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Watch this robot solve a Rubik's Cube in about a second
Ah, the Rubik's Cube. Few novelty puzzles have had as long of a career Since its invention in 1974, the cube has become on one of the best selling puzzles ever with more than 350 million sold worldwide. We don't even want to guess how many human minutes of pain that has created So if you've ever been frustrated by Rubik or one of his cubes, this video is for you. Watch as this robot solves a Rubi'
There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts
This is what Soviet-style systems do. The U.S. Government is the enabler via the student loan scam. Via: The Atlantic: Writing a few years ago for this publication, the Johns Hopkins professor Benjamin Ginsberg described colleges and universities as now being “filled with armies of functionaries—vice presidents, associate vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, provosts, associate […]
CO2 kills aliens — Oh No. The Gaiian bottleneck
Global Worriers can explain everything with CO2 (hammer: meet nail, meet hail, meet ET too). The holy matrix theory strikes again. (h/t to Phys 1)* With our university approved CO2 helmet we can explain things, like why there are no aliens. And we know there are none because we’ve had mass radio for 100 years out of the last 4.5 billion** and no one has picked up Alien FM. Plus we’ve landed some
Sunday 'Hopelessness of Unaudacity' Toons
"The Hopelessness of Unaudacity": * * * Perry Dorrell blogs as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, usually on topics concerning the strange brew of Texas politics. He's also on Twitter @PDiddie.
Interview 1126 – James Corbett on The Rise of the Oiligarchs
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-01-19%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]via Our Interesting Times: James Corbett returns to the show to discuss his documentary How Big Oil Conquered the World.
Interview 1125 – James Corbett Discusses Carbon Rations on X22 Report
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2016-01-19%20James%20Corbett.mp3"][/audio]James Corbett joins Dave of X22 Report to talk about the global warming narrative and its carbon ration end game. Topics discussed include the global average temperature construction, the carbon ration control grid, and the economics of technocracy.
LA’s Gritty Sodbusters
In Review: Can You Dig This
EPA Mulls Ban on Nation’s Most Heavily Used Insecticide
Numerous studies have shown that Chlorpyrifos causes serious harm to children and farmworkers
Two Anti-Logging Advocates First to be Charged Under Tasmania’s Anti-Protest Laws
Protesters arrested at planned clearcut site in northwest Tasmania
The Ten Most Ethical Travel Destinations for 2016
This year’s list of best developing countries to visit includes Cabo Verde, Mongolia, and Panama
IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Trump Trump Trump
I do like that tune.I watched the circus in Westminster Hall on ‘the parliament channel’. A couple of days later I switched on the BBC’s very own parliament channel and there it was again! Bring on the clowns as they say. Dafter than ever and twice as excruciating.The first thing every single speaker did was denounce Donald Trump. They needed to establish their heartfelt condemnation of 'The Trum
Bitchy article
One of the things that came and went was an amusing piece in the Daily Mail about our old friend Lauren Booth. I’m using ‘friend’ in the Corbyn sense. I only mention it really because she looks so weird. Her rebuttal can be read here. Is this woman a journalist by the way? How odd. Granted, this has little to do with the BBC. Please treat it as a frivolity.
Abusers of language (and of human rights)
If you’ve been paying attention you’ll know I’ve been ‘out of the office’ for a few days During my awol many troubling issues came and went. Far too many, and now it’s too late to try and catch up. These issues might have remained unaddressed forever - if it weren’t for the fact that others have dealt with them quite satisfactorily thank you very much. I’m redundant. Superfluous. Surplus to requir
Not worth the wait after all
So Woman's Hour finally got round to covering the attacks on women in Germany and Sweden this morning, devoting the first 18 minutes of the programme to the subject.It was, however, much as might have been expected - a group of people with similar narrow (left-liberal/feminist) outlooks agreeing with each other and being united in condemning 'right-wing' people who don't think like them.The guests
Too many thoughts
Maybe it's different if you're writing fiction. But writing about the economy, I often find myself deleting an interesting observation, simply because it's the second observation and it detracts from the first observation.Separately, they might be interesting. Together, they create confusion. Or so I think.
Dealing with holes in a Swiss cheese brain
I sometimes have a thought pop into my head, a one-liner that suddenly makes sense to me. It seems to be a direct quote but it must be a distillation of something I read. Reading Keynes, for example. He doesn't usually write one-liners. So I wake up one morning and say "Oh, Keynes said you can only either spend money or save it." And in my mind, the you can only either spend money or sav
No, those are the same word
It started out as a joke. I said I'm retired now and I might be going senile. But then I googled senile because it's not a word I use often and, you know, because maybe I'm senile. I googled it. The first three results were good. Here is number four:First, they "explain English by way of Greek" (I wish I knew where that phrase came from) ... or in this case, maybe by way of Latin. And th
The better word
I may have mentioned this already: My method of proofreading is to start at the beginning and read until I have to change something, then change it, then start at the beginning again.It's a good method and I rely on it. But sometimes it gets to be days and days of proofreading and I'm still on page two.(Yeah, this is one of those times. Counterfactuals and the Common Trend on my Econ blog, if it e
On the inescapable privilege of privilege
Having worked in poor countries for most of the last four years, there’s a lot about The Guardian’s Secret Aid Worker feature that’s really resonating with me. Of course, I continue to attach the most value to pieces that bravely carry the writer’s name, because few things keep you more honest as a writer than putting your stuff out there with your name attached, for all the world to see. B
A random list of gratitudes, in no particular order
Having never been one for goal-setting, the end of the year appeals to me more as a time for reflecting on where my life is at than as a start point for setting goals that may or may not be achievable in the next 12 months. As John Lennon so eloquently noted, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. (In the spirit of goal-setting, perhaps I should pick 2016 as the yea
Chiles/Whitted and Skepticism
Since some people have gone nuts over the article about pseudoskepticism, I thought I might demonstrate what I think along those lines. There is a claim that Clarence S. Chiles and John B. Whitted, two airline pilots saw a cigar-shaped craft that flashed by their aircraft buffeting it with the turbulence of its passage. A passenger on the aircraft didn’t actually see the object, but did see the li
Skepticism vs. Pseudoskepticism
We have had arguments about the purpose of skepticism and what it means to be a skeptic. I have often thought it odd that the skeptics seem to embrace the explanations for UFO sightings with little or no skepticism but continue to demand boatloads of proof from those who believe UFOs might be alien. Sure, I get that the bar for the believers is higher because of what that belief is, but that doesn
Oak Island and the Roman Sword
After most of a season of just screwing around and doing nothing more than digging up more areas on Oak Island that yielded bits of wood, stumps and a hunk of cable, they finally moved back to Borehole Number Ten and set up a dive. This was to get them to the bottom of the hole where it is alleged that there is a box of some kind, the remnants of a hammer or ax and the possibility of human remains
Jesse Marcel Conundrum
I knew the “This and That” post would draw some interesting responses, but I didn’t see it moving into the arena it has. Some of the questions being asked are quite insightful and I have some of the answers. For those answers I don’t have, David Rudiak will probably provide some additional commentary to help us understand the situation.According to Stan Friedman, he was in Baton Rouge on February
Jeremy Corbyn and the Beckett Report
It's been so extensively trailed, people who care about the prospects of and campaign for the Labour Party might give the full version of Margaret Beckett's report into last year's election defeat a miss. As many of the conclusions have been hashed and rehashed, much of it is next to common sense. Or at least should be. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to revisit areas one knows well.Overall, I could
Sectarianism, TUSC, and Jeremy Corbyn
I read with interest that the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition have decided to stand aside at a February council by-election in the Lower Stoke ward of Coventry. According to the Cov Telegraph, TUSC are seeking talks with Jeremy Corbyn about a merger between TUSC and Labour, and an alliance to fight the next round of local government cuts the Tories are due to impose on councils. Speaking fo
Labour's Economic Radicalism
This is more like it. From the BBC:The Tories have offered a Right to Buy, Labour would seek to better this. We'd be creating a new Right to Own," he [John McDonnell] said in a speech in Manchester.He said the "biggest hurdle" facing co-ops and other small businesses was getting initial funding from high street banks."No other major developed economy has just five banks providi
Jeremy Corbyn's Party Political Broadcast
Okay, it's Labour's party political broadcast:I perhaps wouldn't have included the Saudi prisons issue on the grounds it's not particularly well-known among the public, but the rest of it was fine. It was clear, set out an alternative to what the government's doing, focused on matters of everyday concern, and did a good job of positioning Jeremy as a man with a coherent view and obvious sense of d
A WAY TO LIVE // actions
On bumps in the road
Ready for the open road -- we thought.Back when our family was living a nomadic lifestyle that revolved around tree-planting contracts on mostly federal lands, we pulled a small travel trailer behind an International Travelall with most of our worldly goods in the one or the other. And one day we left home to go to a contract five hundred miles away, and in ten miles came to a brand-new sign that
A light dusting
I have begun work on my rakusu. This is a miniature monk's or nun's robe which is worn at certain times like a bib, symbolically connecting me, through the generations, with Gautama Buddha himself, and a sign of my acceptance of the precepts to guide me through life. Each of these tiny panels will be hand stitched to the others, and is a symbolic rice paddy. One is "nourished" by the pre
Dark of the year
At my age, I'm finding I don't get out for chores much when the thermometer drops below fifty Fahrenheit, or it's dark and I'd have to wear a headlamp, or rain gear would be called for, or rime coats the fence posts. One or other of these conditions obtains pretty much all the time now, what with its being an el Nino year and all.It's teatime all the time, and sit-by-the-fire time, and visit time
A.E.BRAIN // actions
A new Camel for Snoopy
Because I gave the other one away to someone whose need was greater than mine. This one's lighter, and made of stiff card reinforced with matchsticks and an internal PVA coat.His opponent is not the Red Baron Manfred Von Richthofen, (despite the colouring) but Austrian ace Godwin von Brumowski.
AT list of remarkable POLITICIANS
These politicians stand for justice, in the face of a majority of their colleagues who stand for self-interest, exploitation, plunder, occupation, apartheid, war, and genocide... WORK IN PROGRESS -- PLEASE MAKE SUGGESTIONS IN COMMENT George Galloway, UK (video) Ralph Nader, USA (video) Richard Boyd Barrett, Ireland (video) From the recent past: Tommy Douglas, Canada (video)
Mumbai launches India's first LGBT taxi service
The initiative aims at promoting the rights of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in India.
Japan rejected 99 percent of refugees in 2015
Justice ministry says it accepted 27 asylum seekers out of record 7,586 applications last year.
Scores die in suspected Russian strikes in Syria's east
Monitoring group says at least 63 people killed in Khasham town near Deir Az Zor, which is mostly controlled by ISIL.
Iraq summons Saudi ambassador over Shia militia comment
Envoy says presence of Iranian-backed Shia militias in Iraq's fight against ISIL is exacerbating sectarian tensions.
Sanders And Corbyn Face Major Resistance As Support Grows
Senator Bernie Sanders and UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn As the inevitability of real change increases, resistance and backlash also increases as I have most certainly experienced in my heart centered work within the VA Medical establishment ~ but there comes a time when a tipping point is reached and the inevitable becomes a growing reality as we are now witnessing with the rise of Bern
On Turning 82 And Owning A Great Truth
Turning 82 in good health is a major achievement in these troubled times but without a doubt my greatest achievement, as well as gift to mankind, has been to find and identify a great truth that I once profoundly felt and knew as a very young child. It was then finding the determination and courage to live and demonstrate in my work that a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness lay
Much To Spiritually Do At 82
The secret to living a spiritual human life is seeing through heart centered eyes and realizing we are all part of a loving plan in action wherein each of us has a part to play ~ if we will but listen and respond to the call of our soul. It was Teilhard de Chardin who knew we were all spiritual beings and that the portal to the soul was love ~ and that love alone was capable of uniting living bein
My Lunch With Stanley Krippner
Stanley Krippner ~ Internationally known parapsychologist, and an executive faculty member and Professor of Psychology at Say brook University in Oakland, California. Having lunch with Stanley Krippner is really once again seeing a former mentor, friend and fellow traveler in a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness that exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fea
Sphere Alliance Message #123 The Timekeeper Allusion And The Illusion Of Time
By American KabukiThe following occurred in early October. I have held back this data until some events transpired and intended to release this a week ago but could not find a photo of the chalkboard drawing I did of the device I remote viewed the night this data came in. I see numerous reports of this or that timeline... and really there are no more time lines... its all quantum NOW and nothing
How 37 Banks became 4 in just 2 decades
http://realitieswatch.com/37-banks-became-4-just-2-decades-one-astonishing-chart/Great chart, but the thing is they were always one bank... it was just corporate shells that made it seem like competition. -AKCLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE
The Boston Globe :Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.
istock/photo illustration by lesley becker/globe staffThis is not new "news" for most readers of this blog. Much of this "secret government" is via the military/corporate/banking/entertainment complex of companies which are pan-national in scope, and some of it had ET involvement until recently. And of course the usual banking culprits who always end up financing this stuff a
Sphere Alliance Message #127regarding The Big Bang And The Earth Sphere
The following is a SA reply to a question Denice's son Sam asked regarding the Big Bang's role in the creation of Earth.... This is of course heresy to current science dogma. But such is dogma, all the advances in science and consciousness have come from the heretics to dogma not the true believers.Matter comes from consciousness, not the other way around. Matter is just condensed and slowed dow
Dudes from the Shig
The U.S Treasury Department sanctioned individuals in the UAE and Iran, including some “dudes from the SHIG” for cooperation with KOMID. What the hell is KOMID? Jeffrey and Aaron discuss the Korea Mining Development Corporation, North Korea’s major arms seller and ponder the future of efforts to stop the (further) spread of ballistic and cruise …
Arms Racing Redux?
Back in the day – that would be the 1960s, ‘70s and ‘80’s — arms racing was the norm. The “action-reaction” phenomenon ruled. If one superpower unveiled a new weapon system or improved hard-target-kill capabilities, the other superpower was sure to follow. MIRVs begat MIRVs, cruise missiles multiplied, and target lists expanded as deployed warheads …
Video Analysis of DPRK SLBM Footage
The DPRK released footage on 8 January from a purportedly successful KN-11 SLBM test. There have been press reports that the US intelligence community detected a failed ejection test in November, followed by a successful ejection test in December. “No additional details of the test could be learned,” Bill Gertz wrote, “including whether the missile’s …
Responding to North Korea’s Nuclear Test
Predictably, the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page has declared, “North Korea’s test shows the continuing failure of arms control.” The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty has 183 signatories and 164 ratifications. It sets a global norm against testing nuclear devices that defines violators as outlaws. Only one country has violated this Treaty since 1998. The Organization …
Economic News & Views ( January 24 , 2016 ) Post " Snowzilla " Updates For Sunday .... 1. Middle East Markets Rebound On Sunday . 2. Saudi Arabia's Potential IPO of Part of Armco Will NOT Include Its Oil Reserves. 3. Russia Blocking Both BTC-e and Bitstamp. 4. Refugee/ Economic Migration / Border Security / Schengen Discussion Points & News. 5. Broader Brush Coverage - Europe In Focus - Greece / UK / Germany / Poland / Netherlands / Ukraine / Moldavia / Denmark / Norway Items Of Interest.
Emerging Nations Items......fred walton @fredwalton216 5m5 minutes agoMIDEAST STOCKS-Bourses set to rebound as oil, global equities rallies - Zawya http://www.zawya.com/story/Bourses_set_to_rebound_as_oil_global_equities_rallies-TR20160124nL8N15801KX2/ … via @zawyafred walton @fredwalton216 6m6 minutes agoMIDEAST STOCKS-Saudi, Egypt surge more than 3 pct in early trade - Zawya http://www.zawya
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 23 , 2016 ) Storm Jonas Still Going Strong Along East Coast Of US ...... Refugee Crisis / Border Security Issues For Europe.......Oil Price Crush - The Global Implications !
Storm Jonas ........View allLinkThe Weather Channel @weatherchannel 3m3 minutes ago7:10 am: Radar and current conditions for #Jonas. 3"/hr snowfall rate at LaGuardia airport in #NYC last hour. The Scatenato @TheScatenato 8m8 minutes agoSnow threats cancel arts and cultural events in Philly #music http://wordlink.com/l/3yUPD Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX 47m47 minutes ago#Philly Declares
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 22 , 2016 - Part Two ) Euopre In Focus ( Greece Economic & Political Items Of the Day . Spain Political Updates. 3. Refugee Items / Border Security Items / 4. Commodities In Focus - Crazy Week For Oil / Baltic Dry Index Keeps Falling Down & Can't Get Up . 5. Poland In focus. 6. Odds & Ends. )
Overview / Europe & Commodities......zerohedge @zerohedge 3h3 hours agoChina, Draghi and Kuroda. Next week: the Fed zerohedge @zerohedge 3h3 hours agoWeekend Reading: The Bear Awakens http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-22/weekend-reading-bear-awakens …zerohedge @zerohedge 2h2 hours agoCentral Banks Have "Over-Promised" What Can Actually Be Delivered http://www.zerohedge.com/
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 8 , 2015 ) Around the horn ( 1. China calms markets as Peking ditched circuit breaker mechanism + PBOC raised yuan for 1st time in 9 days. 2. Nikkei closes down 0.4% at 17697.96 despite China rebound. Yen weakens as investors become less risk-adverse. 3. Terror concerns - Paris in focus. 4. Refugee related matters & concerns. 5. Monetary Union step rejected by German citizens in petition - EU Common Deposit Insurance Scheme panned. 6. France in focus . 7. Hungary would veto sanctions against Poland & Poland in focus. 8. EZ politics - Netherlands , Greece in focus. 9. Odds& Ends. )
Europe......MineForNothing @minefornothing 1m1 minute agoGERMAN INTERIOR MINISTRY: 18 OF 31 SUSPECTS IN COLOGNE NYE ATTACKS ARE ASYLUM SEEKERSThe Local Germany @TheLocalGermany 4m4 minutes agoTwo arrested over NYE sexual assaults http://bit.ly/1Ro0U6i FRANCE 24 English @France24_en 8m8 minutes agoParis prosecutor casts doubt on identity of police station attacker http://f24.my/1OTJ6cm FRANC
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