10:28pm MST
Isn't It Time To Say Goodbye To Republican And Conservative Representation In Miami-Dade?
Perhaps you've seen a slew of endorsements for Miami-Dade Democrat Annette Taddeo in the past few days. Today it was J-Street. Yesterday it was theSEIU in the morning and Hector Caraballo, president of the Miami-Dade Cuban American Democrats in the afternoon. The day before it was Maurice Ferré, the first Hispanic mayor of Miami and Raul Martinez, the former mayor of Hialeah. The Teamsters Union before that and all sorts of politicians-- the good, the bad and the really, really, really ugly (Steve Israel). All the activity is certainly meant to ward off a primary challenge by form... more »
The Islamic State Is Losing Ground
U.S. Defense Department map shows Coalition and Ground Forces in Syria and Iraq fighting Islamic State, or Daesh, fighters in the Anbar Corridor from Hadithah to Ramadi. (Courtesy: United States Central Command) *VOA*: *Islamic State Caliphate Crunched by US-Backed Forces* The borders of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria are steadily eroding, but it will likely be months before U.S. and coalition-backed forces are ready to take on the terror group’s strongholds in Mosul or Raqqa. New estimates from U.S.-led Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) show Islamic ... more »
UN Syria Peace Talks Have Already Failed
*Death to the United Nations. Death to Turkey. Death to the United States. Death to Saudi Arabia. Death to Qatar. Death to ISIS. Death to Geneva III Talks. * *An excerpt from, "Syria talks: Geneva negotiations in disarray as UN 'can't give a who, where or when'" by Laura Pitel, The Independent, January 29, 2016:* Hours before the biggest push to end the bloody Syrian conflict in two years was due to begin, confusion reigned supreme. The United Nations spokesman, Ahmad Fawzi, insisted at a press briefing in Geneva that the peace talks would get under way, but admitted: “I can’t giv... more »
Satanists to Do Invocation at Phoenix City Council Meeting
[image: CityHall_Phoenix - 900] PHOENIX (AP) -- Members of a satanic group will give the opening prayer at an upcoming Phoenix City Council meeting. Some council members have objected, but city attorney Brad Holm says the government cannot exclude a religion from praying under... more »
Desperate GOP Establishment Still Hopes Paul Ryan Will Save Them From Herr Trumpf
The Republican establishment-- weepy (and alarmed) that their relatively mainstream candidates are attacking each other instead of Herr Trumpf-- still hasn't given up on their dream to pull a fast one in July when they have their convention in Cleveland. They're laying plans for a deadlocked convention that can result in the nomination of Paul Ryan. Ryan has been busy trying to shore up his tattered credibility with the base-- after he betrayed them in the budget negotiations at the ned of 2015. He keeps issuing meaningless statements about so-called "pro-growth solutions" and unif... more »
More Problems With The F-35
Source: Lockheed Martin. *David Axe, Daily Beast:* *World’s Most Expensive Jet Somehow Gets Worse* Forget the sonic boom—the U.S. military’s new F-35 stealth fighter just hit massive turbulence that could delay its release yet again. The U.S. military’s new F-35 stealth fighter is again falling behind schedule in its 16-year, $60 billion development. The problem this time—the radar-evading plane’s 8 million lines of computer code, amounting to arguably the most complex software suite ever installed on a warplane. The code delay is the latest—and possibly most damaging—setback for t... more »
Pope Francis And Iranian President Warn “End Times Are Nigh”
Pope Francis has told Iranian President Rouhani that Biblical prophesies regarding the ‘end times’ are now being fulfilled, and that the world is in irreversible turmoil and will be ‘unrecognisable’ this time next year. Responding to President Rouhani’s claim that the Mahdi is coming, Pope Francis confirmed that indeed he is, but that his name is Christ. The pope issued a call to action for Christians, Muslims and Jews to unite and prepare for the arrival. “All those of the Abrahamic faiths, now is the time for unity, for the end times are nigh.” Multiple reports have emerged from t... more »
Postmedia and the invisible handjob of the marketplace
Capitalism is a terrible boss: Saving journalism from its industry Postmedia and the heavy price it pays to survive Bruce Livesey on Canadaland : The Collapse of Postmedia .
Musical Interlude: Philip Wesley, “The Approaching Night”
Philip Wesley, “The Approaching Night” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS2rJdV8UYk
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Similar in size to large, bright spiral galaxies in our neighborhood, IC 342 is a mere 10 million light-years distant in the long-necked, northern constellation Camelopardalis. A sprawling island universe, IC 342 would otherwise be a prominent galaxy in our night sky, but it is hidden from clear view and only glimpsed through the veil of stars, gas and dust clouds along the plane of our own Milky Way galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* Even though IC 342's light is dimmed by intervening cosmic clouds, this deep telescopic image traces the galaxy's obscuring dust, blue star cluste... more »
Chet Raymo, “Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness”
*“Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness”* by Chet Raymo “In one of those infuriating lapses that go with being a certain age, we could not remember the other evening the name of the poet who wrote "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou..." After scraping the tip of my tongue for a few minutes, I turned to the computer (Google is my browser's home page) and by typing "jug thou" brought Omar Khayyam back into consciousness. (Another click and I could have had the entire Rubaiyat.) And so it is that the Googlized internet arrives just in time to compensate for our withering brain ce... more »
"The Limits Of The World..."
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” - Arthur Schopenhauer
Psychology: "Intelligent People Have Evolutionarily Novel Preferences and Values"
"Intelligent People Have Evolutionarily Novel Preferences and Values" by Lee Herring "Higher intelligence is associated with liberal political ideology, atheism, and men's (but not women's) preference for sexual exclusivity. More intelligent people are significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds. The study, published in th... more »
"Riding Through the Ruts..."
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” - Bob Marley
The Zika Virus Hoax And Covert Medical Op
Journalist Jon Rappoport has said that he believes the current Zika “virus” to be a fake epidemic, orchestrated by the world’s governments to instil fear into the global population as part of a covert medical operation. According to Rappoport, there are six key reasons why people are falling ill, and it has nothing to do with the mysterious Zilka virus. Jon Rappoport reports: The Zika virus, now being blamed for the birth of babies with very small heads and impaired brains, has been around for a long time—late 1940s, early 1950s—and suddenly, without warning or reason, after induci... more »
Syria Say UN Vaccine Program Has Deliberately Killed Syrian Kids
36 children in Syria died “excruciating deaths” after receiving vaccines administered via the UN, which Syrian authorities say were deliberately tainted. The UN vaccination program was designed in 2015 to prevent an outbreak of measles in Syria, but reports have emerged that the vaccines were a deliberate act of sabotage, forcing the UN to abandon its program. Naturalnews.com reports: The Telegraph reported: Doctors in clinics in the towns of Jirjanaz and Maaret al-Nouman in the north-eastern province of Idlib said children started falling ill soon after the doses were administered... more »
Russia Say Turkey-ISIS Operation Uncovered
Russia have said that they have uncovered a system where ISIS militants transfer new gunmen recruits to their terror regime via cooperation with Turkey. According to Andrey Przhezdomsky, an advisor to the head of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee: “In Turkey, there is an organized system of transferring additions to the ISIL terrorist organization [former name of IS] or the so-called Daesh, outlawed in Russia”. Russia’s special services know all the routes of sending the recruits, he said. “The key route is via Istanbul.” Tass.ru reports: The gunmen are taken to a comparative ... more »
Video Shows Traffic Stop Where Oregon Militia Were Executed By FBI
A video has emerged which shows the events leading up to the shooting of Militia protestor LaVoy Finicum outside a Wildlife Preserve in Oregon. The video shows FBI execute LaVoy even though he did not pose a threat to the officers present. The video shows a drone tracking the militia vehicle along a country road before two armored vehicles with red and blue flashing lights pull the truck to a stop in the middle of the road. Superstation95.com reports: The truck sits there a few minutes. Law enforcement did NOT approach the vehicle and no one exited the vehicle. A few minutes later... more »
Monsanto On The Ropes: 3,600 Jobs Axed
Monsanto have suffered an embarrassing blow to their profits, forcing the agricultural giant to axe 3,600 jobs in the months ahead. Earnings have continued falling in the first quarter of the 2016 fiscal year, meaning that the corporation will be forced to scrap 16% of its global workforce in order to save $300 million by the end of 2017. Ecowatch.com reports: “Monsanto Co. plans to slash another 1,000 jobs worldwide, bringing total planned cuts to 3,600 or about 16 percent of its global workforce, according to a filing Wednesday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The... more »
France To Hold Conference On Israel-Palestinian Two-state Solution
France have warned Israel that unless the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved, it will officially recognise Palestine as its own independent sovereign state. “France will engage in the coming weeks in the preparation of an international conference bringing together the parties and their main partners, American, European, Arab, notably to preserve and make happen the two-state solution,” French Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius announced. France24.com reports: A French diplomatic source added that Paris intended to launch this conference by the summer. Shortly after the a... more »
Cameron Refuses To Launch Inquiry Over UK Arming Saudi Arabia
British Prime Minister David Cameron has refused to launch an inquiry into the delivery of UK-made arms to Saudi Arabia, who were recently condemned by the UN for using missiles against civilians in Yemen. Cameron dismissed opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn’s demands that the British government launch an inquiry over the controversial arming of the Saudi regime, who Corbyn says have violated international law. Sputniknews.com reports: According to Corbyn, such a probe justified in light of the violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Saudi-led coalition when stri... more »
A Look At Two Contrasting Endorsements In The Florida Senate Race
Chuck Schumer's corrupt candidate for the open Florida Senate seat, Patrick Murphy-- recently voted the most ineffective Member of Congress-- and the House's most effective progressive, Alan Grayson both announced very telling endorsements yesterday. Grayson was endorsed by Jane Kleeb, the grassroots organizer who helped kill the Keystone XL Pipeline. "I worked for years to stop Keystone XL, and there's only one candidate in Florida's Senate race who can say the same thing. Only one, and that is Alan Grayson," said Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska Director. "He stood strong when other Re... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'China Gate' (1957)
*From Wikipedia:* Sergeant Brock (Gene Barry) and Goldie (Nat King Cole) are American Korean War veterans now serving as French Foreign Legion mercenaries in the First Indochina War. Angie Dickinson plays Brock's wife, a "half caste" Chinese Eurasian named "Lucky Legs" who resorts to smuggling to feed her five-year-old son she had with Brock. Brock abandoned her and the child when it was born with Asian features, feeling a "half breed" would not be welcome in America; an attitude towards miscegenation prevalent (in some quarters) at the time. Lucky is recruited by the French high ... more »
"The Genius In Us All"
"The Genius In Us All" By Joe McKendrick "You can't expect to win unless you know why you lose." - Benjamin Lipson "That message that’s been pounded into your head relentlessly since your toddling days — “you can do anything you set your mind to” — seems to actually have a scientific basis in fact. Some experts and authors studying achievement are finding that mastery of any skill or subject be learned by anyone — anyone — who puts their mind to it and works hard to achieve it. The bottom line is that genius is the result of lots of hard work, and not just the fortune of having the... more »
"Looking At The Stars..."
“We’re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” - Oscar Wilde “It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is a sin.” - Benjamin E. Mayes
Midday Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “36 Song Golden Collection”
Ludovico Einaudi, “36 Song Golden Collection” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmMnYM9DoEc
"A Lively Terror"
*Adolf Hitler was a better, and braver, human being than Winston Churchill. That is just a fact. It cannot be disputed. But we celebrate Churchill and demonize Hitler because Hitler lost and Churchill won. That's the way of the world. * *An excerpt from, "Winston Churchill: Britain’s “Greatest Briton” Left a Legacy of Global Conflict and Crimes Against Humanity" by Garikai Chengu, Global Research, January 23, 2016:* Sunday January 24th 2016 marks the anniversary of the death of one of the most lionized leaders in the Western world: Sir Winston Churchill. The current British Prime ... more »
No South Korea-US-Japan War Alliance
*A great statement on the 'comfort women' issue from Sung-Hee Choi of the Jeju Island naval base resistance and Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. * "A solidarity message from Gangjeong village, Jeju Island. We the people of Gangjeong are so thankful for our friends' solidarity protest in London. Since the unjust collusion on the issue of 'comfort women' between the two governments of South Korea and Japan on December 28th 2015, some of us in Gangjeong have had a small Wednesday performance of becoming the girl statue in solidarity with the 'comfort women',... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 29 , 2016 ) - US In Focus ( 1. Treasuries on the move today. 2. US Debt heading ever higher. 3. LBO Market has shutdown. 4. Hillary in focus. 5. GOP Debate sans Trump - although it really wasn't. 6. Odds & Ends. ) Europe In Focus ( 1. NIRP items of the day. 2. Greece items of the day. 3. Refugee/ Economic Migration / Border Security items. 4. Brexit / UK - EU Negotiation. 5. Odds & Ends. ) MENA / Emerging Nations / Oil ( 1. Syria Talks lurch forward. 2. Turkey and Kurds issues weigh on resolutions of Iraq & Syria. 3. Oil items of the day. 4. Zika news of note today. 5. Refugee Crisis - MENA angles. 6. Libya in focus. ) Asia ( 1. Japan & China in focus )
Evening Wrap...... US Items today..... *Pedro da Costa* @pdacosta 2h 2 hours ago 2-year Treasury yields sees steepest decline in 6 years http:// on.mktw.net/1m2dnyl *National Debt Tweets* @NationalDebt 2h 2 hours ago $18,989,803,014,663.70 (+) #nationaldebt *zerohedge* @zerohedge 3h3 hours ago APOLLO’S HARRIS SAYS LBO FINANCING MARKET HAS ’SHUT DOWN’. *NBC Nightly News* @NBCNightlyNews 3h 3 hours ago NEW: State Dept.: 22 emails from Hillary Clinton's private server have been marked "Top Secret", won't be released. http://nbcnews.to/1QxMEor ... more »
Iran Fires Cruise Missiles In Wargames Showdown With United States
Iran have announced that their Iranian Naval forces have successfully fired three coast-to-sea cruise missiles on the third day of wargames being conducted along the country’s Southeastern Makran coast, on the rims of the Persian Gulf. The missile test comes days after a US Navy warship received a warning from several Iranian destroyers to steer clear of their zone near the Strait of Hormuz. Farsnews.com reports: The Nour cruise missiles fired by the Iranian Navy hit a target in the Sea of Oman earlier today. Two Nour cruise missiles were fired from Alborz and Neyzeh warships in the... more »
Michael Cromartie Endorses Marco Rubio, Praises His Defense of Religious Freedom
[image: Michael Cromartie] Michael Cromartie has long been a well-known and winsome Evangelical scholar in Washington, DC. He’s done important work in the fight for religious freedom, and more recently, in helping the media understand religion. A lengthy story about his work in Christianity... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 29, 2016
*Joshua Keating, Slate*: *The U.S. Is Considering New Military Action in Libya, Since It Turned Out So Great Last Time* U.S. officials are currently “looking at military options” to combat the spread of ISIS in Libya, according to a Pentagon spokesman. These options would most likely involve U.S. special forces coordinated with militias on the ground to fight the group, which has established a stronghold around the coastal city of Sirte, also the hometown of Muammar Qaddafi. The challenges facing any such military intervention are similar to those in Syria—a lack of reliable part... more »
Obama’s Regulations to Close Gender Wage Gap Will Hurt Your Pay, Workplace Flexibility
[image: Jenny Yang - 900] New reporting requirements introduced by the Obama administration today would require companies to report to the federal government what they pay their employees by race, gender, and ethnicity. While this may sound relatively harmless on the surface, the new reporting... more »
Histories Etched
The title of this post is taken from the winning poem of 2013's contest at *Poetry for the End of the World*. *Letters From the Ice Age* * ~* Ian Ferrier Cities buried streets forgotten warehouses ransacked and abandoned for the south. We love we breathe light footprints of our passing through the snow. What would we say? And how say it? Who would we talk to? And how could they answer? Buildings break beneath the ice the bridges fall and there are less of us each year. Like arctic animals we burrow through the wreckage of the city underground. And high above ... more »
World News Briefs -- January 29, 2016 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*:* U.N. launches Syria peace talks as opposition ends boycott* The main Syrian opposition grouping agreed to attend United Nations-sponsored peace talks which began in Geneva on Friday, reversing a boycott that had threatened to wreck the first attempt to find a diplomatic solution to the war in two years. On the ground, opponents of President Bashar al-Assad said they were facing a Russian-backed military onslaught, with hundreds of civilians reported to be fleeing as the Syrian army and allied militia tried to capture a suburb of Damascus and finish off rebels defending... more »
The United Nations Is Backing ISIS In Syria
*UN envoy Staffan de Mistura is backing ISIS and other terrorist groups along with their regional and international backers against the Syrian people, Kurdish people, and other peoples of Syria.* *An excerpt from, "Fabius: PYD Kurds won’t attend Syria talks, Saudi-backed opponents to take lead" Today's Zaman, January 27, 2016: * Syrian Kurdish officials will not be invited to peace talks in Geneva, where negotiations for the opposition will be led by a Saudi-backed opposition group, France's foreign minister said on Wednesday. Laurent Fabius said United Nations special envoy Staffa... more »
Climate Tricks 50, Letter to the US HOR Committee on Science, Space and Technology
This week, a group of scientists, engineers, physicians, economists, mostly from the US but with other signatories from abroad, wrote the Chairman of the US' House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, about temperature data quality. Originally posted in WUWT, 300 Scientists Tell Chairman of the House ScienceCommittee: ‘we want NOAA to adhere to law of the Data Quality Act’. January 25, 2016 Chairman Lamar Smith Committee on Science, Space and Technology House of Representatives Congress of the United States Dear Chairman Smith, We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, econ... more »
Blue America Endorses Adrian Garcia For Congress
As we mentioned the other day, Adrian Garcia, is one of the bright lights in the 2016 congressional election cycle, a true public servant for over three decades, first as a police officer, then as a city councilman and later as sheriff of Harris County, third biggest sheriff's department in the country. He has pursued a career in public service to help his community, which had no strong voice fighting for it-- and doesn't really have a strong voice fighting for it in Congress either. He told us that as a young man, each summer he'd return from school to play basketball in the neig... more »
GOP Debate Recap: Trump’s Absence Hardly Felt
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses with a ring given to him by a group of veterans during a campaign event on the campus of Drake University Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)] Last night's GOP debate, the last one before the Iowa caucuses on Monday, featured the Republican candidates making their final pitches, with one notable, billionaire-sized exception. I'm referring, of course, to Donald Trump, whose absence gave America a glimpse of... more »
Is Donald Trump Invincible?
[image: Christie and Trump - 900] Ross Douthat's columns are never pointless -- far from it. That's the first thing Douthat gets wrong in his most recent Sunday offering for The New York Times. The second is he misunderstands the source of Donald J. Trump's appeal.... more »
Texas Supreme Court Sides with Cheerleaders in Bible Verse Battle
[image: Cheerleaders Lift - 900] The Texas Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group of high school cheerleaders under attack from an atheist group because they made banners with Bible verses. The Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint with the Kountze Independent School District... more »
Snowden Leak: Operation Anarchist Tapped Into Israeli Drone Data
According to newly released data from whistle-blower Edward Snowden, US and British spy agencies regularly hacked into live video feeds from Israeli drones and fighter jets during operations over Gaza. NSA and GCHQ were looking for signs of possible IDF strikess against Iran, in a classified top-secret operation code-named Anarchist. Russia Today reports: A new portion of Edward Snowden’s data reportedly obtained by the Intercept sheds light on Israeli drone operations over Gaza strip. The revelations offer rare visual evidence Israel – Washington’s close ally – flies large armed dr... more »
Vladimir Putin Accused Of Being An Alien From Planet RU-thless84
As relations between Russia and the West grow increasingly chilly, US officials have revealed that Vladimir Putin is an alien from a cold and distant planet. The Russian leader visits planet RU-thless84 on occasions, where it is rumored he stores his loot from his strong-arm tactics on earth. Putin is reported to have accumulated tens of billions of dollars on his home planet, that is thought to have an extremely cold atmosphere and contains an ocean of ancient fossil life forms under its frozen surface. Journalitico reports: Putin Is Secretly an Alien, US Official Reveals Russian P... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Bank of Japan Policy Panic Unleashes Stock, Bond Buying Pandemonium Indictment Looms As FBI Declares 22 Clinton Home-Server Emails "Top Secret" The Disturbing Reasons Why The Bank Of Japan Stunned Everyone With Negative Rates $7 Crude? Deutsche Bank Downgrades Oil 'Lower For A Lot Longer' Norway's Kroner Conundrum Deepens As Central Bank Buys Record Amount Of Currency China's Biggest Drop "Since Lehman" Is Worst.January.Ever 6 Cities In Michigan Have Even Higher Levels Of Lead Than Flint Grenade Hurled At Refugee Shelter As 40% Of Germans Tell Merkel To Resign FBI... more »
How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind
* Pao L. Chang* - Corporations commonly use mnemonics in advertising campaigns to gain control over people's minds. The post How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind appeared first on Waking Times.
*Mardi Gras 2016: Queen of Barkus is 3-legged Nee Nee Sprang**~**King of Barkus is Alex the Weimaraner*
Germany Should Not Carry Shame And Guilt For WWII
*Long Live Germany. * It is irrational and stupid for the German nation and the German people to carry shame and guilt for WWII, or, even more ridiculously, to carry shame and guilt for a genocide of the Jewish race that never happened. Six million Jews were not killed by Germans. And no amount of propaganda and brainwashing will ever convince the truth-loving people of the planet otherwise. The Holocaust was a fabricated event and a big historical lie just like the false flag events of 9/11. Any honest historian or researcher with integrity will admit this. But, sadly, there are ... more »
Fugitive Mafia Bosses Captured Hiding In ‘luxurious’ Underground Bunker
Two cold-blooded Ndrangheta Mafia bosses have been captured in southern Italy hiding in a ‘luxurious’ camouflaged underground bunker dug into a mountain. The pair, who fed their live victims to pigs for revenge, had been on the run for more than a decade. The Mirror reports: One of the bosses, Giuseppe Ferraro, 47, handed over one of his own captains to a rival gang during a mob feud, according to investigators. The captain was then fed alive to pigs. The other, Giuseppe Crea, 37, is a cold blooded killer who murdered the teenage son of a competitor, it is alleged. Police found an a... more »
Officials: Man Who Led Prison Escape Had Help from Jail Teacher
[image: Teacher from Jail Nayeri - 900] SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- The probable mastermind in the brazen escape of three inmates from a California jail had help from a woman whose English classes he was taking while locked up, authorities allege. Escapee Hussein Nayeri, 37, came... more »
HHS Placed Immigrant Children with Traffickers, Report Says
[image: Immigrant child - 400] WASHINGTON -- The Department of Health and Human Services placed more than a dozen immigrant children in the custody of human traffickers after it failed to conduct background checks of caregivers, according to a Senate report released on Thursday. Examining... Continue reading *“HHS Placed Immigrant Children with Traffickers, Report Says”* at *nytimes.com*.
Jan. 29: We are very close...
The headline of today's irving press? It's about how the provincial premier will use the state of the province to set the stage for his budget. In other words, there is no news. The premier is doing what every premier in the history of Canada has done at budget time. This time, the speech was set at a black tie dinner (translation: an expensive dinner for rich people.) The other story (with big photo) by fearless reporter Brent Mazerolle is that a local couple has just adopted a dog. And the rest of section A news is just as good. The editorial is an attack on the failure of the pro... more »
U.S. State Department: 'Some Clinton Emails 'Too Damaging' To Release'
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com *FOX News*: *Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release* EXCLUSIVE: The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. The decision to withhold the documents in full, and not provide even a partial release with redactions, further undercuts claims by the State Department and th... more »
Syrian Rebel Groups Disagree To Merge Their Forces Together
A Nusra Front fighter walks with his weapon inside a building in the Sheikh Maksoud neighbourhood of Aleppo, Syria August 3, 2015. REUTERS/ABDALRHMAN ISMAIL *Reuters*: *Syrian rebel splits deepen after failed 'merger' with al Qaeda arm* The leader of al Qaeda's Syrian wing tried unsuccessfully at a recent meeting to convince rival Islamist factions to merge into one unit, several insurgency sources have told Reuters. Abu Mohamad al-Golani, head of the Nusra Front, even suggested he was willing to change the name of his group if the others, including the powerful Ahrar al-Sham org... more »
South Korea Hints That It May Deploy A Missile Defense System To Counter North Korea's Missile Program
© Flickr/ U.S. Missile Defense Agency *The Australian/WSJ:* *South Korea warms to missile shield after North’s nuclear tests* South Korea is leaning towards introducing an advanced US missile defence system to guard itself against threats from North Korea following Pyongyang’s nuclear test three weeks ago, a bulwark strongly opposed by China. Current and former US officials who have recently spoken with top South Korean policymakers say the country has not decided whether to adopt the system the US has offered, but that informal talks between Washington and Seoul had been elev... more »
Obama Administration Confirms for the 1st Time: 22 Clinton Emails ‘Top Secret’
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reacts to a remark while being introduced during a campaign event at the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton’s unsecured home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails with material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes just...more »
Russian Fighter Jet Came Within Feet Of USAF Plane Says Pentagon
A Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet came within 15 feet of a U.S. Air Force RC-135U reconnaissance plane flying in international airspace over the Black Sea on Monday, according to the Pentagon. abc News reports: The Pentagon is calling the intercept by a Russian SU-27 pilot as being conducted in “an unsafe and unprofessional manner” that put “both the American flight crew and himself at risk.” During the intercept of the RC-135U, the Russian pilot flew as close as 15 feet alongside the American reconnaissance plane, a Defense Department official said. It then banked hard to the righ... more »
ISIS Leadership Killed Off By Mystery Sniper In Libya
Islamic State jihadis in Libya are under siege by a lone special forces sniper who is single handedly assassinating their top brass from afar. Three ISIS commanders have been reportedly shot dead in their de facto base in the North African capital of Sirte in the last few weeks. The Daily Express reports: The sharp shooter is said to have perfected his skills during the 2011 uprising against dictator Colonel Gaddafi. Senior ISIS terror chief Abdullah Hamad Al-Ansari has been named as the latest casualty after he was attacked on January 23 as he left a city centre mosque. Hamad Abdel... more »
Supplemental: The New York Times makes its strangest claim yet!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2016Respondents haven't heard enough about Bill Clinton yet:* On the front page of today's New York Times, we get the same old subjective campaign piddle, joined to a polling result. This latest puddle of subjectivity concerns some recent campaign appearances by Bill Clinton. The news report by Patrick Healy appears on the front page of our hard-copy Times. It seems to have been pushed inside the paper in later editions, apparently due to late reporting on last night's array of gong-shows. In his report, Healy offers subjective assessments of some recent speec... more »
Pro-Tunnels Group Bars Journalist From Media Teleconference
Governor Jerry Brown pushes his Delta Tunnels Plan at his opening address at ACWA's "Water 2.0" event in Sacramento on January 14, 2016. Photo by Dan Bacher. Pro-Tunnels Group Bars Journalist From Media Teleconference by Dan Bacher Censored News It appears that Californians for Water Security, the "coalition" created by corporate agribusiness interests to promote the California
U.S. And UK War Criminals Are Covering Up The Crimes of Their Warmongering Allies Saudi Arabia And Turkey, Angering Kurds And Houthis
*The West backs Bin Ladenites in the fight against Kurds, Syrians, and religious minorities from Christians to offshoots of Shiism like the Houthis.* *An excerpt from, ``Saudi war crimes evidence could be fabricated by Houthis – UK minister`` Veterans Today, January 29, 2016:* Of course it is Britain that has, over the years, been caught fabricating evidence many times...not this time, of course, because Britain has NO evidence supporting their claim...just another wild conspiracy theory Addressing MPs in the House of Commons, Ellwood said he took the UN report’s allegations ser... more »
Amur The Tiger & Timur The Goat Have Fallen Out
Amur the Siberian tiger and Timur the goat had been best buddies, sharing an enclosure in a Russian safari park, but they have now fallen out. The unlikely pals have been captivating animal lovers since November, after the goat was placed in the tiger’s enclosure as a meal. The pair are now being kept in separate enclosures after a fight broke out this week according to the Primorsky Safari Park Timur had to receive treatment after Amur turned on him, though probably for good reason. The goat got a little too comfortable and became a tad too bold with the dangerous big cat. “Timur w... more »
Many of you have probably heard that the American Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been assigned the role of re-entering Iraq, from which they are expected to push into eastern Syia ostensively to attack ISIS (an American invention) but actually to drive out the legitimate government of Syria. But how many of you know that this is illegal underinternational law. Russia is there only because it was invited in. The author of this column states that "The Paris meeting was a criminal act, a war crime in fact, since the only international body that has the right to determine if, when and how military forces is to be applied in any situation is the United Nations Security Council. Any military action taken outside the mandate of the Security Council is prohibited and the Rome Statute, the statute that governs the International Criminal Court, defines such a meeting as a conspiracy to commit aggression, the worst of all war crimes, because it leads to all other war crimes that necessarily follow an act of aggression."
------------------------------ The Paris Meeting of Conspirators in Support of Syria’s “Moderate Terrorists”: Talks Filled With Sinful Crime. By Christopher Black Region: Middle East & North Africa Global Research, January 24, 2016 Theme: 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism', US NATO War Agenda New Eastern Outlook 24 January 2016 In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR? *On January 20th ... more »
Not all harassment victims are viewed or treated as equal.
The journalist Ashley Csanady currently has a PostMedia piece that addresses Twitter harassment in general and in particular what happened when Michelle Rempel filed a complaint with the police. Her excellent article provides a short account of the Rempel case as well as an overview of recent events, viz. the GAE trial. It is factual and clear. It doesn't editorialize or misrepresent as Blatchford is wont to do, when the demands of click-bait reporting or sob-sister sensationalizing gives her the cover she needs to champion the MRA cause. Further to Csanady wrote, there are points ...more »
New Biomass & Prawn Plant For Anglesey
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul R Work is set to start on a £1bn combined food and power plant on Anglesey, which will create more than 1,700 jobs. The large biomass plant and eco park will be built near Holyhead after the company behind it, Orthios, bought the former Anglesey Aluminium site. The […]
Argentina: CEFAE - Ten UFO Cases Studied by the Kirchner Administration
*Source: PLANETA UFO and Urgente 24Date: 01.28.2016* *Argentina: CEFAE - Ten UFO Cases Studied by the Kirchner Administration* During the four years in which the *Comisión para el Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales (CEFAE)* was in operation - announced with great fanfare by former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner - little was known about its operation and financing. A 12-page PDF file containing 10 sightings reports was presented in December 2015: The Kirchnerian "Blue Book". The administration of Christina Kirchner created a Commission for the Study of Aerospace Phenom... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland. Thanks for stopping by!
"On Some Great And Glorious Day..."
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken Some say that day has come and gone already... While others wonder if it will happen again... *'Murica! We're # 1! * “When you are born in this world, you are given a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat." - George Carlin
“Dumb and Dumber: Trump, Palin and the Celebration of Stupidity in U.S. Politics”
*“Dumb and Dumber: * *Trump, Palin and the Celebration of Stupidity in U.S. Politics”* By Sophia A. McClennen “This last election cycle has revealed an increasing divide over how segments of the population understand political issues. According to Pew, “Partisan polarization — the vast and growing gap between Republicans and Democrats — is a defining feature of politics today.” The problem is not simply connected to opposing ideologies, though. Today polarization is the defining feature of Tea Party politics. From the Bundy gang to Donald Trump’s rallies, we are witnessing a rise ... more »
They Made Us Out of Balance
John Trudell 1980 Thanks Giving Day speech
Don’t Be Fooled. The Law Didn’t Require This Texas DA to Slap the Planned Parenthood Sting Videographers with Felonies
[image: In this Aug. 31, 2015 file photo, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson speaks at a press conference in Houston. Anderson announced Monday, Jan. 25, 2016, a grand jury has indicted two anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos alleging Planned Parenthood illegally sold fetal tissue to researchers for a profit, and said the abortion provider committed no wrong.] David Daleiden and Susan Merritt’s sting videos revealed that Planned Parenthood was likely committing felonies at the Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood in Houston by selling fetal body parts for profit. ... more »
Mr. Big the Banker
The banksters standing at the gates of hell have an immoral appetite How could it not be true that the corporate pigs plan to take it all? They use the cops NSA fear endless war competition media control governments to promote their evil agenda Dulles worked hard to suppress awareness about Nazi extermination of the Jews Dulles a lawyer for the bankers an agent for hell worked hard to help many Nazis escape from justice at Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal Control the water the food even the air the banksters want all of Mother Earth
Earth And Moon Are Cut From The Same Cloth
Scientists have discovered that planet earth and its moon are actually one planet that was fragmented into two following a violent collision that occurred over 4.4 billion years ago with a smaller planet. Metro reports: Edward Young and his team at the University of California said the orthodox belief on the origins of Earth and the Moon – that a smaller planet, Theia, grazed the Earth and send a chunk into Earth’s orbit – was false. Instead, Professor Young says, Theia slammed into Earth so hard that the planets effectively melded together, and a small chunk that broke off in that ... more »
A Tragic Trip to the House on the Hill
A Tragic Trip to the House on the Hill Friday, August 29th, 1969 Now it was quiet, and the Sunday afternoon washed by the August sun. The police had done their work and gone away and there was an eerie suspension of time and motion at the place in Benedict Canyon where the five were killed. “This must be the world-famous orgy house,” said Roman Polanski with bitter sarcasm as he parked in his driveway. He pointed to a white rail broken on the fence bordering the drive and speculated that the boy, Steven Parent, had backed his father’s car into the fence in a desperate attempt... more »
*Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)* synonyms: People's Liberation Army (PLA); People's Republican Army (PRA); Catholic Reaction Force (CRF) A Republican paramilitary group which was established in 1975. This group initially used the name People's Liberation Army (PLA) before adopting the name Irish National Liberation Army (INLA). The INLA has also used a number of covernames including: People's Republican Army (PRA) and Catholic Reaction Force (CRF). At the time it was formed the INLA was considered to be the military wing of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP). T... more »
Japan Has Put Its Military At High Alert For A Possible North Korean Missile Test
A video grab dated 2012 shows the Unha-3 (Milky Way 3) rocket launching at North Korea's West Sea Satellite Launch Site. (Photo: Reuters/KCNA) *Reuters:* *Japan puts military on alert for possible North Korean missile test* Japan has put its military on alert for a possible North Korean ballistic missile launch after indications it is preparing for a test firing, two people with direct knowledge of the order told Reuters on Friday. "Increased activity at North Korea's missile site suggests that there may be a launch in the next few weeks," said one of the sources, both of whom dec... more »
Second American Airlines Flight Grounded Over Mystery Illness
For the second time in two days, an American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after passengers and crew fell ill. On Thursday flight 904, which left Rio de Janeiro at 10.16pm enroute for Miami, was diverted to Brasilia after four people, including three crew members, complained of lightheadedness. On Wednesday flight 109 from London to Los Angeles was forced to turn back to Heathrow after around 15 people, both passengers and crew were struck down by a mystery illness. The Mail Online reports: Although the two grounded flights involved air planes of similar mo... more »
ISIS Woman Convicted In British Court After Returning From Syria
A British woman who took her toddler son to Syria to join ISIS has been found guilty of being a member of the terrorist group upon her return to the UK. Tareena Shakil is the first British woman to be convicted of terrorism offences after returning from Raqqa in Syria. ITV reports: Tareena Shakil, 26, was pictured with assault weapons during nearly three months in the organisation’s stronghold of Raqqa. She dressed her son in clothes bearing its insignia. The prosecution claimed her intention had been to have him trained as a jihadi fighter. She was also convicted of encouraging ter... more »
Donald Trump In Twitter Row With Saudi Owner Of Fox News
Donald Trump got into a spat with the Saudi Royal Prince Alwaleed bin Talal on twitter. The republican front-runner insults the Saudi Prince who part-owns Fox News Channel, who retaliates by telling Trump that ‘he won’t bail him out again’ The Telegraph reports: Mr Trump posted an image on his Twitter account on Thursday showing Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns the Fox News network, standing alongside news anchor Megyn Kelly and a woman in a niqab who was described as the prince’s sister. Prince Alwaleed hit back hours later, saying the image of his sister had been photoshopped an... more »
“A Brief Tour of America’s Military Misadventures”
*“A Brief Tour of America’s Military Misadventures”* by Bill Bonner BALTIMORE – "The Dow rose 126 points yesterday – just shy of 1%. Not enough to reverse the market’s apparent downward bias. Stocks are most likely headed down because the thing that sent them up has come to an end. The chart Chris showed you in yesterday’s Market Insight tells the tale. Here it is again, in case you missed it. As you can see, over the last six years or so, gains for the S&P 500 have closely tracked the ballooning of the Fed’s balance sheet under QE. As you can see, the $4.5 trillion in Treasury an... more »
U.S. Secretary Of Defense Carter 'Very, Very Angry' At Iran Over Treatment Of 10 U.S. Sailors
*CNN*: *Defense Secretary Carter 'very, very angry' about treatment of 10 U.S. sailors in Iran* Washington (CNN)Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Thursday he was "very, very angry" when he saw footage of 10 U.S. Navy sailors detained by Iranian authorities broadcast by Iranian television news. "To see our guys in that situation on Iranian TV -- that's really not okay," Carter said at a Pentagon news conference, adding that the United States "would not have done that." Ten Navy sailors were detained earlier this month after two small Navy vessels strayed into Iranian waters. Fo... more »
A Non-Neoliberal Woman President Is Not One of the Choices
*by Gaius Publius* "I owe almost my entire Wall Street career to the Clintons" (he does mean both). —Wall Street trader Chris Arnade I recently read Joan Walsh's passionate endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and while she speaks for herself, it's obvious that many people feel as she does. It's long past time for a woman to be nominated and long past time for the vicious, sexist and puerile attacks on her to cease. Hillary Clinton has been subjected to the kind of public abuse that I think only women who deal with the Internet fully appreciate. The cruelty of the insults many women... more »
Pelosi Praises Bernie Sanders for Energizing Young Voters
[image: Sanders - 900] BALTIMORE (AP) -- Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi is praising Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for getting more young people “interested in the political process” as he mounts a surprisingly strong race for the Democratic presidential nomination. The California congresswoman says... more »
UN: More Child Sex Abuse Cases by European Troops in Africa
[image: Sexual abuse of children - Africa - 900] GENEVA (AP) -- The U.N. human rights office says it has turned up six more cases of alleged sexual abuse against children by European troops in Central African Republic, including a 7-year-old girl who said she had to perform sexual... more »
Iran Releases Footage Of An Iranian Drone Flying Over A U.S. Aircraft Carrier
*FOX News:* *Iran claims it flew drone over US aircraft carrier, snapped photos* *Iran releases videos of drone surveillance of US carrier* Iran claimed Friday it flew a surveillance drone over a U.S. aircraft carrier and took "precise" photographs as part of an ongoing naval drill, as Iranian TV broadcasted video purportedly showing the incident. The U.S. Navy confirmed to Fox News that an unarmed Iranian drone flew “directly over” the USS Harry Truman earlier this month on Jan. 12, but did not say whether it was the same incident. That happened on the same day Iran captured 10 ... more »
U.S. And British Intelligence Spied On Feeds From Israeli Drones And Jets For Years
An Israel Aerospace Industries Heron 1 drone flies over the airbase in the central Swiss town of Emmen, September 20, 2012. New leaked documents show that British and American intelligence services hacked into Israeli drone systems to monitor their activities. ARND WIEGMANN/REUTERS *The Guardian*: *Snowden files reveal US and UK spied on feeds from Israeli drones and jets* Feeds including from cockpit cameras reportedly hacked using freely available software under programme run from GCHQ A joint UK-US intelligence programme has been spying on electronic feeds – including video – f... more »
Grading Presidents
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
Ancient Babylonian Astronomy Text Changes History
A newly-translated tablet has revealed that ancient Babylonian astronomers were using methods far more advanced than imagined for that era. The ancient Babylonians were calculating planetary displacement arcs over 1,000 years before the method’s ‘invention’. Analysis of the tablets reveals that the Babylonian star gazers were able to calculate the position of Jupiter using geometric techniques previously believed to have been first used some 1,400 years later in 14th century Europe. The tablets, housed at the British Museum, are believed to have been unearthed from an archaeological ... more »
Nothing Unusual About January Storms
By Paul Homewood There seems to be constant amazement every time we have a gale and bit of wet weather over here in the UK. Perhaps folks need reminding that this is pretty normal in January, as the following selection of Met Office reports show: ———————————————————————————————————————– […]
Of Course We’re Christians First and Americans Second
[image: Cruz and Rubio praying - 900] Marco Rubio has freely declared that his faith comes first and that it impacts both his private and public life, while Ted Cruz has said that he is a Christian first and an American second. Are these dangerous statements for political... more »
Too Much Sugar? There’s an Enzyme for That
[image: (MartineDee/iStock)] It will be a while, but we are looking at a huge breakthrough that should eliminate the worst aspects of what is called metabolic disease. i would expect such a regimen to also allow a complete reversal of all the damage created by years of excess diet sugar. It is a novel solution to one of our worst health issues. All men and women should reach the age of approximately 100 in robust health before the cellular cycle causes their system to collapse. This will allow just that for most of my readers.. . *Too Much Sugar? There’s an Enzyme for That* ... more »
How to Resolve the ISIS Crisis with Peter Van Buren
Here is a dose of common sense. As we truly have no better plan, the better plan is to get out soonest. The real threat to outsiders is actually minimal except regarding nuclear weapons. That needs to be directly countered by massive destruction of facilities.as a norm. Heavy bombing combined with airborne penetration of combat engineers should be able to smash everything even in the face of then disorganized and shaken opposition. Then cool the mass surveillance which accomplishes nothing except to inconvenience you and I. Make better use of active agents to locate problem... more »
BIW Lenten Vigil for Disarmament
Starting on Ash Wednesday, February 10th, we will gather to vigil, hold signs and banners and to leaflet the workers at Bath Iron Works from 11:30 am to 12:30 and then continue it every Saturday of Lent at the same time. (February 13, 20, 27, March 5, 12, 19, and Holy Saturday March 26.) We will gather across from the BIA administration building on Washington Street in Bath standing with signs calling for the end of the building of weapons of mass destruction by General Dynamics here in Maine. Lent is a time to awaken to what we are doing that keeps us from healing our Mother Eart... more »
THE YEAR OF THE LIBERAL: A highly exciting evening in Flint!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 2016Maddow eschews information:* A fascinating moment occurred during Wednesday evening's town hall—the "MSNBC Town Hall" which was held in Flint, Michigan. This moment occurred at 9:18 Eastern. If you blinked, you probably missed it. We refer to a statement by Professor Marc Edwards who, according to his introduction by Rachel Maddow, "collected hundreds of water samples showing elevated lead levels here in Flint, really blew this whole scandal wide open." Edwards is one of a handful of actual experts Maddow presented that night. In this exchange shown belo... more »
It’s Hard to Believe, But GOP Debate Was Worse Without Trump
[image: badminton] I don't think the recent former Democrat Donald Trump is now a conservative, or pro-life. He may not even intend to build a wall on the Rio Grande. I think he has craftily figured out what voters want to hear, and he... more »
Did the Russian Embassy in DC Scoop Up Hillary’s Unsecured Classified Emails?
[image: Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, October 22, 2015. Clinton took the stand Thursday to defend her role in responding to deadly attacks on the US mission in Libya, as Republicans forged ahead with an inquiry criticized as partisan anti-Clinton propaganda.] Writing at the Observer, John R. Schindler explains “Why Hillary’s EmailGate Matters.” Schindler lays out in detail the assorted allegations against the former Secretary of State and her staf... more »
Do You Believe Good and Bad Are Real? Then You Must Also Believe…
[image: Where do Good & Evil Come From? - 900] If you believe good and bad are real, then you must also believe there is a God -- if you want to be think clearly about it, that is. In this short video Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston University,... more »
Lancet retracts 24-year-old paper by “father of nutritional immunology” after reopening inquiry
Following questions from outside experts, a retraction of a related paper, a university investigation and a court case, The Lancet has decided to retract a 1992 paper by Ranjit Kumar Chandra, the self-proclaimed “father of nutritional immunology.” In a lengthy retraction note included in the January 30 issue, the journal explains that: the balance of probabilities […] The post Lancet retracts 24-year-old paper by “father of nutritional immunology” after reopening inquiry appeared first on Retraction Watch.
More nutters and Israel-haters
Having flagged up the 71 signatories story below I might continue with the other ‘letter to the press’. BBC Watch has highlighted it and its opposing letter here. The original letter to the Guardian is pure BDS, based on rubbish propaganda and signed by a whole bunch of anti-Israel campaigners and luvvies of little importance. “we are announcing today that we will not engage in business-as-usual cultural relations with Israel. We will accept neither professional invitations to Israel, nor funding, from any institutions linked to its government. “ Great loss, I’m sure. The othe... more »
President Obama Wants Options To Fight The Islamic State In Libya
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks to members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in the East Room at the White House in Washington January 21, 2016. REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST *Reuters*: *Obama calls for efforts to counter Islamic State in Libya* U.S. President Barack Obama directed his national security advisers on Thursday to counter efforts by Islamic State to expand into Libya and other countries, the White House said. Islamic State militants have taken advantage of chaos in Libya to establish themselves in the city of Sirte, and they have carried out several attacks on oi... more »
The Zika Virus Scam: Zika Freakout - The Hoax And The Covert Operation Continue
Someone asked me the other day about what I thought of this "Zika Virus" outbreak.... I have until now not put out any articles pertaining to this issue that suddenly is all over the Jew spew media outlets due to the fact that I look upon it as another SCAM just like the previous fraud "Ebola Virus" scare that was pushed for the sole purpose of trying to get people to accept MORE vaccines.... I see a criminal agenda behind this "Zika Virus" scare, and I have found nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that tells me any different... But of course the propaganda is out there trying ... more »
Believers Must Not Divide in the Midst of This Political Season
[image: Prayer Flag - 900] If you’ve been following my ministry for any length of time, you know that I constantly address issues of concern to me in the news, whether they have to do with moral, cultural or spiritual issues and whether they pertain... more »
Michigan Lawmakers Approve $28M More for Flint Water Crisis
[image: Gov. Rick Snyder - 900] LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Michigan lawmakers directed another $28 million on Thursday to address Flint’s lead-contaminated water supply, allocating money for bottled water, medical assessments and other costs for the financially struggling city. The quick and unanimous approval by the... more »
Top U.S. General In Iraq: Mosul Dam Could Collapse, Causing 'Catastrophic' Destruction
© Ari Jalal / Reuters *Reuters*: *Iraq's Mosul dam could face catastrophic collapse: top U.S. general* BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military has a contingency plan to deal with a potential collapse of Mosul dam in northern Iraq which would be catastrophic, the top U.S. general in Iraq said on Thursday. U.S. Army Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland said Iraqi authorities understood "the potential" for the collapse of the hydroelectric dam, whose foundation requires constant grouting to maintain structural integrity. He said the military was working with the government on a plan to p... more »
The Indictment of David Daleiden
[image: Daleiden_1000_corrected] There's finally an indictment relating to Planned Parenthood's selling of body parts. So why are the forces of death celebrating? As you've probably heard, a grand jury in Houston, Texas, originally tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood's possible involvement in the... more »
Dems to Bloomberg: Don’t Run
[image: Bloomberg - 400] Senate Democrats say former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has almost no chance of winning the presidency if he mounts an independent run and would likely only act as a spoiler. Democratic lawmakers interviewed on the prospect of a... Continue reading *“Dems to Bloomberg: Don’t Run”* at *thehill.com*.
Cruz, Trump and the Missing White Voters
[image: Donald Trump white vote] <a href="https://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/pcs/click?xai=AKAOjsvWzJbaz86ArbWk67ucTxIqBhVGnd0TD6Z9JcZNz-CBGche6b38GCtHkN6x_qGb43EyqOl4LePbNAy8UErmaXd-IMI_s7RPHquD4vTr7ScIONNKBiiU88_yNl1aEWPqcOR6pRgpTptrkUNG2D5nNRdgF2uXOkN8A7Vxkva_bi2Fq4375hzUSbo3ts_D9sRlrfd4QoYypXP0waQycbSZ9k-negDeT5zM6nBWxoVP9Pdt7GBVl9s_OHUS3aLDadPwKYnp4Uql3nw22g2llt_4pWCTrROgPL_VXbESceJyL15oUupiDqJxnHog62ts_1O7P9XNjGe_hXl6OpE7suHOxeful4WYizwiYjLIGkfeG26EeuUJcWNJer1j-3msbPZ4Wa9j_Ychu9rBUunoSNaJb3kNTML7p9OOmjUEC_1mW9NtbmVYCbXEuo1NIUx54TEB02QehkoE9lvSfcZG4_XW-oslAOQpw81IKu8sNE6H5-QClwN8v... more »
Syrian Peace Talks Begin With Opposition Groups Boycotting The Event
*Reuters*: *U.N. launches Syria peace talks despite opposition boycott* The first Syria peace talks for two years were a "complete failure" before they started on Friday, a Western diplomat said, after the United Nations announced it would press ahead with them despite an opposition boycott. Opponents of President Bashar al-Assad said they were far more concerned with fending off a Russian-backed military onslaught, with civilians reported to be fleeing as the Syrian army and allied militia tried to capture a suburb of Damascus and finish off rebels defending it. U.N. envoy Staffa... more »
Bill Whittle: We are not enemies...
*let's show a bit of respect for each other.*
World News Briefs -- January 29, 2016
*Washington Post*: *Syria peace talks open in disarray with opposition groups staying away* GENEVA — Peace talks aimed at ending the Syrian war opened in disarray Friday, with the opposition holding firm to a decision not to attend unless steps are taken to deliver food to hungry people in Syria and halt bombardments of civilian areas. A United Nations statement said the negotiations had formally begun as scheduled and that the U.N. special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, planned his first meeting with the Syrian government delegation. But with the opposition still refusing ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 29, 2016
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his wife, Stephanie, meet with coalition troops on Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, Dec. 15, 2015. The secretary spoke about the push to accelerate the campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. Carter is on a weeklong trip to the Middle East. DoD photo *New York Times:* *More Is Needed to Beat ISIS, Pentagon Officials Conclude* WASHINGTON — Pentagon officials have concluded that hundreds more trainers, advisers and commandos from the United States and its allies will need to be sent to Iraq and Syria in the coming months as ... more »
Officials Ordered Clean Water For Flint State Workers A Year Ago
A document released on Thursday has revealed that state workers in Flint were trucking in their own water supply in January of 2015, almost a year before the governor publicly acknowledged the lead contamination problem. The document, a facility notification sent by the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), refers to a notice about a violation of drinking water standards that had recently been sent out by the City of Flint. The notice, which was obtained by the liberal advocacy group, Progress Michigan said: “While the City of Flint states that corrective actions a... more »
Back to the State
Eyewitness Report from the Donetsk People’s Republic [Economic Revolution] Eyewitness Report from the Donetsk People’s Republic Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio April 25, 2015 *MP3 AUDIO;* Right click, save as… Tarpley and Litvinov “The state will push” — Boris Alekseevich Litvinov, a relative of the Soviet-era diplomat, emeritus prime minister, and now key economic policy maker of the Donetsk People’s Republic, shown with the author in Donetsk, April 22, 2015. Litvinov told Halyna Mokrushyna of New Cold War.org last November: “We want to build a parliam... more »
Jim Garrison - The Inquest by William W. Turner Ramparts Magazine, June1967
*Jim Garrison - The Inquest* *William W. TurnerRampart June 1967* *Grand conspiracies need not be grand. There need be only a few central figures in a position to manipulate, wheedle, dupe, blackmail, and buy the bit actors. This is the theory of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison as applied to the assassination of President Kennedy. “The people who engineered the killing of one of the finest Presidents we ever had are walking around today,” he declares. “Not to do anything about it is un-American.”* __________ The Louisiana populist can hardly be accused of disloyalty. H... more »
71 Nutters and Israel haters
Have you been following this story? Elder of Ziyon. *World Medical Association head seems sick of BDS lies* Last week: A group of 71 doctors in the United Kingdom are pressuring the World Medical Association to remove the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) from the global body’s membership, an IMA representative said at the Israeli Knesset this week. “The professional British journals have adopted the idea of letters to the editor that libel Israeli doctors,” Dr. Ze’ev Feldman, IMA’s chairman, said Jan. 20 during a Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting, Israel Nationa... more »
From Paul Craig Roberts' opening paragraph below: "In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda. In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have been destroyed if the President of Russia had not prevented it." ... "Washington’s war crimes rival those of any country in history."
------------------------------ *The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ January 18, 2016 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud Paul Craig Roberts In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda. In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and ... more »
Japan Re-Starts 2nd Nuclear Complex and Aims to Re-Start MOX Fueled Reactor in February
*Japan restarts 2nd nuclear complex under tighter post-Fukushima rules, The Mainichi, January 29, 2016 http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160129/p2g/00m/0dm/074000che* Kansai Electric Power Co. said it reactivated the No. 3 reactor at its Takahama plant in Fukui Prefecture... Kansai Electric aims to resume the No. 4 reactor in late February also using MOX fuel in a so-called "pluthermal" project. Radioactive Snow (Look especially at the top right hand corner of the building on your left) The shrub in the image below is red from the reflection of the traffic light. Daiich... more »
One Lawmaker’s Push to Make It Illegal to Abort Down Syndrome Babies
[image: Down syndrome baby] A Missouri state senator proposes to ban abortion based on prenatal screenings for Down syndrome. State Sen. David Sater, R-Cassville, told The Daily Signal he is sponsoring S.B. 802 in the Missouri Senate at a time when other state legislatures have... more »
In Mideast Wars, Hunger Grips Millions across the Region
[image: In this Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016, a displaced girl waits for donated food at al-Takia camp in Baghdad, Iraq. More than 3 million Iraqis are displaced within the country by violence and instability. “They’ve lost their livelihoods, their jobs, and hunger and the inability to purchase food is a reality in their everyday life,” said Marwa Awad, with the World Food Program. (AP Photo/Karim Kadim)] BEIRUT (AP) -- In a Middle East torn apart by war and conflict, fighters are increasingly using food as a weapon of war. Millions of people across countries like Syria, Yemen and Iraq ar... more »
Baby Head Shrinking Zika Virus Could Change Abortion Laws in Latin America
[image: A dog (R) looks on as a health worker fumigates in an attempt to eradicate the mosquito which transmits the Zika virus on January 28, 2016 in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil.] The increasingly widespread Zika virus that is ravaging the Western Hemisphere could change abortion laws in several Latin American countries where abortion is illegal, according to Wired. The Zika virus is spread by infected mosquitoes and causes a variety of different symptoms... more »
“Innocent mistake” leads to bioethics article retraction
A July article that incorrectly called out nine leading bioethics journals for their lack of availability to researchers in low- and middle-income countries is being pulled after editors of the indicted journals refuted the allegations. The last author on the article, published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, told us an “innocent mistake” and difficulty navigating […] The post “Innocent mistake” leads to bioethics article retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Exclusive: EgyptAir Mechanic Suspected in Russian Plane Crash
[image: Egypt Russian plane] An EgyptAir mechanic whose cousin joined Islamic State in Syria is suspected of planting a bomb on a Russian passenger plane that was blown out of Egypt’s skies in late October, according to sources familiar with the matter. So far... Continue reading *“Exclusive: EgyptAir Mechanic Suspected in Russian Plane Crash”* at *reuters.com*.
HuffPo Announces It Will Label Trump ‘Racist’ In All Future Articles
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally where he was endorsed by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016.] The Huffington Post plans to denounce Donald Trump as a "rampant xenophobe," "racist," and "bully" in all of its articles about the presidential candidate going forward, the website announced Tuesday. "Note to our readers: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe,... more »
US Reissues Labeling Guidelines On Occupied West Bank Products
The United States has warned Israel that products imported from the occupied West Bank should not be labeled as “made in Israel.” Guidelines were reissued last week by US Customs authorities in response to the repeated mislabeling of products made in the West Bank. Press TV reports: US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Thursday the decision to reissue the policy had been taken after mislabeling complaints. “US Customs and Border Protection reissued guidance on their marking requirements,” he told reporters in Washington, DC. “It in no way supersedes prior rulings or regu... more »
NOAA’s Adjusted SSTs Not Supported By Atmospheric Data
By Paul Homewood Between 1979 and 2001, atmospheric temperatures above the oceans, as measured by UAH, rose slightly faster then sea surface temperatures as measured by NOAA’s ERSST series, the one now used in their global temperature datasets. This is exactly what would be expected. As NASA explain: Sea surface temperatures have […]
Why Do We Get Sick
* Dr. Rita Louise* - Thoughts, feelings and emotions are intimately connected to the state of our health and well-being. The post Why Do We Get Sick appeared first on Waking Times.
Bernie Really Is A Better Candidate Than Hillary
Hillary's not a good candidate for several reasons, electability being one, her record of leadership being another. Obviously she's better on the issues-- all of the issues-- than Cruz or Christie or Rubio or any of those clowns. But that's a really low bar. The problem with her, policy-wise is that she's a flip-flopping opportunist who has been consistent on one thing: watching which way the parade is headed and then running to the front when it's absolutely safe to do so. For example, it took Hillary quite a long time to come around on LGBT equality. She had a typically conserv... more »
Iran Brags It Flew Drone over US Aircraft Carrier
[image: AT SEA- DECEMBER 10: The USS Eisenhower is shown off the coast of Virginia, December 10, 2015 in the Atlantic Ocean.] TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran flew a surveillance drone over a U.S. aircraft carrier and published video of the encounter Friday, the latest in a series of edgy naval incidents between the two countries in the Persian Gulf after the... more »
Never Lego My Heart Valentine with Free Printable
We are a Lego obsessed household. I honestly didn't grow up with Legos and so when my daughter was old enough for my husband to pull out his childhood Legos I was surprised by how much fun they had. Since that first night of Lego building, every Christmas and Birthday has revolved around Lego sets. Even the baby got in on the Lego love this last Christmas when we started buying her Duplos. They are a wonderful toy and I enjoy fostering the love of a toy that brings so much creativity. This year, my daughter was talking about wanting to get Legos for her valentines. She loves minifi... more »
“L.A.’s Methane/Radiation Blowout Update, 1/29/2016"
*“L.A.’s Methane/Radiation Blowout Update, 1/29/2016"* by ENE News *View from Aliso Canyon. The tall buildings you see at the image top are downtown L.A.* Los Angeles County, California 2014 Population estimate: 10,116,705 San Fernando Valley, California 2014 Population estimate: 1,571,548 *Breaking: They may have “lost control entirely of entire field” involved in LA gas disaster, and it’s coming up everywhere*… We learned there’s many other leaks -Attorney — Officials: Loud sound of gas escaping heard half mile away; A “mini-Chernobyl” — AP: Leak “out of control”… amount released “s...more »
Devious And Dishonest
beapatriot.wordpress.com/ Stephen Harper kept a lot of things under wraps. Now what he covered up is being uncovered. This week we learned that the Communications Security Establishment has been delving into the private lives of Canadians -- which is specifically forbidden by law. Michael Harris writes: The real bottom line? It’s *not* a failure to communicate. It is a grotesque example of overreach by people permitted to operate in almost total secrecy. CSE is only supposed to monitor foreign communications for information of intelli... more »
Google.org is still confused about paths to the energy future
*This Nuclear Green Post is over 7 years old, and should be considered one of the core posts of Nuclear Green. Very often what I have to say is simply a repeat of things I have said already. I believe that Google put an end to the miserable existance of Google.org some time ago, suggesting that renewables do, indeed, face a very rocky road into the future. Google has not yet seen fit to endorce Generation IV Nuclear power.* Computer modelers can trip up in two ways. The model may be poorly designed in the first place. Secondly the data input may be flawed. As the old saying goes... more »
Big Pharma To Test Zika Virus Vaccines On Humans
The quest to find a vaccine for the Zika virus is on as the World Health Organization announce the virus is spreading “explosively” and the National Institute for Health officially declare the outbreak to be pandemic. The vaccine funding is already in place…and so is worldwide fear. At least three pharmaceutical companies are either considering or actively pursing programs, including giants *GlaxoSmithKline GSK , and *Sanofi SNY. But the company that appears to be the farthest along is a relatively small $500 million market cap biotech named Inovio Pharmacuetucals. Truth Kings Repor...more »
Gratitude Is Good For Your Heart And Soul
*A new study discovered the more grateful you are, the lower your risk of heart attack. Is there a recipe for gratitude? Learn what highly grateful people do differently from the rest.* *To learn more , please click on the link provided below:* *Green Med Info.*
Why don't we kick out immigrants after they are convicted of felonies?
There is something I don’t get about the case of Hossein Nayeri, the alleged leader of a group of three brutal felons who escaped recently from the Orange County Jail: Why wasn’t he exiled from the United States after his first felony conviction? It seems to me, as an immigrant to the United States, once he killed his friend while driving drunk, he should have been stripped of all rights to reside in this country. After serving his jail time for that crime — which sadly was minimal — he should have been sent back to Iran and never again allowed back into the U.S. Here is what an... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Internettations are continued and expanded
*Internettations are continued and expanded* by ÉirePort Internettations are continued and expanded. Frequencies of trust are reached in harmony. Nesting of potentials create new possibilities. Recognition of potentials create new creations. ÉirePort | January 29, 2016 at 08:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-xg
Cruz Heads to Tiny Iowa Towns to Complete 99-County Trek Before the Caucuses Monday
[image: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, answers a question during a Republican presidential primary debate, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)] RINGSTED, Iowa (AP) -- For Ted Cruz, the path to victory in Iowa doesn’t run through Des Moines or Davenport or other voter-rich parts of this sprawling, largely rural state. Instead, it goes through out-of-the-way dots on the map like...more »
Donald Trump Holds His Own Event as His GOP Rivals Debate
[image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a event at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)] DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- As his rivals made their final case to voters ahead of Iowa’s kickoff caucuses, Donald Trump was headlining a show of his own. Just three miles from the site of the final GOP presidential debate... more »
Yeast Is A Cause Of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms
* Sayer Ji* - Turmeric is becoming the most promising herb for disease prevention and treatment. The post Yeast Is A Cause Of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms appeared first on Waking Times.
DPP News = Good news
*The mysterious east.* Solidarity has the details, but the DPP has wisely picked Su Chia-chyuan, the sensible, competent, and solid politician who ran for Veep with Tsai in 2012 as its Speaker of the Legislature. A county chief in Pingtung, Su came up to the center for the 2010 mayoral election in Taichung, barely losing it. He is close to Tsai, who apparently backed him strongly. This is a victory for the DPP's potential governance. Many of us had been fearing that the job would fall to longtime majority whip Ker Chien-ming, who was buddy to former KMT Speaker Wang Jin-pyng. That ... more »
Will A Major Cyber-war Break Out In The Middle East In 2016?
*Benjamin Runkle, War On The Rocks:* *2016: The Year Of The Great Middle East Cyberwar?* It is an understatement to say that 2015 was a terrible year for the Middle East: the humanitarian disasters spawned by the wars in Syria and Yemen continued unabated; the Islamic State expanded its terrorist operations throughout the region; and Iran accelerated testing of its ballistic missiles and increased its domestic oppression after agreeing to the nuclear deal that will provide Tehran with up to $150 billion in sanctions relief. Unfortunately, 2016 may already be off to an even worse s... more »
In Cruz-Trump Duel, the Bible Belt, Beltway, and Hawks Are Still Divided
[image: trump_cruz3 - 900] As noted in our last campaign update on Senator Ted Cruz, he is deeply unpopular among Washington lobbyists, Congressional Republicans, and those who take their cues from those traditional GOP leaders. In fact, some among those constituencies admit that they'd... more »
America’s Daddy Issues
[image: Children in Class, Elementary Student, Classroom, Teacher] Here in America, as in much of the Western world, social conservatism is terribly uncool. No, it's worse than that: It's socially toxic. Traditionalists, we are told, are stiffs, fools, knaves and uptight busybodies who want to butt in on... more »
FBI Releases Video of Tuesday Shooting of Oregon Occupier
[image: This photo taken from an FBI video shows Robert "LaVoy" Finicum before he was fatally shot by police Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016 near Burns, Ore. A video released Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 by the FBI of the shooting death of a spokesman for the armed occupiers of a wildlife refuge shows the man reaching into his jacket before he fell into the snow. The FBI said the man had a gun in his pocket. (FBI via AP)] BURNS, Ore. (AP) -- A video showing the shooting death of an occupier of an Oregon wildlife refuge appears to show the man reaching into his jacket before he fell into the snow. ... more »
Why Is The U.S. Reluctant To Sell F-15Es To The Arabs
F-15E Strike Eagle. Wikimedia *Strategy Page*: *Murphy's Law: America Mysteriously Denies Arab Allies New Aircraft* For two years the United States has delayed action on a Qatari attempt to buy 36 (and eventually 73) F-15E fighter bombers (for nearly $4 billion) and Kuwaiti efforts to buy 28 F-18E fighters (for $3 billion). The American Department of Defense and State Department approved the deal and there was support in Congress but for reasons unclear the American president refused to approve (or disapprove) the deal or even explain why not. Kuwait has long used the older F-18A ... more »
Munich: Kane vs Gross
*Kane's attitude is the more scientific one* Yesterday, I mentioned Gordon Kane's paper based on his talk in Munich. Today, I noticed that lots of the talk videos are available on their website. The available speakers include Rovelli, Dawid, Pigliucci, Dardashti, Kragh, Achinstein, Schäffer, Smeenk, Kane, Quevedo, Wüthrich, Mukhanov, Ellis, Castellani, Lüst, Hossenfelder, Thebault, and Dvali while others may be added soon. Among those, I was most interested in Gordon Kane's talk partly because I've read about some fiery exchange with David Gross. And yes, there was one. In t... more »
Energy security threat as SSE mulls early closure of coal plant
By Paul Homewood h/t Paul2 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/12128668/Energy-security-threat-as-SSE-mulls-early-closure-of-coal-plant.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter News from the Telegraph (complete with misleading photography): Energy giant SSE is considering shutting its Fiddler’s Ferry coal-fired power plant early, threatening to blow a hole in the Government’s plans to keep the lights on, the Telegraph has learnt. The 2GW power plant in […]
Iowa Caucuses, a Subsidy for Iowa’s Political Establishment
[image: Ethanol Plant, Large Pile of Corn, Factory, Renewable Fuel and Power, Biofuel] First, kill the Iowa caucuses. Please note: I didn’t say, “Kill the Iowans.” I like Iowans and I like Iowa. But we need to get Iowa’s boot off our neck. That may be misunderstood, as well. You see, we’re not... more »
Does China Believe America Is In Decline?
*Lyle J. Goldstein, National Interest:* *Does China Think America Is in Decline?* How Beijing's top "America hands" see their biggest rival. It has been fashionable in national security circles over the last several years for U.S. experts on Asia-Pacific security to claim that Chinese strategists perceive the U.S. to be in decline. As Daniel Blumenthal queried Ambassador John Bolton at a November 2015 forum at the American Enterprise Institute: “I don’t mean to ask such a leading question… Do you think China perceives us as… declining…?” Predictably, Bolton answered in the affirma... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/29/2016"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/29/2016"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Trump talks, he makes news. Trump doesn’t talk, he makes news. Trump tweets, he makes news. Trump offends, he makes news. Trump makes sense, he makes news. You may think what is going on with Donald Trump is all about Trump, it is really about the changing landscape of media and the old mainstream media (MSM) losing its relevance. Look at what just happened with Trump and this debate fiasco with FOX. FOX thinks it’s still running the media show, and Trump is showing them they are not. When you hear about Trump tweet... more »
Econ Theory Summer Camp
Graduate students with an interest in economic theory will be interested in this opportunity, run by my colleague Eric Maskin.
U.S. Marines And South Korean Troops Train Shirtless In The Extreme Cold
*Daily Mail*: *We’re SNOW hard! Bare-chested US marines and Korean troops perform drills (and mess about) in extreme cold as ‘preparation for North Korea attack’ * The thought of wrestling bare-chested in the snow-covered wilderness with your mates wouldn't cross many people as a great way to spend a winter's afternoon, but a unit of marines couldn't wait to cover themselves in the white stuff during an exercise in South Korea. U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Expeditionary force, deployed from Okinawa, Japan, larked about with a unit of South Korean marines while they took a qui... more »
The Chinese Want Their Own Version Of The U.S. Marine Corps
Image: Wikimedia Commons/USMC *Grant Newsham, Koh Swee, and Lean Collin, National Interest:** Can China Copy the U.S. Marine Corps?* A superpower can never have too many elite forces. Much has been reported about the recent structural reforms undertaken by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA)—the end goal being a leaner and meaner military force, capable of undertaking a broad spectrum of missions under modern, high-tech conditions. Part of this drive towards a “new-age” PLA has been efforts to modernize the PLA Marine Corps (PLAMC), which notably carried out its latest winter t... more »
Japan joins the negative rates club
*Nothing wrong about negative benchmark rates* Haruhiko Kuroda, the boss of Bank of Japan, has shocked the markets and lowered the benchmark interest rate to minus 0.1 percent, with the commitment to do anything (including further moves below zero) to tear the deflationary expectations away from people's minds. Kuroda has joined Mario Draghi of ECB who has already dragged some rates beneath zero. Most of us – including your humble correspondent – have the intrinsic feeling that negative interest rates (and even zero or low positive rates) are "sick". But if we are a little bit more ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 29, 2016
[image: Chinook in Germany-900] A U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter crew conducts training exercises at Katterbach Army Airfield in Ansbach, Germany, on Jan. 20, 2016. Thank you to these warriors for their service to our country!
Why New Stealth Subs Are A Danger To The US Navy
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Vitaliy Ankov / Виталий Аньков. Harry J. Kazianis, National Interest: *This Could 'Sink' the U.S. Navy: Lethal Stealth Submarines* There is no force patrolling the world’s oceans more powerful than the mighty U.S. Navy. Washington’s nuclear-powered attack and ballistic submarines, aircraft carriers and surface combatants, all guided by the best trained sailors and professionals in the world, are no match when stacked up on paper one-on-one against the likes of Russia, China, Iran or any other challenger. And as history shows, going to war against Washington... more »
Missing in the Wilderness Oddities.
Reading through the mass of reports, a couple of particular oddities show up and need to be remarked upon. They are suggestive of additional phenomena not presently understood or anticipated. Thus we will at least comment. The first oddity is in cases were the body or individual is found and we have an impossible compass march between the two points. Worse we have no plausible alternative route as well. Some cases can be explained by a robust carry by a Bigfoot or a Giant sloth. Others make that highly unlikely. The most unlikely finds the victim in the middle of a boulder ... more »
Understanding Missing Persons in the Wilderness
This is drawn from the site created by David Paulides who has chronicled as many disappearances as possible across North America. These are the recent ones and are representative. Now we get down to my observations and pattern interpretation drawn on my ongoing study of the two major creatures out there capable of hunting a human being. I have now read a fair cross section of these reports and we are going to create three classifications. *Class A*: I reserve this class for what can be described as the expected cause. This includes foul play by human, misadventure or accid... more »
Did Wall Street Banks (Who Have Lost $219.7B So Far) Create the Oil Crash To Receive Bailouts (Oil Could Fall to $20)? (Just Askin') The Populist Revolution: Bernie and Beyond (Kantner Starship Sails)
WTF! Up against the wall. This is the most incredibly bad news. And so unbelievable. I loved this man, this gifted, matchless artist. I'll never forget how his beautifully moving music informed my youth. What bliss it was to spend an afternoon in my dorm room listening to the Airplane, and then the Starship, and then all of the other transmutations of musical envelopmentness that he and
Interested in critical international politics?
The Gregynog Ideas Lab, a thinking space for scholars interested in studying global politics from a range of critical, postcolonial, feminist, post-structural and psychoanalytic traditions, takes place every summer at Gregynog Hall in mid-Wales (UK). This unusual summer school offers a set of seminars & workshops, an artist-in-residence, methods training and one-on-one consultations to allow […]
10 US Navy Sailors Siezed By Iran Had Strayed Into Iranian Waters Because Of A Navigation Error
*USNI News*: *U.S. Boat Crew Navigation Error, Not Technology Tampering Led to Seizure of 10 Sailors by Iran* PENTAGON – A navigation error – not technology tampering – led to two U.S. Navy riverine command boats and ten sailors being held by Iranian forces earlier this month, USNI News has learned. Several sources confirmed to USNI News that the crews of the two boats, assigned to Coastal Riverine Squadron 3, had misjudged their location when they mistakenly strayed into Iranian waters off of Farsi Island in the middle of the Persian Gulf on Jan. 12 while trying to meet a ship fo... more »
“You Were Made For This”
*“You Were Made For This”* By Clarissa Pinkola Estes “My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people. You are right in your assessments. The lustre and hubris some have aspired to while endorsing acts so heinous against children, elders, everyday people, the poor, the unguarded, the h... more »
Tweet For Today
Nothing's more powerful than a child's wishes Except a Mi-26T #helicopter #Mi26picksupthings by Alexander Karelin pic.twitter.com/a2NrmZrj6A — Tom Antonov (@Tom_Antonov) January 28, 2016
U.S. Marines Had Fired The Commanding Officer 3 Days Before The Deadly Helicopter Crash In Hawaii
A group of Marines walk the beach outside the Haleiwa Incident Command Post in Haleiwa, Hawaii, during search efforts for 12 missing Marines, in this handout photo taken January 18, 2016. REUTERS/U.S. COAST GUARD/PETTY OFFICER 1ST CLASS LEVI READ/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS *Marine Times*: *Marines fired commander days before deadly helicopter crash in Hawaii* The Marine Corps helicopter squadron reeling from the recent deaths of 12 colleagues saw its commanding officer removed from his job three days prior to the tragedy because senior officials determined he had failed to keep the unit ... more »
The GOP Debate: Without Trump, a Serious Discussion
[image: DES MOINES, IA - JANUARY 28: Republican presidential candidates (R-L) Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) participate in the Fox News - Google GOP Debate January 28, 2016 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa. Residents of Iowa will vote for the Republican nominee at the caucuses on February 1. Donald Trump, who is leading most polls in the state, decided not to participate in the debate. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)] Without the frontrunner, tonight's Republican debate centered on rivals Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio -- currently running second and thi... more »
Picture Of The Day
Sailors perform preflight checks on an F/A-18E Super Hornet on the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Atlantic Ocean, Jan. 27, 2016. The Eisenhower is preparing for upcoming inspections and conducting carrier qualifications. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Anderson W. Branch
30,000 ISIS Militants In India Ready To Wage War
A disturbing number of Indian citizens have signed up to become ISIS militants, with around 30,000 people ready to wage war on India, according to government data. Zee News reports: ISIS is using these people to hack secret data of Indian government; the terror outfit will use the data to forge strategy to harm India. ISIS contacted these people online. Now, cyber officials are keeping an eye to social media to curb these activities. According to a Maharashtra ATS officials, they have blocked 94 websites so far. These websites had content related to ISIS. A disturbing number of Ind... more »
Zika Virus Officially A ‘Pandemic’ – National Institutes Of Health
The National Institutes of Health has officially declared that the Zika virus outbreak is at pandemic levels, as the World Health Organization (WHO) have warned that the virus could infect four million people in the months ahead. The virus has spread to at least 23 countries so far, including the U.S., with 31 cases in eleven states over the last few months. Cbsnews.com reports: The virus, first discovered in the Zika Forest in Uganda in the 1940s, is linked to serious birth defects. “Questions abound,” WHO director Margaret Chan said. “We need to get some answers quickly.” The org... more »
Russia's Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle Will Soon Be Manufactured In Florida
*FOX News: **Russia's iconic AK-47 to be made in USA* *It’s as Russian as borscht, but the AK-47 will soon be made in Florida.* The weapon of choice for guerrillas, terrorists and the soldiers of armies around the world, some 100 million AK-47s have been made in Russia since it rolled off the line in 1947. But now, the company’s U.S. arm is planning to manufacture the gun at a plant in Pompano Beach, Fla. “An iconic firearms platform, revered the world over, with a history of intrigue and controversy, now reborn as the new American Kalashnikov,” the company said in a statement. *... more »
Who's A Bigger Clown, Christie Or Rubio? Does It Matter?
Chris Christie continues to sink under the waves... in the one state he's trying to win, New Hampshire. This week's Emerson poll of likely Republican primary voters in that state shows him struggling in 6th place with just 5%, behind Jeb, Kasich, and Rubio, the other establishment candidates. His meaningless *Union-Herald* endorsement was followed by one from the right-wing *Boston Herald*, an endorsement that has had no impact whatsoever, unless you want to blame it for driving Christie's polling numbers down. Today's PPP results were even more dismal for the pig-faced governor ... more »
Nevada Governor Seeks Change in Sage Grouse Mining Rule
[image: In this April 17, 2015 file photo, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval sits in his office at the Capitol in Carson City, Nev. Sandoval is pressing the Obama administration to alter its sage grouse protection plan to free up thousands of mining claims by shrinking the restricted area in exchange for making other unprotected areas off limits.] RENO, Nev. (AP) -- The governor of gold-rich Nevada is pressing the Obama administration to alter its sage grouse protection plan to free up thousands of mining claims by shrinking the restricted area in exchange for making other unprotected areas... more »
Is The Saudi Plan To Boost Oil Production And Crash The Price Of Oil A 'Bust'?
*New York Times*: *Saudi Arabia Keeps Pumping Oil, Despite Financial and Political Risks* *Call it the Saudi calculus.* Oil prices were already plummeting 14 months ago when, at Saudi Arabia’s insistence, OPEC put the global petroleum industry on notice: The member countries would not try to prop up prices by cutting production. “We don’t want to panic,” Abdalla el-Badri, secretary general of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, told reporters at the group’s November 2014 meeting in Vienna. “We want to see how the market behaves.” Since then, the market has beha... more »
Law Official: Occupier Robert Finicum Was Shot After Reaching Toward Waistband
[image: Mike Arnold, left, and Lissa Casey, right, representing Ammon Bundy, spoke briefly after Bundy's appearance in the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016. They read a statement prepared by Bundy which asked the remaining occupiers to "stand down."] BURNS, Ore. (AP) -- A spokesman for the armed occupiers of a wildlife refuge who died in a confrontation with officers earlier this week was shot when he reached for his waistband, a law enforcement official said Thursday. Robert Finicum... more »
U.S. Now Believes North Korea Did Attempt To Test Components Of A Hydrogen Bomb Earlier This Month
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. KCNA/Reuters *CNN*:* First on CNN: North Korea may have tested components of a hydrogen bomb* The U.S. now believes North Korea might have attempted to test components of a hydrogen bomb on January 6, after further review and analysis of the latest intelligence information. A U.S. official directly familiar with the latest U.S. assessment said there may have been a partial, failed test of some type of components associated with a hydrogen bomb. The assessment comes after careful examination of the latest intelligence analysis of the test data. But... more »
Estimate: Common Core to Cost California Nearly $10 Billion, $4 Billion More Than Expected, Nation $80 Billion
[image: Common Core] A California commission has just decided the technology costs for Common Core tests are an unfunded mandate, which will require state taxpayers to cough up approximately $4 billion more to local school districts, Californian and former U.S. Department of Education official Ze'ev Wurman tells The Federalist. This... Continue reading *“Estimate: Common Core to Cost California Nearly $10 Billion, $4 Billion More Than Expected, Nation $80 Billion”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Russian And US Military Officials Discuss Air Safety Over Syria
A Russian Su-24 strike aircraft in the sky over the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti *RT:* *Russian, US top brass discuss air safety over Syria – Pentagon* Top defense officials from the US and Russia discussed issues relating to military safety in Syrian air space during a video conference, as the two states conduct separate airstrikes against extremists over Syria, the Pentagon said. “The two sides discussed measures to enhance operational safety ... including the means to avoid accidents and unintended confrontation between coalition and Russian for... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds Saudi Arabia Hemorrhages $19.4 Billion In Reserves During December This $250,000 Caterpillar Bulldozer Can Be Yours For The Low, Low Price Of $55 17-Year-Old Girl Fined For Pepper Spraying "Rapefugee" In "World's Best Country For Women" "The Level Of Alarm Is Extremely High" As Zika "Spreading Explosively" WHO Warns 9 Billion Barrels Of Crude At Risk In Massive Nigerian Oil Shakeup HSBC Halts Mortgage Options To Chinese Nationals Buying U.S. Real Estate Record Foreign Central ... more »
Palestinians Say Israel Are Preparing To Commit Genocide In Gaza
Palestinians have expressed their concern that Israel may be on the verge of a new war, which will lead to further genocide for residents living in the Gaza Strip. Israeli media have highlighted the alleged “growing” military strength of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and have ramped up their offensive against Palestinians living in the besieged territory. Some say its only a matter of time before the mass-killings begin again. Uprooted Palestinians reports: At this moment in time, Israel is unable to achieve its strategic goal of liquidating and eliminating the resistance groups within G... more »
The tort of misfeasance in public office
Conway v. The Law Society of Upper Canada, 2016 ONCA 72: [20] The tort of misfeasance in public office has been variously described in the case law as the tort of abuse of public office or abuse of statutory power: *Odhavji Estate v. Woodhouse*, 2003 SCC 69, at paras. 25 and 30. Whatever the nomenclature, the essence of the tort is the deliberate and dishonest wrongful abuse of the powers given to a public officer, coupled with the knowledge that the misconduct is likely to injure the plaintiff: *Odjhavji Estate v. Woodhouse, *at para. 23. Bad faith or dishonesty is an ess... more »
California Rally for Clemency for Leonard Peltier
Media Contact: Corine Fairbanks American Indian Movement Southern California aimsocalifornia@ymail.com Carolfrances Likins Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace cfljustice@gmail.com On Feb. 6, 2016, on the 40th anniversary of Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier's arrest, a broad coalition of organizations will hold an important event in Los Angeles to demand
How Much Of The Corporate Media Is In The Tank For Hillary?
It was admirable for Kathy Kiely, a Bloomberg Politics editor to quit when her notoriously think-skinned boss announced he wants to run for president. She didn't even feel shw could cover his trial balloon, let alone a campaign which may or may not happen. "You can’t cover the circus," she wrote, "unless you can write about one of the biggest elephants in the room." Posing as "concerned citizens," UniteForMike.com, the front group Bloomberg used to help finagle a change in New York term limits legislation so he could buy for a third term as mayor, has a petition out trying to simu... more »
Musical Interlude: Yanni, “Magic Ending”
Yanni, “Magic Ending” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7UG_qtj8ZM “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” - Plato
*"Benedicto"* “May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells, past temples and castles and poets' towers into a dark primeval forest where tigers belch and monkeys howl, through miasmal and mysterious swamps and down into a desert of red rock, blue mesas, domes and pinnacles and grottos of endless stone, and down again into a deep vast ancient unknown chasm where bars of sunlight blaze on profiled ... more »
Syrian Peace Talks On The Verge Of Collapsing Even Before They Have Begun
*DW*: *Syrian peace talks in jeopardy as opposition to miss start* Friday's scheduled peace talks on Syria in Geneva will begin as scheduled without key opposition members. Their absence, over an aid guarantee, threatens to derail a UN-led push to resolve the five-year civil war. The latest attempt to advance peace talks that might end Syria's civil war appears to be shaky as the leading opposition group said they will not attend the start of the talks, scheduled for Friday in Geneva. The opposition council, backed by Saudi Arabia, was meeting in Riyadh when they announced they de... more »
Obama Administration Orders Strict Labelling Of Israeli Products
A memo issued by the Obama administration has ordered the U.S. trade community and agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made products produced in the West Bank. The January 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel”. Companies must now state if their product originates in either of these places. Freebeacon.com reports: The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that... more »
LA Gas Leak: “A Mini Chernobyl … Out Of Control” Claim Officials
During a recent Porter Ranch Town Hall meeting to discuss the unfolding LA gas leak, officials admitted that the situation was akin to a “mini-Chernobyl”, saying that the leak is completely “out of control” and “seriously underestimated”. In the video below, attorney Patricia Oliver says: ‘Now it’s kind of simple — if you have a well blow-out, you quit injecting [more gas] underground… No order had been issued [to stop this] though… We sent a letter [to the Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources (DOGGR)] saying, “Stop all of the injections, until you can stop the leak”… So we ... more »
U.S. Officials Say North Korea Did Test A Hydrogen Bomb This Month
A U.S. official has confirmed that North Korea may have tested components of a hydrogen bomb on January 6, after reviewing intelligence of the operation. The unnamed official says there was a partial test of a hydrogen bomb, despite claims to the contrary by Western media outlets. CNN.com reports: Immediately following the test earlier this month, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the initial analysis that have been conducted was “not consistent” with a successful hydrogen bomb test. The U.S. still does not accept North Korea’s claim that it tested a hydrogen bomb, but ...more »
U.S. Confirm First Zika Case, As Virus Spreads Worldwide
The Virginia Health Department have confirmed the first Zika virus infection in an adult, sparking concern that the rapidly spreading mosquito-bourne infection may soon spread across the entire United States. The Zika virus has been linked to microcephaly, a dangerous birth defect causing babies to be born with small heads. Democracynow.org reports: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says microcephaly also causes a host of other health problems, including seizures, developmental delays, hearing loss and vision problems A recent study estimates the Zika virus could reach...more »
Highly Recommend Film & Book
Mary Beth and I went to see this excellent film today that is set against the backdrop of a series of historic Cold War events. “Bridge of Spies” tells the true story of James Donovan, a Brooklyn lawyer who finds himself thrust into the center of the Cold War when the CIA sends him on the near-impossible mission to negotiate the release of a captured American U-2 pilot. It's interesting that at this very moment I've just begun reading a new book called The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government by David Talbot. The book chronicles ... more »
Another Reason Why British Columbia's LNG Fantasy is Over Before it Even Started, Clean Green Renewable Energy/Technology Will Be Cheaper Than Gas
http://www.dallasnews.com/business/headlines/20151018-solar-and-wind-power-surge-as-drilling-and-mining-falter.ece *_____________**Northern Ireland is watching as the cost of wind energy falls* *Wind energy may soon **be less expensive** than conventional forms of power in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Renewable Industry Group suggests that onshore wind projects could soon produce less expensive electrical power than new gas projects taking form in the region. By 2020, wind energy is expected to become a leading power source for Northern Ireland, which will allow it to be... more »
Is a Super Bowl Ad Really Worth $5 Million?
[image: Fans Wave as the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds fly over Super Bowl XLIII prior to kickoff in Tampa, FL February 1, 2009.] This year Super Bowl spots are selling at a reported $5 million; that's more than $150,000 a second. This is a remarkable sum. It also is a record for Super Bowl advertising and for advertising more broadly. This raises an... Continue reading *“Is a Super Bowl Ad Really Worth $5 Million?”* at *forbes.com*.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Why would the sky look like a giant fan? Airglow. The featured intermittent green glow appeared to rise from a lake through the arch of our Milky Way Galaxy, as captured last summer next to Bryce Canyon in Utah, USA. *Click image for larger size.* The unusual pattern was created by atmospheric gravity waves, ripples of alternating air pressure that can grow with height as the air thins, in this case about 90 kilometers up. Unlike auroras powered by collisions with energetic charged particles and seen at high latitudes, airglow is due to chemiluminescence, the production of light in... more »
"A Magical Mind: Wish"
*"A Magical Mind: Wish"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOm "When we wish for something our consciousness opens to receiving it like a flower unfolding its petals to receive a bee. From blowing dandelion seeds into the air to throwing a penny into a fountain, we have all felt inspired to make a wish, to whisper our secret desires into the ears of the universe and wait for signs that we have been heard. Some wishes come true while others remain ethereal visions that either stay with us or fade like a star in the light of morning. Whether they come true or not, wishes are important missi... more »
"Singing To The Deer"
*"Singing To The Deer"* by Patricia Monaghan “At solstice, the woods were bright in a snowy way, the sky pearl gray above the stately maples and gnarled burr oaks. An Alaskan marooned in the urban Midwest, it took me years to find this nearby patch of relatively undisturbed land where I can sense the power of wildness. Now I go there often, watching the seasons unfold their changeful unchanging patterns in the increasingly familiar forest. I especially like to walk among the sleeping trees in the half-lit silence of winter dawns. The trail I follow winds and twists, new patches of ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Gnomes At Home”
*“Gnomes At Home”* by Chet Raymo “When I wrote “The Path: A One-mile Walk Through the Universe," I had walked the path between my home and college almost daily for 37 years. In the Introduction to the book, I wrote: "For all of its familiarity, there has never been a day I have walked the path without seeing something noteworthy." Well, yesterday I came across something unprecedented, which I record here for the sake of historical record, and because those of you with a sense of whimsy might enjoy it. Along the path in the deep woods there is a tree with a hollow cavity at its base ... more »
Australian Scientists Hail New Drug That “Melts Cancer Cells Away”
Australian researchers have tested a miracle drug that they say “melts cancer cells away”, hailing it as a breakthrough for cancer patients worldwide. The drug targets a specific protein that enables cancer to survive. During a Melbourne-based trial, researchers tested 116 patients over four years and discovered that the drug Venetoclax significantly reduces cancer blood cells. RT.com reports: Positive results were seen in 79 percent of cases involving patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Some patients who had previously undergone treatment were left as good as new... more »
The Poet: Octavio Paz, “Brotherhood"
*“Brotherhood"* "I am a man: little do I last and the night is enormous. But I look up: the stars write. Unknowing I understand: I too am written, and at this very moment someone spells me out." - Octavio Paz
The Three-Cornered Fight for the Soul of the GOP
[image: Republican Party, GOP, Elephant, Election, American Flag] WASHINGTON -- It’s hard to believe that the United States, having resisted the siren song of socialism during its entire 20th-century heyday (the only major democracy to do so), should suddenly succumb to its charms a generation after its intellectual... more »
Remembering the Challenger Tragedy and a Letter of Hope
[image: Challenger Explosion Collage - 900] January 28, 1986. Thirty years ago today. It was a typical Tuesday in the Washington newsroom of the Voice of America. I was working my first job out of college. As the government’s international broadcast station, VOA was required by law... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
San Antonio, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Only In Such Moments..."
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." - M. Scott Peck
The Economy: Dmitry Orlov, "The 5 Stages of Economic Collapse"
*"The 5 Stages of Economic Collapse"* - Dmitry Orlov "Elizabeth Kübler-Ross defined the five stages of coming to terms with grief and tragedy as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, and applied it quite successfully to various forms of catastrophic personal loss, such as death of a loved one, sudden end to one's career, and so forth. Several thinkers, notably James Howard Kunstler and, more recently John Michael Greer, have pointed out that the Kübler-Ross model is also quite terrifyingly accurate in reflecting the process by which society as a whole (or at least... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 28, 2016
*Nathalia Holt, The Atlantic: **Private Spaceflight and the Legacy of the Challenger Disaster* *Thirty years after the shuttle explosion, the U.S. is once again excited about sending civilians into space.* The morning was so cold that icicles lined the railings and tower of launch pad 39-B, forming a freezing fringe of ice around the Kennedy Space Center. Slowly, the warmth of the morning sun melted the ice, sending the sound of dripping water across the launch complex. At 11:38 a.m., on January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger left Earth with a thunderous boom, surrounded ... more »
"No Rainbow..."
"The soul would have no rainbow if the eye had no tears." - John Vance Cheney
"Joe Smith"
*"Joe Smith"* - Author Unknown "Joe Smith started the day early, having set his alarm clock (made in Japan) for 6 am. While his coffeepot (made in China) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong). He put on a dress shirt (made in Sri Lanka), and his designer jeans (made in Singapore) and tennis shoes (made in Korea). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (made in India) he sat down with his calculator (made in Mexico) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India) he got in his c... more »
A3 Newsletter: Solitary Under Attack as 2016 Begins
*(PHOTO: Tabling at the Amnesty Art for Rights event in New Orleans, December 2015)* We want to send thanks from Albert and Robert to Amnesty activists for December's Write for Rights campaign. Albert enjoyed receiving the thousands of letters and postcards which were delivered to him in sacks! We kept him up to date with photos of the country activities including his "cut out" in front of London's landmarks, the first screening of the documentary Cruel and Unusual in the Louvre Paris and the art event in New Orleans. On the legal front, Albert's legal teams have filed their appea... more »
#FeelTheBern: Bernie Sanders Rises In Polls Because He Believes in America
Washington and Wall Street are beginning to show signs of fear as Senator Bernie Sanders surges in polls in the race for the Democratic nominee for President. The former athlete and man of the people who claims to represent 99.99% of the voters in America is causing a very public panic for the establishment as he surges in the polls. According to Brent Budowsky who writes for The Hill, Sanders may well win both Iowa and New Hampshire, gaining him additional momentum for the race to the White House, as more and more people believe in the Senator from Vermont. Sputnik reports: The Dem... more »
Man Arrested At Disneyland Paris With Guns, Bullets And A Koran
A 28-year-old European looking man carrying two handguns, a box of ammunition and a holy Koran was arrested after attempting to negotiate an X-ray security machine at a hotel at the Disneyland Paris amusement park, according to police. Belfast Telegraph reports: The 28-year-old was found with the weapons, ammunition and a copy of the Koran after trying to pass through security at a hotel at the resort, according to reports. The suspect’s partner fled after he was seized and is reportedly still on the run. Police arrested a woman at the park, believing her to be the man’s partner, bu... more »
Killing Civilians in Yemen
Britain’s role in exporting arms and providing military advisers for the Saudi Arabian-led bombing campaign in Yemen is under scrutiny following a UN report revealing widespread attacks on civilian targets. The US is a heavy provider of weapons to Saudi Arabia as well.
Economic News , Data & Views ( Evening Wrap - January 28 , 2016 ) - US- Post Fed Meeting Items ( 1. Earning Misses - Amazon and Caterpillar .2. Soft Data - Durables and Jobless Claims Misses 3. Zika - Not Just South America Anymore ) MENA News ( 1. Syria Talks - Many Hurdles & Miles To Go Here. 2. Iraq Items - Battle For Mosul In Focus. 3. Oil Spikes In Price With Rumblings Of Potential Output Cuts , However Slim These Might Be At This Time. 4. Libya Political Situation Still Clear As Mud , ISIS To Be Hit Whenever A Gov't Can Be Approved It Would Appear . 5. ) Europe In Focus ( 1. Refugee / Border Security. 2. Brexit / UK Negotiation With EU Items . 3. ECB Comments from BUBA's Weidmann Sparks Euro Move Higher In Price Relative to USD. 5. Disneyland Paris averts Terror Event. 6. Schengen In Focus. 6. Germany Inflation Data. 7. Polish Currency Worst In Europe - Even Worst Than Ruble. 8. Odds & Ends. )
Evening Wrap.... Asia Update - Early Friday Morning ....... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 1h 1 hour ago CHINA SETS YUAN CENTRAL PARITY AT 6.5516 FRI VS 6.5528 *zerohedge* @zerohedge 1h1 hour ago CHINA PBOC INJECTS NET CNY690 BLN THIS WEEK *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLun 1h 1 hour ago Bill financing fraud is en vogue in China- Citic Bank the latest, $152m "risk incident" after AgBank's $578m oopsie. http://www. bloomberg.com/news/articles/ 2016-01-28/china-citic-bank-said-to-uncover-152-million-bill-finance-fraud … *zerohedge* @zerohedge 2h2 hours ago Here ... more »
As Falwell Favors Trump, Pew Says Most Americans Still Want a Religious President
[image: Trump and Falwell, Jr - 400] How does Jerry Falwell Jr. explain his controversial endorsement of Donald Trump for president? In part, he's taking his cue from his Moral Majority-founding father, who supported Ronald Reagan over Southern Baptist Jimmy Carter. "When [Jerry Falwell Sr.] walked into... Continue reading *“As Falwell Favors Trump, Pew Says Most Americans Still Want a Religious President”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
A Presidential Candidate Sits, Alone and Unrecognized, at Gate C5 of Des Moines Airport
[image: Martin O'Malley] Martin O’Malley sat by himself Thursday at Gate C5 in the Des Moines International airport, rather hunched over. His entourage, a single aide, had walked away and everyone waiting for the flight to Chicago ignored the former governor of Maryland... Continue reading *“A Presidential Candidate Sits, Alone and Unrecognized, at Gate C5 of Des Moines Airport”* at *blogs.wsj.com*.
Public School System Sued for Pushing Islamic Propaganda
[image: Islamic propaganda] A public school system in Maryland is being sued for promoting Islam over other religions. The lawsuit was filed in federal court Wednesday on behalf of a former Marine and his wife who fought back at their daughter's high school for forcing... Continue reading *“Public School System Sued for Pushing Islamic Propaganda”* at *freebeacon.com*.
Eyewitness Makes Bombshell Claim about Oregon Rancher’s Killing
[image: LaVoy Finicum] An eyewitness to the shooting of LaVoy Finicum claims he had his arms up when law enforcement shot him multiple times, and then "riddled" his truck with bullets with her and others in it, though not one of the protesters ever... Continue reading *“Eyewitness Makes Bombshell Claim about Oregon Rancher’s Killing”* at *westernjournalism.com*.
Tommy Rock's Photos: Indigenous protest US EPA radioactive mines
Photos by Tommy Rock, Dine' Navajo, Lakota and Acoma Pueblo protest US EPA in DC today. Clean Up the Mines delegation protests abandoned uranium mines, polluted water and high rates of cancer and disease in Indian country.
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