10:40 pm MST
Sunday December 16th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY
WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue
reading →
Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th December 2018
TonyfromOz at Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th December 2018 – PA Pundits – International - 27 minutes ago

By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily power consumption data for the
AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to
the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller
size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click on … Continue
reading "Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th
December 2018"
Hollywood Gangs Up On Roger Ailes
PA Pundits - International at Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th December 2018 – PA Pundits – International - 35 minutes ago

By Brent Bozell and Tim Graham ~ Talk-radio host and friend Chris Plante
recently made an excellent point about Hollywood. As horrible new
revelations of sexual misbehavior surface about CBS CEO Les Moonves, it’s
highly unlikely anyone’s going to make a movie about him, or about Matt
Lauer, or about Charlie Rose, and so on. … Continue reading "Hollywood
Gangs Up On Roger Ailes"
Trilling's Tutelage
*Michael Kimmage*
*Security, Americas*
[image: Reuters] Trilling’s books and essays had been an inspiration to the
neoconservative movement, of which he was pointedly not a member.
Lionel Trilling, Edited by Adam Kirsch,* Life in Culture: Selected*
*Letters of Lionel Trilling *(New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018),
464 pp., $35.00.
LIKE HIS wife Diana, who wrote her memoirs *The Beginning of the Journey*
in 1993, Lionel Trilling was a charter member of the New York
intellectuals. In his collection of essays, *The Winding Passage*, Daniel
Bell anointed both Trillings as eld... more »
John Mearsheimer on International Relations, Great Power Politics, and the Age of Trump
*Michael Lind*
*Security, Americas*
[image: Reuters] John J. Mearsheimer’s The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams
and International Realities argues how the United States’ pursuit of a
“liberal hegemony” has been a failure with sizeable costs.
John J. Mearsheimer, *The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International
Realities* (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018), 328 pp., $30.00.
WHEN THE Cold War ended a quarter century ago, many realists expected the
United States to retrench and demobilize. Instead, while drawing down some
of its military forces, the country did the opposite... more »
What Will Iran's Looming Civil War Look Like?
*Michael Rubin*
*Iran, Middle East*
When the state is weak or governments collapse, restive minorities along
the periphery rebel.
It was an unseasonably warm morning, in northwestern Iran, although a fresh
snow blanketed the mountains. Civil unrest had persisted in the area for
years amidst the backdrop of war and regional unrest. Crowds gathered in
the Mahabad town square. They did not have to wait long. Qazi Muhammad, the
founder of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq, ascended a platform and
delivered a fifteen-minute speech declaring the Kurds a people apart and
sharing t... more »
South Africa’s Leaders Just Showed They Don’t Care About Voters
*Alexander C. R. Hammond*
*economy, Africa*
[image: FILE PHOTO: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa speaks during a
visit to crime ridden Hanover Park township to launch a new Anti-Gang Unit,
in Cape Town, South Africa November 2, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings/File
Photo] South Africa is in danger of changing its constitution without
proper popular consent.
South Africa’s Joint Constitutional Review Committee declared on November
15 that the country would continue legalizing land expropriation without
compensation. At the committee’s recommendation, the South African
Parliame... more »
Two Ways America Can Prepare for—and Prevent—the Next War
*John Dale Grover*
*Security, *
[image: An F/A-18F Super Hornet jet flies over the USS Gerald R. Ford as
the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier tests its EMALS magnetic launching system,
which replaces the steam catapult, and new AAG arrested landing system in
the Atlantic Ocean July 28, 2017. Picture] Washington needs to refocus its
America could lose the next war. That is the conclusion of a report by the
non-partisan National Defense Strategy Commission, which was tasked by
Congress to assess the U.S. military the Trump Administration’s 2018
National Defense Strategy. The r... more »
Why Australia Needs Robot Tanks
*Michael Peck*
*Security, *
So why are robots so important for Australia? Because of Australia’s
peculiar circumstances: a vast continent, with a relatively small
population clustered on the coasts, and a relatively small military.
Australia is getting into robot military vehicles.
It is joining a host of nations that are developing or have even deployed
armed autonomous patrol vehicles, robot trucks and even remote-controlled
tanks. The club includes the United States, Russia, China, Israel and
various European nations.
But of them all, robotic combat vehicles may make the most... more »
COP 24: Good News And Bad
PA Pundits - International at Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th December 2018 – PA Pundits – International - 37 minutes ago

By Pat Carlson ~ What is it about human nature that makes us more willing
to believe the worst news rather than the best news? During the second week
of the latest international climate change conference being held in
Katowice, Poland COP24, two groups showed up with news – one group
predicting a catastrophic disaster … Continue reading "COP 24: Good News
And Bad"
Australian Politics – Licensed Bullies Hijack Shorten
PA Pundits - International at Australian Daily Electrical Power Generation Data – Saturday 15th December 2018 – PA Pundits – International - 39 minutes ago

By Andrew Bolt ~ It must be so exciting to be so morally superior that you
can trample over the rights of others – including the right of the Leader
of the Opposition and Australian Labor Party Leader Bill Shorten to address
the members at the Labor Party conference who paid to hear him. Check … Continue
reading "Australian Politics – Licensed Bullies Hijack Shorten"
Revisiting Trump's Pay-For-Play Inauguration

Foreign governments aren't allowed to pay off Trump... but-- surprise,
surprise-- Trump and the bevy of crooks around him found ways to skirt the
law and enrich Individual One and his family. We don't know if Mueller has
been investigating these-- but we do know the *Wall Street Journal* and investigative
journalists for ProPublica have been. And so are federal prosecutors in New
York. The inaugural committee raised over $100 million, for a small
inauguration ceremony that shockingly few people went to. So where did the
money go? In what is absolutely a pay-to-play scheme, right i... more »

Panzergrenadier-SS Kampfgruppe Hansen in action during clashes in Poteau
against Task Force Myers, 18 December 1944
*Daily Mail:* *The Allied invasion as you've never seen it before: Stunning
colorized photographs show the Battle of the Bulge in one of the final
encounters of World War II*
* Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive campaign on the
Western Front during World War II
* It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia
in eastern Belgium, northeast France, and Luxembourg
* Incredible pictures were brought to life by colorist Royston... more »
Green Book is a must go
My wife, daughter and I saw the movie “Green Book” yesterday. The movie is
based on the true story of an African-American concert pianist named Dr.
Don Shirley who is shepherded around the Midwest and South in 1962 by an … Continue
reading →
Research Professor Successfully Trains Mushrooms to “Destroy, Eat, and Live” Off Cancer Cells
Cancer research has tried many unusual ways of treating the dreaded
disease, from scorpion venom and bee stings to mistletoe extract
treatments. But what this professor has discovered might become the
strangest cancer discovery of the decade. Researcher, and the head of Oral
Robert University’s Cancer Lab, Dr. William Ranahan has successfully
trained mushrooms to destroy cancer cells. “We have mushrooms growing just
on cancer. They’ve figured out how to break them down,” Ranahan said.
Ranahan always had an interest in cancer research and has received an award
for advances in brea... more »
Protesters Take To Streets Of France For The Fifth Week
*Daily Mail: **The battle for Paris: Violence erupts in French capital as
police clash with rioters leading to 168 arrests - as Yellow Vest
demonstrations rage into FIFTH week*
* Security forces in riot gear with armoured trucks were positioned
around famous Champs-Elysees boulevard
* Protesters are expected to again torch vehicles, destroy shops and
vandalise buildings in protest of Macron
* Shops were closed and boarded up in anticipation of the protests, with
armoured vehicles parked close by
* France's interior ministry said number of protesters was estimated at
33,... more »
Don’t Laugh : It’s Giving Putin What He Wants

The BBC has published an article titled “How Putin’s Russia turned humour
into a weapon” about the Kremlin’s latest addition to its horrifying deadly
hybrid warfare arsenal: comedy. The article is authored by Olga Robinson,
whom the BBC, unhindered by any trace of self-awareness, has […]
President Trump and First Lady Melania Deliver Remarks During Congressional Holiday Ball…
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania host a stunning congressional
holiday ball at the White House.
Bob Murphy Conversation with David Henderson
I had a blast doing this. Here is the link. Now the highlights. The times
listed are roughly right. 3:30 to 5:00: My bio 5:00 to 15:00: How I got
hooked on economics, especially the role of Harold Demsetz 15:30 to 18:00:
Advice Milton Friedman gave 19-year-old me. 18:25: My change in plans after
my […]
The post Bob Murphy Conversation with David Henderson appeared first on
Just blow it all up?

In addition to the split between the left and the right, there’s also a
split between people who favor incremental change and those who want to
“blow it all up.” In 2016, the British voted in a referendum in favor of
exiting the EU. The referendum did not have the force of law, but the […]
The post Just blow it all up? appeared first on Econlib.
Read “The Culture of Poverty: An Ideological Analysis”
Next week I’m going to blog a piece that is at once lucid, engaging,
insightful, and flabbergasting: David Harvey and Michael Reeds “The Culture
of Poverty: An Ideological Analysis.” (Sociological Perspectives, 1996) As
far as I can tell, there’s only a gated version, but if you want to peek
inside the intra-left debate on “culture of poverty” […]
The post Read “The Culture of Poverty: An Ideological Analysis” appeared
first on Econlib.
Haiti > Cuba
Tiny Sunrise Airways runs 12 direct flights weekly from the Cuban cities
of Havana, Camaguey and Santiago to Port-au-Prince. Cubans interviewed in
the market said they spend about $700 on airfare, food and lodging and
another $700 on merchandise, which they resell at a markup high enough to
make several hundred dollars profit per […]
The post Haiti > Cuba appeared first on Econlib.
Lower-Class Families and Evolutionary Psychology
A few more thoughts on Rodman’s Lower-Class Families: 1. There is little
sign that the welfare state has anything to do with ubiquitous impulsive
sexual behavior in Coconut Village. Even the neediest single moms appears
to receive little or no support from the government. 2. So how do the
neediest single moms cope? Rodman: What does […]
The post Lower-Class Families and Evolutionary Psychology appeared
first on Econlib.
Regulation watch
One often hears about the Trump administration’s deregulation push. But how
real is it? Is the number of regulations rising or falling? One Mercatus
Center study found that growth in federal regulations slowed during 2017:
As the saying goes, talk is cheap. What do the numbers—the numerous metrics
of the stock and flow of regulation—tell […]
The post Regulation watch appeared first on Econlib.
Is the “Culture of Poverty” Functional?
At last, I’m starting my next major project: Poverty: Who To Blame. As
usual, my first step is assembling and reading several tall stacks of
research. One of these stacks is the “cultural of poverty” literature, and
one of the classics of this literature is Hyman Rodman’s Lower-Class
Families: The Culture of Poverty in Negro Trinidad (Oxford […]
The post Is the “Culture of Poverty” Functional? appeared first on Econlib.
Henderson versus Leon Panetta on the Long War

I posted in 2011 about my question to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in a
public forum and his response. I was telling Bob Murphy, who interviewed me
for his podcast, about it and found, with a few keystrokes, the
audio/video. For my question and his response, go to 43:41.
The post Henderson versus Leon Panetta on the Long War appeared first on
What is the United States?
In “Can anything hold back China’s economy?” Larry Summers makes a number
of good points. By the way, his implicit answer to the question he raises
in the title seems to be “No.” Along the way, though, he writes as if the
United States has one mind rather than over 300 million minds. Good point
The post What is the United States? appeared first on Econlib.
Bitcoin is not a bubble

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that people tend to predict that
Bitcoin is a bubble, and then later suggest that a subsequent price drop
shows that it was a bubble. Thus lots of pundits said Bitcoin was a bubble
when its price was at $30. Then when it was at $300, even more […]
The post Bitcoin is not a bubble appeared first on Econlib.
Raising Questions About Death of Guatemalan Girl in US Custody Isn’t Enough: People Need To Ask Why Indigenous People Are Being Forced From Their Land

The little Indigenous American girl, Jakelin, who died in US custody was
reportedly Mayan from Raxruha, in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. …
Continue reading →
1.8 Million Wreaths Will Be Laid To Honor U.S. Veterans This Weekend
The mission relies on your support. Join us Saturday to honor our nation's
heroes. #WAA2018 #RememberHonorTeach pic.twitter.com/ZJ65W6b2WW
— WreathsAcrossAmerica (@WreathsAcross) December 14, 2018
*Popular Mechanics:* *This Weekend, 1.8 Million Wreaths Will Be Laid to
Honor U.S. Veterans*
The foundation Wreaths Across America will coordinate wreath-laying
ceremonies at 1,640 locations across the United States, at sea and abroad.
This Saturday, December 15, is National Wreaths Across America Memorial
Day, when hundreds of thousands of holiday wreaths are laid in tribute to
U.S. v... more »
On The Iraq - Syria Border U.S. And Iran-Backed Militias Watch Each Other Warily

The Al-Qaim gate is closed at the border between Iraq and Syria at Al-Qaim
in Iraq, November 27, 2018. REUTERS/Alaa al-Marjani
*Reuters:* *ANALYSIS-On Iraq's border with Syria, Iran-backed militia
warily eye US forces*
* U.S. and PMF both oppose Islamic State
* But many Shi'ite paramilitaries see U.S. forces as threat
* PMF has deployed to Iraq-Syria border
* U.S. regards Iran as threat to regional security
Al-QAIM, Iraq, Dec 12 (Reuters) - From a desert hillside guarded by Iraqi
Shi'ite paramilitaries, commander Qasim Muslih can spot Islamic State
hideouts across the frontier in S... more »
Israel Blow’s Up Building In Ramallah Amid Israeli Settler and Soldier Violence
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (12:30 P.M)- Israeli occupation forces have blown up a
building in the West Bank, following Israeli raids throughout the
territory. A four story building, in the Al-Amari refugee camp, near
Ramallah city, has been blown up by Israeli forces. The building was home
to the family of Palestinian prisoner, Islam Abu Hamid. لحظة […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Is This The Future Of Aerial Intelligence Gathering Platforms?

Northrop Grumman
*Warzone/The Drive*: *Northrop Grumman Plans To Upend Aerial Surveillance
Market With Their Optionally Manned Firebird*
The massively flexible and super-efficient design is intended to compete
with both unmanned and manned aerial intel gathering platforms and win.
One of the most exciting developments in aerial surveillance isn't
happening at some shadowy Air Force Base in the middle of Nevada desert,
it's occurring at Mojave Air and Space Port, a bustling bastion of
aerospace creativity, located 50 miles to the southeast of Bakersfield,
California. There, Northro... more »
Stop Wasting our Dam Water By Viv Forbes,
The Saltbush Club today accused state and federal governments of wasting
water often desperately needed everywhere west of Australia’s Great
Dividing Range. The “Saltbush Water Watch” has been established to monitor
government action and inaction and report on priorities. The … Continue
reading →
The FISA Conundrum…
It is hard to believe this was written a year ago; time flies. However, we
are repeating a FISA-702 explanation thread below because as the year has
evolved; and understanding FISA-702 process abuse is now the specific focus
of Inspector … Continue reading →
Please sign petition: Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.
The latest ploy of the anti-democracy politicians & EU is simple: to insist
we must have a deal and then reject any deal. Thus claiming that leaving is
impossible. They are scum. Please sign the petition: Leave the EU without … Continue
reading →
Is This What A Future U.S. Army Infantry Vehicle Will Look Like?
*Popular Mechanics*: *Israel's 'Namer' Infrantry Vehicle Could Be a Glimpse
of the U.S. Army's Future*
*The M2 Bradley is due for a replacement.*
A video of the Israeli Namer (“Tiger”) infantry fighting vehicle with a
pair of important upgrades has popped up on YouTube. The upgrades consist
of a new 30-millimeter unmanned turret with a pair retractable anti-tank
missiles. The result is the the most heavily armed, and armored infantry
carrier in the world.
Israel developed the Namer in the 2000s as a heavy armored personnel
carrier designed to carry twelve soldiers—including two ... more »
The Taliban Are Using Drones To Watch U.S. Forces 24/7 In Afghanistan

US Marines test the IXI Technology Dronekiller, a portable jammer that a
single individual can carry and employ to disrupt a small drone's link with
its operator, potentially causing it to crash. USMC
*Task & Purpose:* *The Taliban Are Watching US Troops With Drones ’24/7′ In
Afghanistan *
If you step onto a U.S. military outpost in Afghanistan, then militants may
be watching your every move.
* During an October showcase of counter-drone directed energy weapons at
the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, Air Force Research Laboratory
official Tom Lockhart revealed that the Tal... more »
Sex, Russia and Impeachment

*Individual One by Nancy Ohanian*
*-by Reese Erlich*
New York, America's largest city is abuzz over the latest revelations about
Donald Trump's crimes. I'm here on book tour discussing Iran, but audiences
want to know if Trump will be impeached.
Court documents filed in the case of Trump's long-time personal lawyer
Michael Cohen show The Donald paid off two women with whom he had sexual
relations. Prosecutors consider the payments, totaling several hundred
thousand dollars, to be illegal campaign contributions because they were
explicitly used to prevent scandal during the 2016 pre... more »
President Trump Makes Unannounced Visit to Arlington National Cemetery…
Earlier today President Donald Trump made an unannounced trip to Arlington
National Cemetery to pay his respects to deceased veterans and celebrate
“National Wreaths Across America Day”. Christmas wreaths are laid at the
grave sites of fallen soldiers at Arlington … Continue reading →
What has the World Gotten for its Climate Change Dollars? Absolutely Nothing

Climate Change Investment Totals USD $359 Billion Worldwide (Source)
Hundreds of billions of dollars could have been spent improving the lives
of individuals across the globe. We could have brought affordable energy,
clean water, schools, roads and hospitals to Africa. We could have lower
the fuel prices for the people now rioting in France. We … Continue reading
"What has the World Gotten for its Climate Change Dollars?
Absolutely Nothing"
Russia Has New Rules Of Engagement In Syria
IDF delegation returns from Moscow after Northern Shield, Syria talks
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) December 12, 2018
*Zero Hedge*: *Russia's New Rules Of Engagement In Syria*
Syria will adopt a new rule of engagement with Israel now that Russia has
taken a tougher and clearer stance on the conflict between Israel and the
“Axis of the Resistance”. Henceforth, Damascus will be responding to any
Israeli strike. If it damages a specific military target it will reply with
a strike against a similar objective in Israel. Decision makers in Damascus
said... more »
Chinese Hackers Are Intensifying Their Efforts To Steal US Navy Secrets

*Business Insider: **Chinese hackers are reportedly stealing loads of US
Navy secrets, and the Navy is scrambling to stop it*
* Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer warned in an internal memo in
October that "attempts to steal critical information are increasing in both
severity and sophistication," The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
* The secretary has launched a review of the service branch's cybersecurity
weaknesses, as Chinese hackers target contractors and subcontractors to
steal military secrets.
* China allegedly targets US military service branches, commercial
entiti... more »
The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk: The Airplane That Imperial Japan Hated
*Warfare History Network*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Wikimedia Commons] The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk helped the Allies hold
back the Japanese.
During the first year of American participation in World War II, the
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk (Kittyhawk or Tomahawk to the British) came to
symbolize the United States Army Air Corps as it fought a desperate war to
hold the Japanese in check. This was thanks in large measure to the highly
publicized exploits of the American Volunteer Group during the first six
months of the war and of their successors in the 23rd Fighter Group in
China. Although t... more »
This Ultimate Doomsday Rifle Shoots 21 Different Of Ammo
*Task and Purpose*
*Security, *
[image: Wikimedia Commons] The Scavenger 6 is a new rifle that looks like a
revolver and can fire 21 different calibers of ammunition, just by swapping
out the cylinder.
The Scavenger 6 is a new rifle that looks like a revolver and can fire 21
different calibers of ammunition, just by swapping out the cylinder.
In a post-apocalyptic scenario where survival is dependent upon scavenging
resources, it pays to be prepared. That’s the thinking behind Scavenger 6,
a new rifle that can fire 21 different calibers of ammunition.
Though rifle hardly seems a... more »
California farm suspected in romaine outbreak recalls other produce
Adam Bros. Farming Inc. of Santa Maria, California “out of an abundance of
caution” has recalled red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce and cauliflower
harvested this year from Nov. 27 through Nov 30 for it may be contaminated
with E. Coli O157: H7. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Dec. 13
said its traceback... Continue Reading
Former Trump Lawyer Tells ABC Trump Directed Him to Break the Law. Is He Credible?
[image: former-trump-lawyer-tells-abc-trump-directed-him-to-break-the-law]
President Donald Trump — whose enemies have been seeking to delegitimize
his presidency since before it even began — is now facing new accusations
from his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen claims that candidate
Trump directed him to make payments to assure the silence of two women who
claimed to have extramarital affairs with Trump, even though Trump “of
course” knew it was wrong to do so.
Mueller Destroyed Messages From Peter Strzok’s iPhone; OIG Recovers 19,000 New “FBI Lovebird” Texts
The post Mueller Destroyed Messages From Peter Strzok’s iPhone; OIG
Recovers 19,000 New “FBI Lovebird” Texts appeared first on The Duran.
Turkey threatens to pull the plug on US

The post Turkey threatens to pull the plug on US appeared first on The Duran
“Unconstitutional Disaster!”: Trump Celebrates After Judge Strikes Down Obamacare

The post “Unconstitutional Disaster!”: Trump Celebrates After Judge Strikes
Down Obamacare appeared first on The Duran.
Europe To UK’s Theresa May: ‘Drop Dead’ – Support For Second “People’s” Referendum Grows
The post Europe To UK’s Theresa May: ‘Drop Dead’ – Support For Second
“People’s” Referendum Grows appeared first on The Duran.
‘Risks Are Higher’: Rate Hike by Russian Central Bank Signals Inflation Concern

The post ‘Risks Are Higher’: Rate Hike by Russian Central Bank Signals
Inflation Concern appeared first on The Duran.
“I Know How To Cut Well” – Erdogan Reveals More Audio Of Khashoggi Killing

The post “I Know How To Cut Well” – Erdogan Reveals More Audio Of Khashoggi
Killing appeared first on The Duran.
Byron York: Why Republicans ‘shrug off’ the Michael Cohen case

The post Byron York: Why Republicans ‘shrug off’ the Michael Cohen case
appeared first on The Duran.
Kerch Strait and Azov Sea Tensions

The post Kerch Strait and Azov Sea Tensions appeared first on The Duran.
Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia December 13, 2018 • 44 Comments

The post Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia December 13,
2018 • 44 Comments appeared first on The Duran.
Bare-Breasted ‘Mariannes’ Face Off With French Police; Tear Gas, Pepper Spray Used On Protesting Yellow Vests

The post Bare-Breasted ‘Mariannes’ Face Off With French Police; Tear Gas,
Pepper Spray Used On Protesting Yellow Vests appeared first on The Duran.
President Poroshenko declares establishment of Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Ukraine

The post President Poroshenko declares establishment of Autocephalous
Orthodox Church in Ukraine appeared first on The Duran.
China introduces ‘social’ punishments for scientific misconduct
Offending researchers could face restrictions on jobs, loans and business
opportunities under a system tied to the controversial social credit
policy. Chinese president Xi Jinping has said people who lose trust in
one area of society should face restrictions … Continue reading →
El Niño events will intensify under global warming
After decades of uncertainty, it now seems clear that global warming will
enhance both the amplitude and the frequency of climate phenomena known as
eastern Pacific El Niño events, with widespread climatic consequences.
During El Niño events, sea surface temperatures … Continue reading →
Debate ethics of embryo models from stem cells
The cells of a 4-day-old artificial embryo (left) resemble those of a
5.5-day-old mouse embryo (right). Over the past five years, various studies
have shown that mouse and human stem cells can spontaneously organize in a
dish into 3D structures … Continue reading →
Cell-jacking proteins could be the key to cracking Zika and dengue
Targeting common host proteins used by different viruses to manipulate
human cells could lead to new treatments. People with dengue fever
receive treatment at a hospital in India. Dengue and Zika viruses replicate
inside people by hijacking some … Continue reading →
How Neanderthal DNA might have shaped some human brains
Gene variants acquired through interbreeding seem to give some people with
European ancestry more elongated brains. Neanderthal skulls (left) are
more elongated than modern-human skulls. No human has the brain of a
Neanderthal — but some have hints … Continue reading →
‘Transmissible’ Alzheimer’s theory gains traction
Mouse tests confirm that sticky proteins associated with degenerative brain
diseases can be transferred — but researchers say risks for humans are
likely to be minimal. A normal brain of a 70-year-old (left slice),
compared with the brain … Continue reading →
Yemen: The impact of war on people’s lives
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) humanitarian affairs
officer Alex Dunne writes from Yemen, where years of conflict have
decimated public health systems and left millions without access to care. A
version of this article was originally published in the Irish … Continue
reading →
Physicians Are Steering the Conversation About Gun Violence
The NRA’s response in November to the American College of Physicians’ newly
published position paper on reducing firearm injuries and deaths—tweeted
just hours before a gunman killed 12 people at a California country music
bar—was blunt: “Someone should tell self-important … Continue reading →
Physicians’ Voices on Gun Violence and Other Important Public Health Issues
Physicians have long lent their voices to issues of concern to the health
of the public, many of which were politically and socially controversial at
the time. Physician organizations were instrumental in formulating
recommendations that led to policies around alcohol … Continue reading →
“Spy” Virus Eavesdrops on Bacteria, Then Obliterates Them
Viruses use bacteria’s chemical language to time their destruction; this
might lead to new ways to fight infections Bacteriophage virus electron
microscopy image. In the early experiments it looked like the virus called
VP882 was doing something that should be … Continue reading →
A Fresh Look at the French Revolution- The Liberals vs the People
* We had some commentary regarding the french revolution as compared to the
yellow vest protests. Most people wrongly believe the "french revolution'
was all about the people tossing an insolent ruler to the curb. And then
gaining enlightenment. It was nothing of the sort.*
AnonymousDecember 12, 2018 at 8:05 PM
Forget the "French Revolution" of 1789 as a model, if that is what you are
referencing, because it was probably another (the first?) bankster
PennyDecember 13, 2018 at 8:38 AM
"the "French Revolution" of 1789 as a model, if that is what you are
referencing, becau... more »
Oh My – DOJ Inadvertently Highlights SSCI Corruption in Responsive Filing Toward Wolfe Sentencing Memo…
Well, well, well. This is likely to be quickly brushed under the
proverbial rug. If you have followed the case against SSCI Security
Director James Wolfe you will note the original indictment against him
outlined, obliquely, how Wolfe took custody … Continue reading →
‘New World Order’ Wine Pompoured into a Pro-‘Sovereignty’ Rhetorical Bottle
James George Jatras at - 6 hours ago
[image: undefined]
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began his December 4 speech in Brussels at
the German Marshall Fund with “a well-deserved tribute to America’s 41st
president, George Herbert Walker Bush,” whom he praised as “an unyielding
champion of freedom around the world.” It was fitting that he did so. The
heart and soul of Pompeo’s remarks extolling the return of “the United
States to its traditional, central leadership role in the world” were
little more than a rehash of Bush the Elder’s aggressive internationalism.
Pompeo (or his speechwriter) should be given credit for a m... more »
The Maria Butina Case Is Not About Spying
Leonid Bershidsky at - 6 hours ago
[image: undefined]
Two things stand out in this week’s plea deal of Maria Butina, the Russian
citizen branded by US media as an “accused spy.” The description of her
offense by federal prosecutors doesn’t mention any link to Russian
intelligence services and the plea agreement says she’s willing to
cooperate with the US authorities despite knowing she’ll almost certainly
be deported to Russia.
These peculiarities make Butina’s a strange case.
The 30-year-old gun-rights activist and former graduate student at American
University networked so inventively and tirelessly in Washington ... more »
Hurrah for the Yellow Shirts?

Far be it for someone so humble to offer advice to the exalted Emmanuel
Macron, but faced with a revolt in which one's haughty, arrogant style of
leadership is one factor in the galaxy of grievances, perhaps appearing on
television behind a gold table in a room shiny with this most wretched of
metals to assure the populace that you're "listening" wasn't the best idea.
Nor was the related announcement that his "concessions" would be funded by
public spending cuts elsewhere. And to think a good chunk of professional
politicians in this country really rate this deeply mediocre man.
Ma... more »
Exclusive: U.S.-backed SDF vows to fight any Turkish attack in north Syria
* Late but still very relevant to Thursday's post and the remake the region
*Reuters UK*: *Ayn Issa Nahiyah is in the Tel Abyad district, Raqqa.*
AIN ISSA, Syria (Reuters) -* The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces will
respond strongly to any Turkish attack* but is pressing diplomatic efforts
to deter an assault, its commander-in-chief said on Thursday.
In a rare interview, Mazloum Kobani told Reuters that Washington had made
“serious attempts” to prevent a Turkish offensive against Kurdish fighters
who control a swathe of northern Syria at the Turkish border, but the
... more »
Egypt’s hidden architectural gems : Dr.Salem El-Hendawy Palace
Cairo and Giza got beautiful architectural jewels that are hidden in the
rough that we are losing them fast those days.
Those hidden jewels are the residential palaces, villas and residential
buildings with private gardens in side streets that nobody pays attention
except when they are demolished and replaced by ugly cement buildings or to
be precise cement blocks.
In Giza’s old Dokki, there are many hidden villas and palaces with a very
unique architectural style that stand in a race of time.
Some of those palaces and buildings got very interesting stories about
their owners who we... more »
The Thomson Electron Experiment and the Wave Nature of Electrons

The discovery of the Electron by J.J. Thomson is summarised by the
following schematic: Sourced from here Thomson didn’t know about the
Earth’s ambient electric field in which he was conducting his experiment.
It is shown in the next schematic. … Continue reading →
Forget Stealth Fighters: Russia's Military Modernization Gets Down to the Basics
*Mark Episkopos*
*Security, *
Like upgrading things like light military transport aircraft.
Russia’s new light military transport is undergoing final testing to enter
into serial production the following year, with the first batch consisting
of thirty-five units. The Il-112B variant of the canceled Il-112, announced
in 2014 by Ilyushin CEO Dmitry Ragozin, is part of Russia’s ongoing program
to modernize its aircraft lineup.
Ilyushin and Antonov were the two primary transport aircraft manufacturers
of the Soviet Union. Ilyushin generally produced heavy transports, while
Antonov h... more »
The Social Benefit Of Carbon

Cross-posted from Watts Up With That, where I publish my scientific work.
After my recent post on the futility of the US cutting down on CO2
emissions, I got to thinking about what is called the “social cost of
carbon”. (In passing, even the name is a lie. It’s actually the supposed
cost of carbon DIOXIDE, not…
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Loving Touch”
Deuter, “Loving Touch”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0aDAdxt0ls
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The southern part of Orion, the famous constellation and mythical hunter,
appears quite picturesque posing here over a famous volcano. Located in the
Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa, the snow-peaked Teide is
one of the largest volcanoes on Earth.
*Click image for larger size.*
In this composite of exposures taken from the same location, the three
iconic belt stars of Orion are seen just above the peak, while the famous
Orion Nebula and the rest of Orion's sword are visible beyond the volcano's
left slope. Also visible in the long duration sky image are the Horsehead ... more »
The Poet: Mary Olive, “Evidence”
“Where do I live? If I had no address, as many people
do not, I could nevertheless say that I lived in the
same town as the lilies of the field,
and the still waters.
Spring, and all through the neighborhood now there are
strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue. But
all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -
to excite the viewers toward sublime thought.
Glory to the world, that good teacher.
Among the swans there is none called the least,
or the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.
Also in singing,
especiall... more »
Chet Raymo, "What Does It All Mean?"
*"What Does It All Mean?"*
by Chet Raymo
"A good friend tells me via e-mail that she is reading Leo Tolstoy's "Anna
Karenina." I read the book for a second time two years ago, in the new
translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. It's one of those
novels I had to read twice - once in middle age (I would not have had the
patience in youth) and once in settled maturity. In middle age, it was all
about Anna, and passion, and doubt. In old age - for me at least - it's
about Levin, settled, happily married, enjoying as much intellectual peace
as might be possible in this bi... more »
Judge Sets Up Another War Between the States — Over ObamaCare
[image: judge-sets-up-another-war-between-the-states-over-obamacare]
A federal judge in Texas has declared the Affordable Care Act
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Leaving His Post at End of the Year

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke will resign his post at the end of the
year, part of a wave of high-profile departures from the Trump
administration after the midterm elections.
President Donald Trump announced this latest departure in a pair of tweets
Saturday morning, saying his administration will name a replacement next
Until that person is named and confirmed, Zinke’s deputy David Bernhardt, a
former oil executive, will likely take over the agency.
Zinke, 57, dutifully advanced Trump’s promise to boost coal, oil, and
natural gas production since taking office in M... more »
Free Download: Rumi, "The Essential Rumi"
"All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from
elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Who looks out
with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one
sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks. I didn't
come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way. Whoever brought me
here, will have to take me home."
- Rumi, "The Tavern," Ch. 1:, p. 2, from "The Essential Rumi"
*Freely download "The Essential Rumi" here:*
- https://l... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brainerd, Minnesota, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
“Sometimes paranoia's just having all the facts.”
- William S. Burroughs
"Never Hate Your Enemies..."
“Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgment.”
- "Michael Corleone"
As JFK said, "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."
“The Boogeyman is Coming for You… No Matter Where in the World You Are”
*“The Boogeyman is Coming for You…*
* No Matter Where in the World You Are”*
by Simon Black
"The anti-terrorism unit suited up. This was an international affair… a
deal between the USA and New Zealand, two members of the Five Eyes
intelligence alliance. Helicopters, tactical suits, high caliber firearms -
the whole shebang. They busted in the doors and successfully raided the
multi-million-dollar compound. What was this… capturing the next in line
after Bin Laden? Busting an international human trafficking ring?
Actually, elite New Zealand law enforcement was acting at the request o... more »
Selling coal at climate change conference
A U.S. energy official says “no country should have to sacrifice economic
prosperity or energy security in pursuit of environmental sustainability”
during a U.N. climate discussions in Poland.
Preston Wells Griffith, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of
International Affairs at the Department of Energy, spoke at a U.S.
government-sponsored event Monday in Katowice, responding to criticism of
the U.S. administration's policy of supporting the fossil fuel industry.
Zlatica Hoke reports.
Siluriformes importer from Toronto recalls products for missing border inspection
Mannarich Food Inc., the Importer of Record from Toronto Saturday recalled
approximately 145,245 pounds of Siluriformes products that were not
presented at the U.S. point of entry for inspection, according to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The
Siluriformes products were imported to the U.S. on various dates from
June... Continue Reading
TRIUMPH Program Empowers Minority Males at Community Colleges

The TRIUMPH program – launched in 2014 was created to ncrease the retention
and success of men of color at Triton College.
Alternative ET

*I'm 70 today, so, officially, no one can tell me anything.*
*Alternative ET*
by Alfred Lehmberg
...And, go!
Proudly portentous paranormal pundits propitiously self-placed and
proclaiming their *pompous *and wholly *impacted *pretensions—*not entirely
unlike myself I'll allow*—lately practice (...otherwise!) the very
antithesis of what they'd preach or would seem to *be* preaching! This is
an alliteration meant to assign the point, reader. Don't embarrass yourself
not going along. Walk with me. ...Or don't.
They do this, my friend, to *stop* the thrust of a serious *ufological *... more »
How to Hold Corporations AccountableCharles E. Wilson, the CEO...
Robert Reich - 8 hours ago
*How to Hold Corporations Accountable*
Charles E. Wilson, the CEO of General Motors in the middle part of the last
century, reputedly once said that “what was good for our country was good
for General Motors, and vice versa.”
The idea was that large corporations had a duty not just to their
shareholders, but also to their employees, customers, and community. What
was good for all of these stakeholders was inseparable from what was good
for large corporations like GM.
But in the 1980’s, this shifted. The only goal of large corporations goal
became maximizing profits and returns f... more »
Ready For A New And Better Ossoff Pose?

There's no question that even in defeat there is inspiration to be found.
Lucy McBath's 50.5% to 49.5%, 3,264 vote win against Karen Handel in
Georgia was a happy ending last month-- a tie in Fulton County and a bigger
Democratic win in DeKalb than the GOP win in Cobb-- but people who watch
politics closely were jumping out of their skin as Carolyn Bourdeaux closed
in on Rob Woodall even if her massive win in Gwinnett County fell a tiny
bit short of his even more massive win in Forsyth. Woodall may have won
50.1% to 49.9% (419 votes) but organizers are already working on GA-07,
2... more »
Update On First Deep Coal Mine in the UK for 30 years (It’s Near Sellafield Nuclear Site)

Originally posted on Keep Cumbrian Coal in the Hole:
Dear Friends, I have just been sent the following from Cumbria County
Council. Those of you…
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