for Food Protection 2020, A Virtual Annual Meeting featured a “U.S. Regulatory Update on Food Safety,” from Frank Yiannas, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, and Mindy Brashears, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety of the USDA. Yiannas and Brashears provided insight into the latest information from... Continue Reading
2:00PM Water Cooler 10/27/2020
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 10 hours ago
By Lambert Strether of Corrente * * *Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (d) to find out how to […]
Russia and China's Nuclear Weapons are Becoming More Dangerous
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Nuclear Weapons, * What does that mean for U.S. nuclear doctrine and strategy? One top U.S. official has some ideas. The U.S. must massively “revise” its nuclear weapons-oriented 21st-Century Strategic Deterrence Theory to reinvigorate its arsenal of current and future weapons of mass destruction as a way to stay in front of fast-modernizing rivals, the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command said. Adm. Charles Richard told a prominent think tank that the U.S. must quickly and efficiently prepare to face two major nuclear-armed rivals in the coming years, citing Chi...
Naenara 101: North Korea Debuts New Tablet Computer
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *North Korea, Asia* But you won't be able to buy this at Best Buy. North Korea is not exactly known as a prominent producer of consumer electronics, compared with its neighbor to the south, which gave the world LG and Samsung. But the country, per a new report, has introduced a new tablet computer called the Naenara 101. NK News, citing a domestic media report by Pyongyang Sinmun which was itself touted in a Facebook page by Russia’s embassy in Pyongyang, showed the introduction of the tablet, which is called the Naenara 101. The name translates to “My Country ...
The Wealthy Want To Raise Taxes on the Non-Wealthy
Chris Edwards, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Chris Edwards* *Society, Americas* In many states, they have pushed to raise sales taxes, carbon taxes, gas taxes, soda taxes, and cigarette taxes. Ryan Bourne and I examined the economics and politics of wealth inequality in this 2019 study. We considered whether the wealthy tilt our political system in a conservative direction, which many liberals worry about. We found that the political preferences of the wealthy are not much different than other Americans, and that plenty of top wealth is plowed into liberal causes. That reality struck me in examining income, sales, and pro...
Russia's Stealth MiG 1.44 Fighter: Built to Kill F-22 Raptors
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *B-2 Bomber, * It most likely had no chance--and was delivered nine years late. The Soviet Union’s MiG 1.44 was a well-known and visible effort to respond to or answer the U.S. F-22 Raptor, however, the project was quickly canceled after its first flight in 2000 for reasons which may still seem somewhat unclear, to say the least. While several reports cited engineering problems associated with the Mikoyan Project 1.44s first flight, its rapid cancelation may have had more to do with another clearly apparent deficiency--it simply does not look very stealthy. Any...
WW II History: How the Landings at Anzio Decided the Italian Campaign
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] The fighting in Italy would continue for several more months. However, after an initial splash of headlines celebrating the fall of Rome, the eyes of the world turned to Normandy. As the last days of 1943 slipped away, World War II in Italy ground to a miserable stalemate. Below the eminence of Monte Sammucro, the town of San Pietro lay in ruins, its destruction so thorough that surviving civilians rebuilt their homes some distance away, leaving the heaps of rubble as mute testimony to the ravages of war. “For...
The U.S. Air Force Special Mission C-130H Hercules Aircraft Which Fly Mosquito Control Aerial Spray Ops
David Cenciotti, The Aviationist - 10 hours ago
C-130H Hercules aircraft of the 910th Airlift Wing, based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, carry out mosquito control missions. The 910th AW (Airlift Wing) based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, is the only [...] The post The U.S. Air Force Special Mission C-130H Hercules Aircraft Which Fly Mosquito Control Aerial Spray Ops appeared first on The Aviationist.
Counterfactuals: What If Clinton Had Won in 2016?
Pierre Lemieux, Econlib - 10 hours ago
Some historians like counterfactuals. In his book Escape from Rome (Princeton University Press, 2019), Walter Scheidel analyzes counterfactual scenarios about how the Roman empire could have aborted earlier or could have been later succeeded by another European empire. In general, counterfactuals are inseparable from rational understanding. To identify a cause is to know what would […] The post Counterfactuals: What If Clinton Had Won in 2016? appeared first on Econlib.
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