4 Aug - Blog Wrapup
Monday, 4. August 2008, 22:31:30
Ed in 08
Yep. An ad. No charge either.
Housing lenders fear bigger wave of home defaults
U.S. adds 30 days to Marines' tours in Afghanistan
Extinction threatens half world's primates
Craig Murray
Who will protect us from Scotland Yard ?
Jack Straw, Mrs Straw and the prevention of justice in the BAE bribes scandal
The Smith Institute : New Labour's corrupt tax dodge
China taking over Africa according to old eugenics plan
That was a link out of Dad 2059 who may have a problem topping that story
Will the aliens finally reveal themselves ? ( X-Files movie )
Some musings on the world of science fiction - Arthur Clark/Fred Pohl collaborative novel due in bookstores Aug 5
Talking to Gliese ( 581 c ), ancient temples and Aldrin speaks out
Interstellar betting, the White Knight and lunar agreements
P.I.L.G.R.I.M.$ ; mysterious, super-elite society
40th anniversary Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Press release with links
Particle physics rap : making the Hadron Collider sing
Cheney argued against releasing innocent detainees because 'they'll all get lawyers'
The other shoe dropped... so much for our retail-based economy
The future of blogging revealed
Ten Percent
NETCU ** ( New Goon Squad )
Congo Basin passes 1 million ha ( hectares ) milestone in swing to sustainable forestry
Flawed U.S. regulations on captive tigers
Climate Change means more floods for a drying Thames basin
( low ground that. Did anybody factor in a 20 foot increase in sea level ? )
Scraping the bottom of the world oil barrel a significant new climate risk ( Athabaska Tarsands )
Call for crackdown after illegal fisher abandon boat on Bali reef
Congo wetland largest to receive international recognition
It's a frackin' cracker
Yep. An ad. No charge either.
Housing lenders fear bigger wave of home defaults
U.S. adds 30 days to Marines' tours in Afghanistan
Extinction threatens half world's primates
Craig Murray
Who will protect us from Scotland Yard ?
Jack Straw, Mrs Straw and the prevention of justice in the BAE bribes scandal
The Smith Institute : New Labour's corrupt tax dodge
China taking over Africa according to old eugenics plan
That was a link out of Dad 2059 who may have a problem topping that story
Will the aliens finally reveal themselves ? ( X-Files movie )
Some musings on the world of science fiction - Arthur Clark/Fred Pohl collaborative novel due in bookstores Aug 5
Talking to Gliese ( 581 c ), ancient temples and Aldrin speaks out
Interstellar betting, the White Knight and lunar agreements
P.I.L.G.R.I.M.$ ; mysterious, super-elite society
40th anniversary Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Press release with links
Particle physics rap : making the Hadron Collider sing
Cheney argued against releasing innocent detainees because 'they'll all get lawyers'
The other shoe dropped... so much for our retail-based economy
The future of blogging revealed
Ten Percent
NETCU ** ( New Goon Squad )
Congo Basin passes 1 million ha ( hectares ) milestone in swing to sustainable forestry
Flawed U.S. regulations on captive tigers
Climate Change means more floods for a drying Thames basin
( low ground that. Did anybody factor in a 20 foot increase in sea level ? )
Scraping the bottom of the world oil barrel a significant new climate risk ( Athabaska Tarsands )
Call for crackdown after illegal fisher abandon boat on Bali reef
Congo wetland largest to receive international recognition
It's a frackin' cracker
4 August - BlogRoaming
Monday, 4. August 2008, 19:26:26
Ten Percent
It's a mystery...ongoing poverty...some millionaire should be able to figure out why the serfs are poor
Culture for 'em - Pop music
Government funded security shows forced on corporate broadcasters
A deliberate and deadly confusion - asylum seekers turned away from clinics and hospitals- NHS policy
Medsin pursuing FOIA from 2004
Blackwater or DEA ? Culver City raid
Look around you - Maths
Opposition leader found in rubbish dump grave - Colombia
Bush Kills the NPT with India's special treatment..."the US insists that Iran do MORE than is required of it, while it has violated the NPT itself by promising cooperation with India"
The journalist they didn't kill ( Quite : Martha Gellhorn winner's permanent injuries and near death from police assault )
Smarter than the average bear
Time is upJournal entry -
A bit of a 'time out' too from world affairs : going through life changes and giving a loving description of what was ( too briefly ) home
The Good Guide to Shadowy Organization ( No alarms went off today - but I had an alert at a Good site two days ago. )
Halifax harbour, once an open sewer, is now open for swimming
CSIS lax about making contractors keep secrets
Brazil wants $21billion to protect the Amazon rainforest
16 police killed in China border attack
Prescription data used to assess consumers ( Cherry picking heaven )
Doctors urged not to screen elderly men for prostate cancer
The 'suicide' of U.S. Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson
Italian Army deploys to cities : mayor bans public gatherings of three of more people
( Who will play el Duce ? )
Why does RCMP refer to flesh-eatring murderer as 'Badger'?
Royal bank of Scotland poised for biggest loss in UK banking history
Biometric database to be formed in Israel
War criminal Karadzic protected by U.S. until he broke deal in 2000
Revamp of U.S. spy agencies shifts power
And now: White House briefed on potential for Mars life
Lilly trained sales force to ignore risks associated with Zyprexa
Professor Nocera claims 'almost 100%' conversion efficiency
Anglican Communions slow-motion schism is about more than the Bible
Letters from Afghanistan Installment #4
Letter from Afghanistan Installment #5
I especially recommend the series at Scholars & Rogues 'Letters From Afghanistan'. I think I read them all completely. You will need to use 5 links which are all on post #5.
It's a mystery...ongoing poverty...some millionaire should be able to figure out why the serfs are poor
Culture for 'em - Pop music
Government funded security shows forced on corporate broadcasters
A deliberate and deadly confusion - asylum seekers turned away from clinics and hospitals- NHS policy
Medsin pursuing FOIA from 2004
Blackwater or DEA ? Culver City raid
Look around you - Maths
Opposition leader found in rubbish dump grave - Colombia
Bush Kills the NPT with India's special treatment..."the US insists that Iran do MORE than is required of it, while it has violated the NPT itself by promising cooperation with India"
The journalist they didn't kill ( Quite : Martha Gellhorn winner's permanent injuries and near death from police assault )
Smarter than the average bear
Time is upJournal entry -
A bit of a 'time out' too from world affairs : going through life changes and giving a loving description of what was ( too briefly ) home
The Good Guide to Shadowy Organization ( No alarms went off today - but I had an alert at a Good site two days ago. )
Halifax harbour, once an open sewer, is now open for swimming
CSIS lax about making contractors keep secrets
Brazil wants $21billion to protect the Amazon rainforest
16 police killed in China border attack
Prescription data used to assess consumers ( Cherry picking heaven )
Doctors urged not to screen elderly men for prostate cancer
The 'suicide' of U.S. Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson
Italian Army deploys to cities : mayor bans public gatherings of three of more people
( Who will play el Duce ? )
Why does RCMP refer to flesh-eatring murderer as 'Badger'?
Royal bank of Scotland poised for biggest loss in UK banking history
Biometric database to be formed in Israel
War criminal Karadzic protected by U.S. until he broke deal in 2000
Revamp of U.S. spy agencies shifts power
And now: White House briefed on potential for Mars life
Lilly trained sales force to ignore risks associated with Zyprexa
Professor Nocera claims 'almost 100%' conversion efficiency
Anglican Communions slow-motion schism is about more than the Bible
Letters from Afghanistan Installment #4
Letter from Afghanistan Installment #5
I especially recommend the series at Scholars & Rogues 'Letters From Afghanistan'. I think I read them all completely. You will need to use 5 links which are all on post #5.
4 Aug - Further Blog News
Monday, 4. August 2008, 12:05:05
In Maine, a laptop for every Middle Schooler
New Brunswick, next door in Canada, has pioneered computer literacy in society, not just class. Maine wouldn't have to go far for a 'read' on what works.
Then again, this article reminds me of the attitudes covered in 'Mr. Holland's Opus', where the value of music in the curriculum was downplayed in the quest to better automate the production of unquestioning drones capable of passing set quizzes : a restriction on freedom of thought and inquiry. Julia Roberts in 'Mona Lisa Smile' illustrated 'social conditioning' in operation perfectly.
AfroSpear's post on the previous list only partly covers this insidious programming.
Inquisitor : tech
Google preps human-based translation service
Inquisitor 3Search aid for Safari
The Arabist
Links listed and a June 23 note on banning of female circumcision in Egypt
New Arab Diplomacy
Why do you deny
Beau Bo D'or
Gas price rises and fuel poverty
Beijing Olympics T-Shirt ( Har ! )
House of Lords becomes Amnesty Multinational
DWP Department of Work or Prison
Gordon Brown, Baghdad publicity shots
New Scientist - Climate Change
Software predicts where el Nino will strike next
Is climate change causing an upsurge in U.S. tornadoes ?
33% of China's carbon footprint blamed on exports
Job loss helps the economy. Great. Now we have a displaced voter crisis
H.R. 5843 Are most Americans responsible adults, Try H. R. 5842 ( elimination of certain Marijuana penalties )
Pot for Pain : Congressman Ron Paul introduces medical marijuana legislation
Indictment sought for police Taser death in Louisiana
The color line online ( from )
Lampoon of NYT cover art
A black-white diabetes divide
Miami's housing crisis reveals grave racial and gender disparities nationwide The Media Consortium
The Nation
Affirmative Action largely irrelevant to the Black poor
Karl Rove - the Fugitive ?
Former FBI official : White House told FBI to blame anthrax attacks on al Qaeda
Fl bank goes under : First Priority gets shotgun wedding to SunTrust Bank!
Nancy Pelosi cleaning out the swamp ( not ! )
How Daddy Warbucks and his pals scr*wed the American people - The Mandrake Mechanism ( The Fed and $ )
Graham : Talks about McCain's flip-flop this week about raising taxes as a Social Security fix
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is dead at 89
Bu$hCo, Beijing and the Olympic torch
Olbermann Countdown : Anthrax attacks an inside job ?
Olbermann covers Dick Cheney Iran false flag story - Cheney weighs fratricide to sell war on Iran
( Now that's a Worst Person in the World topper )
New Brunswick, next door in Canada, has pioneered computer literacy in society, not just class. Maine wouldn't have to go far for a 'read' on what works.
Then again, this article reminds me of the attitudes covered in 'Mr. Holland's Opus', where the value of music in the curriculum was downplayed in the quest to better automate the production of unquestioning drones capable of passing set quizzes : a restriction on freedom of thought and inquiry. Julia Roberts in 'Mona Lisa Smile' illustrated 'social conditioning' in operation perfectly.
AfroSpear's post on the previous list only partly covers this insidious programming.
Inquisitor : tech
Google preps human-based translation service
Inquisitor 3Search aid for Safari
The Arabist
Links listed and a June 23 note on banning of female circumcision in Egypt
New Arab Diplomacy
Why do you deny
Beau Bo D'or
Gas price rises and fuel poverty
Beijing Olympics T-Shirt ( Har ! )
House of Lords becomes Amnesty Multinational
DWP Department of Work or Prison
Gordon Brown, Baghdad publicity shots
New Scientist - Climate Change
Software predicts where el Nino will strike next
Is climate change causing an upsurge in U.S. tornadoes ?
33% of China's carbon footprint blamed on exports
Job loss helps the economy. Great. Now we have a displaced voter crisis
H.R. 5843 Are most Americans responsible adults, Try H. R. 5842 ( elimination of certain Marijuana penalties )
Pot for Pain : Congressman Ron Paul introduces medical marijuana legislation
Indictment sought for police Taser death in Louisiana
The color line online ( from )
Lampoon of NYT cover art
A black-white diabetes divide
Miami's housing crisis reveals grave racial and gender disparities nationwide The Media Consortium
The Nation
Affirmative Action largely irrelevant to the Black poor
Karl Rove - the Fugitive ?
Former FBI official : White House told FBI to blame anthrax attacks on al Qaeda
Fl bank goes under : First Priority gets shotgun wedding to SunTrust Bank!
Nancy Pelosi cleaning out the swamp ( not ! )
How Daddy Warbucks and his pals scr*wed the American people - The Mandrake Mechanism ( The Fed and $ )
Graham : Talks about McCain's flip-flop this week about raising taxes as a Social Security fix
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is dead at 89
Bu$hCo, Beijing and the Olympic torch
Olbermann Countdown : Anthrax attacks an inside job ?
Olbermann covers Dick Cheney Iran false flag story - Cheney weighs fratricide to sell war on Iran
( Now that's a Worst Person in the World topper )
4 Aug BlogRoaming
Monday, 4. August 2008, 10:02:10
Record heat forces closure of Canada Arctic park
Canadian infrastructure at peril from climate change, engineering panel warns
PTCL ITI Connectivity with SMW 4 down - the net stumbles and crawls
Blood & Treasure
behind the bird's nest : architectural changes in Beijing
when the reason the lying bastards were lying to us was discoverable
( obviously not without looking in 'the wrong places' )
this inert thing - a lesson in literary style
victory for localism - local nutter finally cleared of frameup
mugging the burglar ( gas prices )
different values of 'insurgent' ( spying by NRA )
adventures in hateland ( Church shootings )
what he said ( 'strategic' stupidity )
Scum-watch : yet more pathetic BBC-bashing
Grumpy Lion
Evidence shows McCain a racist from way back when
Can McCain get any lower or more pathetic ?
We know McCain is a liar : Is he a racist too ?
A new award : The Lion's Butt Award
a view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
Nader is on the ballot in California
( Clapso is running a Nader blog in the tradition of the Ron Paul blogs now.
He says that if the Dems and ReThugs aren't to win their sham contest between two 'more of the same' candidates, [ McSame and Nobama ] Peace and Freedom party is the only game in town. 6% of ballots - with no media coverage - exceeds the 5% needed to be deemed a 'real' party and heading to 45 states.
I'd also point out that both 'the Left' and 'Conservatives' want a working Constitution back. That's pretty much everyone, hm ? )
Afro Spear
What about the black community,Obama ?
More blackface in German advertising ( agents provocateurs ? )
A Journey into Womanhood ( agenda claims positive results for 10 years research of outreach to black girls)
Do animals possess Rights that we are bound to respect...and should a Nigga care ?
"We are trained and we train ourselves to stay in our mental shoe boxes, support only the causes within the shoebox, leave our brains in a safety deposit box,...in our shoebox. DO NOT THINK OUTSIDE THE SHOEBOX....inability to 'see' the obvious relationship between all things is conditioned : the shutters are scientifically implanted from Day One."
We need to be quick against Black people who pull us down : Holland
Animal Farm ( Hasn't read it. Shame. Required reading in our schools. )
Advice Goddess
Violence Against Men
( There was a brouhaha against the rape laws and a desire for 'speedier justice' a few weeks back. I know there's a lot of shit going on. Is the likes of this better ? )
Because it doesn't cost them much doesn't mean you get to steal it
Breakups for Assholes
Uncle Miltie on smoking pot
A man can't get pussy in Saudi Arabia ( come-on title for a quip : after a human-interest story )
Girls Can Fly link Amy posted in a note about a deceased aviator
Sitemeter causing Internet Explorer failure ( Except Firefox on Ubuntu is logy as all get out also )
Too much bad press
Canadian infrastructure at peril from climate change, engineering panel warns
PTCL ITI Connectivity with SMW 4 down - the net stumbles and crawls
Blood & Treasure
behind the bird's nest : architectural changes in Beijing
when the reason the lying bastards were lying to us was discoverable
( obviously not without looking in 'the wrong places' )
this inert thing - a lesson in literary style
victory for localism - local nutter finally cleared of frameup
mugging the burglar ( gas prices )
different values of 'insurgent' ( spying by NRA )
adventures in hateland ( Church shootings )
what he said ( 'strategic' stupidity )
Scum-watch : yet more pathetic BBC-bashing
Grumpy Lion
Evidence shows McCain a racist from way back when
Can McCain get any lower or more pathetic ?
We know McCain is a liar : Is he a racist too ?
A new award : The Lion's Butt Award
a view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
Nader is on the ballot in California
( Clapso is running a Nader blog in the tradition of the Ron Paul blogs now.
He says that if the Dems and ReThugs aren't to win their sham contest between two 'more of the same' candidates, [ McSame and Nobama ] Peace and Freedom party is the only game in town. 6% of ballots - with no media coverage - exceeds the 5% needed to be deemed a 'real' party and heading to 45 states.
I'd also point out that both 'the Left' and 'Conservatives' want a working Constitution back. That's pretty much everyone, hm ? )
Afro Spear
What about the black community,Obama ?
More blackface in German advertising ( agents provocateurs ? )
A Journey into Womanhood ( agenda claims positive results for 10 years research of outreach to black girls)
Do animals possess Rights that we are bound to respect...and should a Nigga care ?
"We are trained and we train ourselves to stay in our mental shoe boxes, support only the causes within the shoebox, leave our brains in a safety deposit box,...in our shoebox. DO NOT THINK OUTSIDE THE SHOEBOX....inability to 'see' the obvious relationship between all things is conditioned : the shutters are scientifically implanted from Day One."
We need to be quick against Black people who pull us down : Holland
Animal Farm ( Hasn't read it. Shame. Required reading in our schools. )
Advice Goddess
Violence Against Men
( There was a brouhaha against the rape laws and a desire for 'speedier justice' a few weeks back. I know there's a lot of shit going on. Is the likes of this better ? )
Because it doesn't cost them much doesn't mean you get to steal it
Breakups for Assholes
Uncle Miltie on smoking pot
A man can't get pussy in Saudi Arabia ( come-on title for a quip : after a human-interest story )
Girls Can Fly link Amy posted in a note about a deceased aviator
Sitemeter causing Internet Explorer failure ( Except Firefox on Ubuntu is logy as all get out also )
Too much bad press
4 Aug - a collection of Real News
Monday, 4. August 2008, 00:56:48
Booman Tribune
Anthrax questions ( another...say what ?...dead suspect )
Wal-Mart organizes for McCain
Bush's payback for the CIA
Those fear and smear emails...
David Kelly ( re: anthrax )
Iran Daily
New diabetic drug unveiled ( odd choice of words )
OIC foreign ministers discuss Gaza
( article : op-ed : Perspective "Heart-rending developments in Gaza now turn it into the world's largest concentration camp where women and children are dying only because they are opposed to Israeli Occupation are not random....the crisis there should not and cannot be ignored by the world, particularly those laying permanent claim to defending human rights and the rule of law." [ Nice dig,that] )
Fierce battle for Chad capital
The Canadian
Iraq War is a Eugenics orchestrated genocide masquerading as an anti-terrorist operation 'Dirty bombs'
America, what about the Iraqis ?
Oil War wastes British and American lives in Afghanistan. Is Iran next ?
Is an oil pipeline behind Canada's war in Afghanistan ? [ a hit ! What we get are 'War Infomercials' ]
Eugenics bias of U.S. ruling elites leading to American refugees fleeing to Canada
First Nations Insights : Poisoned water in Canada, poisoned world
"When you have a cabal running things, as is happening now, there is no such thing as democracy"
"Get up, Stand Up, Stand Up for your Rights"
Rural Canadians get poisoned water from livestock and human waste runoff
North American Union Watch : Fascist organizations in Canada and U.S. try to stop free flow of information on the Internet
Steven Harper government pursues NAU agenda to break up Canada through "new deal for the provinces"
Canadians must inspire a new nationalism against the fascistic ambitions of the NAU and globalization
Toxic tailings from the tar sands : Alberta's new directive worse than useless"The real issue with tailings is that they are incredibly toxic and pose a significant threat to human life and the ecosystem in general"
"there is no evidence anywhere that industry's plans for reclamation will work"
Canadian perspective : privatized health care won't deliver
Steven Harper's apology with native chiefs betrays a public relations scam
Crisis looms as corporations seize control of commodities
Why is Habeas Corpus such a threat to those in power ?
Abbas denies asylum to supporters from Gaza
Where are the world's nuclear weapons ?
Inter Press Service
The G8 has no legitimacy
Trade : New world order in Doha's wake
Fuji : another effort to muzzle the media
The momentum of AIDS prevention is waning
Phillipines: "Church ban on contraceptives is adding to poverty" [ 'Be fruitful and multiply' sounds like a scheme to outnumber the competition ]
Thailand : River diversion plans for whose benefit ?
US considers deploying radar defense system to Israel
Court slams state for ignoring order to change West bank fence route
Government okays first round of bill to collect everyone's photo and fingerprint ( Shades of Nazi Germany )
Common Dreams
Deluded we stand on race and gender
No time for DitheringGarrison Keillor
Americans move Left, New York Times misses it
Comcast unleashes the lapdogs
( The 111th Fighting Keyboarders' hometown heroes )
Bush's fierce global war of denial
We're losing the ability to think
'The parade of shrill, unserious extremists' at today's Impeachment hearings
Why are Democrats taking money from Wal Mart ?
( On this one I'll volunteer the old snark "I'll give you two guesses...and the first one doesn't count" )
Do you want Free Trade, or Fair Trade that helps the poor ?
EPA gagged. What does the agency have to hide ?
( Fire them all. They aren't allowed to do their jobs. Remember, in this case, the rot starts at the top. )
Afghanistan : Not a Good War
Shining a Light on U.S. abuses
We lie and bluster about our nukes - and then wag a finger at Iran
Blue Girl Red State is double posting : new site at They Gave Us a Republic
Emerging scientific discipline of aeroecology
Cutting the brakes on the immune system : new gene variant implicated in Lupus
Anthrax questions ( another...say what ?...dead suspect )
Wal-Mart organizes for McCain
Bush's payback for the CIA
Those fear and smear emails...
David Kelly ( re: anthrax )
Iran Daily
New diabetic drug unveiled ( odd choice of words )
OIC foreign ministers discuss Gaza
( article : op-ed : Perspective "Heart-rending developments in Gaza now turn it into the world's largest concentration camp where women and children are dying only because they are opposed to Israeli Occupation are not random....the crisis there should not and cannot be ignored by the world, particularly those laying permanent claim to defending human rights and the rule of law." [ Nice dig,that] )
Fierce battle for Chad capital
The Canadian
Iraq War is a Eugenics orchestrated genocide masquerading as an anti-terrorist operation 'Dirty bombs'
America, what about the Iraqis ?
Oil War wastes British and American lives in Afghanistan. Is Iran next ?
Is an oil pipeline behind Canada's war in Afghanistan ? [ a hit ! What we get are 'War Infomercials' ]
Eugenics bias of U.S. ruling elites leading to American refugees fleeing to Canada
First Nations Insights : Poisoned water in Canada, poisoned world
"When you have a cabal running things, as is happening now, there is no such thing as democracy"
"Get up, Stand Up, Stand Up for your Rights"
Rural Canadians get poisoned water from livestock and human waste runoff
North American Union Watch : Fascist organizations in Canada and U.S. try to stop free flow of information on the Internet
Steven Harper government pursues NAU agenda to break up Canada through "new deal for the provinces"
Canadians must inspire a new nationalism against the fascistic ambitions of the NAU and globalization
Toxic tailings from the tar sands : Alberta's new directive worse than useless"The real issue with tailings is that they are incredibly toxic and pose a significant threat to human life and the ecosystem in general"
"there is no evidence anywhere that industry's plans for reclamation will work"
Canadian perspective : privatized health care won't deliver
Steven Harper's apology with native chiefs betrays a public relations scam
Crisis looms as corporations seize control of commodities
Why is Habeas Corpus such a threat to those in power ?
Abbas denies asylum to supporters from Gaza
Where are the world's nuclear weapons ?
Inter Press Service
The G8 has no legitimacy
Trade : New world order in Doha's wake
Fuji : another effort to muzzle the media
The momentum of AIDS prevention is waning
Phillipines: "Church ban on contraceptives is adding to poverty" [ 'Be fruitful and multiply' sounds like a scheme to outnumber the competition ]
Thailand : River diversion plans for whose benefit ?
US considers deploying radar defense system to Israel
Court slams state for ignoring order to change West bank fence route
Government okays first round of bill to collect everyone's photo and fingerprint ( Shades of Nazi Germany )
Common Dreams
Deluded we stand on race and gender
No time for DitheringGarrison Keillor
Americans move Left, New York Times misses it
Comcast unleashes the lapdogs
( The 111th Fighting Keyboarders' hometown heroes )
Bush's fierce global war of denial
We're losing the ability to think
'The parade of shrill, unserious extremists' at today's Impeachment hearings
Why are Democrats taking money from Wal Mart ?
( On this one I'll volunteer the old snark "I'll give you two guesses...and the first one doesn't count" )
Do you want Free Trade, or Fair Trade that helps the poor ?
EPA gagged. What does the agency have to hide ?
( Fire them all. They aren't allowed to do their jobs. Remember, in this case, the rot starts at the top. )
Afghanistan : Not a Good War
Shining a Light on U.S. abuses
We lie and bluster about our nukes - and then wag a finger at Iran
Blue Girl Red State is double posting : new site at They Gave Us a Republic
Emerging scientific discipline of aeroecology
Cutting the brakes on the immune system : new gene variant implicated in Lupus
3 August - Intel Story Headings
Sunday, 3. August 2008, 21:52:04
Blacklisted News
Is the DEA contracting Blackwater ?
Revamp of U.S. spy agencies shifts power
McCain : U.S. neighborhoods need Iraq-style 'surge'
Police seizing guns before crime is committed
U.S. seizes laptops without suspicion of wrongdoing and shares personal data files with private companies
Venezuela to nationalize Spanish bank
BBC fined for deceiving viewers
Brain mechanism can turn off the trauma of bad memories
Study shows signs of toxicity of maize approved for human consumption
Desperate Haitians eating mud
Police given medals after raiding wrong house
UK supermarkets divided on decision to use human waste as fertilizer for crops
EPA tells its staff : Don't answer watchdogs' queries
Russia's new Great Game
Welcome to the 21st Century Police State
Intelligence Daily
Russia-China end decades-long border dispute
Living in Hell for life
Food crisis may hit one billion
Schwarzenegger lays off thousands of state employees
A Labor Department that cheats Labor
U.S. warns Israel
IMF loans linked to tuberculosis in former Soviet republics
That other military draft : "I didn't sign up for the Navy to be in the Army..."
Russian state TV suggests US trading in drug trafficking from Afghanistan ( Air America ? )
George W. Bush authorized 911 attacks says government insider Stanley Hilton ( from Global Research via Prison Planet )
Congress quietly removes martial law provision
Video : American Veterans for Peace call for Impeachment
Is the DEA contracting Blackwater ?
Revamp of U.S. spy agencies shifts power
McCain : U.S. neighborhoods need Iraq-style 'surge'
Police seizing guns before crime is committed
U.S. seizes laptops without suspicion of wrongdoing and shares personal data files with private companies
Venezuela to nationalize Spanish bank
BBC fined for deceiving viewers
Brain mechanism can turn off the trauma of bad memories
Study shows signs of toxicity of maize approved for human consumption
Desperate Haitians eating mud
Police given medals after raiding wrong house
UK supermarkets divided on decision to use human waste as fertilizer for crops
EPA tells its staff : Don't answer watchdogs' queries
Russia's new Great Game
Welcome to the 21st Century Police State
Intelligence Daily
Russia-China end decades-long border dispute
Living in Hell for life
Food crisis may hit one billion
Schwarzenegger lays off thousands of state employees
A Labor Department that cheats Labor
U.S. warns Israel
IMF loans linked to tuberculosis in former Soviet republics
That other military draft : "I didn't sign up for the Navy to be in the Army..."
Russian state TV suggests US trading in drug trafficking from Afghanistan ( Air America ? )
George W. Bush authorized 911 attacks says government insider Stanley Hilton ( from Global Research via Prison Planet )
Congress quietly removes martial law provision
Video : American Veterans for Peace call for Impeachment
3 August - Quickpost while the link works
Sunday, 3. August 2008, 18:28:55
The del.icio.us file holds links on sites with articles that didn't survive downloading from my web connection - which has been especially problematic for over two weeks ( that and finding my way around a new desktop and OS. It doesn't matter how 'intuitive' something is - and I have to give Ubuntu credit - the first floundering around is a proper pain. Then again, I have found more nice surprises.) I've been waiting for hours to post Clipmarks and Del.icio.us entries and to get stories for a post.
JPL : Climate
Solar Baseload Update
Shipping costs start to crimp globalization anti Wal-Mart
Exposing lies, myths and propaganda about Ronald Reagan
We won the Cold War
The USSR collapsed because the US brought pressure to bear
Ronald Reagan defeated communism....all 3 are nonsense
...'we live in a camouflage society in which some psychopathic traits...are tolerated and even valued.'
estimated 70,000 or more political killings in el Salvador, 20,000 from the Contra war in Nicaragua,100,000 in Guatemala
destroyed trade unions, exported jobs and technology, plunged the nation into depression
Vets' suicide rate stunning
GOP became a kooky cult ( list of methods used )
'GOP thinking is circular and symptomatic of psychosis. They claim to disdain poor people while deliberately creating conditions guaranteed to make more of them.' ( Or fearful and taking power away from others while assaulting them )
Rand Report utterly discredits Bush, leaving McCain without a campaign
Bush Sr's Faustian trade bargain with China or How US/China trade threatens to wipe out the US Middle Class
'We have a younger generation who have no experience with so many things - local businesses and tight knit communities, affordable, convenient and efficient public transportation,wages in a household that allowed one person to support a family,homes that were homes not investments,easy access to public recreation,confidence in the safety of food and other consumer items,all regulated and inspected for the public welfare,freedom from the relentless intrusion of corporations into our lives...'
'Standing Tall for America' means firing your workers and sending their jobs to India'
JPL : Climate
Solar Baseload Update
Shipping costs start to crimp globalization anti Wal-Mart
Exposing lies, myths and propaganda about Ronald Reagan
We won the Cold War
The USSR collapsed because the US brought pressure to bear
Ronald Reagan defeated communism....all 3 are nonsense
...'we live in a camouflage society in which some psychopathic traits...are tolerated and even valued.'
estimated 70,000 or more political killings in el Salvador, 20,000 from the Contra war in Nicaragua,100,000 in Guatemala
destroyed trade unions, exported jobs and technology, plunged the nation into depression
Vets' suicide rate stunning
GOP became a kooky cult ( list of methods used )
'GOP thinking is circular and symptomatic of psychosis. They claim to disdain poor people while deliberately creating conditions guaranteed to make more of them.' ( Or fearful and taking power away from others while assaulting them )
Rand Report utterly discredits Bush, leaving McCain without a campaign
Bush Sr's Faustian trade bargain with China or How US/China trade threatens to wipe out the US Middle Class
'We have a younger generation who have no experience with so many things - local businesses and tight knit communities, affordable, convenient and efficient public transportation,wages in a household that allowed one person to support a family,homes that were homes not investments,easy access to public recreation,confidence in the safety of food and other consumer items,all regulated and inspected for the public welfare,freedom from the relentless intrusion of corporations into our lives...'
'Standing Tall for America' means firing your workers and sending their jobs to India'
1 August - Tactics of Terror - Declaring Enemies
Friday, 1. August 2008, 09:37:12
Tom Usher started me on an 'information-egg' hunt to see if I could make some connections that weren't obvious. This ( no model of understatement ) was my starting point.
I haven't 'gone on' about it at length here on my own blog, commenting at times at other venues, but I have been convinced that most 'debate' about what is going on in the world is in many ways shallow and uninformed. It's like trying to conduct a conversation with an Alzheimer's patient : salient information about background history is missing in large swaths and there is no recognition that this causes total irrelevancies and transient concerns to dominate public 'consciousness'.
Worse, the same 'arguments' go on ad infintum ( forever, already ).
I'm really not bright and creative enough to reason my way through to informed conclusions without information !
We've all heard the reports of how journalists are 'embedded' with troops. That sounds much like the old 'guided tours' in the USSR where you could only go where the authorities wanted. Deviation was 'spying'.
Similarly I think Broken Soldier is spot on how "Support the Troops" is a lie.
Name-calling is used to discourage reporting by serious researchers and discredit their arguments in advance of their submission. That's why the 911 gang finally got listed here. Often they themselves are timid about their positions - not wanting to appear crazed radicals. Ah, the benefits of 'framing' 'discussion'.
I actually had one 'blogger' try to dissuade me from even considering what they had to say as 'subversive' and cruel to the families of the bereaved.
Would that be the same bereaved who tried to demand accountability ?
In a similar case I'll remind you of the attitudes of a certain lady who is unwelcome at George Bush's ranch and wants to run against "Impeachment is off the Table" Pelosi ( though NP has attempted to recant of late ).
Ha ! I'm convinced most people are afraid of being ostracized over what is frankly a perverted position foisted upon us all by what is literally a 'Mind Control' programming of public discourse.
I've been incensed by the lack of real tangible aid to the young people who have - in all sincerity - gone into [War is] Hell and realized far too late that Satan really exists. I'm not being 'religious' here. It's been known for years that police won't investigate Satanic groups/cults because they have an unfortunate habit of leaving behind a trail of dead investigators who get caught up in 'ritual sacrifice'. Convenient, hm ? Isn't the current revelation about military control of US press reporting of the war ( and odd 'detentions' of journalists, - or mysterious deaths and attrition rates ) a 'high sign' that control isn't just about spying on Americans, but controlling what they think and how they discuss as well ? Chomsky is more credible every day.
Nor has there been an ongoing awareness of how everything is 'all of a piece' and there is no great mystery about what has been happening.
Greed, secrecy, disinformation. They lead to unbridled power. Who do we know like that ?
Still, information like the poisoning of Iraq's water - and America's too for that matter - haven't been seen in context of the U.S. and what is called a 'water empire'. That's the way slavery is kept going. People are forced to 'do as they are told'.
It's like a sales primer."What's the best Method to make a sale ?" Answer : "All of them."
That's how monopoly works : control everything. The U.S. laws against them are not enforced and we have monopolies establishing control of all necessities of life on a Global scale.
Some can see what is happening : the pattern of events eventually becomes clear. They are a nuisance that will be abated.
Depleted Uranium has been deployed in Iraq, the Balkans, etc. One side effect of radiation is similar to PTSD
That can be augmented by culling the 'intelligentsia' and getting rid of them. The flight of Iraqi doctors and professors is not accidental. They are targeted.
Side effects of a campaign of fear will even affect Americans, distracting them and making them less able to defend themselves.
Is there anything here from 'wild and wonderful' sources ? I've tried to avoid citing anything questionable. Discussion would be nice.
Would I close a post saying aloud those things we all think about but don't discuss without a link to somebody else's worthy transgression of politeness ?
Detoxify yourself
Great migrations deserve protection
How the first stars came into existence
I haven't 'gone on' about it at length here on my own blog, commenting at times at other venues, but I have been convinced that most 'debate' about what is going on in the world is in many ways shallow and uninformed. It's like trying to conduct a conversation with an Alzheimer's patient : salient information about background history is missing in large swaths and there is no recognition that this causes total irrelevancies and transient concerns to dominate public 'consciousness'.
Worse, the same 'arguments' go on ad infintum ( forever, already ).
I'm really not bright and creative enough to reason my way through to informed conclusions without information !
We've all heard the reports of how journalists are 'embedded' with troops. That sounds much like the old 'guided tours' in the USSR where you could only go where the authorities wanted. Deviation was 'spying'.
Similarly I think Broken Soldier is spot on how "Support the Troops" is a lie.
Name-calling is used to discourage reporting by serious researchers and discredit their arguments in advance of their submission. That's why the 911 gang finally got listed here. Often they themselves are timid about their positions - not wanting to appear crazed radicals. Ah, the benefits of 'framing' 'discussion'.
I actually had one 'blogger' try to dissuade me from even considering what they had to say as 'subversive' and cruel to the families of the bereaved.
Would that be the same bereaved who tried to demand accountability ?
In a similar case I'll remind you of the attitudes of a certain lady who is unwelcome at George Bush's ranch and wants to run against "Impeachment is off the Table" Pelosi ( though NP has attempted to recant of late ).
Ha ! I'm convinced most people are afraid of being ostracized over what is frankly a perverted position foisted upon us all by what is literally a 'Mind Control' programming of public discourse.
I've been incensed by the lack of real tangible aid to the young people who have - in all sincerity - gone into [War is] Hell and realized far too late that Satan really exists. I'm not being 'religious' here. It's been known for years that police won't investigate Satanic groups/cults because they have an unfortunate habit of leaving behind a trail of dead investigators who get caught up in 'ritual sacrifice'. Convenient, hm ? Isn't the current revelation about military control of US press reporting of the war ( and odd 'detentions' of journalists, - or mysterious deaths and attrition rates ) a 'high sign' that control isn't just about spying on Americans, but controlling what they think and how they discuss as well ? Chomsky is more credible every day.
Nor has there been an ongoing awareness of how everything is 'all of a piece' and there is no great mystery about what has been happening.
Greed, secrecy, disinformation. They lead to unbridled power. Who do we know like that ?
Still, information like the poisoning of Iraq's water - and America's too for that matter - haven't been seen in context of the U.S. and what is called a 'water empire'. That's the way slavery is kept going. People are forced to 'do as they are told'.
It's like a sales primer."What's the best Method to make a sale ?" Answer : "All of them."
That's how monopoly works : control everything. The U.S. laws against them are not enforced and we have monopolies establishing control of all necessities of life on a Global scale.
Some can see what is happening : the pattern of events eventually becomes clear. They are a nuisance that will be abated.
Depleted Uranium has been deployed in Iraq, the Balkans, etc. One side effect of radiation is similar to PTSD
That can be augmented by culling the 'intelligentsia' and getting rid of them. The flight of Iraqi doctors and professors is not accidental. They are targeted.
Side effects of a campaign of fear will even affect Americans, distracting them and making them less able to defend themselves.
Is there anything here from 'wild and wonderful' sources ? I've tried to avoid citing anything questionable. Discussion would be nice.
Would I close a post saying aloud those things we all think about but don't discuss without a link to somebody else's worthy transgression of politeness ?
Detoxify yourself
Great migrations deserve protection
How the first stars came into existence
Early August - Late Night
Friday, 1. August 2008, 07:12:44
Balloon Juice
'Fool us three times, we all lose'
Notes on Billmon's article at DKos - 'record' distorting
The Great White Hope
McCain isn't a pup and was a POW. Think this report says anything about him ? Currently there is a big hoo-ha about the hippocampus shrinking after trauma, causing depression, forgetfulness, irritability...and stupidity. Note the date on the article. So it's something that needs to be verified today as a marvelous discovery which might lend help in treating vets ? Fast workers those scientists. I always did wonder what were 'Official Secrets'.
Ehud Olmert resignation throws Israel into turmoil
The Smith Institute : New Labour;'s corrupt tax dodge
Hong Pong
Iran-Contra Cliff's Notes on hostage crises, PSYOPS and GOP perception management
July 18 has an exceptionally interesting-looking list of links
Gates strategy stresses unconventional warfare
Senate reacts to Court ruling with new call for testimony from Rove and Bolton
Watchdog : Bush turning intelligence agencies on Americans
U.S. lost 2.3 million good jobs to China since 2001 !
Scahill : Blackwater now in the private intelligence business
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT Not the Onion : sci-fi reporting
They're putting anti-aging enzymes in the water
io9 The Culprits - posting 30 a day
Obama promises to violate the 13th Amendment
Transcriptase Hat Tip
The Angry Black Woman
Contrary Brin
5 best note taking tools
'Fool us three times, we all lose'
Notes on Billmon's article at DKos - 'record' distorting
The Great White Hope
McCain isn't a pup and was a POW. Think this report says anything about him ? Currently there is a big hoo-ha about the hippocampus shrinking after trauma, causing depression, forgetfulness, irritability...and stupidity. Note the date on the article. So it's something that needs to be verified today as a marvelous discovery which might lend help in treating vets ? Fast workers those scientists. I always did wonder what were 'Official Secrets'.
Ehud Olmert resignation throws Israel into turmoil
The Smith Institute : New Labour;'s corrupt tax dodge
Hong Pong
Iran-Contra Cliff's Notes on hostage crises, PSYOPS and GOP perception management
July 18 has an exceptionally interesting-looking list of links
Gates strategy stresses unconventional warfare
Senate reacts to Court ruling with new call for testimony from Rove and Bolton
Watchdog : Bush turning intelligence agencies on Americans
U.S. lost 2.3 million good jobs to China since 2001 !
Scahill : Blackwater now in the private intelligence business
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT Not the Onion : sci-fi reporting
They're putting anti-aging enzymes in the water
io9 The Culprits - posting 30 a day
Obama promises to violate the 13th Amendment
Transcriptase Hat Tip
The Angry Black Woman
Contrary Brin
5 best note taking tools
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