*Global cooling hits again*
A blast of freezing rain will scatter snow and ice across the Deep South
today, prompting officials from New Orleans to Virginia to ready road crews
and close schools in what has been called a 'once in a generation' ice
And as the winter storm system brings freezing snow and high winds to the
South, the brutal cold temperatures will continue to rattle the Midwest
throughout Tuesday.
Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee and other parts of the Midwest will endure
a second consecutive day of subzero highs, while much of the Northeast will
see temperatur... more »
*Fracking could be allowed under British homes without owners’ permission*
Fracking will be allowed to take place under homes without the owners’
permission, under plans being considered by the Government.
Ministers have admitted that they are looking at overhauling trespass laws
to make it easier for energy companies to explore for shale gas, amid
concern that efforts could otherwise be stymied by lengthy and costly court
The plans, expected to be published for consultation in coming months, are
likely to be the most controversial yet in the Prime Minister’s attempts ... more »
*That "submerged" heat*
Warmists are clinging to their "ocean heat" theory like rats clinging to
the debris from a shipwreck. That the hiatus in land surface warming
accompanied by a big CO2 buildup DISPROVES their theory they cannot
On the global warming theory as I see it, CO2 reflection is such a minor
source of heating that the effects of variations in it SHOULD be so
minuscule as to be undetectable -- and the facts tally with that. So
both theory and observations point to CO2 levels as being of no concern.
So the theory that there is "missing" heat that has ... more »

*America in lockdown*
*“Dedicated public servants” lock up lands and resources, lock down job and
economic recovery*
Paul Driessen
President Obama insists he is determined to create jobs in America. He
recently announced the creation of “promise zones” for five communities
around the nation and a “manufacturing institute” aimed at fostering more
high-paying jobs in energy efficiency. He’s says he has “a pen and a phone”
to “sign executive orders and take executive actions that move the ball,”
where Congress has failed to implement policies he believes are needed.
Unfortunately, t... more »
*And the cooling continues*
The Recent 12 Months for the year of 2013 U.S. Temperature trend/decade: -
0.8 F COOLER in 100 years
So to sum it all up, here is the recent 12 months (year to date, January-
December) US temperature from a “historic” perspective. To see how the
decade trends have evolved during the last 113 years.
Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 43
years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and
computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase
in temperature.
I don’t know about you, b... more »
*Tim Ball's book now out*
The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science
by Tim Ball (Author)
Dr. Tim Ball exposes the malicious misuse of climate science as it was
distorted by dishonest brokers to advance the political aspirations of the
progressive left.
*Tolerant Liberals Cancel Screening of Pro-Fracking Film at Festival in
The tolerant, open-minded environmentalists of the Left have struck again.
This time, the pro-fracking film FrackNation by Ann McElhinney and Phelim
McAleer has been yanked from the Minnesota Frozen Rive... more »
*Ya gotta laugh: Those significant hundredths of one degree*
*I reproduce below a current news report derived from NOAA and GISS. You
will see that continuing warming is proclaimed with no hint that the data
might be troublesome to Warmism. It is classical warming propaganda much
as we hear every year.I have been naughty, however. I spent about 2
minutes on a Google search to find out what the actual figures were. Here
is a quote from NOAA: "The year 2013 ties with 2003 as the fourth warmest
year globally since records began in 1880. The annual global combined land
and... more »
*Warmist proud of censoring dissent*
In view of the great difficulty skeptics have at getting papers published
in academic journals, one group of prominent skeptical scientists decided
to set up their own journal. No problem, you would think. All sides of a
debate should be aired.
But Warmists did not see it that way at all. They went all out to pressure
the publisher (Copernicus) to ditch the journal -- which it did.
Prominent Warmist James Annan is even proud of his efforts in that
direction. He crows:
"Kudos to Copernicus for the rapid and decisive way in which they d... more »
*Another year of global cooling*
*Falling temperatures are giving climate alarmists chills*
By David Deming
Global warming is nowhere to be found. The mean global temperature has not
risen in 17 years and has been slowly falling for approximately the past 10
years. In 2013, there were more record-low temperatures than record-high
temperatures in the United States.
At the end of the first week in January, a brutal spell of cold weather
settled over most of the country. Multiple cold-temperature records were
shattered across the country. Some sites experienced frigid conditions not
... more »
*Is a mini ice age on the way? Scientists warn the Sun has 'gone to sleep'
and say it could cause temperatures to plunge*
The Sun's activity is at its lowest for 100 years, scientists have warned.
They say the conditions are eerily similar to those before the Maunder
Minimum, a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit, Freezing London's River
Researcher believe the solar lull could cause major changes, and say there
is a 20% chance it could lead to 'major changes' in temperatures.
Conventional wisdom holds that solar activity swings back and forth like a
sim... more »
*EPA chief unable to say if the world has gotten warmer*
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy wasn’t able to
definitively say whether the world has gotten warmer in Senate testimony.
Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions asked McCarthy to confirm a statement
made by President Obama last year that global temperatures were increasing
faster in the last five or ten years than climate scientists had predicted.
McCarthy couldn’t answer the question, saying that she only repeats what
the climate scientists tell her. Sessions was not satisfied with her
“D... more »
*More false prophecy: Greenie Messiah is running late*
*“Pauses as long as 15 years are rare in the simulations, and ‘we expect
that [real-world] warming will resume in the next few years,’ the Hadley
Centre group writes…. Researchers … agree that no sort of natural
variability can hold off greenhouse warming much longer.”* - Richard Kerr,
Science (2009)
That’s Richard A. Kerr, the longtime, award-winning climate-change scribe
for Science magazine, the flagship publication of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science. The article, “What Happened to Global
Warming? ... more »
*That "100 months" prophecy*
In early January 2006 the BBC held a sort of Old Fashioned Revival Hour in
which top BBC people got together with top Greenie fanatics and helped prop
up one-another's belief that Global Warming was the One True Faith. You
can read about it here.
One little excerpt from the report of what went on there fascinated me:
"Andrew Simms of the New Economics Foundation, who argued there were only
100 months left to save the planet"
100 months is 8 years and 4 months and if we count forward from then we
arrive at April 2014. We're nearly there! But the pla... more »
*Big attack on Lindzen comes now he has retired*
The Guardian has just put up a supposed dismantling of Lindzen's scientific
expertise by two old hard-heads of Warmism. Nuccitelli in particular never
accepts any fact that is detrimental to Warmism. He has always got some *ad
hoc* reasoning that enables him to wriggle out from under it.
The article has provoked widespread derision from climate skeptics -- who
accuse it of fudging the facts "hell West and crooked". But I gather that
no-one is publishing their views in anticipation of Lindzen himself doing a
rejoinder (But see he... more »
*Predicting precipitation extremes via CMIP5 climate models*
*Discussing:* Toreti, A., Naveau, P., Zampieri, M., Schindler, A.,
Scoccimarro, E., Xoplaki, E., Dijkstra, H.A., Gualdi, S. and Luterbacher,
J. 2013. "Projections of global changes in precipitation extremes from
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 Models". *Geophysical
Research Letters* 40: 4887-4892.
Writing as background for their study, Toreti et al. (2013) state that
"precipitation extremes are expected to increase in a warming climate,"
and, therefore, they felt it was "essential to characterize their pote... more »
* Warmists becoming ever more authoritarian as the data goes against them*
Their latest claim is that "Only 1 of 9,136 Recent Peer-Reviewed Authors
Rejects Global Warming". It is based on a non-peer-reviewed survey of the
recent literature by James Lawrence Powell, who is a geologist and a well
known alarmist. He describes the methodology of his survey as:
"Read some combination of titles, abstracts, and entire papers as necessary
to judge whether a paper "rejects" human-caused global warming or professes
to have a better explanation of observations."`
So the first problem of t... more »
*Another blatant Warmist lie*
Warmists have at last launched a counter-attack on the claim that in the
'70s there was a big fear of global COOLING among scientists. But their
counter-attack is pathetic. You can find it here. The essence of the
Warmist response is that critics are quoting just one short article by one
journalist in the back pages of one magazine.
That is an utter lie. Steve Goddard makes a specialty of collecting
climate journalism from the past and he has now put up a huge selection of
photocopies showing that the fear of cooling was widely shared and was
e... more »
*Time Mag's Climate Deception*
Here's what Time magazine had to say about the now infamous “polar vortex”
during the great ice age scare in June 1974: “Scientists have found other
indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable
expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds – the
so-called circumpolar vortex – that sweep from west to east around the top
and bottom of the world.” Four decades later, they're using the same
argument as evidence of global warming. On Monday Time claimed, “[I]t may
well be that global warming could be making the o... more »
*Don't laugh*
"Excessively high temperatures" are "already" harming public health
nationwide, Pres. Obama declared on Nov. 1, 2013, two months before today's
assault by record low temperatures.
In his executive order on climate change, Obama warned that too much rain -
and not enough rain - also dictated that executive action against climate
"The impacts of climate change -- including an increase in prolonged
periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase
in wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost thawing, ocean
acidification, and s... more »
In his latest offering, conservative Australian cartoonist ZEG is amused at
just how freezing American Warmists must be feeling right now
*Life-threatening cold: Where do we find this in those marvellously
predictive "models" of the Warmists?*
More than half of the U.S. is enduring a dangerously cold start to the week
as a whirlpool of frigid, dense air known as a ‘polar vortex’ descended on
Monday morning, pummeling parts of the country with a dangerous cold and
adding to the brutal weather that has grounded more than 4,400 flights.
Record low temperatures have already... more »
*December 31 Global Sea Ice Area Was The Largest Ever Recorded*
Climate experts say that global warming is melting sea ice faster than
expected, which is why the poles currently have the most sea ice ever
measured for the date.
*Central England Temperature Stats For 2013 now in*
JANUARY 2, 2014
The CET numbers for 2013 are now issued. As I suggested in September, last
year was the second coldest since 1996, second only to 2010, one of the
coldest years of the last century.
* Three of the last four years have been the coldest since 1996.
* The 5-Year ru... more »
*"We don't know"*
*Loud laughter worldwide about a Warmist expedition stuck in ice has of
course been heard by Warmists. Below is a Warmist response. It is a windy
way of saying that Warmists don't know why the Antarctic ice got bigger
while the Arctic ice shrank. It doesn't fit Warmist theory so they are
reduced to little more than gibbering and hand-waving. The fact that both
processes are entirely natural is the one thing they will not allow. But
that is the default assumption and the nul hypothesis so they have to
produce evidence that CO2 is somehow involved. That they... more »
*David Suzuki, The Smiling Face of Fraud*
Things haven’t gone well for David Suzuki recently. Suzuki is the long-time
host of CBC Television’s popular The Nature of Things, leader of the
Canadian environmental movement, and founder of a deep-pocketed
philanthropic organization called the David Suzuki Foundation (which raises
money by, among other things, warning children at Christmas that unless
their parents donate, Santa’s workshop will sink into a melting North
Pole). In 2011, he was named by a Reader’s Digest poll the “most trusted”
Canadian. Lately, however, Suzuki has found ... more »
*The expedition that DID prove something*
*They proved that the Antarctic today is COOLER than in Mawson's time a
century ago*
No matter whether you are a true believer in ‘climate change’ or an ardent
sceptic, you’ll surely appreciate the delicious irony of the story which
has been playing out in Antarctica.
A scientific research team who headed south to prove the threat to mankind
from global warming by establishing that the region is melting have found
themselves trapped on their ship in the unexpectedly thick pack ice.
As the days went by, though, it slowly became clear that t... more »

*'Stuck in our own experiment': Leader of trapped team insists polar ice is
*Like all failed prophets, the trappeds Warmists are good at "post hoc"
explanations. Such explanations are always looked at askance in science.
The test of a scientific theory is that it generates accurate predictions.
What the leader is saying is a lie anyway. He says he is trapped by
purely local conditions. In fact ice is up throughout the Antarctic. See
the graph below*
The leader of a scientific expedition whose ship remains stranded in
Antarctic ice says the team, which set out t... more »
*British wind farms handed £5 million to switch off turbines as thousands
of homes left without power*
Wind farm companies were paid almost £5 million to switch off their
turbines while storms lashed the UK over the festive period and tens of
thousands of homes were left without power, according to figures published
The ‘constraint payments’, which ultimately come from household bills, were
payable when the National Grid was unable to cope with the extra power
produced during the recent bout of stormy weather or usage was low.
More than £4.8 million has been paid out to wi... more »
*Climate-Science Boatpeople, In Search Of Global Warming Signs, Trapped In
Thousands Of Kilometers Of Sea Ice!*
The metaphor just couldn’t be more fitting: desperate true believers of
global warming/accelerating polar ice melt now find themselves trapped by
thousands of square kilometers of summertime sea ice that wasn’t supposed
to be there.
No picture could better symbolize and communicate the intellectual
bankruptcy and disillusionment of a faithful group who refuse to believe
they have been led astray. This has to be deeply embarrassing, if not
outright humiliating.
It’s repo... more »
I am taking the day off from blogging today. My festive season is still
going strong so I am feeling the need to conserve my energies.
*I just KNOW what causes what*
*Or so Thomas Mucha (below) seems to think. Which proves he hasn't got
mucha of an idea about anything -- science in particular. He lists a
range of bad happenings and offers not a shred of evidence that they are in
any way abnormal. We just have to take his word for it, apparently. Too
bad if you don't feel mucha inclined to do that. Perhaps we could call
this "Warmism for the brain-dead"*
For multitudes around the world today, calamity has already arrived.
Drastic climate changes have sparked economic dislocation, political
discord, and even ... more »
*Arctic Polar Ice Cap Reverses Shrinking Trend*
An unusually cool summer in the Arctic has led to almost 50 percent more
sea ice covering the polar region this fall than the year before.
Measurements from Europe’s CryoSat spacecraft reveal that about 2,160 cubic
miles of sea ice covered the Arctic in late October.
That’s up from the 1,440 cubic miles that CryoSat measured during the
record low for the ice in 2012.
Scientists say that about 90 percent of the increase is due to growth of
multiyear ice, which is thick enough to last through more than one summer
without melting.
“... more »
*Those Stubborn Facts: 35-Year Cooling of South Pole Confirmed By NASA -
Antarctica Ice Sheets Safe*
Antarctica south pole cooling 35 years satellite co2 those stubborn facts
nov2013The IPCC's climate science has long claimed that human CO2 emissions
are producing an accelerated global warming, with a "runaway" warming
trend, which is then being amplified in the north and south polar extremes.
This dangerous warming is, of course, causing the ice sheets to melt,
unleashing catastrophic sea level rise, and thus swamping coastal regions
and low-lying islands, as we speak!
Hmmm...... more »
*Warmists now in the super-activist phase of false prophecy*
*From Wikipedia:"Festinger and his collaborators, Henry Riecken and Stanley
Schachter, examined conditions under which disconfirmation of beliefs leads
to increased conviction in such beliefs in the 1956 book When Prophecy
Fails. The group studied a small apocalyptic cult led by Dorothy Martin
(under the pseudonym Marian Keech in the book), a suburban housewife.
Martin claimed to have received messages from "the Guardians," a group of
superior beings from another planet. The messages puportedly said that a
... more »
*'Irreplacable scientific data must be saved' *
*Note the value which real scientists below place on keeping their
research data generally available and contrast that with the nervous
secrecy with which Warmists routinely hide their raw data. Despite huge
legal pressures, Michael Mann, for instance, is still refusing to open up
his files*
Researchers at the University of British Columbia chose a random set of of
516 studies published between 1991 and 2001 and found that all data from
the two-year-old papers was still available but that the chance of it still
existing fell off ... more »
*Corn ethanol on the chopping block?*
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., are about as
opposite politically as two people can be. Nonetheless, last week they
joined forces to introduce a bill to repeal the federal requirement to
blend corn ethanol into gasoline.
There's something in the ethanol mandate for almost everyone - but corn
farmers - not to like. Supporters of the mandate meant well, but the law of
unintended consequences has created an odd assortment of anti-ethanol
Environmentalists have turned on corn ethanol. It doesn't reduce greenho... more »
*Los Angeles Becomes First Major City To Require ‘Cool Roofs’*
*Highly reflective roofs are the coolest but not mentioned below is that
highly reflective roofs, silver-coloured ones in particular, are banned in
some jurisdictions because they create glare problems. The definition of
"cool" below however is very loose and leaves even red roofs OK so this
would appear to be a regulation that is merely for show and which would
catch very few people*
On Tuesday the Los Angeles City Council unanimously passed a building code
update that will require all new and refurbished homes to h... more »
*What passes for "expertise" at the EPA*
NBC News' Monday report on the misconduct of former EPA official John Beale
is must be read to be believed. Honestly, if the following details didn't
involve a lazy, greedy congenital liar swindling taxpayers out of nearly a
million dollars over more than a decade of abuse, they'd be laugh-out-loud
funny. Alas, it's all true, so indignation is the only proper response:
"The EPA’s highest-paid employee and a leading expert on climate change
deserves to go to prison for at least 30 months for lying to his bosses and
saying he was a CIA sp... more »
*More grief for Warmists*
*Up until now the Arctic has been their only friend. And they still can't
let go. They talk about a mythical "long term" melting trend. And even if
it were a trend, how do we know it will continue? Successful straight line
extrapolations are rare in nature. An ogive is more typical*
The amount of sea ice in the Arctic has increased by close to 50 per cent
compared to last year, according to satellite measurements.
ESA’s CryoSat mission revealed that in October this year the Arctic had
9000 cu km of sea ice. This compares to just 6000 cu km in Octobe... more »
*Snow in Cairo for the first time in 112 years*
*Al Gore must be there. Gaia often thumbs its nose at him*
WHEN you think Cairo you think heat and sand. But something unusual
happened there overnight - it snowed! According to local reports it's the
first time snow has fallen in the Egyptian capital in 112 years.
Incredible pictures show the normally sweltering city coated in white.
Egyptians took to Twitter to post their amazement in words and pictures.
The Egyptian Meteorological Authority warned on Wednesday the unusual
weather will drive down temperatures to between 5 and 15... more »
*Sea levels expected to rise two feet within the next 70 years and eight
feet by 2200*
*The latest bit of dumb extrapolation. Note that the journal it is
published in is a "pay to publish" organ, very low on the food chain of
academic journals and unlikely to present the best science. An interesting
statement from the Abstract: "modern change is rapid by past interglacial
standards but within the range of ‘normal’ processes"*
Sea levels will rise two feet within just 70 years and eight feet by the
year 2200, according to a new study which suggests hundreds of coastal
cities ... more »
*Ozone Hole Hoax unravelling*
*I have been pointing out for years that there is no sign of any systematic
change in it -- JR*
The banning of ozone-depleting chemicals hasn't yet caused detectable
improvements in the Antarctic ozone hole, new research suggests.
Instead, changes in the South Pole's ozone hole from year-to-year are
likely the result of natural variations in wind patterns, researchers said
here Wednesday (Dec. 11) in a press conference at the annual meeting of the
American Geophysical Union.
"Ozone is produced in the tropics, but it's transported by the winds from
t... more »
*Environmentalism's Endless Lies*
By Alan Caruba
I am on the Friends of the Earth (FOE) email list and receive a steady
stream of theirs and the Sierra Club’s lies about the environment. A recent
FOE mailing stating that “Devastation from climate change has become all
too frequent.”
This is simply an outright lie. Inherent in natural events such as
hurricanes and typhoons, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and forest
fires is the damage they cause, but FOE asserted that “People in vulnerable
communities are already struggling with dirty air, unsafe housing and
increased ca... more »
*Environmentalism's Endless Lies*
By Alan Caruba
I am on the Friends of the Earth (FOE) email list and receive a steady
stream of theirs and the Sierra Club’s lies about the environment. A recent
FOE mailing stating that “Devastation from climate change has become all
too frequent.”
This is simply an outright lie. Inherent in natural events such as
hurricanes and typhoons, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and forest
fires is the damage they cause, but FOE asserted that “People in vulnerable
communities are already struggling with dirty air, unsafe housing and
increased ca... more »
*Greenpeace descends to upsetting children: ‘Santa’ Threatens to ‘Cancel
Christmas’ Due to Global Warming*
Greenpeace UK is soliciting donations to combat global warming with a video
entitled “An Urgent Message From Santa.”
The video features a deeply depressed, creepy-looking Santa who claims that
“melting ice” at the North Pole will force him to “cancel Christmas” unless
world leaders act to stop global warming.
The Greenpeace “Santa” is played by British actor Jim Carter, a member of
the environmental group who also plays the butler in the popular PBS
“Downton Abbey” TV serie... more »
*Greenpeace descends to upsetting children: ‘Santa’ Threatens to ‘Cancel
Christmas’ Due to Global Warming*
Greenpeace UK is soliciting donations to combat global warming with a video
entitled “An Urgent Message From Santa.”
The video features a deeply depressed, creepy-looking Santa who claims that
“melting ice” at the North Pole will force him to “cancel Christmas” unless
world leaders act to stop global warming.
The Greenpeace “Santa” is played by British actor Jim Carter, a member of
the environmental group who also plays the butler in the popular PBS
“Downton Abbey” TV serie... more »
*Four current articles below*
*Hoagy is at it again*
*After his own research showed that corals recover rapidly from damage,
Hoagy went quiet for a couple of years -- but it looks like he is back at
his old stand now. And even his fellow Warmists are predicting a temp
rise of less than 4 degrees. And guess where corals thrive best -- in the
warmest waters! Hoagy is a crook!*
RISING sea temperatures might sound nice for us wanting to go for a warmer
dip, but it could kill off the Great Barrier Reef by the end of the
century, a scientist claims in a new book... more »
*Stimulating Green electric dreams *
Over the past decade, federal and state governments have significantly
increased their support for nonconventional energy technologies, ranging
from wind-powered electricity generators to battery-powered cars. One of
the largest such programs was the Department of Energy’s Section 1705 Loan
Guarantee Program—the subject of this study. The $16 billion dollar program
“invested” in various failed enterprises, including Solyndra and Abound
Solar. But those are just the tip of the iceberg of the DOE's poorly
diversified portfolio of mostly “... more »
*That "buried" heat again*
*A couple of Warmist old campaigners have just published an article in a
semi-academic journal saying that surface winds have been burying lots of
heat in the ocean depths -- How? It's an extraordinary claim by any
standards.The abstract is below and note the weak claim that the ocean
deeps have "apparently" been absorbing lots of heat lately. That is a
clear admission that they cannot prove it. Since temperatures at the
depths of the ocean normally vary by only hundredths of a degree they would
be hard put to prove their assertion. The whole ar... more »
*Agnotology is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt,
particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data
-- and the Warmists are very shrill in saying that skeptics do that --
e.g. here -- so I thought it is time I mentioned it.There is an excellent
and thorough rebuttal of the Warmist claims here, focusing on the Warmist
claims just mentioned. The paper is behind a paywall but is a great read
if you do have access to the whole thing. I reproduce below the abstract
and a paragraph I particularly like. The old 97% consensus c... more »
*Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating*
By Michael Fumento
The 2013 hurricane season just ended as one of the five quietest years
since 1960. But don’t expect anyone who pointed to last year’s hurricanes
as “proof” of the need to act against global warming to apologize; the
warmists don’t work that way.
Warmist claims of a severe increase in hurricane activity go back to 2005
and Hurricane Katrina. The cover of Al Gore’s 2009 book, “Our Choice: A
Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis,” even features a satellite image of the
globe with four major hurricanes superimposed.
Yet the eviden... more »
*Law professor doesn't care about reality*
*Since there has been no climate change for 17 years, none of the events
she describes can be attributable to it*
Climate change has negatively affected people around the world, but it has
hit native and indigenous populations especially hard, driving them from
their homes, altering their ways of life and threatening their survival. A
University of Kansas law professor has submitted an amicus brief to one of
the nation’s top courts on behalf of several native organizations. In the
underlying litigation, children are, in essence, suing th... more »
* Fossil fuels now beat wind and solar on environmental as well as economic
*When governments try to impose large-scale renewable technologies, they
lay waste to nature*
Non-renewable energy is sustainable; renewable energy is not, not even
close, not by any meaningful yardstick, not in our lifetime or in that of
our children. Renewables cannot passably meet any of the important needs
claimed by their champions, whether economic or environmental. Despite the
hundreds of billions of dollars governments have spent over the decades in
aid of kick-starting a large-scale renew... more »
*The secret society of Warmists*
The climate scientists who advise our politicians are so sure they are
right that it is impossible to have any serious dialogue with them
In this week's Spectator Diary, Lord (Nigel) Lawson, chairman of the Global
Warming Policy Foundation, partly lifts the veil on a curious "secret
meeting" held at the House of Lords between a team from his GWPF and six
scientists from the Royal Society. This arose from a bizarre personal
attack made on Lord Lawson as a "climate denier" at an Australian
university, by the Royal Society's president, Sir Paul Nurse -... more »
*U.N. climate change talks: it’s really all about the money*
“Rich countries are still not pledging enough money to begin financing a
shift to a cleaner global economy,” reports the Financial Times (FT) in its
coverage of the United Nations climate talks in Warsaw that ended with
little more than a “vague road map on how to prepare for a global climate
pact they’re supposed to adopt in two years.”
Leading into what has now been called an “unsatisfactory summit,”
predictions suggested the “talks could collapse because of a lack of
financial support from rich nations.” Delegates fro... more »
*Lies My President Told Me*
Paul Driessen
“Under my plan, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your
doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep
your healthcare plan. Period. Nothing changes, except your health insurance
costs will go down.”
It was just a couple of renegade IRS agents in Cincinnati. Benghazi was a
spontaneous protest that got out of control in direct response to an
inflammatory video posted on the internet. During September 2012, our
rebounding economy created an astonishing 873,000 jobs. And on and on.
If we have learned... more »
*My showdown with the Royal Society over global warming*
Nigel Lawson
The long-discussed meeting between a group of climate scientists and
Fellows of the Royal Society on the one side, and me and some colleagues
from my think-tank, the Global Warming Policy Foundation on the other, has
now at last taken place. It was held behind closed doors in a committee
room at the House of Lords, the secrecy — no press present — at the
insistence of the Royal Society Fellows, an insistence I find puzzling
given the clear public interest in the issue of climate change in general
and climate cha... more »
*Back in hospital with complications from my recent surgery*
Not sure that I will be posting tomorrow
*Meteorologist's poll finds no consensus on climate change & those with
liberal political views far more likely to believe in man-made global
Meteorologists’ views about global warming: A survey of American
Meteorological Society professional members
Meteorologists and other atmospheric science experts are playing important
roles in helping society respond to climate change. Members of this
professional community are not unanimous in their views of climate change,
and there has been tension among members of the American Meteorological
Society (AMS) who hold different vi... more »
I am going in later today for more day-surgery so I am taking the day off
from blogging
Will be back tomorrow, I hope

*63 Percent Chance Weather Predictors Are Skeptics on Global Warming*
A new survey from the American Meteorological Society contains more bad
news for global warming alarmist: people who actually get paid for
accurately predicting weather are increasingly skeptical about whether
global warming is man-made or natural or whether global warming is
occurring at all.
The survey is the result of increasing tension amongst meteorologists
regarding global warming.
“There has been tension in recent years among AMS members who hold
different views on climate change,” explains the AMS in th... more »
*Britain to be hit by entirely typical weather*
TEMPERATURES in the UK are going to fall sharply over the coming weeks
because that is what happens at this time of year, it has been claimed.
During winter snow can often reach the ground
Meteorologists believe that winter, a spell of short, cold days commonly
defined as a season, will be more or less exactly what you would expect.
Professor Henry Brubaker of the Institute for Studies said: “Household fuel
costs will rise considerably as families try to increase the temperature of
their homes.
“People on the verge of death may die... more »
*House Votes on Energy Bills*
The House passed three bills this week, largely along party lines, to ease
restrictions on oil and gas drilling. The first bill aimed to streamline
the permitting process by setting a 60-day deadline for drilling
applications on federal lands. It passed 228-192 with 10 Democrats
supporting the measure. The second, which passed 235-187 with a similar
number of Democrats, would block the Interior Department from enforcing
rules on hydraulic fracturing in states that already have their own
regulations in place. The third bill, which passed with the help ... more »
*British PM reportedly tells aides to 'get rid of the green c**p'*
David Cameron has reportedly told ministers to scrap the “green c**p”
driving up household energy bills.
The Prime Minister, who once promised to lead the “greenest government
ever” is said to have privately ordered to find a way to ditch green
commitments that are putting added financial pressure on consumers.
Mr Cameron has promised to “roll back” green levies which he says add
around £112 a year to the average energy bill.
A senior source is reported to have said: “He’s telling everyone, ‘We’ve
got to get rid ... more »
*LOL: 132 poor Countries Walk Out Of UN Climate Talks *
Representatives of most of the world's poor countries have walked out of
increasingly fractious climate negotiations after the EU, Australia, the US
and other developed countries insisted that the question of who should pay
compensation for extreme climate events be discussed only after 2015.
The orchestrated move by the G77 and China bloc of 132 countries came
during talks about "loss and damage" – how countries should respond to
climate impacts that are difficult or impossible to adapt to, such as
typhoon Haiyan.
Saleemul ... more »

*A 2015 climate treaty? Don't bother, Congress says*
As activists gathering this week for U.N. climate talks in Warsaw, Poland,
fuel hopes for a 2015 legally binding treaty, U.S. lawmakers already are
throwing cold water on the prospects.
In interviews this week with members of Congress on the right and left,
even the most ardent supporters of international efforts to curb global
greenhouse gas emissions said chances of Senate approval for a treaty have
not improved much since the Kyoto Protocol crashed and burned in
Washington, D.C., in 1997.
"It will be difficult to get a treaty... more »
*A curious claim from the Warsaw climate conference*
"There is no doubt that now another climate change takes place - during the
last hundred years the average global temperature rose by 0.74°C[1], the sea
level increased for the first time since the last ice age (over 20cm since
1870, and the pace of the increase is getting faster), glaciers melt and
the snow cap of the Northern hemisphere decreases."
*There has been a HUGE sea level rise since the last ice-age, most of it in
*Antarctica, a land of ice and FIRE: Active volcano is discovered under
continent... more »
*IPCC ‘s Bogus Evidence for Global Warming*
by S. Fred Singer
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was
set up by the United Nations in 1988 and has been trying very hard to
demonstrate the threat of a dangerous human influence on climate due to
the emission of greenhouse gases. This is in line with their Charter,
which directs the IPCC to assemble reports in support of the Global
Climate Treaty – the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) of
Rio de Janeiro.
It is interesting that IPCC “evidence” was based on peer-reviewed
public... more »
*Japan axes targets to cut greenhouse gases*
Japan last night became the first major economy to abandon the
greenhouse-gas promises made in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. In a setback for
the UN talks on climate change this week in Warsaw, Tokyo announced it will
let emissions rise 3 per cent above 1990 levels by 2020.
Energy Secretary Ed Davey said Japan’s decision was ‘deeply disappointing’
and a ‘major step backwards’.
However some Tory MPs called for the UK to follow Tokyo’s lead. Japan,
which hosted the Kyoto Protocol, had promised to cut emissions by 25 per
But the fifth b... more »
Back to normal (I hope) Malware zapped
*Pollster Krosnick: Another climate crook*
Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick (Krosnick@Stanford.edu) has been
receiving a huge splash of publicity with his allegedly surprising
state-by-state poling showing ‘the vast majority of Americans in each of
40-plus states surveyed say global warming is real, serious and man-made’
(USA Today)
Jon Krosnick is the director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research
Krosnick’s polling results, complete with handy maps showing rising
“belief” in man-made global warming, are a climate activists dream.
According to Krosnick’s new poll:... more »
*That pesky temperature stasis (referred to by Warmists as a "slowdown" now
that they have eventually admitted it)*
*Since even Warmist figures show temperatures on a plateau for the last 17
years that is mighty embarrassing to Warmists. Something must be done!
And, regrettably, the only thing that CAN really be done is to throw all
the existing figures out the window! And a new paper by Cowtan and Wray
(no relation) does just that. And their new method of juggling the figures
shows warming!Skeptics have of course been having a ball poking holes in
it but I will simply repr... more »
*Everything the Australian Green Party claims about this typhoon is wrong*
Andrew Bolt
The Greens are despicable. They are enemies of reason, and the question is
whether their sin is ignorance or deceit. Here is deputy Greens leader
Adam Bandt today:
"Well, I think if the Prime Minister is out there referring to the Leader
of the Opposition as ‘Electricity’ Bill, then he can be expected to be
referred to as Typhoon Tony himself. The head in the sand approach to
global warming in the face of the leaders of the Philippines themselves
saying this is what we are in store for unless w... more »
*Energy bills could fall by 7pc if Brit. Government cuts green tax*
Leading members of the “Big Six” energy companies promise to cut prices if
Government scraps or delays green tax scheme
Britain's energy giants are to offer to cut bills by up to 7pc if the
Government agrees to remove the cost of multi-billion-pound green schemes.
In a move which could seize the initiative from critics of the rising cost
of bills, leading members of the “Big Six” energy companies have laid out
two options to the Government.
One would see the costs of the Energy Companies Obligation (known as the
E... more »
*Lewandowski proves himself a liar and a cheat*
*He knew that his work was unethical so deceived his university to get past
its ethical restrictions. Such dishonesty nullifies the work of any
scientist. Are his research findings lies too? Lewandowski's findings
about what skeptics think were always dodgy on sampling grounds alone. Now
we have to ask if his oddly chosen interviewees even said what he claims
they said. *
The now-withdrawn Lewandowsky Fury paper (link) is possibly one of the
egregious examples of ethically compromised research encountered. Delve
into the paper, ... more »
*Couple win landmark battle to have 10 wind turbines taken down because
they spoil the view from their dream home in France*
A couple have won a landmark legal battle to have 10 wind turbines taken
down because they spoil the view from their dream home in France.
In a judgement which could have widespread implication across Europe,
including Britain, the husband and wife successfully argued that the 360ft
high structures ruined their quality of life.
As well as agreeing that the turbines ‘spoiled the view’, judges noted the
‘groaning and whistling’ and ‘unsightliness of white and r... more »
*Global warming 'pause' may last for 20 more years and Arctic sea ice has
already started to recover*
The 17-year pause in global warming is likely to last into the 2030s and
the Arctic sea ice has already started to recover, according to new
A paper in the peer-reviewed journal Climate Dynamics – by Professor Judith
Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Dr Marcia Wyatt – amounts
to a stunning challenge to climate science orthodoxy.
Not only does it explain the unexpected pause, it suggests that the
scientific majority – whose views are represented by the UN ... more »
*Solar Industry Takes on Crony Capitalism in Arizona*
*As Henry Kissinger once said: "It's a pity they can't both lose"*
A heated battle is taking place in Arizona between the fledgling solar
industry and APS, the state’s largest energy company, which enjoys a
state-granted near-monopoly over energy. In sunny Arizona, it is peculiar
that solar energy is being portrayed as the bad guy. Since Arizona is a
Republican-dominated state, APS is sneakily buying up influential
Republicans, both directly and indirectly, to perpetuate its crony
capitalism. The Washington Post refers to thes... more »
*An extra sabbath*
I am taking an extra Sabbath today. I had an operation yesterday which has
left me pretty groggy
*Stock up on vacuum cleaners?*
Bureaucrats in Brussels are trying to make it harder to clean your home by
banning the sale of powerful vacuum cleaners, it emerged today.
New European Commission rules will outlaw any new machine with a motor that
exceeds 1,600 watts from next September to make them more energy efficient.
Currently the average vacuum cleaner on the market has a wattage of 1,800,
but by 2017 that figure will have to fall to 900W.
The 'ecodesign' regulations have been drafted after years of research by
officials and external consultants.
Vacuum cleaners will also be g... more »
*Baffin Is. again*
*Don J. Easterbrook is the latest (below) to dynamite the stupid Baffin Is.
Miller et al. radiocarbon dated 145 rooted tundra plants revealed by
receding ice in the eastern Canadian Arctic and say that it constitutes the
first direct evidence that recent temperatures now exceed those of any
century in the Holocene, including the Holocene Thermal Maximum.
They further contend that (1) average summer temperatures of the last ~100
years were higher than any century in the past 44,000 years and suggest
that present temperatures have not been exceeded in the ... more »
*Five Of The Six Snowiest Winters Have Occurred Since David Viner Declared
The End Of Snow*
*Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow LabAccording to Dr David
Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of
the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will
become “a very rare and exciting event”.“Children just aren’t going to know
what snow is,” he said.Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past –
Environment – The Independent*
*Wolf-protection cages for Kids at School Bus Stops Spark Outrage*
*Greenies are the... more »

In his latest offering, conservative Australian cartoonist ZEG thinks
Greenies were deliberately invented to plague us
*In classic Leftist style, failed Presidential candidate blocks out what he
doesn't want to know*
Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his frustration Tuesday with the
fact that even in the United States, “a very educated country,” there are
those who do not recognize the urgency of combating global warming.
Addressing the D.C. Greening Embassies Forum, which encourages the
“greening” of foreign mission in Washington, Kerry took aim at those who
ch... more »
*Green taxes cut 'would lower British energy bills within weeks’*
Energy bills will fall within weeks if ministers make good on the Prime
Minister’s promise to “roll back” green taxes, Britain’s biggest suppliers
have pledged.
Giving evidence to MPs, executives from the “Big Six” firms on Tuesday all
vowed to pass on cost reductions to consumers if ministers cut the levies.
William Morris, SSE’s managing director, said the price cut could happen
“in a matter of weeks” from taxes being taken off bills and suggested
regulator Ofgem should oversee the process.
Most of the Big Six com... more »

*Gimmicks are no answer to green dogma*
*Comment from Britain*
Hard facts puncture soft opinions. As long as the ‘green’ dogma was just a
theory, most people sympathised with it. Now it is costing them money,
they are not so sure.
Nobody wants to destroy his own planet and the man-made global warming
movement is skilful at getting its views heard.
Green propagandists have even reviled this newspaper for its repeated
exposures of their dubious statistics and economy with the truth. But who
was right?
In recent months, the public have learned that – as we warned – green
ideology... more »
*Kick That Donkey: Expand Jobs Footprint with Coal*
Coal means cheap energy; coal means more jobs; coal means America's energy
Every year I celebrate Earth Day with tips and ideas on how readers can
expand their carbon footprint. Now, below, you’ll find the newest, top ten
ways I recommend to expand your carbon footprint on October 29th, 2013 Anno
Domini, to celebrate Count on Coal Day.
10) Take unnecessary trips in your electric car.
Run that battery down to nothing. Electric cars need fuel and that fuel
comes from power plants that run mostly on coal. There’s no qu... more »
*Arctic temperatures are at a 44,000-year high - and greenhouse gases are
to blame, claim scientists*
*Anthony Watts has made some reasonable criticisms of the report below but
seems to have missed a feat of illogic that stands out like dog's balls to
me. As the article itself mentions, temperatures on Baffin Island have a
life of their own. They do not even match temperature changes in adjoining
Greenland. But if Baffin Island is so out of line with the rest of the
world, how can we made deductions about the rest of the world from it?
Only a Warmist would think you could.... more »
*Bushfires and climate change*
*Australia is having some nasty forest fires (aka bushfires) at the moment
-- as it does most years. In their usual form, Warmists want to claim
that the fires are due to "climate change". Since most Australians are
aware that we have ALWAYS had such fires, however, they struggle to make
their case and the Prime Minister has been completely dismissive of their
nonsense.The article below is therefore both very cautious and very vague.
There seems to be some claim that bushfire incidence has increased in
recent years but there are no numbered ... more »
*Extreme Heat Is Proving Deadly In Sweden*
*A small detail overlooked below: CRUTEM4 shows no warming in southern
Sweden over the last 30 years. And if there HAS been any warming, it's not
global anyway, as there has been no global warming for 17 years. Note also
that global warming is an average. Some places will be hotter and some
places will be colder than the average. Sweden could be one of the hotter
on average places without it implying anything at all*
Climate change has resulted in about 1,500 premature deaths in Sweden over
the last 30 years, according to a new study.
... more »
*Antarctic Ice Sets New All Time Record High In October*
NSIDC are now back up and running again, after the Federal shutdown.
Quite astonishingly, Antarctic sea ice has set another record for maximum
extent, beating the previous record of 19.513 million sq km, set on 21st
September this year.
*Note that current levels are more than 2SDs above average, which is huge
What makes the new record so astonishing is that it was set in October, on
the 1st. Climatologically, the maximum extent is reached on 22nd September,
so it is most unusual for the ice still to be growing 10 da... more »
*The “Backfire Effect” and why Global Warmists ignore facts which
contradict their opinions*
This is about a study on how facts – especially corrective facts – are
ignored when some opinion or perception is deeply held. The study is about
political perceptions and it strikes me that it is very relevant to the
IPCC and the alarmists for whom the Global Warming hypothesis (that
man-made carbon dioxide emissions are the primary cause of Global warming)
is a deeply held political belief.
Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, When Corrections Fail: The persistence of
political mispercepti... more »
*Increasing Clouds and Thunderstorms For Climate Alarmists*
What a month it’s been. Rejecting claims of looming cataclysm, the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change issued Climate Change
Reconsidered-II on September 17. This report by 50 experts documents actual
planetary temperature, climate and weather in recent decades – and the ways
alarmist scientists have manipulated data, graphs, computer models and
weather events to make it appear that human influences are much greater
than they actually are.
On September 20, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed ... more »
*Climatology Sees One Of The Greatest Scientific Reversals Of All Time –
The Rise And Fall Of The Hockey Stick Charts*
An examination of the five IPCC reports published thus far reveals a
remarkable scientific reversal. What follows is the evolution of the
1000-year temperature curve: from double hump (1990) - to hockey stick
2001) – and back again to double hump (2013).
1st Assessment Report, 1990, Fig. 1
*In Figure 1 we see that the period of the 11th to 13th century, the
Medieval Warm Period, was considerably warmer than today. The above graphic
appears to be based on the pub... more »
*Britain set to build more nukes*
George Osborne, the Chancellor, has announced that the UK will allow
Chinese companies to take a stake in British nuclear power plants. The
decision could lead to China taking a future majority stake - and even be
allowed to own up to 100 pc - in the development of the next generation of
British nuclear power.
Mr Osborne made the announcement on Thursday the last day of a week-long
trade visit to China after a visit to Taishan nuclear power station on the
coast near Hong Kong. Taishan is a collaboration between French energy
company EDF and the ... more »
*The Wannabe Oppressed *
What do America’s college students want? They want to be oppressed. More
precisely, a surprising number of students at America’s finest colleges and
universities wish to appear as victims — to themselves, as well as to
others — without the discomfort of actually experiencing victimization.
Here is where global warming comes in. The secret appeal of campus climate
activism lies in its ability to turn otherwise happy, healthy, and
prosperous young people into an oppressed class, at least in their own
imaginings. Climate activists say to the world, “I’ll sav... more »
*‘Insolent’ Czechs look to coal for energy*
What has happened in the real Czech Republic and Poland is strange and goes
against the grain. It is a rare case of small countries confronting a big
bully — the biggest of them all, the European Union (EU).
The EU’s proposals on climate change involve a series of targets: under
Connie Hedegaard, the commissioner for climate action, it committed to
reducing carbon-dioxide levels to 20% below 1990 levels. At the same time,
legislation has been adopted to raise the involvement of hydroelectric,
solar, wind and biomass energy to 20% of mark... more »
*Coal will surpass oil as the key fuel for the global economy by 2020
despite government efforts to reduce carbon emissions*
Coal will become more in demand than oil by 2020 driven by growth in China
and India, despite campaigns to reduce carbon emissions across the globe, a
new report reveals.
Marking a return to an era reminiscent of Britain's industrial revolution,
the rapidly expanding economies in the East are turning to coal since it is
cheaper and more reliable than oil or renewable energy sources, energy
consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie said on Monday.
Rising demand in Chin... more »
*The science fiction of IPCC climate models*
*Climate policies need scientific forecasts, not alarmist scenarios*
By Kesten C. Green, J. Scott Armstrong and Willie Soon
The human race has prospered by relying on forecasts that the seasons will
follow their usual course, while knowing they will sometimes be better or
worse. Are things different now?
For the fifth time now, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
claims they are. The difference, the IPCC asserts, is increased human
emissions of carbon dioxide: a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas that is a
byproduct of growing... more »
*Science not so "settled" after all?*
*New study "could fundamentally change our understanding of climate change"*
British research has discovered that our agricultural practices help
form clouds: the news could change the way we calculate global warming...
A team of scientists led by a British academic has solved a
long-standing enigma to explain how up to half the clouds in the sky are
formed. And in finally cracking the problem of how planet-cooling clouds
are conjured from what might seem to be thin air, the researchers found
that humans play a significant role. It is... more »
*Serial Demolition of Some Eco-Nuttery - an 18 minute video by Ivo Vegter*
Watch the 18-minute video below for a serial demolition of one piece of
eco-nuttery after another by Ivo Vegter in South Africa:
The 'environmental exaggerations' of which he speaks are so mainstream now,
and such a distortion of reality, that it would be wonderful if every high
school teacher in the world decided to show this, or a subbed /dubbed
version, to their senior pupils.
Maybe as an antidote to all the eco-guff they will have been exposed to in
their schooldays. Maybe as a last chance to steer the... more »
* Lord Monckton challenges secretary Kerry to debate on climate change (And
has a lot of fun doing it)*
Like profiteers of doom worldwide, John Kerry, described as a secretary of
state, believes in the “global warming” bugaboo with every fiber of his
bank account.
One of the strangest phenomena in politics is the uncritical alacrity and
Damascene fervor with which the hive mind of the international left,
believing the unbelievable, will find any pretext to argue passionately for
the greatest transfer of wealth and power in human history from the p... more »
*Richard Lindzen: Understanding The IPCC Climate Assessment*
Each IPCC report seems to be required to conclude that the case for an
international agreement to curb carbon dioxide has grown stronger. That is
to say the IPCC report (and especially the press release accompanying the
summary) is a political document, and as George Orwell noted, political
language “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable,
and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
With respect to climate, we have had 17 years without warming; all models
show greater tropical warming tha... more »
*The climate alarmists have lost the debate: it's time we stopped indulging
their poisonous fantasy*
By James Delingpole
The story so far: with the release of its Fifth Assessment Report, the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has proved beyond reasonable
doubt that it cannot be taken seriously.
Here are a few reasons why: IPCC lead author Dr Richard Lindzen has accused
it of having "sunk to a level of hilarious incoherence." Nigel Lawson has
called it "not science but mumbo jumbo". The Global Warming Policy
Foundation's Dr David Whitehouse has described the IPCC's panel as... more »
*Only 6.6% of EPA Employees Considered 'Essential'*
As if we didn’t already know how useless and unnecessary the EPA is,
following the government shutdown we saw just how little we really need
them. When various government agencies were releasing many of their workers
on furlough with lack of funding, the EPA went through its employees and
decided which were “essential” and which were “non-essential”.
According to an EPA guidance, which Reuters obtained, the agency said it
only had 1,069 of its 16,205 employees listed as “essential”. That is only
6.6 percent of their workforce! Th... more »
*Are skeptics "amateurish"?*
*A "New Yorker" writer below says so but it would be hard to get mnore
amateurish than her. She quotes not one single solitary scientific fact to
support her faith. Her complete faith in authority would be amusing if it
were not so childish. She'll probably make someone an obedient wife,
Last week, in Stockholm, a group of scientists from around the world issued
what should be, but of course will not be, the last word on climate change.
Officially known as Working Group I’s contribution to the Fifth Assessment
Report o... more »
*Is Australia unusually warm this year?*
*There have been reports to that effect -- excerpt below -- but in the
absence of global warming they are of only passing interest. Some parts of
the globe will always be warmer than others while yet other parts are
cooler. It is the average that is of interest, not cherry-picked
components of the whole dataset.And note that all Australian reports derive
from BoM, Australia's official meteorologists. And how they work is a
marvel indeed. After their "adjustments", a falling temperature in the
raw data can become a rising one! T... more »
*Warmist Prof. in NYTimes: Failure of climate models vs. reality not
important since we use them to predict the future*
*Reality does not seem to matter much to Leftists either.If your models
have no demonstrated predictive skill, relying on them is faith, not
science. Predictive skill is the first test of a model and a demonstration
of no skill means back to the drawing board. But Warmism is not science but
a religion -- one in a centuries-old succession of apocalyptic religions
(calamity predictions). Check just William Miller and Charles Taze Russell
for the 19th centur... more »
*Junk science: More food is bad for caribou?*
*An earlier melt in Arctic regions means that plants emerge earlier and are
bigger than they would otherwise be at any one point in time. So grazing
animals have more food. But the galoots below argue that caribou have LESS
food after an early melt. To reach that amazing conclusion, the galoots
below have to assert that only "young, tender" greenery can be eaten by
caribou -- which is utter hogwash. Caribou are ruminants, with powerful
four-chambered digestive systems designed to break down almost any
vegetable matter. And... more »
*Why gamble with America's Economy?*
*Below is an article dated September 26, 2013 by congressman David
McKinley, representing the 1st district of W. Virginia for the GOP. He has
an engineering background and recognizes that the coal industry is the
backbone of West Virginia's economy and that the attacks on coal from
Washington must be stopped. *
Gambling has consequences - whether it is a card game or making energy
policy. Engineers, scientists, and physicists around the world continue
their efforts to define the role of CO2 in climate change and wrestle with
whether the condi... more »
*The IPCC's mountainous molehill*
*The article excerpted below was headed "Climatic Change: How Long Will
Earth Remain?". Except to Warmists, the obvious answer would be: Another
few billion years. The notable thing to a sceptic, however, is how the
factual statements -- such as the one italicized below -- are perfectly
true. But science is tightly tied to quantification and if we look at the
quantities involved, the statements become laughably true. The quantities
involved are so small that the only reasonable comment is "who cares?". In
some cases Warmists are talking abou... more »
*MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rips UN IPCC Report*
*‘The latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence’
— ‘It is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in
order to keep the international climate agenda going’*
I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious
incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as
the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.
Their excuse for the absence of warming over the past 17 years is that the
heat is hiding in the deep o... more »

*Climate change will 'make Britain cooler'*
For the first time, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
is due to give a clear prediction of how global warming will affect
currents in the Atlantic Ocean.
It will say that the circulation of warm and cold water in the Atlantic,
which includes the Gulf Stream, will weaken by 20 to 44 per cent by the end
of the century.
Scientists claim that such a slow-down in the Gulf Stream will have a big
impact on Britain, causing cooling of about 1.8F (1C) and disrupting
weather patterns.
The Gulf Stream carries warm water from... more »
*Climate models wildly overestimated global warming, study finds*
Can you rely on the weather forecast? Maybe not, at least when it comes to
global warming predictions over short time periods.
That’s the upshot of a new study in the journal Nature Climate Change that
compared 117 climate predictions made in the 1990's to the actual amount of
warming. Out of 117 predictions, the study’s author told FoxNews.com, three
were roughly accurate and 114 overestimated the amount of warming. On
average, the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than
actually occurred.
Some s... more »
*That 95% again*
*Much-published AP journalist Seth Borenstein knows on which side his bread
is buttered. He is a major propagandist for global warming. He must
however feel some insecurity about his views as he sometimes replies
directly to critics of his articles. Marc Morano is his most persistent
critic and that may be why he replies to Morano.*
Morano pointed out that the 95% certainty just now claimed for global
warming by the IPCC was decided on a show of hands, not by any scientific
or mathematical process. And it was Borenstein's uncritical report of the
95% that Mo... more »
*That 95% again*
*Much-published AP journalist Seth Borenstein knows on which side his bread
is buttered. He is a major propagandist for global warming. He must
however feel some insecurity about his views as he sometimes replies
directly to critics of his articles. Marc Morano is his most persistent
critic and that may be why he replies to Morano.*
Morano pointed out that the 95% certainty just now claimed for global
warming by the IPCC was decided on a show of hands, not by any scientific
or mathematical process. And it was Borenstein's uncritical report of the
95% that Mo... more »
*Met Office global warming figures 'are fatally flawed and could result in
millions being squandered'*
The Met Office’s global warming predictions are flawed and could result in
millions of pounds being squandered, it is claimed.
A report for a think tank led by former Tory chancellor Lord Lawson says a
computer programme behind figures that shape climate change policy is
biased in favour of higher temperatures.
Large sums of public and private sector money could be ‘malinvested’ in
everything from wind farms to heat-proof road surfaces as a result, it
Lord Lawson, chair... more »
*Forthcoming IPCC report: preemptive indoctrination*
*Alarmist journalists already know how everyone will react and should react
to an unknown report*
The almost final draft of the IPCC AR5 WG1 [physical basis] report will be
handed to politicians tomorrow in Stockholm. It's my understanding that
minor details may still change in the text, under the political pressure.
Their summary for policymakers will be out on Friday and the whole report
will be out on the immediately following Monday.
These documents have leaked – I don't have the final copies! – so many
journalists already ... more »
*The climate consensus is political, not scientific*
*By cautious Warmist, Judith Curry, professor and chair of the school of
earth and atmospheric sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology*
IN February 2007, publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change's Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) was received with international
The vaunted IPCC process -- multitudes of experts from more than 100
countries examining thousands of refereed journal publications, with
hundreds of expert reviewers, across a period of four years -- elevated the
authority of the IPC... more »
*World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the
Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years*
Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were
urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for
the last 15 years, it is claimed.
A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of
scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United
States raised concerns about the final draft.
Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the
hottest year on re... more »
*No, Sir David Attenborough, Adolf was wrong*
*It is amusing to see how consistent Leftists are in their follies.
Greenies following Fascists is a regular phenomenon. Does anybody
remember why Hitler sought "Lebensraum" for Germany in the East? It was
because he was just as ignorant as David Attenborough. Hitler looked at
the population increase in Germany and the prospects for increases in
German farm production and concluded that Germany would soon be unable to
feed itself. So it needed to grab land off its neighbours in the East if
it was not to starve. Hitler knew as l... more »
*Is this a hoax?*
*I think this article below is a joke designed to make skeptics look
foolish by believing it. To my knowledge, NOBODY has been talking about
carbon monoxide in relation to climate, though I suppose it's possible*
A first-ever study of air trapped in the deep snowpack of Greenland shows
that atmospheric levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the 1950s were actually
slightly higher than what we have today. This sets back global warming
theories because their "computer models" predict much higher CO
concentrations over Greenland in 2013 than in 1950. The opposite is in ... more »
*That pesky Arctic again*
*Image source*
In recent years, Warmists have had a love-affair with the Arctic. Overall
terrestrial temperatures have been depressingly stable for them but there
are lots of changes in the Arctic from year to year. So just a few years
of Arctic ice shrinkage are enough to put lead back in their pencils and
enable them to say that there is warming going on SOMEWHERE.
So the massive rebound in ice cover this year has sparked much hilarity
among skeptics and a notable lack of press-releases from Warmists.
The best that Warmists can do to preserve their a... more »
*Another national newspaper pisses on global warming*
*The report from Australia's national newspaper below follows on from
yesterday's "Daily Mail" report and is partly based on it*
THE Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest assessment
reportedly admits its computer drastically overestimated rising
temperatures, and over the past 60 years the world has in fact been warming
at half the rate claimed in the previous IPCC report in 2007.
More importantly, according to reports in British and US media, the draft
report appears to suggest global temperatures were less sensit... more »
*Global warming is just HALF what we said: World's top climate scientists
admit computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong *
*Article below from the Mass-market: "Daily Mail"*
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has changed its story after
issuing stern warnings about climate change for years
A leaked copy of the world’s most authoritative climate study reveals
scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong.
The Mail on Sunday has obtained the final draft of a report to be published
later this month by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chan... more »
*British hospital managers worry hospitals will fail under pressure this
*Hey! What's this? Warmists always tell us that warming will bring more
illness. So how come it is winter when illness ramps up? Reality shoots
down theory, I think*
More than half of senior NHS managers believe hospitals will be unable to
cope with pressures this winter, with many “at breaking point” amid a
deepening crisis.
The report by the NHS Confederation forecasts a likely increase in
cancelled operations, longer waiting times for patients, and serious safety
issues, including increased d... more »
*Romantic Germany risks economic decline as green dream spoils*
Germany is committing slow economic suicide. It has staked its future on
heavy industry and manufacturing, yet has no energy policy to back this up.
Instead, the country has a ruinously expensive green dream, priced at
€700bn (£590bn) from now until the late 2030s by environment minister Peter
Altmaier if costs are slashed - and €1 trillion if they are not. The
Germans are surely the most romantic nation on earth.
The full implications of this may become clear over the next decade, just
as Germany’s ageing crisis hits ... more »
*Warmists now taking skeptics seriously*
*The prominent British Warmist organization, The Grantham Institute, has
deigned to notice the skeptical blogosphere. They treat us as if we were
bacilli under a microscope but their conclusions are surprisingly fair:*
Mapping the climate sceptical blogosphere
By Amelia Sharman et al.
While mainstream scientific knowledge production has been extensively
examined in the academic literature, comparatively little is known about
alternative networks of scientific knowledge production. Online sources
such as blogs are an especially u... more »
*The Triumph of Tony Abbott*
According to the conventional wisdom of just a few years ago, Tony Abbott
should never have become prime minister of Australia. The doyens of the
press gallery had marked him as a right-wing throwback to a bygone era.
After all, Mr. Abbott is skeptical about alarmist claims of man-made global
warming. He is a former Catholic seminarian who opposes abortion and
same-sex marriage. His gaffes—he recently said a female parliamentary
candidate had "sex appeal"—have provided fodder for left-leaning satirists.
He is an Anglophile, a former Oxford boxing blue,... more »
*Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top
scientists warning of global COOLING*
*The Warmists have repeatedly hung their hats on changes in Arctic ice --
but that selfsame ice is now biting them on the butt*
A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean
covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per
The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported
that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.
Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze i... more »
*A paler shade of Green in Australia now*
Conservatives won a huge victory in the Australian Federal election
yesterday. The new government is pledged to abolish the carbon tax and
pays only lip service to Warmism -- JR.
*The new gold rush that proves the anti-fracking fanatics have got it all
As he takes me on a tour of his buzzing little town, mayor Brent Sanford
points out the acres of development that have already happened — the giant
grocery store, the smart restaurant, the school extension and the endless
housing developments.
And he tells me what’s still to com... more »
*Britain to scrap taxpayer-funded £5,000 grants to electric car buyers
after experts find incentive did little to help the environment*
Taxpayer-funded subsidies of £5,000 aimed at boosting sales of electric
vehicles are to be phased out, ministers said last night.
The grant was introduced to fuel a consumer boom in emission-free cars but
it ‘cannot be maintained indefinitely’, they warn.
It comes after experts found the incentive was doing little to help the
environment and instead allowing rich families to buy a second car on the
The £5,000-per-car subsidies, which have ... more »
*New Zealand answers Al Gore*
*NIWA, the New Zealand weather service, is notoriously corrupt and
dishonest in the global warming cause and not at all averse to a good ol'
NZ "orchestrated litany of lies". But Al Gore recently hung his hat on
their claim that NZ has just had a record warm winter. Attaching much
weight to what was happening on the tiny percentage of the earth's surface
that is NZ is amusing enough but more amusing is some much less ambiguous
data -- "freak" late winter snowfalls in NZ. We read:*
"HUNDREDS of skiers are stuck on New Zealand's Mt Hutt after freak ... more »
*Peer-Reviewed Study Indicates Recent Warming Is Natural*
Nature is responsible for most of the planet’s warming in recent decades, a
newly published peer-reviewed study indicates.
Writing in the journal Nature, scientists studied sea surface temperature
variations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, which is the region
generating El Nino and La Nina events. The scientists found a close
correlation between natural variations in the region’s surface water
temperatures and ensuing global cooling and warming events. Importantly, a
global climate model developed to reflect the regio... more »
* Consensus? What Consensus?*
*Global Warming Survey Virtually Meaningless. Even very skeptical writers
were alleged to be part of the "consensus"*
In recent weeks US President Obama and the UK’s Energy and Climate
Secretary Ed Davey have both cited a survey of climate science abstracts
that alleges an overwhelming consensus on the subject of global warming.
In a new briefing note published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation
today, Andrew Montford reviews the methodology used in the survey and
concludes that the consensus revealed by the paper by Cook et al. is so
broad tha... more »
*Human beings are a disease *
*The Greenie dream*
*Two Decades Of "Unprecedented Global Warming" Has Left Arctic Ice extent
Almost The Same As It Was 20 Years Ago*
One might be inclined to believe that Arctic experts have absolutely no
idea what they are talking about.
*New paper finds climate models have greatly exaggerated warming & finds no
statistically-significant warming for past 20 years*
A paper published today in Nature Climate Change finds climate models have
greatly exaggerated global warming over the past 20 years, noting the
observed warming is "le... more »
*Hey, Ho! It's Hayhoe!*
*"Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist who is an Associate
Professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the
Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University"*
Katharine Says We Can Control The Climate. According to Katharine Hayhoe:-
But, there again, Katharine thought that she saw climate change in an
increase in Texas winter temperatures. Interviewed by Yale 360, she was
“have you seen sizeable increases in average temperatures that could be
defined as climate change?”
Her reply, from Lubbock, Texas:- “What we’ve ac... more »
*Climate Science Exploited for Political Agenda: Lindzen*
Climatism or global warming alarmism is the most prominent recent example
of science being coopted to serve a political agenda, writes Richard
Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the in the fall
2013 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. He compares
it to past examples: Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union, and the eugenics
Lindzen describes the Iron Triangle and the Iron Rice Bowl, in which
ambiguous statements by scientists are translated into alarmist statements
by media and ... more »
*Another Paper Blames ENSO for the Warming Hiatus*
*Finding "natural" explanations for a cooling influence forces the
question: Maybe there are natural explanations for all observed
temperature variations. If oceans these days are absorbing heat as part of
a cycle, that surely means that the warming of the 80s and 90s (so relied
on by Warmists) was in large part due to ocean giving off heat. What the
oceans giveth, the oceans taketh.*
The recently published climate model-based paper Recent global-warming
hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling [Paywalled] by Yu Kosak... more »

*As real temperatures subside, the IPCC heats up the fight*
By Larry Bell
The New York Times feverishly reported on August 10 that the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is about to issue another
scary climate report. Dismissing the recent 17 years or so of flat global
temperatures, the IPCC will assert that: “It is extremely likely that human
influence on climate caused more than half of the observed increase in
global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010.”
The draft report also says, “There is high confidence that this has warmed
the ocean, melted sno... more »
*A Tale of Two Climate Hockey Sticks*
By S. Fred Singer
The false “hockey stick” graph with which (in 2001) the UN climate panel
claimed that current surface temperatures are “unprecedented” in a
millennium is at odds with hundreds of scientific papers and with their own
previous position. There is nothing unusual about today’s temperatures; the
world was warmer in the Middle Ages. However, the "hockey stick” graph
showing a rapid increase in 20th century CO2 concentration is genuine.
The Third Assessment Report (2001) of the UN-sponsored IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ... more »
*Monckton is getting to them*
*"Hockey stick" Mann has felt the need to shoot back at Viscount Monckton
after Monckton's derisive comments on his work. But he manages to do so
only by committing large sins of omission and commission. See below.
Following is Lord Monckton's reply.*
Most recently the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley of Edinburgh, Scotland,
used offensive personal attacks and completely false statements in another
attempt to defend Cuccinelli’s use of state funds to engage in a
politically motivated attack on both me and Thomas Jefferson’s University
of Virginia. M... more »
*Huge and unexpected carbon sink found in the Atlantic*
*Another big hole in the models -- it should reduce CO2 buildup. Any
guesses about whether this new info will be incorporated into the Warmist
Previously, oceanographers thought the Atlantic Ocean seafloor didn’t spit
out as much iron as other regions. However, a recently discovered plume of
iron billowing from the depth of the Atlantic Ocean suggests the seafloor
may be pumping iron like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The oceanic iron cloud spreads for more than 1,000 kilometers (621 miles)
across the Atlanti... more »
*Amusing. Empiricism without evidence?*
*The article below by Australian socialist Andrew Hunter appeared in a
major newspaper under the heading: "Empiricism must be defended". Fair
enough. I am an unrelenting empiricist and have 200+ published academic
journal articles to prove it. But Hunter shows no evidence of being an
empiricist at all. Empiricism means "going by the facts" or "respecting the
data" or "going by what our senses tell us". Yet in his diatribe in
defence of "climate change" below, Hunter mentions not one climate fact or
data point. He prefers airy waff... more »
*Biomass Fuel and the new Environmentalism*
*Tree huggers? Pshaw! Greenies are hot to cut trees down!*
*Time to praise CO2 — the miracle gas!*
By Paul Driessen
It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases
and infections — and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics
can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible
that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle molecule for
plants — and the “gas of life” for most living creatures on Earth.
In units of volume, CO2’s concentration is typically presen... more »
*Global sea level rise dampened by Australian floods?*
*"Australia is in a major drought". Then what's that stuff that's been
falling from the sky outside my window in Brisbane this August -- a
normally "dry" month?Someone else will have to do the numbers on this but
the whole thing smells to high heaven. Only a small percentage of the rain
fell in the Australian outback. As it always does, most of the rain fell
onto the narrow East coastal plain, where it was promptly returned to the
sea via the many big coastal rivers -- JR*
New research led by the National Center for Atmo... more »
*Presenter of British TV science programs for children deplores Warmist
school propaganda*
*This is from two years back but is as topical as ever*
*Earth orbit changes key to climate change*
For more than a century scientists have known that Earth's ice ages are
caused by the wobbling of the planet's orbit, which changes its orientation
to the sun and affects the amount of sunlight reaching higher latitudes,
particularly the polar regions.
The Northern Hemisphere's last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, and
most evidence has indicated that the ice age in the Southern He... more »
*It’s Time to Restore EPA’s Original Purpose*
Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
In 1968, when I was serving as the head of a groundwater professional
society, it became obvious to some of my colleagues and me that the United
States did not have any serious focus on potential problems with its air
quality, drinking water quality, surface water quality, waste disposal
problems, and contamination that could occur from mining and agriculture. I
held the nation’s first Ph.D. in groundwater hydrology, which gave me
unparalleled insight into many of these potential problems.
We spoke before dozens of con... more »
*Another "Orifice" statistic*
*Probabilities are a pervasive feature of scientific reporting. It is very
rare to be able to study all the instances of some phenomenon so sampling
the available instances and reporting the probability that the sample will
generalize to the whole is routine.But to report a probability in a
scientific paper, one normally has to do several other things. One has to
report on how the data was gathered, summarize the data (often in the form
of means and standard deviations) and nominate the statistical procedure
used to convert the data into prob... more »
*Rapid Cooling Triggered Bronze-Age Collapse And Greek Dark Age*
*Of course the politically correct verbiage is “climate change.”*
Between the 13th and 11th centuries BCE, most Greek Bronze Age Palatial
centers were destroyed and/or abandoned throughout the Near East and
Aegean, says this paper by Brandon L. Drake.
A sharp increase in Northern Hemisphere temperatures preceded the
wide-spread systems collapse, while a sharp decrease in temperatures
occurred during their abandonment. (Neither of which, I am sure – the
increase or the decrease – were caused by humans.)
Mediterranean... more »
*How did Maine get left out of global warming?*
*I wanted to look up something about Maine in Wikipedia but wandered off
reading all sorts of other stuff in the entry -- as I often do. And I
came upon this:*
The state's record high temperature is 105 °F (41 °C), set in July 1911, at
North Bridgton.
In January 2009, a new record low temperature for the state was set at Big
Black River of −50 °F (−46 °C), tying the New England record.
*That's totally the wrong way around for the Warmists*
*Guy with thick German accent wants to gas people he believes are harming
his country.*... more »
*An elderly Austrian can still surprise us*
*I had no idea that there were so many "issues" with the measurement of sea
level. But Fred Singer sets it out below. We basically don't know what
sea level has been doing in recent decades*
Driving the seemingly endless climate-treaty negotiations, the most widely
feared consequence of Global Warming appears to be a catastrophic rise in
sea level (SLR). Environmental advocacy groups are filling the airwaves
with lurid images of flooding of Bangladesh and Pacific islands, and
raising the specter of hundreds of millions of environmental ... more »
*Gas prices should be a lot lower*
By Alan Caruba
In the past whenever gas prices began to climb, then whoever was president
usually got the blame for it, but there never was anything he could do
about it. The price at the pump was and is dependent on global factors.
What can, however, be said about Barack Obama is that he has led the most
anti-energy administration in the history of the nation.
A nation’s economic stability and growth depends on affordable, abundant
energy, especially hydrocarbon energy in the form of coal, oil, and natural
gas. In the U.S. so-called “renewable” ... more »
*Dotty Warmist aiming for the minds of children*
*Who are less likely to be critical thinkers. Hitler had the same idea.
Dr Gideon Polya recommends the steps below. Dr Polya is a "Anti-racist,
humanitarian, agnostic, humanist, scientist, artist, writer, pro-peace
advocate" and chemist. What a wonderful person! In Polya logic, Zionists
are guilty of ignoring the Holocaust! I kid you not. See the third and
fourth paragraph here. He prefaces his recommendations below with: "The
acute seriousness of the present situation is revealed by the following
dire estimations". No fa... more »
*400 PPM CO2 Update!*
*Atmospheric CO2 levels have now reached a level that was supposed to bring
on disastrous warming. How does reality match that prophecy? The facts:*
Coldest summer on record at the North Pole
Highest August Arctic ice extent since 2006
Record high August Antarctic ice extent
No major hurricane strikes for eight years
Slowest tornado season on record
No global warming for 17 years
Second slowest fire season on record
Four of the five snowiest northern hemisphere winters have occurred since
The CO2 scam is a thing of the past!
*The killing of ‘... more »
*Chevy Volt Owners Have More Money than Brains*
*It looks like a real car ... *
Another $5,000 dollars lopped off the sale’s price of the Chevy Volt. And
there are still far more fiducially responsible ways to invest hard earned
dollars. As GM struggles to prove that Obama’s “saving of Detroit” was not
a thinly veiled handout to union workers, and that the “green movement” is
backed by economical alternatives to cheap fossil fuels, it has decided to
cut its Volt prices yet again.
According to the Wall Street Journal, “The sticker price on the lowest-cost
2014 Volt will fall to ... more »
*Survey: Public Overwhelmingly Opposes Carbon Tax*
American voters overwhelmingly oppose a carbon tax, according to a survey
released by the Institute for Energy Research.
Only 35 Percent Support
According to the survey of 800 registered voters, 35 percent favor and 59
percent oppose a carbon tax. Democrats generally support a carbon tax (54
percent to 39 percent), while Republicans and independents strongly oppose
the idea (80 percent to 16 percent and 62 percent to 29 percent,
Just 33 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a
member of ... more »
*How to lie with statistics*
*Below is the latest Warmist propaganda from government scientists. It
cites various statistics that together give the impression of changing
climate. That imnpression does not survive even the most cursory look,
however. They admit to both drought and flood so there is no net GLOBAL
change there. They admit that the Arctic is out of line with both global
tendencies and the Antarctic so there is again no GLOBAL effect there.
They admit that the temperature was well short of the global maximum so
there is no GLOBAL change in recent figures. And al... more »
*Greenies fail to put their money where their mouth is*
After two years with low enrollment, New Hampshire's largest electric
utility is phasing out a program that allows customers to pay more to
support renewable energy.
Utilities are required by law to offer customers the opportunity to support
renewable energy by paying a higher rate — usually about 30 percent. But if
not enough customers sign up, a utility can get permission from the state
Public Utilities Commission to pull the plug. That's what happened with
Public Service Company of New Hampshire's EarthSmart Green program,... more »
*Does hot weather cause more conflict?*
*There is a new paper out of Berkeley which says that it does. It is an
old theory and one I have looked at myself in the past. The evidence for
it is however equivocal. Singapore, for instance, is right on the equator
yet is very law abiding. Central Africa is very violent (The Democratic
Republic of the Congo, for instance) but the murder capital of the world is
Johannesburg, which is cool both by reason of its Southern latitude in
Africa and its elevation above sea-level. So, clearly, any influence of
climate tends to be swamp... more »
*Ozone madness from EPA*
*The EPA is about to do more harm than ozone could ever do*
Paul Driessen
The Environmental Protection Agency’s war on economic growth, jobs, poor
families, modern living standards, and people’s health and welfare is about
to get a lot more damaging..
The Clean Air Act says EPA must set standards for ozone and other
pollutants – and periodically review existing standards, to determine
whether they are adequately protecting public health, or need to be
tightened further. In 1997, the agency reduced the permissible ambient
ozone level to 84 parts per bill... more »
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