10 July Surfing
Friday, 11. July 2008, 05:15:42
ACLU sues over new surveillance act
American Energy Policy - Asleep at the Spigot
Weak dollar sends Vatican into the red
Calif. National Guard joins firefighting effort
Toyota to make Prius in the U.S.
Ignoring the Foundation of Economics
Busted : Bankers and the Digital Economy
Battle of the iPhone Apps - MySpace v. Facebook
WordPress and TypePad spawn mobile blogging
Global Consciousness Project
The Change We Need ( Part One )
How to Love Your Country
+ Linky Luv ( aside from the Blogroll )
Continuing the theme today : failing to stand up for Canadians overseas
Frankly, we do ( Harper ignoring the blatant illegality of Gitmo )
Another federal public servant gets the boot in questionable circumstances
Guergis watch : on Jimmy Chen's ordeal in China
Harper is the new Bush on the world stage
PMO's office to get more political under new communications director
NEP fearmongering continues
Blue Girl Red State
Weapons will always improve in war
The Existentialist Cowboy
The Psychopathic Origins of Bush / GOP Wars, Torture and Injustice
Bush : Three generations of betrayal and High Treason
Lair of the Blue Bear
Utah Hero Larry Bergan makes the SLT
( I have no idea what that's about : but the sign is priceless counter-spin )
Effects of a changing climate on extreme weather events in North America ( chart )
News International threatens Media Lens with legal and police action
Complex System of Pipes
a few emails
Scientists uncover ebola virus' "Achilles' Heel"
American Energy Policy - Asleep at the Spigot
Weak dollar sends Vatican into the red
Calif. National Guard joins firefighting effort
Toyota to make Prius in the U.S.
Ignoring the Foundation of Economics
Busted : Bankers and the Digital Economy
Battle of the iPhone Apps - MySpace v. Facebook
WordPress and TypePad spawn mobile blogging
Global Consciousness Project
The Change We Need ( Part One )
How to Love Your Country
+ Linky Luv ( aside from the Blogroll )
Continuing the theme today : failing to stand up for Canadians overseas
Frankly, we do ( Harper ignoring the blatant illegality of Gitmo )
Another federal public servant gets the boot in questionable circumstances
Guergis watch : on Jimmy Chen's ordeal in China
Harper is the new Bush on the world stage
PMO's office to get more political under new communications director
NEP fearmongering continues
Blue Girl Red State
Weapons will always improve in war
The Existentialist Cowboy
The Psychopathic Origins of Bush / GOP Wars, Torture and Injustice
Bush : Three generations of betrayal and High Treason
Lair of the Blue Bear
Utah Hero Larry Bergan makes the SLT
( I have no idea what that's about : but the sign is priceless counter-spin )
Effects of a changing climate on extreme weather events in North America ( chart )
News International threatens Media Lens with legal and police action
Complex System of Pipes
a few emails
Scientists uncover ebola virus' "Achilles' Heel"
9 July - NewsBlogging
Thursday, 10. July 2008, 05:01:05
Congress destroys 4th Amendment
Lawbreaking is now the law
Barack Obama breaks promise, flip-flops, and backs telecos
Obama supporters organize to protest candidate's stand on telecos
U.S. Senate to grill tech industry over online privacy
( Nobody needs to tell them that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. )
Upvote if you have lost faith in the U.S. government
Fannie Mae, Freddie losses make them 'insolvent'
India's economy hits the wall
Net Movement Politics
Ottawa moves to block texting revolt
Google slams 'throttling' of internet traffic in Canada
Ottawa revamps mortgage rules
U.S. war resister granted stay of deportation order
New evidence supports exploding asteroid
Future of Chinese herbal medicine 'up in the air'
Nissan plans electric cars in Portugal
Alternative energy vexes autos and utilities
Home-based hydrogen refueling station
Portal : Nuclear Issues
Yellowcake explained
French firm 'quits Iran gas deal'
African leaders know G8 hypocrisy when they hear it
Half of UK forces 'ready to quit'
Moscow 'deeply distressed' over missile shield deal ( Nothing like painting yourself with a bullseye )
Nuclear Issues Portal
Red State Road Trip 2
Physics - getting a raw deal in schools ?
Schools cutting bus service because of fuel prices
Newest fertility treatment could be a diet
Government going backwards in health care Alberta
Your flat screen TV could be killing the planet
The Free Bird Database
Yahoo! radically opens web search with BOSS
Virtual Worlds take over the online world
Internet flaw prompts biggest security fix in web history
It's time to protect the U.S. from the ultimate Denial of Service attack
Lawbreaking is now the law
Barack Obama breaks promise, flip-flops, and backs telecos
Obama supporters organize to protest candidate's stand on telecos
U.S. Senate to grill tech industry over online privacy
( Nobody needs to tell them that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. )
Upvote if you have lost faith in the U.S. government
Fannie Mae, Freddie losses make them 'insolvent'
India's economy hits the wall
Net Movement Politics
Ottawa moves to block texting revolt
Google slams 'throttling' of internet traffic in Canada
Ottawa revamps mortgage rules
U.S. war resister granted stay of deportation order
New evidence supports exploding asteroid
Future of Chinese herbal medicine 'up in the air'
Nissan plans electric cars in Portugal
Alternative energy vexes autos and utilities
Home-based hydrogen refueling station
Portal : Nuclear Issues
Yellowcake explained
French firm 'quits Iran gas deal'
African leaders know G8 hypocrisy when they hear it
Half of UK forces 'ready to quit'
Moscow 'deeply distressed' over missile shield deal ( Nothing like painting yourself with a bullseye )
Nuclear Issues Portal
Red State Road Trip 2
Physics - getting a raw deal in schools ?
Schools cutting bus service because of fuel prices
Newest fertility treatment could be a diet
Government going backwards in health care Alberta
Your flat screen TV could be killing the planet
The Free Bird Database
Yahoo! radically opens web search with BOSS
Virtual Worlds take over the online world
Internet flaw prompts biggest security fix in web history
It's time to protect the U.S. from the ultimate Denial of Service attack
9 July - NewsBlogging
Thursday, 10. July 2008, 04:57:48
Congress destroys 4th Amendment
Lawbreaking is now the law
Barack Obama breaks promise, flip-flops, and backs telecos
Obama supporters organize to protest candidate's stand on telecos
U.S. Senate to grill tech industry over online privacy
( Nobody needs to tell them that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. )
Upvote if you have lost faith in the U.S. government
Fannie Mae, Freddie loses make them 'insolvent'
India's economy hits the wall
Net Movement Politics
Ottawa moves to block texting revolt
Google slams 'throttling' of internet traffic in Canada
Ottawa revamps mortgage rules
U.S. war resister granted stay of deportation order
New evidence supports exploding asteroid
Future of Chinese herbal medicine 'up in ther air'
Nissan plans electric cars in Portugal
Alternative energy vexes autos and utilities
Home-based hydrogen refueling station
Portal : Nuclear Issues
Yellowcake explained
French firm 'quits Iran gas deal'
African leaders know G8 hypocrisy when they hear it
Half of UK forces 'ready to quit'
Moscow 'deeply distressed' over missile shield deal ( Nothing like painting yourself with a bullseye )
Nuclear Issues Portal
Red State Road Trip 2
Physics - getting a raw deal in schools ?
Schools cutting bus service because of fuel prices
Newest fertility treatment could be a diet
Government going backwards in health care Alberta
Your flat screen TV could be killing the planet
The Free Bird Database
Yahoo! radically opens web search with BOSS
Virtual Worlds take over the online world
Internet flaw prompts biggest security fix in web history
It's time to protect the U.S. from the ultimate Denial of Service attack
Lawbreaking is now the law
Barack Obama breaks promise, flip-flops, and backs telecos
Obama supporters organize to protest candidate's stand on telecos
U.S. Senate to grill tech industry over online privacy
( Nobody needs to tell them that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. )
Upvote if you have lost faith in the U.S. government
Fannie Mae, Freddie loses make them 'insolvent'
India's economy hits the wall
Net Movement Politics
Ottawa moves to block texting revolt
Google slams 'throttling' of internet traffic in Canada
Ottawa revamps mortgage rules
U.S. war resister granted stay of deportation order
New evidence supports exploding asteroid
Future of Chinese herbal medicine 'up in ther air'
Nissan plans electric cars in Portugal
Alternative energy vexes autos and utilities
Home-based hydrogen refueling station
Portal : Nuclear Issues
Yellowcake explained
French firm 'quits Iran gas deal'
African leaders know G8 hypocrisy when they hear it
Half of UK forces 'ready to quit'
Moscow 'deeply distressed' over missile shield deal ( Nothing like painting yourself with a bullseye )
Nuclear Issues Portal
Red State Road Trip 2
Physics - getting a raw deal in schools ?
Schools cutting bus service because of fuel prices
Newest fertility treatment could be a diet
Government going backwards in health care Alberta
Your flat screen TV could be killing the planet
The Free Bird Database
Yahoo! radically opens web search with BOSS
Virtual Worlds take over the online world
Internet flaw prompts biggest security fix in web history
It's time to protect the U.S. from the ultimate Denial of Service attack
5 July - Further BlogRoaming + News
Saturday, 5. July 2008, 22:36:13
Nanotube Radio
Secret Report : Biofuel caused food crisis Hat Tip
High on a Hill
Attacking Iran ? How does $300 oil sound ?
Angry businesses organize anti-Yelp websites
Opera fixes bugs in flagship browser
A view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
The document we celebrate today ( July 4 )
Only an Idiot fights a war on two fronts - a shortage of troops in Afghanistan
( Since they are foreign adventures, lacking real strategic significance, surely some inconveniences can be tolerated ! )
us escalating covert operations against iran : report
preston on politics : barr says he's no nader
Video shows Zimbabwe 'vote-rigging'
Giant rubber snake could be future of wave power
All Things Pakistan
A.Q. Khan speaks out
Civil service is no longer an alluring career for Pakistanis
Amused Cynicism
The war on drugs don't work
Open letter to Indiana Gregg
An introduction to Rational Wiki
USA copies torture techniques from communist China
Superstition schools teach superstition ( 'creationism' taught in British schools )
God-botherer wants his hands on TV license-payers' money
More on Open Source Symbian
Boycott Friesland Foods and Zwanenberg
Digital Fascist jackboot policies
Craig Murray
Andrew Mackinlay - an honest man in Parliament
Moon dust : astronaut health hazard ?
Agriculture linked to frog sexual abnormalities
As web traffic grows, crashes take a bigger tolldownforeveryoneorjustme
Man flying lawn chair lifted by helium balloons
22 civilians killed by airstrike - Afghanistan
The Galloping Beaver
When the lobbyists scramble over the side...
Lobbyist Registration Regulations effective July 2
Would you like fries with your bigotry ?
Media Coalition Chronology
Nostradamus ain't got nuttin' on these guys - 'Good Will Hunting' ( What I missed ! Yikes. )
As DFAIT crawls out of two years of darkness
The best description of Fox News...evah !!
YeS,YeSS,YeSSS, oh YeSSSS ! ( Economic...ah...stimulus )
Money for nuthin' Clear Channel in $400 million deal with Limbaugh
Priest returns his Order of Canada in a huff ( just like 'the Rest of the Story' - oho )
It's only torture when they do it
Top Canadian commander in Kandahar blows off Taliban jailbreak : " It's not my job."
The 10 most awesomely bad moments of the Bush presidency ( and the intro of those that didn't make the list isn't bad either )
Believe him, it's torture video story
Antarctic pictures
If you can't read the science properly, the science can't help you
The OOC makes controversial appointments ? Never.
( Outrage brews before confidential list is released or recipients notified )
Only in Canada - weighing in on war and politics ( liking those who get it wrong )
( But in the definitely unfunny department - and this time it's Canucks who are doing the unconscionable and deserve an appointment in the Hague, go to June 24 )
Abdelrazik : another Arar ( and there's no 'escape clause' for miscreants up here ! )
Operation Enduring Pipeline ( Afghanistan )June 21
Molasses = Immigration Process
And in the continuing war on women
Mississippi River reopens for shipping as flooding wanes
Danish isle runs completely on renewable energy
Secret Report : Biofuel caused food crisis Hat Tip
High on a Hill
Attacking Iran ? How does $300 oil sound ?
Angry businesses organize anti-Yelp websites
Opera fixes bugs in flagship browser
A view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
The document we celebrate today ( July 4 )
Only an Idiot fights a war on two fronts - a shortage of troops in Afghanistan
( Since they are foreign adventures, lacking real strategic significance, surely some inconveniences can be tolerated ! )
us escalating covert operations against iran : report
preston on politics : barr says he's no nader
Video shows Zimbabwe 'vote-rigging'
Giant rubber snake could be future of wave power
All Things Pakistan
A.Q. Khan speaks out
Civil service is no longer an alluring career for Pakistanis
Amused Cynicism
The war on drugs don't work
Open letter to Indiana Gregg
An introduction to Rational Wiki
USA copies torture techniques from communist China
Superstition schools teach superstition ( 'creationism' taught in British schools )
God-botherer wants his hands on TV license-payers' money
More on Open Source Symbian
Boycott Friesland Foods and Zwanenberg
Digital Fascist jackboot policies
Craig Murray
Andrew Mackinlay - an honest man in Parliament
Moon dust : astronaut health hazard ?
Agriculture linked to frog sexual abnormalities
As web traffic grows, crashes take a bigger tolldownforeveryoneorjustme
Man flying lawn chair lifted by helium balloons
22 civilians killed by airstrike - Afghanistan
The Galloping Beaver
When the lobbyists scramble over the side...
Lobbyist Registration Regulations effective July 2
Would you like fries with your bigotry ?
Media Coalition Chronology
Nostradamus ain't got nuttin' on these guys - 'Good Will Hunting' ( What I missed ! Yikes. )
As DFAIT crawls out of two years of darkness
The best description of Fox News...evah !!
YeS,YeSS,YeSSS, oh YeSSSS ! ( Economic...ah...stimulus )
Money for nuthin' Clear Channel in $400 million deal with Limbaugh
Priest returns his Order of Canada in a huff ( just like 'the Rest of the Story' - oho )
It's only torture when they do it
Top Canadian commander in Kandahar blows off Taliban jailbreak : " It's not my job."
The 10 most awesomely bad moments of the Bush presidency ( and the intro of those that didn't make the list isn't bad either )
Believe him, it's torture video story
Antarctic pictures
If you can't read the science properly, the science can't help you
The OOC makes controversial appointments ? Never.
( Outrage brews before confidential list is released or recipients notified )
Only in Canada - weighing in on war and politics ( liking those who get it wrong )
( But in the definitely unfunny department - and this time it's Canucks who are doing the unconscionable and deserve an appointment in the Hague, go to June 24 )
Abdelrazik : another Arar ( and there's no 'escape clause' for miscreants up here ! )
Operation Enduring Pipeline ( Afghanistan )June 21
Molasses = Immigration Process
And in the continuing war on women
Mississippi River reopens for shipping as flooding wanes
Danish isle runs completely on renewable energy
5 July - News Picks + Online Comments
Saturday, 5. July 2008, 16:40:22
BBC Front Page
Tuning out from content overload
( There we go. This is a 'recommendation site'. I've not dealt with what I'm 'up to' here much, so an overview - though 'About' and 'Links' should tell the more thorough explorers. [ If you haven't at least looked at 'Links' you're missing a major resource of this place. ]
I thought the common 'Just Google for Information' a cop-out. If you don't know what questions to ask, how can you use tools effectively...and what are they anyway ? So I survey what I run across online and collate it using a number of methods. This blog is just a handy place to index what's going on : and occasionally vent when things get too outrageous - which should be common these days. Nobody can keep up with all the data : but I can and do survey a number of sources to try and collect the most interesting and/or topical. 'Del.icio.us' is my most comprehensive ongoing effort because it gives me a topical index which can be accessed in a variety of ways : though that wasn't my initial practice. Plus I check others' saved lists for topics of interest. I still may not decide indexing the first time around a place and revision is ongoing : but respect suggested 'tags' and rely on that too.
I try to be selective towards analysis and independent thinking : there are 'Popular Sites' for 'Hot Topics' and they have lots of contributors. Of course, some are listed.
And yes, this is a part-time 'one-man-band'. On the plus side - no advertisers, no revenue, no overhead. Just because I can be as mouthy as I like doesn't mean I intend to abuse the privilege. )
BBC psy-ops propaganda arms of Anglo-American False Flag operations
Canada ruling boosts U.S. deserter
What safety net ?Bu$hnomics 101
Farmers caught in the poppy trade ( A plague of thieves )
Tofu 'may raise risk of dementia'
U.S. candidates practice their U-turns
Rove to Judiciary Chairman : "No, I'm above the Law !" ( Frogmarching is in order )
Police : Problem of scams persists
EUROPEANS ! You have until Monday to contact your MEP and save the EU from a three-strikes copyright rule !
New 'Orphaned Works' Copyright Bill works its way through Congress
( Do you believe coincidental timing an accident ? )
Bringing Ireland to Baghdad - how the Resistance will eventually kick the invaders out"Mao : the enemy wants to fight a short war, but we will not let him"
U.S. journalist photographs grisly aftermath of attack in Iraq : gets booted by the military
U.S. continues to brutalize Iraqis in the cause of the 'Surge'"Five years after the invasion, to speak of this urge to surge and its results as 'success' or as 'good news' is essentially obscene."
Frontier years give might to ex-guerilla's words
Despair drives suicide attacks by Iraqi women
New Zeland truckers turn out in force for Friday protest
Intelligence Daily
151 Congressmen derive financial benefit from war
Eager to tap Iraq's oil, industry experts suggested military intervention( Bush and Cheney are from what industry ? )
Bush administration encouraged oil deal in Kurdistan, undermining Iraqi 'national security'
It's official. The crash of the U.S. economy has begun
Bearish battalions : Almost everything that could is going wrong for world's stockmarkets
Russian official : Russian military 'deeply corrupt'
USA deeply concerned about Russia's interest in uranium-rich Mongolia( Reactor-Market implications )
Breaking Iraq and blaming Iran : British 'black ops' and the terror campaign in Basra
Frenchman researching bacteria which creates ethanol for fuel killed in London
Japan set to show off its expertise on energy frugality
Iran : US can invest in our country
India : Waging war on Iran unacceptable
Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug trafficking from Afghanistan( Augmenting CIA budget in the style of Vietnam ? )
Senators accuse Homeland Security of bullying states on National ID
U.S. faces dilemma with Japan's fading support for re-writing Constitution
( Better the U.S. should consider adopting it ! )
The forgotten casualties : Falling through the cracks in the Army's duty of care
Top soldier recruited for law firm's ranks
Employers use federal law to deny benefits
21st Century Law Enforcement at its finest
Oh Canada! Here comes the manufactured 'Pro-Life' outrage
'Public Committee against torture in Israel' : Special indictment edition
The new oil order
Germany passes law aimed at reducing carbon emissions
Why fly when you can float ?
Mapping the structural core of the human cerebral cortex
The computer of tomorrow
Netvibes now fully integrated with Google Search
U.S. Independence Day : flags should be upside-down and at half-staff at best
Tuning out from content overload
( There we go. This is a 'recommendation site'. I've not dealt with what I'm 'up to' here much, so an overview - though 'About' and 'Links' should tell the more thorough explorers. [ If you haven't at least looked at 'Links' you're missing a major resource of this place. ]
I thought the common 'Just Google for Information' a cop-out. If you don't know what questions to ask, how can you use tools effectively...and what are they anyway ? So I survey what I run across online and collate it using a number of methods. This blog is just a handy place to index what's going on : and occasionally vent when things get too outrageous - which should be common these days. Nobody can keep up with all the data : but I can and do survey a number of sources to try and collect the most interesting and/or topical. 'Del.icio.us' is my most comprehensive ongoing effort because it gives me a topical index which can be accessed in a variety of ways : though that wasn't my initial practice. Plus I check others' saved lists for topics of interest. I still may not decide indexing the first time around a place and revision is ongoing : but respect suggested 'tags' and rely on that too.
I try to be selective towards analysis and independent thinking : there are 'Popular Sites' for 'Hot Topics' and they have lots of contributors. Of course, some are listed.
And yes, this is a part-time 'one-man-band'. On the plus side - no advertisers, no revenue, no overhead. Just because I can be as mouthy as I like doesn't mean I intend to abuse the privilege. )
BBC psy-ops propaganda arms of Anglo-American False Flag operations
Canada ruling boosts U.S. deserter
What safety net ?Bu$hnomics 101
Farmers caught in the poppy trade ( A plague of thieves )
Tofu 'may raise risk of dementia'
U.S. candidates practice their U-turns
Rove to Judiciary Chairman : "No, I'm above the Law !" ( Frogmarching is in order )
Police : Problem of scams persists
EUROPEANS ! You have until Monday to contact your MEP and save the EU from a three-strikes copyright rule !
New 'Orphaned Works' Copyright Bill works its way through Congress
( Do you believe coincidental timing an accident ? )
Bringing Ireland to Baghdad - how the Resistance will eventually kick the invaders out"Mao : the enemy wants to fight a short war, but we will not let him"
U.S. journalist photographs grisly aftermath of attack in Iraq : gets booted by the military
U.S. continues to brutalize Iraqis in the cause of the 'Surge'"Five years after the invasion, to speak of this urge to surge and its results as 'success' or as 'good news' is essentially obscene."
Frontier years give might to ex-guerilla's words
Despair drives suicide attacks by Iraqi women
New Zeland truckers turn out in force for Friday protest
Intelligence Daily
151 Congressmen derive financial benefit from war
Eager to tap Iraq's oil, industry experts suggested military intervention( Bush and Cheney are from what industry ? )
Bush administration encouraged oil deal in Kurdistan, undermining Iraqi 'national security'
It's official. The crash of the U.S. economy has begun
Bearish battalions : Almost everything that could is going wrong for world's stockmarkets
Russian official : Russian military 'deeply corrupt'
USA deeply concerned about Russia's interest in uranium-rich Mongolia( Reactor-Market implications )
Breaking Iraq and blaming Iran : British 'black ops' and the terror campaign in Basra
Frenchman researching bacteria which creates ethanol for fuel killed in London
Japan set to show off its expertise on energy frugality
Iran : US can invest in our country
India : Waging war on Iran unacceptable
Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug trafficking from Afghanistan( Augmenting CIA budget in the style of Vietnam ? )
Senators accuse Homeland Security of bullying states on National ID
U.S. faces dilemma with Japan's fading support for re-writing Constitution
( Better the U.S. should consider adopting it ! )
The forgotten casualties : Falling through the cracks in the Army's duty of care
Top soldier recruited for law firm's ranks
Employers use federal law to deny benefits
21st Century Law Enforcement at its finest
Oh Canada! Here comes the manufactured 'Pro-Life' outrage
'Public Committee against torture in Israel' : Special indictment edition
The new oil order
Germany passes law aimed at reducing carbon emissions
Why fly when you can float ?
Mapping the structural core of the human cerebral cortex
The computer of tomorrow
Netvibes now fully integrated with Google Search
U.S. Independence Day : flags should be upside-down and at half-staff at best
5 July - Morning Musings
Saturday, 5. July 2008, 14:06:05
Extinction 100 times closer than expected
European Parliament rushes towards Soviet Internet
ICann loses control of its own domain names
TruecryptHidden Operating System
No Doubt About It
Bush heckled at July 4 speech
Bush's Secret War on Iran by Seymour Hersch
Happy 4th ( Independence from Corruption )
Obama to stay in Iraq - Naomi Klein
Google must hand over YouTube data, judge rules
Hillary voters are voting Ralph Nader ( ! )
The new branding of Obama
Congress approves $400 million dollars for secret war in Iran
Gen Wes Clark on McCain - is it Swiftboating ? ( Not what I saw )
Who's planning our next war ?
( If that's conservative news, Americans are pretty much on the same page )
Blue Girl Red State
Phlebotomy is an invasive procedure - leave it to the professionals ( re: collecting blood samples - over protest - for lab work - as reckless endangerment )
Did Bush learn his negotiating 'skills' from Mugabe ?
On this day ... ( July 4 )
Justice Initiatives : Pretrial detention ( Gitmo too )
The 60's begin to fade as liberal professors retire ( When 'liberal' - resisting government tampering with freedom - had not been freepered into a cussword )
It's time to label conservatives for what they are"Something-for-nothing-conservatives"
Obama fuels 'pullout' debate with remarks
Marijuana arrests in 1996 most in nation's history( Analyzing the 'war on drugs' )
What the Fourth means
Senator Kucinich challenges Speaker Pelosi on Impeaching Bush ...help me resore 'rule of law' in America
Chavez to U.S. : Stop your Iran threats ... links U.S. activity to spike in oil prices
Bush heckled to screams of : "War Criminal ! War Criminal !"
True Patriotism
...Respecting the rights of others
...Protecting the rights of the accused
...Giving everyone an equal shot
...Supporting out Constitution
...Acknowledging our need to work together
...Rejecting a politics of fear
...Understanding our role in the world
There will be war with Iran ! But when ? Before or after the election ?
Ron Paul : I hear members of Congress saying "If we could only nuke Iran..."
Have a wonderful 4th of July !!
Obama hedges on withdrawal
The Fed's are lying big time...Fed's Bullard says bank's credibility is on the line
( It shouldn't have any )
Bush used phony patriotism to start war
Something Big is going on
" Ron Paul : Being an unchallenged sole superpower was never accepted by us with a sense of humility and respect. Our arrogance and aggressiveness have been used to promote a world empire backed by the most powerful army of history."
"...it was never destined to last and now we have to pay the piper."
The Summer of Awful
Cindy McCain's fortune
Populist Party
None dare call it treason
"A dark shadow government has the genuine control. We are left looking outside as our wealth and blood spew onto the desert sands and our values compromised for the benefit of a few."
Thousands of protesters of G-8 in JapanFrance backs expansion
Regulatory pressure increases on credit card industry ( Locking the barn after the horse has gone )
U.S. banking conspiracies
American Ugly
Russia warns of "new war" in Abkhazia conflict ( Georgia )
Extreme weather changes caused by human fuel-burning denied by tiny hired, disingenuous minority
European Parliament rushes towards Soviet Internet
ICann loses control of its own domain names
TruecryptHidden Operating System
No Doubt About It
Bush heckled at July 4 speech
Bush's Secret War on Iran by Seymour Hersch
Happy 4th ( Independence from Corruption )
Obama to stay in Iraq - Naomi Klein
Google must hand over YouTube data, judge rules
Hillary voters are voting Ralph Nader ( ! )
The new branding of Obama
Congress approves $400 million dollars for secret war in Iran
Gen Wes Clark on McCain - is it Swiftboating ? ( Not what I saw )
Who's planning our next war ?
( If that's conservative news, Americans are pretty much on the same page )
Blue Girl Red State
Phlebotomy is an invasive procedure - leave it to the professionals ( re: collecting blood samples - over protest - for lab work - as reckless endangerment )
Did Bush learn his negotiating 'skills' from Mugabe ?
On this day ... ( July 4 )
Justice Initiatives : Pretrial detention ( Gitmo too )
The 60's begin to fade as liberal professors retire ( When 'liberal' - resisting government tampering with freedom - had not been freepered into a cussword )
It's time to label conservatives for what they are"Something-for-nothing-conservatives"
Obama fuels 'pullout' debate with remarks
Marijuana arrests in 1996 most in nation's history( Analyzing the 'war on drugs' )
What the Fourth means
Senator Kucinich challenges Speaker Pelosi on Impeaching Bush ...help me resore 'rule of law' in America
Chavez to U.S. : Stop your Iran threats ... links U.S. activity to spike in oil prices
Bush heckled to screams of : "War Criminal ! War Criminal !"
True Patriotism
...Respecting the rights of others
...Protecting the rights of the accused
...Giving everyone an equal shot
...Supporting out Constitution
...Acknowledging our need to work together
...Rejecting a politics of fear
...Understanding our role in the world
There will be war with Iran ! But when ? Before or after the election ?
Ron Paul : I hear members of Congress saying "If we could only nuke Iran..."
Have a wonderful 4th of July !!
Obama hedges on withdrawal
The Fed's are lying big time...Fed's Bullard says bank's credibility is on the line
( It shouldn't have any )
Bush used phony patriotism to start war
Something Big is going on
" Ron Paul : Being an unchallenged sole superpower was never accepted by us with a sense of humility and respect. Our arrogance and aggressiveness have been used to promote a world empire backed by the most powerful army of history."
"...it was never destined to last and now we have to pay the piper."
The Summer of Awful
Cindy McCain's fortune
Populist Party
None dare call it treason
"A dark shadow government has the genuine control. We are left looking outside as our wealth and blood spew onto the desert sands and our values compromised for the benefit of a few."
Thousands of protesters of G-8 in JapanFrance backs expansion
Regulatory pressure increases on credit card industry ( Locking the barn after the horse has gone )
U.S. banking conspiracies
American Ugly
Russia warns of "new war" in Abkhazia conflict ( Georgia )
Extreme weather changes caused by human fuel-burning denied by tiny hired, disingenuous minority
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