Manifesto Joe's Texas Blues
Donald Trump's Big Gamble
By Manifesto Joe The mogul of Atlantic City is doing some high-stakes
gambling these days. And if he wins, the country is likely to lose --
BIG. I didn't consider Donald (T)rump to be all that dangerous, even
amid the comparisons to Hitler and such -- until last Thursday night. I
thought of him in terms of a corrupt buffoon, akin to Silvio Berlusconi,
the former Italian prime minister and media mo
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Middle Class Political Economist
A bet with Tim Worstall on Apple's state aid repayment
Tim Worstall , a contributor at the Forbes Magazine website, wrote a
column Thursday wherein he challenges all comers to a bet on the outcome
of Apple's state aid case I discussed Sunday . He repeated the
challenge to me specifically in the comments section of my post, and I
accepted. It's for bragging rights only (I think I'd prefer for the
prize to be a beer next time I go to London, oh well).
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Morton's Musings
Supreme Court restates Circumstantial Evidence Rule
R. v. Villaroman, 2016 SCC 33: No particular form of instruction to
the jury is required where the evidence on one or more elements of the
offence is entirely or primarily circumstantial. However, where proof of
one or more elements of the offence depends solely or largely on
circumstantial evidence, it may be helpful for the jury to receive
instructions that will assist them to understand the na
Mitigation of Damages
Delco Automation Inc. v. Carlo's Electric Limited, 2016 ONCA 591: [25]
Although a plaintiff is entitled to recover damages for the losses it
suffers from the defendant's breach of contract, the extent of those
losses may depend upon whether it has taken reasonable steps to avoid
their accumulation: Michaels v. Red Deer College (1975), 57 D.L.R. (3d)
386 (S.C.C.), at p. 390. Where, after the breac
Parties have duty to supervise counsel
Southwestern Sales Corporation Limited v. Spurr Bros. Ltd.,
2016Southwestern Sales Corporation Limited v. Spurr Bros. Ltd., 2016
ONCA 590 ONCA 590: [22] As part of its obligation to move its
construction lien actions along, the appellant was required to take
reasonable steps to supervise its counsel's work to ensure there would
be an expeditious determination of the actions on their merits. On a
Contempt - Spirit v Form
Chirico v. Szalas, 2016 ONCA 586 raises an interesting point. Contempt
can be granted for a breach of the "spirit" of an order . This is hardly
new but here the "spirit" has been defined quite broadly; specifically
surrender of a dog to a different party was considered to be a breach
because both parties were "authorities". The case will be useful for
persons trying t
Obsolete * Not Found
The end.
A part of me died last Sunday. The part of me that died held within it
the only remaining impetus for continuing to write this blog. The part
of me that died was the part that against everything else, against my
cynicism and occasional descents into outright misanthropy, convinced
the rest of me that on the whole, most people, in this country at least,
are decent, upfront and kind. The part that
There by the grace of God.
Though there is no true love / Just a finely tuned jealousy You may
have noticed there weren't any posts last week. Well, there was one, but
it seems to have mysteriously disappeared. A couple of reasons for
that. The main one being in the 11 years I've been writing this blog I
have never felt such abject, crushing despair at the state of politics,
not only in this country but around the world. I
This is yesterday.
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Not that I ever do. This is
different though. I didn't expect this. You think that for so long you
want something, only for it to turn out that you don't really. You don't
want the wrong impression to come across. Your motives to be seen as
malign when you don't have a proper clue about them yourself. It's not
about you. Except it looks for all the world as
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Philosophical Comment
New and forthcoming work (soon) available: conscientious refusal of
pofessionals, hate crime philosophy, responsibility and priority-setting
in health care, and the ethics of patient education
Just kicking off the autumn term after some well-needed weeks of
complete holiday, summing up some recent and very soon available or
forthcoming work in a few different areas: 1. Conscientious objection or
refusal of professionals (in health care and elsewhere) This is an
area, i have been posting about before ( here , and here ). a) As I
flagged earlier in one of these posts, there is one article
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Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home
Follow Trump's Advice, Lose Your Sexual Harassment Case
By now you've probably heard Donald Trump's advice to sexual harassment
victims : just quit your job. The problem with this (besides the fact
that not everyone is a billionaire who can quit without having a job
lined up) is that if you do quit, you may well give up your right to sue
for sexual harassment. You see, the Supreme Court, in its infinite
wisdom, says that if your employer has a publishe
Massachusetts Legislators Fail To Protect Citizens Against Abusive Noncompetes. Again
For a second year in a row, Massachusetts legislators introduced
legislation to ban or severely limit the use of noncompete agreements in
their state. And for the second year in a row, those efforts failed.
Things looked hopeful for awhile, as both houses passed legislation, but
then legislators couldn't agree on a compromise. So for the time being
the citizens of Massachusetts will have to put up
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Syria Comment
Syrian Hezbollah Militias of Nubl and Zahara’
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi The Syrian Shi’i towns of Nubl and Zahara’
to the north of Aleppo city, like other Shi’i areas in Syria, have been
associated with support for the regime from the outset. In addition,
given that the religious affiliation (Twelver Shi’i Islam) happens to
coincide with that of Iran and its Lebanese client Hezbollah that are
leading backers of the regime, Nubl and Zahara’ h
“Who is to blame for Syria’s nightmare?” By Ehsani2
Who is to blame for Syria’s nightmare? By Ehsani2 For Syria Comment ,
July 31 Once the popular demonstrations of the Arab spring brought down
the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, many Syrians assumed that they could
bring down President Assad just as quickly. Early in 2011, most expected
him to last no more than a few months. Five and a half years later,
Assad remains president. In the 20th century,
The Boy Beheaded by Zinki Fighters, Abdullah Tayseer, Who Was He? – By Ehsani2
The Boy Beheaded by Zinki Fighters, Abdullah Tayseer, Who Was He? By
Ehsani2 For Syria Comment , July 22, 2016 The video of the beheading of
the young Syrian boy by the Zanki group in Aleppo caused widespread
public shock. Since the appearance of the video, the boy’s identity has
been the subject of much speculation. This account of his identity is
based on hours of conversations with Aleppo resi
“What the Rebel Loss of Aleppo Will Mean for Syria,” by Landis, Heras, Lund & Abdulhamid
What the Rebel Loss of Aleppo will mean for Syria? Four Analysts
respond – Joshua Landis, Nicholas Heras, Aron Lund and Ammar Abdulhamid
Aleppo Reenforces Regime Claims to Be Able to Retake Most of Syria By
Joshua Landis – Director, Center for Middle East Studies, Univsity of
Oklahoma The encirclement of Eastern Aleppo by the Syrian military and
its allies is a major blow to the opposition. It re
The Duck of Minerva
The Anglosphere, Dominance in Global Finance, and the Consequences of Brexit
This is a guest post by Jan Fichtner , Postdoctoral Researcher in the
CORPNET project at the Department of Political Science of the University
of Amsterdam. So far, International Relations and International
Political Economy have not dedicated much attention to analyzing the
group of the Anglophone countries together (notable exceptions are
Andrew Gamble , Jeremy Green , Kees van der Pijl , and S
Gearing up for the Academic Job Market: Don’t Dabble
There are many things worth dabbling in: Pokeman Go!, the arts,
alternative medicine, old films, astrology, gourmet cuisine….the list
could go on and on. I really like when people, including graduate
students, tell me they are dabbling in these things or other hobbies.
It’s probably going to help both their productivity and their overall
happiness . As much as I like “dabblers” in those types of
A (Un)Dead Letter?: Zombies, Feminist Theory and the IR Classroom
It’s always exciting to see articles on pop culture gracing the pages
of mainstream political science journals. And it’s always good to see
international relations scholars being encouraged to engage more deeply
with questions of gender in the course of their teaching. This issue of
PS: Political Science and Politics gives us both : an article by Rebecca
Susan Evans , taking Daniel Drezner to tas
Could the Olympics Help Human Rights?
Grab your popcorn – opening ceremonies for Rio 2016 are tonight! It’s
my favorite part of the Olympics; I really could do without the whole
“sport” thing that comes after. And, one of my favorite parts of
tonight’s opening ceremonies are when the various country teams get to
be announced: the parade of nations. I love the outfits , the flags, the
background stories, the family members crying, and
The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage
It Is a Test, World
The question is, how to make people--especially "experts", and all
those who follow them unquestioningly, as though they really were
expert--get it into their heads that they are not thinking straight? I
cannot, as a hard scientist, take any part of climate science seriously.
The very "global temperature" data on which all of it depends is
constantly being revised, and always
Dr. Spencer, It Is Simply the Hydrostatic Condition
The Dr. Roy Spencer site has a post, "The Warm Earth: Greenhouse
Effect or Atmospheric Pressure?". For what it's worth, that is the wrong
way to pose the question, between those for and against the greenhouse
effect. But too many "skeptics" of consensus climate science make the
same mistake, even now, nearly 6 years after my 2010 "Venus: No
Greenhouse Effect" post. S
It Beggars the Imagination
When I first became aware of the "global warming" debate in late 2009
(a debate which was, years later, infamously changed to "climate change"
when the "global warming pause" from 1997 to the present made it
"politically expedient" to direct attention away from the continuing
LACK of scientifically measurable global warming), I knew as a hard
scientist that
The New Paradigm: Beyond Sunken Cities and Rifted, Drifting Continents
The climate etc site of climate professor Judith Curry has a guest
post, "Canopus, Herakleion, New Orleans and Continental Rifts", on an
"alternative perception of sea level rise and climate change". By
"alternative perception" the author, Anthony Lucas, means an alternative
theory to the consensus earth science (i.e., plate tectonics), to wit
an "expanding Eart
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The High-fat Hep C Diet
Problems with Song et al Animal Protein vs Plant Protein study
According to Harvard, this truck has saved more lives than an
ambulance. Here we have another study from the hydra-headed monster that
is the Harvard school of public health's interpretation of the NHS and
HPFS studies. By my count there have been four of these so far this
year, all saying much the same thing, that dietary guidelines were
correct. Or rather, they've been presented as saying that,
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The Straight Goods
Justin Trudeau. Pierre Trudeau. Canada And Imperial Globalization. Part VI
Justin Trudeau. Pierre Trudeau. Canada And Imperial Globalization.....
Part VI Written by Robin Mathews Reading Justin Trudeau’s Election-time
book, Common Ground (2015) is not a richly rewarding experience. In the
face of the Stephen Harper/Conservative Party incipient fascism,
however, Justin Trudeau’s insistence upon democratic consultation and
multi-racial equality in the book is important. B
Mel Hurtig. 1932-2016. ......Robin Mathews and Company Say Goodbye
Mel Hurtig. 1932-2016. Written By Robin Mathews On Wednesday, August
3, 2016, Mel Hurtig shook off the chains of his mortality to find the
place of peace that passeth understanding, and - as Shakespeare has it -
‘ from whose bourn no traveller returns’. On Wednesday, August 3, 2016,
Canada lost one of its finest citizens. At once truculent, determined,
irascible, warm, colourful, imaginative … an
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thwap's schoolyard
More About Hilary-Bots n' Stuff
Infuriatingly, some USA-liberal, Hillary-bot blog tried to guilt
"purists" who stupidly won't vote for Hillary Clinton due to
"argle-blargle" that it would be their fault about all the people who
would be hurt by a Trump victory. So, to begin, ... un-fuck you you
miserable piece of shit. Number one: Bernie Sanders consistently polled
as being far better at defeating Trump. But
Liberal Hillary-Bots
No. It's not "progressive" to support Hillary Clinton. She's a
corrupt, mass-murdering, neo-liberal, imperialist scum-bag. Reading and
watching all these US and Canadian liberals twist their minds up into
pretzels about how awesome she is and how evil, selfish and deluded her
critics are is really just depressing. I get that there's fear of the
ignorant boor Donald Trump's racism and hi
Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against F...
Hillarium Cynicism (Dwarfing Hillary) - Forget About It! (Rigged System
Not to Be Acknowledged) Clinton Enables GOP? (Perkins Coie Wikileaked:
DNC Death Mystery Deepens (Or Not)) Big Banks/Insurance Send Scary
Signals (The Obama Jig Testimony) Hillary/Obama Branding Lets Wall
Street Walk
Yes, this argument has been made here since, what? . . . seems like
forever. (I've got a crush on this guy. He's soooo much smarter than the
average bear.) With Trump Certain to Lose, You Can Forget About a
Progressive Clinton Lies. Lies. And more lies? Not from Corey Robin:
I’ve been saying that one of the problems with the “Trump is like no
Republican we’ve ever seen before” line is that
(TPP/Jobs Numbers Frauds/Bush League Redux) Foreclosure Fraud Epidemic
Not Alleviated - Bragged About As Good Business? (You Got Served! The
One-Party State? Chaos Vote Wins ) No Conspiracies Here: Clinton
Campaign Dead-On Clean (DNC Staffer Could Have Said She Couldn't Accept
Lawsuit, But Did the Opposite)
"Madness! Madness!" - The Bridge on the River Kwai Ex-CIA Director Who
Endorsed Clinton Calls for Killing Iranians and Russians in Syria "Six
Things to Know About the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)" "Why This Job
Market is Still Terrible: The Politically Incorrect Numbers Everyone is
Hushing Up" If you think the Bushes are not supporting Donald Trump's
candidacy, you
(NC's Pat McHenry Is PayDay Lenders Best Boy) Has the Don Already Found
His Next Grift? Is It Reason to Vote for Hillary? (CIA Torturer Touts
Goldwater Girl Hillary) Fissures in the Empire? (Smearing Stein)
Excessive Trump Bashing Warning (More Phony Jobs Harrah) Michael Moore
Predicts Trump Win (Lee, Max and Stacy Chat Economics Farce)
North Carolina Has OutLawed Payday Lenders - But Patrick McHenry Is The
Industry's Champion Even More So Than Debbie Wasserman Schultz Can we
make it to the election in November? Forget Halloween. Will Herr
Trumpf’s candidacy for the highest office in the land even last that
long? Might it be over by Labor Day? Oh the irony of a Republican
nominee for president dropping out on Labor Day.
(Vote NO to Rule by Aristocrats Demanding Tax-Paying Serfs) If You
Understand that No One Donates Millions Without Expecting Big Returns It
All Becomes Clear (DemExit?) A Stampede (Jane Speaks) Real Election
Fraud Hillarybots Results (Trump Leads - Good Job DNC!) Yeah, But Will
Computers Outdumb Us? (Afterthought: Are There Any Mathematicians
Observing These Crazy Results?) Happy Birthday, Jerry!
Someday, someone will write a history of the U.S. national security
state in the twenty-first century and, if the first decade and a half
are any yardstick, it will be called something like State of Failure.
After all, almost 15 years after the U.S. invaded the Taliban’s
Afghanistan, launching the second American Afghan War of the past
half-century, U.S. troops are still there, their “
What Is Sustainable
The Dawn of World Renewal
My ancestors include tribal people who inhabited the ancient forests
of Norway, Wales, and Germany. Bits and pieces of their myths and
folkways have managed to survive the passage of centuries. These people
lived close to wild nature, and venerated oak trees, salmon, wolves,
ravens, mistletoe, thunder, rainbows, and so on. Their cultural heroes
were a pantheon of human gods and goddesses who poss
Neanderthals, Bandits, and Farmers
Colin Tudge wrote Neanderthals, Bandits, & Farmers , a book that
presents his theories on the dawn of progress and perpetual growth,
focusing on how agriculture really began. At the time, he was employed
by the London School of Economics, an institution focused on capitalism,
not ecological sustainability. The book vibrates with cognitive
dissonance. Tudge has been studying agriculture for ma
WWF - Latest News
An environmental visionary and a father to WWF
GLAND, Switzerland – WWF mourns the death on Thursday of Dr Luc
Hoffmann at the age of 93. At the same time, WWF celebrates his
extraordinary life-long contribution to nature conservation and to the
organization. Dr Hoffmann was one of WWF International's first board
members and served as WWF International's second vice president until
1988. In addition to working with WWF International's founder
Thailand's Tiger Temple Raid Highlights Need to Close Tiger Farms in Asia
Gland – Following the serious crimes recently uncovered during a raid
on Thailand's Tiger Temple, WWF is using Global Tiger Day today to call
on governments across Asia to investigate all tiger breeding centres and
close any operations proven to be involved in the illegal tiger trade.
Closure of these operations, commonly referred to as 'tiger farms' to
distinguish them from legitimate zoos or ca
Tragic year for world's rangers, many of whom lack even basic insurance
Gland – At least 107 rangers died in the line of duty over the past
twelve months and yet a new survey finds many rangers across the world
are still not covered by any health, long-term disability or life
insurance schemes. According to the figures released by the
International Ranger Federation (IRF) to mark World Ranger Day today, 42
per cent of the rangers who died in the past year were killed
Living 'in the red'
Eight months into 2016, humans have already spent Earth's ecological
budget for the year. Earth Overshoot Day – the approximate date when
humanity's annual demand on nature exceeds what Earth can regenerate in
that year – is on Monday, 8 August this year, according to the Global
Footprint Network . As global consumption rises, we are emitting more
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than our ocean
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Is the BBC biased?
Tale of Newbigot
Did anyone listen to the radio this morning? I heard a mini
documentary “documenting the untold dramas of 21st century Britain” from
a series by Grace Dent. Ms. Dent is a journalist and columnist who
writes for the Indy and the Graun, so - par for the course. As
manipulative leftism goes, I thought this was a gem. “Horrible story of
xenophobia wonderfully, if distressingly, told by @gracedent on
From Mossad with love
I don't think the BBC has noticed this , but I wonder how many MPs are
taking combat lessons to protect themselves against attack, following
the murder of Jo Cox? “………the particular type of Krav Maga MPs are being
taught is to ‘disarm and run’ but not ‘confront’……… ‘We are teaching
them techniques where if someone comes at them with a knife or a gun,
they can disarm the weapons and then run. They
ITBB and R Vladimir
Even those of you who don't own blogs will probably guess that we
bloggers look at our stats from time to time. And ours at ITBB , already
quite impressive, even compared to comparable high-profile blogs
(despite our relative lack of comments), have (like those comparable
blogs) often benefited from eager 'bots'. We recently had a very strange
'spike' from Russia. We're putting that down to Presi
Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson (after Justin won gold) This, of
course, wouldn't be ITBB without a bit of properly balancing praise for
the BBC. I've very much enjoyed their Olympic golf coverage - though
it's been very hard to find at times. (I've found it via the remoter
corners of the BBC iPlayer). And I very much enjoyed Justin Rose winning
Gold for Great Britain tonight. My 84-year-old dad d
@ the chalk face
#Walmart is a terrible store and terrible for schools #backtoschool
I agree with all of the WTU’s points here regarding Walmart’s
well-financed efforts to undermine public education. Their latest back
to school gimmick is a cynical ploy to feign support for public school
teachers, while offering very little of actual value in return. A quote
from a charter school supporter is particularly interesting: “All of […]
A [partial] itemized list of my #backtoschool purchases UPDATED
Below is a list of what I’ve bought to date for the new school year. I
thought I’d share it to underscore the amount of preparation that some
of us do, even before we step foot in our classrooms and make an
accurate appraisal of what we actually do and don’t need to replace. I’d
More evidence that #optout is white AF
I definitely didn’t notice when I first participated in
anti-standardized testing activism. It wasn’t until I got back into the
classroom, teaching in a low-income community of color, that I wondered
if the opting out message would resonate. In the most beleaguered public
schools, the anti-test message didn’t seem to gain any traction. A new
Any school leaders out there willing to own up to hateful practices?
Like this one. Who approves things like this, and what teacher worth
her or his salt would draft something like this? Of all that I’ve seen,
this is certainly not the worst, but it’s certainly up there. I’m not
angry as much as I’m embarrassed.
A Very Public Sociologist
Jeremy Corbyn in Derby
12pm on a Tuesday in the middle of August perhaps isn't the best time
ever to hold a rally, but the odd scheduling did nothing to depress
turnout at Jeremy Corbyn's rally in Derby city centre earlier today. I'd
say between 500-600 assembled in the summer sun to listen to what the
Labour leader had to say, as well as a few others. Again, like last
year's rally at the Roundhouse the former Derby No
No Man's Sky and the Political Economy of Hype
You've heard of GamerGate, right? The "movement" of online men-babies
who harassed, doxed, and attacked women game developers and game firm
employees because they were ostensibly upset about "ethics in video game
journalism". No? Well here, knock yourself out . Anyway, "professional"
video game journalism has another problem: a tendency to fall for the
hype it genera
Against Entryism
Haven't we already done this? The spectre of Trotty entryism is being
raised again, this time by deputy leader Tom Watson. Writing to Jeremy
Corbyn, his recent warnings that the Old Man's followers are pouring
into the party to twist minds as well as arms now, apparently, has some
evidence to back it up. In addition to a dossier comprising the
pronouncements from the likes of the Socialist Party
Stoke Central CLP Nomination Meeting
46 people turned up for tonight's nomination meeting which, thanks to
the Appeal Court ruling earlier today, depressed the numbers we were
otherwise expecting. Indeed, two people that hadn't heard about the
upholding of the NEC's decision had to be turned away. I do hope that
isn't the last we see of them. Looking around the meeting before it
properly started, apart from a few folks away on holid
Adrienne's Corner
Newt Gingrich on Milwaukee and Trump's Foreign Policy Speech...
“this was truly a historic speech." “[Trump] did just a remarkable
job, in my judgment, of identifying the enemy, describing accurately how
big the problem is,” Gingrich said. “ This is in some ways is the most
important foreign policy speech since Ronald Reagan in that it really
does set the stage for a debate about what’s threatening us and what we
should do about it and I think the contra
Mychal Massie: Donald Trump Isn't Who We Should Fear...
the #NeverTrump crowd just doesn't get it.
The very fact that it's called the Clinton "Global" Initiative should give you pause...
thanks to Bunkerville for sending me down a rabbit hole that reaches
to China. Yesterday, Bunkerville posted on Bill Clinton's Body Man, Doug
Band, and his connection with the recent email "pay-for-play" scandal.
One link in the post was to a 2013 article in the New Republic Scandal
at Clinton Inc. How Doug Band drove a wedge through a political dynasty.
I highly recommend, in view of a
Sphere Alliance Message #195 A Message from Loie for tomorrow
by American Kabuki with Denice's assistance... The following is an
unexpected visitor, Loie, Heather's mother, in what appeared to be her
new form! The advice is simple and she wanted me to share it right away.
I don't know exactly what happens but I will go find some water and
find out! The prior conversations with Thor and Isis will come later,
this is more important. [8/10/16, 9:39:07 PM] Terr
Sphere Alliance Message #199Heart work with Loie, FEEEEELING THE ALL!!!
This isn't precisely the usual SA posting, but I include it in that
group since Denice is assisting. - Terran [8/14/16, 6:10:17 PM] Terran:
Loie can you assist with some heart work? Loie: Bill, yes. I am here to
assist you. Now is perfect. When you are ready. Loie Terran: I begin.
Loie: And I assist now. Loie. Terran to Denice: Feeling Loie very
strongly! Terran: Bill take that feeling into your
Sphere Alliance Message #196 The Dream of Sphere's Coming into View
Terran: Had a dream about when the spheres are seen, saw it happen and
it goes very fast amazing moment! Need to verify something does the SA
have a tech that can display rectangular billboards of light in air,
like floating information signs? Verifying something in the dream...
Trying to understand something in the dream... And whether the dream is
"prophetic" like the ones I had in 19
Sphere Alliance Message #197 Atlantean Tobacco
[8/10/16, 7:43:50 PM] Thor: TERRAN. I SHARE THIS JOY WITH YOU. IT IS
Catharsis Ours
Economic News , Data & Views...... August 16 , 2016.....Quick Hits -
1.Market News : Energy Related News For Tuesday ; US , Europe &
Asia Market Updates ; US Data Splash - CPI / Housing Starts &
Permits / July Industrial Production / US NY Fed Business Leader
Activity. 2. MENA Updates For Tuesday ( Syria / Iran / Libya / Yemen /
Turkey In Focus. 3. Europe - Around The Horn !
Markets & Market Moving News... Javier Blas @ JavierBlas2 54m 54
minutes ago #Mexico confirms @Bloomberg scoop about 2017 #oil hedge
… and our story last week: http://www.
Economic News , Data & views......August 14 , 2016 ...... Sunday
Quick Hits : 1. Target 2 Inbalances Within EZ In Focus - Italy , France ,
Spain , Germany And ECB Itself Warrant Scrutiny . 2. Greece In Focus -
Refugee Crisis Quietly Raising Its Head Again In Greece , Greece
Attempts To Reboot And Grow Its Economy Will Face Various Headwinds. 3.
Turkey In Focus - News Of The Day From " Post - Failed Coup &
Ongoing Purge" Turkey. 4. Swiss Train Attack Follow Up - Both The Swiss
Attacker & One Of His Victims Have Passed Away . 5. Odds & Ends.
Doug Noland's Weekly Missive - " Inflation" fred walton @
fredwalton216 12h 12 hours ago Credit Bubble Bulletin: Weekly
Commentary: Inflation http://
-commentary-inflation.html?spref=tw … Always a great read - this week's
missive "Inflation." ECB / EZ Holger Zschaepitz @ Schuldensuehner 41m
41 minutes ago EZ inbalances rise
Economic News , Data & Views ..... August 13 , 2016...... Quick Hits
- 1. Germany In Focus : Popularity Of Merkel And CDU Continues To Fall ;
Merkel To Hold Summit Urging Companies To Hire Refugees. 2. Spain
Political Stalemate Continues , Additional News & Views For Saturday
. 3. Syria In Focus - State Of Play At Various Battlegrounds. 4. Turkey
In Focus - Purge & Politics. 5. Odds & Ends.
Germany....... fred walton @ fredwalton216 3m 3 minutes ago fred
walton Retweeted Holger Zschaepitz The poll for ZDF gave conservative
Merkel an approval rating of 1.0, < from 1.4 in July on a scale of
5.0 to -5.0. fred walton added, Holger Zschaepitz @ Schuldensuehner
Merkel returns from holiday to a host of political problems amidst
plunging popularity. http://www.
Economic News , Data & Views ..... August 12 , 2016..... Quick Hits -
1. Markets & Market Moving News : Dow & S&P 500 Post Weekly
Gains After Backing Off Record Highs Earlier In The Day ; European Data
- Germany & Italy GDP Data ; US Data - Retail Sales & PPI
Disappoint ; Asia & Europe Markets/ News - Front-running. 2. Turkey
Items De Jour - Purge , Geopolitics. 3. Libya - Domestic and
International Political Updates. 4. Europe - Additional Items Of Note.
5. US Politics- Hot Stove Items From Presidential Election Season. 6.
Odds & Ends.
Markets & Market Moving News ..... MarketWatch @ MarketWatch 2h 2
hours ago The Dow and S&P 500 retreated slightly from their record
highs but still posted weekly gains http:// Holger
Zschaepitz @ Schuldensuehner 14h 14 Another blow to Renzi as #Italy ’s
economy continues to disappoint. Q2 GDP stagnated vs +0.2% expected.
Holger Zschaepitz @ Schuldensuehner 16h 1
Centauri Dreams
Brown Dwarf Analysis Offers Exoplanet Implications
Brown dwarfs offer exciting prospects for exoplanet work. Not only are
we learning that they can have planets of their own, but brown dwarfs
themselves are a useful bridge between planets and stars. We also know
that there are a lot of them out there. According to data from the WISE
(Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission, there is about one brown
dwarf for every six main sequence stars. Th
Liquid Methane in Titan’s Canyons
It was in 2012 that Cassini data showed us the presence of the river
system now called Vid Flumina, which empties into Titan’s Ligeia Mare
after a journey of more than 400 kilometers. Given surface temperatures
on this largest of Saturn’s moons, researchers assumed liquid methane
would be the key player here. The question was whether the river — and
the eight canyons that branched off from it alo
Niku: A ‘Rebellious’ Trans-Neptunian Object
We’ve all come to terms with the fact that beyond the orbit of Neptune
there exists a large number of objects. These trans-Neptunian objects
(TNOs) substantially altered the almost sedate view of the Solar System
that prevailed in the first half of the 20th Century, showing us that
far from being a tame and orderly place of planets, asteroids and
comets, we were in a system filled with material l
Evening Landscape with Exomoons
I often work out my thoughts on the topics we discuss here while
taking long walks. I try to get in five miles a day but more often it’s
about three. In any case, these long, reflective walks identify me as
the neighborhood eccentric, an identity that is confirmed by the things I
write about. What’s interesting about that is that so many people have a
genuine interest in the stars and how we migh
Current news updates, World current news
Ethiopia's Ayana sets a new world record in the women's 10,000m
Ethiopia's Almaz Ayana broken the world record by over 14 seconds to
received Olympic gold in the women's 10,000m in Rio. The 24-year-old,
rushing the range on the track for just the 2nd time, obliterated the
field to end in 29 minutes 17.45 seconds. Britain's Jo Pavey was 15th in
her 5th Olympics at age 42, set up a season's perfect time of 31:33.44.
Kenya's Vivian Cheriot, the 2012 bronze medal
Helen Glover, Heather Stanning received rowing gold
Great Britain's Helen Glover and also Heather Stanning systematically
secured their Olympic title by winning gold in the women's pair at Rio
2016. The world champions, who received Britain's very first gold of the
London Games in 2012, led from the beginning since they ended 1.2
seconds free of New Zealand in a time of seven minutes, 18.29 seconds.
Denmark completed 3rd to take bronze. It had bee
Cycling gold Medal for Great Britain
Great Britain won a 4th gold medal in Rio while the men's cycling
sprint side kept their title on the day Katherine Grainger become the
country's most decorated female Olympian. Philip Hindes, Jason Kenny and
also Callum Skinner beat New Zealand to move GB to eighth in the medal
table. Previously, Grainger and also Victoria Thornley held double
sculls silver. GB as well take silver in the inaugur
Michael Phelps win 22nd Olympic gold
Record-breaking Michael Phelps become the very first swimmer to win
four consecutive Olympic gold medals in a single event by defeating Ryan
Lochte in the 200m individual medley. Phelps, 31, received his 22nd
gold - greater than any Olympian - as fellow American Lochte, 32, faded
to a fifth-place end in Rio. Phelps ended almost 2 seconds free of
Japan's Kosuke Hagino, with China's Shun Wang getti
Aluminium rock levitation concept... Ray Van Dreugen lines.
I'm not gonna share this with the usual Free Planet places, this is
totally between you and me... it's an image, it's also a waking reality.
A stone hovering above an alumimium stone. Electric tendrils pouring
off the connection between the two stones. Technical term: Ray Van
Dreugen lines.
Hypnotic reinforcement - The Ten Commandments - Doomed to Failure
You can't hypnotically impress a NEGATIVE onto a human consciousness.
Take away all the 'thou shalt not's from the tablets of doctrine and you
simply have the DIRECT COMMANDS Kill Steal Commit adultery Covet they
neighbour Bear false witness etc... it's like a rulebook for continued
Tax Revenue via the promulgation of sin and all its Jurisdictional
machinations... fact.
Graham Hancock - Do psychedelics matter? - The Common, Glastonbury 2016
Graham Hancock recently addressed the Glastonbury pit and he went off
on a massive (foul mouthed but deeply cogent) rant about The New World
Order, psychedelics and who the fuck do t.h.e.y. fucking think they are
sending our children to FOR PROFIT wars in a global fucking casino of
death and torture. I like this one, a lot.
art - mucha - tarot
basically, art, mucha, tarot - this isn't - but it would be lovely
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
From Jenna Orkin An unbearable heat wave plaguing New Yorkers may also be causing roaches to fly No roaches so far in t...
From Jenna Orkin An unbearable heat wave plaguing New Yorkers may also
be causing roaches to fly No roaches so far in this apartment but after
a delivery from Whole Foods, there were a couple of tiny grains of
pepper scurrying around. Police respond to reports of gunfire at New
York's JFK airport George Soros Hacked, Over 2,500 Internal Docs
Released Online 'Shots' Fired At JFK "Could Have B
From Jenna Orkin As many as 100 people protesting a fatal police shooting in Milwaukee set fire to businesses, destroye...
From Jenna Orkin As many as 100 people protesting a fatal police
shooting in Milwaukee set fire to businesses, destroyed squad cars, and
chased journalists Here are the methods police use to catch 'deep web'
drug dealers Thousands rescued from waist-deep Louisiana flood waters,
which the Governor called ‘unprecedented’ and ‘historic’ New York City
police are searching for the man who shot and kil
From Jenna Orkin Hackers release the personal emails and phone numbers of nearly 200 congressional Democrats Norway is ...
From Jenna Orkin Hackers release the personal emails and phone numbers
of nearly 200 congressional Democrats Norway is threatening to derail
Brexit Britain's army is investing $1 billion in insect-sized drones,
laser firearms, and virtual-reality goggles The US Air Force wants to
detonate plasma bombs in the sky Border agents keep finding drugs hidden
in food shipments — here are some of smuggler
From Jenna Orkin CNN Admits "We Couldn't Help [Hillary] Any More Than We Have" The article makes a good point...
From Jenna Orkin CNN Admits "We Couldn't Help [Hillary] Any More Than
We Have" The article makes a good point or two but to say they're
promoting Hillary as a liberal candidate\ is laughable. Japan is
restarting a reactor at the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters
in history This 400-year-old shark is the oldest vertebrate animal on
Earth, scientists say Erdogan Threatens To Aban
Government and Taxes
Climate Tricks 57, "Preventing flash floods" and the Green SONA
Heavy rains and flash flood are natural and cyclical, nature-made and
not "man-made". Big El Nino and drought is often followed by big La Nina
and frequent/heavy rains. To help prevent or minimize flash flood,
build more dams and "harvest" the water, instead of cursing the flood.
After the wet months, or during El Nino years, we will thank the floods
that deposited water in th
BWorld 78, If the US becomes protectionist, who loses?
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last August 03, 2016. The purpose
of free trade is to make cheap things remain cheap and the purpose of
protectionism is to make cheap things become expensive. Protectionism
imposes high tariff, taxes, fees, charges, and more paper work to
complicate things that are otherwise simple and easy to do. As the US
presidential election nears, many issues have become
Cicero, welfarism and fiscal irresponsibility
Words of wisdom from a Roman philosopher, Cicero (106 - 43 BC) nearly
2,100 years ago. There are minor differences in these two quotes, should
be a result of different translations. The budget should be balanced,
the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the
arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the
assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, l
BWorld 77, Migration and housing
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last July 26, 2016. Migration
means mobility and freedom. The free movement of people along with their
skills and talent, families and colleagues, culture and sports, science
and technology, capital and investments, is the natural sibling of free
trade of goods and commodities. The world is far from real free trade
in goods and free mobility of people, but the
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