10 pm MDT
Brazil records 79,069 Covid-19 cases and 2,438 deaths in 24 hours (March 20th)
Adele Cardin, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Released March 20th, the bulletin of the Ministry of Health points out that Brazil has recorded, so far, 11,950,459 cases of Covid-19. According to the bulletin, 79,069 new cases of the disease were registered in 24 hours. The accumulated number of deaths from the disease is 292,752, with 2,438 new […] The post Brazil records 79,069 Covid-19 cases and 2,438 deaths in 24 hours (March 20th) appeared first on The Rio Times.
Climate change to put farming sectors under stress
Paul Homewood, NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 16 hours ago
By Paul Homewood The latest climate boogeyman from the Met Office propaganda department: A new study by the Met Office gives examples of how two of the UK’s most important farming sectors are likely to be impacted by climate change. The study – published in Climate Risk Management – examines the effect […]
2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police
Geopolitics101, Covert Geopolitics - 16 hours ago
At the 2013 Global Health Summit in Beijing, China, 112 key individuals from governments, the private sector, international organizations, and other groups, met to discuss how the next 100 years of global health may look. The summit released a white paper, titled: Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which was funded by … Continue reading 2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police →
UK – The 10 steps of democratic breakdown
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
By TruePublica: This article about Britain’s democratic breakdown was first published 29th January 2020 – and is ever more salient as each month passes with yet more characteristics of an authoritarian government being exposed every week.
Terminate NATO
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
The Washington Post has published a long piece calling for NATO to take on a new official enemy — China. The piece is written by Sara Bjerg Moller, an assistant professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University. She argues that after 30 years since losing the Soviet Union as its official enemy and struggling to find a replacement to justify its continued existence, a perfect replacement would be China.
Money Is Made Up
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
Have you ever noticed how online capitalism cultists who condescendingly tell socialists they "just don't understand economics" are always unable to lucidly defend their own understanding of economics? If you've never pressed such a character to clearly and concisely explain what it is you "don't understand" using their own words, I highly recommend that you try it, because it's one of the funniest things in the world. If you keep interrogating them about each aspect of their belief system, demanding that they explain exactly what it is they know and how they know it, they will in...
Demolition Of Palestinian Houses Continues
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
The report published on March 16 revealed that the monthly average of demolition of Palestinian houses by the occupying Israeli authorities has increased by 65% in 2021 as compared to 2020. In the month of February alone, at least 305 Palestinians, including 172 children, lost their homes and were displaced due to demolition of homes by the Israeli authorities. The post Demolition Of Palestinian Houses Continues appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
There’s Only One State Where Falling Behind On Rent Could Mean Jail Time
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
Arkansas state Rep. Nicole Clowney, D-Fayetteville, introduced a bill Thursday that would repeal the state’s criminal “failure to vacate” statute. First enacted in 1901, the law allows landlords to seek criminal charges, which can result in jail time, for tenants who fall even a single day behind on rent and do not vacate a property within 10 days. Everywhere else in the U.S., evictions are exclusively a civil matter. The legislation comes after a ProPublica and Arkansas Nonprofit News Network article in October revealed how criminal charges brought under the statute can snowball ...
Parisians March Against Systemic Racism And Police Brutality
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
Watch a live broadcast from central Paris where people are gathering on Saturday 20 March to march against "systemic racism and police brutality." Organised by several activist groups to mark the International Day Against Police Brutality (15 March) and the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), people are demanding the creation of an independent entity to monitor the use of force by police officers and reparation for victims of police brutality. One of the organisers is Assa Traore, whose brother Adama, 24, died in police custody in 2016 after ...
Pasture Cropping – The Innovative No-Kill, No-Till System
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
Regenerative agriculture is a global farming revolution with rapid uptake and interest around the world. Five years ago hardly anyone had heard about it. It is in the news nearly everyday now. This agricultural revolution has been led by innovative farmers rather than scientists, researchers and governments. It is being applied to all agricultural sectors including cropping, grazing and perennial horticulture. In previous articles we have described how regenerative agriculture maximizes the photosynthesis of plants to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to increase soil or...
Our Betters Applaud Each Other’s Heroism
David, Small Dead Animals - 16 hours ago
Subverting the preferences of parents regarding their own children, and disdaining parents who object as moral and cognitive inferiors, driven only by ignorance and “privilege” – and doing all this with an air of self-satisfaction and self-elevation, as “equity leaders” bravely correcting the world – well, this has obvious appeal, for certain kinds of people.… Continue reading →
Shocker: North Korea Has Built Underground Air Fields
Kyle Mizokami, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *North Korea, Asia* These hidden, hardened air bases could help Pyongyang launch attacks and keep some of its planes safe while it fights a war. *Key point: *Finding these hidden bases would not be easy. However, once located, they would be hit by weapons especially designed for targets deep in the earth. North Korea, one of the most secretive countries in the world, is no stranger to building underground military facilities. Whether a tunnel dug under the demilitarized zone designed to pass thousands of troops an hour, or bunkers to accommodate the regime’s lead...
What Happened When a Russian Submarine Smashed into a U.S. Aircraft Carrier?
David Axe, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*David Axe* *Aircraft Carriers, * It was common throughout the Cold War for NATO and Soviet submarines to stalk surface ships and other submarines. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The 1984 collision was far from being the only incident. It was common throughout the Cold War for NATO and Soviet submarines to stalk surface ships and other submarines in order to gather intelligence and work out tactics for sinking the vessels in the event the conflict escalated into a shooting war. More than once, these undersea stalkings went awry. Collisions damaged ships and subs on both sides....
Carbon Offsets Offer A Fantasy Of Capitalism Without Crises
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
Governments, companies and sometimes entire sectors are increasingly proposing to use carbon offsets in response to the deepening climate crisis. In theory, offsetting allows organisations to compensate for their own emissions by paying towards low-carbon projects elsewhere, but the practice has been mired in scientific problems and scandals, and it has been widely critiqued in the social sciences. With the UK government now seeking to turn London into a global hub for the carbon offset trade, it’s worth asking why it is still so prominent. My research on what I have called the fa...
As seen in Cortez, Colorado yesterday
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 17 hours ago
Imagine someone wearing this shirt in Berkeley, San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto, etc.
We’re Hurtling Toward Global Suicide
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 17 hours ago
On January 13, one week before the inauguration of Joe Biden as the forty-sixth president of the United States and seven long days after the storming of the Capitol by an armed right-wing mob, it was easy enough to miss an article published in the journal Frontiers in Conservation Science, despite its eye-catching title: “Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future.” The headline was itself a train wreck: six dully innocuous words piling up in front of a modifier more suitable to a 1950s horror comic than a sober, academic journal. But there it was: The 17 scientis...
The End of Closed Democracy?
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 17 hours ago
Corporate and financial capital still dominate, but politics no longer serves them alone, by putting the interests of the market first. Instead, power is having to listen to people everywhere.
Enbridge Is ‘Funding And Incentivizing’ Police To Crack Down On Its Opponents
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 17 hours ago
Park Rapids, MN - Jane Fonda’s trip to Minnesota has not gone exactly as planned. She expected attention from the media. She did not expect attention from the police. The actress and climate activist told HEATED on Tuesday that her much-publicized press conference to oppose the Line 3 tar sands pipeline was delayed because of an extended interaction with the Minnesota State Patrol. On her way to the event, the vehicle leading her caravan was pulled over for failure to signal more than 100 feet before a turn. “We pulled over to wait for them, it took a long time to process their i...
ICYMI: Spring Is Here, Apparently Edition (3/21)
Peter Greene, CURMUDGUCATION - 17 hours ago
It's nice enough, but I've lived in NW PA too long to be fooled. We'll just see where this leads us. In the meantime, here's your reading for the week. Also, your reminder that you can get a daily dose of edubloggery by checking out (or subscribing to) NPE's Blog of Blogs *Why Black Parents Aren't Joining the Push To Reopen Schools* The short answer is "trust," but you should go ahead and read the long answer from Melinda Anderson at Mother Jones. *Cyberattacks on Schools Soared During the Pandemic* From EdWeek, a report on one of the big pandemic side effects we haven't been ta...
How Allied Bombers Chased a Nazi Sub to Its Doom
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Submarines, Europe* The discovery of the wreck of Nazi submarine 'U-966' revived this remarkable story. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Only a handful of the sub's crew survived. In June 2018, Spanish media reported that divers Anxi González Roca and Eduardo Losada and naval historian Yago Abilleira had re-discovered the wreck Nazi submarine *U-966 *off Estaca de Bares in the Galician region on the northwestern tip of Spain. The divers found debris scattered across a wide area at depths ranging from 18 to 26 meters. Roca told the periodical *El Pais* that the...
The 1950s Is Calling: Why North Korea Copies China’s War Strategies
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *North Korea, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2XBF90MZ8O&share=true] Pyongyang could achieve a lot of damage through a surprise attack, but using strategies from the first Korean War might not work on a modern battlefield. *Key point:* China managed to bring UN forces to a stand still. However, another Korean War today would involve better trained and high-tech forces vs North Korea's aging arsenal. Normal military doctrine says that an attacker should outnumber the defender by at least three to one at the po...
Why Israel Abandoned Its F-4 Super Phantom Fighter
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Israeli Air Force, Middle East* [image: By Jacobst at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2680097] The F-4 Phantom was one mighty warplane during its heyday in the Cold War, but today is has grown too long in the tooth. *Key point: *Older jets can be upgraded to keep them flighting and able to compete against modern weapons. However, there is a limit to how far you can stretch an old system and still get a reasonable return on investment. In 2018 reports emerged that the...
Bingo! Or Tag, You're Hurt.
Age of Autism, AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
This old game board from 2016 was autism specific, but it can be used with adjustments for the shenanigans going on today. By Cathy Jameson It's over an hour drive to get to some of Ronan's specialty appointments, so I...
Another Book Update
Phil, All That Is Solid ... - 17 hours ago

Look what we have here. On page eight of the new Verso catalogue. It's the book! Or, more properly, *Falling Down: Parliamentary Conservatism and the Decline of Tory Britain*. 304 pages, due out in September, and £18.99 hardback. If it sells well enough the paperback will come! As it happens *Falling Down* has just returned from the copy editors, so guess how I'll be spending the rest of the day and chunks of my free time this week? Don't be surprised then if blogging takes a bit of a hit. Still, it's great to see the whole thing quickly becoming more real following the previous up...
The Bizarre, Fascinating Story Behind the AK-12 Rifle
Charlie Gao, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Rifles, Eurasia* The heart of the new AK-12 is practically unchanged from the first AKs that rolled off the production line in the 1940s. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The entire AK-12 saga is a sign of how the Russian military’s arms procurement is highly resistant to change. In early 2018, the AK-12 made by Kalashnikov Concern was officially recommended by the Russian Ministry of Defense for adoption by the Russian Army. This marked the probable end of a long search for the next rifle for the Russian military. But the adopted rifle was completely different than...
All That Is Sacred - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 18 hours ago

*Death comes to us all* *Sooner or later we meet* *All That Is Sacred* *© **2021 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: I wrote this poem earlier in the week in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time today on my blog, the 21st of March, 2021. Many will be leaving us within the next year due to fear and a misplaced trust in authority. This is what was the inspiration for this poem.* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*
Dementia Can't Be Cured Yet, But One Trick Can Help You Avoid It
Jennifer J Heisz, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Jennifer J Heisz* *Health, Americas* Dementia does not have to be your fate. Exercise protects our memories from being erased and our latest research shows that it is never too late to start. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The results are promising because they suggest it’s never too late to get the brain health benefits of being physically active, but if you are starting late and want to see results fast, our research suggests you may need to increase the intensity of your exercise. For the first time in human history, older people outnumber younger people. This has crea...
Sunday Sermonette
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 19 hours ago
Captioned Photo: A politically correct utopia awaits. Welcome to the Post-Human Age John Wright wrote that we live in a posthuman age. By that, he did not mean that men could not extend life and expand consciousness by bionanotechnology, neural shunts or downloading self-identities into the psycho-cyberverse. He meant, nearly a third of us […] The post Sunday Sermonette appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Why Congress Can’t Let Go of the A-10 Warthog (Its Not the Air Force)
Mark Episkopos, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *A-10, Americas* In the decades following the end of World War II, western demand for close-air-support (CAS) aircraft—that is, armored strike fighters that carry out attack missions in conjunction with friendly units—dropped precipitously. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The Warthog is showing its age in 2021 but has so far survived the Air Force’s multiple attempts to retire it. On the heels of continued resistance by Congress, the Air Force has opted to give the Warthog a further lease on life while seeking budget cuts elsewhere *—*as of the time of writin...
Meet Russia's Sleek New Borei Submarines: Stealth Sea Assassins?
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Submarines, Europe* They're deadly -- and represent only half of the Russian Navy’s future sea-based nuclear deterrence force. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Between 2012 and 2016, the Severomash shipyard laid down five new generation Project 955A Borei-II/Borei-A submarines. On May 22, 2018, the Russian submarine Yuri Dolgoruky slipped beneath the waves of the Arctic White Sea. Hatches along the submerged boat’s spine opened, flooding the capacious tubes beneath. Moments later, an undersea volcano seemingly erupted from the depths. Amidst roiling smoke, f...
Goodbye Glock, Hello Sig Sauer: Meet the Army’s New Sidearm
Matthew Moss, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Matthew Moss* *U.S. Army, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2018%3Anewsml_RC1FB5B64E80&share=true] The military was looking to upgrade from its previous pistol and finally settled on the Sig Sauer M17. *Key point: *There are always controversies around defense spending and military choices. Here is how the fight to get the new contract played out. A report from several years back shed light on why Glock lost its protest against Sig Sauer, providing fresh insight into the U.S. Army’s selection for the Modular Handgun System contract. Ac...
North Korea’s Underground Surprise to Beat America in a War
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* South Korean troops across the 160-mile-long DMZ had overheard explosions and subterranean activity for over a year, and noticed heavy digging equipment moving around on the North Korean side of the border. *Here’s What You Need to Remember:* History shows that these tunnels will be a huge security problem in the future. On November 15, 1974 a squad of South Korean soldiers stationed near Korangpo-ri, on the Korean demilitarized zone, noticed steam rising from the earth’s surface near to where they were camped out. Lt. Col. Michael Wikan, who ...
Holy Tradition
Fr. Lawrence FARLEY, OrientalReview.org - 19 hours ago
One great difference between Orthodox and Evangelicals is their reaction to the little word “tradition”. The former regard it as a kind of armour and as an immune system, while the latter regard it almost as a disease to guard against. The Orthodox therefore usually speak of “holy Tradition”, while […]
It takes big energy to back up wind and solar
David Wojick, CFACT - 19 hours ago
The "minimum backup requirement" is how much generating capacity a system must have to reliably produce power when wind and solar don't. The post It takes big energy to back up wind and solar appeared first on CFACT.
Increased gas emissions and elevated surface temperatures at Cleveland volcano, Alaska
The Watchers » Latest articles - 19 hours ago
The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has raised the Aviation Color Code for Cleveland volcano to Yellow and the Volcano Alert Level to Advisory at 21:44 UTC on March 20, 2021. Satellite detections of increased volcanic gas emissions and elevated surface temperatures...... Read more »
The Impostor President
steve_brown, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Steve Brown An impostor leader, as supported by the State, is a common thread in history. The Pseudo-Nero (of which there were three!) is just one example when a bloated Rome began its very nascent stage of decay. Medieval Japan and China warlords used the impostor tactic when a strong leader either died or was […]
Geert V. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax enhance zoonotic risk [Bitchute Only]
Dewey Fernfield, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Geert V. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax enhance zoonotic risk [Bitchute Only] Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations — but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda? Either way, his explicit warning about the enhanced risk of zoonotic spread is […]
American Bases Overrun in Vietnam
G2mil, The Duran - 19 hours ago

Soon after American combat troops arrived in Vietnam, a strategy debate began. One faction wanted American combat forces to only protect large cities and dispatch units to rural areas only when enemy forces converged to battle local forces. American aid would focus on improving the economic infrastructure and local militia forces. Another faction favored securing […]
ALERT: The Big Short Michael Burry Gets Visit From SEC! Final Warning Created Panic.
Dewey Fernfield, The Duran - 19 hours ago

source / The Money GPS $GPS Cassandra (@michaeljburry) / Twitter JavaScript is not available. No Description archive / archive ‘Big Short’ investor Michael Burry says he’ll stop tweeting after SEC regulators paid him a visit | Currency News | Financial and Business News | Markets Insider ‘Big Short’ investor Michael Burry says he’ll […]
New Russian warnings about militants preparing a chemical attack in northeastern Idlib.
khalediskef, The Duran - 19 hours ago

The Russian Ministry of Defense has warned again that the militants “Al-Nusra” are planning to fabricate a chemical attack in the areas under their control and accuse the Syrian army of carrying it out. The deputy head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation major general “Alexander Karpov”, said that the available information indicates that the […]
Renewed clashes between the “SDF” and the Turkish forces in the vicinity of “Ain Issa” in the countryside of Raqqa.
khalediskef, The Duran - 19 hours ago

The axis of the village of Saida in the countryside of Ain Issa, north of Raqqa, witnessed renewed clashes between the “SDF”, and the Turkish forces and its factions. Sources of the Syrian Documentation Center reported that direct confrontations between the 2 sides resulted in the killing of a Turkish soldier and 3 armed “Ankara […]
Are Racial Slurs Worse Than Murder?
TheDarkMan, The Duran - 19 hours ago

if you haven’t heard of Alexi McCammond, she might have recently been described as a rising star in the American media. She describes herself as a young woman of color, that awful American phrase that divides the human species into whites and everyone else. She was supposed to be taking over as editor of Teen […]
“More to Come…”
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 20 hours ago

*“More to Come…”* By Jeff Thomas “Years ago, when visiting the US, I’d often watch late night television. Just prior to each interval, in order to ensure that viewers would sit through the adverts, the show would run a panel that said, “More to Come.” This, of course, was effective, as the viewer would be anticipating that the best part of the program would come in a later segment and would be more likely to continue watching. Today, we’re looking at the reverse of that situation. The program we’re watching is The Decline and Fall of the American Empire and those who recognize the...
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