10:54 pm MST
Olympic Boycott: The Way to Protest China's Human Rights Violations?
Ryan Gauthier, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Ryan Gauthier* *Politics, The Americas* Governments don’t send athletes to the Olympics. National Olympic Committees send athletes — and they are supposed to operate independently from their country’s government. With one year to go before the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, there has been talk of boycotting the Games to protest China’s persecution of its Uyghur population — and for the continued detention of two Canadians. The act of boycotting the Olympics is not as simple as it appears. Governments don’t send athletes to the Olympics. National Olympic Committees send athletes ...
Breaking Big Tech: To Benefit Consumers or Target Profits?
Bronwyn Howell, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Bronwyn Howell* *Technology, * In both cases, the authorities seem to believe that forcibly breaking up — or “structurally separating” — the firms will ultimately be in the long-term interests of consumers. However, structural separation is neither simple to implement nor necessarily beneficial. Antitrust authorities on both sides of the Atlantic have the Big Tech companies in their sights in 2021. The European Union (EU) fired a salvo just prior to Christmas, releasing its draft Digital Markets Act. The act establishes a category of large online platforms termed “gatekeepers” ...
Pottersville Digest
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Pottersville - 6 hours ago

("For the Unity!") ------------------------------ OK, question: How did these lunatics get maps to the Congressional tunnel system and who gave them to them? ------------------------------ They used the N word, repeatedly, extolled the superiority of slavery and seriously discussed who'd they rather fuck: Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms or Stacey Abrams. They turn their body cams off while they're murdering black people but turn them on for conversations like this. It seems Georgia hasn't progressed a bit since the 18th century. ------------------------------ I ...
Musical Interlude: Hans Zimmer, "Time"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 6 hours ago
*Hans Zimmer, "Time"* Full screen recommended.
"A Look to the Heavens"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

“The large stellar association cataloged as NGC 206 is nestled within the dusty arms of neighboring spiral galaxy Andromeda (M31), 2.5 million light-years distant. Seen near the center of this gorgeous close-up of the southwestern extent of Andromeda's disk, the bright, blue stars of NGC 206 indicate its youth. Its youngest massive stars are less than 10 million years old. Much larger than the clusters of young stars in the disk of our Milky Way galaxy known as open or galactic clusters, NGC 206 spans about 4,000 light-years. That's comparable in size to the giant stellar nurseries ...
Do Not Pass Go … Go Directly To Gulag
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 7 hours ago
Climate alarmists originally targeted capitalism via CO2 emissions, but now they have cut the middleman (CO2) out of the equation .. and are directly targeting capitalism.
Billion-Dollar Bridge
Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner - 7 hours ago
A consultant hired by the Halifax Dartmouth Bridge Commission (or Halifax Harbour Bridges, HHB) recommends that the MacKay Bridge be replaced with a new six-lane, cable-stayed bridge with a 500-metre long main span, costing $1.05 billion. The consultant is Darryl Matson, a senior vice-president with COWI North America Ltd., a bridge and tunnel engineering firm. […]
Government for Sale: live coverage of AEC political bribes data
Michael West, Michael West - 7 hours ago
[image: AEC, political donations] Total political donations for 2020 are $168m, way down on the $434m in the previous year 2018/19. The Liberal Party edged out Labor as the top recipient. Total donations for Liberal Party are $57m, Labor $55m, Nationals $12.4m, Clive Palmer $10.2m, Greens $7.2m and One Nation $5.8m.
Red State Governors Pick Up Where DeVos Left Off, Part 1
Jim Horn, Schools Matter - 7 hours ago
It's easy to make a case that Donald Trump was the least informed, least effective, and most racist President since Woodrow Wilson. And it is even easier to do same for his "utterly unqualified" Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Now that a competent and less racist Administration has saved the Nation from international shame and a domestic nervous breakdown, it is up to red state governors to push forward with the kinds of cruel, bigoted, corrupt, and Christian fascist initiatives that DeVos's hedge fund social planners pushed forward to gain the slimy seal of approval from the ...
Chet Raymo, “Walking Wary”
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

*“Walking Wary”* by Chet Raymo “Virginia Woolf called them "moments of being," those unanticipated encounters with something in nature (including, of course, human nature) that sets one back on one's heels, drops the jaw, sends chills up the spine. I use clichés, but the experiences are anything but clichés. What makes them special is the way they break through and illuminate what Woolf calls "the grey cotton wool" of everyday experience. Sylvia Plath describes these rare and precious encounters in her poem "Black Rook in Rainy Weather." "Spasmodic tricks of radiance," she calls t...
The Sad Death of “Roadside America”
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 7 hours ago
The story of an offbeat tourist attraction (and ginormous model railroad) in Pennsylvania
The Poet: Barbara Crooker, "In the Middle"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

*"In the Middle"* "In the middle of a life that's as complicated as everyone else's, struggling for balance, juggling time. The mantle clock that was my grandfather's has stopped at 9:20; we haven't had time to get it repaired. The brass pendulum is still, the chimes don't ring. One day you look out the window, green summer, the next, and the leaves have already fallen, and a grey sky lowers the horizon. Our children almost grown, our parents gone, it happened so fast. Each day, we must learn again how to love, between morning's quick coffee and evening's slow return. Steam from a pot...
Democratic US Congressman After Both Pfizer Injections and Attending the Biden Inauguration, Tests Positive for Covid.
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago

* Yup, just another inevitable fail for a vaccine that was experimental, authorized for emergency use and was never demonstrated to stop transmission. But looks as if it's resulting in plenty of death with vaccine issues.* - *Hank Aaron Dies WITH Covid Vaccine. Experimental, Unproven EAU Covid Vaccine.* *Swiss Nursing Home Resident Dies After Covid-19 "Vaccine"- Israeli Man Dies Within Hours of Covid Vaccination * *Norway's Covid-19 Vaccine Fatalities Rise to 29 (this number actually hit 33 or 34?, possibly higher)* * Boy that Biden administration...
"Our Planet..."
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"It May Be..."
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

"It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work,And that when we no longer know what way to go, we have begun our real journey." - Wendell Berry
Gregory Mannarino, "Alert! Markets, A Look Ahead: Physical Silver Supply Running Out!"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 7 hours ago

"Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity... Only the consequences are real - to *you*! *Your guide:* Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/31/21: *"Alert! Markets, A Look Ahead: * *Physical Silver Supply Running Out!"* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ *Related, why this is important:* "*Insider Intel: "*I work for a bank whose name I won’t disclose. You fools. You have no idea what you’re doing." - https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/ ○ "Suck It, Wall Street!"
Why the Age of the Aircraft Carrier Isn't Over Just Yet
Dan Goure, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Dan Goure* *Security, * Critics of the modern aircraft carrier too often focus only on the alleged vulnerabilities of the ship and fail to address the role of the carrier air wing. Large-deck nuclear-powered aircraft carriers will be a key part of the Navy’s force structure for the next half-century, at a minimum. The primary reason for this is the remarkable adaptability and flexibility of the carrier air wing. When the current, evolving air wing is married to the functional improvements embodied in the new *Ford*-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (CVN), the result will b...
AOC Has It Wrong: Why You Won't Like a $15 Minimum Wage
Ryan Bourne, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Ryan Bourne* *economy, The Americas* Contrary to popular thought, several strands of research arrive regularly at the conclusion that high minimum wages reduce opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. It sometimes feels as if advocates and opponents of minimum wage hikes are talking in different universes. In large part, that stems from completely opposite interpretations of the balance of the academic literature on the subject. Research on the minimum wage in the U.S. has been extensive, yet one can read Paul Krugman claiming “There’s just no evidence that raising the min...
What Will Joe Biden’s Tax Hikes Do to America?
Grover G. Norquist, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Grover G. Norquist* *Joe Biden Taxes, * Norquist: "We have a fairly good idea of how Biden’s economic policies will perform as they are the opposite of Trump’s and the mirror image of Obama’s." President Joe Biden promises to raise taxes on America. Then what? Biden promised as a candidate that he would, “on day one,” repeal the entire Republican “Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” enacted in 2017. He has also promised to tax energy: a “carbon” tax. To re-impose the Obamacare individual mandate tax. To tax capital gains as ordinary income and double the top rate. To hike the death tax. To en...
Did Donald Trump Successfully Realign U.S. Global Power and Interests?
Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Joergen Oerstroem Moeller* *Security, Americas* The world holds its breath to wait and see what happens in the next five to ten years. The 2020s look predestined to determine the main parameters of the global power game: Economics, digitalization and political systems. The struggle between democracy/market economy versus authoritarianism/central planning ended in 1990. Since then, the world has lingered on without knowing what would follow, more or less acquiescing in a gradual erosion of American power, while still expecting the United States to act globally and be the guardia...
Peace Problem: Israel Knows How to Capitalize on Its Conflict With Palestinians
Lawrence J. Haas, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Lawrence J. Haas* *Security, Middle East* The more that Arab nations make peace with Israel, the less that Washington, Europe, or the West, in general, will push the time-worn, and clearly inaccurate, theory that Israeli-Palestinian peace is the key to broader regional peace. U.S. envoy Richard Mills didn’t say anything particularly surprising the other day when he told the UN Security Council that, to keep the “two-state solution” viable, Israel should refrain from settlement and annexation activity, while the Palestinians should abandon incitement and payments to terrorists. ...
Why America Needs to Revive Its Relationship With the South Caucasus
Taras Kuzio, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Taras Kuzio* *Security, Eurasia* The Biden administration must move away from traditional U.S. and French favoritism towards Armenia and adopt a more balanced position between Yerevan and Baku. It is always refreshing to read alternative viewpoints and strong opinions on particular topics. Nevertheless, when Michael Rubin noted that “to arm or support Azerbaijan today is to empower the Kremlin and Khamenei, not to bring security or further American interests in the region,” his claim was very far from the reality on the ground. U.S. policymakers should see things as they really...
Do COVID-19 Travel Bans Work? Here's What Happened When the US Tried It
Jeff Prince, Daniel Simon, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Jeff Prince, Daniel Simon* *Coronavirus, * Once the virus was in the U.S., how much impact did international travel actually have on COVID-19 cases and deaths? The coronavirus was still a far-away problem in Wuhan when U.S. President Donald Trump announced a ban on travel from China in late January 2020. Six weeks later, as the coronavirus ravaged Italy, Trump closed travel from Europe. These travel bans were highly controversial. Some people argued that they were unnecessary restrictions on travel. Others said they came too late. As New York’s COVID-19 case numbers shot upward...
Brazil’s São Paulo Says Ingredients for 8.6 Million Vaccine Doses to Arrive on Wednesday
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 8 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil’s São Paulo state is expecting to receive on Wednesday, February 3rd, ingredients from Sinovac Biotech Ltd that will allow local production of 8.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, the state government said in a statement on Sunday. The ingredients are in Beijing’s airport, in China, awaiting discharge and will […] The post Brazil’s São Paulo Says Ingredients for 8.6 Million Vaccine Doses to Arrive on Wednesday appeared first on The Rio Times.
Lukwesa is the bearer of good tidings
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
Talking of Lukwesa Burak... Straight after Dharshini's latest performance on the BBC News Channel, Lukwesa turned to something completely different. And I've never seen a BBC News Channel newsreader look so happy about announcing something. She beamed with what looked like delight, and her voice became excessively loud and giddy with seeming excitement. Now what could have so lifted Lukwesa's face and voice into the stratosphere and beyond? Well, a bit of identity politics, that's what! The actual words really don't do justice to just how over-the-moon she gave the impression...
Preparing to Stack the Supreme Court
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 8 hours ago
The overt destruction of the United States of America is at hand: Joe Biden has begun staffing a commission that would examine reforming the Supreme Court and the federal court system. The commission will supposedly be bipartisan, but we all know which side will be in the majority. Biden floated the idea of a commission… Continue reading →
New study claims an ice age is coming – Earth’s climate is ‘cyclical’
Robert, Ice Age Now - 9 hours ago
Short video – Interview with world-famous geologist and earth scientist Professor Ian Plimer. I love this guy’s attitude. __________ 14 Jan 2021 – This interview with Professor Plimer was in response to a Cardiff University study saying that melting icebergs in the Antarctic could actually trigger an ice age. Professor Plimer dismantles the alarmist rhetoric ... Read more The post New study claims an ice age is coming – Earth’s climate is ‘cyclical’ appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Vancouver Art Gallery - CTV Studios PCR Test TRUTH RALLY that was held on Saturday, January 30, 2021 Plus: RAH provides background and context
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 1 hour ago

*Sign Carried by Greencrow at* *Yesterday's Rally was a Hit* Good morning again readers. Many of you are eagerly awaiting my "Boots on the Ground" report from the Vancouver Art Gallery PCR Test Truth Rally that was held there yesterday starting at 1 p.m. First of all, while it was lashing cold rain all morning...just before we began to march...It stopped raining. I always take this as a "sign from God". But it remained quite cold and so I did not take photos. There were tons of people taking photos, including several that looked like professional photographers...so I did no...
In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine that Would ‘Drive All Inclination toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’
Noor al Haqiqa, SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS - 8 hours ago

January 20, 2021 Dylan Charles, Waking Times ED Noor: We are all reeling from this mess we find ourselves caught up in. I was finding myself getting lost in it all despite my strong stance; my understanding of what is going on about us was getting me depressed to the point I have regained 15 pounds in the past few months; not to be tolerated after my struggles of the past few years! But anyhow, I am now digging back into my spiritual base for fortitude and understanding. In doing so I have stumbled across this amazing blog, Waking Times. Expect more work from this creative wri...
Did a Kiss Cam Show Model Katherine Webb With a Young Boy?
Alex Kasprak, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
Baseless innuendo is great for clicks.
Navalny returns to Russia and brings anti-Putin politics with him
Regina Smyth, Professor of Political Science, Indiana University, Politics + Society – The Conversation - 8 hours ago

Poisoning Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny didn't get rid of him. He survived the attack, and now the Kremlin must deal with a reinvigorated reform movement led by Navalny.
Why Conservative States Will Hate Biden's $15 Minimum Wage Plan
James Pethokoukis, The National Interest - 8 hours ago
*James Pethokoukis* *economy, The Americas* Such a large increase in the federal minimum wage will shift business formation, growth, and employment from red states to blue, as the higher minimum wage erodes red states’ labor cost advantage in many job categories. Even if you believe Janet Yellen’s recent testimony that a $15 federal minimum wage would have a “very minimal” impact on overall employment, it is hard to imagine that raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour would not significantly impact business costs and employment in at least some parts of the cou...
Major Storm Heads to Northeast After Blanketing Midwest
AP News, Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
After days of frigid temperatures, the Northeast braced for a whopper of a storm that could dump well over a foot of snow in many areas.
Biden DHS Suggests That Nearly Everyone Dissatisfied With The Status Quo Is A Potential Terrorist
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan The Biden regime, faced with the fear of multiple populist uprisings, has issued an Orwellian “terrorism” alert suggesting pretty... The post Biden DHS Suggests That Nearly Everyone Dissatisfied With The Status Quo Is A Potential Terrorist appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Anti-vax protesters force Dodgers Stadium mass vaccination site to SHUT DOWN temporarily, stalling hundreds of people who had been waiting in line for hours to get shots
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Daily Mail A mass COVID-19 vaccination site at LA‘s Dodgers Stadium was forced to temporarily shut down Saturday after dozens of anti-vaxxers descended on the... The post Anti-vax protesters force Dodgers Stadium mass vaccination site to SHUT DOWN temporarily, stalling hundreds of people who had been waiting in line for hours to get shots appeared first on From the Trenches World Report .
In Israel Vaccinations And Covid Are Both Spiking Higher
Video Rebel, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Video Rebel’s Blog Gilad Atzmon is an anti-Zionist Israeli musician who lives in London. He is despised by the Jewish leadership. He has written articles... The post In Israel Vaccinations And Covid Are Both Spiking Higher appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Large Group of Haitian Migrants Cross Border into Texas
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Breitbart – by Randy Clark Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector apprehended a large group of suspected Haitian migrants who illegally crossed the... The post Large Group of Haitian Migrants Cross Border into Texas appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
329 Deaths and 9,516 “Other Injuries” in U.S. Reported Following COVID Vaccine
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Global Research – by Children’s Health Defense The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 22 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting... The post 329 Deaths and 9,516 “Other Injuries” in U.S. Reported Following COVID Vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
“Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open” – Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden Update (1100ET): For some background on just how unprecedented this weekend’s action in silver markets is, Tyler Wall, the CEO of... The post “Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open” – Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 9 hours ago
Time and Place It’s important to be able to know when to hold ’em and to know when to fold ’em. British grenadiers – plus possibly Tarleton himself – engaging French and Continental Army infantry at one of the Yorktown re-enactments. The British would have been better off marching back into the […] The post Thoughts appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
A Bayesian Analysis Proves That SARS-CoV-2 Is Laboratory Derived
People for Life and Freedom, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
GNews The report was published on zenodo.org by Steven Carl Quay, MD, PhD on Jan 29, 2021 Click here to download a copy of the report Dr.... The post A Bayesian Analysis Proves That SARS-CoV-2 Is Laboratory Derived appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With mRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 9 hours ago
Humans are Free In the following interview, Dr. Lee Merritt explains that mRNA technology is not a vaccine, mirroring what Dr. David Martin also stated... The post Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With mRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Community Bands Together to Rescue Elderly Woman Medically Kidnapped – The Life of a Senior is Still Precious to Some
Mary, From the Trenches World Report - 10 hours ago
Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy In a week where it was reported that the New York State Attorney General admitted that nursing home... The post Community Bands Together to Rescue Elderly Woman Medically Kidnapped – The Life of a Senior is Still Precious to Some appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
The Daily "Near You?"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 10 hours ago

Valdez, Alaska, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"Nonconformity and the Normalcy Bias"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 10 hours ago

*"Nonconformity and the Normalcy Bias"* By Julian Wash "Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that surrenders to a curious state called “normal.” Normal is a cultivated space, fashioned from how we see ourselves and how we’d like others to see us. It’s a weighted measure, balancing self-appraisal against the opinions and judgment of others. It is a dynamic state, subject to change depending on which way society pulls the levers on public opinion and the laws that govern social order. But most of all, normal is an assumed state of cooperatio...
"What Are The Facts?"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 10 hours ago

“What are the facts? Again and again and again – what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what “the stars foretell,” avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the un-guessable “verdict of history” – what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your single clue. Get the facts!” - Robert A. Heinlein “It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same...
Zero new cases of COVID-19 are announced in Nova Scotia on Sunday, Jan. 31
Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner - 11 hours ago
The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. Please help us continue this coverage by subscribing. Zero new cases of COVID-19 are announced in Nova Scotia today (Sunday, Jan. 31). There are now 10 known active cases in the province. One person is in hospital with the disease, although not in ICU. The active […]
It's the way she tells 'em
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
Following on from a post earlier today (to narrow it down, this one: Some people might say...)... BBC One's early evening news bulletin stuck with the BBC template of the day with Clive Myrie introducing the CPTPP story and asking Dharshini David (in an incredulous tone of voice) "We have just left the European Union, now we want to join *another* trading block?" That question struck ex-MEP Roger Helmer (watching and tweeting) as a very poor one: For heaven’s sake, after the Brexit saga do they still not know the difference between an FTA and a political union? Dharshini, pr...
"But can I just look at some elephants please?"
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
Sarah Vine, wife of former Environment Secretary Michael Gove, tweeted *this* tonight: Tuned in to watch a bit of David Attenborough but am now being subjected to propaganda. Yes, I know: humanity is an evil plague on the planet. But can I just look at some elephants please? #*PerfectPlanet* Of course, the answer to Sarah's question is, 'No, you *can't *just look at some elephants. This is the BBC'. Wonder if Michael was watching and felt the same way?
Systemic Contingencies – The Need For Bill Barr’s Positioning Revealed, 2018
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 9 hours ago
Everything was essentially a process of systemic contingencies; ‘if this, then that’. If this happens then we react with that. If this is likely to come out, then we proactively respond with this – that allows control. That is the … Continue reading → The post Systemic Contingencies – The Need For Bill Barr’s Positioning Revealed, 2018 appeared first on The Last Refuge.
Does Russia Have a ‘Military Disneyland’ Theme Park?
Alex Kasprak, Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
It has nothing to do with Disney, but that nickname works better than "Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
Are Some U.S. States Really Headed for a Budget Disaster?
James Pethokoukis, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*James Pethokoukis* *economy, The Americas* Most states are having to tighten their belts, which is not a bad thing. A course correction is needed, but there is no broad‐based “state fiscal crisis.” Most states still have cash in their rainy day funds, and money is still flowing into their coffers from past federal aid packages. Media reports since the pandemic began have claimed that state and local governments are in a “dire fiscal crisis” and face “the biggest cash crisis since the Great Depression.” Such claims are exaggerated. State‐local tax revenues dipped in the second ...
Is the Impeachment of Donald Trump Constitutional?
Robert A. Levy, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Robert A. Levy* *Politics, The Americas* It depends on your interpretation. Former judge Michael Luttig has argued correctly that the Constitution refers to impeachment of the president, not the ex‐president. Article II, section 4 provides that “The President … shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Accordingly, once a person is no longer president, he can’t be impeached or convicted. Our federal government has only those powers enumerated in the Constitution; it does not have the power to ...
Facebook to Permanently Stop Recommending Political Groups
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Politics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2F1I9XRCBH&share=true] The social media giant is working overtime to clamp down on extremist content. In the wake of the U.S. Capitol insurrection on January 6, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that his company will no longer recommend civic and political groups to its billions of users worldwide. “This is a continuation of work we’ve been doing for a while to turn down the temperature and discourage divisive conversations,” Zuckerberg said in a cal...
Can You Get a ‘Verified Badge Crest’ on Your Bay Area Home?
Snopes Staff, Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
"To receive the blue check crest, there must be someone authentic and notable actively living in the house," according to the Blue Check Homes website.
Sunday Afternoon Links
Unknown, Accidental Deliberations - 10 hours ago
This and that for your Sunday reading. - Linda Geddes discusses the problem with people approaching COVID-19 restrictions based on the question of what's permitted (or worse yet what they can get away with), rather than what choices are most likely to limit the spread of the virus. - Richard Horton writes about the growing expert push for a no-COVID strategy, while Michael Baker and Martin McKee offer 16 reasons for any country to pursue that goal. Lynsey Chutel and Marc Santora point out the need to fight the pandemic everywhere for anybody to be safe from future spread and new...
Watch a woman’s attempt to rescue her mother from medical kidnap – Armed riot police pepper spray a crowd of mostly women & children
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 10 hours ago
The 2020 NY state nursing home deaths are reported to be in the 10s of 1000s! Detained against her will following an overnight stay for fluids only (she had a UTI), the elderly woman’s daughter along with people support, successfully retrieved her, not before a huge display of armed force from local law enforcement including … Continue reading Watch a woman’s attempt to rescue her mother from medical kidnap – Armed riot police pepper spray a crowd of mostly women & children →
Norway links 13 deaths to Pfizer vaccine’s side effects
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 10 hours ago
Four days before New Year’s Eve, inoculation with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine began in Norway. Since Svein Andersen (67) at the Ellingsrudhjemmet elderly home became the first Norwegian to take the jab, over 33,000 Norwegians have received the vaccine in the subsequent weeks, APA reports citing Sputnik. It was announced in advance that the vaccine may … Continue reading Norway links 13 deaths to Pfizer vaccine’s side effects →
When Will IPCC End Its Scientific Denial: How Long Can UN Body Ignore Thousands Of Publications Disputing CO2
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 10 hours ago
Originally posted on Iowa Climate Science Education: Despite the thousands of scientific publications refuting alarmist climate change scenarios, governments, activists and the IPCC continue to insist that we’re headed for climate catastrophe when we clearly are not. Thanks to Kenneth Richard’s Herculean efforts and the Google Medieval Warm Period Map, we have these publications readily…
Pro-Navalny protest in Moscow
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 10 hours ago
Originally posted on Conspiracy Daily Update: View on YouTube
The BBC turns down a 'Times' FOI request
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
More BBC-related Freedom of Information (FoI) news tonight, courtesy of Matthew Moore of *The* *Times*... *The* *Times *has had an FoI request rejected by the BBC - personally, by the outgoing BBC chairman no less: Sir David Clementi has blocked the release of the BBC’s licence fee collection strategy in one of his final acts as chairman. The document, understood to set out plans for maximising revenues from the compulsory levy, was approved by the BBC board last year. In response to a freedom of information request from *The Times*, the broadcaster confirmed that it held th...
Was a Tiny Chameleon With Huge Genitals Discovered in Madagascar?
Alex Kasprak, Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
A newly discovered, miniature chameleon may be the world's smallest adult male reptile. Evolutionarily speaking, not everything appears to have shrunk at the same rate, however.
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