10:08 pm MDT
Erdogan accuses Syrian military of launching rockets into Turkey
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
[image: Erdogan accuses Syrian military of launching rockets into Turkey] BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:40 P.M.) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the Syrian Armed Forces of firing rockets into a Turkish border province last night. “The launching of missiles last night on Turkish territory was carried out by the Syrian regime, and it was answered,” Erdogan said during a press conference on Friday, as reported by RT Arabic. According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, a number of projectiles landed inside the Kilis Province of Turkey last night, pointing out that the rockets la...
Syria at top of the agenda for Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers: IRNA
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
[image: Syria at top of the agenda for Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers: IRNA] BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – On Friday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif discussed with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, bilateral relations and joint cooperation in combating terrorism, and the latest developments in Syria. According to the state-official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), the developments in Syria were at the top of the agenda, especially after accusations that the Syrian Armed Forces fired two rockets into Turkey’s Kilis Province. The meeting also dealt...
Turkey’s Erdogan says Biden’s comments about Putin are ‘unacceptable’
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 16 hours ago
[image: Turkey’s Erdogan says Biden’s comments about Putin are ‘unacceptable’] BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:20 P.M.) – Joe Biden sparked a minor diplomatic spat with Moscow after agreeing with a journalist’s characterization of the Russian president as as “killer,” and threatening to make the Russian leader “pay a price” for Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2020 US presidential election. Vladimir Putin brushed off the remarks, wishing Biden “good health.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke out in defense of President Putin on Friday, saying the US president’s remarks about him were...
Secret negotiations nearly saved Muammar Gaddafi: Independent
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 17 hours ago
[image: Secret negotiations nearly saved Muammar Gaddafi: Independent] BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:40 P.M.) – A new report by British newspaper, The Independent, revealed the content of secret negotiations that could have saved the life of the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, from the fate he suffered, and avoided the chaos that followed. The British newspaper said that the negotiations would have brought the world closer to resolving the Libyan crisis peacefully in 2011, noting that the two sides of the negotiations, from the government and the opposition, agreed on a proposal stipulati...
40 Years of Service: Meet the Soviet’s T-10M Heavy Tank
Charlie Gao, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Cold War History, Europe* [image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IS_tank_family#/media/File:IS-7.JPG] This powerful tank was reliable and had incredibly thick armor. *Key point: *The T-10 was hard to kill and it performed well. However, over the years it would be outclassed by high-tech main battle tanks. The T-10 is one of the longest lasting tank designs in the world. Adopted in 1953, the tank served for over 40 years before finally being decommissioned in 1997. Along the way, the design underwent several revisions to keep it modern, from the T-10A to the ultimat...
In 1968, North Korean Assassins Tried to Kill South Korea’s President
Adam Rawnsley, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Adam Rawnsley* *History, Asia* It would drive a wedge between the U.S. and its South Korean allies and prompt an uprising in the ROK. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *According to a 1969 CIA report, interrogations of captured infiltrators revealed that “they had been taught to expect a warm welcome from an oppressed people and instead found an anti-Communism among the South Korean people so strong that they were completely unprepared to cope with it — their own propagandists never mentioned it.” Thirty-one shadows crept up to the fence in the cold winter night, cut it and s...
How World War III Could Start in East Asia (History Has Some Clues)
James Holmes, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* Competition starts with taking authoritarians seriously. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The situation in Japan today differs markedly from that of Poland, and not just in geographic terms. Nuclear-armed forces are resident in Japan—namely allied U.S. forces. One wonders whether Hitler would have greenlighted a cross-border thrust in September 1939 had British or French troops brandishing doomsday weaponry been stationed on Polish soil. Marauding Polish troops were culpable for fourteen military incidents along the Polish-German frontier eigh...
Nuclear War: What Are the Chances of an Atomic Holocaust in 2021?
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Nuclear War, * The world has made it more than 75 years, since the end of World War II, without a nuclear war. But how likely is the threat of nuclear war today? The world has made it more than 75 years, since the end of World War II, without a nuclear war. But how likely is the threat of nuclear war today? That was the topic of a debate, published this week on the website of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, between two pioneering figures in modern technology. The two men are Martin E. Hellman, a Stanford professor and co-inventor of public-key cryptograph...
Could a Joint U.S.-Japan Force Beat China in a War?
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *War Games, * This war game offers some clues. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The force “out-ranging” the other with intelligence, search, and reconnaissance through aerial or surface drone sensors and sensor-enabled F-35s, might be likely to rule the day. A recent think tank wargame explores the prospect of a massive war between China and America and Japan in 2030, introducing many war-time questions about submarines, amphibious attack, surface ships and fifth-generation fighters. According to a story in Foreign Policy, the Center for New American Security’...
The U.S. Military Declares It Is Ready to Fight North Korea 'Tonight'
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *North Korea Fight Tonight, * The several days of verbal sparring between the United States and North Korea continued Thursday, with the U.S. Secretary of Defense responding to the recent comments by the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The several days of verbal sparring between the United States and North Korea continued Thursday, with the U.S. Secretary of Defense responding to the recent comments by the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Per Fox News, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Thursday that U.S. forces are ready to "fight tonight....
Argentina’s YPF to invest more than US$300 million in Santa Cruz province
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentine state oil company YPF said on Thursday, March 18th, it will invest more than US$300 million in the Patagonian province of Santa Cruz as part of a US$2.7 billion annual investment program announced last week. YPF is at the heart of Argentina’s efforts to reduce its annual energy deficit […] The post Argentina’s YPF to invest more than US$300 million in Santa Cruz province appeared first on The Rio Times.
Close-up view of new cinder cone at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Russia
The Watchers » Latest articles - 14 hours ago
A moderate explosive-effusive flank eruption and gas-steam activity continue at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. KVERT warns the danger of ash explosions up to 4 - 5 km (13 120 - 16 400 feet) a.s.l. from the flank crater and the lava flow front (phreatic...... Read more »
Brazil March industrial confidence lowest since August – FGV survey
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian industrial confidence fell in March for a third month to its lowest since last August, a survey showed on Friday, March 19th, as a deadly second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the country and triggers new lockdown measures in many states. The Fundaçao Getulio Vargas’s national industrial confidence […] The post Brazil March industrial confidence lowest since August – FGV survey appeared first on The Rio Times.
WATCH: Door Shuts, Scares Cop Who Then Shoots Innocent Unarmed Man Through Door
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: door]A dangerously fearful cop mistook a door shutting for gunfire, so he started blindly shooting through the door, hitting the innocent man inside.
The UK Is Russia’s Greatest Security Threat In Europe Behind The US
Andrew KORYBKO, OrientalReview.org - 14 hours ago
The UK’s recently completed Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy claimed that “Russia remains the most acute threat to our security”, but in reality it’s actually the UK that remains the most acute threat to Russia’s security in Europe behind the US of course. The British are […]
Planemaker Embraer narrows losses in fourth quarter despite revenue drop
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil planemaker Embraer on Friday, March 19th, reported a net loss of US$3.3 (R$18.5) million for the fourth quarter, narrowing its losses significantly compared to last year despite revenue that came in 12% lower than pre-pandemic levels. Embraer said its cash position remained stable at US$2.8 billion. The pandemic has […] The post Planemaker Embraer narrows losses in fourth quarter despite revenue drop appeared first on The Rio Times.
Texas Grid (ERCOT): Third World Foreign Temp Workers, Third World Management, Third World Results?
miningawareness, Mining Awareness + - 15 hours ago
Texas A & M University was founded in 1876 and is one of the top universities in the world, and … Continue reading →
Rutte, D-66 & EU center gain in The Netherlands. FvD Baudet rises
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 15 hours ago

Rutte, D-66 & EU center gain in The Netherlands. FvD Baudet rises The Duran: Episode 917 Dutch PM Rutte’s party wins as voters back center-ground The center-right VVD party has secured more seats in parliament than any other party, setting up a potential fourth term in office for Prime Minister Mark Rutte. A coalition with […]
Bungling EU Humiliated Again, Resumes Use of AstraZeneca
Alexander Mercouris, The Duran - 15 hours ago

Bungling EU Humiliated Again, Resumes Use of AstraZeneca News Topic 80: EU countries to restart use of ‘safe and effective’ AstraZeneca vaccine Germany, France, Spain and Italy reverse course after drugs regulator finds jab ‘safe and effective’ EU drugs regulator backs ‘safe and effective’ AstraZeneca vaccine The European Medicines Agency has said there was a […]
EU Chaos & U Turns on AstraZeneca
Alexander Mercouris, The Duran - 15 hours ago

EU Chaos & U Turns on AstraZeneca News Topic 79: Fall from Grace: Merkel’s Conservatives Mired in Scandal and Incompetence Fall from Grace: Merkel’s Conservatives Mired in Scandal and Incompetence Armin Laschet, the newly anointed head of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has been a politician for two-and-a-half decades. He knows how difficult it can […]
Peace in Afghanistan - A Roadmap for Ending the Quagmire
A Political Junkie, Viable Opposition - 15 hours ago

On March 18, 2021, Russia hosted a meeting of the extended "Troika"on the progress of a negotiated settlement and permanent ceasefire in Afghanistan which is now in its 20th year of war. Representatives from Russia, China, the United States and Pakistan met with representatives of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Afghanistan's High Council for National Reconciliation along with representatives of the Taliban and other high-profile Afghani political figures. The extended Troika came up with a series of ten issues on which they agreed as follows: *1.) We a...
Steve M., No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
We learned this early last week: President Joe Biden's signature will not appear on the stimulus checks expected to be sent to Americans once the Covid stimulus plan is passed, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday.... Psaki said during Tuesday's White House press briefing that Biden didn't think the inclusion of his signature on the payments "was a priority or a necessary step. His focus was on getting them out as quickly as possible." At a site called WeLoveTrump.com, a writer named Noah thinks he knows what it *really* means. Add another piece of evidence to the “...
US Congressman McCaul Tells Biden-Blinken: Actions – Not More Words – Needed “Immediately” on Nord Stream 2
miningawareness, Mining Awareness + - 15 hours ago

Biden’s Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), as is Kamala Harris’ … Continue reading →
Mass detentions and attacks on dissidents denounced in Santiago de Cuba
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Cuban oppositionist José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Unión Patriótica de Cuba (UNPACU) activist organization, denounced that on Thursday, March 18th, agents of the Castro regime attacked and detained several demonstrators in the city of Santiago, in the eastern part of the island. "In Santiago de Cuba, the arrests of […] The post Mass detentions and attacks on dissidents denounced in Santiago de Cuba appeared first on The Rio Times.
Evacuations in NSW due to potentially record and life-threatening flooding, Australia
The Watchers » Latest articles - 15 hours ago
Residents across New South Wales, Australia, have been ordered to evacuate on Friday, March 19, 2021, after severe flooding-- described by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) as "potentially life-threatening"-- swept through the state. Severe inundations are...... Read more »
Egypte: l'accord pour le redémarrage de l'usine de liquéfaction de gaz naturel de Damiette bouclé
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
19-Mar-2021 L'accord a permis le règlement à l'amiable des litiges entre Union Fenosa Gas et la société Segas avec EGAS et le gouvernement égyptien.
Unión Fenosa Gas retira demanda para confirmar laudo contra Egipto
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
19-Mar-2021 Unión Fenosa Gas y Egipto han llegado a un acuerdo y ponen fin al arbitraje que le concedió a la española un laudo de dos billones de dólares tras el conflicto por la planta egipcia de Damietta.
Egypt's Damietta liquefaction plant agreement enters into force
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
19-Mar-2021 The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced the entry into force of the agreement related to the Damietta Liquefaction Plant, and the settlement of all claims.
Ombudsman: Sustainability assessment should have been completed before EU-Mercosur trade deal agreed by negotiators
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
19-Mar-2021 The European Commission should have concluded an updated sustainability impact assessment before the EU-Mercosur trade deal was agreed, an inquiry by European Ombudsman has found.
Chile signs agreement with Europe’s largest port to export “green” hydrogen
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Port of Rotterdam Authority in the Netherlands and Chile’s Ministry of Energy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for the import and export of "green" hydrogen, officials in Santiago announced. "This is excellent news for Chile and the world," said the Minister of Energy and Mining, Juan Carlos […] The post Chile signs agreement with Europe’s largest port to export “green” hydrogen appeared first on The Rio Times.
Clash between Mexican police and ‘Familia Michoacana’ drug cartel left 13 officers dead
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexican State authorities have confirmed the murder of 13 officers after they were ambushed by alleged members of 'La Familia Michoacana' drug cartel (The Michoacán Family), who intercepted a convoy of state police and investigators assigned to the state prosecutor’s office in the city of Coatepec de Harinas. The officers […] The post Clash between Mexican police and ‘Familia Michoacana’ drug cartel left 13 officers dead appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazilian government wants to cut MERCOSUR’s common external tariff by 10%
Dorah Feliciano, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After reducing by 10% the import tariffs on machinery, computers and cell phones, the Ministry of Economy intends to extend the benefit to the other products jointly taxed with MERCOSUR countries. In an official statement, the Ministry of Economy said the Common External Tariff (TEC) is outdated and high by […] The post Brazilian government wants to cut MERCOSUR’s common external tariff by 10% appeared first on The Rio Times.
Why We Must Oppose a Covid Health Pass
Finn Andreen, The Duran - 16 hours ago

The rumors surrounding the introduction of a Covid-19 health pass are getting more or more concrete. There are signs that some version of it will be introduced; France and UK are already considering it. Though the details are still sketchy, it would be a kind of laissez-passer, which would allow only those in possession of it to visit […]
Ambassador recall dangerous sign of deteriorating US-Russia relations [Video]
Seraphim Hanisch, The Duran - 16 hours ago

Joe Biden’s gaffes crossed a line, and President Vladimir Putin isn’t having it. During an interview with George “Clinton-slave” Stephanopolus, the discussion went like this: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our […]
These 5 New Weapons Will Ensure the U.S. Army Is Unstoppable
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Military Technology, * The U.S. Army already fields an impressive array of weapons. But as the U.S. Army prepares itself for potential conflicts against high-tech Russian and Chinese armies, the Army is working on a slew of new systems ranging from tanks to missiles *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Accustomed to plentiful air support from the Air Force, the Army's artillery has lagged behind that of Russia, which is fielding several new howitzers. But instead of big guns that can shoot out to 20 miles like the M109A6 Paladin155-millimeter self-propelled howitz...
The Kornet Missile: Say Hello to Russia's Killer Anti-Tank Weapon
Charlie Gao, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Anti-Tank Missile, * These missiles are extremely deadly—provided they hit. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In any military conflict with NATO, Russia - which is well-known for its missile development - will make heavy use of the Kornet missile in anti-tank operations. Of course, the technology has advanced somewhat, and countermeasures against the missile exist - but its simplicity and effectiveness means it will likely remain in service for decades to come. Infantry Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs) have always been a historical strength of the Russian milit...
Chile: 24 communes to enter quarantine after Covid-19 infections surge
Juan Martinez, The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Much of Chile's capital and several communes across the country will return to a full quarantine starting Saturday, March 20th, due to the sharp increase in coronavirus cases in the country, while the vaccination process covering over 5.3 million people with at least one dose is progressing. The municipality of […] The post Chile: 24 communes to enter quarantine after Covid-19 infections surge appeared first on The Rio Times.
Oil prices drop 7% and commodity records worst session since September
Richard Mann, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In its worst trading session since September, crude oil prices traded sharply lower Thursday, March 18th, in the 5th consecutive down session, hitting two-week lows due to a stronger dollar, a further increase in US fuel and commodity stocks and news about Covid-19. On the latter point, the impact comes […] The post Oil prices drop 7% and commodity records worst session since September appeared first on The Rio Times.
Democracy: Is Political leafleting now banned as well?
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
The election of Boris Johnson has ended up with the prime Minister using special Covid legislation to entrench power not seen since the times of Henry VIII. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is a stark warning to anyone who doubts that assertion. In the meantime, democracy is being slowly chipped away behind the scenes – and here is yet another (of an ever-growing list) example that only demonstrates this dreadful attack on our democratic principles and civil liberty.
Despite promising growth prospects, Brazil’s 2021 GDP to remain below 2019 level – UNCTAD
Lachlan Williams, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to a report by the United Nations Agency for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), by the end of 2021, the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be nearly 10% lower, compared to the pre-pandemic growth trend. Brazil should record an accumulated income loss of US$178.1 billion (about R$1 trillion) by […] The post Despite promising growth prospects, Brazil’s 2021 GDP to remain below 2019 level – UNCTAD appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s government chooses Fausto Ribeiro as Banco do Brasil’s next president
Oliver Mason, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The federal government on Thursday, March 18th, announced the appointment of Fausto de Andrade Ribeiro as the next president of Banco do Brasil, following the not-unexpected resignation of André Brandão, the current president of the state-owned bank. A career employee at Banco do Brasil since 1988, Ribeiro has served as […] The post Brazil’s government chooses Fausto Ribeiro as Banco do Brasil’s next president appeared first on The Rio Times.
The progressive left is doing its best to make civil war inevitable
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 18 hours ago
When one looks at the "signs of the times", one can't help but wonder how long it's going to be before our political and social and cultural structures simply melt down under the strain. The progressive left is bound and determined to *force* our entire society into conformity with their vision of how things should be - and a growing number of Americans are equally bound and determined not to allow that, and not to bend the knee to political correctness. The irresistible force is close to headlong collision with the immovable object. What do I mean by those "signs of the time...
Climate Change, COVID-19, and the Great Reset
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 18 hours ago
"It's ALL a Marxist scam ... the Climate-and-Covid scares are false crises, concocted by wolves to stampede the sheep." The post Climate Change, COVID-19, and the Great Reset appeared first on Electroverse.
Covid-19: "Basic Arithmetic For Leftist Losers"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 4 hours ago

*"Basic Arithmetic For Leftist Losers"* by Joe Martin "From the very beginning of this Sino-Lung-Rot nightmare we have been told we have to listen to the science. This has included being told emphatically that we must wear masks. Now this particular piece of propaganda has been increased to wearing two masks. I can't see being the only one who is reaching their Howard Beale breaking point. So before anyone starts throwing open windows and banging on pots I thought maybe it was time for some basic ammunition for conservatives and simple arithmetic that even idiot leftists might unde...
Can Iran Start World War III? Doubtful.
James Holmes, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Iranian Military, * Iran does not have a capacity to inflict major damage, let alone conquer the Middle East. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Even if all sanctions disappeared today, it would take the Islamic Republic decades to rejuvenate the economy, amassing national wealth and transmuting it into military prowess and diplomatic clout sufficient to coerce this standing Arab coalition. Tehran’s capacity to steamroller the Gulf region or intimidate the GCC states into submission seems doubtful. When pondering some strategic quandary you can get oriented by p...
Russia’s Thermobaric Launchers Can Rain Hellfire at 10,000 Meters
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, * And it could be headed to the Middle East. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Given the many threats facing such a short-range weapon, it’s easy to understand why Russia is placing a priority on adding some extra space between the Buratino and its targets. It’s a machine from the Cold War only now entering its prime. Lumbering with oversized, boxy turrets, TOS-1A Buratino thermobaric rocket launchers rolled out at the Shikhany training ground in southeast Russia in late October 2017. An array of tubes mounted on a T-72 tank chassis, the 45.3-ton ...
In Syria, the Army’s TOW Missile Got to Take On Russia’s T-90 Tank
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, Europe* The T-90 was Russian made, but likely crewed by Syrian troops. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The photograph doesn’t tell us much more than add more evidence to what everyone already expected — that the missile disabled the tank, but didn’t destroy it. The T-90 was knocked out of the fight, and the Syrian army soon withdrew it to a repair plant, according to the Russian trade journal *Military-Industrial Courier*. *We saw the wire-guided missile bob toward the T-90, which was parked on a crest between two low-slung buildings. * For all ...
Earthquake swarm under Mauna Loa volcano, Aviation Color Code remains at Yellow, Hawaii
The Watchers » Latest articles - 16 hours ago
A small swarm of shallow seismicity, that began at 11:00 UTC on March 18, 2021, is occurring beneath the upper Ka‘ōiki seismic zone, under Mauna Loa’s southeast flank and northwest of Kīlauea's summit, Hawaii. Mauna Loa Volcano is not erupting;...... Read more »
In Which JB Handley Was WRONG!
Age of Autism, AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
Spring is the season for miracles and hope. No community has been DENIED hope and progress more than the pre-verbal with autism. Never stop seeking answers. I saw my own daughters spell to communicate with Soma from HALO many years...
Ranked: How Powerful and Reliable Is the Russian T-80 Tank?
S.K. Au-Yeong, The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*S.K. Au-Yeong* *Russian Army, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2018%3Anewsml_RC1F9B2CAFD0&share=true] The end of the Cold War hindered production and upkeep of the T-80. *Key point: *The tank had several performance and modernization issues. In fact, it faired poorly in the Chechen War. The T-80 is a glaring lesson in why heavily-armored tanks can hide major weaknesses. Once considered a premium tank by the Russian military establishment, T-80s suffered savage losses to lightly armed guerrillas during the First Chechen War. The tank’s re...
$1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package offers marijuana-related firms more options for financial help
Jeff Smith, Marijuana Business Daily - 17 hours ago
Cannabis-related firms again face hurdles in qualifying for financial relief under the newly enacted $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, but the door has opened wider for hard-hit companies, especially small and economically disadvantaged businesses. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) includes three programs worth exploring, marijuana industry experts said. Two offer billions of […] $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package offers marijuana-related firms more options for financial help is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness new...
Analysis: Twenty years on, EU turns cold on Mercosur trade deal
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As the European Union looks forward to a fresh start with the United States under a new president, it is riddled with doubts over another transatlantic relationship. A trade pact struck in 2019 with the Mercosur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay after two decades of talks promised to […] The post Analysis: Twenty years on, EU turns cold on Mercosur trade deal appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s post-covid business risk surpasses that of Chile, Peru, and Uruguay – EIU
Richard Mann, The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The operational risk for businesses in Brazil in a post-covid future lies in a mid range, according to the "Operational Risk in Latin America" report, from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). On a scale in which 100 represents the highest risk, the country scores 51, with a "C" grade. The […] The post Brazil’s post-covid business risk surpasses that of Chile, Peru, and Uruguay – EIU appeared first on The Rio Times.
Meet the medical resident who had his wife peer review five of his papers
Adam Marcus, Retraction Watch - 18 hours ago
The pantheon of husband-wife teams in science includes Marie and Pierre Curie, Gerty and Carl Cori, even Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci, the founders of BioNTech, which collaborated with Pfizer on a Covid-19 vaccine. To that list we hesitatingly add Ahmed Elkhouly and his spouse. Elkhouly, a medical resident at St. Francis Medical Center, in … Continue reading Meet the medical resident who had his wife peer review five of his papers
Scoring the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Plan and Earlier Covid Relief Programs
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 18 hours ago
How to do a better job of getting relief to those who need it.
The Legend of the Mysterious Cold War M-91 Vihor Tank
Charlie Gao, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Cold War History, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AETTXFVNAC&share=true] The Soviet tank was briefly reborn as the Croatian M-95 Degman, but the tank never entered into mass production. *Key point: *A lot of different weapons ended up in different hands after the Soviet Union and Yugslavia collapsed. Here is how the Soviet M-91 tank may have served in the Yugoslavian civil war. One of the strongest industries of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) was its defense industry. During the Cold Wa...
How Pakistan Is Preparing to Kill India’s New Aircraft Carriers
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *India-Pakistan War, * South Asia’s naval race is in full swing. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Essentially, this makes Indian carriers’ self-defeating, with the flattops existing primarily to defend themselves from attack rather than taking the fight to their enemy. Carriers are also expensive symbols of national prestige, and it is unlikely the Indian Navy will want to risk losing one, two or all three. The Indian Navy has put out a proposal for its third aircraft carrier, tentatively titled the Vishal due to enter service in the latter 2020s. The 65,00...
China Hates This: Could Disbursed Bases Help America Win the Next Big War?
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *U.S.-China War, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2003%3Anewsml_RP3DRIPXPAAA&share=true] A fewer number of concentrated bases might be too easy to target and destroy. *Key point: *Back during the Cold War, America also disbursed its bases in the face of a mighty Soviet missile threat. But in recent decades the military has build megabases that are more efficient, but fewer in number. The United States can no longer count on its Pacific air bases to be safe from missile attack during a war with China. On the contrary, a 201...
America’s Submarines Could Be Decisive in a Future War with China
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, Asia* Beijing has a narrow historical window in which to use its military to alter the world’s power structure. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If American subs can hold the line for another 20 years, China might age right out of its current, aggressive posture without ever having attacked anyone. That’s because economic and demographic trends in China point towards a rapidly aging population, flattening economic growth and fewer resources available for military modernization. The bad news first. The People’s Republic of China now believes it ca...
Russia Loves Its T-14 Tank But There Might Be a Numbers Problem
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Russian Army, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2KFH948O9E&share=true] Moscow has some difficulties with its finances and industrial capacity in regards to the new platform. *Key point: *Hard cash is needed to pay for expensive, high-tech systems like the T-14. Can Russia get its serial production schedule on track? Despite a reduction in Russian defense spending caused by lower oil prices, which came after the Kremlin opted not to cut production, the Russian military is charging ahead with its Armata combat ...
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 3/19/21"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 18 hours ago

*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 3/19/21"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Vice President Biden (stealing an election does not make you a legitimate President) is being disrespected globally. They know Biden has dementia, and surely they all know he was cheated in by the Deep State globalists (this includes Republicans like Mitch McConnell). Vladimir Putin has challenged VP Biden to a debate. Of course, Biden, I mean his handlers, declined. Kim Jong Un of North Korea will not accept a phone call from VP Biden, and the President of Mexico is the one who is going to crack down on the illegal i...
Why do you not hear of Hierarchy?
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 20 hours ago
Tapping the resources of a new consciousness is the joy of the alchemist in transition--he who understands the all-chemistry of God taught by Saint Germain as the day-by-day replacement of spirals of an older consciousness with spirals of a newer consciousness. This is the meaning of the path of initiation: that increment by increment, line by line, the acceleration of consciousness, of light and light’s determination, takes place within you. Yes, I AM Maitreya--I stand before you in the golden flame of your own Cosmic Christ illumination. I personify before you the image ...
Chinese Robots Could Soon Dominate the South China Sea
Robert Beckhusen, The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, Asia* Will they soon be armed? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The expensive and difficult portion of a robotic swarm is the technology you can’t see — the networks and algorithms that allow machines to work together and avoid obstacles. The boats themselves are cheap. A video from late May 2018 shows a swarm of 56 small, unmanned boats operating in the South China Sea. While a rudimentary demonstration, it mirrors similar exercises performed by U.S. Navy boats practicing — semi-autonomously — to defend harbors and intercept incoming vessels. T...
15th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna volcano, Italy
The Watchers » Latest articles - 18 hours ago
The morning of March 19, 2021, brought another paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna volcano, Italy -- the 15th since February 16. The Aviation Color Code was raised to red at 08:16 UTC. The tremor started increasing at around 06:30 UTC and soon reached a high-level...... Read more »
India has till mid-April to appeal against Cairn award on limited ground
bilaterals.org - 18 hours ago
19-Mar-2021 India has time till mid-April to file an appeal against an international arbitration tribunal ordering it to repay UK's Cairn Energy Plc USD 1.2 billion-plus interest and cost, but the challenge can only be on limited grounds such as procedure not being followed.
Another Blow to Tax Evasion and Money Laundering: UK Targets Art Market After US Goes After Anonymous Shell Companies
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 18 hours ago
The US and UK are making life a bit harder for tax cheats.
Clean Water Vital for Protecting Those on the Frontline of Climate Change in Post-Pandemic World
Global Issues News Headlines - 18 hours ago
LONDON, Mar 19 (IPS) - For many, the last year will be remembered as the time our day-to-day lives screeched to a halt. As Covid-19 spread mercilessly across the world, wreaking havoc on health and livelihoods, world leaders, health experts and scientists grappled with how to protect populations and stem the tide of the virus. Read the full story, “Clean Water Vital for Protecting Those on the Frontline of Climate Change in Post-Pandemic World”, on globalissues.org →
UN Sanitizes Killings of Children in Armed Conflicts
Global Issues News Headlines - 18 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 19 (IPS) - The horrendous killings of children in military conflicts and civil wars – both by national armed forces and militant groups – have triggered widespread condemnation by human rights organizations worldwide. Read the full story, “UN Sanitizes Killings of Children in Armed Conflicts”, on globalissues.org →
Achieving Gender Equality for Women's Re-entry to the Labour Force Post COVID-19
Global Issues News Headlines - 18 hours ago
BONN,Germany, Mar 18 (IPS) - During the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns, while many sought safety being at home, women in the healthcare, child care, aged care, teaching and services fields — who hold the majority of jobs in those occupations — went to work everyday. Read the full story, “Achieving Gender Equality for Women's Re-entry to the Labour Force Post COVID-19”, on globalissues.org →
The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: March 10 - 16, 2021
The Watchers » Latest articles - 19 hours ago
New activity/unrest was reported for 9 volcanoes from March 10 to 16, 2021. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 14 volcanoes. New activity/unrest: Bagana, Bougainville (Papua New Guinea) | Etna, Sicily (Italy) | Krysuvik-Trolladyngja, Iceland |...... Read more »
In the developing world, coal is still the king
Duggan Flanakin, CFACT - 19 hours ago
Western elites can no longer veto power projects The post In the developing world, coal is still the king appeared first on CFACT.
‘I have information that there are external and internal parties pushing Lebanon towards a civil war’: Nasrallah
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: ‘I have information that there are external and internal parties pushing Lebanon towards a civil war’: Nasrallah] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said during a new broadcast that he had information indicating that external parties and some internal parties are pushing Lebanon towards a civil war. In his speech on Thursday, Nasrallah said: “It is not permissible under the heading of an economic or political crisis to allow anyone to push Lebanon into war.” “I have information that there are external and internal parties pu...
Myanmar: Hidden Opposition Violence
Land Destroyer, Land Destroyer - 20 hours ago
*March 19, 2021* (Brian Berletic - NEO) - As is common with US-backed color revolutions around the globe, the Western media will attempt to cover up opposition violence for as long as possible until shifting the narrative toward a "reluctant civil war" in which opposition groups were "given no choice" but to take up arms. Of course, in every example - from Libya and Syria to Yemen and Ukraine - violence was part of US-backed political subversion from the beginning. This is no different in the Southeast Asian state of Myanmar where US-backed protesters are in the streets fightin...
US provides new equipment to Iraqi forces: video
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 20 hours ago
[image: US provides new equipment to Iraqi forces: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – The U.S.-led Coalition has provided the Iraqi Armed Forces with new equipment for their Ain Al-Assad Airbase in the western governorate of Al-Anbar. According to the official Twitter of the spokesperson for the Coalition’s Operation Inherent Resolve, Col. Wayne Marotto, the Iraqi Armed Forces received a Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) to help strengthen their military in the battle against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh). “The Joint Operations Command at Ain Al-Assad Air Base rec...
Turkish army strikes YPG forces in northern Aleppo
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 20 hours ago
[image: Turkish army strikes YPG forces in northern Aleppo] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – The Turkish army stationed in northern Syria launched an artillery attack on several sites belonging to the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate last night. The Turkish media reported that Turkish army artillery units and rocket launchers stationed in the areas of Azaz and Afrin targeted several sites belonging to the YPG near the town of Tal Rifa’at in northern Aleppo. Continue reading Turkish army strikes YPG forces in northern Ale...
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