10 pm MST
Morgan State University Receives $20 Million Gift to Bolster Scholarship Fund
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 6 hours ago

Morgan State University (MSU) has received $20 million from alumnus and philanthropist Calvin E. Tyler Jr. and his wife, Tina, to increase and expand the Calvin and Tina Tyler Endowed Scholarship Fund, which was first created in 2002. This $20 million gift is the largest alum contribution of its kind to a historically Black college […]
60 Year Mission: What We’ve Learned So Far About Mars
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 7 hours ago

*21WIRE + PBS* | A trajectory of our learning curve of the habitat and origins of Mars.
Pottersville Digest
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Pottersville - 7 hours ago

(OK, one more swittens meme.) ------------------------------ What, Ted, you couldn't find any paper towels to throw at them? ------------------------------ Your Dr. Karen o' the day. ------------------------------ Oh well, it was Virginia, so I'm sure they were very fine people. ------------------------------ If Jessica Watkins and the Oath Keepers weren't coordinating with the Secret Service, then how come she was able to get within 50 feet of the stage? ------------------------------ Jesus Christ, Donnie Dumbo, Kim Jong Un on AF1? That's a Harrison Ford mov...
Fact Checking Dubious NOAA ‘Climate Disaster’ Claims
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 8 hours ago

*Not A Lot Of People Know That* | Fact checking the US government's chief climate change oracle.
Need for light rail and a little history lesson on collusion – a reprise from 2012
Keith, musingsofanoldfart - 8 hours ago
The following was written in 2012, but it provides a history lesson of why we need to dig deeper to understand sources of information. There is a reason collusion is such an ugly term. It should be noted cities are … Continue reading →
Unrigging the GOP’s Minority RuleThe Republican Party is...
Robert Reich - 6 hours ago
*Unrigging the GOP’s Minority Rule* The Republican Party is shrinking. It’s lost the popular vote in seven of the past eight Presidential elections. Since Trump’s attempted coup, more Americans are abandoning it every day. Yet even as a shrinking minority party, the GOP intends to entrench themselves in power over the majority. Here’s their playbook – and what the rest of us can do to stop them. *1. In presidential elections, *they’ll continue to try to win enough swing states to dominate the Electoral College and win the presidency. The answer is to *make the Electoral College i...
Biden Administration Seeking to Provoke China to War
Eric Zuesse, The Duran - 6 hours ago

Eric Zuesse The United States now routinely violates a fundamental agreement that had been reached between Russia and the U.S. at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. FDR and Stalin agreed together that though every major power has a right to intervene in the internal affairs of other nations in its “neighborhood” insofar as is […]
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 2/22/21"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 6 hours ago

*"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 2/22/21"* ○ *- https://www.zerohedge.com/* ○ *Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak * *Feb 22, 2021 2:09 PM ET: * The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 111,522,500 people, according to official counts, including 28,169,463 Americans. Globally at least 2,469,000 have died. *Feb. 22, 2021 2:09 PM ET: * *Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count* - www.nytimes.com ○ *"The COVID Tracking Project"* Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, cases, hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and terr...
Was the Snow in Texas Artificially Manufactured by the Government?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
This isn't the first time internet users have been perplexed by the properties of snow.
Ex-Eaze CEO pleads guilty in $100 million cannabis payment scheme
Jeff Smith, Marijuana Business Daily - 7 hours ago
The former CEO of California cannabis delivery platform Eaze pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud in connection with an alleged scheme to deceive banks into processing more than $100 million worth of credit and debit payments for marijuana purchases. James Patterson’s plea, reported Friday by Law360.com, comes a week before […] Ex-Eaze CEO pleads guilty in $100 million cannabis payment scheme is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Two F-117 Nighthawks Spotted Over Los Angeles International Airport
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 7 hours ago
So one day at @flyLAXairport I get a tip about something special… I look up ……. USAF KC-135R in-flight w/ 2 F-117 Stealth Fighter’s! Well I guess their NOT re-tired after all?? 02-19-21 2 pic.twitter.com/0ujKIl9Vah — Matt Hartman (@ShorealoneFilms) February 21, 2021 *Defence Blog*: *Two F-117 Nighthawks stealth aircraft spotted over Los Angeles * A freelance photographer Matt Hartman says that at least two F-117 Nighthawks stealth aircraft were spotted over Los Angeles. According to Matt Hartman, on February 19, two mysterious F-117 Nighthawks stealth aircraft flew together wit...
Attorney general nominee Garland signals friendlier marijuana stance
John Schroyer, Marijuana Business Daily - 7 hours ago
The U.S. marijuana industry will likely have a friendlier attorney general if President Joe Biden’s pick, Merrick Garland, is confirmed as the head of the Department of Justice – based on comments the federal judge made Monday during his confirmation hearing. Garland made clear that, if confirmed, he would deprioritize enforcement of low-level marijuana crimes […] Attorney general nominee Garland signals friendlier marijuana stance is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Did Coca-Cola’s Diversity Training Tell Workers ‘Try To Be Less White’?
Dan MacGuill, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
Opponents of critical race theory and diversity training railed against Coca-Cola in February 2021, but with no real evidence.
Cherokee Chief: Time for Jeep to End Use of Tribe’s Name
AP News, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
It is time for Jeep to stop using the Cherokee Nation's name on its Cherokee and Grand Cherokee SUVs, the chief of the Oklahoma-based tribe said.
Amazon: the Favorite to Take Over DirecTV Sunday Ticket?
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Economics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2021%3Anewsml_RC25PL939006&share=true] If true and a deal were concluded, it would propel the streaming retail and giant to even greater heights. DirecTV is in a great deal of flux in relation to who’s going to own it going forward, with an auction taking place over the last several months to determine who will purchase a stake of the satellite service from AT&T. It’s not clear who’s going to emerge from that process, but after that will come the question of who takes over th...
Is a New Movie Starring Tom Hanks ‘Dominating Netflix’?
Jordan Liles, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
A curious headline that referenced the Hanks movie "News of the World" left out the fact that it wasn't available to Netflix users in the U.S.
What Are the Origins of Lent?
David Mikkelson, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
The practice of fasting from food for spiritual reasons is found in the three largest Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Biden’s illegal immigration plan
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 7 hours ago
https://youtu.be/dZ-w86r12Uw No social distancing, no masks, no quarantines. No isolation of sex criminals. Releasing drug cartel members. It's Biden's plan to control the virus and the opioid crisis. The lockdowns of schools, churches, libraries and social activities have hurt the children in low income families the most. Democrats and their allies in the unions are once again using government control to hurt minorities. Systemic racism? How about just systemically Democrat party with business as usual? And equal opportunity plan to hurt all children, but hurts minorities more. W...
Huge Demonstrations Across Myanmar Despite The Military Warnings Of Deadly Violence
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*BBC:* *Myanmar coup: Protesters defy military warning in mass strike * Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Myanmar in one of the largest demonstrations yet against the country's military coup. Businesses closed as employees joined a general strike, despite a military statement that said protesters were risking their lives by turning out. The statement prompted fears the protests could turn violent, but they remained peaceful throughout Monday. Myanmar has seen weeks of protest following the coup on 1 February. *Read more* .... *More News On Th...
Save Our Snow!
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 8 hours ago
Fifteen years ago, the Save Our Snow website was created to raise money for saving skiing from global warming. Access the GreenSnow Database Last year they reported on this peer reviewed article saying snow cover has decreased in the Northern … Continue reading →
Experiment: Coffee Sensitivity To Salt & Carbonate
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 8 hours ago
Coffee can have a dramatic character shift with only tiny amounts of salt or sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) Continue reading →
Media release confirms Bruce Lehrmann, the alleged parliament house rapist, worked for Senator Linda Reynolds
Shane Dowling, Kangaroo Court of Australia - 8 hours ago
Below is a media release by Senator Linda Reynolds which confirms alleged parliament house rapist Bruce Lehrmann worked for her and below is also a video of former Senator George Brandis thanking […]
Bushfire money mystery: recovery funds withheld to fight the Election?
Matt Lloyd-Cape, Michael West - 9 hours ago
[image: Bushfire funds] No figures are publicly available for the three largest bushfire recovery funds, which account for more than 55% of the $2.73 billion the federal Coalition has promised to devastated communities. By the end of last year, less than half of that $2.73 billion had been spent, some $500 million less than claimed by David Littleproud,
1 new case of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Monday, Feb. 22
Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner - 10 hours ago
The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. Please help us continue this coverage by subscribing. One new cases of COVID-19 is announced in Nova Scotia today (Monday, Feb. 22). The case is in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone and is a close contact of a previously announced case. It is a woman aged […]
Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather: Are Texas and Other States Victims of Climate Engineering Operations?
Brian-Admin, Health Impact News - 10 hours ago

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org recently published another installment in his “Into The Wild” video series. He refers to what recently happened in Texas and other states as "nothing short of winter weather warfare." "The extremely anomalous surface cool-down in Texas and other parts of the world are not just random acts of Nature. Global climate engineering operations are not just a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing everywhere. Though there are countless forms of human activity affectin...
TLC con la Unión Europea impulsa exportaciones agrícolas de Vietnam a los Países Bajos
bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
22-Feb-2021 Desde la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Vietnam y la Unión Europea (EVFTA en inglés) en agosto de 2020, las exportaciones agrícolas de la nación indochina a los Países Bajos han registrado un fuerte crecimiento, informó el Ministerio de Industria y Comercio.
El tratado UE-Mercosur es una amenaza para bosques y selvas
bilaterals.org - 8 hours ago
22-Feb-2021 La Comisión Europea quiere impulsar el acuerdo de libre comercio con Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Pero las importaciones crecientes de productos agrícolas de estos países de Mercosur a la UE amenazan con acelerar la ya grave deforestación. Súmate a la mayoría que pide el fin del tratado. Firma la petición.
A Good Start: Minnesota’s Return of Dakota Land Makes Space for Healing
Raul Diego, MintPress News - 8 hours ago
While most Native communities in Minnesota, such as the Ojibwe and others fighting pipeline projects through their land recognize that their fight for sovereignty is far from over, the land transfer to the Lower Sioux is a good, if small start in countering centuries of whitewashed history. The post A Good Start: Minnesota’s Return of Dakota Land Makes Space for Healing appeared first on MintPress News.
Saturday Night Live Controversy Hides Greater Issues Around Israeli Apartheid
Alan Macleod, MintPress News - 8 hours ago
“The real joke here is how this extremely obvious reality is taboo and calling any attention to it is subject to a massive pressure campaign when the real pressure campaign should be against Apartheid, not those calling attention to it.” The post Saturday Night Live Controversy Hides Greater Issues Around Israeli Apartheid appeared first on MintPress News.
Former US Ambassador Claims He Never Met Navalny but Unearthed Photo Shows Otherwise
Alan Macleod, MintPress News - 8 hours ago
As with so much in the world of spies and diplomacy, the public never has all the information. and the latest piece in the Navalny mystery underlines the point that few people are telling the truth all of the time. The post Former US Ambassador Claims He Never Met Navalny but Unearthed Photo Shows Otherwise appeared first on MintPress News.
Brazil’s deportations of foreigners up 5.7% in 2020
Aline Hipolito, The Rio Times - 8 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Data shows that over 2,000 people were deported in 2020, compared to 36 in 2019 - an increase of over 5%. Another survey shows a 24% increase in asylum requests granted by Brazil in 2020, while 41,000 requests were denied. Brazil deported 2,901 people in 2020, according to Federal Police […] The post Brazil’s deportations of foreigners up 5.7% in 2020 appeared first on The Rio Times.
The Surprising Cost of Our Epic Court Battle
Carly Gillis, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
How legal bills drain Snopes’ fact-checking resources.
Covid 500K?
Daniel McAdams, null - 8 hours ago
Mainstream media is reporting the "grim milestone" of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts "herd immunity" soon. Is it wrong? Fauci says maybe mask up till 2022. Is he wrong? Today on the Liberty Report:
Brazil’s country risk spikes 14% and reaches its highest since November
Richard Mann, The Rio Times - 8 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL -The rise in Brazil's risk indicator is much higher than that seen in other emerging economies. Amid worsening financial indicators for Brazil since President Jair Bolsonaro's intervention in Petrobras, the country risk as measured by the spread of the country's 5-year credit default swap (CDS) contracts has soared 14.02% since last […] The post Brazil’s country risk spikes 14% and reaches its highest since November appeared first on The Rio Times.
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Says Iran Could Boost Uranium Enrichment To 60%
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 9 hours ago
A handout picture provided by the office of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on February 21, 2021 shows him meeting with members of the Iranian Assembly of Experts in the capital Tehran - KHAMENEI.IR/AFP *France 24:* *Khamenei says Iran could boost uranium enrichment to 60% * Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Monday that the Islamic republic could boost uranium enrichment to 60 percent if needed, vowing to "not back down on the nuclear issue". That would be far above the 3.67 percent limit Iran had accepted under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers...
The Word From the Trenches – February 22, 2021
Henry Shivley, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – February 22, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
House Congressional Committee Organizes ‘Ministry of Truth’, Asks Cable Media to Begin Censoring Unapproved Speech
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 9 hours ago
The first amendment prohibits congress from passing any laws that would inhibit free speech and the freedom of the press. However, in the era of advanced Marxism and Democrat fascism their inability to use laws to block speech is seen … Continue reading → The post House Congressional Committee Organizes ‘Ministry of Truth’, Asks Cable Media to Begin Censoring Unapproved Speech appeared first on The Last Refuge.
Can the Laws of Physics Disprove God?
David Mikkelson, Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
‘If there is a God who created the entire universe and ALL of its laws of physics, does God follow God’s own laws?'
Dr. Fauci: use Israeli prize money to buy vaccines for Palestinians
contact@ifamericansknew.org, Israel Palestine News - 9 hours ago
If Dr. Anthony Fauci still plans to accept the Dan David Prize from Israel after he knows the facts, he may want to use the award money to buy vaccines for the people of Palestine.
Supreme Court Clears Path for New York Grand Jury to Receive President Trump Tax Returns
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 9 hours ago
The background of all these institutional moves is obvious if we stand back far enough to see the bigger picture. Ultimately, Donald Trump represented an existential threat to the corrupt systems of U.S. government established over the past several decades. … Continue reading → The post Supreme Court Clears Path for New York Grand Jury to Receive President Trump Tax Returns appeared first on The Last Refuge.
Supremes Steer Clear of Penn Case of Election Fraud
Ron Clutz, Science Matters - 9 hours ago
JUST IN – U.S. Supreme Court refuses to review #Pennsylvania election cases. No standing before an election, moot after. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissent from the denial. Since it only takes 4 justices to hear a case, these cases were only one vote away from getting a full hearing at the SCOTUS. (Source: Disclose.tv […]
A note to readers about ‘social media’ and going Analogue
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 10 hours ago
22 February 2021 — The New Dark Age You may have noticed the lack of Twitter and Facebook links in articles published here. There are two reasons for this: Firstly, WordPress have made embedding Twitter cumbersome and time-consuming with their latest ‘improvement’. But more importantly, I’ve decided to boycott so-called social media (I gave up … Continue reading A note to readers about ‘social media’ and going Analogue
This Man Ate Nothing But Potatoes for a Whole Year…What Happened Next Will SHOCK You
Nick Meyer, AltHealthWorks.com - 10 hours ago
Millions of people struggle with weight problems and addiction to eating. To solve this problem, people have tried all kinds of diets, both real and fad ones. But Andrew Taylor decided to do something some may consider pretty extreme. In the year 2016, he ate nothing but potatoes. He came to this decision after concluding that all the different diets he tried treated the symptoms of weight problems, rather that the cause of it — addiction to food. If it was possible, he said he would quit eating completely, like many quit drugs cold-turkey. But since quitting eating is impossible,...
Immunity by Easter?
Ron Clutz, Science Matters - 10 hours ago

Could it be that doors and societies will open and life be reborn as early as Easter 2021? That depends upon lockdown politicians and scientists who advise them. One such is Dr. Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, chief medical adviser to Sesame Care, and […]
Calling out the Sanctimonious Bill Gates.
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago

*And his exorbitant exploitation and wasteful use of earth's resources Which are claimed by the likes of Bill Gates to be limited. For us. But, not for him. Those that think themselves entitled.* - *Calling Bill Gates: What Gives Billionaires Such a Massive Carbon Footprint?* *Excerpts from an article written by* *:* *Richard Wilk, Distinguished Professor and Provost's Professor of Anthropology; Director of the Open Anthropology Institute, Indiana University and Beatriz Barros, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, Indiana University* *Billionaires have carbon footprints that ...
Good News On Climate – But You Won’t Hear It From the Media
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 9 hours ago

*Andrew Montford* | Contrary to received dogma, changes in climate do not spell the impending disaster that career climatists make it out to be.
Pepe Escobar: 'US-NATO will not leave Afghanistan'
Bruce K. Gagnon, Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago

*View of the starry sky above the ancient city of Jiaohe in Turpan, northwest China's Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, 22 July 2015. China's New Silk Road, also known as the 'One Belt One Road Initiative,' includes road, rail, oil and gas pipelines, ports and other infrastructure projects. Photo: AFP/Imaginechina* *The art of being a spectacularly misguided oracle* *If you doubt anyone could match Zbigniew Brzezinski's failure to understand Eurasia, consider Robert Kagan* by Pepe Escobar The late Dr. Zbig “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski for some time dispensed wisdom as a...
New Jersey recreational marijuana implementation law signed, setting stage for $1 billion market
Jeff Smith, Marijuana Business Daily - 9 hours ago
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday finally signed a law to implement a projected $1 billion recreational marijuana market, hours after lawmakers agreed on a “clean-up measure” that had held up the process for months. Adult-use sales could begin before year-end. New Jersey is poised to become the largest marijuana market on the East […] New Jersey recreational marijuana implementation law signed, setting stage for $1 billion market is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Russia to Unveil the Antey-4000 Missile System at IDEX 2021
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2KJI909H3O&share=true] Moscow hopes that this advanced weapon system will catch the eye of potential buyers. Russia is taking its advanced Antey-4000 anti-aircraft missile system on the road for the first time, and is apparently seeking to spur international interest for future exports of the long-range platform. Last week, the Russian-based manufacturer of the platform, Almaz-Antey, announced that the air defense system would be demonstrated at the IDEX 2021 inter...
Russia's Massive T-35 Tank Had Five Turrets
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *History, Europe* [image: By Unknown author - http://www.morozov.com.ua/eng/body/tanks/t-35.php?menu=history5.php, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9817830] Because why settle for just one turret when you can have more? The history of Soviet tank design is replete with odd and rather hare-brained ideas. From massive, nuclear-proof tanks designed to ride out nuclear armageddon, to flying tanks with wings intended to glide into battle with their crews inside. And this tank is no exception—it had not one turreted gun, not two turreted gu...
'Switch' from China Can Turn a Glock Into a Mini Machine Gun
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Glock, Americas* Unfortunately, this simple and small device could land people in big trouble without them realizing it. Earlier this month it was reported that at least three residents of North Texas have found themselves in big trouble for possession of a rather small device. Dubbed a “converter switch,” it attaches to the end of a Glock handgun and illegally transforms the regular semi-automatic-only firearm into a fully-automatic “machine gun.” As the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE or ATF) described on its website, “A relatively sim...
Is This a Real Newspaper Headline About Julia Roberts?
David Mikkelson, Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
"Big mistake. Big. Huge," Roberts' character famously declared in "Pretty Woman."
Chemically Nucleated Winter Weather: Are Texas and Other States Victims of Climate Engineering Operations?
AdminM, Medical Kidnap - 9 hours ago

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org recently published another installment in his “Into The Wild” video series. He refers to what recently happened in Texas and other states as "nothing short of winter weather warfare." "The extremely anomalous surface cool-down in Texas and other parts of the world are not just random acts of Nature. Global climate engineering operations are not just a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing everywhere. Though there are countless forms of human activity affectin...
We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Mirrors
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 10 hours ago
Scientists unearth a consequence of solar panels in the Sahara… While the black surfaces of solar panels absorb most of the sunlight that reaches them, only a fraction (around 15%) of that incoming energy gets converted to electricity. The rest is returned to the environment as heat. The panels are usually much darker than the… Continue reading →
Different Topics
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 10 hours ago
Historical Map Map of France’s borders for about 10 minutes in 1866. In 1866, The newly United Italy begged for Austria to give them Veneto so they could be closer to a full Italian unification, but Austria decided not to give Veneto to Italy, but gave it to France instead since Austria was backed […] The post Different Topics appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Italian Ambassador To DR Congo Killed In UN Convoy Attack
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*DW:* *Italian ambassador to Congo dies in attack on UN convoy * *Luca Attanasio died of his injuries as the unidentified attackers opened fire on the convoy, killing another official and a driver. * The Italian ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Luca Attanasio, was killed on Monday during a visit to the eastern part of the country in a World Food Program (WFP) convoy. "The three fatalities have been identified as the Italian Ambassador to DRC, Luca Attanasio, an Italian embassy official, and a WFP driver," the UN agency said in a statement. Other passengers were...
Canadian cannabis retailer Fire & Flower strikes US licensing deal
Solomon Israel, Marijuana Business Daily - 10 hours ago
Major Canadian cannabis retailer Fire & Flower Holdings is making moves into the United States, licensing its brand and technology to American Acres Managers, a private Canadian firm with marijuana retail ambitions in Arizona, California and Nevada. “The strategic agreements provide Fire & Flower with a discounted path to corporately-owned cannabis retail stores in major […] Canadian cannabis retailer Fire & Flower strikes US licensing deal is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Does Wearing Socks to Bed Cool Down the Body for Sleep?
Jordan Liles, Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
A TikTok video about wearing socks to bed received more than 15 million views in its first day after being posted by a resident doctor.
EU hits 19 Venezuelans with sanctions over December election
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 10 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The European Union on Monday imposed sanctions on 19 senior Venezuelan officials, lawmakers and members of the security forces in response to December’s legislative election that the bloc said was rigged in favour of President Nicolas Maduro. Allies of Maduro won almost all of the legislature’s seats in a vote […] The post EU hits 19 Venezuelans with sanctions over December election appeared first on The Rio Times.
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