11:05 pm MDT
Climate Scientists – Drowning New York For 85 Years

15 Apr 1934, 33 – The Nebraska State Journal at Newspapers.com
New Video : Coolest And Wettest October-May On Record
Could India's New Aircraft Carrier Have British 'DNA' (And F-35s)?
*Michael Peck*
*Security, *
*India’s two existing carriers use a Short-Takeoff But Arrested Recovery,
or STOBAR, system in which short-takeoff aircraft are launched off a ski
jump flight deck, but are recovered using arresting wires like an American
carrier. While simpler and cheaper than CATOBAR, it requires aircraft to be
lighter and carry less payload.*
Will India’s next aircraft carrier be a British design?
*(This first appeared last month.)*
British defense contractor BAE Systems is offering a Queen Elizabeth-class
design as a contender for India’s third aircraft c... more »
Who Made the List: 10 Guns That Can Protect Your Home (Glock Made It)
*Gun News Daily*
*Security, *
Check them out.
*Walther is well-known for producing high-quality, dependable guns that can
go through thousands of rounds without a misfire and the PPQ M2 is their
finest handgun yet.*
If you’re looking for an *effective home-defense weapon*, handguns are one
of the most popular choices.
*Why do so many people go with the handgun, especially when there are far
more powerful guns available?*
Their compact size makes it easy to store a handgun right next to your bed
in a handgun safe specifically designed for getting your gun quickly in
life or de... more »
5 Injured in Venice as Cruise Ship Slams into Tourist Boat
The MSC Opera cruise ship, apparently unable to stop, blared its horn as it
slammed into the much smaller River Countess boat and the dock as dozens of
people ran away in panic.
How Did Russiagate Begin?
Stephen F. Cohen at - 10 hours ago
[image: undefined]
It cannot be emphasized too often: Russiagate—allegations that the American
president has been compromised by the Kremlin, which may even have helped
to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of
actual evidence) most fraudulent political scandal in American history. We
have yet to calculate the damage Russsiagate has inflicted on America’s
democratic institutions, including the presidency and the electoral
process, and on domestic and foreign perceptions of American democracy, or
on US-Russian relations at a critical moment when both sid... more »
Crisis? What crisis? Just a(nother) ‘new (lack of) direction’ for healthcare
Last week, when Premier Stephen McNeil “mutually” agreed to fire Denise
Perret — the deputy minister of health he’d hired just two-and-a-half years
ago — he explained it was because “we’re now re-setting and moving in a new
direction.” He did not explain what he was re-setting from or to, or in
what new yellow-brick-road […]
Missing details
Forgive me for revisiting a story I posted a few days ago, but as often
happens, BBC Watch has now supplied the details that I did not. (And
there’s a second part due on that website tomorrow)
In the old days, when I first began blogging about the BBC’s unfair
reporting on Israel and Jewish matters in general, I would spend hours
researching the facts before setting them out to the best of my ability.
These days I don’t bother, for the simple reason that I’ve realised that
facts definitely have nothing to do with it. They’re irrelevant in the
post-factual age.
However, for old tim... more »
We're hocked to the eyeballs in debt with no obvious way out
When the Reserve Bank lowers interest rates tomorrow, it will be firing off
one of the last six shots remaining in the chamber. The warning signs point
to an exceptionally weak economy susceptible to a growing list of
international shocks, writes Ian Verrender.
Today's Ebook Is 'The Fifteen Decisive Battles Of The World'

*WNU Editor:* You can download this ebook from here .... *The Fifteen
Decisive Battles Of The World: From Marathon To Waterloo by Edward Creasy*.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the Attorney General’s CBS Interview
Attorney General Bill Barr meets with Alaska Native leaders in May 2019.
(Source: Justice Department)
Jan Crawford’s extraordinary CBS interview with Attorney General William
Barr was released on Friday, May 31. In it Barr said some good things about
why his investigation of the Trump campaign investigation is needed. He
also said some bad things about his attitude toward his investigation that
reveal the depressingly ugly state of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement
*On the Need for an Investigation*
Barr makes a strong case on the need for an investigation of th... more »
It is always a mistake to let anyone or anything interfere with one’s personal progress in the eternal light.

*Of* course human relations are the most serious problem men face today.
As long as people seek to fix blame upon one another for their ills and do
not consider that perhaps they themselves may have some responsibility in
the matter if life is not wholly to their liking, they will often remain
unjust, unfair and unhappy.
As an ascended being whose memory of life upon earth is still very vivid
I feel that without question the so-called sacred writings are ever so
important if they are correctly understood. The words of Jesus suggesting
that he came to set men against their fath... more »
CREEPY: Amazon and Facebook Both Want To Read Human Emotions
By Aaron Kesel Facebook and Amazon’s insanity only seems to continue with
no sign of slowing down anytime soon. Now, the two big conglomerate
giants... more »
Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic candidate for President ponders, imagine if
50% of Congress were women and 50% of mayors and governors were too.
(Twitter, July 2017) But I say. . .
Imagine if 60% the NBA and NFL were white like the population in that age
group. Imagine if 51% were female. Imagine if half of all race car drivers
were female. Imagine if half of all librarians were women instead of 90%.
Imagine if half of all teachers were women instead of 80%.
Imagine what it would be like to have our government shoe horn us into a
profession/life style that didn't fit because of our skin color, ethnicity
or sex. I think that was tried by the Democrats ab... more »
The Big F-35 Flaw That Won't Be Easy to Fix
*Sebastien Roblin*
*Security, *
Stealth can't hide this.
*The GAO report notes that F-35 operators “need to…perform time-consuming,
manual workarounds in order to manage and track spare parts,” requiring
over 45,000 hours of additional labor per year. These flaws are leading to
“missing or corrupted electronic spare parts data” and the “maintenance and
supply systems within ALIS not communicating with each other.”*
On April 9, the first F-35A Lightning stealth jet built in Japan
mysteriously vanished while flying a training mission over the Pacific
Ocean. It’s veteran pilot, wh... more »
You Bet the Navy Secretly Wants to Get Rid of the Littoral Combat Ship
*Task and Purpose*
*Security, *
*“In many ways, this FFG(X) design goes beyond what today’s LCS can do,
particularly as it relates to surface warfare,” as USNI News put it at the
time. “The RFI states the frigate should be able to conduct independent
operations in a contested environment or contribute to a larger strike
group, depending on combatant commander needs.”*
After 16 years and billions of dollars, the Navy may have finally
acknowledged that its Littoral Combat Ship program looks like a miserable
The service “may not” deploy any of the dozen small surfac... more »
No Bigger Secret: Why the New Mach 5 SR-72 Spy Plane Could Be Everything
*Task and Purpose*
*Security, *
Why Russia and China should be nervous.
*What we know so far.*
The successor to Lockheed Martin’s SR-71 Blackbird, the Mach 3 long-range
recon aircraft that once tore across the skies like a Cold-War era
arrowhead before its retirement in 1999, may be inching closer toward
According to Aviation Week, a handful of visitors to the SAE International
Aerotech Congress and Exhibition at Fort Worth, Texas, this week reported
catching glimpses of a “demonstrator vehicle” believed to be linked to the
proposed replacement: the SR-72.
*(This fir... more »
America Was Terrified of China's Nuclear Weapons. This Mach 3 Drone Spied on Them.
*David Axe*
*Security, *
Meet the D-21 drone.
*McLucas noted that new spy satellites were spending more time in orbit. In
1971, Corona, Gambit and Hexagon spy sats would rack up a combined 181 days
in orbit, McLucas reported. He projected days-on-orbit would grow to 279 by
Between 1969 and 1971, the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office deployed
super-fast spy drones over China in an abortive attempt to spy on Beijing's
nuclear program.
The NRO on March 21, 2019 *declassified* scores of five-decade-old records
documenting the development, deployment and termination of the... more »
Mini AOC Is Back
As long as Ava #miniAOCofficial enjoys doing these videos she will continue
to keep making them and as long as #AlexandriaOcasioCortez keeps being #AOC
we will have plenty of material to keep making them as well. Thanks again
to everyone who had kind things to say about Ava.
pic.twitter.com/Je7YojRoXd — Mini AOC (@miniAOCofficial) May 13, … Continue
reading "Mini AOC Is Back"
Orwellian Future: Facial Recognition & Mass Surveillance Is Coming To U.S. Schools
By Mac Slavo We are staring our Orwellian future right in the face.
Beginning in New York, facial recognition is coming to schools in the... more »
Russia Is Using The Wars In Syria And Ukraine To Test New Electronic Warfare Equipment

Russian Radar
*Strategy Page:* *Space: Jack The Signal*
Since 2015 Russia has been using eastern Ukraine and Syria for testing new
EW (Electronic Warfare) equipment. New gear is tested “under combat
conditions” to discover weaknesses and promote export sales as “combat
proven”. Equipment still in development is also tested. A recent example of
that is the truck mounted Tirada-2 orbital jamming system that recently
showed up in eastern Ukraine. Tirada-2 was seeking to hack the control
signals and video feeds from American RQ-4B Global Hawk UAVs that regularly
operate over eastern U... more »
Free Webinar for Aussies: “What Is 5G and How to Stop It”
By B.N. Frank The Telecom Industry has no scientific evidence that 5G is
safe AND there is research that has already proven that 5G is... more »
Growing Up Fast

Last Sunday they were little puppies. They are probably 50% bigger today,
and their faces look much more mature. They have moved to their summer den
by the creek, but I found this deer leg by their old den. They … Continue
reading →
"Hope Tourism"
Fukushima Daiichi continues to look steamy, especially around reactor 2
view below:
But what a great vacation spot!
Fukushima aims to boost school-trip visitors with new plan focused on
teaching about 3/11 disaster may 26 2019
In an effort to increase the number of students visiting for school
Fukushima Prefecture has created a series of travel routes it will
this fiscal year to schools outside the prefecture to provi... more »
Sunday Feel Good Story
Bwhahahahahaha. This made me spit my coffee out. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~
NM Governor – Now eating crow pie
Back in November 2018, Republican Steve Pearce warned in his campaign for
governor about what to expect from Democrat Lujan Grisham. She ran on the
human right of receiving good health care under the title socialized
medicine, decriminalizing abortion, LGBTQ residents rights and protections,
against work requirements for welfare assistance, no emergency at the
border, against ICE and Border Security, and mostly against anything or
anyone that was part of the Trump Administration and their plans. Someone
wasn’t listening or someone didn’t care about the consequences just the
promises... more »
Inflatable ‘Tank Man’ in Taiwan Marks Tiananmen Protests
An artist has erected an inflatable display in Taiwan’s capital to mark an
iconic moment in the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests.
Maybe I will get an apology

*Greencrow at 22, in 1969, the year I had Marianne.*
*In the photo on the right, I am 8 months pregnant*
Mothers forced to surrender their babies demand an apology
There was a TV program on the CTV the other day. It was shown on W5 which
is a news/documentary program. It was based on the report that the
Australian government issued a formal apology to all the woman who had
their babies "forcibly removed" in the decades after WWII. There was no
law that took the babies away and placed them by way of adoption in "good
homes". It was the sheer force of societal pressure, that forced... more »
Low-Dose CT With the Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction V Technique in Abdominal Organ Injury: Comparison With Routine-Dose CT With Filtered Back Projection
https://www.ajronline.org/doi/abs/10.2214/AJR.18.20827 Advertisements
Dutton says 'there's nobody less qualified', but Keneally's appointment will see her 'soar or crash'
Kristina Keneally's appointment as Shadow Home Affairs Minister will pit
her directly against Peter Dutton in a role that could determine her career
in federal politics.
United States visa applicants now required to hand over social media usernames
Just In - 12 hours ago
The State Department is now requiring nearly all applicants for US visas to
submit their social media usernames, previous email addresses and phone
numbers, in a move that could affect 15 million travellers.
Tokyo Sushi bar employees underpaid by more than $70k
The former operators of three sushi outlets in regional New South Wales are
fined more than $380,000 for ripping off workers including junior employees
and vulnerable visa holders.
Morrison pledges $250m for Solomon Islands infrastructure in Pacific push
The Prime Minister is pressing ahead with the Government's ambitious
Pacific step up, reshaping Australia's aid program in Solomon Islands by
pledging $250 million during a short visit to Honiara.
BBC, Sky News Have Hidden Their Interviews With UN Expert On The Torture Of Assange

UN Special Rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer has said that on the 31st of
May he gave video interviews with both Sky News and the BBC on his findings
that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is the victim of psychological
torture. As of this writing, footage […]
This Day In Iraqi History - Jun 2
1920 Revolt against British started when sheikh in mid-Euphrates refused
British taxation arrested
and freed by tribe 1920 Revolt
1920 Ex-Ottoman Iraqi officers marched from Syria to Tal Afar hoping to
spark revolt against British there
Joined by Shammar and Jabouri tribes
(Musings On Iraq book review of *Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and
the Founding of the Modern State*)
1924 UK run Baghdad Times said if Anglo-Iraq Treaty not ratified Iraq would
lose Mosul to Turks
(Musings On Iraq article on how Mosul province became part of Iraq)
1941 Jamil al-Midfai named PM in new go... more »
Will Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Be Fired For Failing To Get A Critical Supercarrier Weapon System To Work?
The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is maneuvered by tugboats
in the James River during a turn ship evolution on March 17, 2019 Gerald R.
Ford is currently undergoing its post-shakedown availability at Huntington
Ingalls Industries-Newport News Shipbuilding. US Navy photo.
*Business Insider:* *Trump's Navy secretary bet his job on getting a
critical supercarrier weapon system to work. The Navy says it won't be
ready in time*
* The Advanced Weapons Elevators on the USS Gerald R. Ford supercarrier are
not going to be ready by the time the ship wraps up maintenance and is... more »
What's Happening in Antarctica?

Until now, scientists didn't have a sound understanding of Antarctica, and
the processes underway that influence ice melt, etc. It turns out that
there are two separate continental bodies under the ice. This article
provides an overview of what the scientists found.
(LINK) In a study published today in Nature Geoscience a team of
scientists, including glaciologists from Scripps Institution of
Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, detail how they
discovered an ancient geologic structure under Antarctica’s largest ice
shelf and describe how the ice shelf’s stability... more »
Forget The Partisan Bullshit For A Minute-- Which Side Of History Do YOU Want To Be On?

I love hearing John Oliver make an argument. He's my second favorite news
anchor-- after Chris Hayes. When I heard the video above, I was in another
room and didn't realize it wasn't Oliver. It sounded brilliant and it made
the news fun, the way he does. But it was actually a very serious-- *deadly*
serious journalist Mehdi Hasan, speaking for *The Intercept*. Please watch
it; Hasan takes apart one lame anti-impeachment argument after another
On Friday Jerry Nadler, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, was a guest
on WNYC. He made the case for Pelosi's go-slwo/run-out-t... more »
Militarizing the Peace: UN Intervention Against Congo’s “Terrorist” Rebels
Photo Credit: UN Photo/Sylvain Liechti via author
*Editor’s Note: The civil war in Congo remains one of the world's bloodiest
and most intractable conflicts. In response, the United Nations has
authorized a large, and militarily aggressive, campaign to target rebel
forces. Rachel Sweet, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, argues
that this intervention is not working. The UN effort often ignores the
dynamics of conflict in Congo, and as a result the use of force fails or
even backfires.*
*Daniel Byman*
United Nations peacekeeping faces increasingly dangerous operatin... more »
Back in 2013, Walter Kirn published an essay in *The New Republic*
defending gun ownership. What made the piece stand out -- not in a good way
-- was Kirn's choice to *eroticize* gun use. Kirn wrote this, seemingly as
Growing up around guns and owning them as an adult affords a person
memories and experiences that strangers to guns may have trouble
understanding. The divide is phenomenological, not political (or not
political until it gets to be), like the gulf between those who've had sex
and those who haven't or those who smoke and those who've never lit up.
Pulling a t... more »
Russia Wants To Make Its New Su-57 Stealth Fighter Into A Ship-Killer
Video of Putin’s fighter escort today with 6 Su-57. https://t.co/H0YciF3zYG
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) May 14, 2019
*Michael Peck, National Interest*: *Why Is Russia Turning Its Su-57 Stealth
Fighter Into A Ship-Killer?*
*We can tell you.*
Russia is designing an anti-ship missile for its Su-57 stealth fighter.
But is hunting ships the best mission for such an advanced aircraft?
Deputy Defense Minister Alexey Krivoruchko made the announcement while
visiting the Detal Design Bureau, which is developing a new anti-ship
missile, according to Russian news agency ... more »
FAMU, University of Haifa Partner for Study Abroad Opportunities

Florida A&M University students will have another option for study abroad
due to a new partnership between the historically Black university and the
University of Haifa in Israel. The partnership comes as FAMU president Dr.
Larry Robinson and his wife, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and other
academic, business and political officials recently embarked on a […]
Fire, Water Cause Damage at Morris Brown College.

Morris Brown College, which has been struggling to regain its
accreditation, has experienced yet another setback. A fire broke out over
the weekend in the administration building, igniting the sprinkler system
and causing severe water damage to the building, including the president’s
office, according to the school’s interim president, Dr. Kevin James. He
said that […]
New Report Emphasizes the Importance of Research on Higher Ed Prison Programs

With the Second Chance Pell pilot program extended to 2020, a new report
released by Ithaka S+R details the need for comprehensive research into
higher education for incarcerated individuals.
Study: Link Between Treatment Programs and Reduced Jail, Recidivism

A five-year study by the Center for Behavioral Health and Justice at Wayne
State University’s School of Social Work found that diverting individuals
with mental health disorders into treatment programs rather than simply
jailing them significantly reduces the jail population and reduces the
chances of recidivism. The two-phase study, recently released by the state
of […]
Syracuse Law Furthers Commitment to Access, Diversity in Legal Profession

A new agreement between Syracuse University College of Law and Clark
Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College will fulfill a
dual objective: diversifying the student body of the law school – and thus
the legal profession – while also providing a pipeline for students from
the three historically Black institutions to accelerate the time to their
bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees.
German Chancellor Merkel Tells Harvard Grads To 'Tear Down Walls Of Ignorance And Narrow-Mindedness' But Will Not Ban Hezbollah
*CNN:* *Angela Merkel to Harvard grads: 'Tear down walls of ignorance and
German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Harvard graduates Thursday to "tear
down walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness" in a speech that was an
apparent rebuke of President Donald Trump's policies and worldview.
In her commencement address at the university, Merkel warned against the
perils of isolationism and nationalism, pushed for action on climate change
and said to never "describe lies as truth and truth as lies."
The Chancellor spoke in German and used a translator, but notably swi... more »
Economists as “Useful Idiots” for Green Socialists

Robert P. Murphy writes at Mises Wire Economists Have Been “Useful Idiots”
for the Green Socialists. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. In the old
Soviet Union, the Communists allegedly used the term “useful idiot” to
describe Westerners whose naïve political views furthered the Soviet
agenda, even though these Westerners didn’t realize that they were […]
Pentagon Tells White House to Stop Politicizing Military
The goal is to ensure there is less ambiguity about how the military should
support VIP events and how service members should respond to such political
EPA’s Obama-era “endangerment finding” fails IQA requirements
EPA's finding that carbon dioxide represents a dangerous public health and
safety "pollutant" should finally be subjected to a proper "high level"
peer review as required by the U.S. Information Quality Act (IQA).
The post EPA’s Obama-era “endangerment finding” fails IQA requirements
appeared first on CFACT.
How Soybeans Became China’s Most Powerful Weapon in Trump’s Trade War
*Ian Sheldon*
*Economics, *
All of the facts.
Soybeans may not seem all that useful in a war. Nonetheless, they’ve become
China’s most important weapon in its ever-worsening trade conflict with the
China, the world’s biggest buyer of the crop, has reportedly stopped purchasing
any American soybeans in retaliation for the Trump administration raising
tariffs on US$250 billion of Chinese goods. This is very bad news for U.S.
While China’s targeting of soybeans may have come as something of a
surprise to most Americans, to a professor of agricultural economics who
... more »
Russia Built This Jet to Shoot Down the SR-71 Spy Plane
*David Axe*
*Security, *
Did it work?
*America replaced its SR-71s with RQ-170, RQ-4 and, soon, RQ-180 drones.
But Russia’s aerospace industry never quite mastered robotic aircraft. With
satellite locked in predictable orbits, the MiG-25Rs were Moscow’s best way
of looking down on its enemies without warning. Su-24 and Tu-22 bombers
could carry cameras, but were slower than the MiG-25s and more vulnerable
to enemy defenses.*
In 1964, the Soviet Union’s awesome MiG-25 Foxbat jet fighter flew for the
first time. Specifically designed to intercept the U.S. Air Force’s spy
planes,... more »
In 1989, a U.S. Navy's 16-Inch Battleship 'Gun' Exploded. What Happened?
*Task and Purpose*
*Security, *
Was something covered up?
*The other three Iowa-class battleships that had been reactivated were also
decommissioned over the next couple years because they were too expensive
to operate, their manning needs could not be met, and sailors had to train
to operate equipment on them that was not found on other warships, said
Ryan Peeks, a naval historian with Naval History and Heritage Command.*
It's been 30 years since an explosion inside the number two gun turret on
the USS *Iowa* killed 47 American sailors, but for Mike Carr, it still
feels like y... more »
Study This Picture: It Might Be the Future of U.S. Navy Submarines
*Kris Osborn*
*Security, *
The Navy is planning to launch a massive, 50-ton undersea drone to expand
mission scope, increase attack options, integrate large high-tech sensors,
further safeguard manned combat crews and possibly fire torpedoes -- all
while waging war under the ocean surface.
*“An environmental sensing UUV (Unmanned Undersea Vehicle) will be hosted
on a submarine, and we will develop torpedo tube launch and recovery for
that medium size,” Small said.*
The Navy is planning to launch a massive, 50-ton undersea drone to expand
mission scope, increase attack options, i... more »
Forget the Movie: Godzilla Would Die a Fiery Death Thanks to the U.S. Air Force
*Matthew Gault*
*Security, *
Yes, there is a plan.
*“A bad angle of attack could cause a deflection of the bomb—unlikely for a
[Massive Ordinance Penetrator] with such incredible momentum, but still
possible,” our source conceded. “That’s why you have Dash 2 follow on in,
just in case. If Dash 1 hit the target successfully, Dash 2 drops as well,
just to make sure. In fact because this mission is so critical there should
be two more MOP-equipped sorties somewhere near.”*
Godzilla. Kings of the monsters. The original Kaiju. Born of humanity’s
hubris, it comes from the depths of t... more »
Everyday Activism: Little Effort, Big Results
By Jack Adam Weber The Facts: I’ve enacted a simple strategy to make a
difference. You can too, and it feels great. Reflect On: How... more »
New Prez in Ukraine - war on Donbass continues....
Two houses sustained damage as a result of shelling on May 29th carried out
by the UAF (Ukraine military) on the settlement of Golubovsky, which is a
part of front-line Kirovsk.
The president of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelensky, in his meeting with the US
Senator Robert Portman (R-Ohio) declared that his country is waging two
wars, one against Russia and the other against corruption, reports the
official website of the president.
How does Ukraine dream they can actually beat Russia? And why?
So there is a new president in Ukraine (who won by a huge margin of 70-some
percent). During... more »
This 7 Year Old Boy Gets it
MONEY FOR BORDER WALL Benton’s fundraising efforts began after he watched
President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address. Benton said he was
inspired to raise the money for President Trump because he “saw that Trump
really wanted to build a wall.” NOW : JUNE 2019 7 YEAR-OLD BOY RAISING
MONEY FOR TRUMP’S BORDER WALL HITS $22,000 While Benton is pleased with the
$22,000, he said his goal is to raise a grand total of $50,000 for the
project. He said he plans on raising the extra … Continue reading →
The Current Cold War Has Similarities To The European Conflicts In The 1600s
*Niall Ferguson, Boston Globe*: *The outbreak of the second Cold War*
Regular readers of this column will not have been surprised by the outbreak
of the Second Cold War. Ever since President Trump imposed the first
tariffs on Chinese imports last year, I have argued that the trade war
between the United States and China would last longer than most people
expected and that it would escalate into other forms of warfare.
The tech war — exemplified by last week’s measures by the United States
against the Chinese telecom company Huawei — is now in full swing. If you
still think peace w... more »
Opportunity Zones: A Technocrat Deception To Plunder America
By Patrick Wood How much more financial plundering can Americans endure
before America is declared an outright Oligarchy and the middle class
declared dead? The... more »
How the Missing $21T Impacts You | Catherine Austin Fitts
Reluctant Preppers Published on May 31, 2019 THE MISSING MONEY Catherine
Austin Fitts, founder of The Solari Report, joins Reluctant Preppers host
Dunagun Kaiser to alert us to the facts of the missing $21 trillion, how it
will affect you, and what you can do about it! Don’t miss this premier
interview with Catherine Austin …
China Trade War Explodes! … Prepare For The Worst
RonPaulLibertyReport Streamed live on May 31, 2019 You can’t tax your way
to prosperity…but you can surely tax your way into poverty. Instead of
drastically shrinking government involvement in the U.S. economy, and
making America more competitive, the Trump Administration chose to increase
government intervention. Tariffs have always been destined to fail. The
ramifications are …
China’s Retaliatory Tariffs on $60bn of US Products Kick In
RT Published on Jun 1, 2019 China’s tit-for-tat tariffs on US-made goods
have come into effect. The import tax on over 5,000 items is now 25%. READ
MORE: https://on.rt.com/9vjo end
Israeli Jets & Combat Helicopters Strike Syrian Artillery, Air Defense Units – IDF
Israeli Jets & Combat Helicopters Strike Syrian Artillery, Air Defense
Units – IDF by https://www.rt.com/ The Israeli military has confirmed
striking “a number” of Syrian Army targets in cross border raids that,
according to Damascus, left at least three soldiers dead and seven others
wounded. – “Israeli warplanes and combat helicopters attacked several
military targets …
Soph takes on Greta

*...and Gretinism...*
Great minds think alike. When I talked to Murray Gell-Mann years ago, it
was clear to us that we had a similar thinking about many issues – and we
were excited and upset about similar things and for similar reasons, too.
So when Stephen Wolfram remembered Gell-Mann, I appreciated Wolfram's
intelligence, ego, and unusual stories from Wolfram's life but I also felt
like being almost in Gell-Mann's skin. Gell-Mann would be annoyed by that
text by Wolfram, I am sure – so I exploited the opportunity to be somewhat
annoyed on behalf of Gell-Mann. If you ask me, I can... more »
WATCH: ‘You Ain’t Seen Excessive Force Yet!’: Cops Restrain Man and Then Torture Him
[image: torture]Taxpayers in Minnesota are shelling out $500,000 after
video surfaced of cops torture a restrained man for no reason.
Basslink cable fails again as Tasmania switches to dam storage for power
A fault on land has cut power to the undersea Basslink interconnector
cable, which links Tasmania to the national electricity grid, but no date
has been given as to when it'll be fixed.
Sunday song
*Look Through Any Doorway*
Written by: Dave Davies (The Kinks)
Look through any doorway,
Each life will tell it's story.
See the joy and heartbreak,
For all the world to see.
She's on the city streets,
On her face is desolation.
Just a kid from out of town,
In the land of hope and glory.
Look through any doorway,
Each life will tell it's story.
See the joy and heartbreak,
For all the world to see.
Open up your heart.
Open up the highway,
The road will stretch before you,
For there will be a new day,
Where love will show the way.
Only shadows of the world we left behind,
Open up you... more »
Assyrian Federation of Germany Meets With Chairman of Parliamentary Group
Assyrian International News Agency - 14 hours ago
From left to right: Aziz Said, Ralph Brinkhaus and Michael Poll. (
AINA)Gütersloh (AINA) -- On Tuesday, May 28 representatives of the Assyrian
Federation of Germany (AFG) welcomed the chairman of the Parliamentary
Group of the Christian Union (CDU / CSU), Mr.
Calling Climate Change ‘Catastrophic’ Isn’t Backed By Science
Principia Scientific May 30, 2019 by Bjorn Lomborg Ever notice how, in the
last decade or so, we quietly stopped just having storms and started having
“extreme weather events”? It feels like no temperature drop or seasonal
downpour is too small for the media to slap a scary name on it and issue
minute-by-minute warnings. …
UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Climate Lies
Conservatives.org.au May 28, 2019 The United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) is misleading humanity about climate
change and sea levels, a leading expert on sea levels who served on the UN
IPCC told The New American. Conservative Party leader Cory Bernardi has
long called out the whole myth of fighting climate change as a dangerous UN
cult …
Climate Change Heuristic Proves They’re Lying to You
Joseph Postma May 31, 2019 We often encounter this back-up argument that
the climate physics greenhouse effect “is only a heuristic” and that isn’t
the real greenhouse effect of climate physics. I dissect this argument to
demonstrate how it proves that advocates of global warming and
anthropogenic climate change are actively & purposefully & knowingly …
Inherent unreliable renewables dictate GND “100% renewable electricity” mandate yields unavoidable GHG emissions
by Larry Hamlin | May 31, 2019 The Green New Deal (GND) and California’s SB
100 are both draconian and completely unrealistic pipe dreams that
politically mandate “100% renewable electricity” for the U.S. and
California respectively. A new 117 page study from the American Enterprise
Institute (AEI) has determined that these politically contrived schemes of …
Dashcam Video Shows The Moment An Air Force Pilot Ejected Before His F-16 Crashed Near A Highway
*Business Insider/We Are The Mighty:* *Dashcam video shows the moment an
Air Force pilot ejected before his F-16 crashed into a warehouse*
* An armed F-16 crashed into a warehouse in California in mid-May.
* Footage recorded by a dashcam in a passing car caught the moment the
pilot ejected from the aircraft over a freeway.
Last Thursday afternoon, commuters driving down the 215 Freeway adjacent to
Riverside County, California's March Air Reserve Base witnessed an
incredible sight.
A pilot was forced to eject from his F-16 Fighting Falcon carrying live
ordnance over the highway, d... more »
War on Cash: UK Cash Deserts
Latest news in the War on Cash: the problem of cash deserts in the UK -
areas abandoned by banks, for economic reasons, and that lack ATMs. These
tend to be rural areas, or areas of economic deprivation.
China Wins: I Lost the (Simulated) Battle for the South China Sea Thanks to 1 Thing
*Kyle Mizokami*
*Security, *
My Littoral Combat Ship did not have the needed firepower.
*Worst of all, in order to bring what meager firepower each had to bear
against the enemy, the LCS had to bring itself within range of multiple
Chinese weapon systems.*
The year is 2016, and two of the U.S. Navy’s latest ships are backing a key
ally in the tinderbox of the South China Sea. They’re facing down the
Chinese navy halfway across the world with the latest weapons and systems
the United States can get its hands on. But is it enough?
*(This first appeared several years ago.)*
For m... more »
Super Strange: Why Did India Send a Really Old MiG-21 to Battle an F-16?
*David Axe*
*Security, *
*Here is what we know. *
The Indian air force defended its decision to send old MiG-21 fighters up
against much more modern Pakistani F-16s during *recent aerial skirmishes*.
On Feb. 26, 2019 Indian planes crossed the line of control at India's
border with Pakistan and bombed what New Dehli described as a terrorist
training camp near Balakot.
*(This first appeared in March 2019.)*
Several days of aerial fighting followed the bombing raid. On Feb. 27,
2019, Pakistani F-16s and other planes crossed the line of control to
attack Indian forces, N... more »
This Beretta Machine-Pistol Spits 1,000 Rounds Per Minute
*Matthew Moss*
*Security, Europe*
That's pretty insane.
The machine-pistol was hardly a new concept when, in the 1970s, Italian
gun-maker Beretta began developing the 93R, a sleek little weapon that
practically spews bullets.
Machine-pistols first appeared during World War I. In the 1920s and ’30s
Spanish manufacturers Astra and Star produced fully automatic versions of
the Mauser C96. In the mid-1930s, Mauser introduced the purpose-designed
Schnellfeuer machine-pistol.
Igor Stechkin developed the Stechkin APS in the 1950s. In the ’70s, Heckler
& Koch introduced the VP70. Aroun... more »
Trump Wants "Goddamned Steam" for Navy Aircraft Carrier Launches. He Should Stop.
*James Holmes*
*Security, *
"Enough" explains a top naval historian.
You have to hand it to President Trump; he bites certain topics in the
nether regions and develops lockjaw. Certain naval technologies count among
those topics. To wit: steam catapults in nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.
Early in his presidency Trump made headlines railing against the newfangled
electromagnetic catapults meant to loft warplanes skyward from the decks of
*Ford-*class aircraft carriers, the next class of U.S. Navy flattops, at
helter-skelter pace.
Shortly after taking office the president vowe... more »
This Was a D-Day Suicide Mission: Take Out Hitler's Massive 'Guns'
*Warfare History Network*
*Security, Europe*
[image: By Chief Photographer's Mate (CPHoM) Robert F. Sargent - This media
is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records
Administration, cataloged under the National Archives Identifier (NAID)
195515., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia] Here is what happened.
In the early morning of June 6, 1944, LCA (Landing Craft, Assault) 668 was
gliding across the choppy, green waters of the English Channel,
transporting First Sergeant Len Lomell, Staff Sergeant Jack Kuhn, and most
of the 2nd Platoon, 2nd Ranger Battalio... more »
China May Be Reaching for Its Rare Earths Gun
*Stratfor Worldview*
*Economics, Asia*
[image: Reuters] How the U.S.-China trade war could heat up.
Chinese rhetoric surrounding its willingness to impose restrictions on rare
earth exports has escalated. Two different state-controlled entities have
strongly hinted that China is prepared to use its near-monopoly in the rare
earths market to hit back against the United States in the ongoing trade
dispute. The People’s Daily, a state-run publication, published a
commentary entitled "United States, Don’t Underestimate China’s Ability to
Strike Back." The strongly worded missive echo... more »
Ode to Joy
For friends, sick and suffering. For those downtrodden, forgotten. For all
who struggle to make ends meet, for the tired, the hopeless, the
despairing, the lonely. For those who face the end of this life, and those
still, as my … Continue reading →
Tweets For Today
Israel strikes Syrian targets near Golan Heights https://t.co/fBApDSUJtz
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 2, 2019
UPDATE: Algeria's constitutional council said Sunday it was impossible to
hold elections to choose a successor to ousted president Abdelaziz
Bouteflika early next month as planned, after the only two candidates were
Read more: https://t.co/mXxCn6Djc5
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 2, 2019
The U.A.E.’s ruler became the most powerful in the Arab world by following
America’s lead. Now he has his own agenda and President Trump's ear.
https://t.co/RHLqMvfk8w... more »
Episode #282 – ‘Stable Strategic Order’ with guest Emmy Butlin and more

*SUNDAY WIRE SHOW* | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this
is your brave new world…
Picture Of The Day

An engineer stands under a base station antenna of 5G in Huawei's SG178
multi-probe spherical near-field testing system at its Songshan Lake
Manufacturing Center in Dongguan, Guangdong province, China May 30, 2019.
*WNU Editor: *The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Inside
Huawei* (Reuters).
On the Regime of Ignorance

Here’s an excerpt from the speech by Thon Taddeo in Walter M. Miller, Jr.’s *A
Canticle for Leibowitz*:
"Ignorance has been our king. Since the death of empire, he sits
unchallenged on the throne of Man. His dynasty is age-old. His right to
rule is now considered legitimate. Past sages have affirmed it. They did
nothing to unseat him.
"Tomorrow, a new prince shall rule. Men of understanding, men of science
shall stand behind his throne, and the universe will come to know his
might. His name is Truth. His empire shall encompass the Earth. And the
mastery of Man over the Earth shall... more »
We now export energy
"As of 2017, renewables (solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and
biomass) provided 12.8% of the US power supply, an increase from 8.1% of
all power generated in 1980. Biomass is the leading renewable energy
source, accounting for 5.1% of 2017 power production. Solar power grew by
12 times since 2007, but only generated 0.9% of power in 2017. Nuclear
power provided 8.6% of the nation's power, up from 3.5% in 1980. Meanwhile,
fossil fuels supplied 77.7% of American power in 2017, down from 89.4% in
1980. Petroleum continues to be the largest source of energy consumption,
with na... more »
*‘Instincts just took over’: Coach describes stopping gunman at Portland
high school *
Former University of Oregon football star Keanon Lowe said he had just
entered a classroom at the Portland high school where he works as a coach
and security guard when a student armed with a black shotgun appeared in
the doorway.
Lowe had just seconds Friday to react. He lunged at the gunman and wrestled
with him for the weapon as other students ran screaming out a back door,
Lowe told reporters Monday at a news conference.
Lowe said he managed to get the gun away from the student and pass ... more »
No Roosevelts

In the First Gilded Age, Robert Reich writes, an oligarchy controlled the
United States. Teddy Roosevelt went to war against it and ushered in The
Progressive Era:
Teddy Roosevelt called that oligarchy the “malefactors of great wealth,”
and fought them by breaking up large concentrations of economic power–the
trusts–and instituting a progressive federal income tax.
His fifth cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, further reduced their power by
strictly regulating Wall Street, and encouraging the growth of labor
unions. The oligarchy fought back but Roosevelt wouldn’t yield.
“Government b... more »
Trivia : June 2nd
These things happened on this date in history…. Wild Bunch Gang – Sundance
(left), Cassidy (right) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’s First Train
Robbery June 2, 1899 Butch Cassidy‘s Wild Bunch gang, which included
the Sundance Kid, commit their first train robbery. They stole between
$30,000 and $60,000. The robbers were gang members Cassidy, Sundance,
Harvey Logan, and Elzy Lay. First Successful U.S. Soft Landing of a Manmade
Object on the Moon June 2, 1966 Surveyor I. Part of its mission was to
study the lunar soil in preparation for the Apollo missions. The Soviets
had landed ... more »
*Socialists Ruin the Environment*
The extreme Left may hawk the Green New Deal, but its track record is
woefully poor.
The steady drumbeat of speculation about the “i-word” (impeachment) has
pushed America’s political mindset away from the s-word: socialism. But
it’ll be back soon, wrapped in the cloak of “climate change.” Despite
what’s predicted to be a “near-normal” hurricane season beginning this
weekend, much of the nation is still reeling from the wild weather of
recent weeks — which is always a good time for blaming our free-enterprise
We all know that weather is ... more »
From Jenna Orkin
US wildlife refuge to be opened up for oil drilling
Are You A Petty Criminal? Canada Just Stopped Prosecuting Minor Crimes
Just 10 streams carry 95% of all river-borne plastic into the ocean
Puffins found starving to death in mass die-off likely linked to climate
change, study suggestsTree-clearing kills 87 million animals in NSW 08 Nov
The United Nations finds that Siri and Alexa are tools of male oppression.
Teachers allegedly told to favor black students in ‘racial equity’ training
'Hoover's revenge': Information the FBI once hoped could destroy Rev.
Martin L... more »
Sunday Morning Links
This and that for your Sunday reading.
- Stephen Maher writes that Michael Cooper's choice to give voice to the
Christchurch shooter's manifesto represents a test of Andrew Scheer's
willingness to take action to match his words. And Scheer's choice to
quietly shuffle Cooper out of a single committee assignment - rather than
actually showing him the door in response to premeditated hate speech -
seems to offer a clear wrong answer.
- Keith Gerein laments Jason Kenney's insistence on betting Alberta's
future on ideological tax cuts which have proven to be losing gambles
everywhere ... more »
Syrian Air Force destroys jihadist weapons depot in southern Idlib
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Air Force carried out a
powerful attack on a key site belonging to the jihadist rebels of Hay’at
Tahrir Al-Sham in the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate.
According to a military source in the nearby Hama Governorate, the Syrian
Air Force destroyed a Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Israel takes responsibility for latest attack on Syria: video
The Israeli Defence Forces have uploaded a video of a retaliatory missile
strike against Syria on their official Twitter account. The IDF struck
several Syrian Armed Forces targets that included two artillery batteries,
observation and intelligence posts, as well as a SA-2 aerial defense
battery. Three Syrian military personnel died as a result of the strike,
while seven […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian ship carrying oil struck by missile in eastern Syria: video
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:25 P.M.) – The U.S. Coalition and their allies attacked
two Syrian government ferries as they were attempting to smuggle oil from
eastern Syria this weekend. According to a report from the Euphrates Post,
the SDF fired a Javelin anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) towards a Syrian
government ferry, scoring a direct hit on […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
10 Killed In Israeli Airstrikes Launched Against Syria
*I** KNEW this was going to happen! *
*Late afternoon, yesterday, eastern standard time, there was breaking news
that "rockets" had been fired from Syria- Landing in occupied Golan,
causing no damage what so ever. The inevitable was bound to follow from
what was undoubtedly an incitement by Israeli proxies embedded in Syria.
After all Israel wants to take more territory. Israel wants to expand. *
*This was a headline from yesterday**: Rockets fired from Syria at
Israeli-occupied Golan Heights - military (story has been updated) *
*"An Israeli military spokeswoman said it was still... more »
Cruise ship loses control and ploughs into Venice wharf
Just In - 16 hours ago
A towering cruise ship strikes a dock and a tourist river boat on the busy
Giudecca Canal in Venice, forcing dozens of onlookers to flee in panic.
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