Monday, May 24, 2021

24 May - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10 pm MDT

This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Here we go once again. Just as in Europe, the numbers are ginned up by misrerorting deaths, achieved by financial incentives no less. Then after all the damage has been done, it is necesaary to renormalize their data bases and that means quietly correcting it all. ( otherwise those data bases become totally worthless) The whole fiction instantly falls apart and we discover that a nasty low level infection ran through our globe and is now naturally fading away. In the meantime criminal things were done to juice the overall fear campaign in order to sell the global Vaccine mandate...
Editor, Dances With Bears - 21 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Why would Orthodox Christian Russia, led by a believer, ally itself with Protestant America and Catholic Europe to encourage the Israeli Jews to liquidate a rebellion of Palestinian Arabs, mostly Moslem, after they tried to defend one of their Holy Places from Jewish invasion, and counter-attacked with more military resourcefulness than […]
UFOs — The Public Deceived
TheDarkMan, The Duran - 22 hours ago
Philip Klass will have been dead sixteen years this August, but his spirit lives on. If you haven’t heard of him, Philip J. Klass was a senior editor of Aviation Week & Space Technology for over three decades; he was also a leading skeptic who published a number of books, most notably UFO Abductions: A […]
Art of Japan: Nature in stunning simplicity
Lee Jay, Modern Tokyo Times - 22 hours ago
Art of Japan: Nature in stunning simplicity Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Japanese artist Sakai Hōitsu (1761-1829) created a delightful triptych that is referred by the title Snow, the Moon, and Cherry Blossoms. Interestingly, Hōitsu completed the three motifs when he was 60 years old. The reason why this is fascinating is that […] The post Art of Japan: Nature in stunning simplicity first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times.
Dr Fauci begins strategic pivot to lab-caused COVID-19 [Video]
Seraphim Hanisch, The Duran - 22 hours ago
Doctor Anthony Fauci is probably worried. He is getting gradually more and more exposed by hits from the likes of Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky), and increasing media pressure from Fox News and even other media outlets. The “it came from a bat through a pangolin (we think) to a human” narrative is coming apart as […]
“Who executed Ashli Babbitt?” Four months later, still a mystery [Video]
Seraphim Hanisch, The Duran - 22 hours ago
Joe Biden had not been installed in the White House yet, but the January 6th incident where several thousand demonstrators, apparently (unwittingly) led by some AntiFa plants, led what has been called a “riot” or “assault” on the US Capiton Building while the Congress was in session to count the Electoral Votes in the 2020 […]
USD World Reserve Currency Status in Danger
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 hours ago
Silver Bullion TV More people are coming out and saying the USD as a world reserve currency is in trouble. Yellen, Powell, the keepers of the currency are the very ones who might destroy the currency. This and more on this week’s livestream Sunday night May 23rd at 9pm Eastern, Monday morning May 24th 9am …
David Morgan Updates on Inflation and Wall Street Silver Interviews
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Wall Street Silver David Morgan provides us with an update on inflation, the silver market and has an announcement to make about his future with the Wall Street Silver community !!! end
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Sunday 23 May 2021 – Plus Weekly Update
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
Fox News Viewers Outperform CNN, MSNBC Watchers On News Knowledge
By Tim Graham ~ Stephan Dinan at the Washington Times reported that Fox News viewers outperformed viewers of CNN or MSNBC on several policy issues. Those favoring the liberal networks are much more likely to believe the “climate emergency” media hype that we are “on pace for extinction within 100 years.” Relatively few people could place […]
President Biden – Making Russia Great Again
By Peter Murphy ~ President Joe Biden last week removed sanctions against Russian companies to allow completion of the massive Nord Stream 2 wind turbine and solar energy project so that Russia can supply this renewable energy abundance to U.S.-allied nations in western Europe. Gotta fight global warming and reverse climate change, don’t ya know!! […]
Global Surface Temperatures Plummet 0.75°C Since 2016
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Ultimately the whole global warming .MEME is a complete lie from top to bottom simply because we cannot actually know. The time frames and the actual variations are too large for any form of technical precission that gives you a switch signaling anything other than random noise. Of coursevhtey have faked all that from time to time. Here we have a batch of measures happily going their own way and counter to the narritive. Huge money is pushing all this to promote an economic and political agenda unrelated to actual climate change. After all, if i can convince you to print mo...
13 Things You Need To Know About Reverse Osmosis Systems
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
This technology has steadily evolved and now appears suitable for mass markets, particualrly in a world of condo highrises. What is described is easily maintained by a multi unit residency as well althoug the actual shunt may end up far from the sewage system and all that. notvquite so easy and having it all end point seems terribly expensive. Again we already deliver potable water somehow or the other. . *13 Things You Need To Know About Reverse Osmosis Systems* *by Dr. Jonathan Doyle - Updated April 28, 2021* *
DeSantis on Critical Race Theory: ‘Offensive’ to Expect Taxpayers to Pay to Teach Kids to ‘Hate Their Country’
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Every nation has generally chosen to brainwash their school children with an accepted historical narritive which is obviously susceptable to serious bias. What needs to be understood is that bias is in many cases not unreasonable at all. One should learn to love your country first and also to respect your tribal ancestry while also learning to be emotionally objective. Teaching any form of hatred should be an automatic firing offence. Both the nation and the tribe are natural extensions of natural familial love and really no more than that. History needs to be taught in terms...
This Is How the Royal Navy Remained the Leading Naval Power of Europe
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Germany twice tried to beat the British Navy in two world wars and failed. *Here’s What You Need to Remember:* April 1, 1939, was a red-letter day in the history of the reborn German Kriegsmarine for two key reasons. First, Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler presented the fleet’s chief, Erich Raeder, with an ornate, icon-studded Navy blue baton of office as the first grand admiral since the days of Kaiser Wilhelm II. This was done with great ceremony and a gala luncheon afterward aboard the new battlecruiser Scharnhorst, anchored on Jade Ba...
Will The Triservice Maritime Strategy Help Keep America's Navy Dominant?
James Holmes, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*James Holmes* *U.S. Navy, * The Advantage at Sea report is remarkable for its candor vis-à-vis prospective foes *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The devil’s in the details, as the old truism puts it. The services now need to deliver on their promises—honing tactical and operational methods, an experimental ethos, and the technology needed to execute their vision. On Thursday the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard—which have taken to calling themselves the Naval Service, singular—released a “Triservice Maritime Strategy” entitled *Advantage at Sea*. Let’s look at some ...
Bolsonaro losing support among evangelicals, his most loyal base – EXAME/IDEIA poll
The Rio Times, The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Disapproval of President Jair Bolsonaro's government is at the worst point since he took office in January 2019. Brazilians who rate the administration as bad or terrible account for 50%. This level has been maintained for two months, fluctuating only within the error margin, which is 3 percentage points plus […] The post Bolsonaro losing support among evangelicals, his most loyal base – EXAME/IDEIA poll appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazilian university launches e-commerce platform to boost black economy
The Rio Times, The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Zumbi dos Palmares University in São Paulo has launched the ShopBlack e-commerce platform, an online store selling products and services to black small business entrepreneurs. The tool emerges as an alternative in the current economic crisis context, with high unemployment and a reduced emergency aid. According to José Vicente, dean […] The post Brazilian university launches e-commerce platform to boost black economy appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s Maranhão state to receive 600,000 rapid tests for Indian Covid-19 variant
The Rio Times, The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - São Luís, capital of Maranhão, and neighboring cities will be supplied with some 300,000 extra doses of the vaccine against the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). The announcement was made by the Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga, upon landing in São Luís on Sunday afternoon, May 23. The Health Minister flew to the […] The post Brazil’s Maranhão state to receive 600,000 rapid tests for Indian Covid-19 variant appeared first on The Rio Times.
Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney And The Rule Of Law
Binoy KAMPMARK, - 22 hours ago
One could not accuse US Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming of having a sense of irony. For some time, she has felt her party to be the hostage of a ghoulish monster who refuses to be slayed. And she fears her party has fallen out of love for the rule […]
Why Biden’s Recent Speech Didn’t Mention More Stimulus Payments
Trevor Filseth, The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Trevor Filseth* *Stimulus Payment, * Biden did not deny that further payments would be made, but he also did not raise the issue. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *It is also unclear if a fourth stimulus is actually needed. While the economic situation remains uncertain, high unemployment persists, and many families remain poorer than they were before the pandemic, COVID-19 is waning in the United States When President Biden gave his hundredth-day address to a joint session of Congress, he touted his widely-circulated American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan, two $2 tril...
5 Best States To Work Remote (Based on Taxes)
Trevor Filseth, The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Trevor Filseth* *Property Taxes, * With an incredibly low property tax rate of 0.30% per year, Hawaii has the lowest effective property taxes in the nation. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *With an incredibly low property tax rate of 0.30% per year, Hawaii has the lowest effective property taxes in the nation. The pandemic has stretched budgets thin, particularly in high-rent cities like New York and San Francisco. If your job allows you to work from home, why not make your home somewhere affordable? If you don’t mind longer commutes, here are the five most attractive states...
Why the IRS Wants You to Keep Biden’s Stimulus Payment Letter
Rachel Bucchino, The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Stimulus Letter, Americas* The IRS encourages recipients to keep the letter if they believe they received the wrong amount. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Biden’s rescue package sent $1,400 direct payments to eligible individuals, plus an additional $1,400 check per dependent. Eligible recipients for the full stimulus payment include single filers earning up to $75,000, and joint filers making up to $150,000. The Internal Revenue Service sent all stimulus payment recipients for the third round of coronavirus relief a letter confirming that the agency gave ...
Certainties and uncertainties in our energy and climate futures
GCD, ClimateCite - 23 hours ago
Discovery Park Distinguished Lecture Series April 16, 2019 Steven Koonin, Founding Director, NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) Professor of Physics
Maricopa County caught out and goes into panic and meltdown with media
Editor, cairnsnews, Cairns News - 23 hours ago
By TONY MOBILIFONITIS ANTI-Trump Republicans and Democrats running Maricopa County, Arizona, are acting like clowns at a circus after being caught out by the forensic auditors of the 2020 US general election in the county and being forced to hand over Dominion election equipment for inspection. The county’s Board of Supervisors, officials and the local […]
May 24th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 125
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post May 24th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 125 appeared first on The Last Refuge.
One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 23 hours ago
“Dr. Fauci has been to Congress, and he said this absolutely did not happen. But Dr. Fauci is playing word games,” Cotton said. “So, the money that the NIH gave went to an American organization, which turned around and gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to these Wuhan labs to investigate coronaviruses and, yes, to… Continue reading →
Top interviews of the week: Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Tim Truth and More
Brian-Admin, Medical Kidnap - 23 hours ago
Over the last week, we published several bombshell interviews with extraordinary truth tellers who are red-pilling the entire world. Here’s an overview of the top interviews, all hosted on, the free speech alternative to YouTube. To begin, Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke with me about covid-19 vaccine shedding / transmission, specifically focusing on women’s health and the horrifying blood clotting that’s happening in women who are simply around vaccinated people (even if they aren’t vaccinated themselves). In another terrifying interview, Dr. Lee Merritt joined me to ...
May 24, 2021: Reader Tips
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 1 day ago
This evening we energize you with this delightful rendition of Neil Young’s Rockin’ In The Free World. Your best tips from around the globe would be mightily appreciated!
Top interviews of the week: Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Tim Truth and More
Brian-Admin, Health Impact News - 1 day ago
Over the last week, we published several bombshell interviews with extraordinary truth tellers who are red-pilling the entire world. Here’s an overview of the top interviews, all hosted on, the free speech alternative to YouTube. To begin, Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke with me about covid-19 vaccine shedding / transmission, specifically focusing on women’s health and the horrifying blood clotting that’s happening in women who are simply around vaccinated people (even if they aren’t vaccinated themselves). In another terrifying interview, Dr. Lee Merritt joined me to ...
History Does Not Vindicate The Truth
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 1 day ago
History is made by the historians and not by the people who participate in the political events of any particular period of time. You might feel certain that the political truth is on your side, that your cause is logical and workable, and that though your cause does not enjoy much support today, history will vindicate your political position. But if the historians of the future are against your type of politics, then you won’t find support in the pages of history either—you will be discarded by history just as, in the present, you are being discarded by your contemporaries.
More marvels from space -- starting with this UFO crap, then real wonders.
David Brin, CONTRARY BRIN - 10 hours ago
*Okay, let's get the damned UFO stuff out of the way first.* No living human is better qualified to talk about alien life (I assert). I consult on innovative and advanced spacecraft design projects. I have spent almost 40 years as a leading investigator on SETI matters. My doctorate dealt with organic dust from comets, a possible source of 'panspermia.' Oh... and there's the science fiction, lots of that, constantly exploring concepts of 'otherness' - including a book by that title. (See my new "Best of David Brin" collection!) So when I call *bullshite* it is not from some sto...
Five Times the British Were Taken Down on the Battlefield
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Military History, * London is still one of the major powers of the world. However, no power ever was able to remain undefeated for all time. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *You can't win 'em all. But as the old British saying goes, "We lose every battle but the last one." For centuries, the sun never set on the British Empire. But eclipses there were, and more than a few that stained British arms. Like the Romans, the British fought a variety of enemies. They also had the distinction of being defeated by a variety of enemies, including Americans, Russians, Fr...
Britain Almost Beat the U.S. to the Punch On Supersonic Bombers
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Supersonic Jets, * Here's why it never took off. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The plan was for the RAF to begin flying the 730 in 1965, perhaps a year before the SR-71 became operational. Alas, no 730s would ever leave the drawing board. Had history turned out differently, the first Mach 3 spy plane of the Cold War might have been British rather than American. The U.S. Air Force first deployed the legendary SR-71 Blackbird in January 1966. Yet Britain had plans for a high-altitude, supersonic reconnaissance aircraft that could have flown as early as 1965....
Israel-Gaza Clash: Conflict of Narratives, Victory of Remote Warfare
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 23 hours ago
An initial tally of winners and losers in the latest round of Israel-Palestine strife.
Monday May 24th – Open Thread
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Monday May 24th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge.
Last minute plan to combine hearings for former peanut executives quashed by Magistrate
Dan Flynn, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Starting this morning in federal court in Albany, GA, brothers Stewart and Michael Parnell are getting the week to make collateral attacks on their prison sentences with back-to-back evidentiary hearings on their 2255 Motions. Federal Magistrate Thomas Q. Langstaff on Friday ordered consecutive, not concurrent, hearings. And that was always the plan. But on Friday, the... Continue Reading
Cadmium in chocolate limits put forward in Codex meeting
Joe Whitworth, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
A Codex committee has recommended new maximum levels (MLs) for cadmium in chocolate. The levels set for cadmium are 0.3 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for chocolate containing up to 30 percent cocoa total solids and 0.7mg/kg for the 30 percent to 50 percent category. The European Union, Norway and Egypt did not agree with the... Continue Reading
Warning letter sent to importer after Salmonella outbreak prompted investigation
News Desk, Food Safety News - 1 day ago
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading
Collapse of the fake consensus on Covid-19 origins
HiFast, Climate Collections - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Climate Etc.: by Judith Curry The concerning saga of the creation, enforcement and collapse of a ‘consensus’ on Covid-19 origins. The Covid-19 virus first appeared in Wuhan, China, where there is a laboratory that conducts research on bat coronaviruses. However from the beginning, the possibility that this virus accidentally escaped from the…
Mickelson Becomes Oldest Golfer to Win Major Tourney
Phil Mickelson became on Sunday the oldest golfer in history to take home a major championship, winning a fabulous but nail-biting final round duel with Brooks Koepka – the odds-on favorite – in the 103rd US PGA Championship at Kiawah Island, South Carolina, the sixth major title of his career and 16 years after winning the Wanamaker Trophy for the first time.
Brazil Surpasses 16 Million COVID-19 Cases, Nearing 450,000 Deaths
Brazil surpassed 16 million confirmed COVID-19 cases on Sunday and is nearing 450,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic a year and three months ago, the government reported on Sunday.
Top 4 Unchanged as English Premier League Season Ends
The English Premier League season ended on Sunday, with three of the top four teams winning their matches, but all four now set to compete in next season’s UEFA Champions League with not much controversy or any surprises in the final standings.
Atletico Madrid Receives 2020-21 LaLiga Championship Trophy
Atletico Madrid received on Sunday at the Spanish capital’s Wanda Metropolitano stadium the LaLiga Santander 2020-2021 championship trophy the team secured upon defeating Valladolid 2-1 on the road the day before.
Nyiragongo Volcano Eruption Sparks Panic in Eastern Congo
The sky above the city of Goma, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s North Kivu province, was tinted red before dawn on Sunday morning as the Nyiragongo Volcano continued its eruption, sowing panic among city residents and spurring thousands to flee their homes.
Spring polynyas in the Arctic then and now as feeding areas for hungry polar bears
HiFast, Climate Collections - 1 day ago
Originally posted on polarbearscience: Patches of open water in the Arctic that develop in the spring, including polynyas and widening shore leads, are largely due to the actions of wind and currents on mobile pack ice rather than ice melt. Contrary to concerns expressed about possible negative implications of these early patches of open water,…
Winnipeg Jets Win!
Francisco, Small Dead Animals - 1 day ago
3-0 on the series, one more game to move ahead. 👍
Something in the Air: The Increased Attention to UFOs
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
CBS Sunday Morning Our fascination with aliens has also led us to speculate about unidentified flying objects – unexplained airborne phenomena – that might be of extraterrestrial origin. Correspondent David Pogue reports on how, as the scientific community continues to question the legitimacy of possible alien visitations, the government’s attention toward UFOs has become more …
US Aims to Catch Up on Digital Dollar & U.K. Set to Loosen Lockdowns
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Boom Bust As the rise of government-backed digital currencies continues to sweep the globe, could we soon see the United States catching up in the race? Boom Bust’s Christy Ai joins the program to bring us up to speed on the Federal Reserve’s interest in the trending financial technology. (1:02) – Plus, Apple CEO Tim …
The Israeli Army’s Propaganda War — While Bombing Mercilessly Gaza And Killing Children, the Israeli Army Kept Tweeting that Israel is a Victim
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Satanism in Action!! The inversion of Reality ie. Satanism! The Israeli Army’s Propaganda War — While Bombing Mercilessly Gaza And Killing Children, the Israeli Army Kept Tweeting that Israel is a Victim by Belen Fernandez, While bombing mercilessly Gaza and killing children, the Israeli army kept tweeting that Israel is a victim. – On …
Ryanair Flight Diverted to Minsk to Arrest Belarusian Journalist
A Ryanair plane covering the Athens-Vilnius route with around 120 people on board was diverted and forced to land on Sunday in the Belarusian capital of Minsk, where a wanted journalist who had been critical of the government was reportedly arrested.
13 Killed as Cable Car Plummets to Ground in Northern Italy
At least 13 people have been killed and three injured after a mountain cable car near Lake Maggiore in northern Italy plummeted to the ground on Sunday, the local mayor confirmed.
Verstappen Wins Monaco Grand Prix after Leclerc Ruled Out
Red Bull’s Max Verstappen won his first-ever Monaco Grand Prix on Sunday after taking the place of home hero Charles Leclerc on pole.
Growing Opposition to Tokyo 2020 Casts Shadow on Event with 60 Days to Go
Preparations for the Tokyo Olympic Games are entering their final 60 days despite growing public opposition to the event amid a fourth wave of COVID-19 in Japan.
Gaza, Forced to Rebuild Once Again
Dozens of young men and women have banded together to clean Gaza’s streets of rubble left in the wake of the most recent conflict between Israel and militant groups in the blockaded Palestinian territory.
India Detects Nearly 9,000 Cases of ‘Black Fungus’ in COVID Patients
India has detected a surge in rare and potentially deadly black fungus infections in COVID-19 patients, authorities announced in a statement.
Suarez, a Transfer Worth the League
Uruguayan forward Luis Suarez showed Barcelona what they were missing as he steered Atletico Madrid to win the Spanish league, scoring 21 goals along the way, including the winning shots in the last two games.
Red Cross: Waiving Intellectual Property Rights on Vaccines Would Save Lives
Waiving intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines could save hundreds of thousands of lives, said the director of health at the International Committee of the Red Cross, Emanuele Capobianco.
Taiwan Confirms 457 Local Coronavirus Cases amid Spike
Taiwanese authorities registered on Sunday 287 new COVID-19 infections from the last 24 hours and added another 170 cases that had been missing from official records in previous days.
Vietnamese Vote in Elections Tailored to the Communist Party
Vietnamese voters headed to the polls on Sunday to elect members of the National Assembly and local councils in a process heavily vetted by the Communist Party, the only legal political faction in the country since 1975.
India’s Total Coronavirus Deaths Almost 300,000 as Daily Cases Dip
India’s total coronavirus deaths has almost touched 300,000 after daily fatalities fell below 4,000 after two days, while daily infections continued its downward trend seen over the last few days.
Detained Anti-Graft Woman Journalist Gets Bail in Bangladesh
A Bangladesh court granted bail on Sunday to a female investigative reporter a week after she was arrested on charges of stealing confidential government documents.
Anti-Fujimorists Begin Electoral Campaign against Keiko Fujimori
With 15 days to go for the runoff of the presidential elections in Peru, anti-fujimorist groups took to the streets across Peru on Saturday against the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, considering her “a threat” to the country.
Colombia’s High Commissioner for Peace Resigns amid Crisis
Colombia’s high commissioner for peace, Miguel Ceballos, reported on Saturday he has presented his resignation to President Ivan Duque, coming amid the country’s social crisis and ongoing street protests.
Uruguay’s Interior Minister Jorge Larrañaga Dies at 64
Uruguay’s Interior Minister Jorge Larrañaga died on Saturday at the age of 64, according to President Luis Lacalle Pou.

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