Saturday, May 22, 2021

22 May - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10:30 pm MDT

Leftist Morons on Display
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 16 hours ago
The word “racism” is very easy to define: Differentiating a person or group of people based on their racial ethnicity. Period. But the Radical Leftist brainwashing facilities, otherwise known as universities, have done their best to redefine this word. You will not find a better example of this than the responses to this tweet by… Continue reading →
The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Saturday, May 22, 2021
Beatriz Miranda, The Rio Times - 1 day ago
[image: Rio News, Brazil News] LIVESTREAM: Festival Cultura nas Estações (online) – This Saturday, the Cultur nas Estaações Festival will present the singers Elba Ramalho, Preta Gil, and Sandra de Sá. The festival starts at 3:30 PM, and the shows will be livestreamed on Youtube. Festival Cultura nas Estações – live on Enel Brasil's Youtube channel. Check The post The Brazilian Livestreams Guide for Saturday, May 22, 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times.
Editor's Note
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 hour ago
Finishing up on a project. Blogging will return tonight. *Update 22:00 EST:* It has been a long day, Blogging will return tomorrow morning.
Memory of South African apartheid informs Palestine issue
Bruce K. Gagnon, Organizing Notes - 10 hours ago
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” ~ Desmond Tutu (South Africa)
Biden-Putin Summit Is On
M. K. BHADRAKUMAR, - 15 hours ago
On March 17, on the eve of the first scheduled meeting in Alaska of senior Chinese and American diplomats since President took office, the United States sanctioned twenty-four Chinese officials for undermining Hong Kong’s democratic freedoms, including a member of the Communist Party’s Politburo, Wang Chen. In diplomatic terms, the timing […]
WATCH: Cop Covers Camera As Fellow Cop Begins Savagely Beating Defenseless Man
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: deputies]The deputies involved likely thought they got away with this beating until video of it was leaked online showing their sadistic crimes.
Should the U.S. Military Really Put the a-10 Warthog on the Chopping Block?
David Axe, The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*David Axe* *History, * Do we really believe the era of low-intensity wars has ended? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In again putting the A-10 on the chopping block, the Air Force is assuming it won’t ever fight anything short of a full-scale war against a peer enemy. The U.S. Air Force in its 2021 budget proposal asked Congress to let it retire 44 of its roughly 280 A-10 Warthog attack jets. It’s the second time in recent years that the flying branch has tried to slash the A-10 fleet. It’s fair to say that, in the 2020s, budget appropriations are the biggest threat to the...
Jenna Orkin, From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin ‘Like hell:’ As Olympics loom, Japan health care in turmoil COVID fight could return ‘to square one’: experts sound vaccines alarm The rice of the sea: how a tiny grain could change the way humanity eats Dogs Sniffing Covid From Sweat Fare Almost as Well as PCR Tests The Big Idea: Maya Wiley Pledges To Decrease Class Sizes In NYC Schools 1. Renters in Berlin have a radical plan to seize apartments from landlords and are set to force a referendum that could revolutionize the battle for fair rentThe CIA and DOJ are considering intervening in a lawsuit tar...
Get Ready for the ‘Plate Reset’
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 15 hours ago
*Blake Lovewell* | Those of us who value our human relationship with nature, and understand the follies of centralised corporate power.
Prince Harry stumbles with US Media and First Amendment
The Duran, The Duran - 15 hours ago
Prince Harry stumbles with US Media and First Amendment The Duran: Episode 981 ‘Royal pain’: Sean Hannity condemns Prince Harry for calling First Amendment ‘bonkers’ ‘Royal pain’: Sean Hannity condemns Prince Harry for calling First Amendment ‘bonkers’ Prince Harry is being criticized for his comments on the First Amendment. During Thursday’s episode of Dax Shepard’s […]
Turkish mafia boss dishes dirt on Erdogan’s inner circle via YouTube channel
The Duran, The Duran - 15 hours ago
Turkish mafia boss dishes dirt on Erdogan’s inner circle via YouTube channel The Duran: Episode 980 How an exiled mafia boss became the center of Turkish politics How an exiled mafia boss became the center of Turkish politics In the turbulent 1990s, corruption involving an intricate network of top government officials and underworld figures – […]
Forever Stimulus: How Biden Could Keep the Stimulus Checks Coming
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Payment, * There are those in Washington who are mostly unenthusiastic about offering more monetary assistance to Americans. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Under the legislation, the enhanced credit will potentially give parents and legal guardians a total of up to $16,200 of cash per child. And those with children living at their residence could be the beneficiaries of a monthly $300 check per each child for about four more years—through the year 2025. Know that it could be only weeks away when the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Depa...
$16,000 Stimulus Payment: You Are Two Steps Away
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Payment, * Thanks to President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, those who pay out of pocket for child care services in 2021 can eventually claim those expenses in tax credits up to $16,000. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *White House officials have said that the reach of the benefits will be expansive—estimating that households representing more than sixty-five million children, or nearly 90 percent of all children in the country, will receive the payments via direct deposit, paper checks, or debit cards. The $1,400 coronavirus sti...
The Horror Story of How the Biggest Battleship Ever Committed Suicide
Kyle Mizokami, The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Imperial Japan, * The battleship Yamato was among the largest and most powerful battleships of all time. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The destruction of *Yamato* was inevitable even as far back as the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was clear that the age of the aircraft carrier had already superseded the battleship, but the insistence of battleship-minded general officers to cling to obsolete military technology undermined Japan’s conduct of the war and sent thousands of Japanese sailors needlessly to their deaths. In early 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy ma...
Weekend reads: Legal threats, lawsuits, a professor loses emeritus status, and ‘the 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill’
Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch - 16 hours ago
Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, we could really use your help. Would you consider a tax-deductible donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Paper linking frequency of Google search terms to violence against … Continue reading Weekend reads: Legal threats, lawsuits, a professor loses emeritus status, and ‘the 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill’
Musical Interlude: Steppenwolf, "Monster"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 16 hours ago
*Steppenwolf, "Monster"* More appropriately titled "Monster, Suicide, America." Who knew this song, released in 1968, would be prophetic into the 21st century?
Christian Porter’s “star legal team” is being exposed as a shooting star that is burning up as quickly as Porter’s credibility
Shane Dowling, Kangaroo Court of Australia - 16 hours ago
Christian Porter’s so-called “star legal team” are starting to crumble with his barrister Sue Chrysanthou fighting to survive as Porter’s barrister and over the next week we will see in great detail […]
"Delusions and Truth..."
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 16 hours ago
*How Americans love to view themselves...* *How the rest of the world sees us...* *Any questions?*
"The View from Abroad"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 16 hours ago
*"The View from Abroad"* *Notes on the World’s Motherlode of Moral Hypocrisy* by Fred Reed "Among the more nauseating elements of what has become the American national character is the moral preening, the lecturing of others on the virtuousness of the Exceptional Nation, on America’s incontinent goodness and sense of superiority. The world isn’t buying it. The internet makes fraud impossible. Start with the domestic. The whole world can see, in what calls itself the richest country in the world, squalid, diseased, often rat-infested encampments of tens of thousands the homeless on ...
Coexistence in Israel’s ‘mixed cities’ was always an illusion
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 16 hours ago
Last weekend Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu described as “terrorists” those Palestinian citizens who have been protesting decades of state-sponsored discrimination. Vowing that “anyone who acts like a terrorist will be handled like one”, he said: “Arab law-breakers are attacking Jews, burning synagogues and Jewish homes.”
Vaxxed victims are walking transmitters no doubt linked to Telstra’s deadly 5G
Editor, cairnsnews, Cairns News - 16 hours ago
Joplin & Bill McKibben Ten Years On
Paul Homewood, NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Joplin, Missouri tornado that killed 161, the first triple-digit toll since 1953. At the time the usual suspects quickly came out of the woodwork top blame it on global warming: Caution: It is vitally important not to make connections. When you […]
The U.S. Army’s ‘Suicide Squad’ Was Ready to Sacrifice Everything to Beat Russia
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Cold War History, Europe* Theirs was a mission that may have caused Moscow some pain but also was certainly doomed to fail. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Fortunately, this unit was saved by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Had the Cold War turned hot, there would have been no escape for the U.S. garrison in West Berlin. Marooned in a city more than 100 miles inside Communist East Germany, the U.S. Berlin Brigade—and the British and French garrisons as well—would certainly have been overwhelmed by Soviet and East German troops. Their presence helped keep half o...
How Good are U.S. Super Aircraft Carriers? Russia Has Answers.
Lyle J. Goldstein, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Lyle J. Goldstein* *Russia, Europe* If aircraft carriers have limited utility in a regrettably conceivable war over the future of Ukraine, what are the U.S. Navy’s capital ships actually good for in a conflict against Russia? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Carrier advocates will often make the dubious claim that a couple of missiles or even a torpedo could not actually sink these hulking ships. Perhaps not, but please try to imagine the armada that would have to be assembled to rescue a disabled ship of this stature. The 2019 iteration of the naval exercise *Sea Breeze*, w...
Are You One of the 10 Million Americans That the IRS Overcharged?
Trevor Filseth, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Trevor Filseth* *IRS, United States* Here's how you find out. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The American Rescue Plan Act contains a $10,200 tax break for unemployment benefits received in 2020, which were not previously deductible. Therefore, the IRS is sending rebates to people who paid taxes on the unemployment benefits (up to $10,200) that they received in 2020. This week, after nearly completing the distribution of the March 2021 $1400 stimulus checks, the IRS has made another announcement: it is sending out another series of refunds to an additional 10 million people...
Chinese Special Forces Have Been Winning Battles Totally Under the Radar
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Special Forces, * Do improvements in China's special forces mean they will be used more often? Would America's current foreign policy even be possible without special operations units to battle insurgents or train friendly troops in the Middle East and Africa? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Special forces are only as good as their transportation, and China is developing the capability to convey special forces to where they are needed. Some special force units get all the attention. America’s Delta Force, Russia's Spetnatz, and Britain's SAS have glamorous re...
This May Be the Worst "Jet Fighter" Ever Made
David Axe, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*David Axe* *History, * And no, it isn't just because it was made of wood. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Exactly which of history’s hundreds of fighter designs qualifies as the worst is a matter of opinion. Experts have nominated a few standout failures. The F-35 stealth fighter suffers a litany of design and production flaws. It’s heavy and expensive. It lacks maneuverability. Its internal weapons bay is too small. At high speeds, it can tear itself apart. But for all its problems, the F-35 isn’t the world’s worst fighter. Not by a long shot. Exactly which of history’s hu...
Links 5/22/2021
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 17 hours ago
One in Every 22 Schoolchildren in Northern Ireland Has an Autism Diagnosis
Age of Autism, AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
Thank goodness for Anne Dachel, who refuses to ignore the ever increasing autism numbers and the affect on schools around the world. Autism is yesterday's news everywhere it seems. It's front page news in most of our homes though. And...
Saturday Snippet: An ancient enmity
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 17 hours ago
Rudyard Kipling is so well-known as to need no introduction. His poetry and prose are particularly apposite to military men, and he's often quoted by them in their descriptions of battle and service life. However, he also wrote about the natural kingdom, particularly for children. I grew up with his "Just So Stories" and other tales, and still enjoy them as I grow old. Here's his story of Rikki-tikki-tavi. THIS IS THE STORY of the great war that Rikki-tikki-tavi fought single-handed, through the bath-rooms of the big bungalow in Segowlee cantonment. Darzee, the Tailorbird, ...
One Thing Is Stopping You From Getting a $10,200 Stimulus Payment
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus Payment, * “To help taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will take steps to automatically refund money this spring and summer to people who filed their tax return reporting unemployment compensation before the recent changes made by the American Rescue Plan.” *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The IRS also described this year’s refund process as “challenging at best,” due to all of the extra work the IRS is on doing on stimulus, and changing rules as a result of the American Rescue Plan and the Consolidated Appropriations Act...
Do America's Tanks Need to Be Stealthier?
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Tanks, The Americas* The tank as we know it must change … or die. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * The Pentagon’s future tank could resemble a stealth fighter jet more than an armored behemoth like the current M-1 Abrams. The military wants a vehicle that can survive lethal anti-tank missiles, but without having to haul around so much armor plate that it can barely move. It should also have stealth capabilities to avoid detection. What might this future tank look like? A conceptual drawing of the Ground X-Vehicle looks like something out of *Star Wars—*four w...
This Photo Is One Thing: North Korea's Worst Nightmare Come True
David Axe, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*David Axe* *North Korea, Americas* At the time of the elephant walk—the first for the F-35—the Utah wings possessed around forty F-35s. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The roughly 100 U.S. F-16s and A-10s in South Korea and Japan—and any F-35s that deployed in time for the first day of fighting—likely would be the first to hit North Korean artillery. And they'd have to launch fast to save lives in Seoul. On Nov. 19, 2018, two U.S. Air Force wings in Utah launched thirty-five F-35 stealth fighters in a short span of time. The air force lauded the display as evidence of Ameri...
Is Biden Done? The White House Isn’t for More Stimulus Payments
Eli Fuhrman, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Eli Fuhrman* *New Stimulus Payment, * The Biden administration has not indicated that it is intent on pushing for a further round of stimulus payments. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The federal government recently promulgated guidelines regarding the use of money sent to state and local governments as part of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, a program created by the American Rescue Plan. These guidelines included a section on direct payments, indicating that the money could be used for payments similar to those sent out by the federal government. The ...
Vaccines: truth, lies, and controversy
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 18 hours ago
Peter Gotzsche is no crank. Rather the opposite, in fact. In the world of evidence based medicine, he is one of the great heavyweights. He was a founding member of the Cochrane collaboration, is a professor of clinical research methodology at the university of Copenhagen, and has had his work repeatedly published in all the leading medical journals. His blunt honesty and willingness to speak truth to power, even in the face of personal consequences, makes him one of my personal heroes.
Innumeracy of public health officials
Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame - 18 hours ago
Due to the utterly sensible, relaxed approach of the common folks, Czechia has had the highest number of Covid-19 per 100,000 people in the whole world. The graph of new positive PCR tests per day looks like this: Click the picture to zoom in (source). A nicely natural function, right? On the left side, you see a slight elevation which we considered the first (Spring 2020) wave (no excess of deaths existed at that time). The real Covid epidemics only started in October 2020 or so and this main wave has been composed of 3 subwaves. At least the last one exists mainly due to the new v...
Covid-19 vaccination rate drops in Brazil in May
The Rio Times, The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The rate of administration of the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 fell 17% in the past week, according to data from health secretariats collected by the media outlet consortium. With respect to the second vaccine dose, the drop reached 23%. Between May 13 and May 19, an average […] The post Covid-19 vaccination rate drops in Brazil in May appeared first on The Rio Times.
We should all be worried about the United Nations Food Systems Summit
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 18 hours ago
Since Ms. Kalibata [Agnes Kalibata, president of the Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA)] was named special envoy [to the UN Food Systems Summit], there has been a public outcry over this clear conflict of interest. 176 civil society organizations from 83 countries sent a letter to the UN Secretary General António Guterres voicing their concerns over Ms. Kalibata’s corporate ties. They never received a response. 500 civil society organizations, academics, and other actors sent the UN an additional statement laying out the growing list of concerns about the Summit. Agai...
Subtropical Storm "Ana" forms NE of Bermuda
Subtropical Storm "Ana" formed just northeast of Bermuda at 09:00 UTC on May 22, 2021, as the first named storm of the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season. Tropical or subtropical storms have formed before the official start of the season for the past 6 years....... Read more »
War and Peace – or something like that
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 19 hours ago
“Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out… and help to slaughter strangers […] The post War and Peace – or something like that appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Over 1,000 municipalities in Brazil ran out of vaccines this week
The Rio Times, The Rio Times - 19 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - More than 1,000 cities were left with no vaccines against Covid-19 this week. The information is included in a survey by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM). The issue was reported by 1,002 municipalities, which represents 30.5% of the 3,287 municipalities consulted by the CNM. Another 1,779, or 54.1%, did […] The post Over 1,000 municipalities in Brazil ran out of vaccines this week appeared first on The Rio Times.
Tokyo Olympics: Covid-19 serious cases reach a new high but IOC, Suga, and Koike in denial
Lee Jay, Modern Tokyo Times - 20 hours ago
Tokyo Olympics: Covid-19 serious cases reach a new high but IOC, Suga, and Koike in denial Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Olympic countdown is getting nearer despite the majority in Japan hoping that it will be postponed or canceled because of the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. Despite this, the International […] The post Tokyo Olympics: Covid-19 serious cases reach a new high but IOC, Suga, and Koike in denial first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times.
First Person: Refugee ‘Russian Woman’ in bid for Eurovision glory
Manizha Sangin arrived in Russia as young refugee, when her family fled the violence of the civil war in Tajikistan. Today, she is a high-profile singer, representing Russia in the final of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest on Sunday, with the song “Russian Woman”. Ms. Sangin is also a UN Goodwill Ambassador for the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), and a domestic abuse activist. Read the full story, “First Person: Refugee ‘Russian Woman’ in bid for Eurovision glory”, on →
A Necessary Renaissance: Retaking Human Healthcare
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 19 hours ago
*Brian Berletic* | At every turn, industry cartels are undermining genuine alternatives to their corporate hegemony. It's time for ordinary people to play a direct role in helping expand to prevail over them.
The War That Israel Lost
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Tactically, Israel has the better military, but strategically, they are losing international legitimacy.
Oh, No: Turkey's Air Force Was Sabotaged -- By It's Own Government
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Turkish Air Force, Eurasia* A nation that throws its fighter pilots in jail is not just wasting money, but also an extremely valuable resource. Yet in the name of politics, Turkey's government has purged its air force so badly that it can barely fly its F-16 fighters. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Turkish government has been looking overseas to make up the shortfall. However, Washington has rebuffed a request to send over U.S. flight instructors, though Turkish pilots are receiving basic flight training in the United States. Fighter pilots aren't cheap....
Sorry, America: Why a Fourth Stimulus Payment Is Dead on Arrival
Trevor Filseth, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Trevor Filseth* *Fourth Stimulus Payment, * Support for a fourth stimulus check is generally high, with some data suggesting that most Americans would support such a measure. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The pandemic has clearly impacted some sectors more than others, and President Biden has underlined his commitment to aiding these sectors. However, he has also signaled his intent to use more targeted measures than a universal cash payment. By the middle of May, the third round of stimulus checks – altogether numbering more than 160 million payments – will mostly have ar...
Chegamos a uma bifurcação na estrada - Um Disco de M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago
*Chegamos a uma bifurcação na estrada. Uma estrada leva a um novo começo para a humanidade, a outra leva-nos à mesma velha existência monótona e vazia. Chega uma escolha. Tomar o caminho elevado da liberdade e da autodeterminação ou continuar pelo caminho familiar da escravidão e da direcção errada.* *Agora é um momento de escolha. Como, todo o tempo nasce do agora da escolha. Nós escolhemos de uma forma ou de outra. Isto foi escrito no guião.* *Escolha uma vida de autoconfiança e autodeterminação ou o caminho oco da escravatura, falsamente retratado como liberdade e demo...
Hemos llegado a una bifurcación en el camino. - Un discurso por M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago
*Hemos llegado a una bifurcación en el camino. Un camino nos lleva a un nuevo comienzo para la humanidad. El otro camino nos lleva a la misma vieja y aburrida existencia vacía. Entonces llega el momento de elegir. Tomar el camino elevado de la libertad y la auto-determinación, o continuar cuesta abajo con el camino de la esclavitud y la mala dirección que ya conocemos.* *Es momento de elegir. Cómo cuando en el presente, surge en cualquier momento el tener que elegir. Elegimos un camino u el otro. Esto ha sido escrito en el guión.Elige una vida de autosuficiencia, ...
CFACT launches counter punch to Big Business’ leftward lurch
Adam Houser, CFACT - 20 hours ago
CFACT launched our new investment activism program; attending shareholder meetings of the most egregiously “woke” companies to expose terrible resolutions and be a voice for reason. The post CFACT launches counter punch to Big Business’ leftward lurch appeared first on CFACT.
Noor al Haqiqa, SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS - 20 hours ago
Wisdom from Chelsea. Pass. In an ancient Roman brothel you bought your entertainment by the coin. Many languages were spoken in Rome, these coins kept things honest. Humanitarians at work. The humanitarians share a giggle. Schwab and Biden. That vile woman deserves feet that look as painful as that. Speaking of ugly, from Max's toes to Chicago's delightful mayor... Indeed we did. I just don't see that in the mirror any more however! Those bel...
Hitler’s Insane Invasion of Russia Forever Changed World History
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *World War II History, Europe* What would have happened if Hitler had not invaded Russia? The dynamics of the Third Reich and Hitler meant that Germany would not remain passive. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Smashing Russia would also be the apocalyptic climax for what Hitler saw as an inevitable showdown with the cradle of communism. Or, he could have turned towards the Mediterranean and the Middle East One of the most momentous decisions in history was Adolf Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Operation Barbarossa transformed Nazi Germa...

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