10:00 pm MST
Trump n’ Pelosi Palooza: a Circus of Platitudes and Buffoons
A couple of days ago, Donald Trump and Mike Pence sat down with Nancy
Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to discuss their respective agendas. Within short
order, the meeting devolved into a most infantile temper tantrum as Trump
jostled with Pelosi and Schumer while Pence sat almost motionless as though
he was guarding Buckingham Palace. This embarrassing show of finger
pointing and taunts put on by the supposed leaders of our nation is proof
positive that…
The post Trump n’ Pelosi Palooza: a Circus of Platitudes and Buffoons
appeared first on The Ghion Journal.
Israel about to Attack Lebanon Says Source — Entire Middle East Will Erupt in War!
RT America Published on Dec 13, 2018 In what could set the entire Middle
East ablaze, and involve both the United States and Russia, former pentagon
official Michael Maloof shares exclusive details about Israel’s plan of
attack against Hezbollah. Rick Sanchez maps out what the geopolitical
consequences of such an action would be for the region […]
Sanhedrin “Third Temple” Ritual in Jerusalem
RISE Published on Dec 11, 2018 Third Temple Altar Dedication in Jerusalem
by Activists end
The End of France as We Know It?
The End of France as We Know It? by TOM
LUONGO, https://tomluongo.wordpress.com/ When an event grabs headlines like
the protests in France have I temper my reactions to it. I didn’t give the
Yellow Vest protests much thought at first wanting to see where they would
lead. – Protests like this and even bigger ones like Catalonian […]
Israel: We’re Prepared for War with Hezbollah – TV7 Israel News 12.12.18
More war propaganda from Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit. TV7
Israel News Published on Dec 12, 2018 Today’s top stories 12.12.18 ; 1) A
third cross-border attack tunnel, which was dug by the Iranian-backed
Hezbollah, was located on the northern Israeli-border with Lebanon –
extending from Lebanese territory to an area in the Upper Galilee, […]
Emergency Briefing of the Head of Donetsk People’s Republic Militia Basurin on the Situation on 10.12.2018
Emergency Briefing of the Head of Donetsk People’s Republic Militia Basurin
on the Situation on 10.12.2018 by http://thesaker.is/ I would like to make
the following statement. Our intelligence obtained irrefutable evidence
about the Armed Forces of Ukraine AFU preparation to attack us at the
direction of Mariupol. The information obtained from reliable sources fully
reveals the […]
Confirmed, US Has Gold, Gold Will Bring Down The FedRes
X22Report Published on Dec 13, 2018 The entire BREXIT deal is not going
well for May, she is in trouble and she already said that she will not run
in the next election. The EU will not renegotiate the terms of the BREXIT.
US households hold more treasuries foreigners, this will not end well. This
was […]
Israeli Border Police Seize 6-year-old in Hebron, Drag Him to a Checkpoint And Hold Him for an Hour
Israeli Border Police Seize 6-year-old in Hebron, Drag Him to a Checkpoint
And Hold Him for an Hour by https://www.btselem.org/ The policemen took me
into Abu a-Rish Checkpoint (the Pharmacy Checkpoint) and kept me shut in a
room there for about an hour. I cried and the soldiers cursed me. Then they
put me into a […]
Geminids 2018: Why Geminid Meteor Shower Will Be DIFFERENT And More SPECTACULAR Than Ever
Geminids 2018: Why Geminid Meteor Shower Will Be DIFFERENT And More
SPECTACULAR Than Ever by AMALIE HENDEN, https://www.express.co.uk/ THE
Geminids is one of the most dependable meteor showers in the world and is
due to peak tonight, giving eager stargazers a chance to watch a
spectacular show unfold in the night sky. But why is the Geminid […]
Comet 46P/Wirtanen and Geminid Meteor Shower Join Forces for Super Sky Show
nemesis maturity Published on Dec 13, 2018 Comet’s historic flyby and one
of the best displays of “shooting stars” could make for some epic nights of
skywatching. Head for dark, clear skies tonight — overnight Dec. 13-14 — to
see the shooting stars of the Geminid meteor shower overhead. The shower is
likely to be the […]
$4,700 Worth of ‘Meddling’: Google Questioned Over ‘Russian Interference’
RT Published on Dec 13, 2018 The CEO of Google has given some specific
numbers on alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US election. Sundar Pichai
was questioned by the US House Judiciary Committee. READ MORE:
https://on.rt.com/9kaw end
US Representative: If You Google ‘Idiot’, You Get Trump… Google: Not Us!
RT Published on Dec 13, 2018 Angry at Google’s perceived liberal bias &
furious that the search engine would ever link to negative information
about them, US Representatives vented to Google CEO Sundar Pichai about
their embarrassing tech problems. READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/9kaw end
In Gaza Protests, Israeli Troops Aim for the Legs
In Gaza Protests, Israeli Troops Aim for the Legs
by https://www.apnews.com/ GAZA CITY, Gaza (AP) — Israeli forces deployed
along the volatile border with the Gaza Strip have fired live rounds at
rock-throwing Palestinian protesters ever since demonstrations against
Israel’s long-running blockade of Gaza began in March. – And for eight
months, Israeli snipers have targeted […]
Expanding Limits? Trump Reportedly Commits to Record $750Bn Defense Budget
RT Published on Dec 13, 2018 US President Donald Trump has reportedly
agreed to a Pentagon request to increase next year’s military budget, to
$750bn. Just last week, though, he slammed this year’s defence budget as
‘crazy’. READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/9k5q end
The EU’s Federal Empire is on Verge of a Total Collapse, Says LEO MCKINSTRY
The EU’s Federal Empire is on Verge of a Total Collapse, Says LEO MCKINSTRY
by LEO MCKINSTRY, https://www.express.co.uk/ THE turmoil at Westminster has
fuelled a mood of smugness among pro-EU fanatics. In their narrative,
Brexit is portrayed as an inherently foolish project that was always
certain to create a political mess. According to them, the only solution […]
Italy Offers 2.04% Budget Deficit Target in EU Peace Gesture
Italy Offers 2.04% Budget Deficit Target in EU Peace Gesture by John
Follain, https://www.bloomberg.com/ * European Commission had rejected
budget with 2.4% deficit * Premier Conte met EU commission chief Juncker in
Brussels – Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte proposed to cut the
deficit target to 2.04 percent of output for next year in a significant
concession […]
Washington state regulators approve new rules for marijuana edibles
After months of back and forth with cannabis-infused products makers and MJ
trade associations, the Washington state Liquor and Cannabis Board approved
new packaging, labeling and product design regulations for edibles. The
rules: Designate approved colors and shapes for edible products. Specify
approved font, background and accent colors for edible packaging and
labeling. Provide guidelines […]
Washington state regulators approve new rules for marijuana edibles is a
post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news
for cannabis entrepreneurs
What a Mess – The Congressional Hearing With Clinton Foundation Investigators…
Today there was a much hyped congressional hearing, spearheaded by
sub-committee chairman Mark Meadows, into issues surrounding the Clinton
Foundation and the possibility of IRS tax avoidance schemes. The backstory
is of particular importance because the hearing is being framed … Continue
reading →
The Reality of Consumerism – Starbuck’s Certified Coffee Plantation Busted Using Slave Labor

*Daniela Penha* - A natural consequence of consumerism is a modern form of
Canadian Study Links Fluoride to Increasing Rate of ADHD in Children
*Phillip Schneider* - The studies keep coming in.
Gender Ideology and Science

A fresh report from the front lines comes from (who else) Jordan Peterson:
The gender scandal – in Scandinavia and Canada Excerpts in italics with
my bolds. Men and women are similar. But importantly different. No matter
what Sweden’s feminist foreign minister says. Part One (Scandinavia) Over
the past few weeks, I have been in […]
Scuba Santa Brings Holiday Cheer to Museumgoers
Volunteer diver George Bell donned his Santa suit for a recent feed and
fielded visitors' questions from inside the tank.
Court: Trump Can’t Let Companies Deny Birth Control Coverage
The ruling, however, may be short lived because the administration has
adopted new rules on contraceptive coverage that will likely prompt renewed
legal challenges.
Trump Invokes ‘Advice-of-Counsel’ Defense in Campaign Probe
The advice-of-counsel defense is a real thing. But it can be risky.
Did a Brain-Eating Amoeba Kill a Woman Who Rinsed Her Sinuses with Tap Water?
Balamuthia mandrillaris infections are extremely rare and largely
preventable, but the few cases that do occur are usually fatal.
A New Intifada? 4 Palestinians and 2 Israeli Soldiers Killed
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:00 A.M)- Four Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers were
killed, this Wednesday and Thursday, leading to Israeli settler violence
and large scale Palestinian protests. A climax of violence erupted this
Thursday across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, resulting in the deaths
of two Israeli Occupation soldiers and the execution of three Palestinians.
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Breaking: Intense clashes breakout between Syrian Army, US-backed forces near Tanf region
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:30 A.M.) – Minutes ago, an intense firefight broke-out
between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and U.S.-backed rebels in southeastern
Homs. According to a military source in Damascus, the clashes erupted
between the Syrian Arab Army and the U.S.-backed Jaysh Maghawer Al-Thoura
group just north of the Al-Tanf region, which is controlled by […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Maria Butina Guilty Plea Document; “Wealthy & Well-Connected US Person” Is Apparently A Rockefeller Heir

Notice that the facts listed on the guilty plea “do not constitute all
facts known to the parties concerning the …
Continue reading →
Accused Russian Agent Pleads Guilty to Conspiring Against US
From VOA News: “Accused Russian Agent Pleads Guilty to Conspiring Against
US Last Updated: December 13, 2018 1:08 PM VOA …
Continue reading →
Fox News Covers “60 Minutes” Segment On Kids And Screens: “Kids’ Brains Are Being Damaged”
By B.N. Frank Tucker Carson and psychotherapist and author Tom Kersting had
an intense 3-minute discussion about the recent CBS 60 Minutes segment on
research... more »
President Trump Calls Out Democrat Border Hypocrisy in Video Message…
President Donald Trump goes on offense with a video message on border
security. President Trump highlights the past statements by democrat
leaders Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for a border security wall.
President Trump knows his position on the border … Continue reading →
CDC’s Own Data Support Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

After four long years, Dr. Brian Hooker’s reanalysis of the CDC’s
MMR-autism data from the original Destefano et al. 2004 Pediatrics paper
has been republished in the Winter 2018 Edition of the Journal of American
Physicians and Surgeons. The data, when properly analyzed, using the CDC’s
own study protocol, show a strong, statistically significant relationship
between the timing of the first MMR vaccine and autism, specifically in
African American males. In addition, a relationship also exists in the
timing of the MMR vaccine and those individuals who were diagnosed with
autism wit... more »
Facebook Fails: Sought Patents To Predict Where You Are Going, Fact Checkers Losing Trust, Alternative Media Targeted
By Aaron Kesel Three creepy Facebook patent applications describe using
your historical location data — and others’ — to determine where users will
go next... more »
Get This: California to Consider Taxing Text Messages in 2019
*Joe Simonson*
*Economics, *
Could it happen?
California regulators are currently contemplating whether residents would
have to pay a fee on text messages from their cellphones.
The proposed tax would help fund programs in the state that provides
low-income Californians with phone service and will be discussed further
during the January 2019 meeting by the California Public Utilities
The rational from California regulators is this: Text messaging uses the
same cell towers as phone calls, yet do not face similar fees—particularly
in the era where voice calls have dr... more »
Introducing China's QBZ-95-1 Assault Rifle: One of the Best on the Planet?
*Kyle Mizokami*
*Security, *
The QBZ-95-1 is a powerful and reliable, although slightly dated, weapon
that was emblematic of the military revolution that began in China in the
early 1990s and continues to this day.
One of the most widely issued—but least known—infantry small arms is the
QBZ-95-1 assault rifle. The QBZ-95-1 is the official rifle of the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) and its various sub-branches, including the People’s
Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps. Unorthodox in appearance, the bullpup
QBZ-95-1 also fires an unusual 5.8-millimeter cartridge. The result is a
u... more »
Bill Gibeaut—a good friend, member of our church
We attended many church events in their homes, and were at their wedding.
Bill was active in the same Haiti ministry as Bob, and one of his daughters
was in school with ours. He will be missed.
William "Bill" Gibeaut, 83, Dublin, previously of Hilliard and Upper
Arlington. Born, March 13, 1935, Sandusky. Survived by his wife, Judy
(Woods) Gibeaut; brothers, Donald and Charles; sons, Tom, Jim, and James
(Rebecca) Murphy; daughters, Julie (Amar) Inalsingh and Sarah Murphy
Henneberry; grandsons, Nikhil, Shiva, and Taj Inalsingh, Jacob and Jalen
Arms; granddaught... more »
The father of global warming propaganda is wrong – again
Ten years ago today, December 13, 2008, Al Gore issued his famous
that The ENTIRE polar ice cap could be COMPLETELY ice free in the next 5
7 years, during some of the summer months, Are we allowed to call this
a quack yet?
Thanks to John
Topal for these links ... Read moreThe father of global warming
is wrong – again
The post The father of global warming propaganda ... more »
Make no mistake, we are in an ice age RIGHT NOW
An ice age is defined as any period in which at least one pole is
glaciated. The south pole has been glaciated for 13 million years.
______________ Make no mistake, we are in an ice age RIGHT NOW Glacial
periods (NOT “ice ages,” but I know what is meant by those words) in the
present ... Read moreMake no mistake, we are in an ice age RIGHT NOW
The post Make no mistake, we are in an ice age RIGHT NOW appeared first on Ice
Age Now.
Without 5 Conservative Dems, The GOP Would Have Failed To Keep The Murder In Yemen Going

*Courtesy of Jim Costa (Blue Dog-CA)*
You know how important everyone agreed passage of the Farm Bill was for the
lame duck, right? A must pass bi-partisan bill. The murderous GOP took
advantage of that and slipped a little clause into the rule for the bill
that denies a vote on the Yemen resolution. Pete Sessions (R-TX) is the
chairman of the Rules Committee, but he was beaten in the election and his
miserable career in politics is over, so he's leaving at least knowing that
thousands of Yemeni civilians will die horrible deaths because of him--
Pete Sessions big accomplishment. An... more »
President Trump Meets With New 2018 Governors-Elect and Introduces Them to Key Cabinet Officials…
Earlier today President Trump met with the newly elected governors of
various states and introduces them to key cabinet officials who they will
be working with during their tenure. At the conclusion of the introductions
the President also took a … Continue reading →
France’s Yellow Vests and Arab Social Media Vol.2 : Let the misinformation begin
The reactions in our dear part of the world over what has been happening in
France whether from protests or official reactions.
In the past 48 hours, Egypt made headlines internationally once again in an
awkward way as it turned out that the Egyptian authorities did restrict
quietly the sale of yellow vests for fear of copycat protests especially
January 25 anniversary is a couple of weeks away.
On Tuesday, Alexandria prosecution ordered the detention of a leftist human
rights lawyer for 15 days pending investigations for posting a photo online
wearing a yellow vest !!
Local Alexandri... more »
BBC Reporter Insults Rees-Mogg, watch how he responds
The Democratic Party’s New Face: Congressional Muslims Who Ridicule Christians and More
Now that the Democratic Party is putting Muslim immigrants and their
children in Congress, they’re feeling a bit bold. Or at least bold enough
to feel secure in ridiculing Christians.
French Police “Neutralised” Strasbourg Christmas Market Shooter

Christmas Market shop in Strasbourg, 2012 From VOA News: “French Police
Kill Suspect in Deadly Shooting at Strasbourg Christmas Market …
Continue reading →
Musical Interlude: Deuter, "Blessing"
Deuter, "Blessing"
LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat - China's Shot to the Moon: Engineering Feat or Something Much, Much Better?
Classical Renaissance
Fusion Economy
LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat - China's Shot to the Moon
Video of LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat - China's Shot to the Moon
On December 7th, China launched its Chang’e 4 mission to the unexplored,
far side of the Moon, opening, potentially a new era of scientific
discovery. As Lyndon LaRouche wrote repeatedly, space exploration is the
next frontier of human discovery, of creation of whole new human platforms
for higher orders of existence, as we postulate and discover the laws of
the universe. From a practical perspective, the Moon could provid... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small
galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating
constellation Cetus. Seen edge-on, the island universe spans about 100,000
light-years, similar in size to our own Milky Way.
* Click image for larger size.*
Colorful, spiky stars in this cosmic portrait of NGC 1055 are in the
foreground, well within the Milky Way. But along with a smattering of more
distant background galaxies, the deep image also reveals a curious
box-shaped inner halo extending far above and below this galaxy's dusty
plane... more »
Paulo Coelho, “The Black Man (A True Story)”
*“The Black Man (A True Story)”*
by Paulo Coelho
"We are at the restaurant of a German University. A red haired student, and
undeniably German, takes her tray and sits down at her table. She then
realizes she has forgotten her cutlery and gets up again to pick it up.
Coming back, she sees with astonishment that a black man, possibly
sub-Saharan by his appearance, is sitting there and is eating from her
tray. Straight away, the young woman feels lost and stressed, but
immediately changes her thought and presumes that the African is not
familiar with European customs concerning priva... more »
Harris Faulkner Interviews President Trump…
Fox News host and correspondent Harris Faulkner sits down with President
Trump for an extensive issue on current events:
"A Delicate Balance..."
“Capitalism tries for a delicate balance:
It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff
to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff."
- George Carlin
Nebraska state senators launch effort to put medical cannabis on 2020 ballot
Two lawmakers in conservative Nebraska revealed plans to place a medical
marijuana legalization measure on the 2020 ballot. Sens. Anna Wishart and
Adam Morfeld, both Democrats from Lincoln, announced the formation of
Nebraskans for Sensible Marijuana Laws. The campaign, which has received
backing from the Marijuana Policy Project, will seek a constitutional
amendment to give […]
Nebraska state senators launch effort to put medical cannabis on 2020 ballot
is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness
news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Maine’s first medical marijuana convenience store opens for business
What is believed to be Maine’s first medical cannabis convenience store is
scheduled to open in Portland this week. Atlantic Farms Gas N’ Grass says
it will sell cannabis-infused gummies, tinctures and smokable marijuana on
Thursday, the first day Maine’s new sweeping medical marijuana law takes
effect. Gas N’ Grass isn’t the first or only […]
Maine’s first medical marijuana convenience store opens for business is a
post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news
for cannabis entrepreneurs
First medical cannabis dispensary gets OK to open in Ohio
Ohio has given the first medical marijuana dispensary the approval to open,
but it’s still uncertain when sales will begin. State regulators gave the
go-ahead to Cresco Labs’ CY+ dispensary near Steubenville, on the eastern
side of the state, making it the first of the dozens of provisionally
licensed retailers to receive a certificate of operation. […]
First medical cannabis dispensary gets OK to open in Ohio is a post from: Marijuana
Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis
Did a Banned Federal Study Show That Refugees Bring in More in Government Revenues Than They Cost?
A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study compared the tax
revenues generated by refugees to the overall cost of resettlement.
Did Sweden Rename ‘Christmas’ to ‘Winter Celebration’ in Order to Avoid Offending Muslims?
The so-called "war on Christmas" seemingly hasn't ended; it just changes
location from time to time.
Gregory Mannarino, "ALERT: The Middle Class Is Going To Lose Bigger Than You Can Possibly Imagine"
Gregory Mannarino, "ALERT: The Middle Class Is
Going To Lose Bigger Than You Can Possibly Imagine"
"What We Said to a Group of D.C. Elite"
*"What We Said to a Group of D.C. Elite"*
By Bill Bonner
DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA – "First, Bloomberg reports that: 'U.S. government
debt is on track this year to rise at the fastest pace since 2012, as a
stronger economy fails to keep pace with the wave of red ink that’s rising
under the Trump administration. Total public debt outstanding has jumped by
$1.36 trillion, or 6.6 percent, since the start of 2018, and by $1.9
trillion since President Donald Trump took office, according to the latest
Treasury Department figures. The latter figure is roughly the size of
Brazil’s gross domest... more »
Dec. 13:: Not sure this will work.....
Not sure how or if this blog will work. My computer is behaving oddly. I
can't even proofread because the print on my end in terribly small. In
1939, Britain was the biggest and most powerful empire in world history.
And Canadians, most of them, were fiercely loyal to Britain as 'the Mother
That's why Canada gladly fought in the Boer War, And then world wars 1 and
2. And that's why so many thousands of Canadians died. That's why, in my
school days, the flag at the front of the class was the Union Jack, the
flag to which we pledged allegiance every day. That's why, every mo... more »
Colorado energy company Xcel goes crazy green
Hundreds of millions, or even billions, of dollars in additional costs for
Colorado businesses and families._______________ “Colorado’s giant utility
company Xcel recently announced that it plans to become 100% “emissions
free” by 2050,” says Paul Driessen. “As energy analyst David Wojick
suggests in this informative and provocative article, “Xcel serves eight
states from Colorado to ... Read moreColorado energy company Xcel goes
crazy green
The post Colorado energy company Xcel goes crazy green appeared first on Ice
Age Now.
The Deadliest Naval Anti-Ship Weapon Of The Last 75 Years (And Other Fascinating Maritime Facts)
*Tom Ricks, Task and Purpose*
*Security, *
Tom Ricks explains.
What has been the most effective naval anti-ship weapon over the last 75
years? Air to ship missiles? Bombs? Torpedoes? No no and no! It has been
the good old anti-ship mine, reports *Proceedings*.
- The U.S. Navy supply ships that tote oil, fuel, and water carry hoses
that can stretch 8 miles inland.
- The Navy has a SERE school in Maine, out in the hills near Rangeley. And
a moron working there pulled a pistol on four instructors. (Tough place:
They got 5 inches of snow in the third week of October this year.)
- ... more »
Most of EU nations oppose new anti-Russian sanctions over Kerch Strait incident

The post Most of EU nations oppose new anti-Russian sanctions over Kerch
Strait incident appeared first on The Duran.
Special Counsel Team Erased Lisa Page and Peter Strzok Phones After Being Notified of Biased Messages by Inspector General…
Another Inspector General Michael Horowitz report; ..another exercise in
futility. The DOJ Office of Inspector General has filed a 35-page report
(full pdf below) outlining the issues with recovery of text messages from
devices belonging to FBI attorney Lisa Page … Continue reading →
Suggestions for praying for leaders
Encouragement and counsel from Darlene, a member of my church, on praying
for our leaders. She maintains a prayer group by e-mail.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I Timothy 2:1-2 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,
intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all
those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
godliness and holiness.
What happens when you pray? We do not really know but above all, it changes
me. The other day a friend asked,”Would you pray for my cousin, Donna? She
is going through a total mastectom... more »
Clinton Pay to Play Scandal
- Overall, the Clinton Foundation has received staggering sums from
Saudi benefactors — between $18 million and $50 million. (The foundation’s
donations are reported in ranges, not specific numbers.)
- Groups with interests in China also donated between $750,000 and $1.75
million, at a minimum, to the Clinton Foundation.
- Emails uncovered by Judicial Watch demonstrate that Clinton Foundation
donors and supporters received special favors and consideration from the
Clinton State Department.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton delivered highly revealing ... more »
You may have seen this yesterday:
Christine Blasey Ford made her first public statement since testifying
against Brett Kavanaugh in September to present Sports Illustrated's
Inspiration of the Year Award to Rachael Denhollander, the first woman to
publicly accuse former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor
Larry Nassar of sexual abuse.
"Rachael Denhollander, I am in awe of you and I will always be inspired by
you," Ford said in the video. "In stepping forward you took a huge risk and
you galvanized future generations to come forward even when the odds are
seemingly s... more »
Why People Hate Energy Taxes (and why Politicians prefer Trading Schemes)

The French uproar happened because direct taxation of fuels was announced,
and the wallet impact was obvious. USC professor Matthew Kahn is a leading
microeconomist, meaning he studies behavior of buyers and sellers in market
economies. His recent post on the French uprising is The Substitution and
Income Effects Induced by Introducing Carbon Taxes. Excerpts […]
Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops

Researchers who recently examined studies sponsored by Dow Chemical and
used by the EPA to approve chlorpyrifos, a type of insecticide, found
inaccuracies in what the company reported to the agency. A memo sent to EPA
management said that “The study was graded unacceptable due to an
inadequate presentation of the statistical data analysis.” Some research
has linked the pesticides to autism and other brain disorders. There’s also
evidence to suggest that some children are more vulnerable to the chemicals
than others due to their genetic makeup. These health effects should come
as no... more »
University of Delaware School of Public Policy Renamed After Joe Biden
The University of Delaware (UD) has renamed its public policy school after
former U.S. Vice President, Delaware senator and alumni Joe Biden. The
school, now called the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and
Administration, will further initiatives in public policy areas like health
policy and management, social and urban policy, energy and […]
Dr. Kelli Armstrong Appointed Next President of Salve Regina University

Dr. Kelli Armstrong, currently vice president for planning and assessment
at Boston College (BC), has been named president of Salve Regina
University, effective June 2019. Armstrong will be the first female
president of the university. Salve Regina University is a Catholic liberal
arts institution that’s sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy and has a total
University of Cincinnati to Evaluate College of Arts and Sciences Namesake

The University of Cincinnati’s college of arts and sciences will review
whether it should keep Charles McMicken’s name for the college after its
student government voted to remove the name of the slave owning businessman
who donated property and funding to the city of Cincinnati to establish an
institution where “White boys and girls might be […]
How We Look at Each Other

The random encounters of strangers are among the best means to assess
attitudes about race.
Report Highlights Freedom of Speech Restrictions

According to a new report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in
Education (FIRE), 81 percent of top colleges in Virginia restrict free
speech in some form.
UT Dallas Bans Student Accused of Rape from Campus

Jacob Anderson, a former fraternity president at Baylor University who was
accused of rape, has been banned from the University of Texas at Dallas (UT
Dallas). where he is currently a student. On Wednesday, university
president Dr. Richard Benson published a statement on Twitter stating that
Anderson is not allowed on campus as a student or […]
The Chinese “Leadership” in Renewables Is Crumbling
Much ink has been spilled painting China as the leader of the UN climate
alarmist nations. They are painted as abandoning fossil fuels and building
“renewable” energy sources such as wind and solar. They have built some,
but Patricia Adams argues in a new report that the primary emphasis in
recent years has shifted to […]
‘Kicked, punched, knocked unconscious, tipped out of wheelchairs’: Campaigners describe repeated police targeting of disabled anti-fracking protesters
Police forces are repeatedly targeting and assaulting disabled people
involved in peaceful anti-fracking protests, campaigners have told
Disability News Service (DNS). DNS has seen video footage of a string of
incidents in which disabled campaigners taking part in peaceful protests
have been injured, manhandled or put at risk of injury by police officers.
It has [...]
Police targeting of disabled protesters is ‘an outrage and a scandal… and it’s set to spread’
The targeting by police of disabled people involved in peaceful
anti-fracking protests is an “absolute outrage” and “a scandal”, but such
tactics will soon be rolled out to other protests and other parts of the
country, a leading activist has warned. Andy Greene, a member of the
national steering group of Disabled People Against Cuts [...]
Mixed response to government’s plans to improve access to air travel
A trio of disabled peers who have all been fierce critics of the
discrimination faced by disabled air passengers have delivered a mixed
response to the government’s proposed new “passenger charter”. The
Department for Transport (DfT) announced on Friday (7 December) that a
planned consultation on a new aviation strategy, expected by the end of
Ideas to replace WCA with new assessment framework win some support
Disabled activists have delivered a generally positive response to fresh
ideas on how to replace the hated fitness for work test with a new
assessment framework that would restore “dignity and respect” to those
unable to work full-time. The ideas were presented by disabled researcher
and campaigner Catherine Hale at a meeting attended by Labour’s [...]
Roscoe's Rascals

*Sex is nature, and I believe in going along with nature.*
Jewish Human Rights
PDF Version.
A review of James Loeffler, “Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in
the Twentieth Century” (New Haven, 2018)
*With whom have we not spent heart-warming hours there, looking out from
the terrace over the beautiful and peaceful landscape, without suspecting
that exactly opposite, on the mountain of Berchtesgaden, a man sat who
would one day destroy it all?*
(Stefan Zweig, “The World of Yesterday,”* 1942*)
On February 23, 1942, Stefan Zweig and his second wife Charlotte Elisabeth
Altman committed suicide in Brazil. In his suicide letter, Zweig wrote:
I wo... more »
Breaking: SDF captures Daesh’s de facto capital in Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) – The Islamic State’s de facto capital, Hajin,
has been captured by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) this
evening. According to local reports, the Syrian Democratic Forces broke
through Daesh’s last defenses in the southern districts of Hajin, forcing
them to abandon the town after suffering heavy losses. The Syrian […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Turkish soldier allegedly killed in Syrian Army/YPG retaliatory attack
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – A Turkish soldier was allegedly killed on
Thursday in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate, the Turkish
Ministry of Defense announced, as reported by the Daily Sabah. The Turkish
Ministry of Defense said that one of their soldiers was killed by the
People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the Afrin […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Greek Coast Guard seizes large cache of drugs from Syrian ship (video)
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 P.M.) – The Greek Coast Guard stopped a Syrian ship
last week that was sailing through their territorial waters. The ship was
then redirected to the island of Crete, where the Greek Coast Guard
questioned the crew. The Greek Coast Guard proceeded to arrest the twelve
men on the ship, 11 Syrian […]
Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Jason Momoa to Lead an Epic Haka Dance at the Aquaman Premiere

During the premiere for his new movie, Aquaman, Momoa performed the haka
(an ancient ceremonial dance of the Māori) alongside his children and local
New Zealanders he met while filming the movie.
He's one of Hollywood's fastest rising stars and stands tall at 6ft 5"
inches tall. And Jason Momoa, 39, was the star attraction at the Aquaman
premiere where he broke into a performance of the haka with his children on
the red carpet at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood on Wednesday.
The Game Of Thrones star commanded attention at the premiere when he
arrived carrying a golden trident ... more »
Dem Rep: I’d “Love” to “Regulate” Speech, but First Amendment Stops Me
[image: dem-rep-i-d-love-to-regulate-speech-but-1st-amendment-stops-me]
It’s what you get when electing a leftist in lieu of a real patriot: Ted
Lieu. The California Democratic congressman created quite a stir Wednesday
by expressing love — for regulating Americans’ speech.
ICE Thwarts MS-13 Murder Plot; Gangbangers Collared
[image: ice-thwarts-ms-13-murder-plot-gangbangers-collared]
President Trump’s has been proven right about border security once again.
ICE reported that a grand jury in New York has indicted a dozen members of
MS-13. Many MS-13 members, routinely caught at the border, are illegal
What Does Growing U.S.-China Rivalry Mean for America’s Allies in Asia?
*John S. Van Oudenaren*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] Could they end up having to choose sides?
At the recent G-20 summit in Argentina, President Donald Trump and Chinese
president Xi Jinping reached a temporary truce, tapping the brakes on an
escalating trade war, and opening a negotiating window to deal with major
structural issues in the U.S.-China economic relationship. Despite this
pause in tensions, an expert panel at the Center for the National Interest,
which was comprised of Michael Green (Center for Strategic and
International Studies), Scott Snyder (Council on Fore... more »
VIDEO: Watch This Reporter Almost Get Run Over By A Russian Tu-160 Bomber
*Task and Purpose, Jeff Schogol*
*Security, *
PROTIP: it is not a smart idea to walk on an active runway as planes are
taking off or landing.
A Russian reporter nearly got her head taken off during a live shot of a
Russian TU-160 bomber landing in Venezuela.
Maria Finoshina of Russia’s RT cable news network was standing on the
runway as one of the two bombers sent to Venezuela was about to touch down.
As she walked toward the landing aircraft, one of the bomber’s wings
narrowly passed above her head.
“Wow! Spectacular,” Finoshina yelled ecstatically as she made a tactical
with... more »
Book Excerpt—On the Brink: Trump, Kim, and the Threat of Nuclear War
*Van Jackson*
*Security, Asia*
[image: Reuters] With a look into North Korean strategic thought.
*Editor’s Note*: The following is an excerpt from the new book *On the
Brink: Trump, Kim, and the Threat of Nuclear War* by Van Jackson. You can
purchase the full version here.
*North Korean Strategic Thought:*
Before turning to the evolution of Obama-era strategy toward North Korea,
this chapter offers an essential primer on how North Korea thinks about
coercion and its nuclear weapons—to the extent that we know—and the kinds
of dangers that arise therefrom. Some of what we know abo... more »
How North Korea Would Wage War Against America (Think Underground Air Bases)
*Kyle Mizokami*
*Security, Asia*
And much more.
*Pyongyang’s eventual defeat in any wartime scenario is a given, but its
underground headquarters, fortifications and troop depots have the
potential to not only enhance the Korean People’s Army’s ability to mount a
surprise attack, but also to prolong the war, confounding the high-tech
armed forces of its adversaries.*
North Korea, one of the most secretive countries in the world, is no
stranger to building underground military facilities. Whether a tunnel dug
under the demilitarized zone designed to pass thousands of troops an h... more »
Meet North Korea's 200,000 'Commandos' (And Their Quite Dangerous)
*Kyle Mizokami*
*Security, Asia*
We explain their evolution.
*Of North Korea’s two hundred thousand “commandos,” approximately 150,000
belong to light infantry units. Foot mobile, their frontline mission is to
infiltrate or flank enemy lines to envelop or mount rear attacks on enemy
forces. North Korea’s hilly terrain lends itself to such tactics, as does
the network of tunnels that the country has dug that cross the DMZ in a
number of places.*
One of the most vital parts of North Korea’s war machine is one that relies
the most on so-called “soldier power” skills. North Korea h... more »
Tallahassee City Commissioner Arrested for Racketeering, Bribery, Bank Fraud and Conspiracy…
According to DOJ filings: “Tallahassee, Florida City Commissioner Scott
Charles Maddox, 50, and Tallahassee political consultant Janice Paige
Carter-Smith, 53, both of Tallahassee, have been indicted in a 44-count
indictment for conspiring to operate a racketeering enterprise that engaged
in … Continue reading →
Cardinal Pell going home
Here's a song for Cardinal George Pell, jailed yesterday in Australia --
even though Australians may not have heard ...
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted,
with link and attribution.
Man Puts Up Sculpture of Middle Finger as a Message to Town
Ted Pelkey says he's been trying for about 10 years to move his truck
repair and recycling business but has been unable to get a permit.
Renewed Battle Over Using Fetal Tissue in Medical Research
Republicans said alternatives to fetal tissue are available and should be
used instead. Democrats said that view is at odds with science.
Motorists Nab Cash Spilled By Armored Truck, Causing Crashes
"People went a little bit crazy when they saw the money."
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Apologizes for Homophobic Comment
She apologized via Twitter, saying it was a "SUPER BAD choice of words."
Probiotics For Bipolar Disorder? The FDA Really, Really, Really Has Not Evaluated That Claim
As many as three million Americans, an alarming one percent of the U.S.
population, get a diagnosis of bipolar disorder each year. That is a
fantastic amount, bordering on unbelievable, 12,000X as many gun murders
that will occur.
If being "bipolar" is over-diagnosed then it may well be that something as
simple as yogurt will fix it. And that is the claim of a pilot study
unveiled today at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology meeting -
people who suffer damaging shifts in moods, from mania to depression, may
not need expensive, antipsychotics, depressants or even therapy... more »
Virginia Approves an Offshore Wind Project

Virginia recently set a statewide goal of building 5 gigawatts of renewable
energy by 2028 and it plans to develop…
The post Virginia Approves an Offshore Wind Project appeared first on IER.
Arranca tribunal de millonario pleito internacional para Colombia
bilaterals.org - 7 hours ago
Se establecieron los parámetros para que el país responda por una demanda
por 40 millones de dólares que presentó una heredera de los dueños del
Banco Granahorrar.
Wanted: Candidates To Take On Top 2020 Congressional Targets

Before we even get to 2020, there are likely to be some special elections--
maybe very quickly. Mark Meadows could take the White House chief of staff
job, although his blood red North Carolina district, the 11th, is not
competitive and would be an utter waste of resources for the Democrats. Go
a bit to the east, to NC-09, and there's a very different kind of district,
one that is trending purple and where a Democrat *can*. Now that Mark
Harris has been exposed as a vote thief, it's unlikely he'll ever be seated
in Congress and even he's talking about a new election. It's a shame t... more »
President Trump Cancels White House Media Christmas Party…
After two years of fake news, narrative engineering and coordinated
resistance efforts from an adversarial media, President Trump cancelled the
indulgent White House Christmas Party for media. Good. WASHINGTON DC –
President Trump has canceled the White House holiday party … Continue
reading →
US Senate passes resolution blaming Saudi Prince MBS for Jamal Khashoggi murder

The post US Senate passes resolution blaming Saudi Prince MBS for Jamal
Khashoggi murder appeared first on The Duran.
Brexit Fiasco Shows It’s Right to be ‘Saki’ About UK Democracy

The post Brexit Fiasco Shows It’s Right to be ‘Saki’ About UK Democracy
appeared first on The Duran.
US Federal deficit up 50 percent in new fiscal year

The post US Federal deficit up 50 percent in new fiscal year appeared first
on The Duran.
Anti-Trump dossier author was hired to help Hillary challenge 2016 election results
The post Anti-Trump dossier author was hired to help Hillary challenge 2016
election results appeared first on The Duran.
The cold is dipping lower and lower across the planet
“Coldest December on Record in China,” according to Armstrong Economics. 10
Dec 2018 – At 6 below zero C, “China is also experiencing the coldest day
on record during December, and snow is falling in Beijing to
Shanghai. Temperatures in China have been held under 4 below zero C on only
seven December days since 2000. ... Read moreThe cold is dipping lower and
lower across the planet
The post The cold is dipping lower and lower across the planet appeared
first on Ice Age Now.
Vaccine vs. Disease Trade-offs: Cheating children’s immune systems
By the Children’s Health Defense Team These days, one policy-maker after
another seems to be promoting no-exceptions vaccination policies—hawking an
incessant and growing barrage of childhood vaccines that begins prenatally
and continues throughout childhood. Despite these efforts, the narrative
that vaccines are keeping children healthy is rapidly crumbling. Rates of
chronic and autoimmune illness in […]
The post Vaccine vs. Disease Trade-offs: Cheating children’s immune systems
appeared first on Health Nut News.
Turkish Airstrikes Hit Sinjar, Iraq- Pentagon Warns Turkey. Again.

*The move is not a shocker. The location is not a shocker either.*
*Turkey has been clear that they will clear the PKK/YPG away from their
*The location has long been problematic. For Syria and Turkey.*
*A route for the PKK to pass through from Iraq into Syria. Created by the
US under the guise of "fighting ISIS" More then three years have passed
since it was explained here what was really occurring in Sinjar, to the
best of my understanding. *
*Flashback November 13 2015:Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for
KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory*
*"This is about redr... more »
Why Christians Should Embrace Free Markets, With Guest Fr. Robert Sirico
Daniel McAdams at - 8 hours ago
Why are there so many anti-free market attitudes among Christians? What
about the role of the state, as it takes for itself more and more the
traditional roles of religious charities? Are we doing better with health
care, poverty, homeless now with the state in charge than we did with
religious charities being involved? Acton Institute founder Fr. Robert
Sirico joins today's Liberty Report to discuss why free markets and
Christianity are a very good match:
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