29 June NewsBlogging + AlterNet selections
Monday, 30. June 2008, 05:19:33
A terrible bust is born
No let-up in global stocks slide
A supercomputer takes on a killer
Strengthening student resilience to handling online risks
Zapatero firm on phasing out Spain's nuclear power
Russian firm buys McLean's International Launch
House mandates a bill for asteroid warning and deflection
Delek US Holdings in talks to buy US oil refinery
Iran threat to close oil strait
Oil attack sparks security overdrive
Fuel subsidy takes toll on Nepal economy
Don't debug alone with Five Runs Tune UpRuby on Rails
Windows XP begins its long goodbye
Forget Jeeves, use Powerset
Microsoft's grand plan to eliminate phone numbers
The world wide web turns 15 ( again )
Free medical tool tackles disease
10 audacious ideas to save the planet
Unknown molecule opens the door to quantum computing
Discovery by UC Riverside physicists could lead to development of faster computers
Accidental fungus leads to promising new cancer drug
Canadian Armed Forces personnel march in the Gay Pride Parade for the first time
The truth about Roe vs. Wade( The view from the trenches)
Anti-abortion groups shut down 'Habitat for Humanity' project
The seeds of the culture war start here
The violent language of right-wing pundits poisons our democracy ( No respect for media whores ! )
Endless war : is the U.S. trying to set the whole world on fire ?
Apocalypse in the oceans
Contaminated veggies are meat industry's fault"Cow shit is in your tomatoes"
Is fructose fueling the obesity epidemic ( How about corn starch ? )
Nanotech : why something so small can be so dangerous
McMafia : the new face of organized crime
Defending the President as Tyrant
Whistleblower Mark Klein, Telecomm Immunity : " It's a Congressional Coup against the Constitution"
Lewis Black rants against corporate greed
It's the obscene profits, stupid! Exxon's enormous gains from the U.S. keep growing
A nuclear energy renaissance wouldn't solve our problems, but it would rip us off
Small town overthrows corporate giant for control of water
Bottled water debate hits a boiling point
The roots of 'necklacing' : why white farmers in Zimbabwe are responsible for the killings in South Africa
McCain linked to terrorist Libyan regime
Waxman closing in on Dick Cheney for outing Valerie Wilson
Wrongfully convicted
America's disdain for science
Setting priorities and solutions to address the mental health crisisCanada
Few student-athletes survive sudden cardiac arrest
Raytheon's pain ray : coming to a protest near you ?
U.S. economy : the worst is yet to come
Republicans obstructing relief in housing crisis
Blue Girl Red State
How Republicans have failed to protect the American people
Holy Joe would love to see the US attacked, wouldn't he ?
Democrat with military background assails McCain's credentials
Oil up again, stagflation fears simmer
Inflation begetting a culture of fear
I've been downloading again Avant Browser
I've had this IE-based build in previous issues and found it interesting.
No let-up in global stocks slide
A supercomputer takes on a killer
Strengthening student resilience to handling online risks
Zapatero firm on phasing out Spain's nuclear power
Russian firm buys McLean's International Launch
House mandates a bill for asteroid warning and deflection
Delek US Holdings in talks to buy US oil refinery
Iran threat to close oil strait
Oil attack sparks security overdrive
Fuel subsidy takes toll on Nepal economy
Don't debug alone with Five Runs Tune UpRuby on Rails
Windows XP begins its long goodbye
Forget Jeeves, use Powerset
Microsoft's grand plan to eliminate phone numbers
The world wide web turns 15 ( again )
Free medical tool tackles disease
10 audacious ideas to save the planet
Unknown molecule opens the door to quantum computing
Discovery by UC Riverside physicists could lead to development of faster computers
Accidental fungus leads to promising new cancer drug
Canadian Armed Forces personnel march in the Gay Pride Parade for the first time
The truth about Roe vs. Wade( The view from the trenches)
Anti-abortion groups shut down 'Habitat for Humanity' project
The seeds of the culture war start here
The violent language of right-wing pundits poisons our democracy ( No respect for media whores ! )
Endless war : is the U.S. trying to set the whole world on fire ?
Apocalypse in the oceans
Contaminated veggies are meat industry's fault"Cow shit is in your tomatoes"
Is fructose fueling the obesity epidemic ( How about corn starch ? )
Nanotech : why something so small can be so dangerous
McMafia : the new face of organized crime
Defending the President as Tyrant
Whistleblower Mark Klein, Telecomm Immunity : " It's a Congressional Coup against the Constitution"
Lewis Black rants against corporate greed
It's the obscene profits, stupid! Exxon's enormous gains from the U.S. keep growing
A nuclear energy renaissance wouldn't solve our problems, but it would rip us off
Small town overthrows corporate giant for control of water
Bottled water debate hits a boiling point
The roots of 'necklacing' : why white farmers in Zimbabwe are responsible for the killings in South Africa
McCain linked to terrorist Libyan regime
Waxman closing in on Dick Cheney for outing Valerie Wilson
Wrongfully convicted
America's disdain for science
Setting priorities and solutions to address the mental health crisisCanada
Few student-athletes survive sudden cardiac arrest
Raytheon's pain ray : coming to a protest near you ?
U.S. economy : the worst is yet to come
Republicans obstructing relief in housing crisis
Blue Girl Red State
How Republicans have failed to protect the American people
Holy Joe would love to see the US attacked, wouldn't he ?
Democrat with military background assails McCain's credentials
Oil up again, stagflation fears simmer
Inflation begetting a culture of fear
I've been downloading again Avant Browser
I've had this IE-based build in previous issues and found it interesting.
29 June - Early News
Sunday, 29. June 2008, 18:55:19
Climate change forces plants to higher ground
Athletes disabled by wars lead Iraqi teams in world games
Nazi America : a secret history
Bipartisan covert war with IranEscalating covert operations against Iran
Travelers face deep flight cuts by summer's end
Travelers warned over insurance
Beaucrats dismal progress in greening federal fleet
Civilian victims in Mexico's drug war
Malaysia's Anwar seeks sanctuary
Mugabe sworn in after widely condemned election
Rebels sink Indian police launch
Smoky skies threaten health in fiery California
Clashes in Seoul over U.S. beef row
Political freelancers use web to join the attack
A progressive for our times
Sangamo's gene technique may save AIDS-fighting immune cells
Weighing the cost of a CT scan's look inside the heart
Is RFID too dangerous for hospitals ?
Can miracle fabric stop radiation ?
Canadian scientists unveil plans for an asteroid-hunting satellite
Athletes disabled by wars lead Iraqi teams in world games
Nazi America : a secret history
Bipartisan covert war with IranEscalating covert operations against Iran
Travelers face deep flight cuts by summer's end
Travelers warned over insurance
Beaucrats dismal progress in greening federal fleet
Civilian victims in Mexico's drug war
Malaysia's Anwar seeks sanctuary
Mugabe sworn in after widely condemned election
Rebels sink Indian police launch
Smoky skies threaten health in fiery California
Clashes in Seoul over U.S. beef row
Political freelancers use web to join the attack
A progressive for our times
Sangamo's gene technique may save AIDS-fighting immune cells
Weighing the cost of a CT scan's look inside the heart
Is RFID too dangerous for hospitals ?
Can miracle fabric stop radiation ?
Canadian scientists unveil plans for an asteroid-hunting satellite
Military eying capabilities of micro-satellites
Java is free at last
Java is free at last
28-9 June Late Links RoundUp
Sunday, 29. June 2008, 07:28:32
Lifestraw is world-changing idea
What's really up with North Pole sea ice ?
Blood, sweat and fear : Workers' rights in US meat and poultry plants Hat Tip Warren Street at Blue Girl Red State who started the ball rolling with Comment 11
Back to Blue Girl's news wrap where a relative of the Iraqi PM is whacked in 'combat ops'
( Doesn't that sound more like a capo-syle warning to behave and kowtow to de massah ? )
Christian Commons / Tom Usher at Real Liberal Christian Church review of State-sponsored terror : British and American Black Ops in Iraq
Craig Murray
Amnesty International accuses European governments of complicity in 'torture flights'
How homophobia harms us all
G8 may invest $8 bln/year to cut CO2
Israel says to reopen Gaza border crossings( not West Bank )
Who's planning our next war ?
America - an Iraqi's first impressions
4.1 million Canadians without family doctor
Calgary taking a break in experiment in recruiting UK bobbies
Bulgarian extremists attack gay parade in capital
Future of Guantanamo Bay prison unclear
Canadian military silent on Afghan civilian deaths"some Afghans believe the attacks are really execution missions"
( They'd be in a fair position to judge, too )
Syria Comment
Stratfor Analysis Syrian scoops are almost invariably wrong
Washington's policy of isolating Syria hurting US
A new law for foreign ownership in Syria
Desperately seeking sanctuary Iraqi refugees
Syria requests Indian Institute of Technology
Can Lebanon douse political fires ? ( Shiite-Sunni confrontations - some sub sects )
US official hails Syria refugee aid
The US and Siniora seek to push back against Hizbullah and the opposition
Resumption of peace talks between Israel and Syria
Syria should forge Arab unity ( huh ? )
U.S. Network falters in MidEast mission
In Israel, a truce with Hamas is greeted with fear and anger
One third of people shot with Taser require medical attention
Canada amending bumper standards ( Harmonizes with both U.S. and E.U. )
Abu Aardvark commends the Task force for responsible withdrawal (PDF) for serious thought
Mapping the American Blogosphere
Guest Post "Powers that Be" Back from Baghdad
The Daily Galaxy
Scientists discover why extreme sports give us a high
Mars soil sample reveals presence of nutrients for plants to grow
The planet's most massively awesome computer - the large Hadron
The largest crater in the solar System sparks immense scientific interest ( Mars )
Space experts call for 'fewer astronauts, more robots'
MIT scientists discover living Amazon language without numbers
The world's biggest camera to survey 300 million galaxies
NASA's new $200 million space suit
How a man-made tornado could power the future
What's really up with North Pole sea ice ?
Blood, sweat and fear : Workers' rights in US meat and poultry plants Hat Tip Warren Street at Blue Girl Red State who started the ball rolling with Comment 11
Back to Blue Girl's news wrap where a relative of the Iraqi PM is whacked in 'combat ops'
( Doesn't that sound more like a capo-syle warning to behave and kowtow to de massah ? )
Christian Commons / Tom Usher at Real Liberal Christian Church review of State-sponsored terror : British and American Black Ops in Iraq
Craig Murray
Amnesty International accuses European governments of complicity in 'torture flights'
How homophobia harms us all
G8 may invest $8 bln/year to cut CO2
Israel says to reopen Gaza border crossings( not West Bank )
Who's planning our next war ?
America - an Iraqi's first impressions
4.1 million Canadians without family doctor
Calgary taking a break in experiment in recruiting UK bobbies
Bulgarian extremists attack gay parade in capital
Future of Guantanamo Bay prison unclear
Canadian military silent on Afghan civilian deaths"some Afghans believe the attacks are really execution missions"
( They'd be in a fair position to judge, too )
Syria Comment
Stratfor Analysis Syrian scoops are almost invariably wrong
Washington's policy of isolating Syria hurting US
A new law for foreign ownership in Syria
Desperately seeking sanctuary Iraqi refugees
Syria requests Indian Institute of Technology
Can Lebanon douse political fires ? ( Shiite-Sunni confrontations - some sub sects )
US official hails Syria refugee aid
The US and Siniora seek to push back against Hizbullah and the opposition
Resumption of peace talks between Israel and Syria
Syria should forge Arab unity ( huh ? )
U.S. Network falters in MidEast mission
In Israel, a truce with Hamas is greeted with fear and anger
One third of people shot with Taser require medical attention
Canada amending bumper standards ( Harmonizes with both U.S. and E.U. )
Abu Aardvark commends the Task force for responsible withdrawal (PDF) for serious thought
Mapping the American Blogosphere
Guest Post "Powers that Be" Back from Baghdad
The Daily Galaxy
Scientists discover why extreme sports give us a high
Mars soil sample reveals presence of nutrients for plants to grow
The planet's most massively awesome computer - the large Hadron
The largest crater in the solar System sparks immense scientific interest ( Mars )
Space experts call for 'fewer astronauts, more robots'
MIT scientists discover living Amazon language without numbers
The world's biggest camera to survey 300 million galaxies
NASA's new $200 million space suit
How a man-made tornado could power the future
28 June - Evening BlogRoaming
Sunday, 29. June 2008, 03:10:37
Amused Cynicism
China obsoletes aircraft carriers
Raped girl wants abortion : religious nutters say no
New Disney tax will annoy prospective visitors to the USA
Joss Stone favours piracy
Jacqui Smith is a vile homophobic bigot
Iran exiles back armed opposition
Iran's gulf of misunderstanding with the U.S.
Iran's proud but discreet Jews
Just World News
Crunch time coming in Afghanistan ?
The 'necessary steps' report, annotated ( withdrawal from Iraq )
Comment on the New Report - Commonwealth Institute
Disarray in Israel's ruling group
Searching for a brother's body in Iraq
Are foreign wars winnable ? and other big questions
78 years later - the Anglo Iraq treaty of 1930 **
Levy and Bronner on Israelis' distaste for peace
Iran and nuclear consequences
FBI ready to demand detailed logs of Britons' travel and internet habits
The towns taking control of their future
Though part of TTC 69 stalled, the rest steamrollers on to connect with John Cornyn's Mexican Superhighway
Israel renews food shipments to Gaza
Tobacco giant breaks youth code
Chemicals stop Phillippine ferry recovery
Aldermen ask province to initiate pesticide banCalgary, Alberta
How ph level and acidity relate to heartburn
Beyond lycopene : Scientists study benefits of Phytoene and Phytofluene from tomatoes
Can you be sabotaging your health by not knowing the truth about sugar ?
Diabetics experience memory loss after high fat meal
Back pain may be caused by low vitamin D levels
9 extraordinary human abilities
Required reading in social media
What you need to know about Bill C61 "The Canadian DCMA"
Murphy's Laws
Taser use raises real public safety concerns
Anti-psychotic drugs destroy the lives of dementia patients
Device blocking stomach nerve signals shows promise in obesity
Human genomes change with age
Growth hormone's link to starvation may be clue to increasing lifespan
Ancient oak trees help reduce global warming
Mountain Runner
From the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy : no one in PD conducts PD overseas
"State does not recruit for public diplomacy
State does not test for public diplomacy
State does not train for public diplomacy
State has a glass ceiling for public diplomats"
( I heard a similar observation from a Canadian military PR flack about a decade ago,regarding Canadian forces. )
CSIS policy unconstitutional
U.S. Army history slams post Iraq invasion plan
McCain supports efforts to ban gay marriage
Simpy - Social bookmarks manager
Week's top downloads
( I've run KeyScrambler for months. Easy to turn off if you suspect problems : status on toolbar )
4 quick ways to download YouTube videos
Alexander quits as Labour leaderDonations violations
Posterous beats Tumblr in simplicity
Newspaper clipping generator
War without endSri Lanka
No doubt about it
Impeachment - on or off the table ?
Death of the 4th Amendment
Corporate Contributors 2008 Campaign
Medical researchers develop silicon chip for detecting cancer
Bacteria make major evolutionary shift right in the lab
Researchers show how the brain can protect against cancer
Scientists close to reconstructing first living cell ( + more items ! )
Iran history
CIA explains its Wikipedia-like national security project
3D viewing without goofy glasses
Blood for oil
China obsoletes aircraft carriers
Raped girl wants abortion : religious nutters say no
New Disney tax will annoy prospective visitors to the USA
Joss Stone favours piracy
Jacqui Smith is a vile homophobic bigot
Iran exiles back armed opposition
Iran's gulf of misunderstanding with the U.S.
Iran's proud but discreet Jews
Just World News
Crunch time coming in Afghanistan ?
The 'necessary steps' report, annotated ( withdrawal from Iraq )
Comment on the New Report - Commonwealth Institute
Disarray in Israel's ruling group
Searching for a brother's body in Iraq
Are foreign wars winnable ? and other big questions
78 years later - the Anglo Iraq treaty of 1930 **
Levy and Bronner on Israelis' distaste for peace
Iran and nuclear consequences
FBI ready to demand detailed logs of Britons' travel and internet habits
The towns taking control of their future
Though part of TTC 69 stalled, the rest steamrollers on to connect with John Cornyn's Mexican Superhighway
Israel renews food shipments to Gaza
Tobacco giant breaks youth code
Chemicals stop Phillippine ferry recovery
Aldermen ask province to initiate pesticide banCalgary, Alberta
How ph level and acidity relate to heartburn
Beyond lycopene : Scientists study benefits of Phytoene and Phytofluene from tomatoes
Can you be sabotaging your health by not knowing the truth about sugar ?
Diabetics experience memory loss after high fat meal
Back pain may be caused by low vitamin D levels
9 extraordinary human abilities
Required reading in social media
What you need to know about Bill C61 "The Canadian DCMA"
Murphy's Laws
Taser use raises real public safety concerns
Anti-psychotic drugs destroy the lives of dementia patients
Device blocking stomach nerve signals shows promise in obesity
Human genomes change with age
Growth hormone's link to starvation may be clue to increasing lifespan
Ancient oak trees help reduce global warming
Mountain Runner
From the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy : no one in PD conducts PD overseas
"State does not recruit for public diplomacy
State does not test for public diplomacy
State does not train for public diplomacy
State has a glass ceiling for public diplomats"
( I heard a similar observation from a Canadian military PR flack about a decade ago,regarding Canadian forces. )
CSIS policy unconstitutional
U.S. Army history slams post Iraq invasion plan
McCain supports efforts to ban gay marriage
Simpy - Social bookmarks manager
Week's top downloads
( I've run KeyScrambler for months. Easy to turn off if you suspect problems : status on toolbar )
4 quick ways to download YouTube videos
Alexander quits as Labour leaderDonations violations
Posterous beats Tumblr in simplicity
Newspaper clipping generator
War without endSri Lanka
No doubt about it
Impeachment - on or off the table ?
Death of the 4th Amendment
Corporate Contributors 2008 Campaign
Medical researchers develop silicon chip for detecting cancer
Bacteria make major evolutionary shift right in the lab
Researchers show how the brain can protect against cancer
Scientists close to reconstructing first living cell ( + more items ! )
Iran history
CIA explains its Wikipedia-like national security project
3D viewing without goofy glasses
Blood for oil
28 June - BlogRoaming
Saturday, 28. June 2008, 21:43:34
Fake Firefox 3 Download links may be hazardous to your PC
Twitter conversations come to screaming halt : users simply move to Friendfeed
Mystery explained:why you have to reboot Windows so often
Prove it George Bush : burden of proof is on you to show Iran is building nuclear weapons or supporting terrorists
( Bullying coupled with bullshit : baldly put )
We're not causing global warming
( Chill. It's just a poll; the article can help perspective on a 'normal life.' )
Where have the cuddly teddy bears gone ? The inhumane practice of 'bear farming'
( And some want corporations to be in charge of society. How do you think people will fare ? )
Anyone following this ?
Afghanistan : Taliban push Comment #21 Brachiator is especially interesting
'Freedom is the air we breathe'
Gaza truce is a sham
A brief reprieve on FISA : what now ? ( following the money )
Chaotic Good
Chomsky on 'protest voting'
Mouth of Sauron defects
Oliver North : Traitor
Gay marriage and civil rights
Supreme Court of Canada unanimously defrosts Liberal chill
New Media and Korea's protests
OPEC leader Khelil says dollar will drive oil to $170
If I were King : energy edition
Anti-gravity propulsion comes 'out of the closet'
Obama is wrong on free trade
The ever-malleable Obama
Kate Stone
What Hillary should have said
I am so lucky... Tom Udall
Russert and Reality
the American dream : consumerism and the corporate class Do scroll on down - worth a look
Twitter conversations come to screaming halt : users simply move to Friendfeed
Mystery explained:why you have to reboot Windows so often
Prove it George Bush : burden of proof is on you to show Iran is building nuclear weapons or supporting terrorists
( Bullying coupled with bullshit : baldly put )
We're not causing global warming
( Chill. It's just a poll; the article can help perspective on a 'normal life.' )
Where have the cuddly teddy bears gone ? The inhumane practice of 'bear farming'
( And some want corporations to be in charge of society. How do you think people will fare ? )
Anyone following this ?
Afghanistan : Taliban push Comment #21 Brachiator is especially interesting
'Freedom is the air we breathe'
Gaza truce is a sham
A brief reprieve on FISA : what now ? ( following the money )
Chaotic Good
Chomsky on 'protest voting'
Mouth of Sauron defects
Oliver North : Traitor
Gay marriage and civil rights
Supreme Court of Canada unanimously defrosts Liberal chill
New Media and Korea's protests
OPEC leader Khelil says dollar will drive oil to $170
If I were King : energy edition
Anti-gravity propulsion comes 'out of the closet'
Obama is wrong on free trade
The ever-malleable Obama
Kate Stone
What Hillary should have said
I am so lucky... Tom Udall
Russert and Reality
the American dream : consumerism and the corporate class Do scroll on down - worth a look
28 June - Morning BlogRoaming
Saturday, 28. June 2008, 15:53:04
Pissed on PoliticsWhere's the Stimulus ?
Shotgun sticky wall dripping ( What is thrown out as news )
Social Commentary
"Imagine if the Viagra commercials featured gay lovers instead of aging baby boomers..."
Sad and pathetic - Hardball pushing "Let Them Drill"
There is no oil supply problem - closing Enron loophole would drop oil prices 25-50% overnight
Ghosts of the Revolution - no need for offshore drilling
"Yes government exists for the purpose of establishing Justice, insuring domestic tranquillity and promoting the general welfare."
Flip to the flop and don't stop
"McCain's the flip-flopper and George's problem is he won't change his mind when he's wrong"
Radical extremist Michael Reagan
"Obama : reassurance America has learned the right lessons from the internments of World War II."
( No taker here if that's a bet we have. I don't think so. )
Their hand is tipped ( there are ways to make oil for far less than $100 barrel )
Where's the benefit ? ( Growth in tax base by keeping taxes on corporations low )
I will never get over it - voodoo economics have fiscally obliterated the United States
Taliban fighters take over several Afghan villages
It's setting up to get very bad - al Sadr calls off ceasefire, premier rejects pacts
John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi
Peoples Geography
Who's to blame for the price of oil ? Speculators, not Saudis
The newsworthiness of Iraq
"major networks in U.S. news media spend an average of two minutes a week on Iraq coverage "
Dr. Mustapha Barghouti presentation
overview of the Israel-Palestine 'conflict' ; maps and slides showing illegal settlement and expansion
BS and Mike Wallace patted on head for President Ahmadinejad interview
Oybama : the most promising candidate disappoints with pandering to hardliners
Congratulations, Raytheon 9!
19 families; poverty, inequality and who rules the roost in Israel
Franklin Lamb : Franklin of America-Arabia
Representative Press
Radical Mormon
The last car bomb in a busy Iraq market...set off by U.S. Black Ops forces ?
Nader takes away more votes from McCain than Obama
Restrict speculators and cut the price of gasoline to $2/gallon ? Expert testimony before Congress
No justification for a military strike against Iran at all : al Baradei
Possible results of a U.S. strike on Iran : 2.6 million people killed
US Congress seeks to declare war on Iran with HR 362 and SR 580. Naval blockade is an act of war
( Please note Iran has specialized supersonic missiles which could make a good simulation of taking the fleet apart. )
Israeli ministers. Attacking Iran. The question is when, not if.
Great article on how Bush plans to commit a war crime against Iran with the recent incentives offer as a launching point
Winter soldier testimony in Iraq Part 2
Fadel Shana; victim of Israeli secret combinations : the facts from Reuters
Who violated the Gaza truce first ?
PCATI : IDF abuse of Palestinian detainees is 'routine'
Hamad indicates it's acceptance of a two-state settlement : again
Israeli settlers assault Palestinian family
So much for Iraqi 'sovereignty'
What's good for the goose... term limits
Iraq facing permanent occupation
Hamas : "we accept a state on the borders of 1967"
The Royal Marines : They come from the sea
Ahad Ha'am on the roots of the conflict
Mask of Anarchy
Two arrested for attacks on settlers on the Susiya settlement
Waterboarding was 'actively sought' by U.S. officials
Bush to cement his environmental legacy
Traitors pass 42 Day Detention Bill in Commons
Boris Johnson determined to screw Londoners and the Daily Mail provide 'proof' of the nuclear intentions of terrorists
Interrogators at Guantanamo told to destroy 'handwritten notes'
Chavez out-manoeuvers critics
Knife crime - a media feeding frenzy
( Violent crime has fallen by 41% since 1995 )
Death penalty for knife crime Part II
we move to canada
july 2 national day of action in support of corey glass
port au choice ( rubbernecking in Newfoundland )
st anthony to port au choice
st anthony/l'anse aux meadows ( quite the travelogue with historical backgrounder : all these )
grand falls to st anthonytwillingate to grand falls
support for iraq war resisters grows in tory ridings
war resisters speak out in diane finley's riding
bonavista to twillingate
Rolfe Scmidt
I can't blog on the road
Christmas in June ( the Santa Claus question has some humorous spin-off )
Why you won't build a scale model of the Solar System
If I didn't have kids...
People are good
The E-News Journal
Hawaii ramps up $3 million campaign for travellers
Are Democrats at risk ?
California's new gay marriage plan sends state business booming
Globalization and the small business
I can't believe it's not a democracy !
Global warming is a hoax, my ass
They aren't just whores : they're cheap whores
The FISA fight is over : we lost
Judge : why litigate when you can arrest ?
George Bush's latest powers, coutesy of the Democratic Congress
EU Constitution kingpin : we will ignore referendums
Blue Girl Red State
GAO on Homeland Security ( They haven't a plan or a clue. Remember the BlueBlogginstory about outsourcing the job ? Pass the buck. Avoid accountability. Privatize and give corporations the government tit and security power to keep off criticism. )
27 June - Evening News
Saturday, 28. June 2008, 04:22:32
Department of Homeland Security outsources national security
Your brain lies to you
Half say schools aren't preparing kids
Repeating the meme June 21 item
The Gap
Why Yes, Mr. President! June 20
Shut up, Friedman June 18
Tropical storm slams southern China weeks after floods, earthquakes
Corruption threatens water supply for billions
Arctic could see its first ice-free summer this year
First the floods, now the mosquitoes
Amanpour : stunned silence follows nuke plant implosion
Ten Percent
Good Riddance - U.S. nukes withdrawn from RAF Lakenheath air base
Mosaic-tastic ( Fun with photos )
500 wildfires hit California
B.C. waterbomber heading to California wildfires
Magnetic pulses may 'zap' migraine pain
Torturing children Guess who ?
How to practice nonviolent communication
Congress stunned by Bush officials disdain on torture
Toyota gets attacked for worker rights abuses
Auto Nation CEO says gas prices will benefit Detroit
Man sets car alight to protest high fuel prices
Scientists create bacteria that eats junk, produce oil
GM, Ford exporting $2 billion in vehicles, parts to China
Who merits loyalty ?
Biblical text-writing may have poisoned monks
Justice Department settles Anthrax case
The time is now Climate Change
Inside the solar hydrogen house
Solar power to set sail in space
( My trash bin mind seems to recall a novelette using solar sailers for a space regatta )
World of web names now wide open
The dimmest bulbs on the Internet
Hackers hijack sites of Internet organizations
Creationists win in Louisiana. What's the prize ?
Suzuki : 50 years of science makes a difference
Department of Homeland Security outsources national security
Your brain lies to you
Half say schools aren't preparing kids
Repeating the meme June 21 item
The Gap
Why Yes, Mr. President! June 20
Shut up, Friedman June 18
Tropical storm slams southern China weeks after floods, earthquakes
Corruption threatens water supply for billions
Arctic could see its first ice-free summer this year
First the floods, now the mosquitoes
Amanpour : stunned silence follows nuke plant implosion
Ten Percent
Good Riddance - U.S. nukes withdrawn from RAF Lakenheath air base
Mosaic-tastic ( Fun with photos )
500 wildfires hit California
B.C. waterbomber heading to California wildfires
Magnetic pulses may 'zap' migraine pain
Torturing children Guess who ?
How to practice nonviolent communication
Congress stunned by Bush officials disdain on torture
Toyota gets attacked for worker rights abuses
Auto Nation CEO says gas prices will benefit Detroit
Man sets car alight to protest high fuel prices
Scientists create bacteria that eats junk, produce oil
GM, Ford exporting $2 billion in vehicles, parts to China
Who merits loyalty ?
Biblical text-writing may have poisoned monks
Justice Department settles Anthrax case
The time is now Climate Change
Inside the solar hydrogen house
Solar power to set sail in space
( My trash bin mind seems to recall a novelette using solar sailers for a space regatta )
World of web names now wide open
The dimmest bulbs on the Internet
Hackers hijack sites of Internet organizations
Creationists win in Louisiana. What's the prize ?
Suzuki : 50 years of science makes a difference
27 June - BlogRoaming the Resistance
Friday, 27. June 2008, 22:56:47
Bush is trying to establish a classic colonial status on Iraq
Kucinich : we went to war for the oil companies
EU immorally freezes assets of largest Iranian bank
Iran warns of 'painful' response if Israel attacks
Oil rises to $142 for the first time as investors spurn stocks
U.S. halts applications for solar energy projects
( 'Environmental Impacts' : not a problem with nukes or dams ? )
The fallacy of biofuel and GM crops
Seizing laptops and cameras without cause
Ironic Times Keeping your sense of the ridiculous
Hacker launches botnet attacks via P2P
Folo All you wanted to know about Scruggs and more
Japan inflation at 10-year high
Attorney Scruggs faces sentencing
Facebook's 'gender policy' has grammer in mind
Incoherent Thoughts Somali Hospitality
( Not at all your usual coverage of Somalia )
Canadian Judge : U.S. violated international law in Khadr case
Nuts & Bolts : how U.S. organized torture program
"The United States armed forces as a matter of policy have at various times utilized so-called counter-resistance techniques to be used by U.S. soldiers as a template for torture to be used on American enemy prisoners or political opponents. The situation with SERE is not new, but is part of a military or national security culture that has lost its moral bearings and committed crimes for which they have never been held accountable."
( This actually has relevance to crazy things going on right now. Notice the "Enforcing Trivial Demands" : and think of goverment programs of late, especially "Homeland Insecurity". This is a method of treating a country to ensure compliance. )
Media & Gov't torture cover-up : Sen. Levin, release the 12/01 SERE Docs
Russell Copenhagen Trial Testimony
FISA and the Dream of Total Omnipotence
Broken Laws, Broken Lives : PHR's new must read report
Unminds Must Fear
Mind Detox XIX : Cyrano's Journal Online
"I will not tire of declaring that if we want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence : structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country,repression. All of this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally." Archbishop Oscar Romero, September 23, 1979
Crocodile Tears by John Steppling and Guy Zimmerman
The Dalai Lama - what Richard Gere won't tell you
Hope, Change, and Pissing in the Wind by Patrice Greaneville and Jason Miller
the moment of truth ! money, honey
A 98 year old teaches me about 'The Great Work'
Chilling by Guy Zimmerman
Obama's Denial : the fear of a Black Messiah : Part Two of Barack Obama and the "End" of Racism by Juan Santos
( There are more, with introductory comments for each )
Kucinich : we went to war for the oil companies
EU immorally freezes assets of largest Iranian bank
Iran warns of 'painful' response if Israel attacks
Oil rises to $142 for the first time as investors spurn stocks
U.S. halts applications for solar energy projects
( 'Environmental Impacts' : not a problem with nukes or dams ? )
The fallacy of biofuel and GM crops
Seizing laptops and cameras without cause
Ironic Times Keeping your sense of the ridiculous
Hacker launches botnet attacks via P2P
Folo All you wanted to know about Scruggs and more
Japan inflation at 10-year high
Attorney Scruggs faces sentencing
Facebook's 'gender policy' has grammer in mind
Incoherent Thoughts Somali Hospitality
( Not at all your usual coverage of Somalia )
Canadian Judge : U.S. violated international law in Khadr case
Nuts & Bolts : how U.S. organized torture program
"The United States armed forces as a matter of policy have at various times utilized so-called counter-resistance techniques to be used by U.S. soldiers as a template for torture to be used on American enemy prisoners or political opponents. The situation with SERE is not new, but is part of a military or national security culture that has lost its moral bearings and committed crimes for which they have never been held accountable."
( This actually has relevance to crazy things going on right now. Notice the "Enforcing Trivial Demands" : and think of goverment programs of late, especially "Homeland Insecurity". This is a method of treating a country to ensure compliance. )
Media & Gov't torture cover-up : Sen. Levin, release the 12/01 SERE Docs
Russell Copenhagen Trial Testimony
FISA and the Dream of Total Omnipotence
Broken Laws, Broken Lives : PHR's new must read report
Unminds Must Fear
Mind Detox XIX : Cyrano's Journal Online
"I will not tire of declaring that if we want an effective end to violence we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence : structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country,repression. All of this is what constitutes the primal cause, from which the rest flows naturally." Archbishop Oscar Romero, September 23, 1979
Crocodile Tears by John Steppling and Guy Zimmerman
The Dalai Lama - what Richard Gere won't tell you
Hope, Change, and Pissing in the Wind by Patrice Greaneville and Jason Miller
the moment of truth ! money, honey
A 98 year old teaches me about 'The Great Work'
Chilling by Guy Zimmerman
Obama's Denial : the fear of a Black Messiah : Part Two of Barack Obama and the "End" of Racism by Juan Santos
( There are more, with introductory comments for each )
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