TodayThe most popular stories in your feedly today
'Star Wars' never looked cuter than reimagined as 'Calvin and Hobbes' characters
Let's go exploring in a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars and beloved comic strip Calvin and Hobbes actually have a lot in common: Both are filled with action and adventure — and are total emotional roller coasters. See also: Photographer imagines the daily, mundane life of Darth Vader Image: Brian KesingerBrian Kesinger, story artist for Marvel and Disney Animation Studios, is a fan of both the Sa
This scientific new way to cut pizza will make you burn with anger
It's an age old question: Can cutting pizza ever be truly equal? Many have wracked their brains trying to devise the perfect slice. Some cut in large triangles, which doesn't always go as planned; others cut in small slivers; still others opt for the rather unpopular (and frankly, sadistic) square piece. See also: A British university is now offering a delicious degree in pizza You just can't plea
AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures
The latest work with AI machines is expanding the new field of computational humor.Humor is a uniquely human quality. Most people can recognize funny sentences, incidents, pictures, videos, and so on. But it is not always easy to say why these things are humorous.
Westall UFO case still a mystery 50 years on
A high-profile mass UFO sighting in Australia is still no closer to being solved after five decades. The incident took place on April 6, 1966 when a s...
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Interview 1122 – James Corbett on Guns and Butter
James Corbett joins Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter to discuss his documentaries "How Big Oil Conquered the World" and "9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money."
Interview 1121 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-01-07%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Swiss Army chief warns of social unrest; the Bundy psy op divides and conquers; and Making a Murderer makes us all conspiracy theorists.
Episode 310 – How Big Oil Conquered The World
[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode310-lq.mp3"][/audio]From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not effected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil
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Different Destinies at Stake in Oregon
A reflection on the men behind the siege of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
Oil and Gas Development May Pose New Hazard to Water Quality in Arid Lands
Disruption of soil may leach salt into waterways
Birds in Trouble
Thousands of bird populations and many entire species are hanging on by their wingtips
Seeding an Agrarian Revolution in Rural India
Aided by a local nonprofit, marginalized women farmers are growing a rich harvest of crops using age-old farming traditions
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IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Another little list
With all the violence that’s being waged around the world, certain people must’ve thought the temporary hiatus in the BBC’s obsessive ferreting for negative news stories about Israel needed redressing. Never mind, Sarah Champion is on the case. The MP for Rotherham organised a debate in Westminster Hall: “I beg to move,That this House has considered child prisoners and detainees in the Occupied Pa
Censoring the news
Yesterday the BBC finally got round to reporting the wave of sex attacks on women in Cologne and other German cities by large gangs of "Arab and North African men" which took place on New Year's Eve. They even gave it prominent coverage on their news website. (It was in the top two of their 'most read' articles for much of the rest of the day).The most-watched news programme in the UK, t
A Tale of Two Interviews
I was going to write something long and detailed about Sarah Montague's interview with Conservative London mayoral candidate Zak Goldsmith on this morning's Today, but Dateline London regular Alex Deane has already said all that needs saying via Twitter:The interview was certainly a good deal more hostile than Sarah Montague's equivalent interview yesterday with Labour's Sadiq Khan. There was no l
Britain's Muslim Soldiers
Those watching BBC One this afternoon might have watched a 40-minute documentary called Britain's Muslim Soldiers. Though it turned out to be an interesting and engaging programme, it had an obvious purpose behind it - a purpose made even clearer by the BBC's own synopsis:This timely one-off documentary follows the story of the restoration of a forgotten and dilapidated burial ground for 27 Muslim
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No, those are the same word
It started out as a joke. I said I'm retired now and I might be going senile. But then I googled senile because it's not a word I use often and, you know, because maybe I'm senile. I googled it. The first three results were good. Here is number four:First, they "explain English by way of Greek" (I wish I knew where that phrase came from) ... or in this case, maybe by way of Latin. And th
The better word
I may have mentioned this already: My method of proofreading is to start at the beginning and read until I have to change something, then change it, then start at the beginning again.It's a good method and I rely on it. But sometimes it gets to be days and days of proofreading and I'm still on page two.(Yeah, this is one of those times. Counterfactuals and the Common Trend on my Econ blog, if it e
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A random list of gratitudes, in no particular order
Having never been one for goal-setting, the end of the year appeals to me more as a time for reflecting on where my life is at than as a start point for setting goals that may or may not be achievable in the next 12 months. As John Lennon so eloquently noted, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. (In the spirit of goal-setting, perhaps I should pick 2016 as the yea
Casita Copan: The home of Mami Zoila
Casita Copan Home for Abandoned ChildrenBackground and Project OutlineDecember 2015The goal: Raise $15,000 to cover 12 months of maintenance costs (approx $1,200 per month) at one of the three family-style homes that Casita Copan operates for abandoned children in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. This particular project will focus on the home of Zoila, who has made a commitment to be the permanent foster m
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Jesse Marcel Conundrum
I knew the “This and That” post would draw some interesting responses, but I didn’t see it moving into the arena it has. Some of the questions being asked are quite insightful and I have some of the answers. For those answers I don’t have, David Rudiak will probably provide some additional commentary to help us understand the situation.According to Stan Friedman, he was in Baton Rouge on February
The Roswell Nuns - Again
It has come up again, that is, the case of the Roswell nuns seeing something in the sky late on July 4, 1947, and recording it in their diaries. I have reported on this several times on this blog as I attempted to clarify the problem. This all came about in a footnote I had provided in The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell. Lance Moody has suggested that if you “googled” Roswell nuns you would
Anne Robbins and Roswell
In the course of investigating many UFO cases, there are witnesses who come forward to tell their stories. Depending on the nature of the story or the investigator who hears it, that story might be added to the case file or might be rejected. Anne Robbins, widow of T/SGT Ernest Robbins, told her story, or rather her husband’s story after he died in January 2000. It related to Roswell and had all t
This and That
As many of you know, I have been reviewing a large number of UFO files and have found some things that don’t warrant a complete blog post but that are interesting. For example, Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico was not named for Roger Ramey but for Brigadier General Howard Knox Ramey. This Ramey learned to fly in 1918 and by the time the Second World War broke out he had moved up the ranks. In B
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Jeremy Corbyn is Not a Misogynist
Like a lot of members from all wings of the movement, I'm getting fed up of the bullshit swilling about our party. Unfortunately, the latest to stir the stinking, steaming pot is Jess Phillips, the new go-to woman for "plain speaking". Last night on Newsnight, she had this to say:"What is worrying about the culture of the Labour Party is very left-wing feminists are putting up with
Simon Danczuk and Narcissism
Hand on heart, I'm not Simon Danczuk's biggest fan. Of all the Labour MPs of this Parliament and the last, his record has been downright appalling. At times when UKIP were surging, he courted will-he won't-he defection rumours in the gutter press. He's taken to the airwaves to attack socialists as the equivalents of the BNP, and we shall not forget that Danczuk was paid handsomely by the two most
A Note on Laura Kuenssberg and the BBC
Bloody BBC, or Bastards Broadcasting Conservatism as they shall henceforth be known. They're biased against the Labour Party and will do anything to wreck Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, and derail the radical hopes his election has unleashed. That anything includes colluding/orchestrating the on-air resignation of Stephen Doughty (who?) from his shadow ministerial post moments before Prime Minister's
Generational Conflict in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
I have seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and it was wonderful. That said, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan. There is something jarring about science fantasy that doesn't sit well with my own hard SF preferences. I guess that's what happens when, philosophically speaking, you're a miserable materialist. Yet sitting in the cinema this afternoon, I wasn't prepared for the emotional experience seeing the
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A WAY TO LIVE // actions
A light dusting
I have begun work on my rakusu. This is a miniature monk's or nun's robe which is worn at certain times like a bib, symbolically connecting me, through the generations, with Gautama Buddha himself, and a sign of my acceptance of the precepts to guide me through life. Each of these tiny panels will be hand stitched to the others, and is a symbolic rice paddy. One is "nourished" by the pre
Dark of the year
At my age, I'm finding I don't get out for chores much when the thermometer drops below fifty Fahrenheit, or it's dark and I'd have to wear a headlamp, or rain gear would be called for, or rime coats the fence posts. One or other of these conditions obtains pretty much all the time now, what with its being an el Nino year and all.It's teatime all the time, and sit-by-the-fire time, and visit time
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A.E.BRAIN // actions
A new Camel for Snoopy
Because I gave the other one away to someone whose need was greater than mine. This one's lighter, and made of stiff card reinforced with matchsticks and an internal PVA coat.His opponent is not the Red Baron Manfred Von Richthofen, (despite the colouring) but Austrian ace Godwin von Brumowski.
Limits on Neuroplasticity - and the infamous BSTc layer
I found a wonderfully informative site I wasn't aware of, by an author whose talents at conveying complex concepts to a lay audience exceed my own. Even though I'm the one who's supposed to have a Grad Cert in Science Communication from the ANU.It's Liz - Day by Day, a blog that apparently started as a record of Transition, but has since become an excellent resource on the science of Sex and Gende
Serious Stuff
Some quotes from a person of questionable sanity: " I don’t want to reach the evil fuckers and give them more information, to teach them how to con more Lesbians. I want them gone permanently. " Pseudo, you’re right — they’re the ones who kept taking about violence and murder. But really, they should be careful about giving some angry women those ideas. I can’t imagine that every one of
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The lie in Canada's Syrian refugee show
REGARDING CANADA'S SYRIAN REFUGEE POLICY, an aspect which is egregiously avoided and covered up is the geopolitical dimension and motives for receiving refugees preferentially from Syria (and other specific conflict areas). The government is not doing this primarily to satisfy its international humanitarian obligations. Syria under Assad is a target of vicious US-Canada-NATO-Israel
What is Cancer? -- My article published in four parts on Dissident Voice
Cancer Arises from Stress-induced Breakdown of Tissue Homeostasis Part 1: Context of Cancer Research December 4th, 2015 by Denis Rancourt Review of Randomized Trials Cancer Arises From Stress-induced Breakdown of Tissue Homeostasis: Part 2 December 6th, 2015 by Denis Rancourt What is Cancer? Cancer arises from stress-induced breakdown of tissue
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Baltimore: Row Houses Gone Rogue...
to be torn down.Compliments of the taxpayers. Let's not forget that in 2009 the city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion from President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, including $467.1 million to invest in education and $26.5 million for crime prevention. sourceBy 2014 the feds were demanding a bunch of that money back since no one seemed to know where it went. From Baltimore Sun Jan 5, 2016 (
Bill Whittle: 2016: Into the Fog -- Obama, Hillary, Trump, & Space Exploration...
"trying to make sense of what is surely coming in 2016 is like staring out into the fog."Barack Obama is feckless, Hillary Clinton is corrupt, Donald Trump gives us whiplash, and ISIS continues to attack us, but at least SpaceX had a marvelous landing.
Welcoming the New Year with a Foot High Coil of Fresh Italian Sausage...
ready to be twisted off into links, frozen, and vacuum sealed.I'm hoping this will last the year.Is it lots of work?Kind of, but worth it to know exactly what's in your sausage and being able to use your very own spice blend.This was two pork butts from Costco.Including the casing and spices the total cost is still less than $2.00 per pound.
AB-1014 Better to not piss off your relatives if you live in California and own a gun...
because AB-1014 allows for gun confiscation which is probably unconstitutional, but I've never known that to stop a libtard.AB-1014 was signed into law on September 30, 2014 by marijuana steeped governor Jerry Brown.It goes into effect January 1, 2016. I've read the entire bill, and you should too. It's not long. And the devil is, indeed, in the details. Let me sum it up for you in non-legalese
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Survival in Madaya: 'We are living on water and salt'
Around two dozen people have already starved to death in the Syrian town, which has been under siege for six months.
Germany weighs deportations after sexual assaults
Critics of Merkel's stance towards refugees seize on speculation about nationalities of perpetrators in Cologne attacks.
Turkey: Court challenge against Friday prayer time off
Legal order for Muslim public servants to take a break from work for Friday prayers is taken to a top Turkish court.
Mexico recaptures notorious druglord 'El Chapo'
After embarrassing July prison escape, President Nieto announces on Twitter: "Mission accomplished, we have him."
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The Shape Of Things To Come In 2016
Click on image to enlarge It will be more of the same lies and deceptions in 2016 with the Plutocracy in full control and the truth a scarce commodity. Of course, the ultimate truth is that God is love, or a loving plan in action, and our ultimate destiny is being in sync with that loving plan from a place of gratitude and service. Maira Kalman and Rick Meyerowitz, NY Times, sketc
The Big Lie Versus The Great Truth That Shall Set Everything Ablaze
This coming New Year brings us face to face with the consequences of the 9/11 Official Story Big lie and resultant fears, with which we are all complicit, and the great truth of a Unified Field of love which exists not only beyond time and space but also deepest within each one of us. Nothing can keep this great truth from eventually spreading universally and setting everything ablaze: Allen L R
Walking Into My Precognitive Vision Of The Golden Gate Bridge
Fort Mason Park , San Francisco and the grassy knoll in the background that overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge.It was 1987 and it was a day similar to the day, which you see pictured here, when I walked into this park and directly into a precognitive vision that I had from a place of deep loss at six years old in Boston, Massachusetts. In that deliriously joyful moment I realized that my Unifi
My Living Will And Living Narrative
Allen L Roland with still much to do at 82 years old. As I draw closer to 82 years old, I realize I'm living on borrowed time and since I've already published my Living Will ~ I think I'm ready to publish my living Narrative complete with my many triumphs and failures but still in the same spirit of good humor and gratitude. I wouldn't have missed this lifetime for anything ~ for I most
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SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #124North Korea's H-Bomb Hoax
Dutchsinse:Hammond + Bundy "Ranches" -- Volcanoes, Gold, URANIUM + BLM / Government
The whole thing in Eastern Oregon has smelled bad to me. Smells like hmmm.. Ruby Ridge, with a tinge of the Montana Freeman infiltration and setup by the FBI (btw many of the Freeman were former US Marshalls who KNEW the laws as patriots), and then there's Janet Reno burning down WACO compound and frying children, to save the children and all that. And then there's the Bundy's The Sequel, coming
Sphere Alliance Message #122jupiter, Uranus And Neptune
[10/28/15, 2:33:27 AM] AK/Terran: AK was Jupiter inhabited?[10/28/15, 2:33:36 AM] DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN THERE WAS INDEED A TIMELINE IN WHICH JUPITER WAS INHABITED IN THE INTERIOR. END.[10/28/15, 2:34:31 AM] AK/Terran: Is it now?[10/28/15, 2:34:58 AM] DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN NO JUPITER IS NOT INHABITED IN THE NOW. END.[10/28/15, 2:35:31 AM] AK/Terran: What is the red spot? Massive hurricane?[10/28/15, 2:36
As we shift - Fond Farewells & Open Arms
Our path could be called circular. As we watch ourselves, again and again, repeat habits to satisfy addictions. These are not addictions of the substance, but of the personality. We are no longer fed by these addictions; this kind of attention isn’t working for us today.Your ego is not running the show now. You’ve progressed such a long way and are right now transforming. You must feel this.
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ANGOLA 3 NEWS // actions
Photos and Reportback from Dec. 12 Amnesty USA Art for Rights event in New Orleans for Albert Woodfox and other political prisoners
Read the Amnesty USA press release here.Read a report from the day by the Times-Picayune here.All photos are by Nat Williams.
Never Silenced, Herman Wallace's Spirit is Smiling --An interview with filmmaker Angad Singh Bhalla
Canadian filmmaker Angad Singh Bhalla has never shied away from examining politically controversial topics. Nor does he play down his own artistic goal of using media to foster political change. Bhalla's first independent work, entitled U.A.I.L. Go Back amplified the voices of Indian villagers resisting an alumina project backed by the Canadian company Alcan. The film became an important organizin
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North Korean H-Bomb Docs
KCTV has released images of the cover pages of two documents relating to the test, both of which have instructions written by Kim Jong Un. One of our GRA’s, the multitalented Bo Kim, translated the cover page and Kim’s instructions. It’s interesting to see an original DPRK document, even if its just the cover. And Kim’s …
North Korea Tested an H-Bomb?
North Korea tested a nuclear weapon, claiming it was an H-bomb. Was it? Aaron Stein returns to talk with Jeffrey about North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Sleuthing From the Internet Jeffrey Lewis, “New Nuclear Test Tunnel Under Construction at North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site,” 38 North, December 2, 2015. Jeffrey Lewis, “Did Somebody Say …
Responding to North Korea’s Nuclear Test
Predictably, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page has declared, “North Korea’s test shows the continuing failure of arms control.” The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has 183 signatories and 164 ratifications. It sets a global norm against testing nuclear devices that defines violators as outlaws. Only one country has violated this Treaty since 1998. The Organization …
Year’s End Kudos, 2015 Edition
A year of mostly bad headlines is almost behind us. ‘Tis the season not to dwell on sorrows, but to remember reasons for gratitude and good cheer. So let us pause to acknowledge those who took steps to reduce nuclear dangers – steps that could yield greater benefits in the years to come. The Arms …
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Economic News , Data & Views ( January 8 , 2015 ) Around the horn ( 1. China calms markets as Peking ditched circuit breaker mechanism + PBOC raised yuan for 1st time in 9 days. 2. Nikkei closes down 0.4% at 17697.96 despite China rebound. Yen weakens as investors become less risk-adverse. 3. Terror concerns - Paris in focus. 4. Refugee related matters & concerns. 5. Monetary Union step rejected by German citizens in petition - EU Common Deposit Insurance Scheme panned. 6. France in focus . 7. Hungary would veto sanctions against Poland & Poland in focus. 8. EZ politics - Netherlands , Greece in focus. 9. Odds& Ends. )
Europe......MineForNothing @minefornothing 1m1 minute agoGERMAN INTERIOR MINISTRY: 18 OF 31 SUSPECTS IN COLOGNE NYE ATTACKS ARE ASYLUM SEEKERSThe Local Germany @TheLocalGermany 4m4 minutes agoTwo arrested over NYE sexual assaults http://bit.ly/1Ro0U6i FRANCE 24 English @France24_en 8m8 minutes agoParis prosecutor casts doubt on identity of police station attacker http://f24.my/1OTJ6cm FRANC
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 5 , 2016 ) Europe Round Up ( 1. Refugee Items Of Note . 2. EU Parliament Chief Visits Peshmerga Front-Lines In Syria - MENA Events Will Continue To Influence and Draw Focus Of Europe In 2016. 3. Poland Continues To Be in Focus With Its Actions On Its Constitution Court , EU Commission Still Talking But Not Acting Against Poland . 4. UK's Referendum Items . 5. ECB In Spotlight As Inflation Stuck Close to Zero . 6. VW Bounds Back Into the News - Civil Lawsuit In Focus . ) Asia / Emerging Nations In Focus ( 1. China - China fails to prop up stocks w/ big interventions. Shanghai Comp closes down 0.3%, Shenzhen Comp -1.9%, ChiNext -3%. 2. Saudi showdown w/ Iran puts strain on decades-old US ties . 3 Japan In Focus - Japan's Nikkei closes down 0.4% at 18374.00 as China fails to calm nerves w/ big market interventions. )
Overview......Jonathan Ferro @FerroTV 3h3 hours agoMorning Note: 1. Calm after market storm. 2. China plunge protection team at work. 3. ECB inflation headache Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner 6h6 hours agoGood Morning from Berlin: Asian equities stabilize after China said to intervene to prop up stock market after slide Europe......Rudaw English @RudawEnglish 6m6 minutes agoIraq#EU Parlia
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 1 , 2016 ) Happy New Years Day & Gander Around The Global Horn for 2016 ( 1. Global Debt . 2. Refugee Crisis . 3 Terrorism / Fear Of Terror Events Ongoing In Various Locales . 4. Turkey Will Be A Hot Button . 5. Greece Will Continue To Be A Vassal State . 6. Russia & Ukraine Will Squabble . 7. Cyber Attacks & Scams Will Become More Sophisticated . 8. Brexit . 9. China Will Be At Center Of Financial Concerns for 2016 . 10. Saudi Peg To Dollar Could Be a Concern. 11. Commodities Crush Will continue. 12. Emerging Markets Pain Set To Continue . 13. Syria/ Iraq/ Afghanistan / Yemen / Libya - Any Answers For these Quagmires in 2016 ? 14. Which Way Will The US Go - Rates , Economy Politics ? )
Around The Horn......The Int'l Spectator @intlspectator 1m1 minute agoWorld debt, by country. (Via Visual Capitalist) dwnews @dwnews 6m6 minutes agoDeath toll in #Syria tops 55,000 in 2015 http://dw.com/p/1HWgO MineForNothing @minefornothing 7m7 minutes agoGreek local authority declares bankruptcy http://www.ekathimerini.com/204694/article/ekathimerini/news/municipalities-of-gortyna-salamin
Economic News , Data & views ( December 27 , 2015 ) Europe In focus ( Refugee Items Of Note - French Isle Of Corsica Has Days Of Anti -Arab Protests / Germany & Greece Dispute Greece Efforts In Securing Exterior Border / UK Pressed To do More / Greece Still Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees / Bavaria Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees , UK Flooding Continues , Spain Political Dramas On Front Burner , Odds& Ends ) Asia / Emerging Nations ( Cascade Of China Related News Items , Turkey In Focus - Irony Of Course With Turkish Posture On Syria / Assad Is Ongoing Internal & External Battles With Kurds , Dubai Stocks rebound , Saudi Arabia Considering Options For Economic Growth Apart From Oil , Missing Dubai Gold Deepens , Ukraine In Focus )
Europe......The Daily Star @DailyStarLeb 5m5 minutes agoCorsica demos banned after two days of anti-Arab protests http://bit.ly/1YKcJlU The Telegraph @Telegraph 9m9 minutes ago"Urgent action" needed to prevent further flooding on the A55 in north Wales, Plaid Cymru says http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/weather/12070443/UK-weather-floods-hit-north-as-rivers-burst-banks-live.html …Al Ar
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